) I. Project Team and Contact Information I.a. Principal Investigators: Dr. Johann Engelbrecht (PI), Dr. Alan Gertler (Co-I), Dr. Tony VanCuren (Co-I) I.b. Institution: Desert Research Institute (DRI) with subcontract to University of California Davis I.c. Address: 2215 Raggio Parkway, Reno, NV 89512 I.d. Phone: (775) 674 7027 Fax: (775) 674 7009 Email: johann@dri.edu I.e. Business Manager: Lycia Ronchetti; Phone: (775) 673 7175, Fax: (775) 674 7060, Email: lycia@dri.edu I.f. Project Theme: Theme 6. Cross Cutting All Science Areas. Sub-Theme A. Analyze, evaluate, and synthesize existing data for any of the theme areas listed above. II. Justification Statement This proposal seeks funding for a Receptor Modeling Study to determine the sources of observed ambient particulate matter (PM) in the Lake Tahoe Basin. The proposed study addresses the needs outlined in Theme 6, Sub-theme A of the request for proposals (RFP). In order to accomplish this goal we will make use of previously collected but never analyzed Lake Tahoe Atmospheric Depositional Study (LTADS) and Lake Tahoe Source Characterization Study (supported by CARB and performed by DRI) data sets. A significant amount of resources was expended to perform these studies but very little use was made of the resultant data. This study will integrate the two data sets and apply receptor modeling techniques to determine the sources of PM in the basin. This important result will enable management agencies to develop efficient and effective control strategies to reduce ambient PM and the resultant deposition of nitrogen (N), phosphorous (P), and sediment to the lake. Deposition of ambient PM has been implicated as a major source of N, P, and sediment to the lake. Thus knowledge of the sources contributing to the observed PM is crucial if we are to develop an approach to reduce the impact of atmospheric deposition on water quality in Lake Tahoe. We propose to demonstrate that multivariate receptor modeling techniques, including Principal Components Analysis (PCA), Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) and Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) can be successfully applied to previously reported ambient (Chang M.-C. et al., 2005) and source (Kuhns H. et al., 2004) data sets, in order to assess the sources of air pollution in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Modeling procedures for future similar source attribution studies will simultaneously be established and will provide management agencies in the basin with decision making information on the source types contributing to the observed ambient particulate matter, as well as their relative contributions and uncertainties. This will include identifying sources of the particulate associated nutrients and sediment being deposited into the water of the lake, as well as upon the surface soils of the surrounding mountains. III. Background/Problem Statement To address the issue of atmospheric particulate matter in the Lake Tahoe Basin, the year-long LTADS was conducted (Chang M.-C. et al., 2005) (Figure 1). For the same reason and to chemically characterize the major sources within the Tahoe airshed, the parallel DRI Lake Tahoe Source Characterization Study (Kuhns H. et al., 2004) was undertaken. No follow-up research to close the gap between the source and ambient sampling and analyses has yet been performed. This is crucial if agencies in the basin are to develop strategies to reduce the impact of the deposition of ambient pollutants on Lake Tahoe’s water quality. This proposed study is a logical and much needed extension of the previously completed ambient and source sampling projects and will include data analysis and 1 ) receptor modeling performed on the LTADS and DRI data sets, with the prime goal to identify and quantify the source types contributing to ambient particulate matter, which is deposited within the Lake Tahoe Basin IV. Goals, Objective(s), and statement of hypotheses to be tested As stated above, the primary goal of this proposed study is to determine the sources of observed PM in the Lake Tahoe Basin. This is critical if basin management agencies are to develop effective strategies to reduce the ambient concentrations of PM and reduce the deposition of this pollutant to the lake. Specific objectives include: • Analyze the LTADS and DRI data to distinguish sub-sets of site and seasonal data to assess seasonal trends. • Use multivariate statistical procedures, including Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) to identify factors and groups of chemical species of relevance within the measured data set. • Compile a set of chemical source profiles applicable to the receptor modeling of the LTADS ambient results. • Apply the CMB receptor model to the LTADS data to determine the sources of the observed PM. Hypotheses that will be tested include: • Resuspended road dust is the major source of PM10 in the basin. • Local residential wood burning is an important source of PM2.5 during the winter months. • Mobile source tailpipe emissions are the major source of PM2.5 in the basin. • Secondary pollutants from outside the basin are minor sources of PM2.5 and PM10. • Emissions from controlled burns inside the basin and wildfires outside the basin are minor sources of the observed PM. • Emissions from restaurants can be an important source of PM at some locations. • Overall, the most important sources to control are emissions related to light-duty motor vehicles. • The major source of phosphorous is from soil sources, while the contribution from wood burning is small. • Phosphorous concentrations in the coarse fraction are elevated and is indicative of mechanically resuspended soil. • Phosphorous from mobile source tailpipe emissions is small. • Nitrogen is a minor component of the coarse PM fraction. Hence the PM contribution to the atmospheric deposition of N is small. • Soil is the major contributor to atmospheric sediment deposition to the lake. 2 ) V. Approach, Methodology, and Geographic Location of Research This data analysis and receptor modeling study will be on the gravimetry and chemical results from the two types of ambient samplers: • The Two Week Samplers (TWS) operated for 14 consecutive day durations, collecting integrated samples of total suspended particulates (TSP), PM10 and PM2.5, as well as nitric acid and ammonia by denuders. The TWS were operated at a nominal flow rate of 1.3 liters per minute (lpm), from 11/20/02 to 01/06/04, and at five sites chosen by the California Air Resources Board (CARB) (Fig 1). A total of 127, 129, and 128 of TWS samples were collected for TSP, PM10, and PM2.5, respectively for the LTADS. • The MiniVol samplers equipped with TSP inlets and stationed on lake buoys/piers (four sites) and on land (non-buoys/piers). Buoy samplers were operated for the duration of the sampler battery (typically 24 hours) and the duration of the non-buoy samplers’ operation varied, depending on the availability of AC power (~24 hours on batteries and generally ~1 week with an AC power source). The MiniVol samplers were operated at a nominal flow rate of 5.0 lpm, from 09/26/02 to 04/26/04. A total of 36 buoy MiniVol TSP samples, and 160 non-buoy MiniVol TSP samples were collected in the course of the LTADS. The Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) receptor model (Friedlander S.K., 1973) is to be applied to sub-sets of the ambient results from the LTADS, together with the chemical source profiles from DRI Lake Tahoe Source Characterization Study and the DRI’s source profile data base. We will apply Version 8.2 of the DRI/EPA CMB receptor model (Coulter C.T., 2004; Watson J.G. et al., 1997) to apportion major sources of TSP, PM10, and PM2.5. The receptor modeling approach requires accurate and precise measurements of the chemical composition of emissions from sources that are likely to contribute to high ambient PM concentrations(Watson J.G. et al., 1998). Source composition profiles were developed by DRI for various past studies, and comprise the most comprehensive and current set of profiles available for application in CMB receptor modeling. Source profiles also to be included in the model are those taken as part of the DRI Lake Tahoe Source Characterization Study (Kuhns H. et al., 2004). Approximately 384 sequential, two-weekly ambient aerosol samples (TSP, PM10, PM2.5) for receptor modeling purposes were collected at five Lake Tahoe Atmospheric Depositional Study sites To these are added the 196 MiniVol TSP samples, giving s total of 580 ambient samples. Appropriate source samples, including wood combustion, motor vehicle emissions and re-suspended road dust were collected at Lake Tahoe, as part of the DRI Lake Tahoe Source Characterization Study (Kuhns H. et al., 2004). A total of 12 individual PM2.5 residential wood combustion emission samples were obtained from the following sources: a non-EPA certified woodstove burning juniper (also known as cedar) and almond at Camp Richardson, CA; an EPA-certified wood-burning stove for kindling and for steady wood burning at Sierra Nevada College, NV; and a fireplace burning oak and juniper at Incline Village, NV. Five PM2.5 roadside motor vehicle emission profiles (corrected for road dust) were collected alongside paved road intersections of Southwood/Mays Blvds and Lakeside/Village Blvds, during July, 2003. At each of these two sites, grab samples of geological dust were collected for re-suspension (PM10 and PM2.5) onto filters and analysis. A set of PM10 and PM2.5 samples were also collected at a downwind Flux Tower alongside Highway 28 near Sand Harbor State Park, during 03/12/2003 to 07/29/2003. 3 ) All ambient and source sample sets were chemically analyzed by the DRI’s Environmental Analysis Facility (EAF). The Teflon filters were analyzed by XRF for Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, Cl, K, Ca, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ca, As, Se, Br, Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, Mo, Pd, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, Ba, La, Au, Hg, Tl, Pb and U. Water-soluble ions, including Na+, K+ and Ca2+ (by AA), Cl-, NO3-and SO42- (by IC) and NH4+ (by AC) were analyzed for on quartz fiber filters. The eight carbon species, OC1, OC2, OC3, OC4, OP, EC1, EC2, and EC3 were analyzed for by TOR, on quartz fiber filters. For the CMB modeling, the chemical source profiles from the Lake Tahoe Source Characterization Study, will be complemented by profiles from the DRI’s data base of more than 1000 chemical source profiles of different source types. Statistical techniques will be applied to the ambient data set so as to assess species means, standard deviations and correlations, and also identify outliers. Graphical representations of the most important species will provide information on the seasonal trends over the sampling year as well as spatial differences amongst the five sites. Multivariate statistical procedures such as Principal Components Analysis (PCA) (Le Maitre R.W., 1982) and Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) (Paatero P. and Tapper, 1994) will be applied so as to better understand the structure of the ambient data set, and identify seasonal subsets. This will also provide a measure of the variability within the data set. The factors generated by both PCA and PMF will provide information on chemical source profiles and chemically similar clusters. These techniques also provide assessments of the chemical species to be considered for subsequent CMB receptor modeling. The CMB receptor model will be applied to the ambient samples, in order to provide a source attribution estimate for each of the sites on each sampling day, and for each of the three measured size fractions (TSP, PM10, PM2.5). (Figure 2 presents an example of similar CMB results.). Details of the tasks involved with the project are as follows: Task 1. Drafting and approval of Technical Work Plan. Task 2. Initial data analysis to distinguish sub-sets of seasonal and site data that can be composited. Graphical representations of the most important species can provide information on the seasonal trends over the sampling year as well as spatial similarities and differences amongst the sites. Multivariate statistical procedures, including Principal Components Analysis (PCA) and Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) identify factors and groups of chemical species of importance within the measured data set. Task 3. Compile a set of chemical source profiles applicable to the receptor modeling of the LTADS ambient results, from DRI Lake Tahoe Source Characterization Study (Kuhns H. et al., 2004), the DRI’s source profile data base, and other DRI projects. Task 4. The CMB receptor model (Watson J.G. et al., 1997) will be applied to monthly and other selected groups of ambient samples from each site, as identified under Task 2. Task 5. All results, conclusions and recommendations are to be compiled into a Draft Report, and after sponsor’s review into a Final Report. Task 6. Project management to include meetings, visits, presentations, conference calls and general project management tasks. 4 ) VI. Deliverables/Products The products per task are described in the previous section. Towards the end of the year long study a Draft Report on the study will be submitted to the sponsors, and after their review will be followed by a Final Report. The reports will document the results from data analysis, including tables and charts of the PCA and PMF analyses. Tables of the chemical source profiles applied in the study, as well as pie-plots of the CMB results will be included in the body of the report, while appendices will contain the tabulated results. This proposed study will provide basin management agencies and the public with a better understanding of the major sources of PM as well as their contribution to the pollutant levels in the Lake Tahoe air basin. Of importance is the knowledge of what proportion and from which sources the PM originates. Information on PM levels at each of the sampling sites as well as seasonal variations will be provided. It may be of interest to know what proportion of the pollution comes from residential wood combustion during winter, or if road dust makes a large contribution to the summer aerosol and water clarity. Comparisons amongst the sampling sites can be drawn. For example, it can be expected that motor vehicle emissions and road dust will be less at Big Hill than at the four in-basin sites. A question of importance is to establish how much of the nutrients such as phosphates and nitrates are carried by aerosols being generated within or outside the basin. This study will highlight the local sources of particulates, in contrast to remote sources that have the potential of landing in the lake. The report will provide necessary information to take better decisions towards remediation. In order to effectively manage the air quality in the Lake Tahoe Basin, the measurement of and contributions from various particulate source types such as wood smoke, mobile sources, and road dust. Any remediation strategy will rely on identifying and quantifying the source types. This study will answer many of the questions required for a control strategy to be included in an environmental management plan. Procedures developed from this receptor modeling project can be applied in future development planning. Receptor modeling will provide a measure of source-types contributing to the deteriorating visibility in the ambient atmosphere as well as to the deteriorating clarity of Lake Tahoe. Improvements or otherwise over time can be assessed by regular ambient air sampling and CMB receptor modeling, as is proposed here. VII. Schedule of Events/Reporting and Deliverables A schedule for tasks to be performed and reports/deliverables is provided in the attached Table 1. VIII. Budget The proposed budget is presented in Table 2, as per the requested categories. The total requested amount is $94,918. IX. Abbreviated CV(s) Abbreviated CVs for Drs. Johann Engelbrecht, Alan Gertler, and Tony VanCuren are attached. References CARB, 2003, Lake Tahoe atmospheric deposition study interim report: Sacramento, CA, Research Division California Air Resources Board, p. 98. 5 ) Chang M.-C., J.C.Chow, S.Kohl, Voepel, H., and J.G., W., 2005, Sampling and analysis for the Lake Tahoe atmospheric deposition study: Reno, Nevada, Desert Research Institute, p. 81. Coulter C.T., 2004, EPA-CMB8.2 Users Manual: Research Triangle Park, NC. Engelbrecht J.P., Green, M., H, H. K., and Tropp, R., 2005, Source apportionment analysis of air quality monitoring data: Phase II Prepared for the Mid-Altlantic/Northeast Visibility Union (MANE-VU) by the Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV, p. 71. Engelbrecht J.P., and Kohl, S. D., 2004, Pinal County Source Apportionment Study in Staff, P. C. A. Q., ed.: Florence, Arizona, Pinal County Air Quality Control District, p. 55-78. Friedlander S.K., 1973, Chemical element balances and identification of air pollution sources.: Environmental Science and Technology, v. 7, p. 235-240. Kuhns H., Chang, M.-C., Chow, J. C., Etymezian, V., Chen, L.-W. A., Nussbaum, N., Nathagoundenpalayam, S. K. K., Trimble, D., MacLaren, M., M.Abu-Aliban, Gillies, J., and Gertler, A., 2004, DRI Lake Tahoe source characterization study: Final report: Sacramento, CA, Report prepared for California Air Resources Board (CARB) by the Desert Research Institute, Reno, NV, p. 138. Le Maitre R.W., 1982, Numerical petrology, Statistical interpretation of geochemical data, Elsevier Scientific, 281 p. Paatero P., and Tapper, U., 1994, Positive matrix factorization: A non-negative factor model with optimal utilization of error estimates of data values: Environmetrics, v. 5, p. 111-126. Watson J.G., Robinson, N. F., Fujita, E. M., J.C.Chow, T.G.Pace, Lewis, C., and Coulter, T., 1998, CMB8 applications and validation protocol for PM2.5 and VOCS: Reno NV, Desert Research Institute. Watson J.G., Robinson, N. F., Lewis, C., and Coulter, T., 1997, Chemical Mass Balance Receptor Model Version 8 (CMB8) User's Manual: Reno, NV, p. 56. Attachments Figure 1. Site locations for TWS and MiniVol samplers during the Lake Tahoe Atmospheric Deposition Study (LTADS) (from California Air Resources Board). Figure 2. Example from Pinal County, AZ of CMB receptor modeling output (Engelbrecht J.P. and Kohl, 2004). Soil = agricultural and dirt road dust, Feedlot = Feedlot dust, MvEmi = motor vehicle emissions, VgBrn = vegetative burning smoke, ColPP = coal fired power plant emissions, AmSulf = secondary ammonium sulfate, AmNitr = secondary ammonium nitrate, Other = unaccounted sources Table 1. Proposed Schedule for the Lake Tahoe Source Attribution Study. Table 2. Proposed Budget for the Lake Tahoe Source Attribution Study. Resumes Johann Engelbrecht Alan Gertler Tony VanCuren 6 ) Lake Tahoe Atmospheric Deposition Study Map of LTADS Sites with TWS & MVS Sampling Identified 10 9 8 11 8 14 7 14 14 17 (2) 12 14 16 6 5 14 4 3 1 2 13 1. Big Hill 2. Echo Summit 3. Tahoe Airport 4. SLT-Sandy Way 5. SLT - SOLA 6. DL Bliss SP 7. Tahoe City 8. Lake Forest 9. Incline Village – AQ 10. Incline Village – Met 11. Thunderbird Lodge 12. Cave Rock SP 13. Stateline Harvey 14. Buoys/Piers 15. Grass Valley 16. TDR2 17. Wallis Tower & Pier (Ward Lake Level) LTADS SITE MINI-VOLUME SAMPLER TWO-WEEK SAMPLER Figure 1. Site locations for TWS and MiniVol samplers during the Lake Tahoe Atmospheric Deposition Study (LTADS) (from California Air Resources Board). 7 ) Pinal County Housing PM10 5.6% Pinal County Housing PM2.5 2.9% 2.0% 2.9% 3.0% 19.5% 67.0% Soil Feedlot MvEmi VgBrn ColPP AmSulf AmNitr Other PM10 60ug/m3 6.7% 17.1% 50.0% 7.2% 8.3% 7.8% PM2.5 25ug/m3 Figure 2. Example from Pinal County, AZ of CMB receptor modeling output (Engelbrecht J.P. and Kohl, 2004). Soil = agricultural and dirt road dust, Feedlot = Feedlot dust, MvEmi = motor vehicle emissions, VgBrn = vegetative burning smoke, ColPP = coal fired power plant emissions, AmSulf = secondary ammonium sulfate, AmNitr = secondary ammonium nitrate, Other = unaccounted sources 8 ) Table 1. Proposed Schedule for the Lake Tahoe Source Attribution Study. 2007 Jul Year Month Task 1 Drafting and Approval of Technical Work Plan Task 2 Initial Data Analysis Statistics Graphical Representations Principal Components Analysis (PCA) Positive Matrix Factorization (PMF) Task 3 Compilation of Chemical Source Profiles Task 4 Chemical Mass Balance (CMB) Receptor Modeling Task 5 Reporting Draft Report Final Report Task 6 JE AG TC Project Management JE AG 2007 Aug JE 2007 Sep 2007 Oct 2007 Nov 2007 Dec 2008 Jan 2008 Feb 2008 Mar 2008 Apr TC TC JE JE JE JE JE TC TC JE JE JE AG JE AG JE AG JE JE AG JE 2008 Jun AG JE JE JE JE JE JE 2008 May AG JE AG JE AG Scheduled period of activity for Dr. Johann Engelbrecht Scheduled period of activity for Dr. Alan Gertler Scheduled period of activity for Dr. Tony VanCuren (CARB) 9 JE AG JE AG JE AG JE AG JE AG JE AG AG AG JE JE AG AG JE AG JE AG