Tahoe Research Supported by the SNPLMA Program, RFP 2012 I. Title Page Project Title Theme and subtheme Principal Investigator Co-Principal Investigator Co-Principal Investigator Co-Principal Investigator Grants contact person Total funding requested Total value of inkind and financial contributions Incorporating project-level analysis and enhanced decision support into the OptFuels fuel treatment planning system for the Lake Tahoe Basin Theme Forest Health Sub-theme Informing decisions for multi-objective forest management Name Greg Jones Institution USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station Address PO Box 7669, 200 East Broadway Phone 406-329-3396 Fax 406-329-3487 Email jgjones@fs.fed.us Name Woodam Chung Institution College of Forestry and Conservation, The University of Montana Address 32 Campus Dr. Missoula, MT 59812 Phone 406-243-6606 Fax 406-243-4845 Email woodam.chung@umontana.edu Name Jody Bramel Institution USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station Address PO Box 7669, 200 East Broadway Phone 406-329-3414 Fax 406-329-3487 Email Jbramel02@fs.fed.us Name William J. Elliot Institution USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station Address 1221 S. Main St., Moscow, ID 83843 Phone (208) 883-2338 Fax (208) 883-2318 Email welliot@fs.fed.us Name Cindy Gordon Institution USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, Grants & Agreements Staff Phone (970) 498-1172 Fax (970) 498-1396 Email cdgordon@fs.fed.us $ 121,890 $ 50,781 II. Proposal Narrative Project Abstract Many communities in the Lake Tahoe Basin are at high risk for damage from wildfire. The USDA Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (LTBMU) and other land management agencies in the Basin have conducted fuel treatments on numerous acres, primarily within the wildland urban interface, and there are plans to treat over 68,000 acres of forested areas within the Basin over the next 10 to 15 years. Efficient and effective tools are needed to help these managers develop and evaluate fuel treatment alternatives for reducing fire risk to public safety, property, and the environment, address other forest management objectives, and generate a shared understanding of the benefits and costs of alternatives in planning. In recognition of this need, SNPLMA provided funds to develop a decision support system, OptFuels, for scheduling fuel treatment locations in time and space across landscapes to maximize treatment effectiveness (P034 “Integrated decision support for cost effective fuel treatments under multiple resource goals”). We propose a 1.5-year project to enhance the current version of the OptFuels decision support tool in response to suggestions from Basin managers made at a May 2011 OptFuels workshop. With these enhancements managers will be able to quickly and easily build an OptFuels model for any planning area in the Basin by clipping information from a Basin-wide database. Functionality will be added to allow managers to enter and analyze treatment unit polygons of any shape and size. Other proposed enhancements will provide more information for comparing treatment alternatives, including treatment costs, biomass volumes and delivery costs, and the extent to which values at risk would be impacted with and without fuel treatment if wildfire were to occur, including predicted sediment loading in stream channels and listings of values at risk within the burn perimeter for various durations of burn time. We believe this enhanced OptFuels system effectively addresses the needs for a tool to help resource managers better evaluate alternative strategies for reducing fire risk to public safety, property, and the environment. 1. Justification The Lake Tahoe Basin is a national treasure and an area of national concern. Due to environmental damages caused by past land use practices and development, Lake Tahoe’s water clarity has significantly diminished (Goldmann 1988), and a large portion of the Lake Tahoe Basin is at high risk of catastrophic wildfires (TRPA 2007). The USDA Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (LTBMU) considers catastrophic wildfire a significant threat to the natural resources, scenic qualities, communities and economic values within the Lake Tahoe Basin, including lake water quality (LTBMU 2006). Reducing catastrophic wildfire risk is a priority in the LTBMU, and fuels reduction is recognized as an essential tool for enhancing forest health conditions, habitat, and watershed quality, as well as reducing fire risks (LTBMU 2006, Murphy et al. 2007). In response to the elevated threat of high severity wildfire and the need for ecosystem restoration in the Basin, the Forest Service-LTBMU has treated 21,000 acres of fuels since 1977 through the Environmental Improvement Program (EIP). In addition, the LTBMU has developed fuels treatment plans for over 68,000 acres of forested areas within the Basin for next 10 to 15 years (TRPA 2007, LTMBU 2007). Although these efforts have begun to address excessive fuel loads in Lake Tahoe Basin forests, the existing fuel treatment plans and management strategies have not been thoroughly examined nor refined in terms of their: 1) effectiveness in changing fire behavior and the associated potential for loss of values at risk, including structures and water quality, 2) longevity of effects of fuels treatment and strategies for maintaining desired effects over time, 3) cost effectiveness in fuels treatment and slash disposal, and 4) options for utilizing biomass removed by treatments. Well-designed decision support tools and systems can help to improve the planning and evaluation of forest treatment projects with regards to these characteristics, as well as generate shared understanding regarding risks, costs, and benefits of treatment alternatives. A number of models and tools have been developed and extensively validated for addressing the effects and effectiveness of fuel treatments from different perspectives and geographic scales. FARSITE (Finney 1998) and FlamMap (Finney 2006) are able to compute fire behavior characteristics at a landscape scale. However, neither temporal effects of treatments nor maintenance scheduling are included in either of these models. The Fire and Fuels Extension to the Forest Vegetation Simulator and the (FVS-FFE, Reinhardt and Crookston 2003) has the ability to model stand-level fuel and vegetation dynamics, but it does not simulate the spread of fires between stands. As an economic optimization tool, MAGIS (Multiple-resource Analysis and Geographic Information System; Zuuring et al. 1995, Chung et al. 2005, Jones et al. 1986) has the ability to optimize forest treatments spatially and temporally in the presence of multiple objectives and constraints, but no fire spread logic exists in the system. FS WEPP (Elliot 1999, Elliot and Foltz 2001) is able to compute the amount of soil loss along a hillslope, as well as the 1 sediment yield and runoff at the bottom of the hillslope, but it neither simulates fuels treatment options, nor takes into account vegetation changes by itself. SNPLMA Project P034 “Integrated decision support for cost effective fuel treatments under multiple resource goals,” has developed a system, OptFuels, for scheduling fuel treatment locations in time and space across landscapes to maximize treatment effectiveness while meeting other management objectives (http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/human-dimensions/optfuels/). OptFuels utilizes FVS-FFE to project stands into the future both with and without fuel treatments and compute the fuel parameters needed for fire behavior modeling in future time periods with FlamMap Minimum Travel Time (MTT) fire spread modeling. MTT is used in OptFuels to evaluate the effectiveness of alternative schedules of fuel treatments for modifying fire behavior across a given landscape in each planning period. Using this information, the OptFuels solver selects the most effective schedule and locations of fuel treatments over multiple planning periods to minimize the expected loss from potential future wildland fire (Figure 1). OptFuels is operational but, like any sophisticated modeling system, improvements are possible that would enhance the functionality of the system and its metrics of treatment costs and effects, as well as its ability to predict wildfire risks from future fire scenarios, both with and without fuel treatments. We propose enhancements to OptFuels that respond to suggestions from Basin managers made at a May 2011 OptFuels workshop. This proposed research addresses Sub-theme 1a “Informing decisions for multi-objective forest management” under the Forest Health Theme of Lake Tahoe Research 2011 request for proposals. It refines an existing modeling system, OptFuels, which itself integrates widely used models FVS-FFE, FlamMap, and WEPP. With the proposed enhancements, OptFuels can be used both at landscape and project planning scales, providing a tool for improving forest management decision-making at both strategic planning and project levels. Other proposed enhancements target improved ability to evaluate the economics of alternative strategies for managing forest vegetation considering such factors as access and transportation. Additional enhancements estimate the reductions in the effects of wildfire on sediment yields and various values at risk to improve the shared understanding among managers and stakeholders regarding the risks, costs, and benefits of treatment alternatives. The first enhancement proposed adds functionality to OptFuels for users to enter treatment unit polygons with assigned treatments for project alternatives and analyze the effectiveness of those proposed treatments to modify fire behavior and reduce the risk from future wildland fire. These treatment unit polygons will be entered either as a GIS coverage (such as coverages available in the Forest Service Activity Tracking System, FACTS) or through a new OptFuels GIS interface. In the current version of OptFuels, users must assign treatments to pre-existing stand polygons, which only approximate the location of proposed treatments in a project alternative. The ability to analyze more spatially-accurate treatment unit polygons enhances the application of OptFuels at the project planning level. With this change, OptFuels can be used to analyze spatial and temporal fuel treatment strategies at the landscape scale, then transition to more location-specific placement of treatment units at the project planning scale. One system for both scales simplifies and streamlines the fuel treatment planning process. The second enhancement constructs a Lake Tahoe Basin-wide OptFuels database and develops a streamlined process for clipping information from that database to build planning-area specific OptFuels models within the Basin. In addition, a process will be developed for basin managers to update this database over time when treatments are accomplished or fire or other natural disturbances occur. Our current SNPLMA OptFuels project is delivering an operational system with treatments and associated costs relevant to the Basin, but users must provide the polygons and polygon attributes for the area to be analyzed and then go through the OptFuels model building process. This enhancement provides managers with an analysis-ready OptFuels model for any user-specified area in the Basin, making OptFuels efficient to use. It also provides for updating the vegetation and fuels information for treatments and disturbances that occur over time in the future. The third enhancement adds to the treatment information provided by OptFuels. This information includes estimates of biomass volumes produced by treatments, treatment costs, and future stand structure and other stand data for all stands across the planning area both with and without treatments. This additional information will help managers and stakeholders understand the economic and silvicultural trade-offs among alternatives in planning. The fourth enhancement expands the capability of OptFuels to predict wildfire effects both with and without fuel treatments across user-specified fire scenarios. Results from MTT fire spread modeling incorporated in the OptFuels treatment scheduler will be combined with sediment loading predictions from WEPP to predict sediment loading in stream channels for various amounts of wildfire burn time. In addition this enhancement would produce listings of values of risk (such as residences, other structures or improvements, and categories of forest vegetation) that are within the burn perimeter for various durations of wildfire burn time. This information will help managers and stakeholders better understand how specific fuel treatment alternatives change the risk exposure from future wildland fire over time. 2 The OptFuels team is working with the Integrated Fuels Treatment Decision Support System (IFT-DSS) developers to integrate aspects of OptFuels into that system. The IFT-DSS team is currently working to incorporate the use of FVS to project forest vegetation and fuels into the future for multi-period fuels treatment planning. The components and approach envisioned is consistent with the components and approach employed in OptFuels. Based on this information, we believe that the data and components used in OptFuels will be compatible with those used by IFT-DSS for multiple period fuel treatment planning, allowing seamless integration of the systems. 2. Background and Problem Statement Fire was undoubtedly the most pervasive agent of ecological disturbance in the Lake Tahoe Basin prior to its settlement by Euro-Americans in the latter half of the 1800s. Forests that developed under fire suppression after extensive logging in the Tahoe Basin during the middle and later 1800s are now very different than those historical forests. Tree densities, particularly in smaller size classes, are now much higher, and species composition has shifted to favor firs over pines (Barbour et al. 2002, Taylor 2004). The abundance of trees and increased fire return intervals have led to unnaturally high amounts of surface fuels (Barbour et al. 2002) and greater fuel continuity, contributing to high fire hazard and greater probability of stand replacement upon burning (Manley et al. 2000, McKelvey et al. 1996, Skinner and Chang 1996). Reducing surface and ladder fuels using prescribed fire or mechanical treatments has been shown to substantially improve the resilience of forest stands to wildfire (Agee and Skinner 2005, Pollet and Omi 2002). However, fuel management in the Lake Tahoe basin presents unique challenges because of the importance of tourism, forest proximity to populated areas, and concerns about protection of water quality and other natural resources. Legal liability and public concern limit the use of prescribed burning in many areas. Even in areas where prescribed burning is a viable management option, smoke management and the narrow window available for prescribed burns in many years severely limit the number of acres that can be treated. As a result, fuels in these areas are often treated mechanically or by hand, rather than through burning. However, mechanical removal may not be cost-effective because much of the excess forest biomass in the Basin is in the form of small trees of low value. In addition, the intensity and extent of fuels treatments can greatly differ among agencies and projects. In the near term, treatments designed with fuel reduction as the primary objective tend to simplify and homogenize forest structure and composition, and may intensify impacts associated with urbanization farther into the forest by functionally extending edge effects. Simplified forest structure as observed in urban forest remnants (Heckmann et al. 2008) exhibited reduced biological diversity and ecosystem resilience (Manley et al. 2006; Sanford et al. 2009; Schlesinger et al. 2008). Decision makers and the public in the Tahoe Basin are engaged in important debates regarding the tradeoffs between reducing the risk of severe wildfire, protecting and restoring ecological values, and wisely using financial resources. Efforts to reduce fuel hazards and restore natural ecological processes involve risks to resource values, but inaction carries the risk of severe wildfire in highly altered forest stands. The Tahoe Fire Commission Report (2008) identified a need for tools that help managers to better evaluate alternative strategies for reducing fire risk to public safety, property, and the environment. A number of models exist that can address various planning aspects independently, but there is a need to create linkages among existing decision support tools to provide integrated products that will aid in planning and evaluating forest management projects or programs to best achieve multiple relevant management objectives while meeting applicable constraints. Tools are needed to help managers and stakeholders better understand how specific fuel treatment alternatives change fire behavior and the level of risk exposure from potential future wildland fire to various values at risk. Well-designed decision support tools and systems can help to improve the planning and evaluation of forest treatment projects across diverse landscapes, as well as generate shared understanding among managers and stakeholders regarding risks, costs, and benefits of treatment alternatives. 3. Project Objectives 3.1 Add functionality to OptFuels for users to enter treatment unit polygons with assigned treatments for project alternatives and analyze the effectiveness of those proposed treatments to modify fire behavior and reduce the risk from future wildland fire. These treatment unit polygons will be entered either as a GIS coverage or through use of a new OptFuels GIS interface. Once treatment polygons with specified treatments are entered, OptFuels will update the landscape fuel parameters for those treatments and then model fire spread and behavior across the planning area, both with and without the proposed treatments to quantify treatment effectiveness at modifying fire behavior and changing risk from future fire. Hypothesis: This integrated decision support system can provide information needed for planning and evaluating project alternatives and communicating the expected benefits to stakeholders. 3 3.2 Construct a Lake Tahoe Basin-wide OptFuels database and develop a streamlined process for clipping and building planning-area specific OptFuels models. In addition, a process will be developed for basin managers to update this database over time when treatments are accomplished or fire or other natural disturbances occur. This enhancement provides managers with an analysis-ready OptFuels model for any user-specified area in the Basin, making OptFuels faster and easier to use, and provides a mechanism for updating the vegetation and fuels information for treatments and disturbances that occur over time in the future. 3.3 Enhance the fuel treatment information provided by OptFuels that can be used in designing projects to meet various forest management objectives including reducing wildfire risk, improving forest health, protecting water quality, etc. This information includes: 1) estimation of biomass volumes produced by treatment type, 2) estimation of the costs for removing, processing, and delivering biomass or other forest products to specified locations, 3) estimation of the costs for treatment options that do not remove biomass (hand thinning, prescribed burning, mastication, etc.), and 4) estimation of future stand structure and other stand data for all stands across the planning area both with and without treatments. 3.4 Enhance the capability of OptFuels to predict wildfire effects on erosion and water quality and on various values at risk both with and without fuel treatments across user-specified fire scenarios. This objective will provide estimates of how key values at risk would be impacted with and without fuel treatment if wildfire were to occur, including: a) sediment delivery to stream channels for various amounts of burn time, and b) listings of values at risk (such as residences, other structures or improvements, and categories of forest vegetation) that are within the burn perimeter for various amounts of burn time. 3.5 Deliver the enhanced OptFuels system to end users. Provide software, default data, documentation, and tutorial for the enhancement Tahoe Basin OptFuels system on the OptFuels website. Provide user training on the enhanced system. 4. Approach, Methodology, and Geographic Location of Research 4.1 Add functionality to OptFuels for users to enter treatment unit polygons with assigned treatments. The OptFuels vegetation and fuels modeling process occurs at the stand level. The current landscape is represented by a stand polygon layer that has been associated with forest inventory data through a statistical imputation procedure. For each stand, FVS is used to model a range of appropriate alternatives through a userspecified timeframe. These alternatives include no action and a wide range of silvicultural options that can be assigned via the FVS Suppose interface. The current version of OptFuels utilizes the CalVeg existing vegetation polygons that have associated inventory data provided by the Region 5 (R5) Remote Sensing Lab (Warbington et al. 2000). These CalVeg-based polygons serve as the treatment units in the original version of OptFuels, which was developed to analyze spatial and temporal fuel treatment strategies for modifying potential fire behavior and reducing associated expected loss through time at landscape scales. However, in order to make OptFuels more useful as a project-level planning tool, we will provide custom GIS functionality that will allow users to override the default stand and inventory data. This GIS functionality will allow users to input polygon data for treatment units from sources such as the Forest Service Activity Tracking System (FACTS) and incorporate field data specifically collected for project-level planning and implementation purposes (Figure 2). These functions will be based on existing polygon overlay functionality within the ArcGIS system (e.g. Update, and Identity tools) and will be automated using an ArcObjects programming procedure. OptFuels outputs related to potential fire behavior, expected loss to values at risk, sediment, etc. will be reported at the custom polygon unit, allowing managers to efficiently analyze the potential impacts and benefits for a range of different treatment alternatives. We also propose additional GIS functionality that will allow users to easily specify treatment options for individual stands within a planning area. This will be accomplished via a custom add-on to ArcMap that will allow users spatial point-and-click access to treatment options for individual stands. Once a stand has been selected, a dropdown will allow users to choose from a list of treatments modeled with FVS-FFE using the default OptFuels vegetation database. These options will include common fuel treatment activities such as mechanical and hand thinning, mastication, and prescribed fire. The treatment effects on canopy and surface fuels characteristics will be modeled using FVS-FFE. Each stand’s post-treatment surface fire behavior fuel model and canopy fuel parameters will be used to create a series of FlamMap landscape files representing the post-treatment landscape at userspecified time steps across the planning horizon. The OptFuels heuristic solver uses these landscape files and the MTT algorithm to produce maps of potential flame length, fire arrival time, and expected loss for the specified treatment schedule. 4 These additional functions will be incorporated into a custom ArcMap toolbar that will allow managers to efficiently develop project planning scenarios and analyze a range of alternatives (Figure 3). In addition to functions related to project-level modeling, the toolbar will provide the ability to 1) define an analysis area within the Tahoe basin by clicking and dragging an extent box or by providing a spatial extent for the project area of interest, 2) manage OptFuels scenarios and their associated outputs, 3) input parameters related to the modeled fire scenario (ignition point, fuel moistures, wind speed and direction, etc.), and 4) display output data in ArcMap and in Google Earth. 4.2 Construct a Basin-wide OptFuels database and develop a streamlined process for clipping to build planningarea specific OptFuels models. We will deliver a fully functional OptFuels database that is based on pre-run FVS outcomes for the default FIA and FSVEG data that have been associated with the CalVeg existing vegetation polygons for the Lake Tahoe basin. Fuel treatments will be simulated with FVS for the silvicultural prescriptions typically utilized for hand and mechanical thinning operations. These prescriptions will be determined through consultation with Lake Tahoe Basin managers. A fuelbed pathway system has been developed to overcome shortcomings found in the default fuel models selected by FVS-FFE, a limitation that has been observed in other studies in the Sierra Nevada (Collins et al. 2011). This fuelbed pathway system was developed by using the R5 vegetation strata-level fuel loading database to model a variety of surface fuel treatments, including prescribed fire and mastication, with the FCCS software package (Ottmar et al. 2007). In addition, we will incorporate a custom regeneration establishment module for FVS that was developed using post-Angora fire field data (Carlson et al. 2010). This custom regeneration module is necessary due to the lack of a tree establishment model in the Western Sierra Variant of FVS. Regeneration is a critical input in modeling temporal changes in canopy fuel characteristics such as canopy base height, canopy bulk density, and canopy cover. Omitting regeneration leads to overly optimistic estimates of fuel treatment effectiveness over time. Functionality will be built into the custom OptFuels GIS toolbar that will allow users to select an analysis area of interest by clicking and dragging an extent box or by selecting a polygon file to define a spatial extent. This ‘click and drag’ option will allow users to quickly queue up an analysis for a project area of interest. Users can perform analyses using the default FVS databases described above. In addition, we will provide functionality that will enable users to update the default database to reflect past disturbances such as fuel treatments and wildfire. This disturbance update will occur via a user-supplied polygon layer that includes either an override tree list identification code or an activity code and year that defines the type and timing of treatment. FVS provides modeling keywords that allow users to keep track of the trees that are left in a stand following treatment. We will use this functionality to create a database of post-activity tree lists that can be stubbed in to update data in areas that have been identified. This process will be designed to accept data in the FACTS database format. 4.3 Enhance the fuel treatment information provided by OptFuels. The current OptFuels system provides potential fire behavior outputs for each scenario that include flame length, arrival time, and an estimate of the overall expected loss to values at risk given the specified arrangement of fuel treatments. We will include additional outputs to the system that can be used to assess alternative projects for other relevant forest management objectives, such as timber and biomass production, cost efficiency, changes in forest and stand structures, etc. Additional outputs include estimates of the biomass and merchantable timber volumes produced by mechanical treatments and estimates of the costs and revenues associated with the removal, processing, and delivery of biomass and merchantable timber to specified locations. These tasks will be accomplished using methods outlined in Loeffler et al. (2006) which involve a combination of outputs from FVS and the Fuel Reduction Cost Simulator (FRCS) software package (Fight et al. 2006), which is a spreadsheet-based model used to estimate costs for fuel reduction activities for a variety of harvest systems. FVS produces a list of marketable cut trees and non-marketable biomass resulting from a modeled silvicultural prescription which will be used to derive the necessary inputs for FRCS. Haul costs will be estimated by the Forest Residue Trucking Model (FoRTs: http://www.srs.fs.usda.gov/forestops/), calibrated to reflect local wages and conditions. Costs for surface fuel treatment activities such as mastication and prescribed burning will be estimated based on inputs from LTBMU staff. These estimates of volumes and costs will be incorporated in OptFuels and used to provide a volume and cost estimates for modeled fuel treatment alternatives. The FVS structural statistics module (Crookston and Stage 1999) will be used to report stand structural characteristics resulting from an OptFuels scenario treatment schedule. These characteristics include estimates of canopy cover, dominant species, mean DBH and height, and structural class for different stand strata. These outputs 5 will assist basin managers in assessing the long term ecological effects of fuel treatment schedules both at the project and landscape scales. 4.4 Enhance the capability of OptFuels to predict wildfire effects on erosion and water quality and on various values at risk both with and without fuel treatments. OptFuels utilizes the MTT algorithm to model fire spread. Outputs include estimates of flame length and arrival time for each pixel based on user-specified fire scenarios. Arrival time is reported in active spread minutes and represents a potential fire progression based on the user specified fuel moisture, wind parameters, ignition location, and fuels characteristics. We will enhance the OptFuels reporting capabilities by including estimates of fire effects that will occur within specified spread minute breakpoints that have been calibrated using historic weather and fire occurrence data within the Basin. These fire effects will include the number of strategic values at risk (structures, powerlines, etc.) potentially affected within different spread minute breaks of the modeled fire progression and quantities of post-fire sediment produced for the same spread minute breaks. The WEPP model will be used to simulate erosion based on a range of fire severity impacts (low, moderate, and high) based on specified flame length breaks. These WEPP and values at risk outputs will be generated as raster GIS layers that can be combined with MTT outputs via an automated ArcObjects programming procedure. Reports and graphs will be generated in MS Excel format summarizing erosion production and impacts to values at risk by spread minute intervals representing days of fire progression for both the untreated and treated landscape(Figure 4). These outputs will enable managers to evaluate a range of project-level fuel treatment alternatives based on their potential benefits in reducing the risk of catastrophic wildfire in the Basin. 4.5 Deliver enhanced OptFuels system to end users. We will deliver the enhanced OptFuels system to managers and potential users in the Lake Tahoe Basin through a variety of methods including on-site visits and web-based systems. End products include the enhanced OptFuels software system that will be accessible via an install package targeting ArcGIS versions 9.3 and 10.0. The install package and accompanying user guide documentation will be available on the OptFuels website: http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/human-dimensions/optfuels. We will publish manuscripts and a technical report for managers in the basin describing the system methodology and results from an analysis that uses the enhanced OptFuels system to examine tradeoffs related to a range of fuel treatment strategies and their resulting potential fire behavior, costs and revenues from fuel treatment activities, and ecological outcomes. Training and outreach will occur via on-site workshops, conference presentations, and meetings with project stakeholders. 5. Relationship of the research to previous relevant research, monitoring, and/or environmental improvement efforts This proposed work builds off of the base OptFuels decision support system originally funded by the JFSP and SNPLMA Round 8 (Project # P034, PI’s Chung and Jones) to build an integrated decision support tool consisting of FVS, FlamMap, and MAGIS and will use the system to analyze landscape-level fuel treatment strategies in the Lake Tahoe Basin. We propose enhancements to the base OptFuels system that will improve system utility for project-level analysis. These enhancements include the delivery of a complete FVS-based vegetation and fuels database for the basin, GIS tools that make OptFuels more user-friendly, and additional outputs that characterize potential biomass production, sediment delivery, and stand structure. This work will also leverage research conducted in SNPLMA Round 8 to characterize the FCCS fuelbeds in the Tahoe Basin (Project # P018, PI’s Ottmar and Safford). In addition, the OptFuels vegetation modeling effort will utilize research conducted to characterize post-Angora fire conditions related to tree regeneration and vegetation cover (Carlson et al. 2010). Finally, we will incorporate a database developed from SNPLMA-funded research related to the WEPP system (Project #2A11, PI’s Brooks and Elliot) to model potential sediment delivery to streams as a result of fuel treatment activities and wildfire. 6. Strategy for Engaging with Managers During the process of working on SNPLMA Project P034 “Integrated decision support for cost effective fuel treatments under multiple resource goals,” we have developed relationships with Basin managers from the LTBMU, Nevada Dept. of Forestry, the TRPA, California State Parks, the Tahoe Conservancy, and the Lahontan Water Board, through meetings (South Lake Tahoe, CA, June 21-22, 2010) and a workshop (South Lake Tahoe, CA, May 17-18, 2011). We will leverage these relationships and work with Basin managers to develop modeling strategies that realistically mimic project-level fuel treatment activities and their outcomes related to sediment delivery, biomass 6 yield, and future stand structure. In addition, we will conduct a hands-on workshop in the Basin to present the final version of the enhanced OptFuels system and instruct potential users on its use. 7. Deliverables/Products Five product deliverables will result from this project: 1) The enhanced OptFuels GIS Toolbar installation package will be posted on the OptFuels website (http://www.fs.fed.us/rm/human-dimensions/optfuels/main.php) for distribution to end users. Enhancements to the OptFuels system include: a. Functionality that allows users to input project-level polygon data and build a fuel treatment schedule based on the selection of fuel treatment activities for individual stand polygons. b. Integration of a complete vegetation and fuels database for the Tahoe Basin that allows managers to define an analysis area of interest via ‘click and drag’ functionality. We will also provide utilities that allow managers to update the default database to reflect changes due to disturbances. c. Additional output information for each fuel treatment scenario. These include estimates of biomass produced by fuels treatments, costs and revenues associated with forest product delivery, and estimates of stand structural characteristics. d. Estimates of impacts to key values at risk for each treatment schedule. These include potential sediment delivery to stream channels based on fire intensity and listings of key values at risk including structures and powerlines. 2) A default vegetation and fuels database for the Basin based on R5 stand polygons with associated plot data. 3) User documentation including a ‘quick-start tutorial’ describing how to analyze tradeoffs between different project-level alternatives and fire scenarios. 4) Quarterly and yearly reports that describe the progress and expenditure of the project. 5) At least one manuscript suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed journal that describes the system and applications. 7 III. Schedule of Milestones/Deliverables This project will require 1.5 years starting in June 2012 and ending December 2013. Table 1. Schedules of deliverables/products Milestones/Deliverable Quarterly report Description Progress report describing the initiation of this project Schedules Sept. 2012 Default database for the Lake Tahoe Basin MS Access database that includes pre-run outcomes using FIA data and incorporates biomass estimates, FRCS-derived costs, and stand structural outputs (Objectives 2 and 3) Progress report describing default database ArcMap toolbar that includes the default database for the basin and an automated process for choosing an analysis area (Objective 2) Progress report describing initial version of OptFuels GIS toolbar Toolbar with functionality that allows users to provide spatial data identifying project-level polygons and identify areas to be updated to reflect previous disturbance (Objective 1) Progress report describing intermediate version of the system Toolbar that includes automated output display, export to Google Earth, and reporting features (Objectives 1 and 4) Progress report describing the final version of the system Progress report describing activities in FY 2013 Peer-reviewed journal manuscript describing the support system and its applications Present results at professional conferences Installation package and software delivery system (posted on OptFuels website) (Objective 5) Updated document describing how to use the support system (Objective 5) We will hold a workshop for demonstrating and teaching the updated modeling system to potential users (Objective 5) Submission of the final report to the PSW Research Station Oct. 2012 Quarterly report Initial version of Enhanced OptFuels Quarterly report Intermediate version of Enhanced OptFuels Quarterly report Final version of Enhanced OptFuels Quarterly report Yearly report Publication Presentations DSS Distribution System System documentation Workshop Final Report 8 Dec. 2012 Jan. 2013 Mar. 2013 April 2013 June 2013 Aug. 2013 Sept. 2013 Sept. 2013 Oct. 2013 Oct. 2013 Nov. 2013 Nov. 2013 Nov. 2013 Dec. 2013 IV. 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Illustration of spatial update operation for (a.) the base OptFuels fuels and vegetation GIS database using (b.) user-supplied project-level stand polygons. The resulting layer (c.) will leverage attributes from the default CalVeg-based database while including project-level treelist data for the updated area. These project-level treelists will be used to model vegetation and fuel dynamics with FVSFFE. Estimates from FVS-FFE are used to analyze potential pre- and post-treatment fire behavior with FlamMap. 12 Command to define an analysis area of interest within the Lake Tahoe Basin and override default data with project-level polygons Tool that allows users to create ignition points to be used in FlamMap fire behavior model Write OptFuels Scenario outputs to Google Earth .KML file Launch OptFuels Scenario Manager screen Add OptFuels outputs to ArcMap Project Command used to assign specific fuel treatment options to stands for Hazardous Risk Assessment Run Figure 3. Mock-up of OptFuels ArcGIS Toolbar. Workflow includes the ability to define an area of interest using the default OptFuels Tahoe vegetation and fuels database, override default data with project-level polygons and corresponding inventory data, manage FlamMap fire scenarios, and manage data output to ArcMap and Google Earth. 13 Sediment Tahoe Basin Example (Result From Cover Loss Alone) All Stands in LTBMU Yield to Stream from 50yr Erosion Event All Stands in LTBMU Yield to Stream from 10yr Erosion Event 25 25 15 Mean Rate Fine Sediment 10 20 Tons per acre Tons per acre 20 Mean Rate Coarse Sediment 15 10 5 5 0 Background No Action 0 Treated with HS Ground BMP Fire, No Treat Adherence (9-mos Post) Background Treated with HS Ground No Action BMP Fire, No Treat Adherence (9-mos Post) Figure 4. Estimates of sediment delivery resulting from fuel treatment and high-severity ground fire for a 50-year (left) and 10-year erosion (right) event. 14