Establishing a Scientific Consortium …Notes from the CIRMOUNT Diary Connie Millar USDA Forest Service Sierra Nevada Research Center Berkeley, California, USA Bottom-Up Approaches – “Grass Roots” Absent: Present: Dedicated budget Pressing scientific or societal problems Mandated charge or charter Institutional infrastructure Significant scientific gaps (knowledge, discipline, or integration) Governance & oversight Opportunity, incentive, flexibility Obligations Freedom to risk Top-Down Approaches Present: Absent or Limited: Dedicated budget Independence Mandated charge or charter Flexibility, spontaneity Institutional infrastructure Option to fail (low risk-taking) Governance & oversight Obligations & expectations View from the Trenches… Yes! Integrated Climate and Ecosystem-Response Sciences in Temperate Mountains of Western North America The CIRMOUNT Initiative WHAT? CIRMOUNT Aspires to be a Consortium that is: • Collaborative, transparent, & open • Interdisciplinary • Responsive to society • Research clearinghouse • Emphasis on mountain climate & ecosystem- effect sciences • Regional focus (w NA), globally aware WHY? CIRMOUNT responds to four urgent situations in western NA mountains 1. Mountain regions are vastly under-instrumented for measuring climate & long-term changes Of 404 Weather Stations in California only 6 are >2500 m and only 3 > 2750 m A Huggins 2. Research on western mountain climates & ecosystems is intensive, but scattered & poorly integrated Dettinger, Cayan, Lundquist USGS, UC Scripps Vertebrate Studies Moritz, Patton UCB A Bytnerowicz, USFS Basagic & Fountain, PSU 3. Demands on western mountain ecosystems are escalating, placing new & cumulative stresses on communities, natural resources, & goods demanded by society Photos A Hansen 4. Climate change has been widely ignored in mountain landuse planning and natural-resource policy SPECIFIC CIRMOUNT GOALS 1. Implement coordinated high-elevation climate, hydrologic, and ecosystem monitoring GLORIA Alpine Plant Monitoring 2. Promote integrated research within and among mountain regions Hamlet et al 2004 Change in Peak Streamflow Stewart et al Change in Date of Peak Snowpack 3. Communicate research findings among disciplines and provide sound science for resource planning & management Climate change is routinely ignored in resource management 4. Develop long-term, policy-relevant mountain climate and ecosystem databases for public information and decisionsupport K Redmond 5. Develop CIRMOUNT as a pilot regional model at the international scale (MRI) and engage CIRMOUNT projects and scientists in global mountain-climate science and assessments WHO? CIRMOUNT Core Group 2 Co-Chairs: Henry Diaz (NOAA), Connie Millar (USFS) 15 “Elders” from 14 universities, research institutions & resource agencies CIRMOUNT Distribution List 455 scientists, resource managers, and decision-makers WHAT HAS CIRMOUNT DONE? Host Email Group-List Maintain Website Sponsor Conferences, Workshops, Special Sessions Technical - Ongoing: MTNCLIM Conferences, AGU special sessions - Opportunistic: e.g., MRI Open Sci Mtg, Scotland, CCSP, IGFA Resource Managers: Workshops on tour Develop & Coordinate Technical Work Groups - Mountain Climate Network - Hydrologic Observatories - International Relations - North American GLORIA - Paleoclimatic Archives for Resource Managers - Ecosystem Responses to Climate Publish Reports, Articles, & Web Presentations Coordinate with Mountain Climate Research & Management Efforts WMI, USFS, MRI, GLOCHAMORE, MAB-MBR The Path to CIRMOUNT 2001: Colleagues talking among each other about need & opportunity 2002: ‘Mountain Climate & Landscape Change Over Time’ Sierra Nevada Science Sympsium, Lake Tahoe, CA Proceedings: 193_fm.pdf 2003: ‘Western Mountain Climates’, 20th Anniversary Pacific Climate (PACLIM) Workshop, Asilomar, CA Proceedings: MRI/MAB Mountain Biosphere Reserve Workshop Entlebuch Switzerland, Millar, C.I. 2004. The Consortium for Integrated Climate Research in Western Mountains. In Lee, C. and Schaaf, T. (eds) Global Change Research in Mountain Biosphere Reserves. Proceedings of the International Launching Workshop held in Entlebuch Biosphere Reserve, 10-13 November 2003. Pg 154-158. The Path, cont… 2004: Mountain Climate Sciences Symposium CIRMOUNT’s “Coming Out”, Lake Tahoe, CA Presentations: Diaz, H.F. & Millar, C.I. 2004. Discussing the future of U.S. mountains, climate change and ecosystems. EOS 85: 330-331 Special Session, American Geophysics Union Annual Mtg, SF, CA “Climate Challenges to Mountain Ecosystems & Resources” Presentations: 2005: MRD Article Greenwood, G. 2005. The Consortium for Integrated Climate Research; The role of regional integration in global studies. Mountain Research & Development 25(1): 80-81 MTNCLIM 2005 Conference, Pray, MT (1st) Presentation pdfs: The Path, cont… 2005: -6 CIRMOUNT Working Groups formed & active -CIRMOUNT Website launched -Open Science Conference, Mountain Research Initiative, Perth, Scotland -Climate Change Science Program Meeting, Washington, DC -International Group of Funding Agencies Meeting, MRI -Special Session, American Geophysics Union Mtg, San Francisco, CA & Working Group Meetings “Extreme Events in Western Mountain Climate, Resources, and Ecosystems” The Path, cont… 2006: -Publish “Mapping New Terrain” -MTNCLIM 2006 Conference, Mt Hood, OR -CONCORD Meeting, Mendoza Argentina -Concentrate efforts to seek dedicated funds for CIRMOUNT Program Office , Focus on MTNCLIM Conferences Focus on Website Communications Focus on Work Groups Between the Lines… the Human side Æ Leaders & Leadership Styles diversity capacity communication Æ Leaders & Leadership Styles persistence resilience - crisis comfort passion Æ Ownership & Engagement -open & transparent -exploit central icons Æ Tone & Timing Æ Promise & Productivity Low hanging fruit Æ Relevance Disabling Actions & Distractions… → Paranoia over budget & organizational structure → Promises & over-expectation → Ignoring goals & people → Limited communication or excess communication (…spam) → Lust for exclusive occupancy Hints for MIREN… → Start modestly; mimic unabashedly → Allow leaders to emerge naturally but seek out and woo desired colleagues → Develop mailing list and website (presentation pdfs rapidly available; hold off on newsletters) → Sponsor meetings/sessions whenever possible (…just say YES!) → Develop Working Groups, Task Forces, or Subcommittees Hints for MIREN, cont… → Target (only) a few achievable early goals & achieve them → Consider chapterizing (e.g., GLORIA, MRI) → Seek and welcome opportunities for endorsement & exposure : technical (EOS meeting articles), media, NGO newsletters, collaborators websites, etc And most of all.. Enjoy the process and the people!