Forest Stewardship Spatial Analysis Project Wisconsin Methodology Appendix D Appendix D: Spatial Analysis Project – Final Map Products LAST UPDATED May 1, 2008 (for 2007 updates) Spatial Analysis Map Products SEVEN Final Maps to be developed for each State’s Spatial Analysis Project. 1. Potential for Forest Stewardship Program Benefits 2. Potential for Forest Stewardship Program Benefits and Existing Stewardship Plans 3. Forest Stewardship Potential on Private Forest Lands and Existing Stewardship Plans 4. Resource Richness 5. Resource Threats 6. Forest Stewardship Potential on Non-forested – Non-developed Lands and Existing Stewardship Plans 7. MFL Large and Small - Account Status Maps 1, 2, 3, and 6 include analysis tables, identifying area and percentages by high, medium, and low potential. Recurring Map Data Analysis Mask – A mask defining what areas which are to be excluded from the analysis because they would not be impacted by the stewardship program. The Analysis Mask is comprised of (1) Urban/Developed areas (2) Public Lands (3) Open Water NON-Mask Areas – Areas that are included in the analysis based on the analysis mask, but are not covered by any of the primary themes in the maps. Individual Maps Map 1 Map Title: Potential for Forest Stewardship Program Benefits Wisconsin This map portrays the full analysis model, with high, medium, and low values broken out. It also shows the analysis mask that was used, and the non-mask, non-stew-capable areas of the analysis (zero values), with acres of those listed as footnotes. Table: Stewardship Capable Lands This table breaks out the analysis model into high, medium, and low values for both forested and non-forested areas. Stewardship Capable Lands Stewardship Potential Forest Acres % of total Forest Total Non-forest Acres % of total Forest Acres % of Total Forest C:\Documents and Settings\tmreynolds\My Documents\sap_webroot\na\sap\products\WI\APPENDIX_D-Maps_f.doc WI SAP Methodology – Appendix D Page 1 of 7 03/31/2009 Forest Stewardship Spatial Analysis Project Wisconsin Methodology Appendix D High Medium Low Total Notes: The reason the Non-forest column’s total does not match the total acres in the Acres Capable of Stewardship row of the table on Map 6 (Non-forested-non-developed stew potential) is that the NFND process was run using PrivateForest, the analysis theme developed during the SAP where patches smaller than 10 acres were removed. Map 2 Map Title: Potential for Forest Stewardship Program Benefits and Existing Stewardship Plans Wisconsin This map portrays the full analysis model, with high, medium, and low values broken out, overlaid with existing stewardship plans. It also shows the analysis mask that was used as well as the non-stew-capable areas of the analysis (zero values), with acres of those listed as footnotes. Comparison between Maps 2, 3 and 6: 9 Map 2 – shows full analysis model with existing stewardship plans (forested and nonforested lands alike). 9 Map 3 – selects out stewardship potential on lands that are already forested. 9 Map 6 – selects out stewardship potential on lands that are not currently forested. Table: Stewardship Potential and Stewardship Plans This table defines 1. the acres in the full analysis model with low, medium, and high values, 2. the acres of existing Stewardship plans residing in low, medium, and high values, and finally 3. the percent of potential acres capable of stewardship that are actually existing stewardship plans. Low Stewardship Potential Medium High Total Acres capable of Stewardship Stewardship Plan (acres) Stewardship Plans vs. Acres Capable of Stewardship (%) Notes: Due to scale and processing limitations, stewardship plan parcels are shown as full 40-acre units. In reality, actual plan acreage amounts may be much smaller than 40 acres. Map 3 Map Title: C:\Documents and Settings\tmreynolds\My Documents\sap_webroot\na\sap\products\WI\APPENDIX_D-Maps_f.doc WI SAP Methodology – Appendix D Page 2 of 7 03/31/2009 Forest Stewardship Spatial Analysis Project Wisconsin Methodology Appendix D Forest Stewardship Potential on Private Forest Lands* and Existing Stewardship Plans Wisconsin This is a map of stewardship potential on private forest lands. It shows the analysis model lying within private forest lands, with high, medium, and low values broken out, overlaid with existing stewardship plans. It also shows the analysis mask that was used as well as the non-forestednon-developed areas of the analysis in gray. Acres of the mask and non-forested-non-developed lands are listed as footnotes. The grid used in this model is the opposite of the non-forested-non-developed grid, therefore, the PrivateForest theme GRID was used for both maps, with 1 values being private forested, and 0 values being NFND lands. In the PrivateForest GRID, patches smaller than 10 acres were removed. *Includes Classes of Land Cover (WISCLAND): 161 162 163 166 173 175 176 177 179 180 183 185 187 217 218 219 220 223 229 234 FOREST: coniferous FOREST: jack pine FOREST: red pine FOREST: white spruce FOREST: mixed/other coniferous FOREST: broad-leaved deciduous FOREST: aspen FOREST: oak FOREST: northern pin oak FOREST: red oak FOREST: maple FOREST: sugar maple FOREST: mixed/other broad-leaved deciduous WETLAND: lowland shrub WETLAND: lowland shrub: broad-leaved deciduous WETLAND: lowland shrub: broad-leaved evergreen WETLAND: lowland shrub: needle-leaved FORESTED WETLAND: broad-leaved deciduous FORESTED WETLAND: coniferous FORESTED WETLAND: mixed deciduous/coniferous Comparison between Maps 2, 3 and 6: 9 Map 2 – shows full analysis model with existing stewardship plans (forested and nonforested lands alike). 9 Map 3 – selects out stewardship potential on lands that are already forested. 9 Map 6 – selects out stewardship potential on lands that are not currently forested. Table: Shows acres capable of stewardship within private forested lands, existing stewardship plans within private forested lands, and what percent of capable acres are actually existing stewardship plans. Private Forest Lands Stewardship Potential Low Medium High Total Acres capable of Stewardship Stewardship Plan acres Stewardship Plan acres as a percent of acres C:\Documents and Settings\tmreynolds\My Documents\sap_webroot\na\sap\products\WI\APPENDIX_D-Maps_f.doc WI SAP Methodology – Appendix D Page 3 of 7 03/31/2009 Forest Stewardship Spatial Analysis Project Wisconsin Methodology Appendix D private forests Map 4 Map Title: Resource Richness* Wisconsin This is a map of showing resource richness as it applies to forest stewardship. It was created by running the analysis model using only the themes in the asterisked list below. The resource richness model is broken out into high, medium, and low values. The map also shows the analysis mask that was used as well as the non-mask/non-resource areas of the analysis (zero values) in gray. *Includes Data Themes: Private Forest Lands Threatened and Endangered Species Forest Patches Proximity to Public/ Protected Lands Wetlands Riparian Areas Public Water Supplies Slope Priority Watersheds Map 5 Map Title: Resource Threats* Wisconsin This is a map of showing resource threats to stewardship potential. It was created by running the analysis model using only the themes in the asterisked list below. The resource threats model is broken out into high, medium, and low values. The map also shows the analysis mask that was used as well as the non-mask/non-threat areas of the analysis (zero values) in gray. *Includes Data Themes: Wildfire Assessment Change in Households Forest Pests Map 6 Map Title: Forest Stewardship Program Potential on Non-forested – Non-developed* Lands and Existing Stewardship Plans Wisconsin This is a map of stewardship potential on non-forested/non-developed (NFND) lands. It shows the analysis model lying within NFND lands, with high, medium, and low values broken out, overlaid with existing stewardship plans. It also shows the analysis mask that was used as well C:\Documents and Settings\tmreynolds\My Documents\sap_webroot\na\sap\products\WI\APPENDIX_D-Maps_f.doc WI SAP Methodology – Appendix D Page 4 of 7 03/31/2009 Forest Stewardship Spatial Analysis Project Wisconsin Methodology Appendix D as private forest lands areas of the analysis in gray. Acres of the mask and non-forested-nondeveloped lands are listed as footnotes. *The grid used in this model is the opposite of the private forested grid, therefore, the PrivateForest theme GRID was used for both maps, with 0 values being NFND lands, and 1 values being private forested lands. Comparison between Maps 2, 3 and 6: 9 Map 2 – shows full analysis model with existing stewardship plans (forested and nonforested lands alike). 9 Map 3 – selects out stewardship potential on lands that are already forested. 9 Map 6 – selects out stewardship potential on lands that are not currently forested. Table: Non-forest – Non-developed Lands Stewardship Potential Non-forest – Nondeveloped Lands Low Medium High Total Acres capable of Stewardship Stewardship Plan acres Stewardship Plan acres as a percent of acres non-forest – non-developed lands Notes: The reason this row’s total does not match the total acres in the Non-Forest column of the table on Map 1 is that this process was run using PrivateForest, the analysis theme developed during the SAP where patches smaller than 10 acres were removed. 3,920,667 acres of NFND fell into non-mask/non-stewardship potential areas of the analysis (zero values). Those acres are not represented in the table or legend so they footnoted on the map. C:\Documents and Settings\tmreynolds\My Documents\sap_webroot\na\sap\products\WI\APPENDIX_D-Maps_f.doc WI SAP Methodology – Appendix D Page 5 of 7 03/31/2009 Forest Stewardship Spatial Analysis Project Wisconsin Methodology Appendix D Map 7 Map Title: Industrial and Non-industrial Account Status Wisconsin This map portrays the differences between industrial (Wisconsin large accounts) and nonindustrial (Wisconsin small accounts) for our Managed Forest Tax Law enrollments, in Wisconsin. Table: Industrial and Non-industrial Account Acreage This table breaks out the analysis model into Non-industrial and Industrial account status for the existing stewardship plan acres. Industrial and Non-industrial Account Acreage Low Medium High Acres capable of Stewardship Stewardship Plan Acres* Industrial Acres Industrial Acres vs. Acres Capable of Stewardship (%) Total Notes: “Industrial” means “Large Account” status “Large Account” status • given to certain ownerships by the DNR- Forestry Division to facilitate the administration of their MFL lands “Large Accounts” are managed by FR Tax Section staff in Tomahawk. “Small Accounts” are managed by DNR foresters in the county where the land is located. Small Account vs. Large Account factors: 1. Owns > 1,000 acres of MFL (Managed Forest Law) 2. Lands located in multiple counties 3. Existence and availability of a written management plan acceptable to the department 4. Written and approved management commitment C:\Documents and Settings\tmreynolds\My Documents\sap_webroot\na\sap\products\WI\APPENDIX_D-Maps_f.doc WI SAP Methodology – Appendix D Page 6 of 7 03/31/2009 Forest Stewardship Spatial Analysis Project Wisconsin Methodology Appendix D 5. Consistent access to competent technical forestry management assistance through staff or consulting services C:\Documents and Settings\tmreynolds\My Documents\sap_webroot\na\sap\products\WI\APPENDIX_D-Maps_f.doc WI SAP Methodology – Appendix D Page 7 of 7 03/31/2009