Developing FCCS Fuelbeds for the Angora Fire Region Theme: Forest Management and Fuels Reduction Subtheme: Fire and Fuels Principal Investigator: Roger D. Ottmar U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station 400 North 34th Street, Suite 201, Seattle, WA 98103 Phone: (206) 732-7826 Fax (206) 732-7801 Co-Principal Investigator: Hugh Safford U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region 1323 Club Drive, Vallejo, CA 94592 Phone: (707) 562-8934 Fax (707) 562-9050 Grants Contact Person: Tammy Verhunc Phone (503) 808-2117 Fax (503) 808-2130 Total Funding Requested: $73,130 Total Value of In-Kind and Financial Contributions: $73,000 II. Project Narrative a. Justification Statement The U.S. Forest Service Region 5 is preparing an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) that will guide Angora Fire post-fire restoration activities. A critical component to the EIS will be to define and create potential fuelbeds resulting from future restoration projects, climatic change, and fuels management within the Angora wildfire perimeter and the surrounding watershed. Defining fuelbeds will enable managers to better plan the restoration projects and account for potential fire hazard and other resources such as wildlife habitat. The fuelbeds and characteristics will also provide inputs for current and future models for the quantification of fire behavior, fire effects, smoke and pollutant management, and carbon accounting and enable assessment of fuel treatment effectiveness, and will have application outside of the Angora Fire region as well, as similar vegetation and fuels conditions are found throughout the Lake Tahoe Basin, especially on the west shore. The Fuels Characteristic Classification System (FCCS; Ottmar et al. 2007; is a tool that can build the fuelbeds, calculate flame length and rates of spread based on specified environmental conditions, determine a surface fire behavior and crown fire potential ranking, and report total carbon associated with each fuelbed. It will also cross-walk each customized fuelbed to a original 13 or standard 40 fuel models. CONSUME 3.0 ( is an associated program that can calculate the consumption and emissions produced from burning of the FCCS fuelbeds and generate predictions for smoke and air pollutant production. b. Background and Problem Statement Ongoing development of complex fire behavior and fire effects software and the implementation of wildland fire emissions and carbon assessments have demonstrated the need for a system to quantify and classify wildland fuels. Fuelbeds vary widely in their physical attributes, potential fire behavior, and fire effects, but current standard fuel models used by most agencies are very gross in their representation of fire behavior, and only apply to surface fuels. A comprehensive software system is needed to accurately capture the structural complexity and geographical diversity of fuel components across landscapes and provide the ability to assess factors of human change (e.g., logging slash) and natural change (e.g., fire, insect, disease). The Fire and Environmental Research Applications team (FERA) of the Pacific Northwest Research Station’s Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Laboratory (U.S Department of Agriculture, Forest Service) has developed a national Fuel Characteristic Classification System (FCCS) to meet this need. The system offers consistently organized fuels data, along with numerical inputs to fire behavior, fire effects, and dynamic vegetation models. • • • • • Users can access a fuelbed from 216 “stock” FCCS fuelbeds contained in database compiled from published, unpublished literature, fuels photo series, fuels data sets, and expert opinion; or modify existing descriptions with enhanced information to create a set of fuelbeds to represent a particular scale of interest. When the user has completed editing the fuelbed data, FCCS reports the assigned and calculated fuel characteristics for each existing fuelbed component including the trees, shrubs, grasses, woody fuels, litter, and duff. FCCS calculates a surface fire behavior, crown fire, and available fuel potential index between 0- 9 for each FCCS National or customized fuelbed. These FCCS fire potentials facilitate communication among users and provide an index representation of the intrinsic capacity of each fuelbed for surface fire behavior, crown fire and available consumption of fuels. FCCS also reports predicted surface fire behavior, including reaction intensity (BTU ft-2 min-1), flame length (ft), and rate of spread (ft min-1), under benchmark environmental conditions. Benchmark environmental conditions are: o 0% slope o 4 mph wind speed o Dry fuel conditions (D2L2 moisture scenario after Andrews et al. 2005). Using a dry fuel moisture scenario (D2L2), FCCS suggests crosswalks from reported fuelbeds to the original 13 surface fire behavior fuel models and the 40 standard fuel models (Scott and Burgan 2005). 1 • The FCCS webpage includes references in .pdf format for each of the FCCS fuelbeds. FCCS version 1.1 is currently available. FCCS v. 2.0 will be released by February 2008 and will allow users to choose custom settings for environmental variables such as wind speed and moisture, in addition to other enhancements such as a carbon report. We feel FCCS (Ottmar et al. 2007, Riccardi et al. 2007) is the tool to use for this project and will provide several advantages over other techniques. The FCCS fuelbeds include characteristics for all strata, category and sub-category of fuels that have a potential to burn including the trees, snags, ladder fuels, shrubs, nonwoody fuels, sound and rotten woody fuels, stumps, piles, litter/lichen/moss, and duff. Each strata, category, and subcategory may be modified to (1) capture variability in fuels and (2) to create customized fuelbed(s) particular to a stand, unit, forest, state, region, or any other scale of choice. This design can be used to capture complexity and variability of fuels across time and space. For example, modification of height, percentage cover, and density of trees (overstory, midstory, or understory) can be used to represent the effects of a thinning operation on fuels. Changes to the values of the percentage live and live foliar moisture in either the shrubs or nonwoody fuels can be used to represent a temporal change of season (i.e., growing vs. dormant). Many possibilities exist because every variable is changeable. Extensive, detailed data within, and produced by FCCS can be used for fuels operation and management activities, fire science, ecological analysis, and atmospheric science. As mentioned above, the FCCS captures the structural complexity of the fuelbeds and calculates the fire hazard potentials, flame length and rates of spread, and total carbon for each fuelbed. The fuelbed characteristics and robust fire behavior equations enable the system to account for small changes in fire behavior as a result of various fuelbed treatments and management scenarios. This is in contrast to the presently widely-used “fuel models” (Anderson 1984, and Scott and Burgan 2005), which (1) compartmentalize fire behavior based on a gross classification of surface fuels and thus do not allow for variability in fire behavior once the fuel model has been chosen, and (2) do not by themselves include forest canopy fuels. The FCCS system currently houses 216 “stock” fuelbeds with an additional 240 being added that will represent eastern Washington and Oregon. For this project, a set of customized fuelbeds can be developed using the FCCS that represent various pathways to account for restoration projects, climate change, and fuel management. The fuelbed characteristics can then be used to assess fire hazard, fire effects, smoke and pollutant production (using Consume 3.0), and carbon and assist in directing the future of Angora post-fire treatment for incorporation into the EIS. The developed fuelbeds and pathways will also constitute a large proportion of the common fuelbeds found in the Lake Tahoe Basin, particularly on the west shore, and the proposed project will therefore generate many of the fuelbeds necessary to carry out further such work elsewhere on the LTBMU. To show how we can take advantage of FCCS and its fuelbeds, let’s assume we have a 400-acre Douglas-fir (Psuedotsuga menziesii) and ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) forest near several summer homes that is 200 years old and has been protected from fire for the past 100 years (figure 1). Second, let’s assume this stand will be thinned with a fuels treatment. We can build a fuelbed to represent each phase mentioned customizing an FCCS fuelbed with onsite data and running it through the FCCS. The surface fire behavior potential decreases from 6 to 2 after thinning and fuel treatment. Crown fire potential decreases from 5 to 1 because the removal of the midstory left a large gap between the overstory crown and the remaining midstory trees. This lowered the potential of the surface flames reaching the crowns. The available fuel decreased from 7 to 3 after the fuels treatment reduced the surface woody fuels, litter and duff. Problem Statement: Develop a set of fuelbeds for the Angora Fire region to better plan the restoration projects and communicate to managers, decision makers, and the public the levels of fire risk, smoke/pollutant production, and threats or benefits to other resources of the various alternatives considered. c. Goals, Objective, and Hypotheses to be Tested In collaboration with U.S. Forest Service, Pacific Southwest Region, the Fire and Environmental Research Applications Team (FERA) of the Pacific Northwest Research Station will develop fuelbed pathways, determine 2 a list of fuelbeds to be created, and construct fuelbeds using the FCCS that represent current and future fuel matrixes within the post-fire Angora landscape. The FCCS will then provide fuelbed characteristics, a set of surface fire behavior, crown fire, and available fuel potential predictions based on established environmental criteria; and a carbon report for each fuelbed. Consume 3.0 will also be used to predict smoke and air pollutants from each fuel bed under the same burning scenarios. These predictions will be made for the Angora Creek watershed and the fire area based on a series of different alternatives provided by the fire restoration ID-Team. Specific objectives of the project will include: 1) Develop fuelbed pathways that provide a list of current and future fuelbeds that could be found within the Angora Creek watershed and within the perimeter of the Angora Fire. 2) Compare the fuelbed list with FCCS default fuelbeds and fuelbeds generated for the Okanogan/Wenatchee National Forests project and Central Oregon Fire Planning Unit project to determine which fuelbeds are already available. 3) Use the FCCS to construct any new fuelbeds required using previously collected data from the LTBMU or other agencies; collect new data where necessary. 4) Work with the ID-team to determine the set of realistic alternative future vegetation states for the watershed and the fire area and map pathways for fuel bed development. 5) For each alternative, follow hypothesized fuel bed pathways and run each fuelbed for fuelbed characteristics, fire potentials, fire behavior prediction, and carbon values. 6) Use Consume 3.0 to generate predictions of smoke and air pollutant outputs. 7) Using existing vegetation layers and future predicted conditions (based on ID-team alternatives) to map FCCS fuelbeds, fuelbed characteristics, fire potentials, surface fire behavior values, and carbon at benchmark environmental conditions layers for the Angora Fire landscape. 8) Prepare and present one or more progress reports to Region 5 or other constituents. 9) Complete a final report with pathway diagrams and FCCS fuelbed files. 10) Prepare a draft manuscript(s) to be submitted to a refereed journal. d. Approach, Methodology, and Location of Research FERA will gather a team of fire ecologists and fire and fuel experts to develop a set of fuelbed pathways for the post-fire Angora landscape. Pathways developed for eastern Washington and southeast Oregon will be used as a template. Figures 2 and 3 are examples of fuelbed pathways and fuelbeds built for the Okanogan/Wenatchee National Forest Project. Using local manager support and expert opinion, these pathways will be used to create a list of fuelbeds to adequately identify the different fuel conditions that could occur over time within the Angora watershed and the Angora wildfire perimeter for various fire severity conditions, management actions, and climatic scenarios. The FCCS has recently been used to create 240 fuelbeds on the Okanogan/Wenatchee National Forest and for the Central Oregon Fire Planning Unit project, areas with strong climatic and floristic similarities to the Lake Tahoe Basin. We believe many of the existing fuelbeds can be used for the Angora watershed as well, with minimum modification; our preliminary estimate is that up to 2/3 of the eastern Oregon fuelbeds will have an analogue in the LTB. The project team will determine the number of fuelbeds that (1) can be used directly from the Okanogan/Wenatchee list, (2) will need to be modified, and (3) require creation. A 4-hour workshop will be conducted with project team on how to use the FCCS. FERA will then gather local data, build the fuelbeds, and use the project team to review and finalize. This process will provide fuelbeds to represent the vegetation types within the Angora Creek watershed, including the Angora Fire perimeter. FCCS fire behavior outputs, including fuel model crosswalks, FCCS surface fire, crown fire potentials, and fuel consumed potentials, along with total carbon will be calculated for each fuelbed and transformed to GIS layers for mapping applications. The team will work with the Angora Fire restoration ID-team to identify different alternatives for short- and long-term vegetation management outcomes within the fire perimeter. For each alternative, fuel bed development pathways will be constructed, based on knowledge of local successional patterns and modeling, where necessary. Specific methods will include: 3 1) Build a series of fuelbed pathways that will spatially and temporally provide a list of fuelbeds that will represent the Angora Fire under different restoration scenarios. The dry Douglas-fir/ponderosa pine successional pathway developed for the Okanogan/Wenatchee National Forest is provided in figures 2 and 3 as an example (Objective 1). 2) Compare the fuelbed list with FCCS fuelbeds and custom fuelbeds built from the Okanogan/Wenatchee and Central Oregon projects. Determine what fuelbeds can be used to represent the Angora Fire region (Objectives 2-4) and which fuelbeds will need to be generated. Generate the group of FCCS customized fuelbeds using an array of scientific and grey literature, available plot data, and as necessary, expert opinion from the Angora fuelbed development team or field data collection. Fuelbeds will be given an overall rating for the quality of the data used for creating the fuelbed. The rankings are as follows: • • • • • 1. No data (no hard numbers for any data value) - created from experience and/or ecological literature 2. Partial data - less than 35% of modal inputs from literature, photo series, or peer-reviewed data source 3. Partial data - 35-85% of modal inputs from literature, photo series, or peer reviewed data source 4. Data driven - 85-100% of modal inputs from photo series or peer-reviewed data source Data driven - 85-100% of all data (minimum, maximum, and modal) from photo series or peerreviewed data source 3) Create an output list for each final fuelbed using the FCCS and Consume 3.0 that will include the fuelbed characteristics, surface fire behavior, crown fire, and available fire potential indices, surface fire behavior values at benchmark conditions (i.e., flame length, rates of spread, reaction intensity), a cross walk from each fuelbed to the original and standard fire behavior fuel models, fuel consumption, emissions production, and a total carbon value. Fire behavior will be modeled at threshold environmental variables using 97th percentile weather parameters (Objectives 5 and 6). 4) Using Angora Fire GIS vegetation layers, map FCCS fuelbeds, fuelbed characteristics, fire behavior outputs, fire hazard potentials, smoke production, and carbon (Objective 7). 5) Prepare one or two presentations and present to LTBMU and other Region 5 staff members (Objective 8). 6) Complete a final report and submit it in manuscript form to a refereed journal (Objectives 9 and 10). e. Strategy for Engaging with Managers Co-PI is the Regional Ecologist for Region 5, the acting Province Ecologist for the IBET Province and an adjunct member of the Angora Fire restoration ID-Team. The FERA team will work directly with the ID-Team and the LTBMU vegetation and fuels management staff (and other agency staff) in developing and reviewing all fuelbeds and fuelbed pathways. During the course of the propose project, selected staff from the LTBMU will be trained in FCCS use. Long-term tutoring will be available for future use of FCCS via the Regional and Province Ecologists. A presentation and final report will be delivered to the LTBMU, and a scientific manuscript will be submitted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal. f. Deliverables/Products This project will deliver a set of fuelbed pathways and fuelbeds and the resulting fire potential hazards that will represent the Angora Fire region. The deliverables will include: 1. A comprehensive set of fuelbed pathways for the Angora Creek watershed, including the Angora Fire landscape. 2. FCCS fuelbeds that represent current and future scenarios for the Angora Fire region. 3. GIS map layers of FCCS fuelbeds, fuelbed characteristics (e.g., loading, surface fuel depth, canopy cover, etc), and potential fire behavior outputs. 4. Presentation to Region 5 managers and other constituents. 5. Final report describing the protocols and FCCS fuelbeds with corresponding fire behavior output. 4 6. Scientific manuscript draft. 7. Quarterly progress reports and invoicing 8. g. Scheduling of Milestones/Deliverables (including Quarterly Reports and Invoicing) The project duration will be 1.5 calendar years, 06/01/08 to 12/31/09 (Table 1). Invoices will be submitted through the U.S. Forest Service National Finance System. Their invoicing process are automatic and the schedule is unknown by principal investigators. Literature Cited Anderson, H.E. 1984 Anderson, H.E. 1982. Aids to determining fuel models for estimating fire behavior. General Technical Report, GTR-INT-122. USDA Forest Service, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. Ogden, Utah. Andrews, P.L.; Bevins, C.D.; Seli, R.C. 2005. BehavePlus fire modeling system, version 3.0: User's Guide. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-106 Revised. Ogden, UT: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station.132 p. Ottmar, R.D., Sandberg, D.V.; Riccardi, C.L.; Prichard, S. J. 2007. An overview of the fuel characteristic classification System (FCCS) - quantifying, classifying, and creating fuelbeds for resource planning. Can. J. For. Res. In press. Riccardi, C. L., Ottmar, R. D., Sandberg, D.V., Andreu, A., Elman, E., Kopper, K., Long, J. 2007. The fuelbed: a key element of the fuel characteristic classification system. Can. J. For. Res. In press. Scott, J. H., Burgan, R. E. 2005. Standard fire behavior fuel models: a comprehensive set for use with Rothermel's surface fire spread model. Gen. Tech. Rep. RMRS-GTR-153. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. 72 p. Table 1. Milestones. Task/Milestone Kickoff meeting Build fuelbed pathways, create fuelbed list Compare with currently available fuelbeds Begin constructing FCCS fuelbeds Quarterly progress report Fuelbed construction complete Quarterly report Draft presentation to Region 5 Office Present objectives and progress report to Region 5 and other constituents Complete GIS/SRS FCCS fuelbed and output map Quarterly report Complete final report Quarterly report Present final report to R5 and other constituents Complete a minimum of 1 refereed journal draft report Timeline June 1, 2008 August 1, 2008 August 15, 2008 August 15, 2008 September 1, 2008 December 1, 2008 December 1, 2009 December 15, 2008 January 15, 2009 March 1, 2009 March 1, 2009 September 1, 2009 September 1, 2009 October 30, 2009 December 31, 2009 5 III. Figures Figure 1. The forested area of the Lassen National Forest has been thinned and the fuels treated, resulting in reduced FCCS surface fire, crown fire, and available fuel potentials. (Photos courtesy of the Eagle Lake Ranger District, Lassen National FCCS Fire Potential: 657 FCCS Fire Potential: 213 Potential Dry Douglas-fir, Ponderosa Pine, Grand Fir Fuelbed Series Pathway OW009 OW018 none OW023 Select cut & Rx burn OW024 & OW017 no n Rx OW003 none OW010 OW008 PCT & Rx burn PCT & no treat none PC T n no OW002 none OW011 OW014 cc 1 OW016 OW019 & e Rx bu PCT & Rx burn OW022 S & elec Rx t bu cut rn OW028 e non OW027 OW020 rn OW015 Bug OW021 OW029 OW031 none OW030 none OW032 Se le Rx ct cu bu t & rn ut tc lec at Se o tre +n OW004 none bu rn none none no ne none PC T Se lec Rx t cut & bu rn OW07 e none t cu ct t le rea Se o t +n Clearcut, no slash trt Fire, no salvage g Bu OW001 Select cut & Rx burn t cu t ct a le tre Se no & Se le Rx ct c bu ut & rn t OW012 & T urn PC X b R none 150+ 80-150 OW013 & t cut Selec rn Rx bu OW006 none 40-80 Select cu t & Rx burn none PCT & Rx burn Age Se lec no t cut tre at & OW025 None OW005 25-40 15-25 ne no Figure 2. Example of a fuelbed pathway diagram. This is a similar approach to that which will be used to determine one set of fuelbeds that will represent the current and future Angora Fire landscape. Fire, salvage/clearcut, burn 0-15 OW026 6 Douglas-fir, Ponderosa Pine, Grand Fir Fuelbed Series OW001 dry df/pp 10-15yr wildfire no salv-shrub OW002 dry df/pp 10-15yr clearcut harvest no trt-shrub OW003 dry df/pp 10-15yr wildfire no salv-herb OW004 dry df/pp 10-15yr clearcut harvest no trt-herb OW005 dry df/pp 10-15yr wildfire & salvage, clearcut/burn-shrub OW006 dry df/pp 10-15yr wildfire & salvage, clearcut/burn-herb OW007 dry df/pp/gf 15-25yr after wildfire no salv lo density, no change agent OW008 dry df/pp/gf 15-25yr after regen harvest no trtmt, lo density no change agent OW009 Dry df/pp/gf 15-25yr after wildfire-salvage or clearcut-burn, shrub, no change agent OW010 dry df/pp/gf 15-25yr after wildfire no salv, hi density no change agent OW011 dry df/pp/gf 15-25yr after regen harvest no trt, hi density no change agent OW012 Dry df/pp/gf 15-25yr after wildfire-salvage or clearcut-burn, herb, no change agent OW013 dry df/pp/gf 25-40yr after wildfire-salvage or clearcut-burn, shrub, pct-treat or Rx burn OW014 dry df/pp/gf 25-40yr after wildfire no salv, pct-treat or Rx burn OW015 dry df/pp/gf 25-40yr after regen harvest no trt pct-treat or Rx burn OW016 dry df/pp/gf 25-40yr after wildfire no salv, pct-no treat OW017 dry df/pp/gf 25-40yr after wildfire no salv, none OW018 dry df/pp/gf 25-40yr after wildfire-salvage or clearcut-burn, herb, no change agent OW019 dry df/pp/gf 25-40yr after regen harvest no trtmt, no change agent OW020 dry df/pp/gf 40-80yr Select Cut & Rx Burn OW021 dry df/pp/gf 40-80yr Select Cut & No treat OW022 dry df/pp/gf 40-80yr after wildfire no salv, none OW023 dry df/pp/gf 40-80yr, none OW024 dry df/pp/gf 80-150yr select cut, Rx burn OW025 dry df/pp/gf 80-150yr select cut, Rx burn OW026 dry df/pp/gf 80-150yr select cut, no treat OW027 dry df/pp/gf 80-150yr none OW028 dry df/pp/gf 80-150yr after wildfire no salv, insects & disease OW029 dry df/pp/gf 150+yr select cut-burn OW030 dry df/pp/gf 40-80yr after wildfire no salv, no treat OW031 dry df/pp/gf 150+yr select cut, no treat OW032 dry df/pp/gf 150+yr low load, none Figure 3. Example of a set of fuelbeds determined from the fuelbed pathways (fig. 2) that will be built using the FCCS. 7