Sigma Theta Tau International – Zeta Gamma Chapter University of South Alabama College of Nursing Community Healthcare Service Award This award recognizes a non-profit healthcare or religious organization’s demonstration of exceptional commitment in meeting community healthcare needs. It honors the organization’s outstanding contribution of significant community healthcare services in the southern Gulf Coast region. (Preference will be given to the Mobile or Baldwin county areas.) Nominator Information (person submitting the nomination) Nominator: ____________________________________________________________ Organization: __________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________ State: ______ Zip: ________________ Telephone: ____________________ Email: __________________________________ Nominee Organization Information (the organization being nominated) Nominee Organization: ___________________________________________________ Director/Manager Name: _________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ City: _________________________________ State: ________ Zip: _______________ Telephone: _____________________________ Email: _________________________ Instructions: 1. Provide a typed summary (500 words or less) of the nominee’s healthcare initiatives and achievements that support its positive impact on the community. 2. Attach two letters of recommendation that support the nomination. 3. Attach copies of a newspaper article, an organizational newsletter, and/or other applicable information about the nominee (if available). 4. Submit your nomination package to Robin Lawson, USA Springhill, College of Nursing, Mobile, AL 36688 or email no later than April 15. 5. The award will be presented during the Membership Induction Ceremony in May.