Proposal: Development of an Online Watershed Interface to predict the effects of forest and fire management on sediment and nutrient loads in surface runoff in the Tahoe Basin I. Title Page Title: Subtheme this proposal is responding to Principal Investigator and Receiving Institution Co-Principal Investigators Co-Principal Investigator Co-Principal Investigator Principal Collaborator Local Collaborator Grants Contact Person Funding requested: Total cost share (value of financial and in-kind contributions): Development of an Online Watershed Interface to predict the effects of forest and fire management on sediment and phosporus loads in surface runoff in the Lake Tahoe Basin Theme: FOREST HEALTH Subtheme 1b: Improving WEPP-based analysis of forest management activities at the watershed scale Dr. William Elliot USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station 1221 South Main Street, Moscow, ID 83843 Phone: (208)-883-2338; Fax: (208)-883-2318 Email: Drs. Erin S. Brooks and Jan Boll Biological and Agricultural Engineering & Water Resources Prgm University of Idaho, P.O. Box 442060, Moscow, ID 83844–2060; Phone: (208) 885–6562; Fax: (208) 885–8923; Email: and Dr. Randy Foltz USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station 1221 South Main Street, Moscow, ID 83843 Phone: (208)-883-2312; Fax: (208)-883-2318 Email: Dr. Mike Hogan Integrated Environmental Restoration Services PO Box 7559, Tahoe City, CA 96145 Phone: (530) 581 4377; Fax: (530) 581 0359 Email: Dr. Dennis Flanagan, National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory USDA Agricultural Research Service 275 S. Russell St., W. Lafayette, IN 47907-2077 Phone: (765) 494-7748; Fax: (765) 494-5948 Email: Dr. Joey Keely, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit USDA Forest Service 35 College Drive, South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 Phone: (530) 543-2600 Fax (530) 543 2693 Cindy Gordon Supervisory Grants Manager USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station 240 West Prospect Road, Fort Collins, CO 80526 Phone: 970-498-1172 Fax: 970-498-1396 Email: $ 489,361 $ 188,721 1 Proposal: Development of an Online Watershed Interface to predict the effects of forest and fire management on sediment and nutrient loads in surface runoff in the Tahoe Basin II. Proposal Narrative (up to 7 pages, single-spaced, 10 point font minimum) A. Project abstract (1 paragraph summary for public distribution) In order to reduce fire risk within forested areas in the Tahoe Basin, numerous fuel management activities to thin, harvest, burn and masticate excessive fuels are necessary. To support these activities a road network with landings is required. We propose to meet with stakeholders in the basin to determine the current fuel management activities. We will then develop watershed tools to allow mangers to evaluate the subwatershed effects of these activities in terms of fine sediment and phosphorus delivery from subwatersehds that were treated. The approach to the tool will be based on previous work supported by the SNPLMA and others. In Round 7, Brooks et al. generated three products based on the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) Model to aid in evaluating sources of sediment in the Lake Tahoe Basin, and the effects of forest management on sediment generation. One was a database including the digital elevation model for the basin, the soil maps, the land coverage, and a weather database including all SNOTEL stations within the basin. The second product was an online interface to run individual hillslopes to estimate the runoff and sediment generation associated with wildfire and forest management. The third product was a series of calculations to use the WEPP model to predict the distribution of erosion within the basin under the current cover. In a complementary project, an online GIS interface is under development for the WEPP watershed version to allow users to run WEPP Watershed without the need to be proficient in, or even purchase a GIS. Another WEPP development is the incorporation of water quality algorithms by Forest Service researchers into WEPP runoff and sediment predictions. We propose to incorporate the Tahoe Basin database into the online WEPP Watershed interface to allow users to carry out watershed analyses within the Tahoe Basin. We will then enhance that online interface to include the PERL scripts developed by Brooks et al. in Round 7 to allow a more comprehensive analysis of runoff and water yield from the basin. The interface will be further enhanced to include a channel flood routing and erosion prediction currently not available with the WEPP technology. The proposed output interface will be developed to aid in interpreting model predictions, and in linking those predictions to the Tahoe Basin TMDL. To estimate the erodibility of landings, soil erodibility properties will be measured by two types of rainfall simulator and a constant head permeameter. The results added to a growing database of Tahoe-specific WEPP soil erodibility values. During the project, semi annual teleconferences will be held between the stakeholders and the research team. At the end of the project, a workshop will be held to train potential users on using the tool. A monitoring program will be initiated using flumes and turbidity meters, along with grab samples to see if sediment from forest management activities can be detected at the subwatershed scale on two disturbed and to undisturbed forested subwatersheds. B. Justification statement: explain the relationship between the proposal and the subtheme Subtheme 1b states that ― Current and future forest management activities may include hand thinning, cutto-length harvest, whole tree removal, cable logging, mastication, chipping, understory and/or pile burning, road management, and defensible space practices. Well-designed analytical tools, such as the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) suite of computer models, can be used to improve the planning and evaluation of forest treatment projects across diverse landscapes, and generate shared understanding between implementers and regulators regarding risks, costs, and benefits of treatment alternatives, particularly with regard to water quality impacts. At present, the WEPP suite of computer models is sufficiently robust to allow relatively rapid completion of complex evaluations of individual hillslopes, but not multiple hillslopes and features forming a complex watershed including roads and landings; the latter can be accomplished only by expert modelers using a research-grade version of WEPP. The management need is to produce and validate a user-friendly, web-based, Basin-specific, watershed version of WEPP. It must be sufficiently robust to help design and evaluate projects to ensure that they meet all relevant forest management and regulatory objectives related to water quality (e.g., fine sediment and nutrients)..‖ This proposal is intended to directly address these needs, to develop, parameterize, validate and transfer a WEPP-based tool for use in forested sub watersheds in the Tahoe Basin. 2 Proposal: Development of an Online Watershed Interface to predict the effects of forest and fire management on sediment and nutrient loads in surface runoff in the Tahoe Basin C. Concise background and problem statement In the absence of disturbance, forest hillslopes erode very little, and water leaving forested watersheds is generally subsurface lateral flow or interflow and groundwater. When a forest is disturbed, surface runoff may increase, generating surface runoff and sediment delivery. In some cases, such disturbance can also release nutrients like phosphorus to runoff and subsurface lateral flow, adversely affecting offsite water quality. If there is no forest management, then the risk of wildfire is increased, as is the probability of elevated erosion rates much greater than those associated with disturbances from forest management. Managers need to have tools that will allow them to integrate the effects of forest management in time and space in order to evaluate the potential benefits of forest management activities, and to look at different management strategies, such as thinning verses prescribed fire, or targeting treatments on sites of greatest risk of wildfire or sites of greatest risk to property, etc. The problem managers need to solve is how to predict the effects of forest management activities on runoff, sediment delivery, and nutrient loading. We propose to develop an online tool that will predict the effects of different forest management strategies and wildfire on the delivery of fine sediment and phosphorus at a sub watershed scale. The online interface will make the model inputs and outputs relatively easy to interpret by users who may not have the GIS skills needed to run a more complex watershed model. It will incorporate the ability to evaluate sediment delivery from road networks and landings associated with forest management. We will install monitoring equipment to validate the model preditions. D. Goals, objectives, and hypotheses to be tested The goal of this project is to develop an online GIS interface to allow users to evaluate watershed impacts of fuel management activities. Specifically, we propose to: 1. Meet with watershed management stakeholders at the beginning of each research year to present proposed research direction and receive feedback on user needs; 2. Enhance the online GIS watershed tool that is under development to include: a. The Brooks et al. (2010) soil, climate, vegetation with canopy and topography databases; b. A linear base flow model (Brookes et al., 2010; Elliot et al., 2010); c. The future climate scenarios under development by Coates (2010); d. Enhanced flood routing routines; e. Fine sediment concentration prediction; f. Estimates of phosphorus loading; 3. Validate the model using existing hillslope and watershed scale observations from basin monitoring activities; 4. Compare the hydraulic conductivity of forest landings measured by three methods: a. Oscillating fan nozzle rainfall simulator; b. Drop forming needle rainfall simulator; c. Constant head permeameter; 5. Measure the interrill erodibility of landings using nozzle and drop forming simulators; 6. Measure the rill erodibility of landings with concentrated flow; 7. Initiate a monitoring protocol in subwatersheds with forest management activities to see if excessive sediment and phosphorus is generated by the management activity, and to aid in model validation; 8. Lead a workshop on the use of the proposed model; and 9. Set up and maintain the server with the software targeting Tahoe Basin needs for the foreseeable future. 3 Proposal: Development of an Online Watershed Interface to predict the effects of forest and fire management on sediment and nutrient loads in surface runoff in the Tahoe Basin E. Approach, methodology and location of research The WEPP Model The proposed erosion model behind the interface is the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model. This is the same model used by Brooks et al. (2010) to develop on online project scale management tool for the basin (Tahoe Basin Sediment Model; and to drive a complex watershed scale tool by adding groundwater processes. WEPP is a process-based hydrology and erosion prediction model built on the fundamentals of hydrology, plant science, hydraulics, and erosion mechanics (Laflen et al., 1997). WEPP’s most notable advantages include its capabilities for estimating spatial and temporal distributions of soil detachment and deposition on an event or continuous basis, at both small (hillslopes, roads, small parcels) and large (watershed) scales as affected by land-use and management practices (Flanagan and Livingston, 1995). WEPP has been parameterized for various benchmark soils across the U.S. and the model performance assessed under a broad variety of land-use and management conditions, including forestlands, roads, and prescribed and natural fires (Laflen et al., 1997). In addition, a daily weather file can be generated with CLIGEN, an auxiliary stochastic climate generator (Flanagan and Nearing, 1995), when observed weather data are not available or when predicting future weather or extreme event analysis. One of the features of WEPP that make it particularly suited for the Tahoe Basin is that it is one of the few erosion models that includes snow accumulation and melt in the prediction of runoff and erosion (Flanagan and Nearing, 1995). The WEPP model has two versions: Hillslope and Watershed. A Windows interface can run either version. The watershed version combines the outputs from individual hillslope polygons of 5 to 10 ha each, and then routes the surface runoff, subsurface lateral flow, and eroded sediment through the stream system. The channels may experience deposition or erosion, depending on the amount of sediment delivered from the hillslopes, the channel flow rates, and the channel gradient. The online versions developed by Elliot (2004) and the Tahoe Sediment Basin Model (Brooks et al., 2010) are all interfaces to the hillslope version. The Watershed analysis conducted by Brooks et al. (2010) combined the outputs from individual hillslope runs, but did not route the surface runoff and lateral flow thorough a stream system. Brooks et al. (2010) and Elliot et al. (2010) presented methods for incorporating base flows into runoff from forested watersheds, using outputs from the hydrology model within WEPP to recharge a temporary groundwater reservoir. The water in the reservoir can then to used by a linear flow model to estimate daily base flow in the stream. The GeoWEPP model (Renschler, 2003) is an interface to the WEPP Watershed version, but is limited in the size of watershed it can consider to about 5 sq km (2 sq miles) because it requires a single climate for the entire watershed, and the hydrology and channel routines are not suited for watersheds with perennial flows. Unfortunately, GeoWEPP only works with ArcGIS 9.x, which is no longer supported by it developers. WEPP Input Files The WEPP model requires four input files: Soil, Climate, Vegetation, and Topography. As part of their Round 7 SNPLMA project, Brooks et al. (2010) developed a database of the soils and current vegetation with canopy in the Tahoe Basin, and demonstrated that their tool could do a reasonable job of modeling observed hydrographs (Brooks et al., 2010; Elliot et al., 2010). This database was expanded to support the online Tahoe Basin Sediment Model to include soil and vegetation files describing forest management activities including prescribed fire, thinning, and wildfire (Brooks et al., 2010). The Brooks et al. Round 7 project collated a 30-m DEM for the basin, so the necessary topographic data are available. The Round 7 project also expanded the climate database to include seven SNOTEL stations within the basin, and the ability to combine the observed data from those stations with the PRISM database to assign a site specific climate to every 800-m grid within the basin. Rainfall simulations from both volcanic and granitic Basin Roads were carried out as part of the Foltz Round 7 Project (Foltz et al., 2011). The erodibility of Basin roads has been incorporated into the current online interface (Brooks et al., 2010). In the Elliot et al. Round 10 proposal (Elliot et al., 2009), the investigators will be incorporating future climates into the 4 Proposal: Development of an Online Watershed Interface to predict the effects of forest and fire management on sediment and nutrient loads in surface runoff in the Tahoe Basin WEPP database that are under development by Coates (2010) in their Round 9 proposal, and these climates, with warmer and slightly wetter climates will be available for evaluating forest management practices under current and future climates. Rainfall Simulation In recent years, two types of rainfall simulators and a constant head permeameter have been used in the basin to measure impacts of disturbances (Figure 1). Grismer and Hogan have evaluated ski slopes and roads and other disturbances under different methods of restoration using a drop forming simulator, whereas Foltz has evaluated roads and burn piles using a fan nozzle simulator. In addition, the Forest Service has been using a constant head permeameter to evaluate the impact of removing excessive fuel. One soil condition not in the current WEPP database is the landings. This proposal will carry out rainfall simulations by two different methods, fan nozzle and drop former and a constant head permeameter on the same site to not only provide information on landings, but also allow better evaluation of erodibility values measured by the two simulators and the permeameter in previous studies within the Tahoe Basin. We will also measure rill erodibility of landings using concentrated flow (Foltz et al., 2008). The Online Interface to the WEPP Watershed Version An new online interface for the WEPP Watershed Version was released in 2011 (Figure 2; Frankenberger et al., 2011). It can be accessed at < >. The interface includes a database for typical forest vegetation and soil conditions. Figure 2 is a screen shot of this interface running on this new server for a subwatershed in the Ward Creek Watershed in the Tahoe Basin. Nutrient and Fine Sediment Prediction The WEPP Watershed output includes runoff from two sources, surface runoff and subsurface lateral flow. We propose to estimate phosphorus concentrations in each of these sources, add to that phosphorus in detached sediment, and present the total phosphorus yield from a watershed. This technology is currently under development in the Elliot Round 9 SNPLMA funding (Figure 3). The WEPP model predicts sediment delivery in 5 size classes: Primary sand, silt and clay, and large and small aggregates. The ability to predict fine sediment from the WEPP output was presented at the user workshop as part of the Round 7 SNPLMA proposal (Brooks et al., 2010). This method will be incorporated into the proposed watershed interface. Monitoring and Validation We propose to use hillslope-scale monitoring data collected by Treaumer (2009), and Hogan and Grismer from past and proposed monitoring activities (Round 11) within the basin, to evaluate the performance of the model at individual hillslopes within a watershed. We propose to evaluate the accuracy of the phosphorus model to simulate watershed outlet predictions using the extensive watershed-scale database collected bv LTIMP during the past two decades for sediment (Brooks et al., 2010) and nutrient content (Byron and Goldman, 1989, Coates and Goldman, 2001; Coates, 2004). In addition, we will install 4 flumes with turbidity meters, two at outlets to subwatersheds with fuel management activities, and two on subwatersheds without. We will attempt to collect grab samples during peak snow melt times and also following severe rainfall events to use for calibrating turbidity with sediment concentration and phosphorus delivery, although we recognize that access may be limited at that time of the year. We will also compare our results to others who have carried out similar studies within the basin. Approach This is a synthesis project to draw together the results from numerous other modeling projects funded by the SNPLMA, the Army Corps of Engineers, the USDA Conservation Effectiveness Assessment (CEAP) 5 Proposal: Development of an Online Watershed Interface to predict the effects of forest and fire management on sediment and nutrient loads in surface runoff in the Tahoe Basin Program, the Agricultural Research Service, and the Rocky Mountain Research Station. We propose to expand the databases for the Online WEPP Watershed Version 2011 Interface to include: 1. The Brooks et al. (2010) soil, climate and elevation database for the Tahoe Basin developed for the watershed analysis component of that study; 2. The Brooks et al. (2010) vegetation database developed for the Tahoe Basin Sediment Model; 3. The Foltz et al. (2011) Basin Road erodibility data collected in Foltz et al.’s Round 7 project; 4. The additional soil and vegetation databases proposed to be developed during the Elliot et al (2009) SNPLMA project; 5. Base flow in the stream will be estimated by a temporary groundwater reservoir and a linear flow model (Brooks et al., 2010; Elliot et al., 2010); 6. The future climates developed by Coates (2010); 7. The improved channel flood routing algorithms developed for the WEPP Watershed version by Wang et al. (2010); 8. The phosphorus and fine sediment predictions under development for the Elliot Round 10 enhancement to the Tahoe Basin Sediment Model; 9. The Tahoe Basin GIS road layer; 10. The ability to incorporate sediment from a landing manually specified by the user. Locations of Work The proposed modeling work will be done at the University of Idaho and Rocky Mountain Research Station Forestry Sciences Laboratory in Moscow, ID, the USDA-ARS National Soil Erosion Research Laboratory in W. Lafayette, IN, the IERS offices in Tahoe City, and on landings in forested areas within the Tahoe Basin. There will be three meetings plus a workshop held within the Tahoe Basin. During the three meetings, there will be site visits to interact with Basin specialists, and to gain a better understanding of some of the site-specific conditions that need to be modeled, in particular, the degree of site disturbance associated with fuel treatment activities and the distribution of landings. F. Relationship of the research to previous and current relevant research, monitoring, and/or environmental improvement efforts This project relies heavily on work that has already been complete, or is currently under way. The previous and current SNPLMA projects and their relationship are listed in table 1. Our proposed study will complement the current SNPLMA projects to the greatest extent possible, since many of these projects are conducted by the same PI and Co-PIs. Please note that our proposed study will develop new online interface that has totally different structure using the WEPP watershed version, whereas the previous projects (Round 7 Tahoe Basin Sediment Model and Round 8 the Tahoe Project Sediment Model) develop online interfaces based on the less complex WEPP Hillslope version. In addition to the above collaborations, the Army Corps of Engineers Chicago office have provided the funding needed to develop the current interface for forests conditions and to assist in the addition of roads and wildfire effects into an online interface. The Forest Service Region 1 Resource Information Management Program provided funding to develop the database to include Region 1 forest soils and digital elevation data, and the USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station provided funding to develop a method to incorporate the post wildfire burned area reflectance category (BARC) map into an online interface. 6 Proposal: Development of an Online Watershed Interface to predict the effects of forest and fire management on sediment and nutrient loads in surface runoff in the Tahoe Basin Table 1. Related previous and current SNPLMA projects and relationship SNPLMA Project Title PIs Relationship Round Validation of a Landscape-Level 6 Weisberg Provide Tahoe-specific Simulation model for Analyzing Biomass Ganschow parameterization of C-N-P pools Management Impacts on Forest Miller for wildfire, prescribed burn, and Ecosystems Johnson mechanical harvesting Assessing the sources and transport of fine 7 Brooks * Provide climate, soil and sediment in response to management Elliot*. vegetation files that were practices in the Tahoe Basin using the Wu, Boll* specifically customized for the WEPP model Lake Tahoe basin and developed the linear flow model for base flow. Improving Road Erosion Modeling for the 7 Foltz* Provide WEPP erosion Lake Tahoe Basin and Evaluating BMP Elliot* parameters specific to the Lake Strategies for Fine Sediment Reduction at Chung Tahoe basin and incorporate Watershed Scales Rhee them into WEPP interface The effects of climate change on Lake 8 Reuter Will provide future climate Tahoe and implications for design of best Coates scenarios management practices. Nutrient and Sediment Loading 8 Treaumer May provide phosphorous data Predictions for Prescribed Fire Using Grismer and pile burn soil properties Optimized WEPP Model Miller Integrated Decision Support for Cost 8 Jones Proposed tool includes WEPP Effective Fuel Treatments Under Multiple Chung technology and similar database Resource Goals Elliot * to this proposed project Development and validation of the Tahoe 10 Elliot * Provide Tahoe-specific climate, Project Sediment Model Brooks * soil, and vegetation files. Treaumer * Indicates that the previous and proposed SNPLMA projects share the same PI or Co-PIs as this proposal G. Strategy for engaging with managers and obtaining permits Managers are already been engaged in this project through the Brooks et al. (2010) Round 7 onsite visits, a seminar and a workshop, ten presentations to date at recent Tahoe Basin Science Conferences and workshops, as well as Elliot serving on a review panel in 2008 and reviewing a monitoring proposal in 2010. We will arrange visits during years 1 and 2 to the basin and include seminars where stakeholders will be invited to be briefed on the new tool, and a hands-on 1-day workshop will be held in year 3 presenting the beta version of the tool. We will work with the Forest Service to obtain any permits needed for the rainfall simulation or monitoring studies, as we anticipate that these activities will be carried out on Forest Service land. H. Description of deliverables/products and plan for how data and products will be reviewed and made available to end users There will be four main deliverables associated with this proposal: 1. An online watershed interface; 2. A hands-on workshop on using the interface; 3. A peer-reviewed publication from the rainfall simulation work; and 7 Proposal: Development of an Online Watershed Interface to predict the effects of forest and fire management on sediment and nutrient loads in surface runoff in the Tahoe Basin 4. A report on monitoring observations. The online interface will be reviewed at the beginning of the project, and at the beginning of year 2 by stakeholders within the basin. It will be ―pu blished‖ during the hands-on workshop at the end of the third year of this project. Once it is published online, it will be available to anyone with an internet access anywhere in the world. We will commit to ensuring that the server is maintained for at least five years beyond this project. The peer-reviewed publication will be drafted near the end of the second year, following the validation activities. It will be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal. We anticipate at least 3 presentations will be made about the proposed interface at professional meetings during or in the year following the project. There will also be at least two presentations associated with this project at a Tahoe Science Conference, one on the interface, and one on the simulation study. A report will be prepared on the results of the monitoring data, and a means to continue to monitoring beyond the life of the project will be pursued. It is likely that either IERS or the LTBMU will continue the monitoring, but it is beyond the scope of this proposal. 8 Proposal: Development of an Online Watershed Interface to predict the effects of forest and fire management on sediment and nutrient loads in surface runoff in the Tahoe Basin III. Schedule of major milestones/deliverables We assume that our project will begin on July 1, 2012 and end on December 31, 2014. Milestones and Deliverables are described and scheduled in the following table. Milestone/Deliverables Quarterly progress reports Start Date Jul 1, 2012 End Date Dec 31, 2014 Annual accomplishment reports Jul 1, 2012 Install a server specific for this project July 1, 2012 Sep 30, 2012, 2013 & 2014 December, 2012 Carry out rainfall simulations on landings Carry out concentrated flow simulations on landings Incorporation of DEM and Soil layers Incorporation of Groundwater flow Incorporate flood and sediment routing August 1, 2012 September 1, 2012 December 31, 2012 December 31, 2012 Jan, 2013 Jan 1, 2012 Jul 1, 2012 Jun 31, 2012 Jun 30, 2012 Dec 31, 2012 Jan 1, 2013 May 31, 2013 Jun 1, 2013 Jan 1, 2014 Mar 1. 2014 Mar 1, 2014 Dec 31, 2013 Sep 30, 2014 Jun 30, 2014 Dec. 31, 2019 Incorporation of nutrient and fine sediment prediction into WEPP output Validation Draft peer-reviewed manuscript Workshop Maintain Linux Server with software 9 Description Submit brief progress report to Tahoe Science Program coordinator in July, October, January, and April. Prepare and submit annual summary of accomplishments in October. Purchase and obtain clearance to install a public server on the Univ. of ID intranet. Install the existing online interface as a base on which to build the proposed Tahoe interface Carry out side by side rainfall simulations and complete initial data analysis Carry out rill simulations and complete initial data analysis Add DEM & soil layers for the Tahoe Basin Add the Brooks et al. (2010) groundwater algorithms Add flood routing method and simple sediment transport and channel erosion algorithms Add post processing routines to online interface to predict sources of phosphorus by hillslope, and amount of fine sediment. Compare predicted runoff, sediment delivery and nutrient load to observed values Prepare draft manuscript for submission to an adequate peer-reviewed journal. Plan and carry out hands on workshop within the basin. Maintain, backup, repair, upgrade, and replace LINUX servers with software developed for this and related projects. Proposal: Development of an Online Watershed Interface to predict the effects of forest and fire management on sediment and nutrient loads in surface runoff in the Tahoe Basin IV. Literature cited/References (Up to 2 pages) Brooks, E.S., W.J. Elliot, J. Boll and J. Wu. 2010. Final Report, Assessing the Sources and Transport of Fine Sediment in Response to Management Practices in the Tahoe Basin using the WEPP Model. Moscow, ID: University of Idaho. Byron, E.R., and C.R. Goldman. 1989. Land-use and water quality in tributary streams of Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada. J. Environ. Qual. 18:84-88. Coates, R. 2004. Nutrient and sediment transport in streams of Lake Tahoe Basin: A 30-year retrospective. Presented at the Sierra Nevada Science Symposium Oct. 7-10, 2002. General Technical Report PSW-GTR-193. Arcata, CA: USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station. 143-147. Coates, R.N. and C.R. Goldman. 2001. Patterns of nitrogen transport in streams of Lake Tahoe Basin, California-Nevada. Water Resources Research 37(2):405-415. Coates, R., J. Reuter, M. Dettinger, J. Riverson, G. Sahoo, G. Schladow, B. Wolfe, and M. Costa-Cabral. 2010. The effects of climate change on Lake Tahoe in the 21st Century: Meteorology, Hydrology, Loading and Lake Response. Final Report, USDA-FS LTBMU, Pacific Southwest Research Station, 200 p. Elliot, W.J. 2004. WEPP Internet interfaces for forest erosion prediction. Journal of the American Water Resources Assoc. 40(2):299-309. Elliot, W.J. 2009. Developing an Online GIS-Based Tool to Predict Soil Erosion from Forested Watersheds. Development proposal funded by the Army Corps of Engineers, Chicago District, March, 2009. Moscow, ID: Rocky Mountain Research Station. 2 p. Elliot, W. 2010. Worksheet Developed for the Lake Tahoe Basin Sediment Model Workshop. Online at <>. Accessed Oct. 2010. 6 p. Elliot, W., E. Brooks, T. Link, and S. Miller. 2010. Incorporating groundwater flow into the WEPP model. Proc. of the 2nd Joint Federal Interagency Conference, 27 Jun - 1 Jul, Las Vegas, NV. 12 p. Elliot, W., E. Brooks and D. Treaumor. 2009. Development and Validation of the Tahoe Project Sediment Model. Research proposal submitted to the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act, November, 2009. Online at : <> Accessed October, 2010. Elliot, W.J., P.J. Edwards and R.B. Foltz. 2011. Research related to roads in experimental forests. In, Hayes, D., S. Stout and R. Crawford (Eds.). Research in Forest Service Experimental Watersheds (In Press). New York: Springer Publishing. 25 p. Flanagan, D.C. and M.A. Nearing, (eds.) 1995. WEPP Technical Documentation, NSERL Rep. 10. West Lafayette, IN: USDA ARS NSERL. Flanagan, D.C., and S.J. Livingston, eds. 1995. WEPP User Summary. NSERL Rep. No. 11. West Lafayette, IN: USDA ARS NSERL. Foltz, R.B., H. Rhee and W.J. Elliot. 2008. Modeling changes in rill erodiblity and critical shear stress on native surface roads. Hydrologic Processes 22:4783-4788. Foltz, R.B., W.J. Elliot, and N.S. Wagenbrenner. 2011. Parent material/soil texture-based parameters compared to using site-specific parameters. Transactions of ASABE. 54(4): 1347-1356. Frankenberger, J.R., S. Dun, D.C. Flanagan, J.Q. Wu, W.J. Elliot. 2011. Development of a GIS interface for WEPP model applications to Great Lakes forested watersheds. Presented at the International Symposium on Erosion and Landscape Evolution, 18-21 September, 2011. Anchorage, AK. Paper no. 11139. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE. 8 p. Laflen, J.M., W.J. Elliot, D.C. Flanagan, C.R. Meyer, and M.A. Nearing. 1997. WEPP—predicting water erosion using a process-based model. J. Soil Water Conserv. 52, 96–102. Renschler, C.S. 2003. Designing geo-spatial interfaces to scale process models: The GeoWEPP approach. 10 Proposal: Development of an Online Watershed Interface to predict the effects of forest and fire management on sediment and nutrient loads in surface runoff in the Tahoe Basin Hydrological Processes 17: 1005-1017. Reuter, J. and J. Coates. 2008. The effects of climate change on Lake Tahoe and implications for design of best management practices. Research proposal submitted to the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act, November, 2008. Online at : <>. Accessed October, 2010. Rhee, H., X. Liu, S. Dun, J. Wu, P. Conrad, R. McNearny and B. Elliot. 2011. Effects of surface coal mining on soil hydraulic properties in Eastern Montana. Presented at the Society of Mining Engineers Annual Meeting, 27 Feb., - 2 March, Denver, CO. Traeumer, D., M. Grismer and W. Miller. 2008. Nutrient and sediment loading predictions for prescribed fire using optimized WEPP model. Research proposal submitted to the Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act, November, 2008. Online at < >. Accessed October, 2010 Wang, L., J.Q. Wu, W.J. Elliot, S. Dun, S. Lapin, F.R. Fiedler, and D.C. Flanagan. 2010. Implementation of channel-routing routines in the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model, Proc. 4th SIAM Conf. Math. Ind. (MI09), p. 120–127. Weisberg, P.J., S. Ganschow, W.W. Miller, and D.W. Johnson. 2008. Validation of a landscape-level simulation model for analysing biomass management impacts on forest ecosystems. Final Report Round 6 SNPLMA submitted to USDA-FS LTBMU, Accessed Oct. 25, 2010. 11 Proposal: Development of an Online Watershed Interface to predict the effects of forest and fire management on sediment and nutrient loads in surface runoff in the Tahoe Basin V. Figures Figure 1. Nozzle simulator (Elliot et al., 2011), drop forming simulator (Arst and Hogan, 2008), and constant head permeameter (Rhee et al., 2011) Figure 2. Screen shot of the prototype online WEPP Watershed output showing the distribution of erosion in a 208-ha subwatershed in the upper part of the Ward Creek Watershed. In order to show the capability of the model, a low-severity fire soil was selected. Note the green pixels where erosion is minimal (less than 10 Mg/ha), the dark read where it is the greatest (in excess of 40 Mg/ha), and the yellow pixels where deposition is predicted. 12 Proposal: Development of an Online Watershed Interface to predict the effects of forest and fire management on sediment and nutrient loads in surface runoff in the Tahoe Basin Figure 3. Phosphorus calculation table under development for the Tahoe Basin Sediment Model interface. The concentration values will be a user input dependent on local geology. 13