61 GENUS: Oedura GENUS: Phyllurus GENUS: Pseudothecadactyl us GENUS: Rhacodactylus GENUS: Rhynchoedura* GENUS: SaItuarius GENUS: Underwoodisaurus SUBFAMILY: Eublepbarinae'" GENUS: Coleonyx GENUS: Eublepbaris GENUS: Goniurosaurus GENUS: Hemitheconyx GENUS: Holodactylus SUBFAMILY: Gekkoninae GENUS: Afroedura GENUS: Afrogecko GENUS: Agamura GENUS: Ailuronyx GENUS: Alsophylax GENUS; Arlstelliger GENUS; Asaccus GENUS; Blaesodactylus GENUS: Bogertia* GENUS; Brlha* GENUS: Bunopus GENUS: Calodactylodes GENUS: Carinatogecko GENUS: Chondrodactyiu,* GENUS; Christinus GENUS: Cnemaspis GENUS; Coleodactylus GENUS; Colopus* GENUS: Cosymbotus GENUS: Crossobamon GENUS: GENUS; GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS; GENUS; GENUS; GENUS: GENUS; GENUS: GENUS; GENUS; GENUS; GENUS: GENUS; GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS; GENUS: GENUS: GENUS; GENUS; Cryptactites' Cyrtodactylus Cyrtopodion Dixonius Dravidogecko* Ebenavia EuIeptes* Geckolepis Geckonia* Gehyra Gekko Goggia Gonatodes Gonydactylus Gymnodactylus Haemodracon Hemidactylus Hemiphyllodactylus Heteronotia Homonota Homopholis Lepidoblepharis Lepidodactylus Luperosaurus GENUS; Lygodactylus GENUS: Matoatoa GENUS: Microscalabotes* GENUS; GENUS: GENUS: GENUS; GENUS; GENUS: GENUS; GENUS: GENUS: GENUS; GENUS: GENUS; GENUS; GENUS: GENUS: GENUS; GENUS: GENUS: GENUS; GENUS: GENUS; GENUS; GENUS; GENUS; Nactus Narudasia* Pachydactylus PaImatogecko Psragehyra Psroedura Perochirus Phelsuma Phyllodactylus Phyllopezus Pristurus Pseudogekko Pseudogonatodes Plenopus Plychozoon Plyodactylus Quedenfeldtia Rhoptropus Saurodactylus Sphaerodactylus Stenodactylus Tarentola Teratolepis Thecadactylus* GENUS: Tropiocoiotes GENUS; Urocotyledon GENUS: Uroplatus SUBFAMILY: Teratoscincinae GENUS: Teratoscincus FAMILY: Pygopodidae'" SUBFAMILY: LiaIisinae TRIBE: Aprasiaini S87 GENUS; J\prasia GENUS: Ophidiocephalus* GENUS; Pletholax* TRIBE: Lialisini GENUS: LiaIis SUBFAMILY; Pygopodinae GENUS: Delma GENUS; Paradelma* GENUS: Pygopus . INFRAORDER: Iguania FAMILY: Agamidae588 SUBFAMILY; Agaminae GENUS; Acanthocercus GENUS: Acanthosaura GENUS: Agarna GENUS; Amphibolurus GENUS: Aphaniotis GENUS: Brachysaura* GENUS: Bronchocela GENUS; Bufoniceps* GENUS: Caimanops* GENUS; CaIotes GENUS; Ceratophora 62 GENUS: Chelosania* GENUS: Chlamydosaurus* GENUS: Cophotis* GENUS: Coryophophylax GENUS: Cryptagama* GENUS: Ctenophorus GENUS: Dendmgama* GENUS: Diporiphora GENUS: Draco GENUS: Gonocephalus GENUS: Harpesaurus GENUS: Hydrosaurus GENUS: Hypsicalotes* GENUS: Hypsilurus GENUS: Japalura GENUS: Laudaltia GENUS: Lophocalotes* GENUS: Lophognathus GENUS: Lyriocephalus* GENUS: Mictopholis* GENUS: Moloch" GENUS: Oreodeim* GENUS: Oriocalotes* GENUS: Otocryptis GENUS: Paracalotes GENUS: Phoxophrys GENUS: Phrynocephalus GENUS: Pbysignathus GENUS: Pogona GENUS: Psammophilus GENUS: Pseudocalotes GENUS: Pseudocophotis58~ GENUS: Pseudotrapelus* GENUS: Ptyctolaemus GENUS: Rankinia GENUS: Salea GENUS: Sitana GENUS: Trapelus GENUS: Tympanocryptis GENUS: Xenagama SUBFAMILY: Leiolepinae GENUS: Leiolepis GENUS: Uromastyx F AMILY: Chamaeleonidae'" SUBFAMILY: BrookesHnae GENUS: Brookesi. GENUS: Rhampholeon SUBFAMILY: Chamaeleoninae GENUS: Bradypodion GENUS: Calumrna GENUS: Chamaeleo GENUS: Furcifer FAMILY: Corytophanidae'" GENUS: Basiliscus GENUS: Corytophanes GENUS: Laemanctus FAMILY: Crotaphytidae'" GENUS: Crotaphytus GENUS: Gambelia FAMILY: Hoplocercidae GENUS: Enyalioides GENUS: Hoplocercus* GENUS: Morunasaurus FAMILY: Iguanidae'" GENUS: Amblyrhynchus* GENUS: Brachylophus GENUS: Conolophus GENUS: Qenosaura GENUS: Cyclura GENUS: Diplosaurus* GENUS: Iguana GENUS: Sauromalus FAMILY: Opluridae'" GENUS: Chalarodon* GENUS: Oplurus FAMILY: Phrynosomatidae'" GENUS: Callisaurus* GENUS: Cophosaurus* GENUS: Holbrookia GENUS: Petrosaurus GENUS: Phrynosoma GENUS: Sator GENUS: Sceloporus GENUS: Uma GENUS: Urosaurus GENUS: Uta FAMILY: Polychrotidae'" GENUS: Anisolepis GENUS: Anolis GENUS: Diplolaemus GENUS: Enyalius GENUS: Leiosaurus GENUS: Norops GENUS: Phenacosaurus GENUS: Polychrus GENUS: Pristidactylus GENUS: Urostrophus FAMILY: Tropiduridae'" SUBFAMILY: Leiocephalinae GENUS: Leiocephalus SUBFAMILY: Liolaeminae GENUS: Ctenoblepharys* GENUS: Liolaemus GENUS: Phymaturus SUBFAMILY: Tropidurinae GENUS: Microlophus GENUS: Plesiomicrolophus* GENUS: Plica GENUS: Stenocercus GENUS: Tropidurus GENUS: Uracentron GENUS: Uranoscodon" INFRAORDER Platynota FAMILY: Helodermatidae"" GENUS: Heloderma FAMILY: Lanthaootidae 63 GENUS: Lantbanotus* FAMILY: Varanidae'" GENUS: Varanus INFRAORDER: Scincomorpha FAMILY: Cordylidae'oo SUBFAMILY: Chamaesaurinae GENUS: Chamaesaura SUBFAMILY: Cordylinae GENUS: CordyIus GENUS: Platysaurus GENUS: Pseudocordylus FAMILY: Gerrhosauridae'" SUBFAMILY: Gerrhosaurinae GENUS: Angolosaurus* GENUS: Cordylosaurus* GENUS: Gerrhosaurus GENUS: Tetradactylus SUBFAMILY: Zonosaurinae GENUS: Tmcheloptychus GENUS: Zonosaurus FAMILY: Gymnophthalmidae'" GENUS: Alopoglossus GENUS: Amapasaurus* GENUS: Anadia GENUS: Anotosaura GENUS: Argalia GENUS: Arthrosaura GENUS: Arthroseps GENUS: Aspidolaemus GENUS: Bachia GENUS: Calyptommatus GENUS: Cercosaura* GENUS: Colobodactylus GENUS: Colobosaura GENUS: Colohosauroides GENUS: Echinosaura* GENUS: Ecpleopus* GENUS: Euspondylus GENUS: Gymnophthalmus GENUS: Heterodactylus GENUS: Iphisa* GENUS: Leposoma GENUS: Macropholidus GENUS: Micrablepharus GENUS: Neusticurus GENUS: Nothohachia* GENUS: Ophiognomon GENUS: Opipeuter* GENUS: Pantodactylus GENUS: Pholidobolus GENUS: Placosoma GENUS: Prionodactylus GENUS: Procellosaurinus GENUS: Proctoporus GENUS: Psilophthalmus* GENUS: Ptychoglossus GENUS: Riolama* GENUS: Stenolepis* GENUS: Teuchocercus* GENUS: Tretioscincus GENUS: Vanzosaura* FAMILY: Lacertidae'03 SUBFAMILY: Gallotiinae GENUS: Gallotia GENUS: Psannnodromus SUBFAMILY: Lacertinae GENUS: Acanthodactylus GENUS: Adolfu, GENUS: A1gyroides GENUS: Australolacerta GENUS: Darevskia GENUS: Eremias GENUS: Gastropholis GENUS: Heliobolus GENUS: Holaspis GENUS: Ichnotropis GENUS: Lacerta GENUS: Latastia GENUS: Meroles GENUS: Mesalina GENUS: Nucras GENUS: Ophisops GENUS: Pedioplanis GENIJS: Philochortus GENUS: Podareis GENUS: Poromera* GENUS: Pseuderemias GENUS: Takydromus GENUS: Timon604 GENUS: Tropidosaum FAMILY: Scincidae60S GENUS: Ablepharus GENUS: Acontias GENUS: Acontophiops* GENUS: Afroblepharus GENUS: Amphiglossus GENUS: Androngo GENUS: Anomalopus GENUS: Apterygodon* GENUS: Asymblepharus GENUS: Ateuchosaurus GENUS: Barkudia GENUS: Bartieia* GENUS: Bassiana GENUS: Brachymeles GENUS: Caledoniscincus GENUS: Calyptotis GENUS: Carlia GENUS: Cautula* GENUS: Chabanaudia* GENUS: Chalcides GENUS: Chalcidoseps* GENUS: Coeranoscincus GENUS: Coggeria* GENUS: Copboscincopus GENUS: Corucia* 64 GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Cryploblepharus Cryptoscineus* aenotus Cyclodina Cyclodomorphus Da.,ia Davewakeum* Egeroia Emoia Eremiascincus Eroticoscincus* Eugongylus Eulamprus Eumeces Eumecia Euprepes* Eurylepis Evesia* Feylinia Fojia* Geomyersia Geoscincus* Glaphyromorphus GENUS: Gnypetoscincus* GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Gonglyomorphus* Gongylus Graciliscincus* Haackgreerius* Hemiergis Hemisphaeriodon* lsopachys Janetaescincus Lacertaspis Lacertoides* Lacertus Lamprolepis Lampropholis Lankascincus Larutia Leiolopisma Leploseps Leplosiaphos Lerista Lioscincus Lipinia Lobulia Lubuya Lygisaurus Lygosoma Mabuya Macroscincus* Mannorosphax Melanoseps Menilia GENUS; Mesoscincus GENUS: Moehlus GENUS: Morethia GENUS: Nangura* GENUS: Nannoscincus GENUS: Neoseps* GENUS: Nessia GENUS: Niveoscincus GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Notoscineus Novoemneces Oligosoma Ophiomorus Ophioseineus Pamelaescincus* Panaspis Papuascineus Paraehaleides* Paracontias Paralipinia* Panroscincus Phoboseineus Prasinohaema Proablepharos Proscelotes Pseudemoia Pseudoacontias Pygomeles Riopa Ristella Saiphos* Saproscincus Scelates Scincella GENUS: Scincopus* GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Seineus Seolecoseps Sepsina Sepsophis' Sigaloseps GENUS: Simiscincus* GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Sphenomorphus Sphenops Taehygia* Tiliqua Traehydosaurus* Tribolonotus Tropidophorus GENUS: Tropidoscincus GENUS: Typhlaeontias GENUS: Typhlosaurus GENUS: Vietnascincus60b GENUS: Voeltzkowia FAMILY: Teiidae607 GENUS: Ameiva GENUS: Callopistes GENUS: Cnemidophorus GENUS: Crocodilurus GENUS: Dierodon GENUS: Dracaena GENUS: Kentropyx GENUS: Teius GENUS: Tupinambis 65 FAMlLY: Xantusiidae608 SUBFAMILY: Cricos.urinae GENUS: Cricosaura SUBFAMILY: Xantusiinae GENUS: Lepidophyma GENUS: Xantusia SUBORDER: Serpentes'" SUPERFAMILY: Boidea'" FAMILY: AniIiidae" I GENUS: Anilius' FAMILY: Anomochilidae'" GENUS: Anomochilus FAMILY: Boidae'" SUBFAMILY: Boinae'" GENUS: Acrantophis GENUS: Boa GENUS: Candoia GENUS: Corallus GENUS: Epicrates GENUS: Eunectes SUBFAMILY: Erycinae'" GENUS: Calaharia* GENUS: Charina GENUS: Eryx GENUS: Oongylophis SUBFAMILY: Pythoninae'" GENUS: Aspidites GENUS: Antaresia GENUS: Apodora* GENUS: Bothrochilus' GENUS: Leiopython* GENUS: Liasis GENUS: MoreIia GENUS: Python FAMILY: Bolyeridae'" GENUS: Bolyeria'" GENUS: Casarea' FAMILY: Cylindrophiidae'" GENUS: CyIindrophis FAMILY: Loxocemidae GENUS: Loxocemus' FAMILY: Tropidophiidae'" GENUS: Exiliboa* GENUS: Trachyboa GENUS: Tropidophis GENUS: UngaIiophis F AMILY: Uropeltidae" I GENUS: Brachyophidium* GENUS: Melanophidium GENUS: Platyplecturus GENUS: Plecturus GENUS: Pseudotypblops' GENUS: Rhinophis GENUS: Teretrurus* GENUS: Uropeltis FAMILY: Xenopeltidae'" GENUS: Xenopeltis SUPERFAMILY: Typhlopoidea'23 FAMILY: AnomaIepidae'" GENUS: AnomaIepis GENUS: Helminthophis GENUS: Liotyphlops GENUS: Typhlophis FAMILY: Leptotyphlopidae'" GENUS: Leptotyphlops GENUS: Rhinoleptus' FAMILY: Typhlopidae'" GENUS: Acutotyphlops GENUS: Cyclotyphlops' GENUS: Ramphotyphlops GENUS: Rhinotyphlops GENUS: Typhlops GENUS: Xenotyphlops' SUPERFAMILY: Xenophidia'" FAMILY: Acrochordidae'20 GENUS: Acrocbordus FAMILY: Atractaspididae'" SUBFAMILY: Atractaspidinae GENUS: Atractaspis SUBFAMILY: ApsraIlactinae GENUS: Amblyodipsas GENUS: Aparallactus GENUS: Brachyophis' GENUS: Chilorhinophis GENUS: EIapotinus* GENUS: Hypoptophis* GENUS: Macrelaps* GENUS: Micrelaps GENUS: Polemon GENUS: XenocaIamus FAMILY: Colubridae GENUS: Chapinophis'" GENUS: Cryptophidion''l GENUS: Exallodontophis'" GENUS: Xenophidion633 SUBFAMILY: Boodontinae GENUS: Boaedon GENUS: Bothrolycus' GENUS: Bothrophthalmus' GENUS: Buhoma GENUS: Chamaelycus GENUS: Cryptolyws* GENUS: Dendrolycus' GENUS: Dipsina* GENUS: Dromicodryas GENUS: Dromophis GENUS: Duberria GENUS: Gonionotrophis GENUS: Grayia GENUS: Hormonotus* GENUS: Lamprophis GENUS: Lycodonomorphus GENUS: Lycophidion GENUS: Macroprotodon* GENUS: Mehelya GENUS: Montaspis* 66 GENUS: Pseudaspis* GENUS: Pseudoboodon GENUS: Pythonodipsas* GENUS: Scaphiophis SUBFAMILY: Calamariinae GENUS: Calamaria GENUS: Calamorhabdium GENUS: Collorhabdium* GENUS: Etheridgeum* GENUS: Macrocalamus GENUS: Pseudombdioo GENUS: Rabdion* SUBFAMILY: Colubrinae GENUS: Aeluroglena* GENUS: Ahaetulla GENUS: Argyrogena* GENUS: Ariwna GENUS: Blythia* GENUS: Bogertophis GENUS: Boiga GENUS: Cemophora* GENUS: Ceraspis* GENUS: Chilomeniscus GENUS: Chionactis GENUS: Chironius GENUS: Chrysopelea GENUS: Coluber GENUS: Conopsis GENUS: Coronella GENUS: Crotaphopeltis GENUS: Cyclocorus GENUS: Cyclophiops GENUS: Dasypeltis GENUS: Dendrelaphis GENUS: Deudrophidion GENUS: Dinodon GENUS: Dipsaboboa GENUS: Disphohdus* GENUS: Dryadophis GENUS: Drymarchon GENUS: Drymobius GENUS: Drymoluber GENUS: Dryocalamus GENUS: Dryophiops GENUS: Eirenis GENUS: Elachistodoo* GENUS: Elapbe GENUS: Elapoidis* GENUS: Ficimia GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Gastropyxis* Geagras* Gongylosoma Gonyopbys' Gonysoma Gyalopion Haplocercus* Hapsidophrys* Helophis* GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Lampropeltis Leptodrymus' Leptophis Lepturophis Liopeltis Lycodon Lycognathophis* Lytorhynchus Masticophis Mastigodryas Meiwdon Myersophis* Oligodon Opheodrys Oreocalamus* Oxybelis Philothamnus Phyllorhynchus Pituophis Poecilophohs* Prosymna Pseudocyclophis* GENUS: Pseudoficimia* GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Pseustes Pylas Rhabdops Rhamnophis Rhinobothrym Rhinocheilus* Rbynchocalamus Rhynchophis* Salvadora Scaphiodontophis Scoleocophis' Senticohs' Sibynophis Simophis Sonora Spalerosophis Spilotes* Stegonotus GENUS: Stenorrhina GENUS: GENIJS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Stilosoma Symphimus Sympbolis* Tantilla Tantillita Telescopus Tetcalepis* Thelotornis Thermophis* Thrasops Toluca GENUS: Toxicodryas634 GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Trachischium Trimorphodoo Xenalaphis Zoacys 67 SUBFAMILY: Dipsadinae GENUS: Adelphicos GENUS: Amastridium* GENUS: Atractus GENUS: Calamodontophis* GENUS: Carphophis GENUS: Chersodromus GENUS: Coniophanes GENUS: Contia* GENUS: Cristantopbis* GENUS: Cryophis* GENUS: Diadophis* GENUS: Diapborolepis GENUS: Dipsas GENUS: Echinanthera GENUS: Emmocbilophis GENUS: Enuliophis> GENUS: Enulius GENUS: Eridiphas> GENUS: Geophis GENUS: Gomesophis* GENUS: Hydromorpbus GENUS: Hypsiglena GENUS: Imantodes GENUS: Leptodeira GENUS: Ninia GENUS: Nothopsis* GENUS: Pliocercus GENUS: Pseudoleptodeira GENUS: Pseudotomodon* GENUS: Ptychophis* GENUS: Rbadinaea GENUS: Rhadinophanes* GENUS: Sihon GENUS: Sibynomorphus GENUS: Synophis GENUS: Tacbymenis GENUS: Taeniophallus* GENUS: Tantalophis* GENUS: Thamnodynastes GENUS: Tomodon GENUS: Tretanorhinus GENUS: Trimetopon GENUS: Tropidodipsas GENUS: Urotheca GENUS: Xenopbolis SUBFAMILY: Homalopsinae GENUS: Bitia* GENUS: Brachyorrhos* GENUS: Cantoria GENUS: Cerberus GENUS: Enhydris GENUS: Erpeton* GENUS: Fordonia* GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Gerarda* Heurnia* Homalopsis* Myron* SUBFAMILY: Natricinae GENUS: Adelophis GENUS: Afronatrix* GENUS: Amphiesma GENUS: Amphiesmoides* GENUS: Amplorhinus* GENUS: Anoplohydrus* GENUS: Aspidnra GENUS: Atretium GENUS: Balanophis* GENUS: Clonophis* GENUS: Hologerrbum GENUS: Hydrablabes GENUS: Hydraethiops GENUS: 19uanognathus* GENUS: Limnophis* GENUS: Macropisthodon GENUS: Natriciteres GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Natrix Nerodia Opistbotropis Parahelicops* Parababdophis* Psammodynastes Regina Rhabdophis Seminatrix* Sinonatrix GENUS: Storeria GENUS: Thamnophis GENUS: Tropidoclonion* GENUS: Tropidonophis GENUS: Virginia GENUS: Xenochrophis SUBFAMILY: Pareatinae GENUS: Aplopeltura* GENUS: Internatus GENUS: Pareas SUBFAMILY: Psammophiinae GENUS: Hemirhagerrhis GENUS: Malpolon GENUS: Mimophis* GENUS: Psarnmophis GENUS: Psarnmophylax GENUS: Rhamphiophis SUBFAMILY: Pseudoxenodontinae GENUS: Plagiopbolis GENUS: Pseudoxenodon SUBFAMILY: Pseudoxyrhophiinae GENUS: Alluaudina GENUS: Brygopbis* GENUS: Compsophis> GENUS: Ditypophis* GENUS: Geodipsas GENUS: Heteroliodon GENUS: Ithycypbus GENUS: Langaba GENUS: Leioheterodon 68 GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Liophidium Liopholidophis Lycodryas Madagascarophis GENUS: Micropisthodon* GENUS: ProahruD~' GENUS: Pseudoxyrhpus GENUS: Stenophis SUBFAMILY: Xenodermatinae GENUS: Achalinus GENUS: Fimbrios' GENUS: Oxyrbabdium GENUS: Stoliczkaia GENUS: Xenodermus' GENUS: Xylophis SUBFAMILY: Xenodontinae GENUS: Alsophis GENUS: Antillophis GENUS: Apostolepis GENUS: Arrhyton GENUS: Boiruna* GENUS: Cercophis* GENUS: Clelia GENUS: Conophis GENUS: Darlingtonia' GENUS: Ditaxodon* GENUS: Drepanoides' GENUS: Elapomorphus GENUS: Erytbrolamprus GENUS: Farancia GENUS: Helicops GENUS: Heterodon GENUS: Hydrodynastes GENUS: Hydrops GENUS: Hypsirhynchus' GENUS: Ialtris GENUS: Lioheterophis* GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Liophis Lystrophis Manolepis' Oxyrhopus Phalotris Philodryas Phimophis Pseudablabes' Pseudoboa Pseudoeryx* Psomophis Rhachidelus* Saphenophis Siphlophis Sordellina* Tropidodryas Umbrivaga Uromacer Uromacerina* Waglerophis* Xenodon GENUS: Xenoxybelis' FAMILY: Elapidae'" SUBFAMILY: Bungarinae GENUS: Aspidelaps GENUS: Boulengerina GENUS: Bungarus GENUS: Dendroaspi s636 GENUS: Elapsoidea GENUS: Hemachatus' GENUS: Naja GENUS: Ophiophagus* GENUS: Paranaja' GENUS: Pseudohaje GENUS: Walterinnesia* SUBFAMILY: Elapinae GENUS: Calliophis GENUS: Leptomicrurus GENUS: Maticora GENUS: Micruroides* GENUS: Micrurus GENUS: Parapistocalamus* SUBFAMILY: Notechinae GENUS: Acanthophis GENUS: Aspidomorphus GENUS: Austrelaps GENUS: Brachyurophis GENUS: Cacophis GENUS: Cryptophis GENUS: Demansia GENUS: Denisonia GENUS: Drysdalia GENUS: Echiopsis GENUS: Elapognathus GENUS: Furina GENUS: Herniaspis GENUS: Homoroselaps GENUS: Hoplocephalus GENUS: Loveridgelaps* GENUS: Micropechis* GENUS: Neelaps GENUS: Notechis GENUS: Ogmodon* GENUS: Oxyuranus GENUS: Pailsus' GENUS: Pseudechis GENUS: Pseudonaja GENUS: Rhinoplocephalus GENUS: Salomonelaps* GENUS: Simoselaps GENUS: Sula GENUS: Toxicocalamus GENUS: Tropidechis* GENUS: Unechis GENUS: VerrniceUa FAMILY: Hydrophiidae'" SUBFAMILY: Hydrophiinae GENUS: Acalyptophis* GENUS: Aipysurus 69 GENUS: Astrotia* GENUS: Disteira GENUS: Emydocephalus GENUS: Enhydrina GENUS: Ephalophis* GENUS: Hydrelaps* GENUS: Hydrophis GENUS: Kerilia* GENUS: Kolpophis* GENUS: Lapemis GENUS: Parahydrophis* GENUS: Pelamis* GENUS: Praescutata* GENUS: Thalassophina* GENUS: Thalassophis* SUBFAMILY: Laticaudinae GENUS: Laticauda FAMILY: Viperidae'" SUBFAMILY: Azemiopinae GENUS: Azemiops* SUBFAMILY: Crotalinae'" GENUS: Agkistrodon GENUS: Atropoides GENUS: Bothriechis GENUS: Bothriopsis GENUS: Bothrops GENUS: Calloselasma* GENUS: Cerrophidion GENUS: Crotalus GENUS: Deinagkistrodon* GENUS: Ermia* GENUS: Gloydius GENUS: Hypnale GENUS: Lachesis GENUS: Gphryacus GENUS: Ovophis GENUS: Porthidium GENUS: Protobothrops GENUS: Sistrurus GENUS: Trimeresurus GENUS: Tropidolaemus SUBFAMILY: Viperinae'" GENUS: Adenorhinos* GENUS: Atheris GENUS: Bitis GENUS: Causus GENUS: Cerastes GENUS: Daboia* GENUS: Echis GENUS: Eristicophis* GENUS: Macrovipem GENUS: Montatheris* GENUS: Proatheris* GENUS: Pseudocerastes GENUS: Vipem ClASS: Aves641 SUBCLASS: Neornithes SUPERORDER: Neognathae ORDER: Anseriformes642 FAMILY: Anatidae'" SUBFAMILY: Anatinae'''' TRIBE: Anatini 645 GENUS: Anas GENUS: Callonetta* GENUS: Chenonetta* GENUS: Lophonetta GENUS: Malacorhyncbus* GENUS: Merganetta"" GENUS: Preronetta* GENUS: Rhodonessa* GENUS: Speculanas GENUS: Stictonetta647 TRIBE: Aythyini'" GENUS: Aristonetta* GENUS: Aythya GENUS: Marmaronetta* GENUS: Netta TRIBE: Cairinini"" GENUS: Aix GENUS: Amazonetta* GENUS: Cairina GENUS: Nettapus GENUS: Plectropterus* GENUS: Sarkidiomis' TRIBE: Mergini 6SO GENUS: Bucephala GENUS: Clangula* GENUS: Histrionicus* GENUS: Lophodytes* GENUS: Melanitta GENUS: Mergellus* GENUS: Mergus GENUS: Polysticta6S1 GENUS: Somateria652 TRIBE: Oxyurini 653 GENUS: Biziura* GENUS: Heteronetta* 654 GENUS: Nomonyx GENUS: Oxyura TRIBE: Tadornini655 GENUS: Alopochen* GENUS: Casarca656 GENUS: Cereopsis' GENUS: Chloephaga GENUS: Cyanochen* GENUS: Hymenolaimus* GENUS: Lophonetta* GENUS: Neochen* GENUS: Salvadorina* GENUS: Tachyeres657 GENUS: Tadoma SUBFAMILY: Anseranatinae GENUS: Anseranas* SUBFAMILY: Anserinae658 TRIBE: Anserini GENUS: Anser 70 GENUS: Bmnla TRIBE: Deodrocygnini'" GENUS: Dendrocygoa GENUS: Thalassomis* SUBFAMILY: Cygninae"" GENUS: Coscoroba* GENUS: Cygnus FAMILY: Anhimidae'" GENUS: Anhima* GENUS: Chauna ORDER: Apodifonnes'" FAMILY: Apodidae'" SUBFAMILY: Apodinae GENUS: Aeronautes GENUS: Apus GENUS: Cypsiurus GENUS: Panyptila GENUS: Tachornis GENUS: Tachymarptis SUBFAMILY: Chaetorinae GENUS: Aerodramus664 GENUS: Chaetura GENUS: Collocalia GENUS: Hiruodapus GENUS: Hydrochous'" GENUS: Meamsia GENUS: Neafrapus GENUS: Rhaphidura GENUS: Schoutedenapus GENUS: Telacanthura GENUS: Zoonavena SUBFAMILY: Cypseloidinae GENUS: Aeromis666 GENUS: Cypseloides GENUS: Nephoecetes* GENUS: Streptoprocne FAMILY: Hemiprocnidae667 GENUS: Hemiprocne FAMILY: Trochilidae'" SUBFAMILY: Phaethornithinae GENUS: Eutoxeres GENUS: GIaucis GENUS: Phaethornis GENUS: Threnetes SUBFAMILY: Trochiliuae GENUS: Abeillia* GENUS: Adelomyia* GENUS: Amazilia GENUS: Androdon* GENUS: Anthocephala* GENUS: Anthracothorax GENUS: Aphantochroa* GENUS: Avocettula* GENUS: Campylopterus GENUS: Chalybura GENUS: Chlorestes* GENUS: Chlorostilbon GENUS: Chrysolampis* GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Chrysuronia* Clytolaema* Colibri Cyanophaia* Cyanthus Damophila* Discosura* Doryfera Elvira Eugenes* Eulampis Eupetomena* Eupberusa Florisuga* Goethalsia* Goldrnania* Heliodoxa Hylocharis Hylonympha* Klais* Lampornis Lamprolaima* Lepidopyga Leucippus Leucochloris* Lophomis Melaootrochilus* Microchera* Orthorhynchus* Panterpe* Phaeochroa* Phlogophilus Polytmus Popelairia Ramphodon Stephanoxis* Stemoclyta* Taphrospilus' Thalurania Topaza Trochilus' ORDER: Caprimulgifonnes FAMILY: Aegothelidae'" GENUS: Aegotheles FAMILY: Caprimulgidae"" SUBFAMILY: Caprimulginae GENUS: Caprimulgus GENUS: Eleothreptus* GENUS: EurostoJXXlu.~671 GENUS: Hydropsalis GENUS: Macrodipteryx GENUS: Macropsalis* GENUS: Nyctidromus* GENUS: Nyctiphrynns GENUS: Phalaenoptilus* GENUS: Siphonorhis GENUS: Uropsalis SUBFAMILY: Chordeilinae 71 GENUS: Chordeiles GENUS: Lurocalis GENUS: Nyctiprogne* GENUS: Podager* FAMILY: Nyctibiidae'" GENUS: Nyctibus FAMILY: Podargidae'" GENUS: Batrachostomus GENUS: Podargus FAMILY: Steatornithidae GENUS: Steatornis* ORDER: Charadriiformes674 SUBORDER: Aleae'" FAMILY: Alcidae GENUS: Aethia GENUS: Alea* GENUS: Alle* GENUS: Brachyramphus GENUS: Cepphus GENUS: Cerorhinca* GENUS: Cyclorrhynchus* GENUS: Fratercula676 GENUS: Ptychoramphus* GENUS: Synthliborarnphus GENUS: Uria SUBORDER: Charadrii'" FAMILY: Burhinidae'" GENUS: Burhinus FAMILY: Charadriidae'" GENUS: Anarhynchus* GENUS: Cbaradrius GENUS: Elseyornis* GENUS: Erythrogonys* GENUS: Eudromias* GENUS: Oreopholus* GENUS: Peltohyas* GENUS: Phegornis* GENUS: Pluvialis GENUS: Thinornis* GENUS: Vanellus68ll FAMILY: Chionididae"l GENUS: Chionis FAMILY: Dromadidae GENUS: Dromas* FAMILY: Glareolidae'" GENUS: Cursorius GENUS: Glareola GENUS: Pluvianus* GENUS: Rhinoptilus GENUS: Stiltia* FAMILY: Haematopodidae'" GENUS: Haematopus FAMILY: Ibidorhynchidae GENUS: Ibidorhyncha* FAMILY: Jacanidae'" GENUS: Actophilornis GENUS: Hydrophasianus* GENUS: Irediparra* GENUS: Jacana GENUS: Metopidius* GENUS: Microparra* FAMILY: Pedionomidae'" GENUS: Pedionomus* FAMILY: Pluvianellidae GENUS: Pluvianellus* FAMILY: Recurvirostriciae686 GENUS: Cladorhynchus* GENUS: Himantopus GENUS: Recurvirostra FAMILY: Rostratulidae 6117 GENUS: Rostratula FAMILY; Scolopacidae688 SUBFAMILY: Scolopaciuae GENUS: Coenocorypha GENUS: Gallinago GENUS: Lymnocryptes* GENUS: Scolopax SUBFAMILY: Tringinae GENUS: Aphriza* GENUS: Arenaria GENUS: Bartramia* GENUS: Calidris GENUS: Catoptrophorus* GENUS: Eurynorhynchus* GENUS: Limicola* GENUS: Limnodrornus GENUS: Urnosa GENUS: Micropalama* GENUS: Numenius GENUS: Phalaropus'" GENUS: Philomachus' GENUS: Prosobonia* GENUS: Steganopus690 GENUS: Tringa GENUS: Tryngites' FAMILY: Thinocoriciae6n GENUS: Attagis GENUS: Thinocorus SUBORDER: Lari FAMILY: Laridae'" GENUS: Creagrus* GENUS: Lams GENUS: Pagophila* GENUS: Rhodostethia' GENUS: Rissa GENUS: Xema' FAMILY: Rynchopidae'" GENUS: Rynchops FAMILY: Stercorariidae694 GENUS: Catharacta GENUS: Stercorarius FAMILY: Sternidae69S GENUS: Anous GENUS: CWidonias GENUS: Gygis GENUS: Larostema* 72 GENUS: Phaetusa* GENUS: Procelstema* GENUS: Sterna ORDER: Ciconiiformes FAMILY: Ardeidae'" SUBFAMILY: Aradeinae'" GENUS: Agamia* GENUS: Ardea GENUS: Ardeola GENUS: Bubuleus* GENUS: Butorides GENUS: Casmerodius* GENUS: Egretta GENUS: Mesophoyx* GENUS: Pilherodius' GENUS: Syrigma* SUBFAMILY: Botaurinae'" GENUS: Botaurus GENUS: Dupetor* GENUS: Ixobryehus SUBFAMILY: Nycticoracinae699 GENUS: Cochlearius* GENUS: Gorsachius GENUS: Nyetanassa* GENUS: Nyetieorax SUBFAMILY: Tigrisomatinae700 GENUS: Tigriornis' GENUS: Tigrisoma GENUS: Zebrilius* GENUS: Zonerodius* F AMILY: Balaenicipitidae GENUS: Balaeniceps* FAMILY: Cathartidae'" GENUS: Cathartes GENUS: Coragyps* GENUS: Gymnogyps* GENUS: Sarcoramphus* GENUS: Vultur* FAMILY: Ciconiidae'" GENUS: Anastomus GENUS: Ciconia GENUS: Ephippiorhynehus GENUS: labiru* GENUS: Leptoptilos GENUS: Myeteria F AMILY: Scopidae GENUS: Scopus' FAMILY: Threskiomithidae'" SUBFAMILY: Plataleinae'" GENUS: Ajaia* GENUS: Platalea SUBFAIvllLY: Threskiomithinae705 GENUS: Bostryehia GENUS: Cercibis* GENUS: Eudocimus GENUS: Gerontieus GENUS: Lophotibis* GENUS: Mesembrinibis* GENUS: Nipponia* GENUS: Phimosus* GENUS: Plegadis GENUS: Pseudibis GENUS: Theristieus GENUS: Threskiornis ORDER: Coliifonnes 706 FAMILY: Coliidae GENUS: Colius GENUS: Urocolius ORDER: Columbiformes707 FAMILY: Columbidae SUBFAMILY: Columbinae GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: 70s Olloenas* Chalcophaps Claravis Columba Colurnbina Gallieolumba Geopelia Geophaps Geotrygon Henieophaps Leptotila GENUS: Leucosarcia* GENUS: Maeropygia GENUS: Metriopelia GENUS: Oena* GENUS: Otidiphaps* GENUS: Petrophassa GENUS: Phapitreron GENUS: Phaps GENUS: Reinwardtoena GENUS: Starnoenas* GENUS: Streptopelia GENUS: Trugon* GENUS: Turacoena GENUS: Turtur GENUS: Uropelia* GENUS: Zenaida SUBFAMILY: Diduneulinae GENUS: Diduneulus* SUBFAMILY: Gourinae'"' GENUS: Goura SUBFAMILY: Treroninae!O GENUS: Alectroenas GENUS: Cryptophaps* GENUS: Drepanoptila* GENUS: Ducula GENUS: Gymnophaps GENUS: Hemiphaga* GENUS: Lopholaimus* GENUS: Ptilinopus GENUS: Treron ORDER: Coraciiformes FAMILY: Alcedinidae'" GENUS: Aleedo GENUS: Ceyx 73 GENUS: Ispidina FAMILY: Brachypteraciidae'" GENUS: Atelomis GENUS: Brachypteracias GENUS: Uratelomis* FAMILY: Bucerotidae713 GENUS: Aceros GENUS: Anorrhinus GENUS: Anthracoceros GENUS: Buceros GENUS: Bucorvus GENUS: Ceratogymna GENUS: Ocyceros GENUS: Penelopides GENUS: Tockus FAMILY: Cerylidae'" GENUS: Ceryle" GENUS: Cbloroceryle GENUS: Megaceryle FAMILY: Coraciidae71S GENUS: Coracias GENUS: Eurystomus FAMILY: Dacelonidae'" GENUS: Actenoides GENUS: Caridonax* GENUS: Cittum* GENUS: Clytoceyx* GENUS: Dacelo GENUS: Halcyon GENUS: Lacedo* GENUS: Melidora* GENUS: Pelargopsis GENUS: Syma GENUS: Tanysiptera GENUS: Todirhamphus FAMILY: Leptosomatidae'" GENUS: Leptosomus* FAMILY: Meropidae718 GENUS: Meropogon* GENUS: Merops GENUS: Nyctyomis FAMILY: Momotidae'" GENUS: Aspatha* GENUS: Baryphthengus GENUS: Electron GENUS: Eumomota* GENUS: HyIomanes* GENUS: Momotus FAMILY: Todidae'" GENUS: Todus ORDER: Cuculiformes721 FAMILY: Cnculidae SUBFAMILY: Centropodinae GENUS: Centropus SUBFAMILY: Coccyzinae GENUS: Coccyzus GENUS: Hyetomis GENUS: Piaya GENUS: Saurothem SUBFAMILY: Couinae GENUS: Coua SUBFAMILY: Crotophaginae GENUS: Crotophaga GENUS: Guira* SUBFAMILY: Cuculinae GENUS: Cacomantis GENUS: CaIiechthrus* GENUS: Cercococcyx GENUS: Chrysococcyx GENUS: Clamator GENUS: CUculus GENUS: Eudynamys GENUS: Microdynamis* GENUS: Oxylophus GENUS: Pachycoccyx* GENUS: Rhamphomantis* GENUS: Scythrops* GENUS: Sumiculus* SUBFAMILY: Neomorphinae'" GENUS: Carpococcyx GENUS: Dromococcyx GENUS: Geococcyx GENUS: Morococcyx* GENUS: Neomorphus GENUS: Tapera* SUBFAMILY: Phaeuicophainae GENUS: Ceuthrnochares' GENUS: Phaenicophaeus FAMILY: Opisthocomidae'" GENUS: Opisthocomus* ORDER: Falconifonnes724 FAMILY: Accipitridae'" SUBFAMILY: Accipitrinae GENUS: Accipiter GENUS: Erythrotriorchis GENUS: Megatriorchis* GENUS: Melierax GENUS: Micronisus* GENUS: Urotriorchis* SUBFAMILY: Aegypiinae'" GENUS: Aegypius' GENUS: Gypaetus* GENUS: Gypohierax* GENUS: Gyps GENUS: Necrosyrtes* GENUS: Neophron* GENUS: Sarcogyps* GENUS: Torgos' GENUS: Trigonoceps* SUBFAMILY: Buteoninae'" GENUS: Aquila GENUS: Asturina GENUS: Busarellus' GENUS: Butastur GENUS: Buteo GENUS: Buteogallus 74 GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Geranoaetus* Haliaeetus Harpia* Harpyhaliaetus Harpyopsis* Hieraetus khthyophaga GENUS: Ictinaetus* GENUS: Kaupifalco' GENUS: Leucopternis GENUS: Lophaetus' GENUS: Morphuus* GENUS: Oroaetus* GENUS: Parabuteo* GENUS: Pithecophaga* GENUS: Polemaetus* GENUS: Spizaetus GENUS: Spizastur* GENUS: Slephanoaetus* SUBFAMILY: Circaetiuae'" GENUS: Circaetus GENUS: Dryotriorchis* GENUS: Eutriorchis* GENUS: Spilornis GENUS: Terathopius* SUBFAMILY: Circiuae'" GENUS: Circus GENUS: Geranospiza* GENUS: Polyboroides SUBFAMILY: Elaninae'" GENUS: Chelictinia* GENUS: Elanoides* GENUS: Elanus GENUS: Gampsonyx* GENUS: Machaerhamphus* SUBFAMILY: Milvinae'" GENUS: Haliastur GENUS: Harnirostra* GENUS: Harpagus GENUS: ktinia GENUS: Lophoictinia* GENUS: Milvus GENUS: Rostrhamus SUBFAMILY: Perninae'" GENUS: Aviceda GENUS: Chondrohierax* GENUS: Hernicopemis GENUS: Leptodon GENUS: Pernis FAMILY: Falconidae'" SUBFAMILY: Falconinae GENUS: Falco GENUS: Microhierax GENUS: Polihierax GENUS: Spiziapteryx* SUBFAMILY: Herpetotherinae GENUS: Herpetotheres* GENUS: Micrnstur SUBFAMILY: Polyborinae'" GENUS: Daptrius GENUS: Milvago GENUS: Phalcoboenus GENUS: Polyboms FAMILY: Pandionidae GENUS: Pandion* GENUS: Sagittariidae GENUS: Sagittarius* ORDER: Galliformes FAMILY: Crncidae'" GENUS: Aburria* GENUS: Chamaepetes GENUS: Crax GENUS: Mitu GENUS: Nothocrax* GENUS: Oreophasis* GENUS: Ortalis GENUS: Pauxi GENUS: Penelope GENUS: Penelopina* GENUS: Pipile FAMILY: Megapodidae'" GENUS: Aepypodius GENUS: Alectura* GENUS: Leipoa* GENUS: Macrocephalon* GENUS: Megapodius GENUS: Talegalla FAMILY: Meleagrididaem GENUS: Agriocharis* GENUS: Meleagris* FAMILY: Nurnididae'" GENUS: Acryllium* GENUS: Agel.stes GENUS: Guttera GENUS: Nurnida* FAMlLY: Odontophoridaeno GENUS: Callipepl. GENUS: Colinus GENUS: Crytonyx GENUS: Dactylortyx* GENUS: Dendrortyx GENUS: Odontophorus GENUS: Oreortyx* GENUS: Philortyx* GENUS: Rhynchortyx* FAMILY: Phasianidae740 GENUS: Afrop.vo* GENUS: Alectoris GENUS: Ammoperdix GENUS: Anurophasis* GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Arborophila Argusianus* Bambusicola caetreus* caloperdix* Chrysolophus 75 GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Cotumix Crossoptilon Francolinus Gallopenlix Gallus Haematortyx* lthaginis' Lerwa' Lophophorus Lophura Margaroperdix' Melanoperdix' Pavo Perdieula Perdix Phasianus' Polyplectron Ptilopaehus' Puemsia' Rheinardia' Rhizothera* Rollulus' Syrmaticus Tetraogallus Tetraophasis Tragopan Xenoperdix* FAMILY: Tetraonidae741 GENUS: Bonas. GENUS: Centrocercus* GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Dendragapus Lagopus Tetrao Tympanuchus ORDER: Gaviiformes742 FAMILY: Gaviidae GENUS: Gavia ORDER: Gruiformes743 FAMILY: Aramidae GENUS: Ammus' FAMILY: Cariamidae'''' GENUS: Cariarna* GENUS: Chunga' FAMILY: Eurypygidae GENUS: Eurypyga* FAMILY: Gruidae'" GENUS: Balearica GENUS: Grus FAMILY: Heliomithidae'<6 GENUS: Heliopais* GENUS: Heliomis' GENUS: Podica' FAMILY: Mesitornithidae747 GENUS: Mesitornis GENUS: Monias' FAMILY: Otididae'" GENUS: Ardeotis GENUS: Chlamydotis' GENUS: Eupodotis GENUS: Neolis GENUS: Otis' GENUS: Tetrax* FAMILY: Psophiidae'" GENUS: Psophia FAMILY: Rallidae'so GENUS: Aenigmatolimnas* GENUS: Amaurolimnas* GENUS: Amauromis GENUS: Anurolimnas GENUS: Aramides GENUS: Aramidopsis* GENUS: Atlantisia* GENUS: Canirallus GENUS: Coturnicops' GENUS: Crecopsis* GENUS: Crex' GENUS: Cyanolimnas* GENUS: Dryolimnas' GENUS: Eulaheomis' GENUS: Fulica GENUS: Gallicrex* GENUS: Gallinula GENUS: Gallirallus GENUS: Gymnocrex GENUS: Habroptila* GENUS: Himantomis' GENUS: Laterallus GENUS: Lewinia GENUS: Megacrex* GENUS: Micropygia* GENUS: Neocrex GENUS: Nesoclopeus GENUS: Pardirallus GENUS: Porphyrio GENUS: Porzana GENUS: Rallina GENUS: Rallus GENUS: Rougetiu,* GENUS: Sarothrura FAMILY: Rhyncochetidae GENUS: Rhynochetos* FAMILY: Tumicidae'" GENUS: Ortyxelos' GENUS: Tumix ORDER: Musophagiformes752 FAMILY: Musophagidae GENUS: Corythaeola* GENUS: Corythaixoides GENUS: Crinifer GENUS: Musophaga GENUS: Tauraco ORDER: Passeriformes753 SUBORDER: Passeri'" PARVORDER: Corvida SUPERFAMILY: Corvoidea FAMILY: Aegithinidae'" 76 GENUS: Aegithina F AMILY: Artamidue'" GENUS: Artamus FAMILY: Callaeidae'" GENUS: CaIlaeas* GENUS: Heteralocha* GENUS: Philestumus'" FAMILY: Campephagidaem GENUS: Campephaga GENUS: Campochaera* GENUS: Chlamydochaera* GENUS: Coracina GENUS: Hemipus GENUS: Lalage GENUS: Pericrocotus GENUS: TephrOOorois760 FAMILY: Chloropseidae'" GENUS: Chloropsis762 FAMILY: Cinclosomatidae763 GENUS: Androphobus* GENUS: Cinclosoma GENUS: Eupetes* GENUS: Ifrita* GENUS: Psophades GENUS: Ptilorrhoa FAMILY: Corcoracidae GENUS: Corcorax* GENUS: Struthidea* FAMlLY: Corvidae764 GENUS: Aphelocoma GENUS: Calocitta GENUS: Cissa GENUS: Corvus GENUS: Crypsirina GENUS: Cyanocitta GENUS: Cyanocorax GENUS: Cyanolyca GENUS: Cyanopica* GENUS: Dendrocitta GENUS: Garrulus GENUS: Gymnorhinus* GENUS: Nucifraga GENUS: Perisoreus GENUS: Pica GENUS: Platylophus* GENUS: Platysmuros* GENUS: Podoces GENUS: Pseudopodoces* GENUS: Ptilostomus* GENUS: pyrrhocorax GENUS: Temuurus* GENUS: Urocissa GENUS: Zavattariornis* FAMILY: Cracticidae765 GENUS: Cracticus GENUS: Gymnorhina* GENUS: Strepera FAMILY: Dicrmidae'" GENUS: Chaetorhynchus' GENUS: Dicrurus FAMILY: Grallinidae'" GENUS: Grallina FAMILY: Irenidae768 GENUS: Irena FAMILY: Laniidae'" GENUS: Corvinella GENUS: Lanius FAMILY: Malaconotidae'" GENUS: Dryoscopus GENUS: Laniarius GENUS: Laniotwdus77J GENUS: Malaconotus GENUS: Nilaus* GENUS: Rhodophoneus* GENUS: Tchagra GENUS: Telophorus FAMILY: Monarchidae'" GENUS: Arses GENUS: Chasiempis* GENUS: Clytorhynchus GENUS: E1minia GENUS: Erythrocercus GENUS: Eutrichomyias* GENUS: Hypothymis GENUS: Lamprolia* GENUS: Machaerirhynchus* GENUS: Mayrornis GENUS: Metabolus* GENUS: Monarcha GENUS: Myiagra GENUS: Neolalage* GENUS: Peltops1i3 GENUS: Philentoma'" GENUS: Pomarea GENUS: Terpsiphone GENUS: Trochocercus FAMILY: Neosittidae'" GENUS: Daphoenositta776 GENUS: Neositta FAMILY: Oriolidae'" GENUS: Oriolus GENUS: Sphecotheres FAMILY: Orthonychidae GENUS: Orthonyx FAMILY: Pachyeephalidae'" GENUS: Aleadryas* GENUS: Colluricincla GENUS: Coracornis* GENUS: Eulacestoma* GENUS: Falcunculus' GENUS: Hylocitrea* GENUS: Mohoua779 GENUS: Oreoica* GENUS: Pachycare* GENUS: Pachycephala GENUS: Pitohui 77 GENUS: Rh.gologus* FAMILY: Panuridae'" GENUS: Conostoma* GENUS: Panurus* GENUS: Paradoxomis FAMILY: Paradisaeidae'" SUBFAMILY: Cnemophilinae GENUS: Cnemophilus GENUS: Loboparadisea* SUBFAMILY: Paradisaeinae GENUS: Astrapia GENUS: Cicinnurus GENUS: Epimachus GENUS: Lophorina* GENUS: Lycocorax* GENUS: Macgregoria* GENUS: Manucodia GENUS: Melampitta GENUS: Paradigalla GENUS: Paradisaea GENUS: Parotia GENUS: Pteridophora* GENUS: Ptiloris GENUS: Seleucidis* GENUS: Semioptera* FAMILY; Petroicidae782 GENUS: Amalocichla GENUS: Drymodes GENUS: Eopsaltria GENUS: Eugerygone* GENUS: Heteromyias GENUS: Melanodryas GENUS: Microeca GENUS: Monachella* GENUS: Pacbycephalopsis GENUS: Peneothello GENUS: Petroica GENUS: Poecilodryas GENUS: Tregellasia FAMILY: Picathartidae'" GENUS: Picathartes FAMILY: Pityriasidae GENUS: Pityriasis'" FAMILY: Pomatostomidae'" GENUS: Pomatostomus FAMILY: Prionopidae'" GENUS: Eurocephalus787 GENUS: Prionops FAMILY: Rhipidnridae'" GENUS: Rhipidura FAMILY: Vangidae'" GENUS: Artamella* GENUS: Calicalicus GENUS: Cyanolanius* GENUS: Euryceros* GENUS: Falculea* GENUS: Hypositta* GENUS: Leptopterus* GENUS: Oriolia* GENUS: Schetba* GENUS: Tylas* GENUS: Vang.* GENUS: Xenopirirostris FAMILY: Vireonidae790 SUBFAMILY: Cyclarhinae GENUS: Cyclarhis SUBFAMILY: Vireolaniinae GENUS: Vireolanius SUBFAMILY: Vireoninae GENUS: Hylophilus GENUS: Vireo SUPERFAMILY: Meliphagoidea FAMILY: Acanthizidae GENUS: Acanthiza GENUS: Acanthomis* GENUS: Aphelocephala GENUS: Calamanthus GENUS: Chthonicola* GENUS: Crateroscelis GENUS; Dasyomis791 GENUS: Gerygone GENUS: Hylacola GENUS: Oreoscopus* GENUS: Origma* GENUS: Pycnoptilus* GENUS: Pyrrholaemus* GENUS: Sericomis GENUS: Smicromis* FAMILY: Epthiannridae'" GENUS: Ashbyia* GENUS: Epthianura FAMILY: Malnridae'" GENUS: Amytomis GENUS: Clytomyias* GENUS: Malurus GENUS: Sipodotus* GENUS: Stipiturus FAMILY: Meliphagidae'" GENUS: Acanthagenys* GENUS: Acanthorhynchus GENUS: Anthochaera GENUS: Anthornis * GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Apalopteron* Certhionyx Conopophila Entomyzon* Foulebaio* Glycichaera* Grantiella* Guadalcanaria* Gymnomyza GENUS: Lichenostomus GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Lichmera Manorina Melidectes Melilestes* 78 GENUS: Meliphaga GENUS: Melipotes GENUS: Melithreptus GENUS: Melitograis* GENUS: Moho GENUS: Myza GENUS: Myzomela GENUS: Notiomystis* GENUS: Oreomis' GENUS: Philemon GENUS: Phylidonyris GENUS: Plectorbyncba* GENUS: Prosthemadera* GENUS: Ptiloprora GENUS: Pycnopygius GENUS: Ramsayomis GENUS: Stresemannia* GENUS: Timeliopsis GENUS: Tricbodere* GENUS: Xantbomyza* GENUS: Xantbotis FAMILY: Pardalotidae'" GENUS: Pardalotus SUPERFAMILY: Menuroidea FAMILY: Atricbomithidae'" GENUS: Atrichomis FAMILY: Climacteridae'" GENUS: Climacteris GENUS: Cormobates FAMILY: Menuridae'" GENUS: Menura F AMIL Y: Ptilonorhynchidae'" GENUS: Ailuroedus GENUS: Amblyomis GENUS: Archboldia GENUS: Chlamydera GENUS: Prionodura* GENUS: Ptilonorhynchus* GENUS: Scenopoeetes800 GENUS: Sericulus FAMILY: Rhabdomithidae'" GENUS: Rhabdomis PARVORDER: Passerida SUPERFAMILY: Muscicapoidea FAMILY: Bombycillidae'" SUBFAMILY: Bombycillinae GENUS: Bombycilla SUBFAMILY: Ptilogonatinae'" GENUS: Phainopepla * GENUS: Phainoptila* GENUS: Ptilogenys FAMILY: Cinclidae'" GENUS: Cinclus FAMILY: Dulidae GENUS: Dulus' FAMILY: Mimidae805 GENUS: Allenia806 GENUS: Cinclocertbia GENUS: Dumetella* GENUS: Margarops* GENUS: Melanoptila* GENUS: Melanotis GENUS: Mimodes* GENUS: Mimus GENUS: Nesontimus GENUS: Oreoscoptes' GENUS: Ramphocinclus' GENUS: Toxostoma FAWLY: Muscicapidae807 GENUS: Bradontis GENUS: Cercomela GENUS: Cercotrichas GENUS: Chaimarromis * GENUS: Cichladusa GENUS: Cinclidium GENUS: Cocboa GENUS: Copsychus GENUS: Cossypha GENUS: Cossyphicula* GENUS: Culicicapa GENUS: Cyanoptila* GENUS: Cyornis GENUS: Empidornis* GENUS: Enicurus GENUS: Erithacus GENUS: Eumyias GENUS: Ficedula GENUS: Fraseria GENUS: Grandala* GENUS: Hodgsonius* GENUS: Horizorhinus* GENUS: Humblotia* GENUS: irania* GENUS: Lm;cinia GENUS: Melaenornis808 GENUS: Muscicapa GENUS: Muscicapella* GENUS: Myioparus GENUS: Myrmecocichla GENUS: Namibomis* GENUS: Niltava GENUS: Oenantbe GENUS: Phoenicurus GENUS: Pinarornis* GENUS: Pogonocichla* GENUS: Rhinomyias GENUS: Rhyacomis GENUS: Saxicola GENUS: Saxicoloides* GENUS: Sheppardia GENUS: Sigelus' GENUS: Stiphromis* GENUS: Swynnertonia* GENUS: Tarsiger GENUS: Thamuolaea GENUS: Trichixos* 79 GENUS: Xenocopsychus* FAMILY: Sturnidae'" GENUS: Acridotheres GENUS: Ampeliceps* GENUS: Aplonis GENUS: Basilornis GENUS: Buphagus GENUS: Cinnyricindus* GENUS: Cosmopsarus810 GENUS: Creatophora* GENUS: Enodes* GENUS: Gracula GENUS: Gracupica GENUS: Graftsia* GENUS: Lamprotomis GENUS: Leucopsar* GENUS: Mino GENUS: Neocichla* GENUS: Onychognathus GENUS: Pastor" GENUS: Pholia GENUS: Poeoptera GENUS: Sarcops' GENUS: Saroglossa GENUS: Scissirostrum* GENUS: Speculipastor* GENUS: Spreo GENUS: Streptocitta GENUS: Sturnia GENUS: Stumus GENUS: Temenuchus* FAMILY: Turdidae'" GENUS: Alethe GENUS: Brachypteryx GENUS: Cataponera" GENUS: Catharus GENUS: ChIamydochaera* GENUS: Cichlherrninia* GENUS: Cichlopsis* GENUS: Entomodestes GENUS: Geomalia* GENUS: Heinrichia* GENUS: Hylocichla* GENUS: Ixoreus* GENUS: Monticola GENUS: Myadesles GENUS: Myiophoneus81Z GENUS: Neocossyphus GENUS: Nesocichla* GENUS: Platycichla GENUS: Pseudocossyphus GENUS: Psophocichla* GENUS: Ridgwayia* GENUS: Sialia GENUS: Turdus GENUS: Zoothera SUPERFAMILY: Passeroidea FAMILY: Alaudidae'" GENUS: Alaemon GENUS: Alauda GENUS: Ammomanes GENUS: Calandrella GENUS: Certhilauda GENUS: Chersomanes* GENUS: Chersophilus* GENUS: Eremalauda GENUS: Eremophila GENUS: Eremopterix GENUS: Galerida GENUS: Heteromirafra GENUS: Lullula* GENUS: Melanocorypha GENUS: Mirafra GENUS: Pinarocorys GENUS: Pseudoalaemon* GENUS: Ramphocoris* GENUS: Spizocorys FAMILY: Cardinalidae'" GENUS: Cardinalis GENUS: Caryothraustes GENUS: Cyanocompsa GENUS: Cyanoloxia* GENUS: Guiraca* GENUS: Parkerthraustes* GENUS: Passerina GENUS: Periporphyrus* GENUS: Pheucticus GENUS: Porphyrospiza* GENUS: Rhodothraupis* GENUS: Saltator GENUS: Spiza* FAMILY: Coerebidae GENUS: Coereba* FAMILY: Dicaeidae815 GENUS: Dicaeum GENUS: Prionochilus FAMILY: Drepanididae'" GENUS: Hemignathus GENUS: Himatione* GENUS; Loxioides* GENUS: Loxops GENUS; Melamprosops* GENUS: Oreomystis GENUS: Palmeria* GENUS: Paroreomyza GENUS: Pseudonestor* GENUS: Psittirostra* GENUS: Telespiza GENUS: Vestiaria* FA~LY: Emberizidae8 !7 GENUS: Acanthidops' GENUS: Aimophila GENUS: Amaurospiza GENUS: Annnodrarnus GENUS: Amphispiza GENUS: Arremon 80 GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Arremonops At/apetes Buarremon CaJamospiza* CaJcarius Camarhynchus Catamenia Certhidea Charitospiza* Chondestes* Coryphaspiza* Coryphospingus Diglossa'" Diuca Dolospingus* Donacospiza* Emheriza Emherizoides Emhemagra Euneornis* Geospiza Guhematrix* Haplospiza Idiopsar* Incaspiza Junco Latoucheomis* Lophospingus Loxigilla Loxipasser* Lysurus Melanodera Melanospiza* Melophus* Melopyrrha* Melospiza Melozone Nesospiza Oriturus' Oryzohorus Paroaris Passerculus* Passerella* Pezopetes' Phrygilus Piezorhina* Pinaroloxias* Pipilo Plectrophenax Pooecetes* Poospiza Pselliophorus Rhodospingus* Rowettia* Saltatricula* Sicalis Spizella Sporophila GENUS: Tiaris GENUS: Torreornis* GENUS: Urocynchramusll !9 GENUS: Volatinia* GENUS: Xenospingus' GENUS: Xenospiza* GENUS: Zonotrichia FAMILY: Estrildidae'" GENUS: Amadina GENUS: Amandava GENUS: Chloebia* GENUS: Clytospiza* GENUS: Cryptospiza GENUS: Emblema* GENUS: Erythrura GENUS: Estrilda GENUS: Euschistospiza GENUS: Heteromunia* GENUS: Hypargos GENUS: Lagonosticta GENUS: Lonchura GENUS: Mandingoa* GENUS: Neochmiall21 GENUS: Nesocharis GENUS: Nigrita GENUS: Oreostruthus* GENUS: Ortygospiza GENUS: Padda GENUS: Parrnoptila GENUS: Poephila GENUS: Pyrenestes GENUS, Pytilia GENUS: Sperrnophaga GENUS: Stagonopleura GENUS: Taeniopygia GENUS: Uraeginthus FAMILY: Fringillidae822 GENUS: Callacanthi,* GENUS: C3rduelis GENUS: carpoctacus GENUS: Coccothraustes GENUS: Euphona GENUS: Fringilla GENUS: Haematospiza* GENUS: Leucosticte GENUS: Linurgus* GENUS: Loxia GENUS: Mycerobas GENUS: Neospiza* GENUS: Pinicola GENUS: Pyrrhoplectes* GENUS: Pyrrbula GENUS: Rhodopechys GENUS: Rhynchostruthus* GENUS: Serinus GENUS: Uragus* FAMILY: Icteridae'" GENUS: Agelaius 81 GENUS: Amblycercus* GENUS: Amblyramphus* GENUS: Cacicus GENUS: Curaeus GENUS: Dives GENUS: Dolichonyx* GENUS: Euphagus GENUS: Gnorimopsar* GENUS: Gymnomystax* GENUS: Gymoostinops GENUS: Hypopyrrhus* GENUS: Icterus GENUS: Lampropsar* GENUS: Macroagelaius GENUS: Molothrus GENUS: Nesopsar* GENUS: OcyaJus* GENUS: Oreopsar* GENUS: Psarocolius GENUS: Pseudoleistes GENUS: QuiscaJus GENUS: Scaphidwa"4 GENUS: Sturnella GENUS: Xanthocephaius* FAMILY: Melaoocharitidae'" GENUS: Melanocharis GENUS: Toxorhamphus FAMILY: Motacillidae'" GENUS: Anthus GENUS: Dendronanthus* GENUS: Macronyx GENUS: Motacilla GENUS: Tmetothylacus* FAMILY: Nectariniidae'" GENUS: Aethopyga GENUS: Anabathmis GENUS: Anthobaphes* GENUS: Anthreptes GENUS: Arachoothera GENUS: ChaJcomitra GENUS: Chaicoparia* GENUS: Cinoyris GENUS: Cyaoomitra GENUS: Deleornis GENUS: Dreptes* GENUS: Hedydipna GENUS: Hypogramma* GENUS: Leptocoma GENUS: Nectarinia FAMILY: Paramythiidae GENUS: Oreocharis* GENUS: Paramythia* FAMILY: Parulidae'" GENUS: Basileuterus GENUS: Cardellioa* GENUS: Catharopeza* GENUS: Deodroica GENUS: Ergaticus GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Eutblypis* Geothlypis Graoatellus Helmitheros* leteria' Leucopeza* Limnothlypis* Microligea* Miniotilta* Myioborus Oporornis Parula GENUS: Protonotaria* GENUS: Seiurus GENUS: Setophaga* GENUS: Teretistris GENUS: Verrnivora GENUS: Wilsonia GENUS: Xenoligea* GENUS: Zeledonia* FAMILY: Passeridae8l9 GENUS: Carpospiza* GENUS: Montifringilla GENUS: Passer GENUS: Petronia FAMILY: Peucedramidae GENUS: Peucedramus* FAMILY: Ploceidae'" SUBFAMILY: Buhaiornithinae GENUS: Bubalornis GENUS: Dinemellia* SUBFAMILY: Ploceinae GENUS: Amblyospiza* GENUS: Anaplectes* GENUS: Anomalospiza* GENUS: Brachycope* GENUS: Euplectes GENUS: Foudia GENUS: Histurgops* GENUS: Malimbus GENUS: Pachyphantes* GENUS: Philetaicus* GENUS: Plocepasser GENUS: Pleceus GENUS: Pseudonigrita GENUS: Quelea GENUS: Sporopipes SUBFAMILY: Viduinae'" GENUS: Vidua FAMILY: Promeropidae832 GENUS: Promerops FAMILY: PruoellidaeSH GENUS: Prunella F AMILY: Thraupidae'" GENUS: Anisognathus GENUS: Baogsia GENUS: Buthraupis GENUS: Calochaetes* 82 GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Calyptophilus catamblyrhynehus* Chlorochrysa Chlorophanes" Chlorophonia Chloromis* Chlorospingus Chlorotbraupis Chrysothlypis Cissopis* Cnemoscopus* Compsothraupis* Conirostrum8JS Conothraupis Creurgops Cyanerpes Cyanieterus* Cypsnagr.* Daenis Delotbraupis* Dubusia" GENUS: Eucometis* GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Euphonia Habia Hernispingus Hernithraupis Heterospingus Iridophanes* GENUS: lridosornis GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Lamprospiza* Lamo Mitrospingus Nemosia Neothraupis* Nephelomis'" Nesospingus* Orehestieus* Oreomanes* Oreothraupis* Orthogonys* Phaenieophilus Pipraeidea* Pirang. Pseudodacnis* Pyrrhocoma* Ramphocelus Rhodinociehla* Sehistoehlamys Serieossypha* Spindalis Stephanophorus* Taehyphonus Tangara Thlypopsis Tbraupis Triehothraupis* Urothraupis* Wetmorethraupis* GENUS: Xenodacnis* SUPERFAMILY: Sylvioidea FAMILY: Aegithalidae'" GENUS: Aegithalos GENUS: Psaltria* GENUS: Psaltriparus* FAMILY: Certhiidae'" GENUS: Certhia GENUS: Salpornis* FAMILY: Cisticolidae839 GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: ApaJis calamonastes Camaroptera Cistieola Drymociehla* Erninia* Euryptila* GENUS: HeliolaisS4O GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Hypergerus' Incana* Maleorus* Phragmacia84 ! Prinia Rhopophilus* GENUS: Scotocerca* GENUS: Spiloptila* GENUS: Urolais* GENUS: Urorhipis* FAMILY: Hirundinidae'" GENUS: Atticora GENUS: Cheramoeca* GENUS: Deliehon GENUS: Hirundo GENUS: Neochelidon* GENUS: Notiochlidon GENUS: Petrochelidon GENUS: Phedina GENUS: Progne GENUS: Psalidoprocne GENUS: Pseudochelidon GENUS: Pygochelidon* GENUS: Riparia GENUS: Stelgidopteryx GENUS; Tachycincta FAMILY; Hypocoliidae'" GENUS; Hypocolius* FAMILY; Paridae'" GENUS; Baeolophus GENUS; Cyanistes GENUS; Lophophanes GENUS: Macholophus* GENUS; Melaniparus GENUS: Melanochlora* GENUS: Pardaliparus GENUS; Pams GENUS: Periparus GENUS: Poccile GENUS: Sittiparus 83 GENUS: Sylviparus* FAMILY: Platysteiridae'" GENUS: Balis GENUS: Bias* GENUS: Megabyas* GENUS: Platy,teira GENUS: Pseudobias' FAMILY: Polioptilidae'" GENUS: Microbates GENUS: Polioptila GENUS: Ramphocaenus* FAMILY: Pycnonotidae"" GENUS: Alopboixus GENUS: Andropadus GENUS: Baeopogon GENUS: Bieda GENUS: Calyptocichla* GENUS: Chlorocichla GENUS: Criniger GENUS: Hemixos GENUS: Hypsipetes GENUS: Iole GENUS: Ixonotus' GENUS: Ixos GENUS: Neolestes* GENUS: Nicator"" GENUS: Phyllastrepbus GENUS: Pycnonotus GENUS: Setornis* GENUS: Spizixos GENUS: Thescelocichla* GENUS: Tricholestes* FAMILY: Regulidae'" GENUS: Regulus FAMILY: Remizidae"" GENUS: Aothoscopus GENUS: Amiparus* GENUS: Cepbalopyrus* GENUS: Pholidornis'" GENUS: Remiz FAMILY: Sittidae'" GENUS: Sitta FAMILY: Sylviidae'" GENUS: Abroscopus GENUS: Achaetops* GENUS: Acrocephalus GENUS: Amaurocichla* GENUS: Bathmocercus GENUS: Bebromis854 GENUS: Bradypterus GENUS: Buellikoferella* GENUS: Cellia GENUS: Chaetornis* GENUS: Chloropeta GENUS: Cincloramphus GENUS: Cryptosylvicola* GENUS: Dromaeocercilli GENUS: Eremiornis* GENUS: Eremomela GENUS: Graminicola* GENUS: Graueria* GENUS: Hemitesia* GENUS: Hippolais GENUS: Hylia* GENUS: Hyliota GENUS: Leptopoecile GENUS: Locustella GENUS: Macrosphenus GENUS: Megalurulus GENUS: Megalurus GENUS: Melocichla* GENUS: Nesillas GENUS: Newtonia GENUS: Orthotomus GENUS: Parisoma GENUS: Phyllolais* GENUS: Phylloscopus GENUS: Poliolais * GENUS: Raodia* GENUS: Sceptomycter* GENUS: Schoenicola GENUS: Seicercus GENUS: Sphenoeacus* GENUS: Stenostira* GENUS: Sylvia GENUS: Sylvietta GENUS: Tesia GENUS: Thamnorni,* GENUS: Tickellia* GENUS: Trichocichla* GENUS: Urosphena FAMILY: Tichodromadidae GENUS: Tichodroma8.55 FAMILY: Timaliidae'" GENUS: Actioodura GENUS: Alcippe GENUS: Arcanator* GENUS: Bahax GENUS: Chaetops'" GENUS: Chamaea8S8 GENUS: Chrysomma GENUS: Crocias GENUS: Crossleyia* GENUS: Cutia* GENUS: Dwnetia* GENUS: Gampsorhyncbus* GENUS: Garrulax GENUS: Hartertula* GENUS: Heterophasia GENUS: IUadopsis GENUS: Jahouilleia* GENUS: Kakamega* GENUS: Keoopia* GENUS: Kupeornis GENUS: Leiothrix GENUS: Liocichla 84 GENUS: Lioptilus* GENUS: Macronous GENUS: Malacocincla GENUS: Malacopteron GENUS: Malia8S9 GENUS: Micromacronus* GENUS: Minla GENUS: Modulatrix* GENUS: Mystacomis* GENUS: Myzomis* GENUS: Napothera GENUS: Neomixis GENUS: Oxylabes* GENUS: Parophasma* GENUS: Pellomeum GENUS: Phyllanthus* GENUS: Pnoepyga GENUS: Pomatorhinus GENUS: Pteruthius GENUS: Ptilocichla GENUS: Ptyrticus* GENUS: Rhopocichla* GENUS: Rimator* GENUS: Spelaeomis GENUS: Sphenocichla* GENUS: Staehyris GF..NUS: Timalia* GENUS: Trichastoma GENUS: Turdoides GENUS: Xiphirhynchus* GENUS: Yuhina FAMILY: Troglodytidae'M GENUS: Campylorhyochus GENUS: Catherpes* GENUS: Cinnyeerthia GENUS: Cistothorus GENUS: Cyphorhinus GENUS: Donacobius861 GENUS: Ferminia* GENUS: Henicorhioa GENUS: Hylorchilus GENUS: Microcerculus GENUS: Odootorchilus GENUS: Salpinctes' GENUS: Thryomaoes GENUS: Thryorchilus' GENUS: Thryorthorus GENUS: Troglodytes GENUS: Uropsila* FAMILY: Zosteropidae862 GENUS: Chlorocharis* GENUS: Cleptomis* GENUS: Heleia GENUS: Hypocryptadius* GENUS: Lophozosterops GENUS: Madanga* GENUS: Megazosterops* GENUS: Oculocineta* GENUS: Rukia GENUS: Speirops GENUS: Tephrozosterops* GENUS: Woodfordia GENUS: Zosterops SUBORDER: Tyranni'" INFRAORDER: Acaothisittides FAMILY: Acanthisittidae864 GENUS: Acanthisitta* GENUS: Xenieus INFRAORDER: Eurylaimides SUPERFAMILY: Eurylaimoidea FAMILY: Eurylaimidae'" GENUS: Calyptomena GENUS: Corydon* GENUS: Cymbirhynehus* GENUS: Eurylaimll' GENUS: Psarisomus* GENUS: Pseudocalyptomena* GENUS: Serilophus* GENUS: Smithomis SUPERFAMILY: Pittoidea FAMILY: Pittidae'" GENUS: Pitta INFRAORDER: Tyrannides PARVORDER Fllffiariida SUPERFAMILY: Formicarioidea FAMILY: Conopophagidae'" GENUS: Conopophaga FAMILY: Formicariidae'" GENUS: Chamaeza GENUS: Formicarius GENUS: Grallaria GENUS: Grallarieula GENUS: Hylopezus GENUS: Myrmothera GENUS: Pittasoma FAMILY: Philepittidae'" GENUS: Neodrepanis GENUS: Philepitta FAMILY: Rhinocryptidae'" GENUS: Aeroptemis* GENUS: Eugralla* GENUS: Lioseeles* GENUS: Melanopareia GENUS: Merulaxis GENUS: Myomis* GENUS: Psilorharnphus* GENUS: Pteroptochos GENUS: Rhinocrypta* GENUS: Scelorehilus GENUS: Scytalopus GENUS: Teledromas* SUPERFAMILY: Fllffiarioidea FAMILY: Deudrocolaptidae'" GENUS: Campylorharnphus GENUS: Deconychura GENUS: Dendrexetastes* 85 GENUS: Dendrocincla GENUS: Dendrocolaptes GENUS: Drymornis* GENUS: Glyphorhynchus* GENUS: Hylexetastes GENUS: Lepidocolaptes GENUS: Nasica* GENUS: Sittasomus* GENUS: Xiphocolaptes GENUS: Xiphorhynchus FAMILY: Fumariidae'" GENUS: Acrobatornis873 GENUS: Oreophylax* GENUS: Poecilurus SUBFAMILY: Fumariinae GENUS: Chilia* GENUS: Cinclndes GENUS: Fumarius GENUS: Geohates' GENUS: Geositta GENUS: Ochetorhynchus GENUS: Upucertbia SUBFAMILY: Philydorinae GENUS: Anahacertbia GENUS: Anahazenops* GENUS: Ancistrops* GENUS: Automolus GENUS: Berlepschia* GFNUS·. Cichlocolaptes' GENUS: Heliobletus* GENUS: Hylocryptus GENUS: Hyloctistes* GENUS: Lochmias* GENUS: Margarornis GENUS: Megaxenops* GENUS: Philydor GENUS: Premoplex GENUS: Premnornis* GENUS: Psendocolaptes GENUS: Pseudoseisura GENUS: pygarrhichas* GENUS: Roraimia* GENUS: Sclerurus GENUS: Simoxenops GENUS: Syndactyla GENUS: Thripadectes GENUS: Xenops SUBFAMILY: Synallaxinae GENUS: Anumbius* GENUS: Aphrastura GENUS: Asthenes GENUS: Certhiaxis GENUS: Clibanomis* GENUS: Coryphistera* GENUS: Cranioleuca GENUS: Eremobius* GENUS: Hellmayrea* GENUS: Leptasthenura GENUS: Limnomis GENUS: Metopothrix* GENUS: Phacellndromus GENUS: Phleocryptes* GENUS: Schizoeaca GENUS: Schoeniophylax GENUS: Siptomis* GENUS: Siptomopsis* GENUS: Spartonoica* GENUS: Sylviorthorhynchus* GENUS: Synallaxis GENUS: Thripophaga GENUS: Xenerpestes PARVORDER: Thamnophilida FAMILY: Thamnophilidae'" GENUS: Batara* GENUS: Biatas* GENUS: Cercomacra GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Clytomacra Cymbilaimus Dicbrozona* Drymophila Dysithamnus Formicivora Frederickena Gymnocichla* Gymnopithys Herpsilochmus Hylophylax Hypocnemis Hypocnemoides Hypoedaleus* Mackenziaena Megastictus* Microrhopias* Myrmecila Myrmoborus Myrmochanes* Myrmorchilus* Myrmornis* Myrmotherula Neoctantes* Percnostola GENUS: Phaenostictus* GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Phlegopsis Pithys Pygiptila* Pyriglena Rhegmatorhina Rhopomis* Sakesphorus Sclateria* Skutchia* Stymphalornis* Taraha* Terenura Thamnistes' Thamnomanes 86 GENUS: ThaDUlOphilus GENUS: Xenornis* PARVORDER: Tyrannida FAMILY: Cotingidae'" GENUS: Ampelioides* GENUS: Ampelion GENUS: Calyptura* GENUS: Carpodectes GENUS: Carpornis GENUS: Cephalopterus GENUS: Conioptilon* GENUS: Cotinga GENUS: Doliomis GENUS: Gymnoderus* GENUS: Haematoderus* GENUS: lodopleura GENUS: Laniisoma* GENUS: Laniocem GENUS: Lipaugus GENUS: Perissocephalus* GENUS: Philhalum" GENUS: Phoenicircus GENUS: Pipreola GENUS: Porphyrolaema* GENUS: Proenias GENUS: Pyroderus* GENUS: Querula* GENUS: Rupicola GENUS: Tijuca GENUS: Xipholena GENUS: Zaratornis* FAMILY: Oxymncidae GENUS: Oxyruncus876 FAMILY: Phytotomidae'" GENUS: Phytotoma'" FAMILY: Pi pridae'" GENUS: Antilophia* GENUS: Chiroxiphia GENUS: Chloropipo GENUS: ('-"rapipo GENUS: Heterocercus GENUS: Ilicura* GENUS: Lepidothrix GENUS: Machaeropterus GENUS: Manacus GENUS: Masius* GENUS: Neopelma GENUS: Pipra GENUS: Piprites GENUS: Tyranneutes GENUS: Xenopipo* FAMILY: Tyrannidae'80 GENUS: Agriornis GENUS: A1ectrurus GENUS: Anairetes GENUS: Aphanotriccus GENUS: Arundinicola* GENUS: Attila* GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Camptostoma Capsiempis* Casiomis Cnemarchus* GENUS: Cnemotriccus* GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Cnipodectes* Colonia* Colorhamphus* Conopias Contopus Corythopis GENUS: Culicivora* GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Deltarhynchus* Elaenia Empidonax Empidonomus* Euscartlunus Huvicola Griseotyrannus* Guhemetes' Hemitriccus GENUS; Heteroxolmis* GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS'. GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Hirundinea Hymenops* lnezia Knipolegus Lathrotriccus Legatus" Leptopogon Lessonia Lophotriccus Machetornis' Mecocerculus Megarynchus* GENUS: Mionectes GENUS: Mitrephanes GENUS: Muscigralla* GENUS: Muscipipra* GENUS: Muscisaxicola GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Myiarchus Myiobus Myiodynastes Myiopagis Myiophobus Myiomis Myio\heretes Myiotriccus* Myiozetetes Neopipo* Neoxolmis* GENUS: Nesotriccus* GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Ochthoeca Ochthornis* Oncostoma Onychorhynchus* Ornithion Pachyramphus Phaeomyias* f57 GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Phelpsia* Philohydor* Phyllomyias Phylloscartes Pilangus* Platyrinchus Poecilotriccus GENUS: Polioxolmis* GENUS: Polystictus GENUS: Pseudelaenia* GENUS: Pseudocolopteryx GENUS: Pseudotriccus GENUS: Pyrocephalus* GENUS: Pyrrhomyias* GENUS: Ramphotrigon GENUS: Rhynchocyclus GENUS: Rhytiptema GENUS: Sapayoa'" GENUS: Satrapa* GENUS: Sayomis GENUS: Serpophaga GENUS: Schiffomis GENUS: Silvicultrix GENUS: Sirystes* GENUS: Stigmatnra GENUS: Sublegatus GENUS: Suiriri' GENUS: Tachuris* GENUS: Taeniotriccus* GENUS: Terenotriccus* GENUS: Tityra GENUS: Todirostrum GENUS: Tolmomyias GENUS: Tumbezia* GENUS: Tyrannopsis* GENUS: Tyrannulus* GENUS: Tyrannus GENUS: Uromyias GENUS: Xenopsaris* GENUS: Xenotriccus GENUS: Xolmis GENUS: Zimmerius ORDER: Pelecaniforrnes FAMILY: Anhingidae GENUS: Anhinga FAMILY: Fregalidae'" GENUS: Fregala FAMILY: Pelecanidae'" GENUS: Pelecanus FAMILY: Phaethontidae'" GENUS: Phaethon FAMILY: Phalacrocoracidae'" GENUS: Phalacrocorax FAMILY: Sulidae'" GENUS: Morus GENUS: Papasula* GENUS: Sula ORDER Phoneicopteriformes 887 FAMILY: Phoneicopteridae GENUS: Phoenicopterus ORDER: Piciformes888 FAMILY: Bucconidae889 GENUS: Bucco GENUS: Chelidoptera* GENUS: Hapaloptila* GENUS: Hypnelus* GENUS: Malacoptila GENUS: Micromonacha* GENUS: Monasa GENUS: Noonula GENUS: Notharchus GENUS: Nystalus FAMILY: Capitonidae'" GENUS: Capito GENUS: Eubucco GENUS: Semnomis FAMILY: Galbulidae'" GENUS: Brachygalba GENUS: Galbalcyrhynchus GENUS: Galbula GENUS: Jacamaralcyon* GENUS: Jacamerops* FAMILY: Indicatoridae892 GENUS: Indicator GENUS: Melichneutes* GENUS: Melignomon GENUS: Prodotiscus FAMILY: Lybiidae'" GENUS: Buccandon* GENUS: Gymoobucco GENUS: Lybius GENUS: Pogoniulus GENUS: Slactolaema GENUS: Trachyphonus GENUS: Tricholaema FAMILY: Megalaimidae'" GENUS: Calorhamphus* GENUS: Megalaima GENUS: Psilopogon* FAMILY: Picidae'" SUBFAMILY: Jynginae'% GENUS: Jynx SUBFAMILY: Picinae'" GENUS: Blythipicus GENUS: Campephilus GENUS: Campethera GENUS: Celeus GENUS: Chrysocolaptes GENUS: Colaptes GENUS: Dendrocopos GENUS: Dendropicos GENUS: Dinopium GENUS: Dryocopus GENUS: Gecinulus GENUS: Geocolaptes* GENUS: Hemicircus 88 GENUS: Meiglyptes GENUS: Melanerpes GENUS: Muelleripicus GENUS: Nesoctites* GENUS: Picoides GENUS: Piculus GENUS: Picus GENUS: Reinwardtipicus* GENUS: Sapheopipo* GENUS: Sphyrapicus GENUS: Veniliornis GENUS: Xiphidiopicus* SUBFAMILY: Picumninae'" GENUS: Picwnnus GENUS: Sasia FAMILY: Ramphastidae'" GENUS: Andigena GENUS: Aulacorhynchus GENUS: Baillonius* GENUS: Pteroglossus GENUS: Ramphastos GENUS: Selenidera ORDER: Podicipediformes900 FAMILY: Podicipedidae GENUS: Aechmophorus GENUS: Podiceps GENUS: Podilymbus* GENUS: PoJiocephalus GENUS: Rollandia GENUS: Tachybaptus ORDER: Procellariiformes FAMILY: Diomedeidae901 GENUS: Diomedea GENUS: Phoebetria FAMILY: Hydrobatidae'" GENUS: Fregetta GENUS: Garrodia* GENUS: HaJocyptena* GENUS: Hydrobates' GENUS: Nesofregetta* GENUS: Oceanites GENUS: Oceanodroma GENUS: Pelagodroma* FAMILY: Pelecanoididae'03 GENUS: Pelacanoides F AMILY: Procellariidae''' GENUS: Bulweria GENUS: CaJonectris GENUS: Daption* GENUS: Fulmarus GENUS: HaJobaena* GENUS: Macronectes GENUS: Pachyptila GENUS: Pagodroma* GENUS: Procellaria GENUS: Pterodroma GENUS: Pulflnus GENUS: Thalassoica* ORDER: Psittaciformes905 FAMILY: Cacatuidae'" SUBFAMILY: Cacatuinae GENUS: Cacatua GENUS: CallocephaJon* GENUS: Calyplorhynchus GENUS: Eolophus* GENUS: Probosciger* SUBFAMILY: Nymphicinae GENUS: Nymphicus* FAMILY: Loriidae'" GENUS: CbaJcopsitta GENUS: Charmosyna GENUS: Eos GENUS: GJossopsitta GENUS: Lorius GENUS: Neopsittacus GENUS: Oreopsittacus* GENUS: Phigys' GENUS: Pseudeos* GENUS: Psitteuteles GENUS: Trichoglossus GENUS: Vini FAMILY: Psittacidae908 SUBFAMILY: Micropsitlinae GENUS: Micropsitta SUBFAMILY: Nestorinae GENUS: Nestor SUBFAMILY: Psittacinae GENUS: Agapornis GENUS: Alisterus GENUS: Amazona GENUS: Anodorhynchus GENUS: Aprosrnictus GENUS: Ara GENUS: Aratinga GENUS: Barnardius GENUS: Bolbopsittacus* GENUS: Bolborhynchus GENUS: Brotogeris GENUS: Coracopsis GENUS: Cyanoliseus* GENUS: Cyanopsitta* GENUS: Cyanoramphus GENUS: Clycopsitta GENUS: Deroptyus' GENUS: Diopsiltaca* GENUS: Eelectus' GENLIS: Enicognathus GENUS: Eunymphicus* GENUS: Forpus GENUS: Geoffroyus GENUS: Geopsiltacus* GENUS: GraydidascaJus* GENUS: Guarouba* GENUS: HapaJopsittaca GENUS: Latbamus' GENUS: Leptosittaca* 89 GENUS: Loriculus GENUS: Melopsittacus* GENUS: Myiopsitta GENUS: Nandayus* GENUS: Nannopsittaca GENUS: Neophema GENUS: Neopsephotus* GENUS: Northiella* GENUS: Ognorhynchus* GENUS: Orthopsittaca* GENUS: Pewporus* GENUS: Pionites GENUS: Pionopsitta GENUS: Pionus GENUS: Platycercus GENUS: Poicephalus GENUS: Prioniturus GENUS: Propyrrhura GENUS: Prosopeia GENUS: Psephotus GENUS: Psilopsiagon GENUS: Psittacella GENUS: Psittacul. GENUS: Psittaculirostris GENUS: Psittacus* GENUS: Psittinus' GENUS: Psittrichas* GENUS: Purpureicephalus* GENUS: Pyrrhura GENUS: Rhynchopsitta GENUS: Tanygnathus GENUS: Tonit GENUS: Triclaria* SUBFAMILY: Strigopinae GENUS: Strigops* ORDER: Pteroclidiformes FAMILY: Pteroclididae'" GENUS: Pterocles GENUS: Syrrhaptes ORDER: Sphenisciformes 910 FAMILY: Spheniscidae GENUS: Aptenodytes GENUS: Eudyptes GENUS: Eudyptula* GENUS: Megadyptes' GENUS: Pygoscelis GENUS: Spheniscus ORDER: Strigiformes 911 FAMILY: Strigidae'" GENUS: Aegolius GENUS: Asio GENUS: Athene GENUS: Bubo GENUS: Ciccaba GENUS: Glaucidiurn GENUS: Gymuoglaux' GENUS: Jubula* GENUS: Ketupo GENUS: Lophostrix GENUS: Micrathene* GENUS: Miruizuku* GENUS: Nesasio* GENUS: Ninox GENUS: Nyctea* GENUS: Otus GENUS: Pseudoscops GENUS: Ptilopsis GENUS: Puls.trix GENUS: Pyrroglaux* GENUS: Scotopelia GENUS: Strix GENUS: Surnia* GENUS: Urogl.ux* GENUS: Xenoglaux* FAMILY; Tytonidae9J] GENUS: Phodilus GENUS: Tyto ORDER: Trogoniformes 9J4 FAMILY: Trogonidae GENUS: Apaloderrna GENUS: Euptilotis* GENUS: Harpactes GENUS: Pharomachrus GENUS: Priotelus GENUS: Trogon ORDER: Upupiformes 915 FAMILY: Phoeniculidae916 GENUS: Phoeniculus GENUS: Rhinopomastus FAMILY: Upupidae'" GENUS: Upupo SUPERORDER: Palaeognatbae'" ORDER: Apterygiforrnes'" FAMILY: Apterygidae GENUS: Apteryx ORDER: Casuariiformes FAMILY; Casuariidae920 GENUS: Casuarius FAMILY; Dromaiidae92I GENUS: Dromaius' 922 ORDER: Rheiformes FAMILY: Rheidae GENUS: Pterocnemia* GENUS: Rhea* ORDER: Struthioniformes 923 FAMILY: Struthionidae GENUS: Struthio* ORDER: Tinamiformes924 FAMILY: Tinaruidae GENUS: Crypturellus GENUS: Eudioruia GENUS: Nothocercus GENUS: Nothoprocta GENUS: Nothura GENUS: Rhynchotus* GENUS: Taoniscus* 90 GENUS: Tinamotis GENUS: Tinamus CLASS: Mammalians SUBCLASS: Prototheria'" ORDER: Monotremata FAMILY: Ornithorhynchidae927 GENUS: Ornithorhynchus* FAMILY: Tachyglossidae'" GENUS: Tachyglossus* GENUS: Zaglossus* SUBCLASS: Theria'" INFRACLASS: Eutheria'" ORDER: Artiodactyla'" SUBORDER: Ruminantia INFRAORDER: Peccora SUPERFAMILY: Bovoidea FAMILY: Antilocapridae'" GENUS: Antilocapra* FAMILY: Bovidae'" SUBFAMILY: Aepycerotinae GENUS: Aepyceros' SUBFAMILY: Alcelaphinae GENUS: Alcelaphus' GENUS: Connochaetes GFNUS: Damaliscus GENUS: Sigmoceros* SUBFAMILY: Antilopinae GENUS: Ammodorcas* GENUS: Antidorcas* GENUS: Antilope* GENUS: Dorcatragus* GENUS: Gazella GENUS: Litocranius* GENUS: Madoqua GENUS: Neotragus GENUS: Oreotragus* GENUS: OUrebia* GENUS: Pantholops* GENUS: Procapra GENUS: Raphicerus GENUS: Saiga* SUBFAMILY: Bovinae'" GENUS: Bison GENUS: Bos GENUS: Boselaphus' GENUS: Bubalus GENUS: Pseudoryx GENUS: Syncerns* GENUS: Taurotragus GENUS: Tetracerns' GENUS: Tragelaphus SUBFAMILY: Caprinae GENUS: Ammotragus GENUS: Budorcas* GENUS: Capra GENUS: Capricomis93S GENUS: Hemitragus GENUS: Naemorhedus GENUS: Oreamnos* GENUS: Ovibos* GENUS: Pseudois GENUS: Rupicapra SUBFAMILY: Cephalophinae'" GENUS: Cephalophus GENUS: Sylvicapra SUBFAMILY: Hippotraginae'" GENUS: Addax* GENUS: Hippotragus GENUS: Oryx SUBFAMILY: Peleinae GENUS: Pelea* SUBFAMILY: Ruduncinae GENUS: Kobus GENUS: Redunca SUPERFAMILY: Cervoidea FAMILY: ('.-ervidae'" SUBFAMILY: Cervinae GENUS: Axis GENUS: Cervus GENUS: Dama GENUS: Elaphurus* SUBFAMILY: Hydropotinae GENUS: Hydropotes* SUBFAMILY: Muntiacinae GENUS: Elaphodus" GENUS: Megamuntiacus* GENUS: MWltiacus SUBFAMILY: Odocoileinae GENUS: Alces* GENUS: Blastocerus* GENUS: Capreolus GENUS: Hippocamelus GENUS: Mazama GENUS: Odocoileus GENUS: Ozotoceros* GENUS: Pudu GENUS: Rangifer* FAMILY: Moschidae'" GENUS: Moschus SUPERFAMILY: Giraffoidea FAMILY: Giralfidae'" GENUS: Giralfa" GENUS: Okapia" INFRAORDER: Tragulina FAMILY: Tragulidae'" GENUS: Hyemoschus* GENUS: Tragulus SUBORDER: Suiformes INFRAORDER: Ancodonta FAMILY: Hippopotamidae'" GENUS: Hexaprotodon GENUS: Hippopotamus INFRAORDER: Suina FAMILY: Suidae'" SUBFAMILY: Babyrousinae GENUS: Babyrousa* 91 SUBFAMILY: Phacochoerioae GENUS: Phacochoerus SUBFAMILY: Suinae GENUS: Hylochoerus* GENUS: Potamochoerus GENUS: Sos FAMILY: Tayassuidae'" GENUS: Catagonus* GENUS: Tayassu* SUBORDER: Tylopoda FAMILY: Camelidae GENUS: Camelos GENUS: Lama GENUS: Vicunga* ORDER: Carnivora SUBORDER: Fissipedia'" SUPERFAMILY: Canoidea'" FAMILY: Canidae947 GENUS: Alopex* GENUS: Atelocynos* GENUS: Cams GENUS: Cerdocyon* GENUS: Chrysocyon* GENUS: Coon* GENUS: Dusicyon* GENUS: Fennecus948 GENUS: Lycaon* GENUS: Nyctereutes* GENUS: Otocyoo* GENUS: Pseudalopex GENUS: Speothos* GENUS: Urocyon GENUS: Volpes FAMILY: Mephitidae'" GENUS: Conepatus GENUS: Mephitis GENUS: Spilogale FAMILY: Mustelidae SUBFAMILY: Lutrinae'" GENUS: Amblyonyx* GENUS: Aonyx GENUS: Enhydra* GENUS: Lontra GENUS: Lutra GENUS: Lutrogale* GENUS: Pteronma* SUBFAMILY: '51 GENUS: Arctonyx* GENUS: Meles' GENUS: Melogale GENUS: Mydaus SUBFAMILY: Mellivorinae GENUS: Mellivora SUBFAMILY: Mustelinae'" GENUS: Eira* GENUS: Galictis GENUS: Gulo' GENUS: Ictonyx GENUS: Lyncodon* GENUS: Martes GENUS: Mustela GENUS: Poecilogale* GENUS: Vormela* SUBFAMILY: Taxidiinae GENUS: Taxidea* FAMILY: Procyonidae'" GENUS: Bassaricyon GENUS: Bassariscus GENUS: Nasua GENUS: Nasnella' GENUS: Potos' GENUS: Procyon FAMILY: Ursidae'" GENUS: Ailuropoda* GENUS: Ailurus95S GENUS: Helarctos* GENUS: Melursus* GENUS: Tremarctos* GENUS: Ursus SUPERFAMILY: Feloidea'" FAMILY: Felidae'" SUBFAMILY: Acioonychinae'" GENUS: Acinooyx* SUBFAMILY: Felinae GENUS: Caracal* GENUS: Catopuma GENUS: Felis GENUS: Herpailurus* GENUS: Leopardus GENUS: Leptailurus* GENUS: Lynx GENUS: Oncifelis GENUS: Oreailurus' GENUS: Otocolobus* GENUS: Prionailurus GENUS: Profelis* GENUS: Prana* SUBFAMILY: Pantherinae GENUS: Neofelis* GENUS: Panthera GENUS: Pardofelis' GENUS: Uncia* FAMILY: Herpestidae'" SUBFAMILY: Galidiinae GENUS: Galidia* GENUS: Galidictis GENUS: Mungotictis* GENUS: Salanoia* SUBFAMILY: Herpestinae GENUS: Atilax' GENUS: Bdeogale GENUS: Crossarchus GENUS: Cynictis* GENUS: Dologale* GENUS: Galerella GENUS: Helogale 92 GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Herpestes Ichneurnia* Liberiictis* Mungos paracynictis* Rhynchogale* GENUS: Suricata* FAMILY: Hyaenidae'" SUBFAMILY: Hyaeninae GENUS: Crocula* GENUS: Hyaena* GENUS: Parahyaena* SUBFAMILY: Protelinae GENUS: Proteles* FAMILY: Viverridae961 SUBFAMILY: Cryptoproctinae GENUS: Cryptoprocla* SUBFAMILY: Euplerinae GENUS: Eupleres' GENUS: Fossa' SUBFAMILY: HernigaJinae GENUS: Chrotogale* GENUS: Cynogale* GENUS: DiplogaJe* GENUS: Hernigalu.,* SUBFAMILY: Nandiniinae GENUS: Nandinia* SUBFAMILY: Paradoxurinae GENUS: Arctictis' GENUS: ArctogaJidia* GENUS: Macrogalidia* GENUS: Pagurna* GENUS: Paradoxurus SUBFAMILY: Viverrinae GENUS: Civettictis* GENUS: Genetla GENUS: Oshomictis' GENUS: Poiana' GENUS: Prionodon GENUS: Viverra GENUS: Viverricula* SlIBORDER: Pinnipedia'" FAMILY: Odobenidae'" GENUS: Odobenus* FAMILY: OIariidae"4 SUBFAMILY: ArctocephaJinae'" GENUS: ArctocephaJus GENUS: Callorhinus* SUBFAMILY: Otariinae'" GENUS: Eumetopias* GENUS: Neophoca* GENUS: OIario' GENUS: Phocarctos* GENUS: Zalophus* FAMILY: Phocidae'" SUBFAMILY: Monacbinae GENUS: Hydnnga* GENUS: Leptonychotes* GENUS: Lohodon* GENUS: Mirounga GENUS: Monachus GENUS: Ommatophoca* SUBFAMILY: Phocinae TRIBE: Cystophorini GENUS: Cystophora* TRIBE: Erignathini GENUS: Erignathus' TRIBE: Phocini GENUS: Halichoerus' GENUS: Phoca ORDER: Cetacea968 SUBORDER: Mysticeti'" FAMILY: Balaenidae970 GENUS: Balaena* GENUS: EuhaJaena FAMILY: Balaenopteridae971 GENUS: Balaenoptera GENUS: Megaptera'" FAMILY: Eschrichtiidae'" GENUS: Eschrichtius FAMILY: Neobalaenidae974 GENUS: Caperea SUBORDER: Odontoceti''' SUPERFAMILY: Delphinoidea'" FAMILY: Delphinidae SUBFAMILY: Cephalorhynchinae GENUS: Cephalorhynchus SUBFAMILY: Delphininae GENUS; Delphinus* GENUS: Grampus' GENUS: Lagenodelphis* GENUS: Lagenorhynchus GENUS: Stenella GENUS; Tursiops* SUBFAMILY; Globicephalinae'" GENUS; Feresa* GENUS: Globicephala GENUS; Orcinus* GENUS; PeponocephaJa* GENUS; Pseudorca* SUBFAMILY; Lissodelphinae GENUS: Lissodelphis SUBFAMILY: Steninae GENUS; Solalia* GENUS: Sousa GENUS: Steno* F AMIL Y; Monodontidae SUBFAMILY: Delphinapterinae GENUS: Delphinapterus* SUBFAMILY: Monodontinae GENUS: Monodon SUBFAMILY; Orcaellinae'" GENUS: Orcaella* FAMILY: Phocoenidae'" SUBFAMILY: Phocoeninae GENUS; Neophocaena* 93 GENUS: Phocoena SUBFAMILY: Phocoenoidinae GENUS: Australophocaena* GENUS: Phocoenoides' SUPERFAMILY: Physeteroidea'" FAMILY: Kogiidae GENUS: Kogia9Bl FAMILY: Physeteridae GENUS: Physeter* SUPERFAMILY: PIatanistoidea'" FAMILY: Iniidae GENUS: lnia* 983 FAMILY: P1atanistidae GENUS: PIataoista FAMILY: Pontoporiidae SUBFAMILY: Lipontinae'" GENUS: Upotes* SUBFAMILY: Pontoporiinae GENUS: Pontoporia* SUPERFAMILY: Ziphioidea'" FAMILY: Ziphiidae GENUS: Berardius GENUS: Hyperoodon GENUS: Indopacetus* GENUS: MesopIodon GENUS: Tasmacetus* GENUS: Ziphius ORDER: Chiroptera986 SUBORDER: Megaehiroptera FAMILY: Pteropodidae'"' SUBFAMILY: Maeroglossinae GENUS: Eonyeteris GENUS: Maeroglossus GENUS: Megaloglossus* GENUS: Melonyeteris GENUS: Notopteris* GENUS: Syconyeteris SUBFAMILY: Pteropodinae GENUS: Acerodon GENUS: Aethalops* GENUS: Alionyeteris* GENUS: Aproteles' GENUS: Balionyeteris* GENUS: Boneia* GENUS: Casinycteris* GENUS: Chironax* GENUS: Cynopteru. GENUS: Dobsonia GENUS: Dyacopterus* GENUS: Eidolon* GENUS: Epomophorus GENUS: Epomops GENUS: Haplonyeteris* GENUS: Harpyionyeteris GENUS: Hypsignathus' GENUS: Latidens* GENUS: Megaerops GENUS: Mieropteropus GENUS: Myonyeteris GENUS: Nanonycteris* GENUS: Neopteryx* GENUS: Nyetimene GENUS: Olopteropus* GENUS: Paranyctimene* GENUS: Penthetor* GENUS: Plerotes' GENUS: Ptenoehirus GENUS: Pteralopex GENUS: Pteropus GENUS: Rousettus GENUS: Scotonyeleris GENUS: Spbaerias* GENUS: Styloctenium* GENUS: Thoopterus' SUBORDER: Microchiroptera"gK SUPERFAMILY: Emballonuroidea FAMILY: Emballonuridae'" SUBFAMILY: Emballonurinae GENUS: Balantiopteryx GENUS: Centronycteris* GENUS: Coleora GENUS: Cormura* GENUS: Cyttarops* GENUS: Diclidurus GENUS: Emballonura GENUS: Mosia* GENUS: Peropteryx GENUS: Rhynehonyeteris* GENUS: Saccopteryx SUBFAMILY: Taphozoinae GENUS: Saccolaimus GENUS: Taphozous INFRAORDER: Yangochiroplera SUPERFAMILY: Molossoidea FAMILY: Molossidae990 GENUS: Cbaerephon GENUS: Cheiromeles* GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Eurnops Molossops Molossus Mops Mormopterus Myopterus GENUS: Nyctinomops GENUS: Otomops GENUS: Promops GENUS: Tadarida SUPERFAMILY: Nataloidea FAMILY: Furipteridae'" GENUS: Amorphochilus' GENUS: Furipterus FAMILY: Myzopodidae'" GENUS: Myzopoda* FAMILY: Natalidae'" GENUS: Natalus FAMILY: Thyropteridae'" 94 GENUS: Thyroptera SUPERFAMILY: Noctilionoidea FAMILY: Monnoopidae'" GENUS: Monnoops GENUS: Pteronotus FAMILY: Mystacinidae996 GENUS: Mystacina'" FAMILY: Noctilionidae998 GENUS: Noctilio FAMILY: Phyllostomidae'" SUBFAMILY: Braehyphyllinae GENUS: Brachyphylla SUBFAMILY: CarolIiinae GENUS: CarolIi. GENUS: Rhinophylla SUBFAMILY: Desmodontinae lA GENUS: Desrnodus* GENUS: Diaemus* GENUS: Diphylla* SUBFAMILY: Glossophaginae GENUS: Anoura GENUS: Choeroniseus GENUS: Choeronyeteris* GENUS: Glossophaga GENUS: Hylonyeteris* GENUS: Leptonyeteris GENUS: Lichonycteris* GENUS: Monophyllus GENUS: Musonycteris * GENUS: Scleronycteris* SUBFAMILY: Lonehophyllinae GENUS: Lionycteris* GENUS: Lonehophylla GENUS: PlataJina* SUBFAMILY: Phyllonyeterinae GENUS: Erophylla GENUS: Phyllonyeteris SUBFAMILY: Phyllostominae GENUS: Chrotopterus* GENUS: Lonehorhina GENUS: Maerophyllum* GENUS: Maerotus GENUS: Mieronycteris GENUS: Mimon GENUS: Phylloderma* GENUS: Phyllostomus GENUS: Tonatia GENUS: Traehops* GENUS: Varnpyrum* SUBFAMILY: Stenodermatinae GENUS: Ametrida* GENUS: Ardops' GENUS: Ariteus* GENUS: Artiheus GENUS: Centurio* GENUS: Chiroderma GENUS: Ectophylla* GENUS: Mesophylla* GENUS: Phyllops* GENUS: Platyrrhinus GENUS: Pygoderrna* GENUS: Sphaeronycteris* GENUS: Stenodenna* GENUS: Stumira GENUS: Uroderrna GENUS: Varnpyressa GENUS: Varnpyrodes* SUPERFAMILY: Vespertilionoidea FAMILY: Vespertilionidae" SUBFAMILY: Kerivoulinae GENUS: Kerivoula SUBFAMIL Y: Miniopterinae GENUS: Miniopterus SUBFAMILY: Murininae GENUS: Harpiocephalus GENUS: Murina SUBFAMILY: Tomopeatinae" GENUS: Tomopeas* SUBFAMILY: Vespertilioninae GENUS: Antrozous* 4 ... GENUS: Barhastella GENUS: Bauerus* >A GENUS: Chalinolobus GENUS: Eptesieus GENUS: Euderma* GENUS: Eudiscopus* GENUS: Glisehropus GENUS: Hesperoptenus GENUS: la* GENUS: Idionycteris* GENUS: Laephotis GENUS: Lasionycteris* GENUS: Lasiurus GENUS: Mimetillus* GENUS: MyotisM GENUS: Nyetalus GENUS: Nycticeius GENUS: Nyctophilus GENUS: Otonycteris* GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Pharotis* Philetor* Pipistrellus Plecotus Rhogeessa Scotoecus GENUS; Scotomanes GENUS: Seotophilus GENUS: Tylonyeteris GENUS: Vespertilio INFRAORDER: Yinochiroptera SUPERFAMILY: Rhinolophoidea FAMILY: Megaderrnatidae" GENUS: Cardioderma* GENUS: Lavia* GENUS: Macroderma* GENUS: Megaderma 95 FAMILY: Nycteridae" GENUS: Nycteris FAMILY: Rhinolopbidae SUBFAMILY: Hipposiderinae" GENUS: Anthops* GENUS: Asellia GENUS: Aselliseus GENUS: Cloeotis' GENUS: Coelops GENUS: Hipposideros GENUS: Paraeoelops* GENUS: Rhinonicteris* GENUS: Triaenops SUBFAMILY: Rhinolopbinae'OA GENUS: Rhinolophus SUPERFAMILY: Rhinopomatoidea FAMlLY: Craseonycteridae llA GENUS: Cmseonycteris' FAMILY: Rhinopomatidae'lA GENUS: Rhinopoma ORDER: DennopteralJA F AMILY: CynocephaJidae GENUS: Cynocephalus ORDER: Edentata l4A SUBORDER: Cinguiata l5A FAMILY: Dasypodidae SUBFAMILY: Chlamypborinae GENUS: Chlamyphorus SUBFAMILY: Dasypodinae GENUS: Cahassous GENUS: Chaetophmetus GENUS: Dasypus GENUS: Euphmctus' GENUS: Priodontes' GENUS: Tolypeutes GENUS: Zaedyus* SUBORDER: Pilosa'" FAMILY: Bradypodidae nA GENUS: Bmdypus FAMILY: MegaJonyebidae'" GENUS: Choloepus SUBORDER: Vermilingua'" FAMILY: Myrmecopbagidae GENUS: Cyclopes* GENUS: Myrmecopbaga* GENUS: Tamandua ORDER: Hyracoidea20A FAMILY: Procaviidae GENUS: Dendrohyrax GENUS: Heterobymx GENUS: Procavia ORDER: Insectivora21A FAMILY: Chrysochloridae2lA GENUS: Amblysomus23A GENUS: Calcochloris* GENUS: Chlorotalpa'" GENUS: ChrysochIoris'" GENUS: Chrysospalax'" GENUS: Cryptochloris GENUS: Eremitalpa* FAMILY: Erinaceidae SUBFAMILY: Erinaceinae27A GENUS: Atelerix GENUS: Erinaceus GENUS: Hemieebinus GENUS: Mesechinus GENUS: Paraechinus 2gA SUBFAMILY: Hylomyinae'" GENUS: Eebinosorex* GENUS: HyIomys GENUS: Podogymnum FAMILY: Nesopbontidae30A GENUS: Nesophontes FAMILY: Solenodontidae31A GENUS: Solenodon FAMILY: Soricidae32A SUBFAMILY: Crocidurinae GENUS: Congosorex* GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Crocidum Diplomesodon* Feroculus' Myosorex Pamcrocidura Ruwenzorisorex* GENUS: Scutisorex* GENUS: Solisorex' GENUS: Suneus GENUS: Surdisorex GENUS: Sylvisorex SUBFAMILY: Soricinae GENUS: Anourosorex* GENUS: Blarina GENUS: Blarinella GENUS: CbimarrogaIe GENUS: Cryptotis GENUS: Megasorex* GENUS: NectogaJe* GENUS: Neomys GENUS: Notiosorex GENUS: Sorex GENUS: Sorieulus FAMILY: TaJpidae'" SUBFAMILY: Desmaninae GENUS: Desmana* GENUS: Galemys' SUBFAMILY: TaJpinae GENUS: Condylura* GENUS: Euroscaptor GENUS: Mogera GENUS: Nesoscaptor* GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Neurotriehus* Parascalops* Parascaptor* Scalopus' Scapanulus* Scapanus 96 GENUS: Scaptochirus* GENUS: Scaptonyx' GENUS: Talpa GENUS: Urotrichus SUBFAMILY: Uropsilinae GENUS: UropsHus FAMILY: Tenrecidae34A SUBFAMILY: Orywrictinae GENUS: Geogale* 35A GENUS: Limnogale* GENUS: Microgale GENUS: Oryzorictes SUBFAMILY: Potamogalinae GENUS: Micropotamogale GENUS: Potamogale* SUBFAMILY: Tenrecinae GENUS: Echinops' GENUS: Hemicentetes* GENUS: Setifer* GENUS: Tenrec* ORDER: Lagomorpha FAMILY: Leporidae'" GENUS: Brachylagus* GENUS: Bunolagus' GENUS: Caprolagus' GENUS: Lepus GENUS: Nesolagus' GENUS: Oryctolagus' GENUS: Pentalagus' GENUS: Poelagus' GENUS: Pronoiagus GENUS: Romerolagus* GENUS: Sylvilagus FAMILY: Ochotonidae'" GENUS: Ochotona GENUS: Prolagus' ORDER: Macroscelidea38A F AMILY: Macroscelididae GENUS: ElephantuJus GENUS: Macroscelides* GENUS: Petrodromus* GENUS: Rhynchocyon ORDER: Perissodactyla39A SUBORDER: Ceratomorpha FAMILY: Rhinocerotidae40A GENUS: Ceratotherium* GENUS: Dicerorhinus* GENUS: Diceros* GENUS: Rhinoceros FAMILY: Tapiridae41A GENUS: Tapirus SUBORDER: Hippomorpha FAMILY: Equidae'" GENUS: Equus ORDER: Pholidota'" FAMILY: Manidae GENUS: Manis ORDER: Primates'" SUBORDER: Haplorhini'" INFRAORDER: Catarrhini SUPERFAMILY: Cercopithecoidea FAMILY: Cercopithecidae SUBFAMILY: Cercopithecinae GENUS: Allenopithecus* GENUS: Cercocebus GENUS: Cercopithecus GENUS: Chlorocebus' GENUS: Erythrocebus' GENUS: Lophocebus' GENUS: Macaca46A GENUS: Mandrillus GENUS: Miopithecus* GENUS: Papio' GENUS: Theropithecus* SUBFAMILY: Colobinae GENUS: Colobus GENUS: Nasalis GENUS: Presbytis GENUS: Procolobus GENUS: Pygathrix GENUS: Semnopithecus* GENUS: Trachypithecus SUPERFAMILY: Hominoidea FAMILY: Hominidae GENUS: Homo' FAMILY: Hylohatidae'" GENUS: Hylobates FAMILY: Pongidae"" GENUS: Gorilla" GENUS: Pan49A GENUS: Pongo* 50A INFRAORDER: PIatyrrhini'>A SUPERFAMILY: Ceboidea FAMILY: Callitrichidae'" GENUS: Callimieo' GENUS: Callithrix GENUS: Leontopithecus GENUS: Sanguinus FAMILY: Cebidae SUBFAMILY: AlouaUinae'3A GENUS: A10uatfa SUBFAMILY: Aotinae54A GENUS: Aotus SUBFAMILY: Atelinae'" GENUS: Ateles GENUS: Brachyteles' GENUS: Lagothrix SUBFAMILY: Callicebinae56A GENUS: Callieebus SUBFAMILY: Cebinae57 A GENUS: Cebus SUBFAMILY: Pitheciinae'8A GENUS: Cacajao GENUS: Chiropotes GENUS: Pithecia SUBFAMILY: Saimirinae 97 GENUS: Saimiri59A INFRAORDER: Tarsiiformes SUPERFAMILY: Tarsioidea FAMILY: Tarsiidae'OA GENUS: Tarsius SUBORDER: Strepsirhini'>A INFRAORDER: Lemurifonnes SUPERFAMILY: Lemuroidea FAMILY: Daubentoniidae61A GENUS: Daubentonia* FAMILY: Indridae GENUS: Avahi* GENUS: Indri* GENUS: Propithecus FAMILY: Lemuridae GENUS: Eulemur GENUS: HapaJemur GENUS: Lemur* GENUS: Varecia* FAMILY: Megaladapidae'" GENUS: Lepilemur INFRAORDER: Lorisiformes SUPERFAMILY: Lorisoidea FAMILY: Cheirogaleidae''A SUBFAMILY: Cheirogaleinae GENUS: Allocebus' GENUS: Cheirogaleus GENUS: Microcebus SUBFAMILY: Phanerinae GENUS: Phaner* FAMILY: Galagidae6>A GENUS: Euoticus GENUS: Galago GENUS: Galagoides GENUS: Otolemur FAMILY: Lorisidae66A GENUS: Arctocebus GENUS: Loris* GENUS: Nycticebus GENUS: Perodicticus* ORDER: Proboscidea61A FAMILY: Elephantidae GENUS: Elephas' GENUS: Loxodonta* ORDER: Rodentia'" SUBORDER: Hystricognathi FAMILY: Abrocomidae'" GENUS: Abrocoma FAMILY: Agoutidae'OA GENUS: Agouti FAMILY: Bathyergidae71A GENUS: Bathyergus GENUS: Cryptomys GENUS: Georychus* GENUS: Heliophobius* GENUS: Heterocephalus* FAMILY: CapromyidaellA SUBFAMILY: Capromyinae GENUS: Capromys* GENUS: Geocapromys GENUS: Mesocapromys73A GENUS: Mysateles74A SUBFAMILY: Plagiodontinae GENUS: Plagiodontia FAMILY: Cav iidae SUBFAMILY: Caviinae7SA GENUS: Cavia GENUS: Galea GENUS: Kerodon* GENUS: Microcavia SUBFAMILY: Dolichotinae'" GENUS: Dolichotis FAMILY: Chinchillidae'" GENUS: Chinchilla GENUS: Lagidurn GENUS: Lagostomus* FAMILY: Ctenomyidae78A GENUS: Ctenomys FAMILY: Dasyproctidae'" GENUS: Dasyprocta GENUS: Myoprocta FAMILY: Dinomyidae GENUS: Dinomys* FAMll-Y: Echimyidae,QA SUBFAMILY: Chaetomyinae GENUS: Chaetomys' SUBFAMILY: Dactylomyinae GENUS: Dactylomys GENUS: Kannabateomys* GENUS: Olallamys SUBFAMILY: Echimyinae GENUS: Diplomys GENUS: Ecbimys GENUS: Isothrix GENUS: Makalata* SUBFAMILY: Eurnysopinae GENUS: Carterodon* GENUS: Clyomys GENUS: Euryzygomatomys* GENUS: Hoplomys* GENUS: Lonchothrix* GENUS: Mesomys GENUS: Proechimys GENUS: Thrichomys* SUBFAMILY: Heteropsomyinae GENUS: Puertoricomys* FAMILY: Erethizontidae81A GENUS: Coendou GENUS: Echinoprocta* GENUS: Erethizon* GENUS: Sphiggurus FAMILY: Hydrochaeridae'lA GENUS: Hydrochaeris* FAMILY: Hystricidae83A GENUS: Atherurus GENUS: Hystrix 98 GENUS: Trichys* FAMILY: Myocastoridae GENUS: Myocastor* FAMILY: Octodontidae"" GENUS: Aconaemys GENUS: Octodon GENUS: Octodontomys' GENUS: Octomys* GENUS: Spalacopus* GENUS: Tympanoctomys* FAMILY: Petromuridae GENUS: Petromus* FAMILY: Thryonomyidae'" GENUS: Thryonomys SUBORDER: Sciurognatbi FAMILY: Anomaluridae'" SUBFAMILY: Anomalurinae GENUS: Anomalurus SUBFAMILY: Zenkerellinae GENUS: lriurns GENUS: ZenkereIIa* FAMILY: Aplodontidae'" GENUS: Aplodontia* FAMILY: Castoridae'" GENUS: Castor F AMILY: CtenodactyIidae'" GENUS: Ctenodactylus GENUS: Felovia' GENUS: Massoutiera* GENUS: Pectinator* FAMILY: Dipodidae'OA SUBFAMILY: Aiiactaginae GENUS: Aiiactaga GENUS: Aiiactodipus* GENUS: Pygeretmus SUBFAMILY: Cardiocraniinae GENUS: Cardiocranius* GENUS: Salpingotus SUBFAMILY: Dipodinae GENUS: Dipus' GENUS: Eremodipus* GENUS: Jaculus GENUS: Paradipus' GENUS: Stylodipus SUBFAMILY: Euchoreutinae GENUS: Euchoreutes* FAMILY: Geomyidae'lA GENUS: Geomys GENUS: Orthogeomys GENUS: Pappogeomys GENUS: Thomomys GENUS: Zygogeomys* FAMILY: Gliridae'" SUBFAMILY: Graphiurinae GENUS: Graphiurus SUBFAMILY: Leithiinae GENUS: Dryomys GENUS: E1iomys GENUS: Myomimus SUBFAMILY: Myoxinae GENUS: Glirulus* GENUS: Muscardinus* GENUS: Myoxus* FAMILY: Heteromyidae93A SUBFAMILY: Dipodomyinae GENUS: Dipodomys GENUS: Microdipodops SUBFAMILY: Heteromyinae GENUS: Heteromys GENUS: Liomys SUBFAMILY: Perognathinae GENUS: Chaetodipus GENUS: Perognathus FAMILY: Muridae SUBFAMILY: ArvicoIinae'" GENUS: Alticola GENUS: Arhorimus GENUS: Arvicola GENUS: BlanJordimys GENUS: Chionomys GENUS: Clethrionomys GENUS: Dicrostonyx GENUS: Dinaromys* GENUS: EIlobius GENUS: Eolagurus GENUS: Eothenomys GENUS: Hyperacrius GENUS: Lagurus* GENUS: Lasiopodomys GENUS: Lemmiscus* GENUS: Lemmus GENUS: Microtus GENUS: Myopus* GENUS: Neofiber* GENUS: Ondatra* GENUS: Phaulomys GENUS: Phenacomys GENUS: Proedromys* GENUS: Prometheomys* GENUS: Synaptomys GENUS: Volemys SUBFAMILY: Calomyscinae GENUS: C","omyscus SUBFAMILY: Cricetinae'" GENUS: Aiiocricetulus GENUS: Cansumys* GENUS: Cricetulus GENUS: Cricetus' GENUS: Mesocricetus GENUS: Phodopus GENUS: Tscherskia* SUBFAMILY: Cricetomyinae96A GENUS: Beamys GENUS: Cricetomys GENUS: Saccostomus SUBFAMILY: DendromurinaenA 99 GENUS: Dendromus GENUS: Dendroprionomys GENUS: Deomys' GENUS: Leimacomys* GENUS: Malacothrix' GENUS: Megadendromus* GENUS: Prionomys' GENUS: Steatomys SUBFAMILY: Gerbillinae'SA GENUS: AmmodilIus* GENUS: Brachiones' GENUS: Desmodilliscus* GENUS: Desmodillus' GENUS: Gerbilluros GENUS: Gerbillus GENUS: Meriones GENUS: Microdillus' GENUS: Pachyuromys* GENUS: Psammomys GENUS: Rhombomys' GENUS: Sekeetamys* GENUS: Tatem GENUS: Taterillus SUBFAMILY: Lophiomyinae'" GENUS: Lophiomys* SUBFAMILY: Murinae'" GENUS: Abditomys' GENUS: Acomys GENUS: Aetbomys GENUS: Anisomys* GENUS: Anonymomys' GENUS: Apodemus GENUS: Apomys GENUS: Archboldomys' GENUS: Arvicanthis GENUS: Bandicota GENUS: Batomys GENUS: Berylmys GENUS: Bullimus GENUS: BlUlomys GENUS: Canariomys* GENUS: Carpomys GENUS: Celaenomys' GENUS: Chiromyscus* GENUS: Chiropodomys GENUS: Chiruromys GENUS: Cbrotomys GENUS: Coccymys GENUS: Colomys' GENUS: Conilurus GENUS: Coryphomys* GENUS: Cmteromys GENUS: Cremnomys GENUS: Crossomys* GENUS: Crunomys GENUS: Dacnomys* GENUS: Dasymys GENUS: Dephomys GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Desmomys* Diomys* Diplothrix* Echiothrix * Eropeplus* Golunda* Grarnmornys Hadromys* Haeromys Hapalomys Heimyscus* Hybomys Hydromys Hylomyscus Hyomys Kadarsanomys* Komodomys' Lamottemys' Leggadina Lemniscomys Lenomys* Lenothrix* Leopoldarnys Leporillus Leptomys Limnomys* Lophuromys Lorentzimys* Macruromys Malacomys Mallomys Malpaisomys* Margaretamys Mastomys Maxomys Mayennys* Melasmothrix * Melomys Mesembriomys Microhydromys Micrornys* Millardia Muriculus* Mus Mylomys' Myomys Neohydromys' Nesokia Niviventcr Notomys Oenornys Palawanomys* Papagomys Parahydromys' Paraleptomys Paruromys Paularnys' Pelomys 100 GENUS: PbJoeomys GENUS: Pithecheir GENUS: Pogonomelomys GENUS: Pogonomys GENUS: Praomys GENUS: Pseudohydromys GENUS: Pseudomys GENUS: Rattus GENUS: Rhahdomys' GENUS: Rbynchomys GENUS: Solomys GENUS: Spelaeamys' GENUS: Srilankamys' GENUS: Stenocephalemys GENUS: Stenomys GENUS: Stochomys* GENUS: Sundamys GENUS: Taeromys GENUS: Tarsomys GENUS: Tateomys GENUS: Thallomys GENUS: Thanmomys GENUS: Tokudaia GENUS: Tryphomys* GENUS: Uranomys* GENUS: Uromys GENUS: Vandeleuria GENUS: Vemaya' GENUS: Xenuromys* GENUS: Xeromys* GENUS: Zelotomys GENUS: Zywmys SUBFAMILY: Myospaiacinae" GENUS: Myospaiax SUBFAMILY: Mystromyinae'· GENUS: My,tromys' SUBFAMILY: Nesomyinae'· GENUS: Brachytarsomys* GENUS: Bmchyuromys GENUS: Eliurus GENUS: Gymnomys* GENUS: Hypogeomys* GENUS: Macrotarsomys GENUS: Nesomys* SUBFAMILY: Otomyinae'" GENUS: Otomys GENUS: Parotomys SUBFAMILY: Petromyscinae'" GENUS: Delanymys* GENUS; Petromyscus SUBFAMILY: Platacanthomyina GENUS: Platacanthomys* GENUS: Typblomys SUBFAMILY; Rhiwmyinae'· GENUS; Cannomys' GENUS; Rbizomys GENUS: Tachyoryctes SUBFAMILY; Sigmodontinae" GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS; GENUS: GENUS: GENUS; GENUS: GENUS: GENUS; GENUS; GENUS: Abrawayaomys* Aepeomy, Akodon Andalgalomys Andinomys* Anotomys* Auliscomys Baiomys Bibimys Blarinomys* Bolomys Ca10mys Chelemys Chibchanomys' Chilomys* Chinchillula* Chroeomys Delomys Eligmadontia Euneomys Galenomys* Geoxus* Gtaomys Habromys Hodomys* Holochilus Ichthyamys Irenomys* Isthmomys Juscelinomys Kunsia Lenoxus* Megadontomys Megalomys Melanomys Microryzomys Neacomys Nectomys Nelsonia Neotoma Neotomodon* Neotomys* Nesoryzomys Neusticornys Notiornys* Nyctomys* Ochrotomys* Oecomys Oligoryzomys Onychomys Orywmys Osgoodomys' Otonyctomys* Ototylomys* Oxymycterus Peromyscus Phaenomys* Phyllotis 101 GENUS: Podomys GENUS: Podoxymus* GENUS: Pseudoryzomys* GENUS: Punomys* GENUS: Reithrodon* GENUS: Reithrodontomys GENUS: Rhagomys* GENUS: Rbeomys GENUS: Rhipidomys GENUS: Scapteromys* GENUS: Scolomys GENUS: Scotinomys GENUS: Sigmodon GENUS: Sigmodontomys GENUS: Thalpomys GENUS: Thomasomys GENUS: Tylomys GENUS: Wiedomys* GENUS: Wilfredomys GENUS: Xenomys* GENUS: Zygodontomys SUBFAMILY: Spalacinae" GENUS: Nannospalax GENUS: Spalax FAMILY: Pedetidae GENUS: Pedetes* FAMILY: Sciuridae'OB SUBFAMILY: Petauristinae"· GENUS: Aeretes* GENUS: Aeromys GENUS: Belomys* GENUS: Biswamoyopterus* GENUS: Eupetaurus* GENUS: Glaucomys GENUS: Hylopetes GENUS: Iomys GENUS: Petaurillus GENUS: Petaurista GENUS: Petinomys GENUS: Pteromys GENUS: Pteromyscus* GENUS: Trogopterus* SUBFAMILY: Sciurinae"" GENUS: Ammospermophilus GENUS: Atlantoxerus* GENUS: Callosciurus GENUS: Cynomys GENUS: Dremomys GENUS: Epixerus GENUS: Exilisciurus GENUS: Funambulus GENUS: Funisciurus GENUS: Glyphotes* GENUS: Heliosciurus GENUS: Hyosciurus GENUS: Lariscus GENUS: Marmota GENUS: Menetes* GENUS: Microsciurus GENUS: Myosciurus* GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: GENUS: Nannosciurus* Parnxerus Prosciurillus Protoxerus RaMa Rheithrosciurus* Rhinosciurus* Rubrisciurus* Sciurillus* Sciurotamias Sciurus Spermophilopsis* Spermophilus Sundasciurus GENUS: Syntheosciurus* GENUS: Tamias GENUS: Tamiasciurus GENUS: Tamiops GENUS: Xerus FAMILY: Seleviniidae"" GENUS: Selevinia* FAMILY: Zapodidae"· GENUS: Eozapus* GENUS: Napaeozapus* GENUS: Sicista GENUS: Zapus ORDER: Scandentia!SB FAMILY: Tupaiidae SUBFAMILY: Ptilocercinae GENUS: Ptilocercus* SUBFAMILY: Tupaiinae GENUS: Anathana* GENUS: Dendrogale GENUS: Tupaiia GENUS: Urogale* ORDER: Sirenia FAMILY: Dugnngidae'" GENUS: Dugong* FAMILY: Trichechidae"· GENUS: Trichechus ORDER: Tubulidentata FAMILY: Orycteropodidae''" GENUS: Orycteropus* INFRACLASS: Metatberia'" ORDER: Dasyuromorphia FAMILY: Dasyuridae'" GENUS: Antechinus GENUS: Dasycercus GENUS: Dasykaluta* GENUS: Dasyurus GENUS: Murexia GENUS: Myoictis* GENUS: Neophascogale* GENUS: Ningaui GENUS: Parantechinus GENUS: Phascogale 102 GENUS: Phascolosorex GENUS: Planigale GENUS: P.reuWm~runlli GENUS: Sarcoprullli* GENUS: Srninthopsis FAMILY: Mynnecobiidae2l • GENUS: Myrmecobilli* ORDER: Didelphimorphia'" FAMILY: Didelprudae'" SUBFAMILY: Caluromyinae GENUS: Caluromys GENUS: Caluromysiops* GENUS: Glironia SUBFAMILY: Didelprunae GENUS: Cruronectes* GENUS: Didelprus GENUS: Gracilinanlli GENUS: Lestodelphys* GENUS: Lutreolina* GENUS: Marmosa GENUS: Marmosops GENUS: Metacrurlli* GENUS: Micourelli GENUS: Monodelphis GENUS: Philander GENUS: Thylarnys ORDER: Diprotodontia FAMILY: Acrobatidae'''' GENUS: Acrobates' GENUS: Distoechurus' FAMILY: Burramyidae'" GENUS: Burramys* GENUS: Cercartetlli FA.WLY: Macropodidae'" GENUS: Dendrolaglli GENUS: Dorcopsis GENUS: Dorcopsullli GENUS: Lagorchestes GENUS: Lagostrophus* GENUS: MacroPlli GENUS: Onychogalea GENUS: Petrogale GENUS: Setonix* GENUS: Thylogale GENUS: Wallabia' FAMILY: Petauridae27B GENUS: Dactylopsila GENUS: Gyrnnobelidelli* GENUS: PetaUrlli FAMILY: Phalageridae'" GENUS: Ailurops' GENUS: Phalanger GENUS: SpiloclliClli GENUS: Strigocuscus GENUS: TrichosUflli GENUS: Wyulda* FAMILY: Pbascolarctidae'" GENUS: Phascolarctos* FAMILY; Potoroidae3GB GENUS: Aepyprymnus* GENUS: Bettongia GENUS: Caloprymnus* GENUS: Hypsiprymnodon* GENUS: Potorous FAMILY: Pseudocbeiridae'" GENUS: Hernibelidelli* GENUS: Petauroides* GENUS: Petropseudes* GENUS: Pseudocheirlli GENUS: Pseudocbirops FAMILY: Tarsipedidae'" GENUS: Tarsipes* FAMILY: Vombatidae'" GENUS: LasiorrunlL' GENUS: Vombatlli* ORDER: Microbiotheria FAMILY; Microbiotheriidae4B GENUS: Dromiciops* ORDER: Notoryctemorphia FAMILY: Notoryctidae'" GENUS: Notoryctes ORDER: Paucituberculata FAMILY: Caenolestidae36B GENUS: Caenolestes GENUS: Lestoros* GENUS: Rhyncholestes* ORDER: Peramelemorphia FAMILY: Peramelidae'" GENUS: Cbaeropus' GENUS: Isoodon GENUS: Macrotis GENUS: Perameles FAMILY: Peroryctidae38B GENUS: Echyrnipera GENUS: Microperoryctes GENUS: Peroryctes GENUS: Rhynchomeles* 103 Appendix A: Notes The following pages consist of a listing of notes which correspond to the superscript numbers in the preceding taxonomic listing. These notes take many forms. Most give the common name for the category of animals under the specific taxon. For example, the order Phoneicopteriformes listed in the classification (page 87) represents the group of animals known commonly as flamingos (notes page 112, #f!S7). Sometimes one taxon may be considered under more than one preceding taxon depending on the author of the work discussing the taxon in question. Under these circumstances, this work has placed the taxon in the position accepted by the more reliable sources or by the majority of sources checked, but is noted as to its alternate position. For example, the hoopoes (page 113, #915) are considered a separate order here, the Upupiformes (page 89), but are sometimes placed in the order Coraciiformes. The uses of the descriptions "sometimes" and "often" are not arbitrary; a group is sometimes considered elsewhere if enough reliable sources place it there, which indicate this placement is based on some research and a group is often considered elsewhere if approximately half of the number of reliable sources placed it there, usually citing specific and detailed research. Occasionally the notes refer to a taxon which "may be" placed elsewhere. In this circumstance, insufficient data was found to confirm its alternate placement, but some references were found to its being placed there. Sometimes taxa are acknowledged equally by more than one scientific name. These are represented in the notes by "Aka" or "Also known as." There are also circumstances where the scientific name of a species, genus, or other taxon has been recently replaced by a different, more correct name. In such instances the previously accepted names are also included here because several sources still acknowledge them. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Tunicates Sea squirts Aka Appendicularia Taxa sometimes in Class Ascideacea Benthic tunicates. Genera are Gasterascidia, Hexadactylus, and Sorbera. 6. Salps 7. Jawless fishes 8. Southern lampreys 9. Jawed vertebrates 10. Cartilagenous fishes 11. Sharks, skates, and rays 12. Skates and rays, aka Batoidea 13. Stingrays 14. Whiptail Stingrays 15. Aka Hypolophus 16. Butterfly rays 17. Six-gill stingrays 18. Manta rays 19. Eagle rays 20. Deep-waler stingrays 21. River rays 22. Round stingrays 23. Sawfish 24. Skates 25. Some genera may be included in Arhynchobatidae or Pseudorajidae inslead of Rajidae. 26. Guitarfishes 27. Thornback guitarfishes 28. Aka Rhynchobatidae. Shovel nose guitarfishes. 29. Guitarfishes 30. Electric rays 31. Short-tailed Stingrays 32. Electric Rays and Shortnose Electric Rays, aka Narcinidac. Narkidae and Narcinidae are sometimes divided into separale families or as subfamilies of Family Torpedinidae 33. Torpedo rays 34. Galeomorph sharks 35. Ground sharks 36. Whaler sharks 37. Tiger sharks 38. Houndsharks 39. Weasel sharks 40. False Catsharks 41. Sharpnose sharks 42. Cat.harks 43. Hammerhead sharks 44. Smooth houndsharks 45. Bullhead sharks 46. Mackerel sharks 47. Thresher sharks 48. Mackerel sharks 49. Sandtiger sharks so. 104 Aka Carcharias 51. Carpet sharks 52. Blind sharks 53. Nurse sharks 54. Bamboo sharks 55. Wobbegongs 56. Collared Carpet sharks 57. Squaleomorph sharks 58. Frilled and Cow sharks 59. Cow sharks 60. Sawsharks 61. Dogfish sharks 62. Sleeper sharks 63. Bramble sharks 64. Dogfish sharks 65. Angel sharks 66. Chimaeras 67. Aka Callorhinchidae. Piownose chimaeras 68. Shortnose chimaeras 69. Longnose chimaeras 70. Bony fishes 71. Ray-finned fishes 72. Sturgeons 73. Paddlefish 74. Birchirs 75. Aka Calamoichthys 76. Aka Semionotiformes. Gar 77. Holoslei and Teleostei are oflen considered separale infraclasses inslead of in Neoplerygii. 78. Bonefish 79. Eels 80. Freshwater eels 81. False morays 82. Aka Ariosoma 83. Sometimes in Family Muraenesocidae 84. Aka Paraxenomystax 85. Longneck eels 86. Spaghetti eels 87. Pike congers 88. Moray eels 89. Snipe eels 90. Aka Borodinula 91. Duckbill eels 92. Snake and Worm eels 93. Aka Verma 94. Aka Sphagebranchus 95. Aka Aotea 96. Sawtooth eels 97. Aka Platuronides 98. Cutthroat eels 99. Jellynose fish 100. Silversides and Rainbowfish 101. Silversides 102. Rainbowfishes 105 103. Blue eyes 104. Aka Popondichthys 105. Sailfin silversides 106. M.ladigesi, the Celebese Rainbow, was fonnerly in Genus Telmatherina 107. Telescopefishes 108. Lancet fishes 109. Greeneyes 110. Sabertooth fishes 11!. Telescopefishes 112. Aka Macristiella 113. Aka Benthosaurus 114. Aka Bathysauropsis. Sometimes in Family Chlorophthalmidae. 115. Waryfishes 116. Aka Notosudis 117. Barracudinas 118. Pearleyes 119. Aka Neoscopelarchoides 120. Lizardfishes 12!. Aka Macristium, sometimes in Order Ctenothrissifonnes and Family Bathysauridae 122. Aka Xystodus 123. Toadfish 124. Needlefish and Rying fish 12S. Ricefish 126. Needlefish 127. Rying fishes 128. Aka Danichthys 129. Often included in Family Hemiramphidae 130. Halfbeaks 131. Aka Reporhamphus 132. Sauries 133. Rashlight fish and Squirrel fish 134. Rashlight fish 13S. Fangtooths 136. Alfonsinos 137. Aka Hoplopteryx 138. Spiny fins 139. Squirrel fishes (Soldierfishes) 140. Aka Rammeo 141. Aka Holotrachys 142. Aka Adioryx 143. Pinecone fishes 144. Roughies or Slimeheads 14S. African tetras, fonnerly a subfamily of Characidae 146. Headstanders 147. Considered a separate family by FishBase et al. 148. Aka Tylobranchus 149. Characins and Piranhas. Some Genera are often included in Family Serrasalmidae. 150. Sometimes considered a separate Family lSI. Pike-characids IS2. Trahiras 153. 154. ISS. 156. 157. ISS. IS9. 160. 161. 162. Freshwater hatchetfishes Aka Atomaster Herring and Anchovies Wolf herring Herring, Sardines, Sprats, Shads Anchovies Sometimes these Genera are in Family Clupeidae Minnows and Carp River loaches Suckers 163. L. lacera, the only extant species, is also known as Moxostoma lacerum 164. Minnows and Carps 16S. Algae eaters 166. Killifish, Livebearers, and Rivulines (Rivulins) 167. Rivulines 168. Old World Rivulines. Aplocheilidae and Rivulidae are often considered subfamilies of Family Aplocheilidae. 169. New World Rivulines 170. Four-eyed fishes 17!. Pupfishes 172. K. asquamatus, the only extant species, is also known as Aphanius asquamatus 173. Topminnows and Killifishes 174. P. zebrinus, the Plains Killifish has been renamed to Genus Fundulus and is the same species as F. kansae. 17S. Splitfins 176. Live-bearing tooth carps, Guppies, Mosquitofishes 177. C. bukabanus, the only extant species, is also known as Aplocheilichthys bukabanus 178. P. modestus, the only extant species, is also known as Hypsopanchax modestus 179. P. bimaculata, the only extant species, is also known as Heterandria bimaculata ISO. Middle American Killifishes 181. 182. 183. 184. 18S. 186. 187. 188. 189. 190. 191. 192. 193. 194. 195. Tarpons Tenpounders or Ladyfish Tarpons Pikes and Mudminnows Pikes Mudminnows Codfish Codlets Cods. Gadidae and Lotidae are often considered subfamilies under Family Gadidae Hakes, Burbots, and Lings Grenadiers or Rattails FishBase was the only source that recognized this genus Only recognized by FishBase Only recognized by FishBase Pelagic cods 106 196. 197. 198. 199. 200. 201. 202. 203. 204. 205. 206. 2fJ7. 208. 209. 210. 211. 212. 213. 214. 215. 216. 217. 218. 219. 220. 221. 222. 223. 224. 225. 226. 227. 228. 229. 230. 231. 232. 233. 234. 235. 236. 237. 238. 239. 240. 241. 242. 243. 244. 245. 246. 247. Merluccid bakes Sometimes in Family Macruronidae. Sometimes in Family Steindachneriidae. Morid cods Eel cods Phycid Hakes Sticklebacks Tubesnouts Sticklebacks Sea moths. Sometimes in Order Pegasiformes Clingfish Sometimes in Order Perciformes Milkfish Beaked salmons SheUears Knifefishes E. electricus, the Electric Eel. Sometimes in Family Gymnotidae Naked-back knifelishes Ghost knifefishes Sand knifefishes Glass knifefishes Aka Lampriformes. Ribbonfishes. Aka Lampridae. Opahs. Crestfishes Oarfishes Ribbonfishes Anglers and Frogfishes Frogfishes Handfishes or Warty anglerfishes Gooselishes Fanfins Deep-sea anglerfish Seadevils Sea toads Double anglers Whipnoses Footballfishes Leftvents Black scadevils Toothed seadevils Batfishes Dreamers Wolftrap anglers Lanternfish Lanternfish Blackchins Spiny eels and Halosaurs Halosaurs Deep sea spiny eels. Sometimes in Order Albuliformes. Sometimes in Family Lipogenyidae. Cusk-eels and Brotulas Viviparous brotulas 248. 249. 250. 251. 252. 253. 254. 255. 256. 257. 258. 259. 260. 261. 262. 263. 264. 265. 266. 267. 268. 269. 270. 271. 272. 273. 274. 275. 276. 277. 278. 279. 280. 281. 282. 283. 284. 285. 286. 287. 288. 289. 290. 291. 292. 293. 294. 295. 296. 297. False brotulas Pearlfishes Cusk-eels Smelt. Sometimes considered Suborder Osmeroidei in Order Salmoniformes Slickheads Herring smelts Deep-sea smelts Barreleyes or Spookfishes Smelt Tubeshoulders Ayu fishes New Zealand smelts leefishes or Nood1efishes Sundaland noodlefishes. Sometimes in Order Clupeiforrnes. Bony tongues and Moon eyes Sometimes in Order Mormyriformes Mooneyes Elephantfish. Sometimes in Mormyriformes Featherbacks or Knifefishes Bonytongues Perch-like fishes Surgeonfishes, tangs, and unicornfishes Spadefishes, batfishes, and scats Scats Rabbitfishes Climbing gouramies Gouramies Giant gouramies Combtooth blennies Pike-, tube-, and flagblennies Sometimes in Family Labrisomidae Sometimes in Family Labrisomidae Sand stargazers Threefin Blennies Dragonets Snakeheads, sometimes in Order Channiformes Pygmy sunfishes Sleepers Gobies. Some genera may be divided into the Subfamilies Amblyopinae, Gobiinae, Gobionellinae, Oxudercinae, and Sicydiinae. Sandfishes or Sand gobies Worm fishes Loach gobies Aka 1costeoidae Nurseryfishes Cichlids Surfperches Wrasses Cales and Weed-whitings Damse1fishes Anemonefishes 107 298. Parrotfishes 299. Mullets, often in Order Mugilifonnes 300. Barbled Plunderfishes, sometimes a subfamily of Family Harpagiferidae. 301. Antarctic dragonfishes 302. Thornfishes 303. Crocodile icefishes 304. Spiny plunderfishes 305. Cod icefishes 306. Previously in Family Bovichtidae 307. Temperate ocean basses 308. Aka Chandidae. (Asiatic) Glassfishes. 309. Marblefishes 310. Cardinalfishes 311. Australian salmon 312. Pomfrets 313. Fusiliers 314. Splendid perches 315. Jacks and Pompanos 316. Manefishes 317. Sunfishes, Basses, Crappies 318. Snooks 319. Bandfishes 320. Butterllyfishes 321. Morwongs 322. Kelpfishes 323. Hawkfishes 324. Tiger Perches 325. Dolphinfishes 326. Aka Coracinidae. Galjoen fishes. 327. Aka Coracinus 328. Cave basses 329. Sicklefishes 330. Remoras 331. Rovers 332. Deepwater Cardinalfishes 333. Mojarras 334. Pearl perches 335. Basslets 336. Grunts and Sweetlips 337. Bonnetmouths 338. Billfishes 339. Aholeholes 340. Sea chubs 341. Slimys, Slipmouths, or Ponyfishes 342. Emperors or Scavengers 343. Snappers 344. Tilefishes 345. Fingerfish 346. Temperate basses 347. Goatfishes 348. Leaffishes 349. Threadfin and Whiptail breams 350. Jawfishes 351. 352. 353. 354. 355. 356. 357. 358. 359. 360. 361. 362. 363. 364. 365. 366. 367. 368. 369. 370. 371. 372. 373. 374. 375. 376. 377. 378. 379. 380. Knifejaws Sweepers Annorheads Temperate basses Sometimes in Family Acropomatidae Perches Darters Walleye, Sauger, Pike-perch Perches Sometimes in Family Percichthyidae Roundheads Threadfins Sometimes in Family Acropomatidae Sometimes in Family Acropomatidae Angelfishes Biegyes Dottybacks Drums and Croakers Gnomefishes Sea basses, Groupers, Fairy basslets Smelt-whitings Porgies Grunters or Tigerperches, and Thornfishes Archerfishes Sometimes in Suborder Trachinoidei Sometimes in Suborder Gobioidei Snake mackerels Mackerels, Tunas, and Bonitos Cutlassfishes Barracudas. Sometimes in Order Mugilifonnes and sometimes in Suborder Scombroidei. 381. Medusafishes 382. Driftfishes 383. Butterfishes 384. Squaretails 385. Sand lances 386. Swallowers 387. Sand burrowers 388. Southern sand fishes 389. Duckbills 390. Sandperches 391. Sometimes in Family Cheimarrhichthyidae 392. Weeverfishes 393. Sandfishes 394. Sand divers 395. Stargazers 396. Wolffishes 397. Ronquils 398. Wrymouths 399. Gunnels 400. Pricldebacks 40 1. Eel pouts 402. Cavefishes 403. Trout-perches 108 404. 405. 406. 4f17. 408. 409. 410. 411. 412. 413. 414. 415. 416. 417. 418. 419. 420. 421. 422. 423. 424. 425. 426. 427. 428. 429. 430. 431. 432. 433. 434. 435. 436. 437. 438. 439. 440. 441. 442. 443. 444. 445. 446. 447. 448. 449. 450. 451. 452. 453. 454. 455. Aatfishes and Aounders American Soles Southern flounders Lefteye flounders Tonguefishes Largetooth flounders Righteye flounders Soles. Sometimes in Suborder Soleoidei Beardfishes Swallowers and Gulpers Bobtail snipe eels Swallowers Salmon and Trout. Families Esocidae and Osmeridae are sometimes included here. Scorpionfishes Deep-sea sculpins Poachers Baikal oilfishes Sculpins Lumpfishes and Snailfishes Fatheads Aying gurnards. Sometimes in Order Dactylopteriformes. Greenlings Deepwater flatheads Ghost flatheads Armored gurnards. Sometimes in Scorpaenoidei. Aatheads Searobins. Sometimes in Suborder Scorpaenoidei. Velvetfishes Coral crouchers or Orbicular velvetfishes Horsefishes and Pigfishes (Australian) Prowfishes Scorpionfishes or Rockfishes Subfamily uncertain Subfamily uncertain Rockfishes, Rockcods, and Thornyheads Stonefishes Waspfishes Combfishes. Sometimes in Hexagrammoidei. Catfishes Stream catfishes Torrent catfishes Loach catfishes Sea catfishes Banjo catfishes Naked sucker-mouth catfishes Driftwood catfishes Previously considered in Family Ageneiosidae. Previously in Ageneiosidae Bagrid catfishes Callichthyid armored catfishes Whale catfishes Previously considered in Family Helogeneidae 456. 457. 458. 459. 460. 461. 462. 463. 464. 465. 466. 467. 468. 469. 470. 471. 472. 473. 474. 475. 476. 477. 478. 479. 480. 481. 482. 483. 484. 485. 486. 487. 488. 489. 490. 491. 492. 493. 494. 495. 496. 497. 498. 499. 500. 501. 502. 503. 504. 505. 506. 507. 508. Airbreathing catfishes Thorny catfishes Airsac catfishes North American freshwater catfishes Armored catfishes Previously in Family Astroblepidae Electric catfishes Squeakers or Upside-down catfishes Longtail catfishes Shark catfishes Long-whiskered catfishes Previously considered in Family Hypophthalmidae Eeltail catfishes Bumblebee catfishes Pearleyes Sheatfishes Pencil or Parasitic catfishes Bigscale fishes or Ridgeheads Whalefishes. These families are often included in either Beryciformes or Stephanoberyciformes. Aabby whalefishes Largenose fishes Hairyfish and Tapetails or Ribbonbearers Lightfishes and Dragonfishes Bristlemouths Lightfishes Marine hatchetfIshes Barbled dragonfishes Swamp eels Spineless eels Spiny eels Swamp eels Seahorses and Pipefishes Trumpetfishes Shrimpfishes Snipefishes. Sometimes a separate family. Cornetfishes Ghost pipefishes Pipefishes and Seahorses Puffers Triggerfishes Porcupinefishes or Burrfishes Ocean sunfishes Filefishes BoxfIshes, Cowfishes, and Trunkfishes Puffers Triplespines Spikefishes Dories Boarfishes Oreos Dories Lobed finned fIshes Coelacanths 109 509. African Lungfishes 510. Amphibians 51!. Aka Salientia. Frogs and Toads (Tailless amphibians). 512. Sub-saharan frogs 513. Tailed frogs 514. Fire belly toads 515. Saddle-back toads 516. True toads 517. Glass frogs 518. Poison dart frogs 519. Disc-tongued frogs 520. Shovel-nosed frogs 52!. Tree frogs 522. New Zealand Frogs 523. Southern frogs 524. Sometimes considered a subfamily of Ranidae. 525. Sometimes in Family Rhacophoridae. 526. Sometimes in Family Rhacophoridae. 527. Narrow-mouthed toads 528. Believed to be extinct 529. Spadefoot toads 530. Parsley frogs 53!. Tongueless frogs 532. True frogs 533. M. sahyadris, previously believed extinct. 534. Old World tree frogs 535. May be in either Ranidae or Mantellidae 536. Mouth-brooding frogs 537. Seychelles Islands frogs 538. Aka Gymnophiona. Limbless amphibians. 539. Sometimes considered a separate family. 540. Aka Caudata. Newls and Salamanders. 54!. Mole salamanders 542. Congo eels 543. Hellbenders 544. Giant salamanders 545. Asiatic salamanders 546. Lungless salamanders 547. Mudpuppies 548. Torrent salamanders 549. Newls and True salamanders 550. Sirens 551. Reptiles 552. No temporal fossa 553. Turtles. Aka Testudines or Chelonia 554. Sea turtles 555. Snapping turtles 556. Pond, Box, and River turtles 557. River terrapins 558. Might be synonymous with Cuora 559. Tortoises. First 4 genera may be synonymous. 560. Mud and Musk turtles 56 1. Softshell turtles 562. C. indica, the Narrow-headed Soft-shelled Turtle. Chitra may have 2 species, C. chitTa and C. indica or these may be subsp. of C. indica. 563. Austra-American sideneck turtles 564. Afro-American sideneck turtles 565. Two temporal fossa on each side of the skull 566. Often considered a separate subclass 567. Sometimes these families are considered subfamilies of Crocodylidae 568. Alligators and Caimans 569. Crocodiles 570. Often considered a separate subclass 571. Lizards and Snakes 572. Worm lizards 573. Sometimes in Family Rhineuridae 574. Two-legged worm lizards 575. Shorthead worm lizards 576. Aka Diplometopodon 577. Lizards 578. Glass and Alligator lizards 579. P. apodus, the Armored Glass Lizard, 2 subspecies. Previously Ophisaurus apodus. 580. American legless lizards. Sometimes a subfamily of Anguidae. 581. Knob-scaled lizards 582. Blind lizards 583. Geckos 584. Sometimes a subfamily of Family Eublepharidae 585. Often considered a separate family 586. Legless lizards 587. Aprasia and Ophidiocephalus are further divided into Subtribe Aprasianini and Pletholax is in Subtribe Pletholaxini 588. Agamas 589. Recently introduced genus for COplwlUS sumatrana 590. Chameleons 591. Casquehead lizards. Sometimes this and the rest of the families in this suborder are considered subfamilies of Iguanidae. 592. Collared and Leopard lizards 593. Iguanas and Spinytail iguanas 594. Madagascar iguanids 595. Earless, Spiny, Tree, Side-blotched, & Horny lizards 596. Anoles 597. Neotropical ground lizards 598. Gila monsters 599. Monitor lizards 600. Spinytail lizards 601. Plated lizards. Often considered a subfamily of Family Cordylidae. 602. Spectacled lizards. Sometimes considered a subfamily of Family Teiidae. 603. Wall lizards 604. Often considered a subgenus of Genus Lacerta 110 605. Skinks 654. N. dominicus, aka N. dominica, the Masked duck 606. V. rugosus, a new genus as of 1994 655. 656. 657. 658. 659. 660. 607. 608. 609. 610. 611. 612. 613. 614. 615. 616. 617. 618. 619. 620. 621. 622. 623. 624. 625. 626. 627. 628. 629. 630. 631. 632. 633. 634. 635. 636. 637. 638. 639. 640. 641. 642. 643. 644. 645. 646. 647. 648. 649. 650. 651. 652. 653. Whiptails and Tegus Night lizards Snakes Aka Henophidia Aka llysiidae Dwarf pipe snakes Boas and pythons Boas Sand boas Pythons Round Island boas B. mu/tocarinata, the Round Island Burrowing B Believed to be recently extinct. Asian pipe snakes W ODdsnakes, Dwarf boas Shield-tail snakes Sunbeam snakes Aka Scolecophidia Dawn blind snakes Aka Glauconiidae. Slender blind snakes Blind snakes Aka Colubroidea or Caenophidia File snakes and Wart snakes Mole vipers Subfamily uncertain Subfamily uncertain Previously Pararhadinaea in subfamily Pseudoxyrhophiinae Sometimes considered in its own family. Often considered synonymous with Boiga Cobras, Kraits, and Coral snakes Mambas Sea snakes Vipers and Pit vipers Pit vipers Pitless vipers Birds Waterfowl Ducks, Geese, Swans. Most genera are placed in any number of different tribes, subfamilies, or families, depending on the source. Ducks Dabbling ducks Sometimes in Tribe Merganettini Sometimes in Tribe Stictonettini or Subfamily Stictonettinae Di ving ducks Perched ducks Sea ducks Sometimes in Tribe Somateriini Sometimes in Tribe Somateriini Stiff-tailed ducks 66 1. 662. 663. 664. 665. 666. 667. 668. 669. 670. 671. 672. 673. 674. 675. 676. 677. 678. 679. 680. 681. 682. 683. 684. 685. 686. 687. 688. 689. 690. 691. 692. 693. 694. 695. 696. 697. 698. 699. 700. 701. 702. 703. 704. Shelducks Aka Tadorna Sometimes in Tribe Tachyerini Geese Sometimes a separate family or subfamily Swans. Sometimes a tribe in Anserinae. Sometimes a separate family. Screamers Hummingbirds and Swifts Swifts Aka Collocalia Aka Hydrochrous A. senex, aka Cypseloides senex, the Great Dusky Swift Treeswifts Hummingbirds Owlet-nightjars Eared-nightjars, Nighthawks, Poor-wills Often in Eurostopodidae, Eared nightjars Potoos Frogmouths Gulls and Shorebirds Auks, Guillemots, Razorbills, and Puffins Puffins Plovers, Snipes, and Woodcock Thick-knees Plovers Lapwings Sheathbills Pratincoles and Coursers Oystercatchers Jacanas Sometimes in Gruiformes or Passeriformes Stilts and Avocets Painted snipes Snipes and Sandpipers. Often divided into subfamilies Scolopacinae and Phalaropodinae. Recently moved from Phalaropidae Recently moved from Phalaropidae Seedsnipes Gulls Skimmers Skuas Terns. Sometimes genera are in Laridae. Herons, Bitterns, and Egrets Day herons Bitterns Night herons Tiger herons Vultures. Recently moved from Falconiformes. Storks Ibises and Spoonbills Spoonbills 111 705. 706. 707. 708. 7("9. 710. 711. 712. 713. 714. 715. 716. 717. 718. 719. 720. 721. 722. 723. 724. 725. 726. 727. 728. 729. 730. 731. 732. 733. 734. 735. 736. 737. 738. 739. 740. 741. 742. 743. 744. 745. 746. 747. 748. 749. 750. 751. 752. 753. 754. 755. Ibises Mousebirds Doves and Pigeons Pigeons Crowned pigeons Fruit doves, Green pigeons, and Imperial pigeons Kingfishers Ground-rollers Hombills Cerylid kingfishers. Sometimes in Aleedinidae. Rollers Dacelonid kingfishers. Sometimes in Alcedinidae. Aka Leptosomidae Bee-eaters Motmots Todies Cuckoos Roadrunners and Ground cuckoos Sometimes in Order Gallifonnes Birds of prey Hawks and Eagles Old World vultures Buzzards and Eagles Snake-Eagles Harriers White-tailed kites True kites Fork-tailed kites Falcons and Caracaras Caracaras Chachalacas, Guans, and Currasows Brush-turkeys or Mound-builders Turkeys. Sometimes considered a subfamily of Phasianidae. Guineafowl. Sometimes a subfamily of Phasianidae. New World quails. Sometimes a subfamily of Phasianidae. Pheasants, Partridges, Peacocks, and Quails Grouse. Sometimes a subfamily of Phasianidae. Loons Cranes and allies Seriemas Cranes Finroots Mesites Bustards Trumpeters Rails Buttonquails Turacos Songbirds. The largest order in Class Aves. Aka Passeres or Oscines Loras. Sometimes considered in Family Irenidae. 756. 757. 758. 759. 760. 761. 762. 763. 764. 765. 766. 767. 768. 769. 770. 771. 772. 773. 774. 775. 776. 777. 778. 779. 780. 781. 782. 783. 784. 785. 786. 787. 788. 789. 790. 791. 792. 793. 794. 795. 796. 797. 798. 799. 800. 801. 802. 803. 804. Woodswallows Aka Callaeatidae. New Zealand wattlebirds. Aka Creadion Cuckoo-shrikes Sometimes considered in Family Prionopidae Leafbirds Sometimes considered in Family lrenidae Whipbirds and Quail-thrushes Crows and Jays Bellmagpies and allies Drongos Magpie-larks or Mudnest builders Fairy-bluebirds True shrikes Bush shrikes, Boubous, and Tchagras Sometimes considered in Family Platysteiridae Monarch flycatchers Sometimes in either Artamidae or Cracticidae Sometimes considered in Family Prionopidae SitteUas Sometimes considered in Family Pachycephalidae Old World orioles Whistlers and allies Sometimes considered in Family Acanthizidae Aka Paradoxornithidae. Parrotbills. Birds of paradise Aka Eopsaltridae. Australo-Papuan Robins. Rockfowl Sometimes considered in Family Cracticidae Austrdlo-Papuan (or Pseudo-) Babblers Helmetshrikes Eurocephalus is often placed in Laniidae, but several authors believe the species are more closely related to the Prionopidae Fantails Vangas Vireos Sometimes considered in Pardalotidae A ustralian chats Fairywrens Honeyeaters Pardalotes Scrub birds Australo-Papuan treecreepers Lyrebirds. Sometimes placed in their own suborder, Menurae. Bowerbirds S. dentirostris, the Tooth-billed Catbird (or Bowerbird). Aka Ailuroedus dentirostris. Philippine crawlers Waxwings Silky flycatchers. Often considered a separate family. Dippers 112 805. Mockingbirds. Thrashers, and Catbirds 806. A. fusca, the Scaly-breasted Thrasher. Previously Margarops fuscus. 8IJ7. Old World flycatchers 808. Slaty flycatchers. Sometimes in Genus Diaptrornis. 809. Starlings and Mynas 810. Species often considered in Genus Lamprotornis 811. Thrushes, Bluebirds, and Solitaires. Sometimes a subfamily under Family Muscicapidae. 812. Aka Myophonus 813. Larks 814. Cardinals, Saltators, and Grosbeaks. Sometimes a subfamily under Family Emberizidae. 815. Flowerpeckers 816. Hawaiian honeycreepers 817. Sparrows, Towhees, Buntings, and Longspurs 818. Sometimes considered in Family Thraupidae 819. Sometimes considered in Family Fringillidae 820. Waxbills and allies 821. N. temporalis, the Red-browed (Firetail) Finch, is often placed in the Genus Aegintha and N. modesta, the Plum-headed Finch, is often placed in Genus Aidemosyne 822. Finches, Crossbills, Grosbeaks, and Redpolls 823. Blackbirds, Orioles, Grackles, Cowbirds, and Meadowlarks 824. S. oryzivora, the Giant Cowbird, may be moved to Genus Molothus 825. Solitary berrypeckers 826. Wagtails and Pipits 827. Sunbirds 828. Warblers 829. Old World sparrows. Sometimes a subfamily under Family Ploceidae. 830. Weavers and allies 831. Often considered its own family 832. Sugar birds 833. Accentors 834. Tanagers 835. Sometimes considered in Family Parulidae 836. Sometimes in Parulidae 837. Long-tailed tits 838. Northern creepers 839. Cistaeolas, African warblers, and allies 840. May be moved to Genus Prinia 841. May be moved to Genus Prinia 842. Swallows and Martins 843. Sometimes a subfamily of Family Bombycillidae 844. Chickadees, Tits, and Titmice 845. Wattle-eyes. May be in Superfamily Corvoidea. 846. Gnatcatchers and Gnatwrens 847. Bulbuls. May be in Corvoidea. 848. Sometimes considered in Family Malaconotidae 849. 850. 851. 852. 853. 854. 855. 856. 857. 858. 859. 860. 861. 862. 863. 864. 865. 866. 867. 868. 869. 870. 871. 872. 873. Kinglets Penduline tits May be in Family Estrildidae Nuthatches Old World warblers Species recently moved to Genus Acrocephalus Often considered in Family Sittidae May be in Corvoidea Sometimes considered in either Family Turdidae or Picathartidae Sometimes considered in either Family Sylviidae or Muscicapidae Sometimes considered in Family Pycnonotidae Wrens Sometimes considered in Family Mimidae White-eyes Aka Suboscines Aka Xenicidae. New Zealand wrens. Broadbills Pittas Gnateaters Antthrushes and Antpittas Asities Tapaculos Woodcreepers Ovenbirds Relatively new genus and species. Subfamily is uncertain. 874. 875. 876. 877. 878. 879. 880. 881. 882. 883. 884. 885. 886. 887. 888. 889. Typical antbirds Cotingas Sometimes considered in Family Cotingidae Plantcutters Often considered in Family Cotingidae Manakins Tyrant flycatchers S. aenigma, the (Broad-billed) Sapayoa, is usually placed here in Tyrannidae, but is sometimes also considered in Pipridae or Eurylaimidae. Sibley & Monroe, who did some of the best taxonomic classifications of birds, raised the Sapayoa to family status as "incertae sedis" which means "uncertain status." Their DNA work indicated that "this species is either a relative of the Old World Eurylaimidae or a sister group of allover Tyrannida. In any event. it is not a close relative of manakins [PipridaeJ." Frigatebirds Pelicans Tropicbirds Cormorants Boobies and Gannets Flamingos Woodpeckers Puffbirds. Sometimes in Family Galbulidae in 113 Order Galbulifonnes. 890. American barbets 891. Jacamars 892. Honeyguides 893. African barbets. Often considered in Family Capitonidae. 894. Asian barbets. Often considered in Capitonidae. 895. Woodpeckers 896. Wrynecks 897. True woodpeckers 898. Piculets 899. Toucans 900. Grebes 901. Albatrosses 902. Stann-Petrels 903. Diving-Petrels 904. Petrels, Shearwaters, and Fulmars 905. Parrots 906. Cockatoos. Sometimes considered a subfamily of Family Psittacidae. 'X17. Often considered a subfamily of Psittacidae. 908. Parrots 909. Aka Pteroclidae. Sandgrouse. Sometimes considered in either Order Columbifonnes or Charadriifonnes. 910. Penguins 911. Owls 912. Typical owls 913. Barn owls 914. Trogons and Quetzals 915. Hoopoes. Taxa often considered in Order Coraciiformes. 916. Woodhoopoes 917. Hoopoes 918. Flightless birds except Tinamifonnes. Ratites. 919. Kiwis 920. Cassowaries 921. Aka Dromiceidae 922. Rheas 923. Ostrich 924. Tinamous 925. Mammals 926. Egg-laying mammals 927. (Duck-billed) Platypus 928. Echidnas 929. Live-bearing mammals 930. Placental mammals 931. Even-toed ungulates 932. Pronghorn 933. Cattle, Antilopes, and Goats 934. Cattle, Buffalo, Bison, Yak 935. Species are synonymous with Genus Naemorhedus 936. Duikers 937. Horse antelopes 938. 939. 940. 941. 942. 943. 944. 945. 946. 947. 948. 949. 950. 951. 952. 953. 954. 955. 956. 957. 958. 959. 960. 961. 962. 963. 964. 965. 966. 967. 968. 969. 970. 971. 972. 973. 974. 975. 976. 977. 978. 979. 980. 981. 982. 983. Deer Musk deer Giraffes Chevrotains Hippopotami Pigs Peccaries Terrestrial carnivores (paw-like feet). There may be a new classification scheme using the suborders Canifonnia and Felifonnia incorporating all Pinnipede species with the canids. This scheme uses no superfamilies. Aka Arctoidea Dogs F. zerda, the Fennec Fox, may be recently moved to the genus V ul pes Skunks. Previously placed in Family Mustelidae. Otters Badgers Weasels, Ferrets, Martins, and the Wolverine Raccoons Bears and Pandas The Lesser or Red Panda was previously considered in Family Procyonidae Aka Aeluroidea Cats The Cheetah Mongooses Hyenas Civets and Genets Aquatic carnivores (fin-like feet) The Walrus Eared seals Fur seals Sea lions Earless or True seals Whales Whalebone (haleen) whales The Right Whale and Bowhead whales Rorquals The Humpbaek Whale Gray whales Pygmy right whales. Sometimes a subfamily of Family Balaenidae. Dolphins and Toothed whales Dolphins, Porpoises, and Beluga whales Pilot and Killer whales. Sometimes a separate family. Previously considered in Family Delphinidae Porpoises Spenn whales Sometimes in Family Physeteridae River dolphins Sometimes in Family Platanistidae 984. Sometimes considered a separate family 985. Beaked whales 986. Bats 9'i57. Old World fruit bats 988. This classification follows the scheme by Simmons and Geisler (1998). An alternate scheme by Wilson (1996) can be found in the appendix. 989. Sac-winged or Sheath-tailed bats 990. Free-tailed bats 991. Smoky or Thumbless bats 992. The Old World Sucker-footed Bat 993. Funnel-eared or Long-legged bats 994. Disc-winged bats 995. Naked-backed bats 996. New Zealand short-tailed bats 997. Two species are often still considered in this genus but M, robusta has not been sighted since 1967 and is probably extinct 998. Bulldog bats 999. Aka I'hyllostomatidae. New World leaf-nosed bats. lA. Often a separate family and sometimes in Family Vespertilionidae 2A. Evening bats 3A. Sometimes in Family Molossidae 4A. Sometimes a separate family or subfamily and sometimes in Superfamily Molossoidea SA. Often synonymous with Genus Antrozous 6A. Sometimes in its own subfamily, Myotinae 7A. False vampire bats 8A. Slit-faced and Hollow-faced bats 9A. Old World leaf-nosed bats. Often considered in its own family. lOA. Horseshoe bats IlA. The Bumblebee Bat or Kitti's Hog-nosed Bat. This is the world's smallest mammal. 12A. Long-tailed or Mouse-tailed bats J3A. Hying lemurs 14A. Aka Xenarthra. Armadillos, Anteaters, and Sloths 15A. Aka Loricata Armadillos and Glyptodonts. 16A. Sloths 17A. Three-toed sloths 18A. Two-toed sloths 19A. Anteaters 20A. Hyraxes or Dassies 21A. Hedgehogs, Moles, Shrews, etc. 22A. Golden moles 23A. South African golden moles 24A. African golden moles 25A. Cape golden moles 26A. Large golden moles 27A. Hedgehogs 28A. P. aethiopicus, the (Long-eared) Desert Hedgehog, is often placed in Genus Hemiechinus 29A. Gymnures and Moonrats 114 West Indian shrews Solenodons Shrews Moles Tenrecs Sometimes in its own subfamily, Geogalinae Rabbits and Hares Pikas Elephant shrews Odd-toed ungulates Rhinoceroses Tapirs Horses and Zebras Pangolins or Scaly anteaters This scheme is based on recent molecular evidence. Traditional classification uses Suborders Prosimii and Anthropoidea, placing Tarsiiformes with the Anthropoidea Many authors still use the traditional system. 45A. Dry noses 46A. Macaques 47A. Gibbons 48A. Apes. Sometimes a subfamily of Hominidae. 49A. Chimpanzees SOA. The Orangutan 51A. New World monkeys 52A. Tamarins and Marmosets 53A. Howler monkeys 54A. Night monkeys and Owl monkeys 55A. Spider monkeys 56A. Titi monkeys 57A. Capuchins 58A. Sakis and Uakaris 59A. Sometimes in Subfamily Cebinae 6OA. Tarsiers 6lA. Wet noses 62A. The Aye-Aye 63A. Sportive lemurs. Previously in Lemuridae. 64A. Often in Superfamily Lemuroidea 65A. Aka Galagonidae. Galagos and Bushbabies. Often a subfamily of Lorisidae. 66A. Aka Loridae 67A. Elephants 68A. Rodents. Traditionally divided into 3 suborders, Hystricomorpha, Sciuromorpha, and Myomorpha. Recent evidence suggests the 2 suborder system used here. Many authors still use the traditional system. 69A. Chinchilla rats 70A. Pacas. Often a subfamily of Dasyproctidae. 7lA. African mole rats 72A. Hutias 73A. Sometimes a subgenus of Genus Capromys 74A. Sometimes a subgenus of Genus Capromys 30A. 3lA. 32A. 33A. 34A. 35A. 36A. 37A. 38A. 39A. 4OA. 41A. 42A. 43A. 44A. 115 7SA. Cavies and Guinea pigs 76A. Patagonian hares 77A. Chinchillas and Viscachas 78A. Tuco-tucos 79A. Agoutis 80A. Spiny rats 81A. Porcupines 82A. The Capybara 83A. Old World porcupines 84A. Degus, Coruros, and Rock rats 8SA. Cane rats or Grasscutters 86A. Scaly-tailed squirrels 87A. The Mountain Beaver 88A. Beavers 89A. Gundis 9OA. Jerohas 91A. Pocket gophers 92A. Aka Myoxidae. True donnice. 93A. Pocket mice, Kangaroo ral., and Kangaroo mice 94A. Voles, Lemmings, and Muskrats 9SA. Hamsters 96A. Pouched rats and mice 97A. African climbing, Gerbil, Fat, and Forest mice 98A. Gerbils, Jirds, and Sand rats 99A. The Maned or Crested Rat IB. Old World rats and mice 2B. Zokors 3B. The White-tailed Rat 4B. Malagasy rats and mice 58. Vlei rats, Karoo rats, and Whistling rats 6B. Rock mice 7B. Bamboo rats and African mole rats 8B. New World rats and mice 9B. Blind mole rats lOB. Squirrels, Chipmunks, Marmots, and Prairie dogs liB. Hying squirrels 12B. Arboreal and Terrestrial squirrels 13B. The Desert Donnouse. Sometimes in Gliridae. 14B. Jumping mice and Birch mice. Sometimes a subfamily in Family Dipodidae. ISB. Tree shrews 16B. The Dugong 17B. Manatees 18B. The Aardvark 19B. Aka Marsupiala. Marsupial mammals. 20B. The Tasmanian Devil, Marsupial mice, and Native cats 218. The Numbat 22B. Opossums 23B. New World opossums 24B. Feathertail gliders 2SB. Pygmy possums 26B. Kangarros and Wallabies 278. Gliding, Ring-tailed, and Striped possums 28B. Brushtail possums, Scaley-tailed Possums, and Cuscuses 29B. 30B. 31B. 32B. 33B. 34B. 3SB. 36B. 378. 38B. The Koala Rat-kangaroos, Potoroos, and Bettongs Ringtail possums The Honey Possum Wombats The Mortito de Monte Marsupial moles Shrew opossums or Rat opossums Bandicoots and Bilbies Spiny bandicoots 116 Appendix B: Additional Notes The following is a listing of additions and corrections discovered after the printing of this work when changes could no longer be made. I. On page 6, the genera Distaplia, Hypsistozoa, and Sycozoa, here under family Polycitoridae, are sometimes considered in a separate family, Holozoidae. 2. On page 6, the genus Stomozoa is added to the family Stomozoidae. 3. On page 6, the genus Plurella is added to the family Plurellidae. 4. On page 7, the genus Tectillaria (one extant species) is added to the family Fritillariidae. 5. On page 7, the genus Kowalevskia is added to the family Kowalevskiidae. 6. On page 7, the genus Folia (one extant species) is added to the family Oikopleuridae. The following is an alternate scheme of the suborder Microchiroptera (page 93) in the order Chiroptera (bats) after work done by Wilson (1996). This scheme is accepted by many authors. SUBORDER: Microchiroptera SUPERFAMILY: Emballonuroidea FAMILY: Craseonycteridae FAMILY: Noctilionidae FAMILY: Rhinopomatidae SUPERFAMILY: Phyllostomatoidea FAMILY: Mormoopidae FAMILY: Phyllostomatidae SUPERFAMILY: Rhinolophoidea FAMILY: Megadermatidae FAMILY: Nycteridae FAMILY: Rhinolophidae SUPERFAMILY: Vespertilionoidea FAMILY: Furipteridae FAMILY: Molossidae FAMILY: Mystacinidae FAMILY: Myzopodidae FAMILY: Natalidae FAMILY: Thyropteridae FAMILY: Vespertilionidae As explained in the introduction, all taxa at the same level under the most immediate preceding unifying taxon are listed alphabetically except under the following circumstances. 1. All vertebrate classes are listed as increasing evolutionary complexity, rather than alphabetically, for simpler reference. 2. Order Cetomimiformes (page 51) should be listed after Order Beryciformes (page 8). 117 Appendix C: References Fish references 1. Agbayani, Eli. FishBase: A Global Information System on Fishes. Available online: http://www.fishbase.orglsearch.cfm. February 26, 2003. 2. "Catalog of Fishes." California Academy of Sciences. Available online: http://www.calacademy.orglresearchlichthyoiogy/cataloglclassif.htmi. November 12, 2002. 3. Lopes, Professor Paulo Roberto Duarte. "Classes, Orders, and Families of Living Fishes." Available online: http://www.geocities.comlRainForestiVines!86951fishes.htmi. 4. Coleman, Ron. "Cichlid Research Home Page: Fish Classification." Available online: http://www.cichlidresearch.comlfish_html/allfish.html. July 18,2002. 5. Nelson, J.S. Fishes of the World. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York: 1994. Amphibjan references 1. AmphibiaWeb: Information on Amphibian Biology and Conservation. Available online: http://www.amphibiaweb.org. Berkeley, California: 2002. 2. "Animal Diversity Web." The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. Available online: http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edulchordatallissamphibialanura.html. November 28, 1996. 3. "Amphibians Around the World." TennesseeAnytime: The Official Site of the State of Tennessee. Available online: http://www.state.tn.usltwralamworl.html. March 22, 2002. 4. "Anura -- Frogs & Toads." Livingunderworld.org -- Amphibian Information Resource. Available online: http://www.livingunderworld.orglanura. 2003. Reptile referen"S 1. "The EMBLReptile Database." Available online: http://www.reptiliaweb.org. December 10, 2002. 2. Blanchard, Donald L. "Taxonomy of Class Reptilia." Available online: http://www.pcisys.netl -dlblanc/ReptiliaTax.htmi. December 19, 1999. 3. Campbell, Jonathan A. "Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy: Chordates." The University of Texas at Arlington, Department of Biology. Available online: http://www.uta.edulbiology/ campbell! cval3452chor.htm. 2001. 118 4. Foltz. J.W. "Crocodilian Species List: Crocodiles. Caimans, Alligators. Gharials." Clemson University. Available online: http://people.clemson.edul-jwfoltzIWFB300/subjectsicrocsi crocs.htm. 5. Thierfeldt. Stefan. "Schildkrtiten [Turtles]." Available online: http://home.t-online.de/home/ s.thierfeldtidatenbklsdb_O.htm. November 4,2000. 6. "Reptiles." CyberLizard Home Pages. Available online: http://www.nafcon.dircon.co.ukl reptilesl.htm. January 6, 2001. 7. "Family Elapidae." The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. Available online: http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edulchordatalreptilialsquamatalelapidae.html. February 21,1997. Bird references 1. "All birds. " World Institute for Conservation and Environment. Available online: http://www.birdlist.orglallbirdslallbirds.htm. 2. "The Internet Bird Collection." Handbook of the Birds of the World website. Available online: http://www.hbw.comlibclphtml/families.phtml. 3. "Bird Families of the World." Available online: http://birdingonthe.netlsibmonlbirdframe.html. 4. "Birds." Available online: http://www.innvista.comlscience/zoologylbirdsldefauit.htm. 5. "Bird Accounts." Birdnet: The Ornithological Information Source. The National Museum of Natural History website. Available online: http://www.nmnh.si.eduIBIRDNEf/ ORDERS/BIRDACCOUNTS.html. February 3, 2000. 6. "GeoZoo: Birds." Geobopological Survey Home Page. Available online: http://www.geobop.comlBirdsiindex.htm. August 9, 2000. 7. "Sibley-Monroe DNA Birds Sequence." Available online: http://digilander.libero.itlavifaunal classificazione/species/lndex.htm. 8. "Taxonomy of Birds." Kenyalogy: Kenya Travel and Safari Guide. Available online: http://www.kenyalogy.comlenglfaunaltaxonave.html. 2002. 119 9. "Class: Aves." Virtuology -- A Virtual Education Project. Available online: http://www.virtualology.comlvirtualmuseumofnaturalhistory/halloftaxonomy/ kingdomanimaiialPhylumchordatalciassaves. 2000. 10. "Birds." The Illinois State Academy of Science. Available online: http://www.il-st-acadsci.orglkingdomlbirdOOl.htmi. Jnly 13, 1999. 11. "Birds of North America Taxonomic List." United States Geological Survey. Available online: http://www.pwrc.usgs.govllibrarylbnalbnatbl.htm. December 12, 2002. 12. "Anseriformes Genera and Species." Zoonomen Zoological Nomenclature Resource Page. Available online: http://www.zoonomen.netJavtax/anse.html. June 30, 2002. 13. "Subfamily Anatinae." Ornne Vivum -- Biology Taxonomy. Available online: http://www.omne-vivum.comlc/l6628.htm. 14. "Accipitridae." Wikipedia -- The Free Encyclopedia. Available online: http://www.wikipedia.orglwiki/Accipitridae. November 26,2002. Mammal references 1. "The Complete Taxonomic List of the Mammals of the World." World Institute for Conservation and Environment. Available online: http://www.birdlist.orglbiodiversity/ mammalslallmammalslworld_mammallist.htm. 2. "Mammals of the World." Wittenberg University, Department of Biology. Available online: http://www5.wittenberg.edulacademicslbiollcourseslmammaisIWorld.htmi. 3. "Mammalia." Funet Network. Available online: http://www.funet.fi/pub/sci/biollife/ mammalia. October 28, 2001. 4. Myers, Philip. "Class Mammalia." The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology. Available online: http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edulchordatalmammalia.html. October 21, 1999. 5. Amador, Armando G. "Mammals." Illinois State Academy of Science. Available online: http://www.il-st-acad-sci.orglmammalslmarniOOl.html. July 14, 1999. 6. Postanowicz, Rebecca. "Information on Wild Carnivores." Lioncrusher's Domain. Available online: http://www.lioncrusher.com. 1997-2003. 120 7. "Subclass Prototheria." University of California at Berkeley, Department of Integrative Biology. Available online: http://ib.berkeley.edulcourseslibl73ffaxonomy_Contents.htm. January 20, 2003. 8. Ross, Kelley L. "All Living Things in Seven Kingdoms." The Proceedings of the Friesian School. Available online: http://www.friesian.comllife-l.htm. 2002. 9. Simmons, Nancy. "Classification of Bats." The Tree of Life Web Project. Available online: http://tolweb.orgltreeleukaryoteslanimalslchordatalmamma1ialchiropteral ciassifilichen.html. 1997. 10. "Ch. 5: Introduction to the Primates." From How Humans Eyolyed. by Robert Boyd and Joan Silk. W.W. Norton & Company: College Books. Available online: http://www.wwnorton.comlcollege/anthrolbioanthlch51chap5.htm. II. "Ungulate Introduction." Biology Teaching Organisation. Available online: http://helios.bto.ed.ac.uklicaphlcollectionlmuseumlSF-MUS97/textlungu-intro.html. 12. Huffman, Brent. The Ultimate Ungnlate Page. Available online: http://www.ultimateungulate.com. January 26,2003. Complete !!pecies listinlls 1. Fish: Agbayani, Eli. FishBase: A Global Information System on Fishes. Available online: http://www.fishbase.orglsearch.cfm. February 26, 2003. 2. Amphibians: AmphibiaWeb: Information on Amphibian Biology and Conservation. Available online: http://www.amphibiaweb.org. Berkeley, California: 2002. 3. Reptiles: "The EMBL Reptile Database." Available online: http://www.reptiliaweb.org. December 10, 2002. 4. Birds: "Allbirds." World Institute for Conservation and Environment. Available online: http://www.birdlist.org/allbirdslallbirds.htm. 5. Birds: "The Internet Bird Collection." Handbook of the Birds of the World website. Available online: http://www.hbw.comlibclphtm1lfarnilies.phtml. 6. Mammals: "The Complete Taxonomic List of the Mammals of the World." World Institute for Conservation and Environment. Available online: http://www.birdlist.orglbiodiversity/ mammalslallmamma1s1world_mammallist.htm. 121 7. Mammals: "Mammals of the World." Wittenberg University, Department of Biology. Available online: http://www5.wittenberg.edulacadernicslbiollcourses/mammalsIWorld.html Other references I. Haaramo, Mikko. "Mikko's Phylogeny Archive." Finnish Museum of Natural History. Available online: http://www.fmnh.helsinki.fi/users/haaramo/Metazoal DeuterostomalChordatalChordata.htm. 2002. {For other non-chordate classifications refer to www.fmnh.helsinki.fi/users/haaramo/default.htm} 2. The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature. Available online: http://www.iczn.orgl code.htm. December 19, 2002. 3. Kent, George C. and Robert K. Carr. Comparative Anatomy of the vertebrates, 9th ed. McGraw-Hill, New York: 2001. 4. O'Neil, Dennis. "Classification of Living Things." Palomar College. Available online: http://anthro.palomar.edulanimal. February 28, 2003. 5. "Carl Linnaeus." The University of California at Berkeley, Museum of Paleontology. Available online: http://www.ucmp.berkeley.edulhistory/linnaeus.html. July 7, 2000. 6. Douglas, Gina. "Carl Linnaeus." The Linnean Society. Available online: http://www.linnean.orglhtml/historyllinnaeus_biography.htm. 7. Raven, Peter, Ray Evert, and Susan Eichhorn. BjoloiIY of Plants, 6th ed. W.H. Freeman and Company, Worth Publishers, New York, NY: 1999. 122 Index A. ». Chondrostei, Infraclass, 9 Acipenserifonnes, Order, 10 Bathysauropsis, Genus, 105 Chordata, Phylum, 3, 4, 6 Actinopterygii, Subclass, 9 Batoidea, Superorder, 104 Ciconiiformes, Order, 72 Adioryx, Genus, 105 Batoidimorpha, Superorder, 7 Clupeiformes, Order, 16, 106 Aeluroidea, Superfamily, 113 Batrachoidifonnes, Order, 12 Coelacanthiformes, Order, 54 Agnatha, Superclass, 7 Belonifonnes, Order, 12 Coliiformes, Order, 72 Aidemosyne, Genus, 112 Benthosaurus, Genus, 105 Collocalia, 110 Albulifonnes, Order, 10 Berycifonnes, Order, 13, 116 Colubroidea, Superfamily, 110 Amblyopinae, Subfamily, 106 Birds, 5, 118 Columbiformes, Order, 72, 113 Amiifonnes, Order, 10 Borodinula, Genus, 104 Copelata, Order, 7 Coraciiformes, Order, 72, 103, 113 Amphibia, Class, 54 Amphibians, 5,109,117,120 !:. Coracinidae, Family, 107 Amphioxifonnes, Order, 6 Caenophidia, Superfamily, 110 Coracinus, Genus, 107 A napsida, Subclass, 59 Calamoichthys, Genus, 104 Creadion, Genus, III Anguillifonnes, Order, 10 Callaeatidae, Family, 111 Crocodylia, Order, 60 Animalia, Kingdom, 2,3,6 Callorhinchidae, Family, 104 Crossopterygii, Superorder, 54 Anserifonnes, Order, 69, 119 Caniformia, Suborder, 113 Ctenothrissiformes, Order, 105 Anthropoidea, Suborder, 114 Caprimulgiformes, Order, 70 Cuculiformes, Order, 73 Anura, Order, 54, 117 Carcharhiniformes, Order, 8 Cypriniformes, Order, 16 Aotea, Genus, 104 Carcharias, Genus, 104 Cyprinodontiformes, Order, 20 Apoda, Order, 58 Carnivora, Order, 91 Apodifonnes, Order, 70 Casuariiformes, Order, 89 .Il Appendicularia, Class, 104 Caudata, Order, 109 Dactylopteriformes, Order, 108 Apterygifonnes, Order, 89 Cephalochordata, Subphylum, 4, 6 Danichthys, Genus, 105 Archaebacteria, Kingdom, 3 Cephalospidomorphi, Class, 7 Dasyuromorphia, Order, 101 Archosauria, Superorder, 60 Ceratodontiformes, Order, 54 Dermoptera, Order, 95 Arctoidea, Superfamily, 113 Cetacea, Order, 92 Diapsida, Subclass, 60 Ariosoma, Genus, 104 Cetomimiformes, Order, 51, 116 Didelphimorphia, Order, 102 Artiodactyla, Order, 90 Chandidae, Family, 107 Diplometopodon, Genus, 109 Ascideacea, Class, 6, 104 Channiformes, Order, 106 Dipnoi, Superorder, 54 Aspiraculata, Order, 7 Characifonnes, 13 Diprotodontia, Order, 102 Ateleopodifonnes, Order, 11 Charadriiformes, Order, 71, 113 Distaplia, Genus, 116 Atherinifonnes, Order, 11 Chelonia, Order, 109 DNA, 3, 112, 118 A tomaster, Genus, 105 Chimaeriformes, 9 Doliolida, Order, 7 Aulopifonnes, Order, 12 Chiroptera, Order, 93, 116 Dromiceidae, Family, 113 Aves, Class, 69, Ill, 119 Chlorophthalmidae, Family, 105 Chondrichthyes, Class, 7 123 £. Gymnotiformes, Order, 23 Edentata, Order, 95 Lepidosireniformes, Order, 54 Lepisosteiformes, Order, 10 Elasmobranchi, Subclass, 7 H Leptocardia, Class, 6 Elopiformes, Order, 21 Henophidia, Superfamily, 110 Leptosomidae, Family, III Enterogona, Order, 6 Heterodontiformes, Order, 9 Linnaeus, Carolus, 1,2, 121 Eopsaltridae, Family, 111 HexadactyIus, Genus, 104 Lissamphibia, Subclass, 54 Esociformes, Order, 21 Hexanchiformes, Order, 9 Lophiiformes, Order, 23 Eubacteria, Kingdom, 3 Holocephali, Subclass, 9 Loricata, Suborder, 114 Eutheria, InfraeIass, 90 HoIostei, Division, 10 Loridae, Family, 114 Holostei,Infraclass, 104 Holotrachys, Genus, 105 M. Falconiformes, Order, 73, 110 Holozoidae, Family, 116 Maeristiella, Genus, 105 Feliformia, Suborder, 113 Hoplopteryx, Genus, 105 Maeristium, Genus, 105 Fish, 5, 117, 120 Hydrochrous, Genus, 110 Maeroscelidea, Order, 96 Rammco, Genus, 105 HypoIophus, Genus, 104 Mammalia, Class, 90 Folia, Genus, 116 Hypsistozoa, Genus, 116 Mammals, 5, 113, 119, 120, 121 Fungi, Kingdom, 3 Hyracoidea, Order, 95 Marsupiala, Infraclass, 115 Hystricomorpha, Suborder, 114 Menurae, Suborder, 111 Q Metatheria, Infraclass, 101 Gadiformes, Order, 21 1 Microbiotheria, Order, 102 Galagonidae, Family, 114 Icosteioidae, Family, 106 Microchiroptera, Suborder, 93, 116 Galbuliformes, Order, 113 llysiidae, Family, 110 Monera, Kingdom, 3 Galeomorphii, Superorder, 8 Insectivora, Order, 95 Monotremata, Order, 90 Galliformes, Order, 74, 111 International Code of Zoological Mormyriformes, Order, 106 Nomenclature, 3, 121 Gasterascidea, Genus, 104 MUgiliformes, Order, 107 Musophagiformes, Order, 75 Gasterosteiformes, Order, 22 Gaviiformes, Order, 75 K Myctophiformes, Order, 24 Gcogalinae, Subfamily, 114 Kowalevskia, Genus, 116 Myliobatiformes, Order, 7 Myomorpha, Suborder, 114 Glauconiidae, Family, 110 Gnathostomata, Superclass, 7 1. Myophonus, Genus, 112 Gobiesociformes, Order, 22 Lagomorpha, Order, 96 Myotinae, Subfamily, 114 Gobiinae, Subfamily, 106 Lamniformes, Order, 9 Myoxidae, Family, lIS Gobionellinae, Subfamily, 106 Lampridae, Family, 106 Myxini, Class, 7 Gonorhynchiformes, Order, 23 Lampridiformes, Order, 23 Myxiniformes, Order, 7 Grandorder,4 Lampriformes,Order,I06 Gruiformes, Order, 75, 110 Larvaeea, Class, 7 Gymnophiona, Order, 109 Lepidosauria, Superorder, 60 Narcinidae, Famil y, 104 124 Neognathae, Superorder, 69 Plantae, Kingdom, 3 Salientia, Order, 109 Neopterygii, Infraclass, 10, 104 Platuronides, Genus, 104 Salmoniformes, Order, 44,106 Neornithes, Subclass, 69 Pleurogona, Order, 6 Salpida, Order, 7 Neoscopelarchoides, 105 Pleuronectiformes, Order, 43 Sarcopterygii, Subclass, 54 Notacanthifonnes, Order, 24 Plurella, Genus, 116 Scandentia, Order, 101 Notoryctemorphia, Order, 102 Plurellidae, Family, 6, 116 Sciuromorpha, Suborder, 114 Notosudis, Genus, 105 Podicipediformes, Order, 88 Scolecophidia, Superfamily, 110 Polycitoridae, Family, 6, 116 Scolopacinae, Subfamily, 110 .Q Polymixiiformes, Order, 44 Scorpaeniformes, Order, 44 Oikopleuridae, Family, 7, 116 Polypteriformes, Order, 10 Semionotiformes, Order, 104 Ophidiifonnes, Order, 24 Popondichthys, Genus, 105 Sicydiinae, Subfamily, 106 Orectolobifonnes, Order, 9 Primates, Order, 2, 96, 120 Siluriformes, Order, 47 Oscines, Suborder, III Pristifonnes, Order, 8 Sirenia, Order, 101 Osmerifonnes, Order, 25 Pristiophoriformes, Order, 9 Soleoidea, Suborder, 107 Osteichthyes, Class, 9 Proboscidea, Order, 97 Somateriini, Tribe, 110 Osteaglossifonnes, Order, 26 Procellariiformes, Order, 88 Sorbera, Genus, 104 Oxudercinae, Subfamily, 106 Prosimii, Suborder, 114 Sorberacea, Class, 7 Protista, Kingdom, 3 Species Plan/arum, 1 Protochordates, 3, 4 Sphagebranchus, Genus, 104 Palaeognathae, Superorder, 89 Prototheria, Subclass, 90, 120 Sphenisciformes, Order, 89 Paradoxornithidae, Family, 111 Psittaciformes, Order, 88 Squaliformes, Order, 9 Paraxenomystax, Genus, 104 Pteroclidiformes, Order, 89 Squalomorphii, Superorder, 9 Passeres, Suborder, III Pyrostomatida, Order, 7 Squamata, Order, 60 Squatiniformes, Order, 9 Passeriformes, Order, 75, 110 Paucituberculata, Order, 102 .&. Squatinomorphii, Superorder, 9 Pegasifonnes, Order, 106 Rajiformes, Order, 8 Stephanoberyciformes, Order, 51, Pelecanifonnes, Order, f>7 Reporhamphus, Genus, 105 Peramelemorphia, Order, 102 Reptiles, 5, 109, 117, 118, 119 Stictonettinae, Subfamily, 110 Percifonnes, Order, 27, 106 Reptilia, Class, 59 Stictonettini, Tribe, 110 Percopsifonnes, Order, 43 Rheiformes, Order, 89 Stomiiformes, Order, 52 Perissodactyla, Order, 96 Rhinobatiformes, Order, 8 Stomozoa, Genus, 116 Petromyzontiformes, Order, 7 Rhynchobatidae, Family, 104 Stomozoidae, Family, 16, 116 Phalaropodinae, Subfamily, 110 Rhynchocephalia,Order,60 Strigiformes, Order, 89 Pholidota, Order, 96 Rodentia, Order, 97 Struthioniformes, Order, 89 108 Subkingdom, 4 Phoneicopterifonnes, Order, 87, 103 Phyllostomatidae, Family, 114 s.. Suboscines, Suborder, 112 Piciformes, Order, f>7 Saccopharyngifonnes, Order, 44 Subtribe, 109 Sycozoa, Genus, 116 125 Synbranchlformes, CKder, 52 Syngnathiformes, Order, 52 Systema Naturae, 1,2 1. Tachyerini, Tribe, JlO T adorna, Genus, 1 10 T ectillaria, Genus, 116 Testudinata, Order, 59 Testudines, CKder, 109 Tetraodontiformes, Order, 53 Thaliacea, Class, 7 Theria, Subclass, 90 Tinamiformes, CKder, 89, Jl3 Torpedinifonnes, CKder, 8 Trogoniformes, CKder, 89 Tubulidentata, CKder, 101 Tylobranchus, Genus, 105 !.!. Upupiformes, CKder, 89, 103 Urochordata, Subphylum, 4, 6 Urodela, CKder, 58 v Verma, Genus, 104 Vertebrata, Subphylum, 2, 4, 6 X Xenarthra, CKder, Jl4 Xenicidae, Family, 112 Xystodus, Genus, 105 ~ Zeiformes, Order, 54