Curriculum Vitae your work with excellence." Unknown

Curriculum Vitae
"Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it. Autograph
your work with excellence." Unknown
Name Frances Ann Steward
P. O. Box 787, Macomb, IL 61455
Tel. Work; 309-298-1694; Home: 309-298-0295
Email:; Fax: 309-298-2800
Department / Institution Curriculum & Instruction, Western Illinois University
Rank Professor
2000-1997. Ph.D. Curriculum and Instruction, Emphasis in Reading.
1998. Special Education, Mild and Moderate (Gr. 1-12), LA.
Life Certification, Texas
1991-1990. Texas Teacher Appraisal Certification Endorsement, Texas
Education Agency, State Board of Education Performance Standards
And Requirements.
1987. Professional Mid-Management Administrator (1972).
1985. Professional Elementary (Grades 1-8) General.
1985. Professional Reading Specialist
1985. Professional Supervisor.
1982. ED. S. Certificate of Education Specialist, Louisiana State University
Life Certification, Louisiana
(Principal, Reading Specialist, Parish or City School Supervisor of
Instruction, and Supervisor of Student Teacher).
1967. M.ED. Elementary Education, Mississippi College,
1962. B.S. Elementary Education, University of Southern Mississippi.
High School, Brookhaven MS.
University Teaching
Current-2000. Western Illinois University
C & I 476
Parent and Community Involvement
ELED 370-371 Field Work in ELED (1-3) (Aiding; Tutoring)
ELED 470
(Was numbered 370 previously) Senior Field
Work/Seminar in Elementary Education (1-4)
RDG 383
Literacy Instruction in the Early Grades
RDG 384
Literacy Instruction in the Intermediate Grades
RDG 433
Introduction to Corrective Reading
C & I 600
Graduate Seminar
C & I 476G
Parent and Community Involvement
LA 577
Writing in the Elementary Schools
RDG 570
Teaching Reading in the Elementary Schools
RDG 573
Correction and Remediation of Reading Difficulties
RDG 576
Psychology of Reading
RDG 587
Practicum in Reading (K-6) Previously RDG 574
2000-1997 Graduate Assistant and Instructor: Louisiana State University
EDCI 1001
Introduction to College Study (Undergraduate)
EDCI 3136
Reading in the Content Areas (Graduate)
EDCI 3625
Student Teaching Supervisor
Public School Teaching
1997-1993 and 1983-1972. Classroom Teacher (Louisiana)
1997-1994. Lafourche Parish, Special Education Teacher,
1994-1993. East Baton Rouge Parish, Classroom Teacher, Grade 2.
1983-1972. Livingston Parish School District, Chapter I Reading Teacher,
Grades 2-6,
1972-1962. Classroom Teacher (Mississippi)
1972-1971. Mc Comb Municipal Schools, Grade 6.
1971-1970. Lincoln County School District, Brookhaven, Grade 6-English,
Grade 7, Social Studies.
1970-1969. Rankin County Public Schools, Grade 1, Jan. ‘69 to May ’70.
1968-1967. Vicksburg Warren School District, Grade 2, Sept. ’67 to Dec.
1967-1965. Jackson Public Schools, Grade 6.
1965-1963. Biloxi Public Schools, Grades 4; 2.
1963-1962. Forrest, County Public Schools, Grade 4.
Professional (Administrator)
1993-1985. Pr-K-12 Curriculum Director, Palestine I.S.D., Palestine, TX.
1985-1983. Reading Specialist, Grades K-12, Region VI Education
Service Center, Huntsville, Texas
2013-2010. IRB Approved Personal Current Research in Process
Title: A Report of Classroom Teachers’ Assessment Perspectives;
Title: The Impact of Family Practices: Parent Involvement Across
the Generations (Ages 20’s-80’s);
Title: Limitations to Parental Involvement: Pre-service Students’
Confidence Levels.
2013-2010. CITI Research Training for ELED Majors in C & I 476, Parent
and Community Involvement
ELED students are research trained through the IRB online provisions
so that they may interview educators and community members about
parental involvement in the homes and later in RDG 433, assessment
use in the schools.
2011-2009. Faculty Innovators. Exploring New Uses of Technology in
Fall 2011. Ph.D. Proposal assistance with former International student.
Determine the outline topics with explanation and the literature review’s
Spring 2011; June, 2010. One International Student conducted
Process Writing research We co-designed a student survey
entitled: Limitations to Parental Involvement: Pre-service Students’
Confidence Levels. The process writing research ideas were then
implemented in her Graduate Seminar 600 Course.
2010-2008. Guided Graduate 11 Action Research Students.
Centennial Honors College Students, Supervised In-class Honors
Projects: Undergraduates.
Fall 2011. One student. Project, An Assessment Report: The Impact of
Testing on Classroom Teachers.
2011-2010 Two students. Projects. (1.) Limitations to Parental
Involvement, Literature Review; and (2.) A Bullying Model Parent
Response Guide and Spicy Node technology presentation of the
2010. Two students, Projects, (1.) A Report of Classroom
Teachers’ Assessment Perspectives. A Literature Review of
Reading Assessment topics; and 1 student, Project, (2.) The Impact
of Family Practices: Parent Involvement Across the Generations
(Ages 20’s-80’s). An online literature Review.
2009. One student, Project conducted research in 4 journals of 30
reading methodology skills for her literature chart and paper. One
student conducted research on websites useful for parents’
assistance at home with their children and wrote an abstract for
each website. One student collected articles and wrote summaries
on parents and children reading at home.
2007. One student’s Project: Assisting Parents with Children’s Age
Appropriate Development Skills and Interactive Activities. One
student conducted a qualitative interview project entitled: A Study
of Pre-service Teachers' and Parents' Perceptions of School and
Home Barriers to Parental Involvement.
2006. One student designed two ready-to-use parent volunteer and
mentor roles surveys to be given to parents at Open House. The
surveys were placed as models on Western Online for all future
students to use in their course and classrooms.
Publications/Scholarly/Creative Activities
o Spring 2008. Steward, F., Hebert, S., & Cheek, E.H., Jr. The impact of
collaboration on interactive reading settings. Oxford Round Table,
England: The Forum of Public Policy Online. Located Spr. '08, online
o Summer 2007. Steward, F., & Goff, D. Adult and family literacy grants:
Three ideas for family literacy. Illinois Reading Council Journal, 38(3)
o Spring 2007. Steward, F., & Goff, D. Volunteer programs: Enhancing
reading settings. Illinois Reading Council Journal. 35(2) 61-6.
o Winter 2006. Steward, F., & Goff, D. Using reading hangtags to promote
book reading and sharing. Illinois Reading Council Journal, 35(1) 3841.
o Fall 2006. Steward, F., & Goff, D. Let's make bookmarks! Illinois Reading
Council Journal, 34(4) 37-41.
o Summer 2006. Steward, F., Goff, D. Parent involvement in reading:
Using vocabulary game bookmarks. Illinois Reading Council Journal,
o Spring 2006 Steward, F., & Goff, D. “A wealth of reading resources.”
Illinois Reading Council Journal, 34(4). 37-41.
o Winter 2005. Steward, F., Goff, D., & Hebert, S. Parent
involvement in reading: Creating learning centers for family literacy
night. Illinois Reading Journal, 34(1), 54-58.
o Winter 2005. Steward, F., & Goff, D, Creating parent-friendly
communications. Illinois Reading Council Journal, 33(1), 69-72.
o Fall 2005. Steward, F., & Goff, D. Parent involvement in reading:
Planning for parent workshops. Illinois Reading Council Journal, 33(4),
o Fall 2005. Steward, F., Goff, D., Hebert, S., Bradford, M., & Moran, C.
Home-school links: Take home game boards. The Journal of the Illinois
Science Teachers Association, Spectrum, 31(2), 18-23.
o Summer 2005. Steward, F. & Goff, D. Parent Involvement in Reading;
Communicating with Families Through School Handbooks. Illinois
Reading Council Journal, 33(3), 50-52.
o Spring 2005. Steward, F., & Goff, D. Home-learning activities. Illinois
Reading Council Journal, 3 (2), 56-58.
o Fall 2004. Steward, F., & Goff, D. “Parent involvement in reading:
Resources for a new school year.” Illinois Reading Council Journal.
o 2003. Cheek, E. Jr., Steward, F., Launey, B., & Borgia, L.
“Facilitative reading instruction: Pre-service teacher
voices and perceptions.” Reading Improvement, 41(2).
o 2003. Steward. F. “Family literacy buddies: Making every
moment count,” Children and Families, The Magazine
of The National Head Start Association, 42(2). 84.
2002. Steward, F. A., Cheek, E. H., & Lindsey, J. D,, “Impact of learning
styles upon strategic reading behavior: Patterns, reading dynamics,
and product fringe.” National Forum of Applied Educational Research
Education Journal. 1(1). 5-16.
o September 2009. The Illinois Reading Council Communicator (state-wide
newsletter).Western Illinois Reading Council Promotes Reading in
Local Western Illinois Areas Children’s Books for the Prairie Hills.
Resource Conservation and Development Program: R. E. A. D. Y. Bus.
o July 2009. The Illinois Reading Council Communicator (state-wide
newsletter).Western Illinois Reading Council Partners with Two WIU
Student Organizations.
o June 2009. The Illinois Reading Council Communicator (state-wide
newsletter).WIRC Donated Children’s Books to the Kappa Delta Pi’s
Literacy Alive Program.
o Summer 2009. Steward, F., & Goff, D. Book Selection by Ms. Chalkdust.
IParent Magazine, Issue 10. May, June, and July. 5.
o Spring 2009. Goff, D., & Steward, Test-Taking by Ms. Chalkdust.
IParent Magazine, Issue 9. Feb., Mar., and April. 24.
o Winter 2009-2008. Steward, F., & Goff, D. Writing by Ms. Chalkdust.
IParent Magazine, Issue 8. Dec., and January. 25.
o Fall 2008. Steward, F., & Goff, D. “Working together benefits the
homework experience!” by Ms. Chalkdust. IParent Magazine,
Issue 7. Oct., November. 29.
o Summer 2008. Goff, D., & Steward, F. “Reading incentives at home and
school: Children learn to self-monitor home reading.” by Ms.
Chalkdust. IParent Magazine, Issue 6. August-September. 14.
o Summer 2008. Steward, F., & Goff, D. “Macomb summer reading
network: Homes, library, and businesses.” by Ms. Chalkdust. IParent
Magazine, Issue 5. June-July. 5.
o Summer 2008. Dooley, C.J., Goff, D., & Steward, F. Welcome to school
daze by Ms Chalkdust. WIU student teachers in area schools/
classrooms. IParent Magazine, Issue 4. April/May. 6.
o May 2008. The Illinois Reading Council Communicator (state-wide
newsletter). "International and At-Home Book Sharing",
Western Illinois Reading Council.
 Articles were also written beginning in 2006.
Scholarly Activities
o April 27, 2011. Steward, F., & Goff, D.,
Teachers Share Success.12th Annual Tech Fest: Technology Safari
Table 9, Presentation. WIU. C & I Dept., COEHS sponsor.
Critique/Evaluation/Editing of a Book or Chapters
o 2009. Submitted an invited opportunity from the Pearson Education
Group to review the prospectus book manuscript, Promoting early
literacy: Effective instructional practices using fiction and nonfiction
children literature by Gail Tompkins and co-authors. The revised and
edited manuscript was to be submitted to Allyn & Bacon Publishers of
the Pearson Education Group.
o April 2007. Grant, K., & Ray, J. Home, school, and community
collaboration: Supportive family involvement practices. Sage
Publications. Publishing Date: 1/12/2009.
o January 2007. Combs, M. Readers and writers in the primary grades, 3rd
ed. Pearson Merrill Prentice Hall.
o July 8, 2004. Savage, J. F. (2001). Sound it out! Phonics in a balanced
reading program (3rd ed.).
November 29, 2001. Savage, J. F. (2001). Sound it out! Phonics in a
balanced reading program. St. Louis: The McGraw-Hill Companies,
Graduate Student Advising; ISBE Meeting; Literacy Institute, and
Accreditation Assessment Rubrics; Summer Literacy Institute.
o 2011-2010. Completed 128 items, national/state accreditation
assessment rubrics.
o 2010-2009. Completed 150 items, national/state accreditation
assessment rubrics.
o June, 2005. Co-Director of the 3-Day Summer Seminar Western Illinois
Reading Council Conference (state-wide invitations) Macomb, IL
Junior-High Schools.
o 2004-2003. Advised 10 graduate students with degree plans, petitions of
change, and course selection. Sent guideline letters to the students
each semester.
o November 7, 2003. Illinois State Board Meeting, Illinois Reading Council
Issue on Reading Certification requirements (Addressed ISBE.).
o 2003-2002. Advised 14 graduate students with degree plans, petitions of
change, and course selection. Sent guideline letters to the students
each semester.
o Spring 2002. Content Validation Survey-IL Certification Testing System
Illinois State Board Education. Participated in the objective and
survey alignment process of Content Validation Survey. Amherst,
MA: National Evaluation Systems, Inc.
o Summer 2001. Harvard Graduate School of Education Literacy
Institute. Participated in seminars, discussion groups, and note-taking
from literacy articles and book chapters resulting from National
Reading Panel Report.
Critique/Evaluation/Editing in a Journal.
o August 18, 2011. Reviewer. Illinois Reading Council Journal, (204) In his
own words: Creating instructional text with an impact.
o March 3, 2011. Reviewer. Illinois Reading Council Journal, (194)
Focused middle school writing conferences.
o February 18, 2011. Reviewer. Association of Literacy Educators &
Researchers (ALER) Yearbook Manuscript 5, Vol. 33. Tutoring and
mentoring: The results of an America Reads program on Struggling
readers’ motivation and achievement.
o February 18, 2011. Reviewer. Association of Literacy Educators &
Researchers (ALER) Yearbook Manuscript 8, Vo. 33. Visions,
enactments, obstacles, and negotiations: Case studies of two novice
teachers enrolled in a graduate literacy course.
o December 17, 2010. Reviewer. Illinois Reading Council Journal, (193) Is
That your final answer? Before, during, and after reading strategies to
Improve comprehension and master standardized tests.
o December 12, 2010. Reviewer. American Association of Teaching and
Curriculum. Journal, Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue, Our Friend
Martin, more than a movie: Usually culturally relevant video to initiate
critical conversation about race in an urban classroom.
o October 11, 2010. Reviewer. Illinois Reading Council Journal, (187)
Beyond the basic: A working model for complementary literacy
o October 6, 2010. Reviewer. Illinois Reading Council Journal, (189)
Picture Books: Engaging and enhancing writing skills in middle school.
o April 20, 2010. Reviewer. Illinois Reading Council Journal, (#172)
Building relationships.
April 15, 2010. Reviewer (#974). Association of Literacy Educators &
Researchers (ALER) Yearbook, Vol. 32. Preparing students for
success in college writing.
April 13, 2010. Reviewer. Illinois Reading Council Journal, (#171)
Thoughts on instruction: From the tower to the classroom.
April 13, 2010. Reviewer. Illinois Reading Council Journal, (#169)
Reaching reluctant readers in middle school.
April 13, 2010. Reviewer. Illinois Reading Council Journal, (#167) Fiction
vs nonfiction: The battle for read aloud selection.
December 16, 2009. Reviewer. Illinois Reading Council Journal, (#143)
Dumping graphic organizers for a more effective approach to
prewriting instruction
August 29, 2009. Illinois Reading Council Journal. Reviewed state level
article, “You gotta hear this one!” Linking listening centers to
content-area instruction. Code (#140).
August 20, 2009. Reviewer. Illinois Reading Council Journal, (#140) “You
gotta hear this one!” Linking listening centers to content area
April 2009. American Association of Teaching and Curriculum. Reviewer
of the national level, 2 conference proposals. Titles: Effective
individualized reading intervention instruction driven from qualitative
and quantitative assessment data, Code PP14; Narratives from the
Same Side of the Fence: An Inquiry into the Quest for Social Justice in
the Classroom, Code PP46.
December 2008. American Association of Teaching and Curriculum.
Reviewer of the national level, 1 paper proposal. Title: Measuring
Early Childhood Teacher Candidates Conceptualizations of a
Culturally Responsive Classroom Ecology code # 1110210802.
October 26, 2008. Illinois Reading Council Journal. Reviewed state level
article, Comprehension strategy instruction. Code (#123). Not
October 22, 2008. Illinois Reading Council Journal. Review Walk a mile in
my shoes…the road to cultural diversity. Code (#121). Published in
the Spring, 2009 Issue.
April 2008. American Association of Teaching and Curriculum. Reviewer
of the national level, 3 paper, conference proposals. Titles: Comparing
"texts." The interaction of print, audio, and visual media in instruction,
IS-5;IS(2); What it means to be in a secondary graduate certification
program, PS-42; A value-added approach to determining the effects of
mentoring on novice teacher classroom effectiveness PS-1; PS-1(2).
March 2008. Illinois Reading Council Journal, Reviewed state level
article, Biography, poetry, #95.
July 2007. Illinois Reading Council Journal, Reviewed 2 state level
articles, Mothers & daughters: Using books to strengthen connections,
#91; Informational texts, #92.
December 2006. American Association of Teaching and Curriculum.
Reviewer of the national level, Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue
Journal articles (3). Titles: Integral curriculum theory and practice;
Weaving a tapestry of multicultural education-A geo-ethnographic
mosaic of a day in the life code #: 92102605; and Metaphors and
cross-cultural stories of learning to teach code #: 92102605.
October 2006. American Association of Teaching and Curriculum
Reviewer of the national level, Curriculum and Teaching Dialogue
Journal articles. Title: Empowering teachers' voices: Janet L. Miller's
contributions toward collaborative inquiry in the field of curriculum
Nov.-Dec. 2005. American Association of Curriculum and Teaching.
Editorial Review Board. Reviewer of the national level, Curriculum and
Teaching Dialogue, Weaving a Tapestry of Multicultural Education – A
Geo-Ethnographic Mosaic of a Day in the Life, # code: 92102605. 25.
o Nov.-Dec. 2005. American Association of Curriculum and Teaching.
Editorial Review Board, Reviewer of the national level, Curriculum and
Teaching Dialogue, Metaphors and Cross-Cultural Stories of Learning
to Teach, # code: 100110205. 25.
Conference Presentations
 October 8, 2011. Steward, F. & WIU students. How to Maximize Science
and Literacy Learning: Explore, Experiment thus Elaboration. Illinois
Science Teachers Association-IL. Tinley Park Convention Center, IL.
 March19, 2011. Steward, F. & Moller, J. New structure (classificatory) for
informative writing. Illinois Reading Council 2011 Conference,
Springfield, IL
 April 8, 2011. Steward, F., & Moller, J. April 8, 2011. Writing structure:
Success for struggling readers. Iowa Reading Association ESEA Title I
Annual Conference. Ames, IA.
 March 20, 2010 Steward, F. Look to the light: Reach out, read, rescue.
Illinois Reading Council 2010 Conference, Springfield, IL.
o February 06, 2010 Steward, F. & Cherbonnier, M. Enhance vocabulary
for English Language Learners: “que bueno!” Link and learn! 33rd
Southwest IRA Regional Conference, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
o March 2009. Imagine all of those “Ribbits” Fascinating frogs and
engaged learners, International NSTA 56th National Convention, New
Orleans, LA (Co-presenters).
o March 2008. Importance of nature, part II: Extended literacy, fine arts,
and math, International NSTA 56th National Convention, Boston, MA
(Co- presenters).
o March 2007. Early childhood (K-3) observation activities: Tracking
animals with Mr. Crinkleroot. Council for Elementary Science
International NSTA Convention, St. Louis, Missouri (Co-presenters).
o March 2007. Love those book talks: Fun extensions! Illinois Reading
Council Conference, Springfield, IL. (Co-presenters).
o March 17, 2006. Steward, F. WOW! Multi-dimensional literacy benefits
students. For the Love of Reading Illinois Reading Council Conference.
Springfield, IL.
o November 2006. "Strategic Readers: Interpretation Made Easy". Holiday
Inn Select and Convention Center, Tinley Park, IL.
o October 2006. A Case Studies’ Report: The impact of students’ reading
comprehension from university to community and global service. 50th
Annual Meeting of the CRA Conference, Pittsburgh, PA (Copresenter).
o November 11, 2005. Elementary make and take extravaganza! (CESI).
Students connect story recall and real life observations. National
Science Teacher Association Regional Convention, Chicago, IL (Copresenters).
o November 2005. "Students connect story recall and real-life
observations." Council for Elementary Science International NSTA
Convention, Chicago, IL. (Co-presenter).
o March 18, 2005. Written composition via fine arts (prek-6). For the Love
of Reading-Illinois Reading Council Conference. Springfield, IL. (Copresenters).
o November 13, 2004. Three comprehension approaches: Interactive,
listening/speaking, & artistic novel summaries. The Secondary
Reading League’s 28th Day of Reading. Chicago, IL (Co-presenter).
October 30, 2004. Field experience perceptions: Comfort level,
preparedness, structured assistance. 48th Annual College Association
Conference. Del Ray Beach, Fla.
October 9, 2004. Reflective interpretations: Balancing the reading
process and literacy areas.” American Association for Curriculum and
Teaching. Portland, OR.
March 20, 2004. “Radio Reading: Broadcasting and Higher Order
Thinking Skills.” Illinois Reading Conference, Springfield, IL (CoPresenter).
March 5, 2004. “Radio reading role-playing.” Teachers’ Institute: ‘04. Carl
Sandburg College. Galesburg, IL (Co-presenter).
March 5, 2004. “Developing creativity and listening comprehension.”
Teachers’ Institute: ‘04. Carl Sandburg College. Galesburg, IL (Copresenter).
January 30, 2004. “Virtual iMovies and Button Writing.” Technology,
Reading and Learning Difficulties Conference, San Francisco, CA
November 13, 2003. “The Lived Danced Experience: Dance and
Literacy Performance.” Kappa Delta Pi International Convocation,
St. Louis, Missouri (Co-presenter).
November 1, 2003. “Pre-service Teachers Apply Literacy Methodology
from Pointing-Tracking to Literary Analysis.” 47th Annual College
Association Conference. Corpus Christi, TX (Co-presenter).
October 04, 2003. “Workshops on Technology for Elementary
Teachers: Creating a Data-Base of Writing Activities.” American
Association for Teaching and Curriculum. Baltimore, MD (Copresenter).
April 2003. “K-3 Literacy: Root, rhythm and role-playing.” 2003Midwest Association for the Education of Young Children, Annual
Conference, Peoria, IL (Co-presenter).
March 21, 2003. “Cross-curricular planning for kinesthetic responses:
Conceptual acquisition for retention in literacy lessons.” 35th Annual
Illinois Reading Conference. Springfield, IL (Co-presenter).
March 7, 2003. “Readers’ theatre and active involvement reading
activities for primary grades.” Teachers’ Institute: Hand in Hand, ‘03.
Carl Sandburg College, Galesburg, IL (Co-presenter).
March 7, 2003. F. “12-1 Poetry, it’s not just a sit-down activity.
“Teachers’ Institute: Hand in Hand, ‘03. Carl Sandburg College.
Galesburg, IL (Co-presenter).
March 7, 2003. “Reader’s theatre: Pyramid strategy.” Teachers’ Institute:
Hand in Hand, ‘03. Carl Sandburg College. Galesburg, IL (Copresenter).
November 2002. “Field experience assessment: Pre-service teachers’
self-evaluations and supervisors’ perceptions,” 46th Annual
Conference, College Reading Association, Philadelphia, PA (Copresenter).
October 19, 2002. Steward, F. “Toddler-hood: Why’s? What’s? and
How’s?” Early Beginnings in Illinois: Good Beginnings Never End, The
IL Association for the Education of Young Children. Springfield, IL.
March 16, 2002. Steward, F. “Enhancing Literacy Instruction for
Teachers and Students: Multiple Intelligence Inventories. IL
Reading Council Conference, A Reading Sampler. Springfield, IL.
November 2001. “Facilitative Reading Instruction: Pre-service
Teacher’s “Voices and Perceptions”. 45th Annual Meeting of the
College Reading Association, Orlando, Florida (Co-presenter).
May 2001. “The Cultural Impact of Student Reading Assessment
Connections,” Perceptions, Taped Books, and Mandatory Summer
School,” 46th Annual Convention, International Reading
Association, New Orleans, Louisiana (Co-presenter).
o March 15, 2001. Steward, F.A. “Designing Connections for Strategic
Readers,” 33rd Annual Illinois Reading Conference, “2001, A Reading
Odyssey: Achieving Excellence in the Millennium,” Springfield, IL .
o April 2011. Beneficial bats: Have we misjudged them? Pre-K-8
Science Update Conference, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL
o April 2010. Spectacular Butterflies! Life of the Monarch. Pre-K-8
Science Update Conference, Western Illinois University, Macomb, IL
 May 2009. Social Networking. Technology presentation to the College
o April 2009. Amazing Balloon Experiments Meet Science Standards, Prek8 Science Ed. Update Conference. Western Illinois University,
Macomb, IL (Co-presenter).
o November 18, 2008. Focus insights: Reveal! Redesign! Revel! Western
IL Reading Council, WIU HH Rm. 1, Macomb IL.
 April 2008. What is happening in science and reading? Static or nonstatic events?" 2008 PreK-8 Science Update Conference, WIU, M.G.
Kellogg Science Education Center, Macomb, IL. (Co-presenters).
o November 2007. Vibrant reading settings. Western IL Reading Council
Workshop, WIU, HH Rm.1 Macomb, IL (Co-presenter).
o April 2007. The world of bubbles. PreK-8, Science Education Update
Conference Workshop, WIU, Macomb, IL. (Co-presenters).
o March 30, 2006. Steward, F. Mr. Crinkleroot extends quality assessment
tools in science and reading (K-3). WIU PreK-8 Science Education
Update Conference. Macomb, IL.
o October 2006. Strategic writers: Precision basics. WIRC, COEHS, WIU C
& I Dept. and EDL Conference Workshop, WIU, Macomb, IL
o October 2006. Literacy with a musical flair. Kappa Delta PI Workshop.
WIU, HH Rm. 1 (Co-presenter),
o September 27, 2005. Steward, F. Reading and Writing Connections VIA
Fine Arts! Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society. Macomb, IL.
o April 2005. “Interactive read aloud: Recycling, K-3.” Prek-8 Science
Education Update Conference, WIU. (Co-presenter).
o March 31, 2005. Steward, F. Interactive read aloud: Litter bugs on the go!
WIU PreK-8 Science Education Update Conference. Macomb, IL.
o September 2005. WOW! Read, write, design, sing, and activities. Kappa
Delta PI Workshop, WIU, HH Rm. 1 (Co-presenters).
o September 30, 2004. Steward, F. Fantasy make-It, take-it, use It:
Activities for primary grades K-3: Baby Rattlesnake. Western Illinois
Reading Council. Macomb, IL.
o January 22, 2004. Computer writing for the at-risk population. Phi Delta
Kappa Association. ROE. Macomb, IL (C-presenter).
o November 19, 2003. “Instructional content assistance-Day 1 (Focus).”
Developed by F. Steward. Cuba Elementary School, Cuba, IL.
o October 29, 2003. “Instructional content assistance Day 2 (Focus).”
Developed by F. Steward. Cuba Elementary School, Cuba, IL.
o May 4, 2003. Steward, F. “Fluency training at home: The media’s
information texts.” Alpha Upsilon Alpha. WIU. Macomb, IL.
April 29, 2003. Instructional Content by Steward, F., “Writing
Concept: Conventions.” VIT Elementary School, Table Grove, IL.
Presented to Gr. K-5 teachers (10).
o March 27, 2003. Instructional Content by Steward, F., “Writing Concept:
Organization.” VIT Elementary School, Table Grove, IL. Presented to
Gr. K-5 teachers (11).
o February 20, 2003. Instructional Content by Steward, F., “Writing
Concept: Support/Elaboration.” VIT Elementary School, Table Grove,
IL. Presented to Gr. K-5 teachers (11).
o January 14, 2003). Steward, F. "Procedures in Writing and Publishing
Books." Three sessions at Brown County Jr. High School, Mt. Sterling,
IL to 6th-8th graders and teachers.
o January 30, 2003). Instructional Content by Steward, F., “Software
Training/Writing Concept: Focus.” VIT Elementary School, Table
Grove, IL. Presented to Gr. K-5 teachers (30).
o August 15, 2002. Steward, F. In-service Out- of- State Language Arts
Demonstration Teaching, Grade Four Special Education Classroom,
Waynesboro Elementary School, Waynesboro, MS (6 observersadmin,; Educators; and community members).
o August 7, 2002. Steward, F. In-service Regional Offices of Education and
school districts. “Parental Involvement.” I CARE Summer Institute:
Illinois Center for Achieving Reading Excellence. Giant City, Illinois
(Reading Excellence Act Schools).
o August 7, 2002. Steward, F. In-service Regional Offices of Education
and school districts. “Struggling reader: Creative uses of literature.” I
CARE Summer Institute: Illinois Center for Achieving Reading
Excellence. Giant City, Illinois (Reading Excellence Act Schools).
o August 1, 2002. Steward, F. In-service Regional Offices of Education
and school districts. “Parental Involvement.” I CARE Summer Institute:
IL. Center for Achieving Reading Excellence . Springfield, Illinois
(Reading Excellence Act Schools).
o May, 2002. Steward, F. “Power point Custom Animation.” WIU
Technology Training (TTLTT-2). Western Illinois University, Macomb,
o September 28, 2001. Steward, F. Workshop 2 sessions (make-it-take-it)
“Making Books,” G(3) EM Conference, First United Methodist Church,
Pontiac, Illinois: Livingston County Special Services Unit.
o September 21, 2001. “Balanced Literacy: Bookmaking (K-3),” Issues and
Trends in Reading: 2001 Literacy Conference. Western Illinois
University. Macomb, IL (Co-presenter).
o February 27, 2001. “Sibling Rivalry.” Danville CUSD 118, IL. Pre-K/K
Parents. Parental and Community Involvement.
o November 3, 2000. Steward, F. In-service “Guided Reading,”
Farmingdale Elementary School for five grade levels that separately
met for each session all day.
Professional and Academic Service
International and National
Coordinated Book Donations (WIU students and D. Goff) or Funding to
countries around the world: 2012-2009 Ralpha House,
Cambodia; 2009 Honduras; 2008-2007 Cuattro Elementary School,
Phillippines; 2008-2007 Livada Orphanage, Romania; 2007-2006 Terra
Linda School, Guatemala; 2006-2005 Beijing,China; and 2006-2005
Christian Ville Academy in Graisser, Haiti. Serving on the IRC International
Projects Committee, Illinois Reading Council.
Coordinated Book Donations or Funding to America’s emergency aid schools
or classroom needed libraries; 2011 Public School District, Joplin,
Missouri; 2011 Calvary Baptist Christian Academy; 2010-2011Sullivan
County Library, Dushore, PA, Appalachian Mts.; 2009 Rome-Floyd County
Community Soup Kitchen, Georgia 2008-2007 Flooded School District,
Waseka, IL; 2008-2007 Classroom libraries in IL School Districts: Cuba,
Canton, and Galesburg; 2006-2005; Ranson Elementary School, Ranson.
WV; Starting Point, Monmouth, IL; Inmate Prison Taped Books Project,
Canton, IL; Samaritan’s Well, Macomb, IL; and 2004 Two Family Literacy
Nights, Bushnell-Prairie City and Yorkwood Elementary Schools; and
Taped Books to: (1.) 2004 Mini O’Beirne Crisis Nursery Shelter,
Springfield, IL; (2.) 2004 Knox County CADV, Galesburg, IL; and (3.)
Sojourn Shelton Services, Springfield, IL.
April 2011. Science Olympiad Tournament, Team Captain Junior H.S., Write it,
Do It, WIU HH Macomb, IL.
April 2011. Science Olympiad Tournament, Team Captain, High Schools.
Write it, Do It, WIU HH Macomb, IL.
April 2010. Science Olympiad Tournament, Team Captain Junior H.S., Write it,
Do It, WIU HH Macomb, IL.
April 2010. Science Olympiad Tournament, Team Captain, High Schools.
Write it, Do It, WIU HH Macomb, IL.
April 2009. Science Olympiad tournament, Team Captain, Trajectory Event,
WIU, HH Gym, Macomb, IL.
University Traffic and Parking Committee Appeal Committee.
Calendar Committee.
COEHS Professional Presentation Award Committee.
COEHS Travel Award Committee.
Board of Trustees and Bachelor of Arts Advisory Board.
Teacher of the Year Committee.
2013-2011. Committee on Committee
2010-2008. Annual Dept. Organizations and Majors Fair. Heritage Rm. And
Grand Ballroom, WIU, Macomb, IL
Technology and Equipment Committee.
Literacy Search Committee, Curriculum & Instruction.
(2011-2010; 2009-2008; 2007-2005.)
Undergraduate Committee
Selection and Retention Committee.
Co-Chair of the 2001 Issues and Trends Literacy Conference
Western Illinois University.
Sept.18, 2010; Oct. 2, 2010. Paint the Town, Pink Breast Cancer Awareness,
Participating Community Member. Initiated and implemented 2 Children
Literacy Tents in the Farmers’ Market. Total time: 15 plus hours.
Oct. 7, 2011 Paint the Town, Pink Breast Cancer Awareness. Initiated a
Reading Scavenger Hunt, Masonic Lodge Bldg. Children ages 3-10.
Current-2006. Coordinated Book Donations or Funding to local area’s needs:
Macomb Public library; Food Pantry, Loaves and Fishes; Macomb, IL;
Women Shelter, Springfield, IL; Calvary Baptist Christian Academy,
Macomb, IL; WIU America Reads Program WIU and Macomb, IL; Food
Pantry, Loaves and Fishes, Macomb, IL; Samaritan Well Macomb, IL; and
R. E. A. D. Y. Bus Project. Macomb, IL.
April 2008-2005. WIRC Young Authors' Celebration, Master of CeremoniesReading-Writing Presenter to Community Family Members, Educators, and
State Representative Presentation Audience, Roseville Elementary School.
2002-2001. Coordinator of the Lincoln and Mac Arthur Schools’ Family Night
Grants and Special Awards
2011-2010. Honoring Our Professors of Excellence, For Outstanding
Instruction and Dedication to Western Illinois University
Students, UHDS Academic Initiatives Committee.
2009-2008. Certificate of Excellence, In recognition of your distinctive
commitment to student learning and excellence in teaching.
UHDS Academic Initiatives Committee
February 2006. Kappa Delta PI RIF Grant Program ($200). Alpha Epsilon,
Chapter 29, Western Illinois University. Dealing with Feelings
Through Book Sharing. (Co-director).
December 2, 2002. American Association of Colleges for Teacher
Education-Microsoft Innovative Teachers Program,
Innovative Teachers Grant-$70,000, (Co-Director).
Professional Memberships/Affiliations
Current Membership and Officers with Dates
International Reading Association Illinois Reading Council
International Projects Committee
Summer 2010-2001. Western Illinois Reading Council
Newsletter; Publicity Editor; Webmaster; List Serve
Owner-Manager; President and Vice President
Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Council
President, Vice President, Historian
Recipient of Golden Key International Honour Society,
Association of Literacy Educators and Researchers
Phi Delta Kappa
Co Membership Chair and Undergraduate Membership
College Instructors of Reading Professionals
Publicity Representative (2002)