Lesson Plan Assignment Your Name: Mentor’s Name: Date of Lesson: Course/Class: Lesson Topic: Grade Level: Time: OBJECTIVES: List your objective, beginning with a verb that is observable and measurable. ASSESSMENT: State how you are going to evaluate whether or not all your students met this objective. Explain its usefulness. It MUST measure individual student learning. Attach a copy of the assessment and grading criteria. RATIONALE: Explain why you selected this method of evaluation and its alignment with the objectives. Include how it reflects accurate, consistent and fair evaluation of individual student learning. ILLINOIS LEARNING STANDARDS: (http://www.isbe.net/ils/Default.htm) Identify two main standards addressed in your lesson plan. Activity from instructional methods and teaching strategies that addresses your objective(s) Goal Standard Benchmark INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS & RESOURCES: List everything you need to teach this class. Your actual instructional materials, i.e., lecture notes, PowerPoint, maps, supplementary material, etc. must be included. Attach to your lesson plan where applicable and note where used within your lesson plan. LEARNING STRATEGIES USED: Describe in detail at least two strategies you have planned and explain the rationale for each strategy. We expect a variety (visual, aural, kinesthetic, etc.)! What is the best way to teach your lesson. Consider students age, ability, needs, etc. Strategy Rationale for strategy Classroom management procedures (What students do.) OPENING: * Greet students, *Introduce your lesson *Opening “hook” (approximate time) Instructional methods/Teaching strategies/Content (What teacher does.) Accommodations: Discuss with your mentor any accommodations necessary. INSTRUCTIONAL METHODS: Provide clear and detailed instructions enabling a third party to use this lesson plan. Use at least 2 instructional strategies. Accommodations: Discuss with your mentor any accommodations necessary (approximate time) CLOSING: End the class. Provide opportunity for student feedback, key point summary, time for Q & A, and clear links to next lesson. (approximate time) Accommodations: Discuss with your mentor any accommodations necessary Lesson Plan Rubric 0-Not Submitted Not submitted 1- Unacceptable 2- Minimal 2.5- Acceptable 2.7 Proficient 3- Exceptional Does not meet assignment requirements. Contact supervisor. Does not meet assignment requirements. Contact supervisor. Objectives are unclear. Objectives are vague or wordy. Some objectives are action verbs that are observable and measurable. All objectives are action verbs that are observable and measurable. Explanation is incomplete and/or insufficient. Ineffective in measuring individual student learning and has little or no alignment to lesson plan objectives. Brief explanation does little to contextualize or explain usefulness of assessment. Somewhat effective in measuring individual student learning and has some alignment to lesson plan objectives. Thorough description of assessment contextualizes and explains its usefulness. Effective in measuring individual student learning and has strong alignment to lesson plan objectives. Not submitted. Does not meet assignment requirements. Contact supervisor. Not submitted. Does not meet assignment requirements. Contact supervisor. Limited rationale is included explaining the alignment with objectives and how assessment reflects an accurate, consistent and fair evaluation of student learning. Standards are not stated. Some or incomplete rationale is included explaining the alignment with objectives and how assessment reflects an accurate, consistent and fair evaluation of student learning. Standards are stated, but instructional activities are missing or have little relevance to standards. Description of assessment gives some context and some explanation of its usefulness. Adequately effective in measuring individual student learning and has strong alignment to lesson plan objectives. Adequate rationale is included explaining the alignment with objectives and how assessment reflects an accurate, consistent and fair evaluation of student learning. Not submitted. Does not meet assignment requirements. Contact supervisor. Few teaching strategies are listed under the appropriate learning style and are evident in the lesson plan, but are in error or incomplete. Some teaching strategies are listed under the appropriate learning style and are evident in the lesson plan, but are in error or incomplete. Limited rationale is included. Standards and instructional activities are stated and instructional activities have some relevance to standards. Most teaching strategies are listed under the appropriate learning style and are evident in the lesson plan, but are in error or incomplete. Some or incomplete rationale is included. Standards and instructional activities are stated and instructional activities have clear relevance to standards. Creatively utilized teaching strategies are listed under the appropriate learning style and are evident in the lesson plan. Thorough rationale is included. Objectives Not submitted. Assessment Rationale Learning Standards Learning Strategies Thorough rationale is included explaining the alignment with objectives and how assessment reflects an accurate, consistent and fair evaluation of student learning. SCORE Not submitted. Classroom Management Procedures Not submitted. Opening Not submitted. Instructional Methods Not submitted. Instructional Methods Not submitted. Closing Does not meet assignment requirements. Contact supervisor. Does not meet assignment requirements. Contact supervisor. Does not meet assignment requirements. Contact supervisor. Does not meet assignment requirements. Contact supervisor. Does not meet assignment requirements. Contact supervisor. Incomplete or unclear procedures or behavioral expectations. Some procedures and behavioral expectations are clearly defined. Most procedures and behavioral expectations are clearly defined. All procedures and behavioral expectations are clearly defined. No motivator or introduction. Somewhat appropriate motivation and brief introduction. Appropriate motivation and introduction. Appropriate and creative motivation and introduction. Instruction details are incomplete. Instruction is unclear and difficult to follow. Instruction is fairly clear. Instruction is clear to enable a third party to use the lesson plan. No original and unique ideas and no clear alignment to objectives. Few original and unique ideas, and little alignment to objectives. Some useful and original features, and some alignment to objectives. Interesting and unique ideas, and strong alignment to objectives. Key points are not discussed, no Q & A, no links to next lesson. Some key points are discussed, limited amount of time for Q & A, and unclear links to next lesson. All key points are summarized, adequate time for Q & A, clear links to next lesson. Suitable closing with opportunity for formalized student feedback, key point summary, time for Q & A, and clear links to next lesson. 30 Points Possible