Teacher and Professional Education Faculty Required Vita Format*

Teacher and Professional Education Faculty
Required Vita Format*
Directions: Be certain to only include information that is relevant to your current education
position. List information in reverse chronological order. The bulleted subsections are optional.
Name Lora L. Wolff
Department Educational Leadership
Rank Adjunct
Administrative Certification
PK-12 Principal/PK-12 Special Education Supervisor; Western Illinois University; Macomb,
PK-12 Superintendent; University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Fall, IA
Ph.D. in Curriculum & Instruction
Degree Completion: May, 1997
University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa
Dates of Attendance: Summer, 1981-1997
Areas of study: The Teaching of Writing, English Education, English/Language Arts
Dissertation Advisor: Bonnie Sunstein
Dissertation Topic & Research Focus: Language Arts Portfolios at the High School Level
Significant Coursework
69 hours/GPA 3.93
•Human Relations for the Classroom Teacher
•Workshops in Sec. Journalism (18
•Curriculum Foundations
•Teaching of English: What is English?
•Language and Learning
•The Community College
•Analysis and Appraisal of Curriculum
•Approaches to Teaching Writing
•Research Process/Design
Master of Arts
Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois
Date of Graduation: May, 1992
Major: English with a composition emphasis
•Literature for Adolescents
•Ethnographic Research Methods
•Secondary Curriculum
•Ph.D. Seminar: Teaching of
•Contemporary Literary
•Rhetorical Analysis and Theory
•Research on Writing
Significant Coursework
•Seminar: The Short Story
•Readings: Modern American Novel
•Study in Linguistics
•Teaching Composition and Literature
•Seminar in Composition
31 hours/GPA 4.0
•Theories of Composition and
•The Historical Novel
•Cross-Cultural Communication
•Modern British Literature
Other Graduate Courses
University of Northern Iowa, Summer, 1984, Journalism
Indiana University, Summer, 1984, Speech
South Dakota State University, Summer, 1984, Speech
University of Nebraska-Omaha, Summer, 1980, English
Wartburg College, Waverly, Iowa
Date of Graduation: May, 1979
Major: English, Minor: Psychology, Certification: 7-12
Approvals: 045 English, 046 Speech, 047 Journalism, 087 Psychology
Significant Coursework
•Speech Communication
•Major American Writers II
•Major British Writers I
•Intro. to Film and Film-making
•Modern Drama
•Literature for Jr./Sr. High School •Existentialism in
•Women in Literature
•Advanced Composition
•Foundations of Am. Education
•Contemporary Literature
•Major American Writers I
Administrative Experience
Keokuk Community Schools (February, 2009-date)
Position: Superintendent
Supervisor: Keokuk Board of Directors
Keokuk Community Schools (July, 2008-February, 2009)
Position: Interim Superintendent
Supervisor: Keokuk Board of Directors
Responsibilities: Personnel, special education, school-community relations, budget and school
overseeing transportation, facilities, and district technology, public relations, Districtwide print shop, assessment, curriculum, grant writing, professional development, Report
to the Community, program coordinator for Talented and Gifted, Safe and Drug Free
Schools, Title V
Keokuk Community Schools (August, 1999-Jul, 2008)
Position: Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction
Supervisor: Jane Babcock, Superintendent
Responsibilities: District technology (computers, ICN classroom, technology plan, technology
curriculum, technology staff development), public relations, District-wide print shop,
curriculum, grant writing, professional development, Report to the Community, program
coordinator for Talented and Gifted, Safe and Drug Free Schools, Title V, E-rate
Keokuk Community Schools (August, 1995-1999)
Position: Director of Technology and Communications
Supervisors: David Scala, Superintendent; Jane Babcock, Superintendent
Responsibilities: District technology (computers, ICN classroom, technology plan, technology
curriculum, technology staff development), public relations, District-wide print shop,
curriculum, program coordinator (Talented & Gifted, Safe & Drug Free Schools, Title
VI, E-rate)
Teaching Experience
Western Illinois University (Fall, 2001- date)
Position: Adjunct Instructor
Supervisor: Dr. Max Pierson (retired); Dr. Robert Hall (retired); Dr. Jess House
Courses taught: EDAD 518-Administrative Applications of Technology, EDL 511—
Educational Planning,
EDL 505-School Improvement & Organizational Development, EDL 571-Site Based
Curriculum Planning
University of Iowa (Fall, 1995-Spring, 1996)
Position: Teaching Assistant (as a component of my Ph.D. program)
Supervisors: Dr. Jim Marshall, Dr. Bonnie Sunstein
Course taught: Introduction to Teaching English, Journalism, and Speech
Western Illinois University (Fall, 1991-Spring, 1992)
Position: Teaching Assistant
(as a component of my Master’s program)
Supervisor: Dr. Bruce Leland
Courses taught: Four sections of English 180 (Freshman Composition)
Keokuk Senior High (1984-1991, Sabbatical 1991-1992, 1992-1995)
Position: Secondary Language Arts Instructor
Supervisors: David Scala, Superintendent; Dr. Thomas Wemette, Principal
Extra-curricular assignments: Plays--Fall plays-4 shows; Spring plays-4 shows, Forensics(3
Children's theatre, Large group speech, Individual speech, Adviser school newspaper
Lakota High School (1980-1984)
Position: Secondary Language Arts Instructor
Publications/Scholarly/Creative Activities
“An English Department’s Fusion: Portfolios as a Place to Begin Department Talk.” Iowa
English Bulletin. Special Issue: Assessing Portfolios—A Portfolio. Volume 43. 1995. (p. 5259).
Conference Presentations
“Grading Practices.” Mt. Pleasant Community School District, Spring, 2007.
"Comprehensive School Improvement." Iowa Area Education Association State Convention.
Davenport, Iowa; April, 2001.
"Planning for Excellence." School Administrators of Iowa Convention. Des Moines, Iowa;
November, 2000.
"Assessing Portfolios: Thinking About the Way We Think"--Workshop, National Council of
Teachers of English, Chicago, Illinois; November, 1996.
"Empowering Students through National Standards: A Look at the New Standards Portfolio
Assessment in High School Classrooms," National Council of Teachers of English, San Diego,
California; November, 1995.
"Portfolios in the Elementary Classroom." (Staff Development) Keokuk Community Schools,
Keokuk, Iowa; November 1, 1995.
'Portfolios: Assessing Student Writing," Assigning and Responding to Writing in the Secondary
and College Classroom Conference, Colgate University, Hamilton, New York; August, 1995.
"Portfolios: Students Becoming Self-Assessors," CONTAG '95 (Conference on Talented and
Gifted Education), University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa; July 21, 1995.
"Portfolios: Bits & Pieces of Information," Area Education Agency 16 Assessment Module,
Burlington, Iowa; March, 1995.
"Portfolios....A Teacher's Close Look," National Council of Teachers of English, Orlando,
Florida; November, 1994.
"So You Want To Do Portfolios?" Area Education Agency 16 Staff Development, Burlington,
Iowa; October, 1994.
"The New Standards Project, Portfolios, and English Language Arts," Area Education Agency
16 Staff
Development, Burlington, Iowa; October, 1994.
"Technology in the Communication Classroom: The Generation of Video Has Evolved," Illinois
Speech and Theatre Association, Decatur, Illinois; October, 1994.
“Close-up on Education.” University of Iowa 30 minute television program on portfolios with
Bonnie Sunstein, University of Iowa, Aired July-August, 1994.
Lousia-Muscatine Staff Development, Three hour staff development on portfolios, LouisaMuscatine Comm. School, April 26, 1994.
"Communication & Leadership: A Grass Roots Effort in Language Arts Activities," National
Rural Families
Convention, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas; September, 1993.
"Teaching English in the Real World," Methods Courses, Western Illinois University, Macomb,
Illinois; May, 1992.
Professional and Academic Service
Co-Chair Iowa Council of Teachers of English State Convention
October 2-3, 1998
October 15-16, 1999
"Iowa Portfolio Project" in conjunction with the national New Standards Project and University
of Iowa
Danvers, Massachusetts; October 1-3, 1993
San Francisco, California; February 2-4, 1994
Albuquerque, New Mexico; May 19-23, 1994
Indian Wells, California; July 6-13, 1994
Des Moines, Iowa; August, 1994
Strategic Planning Committee, Keokuk Community School District
Parent and education representative on the 25 member committee
December 1-3, 1993
June 9-10, 1994
Internal facilitator
January 20-22, 1999
English Department Chair; August, 1992-August, 1995; Keokuk Senior High
Curriculum Council; August, 1992-June, 1993; Keokuk Senior High
Teacher of the Year; 1991-1992; Keokuk Senior High
Judge, IHSSA; 1988-1994
Keokuk Rotary, Spring, 2009-date.
Keokuk Community “Vision” Committee for Implementation and Monitoring of the
community’s Strategic
Plan. Fall, 2007-Spring, 2008.
Big River United Way Board Member, 1996-date; Vice-President, 2000-date
Great River Players, 1984-date
Volunteer Democratic Party, Phil Wise-State Representative, June, 1987-present
Board of Directors, Keokuk Child Daycare, February, 1993-February, 1994
Grants and Special Awards
”Spirit of Keokuk” Award, Spring, 2008, Community of Keokuk.
”Finding the Funds” Award, Spring, 2003. Renaissance Learning National Conference.
”Literacy” Award, Iowa Council of Teachers of English Language Arts, October, 1999 for
“demonstrate contributions to language development and learning of literacy in the state of
Iowa Teacher of the Year Nominee, Keokuk Senior High, Keokuk, Iowa; May 1991.
Readers' Theater: Spoon River Anthology, Banner Winner, "Best in State" at All-State Speech,
February, 1985.
Readers' Theater: Spoon River Anthology, Chosen to be taped by Iowa Public Broadcasting,
February, 1985.
Co-Chair NCA Team for Keokuk High School, 1986-1987.
Hosted Iowa High School Speech Association District Contest, February, 1987.
Journalism Awards and Honors
1981-1982 Yearbook-small wonder
Efficiency Award, Josten's American Yearbook Company
Honorable Mention-Organizations, Iowa High School Press Association
Honorable Mention-Photo Spread, Iowa High School Press Association
1982-1983 Yearbook-Great Moments
2nd Place-Sports, Iowa High School Press Association
3rd Place-Advertising, Iowa High School Press Association
3rd Place-Special Features, Iowa High School Press Association
Honorable Mention-Layout, Iowa High School Press Association
Honorable Mention-Organizations, Iowa High School Press Association
Honorable Mention-Photo Spread, Iowa High School Press Association
1988-1989 Newspaper-Smoke Signals
Honorable Mention-Columns, Iowa High School Press Association
Second Place-Overall Graphics, Iowa High School Press Association
Second Place International Award, Quill and Scroll
1989-1990 Newspaper-Smoke Signals
First Place International Award, Quill and Scroll
1990-1991 Newspaper-Smoke Signals
First Place International Award, Quill and Scroll
1991-1992 Newspaper-Smoke Signals
First Place International Award, Quill and Scroll
1992-1993 Newspaper-Smoke Signals
First Place International Award, Quill and Scroll
1993-1994 Newspaper-Smoke Signals
First Place International Award, Quill and Scroll
Professional Memberships/Affiliations
•American Association of School Administrators
•School Administrators of Iowa
•International Reading Association
•Association for the Supervision of Curriculum
•National Council of Teachers of English
•Iowa Women in Educational Leadership
•Iowa Council of Teachers of English
•National Education Association
•Iowa Education Association
•Keokuk Education Association
•Delta Kappa Gamma
•Phi Delta Kappa
•Kappa Delta Pi
•Iowa High School Press Association
1981-1984, 1987-1995
•Iowa High School Speech Association
•Iowa Forensics League
*Adapted from the WIU Graduate Faculty Vita format