The following Schedule describes the various costs which SFU will pay to the Consultant as part of the professional fee for basic services or as reimbursable expenses (disbursements): ITEM ADVERTISING FOR TENDER AND SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION NOTICES DRAFTING (Computer Use) -CADD and printing -Supplies FAXES, TELEPHONE -Local Calls -Long Distance1 -Cellular Phone PROJECT WRAP UP INSURANCE (Major Capital Projects only)2 PERMITS, LICENSES/CONSENTS/AUTHORIZATIONS -Business license, etc -Development or Building Permits, etc MODEL BUILDING -Study Model (in house) -Presentation Model if requested by SFU PARKING (Also see TRAVEL) - At SFU - At Consultant’s offices/SFU Vancouver/Surrey campuses, etc. PHOTOGRAPHY -Job site digital photos (soft copy only)3 - Finished professional photography4 REPROGRAPHICS and OFFICE COPYING - Reports reproduction5, correspondence, word processing - Quantity survey reports, including binding and collating for submission to SFU -Review specifications, and reports for coordination with subconsultants and internal review -Contract documents- Drawings and Specifications/Tender Documents/Record Drawings and Specifications/As-built Drawings/Mylars/Operations and Maintenance Manuals PROFESSIONAL FEES FOR BASIC SERVICE PAID BY SFU AS A REIMBURSABLE EXPENSE X X X X X X X (see footnote) X X X X X X X X (see footnote) X (see footnote) X X X X X - multiple copies (more than 5 copies) or as preapproved 1 Prior approval required on telephone charges if consultants are from out of town. Requirements for wrap up insurance vary, depending on project. Confirm with specific project requirements. 3 Printing of site progress photographs is not required. Digital photographs for Consultant’s documentation purposes and office use shall be distributed by email to SFU. Prints of photographs required for appraisal reports, or other special studies and presentations will be a reimbursable expense when preapproved by SFU. 4 Costs of finished photography for media or award submissions, etc. may be a shared cost. Preapproval from SFU required. 5 Reports reproduced at the Consultant’s office at SFU’s request are reimbursable at .05 c/page 2 291186291 Last Updated December 8, 2014 1 PROFESSIONAL INSURANCE -Consultant’s professional insurance TRAVEL Local (less than 150 km from consultant’s office to destination) Vehicle, auto, taxi expenses, including fuel and parking Accommodation and meals Testing agency vehicles and equipment Out of town (non-local) Vehicle, auto, air, ferry, taxi expenses Accommodation and meals Vehicle mileage6 OTHER OFFICE EXPENSES -Courier/shipping/postage -Word processing -Miscellaneous refreshment costs related to project meetings 7 X X X X X X X X X X X Note: For reimbursable expenses, 5% may be added to cover administrative overhead. 6 7 Mileage reimbursed at current approved rate of .51 cents/km, unless preapproved in writing Refreshments at discretion of the meeting organizer 291186291 Last Updated December 8, 2014 2