FOREST FLOOR CHARACTERISTICS AND MOISTURE DYNAMICS IN JEFFREY PINE-WHITE FIR FORESTS OF THE LAKE TAHOE BASIN, USA by Erin M. Banwell A Thesis Presented to The Faculty of Humboldt State University In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements for the Degree Masters of Science In Natural Resources: Forestry December, 2011 FOREST FLOOR CHARACTERISTICS AND MOISTURE DYNAMICS IN JEFFREY PINE-WHITE FIR FORESTS OF THE LAKE TAHOE BASIN, USA by Erin M. Banwell Approved by Master’s Thesis Committee: J. Morgan Varner, Major Professor Date Eric Knapp, Committee Member Date Rob Van Kirk, Committee Member Date Coordinator, Natural Resources Graduate Program Date Natural Resources Graduate Program Number Jena’ Burges, Vice Provost Date ii ABSTRACT FOREST FLOOR CHARACTERISTICS AND MOISTURE DYNAMICS IN JEFFREY PINE-WHITE FIR FORESTS OF THE LAKE TAHOE BASIN, USA Erin M. Banwell In temperate coniferous forests, forest floor fuels have been linked to variation in important effects of fire, most notably mineral soil heating and post-fire tree mortality. To improve the understanding of fire effects, I collected forest floor fuels in longunburned Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi) - white fir (Abies concolor) forests of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA. Fuels from each forest floor horizon (litter, fermentation, and humus), as well as other important woody fuels (1-hour fuel, 10-hour fuel, and cones), were collected around the bases of large (> 50 cm diameter) Jeffrey pine and white fir. To isolate the effects of spatial position, I quantified fuel loading, depth, and bulk density at the base of each tree, beneath the crown drip line, and beyond the crown in open “gaps”. Seasonal fuel moisture trends were measured during the 2009 and 2010 fire seasons. To understand the structure of the litter horizon, both spatially and between species, litter composition was examined, and mineral ash contents of each forest floor horizon were measured. Little variation was detected in forest floor bulk densities, depths, and moisture contents between the two conifers. There was also little variability in forest floor moisture across the Lake Tahoe Basin, but isolated rainfall events significantly altered forest floor moisture patterns. Duff (the fermentation and humus) moisture varied spatially throughout stands, whereas other important forest floor components did not. Results from the interannual moisture study revealed that moisture of the forest floor horizons differed between years while woody fuel moisture did not. iii The variability in field results underscore the importance of measuring duff moisture content, as well as 10-hour woody fuel moisture, prior to prescribed fire. Forest floor bulk density and depth did not differ between Jeffrey pine and white fir. However, Jeffrey pine forest floors were more flammable than white fir forest floors in the laboratory, where samples of forest floor litter were burned under controlled conditions. Forest floor fires beneath Jeffrey pines could potentially burn at greater intensities and smolder longer than white fir forest floors due to differences in burning characteristics. In the Tahoe Basin, a better understanding of the complexity of forest fuels will help land managers manage and restore these fire-prone forests. More broadly, these results help inform the understanding of fuels dynamics in other temperate coniferous forests. iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This study was funded by Southern Nevada Public Land Management Act (SNPLMA) and Humboldt State Sponsored Programs Foundation. I cannot thank Morgan Varner enough for the knowledge and confidence he has given me throughout the years. Morgan’s passion and enthusiasm for fire ecology motivates me every day. Data analyses would still be at a standstill without the hard work of Rob Van Kirk. Eric Knapp traveled to Arcata on numerous occasions and visited field sites to provide insight on the project. He also organized summer field crews, through Pacific Southwest Research Station, who helped with data collection. Jonathan Szecsei worked relentlessly on laboratory work, including transferring thousands of forest floor samples from plastic bags to paper bags. Many other people aided in field collection, laboratory work, and brainstorming ideas for this project, including Chet Madden, Brendon Banwell, Shannon Banwell, Tristan Banwell, Erin Taylor, Aubyn Banwell, Eamon Engber, Matt Cocking, Dean Matheson, and Al Gertiz. I am forever indebted to Chet Madden, who encouraged and supported me throughout this process. v TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT ....................................................................................................................... iii LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................... viii LIST OF FIGURES ........................................................................................................... ix CHAPTER ONE: Forest floor characteristics in long-unburned Jeffrey pine-white fir forests of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA................................................................................ 1 1. INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 1 2. METHODS ..................................................................................................................... 7 2.1. Study Sites ............................................................................................................... 7 2.2. Field Data Collection ............................................................................................. 10 2.3. Laboratory Data Collection.................................................................................... 10 2.4. Data Analysis ......................................................................................................... 13 3. RESULTS ..................................................................................................................... 15 4. DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................... 23 LITERATURE CITED ..................................................................................................... 29 CHAPTER TWO: Spatial and temporal variation of forest floor moisture in longunburned Jeffrey pine-white fir forests of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA. ......................... 33 1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 33 2. METHODS ................................................................................................................... 40 2.1. Study Sites ............................................................................................................. 40 2.2. Field Data Collection ............................................................................................. 40 2.3. Laboratory Data Collection.................................................................................... 44 2.4. Data Analysis ......................................................................................................... 46 vi TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) 3. RESULTS ..................................................................................................................... 49 4. DISCUSSION ............................................................................................................... 63 LITERATURE CITED ..................................................................................................... 70 vii LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1 Characteristics of four study sites located in the Lake Tahoe Basin in California and Nevada………………………………………………………..9 2 Mean bulk density (kg m-3) and 95% confidence intervals (95% C.I.) for forest floor horizons across positions in relation to distance from trees and across sites in long-unburned Jeffrey pine and white fir forests throughout the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA…………………………………………………..16 3 Mean percent composition (%) values of the litter horizon sorted by components between species and among position in relation to distance from trees in long-unburned forests of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA………….19 4 Average forest floor moisture (%) across sites throughout the 2010 fire season in the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA………………………………………...54 5 Average moisture content (%) of forest floor components in 2009 (white) and 2010 (gray) at the Pioneer site in the southern region of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA………………………………………………………57 viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page 1 Location of the study sites in the Lake Tahoe Basin in California and Nevada. All sites were dominated by mature Jeffrey pine-white fir forests…………………………………………………………………………8 2 From left to right: preparing a bulk density sample from the base of a white fir tree using a 20 × 20 cm frame; view of a bulk density sample before collection of each forest floor horizon (litter, fermentation, and humus); depth measurements…………………………………………………11 3 Bulk density samples were collected 0.5 m away from the tree bole at the “base” of each tree, 2.0 m away from the tree bole at the crown “drip line”, and 5.0 m away from the tree bole beyond the crown in open “gaps”…12 4 Average depths (cm) of the forest floor (litter, fermentation, humus) between Jeffrey pine and white fir in relation to distance from trees in long-unburned forests of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA…………………….….17 5 Average loading (g m-2) of the litter surface sorted by components between Jeffrey pine and white fir in relation to distance from trees in long-unburned forests of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA…………………….….21 6 Left: Mean ash content (%) of the forest floor horizons at the base of Jeffrey pine and white fir trees, along with 95% confidence interval bounds. Ash content significantly differed (P < 0.001) across horizons and species × horizon combinations. Right: Profile of forest floor horizons in a long-unburned Jeffrey pine-white fir forest in the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA……………………………………………………….........22 7 Factors influencing combustion (top) and simplified effects of combustion (bottom). A “-” symbol indicates a negative response in combustion to an increase in the given variable, a “+” symbol indicates a positive response in combustion to an increase in the given variable, and the asterisk signifies the more complex dependence of combustion on forest floor composition…………………………………………………………………...27 8 Location of study sites in the Lake Tahoe Basin in California and Nevada. Pioneer was selected for the interannual (2009, 2010) and diurnal ix moisture studies, and all four sites were selected for the 2010 moisture study. All sites were dominated by mature Jeffrey pine-white fir forests……41 9 Forest floor moisture samples were collected 0.5 m away from the tree bole at the “base” of each tree, 2.0 m away from the tree bole at the crown “drip line”, and 5.0 m away from the tree bole beyond the crown in open “gaps”…………………………………………………………………………42 10 Location of the diurnal moisture collection site (Pioneer) in the southern region of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA, dominated by mature Jeffrey pine and white fir……………………………………………………………….......45 11 Forest floor samples used in a laboratory time lag experiment: Jeffrey pine cones; Jeffrey pine litter; Jeffrey pine 1-hour and 10-hour woody fuelbeds; and white fir litter collected from the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA…………….…47 12 Mean moisture content (%) of the fermentation horizon across positions in relation to tree boles, during the 2010 fire season in Jeffrey pine-white fir forests of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA………………………………………...50 13 Mean moisture content (%) of different forest floor fuels (top) and horizons (bottom) during the 2010 fire season throughout the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA. Different scale on y-axis for fuel moisture (0 to 20%) and forest floor horizon moisture (0 to 120%)…………………………………….52 14 Total precipitation (cm; represented by bars) and average maximum temperature (°C; represented by lines) from February through October of 2009 and 2010 in the southern region of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA………..55 15 Temperature (C) and relative humidity (%) patterns during a 24-hour forest floor moisture collection in the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA on 10 August 2010…………………………………………………………………...58 16 Moisture content (%) of forest floor components in long-unburned Jeffrey pine and white fir forests in the southern region of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA across a 24-hour period in August, 2010………………………………...60 17 Relative moisture content (E) of forest floor components in relation to duration of desorption (hours) for mature Jeffrey pine and white fir forests in the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA. Time lags (hours) for each forest floor component, standard errors (SE), and multiple comparisons are shown in the top right corner with superscripted lowercase letters (a, b, c, d)…………………………………………………………………………….....62 x 18 Conceptual model representing the spatial and temporal scales measured in this study (light gray) and previous forest floor moisture studies (dark gray)……………………………………………………………………...64 xi CHAPTER ONE: Forest floor characteristics in long-unburned Jeffrey pine-white fir forests of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA 1. INTRODUCTION Prior to European settlement, pine-dominated forests in the Sierra Nevada burned at frequent fire return intervals (2 to 20 years) with low to moderate-severity (Parsons and DeBenedetti, 1978; Kilgore and Taylor, 1979; Skinner and Chang, 1996; Taylor and Beaty, 2005). Before the turn of the 20th century, coniferous forests in the Carson Range located near Lake Tahoe were open and dominated by Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi Grev. and Balf.), lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta var. murrayana [Grev. and Balf.] Crichf.), sugar pine (Pinus lambertiana Dougl.), and white fir (Abies concolor [Gord. and Glend.] Lindl.). There was four times more Jeffrey pine than white fir (Taylor and Beaty, 2005). Large ( ̅ diameter at breast height [DBH] = 67.5 cm), old (> 250 years) trees were common. In the late 19th century, fire frequency was reduced throughout the Sierra Nevada due to removal of fine fuels caused by grazing, severely altered forest structure due to logging and mining, land clearing for settlement, fire suppression, and extirpation of Native Americans (Vankat and Major, 1978; McKelvey et al., 1996; Skinner and Chang, 1996; Lindström, 2000; Miller and Urban, 2000; Stephens, 2001; Taylor, 2004). These changes and a century of fire exclusion in the Sierra Nevada caused an increase in forest density. Shade-tolerant white fir have encroached into Jeffrey pine dominated woodlands and forests. Current Jeffrey pine-white fir forests have experienced an increase in small diameter trees, an increase in basal area, and a decrease in structural variability (Taylor, 2004). White fir branches act as ladder fuels and increase dead 1 2 surface fuel loads (Vankat and Major, 1978; Parsons and DeBenedetti, 1979; McKelvey et al., 1996; Miller and Urban, 2000). The lack of fire and change in forest structure throughout Sierra Nevada forests led to the development of deep organic matter accumulations, with distinct horizons on top of the mineral soil (hereafter, ‘forest floor’) (Stephens and Finney, 2002; Stephens et al., 2004). Litter (Oi), the uppermost horizon of the forest floor, consists of freshly fallen, non-woody organic matter (Pritchett, 1979). Fermentation and humus horizons (Oe and Oa, respectively), known collectively as duff, are created by decomposition of surface litter. Fermentation is made up of partially decomposed but still recognizable organic matter, and humus is made up of dark, unrecognizable, decomposed organic material (Pritchett, 1979; van Wagtendonk et al., 1998). Deep duff typically occurs in long-unburned forests and accumulates around bases of large trees (Ryan and Frandsen, 1991; Swezy and Agee, 1991). Annual rates of decomposition and time since last fire are two key factors of forest floor accumulation (Pritchett, 1979). Jeffrey pine forests typically accumulate fuels slowly (Skinner and Chang, 1996). As stands age, litter and duff weights and depths tend to increase (Ryan and Frandsen, 1991; van Wagtendonk et al., 1998). van Wagtendonk and Moore (2010) studied fuel deposition rates of 11 conifers in the Sierra Nevada. Foliage deposition rates were higher beneath medium sized (60 to 120 cm DBH) white fir than Jeffrey pine (178.3 and 141.4 g m-2 year-1, respectively), although bark and crown fragments were similar between the two species (74.4 and 71.7 g m-2 year-1). They also studied fuelbed characteristics for 22 species of conifers found in the Sierra Nevada. Litter depth was found to be lowest in white fir and red fir (Abies magnifica A. Murr) forests ( ̅ = 0.2 cm). Jeffrey pine had a 3 greater mean litter depth (1.1 cm) than white fir, although duff depth was greater in white fir forests than Jeffrey pine forests (6.5 cm and 5.4 cm, respectively) (van Wagtendonk et al., 1998). Litter and duff depths varied from 2 to 6 cm in white fir forests and from 2 to 16 cm in ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl. x Laws.) forests in the Sierra Nevada (Stephens et al., 2004). Duff depths may vary within stands because bark slough accumulates directly beneath trees rather than farther away (Ryan and Frandsen, 1991; Miyanishi and Johnson, 2002). Litter and duff depths decrease with distance from trees in mixed conifer forests of Montana (Ryan and Frandsen, 1991), Oregon (Swezy and Agee, 1991) and California (Hille and Stephens, 2005), with litter depths decreasing from 5 cm to less than 2 cm two meters away from tree bases, and duff depths decreasing from 13 to 3 cm seven meters from tree bases (Swezy and Agee, 1991). Understanding the spatial variability of forest floor horizon depths within a stand is important because litter and duff depths affect the moisture content of the forest floor, which in turn affects flaming and smoldering combustion and consumption during both prescribed fire and wildfire. Deeper duff depths are known to sustain smoldering at higher moisture contents (Miyanishi and Johnson, 2002). Therefore large trees are at greater risk for basal injury caused by duff smoldering (Ryan and Frandsen, 1991; Sweezy and Agee, 1991; Stephens and Finney, 2002; Varner et al., 2007). Variability in duff depth and duff moisture within a stand can also influence post-fire forest floor consumption patterns, which affects rates of erosion and runoff following fire (Morris and Moses, 1987; Cannon et al., 1998; Cannon and Reneau, 2000; Beeson et al., 2001). 4 Within the duff horizons, bulk density increases with depth (van Wagtendonk et al., 1998; Stephens et al., 2004). Needle morphology influences litter depth and forest floor fuelbed arrangement (Stephens et al., 2004). Conifers with short needles have shallower litter horizons than conifers with medium to long needles. Fuelbeds of medium-to-long needled conifers tend to be more porous than those of short-needled conifers. These “fluffy” fuelbeds will burn with greater intensity than denser forest floors (van Wagtendonk et al., 1998). These authors also found that bulk densities of litter and duff were two times greater in white fir stands than Jeffrey pine stands. A study by Stephens et al. (2004) found bulk densities within the lowest stratum of white fir forest floors to be four times greater than ponderosa pine forests. Bulk density affects forest floor moisture dynamics and contributes to consumption during and extinguishment of smoldering fires (Frandsen, 1987; Stephens et al., 2004; Hille and Stephens, 2005). Although moisture was the most important factor influencing forest floor consumption, inorganic content of the forest floor was also found to be an important component of smoldering fires (Frandsen, 1987; Reardon et al., 2007, Garlough and Keyes, 2011). Garlough and Keyes (2011) found that consumption of the fermentation horizon was constrained by moisture content, and consumption of the humus horizon was constrained by moisture content and mineral content in duff mounds beneath large ponderosa pines. Inorganic matter within the forest floor acts as a flame retardant; where fuels with high mineral contents experience decreased rates of volatilization, increased residue, and a decrease in endothermic intensity and energy output throughout smoldering combustion (Philpot, 1970). 5 Forest floors with large duff accumulations release a majority of energy during smoldering combustion, not during the flaming front, and the vast majority of duff is consumed by slow smoldering combustion (Frandsen, 1987; Frandsen, 1991). While smoldering fires can reduce forest floor accumulation, they can also induce large tree mortality due to basal injury (Ryan and Frandsen, 1991; Sweezy and Agee, 1991; Stephens and Finney, 2002; Varner et al., 2007). Fuel loading, fuel moisture, and forest floor bulk density have been found to influence the connectivity of burnable area (Miller and Urban 2000). Spatial variations in forest floor fuels are important for understanding and predicting post-fire consumption patterns, yet little research has focused on this variation. Knowledge gaps in the variation of forest floor fuels – spatially in relation to the distance from a tree, among forest floor horizons, and between important conifer species in the Sierra Nevada – have huge management implications. Understanding variation in forest floor fuels will help us to predict and understand forest floor consumption patterns, which affect seedling regeneration, smoke production, largediameter tree mortality, mineral soil heating, soil-nutrient cycling, and runoff and leaching (Neary et al., 1999), as well as restoration management and prescribed fire objectives. This research addressed the following questions: (1) how does forest floor bulk density and depth differ between tree species (Jeffrey pine and white fir), among forest floor horizons (litter, fermentation, and humus), across positions in relation to distance from trees (tree base, crown drip line, and in open gaps), and across study sites; (2) how does forest floor ash content differ between species, and among forest floor horizons; and (3) how does composition and mass of the litter horizon change both spatially and 6 between species? Land managers will benefit from detailed information of forest floor characteristics in long-unburned ecosystems, an area of increasing management and conservation concern (Hood, 2010). Understanding the spatial variability of forest floor bulk density, depth, ash content, and composition at a small scale (between species and among forest floor horizons) and large scale (spatially within a stand and throughout the Basin), will help land managers make appropriate prescribed fire and wildfire management decisions. 2. METHODS 2.1. Study Sites The Lake Tahoe Basin’s climate is characterized by cold, wet winters and warm, dry summers. Average temperatures range from -0.7° C during winter to 23.7° C in summer (Loftis, 2007). On average, the Lake Tahoe Basin receives 831.9 mm of precipitation annually, and over 80% falls as snow, which accumulates between November and April (Loftis, 2007). Bedrock in the Tahoe Basin consists of metamorphic and granitic igneous rocks (Hill, 2006), giving rise to shallow soils (< 1 m) that are excessively drained and are of medium acidity (Loftis, 2007). The four study sites chosen on U.S. Forest Service land were identified by managers as high priority burn units throughout the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit in California and Nevada (Fig. 1). No fires were recorded at any of the sites during the 20th century. All sites varied in slope, aspect, elevation, woody fuel loading, and basal area (Table 1). The Baldy unit is located on the north shore of Lake Tahoe in Nevada, with soil classified as Jorge, a very cobbly, fine sandy loam that is rubbly and welldrained (Loftis, 2007). Baldy’s overstory species composition consisted of 30.1% Jeffrey pine and 69.9% white fir. Secret (located on the east shore of Lake Tahoe in Nevada) and Pioneer (located at the southern end of Tahoe) share similar soils, the Cassenai series, which contains gravelly, loamy coarse sand that is very stony and somewhat excessively drained (Loftis, 2007). The overstory species composition at Secret was 48.9% Jeffrey pine, 25% white fir, 18.2% incense cedar (Calocedrus decurrens [Torr.] Florin.), and 8% sugar pine. Overstory composition at Pioneer was 62.3% Jeffrey pine, 36.9% white fir, and 0.8% lodgepole pine. Bobwhite is on the west shore in California, and the soil 7 8 Baldy Aspect: 216 Elevation: 2293 m Secret Aspect: 280 Elevation: 1951 m Lake Tahoe Bobwhite Aspect: 310 Elevation: 2055 m Nevada Pioneer Aspect: 289 Elevation: 2000 m Fig. 1. Location of the study sites in the Lake Tahoe Basin in California and Nevada. All sites were dominated by mature Jeffrey pine-white fir forests. 9 Table 1. Characteristics of four study sites located in the Lake Tahoe Basin in California and Nevada. Slope (%) Aspect (°) Elevation (m) Baldy 26 216 Secret 18 Pioneer 7 Bobwhite 30 Total Woody Fuel Basal Area Loading (t ha -1 ) (m2 ha-1 ) 2293 17.3 43 280 1951 20.9 40 289 2000 17.5 60 310 2055 * 28 *Woody fuel loading was not estimated for Bobwhite due to hand piling of fuel 10 classification is Meeks, a gravelly, loamy coarse sand (Loftis, 2007); overstory composition was 24.6% Jeffrey pine, 50.8% white fir, 13.1% sugar pine, and 11.5% red fir. 2.2. Field Data Collection During the summers of 2009 and 2010, across all four study sites (Fig. 1), 40 Jeffrey pine ( ̅ DBH = 68.8 cm) and 40 white fir ( ̅ DBH = 66.8 cm) trees greater than 50 cm DBH were randomly selected for bulk density and depth sampling (Fig. 2). For each forest floor horizon (litter, fermentation, and humus), depth and bulk density measurements were collected using a 20 20 cm sampling frame (Fig. 2). All measurements were taken at the base of each tree, at the crown drip line, and beyond the crown in open “gaps” (Fig. 3). A total of 589 bulk density samples were collected, and 2,356 forest floor depth measurements were made. Collected fuels were oven-dried for 48 hours at 60°C and weighed to the nearest 0.01 g. Forest floor horizon depths, combined with frame area dimensions, were used to calculate the sample volumes (cm cm2). Bulk densities were then calculated using dry sample weights divided by sample volumes. 2.3. Laboratory Data Collection To understand the structure of the litter horizon both spatially (tree base, crown drip line, and open “gaps”) and between species, litter samples were sorted into components. Each bulk density sample was sorted by hand into bark, pine leaves, fir leaves, all other leaves, cone parts, and reproductive structures (strobili). Sub-sampling was completed from a total of 36 transects (18 under Jeffrey pine; 18 under white fir) for a total of 108 sorted samples and 648 strata measurements. Fig. 2. From left to right: preparing a bulk density sample from the base of a white fir tree using a 20 × 20 cm frame; view of a bulk density sample before collection of each forest floor horizon (litter, fermentation, and humus); depth measurements. 11 12 Tree Base - 0.5 m Drip Line - 2.0 m Open Gap - 5.0 m Fig. 3. Bulk density samples were collected 0.5 m away from the tree bole at the “base” of each tree, 2.0 m away from the tree bole at the crown “drip line”, and 5.0 m away from the tree bole beyond the crown in open “gaps”. 13 Ash content, the inorganic residue remaining after all organic matter is burned off, was determined using forest floor bulk density samples (n = 72; 12 replicates per horizon per species) from the base of sample trees. Each sample was submerged in water, agitated for 1 minute to remove any bound mineral soil, and oven-dried for 48 hours at 60°C. The forest floor samples ( ̅ = 3.0 g) were then ground in a Wiley mill (5KH33GG106F, A.H. Thomas Co., Philadelphia, PA) using a 1 mm screen and composited for consistent sub-sampling. Ground samples were placed in a muffle furnace (F6020, Thermolyne Corp., Dubuque, IA) for 24 hours at 600°C to allow for complete combustion of organic matter. Combusted samples were then placed in desiccators containing magnesium perchlorate desiccant and cooled to room temperature. Once cooled, samples were weighed to the nearest 0.0001 g, and converted to percent ash content on a dry basis by dividing the ash content by the original sample’s weight (Horwitz, 1965). 2.4. Data Analysis All field collections were completed in a split plot experimental design (Fisher, 1925), with individual sample trees nested within site. A mixed-effects linear model (ANOVA) was used to analyze forest floor bulk density, depth, litter mass, and ash content data. All data were log or logit transformed to meet model assumptions. There was a slight imbalance in the bulk density data (589 rather than 720 bulk density samples) due to lack of humus during collections, although this imbalance did not affect the outcome, as indicated by little difference between adjusted sum of squares and sequential sum of squares. Analyses assessed whether there were any significant relationships and/or interactions between the continuous response variables: bulk density; 14 depth; litter mass; and percent ash content, respectively, and the four categorical predictor variables: site; species; forest floor horizons; and position in relation to the tree base. When analyzing ash content, only two of the predictor variables (species and forest floor horizons) were considered. Species was considered a random effect, because observations were not independent of one another at the site and species level. Where main effects or interactions were found to be significant ( < 0.05), multiple comparisons tests with the Bonferonni correction were used to investigate differences among categorical variable levels. 3. RESULTS Bulk density of the forest floor did not differ between Jeffrey pine and white fir (61.3 and 57.7 kg m-3, respectively, P = 0.492). There were no species × horizon or species × location effects. Litter was significantly less compact than fermentation and humus horizons (P < 0.001), with bulk density of fermentation (105.7 kg m-3) and humus (115.9 kg m-3) ca. 4 times greater than litter (23.7 kg m-3). At each collection location, bulk density of all forest floor horizons differed from one another; litter was less compact across all collection locations, fermentation had the highest bulk density values at tree bases, and humus was most compact beneath crown drip lines and in open gaps (P = 0.002; Table 2). Site variation of forest floor bulk density was low throughout the Tahoe Basin. Bulk density of the litter horizon was statistically similar at all sites excluding Baldy and Pioneer, where litter was two times more compact at Baldy than Pioneer. Fermentation and humus bulk density did not differ across the four study sites (P < 0.001; Table 2). On average, Jeffrey pine and white fir forest floor depths did not differ from one another (P = 0.421), and there were no species × location effects (P = 0.601). Litter horizons were deeper around Jeffrey pines than white firs (P < 0.001), although litter was the only forest floor horizon that differed between species. Forest floor depths decreased with increasing distance from trees. Forest floor depths decreased by ca. 30% 2 m away (crown drip line) and by ca. 50% 5 m away (open gaps) from tree bases (P < 0.001; Fig. 4). All forest floor horizon depths differed significantly from one another (P < 0.001). Fermentation was the deepest horizon (0.3 to 14.2 cm). Litter ranged from 0.1 to 15 Table 2. Mean bulk density (kg m-3) and 95% confidence intervals (95% C.I.) for forest floor horizons across positions in relation to distance from trees and across sites in long-unburned Jeffrey pine and white fir forests throughout the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA. Position Site Tree Base Crown Drip Line Open Gap n 214 196 179 26.7bA 21.1aA 23.7abA Bulk Density kg m -3 (95% C.I.) Litter Fermentation Humus bC aB 120.2 (22.2, 32.2) (110.7, 130.5) 93.5 (74.9, 116.6) aB bC 99.3 125.9 (17.9, 24.9) (88.0, 112.0) (100.3, 157.9) bC 98.9aB (19.8, 28.3) (87.3, 112.1) 168.9 (135.8, 210.2) Pioneer Secret Bobwhite Baldy 135 159 156 139 14.7a 19.8ab 24.9ab 42.6b (12.1, 17.9) (17.6, 22.2) (20.9, 29.6) (34.5, 52.6) 84.2a 95.3a 128.4a 121.1a (75.5, 93.9) (82.6, 109.8) (113.9, 144.7) (107.6, 136.3) 95.3a 133.2a 158.3a 109.0a (72.1, 125.7) (97.2, 182.3) (122.5, 204.4) (85.4, 139.0) Superscripted lowercase letters (a, b, c) represent significant dif ferences vertically. Superscripted uppercase letters (A, B, C) represent significant dif ferences horizontally. 16 17 10 Litter 2.7 Fermentation 1.5 Depth (cm) 8 Humus 1.4 6 2.0 6.2 4 1.7 5.7 1.0 4.7 4.1 2 1.5 3.3 0.2 0.4 8 9 1.6 0 1 3.5 2 Tree Base 0.5 m 3 0.6 0.7 4 5 Crown Drip Line 2.0 m 6 7 Open Gaps 5.0 m Fig. 4. Average depths (cm) of the forest floor (litter, fermentation, humus) between Jeffrey pine and white fir in relation to distance from trees in long-unburned forests of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA. 18 7.2 cm. Humus depths were similar to litter (0.1 to 7.3 cm). Depth of the fermentation horizon differed across all positions and decreased by ca. 40% 5 m away from tree boles in gaps. Litter depths were similar at tree bases and beneath crown drip lines and ca. 25% shallower in open gaps. Humus at the base of trees was 70% deeper than beneath crown drip lines and open gaps (P < 0.001; Fig. 4). On average, Jeffrey pine litter had a higher loading (216.0 g m-2) than white fir litter (69.0 g m-2). Among the litter horizon components, pine needles comprised over 80% (173.3 g m-2) of Jeffrey pine litter. A combination of pine and fir needles made up ca. 60% (41.0 g m-2) of litter beneath white fir. Combinations of cone and bark slough were also common, composing ca. 12% (31.9 g m-2) of the litter beneath Jeffrey pines and greater than 20% (22.6 g m-2) of the litter beneath white firs. Reproductive structures and leaves/needles of other plant species were rare, comprising less than 10% of the litter beneath both conifers (Table 3). Of the six components of surface litter, only the mass of bark slough and other leaves were similar between species. The litter beneath Jeffrey pines consisted of ca. 7 times more pine needles, ca. 2 times more cone matter, and ca. 2 times more reproductive structures than the litter beneath white firs, although the litter beneath white firs contained ca. 18 times more fir needles than Jeffrey pine litter (P < 0.001). Pine needles, fir needles, and other leaves did not differ across position (tree base, crown drip line, open gaps). Bark slough was the only component that differed across all locations, with 22 times more bark at the base of trees than 5 m away, ca. 6 times more bark at the base of trees than under the crown drip line, and 3.5 times more bark beneath the crown drip Table 3. Mean percent composition (%) values of the litter horizon sorted by components between species and among position in relation to distance from trees in long-unburned forests of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA. P. jeffreyi 54 Pine Leaves 84.2 A. concolor 54 47.4 25.0 14.9 8.3 4.2 0.2 Tree Base 36 56.7 4.6 16.1 17.8 4.9 0.1 36 79.0 2.3 11.3 3.9 3.5 0.1 36 81.8 4.6 9.7 1.0 2.7 0.2 n Species Location Crown Drip Line Open Gaps Fir Leaves 0.4 % Composition Cone Reproductive Bark Matter Structures 10.0 2.3 3.1 Other Leaves 0.1 19 20 line than out in open gaps. There was ca. 9 times more cone matter and ca. 3 times more bark slough directly beneath Jeffrey pines than white firs (cone = 101.6 and 11.4 g m-2; bark = 55.9 and 19.4 g m-2, respectively). Cone matter and reproductive structures only differed between the tree base and in open gaps, with ca. 3 times more cone matter and reproductive structures at the tree base opposed to open gaps (P < 0.001) (Fig. 5). White firs had significantly higher ash content than Jeffrey pines across all forest floor horizons, with twice the ash in the litter than Jeffrey pine (P < 0.001). Ash content differed among all horizons (P < 0.001) with litter < fermentation < humus (Fig. 6). 21 Cone 400 Reproductive Structures Loading (g m-2) Bark Other Leaves 300 Fir Leaves Pine Leaves 200 100 0 PIJE TB ABCO TB Tree Base 0.5 m PIJE DL ABCO DL Crown Drip Line 2.0 m PIJE O ABCO O Open Gaps 5.0 m Fig. 5. Average loading (g m-2) of the litter surface sorted by components between Jeffrey pine and white fir in relation to distance from trees in long-unburned forests of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA. 22 30 Litter 15 Litter Ash Content (%) 0 30 ABCO PIJE Fermentation Fermentation 15 0 30 ABCO PIJE Humus Humus 15 Mineral Soil 0 ABCO PIJE Fig. 6. Left: Mean ash content (%) of the forest floor horizons at the base of Jeffrey pine and white fir trees, along with 95% confidence interval bounds. Ash content significantly differed (P < 0.001) across horizons and species × horizon combinations. Right: Profile of forest floor horizons in a long-unburned Jeffrey pine-white fir forest in the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA. 23 4. DISCUSSION Forest floor flammability and post-fire effects are driven by composition, loading, and structure of litter fuels (van Wagtendonk et al., 1998; Miller and Urban, 2000; Fonda, 2001; Stephens et al., 2004). In the Tahoe Basin, litter loading and composition between Jeffrey pine and white fir differed substantially (Table 3; Fig. 5). Beneath pines, over 80% of the litter was composed of Jeffrey pine needles and less than 1% consisted of white fir leaves. This compared to about 50% Jeffrey pine needles and 25% white fir needles beneath firs. Although two of the four study sites contained higher percentages (by density and basal area) of white fir than Jeffrey pine (Baldy and Bobwhite), Jeffrey pine needles still dominated the litter horizon at all sites. van Wagtendonk and Moore, (2010) found that in Yosemite National Park, foliage deposition rates for medium (15 to 60 cm DBH) diameter Jeffrey pine were slightly higher than white fir (214.4 and 206.5 g m-2, respectively). Regardless of the mechanism, the overwhelming abundance of pine litter in this forest type strongly affects flammability of Jeffrey pine-white fir forest floors. Under laboratory conditions (Fonda, 2001; where litter moisture was the same for both species), Jeffrey pine litter burned with greater maximum flame heights than white fir litter (83.9 and 21.8 cm, respectively). A greater percentage of Jeffrey pine litter was consumed during burns (89.0% and 39.4%, respectively) (E. Banwell and J.M. Varner, unpublished data). Jeffrey pine litter also smoldered longer (82 sec) than white fir needles (E. Banwell and J.M. Varner, unpublished data), which increases the chances of igniting imbedded cones and bark slough in the forest floor horizons. There was much more cone matter and bark slough directly beneath Jeffrey pine than white fir. Jeffrey 24 pine cones burn differently than needles, with longer flaming and smoldering times (total cone burn time = 78 minutes, Fonda and Varner, 2004; total needle burn time = 7 minutes, E. Banwell and J.M. Varner, unpublished data). During a fire, smoldering cone and bark fragments in the litter horizon could increase pre-heating of the underlying forest floor horizons, amplifying the potential of smoldering duff fires surrounding the bases of trees. In contrast to previous studies on Sierra Nevada forest floor characteristics (van Wagtendonk et al., 1998; Stephens et al., 2004), forest floor bulk densities did not differ between Pinus and Abies species. Bulk density results for Jeffrey pine litter were comparable to those reported by van Wagtendonk et al. (1998), although the bulk density of litter beneath white fir was almost twice previous estimates (78.4 versus 33.1 kg m-3). The bulk density values for duff (fermentation and humus combined) found by van Wagtendonk et al. (1998) were higher for both Jeffrey pine (101.8 versus 168.5 kg m-3) and white fir (110.0 versus 183.0 kg m-3). Comparisons of bulk density values among these studies are problematic due to differences in tree size (2.5 to 120 cm DBH in van Wagtendonk et al. (1998) versus 50 to 112 cm DBH in this study), collection locations, and differences in forest floor horizon delineation (categorizing forest floor by depths rather than horizons). Bulk density samples were also collected from pure stands of species sampled by van Wagtendonk et al. (1998) and Stephens et al. (2004), whereas this study focused on mixed Jeffrey pine-white fir forests. Forest floor depths among these studies also differed, ranging from 2 to 6 cm in white fir forests and 2 up to 16 cm in ponderosa pine forests (Stephens et al. 2004), whereas white fir forest floor depths ranged from 1 to 20 cm and forest floor depths 25 beneath Jeffrey pines ranged from 2 to 19 cm in this study. Average litter depths were greater in our study compared to van Wagtendonk et al. (1995). Average Jeffrey pine litter depth was 2.1 cm compared to 1.1 cm in van Wagtendonk et al. (1995) and white fir litter depths averaged 1.3 cm compared to 0.2 cm, respectively. Differences in average litter depths could be due to van Wagtendonk et al. (1998) excluding cone matter from the litter horizon. Jeffrey pine and white fir forest floor bulk densities were similar throughout the Basin, and fermentation had the highest bulk density values of any horizon, yet there was little variability across sites. Total woody fuel loading was also similar among sites (Table 1). The uniformity of forest floors throughout the Basin shows that there is a similar need for prescribed fire to reduce fuel and forest floor accumulations across the Lake Tahoe Basin. Bulk densities of the forest floor litter and fermentation horizons did not differ in relation to distance from trees, although the humus horizon was more compact at the base of trees. Average duff depths were also greater at the base of trees (7.5 cm) compared to open gaps (3.5 cm). Humus accumulation at the bases of mature trees can lead to increased duff consumption during fire (Hille and den Ouden, 2005), and deep duff can extend smoldering at higher moisture contents and sustain smoldering fire longer than shallow duff horizons because deeper duff traps heat that would otherwise be lost to convection at the surface (Miyanishi and Johnson, 2002). Basal smoldering is affected by forest floor moisture, ash content, bulk density, depth, and composition (Fig. 7). Smoldering duff mounds can cause heat-related injury to the vascular cambia of thick-barked trees typically resistant to low-intensity fires 26 (Ryan and Frandsen, 1991; Swezy and Agee, 1991; Stephens and Finney, 2002; Hille and Stephens, 2005; Varner et al., 2007). Higher ash content within the forest floor affects smoldering duff fires by decreasing volatilization rates, decreasing energy output and endothermic intensity, and by increasing rates of residue (Philpot, 1970). This study found ash contents of Jeffrey pine litter around 2.3% and white fir litter roughly 4.7% (pure Jeffrey pine needle ash = 2.2%, pure white fir needle ash = 5.2%; E. Banwell and J.M. Varner, unpublished data). Other studies have found similar ash contents. Stephens et al. (2004) found that the uppermost horizon in ponderosa pine forest floors had an average ash content of 3.5%, and white fir forest floors had an ash content of 6.5%. Philpot (1970) found ash content of ponderosa pine needles to be 3.9%. Minerals in the forest floor also absorb heat and decrease the propagation of smoldering (Frandsen, 1987; Frandsen, 1997). The data suggest that white fir forest floors may be less flammable than Jeffrey pine forest floors. White fir forests may need drier conditions in order to ignite and smolder in their ash-rich litter. Lower elevations of the Tahoe Basin are dominated by Jeffrey pine and white fir and account for over 50% of the total vegetated area, covering 15,346 and 14,927 ha, respectively (Greenberg et al., 2006). As lower elevations throughout the Basin are increasingly encroached by human development, it is imperative to understand fuel characteristics of the dominant vegetation in these wildland-urban interfaces (Safford et al., 2009). The comprehensive data on Jeffrey pine-white fir forest floors from this study will help land managers effectively reduce forest floor accumulation, reducing the risk of major wildfire events in the developed areas surrounding Lake Tahoe. Lower elevations of the Tahoe Basin are dominated by Jeffrey pine and white fir 27 Bulk Density Ash Content Composition Moisture (Chapter 2) Depth SMOLDERING COMBUSTION Tree Mortality Soil Heating Forest Floor Consumption Emissions Post-fire Erosion Fig. 7. Factors influencing combustion (top) and simplified effects of combustion (bottom). A “-” symbol indicates a negative response in combustion to an increase in the given variable, a “+” symbol indicates a positive response in combustion to an increase in the given variable, and the asterisk signifies the more complex dependence of combustion on forest floor composition. 28 and account for over 50% of the total vegetated area, covering 15,346 and 14,927 ha, respectively (Greenberg et al., 2006). As lower elevations throughout the Basin are increasingly encroached by human development, it is imperative to understand fuel characteristics of the dominant vegetation in these wildland-urban interfaces (Safford et al., 2009). The comprehensive data on Jeffrey pine-white fir forest floors from this study will help land managers effectively reduce forest floor accumulation, reducing the risk of major wildfire events in the developed areas surrounding Lake Tahoe. Results from this study show that Jeffrey pine forest floors may be at a greater risk for excessive basal smoldering during fire. Forest floor fires beneath Jeffrey pines may burn at greater intensities and smolder longer than white fir forest floors due to differences in burning characteristics of Jeffrey pine needles versus white fir needles, higher cone and bark loadings beneath Jeffrey pines, and lower levels of ash content in all forest floor horizons compared to white fir forest floors. Since Jeffrey pine forest floors beneath trees may burn at greater intensities and smolder longer, there is a greater risk of pine mortality than fir mortality during fire. 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CHAPTER TWO: Spatial and temporal variation of forest floor moisture in longunburned Jeffrey pine-white fir forests of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA. 1. INTRODUCTION Prior to the turn of the 20th century, coniferous forests throughout the Lake Tahoe Basin were open and dominated by Jeffrey pine (Pinus jeffreyi Grev. and Balf) (Taylor and Beaty, 2005). In the late 19th century, fire frequency was reduced throughout the Sierra Nevada (Taylor, 2004; Taylor and Beaty, 2005), causing an increase in forest density and surface fuel accumulation (Vankat and Major, 1978; Parsons and DeBenedetti, 1979; McKelvey et al., 1996; Miller and Urban, 2000; Taylor, 2004). Shade tolerant and fire-sensitive white fir (Abies concolor [Gord. and Glend.] Lindl.) is among the species that benefitted from fire exclusion. The potential for high severity wildfires has increased (Vankat and Major, 1978; Parsons and DeBenedetti, 1979; McKelvey et al., 1996; Miller and Urban, 2000) due to the change in forest structure and development of forest floors with distinct, deep organic horizons (Stephens and Finney, 2002; Stephens et al., 2004). Fire effects in long-unburned forest floors are linked to duff moisture, bulk density, and depth (Frandsen, 1987; Miyanishi and Johnson, 2002; Varner et al., 2005; Raaflaub and Valeo, 2008). The following aspects of fire are affected by forest floor moisture: pre-heating and ignition, flame temperature, rate of spread, fire intensity, emissions, residence time, consumption, and rate of energy release (Stocks, 1970; Harrington, 1982; Nelson, 2001). In contrast to other drivers of forest floor fire behavior (bulk density, depth, and mineral content; see Chapter 1), moisture content can change rapidly in response to 33 34 metrological conditions over the short term on an hourly-weekly scale (Stocks, 1970; Nelson, 2001; Raaflaub and Valeo, 2008). Meteorological conditions that influence moisture content of forest floor fuels include air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, precipitation (including fog and dew), solar radiation, and canopy interception of precipitation (Nelson, 2001). Evaporation is the most important factor influencing drying patterns of the forest floor (Stocks, 1970). Drying of a conifer needle initially occurs through evaporation of the free water on top of and between needles. The energy needed for evaporation reduces the needle temperature by a few degrees (Nelson and Hiers, 2008). When there is no longer free water available for evaporation, the drying procedure changes: water within the needle moves to the needle’s surface and into the air, using the combined diffusion of bound water and water vapor (Van Wagner, 1979). The two main drivers of water loss from a fuelbed include the difference between the vapor pressure of the external air and the vapor pressure within the fuelbed (Nelson and Hiers, 2008). Air temperature, relative humidity, and fuel moisture are interrelated (Countryman, 1977). Air temperatures typically increase during the day and decrease at night. Relative humidity follows the inverse pattern of air temperature. Litter moisture patterns track relative humidity patterns closely throughout the day, although temperature and relative humidity change more rapidly than litter (Countryman, 1977, Ferguson et al., 2002). Litter typically has a higher moisture content than the equilibrium moisture (moisture content at which fuel is neither gaining nor losing moisture) during the day and a lower moisture content at night. In the early morning and late evening, when 35 temperature and relative humidity are reversing patterns, the moisture of the litter horizon has time to “catch up” to the equilibrium moisture (Countryman, 1977). Forest floors tend to dry from the surface downward to mineral soil. A study by Harrington (1982) showed that when the moisture content of 1-hour woody fuel is less than 10%, 1-hour woody fuel moisture is a good predictor of litter moisture. Needles have higher percentages of extractives (organic compounds that can be highly flammable) than wood. Extractives tend to reduce moisture exchange rates and decrease water uptake (Nelson, 2001). Lower forest floor horizons, insulated from atmospheric changes, tend to have slower drying times than the uppermost forest floor horizon (Stocks, 1970). Weathered fuel particles without a waxy surface gain and lose moisture much faster than un-weathered particles (Van Wagner, 1969). Fuel particles in latter stages of decomposition have higher moisture holding capacities than un-decomposed fuels, and the maximum moisture holding capacity of the forest floor increases with increasing depth (Stocks, 1970). Forest floor bulk density also affects fuel moisture dynamics. Denser forest floor profiles have slower drying rates than more porous forest floor profiles (Stephens, 2000). Fuel time lag, also known as fuel response time, is defined as the amount of time (hours) required to lose 63.2% (1 – 1/e) of the initial fuel moisture content above equilibrium (Byram, 1963). Response times are important for determining how rapidly fuels lose and gain moisture in response to wetting and drying sequences (Anderson, 1985). Fuel time lags for conifer litter range from 1 to 21 hours (Fosberg, 1975; Anderson et al., 1978). Response times for subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa [Hook.] Nutt.) and grand fir (Abies grandis Lindl.) litter ranged from 10.6 to 11.4 hours, respectively 36 (Anderson, 1985). Ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Dougl.) litter had an average response time of 5.8 hours (Anderson, 1985). Time lag studies often convert moisture content to relative moisture content (E). Relative moisture content is known as the fraction of remaining water in the fuelbed available for evaporation at time t (hours) (Fosberg, 1970; Anderson, 1985; Nelson and Hiers, 2008) and is given by: ( E=( ) ) (Eq. 1) where E = relative moisture content = moisture content at time t (hours) = equilibrium moisture content = initial moisture content; “fiber saturation”. Duff moisture, bulk density, and depth are strong determinants of the amount of duff consumed during fire (Frandsen, 1987; Stephens et al., 2004; Hille and Stephens, 2005) and vary depending on spatial position (Frandsen, 1987; Miyanishi and Johnson, 2002; Raaflaub and Valeo, 2008). Spatial variation in duff moisture can be influenced by precipitation throughfall, which is related to overstory canopy structure and understory vegetation (Hille and Stephens, 2005). In a mixedwood boreal forest, Miyanishi and Johnson (2002) found that duff had a significantly lower moisture content beneath trees than in open gaps and found that post-fire patch sizes were more evenly distributed when duff was dry. The moisture content of duff was also higher in gaps than beneath trees in a mixed-conifer forest of the Sierra Nevada (Hille and Stephens, 2005), and in a jack pine 37 (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) stand located in Saskatchewan, Canada (Chrosciewicz, 1989). Many studies have observed spatial patterns in duff consumption in coniferous forests (Sweeney and Biswell, 1961; Robichaud and Miller, 1999; Miyanishi and Johnson, 2002; Hille and Stephens, 2005; Knapp et al., 2005; Knapp and Keeley, 2006). Distance from a tree’s bole strongly predicts the amount of duff remaining after prescribed burns. There is a lower probability of duff remaining closer to trees. This is likely due to lower moisture levels beneath tree canopies than in open gaps, and deeper forest floor accumulation near the base of trees (Miyanishi and Johnson, 2002; Hille and den Ouden, 2005; Hille and Stephens, 2005). Higher duff moisture contents lead to less duff consumption (Nelson, 2001; Varner et al., 2007). Smoldering fires can ignite in dry patches of the forest floor and spread to moist areas due to heat transfer ahead of the smoldering front (Frandsen, 1987). Previous studies have found complete forest floor consumption to occur at moisture contents below a 30% threshold (Sandberg, 1980; Brown et al., 1985; Stephens and Finney, 2002; Hille and Stephens, 2005) and no smoldering combustion to take place above 120% moisture content (Sandberg, 1980). In a long-unburned longleaf pine (Pinus palustris Mill.) forest, Varner et al. (2007) found that prescribed fire during dry duff conditions (55% duff moisture content) consumed six times the amount of forest floor compared to wet duff conditions (115% duff moisture content). Understanding forest floor moisture patterns is critical to the prediction post-fire forest floor consumption. The amount of woody fuel consumed and duration of flaming front is also dependent on the amount of duff consumption (Sandberg, 1980). Prescribed fires with fuel reduction objectives have greatest efficiency during drier summer and fall conditions 38 in white fir forests and during spring, summer, or fall in western pine forests (Agee et al., 1978). Aspect and topography can also influence post-fire forest floor mosaics (Taylor and Skinner, 2003). Studies have found positive relationships between amounts of duff consumed and increases in rates of runoff, erosion, hyper-concentrated flow, severe flooding, sedimentation, and debris flow (Morris and Moses, 1987; Cannon et al., 1998; Robichaud and Miller, 1999; Cannon and Reneau, 2000; Beeson et al., 2001). Knowledge of forest floor moisture dynamics throughout the fire season will help land managers predict post-fire consumption patterns and outcomes because duff moisture is the primary predictor of duff consumption (Frandsen, 1987). Duff moisture varies depending upon spatial position (Frandsen, 1987; Miyanishi and Johnson, 2002; Raaflaub and Valeo, 2008). This study addressed the following questions: (1) how does forest floor moisture differ between species (Jeffrey pine and white fir), among forest floor horizons (litter, fermentation, and humus) and other important woody fuels (cones, 1-hour woody fuels, 10-hour woody fuels), across positions in relation to the base of a tree (tree base, canopy drip line, and open gaps), throughout the fire season (snowmelt to snowfall), and across the Tahoe Basin (at four study sites); (2) how does forest floor moisture differ interannually (2009 and 2010) at one site; (3) how does forest floor moisture vary over a 24-hour period between species, across positions in relation to the base of a tree, and between important woody fuels (cones and 1-hour woody fuels); and lastly (4) how do fuel moisture time lags vary among Jeffrey pine litter, white fir litter, Jeffrey pine 1-hour woody fuel, Jeffrey pine 10-hour woody fuel, and Jeffrey pine cones? This study will develop a better understanding of forest floor moisture dynamics between Jeffrey pine- 39 white fir forests, among forest floor horizons and woody fuels, at an individual tree scale, across sites throughout Lake Tahoe Basin, and between the 2009 and 2010 fire seasons. In-depth knowledge of forest floor moisture dynamics is important for the development of management and conservation plans throughout Jeffrey pine-white fir forests of the Sierra Nevada. Studying the patterns of forest floor moisture will aid in management objectives intending to reduce forest floor accumulation in long-unburned ecosystems, as well as develop an understanding for post-fire consumption patterns. The ability to predict and control forest floor consumption patterns during prescribed fires will help to achieve fuel reduction objectives while reducing large tree mortality and limiting erosion into Lake Tahoe. 2. METHODS 2.1. Study Sites Details of the study sites are discussed in Chapter 1, but briefly: four study sites were chosen on U.S. Forest Service land throughout the Lake Tahoe Basin in California and Nevada (Fig. 8). The Baldy unit is on the north shore of Lake Tahoe in Nevada at an elevation of 2293 m. The Secret unit is on the east shore of Lake Tahoe in Nevada at 1951 m. Bobwhite is on the west shore site in California, at an elevation of 2055 m, and Pioneer is located at the southern end of Tahoe, at 2000 m. Pioneer was the location of the interannual (2009, 2010) and diurnal moisture studies, and all four sites were part of the 2010 moisture study (Fig. 8). 2.2. Field Data Collection During the summer of 2009 and 2010, large Jeffrey pine ( ̅ DBH = 68.4 cm) and white fir ( ̅ DBH = 66.4 cm) trees greater than 50 cm DBH were randomly selected for longitudinal moisture sampling (Fig. 9) using a random azimuth and distance (3 to 110 m; using the spin of a compass, where 360 ft = 110 m) between sample trees. The preliminary starting point was always the same at each site, and the actual starting point was selected after traveling the first random distance and random azimuth. The azimuth and distance between sample trees were re-randomized from each selected tree. Samples (> 10 g) of each forest floor horizon (litter, fermentation, and humus) and other important woody forest floor fuels (cones, 1-hour fuels, 10-hour fuels) were collected. Cones were included because they are “vectors” of ignition for the underlying forest floor due to their long smoldering times (Jeffrey pine ̅ = 74 minutes; Fonda and Varner, 2004). Fine 40 41 Baldy (2010) Aspect: 216 Elevation: 2293 m Secret (2010) Aspect: 280 Elevation: 1951 m Lake Tahoe Bobwhite (2010) Aspect: 310 Elevation: 2055 m Nevada Pioneer Diurnal Moisture Study Inter-annual (2009, 2010) Aspect: 289 Elevation: 2000 m Fig. 8. Location of study sites in the Lake Tahoe Basin in California and Nevada. Pioneer was selected for the interannual (2009, 2010) and diurnal moisture studies, and all four sites were selected for the 2010 moisture study. All sites were dominated by mature Jeffrey pine-white fir forests. 42 Tree Base - 0.5 m Drip Line - 2.0 m Open Gap - 5.0 m Fig. 9. Forest floor moisture samples were collected 0.5 m away from the tree bole at the “base” of each tree, 2.0 m away from the tree bole at the crown “drip line”, and 5.0 m away from the tree bole beyond the crown in open “gaps”. 43 woody fuels (1-hour and 10-hour) can carry surface fires, and aid in the ignition of underlying forest floor. Fuel samples were collected ca. 20 days apart throughout the fire seasons of 2009 (21 July to 17 October) and 2010 (10 June to 01 October) from 6 trees (3 Jeffrey pine; 3 white fir) at each study site during each collection date (108 samples/site/collection date). Fuels were collected at the base of each tree, at the crown drip line, and beyond the crown in open “gaps” (Fig. 9) along transects placed at randomly selected azimuths. All fuels were collected between 1200 to 1600 hours. Samples were sealed in polyethylene bags and weighed within 3 hours following collection to obtain wet weights. Collected fuels were then oven-dried for 48 hours at 60 °C to obtain dry weights. Moisture content (% oven-dry basis) was calculated gravimetrically by: [ ( ) ] (Eq. 2) where = moisture content (%) = wet sample weight (g) = oven-dry sample weight (g). A total of 540 moisture samples were collected on 5 dates from July through October 2009 from the southernmost unit, Pioneer. During the summer of 2010, three additional sites across the Lake Tahoe Basin were selected (Fig. 8), and the methods above were repeated. A total of 3,024 moisture samples were collected on 7 dates across the four study sites from June through October in 2010. 44 To investigate moisture patterns across a 24-hour period at the Pioneer site, eight Jeffrey pine ( ̅ DBH = 64.3 cm) and eight white fir ( ̅ DBH = 70.6 cm) trees greater than 50 cm DBH were randomly selected as sample trees (Fig. 10). Three transects on the north side and three transects on the south side of each tree were established. For each species, four transects (two north transects and two south transects) were established every two hours over a 24-hour period, with azimuths selected using a random number generator. At each transect, samples (> 10 g) of litter were collected from the base of each tree, at the crown drip line, and beyond the crown in open “gaps” (Fig. 9). A 1-hour (< 0.6 cm) woody fuel sample (> 20 g) and a cone sample (> 40 g) were also collected along each transect. A total of 480 moisture samples were collected on 9 August to 10 August 2010, from 2300 hours to 2100 hours. Weather data, including temperature, wind direction, wind speed, relative humidity, and dew point were recorded during each collection period. All collected fuels were sealed in polyethylene bags and weighed within 30 minutes following collection to obtain wet weights. Collected fuels were then oven-dried for 48 hours at 60 °C to calculate fuel moisture content (Eq. 2). 2.3. Laboratory Data Collection To compare desorption rates across different forest floor fuel types, a controlled time lag experiment was completed. Time lag, also known as response time, is defined as the amount of time (hours) it takes for fuels to lose 63.2% of the initial moisture content above equilibrium (Byram, 1963). Forest floor samples (5 samples each: Jeffrey pine litterbeds; white fir litterbeds; Jeffrey pine 1-hour woody fuelbeds; Jeffrey pine 10-hour woody fuelbeds; and Jeffrey pine cones) were oven dried at 60°C for 48 hours to obtain 45 Fig. 10. Location of the diurnal moisture collection site (Pioneer) in the southern region of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA, dominated by mature Jeffrey pine and white fir. 46 dry weights. Samples were then submerged in a water bath for 24 hours, drained and weighed again prior to the time lag study. Fuels were placed in 20 × 20 cm tins with 36 evenly spaced drainage holes 2 mm in diameter and placed on top of wooden slats (Fig. 11). The desorption experiment took place in a temperature- and humidity-controlled room. Samples were weighed and temperature and relative humidity data ( ̅ = 21.8°C and 42.5%, respectively) were recorded periodically throughout the 196 hours (8 days). Moisture content was converted to relative moisture content (E; Eq. 1) (Fosberg, 1970); the remaining fraction of water available to evaporate from the fuelbed at time t (hours), in order to estimate response times. 2.4. Data Analysis All field collections were completed in a split plot experimental design (Fisher, 1925). A mixed-effects linear model (ANOVA) was used to analyze forest floor moisture (both interannually and across sites) and diurnal moisture data. All field moisture data were log transformed to meet model assumptions. Humus was removed from the 2010 data set, and humus and cones were removed from the interannual dataset due to an insufficient number of samples at the collection locations. Although there was still a slight imbalance in the forest floor moisture dataset due to missing samples, this imbalance did not affect data analysis, as indicated by little difference between adjusted sum of squares and sequential sum of squares. Analyses determined whether there were any significant relationships and (or) interactions between the continuous response variable moisture content (%); and the five categorical predictor variables site, species, forest floor horizons, position in relation to the tree, and date of collection. 47 Fig. 11. Forest floor samples used in a laboratory time lag experiment: Jeffrey pine cones; Jeffrey pine litter; Jeffrey pine 1-hour and 10-hour woody fuelbeds; and white fir litter collected from the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA. 48 When analyzing interannual moisture and diurnal moisture datasets, site was not included as a predictor variable. When analyzing moisture data across the Lake Tahoe Basin, measurements from individual sample trees were nested within site and species as a random effect, because observations were not independent of one another at the site and species level. Due to lack of independence between certain variables for the interannual moisture data, measurements from individual sample trees were nested within year of collection and species, and collection dates were nested within year of collection. When analyzing the diurnal moisture study, transects were nested within species and time of collection. Where main effects or interactions were found to be significant ( < 0.05), multiple comparisons tests with the Bonferonni correction were used to investigate differences among categorical variable levels. Piecewise polynomial (in this case, piecewise linear) curve-fitting was used to analyze the time lag data (Seber and Wild, 1989). Relative moisture content (Eq. 2) was log-transformed, and the negative inverse of the slope (-1/b1) was used to determine the response time for each fuel type. Once time lags were obtained for each forest floor sample, these values were compared using a multiple comparisons test, with the Bonferonni correction, to investigate differences among categorical variable levels ( < 0.05). 3. RESULTS Forest floor components beneath Jeffrey pines were drier than white fir forest floors across all sites and collection locations (P = 0.007) during the 2010 fire season. Forest floor samples collected at the tree base (8.0% moisture content) were significantly wetter than beneath the crown drip line (6.8% moisture content) and open gaps (6.0% moisture content), whereas moisture samples collected from the crown drip line and open gaps did not differ from one another (P < 0.001). Among the forest floor samples collected throughout the 2010 fire season, the litter horizon was the driest (4.8%), fermentation had the highest moisture content (14.2%; 3 times more moist than litter), and 1-hour and 10-hour woody fuel moisture did not differ (5.5 and 6.0%, respectively) (P < 0.001). There were significant interactions between location, relative to the tree bole, of the collected samples and the forest floor components (P < 0.001). Moisture contents of the litter horizon, along with all woody fuels (1-hour, 10-hour, and cones), did not differ in relation to distance from tree boles. Moisture content of the fermentation horizon differed across all locations, with moisture content lowest in open gaps and highest at tree bases (Fig. 12). The fermentation horizon dipped below the critical moisture threshold of 30% (Sandberg, 1980; Brown et al., 1985; Stephens and Finney, 2002; Hille and Stephens, 2005) by mid-June beneath the crown drip line and in open gaps. Moisture contents remained below 30% throughout the fire season. The fermentation horizon at the base of trees dropped below 30% moisture content in early July. Between the first collection at the beginning of June and the second collection in mid-June (11 days apart), 49 100 Moisture Content (%) 75 50 25 0 10 June 21 June 05 July 21 July 05 August 30 August 01 October Collection Date Fig. 12. Mean moisture content (%) of the fermentation horizon across positions in relation to tree boles, during the 2010 fire season in Jeffrey pine-white fir forests of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA. 50 51 moisture content of the fermentation horizon at the tree base dropped by 60% (85.7 to 34.7%, respectively). Beneath the crown drip line moisture content decreased by ca. 70% (67.2 to 21.0%, respectively). Open gaps lost over 75% of its moisture content (55.9 to 13.2%, respectively; Fig. 12). Moisture patterns among the collected forest floor components were similar across all locations: litter and 1-hour fuel were the driest components and did not differ from one another in moisture content; 1-hour and 10-hour fuel did not differ from one another in moisture content. Cones and the fermentation horizon were significantly more moist than all other components. There were significant interactions between collection dates and location of the collected samples (P = 0.029). During the first and last two moisture collections in 2010 (10 June, 30 August, and 01 October), moisture across locations in relation to distance from tree boles (Fig. 9) did not differ, and forest floor fuels had the highest moisture contents during these dates. At the end of June, forest floor moisture at the base of trees (9.1%) was higher than beneath crown drip lines (6.9%) and in open gaps (6.1%). In early July through early August, forest floor components in open gaps (3.7%) were significantly drier than at the base of trees (5.3%), although forest floor moisture beneath crown drip lines did not differ from open gaps or tree bases. Forest floor horizons and woody fuel were driest at the end of July through early August. Collection dates and forest floor components also had significant interactions (P < 0.001). Moisture contents of 1-hour and 10-hour fuels were similar across all collection dates. Cones, 1-hour, and 10-hour woody fuel moisture contents were similar from the end of June through the culmination of the 2010 fire season (Fig. 13). Litter and 1-hour fuel moisture contents were statistically similar across all collection dates. 20 15 10 Moisture Content (%) 5 0 120 6/10/10 6/21/10 Low Consumption 7/5/10 7/21/10 8/5/10 Moderate Consumption 8/30/10 10/1/10 Heavy Consumption 90 60 30 Litter 0 10 June 21 June 05 July 21 July 05 August 30 August 01 October Collection Date Fig. 13. Mean moisture content (%) of different forest floor fuels (top) and horizons (bottom) during the 2010 fire season throughout the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA. Different scale on y-axis for fuel moisture (0 to 20%) and forest floor horizon moisture (0 to 120%). 52 53 Moisture contents of litter, 1-hour, and 10-hour fuels were similar across all dates except for the first collection period (10 June). Throughout the fire season, 1-hour and 10-hour fuels remained below 15% moisture content (Fig. 13). The fermentation horizon had significantly higher moisture content than any other forest floor component (except humus) from the beginning of June through early July (Fig. 13). Although humus could not be statistically analyzed due to lack of samples, moisture content in humus did not drop below 30% until late August. Humus maintained the highest moisture content throughout the entire 2010 fire season (Fig. 13). Rain events at Pioneer in late August and at Bobwhite in late September did not allow for a true comparison of moisture patterns across the Lake Tahoe Basin. After removing the last two collection dates from the analyses (30 August and 1 October, 2010), moisture contents across sites still differed (P = 0.027), and there were significant interactions between collection dates and study sites (P < 0.001) located throughout the Lake Tahoe Basin (Table 4). Forest floor fuels were collected at the southernmost site, Pioneer, during both the 2009 and 2010 fire seasons. June through October temperatures were similar between years, although 2009 was warmer than 2010 in April (12.6 and 10.3C, respectively) and May (20.1 and 14.3C, respectively) (Fig. 14). Throughout the months of February through October, 2010 was 9.2 cm wetter than 2009 (Fig. 14). During the months of February through May, both years received 34.0 cm of precipitation, although 2009 had 6.7 cm more precipitation in May than 2010 (Fig. 14). The Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI; Palmer, 1965) indicates that 2009 was a “mild drought” year ( ̅ PDSI = 1.54). 2010 was classified as a “near normal” year ( ̅ PDSI = -0.02) in Region 3 of 54 Table 4. Average forest floor moisture (%) across sites throughout the 2010 fire season in the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA. Moisture Content (%) Pioneer Bobwhite Secret Baldy 10 June 12.7 a 12.8 a 13.9 a 22.0 b 21 June 7.5 bc 6.9 ab 6.1 a 8.7 c 05 July 6.1 a 5.2 a 6.1 a 5.4 a 21 July 2.3 a 3.3 b 4.3 c 3.9 bc 05 August 4.4 b 5.0 b 3.2 a 4.1 b 30 August 36.2 d* 9.9 c 5.6 b 2.9 a 01 October 7.4 b 80.4 c* 7.0 ab 6.0 a All superscripted lowercase letters (a, b, c, d) represent significant differences (vertically) between collection sites at each collection date. Rainfall events are represented by *. 30 30 20 Precipitation (cm) 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 Average Maximum Temperature ( C) 25 25 Month Fig. 14. Total precipitation (cm; represented by bars) and average maximum temperature (°C; represented by lines) from February through October of 2009 and 2010 in the southern region of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA. 55 56 California, with June to October PDSI values ranging from -0.69 to 0.71 ( ̅ PDSI = 0.11) in 2009, and from 0.11 to 1.55 ( ̅ PDSI = 0.71) in 2010 (Enloe, 2011). Despite similarities in annual climate between 2009 and 2010, forest floor fuels were significantly drier in 2010 than 2009 (P = 0.003). There were no differences in moisture content between species (P = 0.988), or across location in relation to tree bases (P = 0.418). Moisture contents of all forest floor fuels differed significantly from one another (P < 0.001). The fermentation horizon had greater moisture and litter had lower moisture content than all other collected fuels. Year and forest floor components had significant interactions (P = 0.001); whereas 1-hour and 10-hour fuel moisture did not differ between years, litter and fermentation horizons were drier in 2010 than 2009 (Table 5). A rain event prior to the late October collection in 2009 (17 October) and the late August collection in 2010 (30 August) caused large differences in moisture contents (Table 5). After removal of these dates, 2010 was still significantly drier than 2009 (P = 0.001) and all fuels differed from one another between years (P = 0.003). Throughout the 24-hour moisture collection period (9 August to 10 August 2010), the average temperature ranged from 10.3 to 23.1C. Relative humidity ranged from 29.3 to 61.2% (Fig. 15). Dew point ranged from 2.8 to 5.5C. Wind speed was mild (0.0 to 4.2 km hr-1). Haines index (HI = 4) indicated a low potential for rapid wildfire growth. Lightning activity level (LAL = 1) signified that no thunderstorms were expected, and there was a 0% chance of wetting rain on 10 August 2010. Forest floor fuels beneath Jeffrey pines were drier, on average, than beneath white firs across the entire 24-hour sampling period (P = 0.006). Moisture content of the litter horizon beneath crown drip lines and in open gaps did not differ (P < 0.001). In contrast 57 Table 5. Average moisture content (%) of forest floor components in 2009 (white) and 2010 (gray) at the Pioneer site in the southern region of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA. Moisture (%) 1-hour 10-hour Litter Fermentation July 21 2.0 2.2 1.5 3.1 July 31 6.0 7.1 5.4 12.1 August 5 3.4 4.2 3.3 6.5 August 14 4.7 5.1 3.7 7.5 August 30 34.9 36.9 16.4 60.5 September 5 4.9 5.4 5.0 9.4 September 26 2.7 3.1 4.4 9.2 October 1 6.2 7.7 6.2 9.4 October 17 27.4 51.9 28.5 79.5 25 60 Temperature (°C) 20 50 15 40 Temperature 30 10 20 5 10 0 Relative Humidity (%) 70 0 Time of Day (hrs) Fig. 15. Temperature (C) and relative humidity (%) patterns during a 24-hour forest floor moisture collection in the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA on 10 August 2010. 58 59 to the 2010 moisture data across the Tahoe Basin, where litter moisture was not affected by distance from trees, the litter horizon directly beneath the base of trees was the driest forest floor component (2.6 to 8.7%). Jeffrey pine cones were the wettest (3.9 to 11.0%). The species × location interaction was significant: moisture content of Jeffrey pine cones and litter at the bases of both conifers did not differ; whereas moisture contents of 1-hour fuel and the litter beneath crown drip lines and in open gaps were drier surrounding Jeffrey pines (P = 0.010) (Fig. 16). The interaction between species and time of collection was also significant (P = 0.009). White fir forest floors were drier only at nighttime (0300 and 0500 hours) (Fig. 16; C and D). At 1500 hours, all forest floor components dropped below 5% moisture content (Fig. 16). They then increased above 5% by 1900 hours. Throughout the 24-hour collection period, all forest floor components underwent at least a 6% change in moisture. The moisture content of 1-hour fuel ranged from 4.0 to 11.9%, Jeffrey pine cones ranged from 4.0 to 12.5% and of litter directly beneath tree boles ranged from 2.1 to 10.2% (Fig. 16). Although direction (north vs. south side of tree) of the moisture collection transects alone was not a significant predictor of moisture (P = 0.702), time and direction had significant interactions (P = 0.032). Jeffrey pine and white fir forest floors were drier on the north side of trees during nighttime (0100, 0300, and 0500 hours) and on the south side of trees during the afternoon (1300 and 1500 hours). Direction of the collection transects also affected the moisture of the litter directly beneath tree boles (P < 0.001), with the south face of tree bases drier than the north face, on average (5.9 and 6.9%, respectively). 15 A. 1-hour fuels 15 B. P. jeffreyi cones A. concolor Moisture Content (%) P. jeffreyi 10 10 5 5 0 0 15 C. Litter – Tree Base 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 D. Litter – Open Gaps Time of Day (hrs) Fig. 16. Moisture content (%) of forest floor components in long-unburned Jeffrey pine and white fir forests in the southern region of the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA across a 24-hour period in August, 2010. 60 61 In the laboratory desorption experiment, Jeffrey pine and white fir litterbeds were similar. Both species’ litterbeds had the lowest relative moisture contents, whereas relative moisture content was highest among Jeffrey pine cones (Fig. 17). Jeffrey pine cones also had the longest average response time of 63.9 hours. The average response time for 1-hour fuelbeds was 21.3 hours, and 10-hour fuelbeds was 33.5 hours. Jeffrey pine and white fir litterbeds had the fastest response times (7.4 and 10.6 hours), and litterbeds did not differ from one another (Fig. 17). 1 0.9 0.8 Relative Moisture Content (E) 0.7 Component Time Lag (h) P. jeffreyi litter A. concolor litter P. jeffreyi 1-hour fuelbed P. jeffreyi 10-hour fuelbed P. jeffreyi cone 7.4d 10.6d 21.3c 33.5b 63.9a SE n 0.4 0.9 2.0 2.0 2.8 5 5 5 5 5 R2 adj = 0.96, P < 0.001 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 0 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120 Duration of Desorption (h) 135 150 165 180 195 Fig. 17. Relative moisture content (E) of forest floor components in relation to duration of desorption (hours) for mature Jeffrey pine and white fir forests in the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA. Time lags (hours) for each forest floor component, standard errors (SE), and multiple comparisons are shown in the top right corner with superscripted lowercase letters (a, b, c, d). 62 4. DISCUSSION This study examined a broad range of spatial and temporal forest floor moisture patterns in the Lake Tahoe Basin, USA (Fig. 18). Rather than making inferences based on one fire season, this study was able to compare forest floor moisture during two fire seasons in the southern region of the Tahoe Basin. Results from the interannual moisture analysis revealed that 1-hour and 10-hour woody fuel moisture were remarkably similar between years, although litter and fermentation horizons were significantly drier in 2010 than in 2009. This data illustrates that forest floor moisture can differ even if woody fuel moisture remains the same. Temperatures and precipitation from June through September were similar in both years. This explains the lack of moisture variation between woody fuels. May received more precipitation in 2009 than in 2010. These precipitation differences could account for increased moisture of the moisture retaining fermentation horizon during the summer of 2009. Seasonal lows in forest floor moisture could be more dependent on time since the last major precipitation event, rather than total precipitation throughout a year. In order to understand spatial moisture patterns, it is clear that multiple duff moisture samples collected throughout a stand should be made, rather than estimating forest floor moisture based solely on 10-hour fuel moisture sticks. Moisture contents of litter and all collected woody fuels (1-hour, 10-hour, and cones) did not differ in relation to distance from trees throughout the entire 2010 fire season. Among forest floor horizons, only moisture content of the fermentation horizon varied spatially. In northern Arizona, Faiella and Bailey (2007) found that woody fuel moisture (1-hour, 10-hour, and 100-hour) did not fluctuate across contrasting overstory 63 64 1 103 0.9 Interannual 0.8 0.7 Time (d) Year 0.6 102 0.5 0.4 Month Timelag 0.3 12 100.2 0.1 Diurnal 0 1002 Forest floor 10-1 Forest floor Stand 103 Stand Tahoe10Basin 9 Landscape Space (m2 ) Fig.18. Conceptual model representing the spatial and temporal scales measured in this study (light gray) and previous forest floor moisture studies (dark gray). 65 treatments. Results from this study, as well as Faiella and Bailey’s (2007) findings, indicate that moisture content of duff varies throughout the stand, whereas other important forest floor components do not. Knowledge of diurnal forest floor moisture fluctuations can help predict standscale fire behavior and forest floor consumption patterns. Few studies have quantified diurnal changes in live fuel moisture (but see Philpot, 1965; Blackmarr and Flanner, 1968), and even fewer studies have focused on diurnal changes in forest floor moisture (Ferguson et al., 2002). In a longleaf pine forest in Florida, Ferguson et al. (2002) found that litter wets and dries more quickly than other forest floor components. In addition, there was large diurnal variation in the litter moisture (ca. ± 4%) due to increased air circulation. Ferguson et al. (2002) also found large diurnal variations in forest floor moisture, although moisture fluctuations in the litter horizon (± 6.5%) were similar to 1hour woody fuel (± 6.0%) and Jeffrey pine cone (± 7.1%) moisture fluctuations in the Tahoe Basin. Ferguson et al. (2002) also found that litter closely tracked relative humidity changes throughout the 24-hour period. Factors that influence drying of forest floor fuels include fuel thickness and density, air temperature, relative humidity, wind speed, and the initial moisture content of the fuel (Nelson, 1969). Additional diurnal forest floor moisture research in long-unburned ecosystems will expand information on prescribed fire windows, giving land managers thorough knowledge to help plan successful prescribed fires. Forest floor fuel desorption and adsorption rates in response to wetting or drying cycles (response time) are important factors influencing ignitability and rate of spread (Nelson, 1969; Nelson, 2001). Anderson (1985) compared desorption rates for 16 66 different fuel types, revealing that recently cast ponderosa pine needles had an average response time of 5.8 hours, grand fir needles averaged 11.4 hours, and subalpine fir needles took 10.6 hours to reach 63.2% of the initial fuel moisture content above equilibrium. These results are comparable to the response times found in Tahoe Basin fuels, where Jeffrey pine needles averaged 7.4 hours and white fir needles averaged ca. 40% longer (10.6 hours). 1-hour and 10-hour woody fuel had response times ranging from 40 to 87 hours in fuelbeds consisting of masticated common manzanita (Arctostaphylos manzanita) and snowbrush (Ceanothus velutinus) (Kreye et al., 2011), while this study estimated response times of Jeffrey pine 1-hour and 10-hour woody fuelbeds to be 21 and 34 hours, respectively. Using 10-hour fuel moisture sticks (suspended above the forest floor) to estimate fuel moisture may lead to underestimations of fuel moisture in the field (Kreye, 2008). Recognizing fuelbed loading and arrangement patterns is important when estimating fuel moisture because slight differences in fuelbed characteristics can alter desorption rates (Nelson and Hiers, 2008; Kreye et al., 2011) and hence resulting fire behavior. Throughout the entire collection period, highly flammable litter was consistently the driest forest floor horizon. Litter moisture did not differ from 1-hour or 10-hour woody fuel moisture during the fire season (excluding 10 June). Moisture contents for litter and all woody fuels were below 15% throughout the collection period until early October. The litter horizon, Jeffrey pine cones, and all woody fuels dried faster and average moisture contents were lower than the fermentation and humus horizons. Conifer litter burns with short durations and high intensities (Fonda et al., 1998; Fonda, 2001), whereas woody fuels smolder for long durations (Costa and Sandberg, 2004). 67 Jeffrey pine cones have an average burning time of 78 minutes (Fonda and Varner, 2004). Smoldering temperatures during woody fuel consumption increases with increasing woody fuel diameter and decreases with increasing moisture content (Costa and Sandberg, 2004). During fire, smoldering woody fuels and cones aid in the pre-heating and ignition of underlying forest floor duff (Fonda and Varner, 2004). Due to the low moisture content (< 15%) of litter and woody fuels during the majority of the fire season, the underlying forest floor (fermentation and humus) horizons could easily ignite. Forest floor moisture is a strong determinant influencing flaming and smoldering combustion rates (Frandsen, 1987). Moisture variation within forest floor horizons affects forest floor consumption patterns and post-fire effects (Miyanishi and Johnson, 2002; Hille and Stephens, 2005; Knapp et al., 2005; Knapp and Keeley, 2006). The fermentation horizon had the highest moisture content (other than humus, which was not included in the analysis), the deepest depths, and the highest bulk density values (Chapter 1) of any forest floor horizon. Between early and mid-June, there was a rapid decrease in moisture of the fermentation horizon. By early July, the fermentation moisture fell below 30% across all spatial positions and remained below this threshold for the remainder of the collection period (through 01 October). When duff moisture drops below 30%, complete consumption often results (Sandberg, 1980; Brown et al., 1985; Stephens and Finney, 2002; Hille and Stephens, 2005). Complete consumption increases the risk for large tree mortality due to basal injury caused by duff smoldering (Ryan and Frandsen, 1991; Sweezy and Agee, 1991; Stephens and Finney, 2002; Varner et al., 2007). When duff is consumed and large patches of bare mineral soil are exposed, increased rates of runoff, erosion, hyper-concentrated flow, severe flooding, sedimentation, and debris flow 68 can result (Morris and Moses, 1987; Cannon et al., 1998; Robichaud and Miller, 1999; Cannon and Reneau, 2000; Beeson et al., 2001). The Lake Tahoe Basin has a short window for prescribed burning. After the winter snowpack melts, forest floor horizons in Jeffrey pine-white fir forests dry rapidly but moderate rainfall events can increase duff moisture above ignition thresholds (120%; Sandberg, 1980). This can make it difficult to reduce forest floor accumulation with prescribed fire. Moisture results for a “near normal” PDSI year (Palmer, 1965) suggest that late spring and early summer prescribed fires would achieve patchy forest floor consumption in the Lake Tahoe Basin (Fig. 13), helping to reduce the risk of erosion into Lake Tahoe. Fall-season prescribed fires would result in heavy fuel consumption (Fig. 13). Throughout the 2010 fire season, Jeffrey pine forest floors were drier than white fir forest floors, although differences were slight. In the southern Basin at the Pioneer study site, Jeffrey pine and white fir forest floor moisture showed no interannual differences. This relationship also held true for forest floor bulk density and depth between the two species (Chapter 1). During the diurnal forest floor moisture study, the moisture content of the litter horizon beneath tree boles of Jeffrey pine and white fir were also similar. In the laboratory fuel time lag study, Jeffrey pine and white fir litterbeds had comparable desorption rates (Fig. 17), and this similarity could account for the lack of moisture differences between the two species. Similarities between Jeffrey pine and white fir forest floors throughout the Tahoe Basin may make it difficult to prepare burning prescriptions that induce fir mortality while preserving Jeffrey pine, a primary restoration goal in Jeffrey pine-dominated stands. Future research should focus on 69 linking spatial patterns of forest floor moisture and bulk density to post-fire forest floor consumption patterns to allow for greater predictability and understanding of post-fire effects in long-unburned ecosystems. 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