Th.u u YJItOpu:.t. (10 499) in. ptvt.:Wd fuJ-fL/lme.!d 01 flu!. ltequiARmen:td ot iAe. /lOntJM a:f. YJ~ Ball 5iD:J:e UniYeMi.:bJ .. WI!JU1i.wte. y~ ellLeo The 6r.~ folt lx:dA 1M. Teo.clteJt '-d and 5hsiard MIMe iDJwn. IJUJm iN. T~ ~n Ac..', C~ L.hoNdoNJ. a'!!! 5h1:litnt ~uUiu io ''!::;.f!!!?nmen:ID1. K;6, d.eveibpe:J. by i:.M. t1b4ian CoiJ.;.e 0u:iJiJ:J01t IU.4o of. help ~ lAe tlNl ~ 1.UMe. pa.pett enti:tI.~ "A Wood..- C0fIIItI! mix.tfl/U?~ UJelU! i4nd #ift.e ~ ~ IJtMoJd V~ ~ qui.d.e4 /o1JJ1li. MIt.idt fYU'V.ided. i.h.e. i..n./oltml'di.on on uitJJ:A :fluMe ieJtA.tllli..JlM WMe. lxued. 'PlUJcetiwte A .dOIIlfJ.e .J.t.deni gui.rl.e. UJIU I1ItJfie. and. c.aAJt.iI:d old. lltkt f'*W.ide:L i..n.fomm:l:i.on on hotu J.h.e -dhould. be. alteJtl!d to ~ a ~t!A. l.eattn~ expeAhutce.. ~ and. toptJOi.l. io be. i..M:JteDAei A.MCf.W,W. The. 1xMi.c 9uid.e folt i:Ite ~ woJtked well.. ~un;/:.d of. duuu:.oaJ., lite. cmJun:t of. 4al.t 6f,oQd /Aom one. iah1.upoon to iJJJo i.ahJ.upootW, 1:0 "peed up :IAe 1I.Ldo, J:Ae. 0/I0un:t of. (WW,dOJ.. wad ~ei /Aom OnA -de.Ct:Jnd -dptalJinr;, io iwo t1vtee.--de.cond -d~, wi.:tA on.e. UJee.k i.n. he:butten. iJuun. TAe. J..~ of. i1Jne(:iJuo ~) ValUoUd ef.f.e.dd to be. 4e.en. llJQ,d found tD be. .du.l~ foR. the. QUlAtiorw tueA.e io be uaI.e. UJ.U1t .dUf)f)ed.Wrw ahotd A ~ '-d :p.dde l£U.d i:Ai.nt;A add.aI, aJ.o"9- oiueAYa:ti.orw J.o ~ fo/t when nuIei.nt;. tft.em. nttle I nom tAe. ~ .dui.en:t ~ tJJilA iAe «frh. ti.tHt. of. .tIte. ne.ct!A.d<lltlJ bo.t:kywund. ., '. 7~ '4 yuiJie. ------.,-I nhuxI.u.c.:ti.on. On. t.Q)ri:1t, a/l.e I1D1 1.i.Ye,d 1.n. a clo4ed.. 4~ ~ (!(m~ 1U!ClJcl.ed QItOund and iJwJu,;Jt IWn. a~~~ A f.elurDltiun id to f1UJt '4 ~, OCCJ.ill. l.n. dtant;.e t:lte. III!eOJd c1D."ed...,,1JdUm. Wlu:devell iJtcl.u:U. 1.n. lk jolt tJJil1 d:aJ; i.n.. il. un:i1.11W. 7?~11f) iJliA, we. can. ~ uAu:h TIu:z£ id uJud u JIU.A 41Jdem ~ 1.n. tit. ~ id ptd .info lIid ai.A., I.IJCIi.eA., and. {Dod. lWMVe eI1JIiAonlnJl!J1i:. b!J we t1te lhi. to 1.e.f. il. old. i..M1.J:U. iAe. jmt and. dN:IIJ 6eJween. u1ud h.apperw 1.n. iAe jolt and. ukd could and dou IllCUl '." 4!JAf.em. When. 1l~)lA! iA ~ ih.iN;A -in. rurl:.t.vt.e, ptJId 01. nDiLVU!. fIr)Ite ohotd. t.h.e i.nb.It-Jte1rd1D~ 6eiJJHwt ~ iA ahotd. Iww IIItUt iA an. 7~ ~ wU1. 6ec.ome even. nrJJte. lM bnpolLi.tJJd .in. fAe ~ &JwvJ.oJUJi. ObjAdWe 70 help deteiDp i..n. nohvte., and QIt fP'tInI}, ~ that. unh.~ on IU.m impt.eui.onohil. uiu:d f1UJt ~ a ltedped. loll. dou to nrdwte con. luzve an. 6v ~ how uJud can happen. 1.n. a ie!VfDAi.un'.tJ clo."c 4!JAiem .iA ."!r. to ukd h.apfNNW 1.n. I1CUl '4 clD4e4 "'!fdi:.~-{/l/t:l:h.. 'hwced..wte Ad bte ~ wa,.I,k alo"f} patJw tlvwu;A :1M. lJIOOtid, Oil. UJt:JlA i:MDu;;Jt f.U.Jd, iAey. can. ~ 41W.1l1. atlrJun:iA 01. nrJ4ded, teJUW, ."uri. p/mr:I:A, andtl.n!f ~ liAe IJk)ItInd and ~ iJtJz:t i.Iw; mi.gAt. IJX1J'd to a n.emtb!l iJtcl.u:U. J.n. ilu!.Ut p/mr:I:A and bJuuvU..urw. a.~. 'PeAII1LuiDn..dhoukL be ."ectvtei to Th.eAe o~ 4hould orW; 6e Itt!Jmved. ~ iJuz. fMm uIteA.e Jh.e".e i.A a L'lIt9-e amotlJti. fJAOWi.JIJ;., and CQ/te 4Muld 6e token. to i.nd.t.cie ail fAe p/oni:. '." lWOIA. 5rm11. pa.peA. a.t. pIo,J.i.c 6tlt)4 can. be pwvi.t:i.ed f.o/t 3 ihe coilecti.on 01 fAeAe o~. ~ co}l£.cJ:. It U i..iJ !'tOt po4di.hil. to .Let i:h..e o~, JAw own a .dels:.UDn can be ptlDv.i.t:1ed. f.oA. iAem. Co~l~ pu,m 1/2 to 314 i.n.dt ot ~ gJU1Vel1.n. i:1te. boi:l»m ot each. 'f1.o.ce jDA.. CWM J:Jw:t wilA tlte .dame anrJun:t ot /i.n.e to ~~ed. cJuvu:oal.. (Chrvtcoa1 ~ I1r2If he wed .it ih.eJ; pUu:.ed) 5pteod iM. 01 iDp60LL on tlte ~ ~.dUlte U iA 4QI1W. l.JtDm MeAd ~ tialvp, and lmuje wei:. 1.t 4tJ anrnud lU.g_ a 4I1Gil hole and .dew/. p/L.udA. Olt . , mtiDr.rk .dUlte 4i~ lhiA wi.11 wi.l.l. be COtn(-1OIlf!fi. :to AnDilu!lt ¥ cmt It~..acft wi..:fJwtd tlte be. pI.aad ot i:h.e 40U p1o.ce. :th.e ~ cw ~ on .d~ttt one. ot i:Iut jmw and .La JtOOm. am; dtanrJf!4 t1ud llti.A tmke il. be. :th.e. t::.on.iAoL lite oi:luvt t~ llti.A put :th.a:t no ~ etI6N)JJ eLemen:ld 01 nai:J.vte: c.t1Il.hon, ~en, and oXlJ9-e!tj :Vi.:f:h.otd tlte.dun1i.t;Jd., :th.e chloMfItgil/~ 40 :I:1te pion:LJ would ,olilni4, aninrLLJ ih.a;t ea;l ~(luuWiYoltfUJ) Wi.:I:.htJld ih.e AlyJuYOJted, anllrnIA i:h.a:t f!DJ:. ,fJo4dij}L/.i:lr 40 w.w Jt.e/l.ed uIwL fUOuld hoppen. fD na.i.wte yJtUn. pl.ntA nJU!ti .dunl.i.gkt fD wa;telt and mi.n.~.' lh.iA .d.L~e., dO ITClIJ occ.wr.. 4uh4taru:.e) i.n. pl.ardA can. 't /tuzd:i.on, cl.U.. 0",,* one. iAe 4Oi.J.. 01 tAe joIw w.ill. be. placed i..rt tlte clo.dei Lt. fmuw /olt :th.e ItDOU 01.dQme 01 ik and AM ntdu!w1. t!J1YiAortRltl!J'd. 4un1U;1tt. die.. tlli.:l:lwui f1044Lb1.e anrJ"9- Jt.eI.eoAed. iJUA one. /olt /Amn ~ ot ih.e o:l:lte'l. p/.tu.J dOLl i:h..e .dUllll.i..ed plrIa iJt i:h..e tmll One aIte dtoukL bE~ ptd 1.n. C»lVtedf»ndd UJi.:fA :I:1te lhi.A NJU dtoulti be be. pI.aad iJt em:A tl!/tJUl/U..tln d.ut!. fD tAe. arlfI eJa~ ani.rIrJlA lAe On fop di.vidi.nJ; i:hJtm ad ht flb44ed CQIt CD/l o~ tm:UeA.. i/. ~ col1ec:t«i plon.:fA and 0JtinrJlA, tAe jDA-6. ~ f»unti.l. /.n;fo VeNJ 41fr11l. -Htat. we. mi.t;At o~ would die. 0JtinrJlA(COIUli..vOIted) would aU i:h.e. .dunl.i.gkt iA JWi:h.e/t ltetllDte., exc~p:t in conn.eci.i..on w.Ult aUt po~n., bid fAe. concept i..d Ude.fu1. 011i.viJu;. i.n. ~ ~Yte. .w.~e and nDn-livlnfJ~· In QfU"iluvt jOA., .dpti.nkl.e 2 io.61.ufXJOM 01 .dalt OVeIl. all. lite p/.on:i:A 01- f.tvr;tLli~ Thi..d COlUtUpontfA to i:lte. OVeAUde and.dOi.l.. and peAi.i.cJdu, f.ound t.he. we 01- and wLl.L 4lu.1W :tIuxt uiten. tAe. .dOLl 1.4 Iuwned, tAe. p/.on:i:A and arWnald on. i..t (lite a,fAo f.tvr;tLli~eJW hmune1.. Up and ptttdf} cideA to a CtVdai..n. fXJiJd(~n) doe4 Mi Iuvd tAe..dOLl. Wh.en. ilt1.d fX'i.rd. iA 1I.I!D.CAed, ~t /wtfAeA. rr/diwn 01 i:/w. 1.n. iIte. ''.da,U" t»~n puw4l.11Le f.tvr;tLli-g,eIl. 01- ih.e 4OL1.. oe;'man. tAe IWOU and.dOLI., ~ i..i impo.6.d.ibl.e l'.oll .tAe p/.on:i:A io a.IuJo".b i:h.e p«"" tAe..,.i.1. miJl~ 4tJLl u i.n:fo h1!tiA 4fJ1'1I*J, ei:c..) tIII!eh. h.aA ptJAl.ded, 1U!.denr,l.e ih.E~ i.n.cA.eDAerJ 01- & an o~ e.Letneni:AJ and /AOm 1m:.k ot and. aILe oveIWAeri: lIJO.dh.eti. riPwn tlvtow;A i:h..e MJl:t waiett co~n 4IJ-dem. ihe ~ 4hould .dfYUI'l th.e aA!lW40i.(deodIJlUlId, fmr. a;t b&d 3 .det:Dfl£i4 io .dOi.uJude. ih.e Jtent)Ve. tJ,.e .dtWi. i:.h..e. anvuni:. of. Iu:vunI.ul. ('~e an. alA. and Ite.peo:l i:lte pwc.etiutLe.. elfe.rh 01- aiA fXJ11Ldi.on. on. :the envi.Aonmt!.l'li.. Thi..d can elih..ett C4LUe ~ & and f.tvr;tLli~eJW .d~ oft, pt1Id wi.l1., and iD.te.It co~n 1.4 II.IOAh.ei oll i:h.e fi.elda and in:fD :Ilte j#M, Th.i.A neceA.<KJ.lU} peAti 01- tAe. 4al:t. EtA! gIlDund. uxdt!/t In. iJu~ .Io-d pedti..cirie The p/.on:i:A ~ ~e die.. 0Jit1Vl ~ h.apptm. uAen. uJum. i..t JUWIA, paid OIl .d~ and; When. one Th..iA w.il1. AUt po.LLu:ti.on ~ 1.n. i..n.cJr..eaAe. i.n. i:h.e. ie.mpetwi.wte ih.e ai.It. oe;/uJun i:h.e poJ.J..u:Uon. and ih.e. .dll!l{nrp., Oil. CfJ.U4e a c/.e.C'U!.(J,de. 1.n. i:lte t~e ~~ on the 4i-g,e tmti quan:li.:b/, of iAe fJO/di.c.l.ed J and uitetAeA. :I:h.e. ~n al-Wf £wm oIL back i.oux:vrd. ih.e. .dUllfD.ce. Hte elllldi.ven.ed4 of & ~ 1l.ef1.ex::t 'P011.tdi..on can cJJ.oIWN1- i.It i:lte. i.eaved 01- ~en ILf!d.uc.e p/.on:i:A Off loA. en.eAf)JJ ~ A ~ i.n.cA.eatJe. OIL ,r/.e.ctc.eade in. i.ernpetwi.wte. bu .i.:tde1.f. 1.4 no~ ~ haJunIul-, b./; ihe IlD1J4 01 ,dunl1.t;./d needed. otd uiten occ~ OVell. a 1.0"9, the p/.on:i:A f1r2IJ h.t:we 1:0 adapt to 5 J.Ai.A chant;e.. Coupled w1.:lft & i.rdeA.~e in. iIu!. en.~ ~~ iM. pl.aniA i:.h.e. lrr.tJJ .d~ UYU1p and i.nAeA.t. tAe :i:lteAnometelt makiru;. ih.~ con. be COVelL avaLl.ahl.e, ptd a 4f!nli hole .in. 4t.Vte noi. i:o OMCUII.e The 0pen1nL; 4/wuld be llt!Aeol.ed. a IWhbeIL band. ih.e l1l6TI6eAA.. (1)h.en II- a ~ iA di.£. d.h:L .in. anti. oui:. 4ry~ on iJua flVu:ihA, 4- n.ece4dCWJ to n.eod u. IwA been added. 1.0 all :fAe joAA, pJm:.e ei.ilteIL wLtlt iAe.lid., Oil. wUit p/LutJ C an. ~ and IJ1IU1f> TIte ~ wi.:I:A tAe MJil. and. aeIlJJ40l.. can. be plm:.ed JWhbf!/t 6and.., lite. a n.etlIl tAe conhwl... !lave. ;tIte. .d.uien.i..d look a;t ih.e ieAlUllli.t.tlM compl.e:t.ed cuJd. UPti.:te. down.. uiw:t LJ OlueAVed. and tm.i.:I::h!.n down etleIUJ t.h1.NL elm; tIJOIt/ OMeAYa:tioM dwuld be naie. at!A040A~ edt;,eA, .di..ut;~ i.f. ~ 100k /oil. 4~ o/- ~ :Iwo we.ekA, When. iAeg. 064eAYe., /lemi.nd iA.em to QAOunti plmu~ wuA /oil. JU# a/:te't J:h.eJ; au Oil. lo"9-eJt .in. aniJwJM, tAe. put .df1lWJJeti. d.i.AcololW.i1on in. .dud;b.J, e:tc. Wlten. tAet; o&'elfVe Hte pl.n:t .in. t1u.~, nrzke. 4Wte; do u. ad ~ and wUA ad 1ili1e. 11.gkI. ad f»-cI4i.hi..e. UJh.i.J..e. iAeg. mt:Jh.e tAe ieAlUllli.t.tlM and ultf!J1.. iAe; au makiru;. O&'eltJla:ti.oM, the ~Xi..eA ~. iAe i.eIvwAi..un'4 ci.D.6ed 4ff4iem and. 11r1J1.'4 cI.o4eti ~ be wUlt nni.wte. 4/wuld. be 4ht.eA4ed. ~en. uh.'.fI. qUl!Af.i.orutJ i.rdeJtedi .in. li.v~; 4'l.e flVJte. aAk.ei alx:Ju:t The ~und f»iltd1.o~ QIl. .in/-oltllrdi..on con. uhn. dww lite. ~~ and.;~ OIL 01- ali. and. non-liYi.nrJ. tJ.~ 4/wuld be con:ti.n.uol1g. 4VteA.ded. lite ~'J!Ai.l.oM ~ in. iA.e 5iuieni. ~uide. nr:zg. be UdeJi. /.oil. fIOUIt Of/HJ, could be qutUtionhrfh an4!IJeILed Oil. ,can be. UdJ!ti. b!f i:h.emdebed. at ih.e end ot the flAd week, Oil. ad a IxuJLJ quedi.oM aJtJjilme 1..a:te!te Siuien:t ~uU:I.e In :i:hi..d, !P'u wUl.. be. It~ to IT¥1h.e. 4 i:.eIVt.OIti...und. i:.em:lwt., toAed you !P'UIt i:.Ivwur;"- a tJJOtXis:L w1.ll. .dee, IfIDnU- ~ tIvd !fDU 4Ome. ot orW; can. be evt.ea OIL tlvtoUljit a ~ fi..eld, in. a ~ Co.l1..eci:. t1tede "~' ~.dUlte tIvd ukd you OM ptE~eni" flb4Aed, dmtdeliorw, and. f.emw, ~ own. O~14 lUlIRWe 4lTrll1 p/.ort;ld l.i.k.e. It!fD u do not iA noi:. tlte. OIL even .like. 4rw.i..IA and emr;tJuooJtmd well..-4uil.ed. foIL !fOUIt~. At. 1)0 old c:vte ~ i:o coJl.eci. !JOUIt and a .de1.ecti.on. Iuu been. pwvifiai, a good vOJti.ei:J; of tkue oll.[)oni..dmd. iJu!m ~ pcvtfA foIL {6l#t~" fo;t each. '}IW'up. PbAe !j'OUIt telVt.Olti...und bv ~ .l.n. equal. ~(I/2 to 314 iItcA) ot .dand. OIL 9/fJ1)1ei., ~ 9Mund ~ aw:L fofJdOU fM:t. doUll'i:. "'-9. ,.ecu ot o~ fIID.i:I.eA. OIL /LOeN, i..n:..u.. M:rI. 4UU tlte. .dOU iA dant' by, ~ a 1il::tJ.e wai« 1:.0 U. 7lld iAe. p/.ort;ld anti. ~ Iuzv. .l.n. ~ tAe. i:.eAJuJ'n.i.utw, Che ot thue.: ~ ~ 1l.t:t1.e. hoi.ed foIL iAe IUIOU ot :th.e. p/.ort;ld. wi.l1. be l.e.f:t i.It.UJ and ploced. bt p/4ce in. fu: ~ a 4t.tnDjf One. will. be. ptd bt a clo.dd. OIL anoiltu veIUJ dmrJt pJm:e.. Che. wUl.. luve 2 i:ailislApoorw ot 4al:t .dpti.nA/.ed. DVeIt i.h p/.ort;ld and. .dou. lite on.e w1.ll. h.ove an. aI!/IO.tJOl.(~ 1-f4iit. /wt 3 4f!.CDnti.4 now and again. bt one.week. 7!tede 1t:ui:. ill» i:.eIVt.OIti...und can. be p/.acet:L n.eaIt iAe f.Uwi:. one i.n. & 4ttn. !1bh.e 4U1te tneA.e c:vte a.iA:ti.rJld COVeltd on i:Ae puw, bv UAint; ilte ,.li.t:Ld, oJt i.f. tAe; cvten'i:., we. p/.adLc IJJIlDfJ and. JUJiJIxvt 1xJndd. e:tc.) 4fYUl!fed. .in. U 4ptJ11!, J1bke oiJ4t!AYa:tiorw on. tlCl.Ch. 01 t:h.e ~ ~ af;Wt 've been. and eveA.IJ i:h1Ad dog. foIL i1IJo~. clLuei:. Ch.«A 40 tho;t U u t!Xp04ed. i:o ad Look a:t iAe vfl.e. in. i:Ae 11.t;Jr:t foIL 4~'fM o/~, di.AcoioM:Uon, and. ad po441i>l.e.; .l.n. ilte p/.ort;ld. 7 Look folt tIm; wai.eJt d.tropl.eiA on th.e .i.nA.i.rU!. Ulai:c1t :.tIte 0lLinr:llA' beJwyiDlt. 01 ilte hwu.'1Il1.u1t .dpt.aJJer.L wi.i:A tAl! t1.I!JU}.d()1... iJuw"xne;teJt, II!fOUIt hwi:Jw.ctolt haA a f.ollau h..lA/hett. diAec.i:1.onA, and be .dUlte to Iteoti. i.:t uitf!Jl. fJOU moke !JOWl o;/:h.eJt ob.dellYatiorw. w;:: An4ueJt :I:ft.u~!' ~M <d. JJte end Of Jwo UJf!.IlIw ••••• ~ tD--.- - ]f!IIAI1JI,/un I TIWIAlIIi.un 2 T~ 1 7e/IIfLIIfi.un I; i Who;t I ' lupfJf!M. to :------------------------1----.-.- .------------.--~----...-.--.--- -- .. -- --. --. - tIte. ani'AiolA? i i _._-....... ----..--.. --------,-----------4---.- ... -- ----..-.. --------- - Ap~ot1:Ae ~, tV: NJU) i:lte .dkud. and- :'------_._----._----_.------ ...,_.---_ - .. -------.--.-~--. .. -- ... _- •.._-_._.,,---_. __.... ---- ... -...•......- ...... --- .. " " II t1tiA /w.ppen.L on t,cvr:!/t, T - .....- .-.--~---. 7~.3 would nrm. be atf.t!f:.t.t:· T~ I /low? • TMAOIti..un 2 flow? ------ - -.,,-----.-.-- - - - - - .------,...,.,~----/low? 7~ '+ /low? • -------------- --------------- ~---- CiD4l.nt; C0ITInI!J1iA Th.ue ~ dto4C Olt iltt!1A. wef.uUn.e.d4 own fett/l.aIli.J.lM about. gDed and beyond iJud. 5i.mp1.v. emp'uuJi..~ 4OfjA1 h.av~ 4~ own IJJOIlid ~ TIvw~ a.c.J;Wil.i.J!A :i:h.e '~ ad ~ mohe. JIuWt. beiwu.n. iAe. ''woMd'' iAem how liAe ihiA, and. how iMiA. 14 ail ptvd of. devekpuz9' publ.i.c.ati..on t1te. and 1:Itei.A.. 0/ nDi:.wr.e. :.~ wef-ul. ai:. any ~ l.&eI. a i.em:.Iwr. Al:I:Aot¥Jlt i:h.ey. deoJ.. /olt :i:h.e uru:l pa;t.i wUlt pol.1.u:tion, bwuvU.l1Tl, 1.niegAaf. fXVr:t fW)Ite /t.eAhri.d.ed :to am; ~e l.&eI.. WUA ~ cr1di.:t1orw, &; would be i.o w-a:i:h.em. iJv.Jh/.etfte QIW'l. ':/. CZIl.e ~ f1r1lJ an. i.eoAn alf.ed:. u. lhiA ilte. i.nJ:Iuxi.uc:I.n :to tlu!. flhlu:an.;e , en.vwrvne.n.i:a1 e:tlU..c " uJw:It wLI1. come. i.nXo uAen. ~i.t:.'M af-tec:iiJu; man'4 need :to be made ". /oCUd