MartinI ue: SOUS Les Tropiques French II Spring 2005 Martinique: Sous Les Tropiques Table of Contents Unit ObjectiveS-. ........................................................................ 1 Unit Planning and Resources ......................................................................... 2 Daily Lesson Plans and Handouts ................................................... 3 Student Projects ....................................................................... 23 Assessments ........................................................................... 24 '" Martinique: Sous Les Tropiques This unit is set in Martinique, an overseas Departement of France. Over the course of the unit, students at Angola High School will be transported to this tropical piece of France in the Caribbean. They will read of its history, geography, and culture, both in English and in French. For total mastery, students will be able to describe, en fran9ais, the geographical features of any place and give locations on a map using the cardinal directions in French. The students should also be able to compare two different places in the target language. Finally, students will learn to use reflexive verbs in French to describe their morning TOutines and use adverbs to show frequency. ,-- rI ActlI . 1.I lilies h r---' ~ 2.1 practices Tnter- Jnrer- Pre.Cll- pretiw tati!maj i, // ,/ 4 1 1.3 personal ../ I-- I 1.2 1/ ~ 7 . ,I ,I' ~7 ./ / 6 7 ,/ ./ IT -7 v I :7 I 9 10 j V 3.1 3.2 4.1 intercurncill., view points language ,/ V / v 4.~~ c~lt'lre .- v/ v/ - use CIlJOY t."Ilrich within & out ~!/ L 1--"> --Y / 1// V ,/ ,] ,/ / ,/ j ,,,/' ./ ,,/ ,/ / ,\f-' ,/. c,~ v . f,.._- ;7 products 7 :/~ f---.5 : ,/ I 2.2 I,~ "./ ,/ -:'7 - v" ,/ "Ant? VlfXl) I, V Clt{ . ,. \J '.:~.e-c: 0;1 cAt. I " ~ \~' 1-\ \, \ I C-,,1\ •.\-.- \ I) r i"". :,-. 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I~ [f \ I I; ',''(If~ ItB······ -J ." .r ' ) 'i '---" ' - ' (' ' 1('(''']': -'!'\ (,"1- \) . ~ I . ( co I I \ \ I ,J f\{~~c\c-\(\ J.t, " L I p)\j Ycc~·' .Jld\\;.ll.f!QJ-tb I I I Block Lesson Segments /..rots [Ii \Iocab ~- \OS ' :Try te' -\hn'(:. c,l (/\ Mellen (cr- &\{h SPONGE TASKS 1. N~iN4c)\V\1 YC{() b (fllCiti (f\S JCb. TEACHER WILL... STUDENT WILL... '(I~ d!:'.~!n\\\CI\':) He\n, ~J I \rY'.ci\-\ C)l"lj \ \ \) ' ,r I' t ~\j\"7_'~ \r,I (,\! ~.'\ \)f~\e(rn\'(\~ i\tll[~\\'-'?\ :r:\,,\ifJ,\t I L.:f.CI((\ t''\c;hD,l)s.. 1'" V ' \, ,."\ .., , 2. P\OG ,tt· I~ ~.I-\ \ U\v\\t:(' -r EW\c, W\ \ \' ,,' \\lett C\;'1~(L\\( (' , -_ .:: "\ \ C \...i Cl:\\.. E'il')\(si,<\ I. '( PlY" ( J),., , I R' < . . . . . . _'-S 5. P \ (\ \' p. ,; CP(I ,(r, ,\,n "'--,---,,--- ,", I \ f\', r\ , \ '.J" C~ \')~ ( ~,\(\ \'iOn \\.~\. 0 V " J" . f' r-,\p< '<:, .,·i~70. Ii \JIV \ ~ r \C f\.J h.; 'r hDC2. rht 1(,] A' _ r I~') /'1 1 II 1(.,) 1"'\1 n L \!'. \\. L <. \(-<1' t '1<.:::" ~j,! \ \ tJ\ J\ \ \, ( ,_.-.1." ,\("{'v!Grc~(} 1 C(t eM r \" [(.-AS t5 . ~ \1..)' l~ 11'1\ r (~~h'_.LL_) l_LL~t-:,,-- L.tL_ I) " _·~C~ \(fLrL't '......... ',' ,\,.r\'\,p It'! II\.; l \ i.-...!...L'; ' I \' ',Jl. " "'C')" ~ , " , I· I A l f l " " ., ,"" \ (" ,~" 0-, ~GvJ S'\\J'~:~\\S \\J\\I ,Re..5('_~~\C\\c \";:~j\c:n ul" \\",tccnl::t ' / \ 'sAl. 1 (ItO \ S \\--e.r) -tf; \ I:,) 'I+' " , .;,,, ..ot'r lrl t 1,,,j} " l ,_J ,:.wcltJ\~") 'It y "' \\ I'JI"", ,.l ' " U€r,J\( ")'1\ Mirl In .. (('-'\'. J:r).Lf.\li~ . C\ 0.</:)'C" \ 'i ( ..L'(\')\,\, C, \ C; 1'\::;> A 1'\L" -J P 'I" (S-\..) t:5\-': (, n J 4. :s-ac \Nf'i \-~ c\c\"n (1.'( 1\\( ~--n¢s r . . . C1 ~ \'X"'l'~ 'n' ,.- CQ"C v\ \-::'1:, \ J·I , .,~ .. C 1 3. TIME (approx.) " .~ : t , ,'-",1, r-\ -'\ ..." ...-1:; 1'1\ n .r-.' (' \A.\\.\~ -'(\O<tI: 0 :Yr (." --', / \J',(I<. 1I 1 "n __.11-':":"'VI'1' -~'--:-J~-"'-I ___ 5.~J~-i,--: -''' ~r:' .J ,'\( I,,!'! ' i'l" ,--.1' __ j __ ,-_r.~_' i, \ ,.: • " J) ~ • _ _ _ _ _- - - - - _ - - _ ~ _______«~ _ _ _ _ __ • O[UXI[M[ [TAP[ 9 Renseignements varies If you were looking at a travel brochure, in which category would you expect to find each ofthe following? 1. plongee sOlls-marine, peche a. Climat 2. fruits tropicaux, boudin creole b. Cuisine 3. poisson, crabe, corail c. Consells vestimentaires (verements) 4. pluie de novembre a mars d. Flore et faune (animaux. arbres,1leurs) 5. maillot de bain, short, tee-shirt e. Activites 6. planche avoile, deitaplane 7. manteau chaud, pull, bottes 8. salades, poisson 9. palmiers, corotiers 10. beau temps, peu de pluie 10 Au magasin de sport •• Au magasin de sport, tu rencontres beaucoup de gens qui achetent des articles de sport. Dis ce que les gens vont faire pendant leurs vacances. 1. L'homme blond a droite _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 2. La femme aux cheveux longs _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3. Le petit gar~on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 4. La fille en short _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 5. L'homme qui est grand _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 6. LesMartin _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ French 2 Allez. ,iens!. Chapter 4 Copyright Q by Halt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. Cahler d'activiles 41 ,I J /' , '~ i~ , f' ' r: r r: r r ~, , (0':)1 f(('('L \-'\ Ir 61:~\ C:C:c'K', BJo~k tic \ mrif\ fcl:;FA)(rL1 E \\ SPONGE Lessf)n Segll1ents G \~S , ' , ' W\ t"" 1. VI' \\O.\:Jf \fC\ .-\-,'; \c\\y\ \1z}.j\~\v HG\\'\C\ 2. MC\<'Ii"\\qvt t='\\ IY\ ~:it(\~ \Y\() II' en') €> • A. t\ ._ \ __ Ji:>~,. \'Y\ i'" I I : ~(I rD r I ."'\ , -R)~XKi.I-e -1- ~\('n\\u( IC\ it"} '\,>.: \ ,,'ee , C" loup ";.. rl f \<, 'It .'Kee , r C),,, {II', 1,_:.' "I i ~_ ,I {<, \"( • J\ TIME (approx.) , .\ - \ . __~ J . 10 VJ\ \U, "-W{O •(n:.l-K, I,) I ts \'y: i(\ shcIV Shl>,j'-.i V\Cti c'.JnS t"" Ire ,,\ _,:. U_'IX\ S'rC\0 '\)1 (w(e~') r "'OCe { ~ -, ",,' ,./)' (-t E~p\C'J(~, f'lJn-Ul'pLrpL -9rrw't/~t ,\~rlH;t-,c" '\c Pr 'JJ {V' vxdb \~hf:I-?, 4PfXCF' ,(lIt::. d \((cJ:;j\\\I) I : STUQ~NT WILL.,. \~'91~ r';:' Leek 0+ () id tJ re.) . \~,/ U:)ien 4e G-PlCiy'(\-I- Ions VGI.(h Li O(At'-C ~r" ,,..-'\..) 4 ; ~ CfJi"'lp\tn: ld V ,e,,\!i5) iG- i (, v ','V'I I, n Ach 'J'\ \1' e.,<. T<:}£tV'C(/ c:r- ,I" " Arhu~'\.[ ,~\Zt.StC\,\ c\'\. t':) 11/ \"Ir.f,Q i'lli!i! nifd '! L.' \f,(j\V, ~j , I (j (') I "") -- w lo::,d1'1er ,)~~ Vlr~J.o ,C~'" ( r~'-v.':':-L: <~i[",t.!(":~ -I(fC" \.\ ,~c {V,', n I I '\ ~ , 5, ',--', \\V'I\t (:\\ . ' ~/ v,\. .~ \'\(PV,C" ' \,J::; n( : c--,"--C\e r tf:S \G~bt\s, OC5t t~e.S C'f\r;€( __ :Sio,\iQ\~~ ell hnt IcJ QfoVit\J G\Yl 3. 4.'P0)\ ~,Y', \0,11 TEACHER WILL... TASKS Tt St-\2;(\! i'\" ,.~. l.'~': \ t, ',(t,: '1 \' /l/ff,r I' t' , , ~ (. 'I" i vf',',. ! \~ \~~ /', \ (\. * '->, 'J \ - r)\-[\, •• ',')\ '-r? '\J \" \.-- , I (J(~h:['1 ",-, "\J\...., ....,,'-,,' (\ \j' I ','.I" \ ,if''''".i \ e,v) (1"1~,' ) r" j • -, \ b J , ~ I I,. ( I" ( ,:::. NOffi _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Premiere etape ~, ______ Oate _ _ _ _ __ TEACHING TRANSPARENCY MASTER-4..A ~~----------~~ -E Teaching Transparencies Aflez, viens! French 2 Copyright CJ by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. AU righls r~. ,) i~ ,:~ f43l les occupations _10 joumee ~ 1:DO @ o n J: CD c :1c " Cl.. () o 3 -g " '< 9:00 '( ( I .) I U-::J , n' I., L ' '\,~, , ' \-rp,C\, ~r \2...c CM~· Rc Zl~J,.;, \! ~, ,j kj( f"'r'tr-t-I.' ~)r \)\ C/ tckr0 lnL l. _-{p Block Lesson Segments l r C ('1",1;\ '<'U"'-' SPONGEOsexheod Ct llebl/llies l~)J(Y\Oi:('''G1{ - \iJnr[ .Ac!1\f\{\I(CI e,xl~, nJ{l'tbu' c TEACHI!.R WILL... TASKS 1. ('....~A_-J 1"1,;'(' \'0<>\ CG\ f\f, __ .... \ "'"",,1_ L,,,(.\ ~ Iltt[1 ~L\\\l \\i t') I hi eC\{'-\t\tr . 3. T~\Q\~\ \ J'i\Ct\t h \j(J Cn'nVJl-H) PICS ('vJ I (.I Ioc\\(I) \/OCO b {IJ{ f),(J\..! f5 ! ChCC1-:::f \;b,'\I'\e,X' Shtt1- ~ IM(1i\t~l\:c' l€~t~~0\\ t1V\\Q\.~ \ . u U ~JCf y'() \ h\~r -I,:J ~~ D +-cp crf c,cldf~( by f\\),'Y\ II I ICU\('lrl ildIY\\l\tS1t"~ I !\CCto,'- 0CL\\JMl~\,t ~ ('nl, C" \j~~) -t>. '~'IA\wc\ \ i ft:,\{S (, \Pf\' s. ~IDm,\\"l Kw~ , \V C\( K .. I \ tvll.K.t I\j '\ \ '-Y"f~ I (\ IP {-I'::ov tli (,}P ) ',' '- i \ I \.;' '< ( I I (I 15/"'ln :)5-3C I )c) min <- ,1 .. \J • (i~ \,!f..C!:: r f '0\-: 6:'1) V~ ~ \t \,,) Tt'- \\ i reC"Ti '~f ""-lid C-e. 1"'J\{iI'. ,','\i, I({<h (\' .t{\h J J.(j 1'Yl \ (\ , r\ ' . ~\ _..J ' , 'e Ie; \'\t.V- 'IJfJ I"nlr) IrrY 'jh V\.J O:kh video PJt- f2.J'.,c \~\J p Ytl b) <:'.0\ fu 'r. ' Ast:: Sl\.:dtrYtS (<-yve(o 0\ClIU\'L i \ J 11c)c\-- \"Ii n h "'-' C; {~'"' \,'jhCI\.rh( {'UA'C\ f'L\\le ill (c,r-"W\\j"\ - vi ,.1 rtf\ -lp '-~(" i 'ilAl\ j(lI • \:( r p,-', \N (\ h_ \,n.) 1'\(,J.-'0' D, , IoG~"o( 'v' ._', ' t ".i . n-t C)('(\p\ttf lE':>'f IZ'/! t"~ I to \ "'-" !,-]n\\LU!(' '( \(" !.(If ,stvJEY\\::' .--(lko r;·t\\tN\it ~ h:jK WJ\)::., . -+\'{1 4·-C TIME (approx.) ,j _.,~, C ,-.J \ \,)U\~ \1, _) fX'CNiu\{ Lodclecs 2·,VO(C''o (\_ \ "'\ ..-) I'~i l\c·'y "1 } ) \ , STUDENT WILL... ,, ( I' --1'7' v p-j\ \__.J\...., . . ./ t" -' it . )c ,at, .... l-n . ,n"ie: / '-.j \0)'0. if"', ',r -, 'J.J 'I , rv,\:' r - , ' l , ~.: 1ft t \~ '')'''1 .' "n• a,__ , /\ '.;'t-\ '-'! -4:::: ,5 -. ~ e =-== \ -f - Eti, E: lfI ~ ~ - r- ~ ? ~ I If) .-,--.J ::r '. ~ r'" -'J ~- C: ~ § ~ S ~ I ,i::' cJ1 'I" . .-6 0" "--' c: & I~ & J' b '2 'y<' ( ~ '\2'=- ,- L r-, >~ F -, ~ c 7,0 .i,) ",6- ~tJ <'1 . <"l• .,.: vi L-f_ /i5(C J ]--('2 'i'{ n l.L .-.. - Y n L)'j r ("_'I',. \'Jir, ~ - NNe ",JI (f,r.,,rj , (:,1 i)';; Block Lesson Segments :, ~~.i~-t- ' , .r--.J(" H\f '1 ) C::xO)P 1. STUDENT WILL... TEACHER WILL... TASKS ~1d Inc ,*,) f:tIV1~'lCl J (O(~p\t+e, ~'1cLl'l~ c~ Si\rltnb oJ::.- e.G It s"\ TIME (approx.) L1,~>-G: D beK-,e fet- so ',j'lnqr', ):olf'.2> \ ::/rlCA::\f-<~'1, \ f'.\ -:it'fwr-.(J lit C'.., rn; n I () It''fji[ '.J 2, ~~( r{'(\C'c\ \~_ GrtvJt- GfCJP (J Ii '-) 'P c:,L (\n::A~' ' (,l"\ \ (\..,\.. "I ", \ .. l,\J'f",i~;i\i (",-'v"'l, ,iI" IJ \ J \ IG . vrf/tnln-\\ 'In 3. 1011(( tIJC"lC.> CAl (,:) O::-;Yf,l\i'Z+"- :Jl bel:1 \F\ ~''/\CN,\,~ 1"11'\1 (' l=:.;:/d (N, /\ ,", h J " I H~pk Tc", ,I \ /v\ '\ , ') .,n ~'v 1'Yl1 f l \ v I 4, 5. ;.1 ".', -. "Li " '. i -TicKc-l ( ',: "I, , -J '. I ~. F , \ " \ ~ 't,' , , , l 't Th\ V\'~i\ (1-.c,n;1 it. ~, i,. / i i"1 ~ 11'\e.. \~ ,'i'1\f~h'n(\ (tly,:..)t / ,;, i D,,'d: ( ~ u ........ J, ... "-' ......... ,. \1 r ! , '\ \ l t\ Ill,ll~ll~I:l" 1;'"11 \..I\,1.A...Jl..,.\ \~V\' .- STUQENT WILL... 'TEA(;lIER WILL... TASKS D\ (ec~ ~,~- <A\\Je~-' 1. V' -,"C \( c ~.. hl:nytlr'[\ I ( 0\[0 1+" (,y f;'ld( br i R-,e" 2,' \3nor r\ )\\-terrti l / \ --it {oj 9_\:\/ I ~\V \30 \\{h;- S\\Jv,! '0VD ((II!'!!," MC\e c \ass (<::\N;~J fdtf'(-.\IJ!;; (?.c'itw a:1;\t;:fNt \ 1\){'':.IcYb 0' \\:2 "" ,::{c! r>\c~-\c\/\ rY",IV'I"/'''' '\: I c,liA ~'f"\' 3. ~v,e",,' \\~\.'('d ('i\()h\X\) C::o..y Y~(\~5 \~V\\\t: )\-LdR.,+S C6 \;:t' yo, \(\LJ ()\CJ~ L\ S\-en (nC\,\, d , 5_ +u ~:..e lC\1--{ \'oj[JC\c) ( t,'i\{\t'ch('{'{,\ 0.\\\ C f·' LI A(.+~(.t') rnulK-lL \"'\CW~ E(~~\'Sn, '0) 4. ~-j.'l t:IY}\IS,1 - ~ C!.6(\~ ,,-:- - ") "\, l-" ,~\C honS \):-' \ LI":iven (EJ ';\\'JC,Jt! rtf /p '\ - ~ ,~ , i ,- (n': /1 . I \,\I\·~-i'\ i;::;(\(i\"':-' ,'(,,;(;(1,+- i,·.1--: I / ~ ( \\ 'e it\CS \1\ \-)'" \ ~ ..,.(';,- ~ " J--' _"'-"- , I' ,'f',' I "-... - ( : :~-nvt\\:s <; \0;' 1:_\ rt : 1-~---rS t,,'\21 Y\ \ I}I> ~~y?l(! ,,~ 1 'J' .• hilA , l-'.,.'(\.A.\_f I I ~ ,'----: <p V'_' \' \ f:' ,J \J i 'j J (I I '~.' ~'\fn\t Q\( ~\\;\~ C\ QhCf (> V('C)(\\? :)5 f',/'\. ~ Dc.-,\,\{'\,(\" ul; j U\ i\'(--\\ OrD tV'i,:':f\ltb( .J 10 -')5 rnli''j \~(on~ Y ', ---1'1' 1- f e\'\\(',i/ PyiJ; ." 1-nk \?ce iV't: f \:X: Y ?C(:J{\.(j\~(':S f'J'"c~\C '\1"\ (\,,"'-1{: -.J1I _) ,\ u_' ~ (\ r-\e( t, - , -I~ (''If'') I , \h NAt'" /\, '\'1\1 :'\ \\~ -' j : T, cuk Tev\-: \Ii ......0' ,-. V~O\\ \\\O(rfX],\ ~'l\t L..(')\' K. Gct- \?A: \It.hI. (0\\ 01\ ·'}~(denbb\~, n TIME (approx.) I I )c-- "-J J c;" },,{)j\-\ n: ' '.j j,", \tl ,,'kJ :C:\{~II1-' u\ : __ '..... -_I -"r-~ r ...... ' .::;. . ~'" (~\ I ,./ ,\ .1 'I - ' " r " ,; i " , "I I , i" "1''- ': ~.~' . v,. , , ~1_,_ ((I!{\(\ rf.J \{Jl~', \';'~_. :':'J'P \ ~\h>)"';"!..) .':. , :' ,. 1 ........ -" \.1 ' , . t , ' c, ,_ , I " ~ i. ' ~. , ., _' '~~ ',_, ,I ~\C"'-t\ C..;\: LOj; CG\ ~\'i tf\1 \~~j , I , I - S'wi\'M'CI: l r(-'ttr'\ _ \. 11' '.. ' 1-', hi --J 9)ak _ _ _ ___ .~-------------------_ ..... , -.:I11UJISIDf[ [TAP[ 16 La routine Create five sentences about what your friend Lucien Is going to do next weekend. Use elements from the columns below. seiever enfm ensuite et puis d'abord apres ca flnaIement 1 7 Mots emm~les Lucien preparer Ie -petit dejeuner se laver se brosser les dents se coucher filie la vaissene s'habiller manger sepromener Unscramble these sentences Albert used to describe his daily routine. 1. j' I ecole I promener lia I me I sur I apres I aime I plage I \' 2. habille I et I ie I puis I m' 3. me I heures I vers I sept I je I lave I et I demle 4. vers I neuf I ie I heures I couche I finalement 5. ie I matin I a I d'abord I me Ileve I heures I du I sept 6. mon I ensuite / Iycee I ie I vais I petit deieuner I et I je I au I prends 44 Cahier d'acUvUes French 2 Allez. viens!. Chapter 4 '-111°1. II"'=', v,_,< CeO,,,,,,, I \~"t I_I l~ \', .'~' 1J ()LC~ C " ()t" \D\I\(,," ," \'>w \",) " Q r', ,I., C''--. \ ' \."J)'\r.' v l~j\;r'rh' ;~,.\ {j L·,.) / C~i~0iY~~~~ 0,,:Q!~~~o1~~~~J~~ Segm~llts sd' SPONGE Y\i!'JIA1 -IhiS> ~ \ci \)fif I") TASKS l. '\V< VlnrPfY,\Pilf 2 1J.~,k-, ', ......... j " , ~~ v·,\?V\kC- -,rVy·,r, ...... '~I",-~, \",,-1 \\-..J l ' l...J1 ~ \ r-1) ',-;h lie ,~-,; t :, '1'1 ~ ('6 1 (; (\ 1\.!'-.JVf T.~~F \:x\{~\ "Cl \r lL) I \'\1 '(\~e ~/ ; (\ ,- \ C flCX:hLC@'IU"'c,,·, t, "1~, 4. \~/ \../'" -. Onliri'_ C\\.H. n' , h~\I h>\; I ·~..:v h.. \J A \ '''\ ! \." r L\I UJ 1 10 L.I<o.l, ,,»V! \CJ~ ~ . i(' ~ 1),[' -' 'I ' f(C','\;jJll~lrql\.'r 0, . , ~'~. r \ I, ( " ,<')' --- L ie\\S r,t",", _~~ ~~ - ' ) I "" _ ')\..1' :~'... ':- ~!.'..J_ :· ...:'~_ll, '"',),\)1,= C,/'\\flt. ' )\C\-\\'i'-\,'\I:':. \;O Kf.\.!\.'(\.~ ~ , _,~L~ '. "" ,PL~~",: ',/--; i , \1 h IN - ~.' ; ,", f IT'YfL' 'r :(' \ ,, ,,,,,J(> ~() ;y:',,", d~~r' 0 ,~, (w-,/:, "-;-", 1. ~ ~ I ,,)0 ') n It- \ .... I ....... " \jr-. \ \ Ie "I'. 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Llhnduce /u\ien'J~) I . I l. ~V:'':I'Y\n d\le \ n(" \. ,• , ,_, ~1·,~'\("\I(t') ,>,~'j T'(-,'~ ' 'f r;-~ II,.\ -e.I 1,_- ' r I, , • _, '!-' • (' ,,,J " ::91 '-1/ rf,.'G' I\),,:) F-e. c (:)n IT: - (j;c,J ,z.::,c K • _ o Block Lesson Segments SPONGE R(~ q) TP P,~) [TASKS 1. ---r;;.j.. Md, t<'C'f'~I,'\~v(r, C}n(j\.i\J \§) Keoc\\nc\ UCCV\J 1.~, ' \(~'I e tf_A(l(ld~ i;(), r (- (\1- f(H-r~url\ j T0-Kf.... t'-Jhi:i \" +;1,1 n o~ -t,~L) t,;-e )\--IC "::' 09, 1:<c,\JCII,S rL 16 ~- (\1',) T' I.~\.;\"--+\ll-.i-J) ~,_J' ~- \,,,.-,,I,I'~ '_/ \ L" CO"" p'lE; +r~ i? :f'.(')['71111,) . 1"1" <1;)",1[" r~" "",_.) ''''-''1. . ''' c. [ . .'-' . .' (-l'~J t') -l'i-..l._' -' --, J II'e,y\ lus+ li'i.1LllrYl (Jf.~, t~) 51'.v'icl k7,cS 'f/ de)-1('j ' ' ' o j q:) ("', \Y\ ~' 1 , \ " ,,,,' , \ \:: I.~t~'l:ij } . "1 <." ;\.' ... ' ',J.' 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The student "designs" his own island according to question prompts. The student then takes that information to write a description ofthe island for a travel brochure. Finally, the student draws and labels the island according to the description he has provided. The island will be graded according to the following checklist: Answers to questions: Logical and grammaticaIly correct Yz point each 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 4. 13.5 Paragraph: Seven complete, grammatically correct sentences 1 point each 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. 7. 4. _-,/7 Drawing: Complete and labeled with noun markers 14.5 Martinique: Sous Les Tropiques Assessments 1. Ticket out each day 2. Mon IIe 3. Close your eyes and show me hand motions 4. Chapter 4 AB Test 5. Chapter 4 c Test '-- -;." ~~------------------------ 8 ________ ill~ ___________ Mooile imaginaire a. Create your own Island. You can place it anywhere in the world you wish. Dr.Jwa map ofit Of! a separate sheet of paper. Show the compass points and label any important geographicai features. You might use the map of Martinique on page 88 of your textbook as a modeL b. Now answer these questions about your islafid. 1. Comment s'appelle ton i1p? 2. Oii se trouve ton ile? 3. C· est plus grand/petit que quoi'! 4. Elle est comment. ton lie? 5. II y fait chaud ou froid? 6. Qu'est-ce qu'll y a a voir la-bas? 7. Qu'est-ce qu'll y a afaire sur ton ile? c. Write a short description of your ideal island for a travel brochure. 40 Cahler d'aclivltes French 2 Allez. viens!. Chapter Copyright ~ byBoll. RiDe.hart and Wiru;lon. All r!ghts reserve I r' _________ w ..."" ... ill~ _________ J(,:j I, Sous les tropiques <: :c Co) (") Quiz4-IA • PR(MI(R( (TAP( ::c ;> Maximum Score: : Complete the following statemelJ!,'; about Martinique using an appropriate vocabulary word or ~\ C'I\:5') . . '-~ expression. «(0 t. La montagne Pelee est un grand _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ 3. Un de Ia Martinique. aux fleurs." 6. La Martinique se trouve dans _ _ _-,-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ des caraibes. SCORED 8. Match the description on the left to the item on the right. (6 points) _ _ _ 1. C'est un insecte qui nous embete. a. Ie sable _ _ _ 2. C'est joli et on y trouve beaucoup de fleurs. b. un village de pecheurs _ _ _ 3. On Ie trouve au bord de la mer. c. un moustique _ _ _ 4. On peut voir beaucoup de bateaux colon~s ici. _ _ _ 5. C'est un arbre qui produit des fruits delicieux. d. une foret tropicale e. un bananier f. Ie jardin de Balata _ _ _ 6. II pleut beaucoup dans cet en droit. III. Culture C. Q.. <: :c u Can you match these places with their descriptions? (5 points) 1. la Martinique a. la capitale de la Martinique aujourd'hui 2. Pelee b. une ville aux plages de sable noir 3. les Caraibes c. me aux fleurs 4. Fort-de-France d. la mer au sud-est des Etats-Unis 5. Saint-Pierre e. une montagne voIcanique SCORED Holt French 2 Allez, viens!. Chapter 4 Copynght © by Holt, Rinehart and Winston. All rights reserved. ir: ~ , i I , est un fruit tropical. 5. La Martinique s'appelle aussi " 'i' ::c I Ii Ia Martinique. 4. Fort-de-France est J. I;, ! m 2. On peut voir des champs de i 30 C>b\Qfj"" i ..... I' Grammar and Vocabulary A. !! I'", I :, wmeme1euefm me pnOlO mat aeplctSthe actlV\1y that Is mentioned. f S fDirl\s ..-----:-,-----, Ge()rg.'!S love to try new things, but know how to swim. Which activities should he d and which ones should he avoid? (6 points) 0 Activities to do Activities to avoid I SPEAKING: Go +p t'+1t M or Mn1Q\and tell her two things about the island she'll show youOne thing to see there One thing to do there Grading: 2 points each 2 points for a detailed answer, i.e. tell about a sight and where it's found, or about a sight and use a descriptive word with it like "dangerous volcano" I point for a normal or partial response o pt. for no response Sight: 2 o EXTRA CREDIT: Identify any three of these: zouk creole 5D0\fY\ltT 0uoddo\J~ ;].:ep'nre Activity: 2 o · · • '\ . r j ·. , _________ ____~__ r • ......... Sousles tropiques ., tJj Quiz 4-38 • TROISI(M( (TAP( - ffi~_· Maximum Score: 30/100 I. Listening A. Usten as Vanessa describes her brother's routine, and put his activities in order. (10 points) 1. _ __ a. He brushes his teeth. 2. _ _ b. He eats breakfast 3. _ __ c. He walks the dog. ---4. _ __ 5. _ __ d. He washeshimseif,--e. He gets dreSsed.---------;~~R~ D Grammar and Vocabulary A. for each of the following sets of activities, Circle the one that Annick would logically do first. (5 points) 1. s'habiller I se laver 2. prendre Ie petit dejeuner I se lever 3. aIIera "ecole Tsecoucher 4. se laver I se lever 5. se brosser les dents I aller au Iycee D. Sabine and her brother are describing their morning routines. Complete their descriptions with the appropriate form ofthe expressions. (5 points) 1. D'abord, je me leve a six heures du malin et je _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ (wash) 2. Je _ _ _ _ _~_ _ _ _ _ _ avant de prendre Ie petit dejeuner. (to get dressed) 3. Je _ _ _ _ _.,--_ _ _ _ _ _ apres Ie petit dejeuner. (brush lIlY teeth) 4..En semaine, nous .c--._ _ _ ---~===='-'-- a dix heures. (go to bed) 5, Mes parents _ souvent. (reflexive verb of your choice, not found yet in this section !) en III~ Writing. c. Write Jean-Pierre a note In French telling him about your routine during the week. How early or \ \ late do youget up and go to bed? Do you have to work after school? (10polnts).= 5sevrlel'lLe.& •• SPEAKING: Ten Mfue B two things you dO regularly (using vocabulary from this chapter), in Fien,ch. 2 pt. for correctly pronounced activities WITH time indications such as "in the momiiig";"early>'or a clock time". 1 pt. for partial or incorre(,i 0 for not done 2 1 o Feedback: The activity that helped me the most this chapter was Actions with verbs Workbook pages_ __ Board Races Online Review- - - Extra Credit: Identify the following Mont St. Michel Carnac coiffe Flashcards,_ __