MATH 100 V1A October 1st – Practice problems Solutions 1. Find the equation of the line tangent to y = (ax + b)3 at x = ab . Solution: Let f (x) = (ax + b)3 . Then f b a = 8b3 , and using the Chain Rule, f 0 (x) = 3(ax + b)2 · a. So, f 0 ab = 12b2 a. The equation of the line tangent to y = (ax + b)3 at x = therefore given by y − 8b3 = 12b2 a(x − a). 2. Let h(x) = (f (x))3 , and suppose f (0) = tangent to y = h(x) at x = 0. 1 2 b a is and f 0 (0) = 73 . Find the equation of the line Solution: Using the Chain Rule, h0 (x) = 3 (f (x))2 · f 0 (x). So, the slope of the line tangent to h at x = 0 is 2 7 1 7 2 0 0 h (0) = 3 (f (0)) · f (0) = 3 · = . 2 3 4 Now, h(0) = (f (0))3 = 81 , so the equation of the line tangent to h at x = 0 is given by y− 7 1 = x. 8 4 3. (a) If S(h) (in units m3 ) is the amount of snowfall on Grouse Mountain as a function of altitude h (in m), and h(t) is altitude as a function of time t (in s), what is an equation for the amount of snowfall as a function of time? Solution: The amount of snowfall as a function of time can be written as S(h(t)). Note that this is not the same as S(t), which is the amount of snowfall at an altitude of t metres. (b) Fill in the blanks: Solution: The answers are in red. dS is dh 3 • the rate of change of amount of snowfall with respect to altitude in units m /m. • dS dt 3 is the rate of change of amount of snowfall with respect to time in units m /s. • dh dt is the rate of change of altitude with respect to time in units m/s. 4. Imagine a road on which the speed limit is specified at every single point. In other words, there is a certain function L such that the speed limit x kilometres from the beginning of the road is L(x). Two cars, A and B, are driving along this road; car A’s position at time t is a(t), and car B’s position at time t is b(t). (a) What equation expresses the fact that car A always travels at the speed limit? (Hint: The answer is not a0 (t) = L(t)). Solution: The equation that expresses the fact that car A always travels at the speed limit is a0 (t) = L(a(t)). Since L is a function of distance, L(t) represents the speed limit t kilometres from the beginning of the road. (b) Suppose that A always goes at the speed limit, and that B’s position at time t is A’s position at time t − 1. Show that B is also going at the speed limit at all times. Solution: Since A always goes the speed limit, we know that a0 (t) = L(a(t)) for every t. If B’s position at time t is A’s position at time t − 1, then b(t) = a(t − 1). From the Chain Rule, b0 (t) = a0 (t − 1), and a0 (t − 1) = L(a(t − 1)) since A always travels the speed limit. So, b0 (t) = L(a(t − 1)) = L(b(t)), which means that B always travels the speed limit too. (c) Suppose B always stays a constant distance behind A. Under what conditions will B still always travel the speed limit? Solution: Note that we’re still assuming that A always travels at the speed limit. If B is always a constant distance behind A, then b(t) = a(t) − D, for some constant D > 0. So, b0 (t) = a0 (t) = L(a(t)) = L(b(t) + D). If B travels at the speed limit, then b0 (t) = L(b(t)), so we want L(b(t)) = L(b(t) + D). That is, B will still travel the speed limit if L is a periodic function with period D. 2