Management Options for Reducing Wildfire Risk and Maximizing Carbon Storage under Future Climate Changes, Ignition Patterns, and Forest Treatments1 Final Report November, 2012 SNPLMA (Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act) project (P049) PI: Robert M. Schellera Co-PIs: Peter Weisbergb, Jian Yangb, Alison E. Stantonc Agency Collaborator: Carl Skinnerd Project Researcher: E. Louise Loudermilka, Thomas E. Diltsb Final Report developed by E.L. Loudermilk and A. E. Stanton a Portland State University Environmental Science and Management Department Portland State University PO Box 751 Portland, OR 97207 USA b University of Reno Nevada Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Science University of Nevada, Reno 1664 N. Virginia St., Mail Stop 186 Reno, Nevada 89557 USA c Alison E. Stanton, Consulting 3170 Highway 50 Suite #7 South Lake Tahoe, CA 96150 d USDA Forest Service USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station 3644 Avtech Parkway Redding, CA 96002 USA 1 Citation: Loudermilk, E. Louise, Stanton, Alison E., Scheller, Robert M., Weisberg, Peter J., Yang, Jian, Dilts, Thomas E., Skinner, Carl. 2012. Management Options for Reducing Wildfire Risk and Maximizing Carbon Storage under Future Climate Changes, Ignition Patterns, and Forest Treatments. Final Report for Southern Nevada Public Lands Management Act project P049, Pacific Southwest Research Station, Tahoe Center for Environmental Studies, Incline Village, NV. Table of Contents List of Tables ................................................................................................................................................. 4 List of Figures ................................................................................................................................................ 5 Key Findings ................................................................................................................................................ 10 1.0 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 11 1.1 Carbon dynamics in a changing climate............................................................................................ 11 1.2 Wildfire dynamics in a changing climate .......................................................................................... 12 1.3 Forest fuels management ................................................................................................................. 12 1.4 Study Objectives ............................................................................................................................... 13 2.0 Methods ................................................................................................................................................ 14 2.1 Study area ......................................................................................................................................... 14 2.2 Model development, parameterization, and calibration ................................................................. 15 2.2.1 Landscape and forest composition ............................................................................................ 15 2.2.2 Climate downscaling .................................................................................................................. 15 2.2.3 Modeling carbon dynamics with the Century Extension ........................................................... 16 2.2.5 Wildfire ignition density modeling............................................................................................. 17 2.2.6 Modeling fire behavior and effects with the Dynamic Fire Extension....................................... 19 2.3 Development and implementation of fuel treatments .................................................................... 21 2.3.1 Local fuel treatment data and treatment areas ........................................................................ 21 2.2.2 Assigning fuel types and simulating treatment ......................................................................... 22 2.2.3 Fuel treatment prescriptions ..................................................................................................... 23 2.3.4 Fuel treatment scenarios ........................................................................................................... 24 2.4 Landscape simulations and analysis ................................................................................................. 25 3.0 Results ................................................................................................................................................... 26 3.1 Impacts of climate change ................................................................................................................ 26 3.1.1 Wildfire dynamics ...................................................................................................................... 26 3.1.2 Carbon dynamics........................................................................................................................ 28 3.1.3 Wildfire effects on carbon dynamics ......................................................................................... 29 3.1.4 Species response to changing climate and fire regime.............................................................. 29 3.2 Fuel treatment effects under contemporary climate ....................................................................... 30 3.2.1 Wildfire....................................................................................................................................... 30 3.2.2 Forest carbon and growth.......................................................................................................... 31 2 3.2.3 Species dynamics ....................................................................................................................... 32 3.3 Predicted wildfire ignition density .................................................................................................... 32 3.3.1 Modeling results ........................................................................................................................ 32 3.3.2 Effects of increased wildfire ignitions ........................................................................................ 34 3.4 Fuel treatment effects under a changing climate ............................................................................. 35 3.4.1 Wildfire....................................................................................................................................... 35 3.4.2 Forest carbon and growth.......................................................................................................... 35 3.4.3 Species dynamics ....................................................................................................................... 36 4.0 Discussion.............................................................................................................................................. 36 4.1 Climate change effects on growth rates and wildfire activity .......................................................... 37 4.2 Climate change effects on carbon sequestration potential and net carbon emissions ................... 38 4.3 Climate change effects on individual species ................................................................................... 39 4.3 Fuel treatment effectiveness under contemporary climate ............................................................. 40 4.4 Fuel treatments in a changing climate .............................................................................................. 42 5.0 Further considerations .......................................................................................................................... 42 6.0 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................................... 43 7.0 Acknowledgements............................................................................................................................... 44 7.0 References ............................................................................................................................................ 45 Figures ......................................................................................................................................................... 51 Appendix A .................................................................................................................................................. 97 3 List of Tables Table 3-1. Simulated fire rotation periods (FRP) and mean and standard deviation of fire sizes at the LTB for all fuel treatment scenarios, and across five replicate 100 year simulations. Table 3-2. Individual species response to climate change, represented here as an approximate positive or negative % difference (to nearest 5%) of mean aboveground live biomass between both A2 or B1 climate and base climate at year 2110. Table3-3. Simulated fire rotation periods (FRP) and mean and standard deviation of fire sizes at the LTB for all fuel treatment scenarios, and across five replicate 100 year simulations. Table 3-4. Simulated fire rotation periods (FRP) and mean and standard deviation of fire size and annual area burned at the LTB for three climate scenarios, with and without increased ignitions across five replicate 100 year simulations. Table 3-5. Simulated fire rotation periods (FRP) and mean and standard deviation of fire size and annual area burned at the LTB for three climate scenarios, with and without increased ignitions and fuel treatment scenarios across five replicate 100 year simulations. 4 List of Figures Figure 2-1. Map of the study area for this research; the Lake Tahoe Basin, CA and NV, USA. Figure 2-2. LANDIS-II climate inputs and processes modeled for the forested landscape of the Lake Tahoe Basin, CA, NV. Climate data were implemented into the Century extension and Dynamic Fire extension using seasonal, monthly, and daily inputs, respectively of current and projected climate (years 2010-2110). Processes in the Century extension include above and belowground components (e.g., plant root, shoot, and leaf biomass, soil organic matter). FRP: Fire Rotation Period Figure 2-3. Initial landscape composition by vegetative community in the Lake Tahoe Basin (LTB) (after Ottmar et al. 2009). Figure 2-4. Study area of the Lake Tahoe Basin with reported human- and lightning-caused fires greater than 0.1 ha in size between 1986 and 2009. Figure 2-5. Maps showing road density, lightning density, elevation, average January minimum temperature, average July maximum temperature, and annual water deficit in the Lake Tahoe Basin, overlaid with reported human-caused (red dots) and lightning-caused (blue triangles) fires. Figure 2-6. Fire size distribution simulated using LANDIS-II (100 years, using base climate) and empirical data from the study area. Figure 2-7 Treatment areas within the LTB: the defensible space, defense zone, and extended wildland urban interface. Figure 2-8. Size class distribution of all fuel treatment units within each treatment area in the LTB (from LTBMU Management unit data). Figure 2-9. Treatment stand map representing randomly located polygons of approximately the same size distribution as existing fuel treatments in the LTB (from LTBMU Management unit data). Figure 2-10. Fraction biomass removed in the light thinning prescription, by species and age cohorts. Figure 2-11. Fraction biomass removed in the moderate thinning prescription, by species and age cohorts. Figure 2-12. Fraction removed in the mid-seral thinning prescription, by species and age cohorts. Figure 2-13. Continued Intensity scenario under a) 15 and b) 30 year rotation period and the Transition to Forest Health Initiative’ scenario under c) 15 and d) 30 year rotation period. Figure 3-1. Mean annual temperature (°C) and total annual precipitation (cm) simulated at the LTB using current climate conditions and two GCMs of high (A2) and low (B1) emissions across 100 years. This represents landscape level mean and standard errors across five replicates. 5 Figure 3-2. Simulated mean landscape carbon estimates of a) live C (bole, leaves, roots), b) total C (live C + detrital C + SOC), c) detrital C, d) SOC (3 soil pools: slow, fast, passive) simulated over 100 years (five replicates) using contemporary (base) climate and two emissions scenarios (A2, B1). Figure 3-3. Simulated mean landscape carbon estimates of a) Aboveground Net Primary Productivity, b) Net Ecosystem Production, and c) heterotrophic respiration, simulated over 100 years (five replicates) and using contemporary (base) climate and two emissions scenarios (A2, B1). Note difference in scale of y-axis between graphs. Figure 3-4. Results from second simulation approach, where temperature and precipitation were independently assessed using the A2 and base climate. Increasing temperatures (as opposed to reduced precipitation) determined impacts on forest C (a, live C) and productivity (b, ANPP). A2 Temperature only: A2 temperature combined with base climate precipitation; A2 Precipitation only: A2 precipitation combined with base climate temperature. Figure 3-5. Comparison of simulated live carbon with and without fire using the base and A2 climate. Figure 3-6. Simulated mean area burned (ha) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. Figure 3-7. Simulated mean fire severity (index from 1:5) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. Figure 3-8. Simulated mean area burned (ha) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. Figure 3-9. Simulated mean fire severity (index from 1:5) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. Figure 3-10. Simulated mean total carbon (live C + soil organic C + detrital C, g C m-2) and Aboveground Net Primary Productivity (ANPP) across the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. Figure 3-11. Simulated mean total carbon (live C + soil organic C + detrital C) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. Figure 3-12. Simulated mean total carbon (live C + soil organic C + detrital C) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. 6 Figure 3-13. Simulated forest growth, represented as ANPP (Aboveground Net Primary Productivity), across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. Figure 3-14. Change in mean aboveground live biomass (g m-2) of the six most abundant tree species at the LTB for simulations (a) without fuel treatments and (b) with fuel treatments (continuous 15 year rotation period). Figure 3-15. Mean aboveground live biomass (g per m-2) of white fir (Abies concolor) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. Figure 3-16. Mean aboveground live biomass (g per m-2) of Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. Figure 3-17. Mean aboveground live biomass (g per m-2) of sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. Figure 3-18. Mean age of Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. Figure 3-19. Mean age of sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. Figure 3-20. Mean age of white fir (Abies concolor) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. Figure 3-21. Mean age of incense cedar (Calocedrus decurrens) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. Figure 3-22. Max age distribution of incense cedar across the LTB. Left to right: Year 2010 (year 0 of model), Year 2110 (year 100) without fuel treatments, Year 2110 (year 100) with continuous fuel treatments applied on a 15 year rotation interval. Figure 3-23. The top 6 most important predictor variables and their marginal effects on fire occurrence density for (a) lightning-caused and (b) human-caused fires. Figure 3-24. Landscape level mean fire occurrence density predicted by the top 30 best Poisson point process models under the climate scenario of A2 and B1 for the lightning-caused (a and b) and human-caused (c and d) fires. The unit of fire occurrence density is # of fires per 100 sq. km per 7 decade. Each line represents one model with red, green, and blue color indicating the ranking order (R > G > B) of each model’s weight of evidence. The black line represents the modeling average results. Figure 3-25. Predicted landscape-level mean total (human-caused + lightning-caused) fire occurrence densities (fires per 100 sq. km per decade) and their relative changes (above panel) under the climate A2 and B1 scenarios, as well as time series of predicted proportion of lightning-caused in the total fire occurrences (bottom panel). Figure 3-26. Predictive maps of total ignition density (# of fires per 100 sq. km per decade) at (a) year 2000 and (b) year 2100 under the SRES A2 scenario. Figure 3-27. Simulated mean area burned (ha) across the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations, using three climate scenarios with current fire ignition estimates (left) and with increased ignitions (right). Figure 3-28. Simulated mean total Carbon (live C + soil organic C + detrital C, g C m-2) and Net Ecosystem Production (NEP) across the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations, using three climate scenarios with current fire ignition estimates (top row) and with increased ignitions (bottom row). Figure 3-29. Simulated mean aboveground live biomass (g m-2) of four representative tree species found at the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations, using three climate scenarios with current fire ignition estimates and with increased ignitions. Top, left to right: white fir, Jeffrey pine, Bottom, left to right: sugar pine, red fir. Figure 3-30. Simulated mean aboveground live biomass (g m-2) of re-sprouting shrubs, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations, using three climate scenarios with current fire ignitions and with increased ignitions. Figure 3-31. Simulated mean area burned (ha) across the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations, using three climate scenarios with current fire ignition estimates and with increased ignitions. Figure 3-32. Simulated mean total carbon (live C + soil organic C + detrital C, g C m-2) across the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations, under base and A2 climate, with current fire ignitions and with increased ignitions, and applying continuous fuel treatments on a 15 year rotation period. Figure 3-33. Simulated mean total carbon (live C + soil organic C + detrital C) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. Base climate: No fuel treatments using base climate, Base: FT 15 RP: Continuous fuel treatments applied on a 15 year rotation period using base climate, A2 climate w/incr. ign: No fuel treatments using A2 climate with projected increase in fire ignitions, 8 A2: FT 15 RP w/incr. ign: Continuous fuel treatments applied on a 15 year rotation period using A2 climate with projected increase in fire ignitions. Figure 3-34. Total carbon (live C + soil organic C + detrital C, g C m-2) distribution across the LTB. Left to right: Year 2110 (year 100 of model) for base (contemporary) climate without fuel treatments, A2 climate without fuel treatments, Year 2110 (year 100) with continuous fuel treatments applied on a 15 year rotation interval. Figure 3-35. Simulated mean aboveground live biomass (g m-2) of four representative tree species found at the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations, for base and A2climate, with and without increased ignitions and fuel treatments. Top, left to right: white fir, Jeffrey pine, Bottom, left to right: sugar pine, red fir. Figure 3-36. Simulated mean aboveground live biomass (g m-2) of re-sprouting shrubs, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations, using three climate scenarios with contemporary fire ignitions and with increased ignitions, and with and without fuel treatments (15 yr. rotation period). 9 Key Findings Interactions among climate, forest growth, carbon (C) sequestration, and wildfire activity in the Lake Tahoe Basin (LTB) Our study illustrated the potential for continued forest growth and sequestration of above and below ground C across the LTB, which remained a C sink (Net Ecosystem Productivity > 0), despite any potential shifts in climate in the coming decades. This was a landscape legacy effect from the Comstock Era logging in the 1880’s and the resulting regeneration and growth of the forest into the next century. Effects from future changes in climate at the LTB included reduced establishment ability of the subalpine and upper montane tree species; stimulated growth of particular conifers, aspen and re-sprouting shrub species; and enhanced wildfire activity. Changes in the wildfire regime had the strongest impact on forest response. An increase in wildfire activity (area burned) in a changing climate caused higher mortality rates across the LTB and lower C sequestration potential by year 2110. Altered mortality patterns, caused by increased wildfire activity under A2 climate, had a stronger effect on overall productivity and C storage potential than climate change effects (e.g., growth, establishment) on individual species. In a changing climate, increased wildfire activity was caused by a reduction in fine fuel moisture across a longer growing season. Wildfire activity was further enhanced under future-climate scenarios, especially towards the end of the 21st century, by projected increases in natural and anthropogenic ignition sources. Interactions with simulated fuel treatments Continuous fuel treatments reduced area burned and fire severity across the LTB, regardless of climate or fuel treatment scenario applied. Projected increases in ignitions under the A2 climate dramatically reduced the ability of the forest to sequester C, but continuous fuel treatments moderated the reduction. The forest continued to sequester C in all fuel treatment scenarios, although at a lower rate than without fuel treatments. Continuous fuel treatments strongly suppressed target species (e.g., white fir and incense cedar) in managed areas and improved the regeneration environment for more shade-sensitive species (e.g., Jeffrey pine, sugar pine). As wildfire ignitions increase, mainly towards the end of the 21st century, mitigation feedbacks from fuel treatments may become more difficult but be possibly more essential, as more area treated would intersect with more wildfires. This in turn would cause earlier net C gain from fuel treatment application, than fuel treatment simulations using contemporary climate. 10 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Carbon dynamics in a changing climate Understanding the effects that climate change may have on forest carbon (C) budgets requires knowledge of climate effects on forest growth, long-term forest succession, and important past and future disturbances, such as wildfires (Westerling et al. 2006, Millar et al. 2007, Xu et al. 2009). Climate change affects forests by altering the physiological responses of trees and generates subsequent changes in forest succession. In addition, forest structure and composition responds to climate-induced changes to natural disturbances regimes (e.g., frequency and duration of wildfires) (Dale et al. 2001). Climate change effects are often region specific, however, whereby plant species and the driving processes (e.g., forest succession, nutrient cycling, disturbances) may behave idiosyncratically (Scheller and Mladenoff 2008). The coupled effects from past disturbances (e.g., historic logging), large wildfires, and future changes in climate call for a modeling approach at the regional scale that incorporates sufficient interaction, contingency, and site specificity. Changes in regional weather and climatic patterns will influence the physiological response of trees. In California, a 2-5°C increase in mean annual temperature over the next century is expected to affect the spatial distribution and phenology of extant tree species (Millar et al. 2006). Shifts in precipitation (magnitude and seasonal distribution) will be variable between regions and dependent on local weather patterns and topography. In the western U.S., increasing temperatures and decreasing precipitation have been identified as a significant cause of increasing tree mortality (van Mantgem et al. 2009). Climate projections for California however, suggest little change in annual total precipitation, although temperatures are expected to continue increasing (Cayan et al. 2008). This emphasizes the importance of understanding how projected alterations in temperature or precipitation, independently or in tandem, affect various ecosystem processes. Increased temperature may reduce long-term soil moisture availability, with subsequent effects on decomposition rates and N availability, ultimately reducing forest productivity (Kirschbaum 1995, Lenihan et al. 2003). In the Lake Tahoe Basin (study area of this research, CA, NV), mean annual temperatures are expected to increase by 1-5°C over the next century, while projected precipitation is highly variable (Coats et al. 2010). Throughout the Sierra Nevada, changing climate conditions are expected to reduce snow pack with more precipitation falling as rain. Shorter winters may cause earlier snow melt and prolonged droughty summers (Battles et al. 2008). A warmer climate will likely alter the net C balance of forested landscapes. Northern hemisphere C uptake estimates vary widely, ranging from 0.3-0.9 Pg of C per year in the 1990’s (Goodale et al. 2002). This C uptake is attributed largely to northern forests (Goodale et al. 2002, Houghton 2003b) and is likely due to fire suppression, re-growth from extensive harvesting over the past two centuries, and increased nitrogen (N) deposition and atmospheric C fertilization (Schäfer et al. 2003). The magnitude and duration of continued C uptake is uncertain, however, especially at the local scale at which forest management occurs, and may decline if drier conditions reduce growth rates (Goodale et al. 2002, Houghton 2003b, Albani et al. 2006). The ability of forests to sequester carbon and the potential management approaches to reduce C emissions or maintain C stocks have received particular attention 11 (Galik and Jackson 2009). Difficulty in quantifying the C balance have been a major obstacle in determining how individual forests fit into C offset programs (Richards and Andersson 2001). 1.2 Wildfire dynamics in a changing climate The influence of a changing climate on disturbance regimes is of particular interest, especially with regard to wildfires (McKenzie et al. 2004). Wildfire regimes in the western U.S. are directly affected by climate change: Increasing temperatures advance the timing of snowmelt and vegetation green up, dry fuels earlier, and extend wildfire seasons. In the western U.S., warming temperature and earlier spring have resulted in a fourfold increase of major forest wildfires and sixfold increase of area burned since 1986, compared to the period from 1970 to 1986 (Westerling et al. 2006). This increase in area burned is substantially controlled by a changing climate, despite increases in fuel accumulation (Littell et al. 2009). Wildfire frequencies are also expected to increase causing a higher flux of greenhouse gas emissions (Campbell et al. 2007), and affecting forest C pools in significant, but unknown ways (Westerling et al. 2006). The altered fire regime can cause degradation of ecosystem functions, create hazards for people, and increase fire suppression costs (Stephens and Ruth 2005; Syphard et al. 2011). In order to efficiently manage fuels and to reduce fire risks, it is important to understand how fire regime would respond to the ongoing climate change in the near future. Many studies have found the spatial distribution of fire occurrence, both human- and lightning-caused, is not completely random, and its spatial patterns can greatly define spatial variability of fire risk at large scales (Bar Massada et al. 2011; Finney et al. 2011). Although there is a strong linkage between climate and fire occurrence, other spatial controls such as topography, vegetation, ignition sources can also exert strong influences that may confound our prediction of fire response to climate change (Liu et al. 2012; Parisien et al. 2012). Comprehensive studies that examine how various controls affect fire occurrence are often conducted at regional or global scales with coarse spatial resolutions (Krawchuk et al. 2009; Wotton et al. 2010). However, effective fuel treatment design and its placement planning are often conducted at landscape scales with fine spatial resolutions (Finney 2008). A spatially explicit analysis of fire occurrence and its response to climate change at fine scales is warranted for assisting fire and fuel management at landscape scales. 1.3 Forest fuels management Fuel-reduction treatments (i.e., forest thinning) are used extensively throughout the western U.S. (and worldwide) to reduce hazardous surface and ladders fuels and restructure the forest (Agee and Skinner 2005). The forests of the Sierra Nevada are of particular concern, where fuel loads and the density of small trees have exceeded known historic conditions due to a century of fire suppression (Parsons and DeBenedetti 1979). The resulting catastrophic wildfires have devastated forests (Westerling et al. 2006, Littell et al. 2009) and nearby human settlements. Applying fuel treatments has become an essential management tool for reducing wildfire intensity and severity in this region (Agee and Skinner 2005, Schwilk et al. 2009, Syphard et al. 2011), although the trade-offs with labor costs and ecosystem carbon (C) balance, as well as impacts on wildlife habitat are of concern (Calkin and Gebert 2006, Pilliod et al. 2006, Campbell et al. 2012). 12 In the near future, forest managers may be faced with the prospect of increased regulation of C emissions, and may be forced to balance the use of fuel treatments for reducing fire risk against the potential reduction of forest carbon (Hurteau et al. 2008). Furthermore, properly balancing the spatial arrangement of management activities in order to achieve multiple objectives on the landscape (e.g., (Daugherty and Fried 2007, Rhodes and Baker 2008, Schmidt et al. 2008)) requires more information about the inherent trade-offs among the objectives and improved awareness of the opportunities for optimizing management at the landscape scale (Syphard et al. 2011). For example, fuels management (e.g., mechanical thinning and prescribed burning) will require consideration of the immediate loss of C from live and detrital matter with reduced fire emissions (Hurteau et al. 2008, Scheller et al. 2011c). Previous studies that explicitly address C dynamics have typically addressed only aboveground C stocks (e.g., (Hurteau and North 2009), although surface and soil C are also important long-term C stocks (Zinke and Stangenberger 2000) and fluctuate in response to changes in live and detrital inputs (Scheller et al. 2011c). Predicting the effectiveness of a suite of fuel treatments for reducing fire risk and altering ecosystem C dynamics requires an assessment at the landscape level, where spatial arrangement of fuel treatments and potential intersection with wildfires can be addressed (Syphard et al. 2011). The strategic placement of fuel treatments is important for reducing landscape level wildfire spread and intensity (Schmidt et al. 2008). Furthermore, insight into where treatments may be most effective (e.g., areas of high ignition potential) and where treatment-wildfire intersection may be more likely, may be more important than the amount of area treated. The re-application timeline or rotation period is also of interest, where more intensive treatments (e.g., mechanical vs. hand thinning) may have a longer effective period for reducing fire risk. Maintaining fuel treatments through time may restructure the landscape, creating a more fire-resistant forest, and maintain live C stocks and reduce C emissions from wildfire in the long term (Hurteau and North 2009, North and Hurteau 2011). 1.4 Study Objectives Our objectives for this project were, 1) to evaluate the emergent responses of multiple interacting processes, namely climate change and wildfire regime, on total forest carbon and succession dynamics, and 2) to evaluate the long-term effects of fuel treatments in mitigating wildfires and sequestering forest carbon (C), in a contemporary and climate change context, within the regional landscape of the Lake Tahoe Basin, CA and NV. We used two future C emissions scenarios as expressed within the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory General Circulation Model, in combination with a landscapescale model of forest succession (Scheller et al. 2007), stochastic wildfire (Sturtevant et al. 2009), and C dynamics (Scheller et al. 2011c) to examine the potential effects of projected climate change on: 1) forest growth rates, 2) individual tree species response, 3) C sequestration potential and net C emissions to the atmosphere, and 4) wildfire activity, including changes in future ignition patterns. The independent effects of temperature and precipitation within and between emissions scenarios, as well as fire-climate interactions, were assessed. We also examined the relative influences of different spatial controls and resulting spatial patterns for both lightning- and human-caused fire occurrences. Furthermore, we discuss C sequestration potential with respect to the legacy influence of past disturbances. To address interactions with fuel treatments, forest thinning prescriptions (Syphard et al. 13 2011) were simulated to understand long-term effects of fuel treatments on wildfires, above and belowground C dynamics, and species and community structure across the climate regimes. A multiple fuel treatment scenario design was used to examine the interactive effects of treatment application in terms of spatial arrangement and location, rotation period, and prescription type. We discuss the implications of fuel treatments in a contemporary climate and climate change context. 2.0 Methods 2.1 Study area Our study area comprised approximately 85,000 ha of forested land in the Lake Tahoe Basin (LTB) (Figure 2- 1). The climate is Mediterranean with a summer drought period. The basin-like topography and elevation range (ca. 1897 to 3320 m) control local temperature and precipitation patterns. The majority of precipitation falls as snow between October and May and snowpack persists into the summer, dependent on elevation. The western portion of the Basin has a higher water balance and greater productivity than the northern and eastern portions of the Basin. Mean annual precipitation on the west shore at Tahoe City, CA is 80 cm and mean annual snowfall is 483 cm. Mean annual precipitation on the east shore at Glenbrook, NV is 46 cm and mean annual snowfall is 236 cm. At Tahoe City, average January high temperature is 6 °C and the low is -6 °C. Summers are mild with an average high temperature of 26 °C in August and a low of 6 °C (Western Regional Climate Center 2012). Soils are classified as shallow Entisols or Inceptisols and the more developed soils are Alfisols. The substrate is mainly granite with ancient volcanic bedrock lining the north shore (Rogers 1974). Tree species distribution in the LTB is controlled by elevation and precipitation (Barbour 2002). The lower montane zone in the west Basin is primarily a mixed conifer forest consisting of up to six codominant species including white and red fir (Abies concolor, A. magnifica), incense cedar (Calocedrus decurrens), and Jeffrey, sugar, and lodgeppole pine (Pinus jeffreyi, P. lamertiana, P. contorta). The east side montane zone is dominated by Jeffrey pine, red fir, and/or white fir. The subalpine zone consists of whitebark pine (P. ablicaulis), western white pine (P. monticola), and mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana). Almost 70% of the lower montane zone in the LTB was clearcut during the Comstock logging era beginning around 1870 and continuing through the turn of the century. Timber harvested from the LTB was used for shoring up mineshafts, creating timber flumes, and extending rail lines to nearby Virginia City, NV. The timber harvest and subsequent fire suppression throughout the last century has lead to a shift in the age and size distribution of the forest from a characteristic old-growth canopy, with an open mid-story, to a more dense forest of younger age-cohorts (<120 years old) and more closed mid-story (Barbour et al. 2002, Nagel and Taylor 2005). This shift has allowed more surface and ladder forest fuels to accumulate and has increased fire risk (Beaty and Taylor 2008). In addition, shade tolerant trees like white fir and incense cedar have increased disproportionately over fire-adapted species like Jeffrey and sugar pine (Nagel and Taylor 2005). 14 2.2 Model development, parameterization, and calibration To address the disturbance feedbacks of fuel treatments and wildfires on coarse-scale forest and C dynamics (Figure 2-2), we used the Landscape Disturbance and Succession model, LANDIS-II (v.6.0). The LANDIS-II model has been used extensively for understanding ecosystem C dynamics (Scheller et al. 2011b, Scheller et al. 2011c) and feedbacks associated with wildfire (Sturtevant et al. 2009) and fuel treatment effectiveness (Syphard et al. 2011). LANDIS-II offers the flexibility to integrate various ecosystem processes and disturbances that interact across large spatial extents and long time periods, ideal for projecting forest succession and responses to human and natural disturbance. 2.2.1 Landscape and forest composition LANDIS-II simulates the life history characteristics of individual species of trees and shrubs, each represented as age-cohorts. Individual trees are not modeled. To characterize initial forest communities, we utilized a database and a map of age-cohorts of trees and shrubs developed for the LTB based on the Fuel Characteristic Classification System (FCCS, and the existing vegetation map (CALVEG) from the GIS Clearinghouse of the Pacific Southwest Region ( (Ottmar and Safford 2011). We used data on the 10 most abundant tree species found within the LTB, each represented in our model by unique life history characteristics including longevity, age of maturity, shade tolerance, fire tolerance, and sexual and vegetative reproductive capabilities (Table 2-1). For simplicity, the shrubs were grouped into four functional groups: 1) non-nitrogen fixing re-sprouters, 2) non-nitrogen fixing obligate seeders, 3) nitrogen fixing re-sprouters, and 4) nitrogen fixing obligate seeders. These shrub functional groups are often found together within sites and consist of various species, including Arctostaphylos spp., Artemisia spp., Ceanothus spp., Chrysolepis spp., Purshia spp. , Quercus spp. Ribes spp., and Symphoricarpos spp. The resulting forest community map (Figure 2-3) was coupled with Forest Inventory Analysis data from the LTB and nearby Sierra Nevada forests to provide estimates of species composition and age distribution by forest type (e.g., mixed conifer), relevant at the coarse scale being modeled and similar to (Syphard et al. 2011) . This map was refined (older cohorts were removed) to account for the largest and most significant wildfires from years 2002 to 2010, where canopy tree mortality rates were considerable (up to 100%, (Safford et al. 2009). 2.2.2 Climate downscaling Basin wide climate projections were processed using existing downscaled Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory General Circulation Models (GCM) of global CO2 emissions scenarios of climate from years 2010 from 2100, specific to the LTB (Coats et al. 2010). Under the high emissions scenario (A2), carbon emissions continue at their current pace and [CO2] reaches 800+ ppm by 2100. Under the low emissions scenarios (B1), carbon emissions are controlled and [CO2] reaches only 550 ppm by 2100. These downscaled climate values (precipitation and temperature) were further processed using PRISM data (Parameter-elevation Regressions on Independent Slopes Model, The PRISM data were averaged across each fire region and ecoregion within each GCM cell and used to aggregate the projected climate data down to the regional scale. 15 2.2.3 Modeling carbon dynamics with the Century Extension Ecosystem C dynamics were modeled using the LANDIS-II Century Succession extension (Scheller et al. 2011c), based on the original CENTURY soil model (Parton 1983). This extension (hereon called ‘Century’) integrates aboveground processes of successional dynamics with C and nitrogen cycling as well as soil decomposition and accumulation. Century parameters were developed for three ecosystem levels: tree species, tree functional groups, and ecoregions (see below). Further parameter descriptions and examples of calibration procedures for Century are found elsewhere (Scheller et al. 2011b, Scheller et al. 2011c). Successional dynamics, including tree establishment, growth, competition, and decomposition are based on species-specific parameters that represent species sensitivity to temperature and drought in addition to estimates of % lignin and C:N ratios in various plant parts (Table 2-2). The parameters are drawn from the original CENTURY model ( or from the literature, where available. Tree species and shrub functional groups were further classified into functional types, where temperature, Leaf Area Index (LAI), and water limitations were parameterized for monthly growth patterns, specifically in response to the dry summers and below-freezing winter temperatures found at the LTB (Table 2-3). Because the vegetation within the LTB is well-adapted to summer drought and benefits mainly from the spring snowmelt and early autumn rainfall, the functional groups were parameterized to reduce water limitations during the dry months and allow for productivity through the summer. The CENTURY default LAI values were used for conifers and hardwoods, while shrubs were adjusted for lower growth capacity (i.e., Net Primary Productivity) compared to trees. The LTB landscape was represented as five ecoregions, distinguished by unique soil characteristics and climate variables (Table 2-4). Initial values for C and N in various soil organic pools were determined for each ecoregion (Table 2-5). The dataset was developed from national soil databases (National Resources Conservation Service, Soil Survey Geographic database). Within each ecoregion, Century calculates species-specific establishment probability based on species sensitivity to temperature, soil moisture, length of dry period, and January temperatures. Detailed explanations of each Century v3 extension parameter are found in the user's guide ( Six target model outputs were chosen to calibrate and validate Century parameters based on available literature and expert opinion. These include aboveground live biomass, soil organic carbon (SOC), soil inorganic nitrogen (mineral N), aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP), Net Primary Production (NPP), and Net Ecosystem Production (NEP). To validate starting conditions (year 2010), aboveground live biomass and C and N pools were simulated. There was strong agreement between the mean simulated aboveground live biomass across the LTB (10,006 g m-2 ) and the measured values (10,787 g m-2 ) developed for the LTB from a separate remote sensing dataset (Dobrowski et al. 2005).Initial landscape SOC was calibrated with regional SOC estimates (3,950 (SD=532) g C m-2, (Zinke et al. 1998)). In Century, there are three SOC pools: fast, slow, and passive. Decay rates of the three SOC were calibrated to result in a stable rate of decay of SOC 16 throughout the simulations; changes in the decay rate of SOM2 (the slow pool) had the largest impact on decomposition. For comparison, a range of decay rates for SOM2 (0.01, 0.02, 0.03, 0.04) were explored. A decay rate of 0.02 for SOM2 produced accurate initial conditions and a realistic SOC accumulation rate. Simulated mineral N values (mean (SD) across 100 years (4.3 (0.6) g N m-2) were comparable to target mineral N estimates (5-10 g N m-2, (Miller et al. 2010, Karam et al. in press)). ANPP was calibrated by comparing simulated mean annual ANPP values against measured values of annual ANPP in a nearby 50-year old Ponderosa Pine plantation (Campbell et al. 2009). Very few Ponderosa pines occur in the LTB, but this species is closely related taxonomically to Jeffrey pine (Critchfield and Little Jr. 1966) which is widely distributed. A single reference site consisting of one young (5 year old) age cohort of Jeffrey pine was used to initialize the simulation and five replicates were run to year 45 (50-year old stand). Simulations resulted in mean annual ANPP of 464 (SD=55) g C m-2 yr-1, similar to the reference site (435 (SD=69) g C m-2 yr-1) and comparable to general estimates for temperate biomes (456 g C m-2 yr-1) (Chapin et al. 2002). The simulated monthly fluctuations in NPP and NEP were compared to an Ameriflux site (Blodgett Forest, CA, within the same reference site and under the same conditions as the simulation for ANPP. From the Ameriflux data, maximum NPP and minimum NEP (summer months) ranged from about 100 to 200 and 75 to 150 g C m-2 mo-1, respectively, while our simulations ranged from about 100 to 150 and 50 to 125 g C m-2 mo-1, respectively. Projected monthly climate inputs used for the Century extension (unique by ecoregion) included average minimum and maximum temperature (C°), standard deviation of mean temperature, total precipitation (cm), and standard deviation of precipitation. Within the Century extension, these factors determine monthly tree growth and decomposition, establishment capability, and competition between cohorts. The climate variables were updated every five years (e.g., 2020-2024) for each emissions scenario. For consistency, the first five year interval of B1 climate data was used throughout the base climate, where only current climate was simulated. 2.2.5 Wildfire ignition density modeling Historical fire occurrence data were acquired from the Pacific Southwest Region 5 USDA USFS GIS shop ( The spatial point features of fire occurrence data contained information on fire start location, ignition cause, date of occurrence, and fire size. Although the database contained fire occurrence in the LTB reported as early as 1949, we chose year 1986 as a cut-off date because this is the year when many agencies began reporting fire start location as points (latitude/longitude) rather than as within an area (township, range section). After removing a small proportion (5%) of erroneous records due to duplicates and inaccurate locations, we obtained 1340 fire occurrence records in the LTB reported between 1986 and 2009. Among those fires, only 142 fires had a fire size greater than 0.10 ha (0.25 acres), a commonly used threshold for excluding small fires from statistical analysis (Figure 2-4). Such small fires contribute little in total area burned and fire risk assessment but may disproportionally affect the analysis of spatial patterns of fire occurrence (Miranda et al. 2012). Of the 142 fires used in our analysis, approximately 76% were human-caused and 24% were lightning-caused. 17 In addition to effects from climate change on direct tree response and on fire weather, we performed a separate analysis of potential climate change effects on projected fire ignitions. These projected ignitions were implemented into the model detailed in the next section (2.2.6) Wildfire occurs as a function of ignition agents and its suitable biophysical conditions, including vegetation, terrain, and climate (Krawchuk et al. 2009). Because most fires in the LTB have been humancaused and the spatial distribution of roadways and population determines human access to forests, we included distance to nearest road, road density, and population density as predictor variables to examine effects of human-caused ignition agents (Figure 2-5). Both road network and human population data were obtained from 2000 US Topologically Integrated Geographic Encoding and Referencing system TIGER/Line files (US Census 2000). We also obtained a GIS database for lightning strike density from the National Lightning Detection Network to model the effects of lightning strike distribution on spatial patterns of fire occurrence. Topography influences both fire ignition and fire spread processes by directly constraining human accessibility and lightning distribution, affecting local climate, providing fire breaks, and indirectly affecting fuel moisture, vegetation distribution, and relative humidity (Syphard et al. 2008). Our topographical variables included elevation, slope, heat load index (McCune and Keon 2002), topographical position index (TPI), and vector ruggedness measure (VRM). VRM is a topographical roughness measure that effectively captures variability in slope and aspect into a single variable (Hobson 1972, Sappington et al. 2007). Ruggedness values in the output raster can range from 0 (no terrain variation) to 1 (complete terrain variation). We used average July maximum temperature, average January minimum temperature, mean July and January precipitation to represent the effect of climate on vegetation productivity, rate of fuel accumulation, and fuel moisture content (Whelan 1995). In addition, a water-balance metric, annual climatic water deficit (Lutz et al. 2010) was computed to represent water stress to the plants. Water deficit was calculated as the monthly sum of the difference between reference evapotranspiration and precipitation. Reference evapotranspiration was calculated using the Penman–Monteith model (Allen et al. 1998), which uses temperature, radiation, precipitation and wind speed data. It has been shown that water deficit can be well correlated with plant distribution (Lutz et al. 2010) and wildfire probability (Parisien et al. 2012). We used spatial point process (SPP) modeling to quantify effects of various predictor variables on spatial distribution of fire occurrence. In particular, we fitted our fire occurrence data to the Poisson point process. A spatial point process (e.g., Poisson, Cox, and Strauss process) is any stochastic mechanism that generates the spatial point data x. The point process models fitted to the data are often formulated in terms of their Papangelou conditional density λ(u; x), which may be loosely interpreted as the conditional probability of having an event at a point u (u∈W) given that the rest of the point process coincides with x (Baddeley and Turner 2000). For the Poisson point process, the conditional density function is the same as the density function λ(u; x) =λ(u) because spatial locations are independent of one another and so their interactions are not considered. The density function of a Poisson point process is often specified through a log-linear regression model as follows: 18 λ(u) = exp(θ0 +θ1*V1 + …+θn*Vn) where λ(u) is density at point u, which may be interpreted as the number of events that occurred per spatio-temporal unit. The V1…Vn are spatial covariates, and θ is the parameter vector (θ0, θ1, …, θn) to be estimated for the spatial covariates. The density λ(u) will depend on θ to reflect “spatial trend” (a change in density across the region of observation) or dependence on a covariate. The parameter vector θ was estimated via a maximum likelihood (Baddeley and Turner 2000) implemented in the ppm function of the ‘Spatstat’ package in the statistical computing software R. Details about the use of SPP in fire occurrence modeling are described in (Yang et al. 2007) and (Liu et al. 2012). We modeled the human- and lightning-caused fires separately using the SPP modeling technique. Instead of finding a single best choice of model, we employed a model averaging approach that accounts for model selection uncertainty in order to obtain robust estimates of parameter (θ) and model predictions (Johnson and Omland 2004). We included the spatial covariates that were revealed to affect the fire occurrence patterns into the trend term of the log-linear regression model. These spatial covariates were then transformed, and we used a polynomial function (up to a power of two) to capture curvilinear effects. We then used all combinations of the predictor variables and their transformations to construct a wide set of alternative models. AIC scores and Akaike weights were used to modelaverage parameter values and develop robust predictions, for the set of models within 4 AIC units of the model with lowest AIC (Johnson and Omland 2004). The sum of the Akaike weights over all of the models in which the parameter of interest appears was then used as a measure of the relative importance of each predictor variable. This measure was further normalized so that the sum of all predictor variables’ relative importance was a mathematical unity. We used the historical climate data (PRISM) and the future climate data predicted by the Canadian CCCma model under both the A2 and B1 SRES carbon emission scenarios to derive current and future human- and lightning-caused fire occurrence density raster maps. We then summed the two maps to obtain total fire occurrence density maps under current and future years. Fire occurrence density maps were generated at a 100 meter resolution with a unit of fires per 100 km2 per decade. 2.2.6 Modeling fire behavior and effects with the Dynamic Fire Extension The Dynamic Fire and Fuels extension (hereon called ‘Dynamic Fire’) simulated fire behavior and fire effects based on parameterized fire regimes. Fire behavior (rate of spread and direction) is a function of fuel type, weather, topography, and ignition rate (Sturtevant et al. 2009). To determine mortality, Dynamic Fire uses equations that estimate crown fraction burned (CFB) as an indicator of potential fire severity (Sturtevant et al., 2009). Actual fire severity (i.e., cohorts killed vs. those that survived) depended on the tree species present and their relative susceptibility to fire. Susceptibility was estimated using a combination of rate of spread, fine foliar moisture content (FFMC), and fuel-type specific parameters. Simulated fire severity was an integer index ranging from 1 to 5, with 1 being the least severe and 5 being the most severe. Assumed fire behavior ranges from surface fire (classes 1 and 2), torching (class 3), and intermittent crown fire (class 4), through running crown fire (class 5). If a postsimulation fire severity was 5, then all cohorts were killed. For lower severity classes, mortality was dependent upon the age of the cohorts present and the species fire tolerance, where youngest cohorts 19 are most vulnerable. Post-fire succession depended upon species dispersal into the landscape, depending on their capacity for dispersal and shade tolerance. The LTB was divided into three fire regions, representing distinct fire regime characteristics that influenced fire ignition and spread on the landscape. These regions were created by an interpolation procedure, involving elevation, climate, and ignition density estimations. The three fire regions represented, 1) South Lake Tahoe urban areas and some lower elevation areas around the lake shore (9,603 ha), 2) low-to-mid elevation forested area (28,777 ha), and 3) high elevation forested areas (31,194 ha). Fires that start in one region may spread to an adjacent region (Table 2-6). The daily input weather variables used for the Dynamic Fire extension (unique by fire region) included daily wind speed velocity (km/h), wind direction (degrees), fine fuel moisture code (unitless), buildup index (unitless), fire weather class, and burn season (i.e., spring, summer, fall) (Sturtevant et al. 2009). Daily wind direction was obtained from a local weather station (SNOTEL site, Squaw Valley, CA, and used for all climate simulations. Fine fuel moisture code and buildup index are derived from the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System (Van 1987), with details found in Sturtevant et al. (2009). Daily projected climate values, including minimum and maximum temperature (C°), total precipitation (cm), and wind speed (Coats et al. 2010) were used to develop seasonal fire weather variables. The climate variables were updated every five years (e.g., 2020-2024) for each emissions scenario. For consistency, the first five year interval of B1 climate data was used throughout the base climate scenario, where only current climate was simulated. Although fires are modeled as stochastic events, their frequency and size were parameterized and calibrated based on the contemporary fire regime and daily fire weather (Sturtevant et al. 2009). Fire size distribution and fire rotation period were calibrated using local fire occurrence data acquired from the Pacific Southwest Region 5 USDA USFS and daily fire weather data (described above). The vast majority of recorded fires in that dataset were small, infrequent and not representative of current forest conditions and fire regime. To best represent the contemporary fire regime (i.e., without effects from climate change), only 12 years of data (1995-2007) were used that included the only four fires that were larger in extent than 100 ha, including the Angora fire (1250 ha) in 2007, the Gondola fire (272 ha) in 2002, the Showers fire (119 ha) in 2002, and the Royal fire (109 ha) in 2003. Fire ignitions were set to one per year for each fire region to simulate the low number of fires > 0.01 ha found at the LTB. The simulated fire size distribution was calibrated to the historic record (Figure 2-6). The resulting fire rotation period (FRP) over five 100 year simulations was 360 (SD=12) years. The FRP is the length of time required to burn the entire area of interest, in this case the entire LTB. This estimate was reasonable compared to the recorded estimate of 476 years, given the short term reference dataset as well as the recent rise in wildfire activity (Safford et al. 2009) that will likely continue into the future (Westerling et al. 2006). Furthermore, wildfire activity was markedly higher prior to 1880 than these calibrated values (Beaty and Taylor 2008), and a 360 FRP is therefore a conservative estimate of future wildfire regime, assuming no climate change. 20 The projected ignition densities were implemented into the landscape model (for A2 and B1 climate only) represented as the number of fires per year within each fire region. Using the projected ignition density maps, we used a zonal statistics approach (ArcGIS, ESRI Inc.) to calculate the mean number of ignitions within each fire region and time step for both emissions scenarios. As these ignitions represent fires greater than 0.10 ha, they were calibrated to represent the actual number of fires that may occur within each fire region. This allowed for the model to respond to changes in ignitions through time. These values were input to the Dynamic Fire table that acted like a lookup table on number of fires, based on fire region and time step. Due to the exponential nature of the projected ignitions (see Figure 3-26), these values were updated at years 2010 (year 0 of model), 2040, 2060, 2070, 2080, 2090 for B1 and A2 climate. All other Dynamic Fire parameters were identical between time steps and within fire regions. 2.3 Development and implementation of fuel treatments To determine our fuel treatment prescriptions and scenarios we used an expert-knowledge approach similar to Syphard et al. (2011). We invited LTB agency personnel at the federal, state, and local level to two workshops and requested information on the suite of forest treatments in use at the LTB as well as fuel treatment information and treatment efficacy. From these workshops we developed fuel treatment strategies that represent the current and anticipated management activity at the stand to landscape level. Currently, forest treatment prescriptions in the LTB utilize hand and mechanical treatments including: chainsaw thinning, cut-to-length harvest with log-forwarding, whole tree yarding, slash piling, pile burning, mastication, and chipping. Limited prescribed burning is conducted due to the proximity to populated areas, the importance of tourism, and environmental concerns. LANDIS-ll does not currently have the capacity to model the different types of thinning or the common slash treatments of pile burning and mastication due to the coarse-scale nature of the model. Instead, it simulates the effects of fuels management activities on stand structure by reducing the aboveground live biomass of the agecohorts present on a site, as well as subsequent effects on fire behavior. 2.3.1 Local fuel treatment data and treatment areas Fuel treatments were simulated within three designated treatment areas within the LTB (Marlow et al. 2007): the defensible space, defense zone, and extended wildland urban interface (WUI) ( Figure 2-7). These represent the actual management areas in use in the LTB, generally defined by their proximity to urban areas, structures, or roadways. The defensible space (10, 768 ha, 16% of total forested area) was the buffer (30 m) around structures in the developed urban core that had the highest priority in treatment intensity and application through time. Only the forested portion of this treatment area was simulated; true urban areas (structures, parking lots, roads, etc.) were treated as non-active sites. The defense zone (8,245 ha, 12 % of total forested area) was defined as a 0.40 km (0.25 mile) buffer from the edge of the defensible space, representing an area close but not in direct contact with the urban center of the LTB. The extended WUI (20,473 ha, 30% of total forested area), or threat zone, was defined as a 2.01 km (1.25 mile) buffer from the defensible space, including highway routes into the basin. The remaining portion (43%) was designated as a non-treatment area, and generally included the higher elevations where fire risk was lower, access was difficult, or the area was far from urban structures and high anthropogenic activity sites. 21 Treatment stands were developed to represent a homogeneous area that would be completely treated if chosen based on selection criteria and treatment interval. A comprehensive, spatial, project-level fuel treatment dataset was obtained from the U.S. Forest Service Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit that included data from multiple jurisdictions in the LTB for the years 2005 through 2011. Histograms were generated that depicted the size class distribution of all fuel treatment units within each treatment area (Figure 2-8). To estimate the density of stands based upon the largest size class in the histogram we divided the area of the treatment area by the average treatment size in the largest size class of the histogram. We generated random points using ArcGIS software (ESRI 2011) based upon the density estimated for that size class. Thiessen polygons were generated in ArcGIS using Dirichlet tesselation (Dirichlet 1850). Polygons were then randomly selected proportional to the total area from the largest size class in the histogram. This process was repeated for the next smallest size class of the histogram using the remaining area of the treatment area. The resulting polygons for each size class and each treatment area were merged together to create the final stand map. The resulting treatment stand map represents randomly located polygons of approximately the same size distribution as existing fuel treatments (Figure 2-9). Areas of non-forest such as meadow, impervious surface, bare ground, and water were not included in the stand maps. 2.2.2 Assigning fuel types and simulating treatment The Dynamic Leaf Biomass Fuel System extension (Scheller et al. 2011b) was used to assign a fuel type for each cell (1 ha) based on the species and age-cohort composition and wood and leaf biomass. A fuel type drives fire behavior and represents fuel bed and ladder fuels conditions with unique spread parameters, ignition probabilities, and crown base heights (Sturtevant et al. 2009). For example, sites with young trees and shrubs (e.g., ladder fuels) will have higher rates of spread and taller flame heights than old growth sites even though older trees have higher biomass. We used fuel types similar to those already created for the southern Sierra Nevada (Syphard et al. 2011) that were based on characteristic species assemblages and age ranges that together exemplify relatively uniform fire behavior and rates of spread. Fuel types were defined by one shrub type and four basic forest types: mixed conifer, pine/white fir, red fir, and lodgepole/hemlock. Each type was further divided into age groups: young, mid-aged, and old. We also created two fuel types to represent how fuel treatments modify fire behavior and lower fire severity. We added a “fire hazard” stand selection method (found in v. 2.1.1 of the Base Harvest extension) where we "ranked" the 15 fuel types based on the maximum rate of spread associated with each fuel type and then averaged it across a stand (if larger than 1 ha). Further criteria were included to implement restrictions and qualifications related to stand composition and structure. Stands were not treated if quaking aspen (a LTB conservation species) was present in >30% portion of the stand area. Furthermore, stands were not treated if they had been treated or burned within the previous 10 years of the simulation. If a stand was chosen to be treated, the entire stand was treated. Fuel treatments were implemented into the LANDIS-II model by using the Leaf Biomass Harvest extension (v. 2.0.1) to simulate removal of aboveground live leaf and woody biomass of designated species age-cohorts within selected stands on the landscape (Scheller et al. 2011a). Stands were treated 22 based on their associated fuel type ranking. Essentially, a stand with a higher fuel type ranking (higher rate of spread, more ladder fuels) had higher fire risk. Stands were then treated in order of fire risk (highest first) until the predetermined target area to treat was achieved. Target area was based on rotation period (Gustafson et al. 2000) and described below (see ‘fuel treatment scenarios’). The Dynamic Fire extension simulated post-treatment effects on fire behavior and subsequent fire effects. Immediately following treatment, fuel types were reassigned based on the fuel treatment prescription (see below) and assumed treatment efficacy (10-15 years, depending on prescription type). After the designated efficacy period, site level fuel types were recalculated. This approach has been successfully used in other fuel treatment (Scheller et al. 2011a, Syphard et al. 2011) and forest harvesting studies (Scheller et al. 2011c). 2.2.3 Fuel treatment prescriptions Fuel treatments were designed to represent the basic prescriptions in use in the LTB including hand and mechanical thinning of understory and midstory trees up to specified diameter limits. Simulated treatments targeted six of the ten tree species and all shrub functional groups for thinning including white fir, red fir, Jeffrey pine, lodgepole pine, incense cedar, and sugar pine. Aspen is considered a ‘conservation species’ in the LTB and whitebark pine, western white pine, and mountain hemlock are restricted to elevations where fuel treatments would not realistically occur. The six tree species targeted for thinning were categorized into three removal groups based on management restoration and conservation goals. Greater proportions of the more shade-tolerant species (white fir and incense cedar: group 1) that have hugely proliferated under fire suppression were removed preferentially compared to Jeffrey pine, red fir, and lodgepole pine (group 2). Sugar pine (group 3) was grouped separately to minimize removal as much as possible because it is a management goal to promote its distribution and growth in the LTB (Maloney et al. 2011). All shrub functional groups were treated to emulate mortality from thinning operations and subsequent regeneration (i.e., re-sprouting). Light thinning The light thinning prescription (Syphard et al. 2011) was designed to represent the most ubiquitous treatment currently in use in the LTB: hand-thinning from below of understory and mid-story trees up to 14” (35.6 cm) in diameter, followed by post-treatment activity (e.g., prescribed burning, pile burning). To simulate realistic thinning operations, variable thinning was distributed across age-cohorts (up to 14” in diameter), removing more of the younger cohorts (Figure 2-10). From a fire hazard stand point, this represents reducing ladder fuels and associated fuel loads. This treatment prescription was defined as having a resulting canopy base height of 4 m, and was effective for 10 years. The light thinning prescription used the fire hazard stand selection method to choose stands for treatment. Moderate thinning The moderate thinning prescription (Syphard et al. 2011) was designed to represent a more intense thinning application (through mechanical means), where thinning from below of understory and midstory trees up to 30” (76.2 cm) in diameter were removed, followed by post-treatment activity (e.g., prescribed burning, pile burning). This treatment prescription was defined as having a resulting canopy base height of 6 m, and because of the more extensive biomass removal, was effective for 15 years. The 23 same species groups were used for mechanical thinning, but more biomass was removed across agecohorts (up to 30” diameter) (Figure 2-11). For comparison, moderate thinning removed about 20% more biomass than light thinning. As mechanical treatments cannot be performed on slopes > 30%, the moderate and light thinning prescriptions were proportionally distributed within each management area based on the amount of area with slope ≤ 30%. The moderate thinning prescription was restricted to 52%, 25%, and 16% area within the defensible space, defense zone, and extended WUI, respectively. The moderate thinning prescription used the fire hazard stand selection method to choose stands for treatment. Mid-seral thinning The mid-seral thinning prescription was developed with an overall goal of promoting more old-growth characteristics across the landscape (Brown et al. 2004), and was designed as a prospective prescription that may be employed gradually after the initial round of treatments. The prescription was a modification of the light thinning prescription (i.e., 14” limit) that targets thinning of mid-seral stage trees (Figure 2-11), targeting the six species found in the three removal groups. To continue with restoration efforts and reduction of ladder fuels, younger cohorts of removal group 1 (white fir, incense cedar) were thinned identically as the light thinning approach. The mid-seral thinning prescription used a modified form of the fire hazard stand selection method to choose stands based on their mid-seral stand structure and composition. Fuel types were ranked so both fire hazard and canopy structure (mid-seral dominance) was taken into account when selecting stands for treatment. 2.3.4 Fuel treatment scenarios Fuel treatment scenarios were designed to assess how fuel treatment rotation period, prescription type, and spatial arrangement affect the fire regime, forest composition and structure, as well as carbon stores and fluxes across the landscape. In all scenarios, the defensible space was treated continuously on a 15 year rotation period, as a main priority in the basin is to reduce wildfire risk nearby human communities and infrastructure. In addition, the three treatment areas (defensible space, defense zone, extended WUI) were fully treated during the first 15 years under all scenarios to emulate the initial treatment period currently being implemented at the LTB under guidance of the Lake Tahoe MultiJurisdictional Fuel Treatment and Wildfire Prevention Strategy (Marlow et al. 2007). That strategy outlines an aggressive plan to treat 68,000 acres, or 25% of the total forested land in the LTB during the period from 2008 to 2016. This includes 49,000 ac of first entry and 19,000 ac of maintenance of treatments that were initiated in 2001. The following scenario descriptions pertain to treatments simulated in the defense zone and extended WUI after the initial 15 year treatment period. The fire hazard stand selection method was used for all scenarios. Fuel treatment scenarios of varying prescription types were implemented on a 15 and 30 year rotation period. A ‘Continued Intensity’ scenario was designed to apply fuel treatments on a designated rotation period continuously through time. After the initial treatment period, this scenario was evaluated on a 15 (Figure 2-12a) and a 30 year rotation period (Figure 2-12b). Only the light and moderate thinning prescriptions were used for this scenario, with light thinning being predominantly used on gentle slopes 24 and within the lower elevation areas (e.g., defensible space). A ‘Transition to Forest Health Initiative’ scenario was designed to transition from the light and moderate thinning prescriptions (after the initial treatment period) to the mid-seral thinning prescription by year 50, using a 15 (Figure 2-12c) and 30 year (Figure 2-12d) rotation period. This scenario was created to represent a prospective approach to forest thinning that both maintains low fire hazard conditions and promotes old-growth structure. Finally, a third ‘Long Term Urban Core’ scenario was designed to exclude fuel treatments in the defense zone and extended WUI beyond the initial treatment period, where treatment applications may become impeded by a lack of funding. Here, fuel treatments were continued on a 15 year rotation period in the defensible space only. In addition to these scenarios, sensitivity tests were simulated to assess varying treatment effective period (0, 5, 10, 15 years) and effects of post-thinning tree and debris removal (0, 50, 100% removal) in terms of changes in area burned and Total C, respectively. 2.4 Landscape simulations and analysis Two approaches were used to assess how climate change might affect long-term forest change. The first approach consisted of simulating each climate scenario (A2, B1, base climate) separately for 100 years (2010-2110). The landscape was simulated at a 1 ha spatial resolution, and each scenario was replicated five times to account for the stochastic variation (due to climate, wildfire, and regeneration) among replicates. We evaluated changes in forest productivity (ANPP), landscape C flux (NEP), and above and below ground carbon (Live C, Detrital C, SOC, Total C) allocation over time as well as species response to climate change. Live C included above and below ground live C (bole, leaves, roots). Detrital C included dead wood (bole, roots), leaf litter, and decomposing C in the surface structural and metabolic components. SOC included the fast, slow, and passive pools and soil structural and metabolic components within 1 m soil depth. Total C included all C stored in the system (Live C + Detrital C + SOC). The second approach explored how projected changes in temperature and precipitation independently influenced C pools and carbon fluxes. For this analysis, temperature or precipitation values from the A2 climate scenarios were replaced with the values from the base climate scenario. All other parameters, extensions, and input files were identical to the first approach. Two additional climate scenarios were created for this experimental approach: a) “A2 temperature only”: A2 temperature with base precipitation, and b) “A2 precipitation only”: A2 precipitation with base temperature. Furthermore, simulations without fire were run to isolate the effects of fire (or increased fire activity from climate change) from climate change effects alone. For simulations with fuel treatments, there were five difference scenarios. The continued intensity and transition to Forest Health Initiative scenarios were implemented at a 15 and 30 year rotation period. The long term urban core scenario only simulated fuel treatments in the defensible space on a 15 year rotation period for the duration of the simulation. See details on development above. 25 Scenarios of climate change and fuel treatments were run in an iterative process: Climate change scenarios (Base, B1, A2) were simulated without effects from fuel treatments or changes in fire ignition patterns. All fuel treatment scenarios were simulated using the base climate. Continuous fuel treatments (15 year rotation period) were simulated using the A2 and B1 climate, without changes in fire ignitions. A2 and B1 climate were simulated with effects from changes in fire ignition patterns without effects from fuel treatments. Continuous fuel treatments (15 year rotation period) were simulated using the A2 and B1 climate, with changes in fire ignitions. For all scenario combinations (climate change, fuel treatments, with and without changing ignitions), five replicates were simulated over 100 years (year 2010 to 2110). 3.0 Results We begin by assessing the impacts of climate change on wildfire (section 3.1.1) and C dynamics (3.1.2) independently. We then examine how wildfire effects C dynamics (3.1.3) and how species respond to predicted changes in climate and wildfire regime (3.1.4). In section 3.2, we focus on how fuel treatments impact these same elements of wildfire activity, landscape C, and species dynamics under contemporary climate conditions (i.e., Base climate). Next, we present results on the projected effects of climate change on wildfire ignition densities (3.3.1) within the LTB and how these changes in ignition patterns affect model response (3.3.2). Finally, we incorporate predicted increases in ignitions into both climate change scenarios and examine how fuel treatments modify wildfire activity, C sequestration potential, and tree species response. 3.1 Impacts of climate change Both down-scaled climate scenarios showed a clear trend of increasing temperature in the LTB (Figure 31), although differences between emission scenarios were not clear until mid-century. Mean temperature at the LTB at year 2110 was 5.2° C, 7.3° C, and 9.8° C for the base, B1, and A2 climate respectively. The projected climate change scenarios (A2, B1) simulated ~22% less precipitation overall compared to the base climate scenario (Figure 3-1).There was no overall difference in precipitation between A2 and B1. The down-scaled A2 and B1 climate followed similar temperature and precipitation trends as the original projected climate data from the LTB (Coats et al. 2010). In the following sections we assess how these changes in climate (temperature and precipitation) impact wildfires (due to changes in fire weather, fire season length, and fuel characteristics), landscape C, and species dynamics. 3.1.1 Wildfire dynamics Simulated wildfire size increased and FRP decreased with increasing C emissions (Table 3-1). The A2 climate resulted in a significantly larger mean and maximum area burned (across 100 years) than base climate and B1 climate (p< 0.01), but B1 climate was not different than base climate (p> 0.29). More variability in fire sizes was simulated with higher emissions as well (for A2 vs. base climate only, p=0.02). 26 Although more area burned with the A2 climate, mean area burned remained below 1% of the entire LTB for all climate scenarios. Even the largest fire (under A2 climate) was 2,600 ha, <4% of the forested area of the LTB. There was no difference in number of fires between climate scenarios, as these were calibrated values. Table 3-1. Simulated fire rotation periods (FRP) and mean and standard deviation of fire sizes and mean annual area burned at the LTB for all fuel treatment scenarios, and across five replicate 100 year simulations for the three climate scenarios. Climate Scenario Base Climate B1 Climate A2 Climate Fire Rotation Period (yrs.) 360 340 248 Mean Fire Size (ha) 70 (110) 70 (128) 89 (165) Max Fire Size (ha) 848 (212) 1140 (247) 1784 (1150) Mean Annual Area Burned (ha) 192 (91) 206 (105) 279 (165) Changes in temperature and precipitation ultimately shaped fire weather in the LTB through seasonal fluctuations of the Fine Fuel Moisture Code (FFMC), the Build-Up-Index (BUI), and a longer fire season (Sturtevant et al. 2009). A 3% increase from base to A2 climate in FFMC (i.e., ignition potential of fine fuels) by year 2110, was entirely driven by increased temperature. Changes in precipitation had no effect on FFMC. In contrast, a 28% increase in BUI (i.e., amount of fuel available for combustion) under the A2 climate by 2100 was dominantly driven by increased temperature. Precipitation effects on BUI were more evident when temperature was lower. The A2 precipitation-only scenario simulated the lowest temperature and precipitation of all scenarios. The variability in precipitation in the A2 climate scenario created a more variable BUI within the fire season as compared to base climate and reset the BUI throughout the season with intermittent ‘bursts’ of rainfall. Therefore, despite the lower annual precipitation of the A2 precipitation-only scenario, the increased seasonal variability in precipitation lowered the overall availability of combustible fuels (lower average BUI). These interacting effects of low ignition potential (FFMC) and low available combustible fuel (BUI) over the season resulted in the lowest overall area burned and fire severity of all scenarios. The effect of rising temperatures dampened the effect of variable precipitation on BUI, where no differences in average BUI were found for either A2 climate or A2 temperature-only. In other words, the increased flammability of fine fuels ultimately outweighed fuel availability. Furthermore, as more area burned throughout the A2 climate, fewer fuels were available simply because more were consumed by fire (as compared to base climate). This effect of precipitation on BUI was ultimately minimal compared to the temperature effects on fine fuel moisture and the overarching impact of rising temperatures drove changes in the system as a whole. Changes in precipitation (increase or decrease) will most likely not have a significant effect on fire weather because most of the rainfall at the LTB either occurs outside the summer season or as snowfall. The summers (fire season) are already dry and changes in temperature that may cause earlier snowmelt (and extend the dry season) may have more impact than changes in precipitation throughout the year. The effect of precipitation was however, inconsequential in comparison to the effects of increasing 27 temperature in determining both fuel flammability and availability with a changing climate. Higher annual temperatures extended the fire season by 25% by the year 2110. 3.1.2 Carbon dynamics For our first approach (A2 vs. B1 vs. base climate), our simulations resulted in continued forest growth and carbon storage into the next century, regardless of changes in climate (Figure 3-2, 3-3). As the forest continued to age for the next 100 years, simulated live and dead C pools more than doubled in mass (Figure 3-2) under contemporary climate conditions. With increased temperatures of the A2 climate projections, higher mortality and lower forest productivity (by 20%, Figure 3-3) reduced overall simulated C sequestration potential by 15% by year 2110 (Figure 3-2, Total C, A2 vs. Base Climate). NEP consistently remained highest for the base climate scenario, but was variable through time. NEP for A2 was half that of base climate at year 2110, but the system as a whole remained a C sink throughout all simulations (NEP > 0). As such, reduced productivity (ANPP), higher C flux from the system (e.g., wildfires, heterotrophic respiration), and a reduced rate of carbon storage (in all C pools) from higher temperatures was most evident for the A2 scenario, where temperatures clearly diverged during the latter half of the century (yr > 2060). Although temperature differences were seen for the B1 climate scenario (2.5° C higher than base climate by 2110), overall forest growth (ANPP) and heterotrophic respiration were minimally affected by this increase (Figure 3-3). There was little to no difference between all live and dead C pools simulated by B1 and base climate (Figure 3-2). As such, we focused on comparisons of C dynamics between A2 and base climate scenarios. Live C (bole, leaves, roots) accounted for ~65% of the total C on the LTB landscape, and followed the same trend in accumulation as total C, with 17% reduced C storage potential by year 2110 under A2. Detrital C accounted for ~ 5% of the total C, with a 14% lower value by 2110. Year to year variability in the detrital pool was due to direct influence of intra-annual fluctuations of fire, age-related tree mortality, and leaf senescence. SOC accounted for ~35% of the total C. Differences between simulations of SOC across emissions scenarios were less apparent (compared to e.g., live C) and were most apparent later in the century (2075-2080). SOC was 6% lower for A2 climate (compared to base climate) by 2110. Our second approach, where temperature and precipitation effects were independently examined, demonstrated that increased temperatures (A2 climate) had the largest influence on forest growth, NEP, and C storage potential in all C pools (Figure 3-4). Changes in precipitation had little effect among scenarios and may result from temperature feedbacks on long-term soil moisture. Precipitation variability did however drive annual fluctuations of ANPP, respiration (affecting NEP), and the detrital C pool, and annual wildfires (see “Climate change and wildfire dynamics”). Total C and live C (Figure 3-4a) demonstrated the clearest trends; increasing temperature dominantly influenced C, with little effect from lower precipitation. Interestingly, lower precipitation and base climate temperatures (A2 precipitation only) illustrated higher total C sequestration during the last few decades than for base climate (same temperature, more precipitation). The indirect influence on wildfires determined these discrepancies. ANPP (Figure 3-4b) was dominantly driven by temperature, although year-to-year fluctuations (within simulations) were driven by a response to precipitation (i.e., A2 climate). Despite 28 the year-to-year variability, the overall trend between A2 Temp only and A2 climate was virtually identical (Figure 3-4). NEP, SOC, and detrital C followed a similar response (data not shown). 3.1.3 Wildfire effects on carbon dynamics Simulated wildfires influenced carbon sequestration and storage potential in the LTB, regardless of climate scenario. The influence of climate change (mainly rising temperature) on fire weather and fuel conditions increased mean annual area burned (by 43%, A2 climate) compared to contemporary climate. Although a very small portion (<1%) of area across the LTB was burned annually, fire had a considerable effect on forest carbon dynamics. For example, simulations with fire resulted in a 30-40% reduction in C storage potential (all pools) than simulations without fire, regardless of climate scenario (Figure 3-5). Over time, the continuous combustion of dead and live C by wildfire slowed the rate of C sequestration in both above and belowground C pools. Essentially, the cumulative effects of relatively small fires over time determined landscape-level mortality patterns and successional response. More area burned coupled with reduced establishment ability (e.g., subalpine species, see “Climate change impacts on species dynamics”) hindered landscape-scale ANPP and rate of forest C storage in all pools. When fire was removed from the system there were little dissimilarities of aboveground C (live, detrital) between scenarios before year 2080, when the effects of reduced establishment and lower heterotrophic respiration began to take effect. It is important to note that simulating this system without fire was entirely experimental and not representative of the system where wildfires are an inherent and inevitable disturbance that shapes ecosystem dynamics. 3.1.4 Species response to changing climate and fire regime Species-specific responses to climate change and the resulting increase in fire activity altered simulated C pools and dynamics between various shade and fire tolerant species. Simulation results indicated that the growth rate and establishment ability of individual species responded uniquely to changes in climate. Sugar pine and white fir illustrated positive growth, and to a lesser degree, enhanced regeneration in response to climate change (Table 3-2). Incense-cedar responded to climate change during the 100 year simulation with 5% more biomass during the 1st half of the century but there was no change in biomass by the year 2100 under either climate scenario (data not shown). Likewise, Jeffrey pine growth was stimulated during the 1st half of the century (e.g., ~10% more biomass) but was unaffected by the end of the century under B1. For A2 climate, warmer conditions after 2050 slowed growth and reduced establishment ability and resulted in a net negative effect on biomass. Both climate change scenarios caused large reductions in the establishment ability of the subalpine and upper montane community (red fir, western white pine, hemlock, whitebark pine) but little effect on growth. However, whitebark pine exhibited a slight positive growth response for the A2 climate. Not surprisingly, enhanced fire activity under both climate scenarios also increased the establishment ability of fire-adapted re-sprouting shrubs and aspen. 29 Table 3-2. Individual species response to climate change, represented here as an approximate positive or negative % difference (to nearest 5%) of mean aboveground live biomass between both A2 or B1 climate and base climate at year 2110. Note that there were some instances were species responded to climate change for a brief period, but illustrated little to no difference in biomass by year 2110. These species are noted by * and see narrative below for details. Species or functional group Pinus jeffreyi* Pinus lambertiana Calocedrus decurrens* Abies concolor Abies magnifica Pinus contorta Pinus monticola Tsuga mertensiana Pinus albicaulis* Populus tremuloides Non N-fixing resprouting shrubs Non N-fixing obligate seeding shrubs N-fixing resprouting shrubs N-fixing obligate seeding shrubs Response to Climate Change +/A2 B1 10% 0% + 25% 25% + 0% 0% + 5% 10% 50% 25% 60% 40% 55% 40% 40% 40% + 5%* 0% + 100% 50% + 95% 40% + 25% 25% + 100% 60% + 5% 5% Response type growth, regeneration growth, regeneration growth, regeneration growth, regeneration regeneration regeneration regeneration regeneration growth, regeneration (-) re-sprout after fire re-sprout after fire growth re-sprout after fire growth The second approach parsed out the species-specific responses even further, by determining their susceptibility to increased temperature and reduced precipitation (A2 temperature only, A2 precipitation only), independently. Similar to the carbon results, simulated increases in temperature was more influential in determining species response than simulated reduction in precipitation, although magnitude in change was not examined. The growth stimulation of the mixed conifer community and reduction in establishment ability of the subalpine and montane trees was entirely temperature driven. Otherwise, higher temperatures affected most species through the change in fire regime. The differences in precipitation between climate scenarios had no effect on species response. 3.2 Fuel treatment effects under contemporary climate Here we focus on the effects from fuel treatments on wildfires, landscape C, and species dynamics using contemporary climate conditions (i.e., Base climate), without the influence from climate change or associated changes in fire ignition patterns. 3.2.1 Wildfire Treating all three management areas approximately doubled the fire rotation period (FRP) and cut fire size in half compared to simulations without fuel treatments (Table 3-3). There were no distinct differences between the “transition” and “continuous” fuel treatment scenarios on mean FRP or fire 30 size. Treatment rotation period (15 or 30 years) also had little impact. Interestingly, under the long-term urban core scenario, where treatment continued in the defensible space only (after the first 15 years), the FRP for the LTB increased from 360 to 510 years and mean fire size declined from 70 to 46 (Table 33). Table 3-3. Simulated fire rotation periods (FRP) and mean and standard deviation of fire sizes and mean annual area burned at the LTB for all fuel treatment scenarios, and across five replicate 100 year simulations, using contemporary climate. Fuel Treatment Scenario No Fuel Treatments Continuous - 15 year RP Continuous - 30 year RP Transition - 15 year RP Transition - 30 year RP Long Term Urban Core Fire Rotation Period (yrs.) 360 800 680 720 704 510 Mean Fire Size (ha) 70 (110) 28 (50) 35 (56) 34 (58) 34 (74) 46 (74) Max Fire Size (ha) 848 (212) 486 (135) 446 (125) 418 (95) 533 (139) 610 (145) Mean Annual Area Burned (ha) 192 (91) 87 (56) 102 (51) 98 (53) 100 (47) 137 (66) Within each of the management areas in the LTB, continuous fuel treatments reduced area burned (Figure 3-6) and the fire severity index (Figure 3-7). The reduction in area burned and severity was determined by a decrease in fire intensity associated with fuel treatments. While treatment rotation period (15 or 30 years) had little apparent effect at this scale, treatment scenario had a small but significant effect. The long-term urban core scenario reduced area burned in the defensible space (as intended by the prescription) and this effect also extended into the defense zone, where a reduction in area burned was observed by year 2110 compared to no fuel treatment, even though the area was only treated once during the first 15 years (Figure 3-8). However, the long term urban core scenario did not significantly reduce the fire severity index in any management zone (Figure 3-9) indicating that the moderating effect on fire spread was due to spatial factors rather than residual structural changes to the forest. There was no change in simulated number of fires between scenarios, as this was a calibrated value. 3.2.2 Forest carbon and growth Forest C sequestration continued into the next century, regardless of fuel treatment or non-fuel treatment scenario. Fuel treatment simulations illustrated 15% lower total forest C than simulations without fuel treatments. This C loss was evident at the landscape level (Figure 3-10) and within management areas (Figure 3-11) with insignificant differences between rotation periods. Net C gain – where C from simulations with fuel treatment exceeded C from simulations without fuel treatments – did not occur until the end of the century. Significantly, the long term urban core scenario had a similar reductive effect across the management areas on C storage (Figure 3-12) as did continuous treatments on a 15 year rotation period indicating a strong legacy effect of the initial round of treatment. ANPP (i.e., the rate of forest growth) was generally lower for simulations with fuel treatments, where tree removal caused up to 23% less mean ANPP across management areas (Figure 3-10). By year 2080, 31 however, ANPP from simulations with fuel treatments began to exceed simulations without fuel treatments and this continued into the next century. There was little to no difference in ANPP between fuel treatment scenarios (Figure 3-13). 3.2.3 Species dynamics Under a no fuel treatment scenario, white fir was strongly dominant with more than two and half to six times more biomass than any other species (Figure 3-14a). White fir was also the only species with an increasing biomass trajectory other than sugar pine. At the landscape level, continuous fuel treatments released red fir, lodgepole pine, and sugar pine which almost doubled in biomass compared to simulations without fuel treatments (Figure 3-14b). White fir also continued to increase with fuel treatments, but Jeffrey pine became co-dominant by mid-century and forest composition by the end of the century was more characteristic of a mixed conifer system. Changes in species biomass were especially evident within management areas. White fir was strongly suppressed in the defensible space and defense zone and there was no difference in biomass between rotation periods (15 vs. 30 year) within these zones. (Figure 3-15). In the extended WUI the 30 year rotation period scenario resulted in 40% higher mean landscape white fir biomass than the 15 year rotation in year 2100, indicating that more frequent treatment is needed to suppress this fast growing species. In contrast, Jeffrey pine biomass with fuel treatment (15 or 30 year rotation) surpassed the no treatment scenario by midcentury and by 2100 was about 40% greater (Figure 3-16). Sugar pine showed a similar but less pronounced response than Jeffrey pine (Figure 3-17). Fuel treatments primarily removed younger tree cohorts and influenced the resulting species age structure. By the end of the century, the mean age of Jeffrey pine was greater compared to simulations without fuel treatments across all management zones (Figure 3-18). There was minimal effect on sugar pine age structure from fuel treatments in any management zone (Figure 3-19). In contrast, the mean age of white fir (Figure 3-20) and incense cedar (Figure 3-21) was lower with fuel treatments than without across all management zones since these two species were targeted for priority removal. The 30 year rotation period resulted in a higher mean age of these two species by year 2100 in select management zones compared to the 15 year rotation. The 30-year rotation period allowed more time between treatments for regeneration and forest growth in the defense zone and extended WUI. The maximum age distribution of all species increased on the landscape as a result of aging, but fuel treatment allowed shade intolerant species, particularly Jeffrey pine, to increase dramatically (e.g., Figure 3-22). 3.3 Predicted wildfire ignition density Here we present results on the projected effects of climate change on wildfire ignition densities within the LTB. Then we present how these changes in ignition patterns affect model response. 3.3.1 Modeling results The relative importance of spatial controls of lightning- and human-caused fire occurrence in LTB varied greatly. The top six most important predictor variables of lightning-caused fires, in decreasing order, are elevation, lightning density, January minimum temperature, January precipitation, topographic position index, and annual water deficit (Figure 3-23a). Three of the top six variables were climatic variables. In 32 contrast, variables describing ignition agents (road density, population density, and distance to road) and topography (heat load index and elevation) contributed five of the top six variables for humancaused fires (Figure 3-23b). Only one climatic variable (annual water deficit) was identified as a top variable Lightning- and human-caused fires also responded very differently to important spatial controls. For lightning-caused fires, elevation and TPI exerted strong curvilinear effects where fire occurrence density initially increased but gradually decreased with increasing elevation and TPI. The other four top variables had linear or only weakly curvilinear effects. Fire occurrence density responded positively to lightning density, January minimum temperature, and annual water deficit; and it responded negatively to January precipitation. Among the top six most important predictor variables for the human-caused fires, only road density exerted monotonic positive effects. Fire occurrence density responded negatively to heat load index, population density, and elevation. It initially decreased but gradually increased with increasing distance from roads. Human-caused fire occurrence density showed a unimodal response to annual water deficit, with the greatest occurrence of human caused fires at intermediate water deficit values. Mean fire occurrence density at the LTB landscape level predicted by the top 30 best SPP models varied greatly, especially at the end of 21st century (Figure 3-24). For the lightning-caused fires, the predicted density at year 2100 under the SRES A2 scenario could reach as high as 16 fires per 100 sq. km per decade (about 900% of the current level) or as low as 80% of the current level (Figure 3-24a). These top 30 models had delta AIC score less than 2, indicating their relative weights of evidence were very similar. However, the range of their predictions was very large, suggesting there would be a high uncertainty if using a model selection approach to choose one single best model for predicting future conditions. The modeling average approach produced a more robust lightning-caused fire occurrence density at year 2100 under A2 scenario as 7.2 fires per 100 sq. km per decade, about 400% of the current level. The range of predictions for human-caused fires at year 2100, comparing to its current level, was also large: varying from 400% to 80%. However, such uncertainty was much less than that in predicting future lightning-caused fires. The mean human-caused fire occurrence density at year 2100 under A2 scenario was 10.1 fires per 100 sq. km per decade, about 180% of the current level (Figure 3-24c). Both the range and mean predicted fire occurrence density under B1 scenario were lower than that under A2 scenario in modeling lightning-caused (Figure 3-24b) and human-caused (Figure 3-24d) fires. The predicted total fire occurrence density was then calculated as the sum of the predicted modelaveraged human- and lightning-caused fires. The mean landscape total ignition density could increase to 230% and 170% of the current level under the A2 and B1 scenario respectively. Furthermore, our modeling results showed that the relative increase of lightning-caused fires was much greater than for human-caused fires. The proportion of lightning-caused fires in the total fires was predicted to increase from 24% to 42% under the A2 scenario (Figure 3-25). Consequently, the spatial patterns of fire occurrence hotspots under future climate scenarios are expected to be influenced by the topographical variables (e.g., land form, elevation) that had stronger effects on lightning-caused fires. For example, areas that are currently with small fire risk, such as north shore, east shore, and higher ridge lines on the 33 west shore, might become fire occurrence hotspots in the future (Figure 3-26) due to the predicted faster increase of lightning-caused fires. 3.3.2 Effects of increased wildfire ignitions Simulated increases in fire ignitions into the coming century had a dramatic impact on wildfire activity compared to simulations without increased ignitions. By 2110, mean area burned per year under the B1 climate with increased ignitions was more than double base climate values, and was three and a half times greater under the A2 climate (Figure 3-27). Consequently, the time it took to burn the entire landscape of the LTB (fire rotation period) was less than half the base climate under the B1 climate and less than one third the base climate under A2 with increased ignitions (Table 3-4). However, increased ignitions did not affect mean fire size under B1 climate, and under the A2 climate mean fire size increased only minimally from 70 to 85 (ha). This was likely a function of the intense suppression efforts in the LTB that have kept the mean fire size very low, influencing initial model calibration. Table 3-4. Simulated fire rotation periods (FRP) and mean and standard deviation of fire size and annual area burned at the LTB for three climate scenarios, with and without increased ignitions across five replicate 100 year simulations. * with increasing ignitions implemented into model Climate Scenario Base Climate Fire Rotation Period (yrs.) 360 Mean Fire Size (ha) 70 (110) Max Fire Size (ha) 848 (212) Mean Annual Area Burned (ha) 192 (91) A2 Climate A2 Climate w/Incr. Ign.* 248 105 89 (165) 85 (151) 1784 (1150) 1494 (1483) 279 (165) 655 (417) B1 Climate B1 Climate w/Incr. Ign.* 340 154 70 (128) 65 (100) 1140 (247) 1253 (757) 206 (105) 450 (240) Increased ignitions also created a more distinct disparity between the three climate scenarios in terms of forest C sequestration potential and forest growth. The greater amount of fire on the landscape reduced C sequestration potential for the last half of the century for both the B1 and A2 climate (Figure 3-28). Compared to the continued increase using base climate, total C leveled off around year 2070 and began to decrease for B1 and A2 climate, respectively. Despite this increase in ignitions, NEP remained above zero for all the simulations, but was closer to a C neutral state by year 2110 than simulations with contemporary ignition values. This reduction in forest C was caused by more area burned and higher mortality rates (more area with high fire severity) across the entire landscape and through time. Changes in individual tree species biomass with increased ignitions were similar to C trends, e.g. leveling off for the B1 climate and descending for A2 climate, but the timing and magnitude of the reduction varied by species (Figure 3-29). The subalpine and montane trees were minimally impacted by increased ignitions (data not shown). Re-sprouting shrubs had the opposite effect, where biomass increased dramatically with more fire activity from increased ignitions (Figure 3-30). 34 3.4 Fuel treatment effects under a changing climate In this section we bring all elements together and implement predicted increases in ignitions in both climate change scenarios and examine how fuel treatments modify wildfire activity, C sequestration potential, and tree species response. 3.4.1 Wildfire Fuel treatments mitigated the effects of increased ignitions and climate change on wildfire activity. Under both climate scenarios, continuous fuel treatments on a 15 year rotation period prevented the FRP from decreasing beyond base climate projections and it cut mean fire size roughly in half (Table 35). Mean annual area burned was reduced with fuel treatments under the A2 , but not the B1 climate. With increased ignitions implemented in the A2 climate, the mean area burned with fuel treatments was still greater than base climate, but was less than half the area burned if no treatments were applied (Figure 3-31). Table 3-5. Simulated fire rotation periods (FRP) and mean and standard deviation of fire size and annual area burned at the LTB for three climate scenarios, with and without increased ignitions and fuel treatment scenarios across five replicate 100 year simulations. * with increasing ignitions implemented into model Fuel Treatment Scenario No Fuel Treatments Climate Scenario Base Climate Fire Rotation Period (yrs.) 360 Mean Fire Size (ha) 70 (110) Max Fire Size (ha) 848 (212) Mean Annual Area Burned (ha) 192 (91) No Fuel Treatments A2 Climate 248 89 (165) 1784 (1150) 279 (165) Continuous - 15 year RP A2 Climate 657 37 (59) 402 (153) 107 (50) No Fuel Treatments A2 Climate w/Incr. Ign.* A2 Climate w/Incr. Ign.* 105 85 (151) 1494 (1483) 655 (417) 226 39 (75) 925 (835) 307 (192) No Fuel Treatments B1 Climate 340 70 (128) 1140 (247) 206 (105) No Fuel Treatments B1 Climate w/Incr. Ign.* B1 Climate w/Incr. Ign.* 154 65 (100) 1253 (757) 450 (240) 324 33 (59) 620 (602) 214 (198) Continuous - 15 year RP Continuous - 15 year RP 3.4.2 Forest carbon and growth Fuel treatments slightly reduced C sequestration under the base climate scenario, but the reduction was no longer evident by the end of the century (Figure 3-32). Likewise, fuel treatments minimized C loss from increased ignitions in simulations using A2 climate, but the gain was achieved much earlier in the century (year 2070). Continuous fuel treatments substantially increased simulated mean total carbon (live C + soil organic C+ detrital C) in the A2 climate with increased ignitions compared to no treatments across the three management areas (Figure 3-33). For instance, C storage potential in the treated defensible space was about 30-40% greater by the end of the century than without treatments, and comparable to the base climate scenario with fuel treatments. This effect diminished with increasing 35 distance from the urban core, with little effect outside the treatment area. The mitigation effects from fuel treatments in the A2 climate were notable across the landscape (Figure 3-34) where greater forest C was retained compared to no treatment. 3.4.3 Species dynamics The response of individual species to the combination of increased ignitions and fuel treatments reflected differences in both treatment prescriptions and in growth and regeneration capabilities (Figure 3-35). White fir was preferentially targeted in all fuel treatment prescriptions and its prevalence on the landscape was dramatically reduced by year 2110 by continuous 15 year fuel treatments despite increasing ignitions or the A2 climate change scenario. In contrast, sugar pine was preferentially retained in fuel treatment prescriptions and its prevalence on the landscape was dramatically increased. By year 2110, the mean aboveground live biomass of sugar pine was about 40% greater with fuel treatments compared to an ignition only A2 climate scenario. Jeffrey pine followed a similar pattern, with almost 50% great biomass by year 2100 with fuel treatments. The subalpine and montane trees were minimally impacted by fuel treatments in a changing climate (e.g., red fir biomass was lower under all A2 climate scenarios, regardless of increased ignitions of treatments). Fuel treatments minimized the strong positive response of re-sprouting shrubs to increased ignitions in a changing climate, partly because they were mostly removed by treatment and also because less area was burned, leading to fewer opportunities for vigorous re-sprouting (Figure 3-36). 4.0 Discussion Our research highlights how past disturbance and future climate change may have multi-faceted effects on a specific forested landscape (LTB). Our study illustrated the potential for continued forest growth and sequestration of above and below ground C across the Lake Tahoe Basin, despite any potential shifts in climate into the coming decades. The forest is essentially a C sink (+NEP), regardless of changes in climate, with higher growth rates than emissions from ecosystem respiration and wildfires. The net C flow into the system is predicted to slow towards the end of the 21st century – at a faster rate for A2 than base climate – and it was unclear whether this trend would continue or if it could switch to a C source (NEP < 0). As the forest matures, climate effects – both direct (e.g., loss of establishment, enhanced growth) and indirect (e.g., increased area burned) – may become more evident especially if climate follows the more extreme predictions (e.g., GFDL A2 climate). The biomass accumulation over the 100 year simulation was quite large (50% increase) and was predominately a product of regrowth following the Comstock Era logging. As many of the LTB tree species may live up to 500 years (Dolanc et al. 2012), those trees that established following this abrupt, yet intense harvesting period are still relatively young and have not reached their potential size and biomass. The high rate of growth suggests that the legacy effects of intense clear cut logging and fire suppression will continue into the next century or longer, despite the potential effects of climate change. These legacy effects are evident across the world. A global analysis of carbon flux from 1850-2000 (Houghton 2003a), illustrated that land use practices are the driving mechanism of global C balance, and 36 northern mid-latitude regions (e.g., USA, Europe) were transitioning to C sinks towards the end of the 20th century due to enhanced storage of C in forests. In WI, USA, only half of the forest C has recovered since pre-EuroAmerican settlement (1850s), and C storage may continue due to further fire suppression, forest in-growth, and forest recovery (Rhemtulla et al. 2009). In Europe, reforestation of abandoned areas in the European Alps has continued for over 150 years (Tasser et al. 2007). This extensive forest recovery may trump potential effects of climate change, at least into the coming decades. For example, vast forest growth and recovery was projected in MA, USA over the next 50 years; despite climate change and changes in land use patterns (Thompson et al. 2011), where reforestation has been prominent after centuries of extensive logging, settlement, and agriculture. Our research further suggests that increases in wildfire activity from climate change, especially with projected increases in wildfire ignitions, may exert the strongest influence on forest species response and C storage potentials. Increased wildfire activity caused by climate change substantially increased overall tree mortality and influenced the biomass accumulation of all species. Furthermore, simulated fuels treatments were effective at moderating the effects of wildfire under a contemporary climate scenario and climate change intensified the moderating effects in some instances. Although fuels treatments may reduce C storage (net C loss) in the short term, the forest of the LTB will continue to sequester C, remain a C sink, and eventually a net gain in C would be reached. Furthermore, the benefits of reduced fire risk and improving forest composition and structure in the long-run could outweigh the C lost from fuel treatments in the shorter term. 4.1 Climate change effects on growth rates and wildfire activity The higher emissions climate scenario (A2 climate) had greater effects on forest C and community dynamics than the lower emissions scenario (B1 climate). The influence from climate change was primarily driven by temperature increases which affected wildfire activity, forest growth rates, heterotrophic respiration, mortality patterns, and tree establishment ability. Yearly fluctuations in precipitation, however, influenced annual growth increment and C flux as well as within season fuel conditions, that when coupled with higher temperatures ultimately determined long-term forest productivity and C storage potential. The effect of climate change on wildfire activity was the most influential factor on forest growth and C sequestration potential. Increasing temperature from the A2 climate ultimately shaped fire weather by increasing fine fuel flammability and availability and increasing the fire season length. Higher summer temperatures during a longer growing season lowered fine fuel moisture content throughout (earlier snowmelt in the spring, (Westerling et al. 2006)) and across the season and increased their ignition potential and availability into the coming century. Wildfires in the LTB are currently of high intensity and cause high severity (85-100% mortality, (Safford et al. 2009)), and these more extreme fire conditions may significantly increase area burned in the future. With continued high severity wildfires, sequestering more forest C may become more difficult. This is especially true given current stand conditions that promote higher wildfire severity, i.e., high surface fuel loads combined with high density of younger trees (ladder fuels) and snags (Agee and Skinner 2005). Similar effects of changing climatic conditions on wildfire activity have been found throughout western forests, including the Sierra Nevada 37 (Littell et al. 2009), as well as in boreal systems (Girardin et al. 2010), south African systems (Archibald et al. 2009), and projected globally (Gonzalez et al. 2010). The effects of increased fire activity on forest productivity and C sequestration were most likely moderate estimates, due to the conservative nature of the contemporary fire regime. The historic LTB fire regime, reconstructed from fire scars (c. 1700-1880) had more frequent low severity fires and was substantially different than the current (c. 1880-2000) regime (Beaty and Taylor 2008). Based on fire return interval data reconstructed from fire scars, it has been estimated that between 850-3200 ha burned every year in the LTB (Manley et al. 2000) prior to European settlement. Since 1906, less than 3600 ha have burned in the LTB. For our study, we calibrated our model using data from 1995-2007 that included a low frequency of fire, the majority of which were small. With the current state of fuel conditions (e.g., high density of younger cohorts) and altered ignition patterns (e.g., primarily humancaused, (Safford et al. 2009), increasing fire activity is highly probable notwithstanding climate change effects. On the other hand, compared to the surrounding Sierra Nevada,, fires in the LTB are an order of magnitude smaller in area burned due primarily to intensive suppression in the WUI but also to rugged topography (e.g.Littell et al. 2009). In addition, the shape and topographic structure of the Basin is selfcontained, with sparse vegetation and rocky outcrops along the mountain ridges, where wildfires would not likely spread from or into the adjacent Sierra Nevada forest. Although there is a strong linkage between climate and fire occurrence, other spatial controls such as topography, vegetation, and ignition sources can also exert strong influences that may confound our prediction of fire response to climate change (Liu et al. 2012, Parisien et al. 2012). Although the mean area burned across the LTB was <1%,.a 40% decrease in total C sequestration potential by 2110 was observed with increased ignitions with the A2 climate compared to contemporary climate projections. This reduction dwarfed the 15% reduction in total C storage that was observed with the A2 climate alone, without increased ignitions. The LTB has one of the highest ignition rates in the Sierra Nevada, but the amount of area burned has been kept very small because most are concentrated around urban areas where response time is the shortest in the region (Manley et al. 2000). Still, if ignitions increase and wildfire occurrence continues to rise, this system could potentially become a net C source, with increased emissions from wildfire and reduced C storage potential (Meigs et al. 2011, North and Hurteau 2011). 4.2 Climate change effects on carbon sequestration potential and net carbon emissions Our study illustrated how a varying climate can influence the rate of C sequestration into the coming century by limiting establishment and overall productivity and by stimulating wildfire activity. The aboveground C pools were especially sensitive to the A2 climate, where higher temperatures lowered live and detrital C storage potential through enhanced fire activity and limited establishment of some species. The amount of coarse wood and litter fluctuated with annual tree and shrub mortality (from senescence and wildfire) as well as variation in precipitation. Soils of the LTB also sequestered C, regardless of climate regime due to a higher influx from detrital to the SOC pools than outflux due to soil respiration. The inputs of C from the live and detrital pools 38 determined the amount of C stored in soils. The transfer of C from detritus to SOC was not immediate, with time lags associated with humification. Soil C turnover ranges from 7-65 years in Sierra Nevada forests (Trumbore et al. 1996), suggesting the climate driven processes and effects from varying inputs could span into the next century, beyond the timeline of this study. Higher temperatures (A2 climate) lowered landscape level heterotrophic respiration; although a more in-depth analysis (e.g., in situ measurements) may reveal additional insights at individual sites within the Basin. At a nearby Sierra Nevada forest, Trumbore et al. (1996) attributed increasing temperatures as a dominant driver influencing soil C turnover. Furthermore, the effects of temperature on decomposition may vary within and across forest stands (Trumbore et al. 1996), but as our study suggests, may have little impact on the landscape SOC pool of the LTB. The effects of climate on soil respiration may however, affect overall C flux (NEP) in the future (Conant et al. 2011). The potential impact of temperature or drought on soil respiration (stimulation or suppression) may be overshadowed by the overall effect of changes in wildfire regime that determine the inputs (detrital C). In this study, wildfires suppressed SOC accumulation, regardless of climate scenario, because much of the live and detrital C that may have otherwise been incorporated into soil through humification was consumed during fire. The slow response of SOC to changes in detrital C coupled with increased fire activity (less inputs) interacted in determining overall SOC, as discrepancies between A2 and base climate were minimal until the last two decades of the simulations. This contrasts with results for live C, where discrepancies between A2 and base climate were evident for the last 50 years. Unique to this study, SOC was not depleted due to increased soil respiration (Trumbore et al. 1996), although feedbacks with reduced precipitation (suppressed respiration) may cause opposing feedbacks (Schindlbacher et al. 2012). 4.3 Climate change effects on individual species Altered mortality patterns, caused by increased wildfire activity under A2 climate, had a stronger effect on overall productivity and C storage potential than climate change effects (e.g., growth, establishment) on individual species. For instance, all species experienced high mortality rates because all fires were of high severity. Differences in successional trajectories (A2 vs. base climate) were minimal in relative biomass, but the enhanced fire regime of the A2 climate resulted in more areas for regeneration (and therefore more young cohorts) and more shrub cover (due to re-sprouting after fire) across the basin (data not shown). This suggests that alterations in fire regime caused by climate change may exceed any direct forest response. Additionally, the response of fire regimes to changes in climate is ultimately faster than the positive or negative effects of climate on individual tree species or community response, apart from fire (Dale et al. 2001). This emphasizes the importance of understanding how subtle regional changes in temperature and precipitation influence fire weather, fuel conditions, and changes in fire season, which may impact systems globally (Archibald et al. 2009). Increased wildfire activity caused by climate change substantially increased overall tree mortality and influenced the biomass accumulation of all species. Fires were of high severity, similar to recent wildfires, where up to 100% of overstory trees may perish (Safford et al. 2009). These simulated wildfires also provided regeneration opportunities and other forms of propagation (e.g., re-sprouting aspen and shrubs). Although white fir, a shade-tolerant and fire-sensitive species, experienced high 39 mortality rates when wildfires were simulated, it dominated the landscape regardless of climate scenario and whether fires were simulated or not (complete fire exclusion). This is not surprising, as this species is already well established across the landscape (Barbour et al. 2002), is a prolific seeder, and establishes and grows well in post-disturbance conditions (Zald et al. 2008). Although area burned increased with the A2 climate change scenario, the proportion area burned was still low (<1% per year) and canopy closure was still prevalent throughout the Basin. For more shade-intolerant species, such as Jeffrey pine and sugar pine, this canopy closure eventually suppressed their growth and establishment. Their growth stimulation prior to this (< 2060) reflects their adaptation to lower soil moisture conditions, compared to the other species modeled. The subalpine community may be especially vulnerable to climate change. We found that a 2° C increase in mean annual temperature from current conditions (5 to 7 °C) was their threshold for suppressing establishment. This loss of recruitment by the subalpine species had a significant impact on forest C, although biomass of the individual species minimally declined (i.e., remained level through time), for A2 and B1 climate. Biomass did not decline from initial conditions because those trees already present in the subalpine area continued to grow and the community persisted. The effect of climate change on the established, adult trees will likely demonstrate a time-lag in response to rising temperatures. A strong biomass response may not be observed until decades beyond critical climate thresholds. This lag effect has been found in other empirical studies of subalpine communities of the Sierra Nevada where climate changes of the 20th century were examined (Dolanc et al. 2012). This lagged response may be staggered with decadal climatic variability (Millar et al. 2004), and other nonmodeled disturbance (e.g., insect outbreaks (Adams et al. 2009), loss of Clark’s nutcracker for whitebark pine (Hutchins and Lanner 1982)), further delaying landscape-level response. These positive and negative feedbacks on individual species determined the landscape level C response to climate change. As temperatures increase, some tree species may be stimulated (although potentially short lived), have recruitment restricted (subalpine community), and impacted by a changing fire regime (and other natural and anthropogenic disturbances), which all act in concert to determine long-term C feedbacks and ultimately C sequestration potential. Although the B1 climate regime illustrated similar landscape productivity and C sequestration potential as base climate, individual species response was more distinct. This study suggests that for many tree species, the negative impacts from climate change (increased wildfire, recruitment restriction) may outweigh the potential positive effects (growth stimulation). This study provides the first comprehensive projection of changes in total ecosystem C and forest community in response to a changing climate within the LTB. 4.3 Fuel treatment effectiveness under contemporary climate In our study, rotation period and prescription type were of less importance than spatial arrangement and location when examining fuel treatment effectiveness, although we recognize there may be local scale variation evident between prescription types (Schmidt et al. 2008, Safford et al. 2009). This was mainly because treatments were applied in each time step where the interface with simulated wildfires was more likely. We found that strategic placement and knowledge of how fuel treatments influence resulting fire behavior were critical factors for reducing fire spread over time and that the amount of area treated was less important. Since all prescriptions significantly reduced fire spread potential 40 compared to non-treated areas, the differences between prescription types were minimal at the scale modeled. We concluded that if quality treatments are strategically placed over long periods, the overall effect on mitigating wildfires at the landscape level may overshadow the underlying differences between prescription types. The long-term urban core scenario demonstrated the significance of strategic placement. Implementing an initial round of treatments across the three management areas (first 15 years) and continuing only with treatments in the urban core lead to smaller mean fire size across the entire landscape. This was mainly due to a significant reduction in the area burned (lower fire spread rate) within the defensible space. From a C sequestration standpoint, the implementation of fuel treatments may result in both short and long-term tradeoffs. Over the near future more forest C would be removed from the system than would be released without treatment; creating a net C ‘cost’ (Mitchell et al. 2009, Campbell et al. 2012). However, the C loss occurs in the younger cohorts targeted by the treatments, resulting in a reduction in ladder fuels and fire spread that mitigates wildfire risk by reducing average fire size and the annual area burned. If the fire regime (e.g., FRP) and climate remain similar to contemporary conditions, a net gain in C could take decades with ongoing fuels treatment, but eventually reduced fire severity (lower tree mortality) and enhanced forest re-growth would lead to a net increase in C storage at the landscape level. Returning stand structure to a state more similar to historic, more fire resistant forest conditions (Hurteau and North 2009, North and Hurteau 2011) is usually a higher priority management goal than increasing C storage potential. Ultimately, there is a balance for demand of maximizing C sequestration and demand for reducing wildfire severity and altering forest composition and structure (Mitchell et al. 2009). Fuel treatments were especially effective in altering forest composition and species dominance patterns, particularly between well established and competing species, such as white fir and Jeffrey pine. In managed areas, white fir was suppressed and better regeneration conditions were created for shadesensitive trees. Fuel treatments allowed release of Jeffrey pine, sugar pine and red fir, resulting in a more balanced mixed-conifer system, where Jeffrey pine and white fir shared dominance and other species were better represented on the landscape. Such changes in forest composition are important for LTB managers for addressing the imbalances created by logging and fire suppression and restoring the forest to more historic-like conditions. Each fuel treatment prescription (e.g., light thinning) was calibrated to represent how on-the-ground fuel treatments influence fire behavior at the scale modeled. These calibrations instilled two model assumptions. One assumption was that each thinning prescription was complete, including any posttreatment activity such as pile burning or controlled burning. Another assumption was that these treatments reduced fire spread potential for 10-15 years, depending on prescription. We tested the second assumption by varying this effective treatment period between 5, 10, and 15 years. Interestingly, little to no differences was found in area burned between these periods due to the continuous application and spatial configuration of fuel treatments through time. 41 4.4 Fuel treatments in a changing climate Under a changing climate, projected changes in the wildfire regime may be the most influential factor affecting the forests of the LTB. Climate change may cause a longer, drier growing season with higher fire ignition and fire spread potential. Our study also projected an increase in potential wildfire ignitions that dramatically influenced the fire regime and resulting forest growth and C sequestration potential. If ignitions increase as projected here, coupled with these more fire-prone conditions, tree mortality may be high and transformations in forest structure and composition may be expected (Beaty and Taylor 2008). Fuel treatments have the potential to mitigate for this increase in fire activity and reduce C loss from the system. As ignitions increase however, mitigation feedbacks from fuel treatments may become more difficult as C storage potential drops below base climate projections by the end of the century. Interestingly, when fires were more prevalent on the landscape under the A2 climate, a net gain in forest C from implementing fuel treatments would come earlier than base climate simulations. Under contemporary climate, a net gain in C, when C storage with fuel treatments exceeds C storage with no fuel treatments, may not occur on the landscape until year 2100. With impacts from climate change and increased ignitions, the net gain in C from implementing fuel treatments could come much earlier (> 2065), where wildfires intersect more treated area over time, but the total C storage potential was still less than base climate projections. This suggests that fuel treatment effectiveness could potentially be more effective and more essential as the climate changes. Regardless of climate scenario or ignition pattern, fuel treatments controlled species dynamics by removing target species (e.g., white fir), reducing fire severity, and creating a regeneration environment for shade sensitive species. Fuel treatments selectively targeted white fir and effectively reduced biomass regardless of climate scenario. Interestingly, increased ignitions with the A2 climate increased the effectiveness of fuel treatment suppression of white fir. In contrast, Jeffrey pine and sugar pine responded positively to fuel treatments with large increases in biomass, as reduced fire severity and an open canopy created a better regeneration environment. The subalpine and montane trees were minimally impacted by increased ignitions as fires rarely reached into the high elevation areas. They were more impacted by reduced establishment ability in a changing climate than potential feedbacks from fuel treatments. 5.0 Further considerations This research included many ecosystem processes (e.g., C cycling, fire disturbance, forest succession) that interact in unique ways across a forested landscape and in response to active management. Another process that may be useful to explore could include the potential influence of CO2 concentrations on growth, although temperature may have a more influential negative effect (Grace et al. 2002). Others include mortality from drought stress and feedbacks with fire, insect, disease outbreaks (Adams et al. 2009). To address some of these concerns, this modeling project has been extended in the SNPLMA funded project (round 12) “Drought stress and bark beetle outbreaks in the future forest: Extending an existing model to inform climate change adaptation” (Scheller, Loudermilk, 42 Hurteau, Weisberg, Skinner). Influences from climate change coupled with these biotic and abiotic disturbances may accelerate the transition to a C emitting or C neutral system (Kurz et al. 1995, Adams et al. 2009). We recommend comparative phenology studies that focus on impacts of a longer growing season (Gunderson et al. 2011, Jeong et al. 2011), as well as a longer fire season, on C pools. 6.0 Conclusions Forested landscapes are subject to increasingly diverse and often competing demands from society. In the Lake Tahoe Basin (LTB), managers must balance forest health objectives to restore fire-adapted ecosystems and protect wildlife habitat with fuels management objectives to reduce the threat of wildfire and protect communities. In the near future, these objectives may also include storing carbon (C) or limiting C emissions. Managing the forested landscape in the LTB to meet the multiple goals of improved forest health, reduced fire risk, and atmospheric C regulation presents new challenges, especially in the context of changing climate regimes and altered disturbance regimes. Faced with the prospect of increasing regulations of carbon emissions, managers may be forced to balance the use of forest treatments for reducing fire risk against the implications for carbon sequestration. Properly balancing the spatial arrangement of management activities in order to achieve multiple objectives on the landscape (e.g., Daugherty and Fried 2007, Rhodes and Baker 2008, Schmidt et al. 2008) requires more information about the inherent trade-offs among these objectives and improved awareness of the opportunities for optimizing management at the landscape scale (Scheller et al. Biol. Cons. in review). This research demonstrates an operational method for explicit consideration of potential trade-offs among management objectives for reducing fire risk, improving forest resiliency to climate induced changes in drought and wildfire regimes, and sequestering C or reducing C emissions. Our modeling approach provided an avenue to analyze the emergent outcomes of interactions among climate, wildfire, forest succession, and nutrient cycling between above and belowground nutrient pools. This research illustrated the influence of multiple landscape-level processes and disturbances, including active management that interact over long spatial and temporal scales to drive forest carbon and species dynamics. Our research suggests that increases in fire weather, ignitions, and wildfire activity from climate change may exert the strongest influence on forest species response and C storage potentials and emphasizes the need to incorporate these processes when addressing questions about climate change on forest response. The response of individual species to climate change may be unique within forested regions, but effects on overall landscape dynamics may be more distinctively influenced by feedbacks associated with climate-induced disturbances like wildfire. The future response of forest ecosystem C cycling in many forested systems worldwide may depend more on landscape legacies related to land use or major disturbances than on projected climate change alone. This is especially true in the LTB, where a landscape legacy effect of increasing C storage through the coming century is an apparent result of past intensive logging and subsequent fire suppression. Despite these legacies, simulated fuels treatments were effective at moderating the effects of wildfire in the LTB under a contemporary climate scenario and climate change intensified the moderating effects in some instances. Although fuels treatments may reduce C storage in the short term, the benefits of reduced fire risk and improved forest species balance provide compelling evidence that fuels treatments 43 will likely remain an important and perhaps critical component of forest management in the coming decades. 7.0 Acknowledgements We would like to thank all of the Lake Tahoe Basin agency personnel at the federal, state, and local level who participated in two workshops to help us develop fuel treatment strategies that represent the current and anticipated management activity in the region: Dave Fournier (USDA Forest Service, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit), Bruce Goines (USDA Forest Service R5), Joe Guzman (Spectir), Jeff Haas (NV Division of State Lands), Brian Hirt (CA Tahoe Conservancy), Michael Hogan (IERS), Jack Landy (Environmental Protection Agency), Stewart McMorrow (North Tahoe Fire Protection District), Jon Palm Consultant, Michael Papa (USDA Forest Service, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit), Shane Romsos (Tahoe Regional Planning Agency), Hugh Safford (USDA Forest Service R5), Dan Shaw (CA State Parks), Roland Shaw (Nevada Division Forestry ), Megan Sheeline (Tahoe Regional Planning Agency), Doug Taggert (Meeks Bay Fire Protection District), Mike Vollmer (Tahoe Regional Planning Agency). We thank the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and the Tahoe Center for Environmental Studies for hosting the workshops. We would especially like to thank Tiffany Van Huysen of the USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Research Station for her support, administration of the grant, and participation in the agency workshops. We obtained a valuable GIS database from Kurt Tueber (USDA Forest Service, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit). Tom Dilts (University of Nevada Reno, UNR) provided GIS support, developing input maps for the model and processing the downscaled projected climate data for model use. Sarah Karam (UNR) provided many input model parameters associated with species life history and physiological attributes. Robert Coates (University of California Davis) graciously provided the downscaled projected climate data (SRES: A2, B1 emissions scenarios) for the Lake Tahoe Basin (Coates et al. 2010). 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Processes in the Century extension include above and belowground components (e.g., plant root, shoot, and leaf biomass, soil organic matter). FRP: Fire Rotation Period 52 Figure 2-3. Initial landscape composition by vegetative community in the Lake Tahoe Basin (LTB) (after Ottmar et al. 2009). 53 Figure 2-4. Study area of the Lake Tahoe Basin with reported human- and lightning-caused fires greater than 0.1 ha in size between 1986 and 2009. 54 Figure 2-5. Maps showing road density, lightning density, elevation, average January minimum temperature, average July maximum temperature, and annual water deficit in the Lake Tahoe Basin, overlaid with reported human-caused (red dots) and lightning-caused (blue triangles) fires. 55 0.5 0.45 % Simulated Frequency (%) 0.4 % Empirical 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 20 50 100 120 200 300 400 500 1300 Fire Size Category (ha) Figure 2-6. Fire size distribution simulated using LANDIS-II (100 years, using base climate) and empirical data from the study area. 56 Figure 2-7. Treatment areas within the LTB: the defensible space (16% of total area), defense zone (12%), and extended wildland urban interface (30%), with 42% of no treatment area. 57 45 Urban Defense Extended Non-WUI 40 35 Frequency 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 5 15 25 35 45 55 65 Size class (ha) 75 85 95 200 Figure 2-8. Size class distribution of all fuel treatment units within each treatment area in the LTB (from LTBMU Management unit data). 58 Figure 2-9. Treatment stand map representing randomly located polygons of approximately the same size distribution as existing fuel treatments in the LTB (from LTBMU Management unit data). 59 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Target species % biomass removed Other mixed conifer Sugar pine 10 30 50 70 Age-cohort 90 110 Figure 2-10. Fraction biomass removed in the light thinning prescription by species and age cohorts. Target species: white fir, incense cedar; Other mixed conifer: Jeffrey pine, red fir, lodgepole pine; sugar pine: sugar pine only. % biomass removed Target species 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Other mixed conifer Sugar pine 10 30 50 70 90 Age-cohort 110 Figure 2-1. Fraction biomass removed in the moderate thinning prescription by species and age cohorts. 60 % biomass removed 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Target species Other mixed conifer Sugar pine 10 30 50 70 Age-cohort 90 110 Figure 2-12. Fraction biomass removed in the mid-seral prescription by species and age cohorts. Figure 2-13. Continued Intensity’ scenario under a) 15 and b) 30 year rotation period and the Transition to Forest Health Initiative’ scenario under c) 15 and d) 30 year rotation period. 61 Figure 3-1. Mean a) annual temperature (C°) and b) total annual precipitation (cm) simulated at the LTB using current climate conditions and two GCMs of high (A2) and low (B1) emissions across 100 years. This represents landscape level mean and standard errors across five replicates. 62 Figure 3-2. Simulated mean landscape C estimates of a) live C (bole, leaves, roots), b) total C (live C + detrital C + SOC), c) detrital C, d) SOC (3 soil pools: slow, fast, passive) simulated over 100 years (five replicates) using contemporary (base) climate and two emissions scenarios (A2, B1). 63 Figure 3-3. Simulated mean landscape C estimates of a) Aboveground Net Primary Productivity, b) Net Ecosystem Production, and c) heterotrophic respiration, simulated over 100 years (five replicates) and using contemporary (base) climate and two emissions scenarios (A2, B1). Note difference in scale of yaxis between graphs. 64 Figure 3-4. Results from second simulation approach, where temperature and precipitation were independently assessed using the A2 and base climate. Increasing temperatures (as opposed to reduced precipitation) determined impacts on forest C (a, live C) and productivity (b, ANPP). A2 Temperature only: A2 temperature combined with base climate precipitation; A2 Precipitation only: A2 precipitation combined with base climate temperature. Figure 3-5. Comparison of simulated live C with and without fire using the base and A2 climate. 65 Figure 3-6. Simulated mean area burned (ha) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. FT 15 or 30 RP: Continuous fuel treatments applied on a 15 or 30 year rotation period. 66 Figure 3-7. Simulated mean fire severity (index from 1:5) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. FT 15 or 30 RP: Continuous fuel treatments applied on a 15 or 30 year rotation period. 67 Figure 3-8. Simulated mean area burned (ha) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. FT 15 RP: Continuous fuel treatments applied on a 15 year rotation period. Long Term Urban Core: Only the defensible space was treated after the initial treatment period. 68 Figure 3-9. Simulated mean fire severity (index from 1:5) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. FT 15 RP: Continuous fuel treatments applied on a 15 year rotation period. Long Term Urban Core: Only the defensible space was treated after the initial treatment period. 69 Figure 3-10. Simulated mean total carbon (live C + soil organic C + detrital C, g C m-2) and Aboveground Net Primary Productivity (ANPP) across the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. FT 15 or 30 RP: Continuous fuel treatments applied on a 15 or 30 year rotation period. 70 Figure 3-11. Simulated mean total carbon (live C + soil organic C + detrital C) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. FT 15 or 30 RP: Continuous fuel treatments applied on a 15 or 30 year rotation period. 71 Figure 3-12. Simulated mean total carbon (live C + soil organic C + detrital C) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. FT 15 RP: Continuous fuel treatments applied on a 15 year rotation period. Long Term Urban Core: Only the defensible space was treated after the initial treatment period. 72 Figure 3-13. Simulated forest growth, represented as ANPP (Aboveground Net Primary Productivity), across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. FT 15 or 30 RP: Continuous fuel treatments applied on a 15 or 30 year rotation period. 73 Figure 3-14. Change in mean aboveground live biomass (g m-2) of the six most abundant tree species at the LTB for simulations (a) without fuel treatments and (b) with fuel treatments (continuous 15 year rotation period). 74 Figure 3-15. Mean aboveground live biomass (g per m-2) of the white fir (Abies concolor) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. FT 15 or 30 RP: Continuous fuel treatments applied on a 15 or 30 year rotation period. 75 Figure 3-16. Mean aboveground live biomass (g per m-2) of the Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. FT 15 or 30 RP: Continuous fuel treatments applied on a 15 or 30 year rotation period. 76 Figure 3-17. Mean aboveground live biomass (g per m-2) of the sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. FT 15 or 30 RP: Continuous fuel treatments applied on a 15 or 30 year rotation period. 77 Figure 3-18. Mean age of Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. FT 15 or 30 RP: Continuous fuel treatments applied on a 15 or 30 year rotation period. 78 Figure 3-19. Mean age of sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. FT 15 or 30 RP: Continuous fuel treatments applied on a 15 or 30 year rotation period. 79 Figure 3-20. Mean age of white fir (Abies concolor) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. FT 15 or 30 RP: Continuous fuel treatments applied on a 15 or 30 year rotation period. 80 Figure 3-21. Mean age of incense cedar (Calocedrus decurrens) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. FT 15 or 30 RP: Continuous fuel treatments applied on a 15 or 30 year rotation period. 81 Year Base2010 Climate – yr. 100 Year 2110 – No FT Year 2110 FT – 15RP Legend CaloDecu-MAX-0<VALUE> 5.31372549 - 25 Max Age 25.50588236 - 4 1 - 50 51 - 70 71- 95 96 - 140 141- 180 181 – 271+ 49.94901962 - 7 70.14117648 - 95 95.64705883 - 1 140.282353 - 18 180.6666668 - 2 Figure 3-22. Max age distribution of incense cedar across the LTB. Left to right: Year 2010 (year 0 of model), Year 2110 (year 100) without fuel treatments, Year 2110 (year 100) with continuous fuel treatments applied on a 15 year rotation interval. 82 Figure 3-23. The top 6 most important predictor variables and their marginal effects on fire occurrence density for (a) lightning-caused and (b) human-caused fires. 83 Figure 3-24. Landscape level mean fire occurrence density predicted by the top 30 best Poisson point process models under the climate scenario of A2 and B1 for the lightning-caused (a and b) and humancaused (c and d) fires. The unit of fire occurrence density is # of fires per 100 sq. km per decade. Each line represents one model with red, green, and blue color indicating the ranking order (R > G > B) of each model’s weight of evidence. The black line represents the modeling average results. 84 Figure 3-25. Predicted landscape-level mean total (human-caused + lightning-caused) fire occurrence densities (fires per 100 sq. km per decade) and their relative changes (above panel) under the climate A2 and B1 scenarios, as well as time series of predicted proportion of lightning-caused in the total fire occurrences (bottom panel). 85 (a) (b) Figure 3-26. Predictive maps of total ignition density (# of fires per 100 sq. km per decade) at (a) year 2000 and (b) year 2100 under the SRES A2 scenario. 86 Figure 3-27. Simulated mean area burned (ha) across the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations, using three climate scenarios with current fire ignition estimates (left) and with increased ignitions (right). 87 Figure 3-28. Simulated mean total carbon (live C + soil organic C + detrital C, g C m-2) and Net Ecosystem Production (NEP) across the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations, using three climate scenarios with current fire ignition estimates (top row) and with increased ignitions (bottom row). 88 Figure 3-29. Simulated mean aboveground live biomass (g m-2) of four representative tree species found at the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations, using three climate scenarios with current fire ignition estimates and with increased ignitions. Top, left to right: white fir, Jeffrey pine, Bottom, left to right: sugar pine, red fir. 89 Figure 3-30. Simulated mean aboveground live biomass (g m-2) of re-sprouting shrubs, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations, using three climate scenarios with current fire ignitions and with increased ignitions. 90 Figure 3-31. Simulated mean area burned (ha) across the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations, using three climate scenarios with current fire ignition estimates and with increased ignitions. 91 Figure 3-32. Simulated mean total carbon (live C + soil organic C + detrital C, g C m-2) across the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations, under base and A2 climate, with current fire ignitions and with increased ignitions, and applying continuous fuel treatments on a 15 year rotation period. 92 Figure 3-33. Simulated mean total carbon (live C + soil organic C + detrital C) across the four fuel treatment management areas within the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations. Base climate: No fuel treatments using base climate, Base: FT 15 RP: Continuous fuel treatments applied on a 15 year rotation period using base climate, A2 climate w/incr. ign: No fuel treatments using A2 climate with projected increase in fire ignitions, A2: FT 15 RP w/incr. ign: Continuous fuel treatments applied on a 15 year rotation period using A2 climate with projected increase in fire ignitions. 93 Base Climate A2 Climate A2 Climate FT – 15RP 200 - 6,800 6,801- 15,500 15,501- 24,000 24,001 - 31,500 31,501 - 37,000 37,001 - 42,500 42,501 - 52,000 Figure 3-34. Total carbon (live C + soil organic C + detrital C, g C m-2) distribution across the LTB. Left to right: Year 2110 (year 100 of model) for base (contemporary) climate without fuel treatments, A2 climate without fuel treatments, Year 2110 (year 100) with continuous fuel treatments applied on a 15 year rotation interval. 94 Figure 3-35. Simulated mean aboveground live biomass (g m-2) of four representative tree species found at the LTB, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations, for base and A2climate, with and without increased ignitions and fuel treatments. Top, left to right: white fir, Jeffrey pine, Bottom, left to right: sugar pine, red fir. 95 Figure 3-36. Simulated mean aboveground live biomass (g m-2) of re-sprouting shrubs, representing mean and standard deviations across five replicate model simulations, using three climate scenarios with contemporary fire ignitions and with increased ignitions, and with and without fuel treatments (15 yr. rotation period). 96 Appendix A Table 2-1. Tree species and functional group attributes used in LANDIS-II modeling of the Lake Tahoe Basin, CA, NV, USA. Species or functional group Longevity (yrs.) Age of Sexual Maturity (yrs.) Shade tolerance (1-5) Fire tolerance (1-5) Effective seeding distance (m) Maximum seeding distance (m) Vegetative Reproduct ion probabilit y Minimu m resprouti ng age Maximu m resprouti ng age Post-fire regenerati on Pinus jeffreyi 500 25 2 5 50 300 0 0 0 none Pinus lambertiana 550 20 3 5 30 400 0 0 0 none Calocedrus decurrens 500 30 4 5 30 2000 0 0 0 none Abies concolor 450 35 4 3 30 500 0 0 0 none Abies magnifica 500 40 3 4 30 500 0 0 0 none Pinus contorta 250 7 1 2 30 300 0 0 0 none Pinus monticola 550 18 3 4 30 800 0 0 0 none Tsuga mertensiana 800 20 5 1 30 800 0.0005 100 800 none Pinus albicaulis 900 30 3 2 30 5000 0.0001 100 900 none Populus tremuloides Non N-fixing resprouting shrubs Non N-fixing obligate seeding shrubs 175 15 1 2 30 1000 0.9 1 175 resprout 80 5 2 1 30 550 0.85 5 70 resprout 80 5 2 1 30 1000 0 0 0 none N-fixing resprouting shrubs N-fixing obligate seeding shrubs 80 5 1 1 30 500 0.75 5 70 resprout 80 5 1 1 30 800 0 0 0 none 97 Table.2-2. Physiological parameters for 11 tree species and 4 shrub functional groups found in the Lake Tahoe Basin, CA, NV, USA. GDD: Growing Degree Days Species or functional group Functional type Nitrogen tolerance GDD min GDD max Min. Jan. Temp. (C) Max Drought Leaf longevity (yrs.) Leaf lignin (%) Fine root lignin (%) Wood lignin (%) Coarse root lignin (%) Leaf CN ratio Fine root C:N ratio Wood C:N ratio Coarse root C:N ratio Litter C:N ratio Pinus jeffreyi 1 N 555 2149 -5 0.94 6.0 0.28 0.2 0.25 0.25 48 48 250 167 100 Pinus lambertiana 1 N 815 2866 -5 0.90 2.5 0.17 0.2 0.25 0.25 53 53 278 185 100 Calocedrus decurrens 1 N 837 2938 18 0.99 4.0 0.1 0.2 0.25 0.25 48 48 500 333 100 Abies concolor 1 N 540 2670 -10 0.93 8.0 0.17 0.2 0.25 0.25 30 30 333 222 100 Abies magnifica 1 N 483 1144 -18 0.87 8.0 0.17 0.2 0.25 0.25 30 30 250 167 100 Pinus contorta 1 N 276 993 -18 0.87 3.5 0.25 0.2 0.25 0.25 48 48 500 333 100 Pinus monticola 1 N 155 1016 -18 0.82 7.0 0.31 0.2 0.25 0.25 37 37 500 333 100 Tsuga mertensiana 1 N 235 894 -18 0.80 4.5 0.24 0.2 0.25 0.25 80 80 333 222 100 Pinus albicaulis 1 N 230 950 -18 0.90 5.5 0.27 0.2 0.25 0.25 80 80 333 222 100 Populus tremuloides 2 N 600 3000 -10 0.82 1.0 0.18 0.2 0.25 0.25 62 62 333 222 100 Non N-fixing resprouting shrubs Non N-fixing obligate seeding shrubs 3 N 400 4000 -10 0.99 1.5 0.25 0.2 0.25 0.25 56 56 333 222 100 3 N 400 4000 -10 0.97 1.5 0.25 0.2 0.25 0.25 59 59 333 222 100 N-fixing resprouting shrubs 3 Y 400 4000 -10 0.97 1.5 0.25 0.2 0.25 0.25 20 28 333 222 50 N-fixing obligate seeding shrubs 3 Y 400 4000 -10 0.99 1.5 0.25 0.2 0.25 0.25 20 30 333 222 50 98 Table 2-3. Functional type parameters for the species list in Table 1. Name Functional type index PPDF1 mean PPDF2 max PPDF1 shape 1 PPDF1 shape 2 NPP leaf (%) BTOLAI KLAI MAXLAI PPRPTS2 PPRPTS3 Wood decay rate Wood mortality (%/mo.) Age mortality shape Leaf Drop Month Conifers 1 23.0 40.0 0.05 6.0 0.2 0.002 5000 10 0.2 0.1 1.0 0.002 10.0 9.0 Hardwoods 2 23.0 35.0 0.05 7.0 0.3 0.002 5000 20 0.2 0.1 1.0 0.002 10.0 9.0 Shrubs 3 23.0 32.0 0.05 10.0 0.3 0.002 500 5 0.2 0.1 1.0 0.002 10.0 9.0 Table 2-4. Ecoregion fixed parameters for the Lake Tahoe Basin, CA, NV, USA. Ecoregion Soil depth (cm) % Clay fraction % Sand fraction Field capacity Wilting point Storm flow fraction Base flow fraction Drainage Atmospheric N (slope) Atmospheric N (intercept) Latitude Decay rate Surface soil Decay rate SOM1 Eastside Forest & Woodland 100 0.070 0.714 0.109 0.055 0.4 0.4 0.691 0.08 0.005 39.02 0.4 1 0.02 0.0002 0.5 Upper Montane 100 0.050 0.786 0.090 0.046 0.4 0.4 0.815 0.08 0.005 39.02 0.4 1 0.02 0.0002 0.5 Subalpine 100 0.061 0.744 0.097 0.051 0.4 0.4 0.735 0.08 0.005 39.02 0.4 1 0.02 0.0002 0.5 Montane shrubland 100 0.078 0.718 0.090 0.060 0.4 0.4 0.826 0.08 0.005 39.02 0.4 1 0.02 0.0002 0.5 Riparian areas 100 0.068 0.704 0.123 0.053 0.4 0.4 0.523 0.08 0.005 39.02 0.4 1 0.02 0.0002 0.5 99 Decay rate SOM2 Decay rate SOM3 Denitrification Table 2-5. Initial values of Carbon and Nitrogen in various soil organic pools. Ecoregion SOM1 C (surface) SOM1 N (surface) SOM1 C (soil) SOM1 N (soil) SOM2 C SOM2 N SOM3 C SOM3 N Mineral N Eastside Forest & Woodland 75.0 3.0 100.0 10.0 3000.0 50.0 300.0 15.0 3.0 Upper Montane 75.0 3.0 100.0 10.0 3000.0 50.0 300.0 15.0 3.0 Subalpine 75.0 3.0 100.0 10.0 3000.0 50.0 300.0 15.0 3.0 Montane shrubland 75.0 3.0 100.0 10.0 3000.0 50.0 300.0 15.0 3.0 Riparian areas 75.0 3.0 100.0 10.0 3000.0 SOM1: Soil Organic Matter fast pool; SOM2: Soil Organic Matter fast pool; SOM3: Soil Organic Matter passive pool 50.0 300.0 15.0 3.0 Table 2-6. Fire regime parameter inputs for the Dynamic Fire extension used for the Lake Tahoe Basin, CA, NV. FMC: Foliar moisture content. Fire Region Region size (ha) sigma Maximum Size or Duration Spring FMC Low Spring FMC High Spring High Proportion Summer FMC Low Summer FMC High Summer High Proportion mu Lower-elevation 9,603 5.2 0.32 4500 135 175 0.05 85 100 0.89 Mid-elevation Higher-elevation 28,777 5.3 0.32 4500 135 175 0.05 85 100 0.89 31,194 5.2 0.32 4500 135 175 0.05 85 100 0.89 100 101