~!SS. I~STITUH OF TECllNOLOOV 25 lUL 1907 LlBRARY. STATIOHA:tY TESTS OF A \lIIITE STEAl.f AUTOlrOBILE. By O. G. Fales and G. n. Norton. FOnEWORD. The \1!'itars wish to aoknowledge thoir variouc Professors also to the at the In3titute who in many ways aided the work, to the W"ni t e Cornpa.'t'ly who furnished eopecially obligation the oar and equipnent, to Hr. A. K. Miller tmder whose personal 'Work '\Vasdone, and to whom they are indebted fornation and advice. supervision and the for much va.luable il1- ILLITSTRATIOl!S. Boilel. of Car. Page 2. Engine and Thernostat. Page 4. Writer Circulation System. Page 6. Engine as Arranged for Tenting. Page 8. Cut General Arrangement v. of Car. Par;(3 10. Cut I. Countershaft and Driving Belts. Pages 11 and 12. Auxiliary Fuel Tank. Page 13. Cut IV. Pyroneter Details. Page 14. Cut \~. Cuts II. and III. C01~TElITS • Object of Thesis. Page 1. Description of the Car. Pages Description 2 to 9 inclusive. of Testing Plant. Pages 10 to 19 inclusive. Description of Tests. Pages 20 to 23 inclusive. Precision of Tests. PageD 24 to 31 inclusive. Tableo of Results. Pages g2 to 66 inclusive. Tables of Summaries. Pages C7 to 76 inclusive. Conclusion. Page 77. I OBJECT OF THESIS. The object of this a..'rJ.d economy of the povter plant various thesio was to deternine of a rnli te Stea!l Automobile under cond.itions of o:pt3rntion. Inasmuch 8.S a road tent was decided to nuke the tests can be but roughly apy,roxiT.'k'1te,it ntationary. car \7an jacked up from the floor, To do this In other rBSJ?ect.s the testo '\"Terecarried Vlouldbe, the fuel and water cOl1s~tion preasure a regular stock and the pov:er ta.ken from tho rea.r wheels, thus mcasurine the exact power availablo necessary the efficiency for driving out junt B.S any plant being accurately and tot!J?erature observa.tions taJ~en. the ca.r. test measured, and FIG. 1 THE WI-lITE SHOWING ALSO THE BURNER, YAPORIZER, WITH EXTERNAL GENEHATOR PILOT LIGHT AND GASOLENE CASING REMOVED W~TU --~ I FIG. 2 DIAGRAM OF GENERATOR CIRCULATION CONNECTIONS :3 The steam Generator or boiler of the ~~lite System consinto of a aeries of horizontal tube, the connections spiral coils co~~e~ted GO as to form a aontinuous being such that the water or steam on louvi1"1[j any coil is obliged to pass to the top before entering the next lower coil, ~hus preventing the water in the top coil fron descending by gravity, and render ing the circula tiol1 tl~roueh the boiler dependent upon the act ion of the feed :pumps. A distinctive feature is that tho cold water enters at the top, and turning into steam as it passes down through the successive coils., becomes highl~' superheated at the bottom in the hottest part of Another peculiar"!ty is the abcence of any resoryoir the fire. for steam or '\Vater. On the '06 Car the coils are eleven in number and of tubing 3/B in. internal diameter. !b2. gasoline Burner, shorn at (P) fig. 1, is a.dapted for the burning vapor. The gasoline, therefore, of r.IUstbe first YD.:porizedby heat or other means, and then mixed with air. The main burner conoisto of a cast iron grate (P) with slots for the mixture to enter the oom- 'hustion chamber. The gasol i11e conca from a large tank where it ia under :pressur e to the ttTttconnection in the lower pipe shown in fig. 1. Here a portion turns to the left to 3upply the pilot light (C) \'.'l:ich i:3kept continually burning, ita offico beine to keep the vaporizer main burner when required. The tln.inportion the !Jain burner, paosing main burner valve (J), (0) hot, and ignite the turns to the riVlt to surply r7hich can be controlled FIG 7 FRONT VIEW OF ENGINE 4 $) A A ~.~. A FIG.3 THERMOSTAT --. lie' ./ / 0 5 ei ther from the seat or from the ground, and next through Wili~h it is discharged the vaporizer(O),.whioh into The thermostat copp'3r rod. inside ally adjuoted fitted to close with plain trolled all oloses in fig. enclosed at a tenperature slide by a hand lover v~lves asbestoo a section A front and elevation As operated The engine fig. directly is direct rump (n) fig. 6, for p~~ing and returninc th.~ latter ptU:1p3 , time. (S) and (T), motion con- by a foot a pedal, r.tain a.re heavily is lagged ohown in fig. ",i th 7, and G. on air-cooled of the tests into connected air cO:'lpound, The (c:ngine is ball-bear- the air to all the exhaust as in fig. and condensed to the feed tank, fig. condenser pipe flO.S removed 7. pumps:- an air the l':"ezsure in the gano line 6, for naintaining cross und in casen where u the engine e.xl1austs into exhausted m1})2."'ly It has also 7, controlled view of the ensine in fie. link of the oporator. for a short 0. it being gener- vertical fie. of in the steam main, and moved by a Stephenson sho\111in cut V, but for l)urposes and the eneine (Y), after conoists in u two cylinder and the oylindi:3rs and stean oement. It BOOo}'. and (11), maxitltL':1of rower is necessary 3. or f6.lls, cut IV, which is always used in starting, ing throughout, a hollow grid, of about at the side (10), the thermostat or opens the nain bur::er of the steam rises The engine sir:rp1ine :le't.rice (9), (e) tube, expannion The Engine. is cinply is shown in detail as the tenIHrature through the mixing tube (11:). of a steel '\Ihose differential valye thence !lump (P) ta.n1~; a. vacuum air steam from the condenser 5; also t\'10boiler feed the one shown at (T) beil1:: })rovided with a bY-r>ass 6 FIG.;) ,rATER CIRCULATION SYSTEM p FIG.4 WATER REGULATOR 7 autormtioally controlled by otea.!!1 :o:'oGsu::oe, and tl~G.toho\':11 at (S) wi th a by-pans controlled by hand by means of the v~lve Cg) cut v. 'rhe throttle valve is controlled oy a small hand wheel lom~.ted above the steering wheel. The engine is conneoted to the rea~ axle by ahaft drivG i7hich is provided 'with a olutch and one ohange gear, allowing the engine to be run independently, and also to allow of cha:~gins ratio of 8r~ed of rear axle to that of engine. ID1d force-foed ~ lubrication The oilers are located on tho dash-board, is obtained by means of a snaIl belt-driven Fuel Supply. In ordinary operation the fuel is kept rmder :pressure in storage tank (h) out- IV, the caraoity of which io aoout fifteen gallons. The air pressure is oontrolled by a foot pedal shown at (m) cut IV. The tank is provided with three pet-cocks The Feed Water Control. fib. 5. eivin£; rou:;hly tho ganoline The water circulation The water is taken from the feed ta.n.~ (28), level. systmn in nhoyrn in through the main suction (14), alone through pipes (27) und (28), through the lower feed 2 :pump controlled automaticc.lly, through the delivery (29) into pipe (14 ). Then if :pressure is lO'7~erthan the regulator to the generator(ahovm io also provided is net for, the water goes at the right) throu{~h pi'pe (29a). A hand pump (17a) so that water ms~ be sup~lied to generator ~lcn engine is not running. The adnission of the water to the eenerator pressure rogula.tor (9) shown in detail in fig. 4. is admitted against a dluphrc.gm at (n), is controlled by In thio, steam pressure and in opposed. by the recistanoe of 8 CUT V -- 9 When tho steam pressure the spring (G). comes the resistance on the diuphrar;n over- of the spring, the vulve at (P) opens, nllo\."ing t:::ewater to flow through the regulator :lnd out at (0), then back through the pipe (28) fig. 5, to be pl..W:pedaround the circuit again. 2 into pipe (14 ) and has a by-pass The other pump delivero to the feed tank controlled The vacuum pump (33) by hand v~lve (28a). takes water from the condenser through ]?ipe (34) and delivers feed tank through pipe (35). Hence in operation :lre supplied becones intermittently exoessive, it to both fire and ~ater require; tllUS if steam pressure the water supply is stopped by the ~ater regulator, and if the temperature off the fire. as conditions (16) exceeds the correct amount, On the other hand, the thermostat shuts if there is a large demand for stoan, the firo and. water both come on and the increased der..andis 8Up1)lied, the system thus being self-regulating. For the purlJoses of the test an auxiliary on, connections gasoline (itt) being made throueh globe valves could be taken from oither tank through to the burner. tank (11') '\"las :put (1) and (i') so that the main SUl)~ly valve At first plug cocks were used but could not be made tight, so the glooe valves had to be substituted. The joints were all teoted for leaks when und0r :pressure by using a lighted match, a method somowhat dangerous but decidedly mainta.ined an previously hand air pl~ available. (j) effective. Prescure in main tank is noted, by air pump on engine; there in also a cut V, which io used to get pressure A "Tn was substituted is not for the elboVl'at (K) cut IV und con- n.ection made through a needle valve (1) to the auxiliary that preosure ~hen po~er could be kept in ei tIler or 1::oth tanks. tank (hi) so 10 CUT I. 11 12 CUT III. 13 CUT lYe 14 15 DESCRIPTION OF TESTING PLANT. The general arrarigement of the apparatus in 3ho\711by cuts I, II, and III. The automobile itself wao a 1906 model Touring Car. For these tests it was raised from the floor by jacks placed under the rear axle as shown on cut I. From the inflated tires of the rear ,;,heelsdriving belto extended backward to pulleys (0) on counter-shaft shown in cuts II and III. To keep the correct tensions on the belts, and to take the atreso due to the pull off the temporary hangers, structed the struts (d) cut II, were 'con- to extend from the rear a.xle diroct to tho hangers at the height of the boxes. On one end of the counter-shaft a 5in. belt, an Edison-Type cut III. The power developed,by water rheostat baing Compound, driving by was a large pulley, 12 Kilo-Wa.tt Generator thia generator was absorbed 3ho\'1non by a (11) cuts I a.nd II, the bank for lamps shown in cuto not u:::;ed. In order that no steam could e3cape and be lost, the oafety valve in the steam main ~as removed and a blank plug substituted. A 1500 lb. gage (11) cut V was used in place of tho 750 lb. gage with which the car \vas originally . equipped. in the steam main, clooe to the boiler; of the boiler steam "Jere obtained. Each car has a thernometer well thus the presst1~e and tenpcrature As both of tho3e quantities were 16 reduoed in passing the throttle, one was introduoed between with 0. cut V. thermometer a speoial pipe in :place of the regular the throttle and the stearn chest, well shown at (0) These gave the temperatures provided out V, and a gage ohov.rnat (p) and :9reosuroo close to the steam chest, and the pipe and fittings being ca~erully lagged with asbestos, no heat was lost by radiation. At firct thermometers was broken by exoessive were used in these two wells, but one vibration was deemed adV'isable to substitute .plaoes. This apparatus of the oar durinG testil~, Thermal Junotion PYro~etors was oonstructed as follo\7o:- selves l';"ere of oopper and niokel \1ire brazed of these junctions was plaoed and so it at thece The jtU1ctio1l3 them- together wi.th si1vel'. One in eaoh well and the wires led through :pipe to the cold junctions, Tho temperatures of the cold junotions out VI, from the external binding post on each of the oold jtU1ctions WCTS !'1.U1 one of which is ohorn at (q) cut v. clay insulators "iere taken by thermometers. to the double throw awi tch shown at (:::;).The niddle points wero oonnected through a 2100 ohm series resistance wall galvanometer ohovm at (u) cut VI. during teste, whicl1 observations, junotion temperatures the ter.rperatures at these pointa, Tb cut V introduced to tl1e suspended Here deflections ~irror were observed cold curve, eave means of oalculatir~ whioh appear in tables nnder colu::ms and To •. For details of these caloulations The temperature of this 3ui toh together with the oorresponding and calibration 1/ireo (1') see page 32. of the exhaust steam \'Iastaken by thermometer within the exhaust opening. The feed water temperature (v) 17 was taken by a thermometer suspended in the feed tank (f) cut v. The feed water was '7eiehed in a barrel on a set of Fairbanks scales which could be read to 1/2 lb. The ~1ater wao pumped from thin barrel through hose (x) cut V, by a small hand pump to the feed tank (f). At beginning and end of testa the water level was brought 'to the same point in rin a~o1.U1dthe opening at the top of the tank. 110 trouble was experienced vlith the driving belts at (b) cut I, either from running off or slipping on the wheels, but as the tires bagged tho belts considerably .pulleys (0) an excessive was aocomplished it '\7asfound necessary crown to steady the rmmine to give the small of the belts. This by surrotU1ding each pulley ~1ith a strip of leather in the center about 1 in. wide and 1/8 in. think. the sn~ll pulleys occasionally, At first the belts skidded on but increaoed tension and a liberal use of belt dressing obviated the difficu lty here as well as in thd vertical belt (b) cut III. Guides were also used uherc the belts a:pproached the smll pulleya. The length of the struts (d) cut II could be adjusted small limits by double wedges at (y) cut II. cut II was attached A revolution within counter at (z) to the shaft and read during testo, frot! whi~h the average speed, shown on the ta.bles, wac calculated. THE ELECTnrCAL C01HIECTIOlIS. of the dyn~mo wan separately anticipate parallel During all teots the shunt field excited front the light r.lainsin order to any excitation troubles. A tell-tale ill the shnnt field circuit, light was placed shown at (1) cut III. in The nhnnt field rheostat wan placed on swit~h board and sho\~ at (R) cut I. The generator different oomnutator times from sparking, gave a great deal of trouc,le at causing the loos of several teoto, both 18 insulc.tion and brushes burnil1.g. The mains 0.0 cut III led froD the dynano alone; the wall through two l50-awpere fuses sho,,:n at (F) cut I, through the line switch (8) cut I, a.nd the ammeter (A) to the \'iater rheootat power was absorbed. The a~eter was a milli-voltmeter (V!) ~;here the used with a l50-ampere shunt. The \vater rheostat brine. The electrodes was :::ade of an oil barrel were two furnace grate bars. filled One of the leads led to the bottom one, a wooden cleat beine placed above this short cirouiting. with to ~revent The upper grid eG) cut I. was sU3}lendedfrom the frame work ohownand counterweighted, so that by raising it tho resistance hence the cU'r'rent and load on car, could be 8.1tored. of the barrel," D.nel lIo t-:-ou.t.lewas exper ienced from this cepting once when the lover lead was corroded off. cut I, \7US or 10V!erine apparatus ex- The voltmeter (V) tapl)ed into the mains between the fuse and the main s'\7itch. A diagram of electrical connections will be shown on Page 19. 19 Stray Power l/t-'/"ring. Sh. S. B. D ynOi77 0 I/I//"r/ny . .f 20 DESCRIPTION OF TESTS. In view of the diminutive speed of rotation, indicator of tests. cards; size of the er~ine, and its high it huo been found irrpracticable to take accurate this, therefore, was not attempted Ao will be seen from the description power measured was the actual power available and on the whole, tl1e results in the present of the apparatus, group the for driving tho car, so obtained wore of more practical value for so b0ing. In preparing for a test the pilot light (C) fig. 1, was first ignited and allowed to burn for about three ~inutes, fig. 1. thus heating the- After ma.king aure by use of the hand pump that the vaporizer (0) generator was filled with 'Water, the main burner was turned on by opening valve (J) fig. 1. When pressure was observed on the boiler gage (n) cut V, u cock in the steam main was opened, allowing out of the pipo3. the water to blow When steam appeared here, the cock wan closed, the throttle valve opened, and the slide \"alveo of the ep.gine moved by mauns of the reversing lever, until, all water being thus blown out of the engine, it started turning over, the car then being ready to start. The whole operation of getting under way did not take over five to seven minutes. The engine was next run free, (on the neutral) tine, and then tho rear wheels and generator were thrown in wi th no load. After a few minutes the speed und load ~ere grawlally the desired point. This :point being reaohed, for a ahort increased the \1holo apparatus up to was 21 kept running under load conditions readings. for a half hour before taking any Thus the testa proper Vlere started. a.bout one hour lighting UP. after The fuel for this hour of runnilig came from the regular tank (11), and was not measured. On starting readings the water was brought to a leyel in the rim of the feed tank, the reference mark being a downward projecting metal point, the exact time being taken in minutes and seconds. Before lighting up a supply of gasoline was weigl1ed and introduced into the auxiliary tho souroe of fuel supply tank (hI) out IV. \'lUS After 1eveline ~ater, shifted from the main tank (11) to the aux- iliary tank (h') by opcming valve (i I) and closing (i) at sane operation. This too}: v.bout five seconds, and tho gasoline was tined fron the third second. The fuel und water SU}):rlyhaYing thus been started, the reading of the oounter followed on the next full minuto. Thon followed in regu- lar order the readings of am."neter,boiler ter.tperature, steam chest temperature, pressure exhaust tOlilperature and feed VIater temperature, on fuel tank. oiling apparatus, end air These observe.tion3, together wi tll load adjustmontn, and weiehing and supplying feed water, constituted IJan's duties; the other oporated the er:gine, read the voltmeter one o,nd boiler and steam chest :pressures, and kept the tine. At the end of the test the fuel supply from the auxiliary tank was shut off and tine noted. ivnediately, weighed. Tho o.p:paratuswas then shut clown water leveled up again in feed tank, and supply burrel Thon the gasolil1e re~inillg in the auxiliary tank \'Jasdrawn out through a spout on the botton fitted with globe valve, and weiehed. 22 The differer.co of tho weighings before The extreme flexibili test ing much more difficult stat opened the burner explained, necessary fall all ready explained frequently attendance was also oc~urred For the first but in boiler it ~ressure instruments; voltmeter '\VOl':> to disturb as often at test all After thin three minutes correspond by !fOhn's This gave the same result ar.u:leter every minute, variationfJ of the feed water the equilibriun readings of the it was control syster-. loo.cis, constant were taxen at five the frequent great readings and. 3tearn chest ninute fluctuations of sono of the and every r.linute in the succeeding tests The ammeter readings Law", and a reading reading, uas found for of the anneter and interpolated as 7t"ould have beon obtained and consequently in reaQ.in~s vlera, to a large so 1011g a time was opent in each test were taken to road then any oftener. of the water barrel to each voltmeter uhich The subsequent tllt1.s neoecGi tatint; an it was inpossible the resistance in voltage pressures be seen from the tables. every 3rd minute, an before 150 pounds or more. a littlo. for more froquent \7ere taken YEhenthe thertlo- the engine. uoco!'din.~ly the boiler readings accurate as every minute on the high then scen that called instantly The effect on the lOfT loadS, and regulation intervals, alrIost the throttle was more eradual. These fluctuations alld less rose plant. on tl1() main fire in speed and rioe to check by. closing in pressure as will J~hus turning increase gave amount used. ty of the '.':'hite System rendered pressure Tllis caused a ~rked test than ::-ith an ordinary valve, the boiler and after the each cOLiputed to in the tc.blcs. by reaiing inaccuracie'o extent, elininated. obtainine unifoTn the due to the !nasrn.t0h ns cond.itions, a 22 leneth of tezt of warming up, of 45 minutes, is believed tU1forezeen accidents, in these cases together ytith a rrelininary to ha.ve been sufficient. several of the tests check runs were alrrays nade. half hour On account were nhortenedj of hoy,'ever, 24 PRECISIOU .9l: TESTS. The product of the voltneter a.ctual :power output of the generator. amotU1t of the car power friction, power. VIas absorbed a.nd ammeter readings gave the In addi tioll to tllis a conoiderable in belt losses, counter';'chaft lleating looses in the arnatt~e and series field, n.~d stray To aocurately account for these losses, data fo~ a set of stray power ourves were determined and armature voltage. The generator furnished under different oonditions The method :puroued was as follows:was cOl1nected up us a motor, tho current beir£ from the lieht mains. A oo.r was jacked up so that the driving belta (b) ran on the front wheels and the whole belting by the motor. The stray power measurenonts ing and friction slight friotion of speed losses in the apparatus, system Vlas run thus taken inoluded all beltthe only error being very losses in the front wheels ~hich ran very easily in ball bearings. The eleotrical on Page 1.9. connections One wire of the light ciroui t is cOll.'1ectedto binding post (L) on starting box (8 B); in running, is at the right. ammeter other light cirouit wire. fiold(Sh). the handle of this sta.rting box The lead then goes from binding post (A) throue;h the (I), series resistance connection for the stra.y power tests are shown CRl), series field and armature, to the From the binding :post (F) on startine box ia made through the serios reoistance (nC) to the shunt w Tho othor end of shunt field io connected outside of the armature. Thus the armture to the lieht mains current could be measured 25 exclusi ve of that e;oing through tho shtmt field •. The voltmeter gave the drop in potential around the armature; uhich, taken together with the arma.ture current, gave the groao :power used. pOfler ilas obta.ined by subtraoting (E) The stray fron thio the heat ing loss of the series field fi.'1d a.rmature. . In "'obtaining data for anyone curve the resistanoe in the shlmt field was made a certain oonsta.nt 8.nount. Thus the armature voltage was proportional to the sreed, or tho ratio of arr.lB.ture voltage to speed '7.asa constant. In a motor the arnature voltage is equal to the voltage arormdthe armature minus the drop in potential to the product of the resistance of the arr.m.turetines the current In a dynamo the armature voltage is equal to the ~ through it. of these two. resistance equivala.nt When the maohine is compounded, of the series field io reckoned The series resistance in the armature 0.0 was this one, the in with that of the arma.tUre. circuit wo.s changed so us to nake the motor run over wide. ranges of speed in the several teots. sucoessi va op.eed, as determined voltage, by a magneto, and speed of oOlmter-shaft At oach readings of current, wero taken every 30 seconds after these values had become conotantj and the values given in the tables for anyone :point are the meuns of ten succesoi ve readings. \TIlen points were taken over the roquired range of sp~eed8, the resistance in the sh~~t field was char~ed and data for another ourve ~ere taken. Thus elata for fOUT curves wero obt.ained; but inasmuoh as the belt losoes were much greater than those within the generator itself, the variation \'lithchange of speed was much greater than any due to chunge in arma- 26 ture voltage. coincided, For this reason the curves fit low speeds practically and at the higher crpeeds came'so close together that it was thought best to plot but two. Since during the car tests there were changes and adhesiveness in the tension of the belts, a series of stray power teots '\1asrnn after the completion of the tests in order to detect any change in belt losses which might have occurred; but the results of those latter tests show no changes at high speeds and very little at the lower sreeds. The following computation for ffilY is a sample of the method used illmaking a one point:- Data:E, the voltage around the a.rmature = 61.42 volts. I, the current in armature == 9 amperes. Speed (connter-shaft) Resistance = 422 r. p. m. of artlature -plus resistance of series field = .473 ohma. Computation:I x E = 553 watts. Thin ia the gross power From this subtract the power absorbed field, supplied to machine. in heating arnature D.nd series equal to the square of tho current tines the sum of the re- ,., siotances of the a.rmature and series field; (I)"'"x R= stray po~er = I x E - r2 n= 553 - 43 Va ( the armature voltage) 61.42 - 4.26 = 57.16 = = 43 Viatts. 510 ~attD. E - I TI=61.42 - 9.00 x .'173 = volts. Therefore:- V Sa 0.1354. 27 28 Eaoh curve is plotted 'Poweras ordinateo, for a oonstant ratio tables). with. stray and the corresponding speed as abscissae. The use of the curves isw and current V of ~ £ollowo:- The terninal vol tago of the gene-rator are known, (averages of colunms I and E on Va = E plus I Uj hence ratio ~ in determined. Then a. value for the s~ray power is found correnponding to the average speed of the counter-shaft, if neccsaa-ry. heating loss, nnd tl1e ratio ~ interpola.ted The sum of load delivered, ioequal betveen the curves J~heatray rower, and the to the out-put of the car. Precioion of stray po~er:the readings are surely accurate Ao all to r.rithin 1 7~' and hence the stray power refJul ts are probably good to within 2 most is only equal to 25 % of inotrumento were calibrated %. The stray power at the car power, so tho percentage due to the error in stray power cannot be overl.O The scaleD on r;hich the water burrel accurate to 1/2 Ib; therefore ing at Dtart Ul1d c!':.dof a test used in the tests water was slightly the greatest was 1 lb. %. waG weiGhed were possible error in weigh- The average amount of water was 117 Ibsj hence the error due to weiehing of feed less than 1 %. The a.rea of li:pped ol'ening in the feed tank (f) on cut V was 16 sq. i11. The levelo could certainly determined '\'!ithin 1/4 of an inch of each other, possiblo error 00 be that the greatest errOT from this source was 4 'ou. in. of water, or .145 of a lb., which was well within tho error of the test. Tho scales on which the gasoline was \'leir;hed ~O!'e gl"8.duated. possible to 1/4 of an ounce; hence the rnaxiIIlUl:1 error due to weighing 29 was 1/2 an 01ll1ce. The averar;e hence the Teroentage believed adhering amOl.U1t of gnooline used wan 11.82 Ibs; error due to weigl1ing alone was .38<%. that some gasoline YTas lost in evaporation 1\3 in pouring it rras and by to the sides of the Vieighir.gvessel, testo \10re made to de- termine the c.rn.ount of this 10s3 by ';7oiehi11(; up nome gasoline, pouri!:g about 20 Ibs. (the usual amotUlt) into the auxiliary tank, drawing it > off, and weighing again. Tl1io oporation repeated sever~l tines gave a constant 10130 of about 1.5 ounces, so that this ar.1ountis subtracted from the apparent amonnt used, thus eliminating oouroe. The maxi~~ ceed 0.5 %. ~robable tIle error from this error of fuel neasl~enent In tho first teet tho gasoline was meaoured graduate, the Bcales not being available, error in fuel measurement were correoted according 80 especially thermometers, in a quart in this teet the is probably as great as 1 All anmeters, voltmeters, were carefully oalibrated and did not ex- %. pyrometero, and gages for these tests, and all readings to theoe ca.librations, hence the error in this 'direction is regarded n negligible. The variouo instrument as close no changing cond.itions ~ouldwa.rrnnt, to this cause is also negligible. 0 I were read so that the error clue 30 STRt\Y Ea Ia Speed POWER I E ~. .IaTIa+q s. p. Va. S Va I 91.86 83.32 76.00 68.10 61.12 51.05 43.04 11.52 ; 10.74 1p.12 ~.55 9.00 8.50 7.92 654 602 536 478 422 3e1 298 Curve No. 1. 1060 895 768 650 553 433 341 63 I 55 48 43 43 34 30 997 840 720 607 510 399 311 86.41 78.30 71.15 63.58 57.1G 47.02 28.29 921 764 G44 500 385 296 192 88.23 80.42 71.99 61.25 51.58 43.07 30.60 824 728 567 465 323 245 93.02 • 1695 84.91 .1715 72.62 .1718 63.01 .lC84 48.89 .1642 30.26 .1611 sum = l.00G5 r.t~~:tJ. l67 Z .1322 .1:303 .1326 .1333 .1354 .1302 .1286 .9£2G sum rnea1J.=-..13J8 = Curve No. 2. 93.17 84.94 76.22 65.13 55.13 46.40 33.58 10.43 9.54 8.93 8.18 7.49 7.04 6.25 576 514 476 402 340 . 291 207 972 810 682 532 413 320 211 Curve 97.30 . ?8.97 76.32 G6.51 52~03 42.23 98.53 87.85 79.54 71.32 60.GO 45.25 9.06 8.57 7.81 7.38 6.62 6.26 8.55 7.98 7.50 7.14 6.63 5.88 548 495 4t')t'\ ~~ 374 298 244 523 467 422 379 326 239 51 43 38 32 27 24 17 58 35 29 26 21 19 Curve lIo• 4. 842 702 597 508 402 35 30 27 24 21 16 2G6 = 110• 3. 763 506 491 -344 264 88~ .1532 .1564 .1513 .1532 .1516 .147G .1476 1.0609 Sl.L"n mean = .1516 = .. II 1 807 672 570 484 381 250 94.48 84.07 75.98 67.94 57.46 42.47 sum .__ = rJ.eD.11. • 1804 .1798 .1843 .1792 .1763 .177'7 1.0777 =--l'l~ 31 STRAY POVlER DATA. The fo11ov:ing set of data wus ta.kon after the cOr.1I'lotion of all of the tests on tll0 car. ascertain what ch~~e, The obj ect of doing this was to if any, had taken ~laoe in the friction belt losses" due to adjustnents and of the a~paratus. ~. .s•. P. Ea. 1a Speed IE IaRa.-ts 92.,05 11.07 10.35 9.89 9.16 7.83 853 588 1018 864 728 563 318 46 40 37 Sl 691 532 23 295 83.76 73.68 60.35 40.73 515 413 273 972 828 Va. Va S 87.80 70.88 69.97 56.92 37.79 .1346 .1358 .1358 .lS77 .1385 StL~ =.6824 mean -.1365 Ao shown by the fo11o\i"ing compara t i ve columns in stray power was negligible. S. P. s. 970 830 972 828 691 532 295 690 505 275 P. Diff. 2 -2 1 27 " 20 the chanGe I I 1'0 L t " I t ~ + I~ ~ i I I u U) ~l ~ t -+- I t I 1 t 1 1 I ~., I I t i i~ ~- t t i I ~ t- r ...,. I I r--'I f i i T J-I I i~ I I ~'t. I l ft ~T I ,.. en ~ 1: Wc2<9l 2 32 EXPLANATION The following tests. 2! TABLES. tables are oopies of the 10g13 obtained on the The oolu.'?l1s oontain the follor:ine data::Tine:"I:- This oolumn oontains the tine intervals in ninutes. This colUDn oontains the ammeter reading 13 , ohov:ing the cu!'rent delivered E:- (uncorrected) by the dynamo. This oolumn oontains (lU1corrected) showing the potential the reading of the voltmeter, acrosu the terminals Pb:- Tlds ooltunn shows the boiler p s:- This oolur.u1ahows the uncorrected gage at t11e engine, close to the high pressure of the dynano. gage readings (tmcorrected). readingo of the 13team cheat. Tb:-!-'Thi3 ooltttm in the first t\10 teots contains the temper- atures (in degrees centigra.de) of: the stean ao it left the boiler; teots 3 - 13 inclusive have two sub-coltL~s the general head To. (e) and (0) tmder In these testo the tempera.ture was obtained the ther~al junction pyrometers, actual galvanometer headed by and tho values in column (g) are tIle 30ale deflections, arc the oorres!,onding neold junctiontt va.lues the temperatures the and the values in column (e) temperatures. From t}lese two are worked out by the aid of a. oalibration curve of tho apparatus. Ts:- This oolumn containo temperature data for the steam in the throttle pipe olooe to the atea.n chest; the sub-columns and (c) as explained above, are T-,yrooeter readings temperatures are oomputed. (g) from which the 33 At the bottom of each of these columns \ViII be found the corresponding average temperature as obtained fro~ tlle average pyroneter ree.dings. Tho colu.'TI!ls Tf and Te record the temperatures of the feed water and of the exhaust atea.'nin. desrees Centierade. The averages the calibrations of all these columns al'e correot.ed aooording of the various to instruments. Then below, on the lowel' part of the log, are found oo~e a.dditional data relating to each areoial teat, such as ttVlattsdelivered", tained by multiplyine averages of columns I and E: "Heat loss" ob:a "stray pOVlertl, gotten from stray power curves aD before mentioned detail. The value of average which is easily obtained hour. of air kept on the gasoline Following boiler apeed of the car in niles per air pressurett means tLe average prescure fuel tanks (h) and (11'). each test io8. page of computationo efficiencies. in apoed of counter-sha.ft is given, from the probable The value of "Average r2n; of engine and In those latter c01:Iputations the heatine va.lue of 18,770 B. T. Uta. ~or lb. 10 given to the ga.soline. this value having been determined Bomb in the Institute gravity of .701. by a serieo of careful tests r.-iththe.Mahler Heat Laboratory. The saj'i1:ple showed a specifio The values for the specific heat of superheated steam at the varioua pressures were obtained from Bureoon's Tablea. 34 TEST NO. I. I Tins Sta.rt 5 10 15 20 25 SO 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 '23.2 23.5 23.4 23.5 23.3 23.0 24.0 25.1 21'.L_ 25.0 25.3 26.0 25.7 26.8 SUI:1S 339.5 24.25 Averages Cor. Av. I 25.45 Watts delivered n heat laos It stray E Ph 100 107 108 105 103 100 102 108 112 106 107 108 400 380 640 410 260 170 190 270 630 400 430 370 105 107 1478 105.6 10G.3 180 260 4990 356 516 I T Ps Tr 100 11.4 12.0 1n.O 12.3 13.3 13.4 13.2 13.2 13.2 13.0 -417 417 13.5 420 13.3 419 305 310 311 313 313 312 312 314 314 420 420 5461 420.1 4~0.1 314 311 4276 305.4 305.4 95 85 90 87 100 100 100 95 95 95 93 13.3 105 102 13~3 1342 181.4 95.9 12.96 95.9 12.8 T h s 280 282 414 424 424 417 423 424 285 422 'l e 130 133 135 169 161 161.3 164.0 161.7 160.2 163.3 164.4 163.7 162.8 160.3 2190.7 156.5 155.7 Average speed = 750 II air presoure = 49.4 1bo. 2710 307 power 1330 Total power 4347 Watts:: 5.83 H.P. Wa.ter ussd in 66.0 minuteo-138.5 Iho. » tI tI 60 tI =126.0 u Gasoline used in 66.0 minutes: II n II 60 n 11.64 lbs. water evaporated per lb. of gasoline. tt per Horse Power IJGr hour. 21.60 u 1.86 " gasoline" It It It It = 11.901bs. 10.83 II 35 TEST NO.1. Data,for Engine and Boiler Test. H. P. = 5.83. 1 Water per R.P. per hour Dir.tensions of Engine 3&5'tx~.tf Pb= 51~_ 1bs. per sq. in. Ps.95.9 n n » » !b= 788°F. Cp at 516 lbs. Ta= 582oF. Cr at 96 Ibs. Computation A = = .69. U. due to auperhea.t Cp(Tat~.-Tsat.> by Ene. 1322 B. T. tI. received = 21.6 Ibs. .558 t-:. B. T. - B. T. U. :per II.P. min. = for Engine Tect. at Py:_ 111~48 6 = Ga.soline II It tt It 1.50 u Actual evap. per lb. bauoline = 11.G4 Ibs. l3226~ 21.6 = = = .558(582-335)= 138 B. T. U. 476. Eff~= 4~~~~~B = 8.9n;fo Computation for Boiler Teat • tf -= .{ at Pb :, 1226 6 =....@.g! ( 788-1(3) .69 = 224 B. T. U. 1450 B. T. U. delivered by Boiler. Eff. of Boiler = Eff. of Plant = Equiv. = (14fiO - 23)x 11.64 8S.~ 18770 8.92 x 88.5 7.89% = evap. rer lb. gasoline fro~ and at 2120F = (1450 - 23)x 11.64 ---------17.31bs. 985.6 36 TEST I Tine start E Ph 45.8 102 150 130 51.0 108 52.0 108 2 4 160 6 ..8 10 12 120 110 160 150 160 200 230 120 300 160 2150 165 325 14 16 18 20 22 108 49.6 50.2 !Q1. 533 248.6 49.72 106.6 52.22 107.3 24 StL'"nS Averages Av. COT. Watto delivered n tt no. 2. P s 124 120 126 135 130 130 140 145 135 145 138 135 135 1738 134 .134 T T b Tf' T s e 15.0 429.3 329.3 IG3.8 15.0 428.8 332.0 160.3 14.8 411.8 328.4 157. ! 15.2 407.0 326.2 157.2 14.4 74.40 14.9 14.7 401.0 2077.9 415.6 415.6 326.3 1642.2 328.4 328.4 15'7.0 7n5.7 159.1 158.3 J Average speed : 784 It air preGsure 44.5 lbs. 5600 = heat loss 1290 stray power 1450 T-ota1 power 8340 Watta.= II.ISH.P. Water used in 90.0 It It If 10.12 15.20 60 minutes =8~.0 1bs. tt =170 • 0 tI Gasoline used in 25.0ninutos= tt tt It lbs. water evaporated per lb. of gasoline. It It 'Per Horse powor per hour. 1.50 1bs. gasoline per H. P. :per hour. 60 It = 7.00 lbs. 16.8 tt 37 no. TEST Data for Engine and Boiler Test. H. P. = 11.83 Pb Pooa --- 325 Ibs. 134 Tb = 7790 F. Ts = Water per H.P. per hour a 15.2 lbo. Gasoline"" " " • 1.50" Actual evap. ~er lb. gasoline =10.12 Ibs. per sq. in. " " tf If On at ci> at 6230 F. ./ Comp~tation A at Pa = 6. 325 1bs.= 134 1bs.= .69 .593 for Engine Test. 6 ~ 1193 = 593 (623-36S) 140.5 B. T. u. 150 1343 B. T. U. received by Eng. B. T. U. ~er H.P. min. a 1343x15.2 60 Computation = 340: Efr.: = 33000 12.47% ~40x778 for Boiler Test. 6 1213 =(779-428) .69 = 242 B.T. U. 242 1455 B. T. U. delivered by Boiler = (1455-27)x 10.12 18770 Eff. of Plant : 0.5~ Efr.of Boiler Equiv. evap. per lb. gaooline 77.0 % (from and at) M(145n-27)x 965.8 10.12 = 14.93 1bo. 38 TEST NO.3. Time start 1 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13' 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 I I 50.8 - - - 55.0 I E , I 102 - - -- 105 -- --- - _/- 51.0 --- 100 - --, -54.0 100-- -- 52.2 -56.0 - -- -- -- 104 -105 --~ gSO 270 120 400 230 140 150 180 100 320 320 110 360 240 60 420 250 90 270 330 260 30 320 360 'SO 410 380 120 260 330 240 120 250 300 140 150 240 30 37 - 38 ~ - 719. - 7990 Sum (76.0 tlean 53.71 102.7 205 36 Cor. 57.0 103 56.31,103.4 365 148 - -- g 15.0 0 23.60 152~6 I j I 22~351 20.4 1156.6 I 145 155 - 15.4 23.35 ,58.3 22.40 20.7 156.3 15.3 23.50 56.7 22.35 20.7 155.3 15.2 23.90 54.7 22.40 20.8 157.0 14.7 24.10 53.3 14.3 24.05 53.7 21.80 - 165 148 150 -- 145 140 -- 170 - 150 148 - 21.2 162.2 22.37 21.2 162.2 - - - - 143 - 155 - -- 150 153 165 2428 151.8 151.8 89.9 14.8 14.6 - 125.0 164.30 329.3 111.87 22.35 80.8 23.47 54.9 T=4170C-782oF T=3650C=689 F 949. 4 158.2 157.3 - Average speed = 817 Watts delivered 5830 " air pressure =48 Ibs. " heat loss 1500 tt stray power 1800 Total power 9I3'OWatts = 12.23 H.P. Water used in 39.6 nin.=110.0 1ba. Gasoline used in 39.83 min=11.35 Iba. tt "" 60 "= 116.4 1ba. " tt "60 ":17.10" Water per 1b.gasoline= 9.73 Water per li.P. hour-13.6 Ibs. Gasoline per H. p. hour = 1.4 Ibs. 39 TEST NO• .,v. Data for Engine and Boiler Test. H. P. : 12.23 Pb Po = = Water per H.P. per hour If It Gasoline It It = lS.60lbo. = 1.40 If Actual eve.p.per lb. gaooline =9.73 Ibs. 365 Ibs. lior sq. in. tt It It 152 It at 365 1bs. • .69 If = .598 ~ at 152 Tb = 782~ F. 689 F. Ts C = Computation for Engine Teot. 6 = ,;(at P~= 1194 6s=~ 598 (689-367) = 193 B. T. U. 1387 B. T. U. reoeivod by Eng. B ••• T U. = P' mln •• _1_38_7_x_1_3_.6_ 314 per H•• 60 Efr. = 13. 5J~ Computation for Boiler Test. A at ~ _~ 1216 ..6 .6 -=-(782-4-37) .G9 = 240 B. T. tT • 240 T456 B. T. U. delivered by Boiler Efr. of Doiler =(1456i~~~~ 9.73 = 74.1% Eff. of Plant II'.~O.O% Equiv. evap. per lb. gasoline (from and at)8(1456-26)x 965.8 9.73 =14.4 lbs. 40 TEST E I Ti ne pt no. 4 -Ps T:r Tb g I st art 1 :3 3 4 5 0 7 78.0 - 11 1 2 1S 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 :3 24 25 26 27 2B 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 - 78.8 - ------ -- -- - --- -- -- 70.0 - -- 8 9 10 91 -- 82.8 78 85 -- 86 - -- 77.0 -- ---- 76.0 82.0 Sum 544.6 Me an 77.80 Co r. 80.80 ----- 88 82 - ..!2. 596 85.1 85.8 240 150 280 210 10 10 10 20 40 20 20 30 40 40 40 40 ---- 50. 60 60 60 60 50 40 40 40 -- 40 40 860 37 197 175 - Tn Te __ g 0 - 19 J - - 42.6 12.0 9.50 38.5 10.80 18.8 101. o 10.5 10.00 S8.0 10.95 18.8 100. o 13.0 10.10 37.7 10.95 19.0 100~ 11.0 10.35 37.5 '10.90 19.5 100 176 - 177 - 160 - 187 - 185 - 195 195 195 197 200 200 195 190 195 195 193 - 1°'} 193 192 192 192 180 188 187 185 180 194 196 '-U i 9.0 9.95 9.3 - 189 171 11.1 10.9 37.8 10.85 19.4- -- 19.6 133.9 19.1 10.30 232.0 72.75 9.98, 12.13 38.3 T=l950C=S8SoF 5482 7'B:O 49:90 Average sreed = 714 " air pressure = v9 100 600 100 100 47.2 lbs. 15.lliI.P. Ibs. Gasoline used in 43.0 min.-18.16 1ba. 1bo. " tt tt 60 tt =24.75 Ibs. Water per H. P. hour-19.45 1bs. H. p. hour. 1.63 Ibs. r four pressures I 13.2 Watts delivered 6940 tt heat loss 3090 n stray ~ower 1310 Total ~ower 11340=Watta Water used in 43.33 mi~•• 213.5 n n n 60 min.=290.0 Water per lb. gasoline = 11.96 Caso1ine per First 0 not averaged in. 41 TEST 1m. 4. Data for Engine and Boil{~ Test. H. p. = 15.24 Gasoline Pb = = Tb = 406 = 403 Pa To Water per R.P. per hour. 197 Ibs. per sq. in. 171 " 0 It On at 197 lbs. Cp at 171 Ibs. = 1.64 It, for Engine Test. = = = B. T. U. per H.P. min •• 1214x19.45 = 394 Eff. 60 Computation Pb• 19.45 lbs. .600 at'Pa 1194 ~ 623 (403-369) :6 .~ 1214 B. T. U. received by Eng. A. at = " Actual evap. per lb. gasoline =11.D6lbs. F. F. Computation A tI " " " 0 tt = 20 B.T.U. 10.74% for Boiler Tect. 1198 = Eff. of Boiler . Eff. of Plant = 119ax11.96 18770 = 76.~ 8.20% Equiv. evar. per lb. gaso1ine.(from and at) = l198xll.96 905.8 = 14 8 'b • - s. 42 TEST Tine I E Pb Ps no. 5. Tr Tb g sta.rt 1 2 3 4 5 6 37.0 103 - 80 105 39.4 100 220 135 41.0 102 7 8 9 37.5 92 49.5 97 10 11 12 13 14 15 28.5 94 29.5 94 16 17 18 19 20. 31.7 31.8 35.3 30.9 34.0 32.3 37.9 36.2 :37.9 37.5 39.0 35.1 36.5 37.5 101 99 110 --- 400 300 300 430 110 260 220 450 290 360 160 560 - .38.3 109 400 108 36 40.4 37 3S 39 40 42.8 104 110 .98 109 96 III 290 450 330 400 200 525 105 115 110 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 41 38.1 40.7 45.8 41.4 96 I 13.5 22.00 41.4 18.10 16.7 123.0 13.0 20.50 42.8 20.35 16.8 147.8 12.3 20.00 43.0 20.70 17.2 153.3 13.4- 22.00 43.0 20.65 17.3 157.8 14.0 23.00 44.0 20.85 17.1 154.8 16.2 23.10 44.4 20.80 17.5 157.2 100 100 90 115 95 94 100 90 110 100 I 41.8 120 103 98 115 108 113 112. 111 100 104 24 Te c 120 105 22 23 22.20 Ts g 135 475 220 640 210 390 230 650 210 500 290 450 310 320 21 13.0 c 95 95 105 (over) 43 TEST NO.5. (continued) I I Tine E .I I. Pb Ps 350 500 340 400 . 140 425 105 Tr Tb c 44.6 g , 42.0 46.3 42.0 40.4 35.1 40~3. 43.4 49.7 47.3 33.2 35.9 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 29.3 .53 54 55 56 57 sUm 39.0 38.6 39.4 40.0 l6G6.4 Mean 37.87 Cor.I 39.67 98 108 98 106 92 106 89 102 97 101 109 89 102 101 103 lQE... 4390 lQ2.l 102.8 390 210 310 450 .270 300 190 280 300 i'6'475 336 496 r Watts delivered It heat loss " stray power Total power 12.0 23.00 I Ts 1 Te c ~ 20.70 17.6 155.0 156.2 115105 13.0 22.30 45.3 20.60 17.8 13.5 22.70 45.7 21.30 18.2 105 115 . 160.2 105 l 18.4 20.70 46.3 12.0 22.00 191.4 3198 1~5~9 242~80 482.1 204.75 17.4 .20.47 ~}2.21 43.92 13.3 106.6 107 13.1 T-S800C=2720F T=332oC=630oF ...!Q.2 4050 735 ll'l.Q. 6255 Average tt speed air = 159.7 1524.0 152.4 151.0 814 preo3Ure:: 50 Ibo. Watts - 8.40 H. P. Water used in 63.5 0111.:166.0 Ibs. Gasoline-used tt If If 60 u ~156.9" " It" in 62.5 nin.= 14.18 1bo. eo It = 13.61 It Water per lb. gasoline: 11.53 1bs. Water per li.P. hour Gasoline per H. P. hour 1.62 Ibs. = = 18.66 Ibs. 44 TEST liD. 5. Data for Engine and Bailor Tent. = II. P. Pb Ps = = = Water per R.P. per hour 18.66 lbs. Gasoline If 11 It It = 1.62 'tl Actual evap. por lb. gasoline =11.53 Ibs. 8.40 496 Ibs. per sq. in. 107 " It tt tI Tb : 727oF. Cp cp Ts = 630<7. Computation = .6 = A at Po = at 496 lbs. .69 at 107 Ibs.= .567 for Engine Test. = = 1186.3 ~ (630-343 .567 162.7 1349.0 B. T. U. received by Engine. B. T. U. per .R.P. min. = _1_34_9_7_,,1_8_._66_ = 412: Eff. ='16.12 60 Computation J.. at Pb ,6 Eff. = 1225 = .l1l 1462 B. T.' U. dolivered _(1402-24)x % for Boiler Teat. -6 -= of Boiler 1627 B. T. U• 11.53 (727-470).69 = 177 B. T. U. by Boiler. = 84.7 % 10770 Eff. of Plant Equiv. = 8.57 % evap. per lb. gasoline (from and at) = (1402-21) 11.53 9G5.6 = 10.5 lbs. 45 Time UO. 6. PR Tr I I E I Ph I 91 109 90 109 38.4 32.0 36.9 33.0 36.1 35.1 36.5 38.6 34.4 38.5 35.4 36.4 35.4 3 92 106 96 105 102 106 '112 100 III 102 105 101 37.5 107 35.8 102 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 38.8 110 36.0 20 39.9 34.6 37.1 34.9 33.7 35.1 33.7 102 113 99 106 100 460 270 480 220 370 250 310' 420 300 510 300 510 130 100 112 105 105 110 110 100 100 120 100 120 100 115 290 500 360 95 110 95 115 100 115 110 115 110 115 98 98 90 115 95 110 36.0 102 29 30 3G.8 33.2 41.0 104 94 580 380 400 380 390 370 200 350 180 290 300 150 31 37.2 32 38.0 110 100 .!Qg 338.0 102.4 103.1 380 200 260 11410 346 506 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 96 100 96 Sum 1184~O Yean 35.91 37.51 - 40.2 19.45 15.0 149.0 10.5 24.0 41.0 19.30 15.0 152.3 11.0 23.85 41.2 19.45 15.4 15S.0 12.3 23.90 42 19.40 15.8 152.3 10.a 24.20 42.7 19.50 16.0 153.3 11.0 24.10 43.2 19.80 16.3 154.0 -- 3323 67.3 107 .11.2 11.0 = " 60 II -13 C•2 914.9 152.5 , 93.5 251.3 116.90 144.40 15.6 42.8 19.48 20.07 T=411oC=7780P. T=3160C=6000F. Average speed • 758 tt air pressure = 46.7 lbs. 7.92 It.P. Water used in 33.25 Din~~75.5 lbs. It Te 0 24.45 3867 Watts delivered 665 tt heat loss 1380 " stray pO\7er Total power 5912 Watts tt g 0 12.0 110 200 550 300 I Ts Tb g star t 31.0 1 37.2 2 30.7 Cor. TEST :r Gasoline used in 22.92 ~in. • 7.13 Ibo. If II If 60 Water per lb. gasoline. 10.31 Ibn. Water !Jer H. P. hour Gasoline per H. P. hour 1.67 Iba. = If = -13 • 21 17.2 lbs. tt 46 TEST lTO. 6. Data for - II. P. == 506 lbe. 107 tt Tb = "'8 = 77SoF• 600oF • Water :per R.P .. :per hour 17.2 lb3. It tt Gasoline tt It 1.67 tI Aotual eve.p_pC!' lb. gasoline 10.:31 Ibe. = :por sq. in. tt It tt Cp at 506 Ibo. at 107 1bs. cp Computation A at Ps ~ 6 B • m J. •• for ~~ine --= •69 • 567 Teat. 6 1186 = Test. == 7.92 Pb Pa rp Engine and Boiler = (600-342) .567 - 135 B. T. U. 135 1321 B. T. U. reoeived U :per II••P . -tlln. by Engine. = 132lx17.2 ----- Computation 379-_ Eff. - 11.1B 60 for Boiler Test. 122G 6.= (77B-170) .69 212 1438 B. !. U. delivered = Efr. of Boiler Eff. of Plant = evap. per Equiv. (1438-20) x 10.31 18770 10 = 212 B. T. U. by Boiler. = 78.0 % B.71% lb. gasolhle (from and at) _ (143B-20}xlO.3l 965.8 - • 15.1 1bo. 47 I Tine E Pb TEST no. Pa Tf I star t 64.5 1 2 " OJ 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 . 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 , 60.3 62.4 60.0 64.2 66.3 70.6 57.6 60.5 65.2 62.3 68.8 66.0 72.7 69.7 66.0 - 67.6 67.5 72.2 65.2 63.3 70.3 74.3 78.0 60.3 71.7 78.0 74.6 62.2' 66.0 78.3 62.7 72.0 66.3 59.7 C8.0 81.7 73.2 64.0 67.2 73.4 75.0 85.6 80.2 72.0 76.5 76.5 77.0 93 87 90 86 92 95 98 80 84 90 86 95 39 98 94 87 310 200 200 170 250 325 310 150 200 210 140 260 440 350 260 140 89 87 93 84 31 90 95 97 75 89 94 90 75 80 95 76 87 80 72 80 96 86 75 80 86 85 97 91 80 325 370 290 250 130 300 325 450 200 390 - e5 85 86 150 7. Tb e -1 Ts Te 14.0 19.90 c 46.0 20.60 c 20.6 138.0 14.0 21.95 47.6 21.20 21.2 136.1 14.3 22.90 48.4 20.40 20.4 139.7 14.2 21.75 48.0 19.60 19.6 ~ 132.8 13.8 21.00 47.3 10.30 19.3 127.0 12.6 21.40 47.0 18.60 18.0 125.0 12.0 22.30 46.4 18.50 18.5 124. ' 12.3 22.00 45.3 18.30 18.3 12.3 22.00 45.5 17.50 17.!5 g ... 145 . 140 145 138 150 140 130 140 150 1.10 155 160 175 155 - - 140 155 160 155 120 150 145 140 145 150 - I - 300 325 300 150 325 250 120 100 350 180 150 150 290 325 370 260 290 160 225 i , 100 II I -- 145 160 - 140 160 142 145 165 165 160 140 140 160 175 170 110 150 165 140 130.' 48 TEST no. 7• . ( cont inued) I I 84.2 82.4 73.0 73.8 69.3 E 94 92 79 80 75 54 55 82.0 86 76.3 56 57 87.7 80 92 93 88 76 Time 49 50 51. 52 53 90.0 58 79.2' 59 68.3 60 71.0 ~ Sufl 4 254~1 5198 86.6 Mean 70.90 B7.3 Cor. 73.7 Pb 360 410 Ps 165 165 - 280 150 130 300 125 325 160 - 350 100 110 100 14340 252 412 160 g c g 12.0 T8 Tb Tf 46.9 20.00 19.45 Te -C I I 121.0 17.5 . I - - 10.S 7210 141.8 150 12.8 132 12.6 18.85 234.05 21.28 46.2 514.6 46.8 T-3750C=7070F Watto delivered It heat loss It stray !l0';Ter I Average 6434 D570 1J.iQ. It 17.60 218.50 19.86 104.0 1407.7 127.97 127.5 17.4 208.9 18.1 T=324oC~615<7. speed = 7D4 air pressure == 49 1ba. Total power 10344 Watts =13.87 H. P. Water used in 64 min.=207~0 It It " 60 min.=194.1 Ibs. " Gasoline used in 63.3 nine =21.22 1bs. It »It 60 It =20.10 » Water per lb. gasoline :9.581bs. ~ater per H. p. hour =13.97 1bs. Gasoline per H. p. hour =1.44 1bs. B. T. U. par nin.: 49 TEST NO.7. Data for Engine and Boiler Test. = H. P. Pb P :3 = = Water per R.P. par hour 13.87 Gaoolinett 412 lbs. per sq. in. 132 u " " " Tb - 707°F. 'Is - 615°F. at P (, 8 : = It = 13.97 lbo. = It 1.44 Ibs. Aotual evap. per.lb. gasoline = Cp at 412 1bs. Cp at 132 lbs. Computation A u = = 9.581bs. .69 .580 for Engine Teot. 6 1191 =(615-357).580 = 150 B. T. U. 150 1341 B. T. U. reoeived by Engine. E. T. U. per H.P. min. = l340x13.97 = Eff.: 312: 13.58 % 60 Computation for Boiler Tect. 1220 6 = (707-452) .69 176 1396 B. T. U. delivered by Boiler. Efr. of Boiler Eff. of Plant = = (1396-23)x9.58 18770 9.54 = 70.2 = 176 B. T. U. % % Equiv. evap. por lb. gasoline (from and at) = (1396-23)x 965.8 9.58 = 13.6 1bo. 50 TEST 110. I Tine I E P'h I 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 ~7 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 30 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Tr 3e.O 38.8 38.0 38.4 3G.8 41.5 40.3 35.7 3"7.0 23.7 39.6 88.5 40.9 39.4 38.0. 39.2 40.4 46.0 45.5 46.3 50.0 39.8 39.0 87.5 39.3 41.8 48.0 39.3 41.5 44.7 42.2 44.3 46.2 40.0 47.1 43.0 49.3 39.9 51.8 41.8 47.2 46.0 47.1 45.1 Sum 1879.7 Mean 41.77 Cor. 4S.67 97 103 105 101 102 95 107 104 92 III 92 108 97 103 99 95 98 101 102 101 103 113 106 104 100 90 96 100 90 95 105 99 104 104 90 108 96 110 89 114 92 104 92 94 ....!?lL 4499 100. 100.7 250 360 290 310 340 400 460 520 200 625 200 560 230 530 370 290 aoo 290 320 240 400 400 340 350 270 200 360 350 410 190 240 250 340 370 190 400 230 600 200 580 200 340 300 420 200 15115 336 496 235 230 Ta Tb g star t 35.8 1 2 3 Pa 8. 0 'fa 0 g 11.0 24.30 44.0 20.45 16.8 100.0 12.0 23.90 44.2 20.85 16.0 100.0 11.5 23.90 44.6 :]0.70 18.1 101.0 11.0 23.90 44.8 21.20 16.3 101.8 11.0 23.95 45.2 21.85 16.4 103.0 11.0 24.30 45.4 21.0 16.7 104.8 12.0 24.10 46.4 21.30 16.8 105.4 17.0 104.3 - 235 235 230 230 230 235 235 230 230 225 228 225 230 225 225 220 220 210 210 208 200 205 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 190 195 198 195 195 200 195 195 190 190 195 9324 212 194 I 11.0 90.50 11.3 11.1 23.90 46.7 - 192.B5 Sul.3 45.2 24.03 T-4150C-780oF 20.90 132.1 le7.05 16.5 20.B8 T=3390C=642oF (over) 820.3 102.5 102.1 1 I 51 TEST NO. O. (continued) Watts' delivered 4400 rt heat loss 903 tI stray power 1330 Total power 6633 Watts. = .: Average speed 728 ft air presoure -47.5 B.88 Water used in 45.87 min.=100.0 tba. n tI n 60 min.=l30.8 lbs. H.P. Gasoline used in 45.17 nine aO.44 lbs. tI ft If 60 Water per lb. gaooline=10.43 Ibs. Water per H.P. hour=14.73 Gasoline per H. p.= hour 1.411bs. tI = Ibs. 12:54 Ib~. 52 TEST no. o. Data for Engine and Boiler Teat. H. P. rb = = 8.88 496 lbs. Fa = Tb = 780ooF • 'fa = pOl' » 194» = 14.73 1ba. Gasoline tt If tt tt 1.41 II Actual evap. per lb. gaooline = 10.43 Ibs. sq. in. If " S> cp 642 F. Computation at 496 lba. ~ •G9 at 194 Iba • •629 for Engine Test. ~ at Po = 1200 (, - = Water per H.P. per hour = ~ (642-38fi) .629 = 162 B. T. U. 162 1362 B. !. U. rooAivod B. T. U. ~er H.P. uin. = by El1gine. 1362x14.73 GO Computation = 324: Eft. /1 214 1489 B. T. U. dolivered by Boiler. = Eff. of Plant = 12.70 % for Boiler Teat. 1225 Eff. of Boiler = (1439-20)x 10.43 18770 10.0 = :=: (780-470).69 = 214 TI. T. U. 78.~ % Equiv. evap. per lb. gaooline (from and at) = (1439-20)xlO.43 915.6 = 15.:3 11)0. 53 TiTtle start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 B8 29 ao 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 I 44.0 48.0 44.0 49.0 41.8 48.0 55.0 47.6 49.7 47.0 46.4 53.8 47.0 50.7 51.7 46.0 54.9 44.8 55.0 56.2 45.8. 60.0 57.6 48.2 52.0 56.9 47.7 52.4 57.5 47.4 53.7 58.2 47.4 55.0 60.3 46.8 48.0 57.4 45.7 56.1 54.8 48.7 E 90 100 90 96 82 94 104 90 94 89 88 102 89 96 I 98 82 98 80 96 98 80 102 98 82 95 104 87 94 103 85 95 103 84 94 103 80 82 98 78 92 90 80 TEST 1W. 9. Po Tr Pb - 480 190 420 180 290 510 170 310 220 240 460 210 290 340 230 460 160 330 360 170 440 400 170 270 380 190 260 575 190 270 420 210 250 490 240 230 525 170 400 300 160 . - 170 170 15.0 160 170 170 160 160 160 155 180 170 170 180 140 180 150 165 180 145 125 120 110 110 110 110 105 110 105 110 100 160 140 160 160 140 160 150 150 160 150 B m Ta Tb 0 g .1.e c 11.0 24.70 47.3 21.40 16.0 122.6 11.7 24.10 45.0 21.80 16.4 125.6 12.0 24.55 46.2 22.40 17.0 13°tlQ 11.0 24.20 43.3 22.35 17.3 129.2 11.0 23.40 44.2 21.45 17.4 126.9 11.0 23.85 44.3 21.60 17.5 128.2 11.0 24.20 44.7 21.50 18.0 12~.0 (over) 54 TEST NO.9. ( COll t blued) I Time E Pb Pe Tr Tb Te Ts ! i g 55.5 56.7 49.3 Sum 2299.6 Mean 51.10 53.60 Cor. 42 43 44 90 92 80 4127 91.7 92.1 300 155 300 155 -2lQ. ~ 13470, 6400 308 145 466 144 11.0 24.35 89.7 193.35 11.21 24.17 T=41SoC-780oF Wattn delivered heat loss II stray power ~ Total power 7828 II »60 21.70 0 18.0 360.0 171.~0 140.C ::n.78 17.6 45.0 131.0 1022.5 127.81' 127.3 T=354QC-670oF. = 1368 Watts =10.5 H. P. Water used in 45.88 min.:121.0 lhs. " 45.0 g Avera.ge speed 787 It air pressure • 49.4 Ibs. 4970 " 0 ":158.9 II Gasoline used in 45.22 min. -10.85 lbD. It "" 60 "=14.30 It Water per lb. gaooline=11.04 1bs. Water per H.P. hour =15.14 1bo. Gasoline ~er H. P. hour - 1.37 1bs. 55 TEST lIO. 9. Data for Engine and Boiler H. P. Pb Ps - 10.50 466 II Tb Ts = 144 lhe. == 780oF• 670o F. II Water per H.P. per hour = 15.14 Iba. " -- 1.37 1bs. Gasoline 1bs. per sq. il1. It Test. " It " It Aotua1 ovapa per lb. C1' at 4G6 1be. lbo. p at 144 C = gasoline .11.01 1bs. •69 .592 Computation for Engine Teot. ~ at Pa b = = I375 b = by Engine. B. T. U. received = 1375x15l4 60 Computation at Pb: 182 B. T. U. 182 B. T. U. per H.P. min. A. = 6= (670-363).592 1193 = 347: for Boilor 1223 Eff. Teat. (,=(7BO-4Gl).69 = B. T. U. .Jill.Q. 1443 B. T. U. delivered Efr. of Boilor = (1443-20)x11.04 by Boiler. = 83.9 % 18770 Efr. of Plant = 10.24 Equiv. ovapa per lb. % gasoline (from and at). (1443-20) 965.8 x 11.04. 16.25 Ibs. TEST Tir.1e I I E Pb I star t 86.0 1 82.3 82.3 83.2 74.2 79.6 80.0 78.2 78.2 95.5 74.9 82.4 3 4 5 6 '1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 IG 46 46 41 44 44 43 43 51 40 44 87.0 46 75.7 40 46 40 87.0 76.0 87.4 72.2 70.4 86.7 77.0 B6.0 78.2 78.2 87.0 ,72.8 93.8 17 46 46 38 27 88.0 28 29 30 31 78.0 41 45 40 44 40 40 43 36 45 44 39 82.0 41 97.0 86.7 47 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 - 32 42 310 330 240 250 2GO 180 160 !EQ - 33 84.0 34 35 36 82.0 75.8 78.0 41 40 37 3B 37 86.2 42 Sum- 3038.5 1577 Uean 82.12 42.6 Cor. I 85.22 43.7 t g e 23.00 175 165 180 I 155 175 170 . 15.0 170 158 190 160 160 23.90 50.2 20.30 20.3 136.1 170 14.8 23.80 51.0 20.15 20.6 140.2 15.0 23.95 50.0 19.75 20.5 140.0 14.6 24.00 40.3 19.70 ;';0.5 140.3 H).80 20.6 13 3.8 I 15.0 23.95 49.0 - 24.00 - 14 2.8 - am 9280 251 410 - - -122.70 1122.7 8 33.2 'I 38.9 20.45 20.4B T::3350C=6350F 1 38.4: 74.4 167.45 29rr23.92 49.6 14.9 14.7 T.=418oC:7850F 162 161 ,~ 3725 Average " stray power Total power 520 7685 Wattn = ... lb. gasoline = 116.5 10.28 speed = 409 air presnure : 48.5 Ibs. 10.32 H. P. Water used in 38.16 ~in •• -74.0 lbs. pOl' 1 , 170 155 160 145 165 .. Water C 20.2 ! 177 155 3440 "60 I 170 heat loss " J 48.2 " " ! Ts ----T---. -C Tb 23.85 150 175 150 160 155 158 165 1.50 165 165 150 150 150 168 170 145 - Wattn delivered - 160 190 10. I Tr Ps 270 240 250 290 180 270 230 200 190 350 160 240 330 220 330 200 350 160 250 310 180 290 180 200 380 150 310 300 48 NO. " tt B. T. U. per min.= Gasoline used in 37.87 min.= 7.16 lus. " " "60 Water per H. P. hour: "=11.32» 11.27 1bs. .57 TEST NO. 10. Data for Engine and Boiler Test. E. P. Pb Ps = = = 410 Ibs. = H.P. 'Per honr 11.27 Ius. Gasoline 11" 11 " 1.10 Ibs. Actual evap. per lb. gasoline 10.28 lbs. 10.32 VIater per in. per sq. 161» n » = = " Cp at 410 lbs••• 89 Cp at 161 lbs. .594 = Computation ~ ut P = ~= for Engine Test. (; = (635-371).594 = 1195 157 157 B. T. U. 1352 B. ~. U. reoaived by Engine. B ••• T II 'Per II •.•P . tl1n. = 1352xl1.27 ------- Computation B. T. U. delivered = = 16.7% for Boiler Test. I:, =(785-451).69 Eff •. of Boiler Eff. of Plant Efr. = 254: 60 1219 230 I449 = (1449-27)x10.28 = 230 B. T. U. by Boiler. = 77.9 % 18770 13.01% ~quiv. evap. per lb. gasoline (from and at) = ...<_1_4_4_9-_2_7...)--.x_l_l..,;;._2 ....7 = 9C5.B 15.::: 1b 3. 58 TEST NO. 11. Tine start 1 2 :3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 I 60.0 69.2 55.8 64.3 62.2 68.6 69.5 61.0 71.6 59.0 63.2 62.1 60.0 68.4 61.1 68.0 73.2 58.3 61.0 65.0 85.0 70.4 64.1 69.3 68.4 76.3 '75.2 62.0 69.4 62.0 67.5 67.5 69.7 67.0 64.8 70.2 62.3 71.8 62.8 70.0 63.4 64.6 E 59 68 55 60 58 63 66 58 68 56 60 59 57 65 58 64 C9 55 60 64 64 66 60 65 60 67 66 59 66 59 63 63 85 62 60 65 59 68 59 65 59 60 Pb 190 370 190 260 210 320 320 230 420 160 300 200 190 300 160 260 360 170 190 280 280 380 180 380 310 350 340 200 360 170 280 190 280 350 220 320 190 470 210 340 230 310 Ps 160 175 150 150 145 160 155 150 170 155 155 150 155 170 150 175 170 155 145 175 165 155 Tf Tb Tc Ts c 15.3 g 23.95 47.3 19.85 20.8 145.2 15.2 24.05 49.4 19.65 21.0 144.3 16.0 23.90 .19.3 19.55 21.1 145.4 16.2 23.95 49.5 19.60 21.3 145.0 15.0 23.90 49.7 19.70 21.4 147.8 15.3 23.85 50.2 19.60 22.0 145.4 15.0 23.85 50.6 19.60 22.0 145.2 0 g 160 170 170 170 175 150 175 155 160 155 165 170 150 170 105 170 155 155 175 155 (over) 59 TEST no. 11. (continued) E I Tine Pb Pa Tf g 69.0 61.4 64 43 44 64.7 64 45 62.0 Stun Mean 3020.8 65.67 68.47 42 Cor. 57 ~ 2839 Gl.7 62.6 160 340 250 150 280 155 170 ~ 'i2460 7380 160 271 138 431 15.3 II 24.00 Te To Tb _.~- c g 50.4 19.50 C 146.0 22.0 J 123.3 191.40 306.4 15.4 23.93 49.6 15.2 T-4190C=7870F Watts delivered 4280 11 heat loss 2220 tt stray power 830 Total power 7330 Watts 157.05 171:'6 19.63 21.5 T-324o'C-6150F. Aver age speed= 523 11 air prss3ure 1164.3 145.5 144.9 =471bs. I = Water used in 46.3 min.-97.5 1bs. tt tt II 60 It =126.2 tt Water per lb. gasoline: 10.43 Ibs. 9.BS R.P. Gasoline used in 45.75 min.=9.2S lbo. tt tt tt 60 It =12.10 It Yater per.H. P. hour Gasoline per H. P. hour = 1.23 Ibo. = 12.84 1bs. 60 TEST lTO. 11. Data for Engine and Boilor Teot. H. = p. : 9.83 Water per H.P. per hour 12.84 Ibs. ,t It == 1.23 1bG. Gasoline II" Actual evap. per lb. gasoline 10.43 Ibe. = = Pb 431 Ibo. per s,a. in. Pa • 161 II II If » C at '431 1bo. C~ at 161 1ha. Co~utation A ,,== at Pa = .69 = . 587 for Engine Test. & 1192 =(6l5-~60).587= 150 B. T. U. 150 1342 B. T. U. received . B. T. U. por li.P. T.1l!1. = by Engine • _ 1342x12.84 - 287: Eft. 60 Computation = 14.76 % for Boiler Teot. 6 =(787-455).C9 1219 = 229 B. ~. U. 230 1449 B. T. U. delivered Efr.'of = Roiler Eff. of Plant = (1450-27)x10.43 18770 ll.6~ Equiv. ovap. per lb. gasoline by Boiler. = 79.1% (from and at) - (1450-27)'xlO.43 965.8 = 15.6 1bo. 61 TEST Time start 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 SO 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 I 47.5 48.8 49.5 50.0 46.6 50.0 52.8 52.2 55.0 52.0 57.2 52.0 54.4 51.6 55.2 51~4 55.8 58.8 49.0 56.3 49.0 56.8 48.6 53.8 55.0 55.0 53.5 53.8 80.8 49.8 5~.6 59.4 58.6 53.0 52.3 58.3 50.5 60.6 52.1 57.2 56.4 58.8 64.0 E 70 72 73 73 68 73 75 74 78 71 78 71 75 71 76 70 75 80 68 78 68 76 85 72 74 74 72 69 78 64 74 75 74 70 69 77 65 78 67 72 71 74 72 Pb 140 220 230 310 310 330 370 280 330 250 400 190 280 200 300 190 250 460 200 440 160 430 140 290 280 360 270 240 440 160 290 210 280 210 250 520 200 430 140 300 180 300 410 Po 140 150 150 150 145 155 160 150 155 145 160 145 160 155 160 165 150 175 140 160 140 130 140 155 160 155 165 150 165 150 185 145 155 160 150 160 145 135 160 145 150 155 175 HO. 12. Tr Te Ta Tb 12.0 g 24.60 14.0 24.40 44.2 14.2 24.20 14.7 0 g - 0 18.8 139.0 20.20 19.2 140.8 45.4 20.20 19.2 142.~ 24.20 44.8 19.90 19.0 143.0 15.0 24.20 46.0 19.90 19.0 143.0 13.0 24.15 46.2 19.65 19.0 1"14.6 13.0 24.00 46.4 19.60 18.8 143.8 13.8 23.80 17.0 19.60 19.1 142.2 42.3 (over) 1 62 TEST llo. 12. (continued) Tine E I Pb Pa Tf Tb TJ= g 43 44 45 46 57.8 67.7 55.0 65 76 60 72 65 73 70 65.0 47 59.8 48 62.5 49 59.8 50 62.5 S,um 2813.3 l.!ean 55.2 Cor. 57.8 160 390 ,170 370 180 . 350 20'0 0 I . 140 165 150 155 '155 175 155 i 14.0 ..ll... ...lli!Q. ..J&2. 3G73 14270 280 72.0 440 73.5 Te_J g 0 7840 123.7 154 13.7 132 lS.5 24.00 46.4 19.55 - 217.55 24.17 408.6 158.60 19.83 45.4 19.4 142.0 171.5 19.1 1281.6 142.4 142.0 T-4170C=78SoF T-S250C-617oF. Watts delivered 4250 1254 tt heat loss ft stray power 870 Total power-e374 Average tt = speed 538 air pressure-47.3 lbs. Watto = 8.54 H.P. \. Water used in 52.0 min.=108. 1bs. tt tt tt 60 tt =124.6 tt Water per lb. Gasoline tt used in 51.85 ~in. tt tt 60 tt gasoline -10.01 lbo. Water per R.P. hour=14.57 Gasolino per H. P. hour 1.3711)s. = =lO.G6 1bs. ~12.S3 u 1bo. 63 TEST No •.12. Data for Engine and Boiler Test. II. P. - 8.54 Water })er II.p. p~r hour Gasoline" 446 Ibo. por sq. in. Pb It ft Pa = 132 lbs. II To = = "= " 78SoF. 617oP. On at 446 Ibs. Op at 132 1bo. Co~utation = = 14.57 1bo. 1.37 lbo. = 10.01 1bo. .G9 .583 = for Engine Test. b = (617-357).583 1191 196 1337 B. T. U. received by Engine. B. T. U. per R.P. min. = Aottml evap. })er lb. gasoline all Tb It = 196 B. T. U. 1337x14.57 = 328 60 Computation for Boiler Test. t 1222 =.(783-458).69 = 224 B. T. U • ..EM. 1446 B. T. U. delivered by Boi1or. = Eff. of Boiler Eff. of Plant = (1446-24) x 10.01 18770 0.8 = 75.~ % Equiv. evap. per lb. gasoline (from and at) = (1446-24)x10.01 965.8 = 14.73 Ibo. 64 TEST . Tine I llO. 13 • E Pb Ps Tr 85 170 420 250 140 140 470 370 290 230 280 190 360 420 150 210 220 230 290 250 180 360 310 360 220 250 140 330 260 410 280 460 290 200 320 380 150 170 330 380 180 170 310 135 150 150 125 125 150 140 140 150 145 125 130 145 130 125 125 145 145 140 125 125 135 130 140 145 125 135 130 145 145 145 135 120 130 140 130 120 130 145 140 120 130 13.0 Tb g start 1 2. 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 :13 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 53.4 64.2 59.8 48.0 54.9 63.4 62.0 62.7 62.7 55.0 54.2 55.0 60.0 47.2 51.3 54.0 57.0 56.4 53.5 53.5 57.2 55.0 58.7 52.6 54.0 55.3 59.8 57.0 63.7 59.1 68.0 53.9 62.2 64.0 52.7 50.8 46.0 46.9 41.3 49.0 55.5 57.2 102 95 ' ' 77 88 101 95 96 96 100 91 100 103 81 88 91 96 95 88 88 94 89 95 85 83 85 92 85 95 88 97 86 99 102 84 81 97 99 87 83 94 97 23.75 Te Ts 0 47.0 g 0 19.50 20.6 158.0 , 13.4 21.90 - - 21.0 113.8 14.0 21.95 48.7 18.80 21.3 147.8 14.0 22.20 49.0 18.65 21.4 145.7 13.0 22.45 49.0 18.75 21.4 145.8 13.0 22.50 49.4 18.85 21.7 154.0 49.2 18.80 22.0 154.0 13.0 22.70 (over) 65 TEST NO. 13. C contInued) I e Tir.l I 42 43 56.0 47.7 55.4 55.5 Sum 2568.3 Mean 55.83 Cor. 58.43 44 E Pb Ps Tf 94 80 93 99 4219 91.7 92.1 340 260 130 130 145 125 13.0 - 45 ~ 12530 272 432 ~ 6210 135 112 106.4 13.3 13.1 T b - Ts g 22.90 c 49.2 g 19.05 c 22.0 180.35 22.52 341.5 132.40 18.91 181.4 22.70 48.8 It 5380 Average 1280 rt stray power 1335 'rota1 :power 799-5 Watts Water used in 46.97.min.= n tt tt 60 tt = = 155.8 1209.9 151.2 150.3 T~314oC.597oF. T=396oC-7450J.i' Watts delivered U heat loss I Te Dpeed = 736 air pressure - 49.~ 10.56 H. P. 139.5 1bs. Gasoline uned in 46.33nin.- 12.50 Ibs. 178" 16.2 tt rt tl 60 tI. Water per lb. gasoline: 16.86 1bs. Wa.terper lI.P. hour= 11.4 Ibs. Gasoline :per H. P. hour= 1.53 1ba. n 66 TEST lIO. 13. Data for Engine H. P. -- and Boiler Water per H.P. per hour = 16.86 Ibo. " » 1.53 1bo. Gasoline tt» Actlml ovap ~er lb. gasoline • 11.0 1bc. 10.56 Pb Pa = = 432 Ibs. per sq. in. Tb 'Jt -a = = 7450F. 5979F. 112 1bs. ft tt ft Op at 432 Ibs. Cp at 112 1bs. Computation A at Pb l., = = Teot. = = .69 .569 for Engine Teat. 6 1187 =( 597-345).569 144 = 144 B. T. IT. 1331 B •.T. tI. roceived by Engine. B. T. U. por li. P. min. = 1331x16.86 = 375: Eff. 60 Computation of Boiler • (1~21-24)xl100 18770 Eff. of Plant ll.3~ 11.32 ~I for Boilor Teat. 1221 6 = (745-455).09 200 1421 B. T. U. delivered by Boiler. Err. = = = 200 B. T. U. 81.~ = Equiv. evap. por lb. gasoline (from and at) = {14~1-24)xll.00 965.8 - 15.92 lbs. 67 GROUP 1 . .. Test No. 1 2 3 4 I 5 ! I 6 I 7 7.92 I 13.S7J ! 1041 f Horae Power. I 11.18 12.23 15.24 (:per min. >' 1079 1100 11'l5 1028 1110 1001 23.0 23.4 25.1 21.9 25.0 23.3 516 325 365 197 496 506 412 96 134 152 171 107 107 132 (OF.) 788 799 782 - 727 778 707 Deg. superheat(boi1er) 325 351 348 - 257 308 255 582 623 689 403 630 600 615 247 260 t:.Jw 3"'''' 20 287 238 258 100 105 102 0 95 93 59 21.60 15.20 13.00 19.45 18.66 17.20 13.97 B. T. U. :per H.P. :per min. 476 340 314 - 379 312 Gaoo1ine :per H.P. :per hr. 1.86 1.50 1.40 1.64 1.62 1.67 1.44 ga3~line. 11.64 10.12 9.73 11.96 11.53 10.31 It 17.30 11.93 14.40 14.80 16.50 15.10 D.58 --.13.00 5.83 Rev. of Engine. Speed of Car( mi. :per hr.) Boilor ste~ pressures. Chest pressures. 8.40 ----J ..,.., .., ~t:J. t.l ---- - Boiler temp. e of,. steam Chest temp. ) Deg. superheat ( S. Deg. superheat in Exhaust. C.) Water per H~ P. :per hr. ._- -- .412 '.- Actual Equiv. evap. lb. " It -- .. Thermal eff. n n It It -- Engine % Boiler '% Plant % '8.92 88.5 7.90 12.47 77.0 9.53 1~.50 74.1 10.0 10.7£1 76.3 8.20 10.12 11.18 13.58 84.7 78.0 70.2 8.57 -- 8.71 ---'- _____ -- 9~51 .- "4 . 68 GTIOUP 1. This group, conninting was run at approximately of tests summarized might naturally J\S eoonomio results varied very nearly by the plots following 0.0 tho load varied. ourve of B. T. U. oon- Even this ourve is somewhat affected as will appea.r.from tables, was run 'llt1der condifferent from the other tests. this test are as follows: - regulation The circu~8tanoos Aft'3r the first three tests had been made, it was aden that the s!,eed wao constantly to the automatio by the '1tarying in the exhaust. Test No.4, surrounding to the engine the curve of water per H. p. hr. and load is not as omooth as the corresponding anounts of superheat the This in sholm in tho steam supplied varied, as did also that in the exhaust, ditions essentially be expeoted, these remarks. As the amount of superheat smnptioll and load. page, speed, and at tllO same point of constant out off, but. '\ii th va.rying load. on previous fluotuating, of the fire and wa.ter supply; it wao therefore decided to endeavor to keep the crpeed more nearly constant lating the throttle more decidedly as the fluotuationo tlea.."1t a wide open throttlo when the boiler pressures due by manipu- ooourred. This 'Were low, and the result was that the tetiporature of the steam fell off greatly. In fact, in a very few minutes after sta:r-t ing the test, the c:rJlauststeam was very wet and remained so throughout the test. Tho thermostat, failed to shut the main fire off at all during the run. pressures ceased to fluotuate, re~~ining therefore, The boiler at about 200 lbs., ffildthe 68a throttle was left wide open from then on. failed to work satisfactorily condition in this test, of the exhaust, the pyroneter that the tenperatu,:ae and deternined; but, judgir~ the boiler must ha.ve been steam with very low, if any, superheat. By comparing highly superheated this test, then, with the other tests uoing steam, (for instance, idea of the adva.ntage of using ouperheated engine efficioncios Test No.7) steam. we get a general Comparing the it will be seen that tlle increase was ubout 30 The 'Wuter consumption it cannot be ~verloaded %. \'Tanalso much lower in the ouperhea.ted run. Thio test reveals a peculiarity for long periods throttle was open wide throughout 15.24 H. P. ,yet the behavior evidenoe 30 of the steam could not be accurately from the very wet oondition supplying Unfortunately, that with a judioioua of thin plant; llUl:1oly,that of tine. As above stated, the the run, and the :power only ,averaged of the car in other testa gave substantial amount of humoring, the car can be nlade to average a mu~h higher power : that is to oay, in order to rtUl the car to best advantage, when thepreosure momentarily dropn, the throttle must be eased off, a moment rmtil tho :pressure oomes on again, and then as the proosure rises, the car may be orowded, so to opeak, oonnidcrably. /. , /.8 " /7 Q.. Q) /.6 ., c:: "= ~~ IS CI) ~Q: ~:t /.4 -f ¥ V) -.Q ~ SOG .~ 2/ 20 /9. +-" /8 ..(:~ ~ 17 :t /6~ ~ -t-? IS" ....... ~ () 14 t + ".i /d ~ Horse Power S 7 8 9 /0 II /:J I;] '" '" '? ~ \.J " s::: ~ +-3 ~.v '~~ 7+ +Z ~ ~ O)~ Q: +5 CQ ! 1 ~ "S .,.... ~ ~ ~ U " "- ct +~ ,<U ~") 0 t .\J ...... .0 ~~ ~ ~ .t: +5 ~~ l:] Q) Horse POV1/er. 7 B 9 /0 II I~ A3 71 GROUP li. I I 10 Teot No. Horse Power 10.32 -neve of Engine ~er min. 589 11 12 7 9.82 8.54 13.87 753 775 I 1041 I 2 5 11.18 1 8.40 1100 1170 23.4 25.0 496 i Speed of Oar(mi. I'er hr. ) 12.6 16.5 16.1 22.2 410 431 446 412 325 Steam mlast pressures. 161 161 132 132 134 Boiler 785 Boiler pressures. 787 783 707 799 Dag. s'UJlerheat (boiler) 334 332 325 255 351 steam Chest temp. (OF.) 635 615 617 615 623 264 255 C.> Deg. ouperheat in Exhau$t. B. T. U. por H.P. :per min. Gasolino per H.P. 'POl- hr. Actual ovapa lb. gaooli11O. Equiv. " tt It If If 257 630 .-------- 250 258 260 287 ---- 254 1.10 81 12.84 287 1.23 75 14.57 59 13.97 --.... 328 312 --~ 1.37 1.44 - 15.20 - .... - .. Boiler piant .......... ---.- 18.66 _ .. ~----.-.------- ..- ... 340 412 --,----_ ..- .. 1.60 1.50 - ... 10.28 10.43 10.01 9.58 1O.~~~ 15.20 15.60 14.73 13.60 14.93 I 16.50 % 16.70 14.80 12.92 13.58 12.47 10.12 % 77.9 79.1 75.8 70.2 77.0 84.7 13.01 11.67 % - 95 105 ---- Therr.ta1 eff. Engi~e It It 67 -- ----- -- 11.27 Water per H.P. per hr. 727 -. -' ( S. 107 I temp. (OF.) Dag. superheat --- 9.80 9.54 9.53 8.57 - 72 Gnoup li. In this Group it was endeavored ana. to vary the speed .only, making the testo; however, this the basis for oOt!l}jurisonof due to the 1l"anydifferent tained, it ~as found impossible predetermined to keep the lond oonstant, conditions to oet tll0 load aocurately anount, henoe the olight differences sone effect upo!: the smoothness rent relations. at any of load will have of the curves which ropresent Take for instanoe little hieb on curve page whioh ob- the diffe- the point (6) i7hich corneo a lookine at the tables we see that the horse power of this test \7as a little below tho avorace of the speed run horDe powers, little higher, so that the gaooline conslllnption would come a ohowing why the point (6) cornea too high. ment applies to Toint (12). Consequ,:~ntly in drawing \veight was given these :points than the other points, horDe po\\'ersmore nearly aPI>roxi!:1.ated the mean. The same state- the ourve less at which the In the curve of B. T. U'u. per ninutc and speedo the points (2) and (7) are given less weight than the others for a similar reaGan. Throughout all the .give the proper weights In general deoreaoe an endeavor has been made to to the various ]?ointo. it seeno that an increaoe in engine efficiency effioienoy. ourves although not affecting The water and fuel consumptions spoed, and, as will be noticed, water consumption ill this Group. in speed gave a marked tlle highest as much the plant show great varia.tion with engine efficienoy of any of the tests was obtained and leaot at the lowest speed '\ f--r j t- - 1 --l-- ~--r---~t t 1 t. r---+-+----'-+------ -t--- -~ - ~ --- --l -----t-;-- t - t J...,...., ........................ - _+_ -- +-- I ...... -+ ~ [ I ...... - t f ------t---t----+--- _ i -......-.., 1 -'-l- - - - - -I-~- - ~ 1 f i r- --- t ..,....,.... I-- ~---~ ......... ~1 I I -~__ ---. l I ----+---"t - I j ~- f -+---,.-+--+-1 t - t--- --+----"-.-, I t 1 I -f-~+ ~- --I- 1-- - - __ J- __1_- _ - -+-- --t-- I - - -r --+-- I t.....---------r !-- --+-- j T t-+I t 1 T--i .... f_...,-t -+--- R.AM or£ng/ne. soo (JOO 700 800 900 1000 //00 /200 L I --j--- _ I- -- - '+-- { I --1-- ..,...- t - --~ -- -r----I--- - - f--i- --' - - _ t --i- + I - ---t-:-- t I -- r ---~- ---1'-'"- t I - .-- - f- -- - ---- -' - - -- .... - -~ S - f +7 _ ....... 1_ 1 10 I ,~l..: ~ 0) ~ ~ ~::t ~"~~ f{"'i ~" t) ~~ 10 .00 (Joa A.PM. 700 or £ng/ne . 800 300 /000 //00 /200 75 Gnoup r Ill. ~--I I Uotch !' - 4th. i Test No. 8 Horse Power. 8.88 '\ 3rd. 2nd. I 1s:,:J 9 2 13 10.50 11.18 10.56 Rev. of Engine. (per min) 1048 1134 1100 10f30 Speed of Car(mi.) per hr.) 22.3 24.1 23.4 22.6 496 466 I : I I Boiler presoures. 325 432 1 ! steam Chest pres sur en. 194 144 134 112 ~ 745 I I 780 780 799 (boiler) 310 319 251 steam Chest tewp. (oF.) 642 670 623 257 307 260 4 50 105 14.73 15.14 334 347 Gasoline per H.P. per hr. 1.41 1.37 Actual evap. lb. gasoline. 10.43 11.04 15.30 16.23 14.93 15.92 ------ 12.70 12.22 12.47 11':J2_~ 78.8 83.9 77.0 81,.9 10.00 10.24 Deg. superheat Deg. superheat ( s. e.) Dag. ouperheat in E~laust. Water per H.P. per hr. B. T. U. por H.P. per min. Equiv. tt " Thermal eff. Engine » »Boiler ft ft Plant % % % I 1 15.20 375 340 1.50 -- 1.53 -- 10.12 11.00 -- 9.53 9.27 ---------- 1 I j. 76 Ill. GROUP Group III is a series of tests at approximately load and speed, but run on the different thus giving different out notohes of the reverse lever, offs. There are six notohes on the quadrant, and one for backing. conntunt fi va for go ing forward, As seen from the tablos, tests were run only on the first four notehe'a, tho reason for this being that the fifth notoh brought the links into very nearly mid-gear, and the valves :pounded badly ov.-ingto high oompression. At this position that the maximum pOVlor obtainable fell below the rnefu~of the nO.teh e;roup horae powers. it 'Was found also The tests 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, ,,:ere all run on the seoond notch, as the oar is ordinarily run at' this out off. It was thought not worth ..... hile to plot ourves for this GroUJ? as there are but four points. An inspeotion show the efficienoy Tl1e moat marked change visible appears increase. to be in the amount of superheat of the table, however, in the exhaust in the various will tests. This effeot, of course, shoW's the engine to be uaing ita steam with .. - more expansion and more eoonomy the shorter the .out off, as would be expected. Tho tables also show a. deorease as the engine is hooked UP. ~lio economy in fuel and wator oonoumption is but slight, however. 77 COllet US! orr • This serieo of testa sholla the miite steam Plant to give remarkable high eoonomy and efficienoy of operation. It also ohowa that thin io, in a great measure, to the use of high pressures by oomparing under almost all conditions Tests No.4 and high degrees of superheat; of the separate efficiencies ensine, it is seen at onoe that the great effioienoy whole is largely due to the boiler. of the plant as itsnochanical 0.0 without danger. 0. is construct- The fact tha.t very little water io present, renders a do.ngerous explosion i~osoible. io, no doubt, due to the very large heating portion to the water contents, of boiler and This unique riece of apparatus adapted to this type of work, ion admits of high pressures efficiency this is shown and No.7. On consideration particularly due The hieh surface a.nd to tho efficient.method in })ro- of super- heating the stea..':1. by having it pass through the hottest part of its pa.th last. One interesting point in this boiler is this:- The feed tank usually contains a large amount of heavy engine oil returned with the condensed However, steam, as no means is employed to remove due to the high velocity of the steam in paosing it. through tho tubing, no trace of boilE~r ooale troubles has ever been met with. In Teat No.4, approximated for in3tance, the velocity was oaloulated 235 feet per second. to have 18 It is to be remembered ditionG also that the feed water under road cor.- i3 much warmer than in this series of tests, an it is largely condensed account, steam returned by the condenser it is reasonable pump. Taki!lb this into to assume that tIle boiler efficiencies would show even higher values under road conditions. An has been previously was practicable brour:;htout, the lowest speed at which to run the tests gave by far the best economy. speed the water consumption At this was only 11.27 Ibs. per horse potrer per hour, and the B. T. U. conaumption fevl compound it 254 per minute, values which very engines of larger size have equalled. The rotative speeds are rather high; for instance, of 25 miles per hour, the engine makes 1170 n. at a speed P. M •• and even at the lowest speed tested the engine made 589 :1. p. M. This Viould explain '7hy varying the speed seemed to effect the economy r.1orethan varying the load, the engine speeds being so high that the friction a faotor of the power. quite high, the piston stroke. However, the rotative speeds were not excessive, The highest piston Thr~uehout although speeds were owing to the short speed was only 685 feet per minute. tho test, the Plant has been treated aD a steam p1a.nt without regard to its value from the standpoint In this regard wao quite of vehicle propulsion. it must be said that the system is admirably to meet the many peculiar requirements both on account of ita great flexibility of automobile the opeed and guide the ca.r. notive power, and its automatio of steam supply, leaving little for the operator adapted regulation to do but regulate