THE SOLUTION IN THE LARGE OF A CERTAIN SECOND ORDER ORDINARY LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION OF RANK n SENIOR THESIS by SUSAN C. MAYER ADVISOR: T. K. PUTTA SWAMY BALL STATE UNIVERSITY MUNCIE, INDIANA WINTER, 1968-69 '_I' ..,_ TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Chapter INTRODUCTION 1 II. SOLUTION OF THE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION AT z = 0 ••• 3 III. ASYMPTOTIC DEVELOPMENT OF SOLUTIONS AT z = 0 ••••• 6 ....... 10 V. DETERMINATION OF STOKE'S MULTIPLIERS ••••••••••••• 13 VI. CRITIQUE. • . . . . .. . . . . • .. . . .. . . . . • .. . • .. .. .. .. . • . . • . .. . • . .. • • 14 VII.. BIBLlOORA.P.H:Y....... • . . . . • . . .. • • .. . • .. . .. .. • • .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. 15 I. IV. ASYMPTOTIC STRUCTURE OF SOLUTIONS AT z = eo INTRODUCTION 1. In order to introduce the investigations of the present paper, let us take for consideration the ordinary homogeneous linear differential equation of second order, 2 d y z + k dz2 dv =- dz 2 2n-l y= 0 + mz (1.0) Let the variable z be regarded as complex, as likewise the constants k n be any positive integer. and m. equation .Let (1.0) will have in the language of Fuch's theory [lJ, a z = 0, and an irregular singular point finite regular singular point at at z = ~ , so that in all complex Then, the differential (1.0) has two singular points in the extended z-plane. z = 0 The indicial equation corresponding to f(h) =h(h + k - 1) =0 (1.1) The two roots of this equation are h = 0 (1.0) h = 1 - k and complex their difference is not an integer. assures that is found to be, and h2 will have two fundamental solutions of the form, being the two roots of (1.1). (1.2) We know that each of these solutions will converge within a circle drawn about the point and extending to the point divergent. k z = ~. At z = In particular, the behavior of is Then, the established theory i = 1,2 hl Since ~ z = 0 , however, each becomes Y , i = 1,2 i in the 2 neighborhood of z = ~ is not available, at least not without serious z = .. difficulties so far as Fuch1s theory itself is concerned, since is an irregular singular point. However, from the established theory of linear differential equations it is known that in such a case, there will exist two linearly independent solutions neighborhood of the point means of normal series. z = ~ Yi' i = 1,2 which in the may be expressed asymptotically by It is known that there exist a set of connection coefficients, namely, Stokels multipliers c ij such that, 2 I Yi(z) = j=l Until SO~l c .. YJ.(z) lJ i = 1,2 (1.3) method of computing these coefficients is devised, the solution of the problem in the large cannot be considered as solved. It is to the solution of this problem in the large that the present thesis is addressed. In order to do this, we shall look upon the ~question determinicog the asymptotic developments of two functions as that of Yi' i = 1,2 when these are regarded as defined merely by means of their Maclaurin development (1.2), that is without reference to the fact that they are the solutions of (1.0). In this manner we shall arrive independently at the fact that each is expressed when combination of the functions i the precise nature of this dependence. ]z] = 1,2 is large as a linear and we shall arrive also at 3 =1. SOLUTION OF THE DIFFERENTIAL EQUATION AT z = 0 Introducing the operator 2 £...z2 z + k dv U = z d the differential equation, dz ' 2 2n-l + m z y = 0 becomes ~ (1.0) dz f(U)y + z2ng(U)Y = 0 where feU) = u(u + k - 1) corresponding to =0 z and (2.0) 2 g(U) = m The indicial equation is found to be, f(h) = h(h + k - 1) = 0 The roots of this equation are hl (2.1) =0 and ~ =1 - k. Since their difference is not a multiple of the skip number 2n[2, page 418-423] the differential equation (1.0) has two solutions of the form, Yi =z h. 1- co I c r. z 2rn i = 1,2 (2.2) 1- r=o Substituting (2.2) in (1.0) and equating the coefficient of z2n(r+l)+\ throughouG, we get the two term recurrence relation, c +1 . [2n(r+l) + h. ] [2n(r+l) + h. - 1] + r ,1. 1. 1. 2 k c +1 . [2n(r+l) + h. ] + m c r ,1. or 1. 2 -m c [2n(r+l) .= 0 r,l . r,1- + h. - 1 +k J 1- 4 2 -m [2n(r+l) + h. 1[2n(r+l) + h. - 1 +k 1 So, ~ ~ and lim cr+l,i r~~ c- = O. Hence (2.2) converges for all finite z by . r,~ the ratio test. Also, iteration of (2.3) yields, = j=l where Taking i = 1 c and rl i = 1,2 and 2n hi = hl = 0, we get, = r (2n)2r Similarly taking k - 1 a = is arbitrary, j=l i = 2, (r+l)fj 5=1 hi = h2 = 1 - k = -2na, (2n)2r (2.5) (j+a) we get (2.6) 1 r (r+l) Tf (j - a) j=l Here col and c o2 1 r (1 c c are arbitrary. Choosing col = and we get, a) rl = r2 = ~_m2~r (2n)2r r (r+l) r (r + a + 1) ( _m2 )r (2n)2r r (2.7) (2. S) (r+l) r(r - a + 1) I) Substitutjng this in (2.2) we get, rr ( im zn)2r 2n (r - cr + 1) r=o which converge for all finite Let r (r + 1) z. im n S = -2n z (2.10) co Then, Yl = I r=o Y2 = ~ s-2cr '" (s)2r f' (r + cr + 1) ~s~2r r (r + 1) I r=o f'(r-cr+l) r (r + 1) which converge for all finite , where S in the extended complex ~ = (~n)-2cr lIn S-plane. 6 ASYMPTarIC DEVELOPMENT OF SOL1ITIONS AT z = 0 III. Nrn, we are in a position to apply W. B. Ford's VIIth Theorem [3, p. 27, J. Let f(S) be the function of the complex variable S defined by the series f(S) = I (3.0) r=o in which k l , k2 are constants (real or complex) and in which her) may be regarded as a function h(s) of the complex variable s = x + iy and as such satisfies the two following conditions:' h(s) (a) of s is a single valued, analytic function res +~) res + k 2 ) throughout the finite (b) h(s) s-space, is such that when considered for values of large modulus lying in the right half plane s Re(s) = x > xo ' where is some assignable number, it may be expressed in the form, c h(s) = c in which c n Then 2 T(s-+';:k=-2')T(s-+~k-2~+.".1') o are constants and lim s f ( S) of + ••• ~(s,n) = 0 n = 1,2,3 ... ~CO has the following asymptotic development xo 7 fen f(s) in which Cj e- 2S H2-P N 2J1t e N 2s '" I 1= co! [ 2J1t R= <; Cj p 0 (2S/ c is the constant given by where it is understood that, i f we take (-s)-p = e-p[ln p + i(1f' - rr) s-p = e -p rin p + i 3rr 2 o p = = c , where 0 ~ + k2 - ~ J If'] x0 is that obtained when arg ~ = co f(S) N - I and o ~ If' <; 2rr (3.4) o ~ If' <; 2rr p.5) may be regarded as an arbitrarily large negative number, the asymptotic development of ¥, (3.3) , we take S =peilf' Moreover, if in condition (b) the quantity when arg S = (3.2) rr - - < arg g < !!. 2 2 ; are determinate constants of which as in (3.1), where arg S < 0 "" -p S ¥ ; (-2S)X f(g) ¥in the following relation: he-i) + ./= 1 )~ o(2~f~ ( + In all cases the interpretations -s ) -pe -2s 2/lf (3.4) ~ .1=0 and So by the above mentioned theorem have the following asymptotic behavior for Yl ~ (-2s) m (3.5) and (3.6) are to be used. Y2 (g) large: as given by (2.10) 8 Yl e- 2s {_sfPl N 25 Yl N e 2s ~ cj (-2S):A' rr 2" 3rr < arg S < 2 '=0 '" (sfPl L. 2Jit £'=0 cR (2S)K l' - "2 < arg S < 2"rr (3.8) (3.9) where c P =a+:h and =1 120 Similarly rr 2 < arg S < 3rr rr rr 2 - 2" < arg S < 2 (3.10) (3.11) _ rr arg S - 2" (3.12 where P ,~ =_a+:h 2 and d0 =1 9 So, ~ ~~-2s)~ '" Yl - b 1 e 2s s-a-l/2 - ~<args< 32T1 (3.13) ~< (3.11) arg S < ~ 1=0 + ble2Ss-a-l/2 '" (~fsre arg S =1£2 I (3.15) x. =0 _ (-1) - where ~ - 0: - 1/2 2JTi _ 1 -- ,b 1 2Jri Similarly (3.16) T1 T1 - - < arg s< 2 2 (3.17) arg S =1£ 2 where =..!... ( -1) a-l/2 a 2 ~ = (~n) l1l1 -2a 2Jri and (3.18) 10 IV. ASYMPI'arrC STRUCTURE OF SOLUTIONS AT z = The point z = 00 as already noted, is an irregular singular , point of the differential equation (1.0). equation of rank ro Since (1.0) is a differential n, it would be advantageous to make the following transformation of the independent variable z. Then the differential equation (1.0) becomes n-l + k n n ~ - hs ds (h.O) y = 0 We are now in a position to apply Birkoff's, theorem. G. D. Birkoff [h, pp. h63-h68] has completely discussed the existence, form, range of the asymptotic solutions of the homogeneous linear differential equation n-l d nfl dz where the coefficient a (z) + ... + a (z)y = 0 n are developable r (Izl > R = sufficiently large) either in convergent series, namely ar(z) = zrk[a a ro + rl + z _a r2+ ... ] r =1 "2 2 z k being zero or a positive integer (the integer rank of (h.o) at z as follows: = 00). k+l ... n (h.l) is called the Birkoff's essential results may be summarised 11 Let, for the equation (4.0), the roots Pl' P , • "P n 2 of the character'Lstic equation, i.e. the algebraic equation + a be distimt from one another. yr (r solutions no = 0 Then there exists a set of fundamental = = 1,2, ••• n) of (4.0) in the neighborhood of z = developable asymptotically in forms r = 1,2, • •• n where is a polynomial of degree k + 1 in z, the coefficient fr(Z) of whose highest power of constantEi with ar is fir k+l P* r where and a . rJ are . =1 0 z Applying the above mentioned Birkoff's theorem, the differential equation (4.0) has the characteristic equation p'1. - 4 = 0 P = I 2 • Thus equation ·(4.0) will have two linearly independent solutions Yl ' Y2' for which I where are normal divergent series having the forms 51 and s2 sl = e s2 S I is large -2S SA, [1 + U + U S ~2 = e 2s S ),~ [1 + U + L 2 . S ~2 + ••• ] + ••• 1 12 where .\ 1 ~2 and are constants whose values may be determined by formal substitutions of these series forms into (4.0) found to be A 1 1 - - a 2 \=-~ -a and are thus 13 V. DETERMINA.TION OF STOKE t S MULTIPLIERS Therefore, we have if of (1.0) at z = 0 IsI is large, the solution Y , j = 1,2 j may be developed as follows: 2"IT < arg [im n 2n z 1 < 2" 3IT arg [im nl 2n z < < arg nl < -im 2n z 3IT " - < arg nl < -im 2n z IT " 2"IT < IT 2 , where Similarly IT 2" IT 2 and ~ = ( ~n) "2ct :un 2 2 14 VI. - CRITIQUE A successful attempt has been made in this paper to solve the . differential equation (1.0) in the large, when 1 - k number. is a complex A close examination of (1.0) reveals the noteworthy fact that the results obtained in this paper hold good, even when number, provided that integer. k is not equal to mn + 1 where k is a real m is an No attempt has been made in this paper to solve (1.0) in the large under this hypothesis. Yi' i = 1,2 about In this case, one of the solutions z will be logarthmic in character and as a con- sequence, the evaluation of Stoke's multipliers and also the determination of the behavior of the solutions in the various sectors awaits a far more penetrating analysis to solve the problem in the large. attempt to complete this One can part of the analysis as well as to explore further the scope and limitations of the method that has been used to solve the problem in the large in this paper completely. Besides these, there is one other direction of further possible research. That is, generalization in the direction of a differential equation of higher order than the second is evidently a possible field of study. 15 VII. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Birko::f, G. D. I! Singular Points of Ordinary Linear Differential Equations. I! Trans. American ~ Society. Vol. 10, 1909. pp. 463-468. 2. _ _--' and Trjitzinsky, W. J. I! Analytic Theory of Singular Differential Equations.!! Acta Math. Vol. 60. 1933. pp. 1-83. -- -- 3. Brand, Lewis. Differential and Difference Equations. and Som, Inc. New York, 1966. pp. 413-438. 4. Ford, W. B. Studies ~ Divergent Series and Summability and ASymptotic Developments of Functions Defined ~ Maclaurin Series. Chelsea Publishing Company, New York. 5. Ince, E. L. OrdinaEY Differential Equations. Inc. New York, 1956. 6. Wright, E. M. It The Asymptotic Exponent of the Generalized Hypogeometric Function. u Proceed~s of London Math Soc. Series 2. Vol. 46, 1940. pp. 38§::08. John Wiley Dover Publications, 7. - - -• U The Asymptotic Expansion of Integral Functions and of the Coefficients in Their Taylor Series.1! Trans. American Math Society. Vol. 64, 1948. pp. 409-438.