Freedom of Information: Records released as a result of Freedom of Information (FOI) requests May 2006 This table lists the individual records opened in May 2006 as a result of FOI requests. Subject Date of record 1952 Description Assizes Catalogue reference ASSI 89/3 Assizes ASSI 6/84 1952 Butler, Oliver George Aviation AVIA 16/375 History of the Aircraft Torpedo Development Unit Board of Stamps IR 59/1103 Board of Stamps IR 59/1220 Central Office of Information Central Office of Information Central Office of Information Central Office of Information INF 6/2157 1980 Jan 01 - 1980 Dec 31 1967 Jan 01 - 1968 Dec 31 1972 Jan 01 - 1978 Dec 31 1981-1982 INF 6/1316 1976 Mix and Match Decor 1976 INF 6/1317 1976 Cheaper London 1976 INF 6/1318 1977-1978 The Centre (meeting place for young people) 1977 Central Office of Information Central Office of Information Central Office of Information INF 6/1319 1978 Darts 1978 INF 6/1320 1978 Germaine Greer 1978 INF 6/1321 1979 One Parent Family 1978 MURDER: Butler, Oliver George Cmdr Ronald Langton-Jones Kwame Nkrumah The Maze Prison Colonial Office CO 1030/804 1958-1959 Singapore: constitutional development Crime HO 144/22872 1946 CRIMINAL CASES: HEATH, Neville George Clevely Convicted at Central Criminal Court (CCC) on 26 September 1946 for murder and sentenced to death Crime HO 45/22301 1927-1948 CRIMINAL CASES: MOREY, Reginald. Convicted at Exeter on 2 November 1927 of murder and sentenced to death (commuted) Daily Mirror BS 26/239 Paul Foot, Daily Mirror: EV 146 Foreign Office FO 1004/544 1991 Nov 25 - 1992 Nov 13 1960-1972 Foreign Office FO 1004/80 1969;1971 USSR and Egypt Foreign Office FO 1004/81 1971 Egypt Foreign Office FO 1004/408 1960-1968 Rofe, John Arthur David Foreign Office FO 1004/475 1959-1972 Bramall, Ernest Edward Peel Foreign Office FO 1004/404 1959-1973 Rofe, Charles. See also FO 1004/700 Foreign Office FO 1004/126 1951-1958 Gassner, Leo Ferdinand Josef Maria Foreign Office FO 1004/700 1972-1979 Rofe, Charles. See also FO 1004/404 Home Office HO 45/23775 1940 WAR: Charles Stephen Geary, long standing fascist and member of British Union who conceived the idea of forming an inner circle within The Fellowship of the Services organisation to combat communism: detention under Defence Egypt General Mission regulation 18B Home Office HO 45/22285 1919-1948 EXECUTIONS: Executioner and assistant: fees payable by County Sheriffs Home Office HO 144/20848 1937 ROYAL - TITLE ROYAL AND ROYAL ARMS: Title Royal: J W Benson Ltd: Crown and Cypher on watches and printed matter as coronation souvenirs Home Office HO 45/25649 1949-1960 TREATIES AND CONVENTIONS: International Convention on Genocide: question of ratification by the UK Home Office HO 45/23695 1940-1941 WAR: Loretto Santarelli, manager Savoy Hotel Restaurant London: well known and highly respected person; detention Ireland HO 144/22379 1920-1921 IRELAND: Sinn Fein: relations with Soviet Government Lord Chancellor's Office LCO 20/660 1975-1976 Issues of life and death: Sir Norman Anderson Metropolitan Police MEPO 26/224 1973 Jan 01 - 1976 Dec 31 REGO, V and DOE, M: murdered by E BURROWS during a robbery at The Shopping Centre, Victoria Street, Hamilton, Bermuda on 6 April 1973 Metropolitan Police MEPO 26/225 1973 Jan 01 - 1973 Dec 31 REGO, V and DOE, M: murdered by E BURROWS during a robbery at The Shopping Centre, Victoria Street, Hamilton, Bermuda on 6 April 1973. Index book, statements and documents Metropolitan Police MEPO 3/1868 1939-1949 Detective Conferences 5 and 6 Districts: minutes Metropolitan Police MEPO 3/2200/1 1941-1960 Previously closed extracts: 42 pages. Now released and reunited with parent piece Metropolitan Police MEPO 3/1442 1931-1939 Complaint from Calcutta Police about Maurice George Skipsey alias Victor Dane, sometime assistant trainer to Arsenal Football Club, alleged to have defrauded James Charles Delaney Ministry of Defence DEFE 68/246 1978 Jan 01 - 1978 Dec 31 International Military Services Limited (formerly Millbank Technical Services Ltd): control of expenditure Ministry of Defence DEFE 68/254 1977 Jan 01 - 1977 Dec 31 Arms sales to Saudi Arabia: Royal Engineers assistance to the Saudi National Guard in relation to construction projects Ministry of Health MH 148/877 1975 Jan 01-1976 Dec 31 Danger of Lassa Fever transmitted from laboratory rats: issue of warning to laboratories against importing the rat (mastomys natalensis) for research purposes; papers and correspondence Ministry of Health: Children’s Department MH 102/1140 1948 Publicity about Home Office schools: public release of 'Good Time Girl' very little change made in the film which received adverse reports from the Press Ministry of Health: Children's Department MH 102/1137 1947 Publicity about Home Office schools: film entitled 'Good Time Girl' based on the 'Cleft Chin' murder case Ministry of Transport MT 93/6 1930-1946 T R Harker Chairman of the Traffic Commissioners South Eastern Area. Chairman Appeal Tribunal Road and Rail Traffic Act 1933 National Coal Board COAL 26/1093 01/12/1971 British Coal Black Book: Digest of Statistics for 30/11/1991 Negotiating Purposes National Coal Board COAL 30/130 01/09/1986 Promulgation of Organisational Changes in 31/08/1993 British Coal National Coal Board COAL 74/9 1996 British Coal Corporation; Papers - (1 - 26) Formation: Headquarters National Coal Board COAL 74/677 1989;1992 British Coal Corporation Meetings; General Papers Formation: Headquarters National Coal Board COAL 74/678 1989;1992 British Coal Corporation Meetings; Minutes Formation: Headquarters National Coal Board COAL 74/679 1994 British Coal Corporation Meetings; Minutes Formation: Headquarters National Coal Board COAL 74/680 1989;1992 British Coal Corporation Meetings; Papers Formation: Headquarters National Coal Board COAL 74/681 1994 British Coal Corporation Meetings; Papers Formation: Headquarters National Coal Board COAL 74/689 1987-1988 British Coal Staff Superannuation Scheme Formation: Headquarters National Coal Board COAL 74/4622 1991 British Coal Corporation Employee Relations Department Instruction Clerical Staff Rates of Pay Formation: Headquarters National Coal Board COAL 74/4623 1989 British Coal Corporation Headquarters Formation: Headquarters National Coal COAL 74/4624 1969- British Coal Corporation Joint Board 1978; 1987-1990 Departmental Instruction Formation: Headquarters National Coal Board COAL 74/4625 1988 British Coal Corporation Joint Departmental Instruction Formation: Headquarters National Coal Board COAL 74/4628 1993 British Coal Corporation Joint Departmental Instruction Finance Department and Employee Relations Department Risk Financing Formation: Headquarters National Coal Board COAL 74/4629 1990 British Coal Corporation Joint Departmental Instruction Finance Dept Employee Relations Dept Redundancy Benefits Industrial Employees British Coal & Subsidiaries Formation: Headquarters National Coal Board COAL 74/4631 1991 British Coal Corporation Papers Formation: Headquarters National Coal Board COAL 74/4632 1988 British Coal Corporation Staff Policy Rates of Pay National Joint Council Clerical Minutes of the Meeting Area Headquarters Formation: Headquarters National Coal Board COAL 74/4633 1989-1990 British Coal Corporation Staff Policy Rates of Pay National Joint Council Clerical Minutes of the Meeting Formation: Headquarters National Coal Board COAL 74/4667 1967-1987 British Coal Staff Department Inclusive Index to Staff Department Instructions (Unrestricted) Formation: Headquarters National Coal Board COAL 74/4668 1991 British Coal Staff Policy Rates of Pay National Joint Council Clerical Minutes Minutes of Meeting Formation: Headquarters National Coal Board COAL 74/5077 1985-1986 Consultative Meetings British Coal/Trade Unions Coal Industry National Consultative Council Formation: Headquarters National Coal Board COAL 74/7352 1988 Conferences & Meetings, British Coal & British Association of Colliery Management Executive, Meeting Formation: Headquarters National Coal Board COAL 74/7353 1988 Conferences & Meetings, British Coal & British Association of Colliery Management. Executive, Meetings Formation: Headquarters National Coal Board COAL 74/7741 1990 British Coal Corporation Draft Minutes Confidential Formation: Headquarters National Coal Board COAL 74/7743 1988 British Coal Corporation Minutes, Records Formation: Headquarters National Coal Board COAL 74/7746 1991 British Coal Corporation, Minutes, Papers, General. Formation: Headquarters National Coal Board COAL 74/7748 1987-1988 British Coal Staff Superannuation Scheme, Reports and Accounts Formation: Headquarters Nationality and Naturalisation HO 405/23262 HAGE, D J Date(s) of birth: 18.04.1927 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 144/4943 1946 Jan 01 - 1968 Dec 31 1925 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 144/21703 1925-1943 Dardecker, Samuel, from Sweden. Resident in Swansea. Certificate 12056 issued 28 April 1925. Hubner, Rudolf, from Czechoslovakia. Resident in Nationality and Naturalisation HO 405/35019 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 144/8965 1954 Jan 01 - 1968 Dec 31 1928 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 144/9112 1928 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 144/9030 1928 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 405/4723 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 405/10078 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 405/30186 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 405/29594 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 405/27396 1951 Jan 01- 1952 Dec 31 1952 Jan 01-1953 Dec 31 1945 Jan 01 - 1947 Dec 31 1948 Jan 01 - 1949 Dec 31 1949 Jan 01 - 1974 Dec 31 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 405/15227 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 144/2109 1946 Jan 01 - 1955 Dec 31 1923 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 144/8849 1928 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 144/8754 1928 Kilbirnie, Ayrshire. Certificate 12181 issued 24 June 1925. LANDSMAN, P Date of birth: 04/06/1901 Sokolow, Mendel (or Max Sokolov), from Russia. Resident in London. Certificate 16722 issued 4 December 1928. Sokolow, Celina, from Poland. Resident in London. Certificate 16346 issued 17 August 1928. Sokolow, Nahum, from Russia. Resident in London. Certificate 16130 issued 15 June 1928. BURG, M Date of Birth: 03.07.1895 DINTENFASS, C Date of Birth: 29.01.1897 KATZEFF, S Date of birth: 08/02/1900 KATZEFF, N J Date of birth: 11/11/1900 KURZ, R; KURZ, I W Dates of birth: 09/03/1888; 25/06/1885 FOLDES, P M Date of birth 22.08.1924 Reich, Abraham (known as Isaac Wright), from Russia. Resident in London. Certificate 10,435 issued 10 September 1923. Statman, Max, from Russia. Resident in London. Certificate 16728 issued 3 December 1928. Birnhak, Markus (or Marks Birnhak, or Cohen), from Poland. Resident in London. Certificate 16547 issued 22 October 1928. Shaerf, Leo (known as Leon Shaerf), from Poland. Resident in London. Certificate 11,301 issued 22 July 1924. KINSKI, S Date of birth: 16/04/1882 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 144/3390 1924 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 405/26718 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 144/8385 1939 Jan 01 - 1941 Dec 31 1927 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 144/16316 1932 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 405/35431 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 405/4684 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 144/21594 1938 Jan 01 - 1940 Dec 31 01/01/1940 BEEHL, A A Date of Birth: 12.05.1875 31/12/1940 1915 ALIENS (see also Nationality and Naturalisation): High Court decision on power of the Crown to intern enemy alien civilians as prisoners of war Nationality and Naturalisation HO 144/16834 1932 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 405/36180 1950 Jan 01 - 1951 Dec 31 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 144/14802 1931 Schneederman, Simon (or Simon Taylor), from Russia. Resident in Bournemouth. Certificate 15278 issued 15 October 1927. Loszycki, Jankiel, or Lachinsky, Jacob (known as Jacob Leach), from Poland. Resident in London. Certificate AZ1588 issued 09 June 1932. MULLER, H Date of birth 17/11/1908 Lekerman, Julius, from Russia. Resident in Stockport. Certificate AZ2103 issued 16 September 1932. MERTEN, R G aka HOLLAND-MERTON aka HOLLAND Date of birth 13/12/1884 Dubesik, Simon Philip (known as Simon Philip Davis), from Russia. Resident in London. Certificate AZ115 issued 24 August 1931. Nationality and Naturalisation HO 144/8802 1928 Gorinstein, Abraham (or Abraham Ornstin), from Roumania. Resident in London. Certificate 16752 issued 10 December 1928. Tropp, Myer, from Poland. Resident in London. Certificate 13807 issued 13 September 1926. KONSTANDT, O Date of birth: 26/10/1898 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 144/5749 1926 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 405/27522 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 405/20462 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 144/7703 1938 Jan 01 - 1939 Dec 31 1938 Jan 01 - 1945 Dec 31 1927 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 405/32747 1950 Jan 01 - 1964 Dec 31 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 144/9052 1928 Nationality and Naturalisation HO 144/4168 Overseas BW 91/573 Pensions PIN 59/37 1937-1962 Widows' pensions Pensions PIN 59/39 1940-1969 Severe battle casualties: deaths from causes other than pensionable disabilities HERCHES, D Date(s) of birth: 25.08.1897 Clapham, Joseph, from Poland. Resident in London. Certificate 15015 issued 30 July 1927. KRZYZAK, B aka PIOTROWSKI aka LUBICZ Date of birth: 11/04/1904 Goldman, Solomon, from Russia. Resident in London. Certificate 16802 issued 22 December 1928. 1898; 1925 Steigmann, Gottfried, from Germany. Resident in York. Certificate A10290 issued 6 June 1898. 1975-1977 Technical Education: correspondence and papers relating to collaboration programmes with Bhopal and other TTTIs, Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) and Regional Engineering Colleges (RECs). With report of visit by G A Hunting (1975), Synopsis of Kelkar Report (1976) and other papers Pensions PIN 15/3296 1940-1941 Disablement or death through serious negligence or misconduct (Second World War) Pensions PIN 15/3297 1939-1943 Disablement or death through serious negligence or misconduct (Second World War) Pensions PIN 15/3298 1940-1963 Disablement or death through serious negligence or misconduct (Second World War) Prime Minister's Office PREM 11/2060 1957 Article in US newspaper 'Saturday Evening Post' by Malcolm Muggeridge attacking HM The Queen Prime Minister's Office PREM 11/2056 1957 Attack on HM The Queen by Lord Altrincham in articles in 'National and English Review' Prime Minister's Office PREM 11/3026 1953-1960 Visits of King Hussein to UK in June 1955, April and December 1959 and October 1960: arrangements and record of meetings Prime Minister's Office PREM 11/1570 1955-1956 HRH The Princess Margaret's tour of East Africa Prison PCOM 9/626 1938-1939 Applications for post of executioner: personal details, examination papers, training arrangements Prison PCOM 9/731 1927-1947 ROWLAND Walter Graham: convicted at Manchester 16 December 1946 of murder and sentenced to death Prison PCOM 9/1627 1952 BUTLER, Oliver George: at Staffs on 4 July 1952 convicted of murder; sentenced to death; executed on 12 August 1952 Prison PCOM 9/846 1939-1946 GAMBLE Harry Herbert: convicted at Nottingham 24 June 1939 of murder and sentenced to death (commuted) Prison PCOM 9/645 1945 Holloway Prison: refusal by 4 wardresses to perform duties; resignation refused and disciplinary inquiry held Prison PCOM 9/647 1949 Holloway Prison: enquiry into disturbance in Borstal Wing; allegations that wardresses used sticks to restore order Prison HO 45/23653 1940-1949 Public Prosecutions DPP 2/201 1934 Reports on conditions at Holloway Prison: treatment of pregnant prisoners; resignation of three prison officers; deputation to Secretary of State concerning officers' working conditions; report of enquiry into disturbances at Borstal Wing; provocation of prison officers by enemy alien internees. PUBLICATIONS: Issue of 'A Prisoner's Log' by Howard League of Penal Reform and 'A month in Holloway' by Prison Reform Council. WAR: Reports on conditions at Holloway Prison; treatment of pregnant prisoners ROWLAND, Walter G: Murder Royal Commission on Gambling Treasury Solicitor BS 3/649 1976 Prof. Sir Norman Anderson TS 49/485 1972 Jan 01-1976 Dec 31 Participation by Her Majesty's Government in commercial companies: responsibility for the debts of Beagle Aircraft Company Ltd