Barry L. Witten Education: Department of Curriculum and Instruction Professor

Barry L. Witten
Department of Curriculum and Instruction
Fort Hays State University, Hays, Kansas;
Bachelor of Arts, History, 1981.
Master of Arts, History, 1988.
Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas;
Doctor of Philosophy, Curriculum and Instruction, 1999
University Teaching
1997 to present – Assistant, Associate, and Full Professor, Department of Curriculum and
Instruction, College of Education and Human Services, Western Illinois University.
Courses Taught:
COE 550
C & I 403G
ELED 110
ELED 170,
270 & 370
ELED 566
SSED 365
SSED 365
SSED 495
SSED 568
Teaching with Illinois Rivers
Middle Level Education
Seminar in Elementary Education
Field Work in Elementary Education
Recent Trends and Research in Elementary Education
Methods of Teaching Elementary Social Studies
Teaching Our Heritage (designed for new program)
Secondary Social Studies Methods
Teaching Social Studies for an Environmental Understanding
Teaching Social Studies for Global Understanding
Teaching with a Global Perspective (designed for new program)
Teaching Social Studies for an Understanding of Legal Concepts
Improvement in the Instruction of Elementary Social Studies
1995 to 1997 - Graduate Teaching Assistant, Departments of Elementary/Middle Level and
Secondary Education, College of Education, Kansas State University.
Courses Taught:
Secondary Social Studies Methods (Assistant)
Elementary/Middle Level Social Studies Methods
Secondary Social Studies Student Teacher Supervision
Elementary Block B Practicum Supervision
Coordinator, Secondary Social Studies Student Teacher Seminars
Public School Teaching
1985 to 1995 - Middle School Social Studies Teacher for USD #270 Plainville, Kansas.
1981 to 1985 - Junior High and High School Teacher for USD #380 Frankfort, Kansas
Publications/Scholarly/Creative Activities:
Edited Publications:
Editor, Resources for Teaching the Holocaust. A Resource Unit produced by the
Jeff Leibovitz Special Collection of Holocaust Education Materials
Steering Committee. (2010). [Computer Software]. Macomb, IL:
College of Education and Human Services.
Editor, New York! New York! Illinois History Teachers Explore the Big Apple.
A Resource Unit. (2008). [Computer Software]. Macomb, IL: Regional
Office of Education #26.
Editor, Westward Ho! Illinois Teachers Explore the West. A Resource Unit.
(2007). [Computer Software]. Macomb, IL: Regional Office of Education
Editor, Jamestown to Gettysburg: Illinois Educators' Journey. A Resource Unit.
(2006). [Computer Software]. Macomb, IL: Illinois Regional Office of
Education #26.
Editor, American History Teaching Strategies and Resources; Volume IV.
[Computer Software] (2005). Macomb, IL: Illinois Regional Office of
Education #26.
Co-editor, American History Teaching Strategies and Resources; Volume III.
(2004). Macomb, IL: Illinois Regional Office of Education #26.
Co-editor, American History Teaching Strategies and Resources; Volume II.
(2003). Macomb, IL: Illinois Regional Office of Education #26.
Editor, American History Teaching Strategies and Resources; Volume I. (2002).
Macomb, IL: Illinois Regional Office of Education #26.
Editor, Illinois Council for the Social Studies Newsletter. (1999- 2005).
Published by the Illinois Council for the Social Studies
Articles in Refereed Journals and Publications:
Witten, B.L. (2007). Curriculum Materials for Elijah Lovejoy, Antislavery, &
Freedom of the Press. Illinois History Teacher, 14 (1), 42-47.
Witten, B. L. (2001). Curriculum Materials for “A. Lincoln, Philosopher”.
Illinois History Teacher, 8 (2), 5-10.
Thomas, P. G. & Witten, B. L. (1999). A How-to Guide to Directing a
Children’s Water Festival. Published by the Kansas Geographic Alliance.
Witten, B. L. (1999). Perceptions and New Directions for Performance
Assessment. Geographic Insights, 9 (1), 13-16.
Witten, B. L. (1998). Silting situations. In B. A. Smith (Ed.) Geography Lesson
Plans VI. Published by the Kansas Geographic Alliance.
Witten, B. L. (1997). JSSR Index: 1977-1997. The Journal of Social Studies
Research, 21 (2), 19-51.
Witten, B.L. (1997). Irrigating Wisely. Geographic Insights, 7 (2), 20-27.
Witten, B.L. (1997). Kansas-Lower Republican Children’s Water Festival.
Geographic Insights 7 (2), 8.
Witten, B. L. (1997). Irrigating Wisely. In B. A. Smith (Ed.), Geography Lesson
Plans V. Published by the Kansas Geographic Alliance.
Conference Presentations:
Professional Papers at State, Regional, and Local Meetings:
Witten, B. (2011). Let’s Make a Pop-up Book to Demonstrate Connections to
Science, Technology, and Society. Paper presented at the PreK-8 Science
Update Conference. Macomb, Illinois, April 15.
Witten B., & Glenn, J. (2010). Adapting to the Great Plains: Exploring the West
in U. S. History. Paper presented at the Illinois Council for the Social
Studies Annual Conference. Lisle, Illinois, October 15.
Witten, B. (2005). Bringing American History Alive. Peoria Adult Education
Conference. Peoria, Illinois, October 27.
Witten, B., & Balsamo, L. (2004). The Kansas-Nebraska Controversy: It Will
Cause a Hell of a Storm. Paper presented at the Illinois Council for the
Social Studies Annual Conference. Springfield, Illinois, October 1.
Lombard, B., & Witten, B. L. (2003). From Pusan to Panmunjom: Using the
Internet to Teach about Forgotten Wars. Paper presented at the 26th
Annual WIU History Conference: History, the next chapter. Macomb,
Illinois, April 26.
Witten, B. L. (2002). Map and Compass 101. Paper presented at the WIU Pre-K8 Science Update Conference. Macomb, Illinois, April 12.
Lombard, B. & Witten, B. L. (2002). Teaching Methods Courses in the 21st
Century. Paper presented at the WIU Tech Fest. Macomb, Illinois, April
Lombard, B., Hommel, B., & Witten, B. (2002). COEHS 2002 Innovative
Technology Award Recipients. Paper presented at the WIU Tech Fest.
Macomb, Illinois, April 11.
Lombard, B., & Witten, B. L. (2002). Teaching About Vietnam from the Web.
Paper presented at the DuPage Valley Social Studies Conference.
Naperville, Illinois, March 1.
Witten, B. L. (2001). Hands-On Activities for Elementary Social Studies. Paper
presented at the Illinois Council for the Social Studies Annual
Conference. Naperville, Illinois, September 28.
Witten, B. L. (2001). Exploring the "Old West": Connecting Reading and Social
Studies . Paper presented at the Illinois Reading Association Regional
Conference. Macomb, Illinois, September 21.
Witten, B.L. (2001). Organizing a Children's Water Festival. Paper presented at
the WIU Pre-K-8 Science Update Conference. Macomb, IL, April 20.
Lombard, B., & Witten, B. L. (2001). Teaching About Vietnam Using the Web.
Paper presented at the 26th Annual WIU History Conference: A Magical
Kaleidoscope. Macomb, Illinois, March 24.
Witten, B.L (2000). Hands-On Activities for Elementary Social Studies. Paper
presented at the Illinois Council for the Social Studies Annual
Conference. Peoria, Illinois, September 20.
Witten, B. L. (1999). Exploring the American West in Middle Level Social
Studies. Paper presented at the Illinois Council for the Social Studies
Annual Conference. Chicago, Illinois, October 1-2.
Witten, B. L. (1999). Using Literature to Make the “Old West” Come Alive.
Paper presented at the Illinois Reading Association Regional Conference.
Macomb, Illinois, September 24.
Witten, B. L. (1998). Making Pop-Up Books in Elementary Social Studies.
Paper presented at the Illinois Council for the Social Studies Annual
Conference. Springfield, Illinois, October 2-3.
Witten, B. L. (1998). Teacher Perceptions of Social Studies Performance
Assessment. Paper presented at the NCSS Great Lakes Regional
Conference for the Social Studies. Rosemont, IL, April 16-18.
Witten, B. L. (1998). Making Pop-Up Books in Elementary Social Studies.
Paper presented at the Illinois Council for the Social Studies Annual
Conference. Springfield, Illinois, October 2-3.
Lombard, B., and Witten, B. L. (1997). Six Essentials, Technology, and the
Social Studies. Paper presented at the Illinois Council for the Social
Studies Annual Conference. Glenview, Illinois, October 4.
Professional Papers at National Meetings:
Witten, B. L. (2010). Using Geography to Explore the Underground Railroad.
Paper presented at the meeting of the National Council for Geographic
Education. Savannah, Georgia, September.
Thomas, P. G., & Witten, B. L. (2007). The Cherokee Nation in Georgia. Paper
presented at the meeting of the National Council for Geographic
Education, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, October.
Witten, B. L., & Witten, J. D. (2006). Hands-on Geography for Elementary
Students. Poster session presented at the meeting of the National Council
for Geographic Education, Lake Tahoe, Nevada, October.
Witten, B. L. (2004). From Research to Practice: Exploring State Maps. Paper
presented at the meeting of the National Council for Geographic
Education, Kansas City, Missouri, October.
Lewis, J., Jelatis, V. G., Witten, B. L., & Lightle, C. (2004). Telling the Truth:
Using Technology to Build Links Among History Educators –
Roundtable. Organization of American Historians Southern Regional
Conference. Atlanta, Georgia, July.
Balsamo, L., & Witten, B. L. (2003). The Kansas-Nebraska Controversy and
the Coming of the Civil War. Paper presented at the annual conference of
the National Council for the Social Studies. Chicago, Illinois, November
Philhower, S., Greer, R., Simonson, S., Allen, J., Witten, B., & Montalvo, G.
(2002). Cyber-Cerebration: Edge happenings at Western Illinois
University. Paper presented at the Society for Information Technology
and Teacher Education. Nashville, Tennessee, March 18-23.
Lombard, B., & Witten, B. L. (2001). Exploring U. S. Supreme Court Decisions
for a More Perfect Union. Paper presented at the National Council for the
Social Studies Annual Conference. Washington, D. C.,
Witten, B.L. (2001). Using Literature to Tell the Story of Citizenship. Paper
presented at the National Council for Geographic Education Annual
Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia, August 1-4.
Isele, F., & Witten, B. L. (2001). Map and Compass for Dummies. Paper
presented at the National Council for Geographic Education Annual
Conference. Vancouver, British Columbia, august 1-4.
Lombard, R. H., & Witten, B. L. (2000). Honoring the Past: Photographs as
Primary Sources in Elementary Classrooms. Paper presented at the
National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference. San
Antonio, Texas, November 17-19.
Chu, N. L., & Witten, B. L. (2000). Stories from the American West. Paper
presented at the National Council for the Social Studies Annual
Conference. San Antonio, Texas, November 17-19.
Isele, F., & Witten, B. L. (2000). Powerful Social Studies/Powerful
Geography: Building Conceptual Growth. Paper presented at the
National Council for Geographic Education Annual Conference.
Chicago, Illinois, August 2-5.
Isele, F., Weber, G., & Witten, B. L. (2000). Applying New Curricular
Resources into Elementary/Middle School Geography. Paper presented at
the National Council for Geographic Education Annual Conference.
Chicago, Illinois, August 2-5.
Alter, G., Byerly, M., Isele, F., Morganett, L., & Witten, B. L. (1999). Defining
the Common Good: Inspiring Successful Student Conversational
Diplomacy Skills. Paper presented at the National Council for the Social
Studies Annual Conference. Orlando, Florida, November 19-21.
Witten, B. L. (1999). Incorporating Law-Related Topics into Middle-Level
Social Studies. Paper presented at the National Council for the Social
Studies Annual Conference. Orlando, Florida, November 19-21.
Witten, B. L. (1999). Findings and Conclusions of the Kansas State Social
Studies Performance Assessment. Paper presented at the National
Council for Geographic Education Annual Conference. Boston,
Massachusetts, November 3-6.
Isele, F., Thomas, P. G., & Witten, B. L. (1999). Exploring the Five Themes
of Geography Through Literature. Paper presented at the National
Council for Geographic Education Annual Conference. Boston,
Massachusetts, November 3-6.
Witten, B. L. (1999). Poster Session by Preservice Teachers from Secondary
Great Lakes Teacher Education Programs. Paper presented at the Great
Lakes Regional Social Studies Conference. Davenport, Iowa, April 1113.
Isele, F., & Witten, B. L. (1999). Using Dramatic Activities in Elementary
Social Studies. Paper presented at the Great Lakes Regional Social
Studies Conference. Davenport, Iowa, April 11-13.
Lombard, B., & Witten, B. L. (1998). Telling the Story of Citizenship: Using
Literature to Engage Students in Geographic Themes. Paper presented at
the National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference.
Anaheim, CA, November 20- 22.
Thomas, P. G., & Witten, B. L. (1998). Organizing a Children’s Water Festival.
Paper presented at the National Council for Geographic Education
Annual Meeting. Orlando, Florida, October 11-14.
Witten, B. L. (1998). Teacher Perceptions of Social Studies Performance
Assessment. Paper presented at the NCSS Great Lakes Regional
Conference for the Social Studies. Rosemont, IL April 16-18.
Witten, B. L. (1997). Teacher Perceptions of Social Studies Standards
Assessment. Paper presented at the National Council for the Social
Studies Annual Conference. Cincinnati, Ohio. November 21-23.
Palmer, J. J., Davis, J. C., Smith, B. A., & Witten, B. L. (1997). Conflict
Resolution: A Guide for Young Children. Paper presented at the
National Council for the Social Studies Annual Conference. Cincinnati,
Ohio, November 21-23.
Witten, B. L. (1997). The Many Faces of Geography: The Influence of the
Volga Germans on the Settlement of North Central Kansas. Paper
presented at the National Council for Geographic Education
Annual Meeting. Orlando, Florida, October 8-11.
Guest Speaker:
Witten, B.L. (2009). Keynote Address for the WIU Chapter of Phi Eta Sigma
Induction Ceremony. Macomb, Illinois, October 3.
Witten, B. L. (2000). Keynote Address for the WIU Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi
Spring Initiation and 75th Anniversary Celebration. Macomb, Illinois.
Witten, B. L. (2000). Social Studies for Young Children. A Presentation for the
Early Childhood Organization for Students (ECHOS). Macomb, Illinois.
Professional and Academic Service:
Member, College of Education and Human Services Teacher of the Year
Member, Department of Elementary Education and Reading Seminar Committee
Member, Department of Elementary Education and Reading Ad hoc Committee
for the Senior Year Experience
Member and Chair, Department of Curriculum and Instruction Social Studies
Education Search Committee
Member and Chair, Departmental Personnel Committee
Member, University Individual Studies Committee
Member and Chair, Department of Curriculum and Instruction Scholarship
Member and Chair, Department of Curriculum and Instruction Graduate
Historian, Vice-President, & President, WIU Chapter of Kappa Delta Pi
Vice President for Membership, WIU Chapter of Phi Delta Kappa
Member, College of Human Education and Human Services Scholarship
Fiscal Agent, Leibovitz Memorial Holocaust Collection
Member, Advisory Committee, Learning Our Past, Securing Our Future; An
Enduring Partnership in Excellence (Teaching American History Grant
On-site Co-evaluator, Learning Our Past, Securing Our Future; An Enduring
Partnership in Excellence (Teaching American History Grant Project)
Web Master, Learning Our Past, Securing Our Future; An Enduring Partnership
in Excellence (Teaching American History Grant Project)
Member, Advisory Committee, Exploring America: Teachers Bringing
Traditional American History to Students (Teaching American History
Program Reviewer, National Council for the Accreditation of Teacher
Education/National Council for the Social Studies Secondary Social Studies
Program Review
Adviser, Alpha Phi Omega, National Service Fraternity (MuNu Chapter),
Western Illinois University
Honoring Our Professors of Excellence Award for Outstanding Instruction and
Dedication to Western Illinois University Students. Presented by Western
Illinois University Housing and Dining Services Academic Initiatives
Committee, 2010.
Teaching American History Grant Award for Outstanding Contributions to the Junior
High and High School U.S. History Teachers of West-Central Illinois. Presented
by Exploring America: Teachers Bringing Traditional American History to
Students, a U.S. History Grant Funded by the U.S. Department of Education,
Dean's Award for the Innovative Use of Technology in Teaching. Presented by the WIU
College of Education and Human Services, 2002.
Current Memberships:
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development
Illinois Council for the Social Studies
National Council for the Social Studies
National Council for Geographic Education
Kappa Delta Pi
Phi Delta Kappa