Evaluation of Montane Forest Genetic Resources: Implications for Conservation, Management, and Restoration of Whitebark Pine (Pinus albicaulis) in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Principal Investigators: Detlev Vogler PSW Research Station USDA, Forest Service Institute of Forest Genetics 2480 Carson Road Placerville, CA, 95667-5107 Ph: 530 621 6881; fx: 530 622 2633 dvogler@fs.fed.us Patricia Maloney Department of Plant Pathology & Tahoe Environmental Research Center University of California One Shields Ave Davis, CA 95616 Ph: 530 546 3014; fx: 775 832 1673 pemaloney@ucdavis.edu David Neale Department of Plant Sciences University of California One Shields Ave Davis, CA 95616 Ph: 530 754 8431 dbneale@ucdavis.edu Co-PI: Annette Delfino-Mix, USDA-Forest Service, PSW Research Station, Institute of Forest Genetics, Placerville, CA 95667. Collaborators and Agency Contacts: Hugh Safford, Regional Ecologist, R5, USDA-FS, Vallejo, CA. William Loftis, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), South Lake Tahoe, CA. Joan Dunlap, Sugar Pine Blister Rust Resistance Program, USDA-FS, Placerville Nursery, Camino, CA. John Gleason, Sugar Pine Blister Rust Resistance Program, USDA-FS, Placerville Nursery, Camino, CA. David Rizzo, Department of Plant Pathology, University of California, Davis, CA. Phil Cannon, Regional Forest Pathologist, R5, USDA-FS, Vallejo, CA. Grant Contacts: Forest Service: Christine Nelson, Support Services, USDA-FS, IFG, PSW Station, 2480 Carson Road, Placerville, CA; Ph: (530) 295-3020; e-mail: cnelson01@fs.fed.us. University of California, Davis: Wendy Johnson-Mesa, University of California, Plant Pathology/Nematology, 350 Hutchison Hall, Davis, CA; Ph: (530) 752-0112; Fx: (530) 754-9077; e-mail: wjohnsonmesa@ucdavis.edu. This proposal addresses Theme 2, Watershed, Water Quality, and Habitat Restoration; Subtheme, Special status species and communities and priority invasive species in the published RFP. Total Funding Requested: $143,459.00 1 Abstract. Links with ecosystem health, resource conservation (vegetation, soil, water), and biological diversity are central to the health of Lake Tahoe. Forest tree species are primary terrestrial ecosystem components and conservation of their genetic resources warrants special attention. The white pine species (sugar pine, western white pine, and whitebark pine) are key components in low to upland forests and watersheds in the LTBMU. Evaluation of adaptive genetic diversity of forest resources in the Lake Tahoe Basin will allow us to detect the sensitivity, resiliency, and potential vulnerability of populations of white pines to an introduced and invasive pathogen, Cronartium ribicola (causal agent of white pine blister rust, WPBR), climatic warming, and climate-driven outbreaks of native insects. Identifying patterns of adaptive variation at the landscape-level will constitute a valuable tool to design conservation, restoration, and forest health monitoring strategies for these forest tree species. We are taking an ecological and genetic approach to better understand the interaction of landscape characteristics (geology, climatic gradients, soil properties, physiognomy) and evolutionary processes (gene flow, selection) on ecologically important plant traits (disease resistance, wateruse efficiency/drought adaptation, phenology, and growth). This approach will allow us to determine the adaptive genetic variation and potential, as well as to develop effective restoration and silvicultural strategies with local, diverse, and rust-resistant planting stock. Justification: Conservation and restoration of forest resources in upland watersheds, where whitebark pine is a dominant component, is critical to overall ecosystem health. Historical and current land-use (fire suppression and stand densification, historical logging), coupled with environmental change (introduced organisms and global climate change), threaten the biodiversity, sustainability, and functioning of forest ecosystems. Some of the highest levels of WPBR are found on whitebark pine in the Lake Tahoe region (see Table 1). At a landscape scale, the Lake Tahoe Basin serves as a model to study these biotic and abiotic influences on montane coniferous forest tree species. Forest trees dominate the terrestrial landscape of the LTBMU and provide vital ecosystem functions and services (watershed protection, biodiversity, food resources, wildlife habitat, sequestering of greenhouse gases, recreation, economic and aesthetic value), thus our ability to assess forest health and conserve biodiversity at all levels (genes, species, ecosystems) becomes critical. A SNPLMA Round 7-funded project by Vogler and Maloney, Natural and anthropogenic threats to white pines from lower montane forests to subalpine woodlands of the Lake Tahoe Basin: An ecological and genetic assessment for conservation, monitoring, and management, has completed a comprehensive cone collection (155 sugar pine, 195 western white pine, and 121 whitebark pine families) for seed-banking and greenhouse and genetic studies. Sugar pine and western white pine seeds collected in 2008 are being cultured at the Placerville Nursery, and will be screened for disease resistance to the non-native pathogen, Cronartium ribicola; whitebark pine seedlings are being cultured and evaluated for resistance to WPBR at the Institute of Forest Genetics (IFG). This is the first study of its kind to determine resistance frequency to this non-native forest pathogen at a landscape-level, for three species of white pines (sugar, western white, and whitebark pine), across 3 elevation zones. The next important phase of this project is to evaluate the adaptive genetic variation of ecologically important plant traits (e.g., water-use efficiency, phenology, growth, survival) in the white pine species of the Lake Tahoe Basin (sugar pine, western white pine and whitebark pine). This approach is currently underway for western white pine and sugar pine through a SNPLMA Round 9 funded project by Vogler, Maloney, and Neale; Evaluation of montane forest genetic 2 resources in the Lake Tahoe Basin: Implications for conservation, management, and adaptive responses of Pinus monticola to environmental change and a Nevada Division of State Lands (NVDSL) Lake Tahoe License Plate Program; Evaluation of montane forest genetic resources in the Lake Tahoe Basin: Implications for conservation, management, and adaptive responses of Pinus lambertiana to environmental change. Very little, if anything, is known about the amount of standing adaptive genetic variation and degree of local adaptation for many forest tree species. Montane environments and the high degree of heterogeneity (geology, climate, topography and biotic interactions) associated with these systems, provide a complex adaptive landscape. Our ability to evaluate adaptive genetic variation in natural forest tree populations will permit us to detect the sensitivity (e.g., narrowly versus broadly adapted) and resiliency of these species and populations to environmental change, as well as improve our ability to identify the vulnerability of populations to WPBR or climatic changes (e.g., warming and extended drought periods). Initial evaluation of the distribution across the LTBMU of adaptive genetic variation for traits such as disease resistance, water-use efficiency, drought tolerance, phenology, and growth, may help elucidate patterns observed in WPBR occurrence, and in drought- and mountain pine beetle-mediated mortality. Through years of research on forest tree adaptations, it is now possible to identify genes associated with complex traits such as disease resistance, water-use efficiency, drought adaptation, phenology, cold adaptation, wood quality, and growth in natural forest populations (see http://dendrome.ucdavis.edu/crsp/). Such information can aid in developing conservation, reforestation, restoration, and forest health monitoring strategies (Neale 2008). Identifying patterns of adaptive variation at the landscape level will, in future, constitute a valuable and costeffective tool for designing conservation and management strategies for forest tree species (Gonzalez-Martinez et al. 2006), as well as for protecting and sustaining valuable forest resources that offer ecological, environmental, and economic benefits. Background/Goals/Objectives: Historical and current land-use (fire suppression and stand densification) coupled with environmental change (introduced organisms and global climate change) pose significant challenges to montane forests. Current stressors to white pine species in the Lake Tahoe Basin include the non-native pathogen WPBR (Maloney 2000, Maloney et al. in review), and climate-driven outbreaks of mountain pine beetle (MPB) (see Table 1). Interactions of WPBR, MPB-outbreaks, and climatic warming will have cascading effects with likely negative population, genetic, and ecosystem consequences. Adaptive traits by environment interactions. Biotic interactions and pressures (pathogens, insects, competition), patterns of gene flow, and environmental heterogeneity (temperature, precipitation, geology, soil properties, elevation, topography) can influence genetic variation, structure, and local adaptations in forest tree species. Table 1 and Figure 1 provide evidence of the spatial heterogeneity in biotic and abiotic influences on white pine species across the Lake Tahoe landscape. Plants have evolved mechanisms that afford species protection from biotic (e.g., pathogens, insects) and abiotic (e.g., drought, air pollutants, heat) stressors, whether through direct or indirect genetic controls (Burdon 1987; Panek et al. 2002; Dodd et al. 2008). The major-gene for resistance is a direct genetic control that confers immunity against C. ribicola (Kinloch et al. 1970; Kinloch et al. 1999). A phenological trait, such as early onset of winter dormancy (bud set), may be an indirect mechanism that protects white pines (particularly in cold, dry and high environments) from C. ribicola. If individuals initiate winter dormancy in August, when basidiospores are generally thought to start releasing, early bud set phenotypes 3 Table 1. Biological and environmental characteristics of 28 populations of white pines in the LTBMU. Logging & fire suppression effects coded as: L, low; M, moderate; H, high; AWC, available water capacity in top 0-50” of soil. % WPBR % MPB Logging Fire suppr. Tmin °C Annual ppt (mm) AWC 50 % Sand Parent material Rifle Peak 64 1 L L -1.1 889 4.2 64.5 volcanic rock Little Roundtop 57 0 L L -2.2 1,270 2.9 66.2 andesite or tuff brecia 56 3 L L -1.2 1,194 2.8 90.6 granodiorite 38 1 L L -1.1 1,752 2.0 83.5 34 3 L L -1.0 797 4.2 77.5 granodiorite/ volcanic rock volcanic rock/ granodiorite 19 1 L L -1.5 1,218 2.7 90.6 granodiorite Heavenly 13 4 L L -1.9 782 2.0 85.0 granodiorite Freel Peak 1 2 L L -3.3 1,016 2.8 90.6 granodiorite Blackwood Canyon 44 15 L L -1.2 1,472 6.5 66.1 tuff/lahar/ volcanic rock Mt Watson 21 9 M L -1.1 1,017 7.4 66.0 andesite Flume trail 14 8 L L -1.0 797 2.7 84.8 granodiorite 13 11 L L -1.2 1,394 3.6 79.0 granodiorite 9 9 M L -0.3 680 6.4 34.7 metamorphic 6 5 L L -1.0 1,292 2.7 84.0 granodiorite 5 3 L L -1.5 1,218 4.0 86.8 granodiorite 4 1 L L -2.3 1,310 2.9 66.2 andesite or tuff brecia Armstrong Pass 2 7 L L -3.3 1,100 2.8 90.6 granodiorite Heavenly 0 28 L L -1.9 815 3.0 81.0 granodiorite Granlibakken 48 7 H H -1.2 848 7.5 67.7 andesite/ volcanic rock Sugar Pine SP 41 0 M H -0.8 869 3.3 64.7 mixed sources 30 0 H H -1.0 808 7.5 67.4 andesite 15 2 M H -1.4 938 4.5 83.8 granodiorite 11 3 H H -1.0 791 4.5 83.2 granodiorite 10 7 M H -1.1 605 4.5 83.2 granodiorite 5 3 M M -1.5 659 3.7 92.5 granodiorite 5 3 L L -1.3 1,070 4.5 83.8 granodiorite Heavenly 3 0 M M -1.5 715 4.5 83.2 granodiorite Glenbrook 0 0 M M -0.3 565 5.4 41.5 volcanic rock Snow Valley Peak West Shore Peaks Incline Lake Montreal Cyn Echo Lake Jake’s Peak Meiss Meadow Carnelian Bay Meyers Tunnel creek Crystal Bay Sand pit Bliss SP Pinus albicaulis Dick’s Pass Pinus monticola Mt Rose/Ophir Creek WP sp. Pinus lambertiana Population may not be receptive hosts, due to stomatal closure that inhibits pathogen entry. Temperature and photoperiod, as well as soil moisture and nutrient status, strongly influence the phenology of trees (Howe et al. 2003; Eckert et al. 2009). For example, in Table 1 and Figure 1, many of the high-elevation locations around the LTBMU (e.g., Freel Peak and East Peak/Heavenly), with low 4 levels of WPBR, have relatively short growing seasons, low minimum temperatures, and low available water capacity, and likely initiate winter dormancy days, if not weeks, before trees lower in elevation or on different parent material. Studies have shown that, in drought years, ozone damage in the southern Sierra Nevada and in the San Bernardino Mtns. is slight or virtually absent (J. Pronos, retired FHP forest pathologist, pers. comm.), largely due to early onset of winter dormancy (Panek et al. 2002). The mechanism protecting trees from ozone damage, and possibly WPBR, is stomatal closure. In California’s Mediterranean climate, winter dormancy may be strongly influenced not only by temperature, but by soil moisture conditions as well. Figure 1. Available water capacity in the top 0-50 inches (a) and percent sand content (b). Locations are shown for 28 study populations (84 plots) of whitebark pine (white circles), western white pine (green circles), and sugar pine (yellow circles). Soil survey data and maps provided by the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) and W. Loftis, South Lake Tahoe, CA. Parent material (volcanic, granitic, and alluvial), soil properties, and precipitation gradients characterize available water capacity (AWC), and strongly control plant-soil interactions. An adaptive trait such as water-use efficiency is largely influenced by local environmental conditions. For example, highly water-use efficient genotypes may be associated with low AWC sites and high sand content as a result of local adaptation to soil moisture limitation (Hacke et al. 2000; Knight et al. 2006; West et al. 2007). Drought adaptation is an important plant trait to evaluate, given current and predicted climatic changes. Determining the environmental controls and distributions of drought tolerance can potentially provide valuable information for seed transfer guidelines for white pine reforestation and restoration strategies, both within and outside of the LTBMU. 5 In California, MPB activity is often triggered by protracted droughts; MPB is the primary damaging insect of white pine species in CA, particularly in high elevation forests (see CFPC reports 1970 - 2008). The California Mediterranean climate is a strong selective force influencing drought adaptation and tolerance in many of our forest tree species. Because MPB preferentially attacks drought-stressed trees, there may be a link between water-use efficiency and host suitability to MPB. Additionally, genomic data from sequencing of sugar pine and western white pine (http://dendrome.ucdavis.edu/whisp/) will be evaluated by a USDA-FS, PSW research entomologist (Steve Seybold) to identify the presence of possible candidate genes involved in host defense against bark beetles, which may prove informative for whitebark pine as well. Leveraged by an extensive ecological and environmental dataset, a comprehensive seed collection (Vogler and Maloney SNPLMA Round 7), and genomic discoveries in white pine species (http://dendrome.ucdavis.edu/whisp/), we can begin to better understand the interactions of environmental influences with evolutionary processes and local adaptations of whitebark pine across the Lake Tahoe Basin. Our specific objectives are as follows: 1. Determine adaptive genetic variation in whitebark pine for ecologically important plant traits (disease resistance, water-use efficiency, drought adaptation, phenology, and growth) across the Lake Tahoe Basin. 2. Determine the underlying genes that control adaptive phenotypic traits in whitebark pine using genotype-phenotype associations. Approach/Methodology/Location of Research: Objective 1. Determine adaptive genetic variation in whitebark pine for ecologically important plant traits (disease resistance, water-use efficiency, drought adaptation, phenology, and growth) across the Lake Tahoe Basin. DNA will be isolated from needle samples from 240 trees over 8 populations of whitebark pine at the high-throughput facility of the Neale Lab-UC Davis. Whitebark pine will be re-sequenced to select a larger number of SNPs associated with ecologically important adaptive traits. 384 candidate gene SNPs will be placed on a SNP chip designed by Illumina, with genotype assays performed at the UC Davis Genome Center, (http://www.genomecenter.ucdavis.edu/dna_technologies/illumina.html). We will use standard methods of within and between population genetic structure (Fst and STRUCTURE, Pritchard et al. 2000) and will correlate genotypic data with environmental data (e.g., disease, mortality, soil properties, temperature, precipitation, etc.). Objective 2. Determine the underlying genes that control adaptive phenotypic traits in whitebark pine using genotype-phenotype associations. The association genetic approach requires SNP genotyping and whole plant phenotyping for a large number of unrelated families (see Neale and Savolainen 2004). Approximately 72 seeds per family (for 121 whitebark families) will be stratified and germinated, and seedlings cultured and maintained at the Institute of Forest Genetics, Placerville, CA, for phenotypic evaluations. All families will be replicated in 2 soil moisture treatments: (1) control and (2) soil moisture deficit treatment. In year 2, progeny from all families will be phenotyped for phenology (dates of bud flush and bud set), water-use efficiency (stable carbon isotope ratio determined from needle tissue), root to shoot ratio, heightgrowth, survival, and disease resistance (this work is already underway at IFG and at the USDAFS Placerville Nursery; Vogler and Maloney SNPLMA Round 7). Analytical analyses of the 6 stable carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) will be performed at the Stable Isotope Facility at UC Davis (http://stableisotopefacility.ucdavis.edu). Once all phenotypic data have been collected, they will be associated with SNP genotypic data (from Objective 1), using methods described in Gonzalez-Martinez et al. (2008). Location of research. All material has been or will be collected from populations/stands in the LTBMU. Genetic and bioinformatics analyses, as well as genotyping, will be done at the Neale Lab (UC Davis) and at the UC Davis Genome center, http://www.genomecenter.ucdavis.edu/dna_technologies/illumina.html). All phenotypic evaluations and greenhouse studies will be done at the Institute of Forest Genetics (IFG), Placerville, CA. Analytical analyses of the stable carbon isotope ratio (δ13C) will be performed at the Stable Isotope Facility at UCD (http://stableisotopefacility.ucdavis.edu). Relationship of proposed research with previous research and studies. Results of this study will be incorporated and linked with the work being done by Vogler and Maloney (SNPLMA Round 7 and Round 9, and the NVDSL). To measure the relative importance of an adaptive trait (disease resistance, water-use-efficiency, phenology, growth), we will correlate genetic information with measures of tree fitness such as reproductive output, recruitment dynamics, and survival (data being collected by Vogler and Maloney). All genetic and environmental data will be related to observed patterns in WPBR distribution, MPB activity, and tree mortality in the LTBMU. Strategy of Engaging with Managers. Demographic models being developed by Vogler and Maloney (SNPLMA 2007) will provide information to resource managers in the Lake Tahoe Basin (LTBMU, NRCS, CA & NV State Parks, NDF, TRPA, CTC, CDF, Ski Industry) about current population status (e.g., stable, declining, or growing) on Federal and non-Federal lands. Genetic evaluations for disease resistance, phenology, and drought tolerance will provide valuable information about suitable local plant material for deployment, using within-Basin seedtransfer guidelines, in restoration and reforestation projects. Stands that have high frequencies of major-gene resistance, or other resistance traits to WPBR, will be recommended for genetic conservation and protection, to maintain natural evolutionary processes of gene flow across the Lake Tahoe landscape, as well as to develop a reliable source of rust-resistant genetic material for both within and outside of the Basin. Meetings will be arranged with LTBMU vegetation managers and silviculturists to discuss the implications of our research for silvicultural strategies and white pine restoration (D. Fournier pers. comm.). In addition, we will consult with NRCS District Conservationists about white pine restoration in Area-wide Conservation Planning programs (W. Loftis, pers. comm.). Deliverables/Products. Our research will provide significant and previously unavailable information about the amount and patterns of adaptive genetic variation of whitebark pine in the LTBMU. This information will support development of a genetic database and diagnostic tools for monitoring, conservation, and restoration. Local and diverse planting material (3-5 year-old seedlings from greenhouse studies) will be available for white pine restoration and reforestation development projects. 7 Schedule of Events 1a 1b 1c 1d 2a 2b 2c 2d 3a 3b 3c 3d 3e 3g 3h Activity Begin SNP genotyping (Neale Lab & UCD Genome Center) Stratify, sow and culture whitebark pine seeds/seedlings at IFG (IFG, UCD). Begin sequence analysis, resequencing of whitebark pine, bioinformatics analysis, and measures of diversity, neutrality, and structure (IFG, Neale Lab, UCD) File quarterly reports (IFG) Continue culturing & maintaining white pine seedlings, and record-keeping (IFG, UCD). Determine % germination (UCD, IFG) Perform year 1 phenology and 1-year height growth measurements (UCD, IFG) File quarterly reports, attend & report results at scientific meetings (IFG, UCD) Continue culturing & maintaining white pine seedlings, and record-keeping (IFG, UCD) Perform year 2 phenology, 2-year height growth, and water-use-efficiency measurements (UCD, IFG) Perform carbon stable isotope analyses (δ13C)/water-use efficiency, use as a diagnostic tool (UCD) Perform genotype –phenotype association studies (UCD) Perform data analysis (environmental, ecological, and genetic associations), develop GIS maps & genetic database (UCD, IFG)) Write and publish results (IFG, UCD) File quarterly reports, attend & report results at scientific meetings (IFG, UCD) 8 Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 3/1 6/1 12/1 3/31, 6/30, 9/30, 12/31 Thru 12/31 5/1 9/1 3/31, 6/30, 9/30, 12/31 Thru 12/31 9/1 12/1 6/30 12/31 12/31 3/31, 6/30, 9/30, 12/31 REFERENCES Burdon, J.J. 1987. 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