Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA Round 10

Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA Round 10
I. Title Page (1 page maximum)
Title: Tahoe Stormwater Particle Assessment and Management for Urban and Roadway Runoff
Subtheme this proposal is
responding to <choose only
Subtheme 2a (Roadway and Urban Stormwater Management)
1 primary subtheme,
although proposals may
address other subthemes>
Principal Investigator and
Receiving Institution
Dr. Alan Heyvaert,
Desert Research Institute
2215 Raggio Parkway, Reno, NV 89512
Phone: 775-673-7363
Fax: 775-673-7363
Co-Principal Investigator
<add more rows as needed>
Dr. John Reuter
University of California, Davis
One Shields Avenue, Davis, CA 95616
Phone: 530-304-1473
Fax: 530-753-8407
Co-Principal Investigator
<add more rows as needed>
Dr. Jim Thomas
Desert Research Institute
2215 Raggio Parkway, Reno, NV 89512
Phone: 775-673-7305
Fax: 775-673-7363
Agency Collaborator
< include any agency
personnel who will be
directly involved in the
project, if applicable, and
add more rows as needed>
Hannah Schembri
Lahontan Water Board
2501 Lake Tahoe Blvd
So. Lake Tahoe, CA 96150
Phone: (530) 542-5423
Fax: (530) 544-2271
Jason Kuchnicki
Nevada Division of Environmental Protection
901 S. Stewart St., Ste 4001
Carson City NV 89701
Phone: (775) 687-9450
Fax: (775) 687-5856
Tim Hagan
Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
PO Box 5310
Stateline, NV 89449
Phone: (775) 589-5314
Fax: (775) 588-4527
Agency Collaborator
Agency Collaborator
Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA Round 10
Grants Contact Person
Ms. Yvonne Rumbaugh
Desert Research Institute
2215 Raggio Parkway, Reno, NV 89512
Phone: 775-673-7366
Fax: 775-673-7363
Funding requested:
Total cost share (value of
$ 316,939.00
financial and in-kind
Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA Round 10
II. Proposal Narrative (up to 7 pages, single-spaced, 10 point font minimum)
a. Project abstract (1 paragraph summary for public distribution)
The urban portion of the watershed contributes about 70% of the fine sediment that is delivered to Lake
Tahoe. These fine particles significantly affect water clarity in this otherwise pristine lake. Current
pollutant reduction strategies are targeting their removal through erosion control and stormwater
treatment projects. The investment of significant financial resources to improve the Lake’s clarity requires
that our understanding of the sources, transport and potential for removal of these particles from urban
stormwater be accelerated. The intent of this project is to add to our current, yet incomplete knowledge
concerning fine particles. Specifically, this project will (1) provide information to help establish reliable,
calibrated relationship(s) between turbidity, the mass of size-fractionated suspended solids, and the
number of <16 micron particles in stormwater runoff; (2) provide details on mechanisms involved in the
removal of fine particles in vegetated BMP treatment basins; and (3) provide data on the efficiency of this
commonly used BMP type, while also giving recommendations for design characteristics to increase fine
particle removal. The Lake Tahoe TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load) program and associated efforts to
improve lake clarity (e.g. Environmental Improvement Program) will greatly benefit from this increased
understanding of fine sediment removal and how to measure success.
b. Justification statement: explain the relationship between the proposal and the subtheme(s)
Urban areas in the Lake Tahoe watershed contribute about 70% of the total number of very fine (<16
micron) sediment particles that enter Lake Tahoe (Lahontan and NDEP 2009). These fine particles
significantly contribute to the clarity reduction in Lake Tahoe (Jassby et al. 1999, Swift et al. 2006), and
are the focus of current pollutant reduction strategies (Lahontan and NDEP 2008c). However, the
characterization of these particles in relation to other water quality parameters and in relation to effective
methods for particle removal in stormwater runoff from roadways and urban areas are not well
understood (Reuter et al. in press). This information is needed by agencies in the Lake Tahoe basin to
target priority sites for erosion source control measures and to select the appropriate BMP treatment
practices. Determining the main factors that contribute to processes responsible for fine sediment removal
will allow these factors and processes to be considered in the design of erosion control projects and BMPs
to help reduce fine sediment loading to Lake Tahoe.
c. Concise background and problem statement
Stormwater treatment and sediment source control are key focus areas of management programs aimed at
improving water quality in the Lake Tahoe basin. Indeed, the Lake Tahoe Total Maximum Daily Load
(TMDL) program has recently published a series of documents that: (1) identify the pollutants of concern,
quantify their sources, and determine appropriate loading targets (Lahontan and NDEP 2008c); (2) that
quantify pollutant reduction opportunities (Lahontan and NDEP 2008b); and (3) develop an integrated
water quality management strategy for load reductions (Lahontan and NDEP 2008c). These TMDL
investigations have primarily focused on load reductions at the watershed and basin-wide scales. While
studies have recently started to collect information at the BMP project scale (e.g. Heyvaert et al. 2008,
2NDNATURE 2008) the knowledge gaps are still large with regard to assessment of effective stormwater
treatment practices, especially for removal of fine sediment.
Overall BMP effectiveness in the Lake Tahoe basin has been reviewed and synthesized in a number of
documents (e.g. Reuter and Miller 2000, Reuter et al. 2001, Strecker et al. 2005, 2NDNATURE 2006).
The quality of these summaries, however, were highly dependent upon the focus and the completeness of
the individual monitoring studies that contributed to each compilation. Although a few individual BMPs
have been extensively monitored for their performance in the Lake Tahoe basin, these studies have tended
to be the exception. In particular, the fine particles (<16 !m) that significantly affect lake water clarity
have not been well studied, and a better understanding is needed of their characteristics and of the
processes involved in fine sediment removal with typical treatment methods (Heyvaert et al. 2006a,
Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA Round 10
Reuter et al. in press). Even at the national level, information on how these <16 !m fine soil particles in
stormwater runoff are trapped and processed in BMPs is largely unavailable (International Stormwater
BMP Database). The success of both the Lake Tahoe TMDL and the Tahoe Environmental Improvement
Program (EIP) will depend upon a more detailed understanding of the transport and fate of these fine
particles within BMPs for effective water quality planning, prioritization for new BMP installations,
quantification of BMP effectiveness, and for general BMP design, operation and maintenance.
Given the significant expected cost (>$1 billion) estimated for fine particle reduction in the Lake Tahoe
basin, and the fact that this effort will occur over a decadal timeframe (Lahontan and NDEP 2008a), we
suggest that an improved understanding of fine particle removal is required at both the general basin-wide
scale (to improve confidence in management models) and at the detailed project scale to better inform
water quality planning and BMP design, operation and maintenance.
Several groups in the Lake Tahoe basin are currently engaged in projects that are investigating fine
particles in stormwater to better inform management applications (e.g. the Pollutant Load Reduction
Model (PLRM), the Lake Clarity Model, Lake Clarity Crediting Program, Regional Stormwater
Monitoring Program) and to better understand the basic processes associated with their fate and transport,
and the effects of different land uses on fine sediment sources. SNPLMA science grants have been
awarded to DRI, UC Davis, 2NDNATURE and nhc to kick off a series of technical studies that will allow
us to begin to collect this information. For example, a SNPLMA Round 9 grant to 2NDNATURE, nhc
and DRI identified a lack of fine particle data to inform Characteristic Runoff Concentrations (CRCs) and
Characteristic Effluent Concentrations (CECs) used in the PLRM. Similarly, a SNPLMA Round 8 grant
was awarded to DRI and UC Davis to fingerprint sources of fine particles associated with roadway
stormwater runoff. However, these studies do not include research to examine the relations between fine
sediment particle numbers and other important water quality characteristics, such as turbidity, total and
size fractionated suspended solids and phosphorus loading. This information will be needed for improved
management models and to determine the effectiveness of fine sediment removal by processes
responsible for this removal in different types of BMPs.
d. Goals, objectives, and hypotheses to be tested
The work described in this proposal is related to two main goals: (1) identifying water quality
characteristics associated with stormwater fine particle concentrations and runoff loads in the Lake Tahoe
basin, and (2) investigating the interaction between fine particles and water quality characteristics as it
relates to BMP treatment performance and pollutant removal processes.
Objective #1 – Assess Functional Relationships Between the Number of Fine Particles, Turbidity,
Fractional Suspended Solids and Phosphorus in Stormwater Runoff. Given the focus of this proposal on
fine particle assessment, and the cost and difficulty inherent to particle size distribution analysis, we have
examined - on a very preliminary basis - the suitability of using turbidity and fractional filtration methods
(for suspended solids) as low-tech, convenient, and cost-effective alternatives to laser- and optical-based
particle count/size analysis methods currently in use at Lake Tahoe (e.g. the Liquilaz LS-200 from
Particle Measuring Systems Inc., the Beckman Coulter LS 13-320 and the Malvern Sysmex FPIA 3000).
These laser- and optical-based methods use expensive research equipment not available in a standard
analytical laboratory. Reliance on this type of advanced instrumentation will not be practical for the
sample loads expected in the future. Furthermore, in situ continuous turbidometry could be an optimal
solution for stormwater characterization if good relationships can be established between fine sediment
particle numbers and turbidity or size-fractionated mass. While this approach looks promising (Figure 1,
Table 1), more testing must be done on a much broader scale with samples from many locations reflecting
different source areas, landscape and land use conditions, and seasonal event types. The relationship
Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA Round 10
between fine particle fractions and other water quality characteristics, such as organic content and
phosphorus concentrations require scientific investigation. Phosphorus, for example, is a limiting nutrient
for algal growth in Lake Tahoe (Hackley et al. 2008), and the relative contribution of inorganic versus
organic fine particles in urban runoff has not yet been determined at Lake Tahoe. These factors will be
important for assessing the fate of fine particles and pollutants with processes typical of different BMP
treatment types.
Objective #2 – Detailed Investigation of Fine Particle Removal. Treatment processes for fine sediment
removal will be studied both holistically and experimentally at existing facilities. A multi-year record of
stormwater monitoring at a constructed wetland exists for the Tahoe City Wetland Treatment System
(TSWTS) located on the north shore of Lake Tahoe (Figure 2). This BMP has been proven relatively
effective for removal of nitrogen, phosphorus and suspended sediment (Heyvaert et al. 2006b). However,
the scope of monitoring for this BMP never included fine particle analyses, as needed now. Extending
this past work to include determining fine particle removal processes in this proposal will provide a
detailed evaluation of the principal mechanisms by which fine particle removal occurs in this type of
frequently used BMP in the Lake Tahoe basin. It will also provide an opportunity to test whether nutrient
and sediment removal rates have changed significantly since the original monitoring study reported
treatment results for Water Year (WY) 2003, shortly after the wetland was first put into operation, and
whether maintenance actions may be required to maintain the high level of treatment initially reported
(Heyvaert et al., 2006).
Information that will be produced by this research includes: (1) a flow-weighted budget for multiple size
classes of sediment removal (with a focus on fine sediment <16 !m) using a mass-balance and particle
numbers approach; (2) the relative contribution of inorganic and organic material to the various sediment
size fractions; (3) how hydrologic residence time in the wetland affects the proportion of particle
compositions; (4) the relationship between phosphorus and sediment size fraction as water passes through
the constructed wetlands; (5) the influence of storm type and runoff volume on the above factors; (6) an
assessment of how the pollutant removal (TSS and nutrients) efficiency has changed over the past 5-10
years as this BMP has aged; and (7) a better understanding of the relationship between fine particle
counts, turbidity, size-fractioned suspended sediment, and other water quality or wetland characteristics.
This research will improve our understanding of how vegetated BMPs remove suspended sediment and
fine particles, and will help to reduce the considerable uncertainty in the mechanistic portions of current
BMP effectiveness models related to fine sediment removal (i.e. the existing BMP model is forced to rely
on generalized settling equations and on estimates of fine particle removal largely based on measurements
of project effluent). As part of this research, several processes including particle settling, particle removal
by biofilms, and the influence of hydraulic residence time on fine particle removal will also be tested
experimentally at the existing UC Davis/DRI Test Plot Facility. This facility contains a 4000 gallon
stormwater storage tank and pumping system that will be used to conduct replicate tests on treatment
options and controlled investigations of particle removal processes.
Hypotheses to be tested:
Reliable calibrated relationship(s) can be established between turbidity, size fractionated
suspended solids (by mass), and the concentration of <16 !m particles (i.e. number of particles
per mL) in stormwater runoff.
The total phosphorus to sediment mass ratio is inversely related to particle size. Concurrently,
soluble phosphorus concentrations are weakly correlated with fine particle size concentrations.
Inorganic sediments (mineral particles) account for the major portion of fine particles in urban
Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA Round 10
Biofilms growing on wetland BMP vegetation facilitate the removal of fine particles during
treatment of urban runoff.
Treatment effectiveness of the TCWTS has changed since the first intensive monitoring study in
WY 2003.
e. Approach, methodology and location of research
The Tahoe City Wetland Treatment System was constructed in 1997 to treat stormwater runoff from 23
ha of commercial, highway and residential land use in this north shore urban community. This surfaceflow constructed wetland consists of two cells in series, with a design water surface area of about 0.6 ha.
Heyvaert et al. (2006b) reported on the nutrient and suspended sediment removal capability of this
system. Monitoring data showed a 49 percent or greater improvement in effluent concentrations for
soluble reactive-P, total dissolved-P, nitrate and total suspended solids. Almost four metric tons of
suspended sediment were captured in this wetland BMP during a period of one year. Overall effluent
quality from the TCWTS was relatively consistent with, or better than, the results from other monitored
stormwater treatment practices (Strecker et al. 2005). Arguably, this is the most extensively
monitored/studied BMP in the Lake Tahoe basin.
Fine sediment particles were not part of the Heyvaert et al. (2006b) study. However, the TCWTS is an
ideal site to conduct this more detailed investigation of sediment and fine particle trapping and transport.
First, it represents a clear mixed land-use setting similar to other urban areas in the Lake Tahoe basin.
Second, there is a very good historical database on inflow-outflow and pool hydrology, pollutants and the
vegetative component of this BMP. Third, the logistics and protocol for field sampling has been
previously developed and successfully implemented. Fourth, groundwater monitoring wells have been
installed here and indications are that exchanges between surface water and groundwater are minimal
(<10%). Fifth, this system can function as a wetland and as a vegetated detention basin, depending on
outflow conditions, and therefore findings can be used to understand other similar BMPs (vegetated
basins, constructed wetlands, detention basins, etc.)
For this part of the project, continuous flow monitoring and extensive water quality sampling will be
conducted at both the inflow and outflow sites (Figure 2). Continuous flow will be measured at these sites
using low profile area/velocity sensors (IscoTM Model 750) and a bubble module with air tube (IscoTM
Model 730) technology, as in previous monitoring at the TCWTS (Heyvaert et al. 2006). Identical to past
research at this site, autosamplers (IscoTM Model 6712) will be used to collect water samples at preprogrammed intervals depending on expected runoff volumes. This allows for point sampling over the
entire storm hydrograph and development of event pollutographs to characterize runoff and treatment
patterns. Typically, at least 12 discrete samples are collected in separate bottles per storm event. These
can either be combined to produce a single, flow-weighted composite sample or analyzed individually.
The latter approach (individual sampling over the time course of the storm event) will be used to evaluate
particle characteristics throughout the hydrograph, with this form of sampling conducted during 4-5 storm
types (e.g. summer thunderstorm, early season (fall) rain, snow melt, rain-on-snow and late season
(spring) rain). Also, approximately 10-15 composite event samples (including some baseline sampling
between storms) will be collected to provide additional storm event data for statistical comparison to
treatment efficiency from WY2003. Based on an analysis of stormwater data collected by Heyvaert (PI)
and Thomas (Co-PI) for the 2003-2004 TMDL Stormwater Monitoring Program, Zelin (submitted)
determined that > 90 percent of the annual fine particle load is delivered by 10-15 storm events. The
project team has considerable experience in tracking the most important storm events (magnitude and
duration of expected precipitation and runoff) that will be sampled for this project.
To address the six topics in Objective #2, the following data will be collected for this project at the
TCWTS inflow and outflow sites: (a) particle counts (number/mL) and particle size distribution (based on
Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA Round 10
counts) between 0.5-1000 !m (Beckman Coulter 13-320) with a focus on the size ranges below 63 !m
and especially below 16 !m (the size range most responsible for the decline in Lake Tahoe clarity (Swift
et al. 2006); (b) concentration (mg/L) of total solids, the <63 !m fraction as well as the <20 !m, <10 !m
and <5 !m fractions (using differential size sieving and fractional filtration); (c) turbidity of whole
samples as well as size fractioned samples from (b) above; (d) material isolated in the fractional filtration
approach will also be analyzed for total-P and water soluble-P (i.e. an elutriate test); (e) percent organic
and inorganic composition as well as total carbon in the size fractions as in (b) above (measured as LOI
and using a Shimadzu TOC analyzer); and (f) nitrogen and phosphorus species as described in Heyvaert
et al. (2006). Particle counts, particle size distribution and turbidity will be measured on most samples.
The collection and processing of filtered and screened samples for size fractionated phosphorus and
inorganic vs. organic contribution are labor intensive and will be performed primarily on the composited
samples. Selected composited samples will also be used for the comparison between particle counts,
turbidity and size fractioned sediment concentrations based on mass and as discussed in Objective #1 and
presented below.
A hydraulic tracer experiment (employing an approved non-toxic dye, such as rodamine dye, or a
biologically inert compound,) will be conducted during selected events at the TCWTS to determine
residence time for water within the system. The hydraulic residence time is an important characteristic for
vegetated BMPs (Holland et al., 2004), and is typically calculated as the water volume divided by flow.
With braided flow paths, emergent vegetation and isolated pools, however, these systems are likely to
exhibit attenuated residence times. Using a hydraulic tracer will provide us with more accurate estimates
of water residence times (Nishikawa et al., 1999), compared to simply dividing water volume by flow,
which then can be related to particle removal. These types of water residence time and particle removal
evaluations will also be done on an experimental scale (see below). Developing these methods at the
TCWTS will provide a useful tool for improved assessments of BMP performance on other systems.
Replicate samples will also be collected and and measured for the amount of biofilms associated with
submerged portions of wetland plants. This will be done on samples from at least four locations along the
semi-channelized flow path between the inflow and outflow during each of the major hydrologic seasons.
The biofilm material will be analyzed for mass, elemental composition and organic/inorganic ratios.
Some of the specific processes relevant to BMP function (particle settling velocities, particle interception
and aggregation on biofilm surfaces, and particle removal at different flow velocities) will be examined
using test cells under controlled conditions at the UC Davis/DRI Test Plot Facility (Figure 3). Stormwater
runoff from both State Highway 28 and the facility parking lot is collected in an existing 4000 gallon
underground storage vault (designed and installed for use in stormwater experiments), where particles are
kept in suspension by submerged vortex mixers and then metered out with pumps to replicate test
columns, cells and troughs. In addition, we are able to produce synthetic stormwater (Patterson et al.
2007), created from street sweeping fines (Hepa grade) if the need arises. Determining the effects of and
developing preliminary empirical relationships for specific isolated treatment processes will be much
easier with this approach, where different tests can be run in replicate, side by side, under controlled
conditions with equivalent stormwater concentrations and flows for each treatment cell.
We propose to conduct two sets of replicate tests on at least three different processes that will be selected
as relevant to our interpretation of the performance data from the TCWTS. While more extensive testing
could be done with this system, it is beyond the scope of the multi-tiered approach proposed for this study
of wetland treatment. Therefore, the proposed tests will include: (1) particle settling experiments using
collected stormwater, (2) evaluating the effects of varying amounts of biofilm on particle removal, and (3)
determining the effect of water residence/contact time on particle removal. These latter two experiments
will be done using plastic aquatic plants (those used in fish tanks) that are pre-treated in the TCWTS to
allow for the growth of varying levels of natural biofilm. These artificial plants will be removed
(“harvested”) from the TCWTS. Experiments will be conducted with varying numbers of plants and
Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA Round 10
different levels of biofilm development. Ambient, or if necessary synthetic, stormwater will be amended
with particles <16 !m and allowed to pass through or be re-circulated in the experimental containers.
Influent and effluent water will be collected. Sample composites will be analyzed for relevant water
quality characteristics (soluble and total nitrogen and phosphorus, total suspended sediment, fine particles
<16!m (particle counts and mass), and particle size distribution.
Finally, water quality samples will be collected with the help of jurisdictional representatives from around
the Lake Tahoe basin and provided to our laboratory for fine particle analysis and the testing of
preliminary relationships with turbidity and fractional TSS. A schematic for sampling processing and
analysis is presented in Figure 4. Recommendations on desired site characteristics will be provided for
sample collection, along with potential targets identified from the Road Risk and Road Pollutant Potential
information developed for the PLRM (nhc 2009). The intent is to collect samples from a wide variety of
sites and events to further develop, test and refine the strength of the relationships (correlation
coefficients) between fractionally sized particles (number and mass) and corresponding water quality
characteristics (e.g. turbidity, organic content, phosphorus content, etc.). These findings will facilitate
preliminary development of simple and cost-effective methods for estimating fine particle concentrations
and loading. The petition for samples will be orchestrated through the Tahoe Regional Stormwater
Monitoring Program, which consists of all Lake Tahoe basin jurisdictions. In addition, the results from
these analyses will contribute to expand and inform an ongoing update of land-use based CRCs and CEFs
(2ndNature et al., SNPLMA 9 project).
f. Relationship of the research to previous and current relevant research, monitoring, and/or
environmental improvement efforts
This proposed project will provide information needed for the Pollutant Load Reduction Model, the Lake
Clarity Crediting Program, the Regional Stormwater Monitoring Program (RSWMP) and the Lake Tahoe
TMDL Management System, all developed in support of lake and watershed restoration as programmed
within the EIP. The project will use information from previous monitoring and research projects in the
Lake Tahoe basin, including the Pilot TMDL Stormwater Monitoring Program, the PLRM Development
Project (nhc et al. 2009), previous studies related to BMP effectiveness and the TCWTS, as well as the
many research projects done since fine particles were first identified as a pollutant of concern (Jassby et
al. 1999). This project also will build upon information developed from the SNPLMA Round 7 and 8
projects: “Tahoe Basin Particle Size Analysis and Protocol Development” and “Determining Sources of
Highway Runoff Fine Sediment in Stormwater, Streams, and Lake Tahoe Using Fingerprinting
Techniques,” which when completed next year will provide new information on laser- and optical based
measurement techniques and on the relative contribution of fine particles from traction material, road
abrasion, vehicles, road cut and shoulder erosion of parent material. It will also support and be supported
by projects currently underway to better inform the PLRM (e.g., 2ndNature et al., SNPLMA 9 project).
Data collected on fine particle concentrations in stormwater samples will be contributed to the groups
involved in developing improved CRC and CEC estimates for the Lake Tahoe PLRM and the TMDL
Management System. The analysis of alternative approaches to estimate fine particle counts (number)
has direct and immediate applicability to the implementation of the RSWMP monitoring design. BMP
programs such as the USFS and CTC erosion control grants, as well as the Caltrans and NDOT highway
BMP programs will also benefit from the proposed work to help them better design and evaluate projects.
g. Strategy for engaging with managers and obtaining permits
This proposal was developed after extensive discussions (over many years) about stormwater monitoring
and management with agency staff in the Lake Tahoe basin (e.g. Lahontan, NDEP, TRPA, USFS and
USEPA). We will continue to interact with representatives of these organizations as well as the SNPMA
program manager. Meetings will take place at the start of the project to identify suitable sites for the
Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA Round 10
stormwater sampling (potentially targeted by PLRM and RSWMP objectives, and designed not to
duplicate 2ndNature et al., SNPLMA 9 sampling targets). Preliminary results can be delivered during
meetings of LTIMP and at Tahoe Basin Science Symposia to discuss interpretations. The PI and Co-PIs
regularly work in close cooperation with the agencies and project implementers on this and other topics
related to pollutant load and stormwater treatment. Fixed site equipment is already installed for this
project from previous studies, so no new permits are anticipated. Although appropriate agencies will be
contacted if site plans are revised or new installations become necessary.
h. Description of deliverables/products and plan for how data and products will be reviewed and
made available to end users
Results will be disseminated by: (1) submission to peer-reviewed journal(s) for publication; (2)
presentation at local meetings, such as the Bi-annual Tahoe Basin Science Symposiums and the Lake
Tahoe Interagency Monitoring Program (LTIMP), (3) updates to appropriate Basin agencies and; (4)
uploaded into the Tahoe Integrated Information Management System (TIIMS). A final report, consisting
of the peer-review journal article(s) and all data appendices, will be provided to agency representatives
through RSWMP and posted to TIIMS.
Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA Round 10
III. Schedule of major milestones/deliverables
Projects should not expect to begin before May 1, 2010 at the earliest. Note that it is the responsibility of
the project proponent to coordinate with appropriate agency representatives or partners and secure any
agreements or approvals necessary prior to initiating research.
Prepare progress reports
Start Date
July 1, 2010
End Date
Oct 31, 2012
Identify PSD sampling
sites, obtain samples,
and conduct analysis for
associating water quality
characteristics and
concentrations to fine
particle fractions
July 1, 2010
May 31, 2012
Conduct performance
assessment sampling and
hydraulic residence tests
at the TCWTS
Test particle removal
processes in replicate
test plot system
Prepare two draft
technical papers for
peer-reviewed journal
Oct 1, 2010
May 31, 2012
Dec 1, 2010
May 31, 2012
Jan 1, 2012
Sep 30, 2012
Submit final report
consisting of draft
journal papers and data
Sep 30, 2012 Oct 31, 2012
Submit brief progress report to Tahoe Science
Program coordinator by the 1st of July,
October, January, and April. Prepare summary
of annual accomplishments in March.
All sites will be selected and specific sampling
protocols developed by the end of September
in anticipation of fall-winter storms. During
same period laboratory protocols for size
fraction analyses (e.g. Figure 4) will be
complete. Samples collected primarily during
the fall, winter and spring runoff seasons with
additional summer thunderstorm collections.
Sediment and chemical analyses conducted as
samples are collected.
Sampling to capture the primary runoff periods
in both Water Year 2011 and Water Year
These experiments will be conducted yearround, but have been scheduled to include the
natural runoff period during two years.
Papers will be prepared for submission to the
Journal of Environmental Engineering and the
Journal of the American Water Resources
Association. Tentative titles: (1) The
relationships between turbidity, size
fractionated suspended sediments and particle
counts in urban stormwater and (2) Combined
field and laboratory approaches to study the
removal of fine sediment particles in a
constructed wetland BMP.
Draft final report submitted on Sep 30, 2012.
Respond to comments and submit final report
on Oct 31, 2012.
Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA Round 10
IV. Literature cited/References (Up to 2 pages)
2NDNATURE LLC. 2006. Lake Tahoe BMP Monitoring Evaluation Process. Prepared for USFS Lake
Tahoe Basin Management Unit, October 2006.
2NDNATURE LLC. 2008. Water Quality Performance Evaluation of Park Avenue Detention Basins;
South Lake Tahoe, CA. Prepared for City of South Lake Tahoe Engineering Division. Final Technical
Report. August 15, 2008.
Hackley, S.H., B.C. Allen, D.A. Hunter and J.E. Reuter. 2008. Lake Tahoe Water Quality Investigations:
July 1, 2007- June 30, 2008. Tahoe Environmental Research Center, John Muir Institute for the
Environment, University of California, Davis. 67 p.
Heyvaert, A.C., Reuter, J.E. and Strecker, E. 2006a. Evaluation of Selected Issues Relevant to Stormwater
Treatment Practices in the Lake Tahoe basin. Prepared for California Tahoe Conservancy, August
Heyvaert, A.C., J.E. Reuter and C.R. Goldman. 2006b. Subalpine, cold climate, stormwater treatment
with a constructed surface flow wetland. Journal of the American Water Resources Association,
42(1): 45-54.
Heyvaert, A.C., A.T. Parra, R.P. Townsend and C. C. Strasenburgh. 2008. Upper Cutthroat Infiltration
testing and Stormwater Runoff Study. Prepared for Placer County Dept. Public Works (Truckee, CA)
and California Tahoe Conservancy (South Lake Tahoe, CA). 67 p.
Holland, J.F., J.F. Martin, T. Granata, V. Bouchard, M. Quigley, L. Brown. 2004. Effects of wetland
depth and flow rate on residence time distribution characteristics. Ecological Engineering. 23(3): 189203.
International Stormwater BMP Database.
Jassby, A.D., J.E. Reuter, R.C. Richards and C.R. Goldman. 1999. Origins and scale dependence of
temporal variability in the transparency of Lake Tahoe, California-Nevada, Limnol. Oceanogr.
44(2): 282-294.
Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board [Lahontan] and Nevada Division of Environmental
Protection [NDEP]. 2008a. Integrated Water Quality Management Strategy Project Report. Carson
City, NV. Lahontan Water Board, South Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada Division of
Environmental Protection, v1.0. 103 p. plus appendices.
Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board [Lahontan] and Nevada Division of Environmental
Protection [NDEP]. 2008b. Lake Tahoe TMDL pollutant reduction opportunity report. Carson City,
NV. Lahontan Water Board, South Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada Division of Environmental
Protection. v2.0. 279 p.
Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board [Lahontan] and Nevada Division of Environmental
Protection [NDEP]. 2008c. Lake Tahoe Total Maximum Daily Load draft technical report. Lahontan
Water Board, South Lake Tahoe, California, and Nevada Division of Environmental Protection,
Carson City, NV. 340 p.
Nishikawa, T., K.S. Paybins, J.A. Izbicki, E.G. Reichard. 1999. Numerical model of a tracer test on the
Santa Clara River, Ventura County, California. Journal of the American Water Resources
Association. 35(1): 133-142.
Northwest Hydraulic Consultants (nhc) and others. 2009. Draft Copy - Pollutant Load reduction Model
(PLRM): Model Development Documentation. Prepared for US Army Corps of Engineers.
Sacramento District, Sacramento, CA.
Patterson, S., A. Heyvaert and C. Strasenburgh. 2007. Pilot Water Quality Treatment System for the Lake
Tahoe Basin: Phosphorus and Fine Particle Removal by Cultured Periphyton. Report submitted to the
Nevada Tahoe Conservation District. May 2007.
Reuter, J.E. and Miller, W.W. 2000. Aquatic resources, water quality and limnology of Lake Tahoe and
its upland watershed. p.215-402. In: D.D. Murphy and C.M. Knopp (eds). The Lake Tahoe
Watershed Assessment Vol 1. USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station, Gen. Tech.
Rep. PSW-GTR-178/176
Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA Round 10
Reuter, J.E., Heyvaert, A.C., Luck, M. and Hackley, S. 2001. Land Use Based Stormwater Runoff
Monitoring and Evaluation of BMP Effectiveness in the Tahoe Basin. In: Investigations of
Stormwater Monitoring, Modeling and BMP Effectiveness in the Lake Tahoe Basin. Report prepared
for the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and the California State Water Resources Control Board,
205j Grant. November 30, 2001.
Reuter, J.E. J. Thomas and A.C. Heyvaert. In press. Chapter 4 - Water Quality. In: Hymanson, Z.P. and
M.C. Collopy (eds.) editors. An integrated science plan for the Lake Tahoe basin: conceptual
framework and research strategies. Gen. Tech. Report. PSW-GTR-XXX. Albany, CA: U.S.
Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Research Station. XXX p.
Strecker, E., Howell, J., Thayumanavan, A. and Leisenring, M. 2005. Lake Tahoe basin Stormwater BMP
Evaluation and Feasibility Study. Prepared for Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board and
UCD Tahoe Research Group, by GeoSyntec Consultants, July 2005.
Swift, T.J., Perez-Losada, J., Schladow, S.G., Reuter, J.E., Jassby, A.D. and Goldman, C.R. 2006. Water
clarity modeling in Lake Tahoe: Linking suspended matter characteristics to Secchi depth. Aquatic
Sciences. 68:1-15.
Zelin, M. Submitted. Fine sediment in urban runoff in the Lake Tahoe basin. Draft copy of M.S. thesis
submitted for review. Dept. Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Davis.
Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA Round 10
V. Figures (optional, up to 6 total) for project locations, schematics, sample outputs, etc. Figures do not
count toward page limits unless they are embedded in the narrative.
Figure 1. Correlation between fine sediment particle numbers and turbidity in stormwater runoff
from limited urban sampling in the Lake Tahoe basin.
Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA Round 10
Figure 2. Topographic representation of the Tahoe City Wetland Treatment System (TCWTS)
showing two basins connected in series with one inflow (S1) monitoring site and one outflow
monitoring site.
Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA Round 10
Figure 3. A picture of the UCD/DRI Field Test Plot Facility. An underground 4000 gallon stormwater
storage tank was recently installed (behind the red erosion control fence). Other components not
shown include tanks, vortex mixers, pumps, autosamplers, test columns, periphyton growth cells, etc.
Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA Round 10
Figure 4. Preliminary procedure for developing calibrated relationships to estimate fine particle
concentrations from associated water quality characteristics. Intended to provide a method for general
laboratory use, it is not likely to include all fractions shown above. (Particle size distributions [PSD] for
establishing the calibrations are measured by standard laser and optical imaging methods.). the resulting
data will allow us to directly compare how well cost-effective techniques (turbidity and size fractionated
sediment mass) for determining particle number (as required in the Lake Clarity Crediting Program)
compare to the current and more expensive laser-optical methods.
Proposal: Tahoe Research Supported by SNPLMA Round 10
Table 1. Water quality concentration statistics (µ=arithmetic mean, "=standard deviation, n=number of
samples) for a Lake Tahoe urban stormwater site (Speedboat located near Highway 28 on the north shore
of Lake Tahoe). Values are separated into runoff event types, and are also averaged for that site at the
bottom of the table (Zelin submitted). Values are defined on the basis of runoff/storm event type (SM
denotes snow melt). Data is from the TMDL Stormwater Monitoring Program: 2003-2004.