- ACUTE EFFECTS OF RESI STANCE TRAINING ON SERUI'1 LI PI DS BALL STATE UNIVERSITY 12...... 10 ../':;-0 exercise bout (mean ~ SE-- pretest= 174± 34 ma/dL: 30 min. post= 145± 25 mg/dL: 24 hr. post= 124± 14 mg/dL; 48 hr. post= 113± 12 mg/dL). TI3::: 1 50 m,~.···· d p r· E t e·;· t= T(3 0:: subjects wi th n=4) e >:: h i bit e d~. 44:. ·~ de c r· e~.·=·e (me ·~.n 24';;':!:=:9 < D=. 0.;::.) • TC or HDL, i A subset of rrll~ . / j; dL t c 4::::::h r . po; t= 140:!: E: mg . ·/ dL::' Whi Ie no significant changes were seen :::::;E- in in these data indicate that resistance training tends to acutelY lower elevated TG. acute lipid changes after resistance tralnina 1S warranted to evaluate modification of CHD risk. I !',HPODUCT I Ot·,,~ Cor' on ,:;"r' 'y' he ,:;"r' t of Ije ,:;., t t-: I i '::,e a,'::,e (CHD) i '::, the 1 e ,:;"d i n 9 c ,:;"U '::,e nth e Un j ted '::, t .:;., t e '::, I,: 2) , 1 i pClpr'ote in'::" LDL.·' '::,) oj Research has shown or' HDL" s ,:;"nd 1 o!,.>,.!-Ijen':; i t'y' 1 i popr'ote in'::·. or' ·:;'.r· e r· i '::.k: f ·:;..c tor' .::. f c!r' CHD (1 7) , effect of endurance-type exercise (aerobic exercise) on bl Clod 1 i popr'ote in I e'·}e I·::, .:;..nd pr'of i ] e'::· h.:;..'::' been e·::,t·::o,bl i ':;hed However! (1), ·.!e 11 I... the research that has been conducted to determine the relationship between strength-type exercise (anaerobic or resistance '::;e I.,.' e r' .:;..1 '::, t iJ die .::. h .::;.I.} e ·::.h ol.. ·Jn no be n e fit i nc:onc 1u':.! I.)E'. ·3. r' e ·::.IJ 1 t f3. .:; t r' e n 9 t h t r' ·3. i n i n 9 p r' c,,~ r' ·:;'.m . : 1 4 ~ ::::, 4). Whi Ie other studies have shown significant benefit ( i .-;. 0 10.1::::.22), pr·ote in'::.• sh~~ 7 ,:;'.':: 1 ", '" ..-. ~ These contradictory results may be due to However. 1 itt]e research has been done what this effect may be. Therefore. to the purpose of this studY was to determine the acute effects of resistance training on ·::·e r' um 1 ! : _ : ~ I 1..J'=. • ....i_ ()nce th i::. '.} .3.1 i d i t 'y' of 1 on g- t e r'm ':: t u die .::. ·:;'.n d the i r' t r' u e e f f e ct·:: cln bi cod 1 i P i d·:.. Because abnormal risk factors for CHD~ the blood 1 ipid levels are information gained from this effectiveness of exercise programs for individuals who are exercising witn the those intent of lowering their risK of developing CHD. ;il1 .:..1·:.0 be u·:.eful 1.... to tho·:.e in the ·:.cientific communi ty who may wish to incorporate these findings into other studies and to those people who are responsible for fitness programming at such places as hospitals and allow Y~CAs. Depend i ng on the r·e·:·u 1 t·:.. more variety of exercise to be performed ~or .lithout s.:..cr·ificing the benefici.:..l effect·:. on blood i..'. 1 ipids already seen wi th endurance exercise. he 1 P pr·c1mote lon9-ter·m comp 1 i ·:..nce p r· CII~ r· .:'.rT! .:. it m·:..Y· 1...-.1 1.'..1 Th i·:; m·:..·:.·· i th e::<er·c i ·:·e h i Ie·:. til 1 e f f e c ti'.} ely· con t r· 0 iIi n g.:. om e Cl f thE' r· i ·:.K f.:..ctor··:. ·:'.·:SCIC i .:..ted 1..'•.li th the de'. . elopment c,f CHD. Even thou9h 1 itt1e research has been done to snow thE' ·:..cu te effec t·:. of ·:.tr·ength tr.:.. in i ng on blood 1 I pi d:. several studies have been conducted to demonstrate the ·:..cu te effec t of endur·.:..nce e::-;er·c i ·:·e on bl Clod 1 i p i levels and profiles. .:.. i . ( 16;' ~ ::;;!..'..I.:..n k e Ij Studies conducted by Li thel t .:;..1. ( 20 >. Be r·,~e r· e t .:..1. ( ::::::. ~ ·:..n d Eo t ~ ~::; kin n e r' e t :.. 1 . ( 1 :::: ) i-I:'. '.) e':· h C,I.....1 n ben e f i c i.:.. 1 ( e . I~ increases !n HDL's and decreases in total • cholesterol and triglYcerides) acute effects of endurance training It results will tr·.=.i n i nl~. 1..".1.:'.':. h-;,··pclthe·:.i zed th:'.t 'simi 1.:'.r' be seen following a bout of resistance REVIEW OF LITERATURE Much research has been conducted to demonstrate the beneficial t0 effects of regular aerobic exercise on I c,J. ··J- den .:. it·:,· 1 i pop r· 0 t e i n (L DL : . r· .:l. t i 0·:· comp·:l.r· i ·:·on ~ 1 itt 1 e r· e I .:l. t ion .:. hip be h.:l.·:. been b.'.J e e n levels and profiles. • ,jone to srioi.·.J the r· e·:· i·:. t .:l. n c e t r·:l. i n i n 9 .:l. n ,j 1 i P i ,j The research that has been done in this area is not conclusive. no ch.:l.nge 1 i IT! i ted in blood lip i d pr·of i I e·:. .:..nd tho·:.e ·:.hov..! t···lon e of i mpr·o'..!emen t·:. in blood 1 i P i ,j pr·of i I e·:·. the studies looKed at found adverse effects on blood 1 ipid levels as except for .?.n.:lbol I C the result of resistance training those stUdies that involved the use of ·:.ter·oi d·:. (t:. Many of the studies examined found no significant One ·:;uch In p r· c ..i e c t ~ ::::7 h e .:l. i thy· u n t r· .:l. i ned m.:l. 1 e·:· All (.?-. '-..1 e r· .:l. 9 e .;l. thi·:. ge 2 1) of the subjects were non-smoKers and non e u .:. e d .:l. n .:,. me d i c .:l. tic, n k no!. ··.! n to.:.. 1 t e r· lip i d me t ·:o.bo 1 ·:·m. None had engaged in a regular exercise ,=. c '1' "=t I L: 'TJ 4-' '1' 1:.1 '. ::. ::J 1:.1 D +.' 1.1'1 .1. L '1' L: ....... ..... ::. ~ t: ~ ...... ·1· I ..0 ':::t ;::t ...... III ::J 0. (1, 3: L: E ;::t L: 1.11 4-' 4-' I_I '1' 'fl e o L I) .0 >:: L It:i (}I E c 0. ;::t 4-' o .+-' '1' 4-' e I Q I.n L: '.I' '1' L: 4-' 4-' e I) CT' E e (I) ....... 4-' 1.11 '1' O. '1' 0.. 4-' L '1' I.n 4-' 8 '1' L: '1' 4-' 4-' 0.. 1.11 ;::t (I L L I,{i 4-' e l1:i .+ .1. E L 0.. L L 1'(1 0' o L O. ( o L E. L I) O. ::J Cft '+ <I ;:;:j '1' E. Ct: _J '1' 111 L ..c '1' U e I,(i .....' Iii I) 4-' I.n o '1' >:: e '11 4-' C ·1· L I D ' ...... I,ll O. ;::t '1' o. o c '1' L .11 L: I +' I_II lJ C ,f": 11) ......' (I '1' L '1' 4-' y 3: IfI I ..... .-.:i ::. IJ L II' ;::t U II' 1.1' o ,0 +.' 1=. ..{, e o u I 3: ,.n 4-' 11' ,.I' e (lI '--:. ..0 ;::t (I) 4-' e .D o .1' ..L: L c ;::t 1.11 0.. ::J (I L E 1] .....' 4-' f(i '1' L.. '1' :3: 0. I ')".I' I,(i '1' D r··.. .+ o '+ D o e L.. ((i '1' Q, '1' L: U '-:. .D ::t ....... o .+ I_I '1' Iii ......' 1_' ::J L ......' I.n e ......' o .+ 'TJ L.. o e (I 1.1'1 E :-:t I.n '-' o o. L: (I " '1' D 1J o .-. .1) ....... L: ......' 4-' fJ:i L: ......' I_I D .]) O. ·1·L.. e o U 'l1:i.I' -:::. +.' '1' (I L .+. D c e o. .c 1-" 3: (J:i L D I) U .n o )'" ,ri (._ r···.. +.' L.. ' ...... '.I'I l"J:i .+ '1' .:... L: "=t .,,(i D I I Co.J U .:... II' 'of- <I y 3: .0 '1' '1' r··. +.' Ii' II e ' ...... e fI:i CI) I) ~ 1.1'1 ......' ....... (lI 11' L: ::. '1' D 1J '1' I.n ::t CT. e D '1' .+ L: ....... o ..0 (11 .....' ....... u '+ e 1)1 ,.n 'f' f(i '1' L: .....' '1:i ,.n '1] 6 II L .D (I. e ~; o .+ Ii' III e 0 E ~i D I,(i L e 11) I,(i e ...,. u +.' e ~ ...... ,.n '1' ·1· Ii' e '1' E C ~ ...... =, l,fl 0. L (I L: z .:... 1:1 L.. L .J:: L '+ 3: '.I' >" III L: o ,-.:i }" o e Ii' E ...... I.n t"(i '1' I), ..1:: (lI L e I) o. L (I e 11:i L ,-.:i D '+ -&-' e '1' o e III ...... 1J .D .1. I) '+ c .....' '~t '1' >:: t ... L.. (I (I III I,n '1' o '1' >" '1' r···.. ft:i D L Co.J D )" L.. e <I I,(i ,::... fr:i 4-' '+ TJ +.' TJ ..0 ...... U o. J L l,(i I ( •. 4-' E ...... I,(i '1' 1,1'1 en e U L L.. ..c: I,(i .D O. e (I (I e c III 4-' I) (I TJ (I. CT' e '.I' 1:.1 Iii D E en 3: c. 4-' .1;i ."ti 'TJ '1' I'(i IT,i +.' ..... '1' ..c: II' 1) E '.II '1::1 1.1'1 4-' I) I-.:i t.l '1' 3: .D ')'1 (I .+ e CT. e c 1'0 O. <I '-' '1' :) L Cl. 4-' I,(i l... L I) '1' 1,1'1 '.II e Iii IT,i Ii' 4-' TJ IX IT.i D III L o )" .:::.:: 'il I) l... I) III O. .;::. (I I'{i o o ...... 'i' +' I,n .1• L (I L.. ,::.. (I L L: 'fl .D ((I u CL .1' 3: e o I_I '1' CTI I'{; I'ti 4-' L '.I'' ...... I.n 4-' 4-' '1' 3: .1' 1=' (0 '1' 1.11 II' L L.. Iii '+ '1' ..1:: '+ U L (}I .. o ,=, TJ ,:' L '1' '1' .J:: o e 4-' ...J 4-' L L: I)' I- (I ',-,' ~-' ·1. 4-' en IX L U L 1) ::. .:::.:: n:i Iii 4-' ,'(; u (I e c O. 1_' ~~i '1' CT. '11 ~= C .L-:: II' L '1' CTI o l... I) .1· L C) 1.(1 L D D ::J (}I 4-' L- '1' e "=t I,(i (,.. L e L lO I .....' 1.11 I e 3: 1,11 (I) o "n 4-' e D (I o eT! L IfI ...... c 4-' o ....... f(i (I) LL I_I I,(i .....' .=. C L 1'1:; '1' '1' ' 3: ,'-', ;::t L I- IX •.j...' L- 1.11 I,(i (1. o ITj -:. U "{I 4-' (I I.n .....' ..c '+ I) TJ '1' ~i ..c L O. L o Ii' IfI O. ::t U '1' ::. L '1' I), studY that found no significant changes in Anothe~ b] ood 1 i P i d 1 e'·..'e I·:. .~.:. .~. r·e·:,u 1 t of r·e·:· i st.~.nce tr·a. in i ne I..·.j.:;..·;:. conducte,j by F.:;..ng et .:;..1. (7). range from 21 FiftY-seven men Cage to 44 Yrs.} were studied. t"·~on e I/·.Ie r' e or taking drugs Known to Influence smoke~s. met.:;'.bol i ·:·m: .~.1 cohol i nt.3.ke of .3.1 i ·:.ub.ject-:. I.....!.~.·:. No other dietary to not more than 20z./wk. 11mi ted sc~eening restrictions were placed on the subjects and nutri tional diet:.. analyses were not performed on individual Subjects who had been running an average of swimming~ .-,e:.'::._1 for at least 6 months prior to the study were corsidered to be endurance trained (ET); 19 subjects rTie t t hi,:. cr· i t €a Nineteen men who were weight r- i.;.. training intenselY at least 3 daYs/wk. for 6 or more months prior to the studY and who were not engaged in regular aerobic training comprised the strength trained Of the 1 ':;:' me n i nth i·:. gr ou p. t :;'-'p i c .~.1 c i r· cui t uti 1 i z i n'~ t r' -~. i ri in,:;) c,r' bCllj':"'-bu i 1 d iii';' r' ou tin e rrll:Jder·.~.te ·.Jor·k 1 o·:;'.d-:..:;'.n,j high r'epe t 1•• during training sessions: 1.·'.Ie r' e 1:' ol. .·.!e 1 .~. f 0 1 1 ()I...·Je d r' i i f t e r' -:. uti i t ion':' the remaining three subjects ! Z I n'~ r-epe tit i on':. per' e::·::er·c i ·:·e. j high 1.....1 or- k: i o.~.d-:. ·~.n ,j f el.-'-.I The other' 19m e n in t hi:. study were age-matched sedentary (SED) controls who .~. were not engaged In any form of regular physical e ::{ Eo r' c i ':·e . i nit i .:..1 On two separate occasions fol lowing this d.:.. t .:.. co i 1 e c t i on, ·::·u bj e ct·::. l. -.Ie r' e .:,,·::.k edt 0 rep or' t for' to 1 00 d·::. ·:O.m p 1 i n gin t h @ m0 r' n i n g f 0 I i 01.') i n g.:.. 1 2 h r' . fast and 48 hr. after their last bout of exercise. !.,.J h i 1 e tot .:0. 1 c h ole .::. t e r' 0 1 and ST groups, !.} .:0. r' i e d lit tIe bet 1••••.1 @e nth e ET the ET group had a higher concentration of HDL's in the blood than the ST and SED groups. A·::· t u d ./ conducted b';," F .:<. r' r· ell e t .:<. I • ( :::: ):<. I .::. c. f Olj n ,j no::· i gn i f i ca.n t ch.:<.nge·::, in blood lipid 1 e'.)@I·::. or' profiles as a resul t of resistance training. this In study the subjects were divided into 3 groups. Gr'oup I consisted of 11 men (average age 22) who had not participated in any individual or group training program for at least six months orior to being studied. 13r'0 1jp I I con'::· i s.ted of 1 i ·.Ie 11 -tr":<' i ne.j l.·\!e i gh t 1 if ter··::. 1... (average age 28) who had trained continuously for Their training consisted of heavy resistance, short-duration exercise using barbell dumbe 11 1 i ft·::.. and The training questionnaire revealed the 11 1 if ter"::. had trained aerobical during the six months prior to the studY. consisted of 11 candidates (average age 21 1920 U.S. OlYmpic Speed Skating Team. j •• ! :,,' Gr'oUi:' III for' the The subjects in Group III were in the final phases of preparation for the Olympics and were considered to be of in a high state training specific to speed sKating. Th e en du r' ·:'.n c e component of their training consisted of di·:.t.:..nce:.k:..ting:..nd CY'cl ing. running~ The anaerobic component consisted of weight training! hi I 1 running and sprint Because of the two different types of training! the subjects In group I I I were considered to be highly condi tioned both aerobically and anaerobically. Groups were similar with respect to diet, smoKing and alcohol consumption. obtained after a 12-16 hr. fast. Mean significantly higher HD~ in the speed sKaters. was simi lar The tot.:..! cholesterol/HDL ratio was significantly higher 1.···.Ie i gh t I i f t e J' .:.• From this information, extensive weight-training! training! does not in the it appears that in contrast to endurance Increase blood HDL. Another study that found no significant change bl cc"j 1 i J:. i d·:. fr'om J·e·:· i ·:.ta.nce tr·,:,. in i nCI CI.:'.r·k·:;on et .:'.1. (4). .1.:..·:. per·for·me.j b';,,' i.... In thiS study, 51 males (average age 22) participated as subjects. They were classified into the fol lowing 3 categories: 6 trained distance runners who had been - in involved in competi tive running G' y L- '1' '1' 3: '1' '1' L L ·1· CJ 1.11 '1' .+ '1' Q. .-1-' 1.1' '1' '1' f. 0' c +. .+ +. en c en .-:' .D ::1 '..-' C '1' '1' .D I,(i .+ ....... (I f. I"'(i f. 111 (I -' l1.i .£: 3: c. f. L... C ::::0 r"'. ..-0 TJ c: t"'(i L '1' l.fl '1' 3: +. D .£: L... '1' '1' 1.1'1 '.I" 'T.i 115 '1' ::.. .D '1' C ....... L... o I",(i '1:; I",(i C '1' 11,; "'.' ::::0 en II' L c: c: o ...... .1.'J' c ,-.:i .:.: D ::::0 L... f.:i '1' CT' '..-' ,-.:i '1' '1' '1' C L... )'. 1'1:i . L... +. "'(; L... ·1·:::- +. .£: 01 '1' 1,11 '1' 3: L... I) .+ l1:i (0 0:0..1 o I.i' }. I-.:i ..c I,(i -J.. .• TJ 111 '1' w f. I-.:i (I ·1· .-: ..0 L Q. ::::0 '1' '_I L L- '1' 3: I) ..c. -, .:.' '1' C c: o +• '..-' '1' ::::0 0" '1' .-1-' (I I:: '-' .1.'-' '1' 3: .-:. ..0 '1' I.n :J C ""(1 (I 1] t: c: '1' f(i 'i',-.:i t: 'JI L "::. '1' l,f, :J (I IT,i (1, ::::0 L 1J o c (I t: L l1:i (I t: I.n "'I,(i.' .£: +' D '1' .:.: t: 1.1'1 .-.1 I.n L. CJ 11:i '1' ~l: C ::J L. L.. c: CT' '1' ..c. +. c IT,i Iri ..c "'.' D '1' ti ::::0 '-' 3: D Ol.' 0' c ~ ,",(i +. '1' L L... •1' +' '1' 3: .1' t"t:i 1:.1 '.11 3: o 1.11 '1' L. +. u .,... o I- 5 +. .+ D ,,(i L. L... L '1' TJ (0..1 I.n c: 11:i c (I f(i '-' '1' L (I CT' "'.' '1' '1' Ol.' -1-' ITj U D +. c ..c en '1' 3: c: CJ.. (I C l'1:i .D .£: -1-' l.fl c: '1' '1' 3: '1' +• ..c IJI ..0 '1' '-' .1. L. .1. +. .+.+- D ""(1 o '1' L... Q . I:: 0" C .+ ..c u 1.1" -1-' C '1' III >:: ..C (I '1' 'il .c If I (I L -!-' C) 1J '1' '-. '1' ;: '1' L. .f-' I.n '1' If' C '1' +. L... :J ,.n ,-.:i o .1. L. L... c: I'{; I.n '+. Iii III (I '1' +. ,:... c: (I (I '-' u Iii en '1' ..c ...... f-(I L l'1:i .+ +. +. :J ....... c: .+. 'll L (I Q. '1' '1' I:'" .£: -J...• +. C t: L '1' ..J..' '1' D o ...... E (I L... .-t-. L... o oJl C c I,(i L... +• '1' U C l'ti +. I,(i >:'. Iii (I '1' l1:i 'TJ .....1 'TJ I) :J .1. 1.11 c Q . .£: C- E ::J ell '1' '..-1 01' ,.n C c: :J '1' I'(i D .+ '10 ..J..' '1' Iii 1.11 ·1· 3: 1•.1 III +. U '.II l,i' 11:; I,(i U ''1 en .:: '1' '1' ..c o +. L ·1·,.n .+..' -1-' '1' ·1· o 1,1'1 L... U TJ lJ () L. U .J: -1-' o 1.11 ....... IT.i C .-r:i .~.' :J +. '1' .+.-1-' CT' c '1' -1-.' +. D '1' c: ::r:: .£: c: L... ~i Iii 1.1) 1'(; Jj <I 'TJ .::. ::S" l'ti 1,1'1 (I (I n:i 1],1 lr.i D '-' L I.n t: L (I .£: CA. -1-' IT,i CT' .+ -1-' '1' (I Iii +. c: +. Iii ITj ..c 1-. 1],1 '1' +• L.. L. ...:.: I) ·lJ L... Ol.' I) 1.1) ...... :J ""(1 ....... ""(1 I",(i 3: ~-' C) JJ '1' .J:: '..-' c: E .1:: 'i''1' I) l1:i '1' '1' .£: +. .:: ·1· ::. L Q. l,(i L- '1' I-.:i .£: .+- L TJ IT,i C (I (I U IT.; '1' '1' L.. ..c ,_, .£: f) ....... .+ I.n C +. L.. D () L... '1' ..c ...... '1' I.n c I"'(i Q L '1' l.L 1.1'1 .1.-:: +. CTI '1' '1' 3 3: L .,,(i L!. '1' '1' . 1.1'1 L CT' I.n ,:::... '1' .... ...:.: I.n (1, ::{ .,' ~i U c ~ -1-' +. -1-' .1' L... L u c: .-1-' '1' IT,i +. (I 3: I-.:i .J..": (I +. L 11:i +. t: ~; -1-' l.fl 11;; 0" I,{i .+ )'" :J IJI l'ti L. •1' +. (I .D .1= -1-' .-1-' c ..t:i (I ::::0 .4-' 1.11 .~ +. en c: '-;. TJ '-. )'" .f) U 1.1'1 L. L... J't:i C .1' I.il L Ol.' .-1-' '.I" +. I",(i D t: TJ L L :J C :J .£: C ·1· ""(1 l1:i L... '1' U '1' '1' c L (I 'TJ '1' L- r···. ,_, ..c. f. ,=, ,.n '1' C L... '1' oJ' ell c ~i .£: +. ,.n :J U Iii .+ .+ lJ '.I' ...... '1' L... t: o L. .+ '1' L... '1' 3: l.iI I"(i :J ..... c: +. ::J D '-' t't:i ..... I} u .+ +. '1' l1:i 1.1'1 ·1. .:: '1' £J Iii c o III -1-.' ::1 Iii :J Q. '1' L (I TJ ...... '1' C.l L 1.1'1 !'(i l1:i :J ~i .£: I'(i c .:: '1' ..c ...... III Iii IfI III III £ .j... 1J CL '.f! 3: .-!-' -1-' I'(i ..c: ...... .i.i .1] III -1-' IfI c ~i .J:: 'i' III ::< ::. 111 l1:i £ ::. '.f! I-.:i 111 >'I~i" E. ('.J (I o ....... 11:i 1,11 -1-' }'" III 111 .+ 0' c I c ..... L. 111 1J -1-' III +-' u ::J J~i l1:i 111 -1-' E. 'i' I,ll 'i' o L. I]) ::. III III D III (0 1] III 'i'0.. 111 :J £ ....... () ( .1] L. o L. ell L. c E. o L. .+ ,,(i E. .1) C (I U L. 0.. '.f! '.') c :> III o ::. l"Y:i L. III -1-' 0' £ ::J III £ -1-' -1-' 'i' 3: -1-' 1J I,(i c f{i ....... -1-' 11:i 1J u c (I 0' -1-' I,(i '.11 L. '+ t'(; -1-' E £ 11) III £ ',-,' E I',(i c. en (I 0' c I,(i OJ OJ (I -1-' L. C III III III III L. IJ.! ...... c: -1-' £ CII C III C I) III 3: :.' >'" .-!-' :J en '.f! C III III -1-' I) ,1:; I]) 1J c D c ..c: ell £ III en .+ 0.. I,(i (I ~ (J' +.' I]) C I,(i ~ III :J ..J D tl. U _J (I 11.. D '.II lJ ..J Q. D £ ...... L. III £ (I .+ E ..... o E I,(i L. en (I c 1'0 L 0. 0) III IT! IfI ..- £ 3: ,'-', ,=, C'.J I L ITi '=1 E L 0.. C III L o .+ III D III U o c ,..:, '.I' L. lJ:i III )" ...... ..' ,.n L. I.n ....... III C .+ Iri L.. (I III III £ l'ti (I ..J 11. 1] C l1:i 0) 0) C .~ L. ....... I,(i .....' IIi IT,i III 11' L. .+ III L. L I) £ C o III £ -1-' -1-' J..-: r- I]) ~ £ _C 1•.1 III 111 L CL. L III } 111 >:: -1-' r··- III E 0' c c C c I,(i ,.'" (- ...... D £ .. 01 III 1,11 c (I -1-' ...... +-' I_I :J £ C Iri .1] .-1-' III III '.II C L. iii 11) 1J 0' III 1.11 L. C III III L. o -1-' I_I 3: .+ o III L. '.f! III U L. ....... D I:" '1' ::' III -1-' '+, TJ I,n III C o f(i -1-' +.1 D c ::'. 1'1) :J C E U~I :J C LIII ;: III 1] C Il:i I,(i I,(i I') ::J E III £ £ C ,.n I.f! C III cn ,.n 01 U I Iii 3: ~ ·11 01 III I,'" u~, I) III I]) (I IIi z C L. (I .:::.:: .+ 0.. C (I ::. .+ :;. C _:. c '.f! 0. l'1:i >:: III '1' 3: Iii 1,11 ...... cr, III L. L. £ U I 111 .L: III C ,'(i >" 0) 1:.1 ..0 III (I r- III £ 111 -1-' C l'1:i III £ -1-' III III 3: .-!-' L. 1]1 ~ III ·U III 0' III ~ ::'" ::'" :.' ....... .+ '+ III I,(i D III III ..j...' L. III (I .. lJ :: D III L. l1:i o· C I ..c: ...... III -t-' ~ D ~i '1' .i:: ~-' 0) 0) 01 L. ::< (I E IJ '+ III ~ co £ ....... I'(i (I U III L. III I_I L. III C I]) ....... L. t'l:i I,(i L. +-' III -1-' I.fl I:". III u ......' £ C ....J (L I,ll ("1. L. L- .....' If) I q '.I' 111 'il C '1' c I,n c DIll 3: c (I .,(i U I'~i 3: ..... :J 11' C 111 L. E III ..1.-: .....' :J -1-' 1.11 III 'i':J 1J 1J II' 1J L. -1-' D -1-' III 1J -1-' ,.... III .+ ':"" ::. III L -1-' D '1' L. l1;i .i::: 0' ··0 III I,(i ::. 0.. -1-' 0.. iJ:i ~; £ ~; (I III L. 111 III 'i'L. III 1"(1 I_I 0.. III E: 11) -1-' L. C C :J (J' III .+ .1] 1.11 III -1-' -1-' ..c.: L. (I -1-' 1J (I) III I'(i )" ,=, 111 IT.i L. '1' £ c D L. (I -1-' IT.i 0' c C~. E :.' 0) 0) III C. r- Iii -1-' 111 -1-' '+ '.f! III )'" ell III I_I II' 1:.1 D l1:i L. C C E 111 1],1 1J 1:.1 III , C 'i' L. 0.. .+ III III (I .+ .+ L. :J 111 D .+. III £ (I L. J.:: ('.J )'" (I D .+ .+ -1-' 1.1'1 -1-' 111 1J III u u -1-' C .:... -1-' :J ,,(i £ '-' D () l1:i 1J :J III .j... lJ ......' -1-' q III III o c III III ~= 1J _:. 3: C I"t:i -1-' 'i'L. .0 III L. ~= -1-' £ -1-' 111 -1-' III C III II' ',(i 3: L. III 111 .1:: I,{i L. -1-' q I ,=, ~t III III 0 .. IIi ,.n U I]) III I L. ~; C C 0.. I]) X :J I]) L L. L E ~ runners strength trained. blood sampl For al I of the subjects l diet-histories and recal ing~ ls~ and other data were collected on the morning after a day of None of the subjects smoKed Cigarettes or training. consumed any alcohol in the three days before testing. No subject was on a special diet~ or tooK medIcations. The data from the questionnaire and 24-hour dietary recalls indicated that both groups of weight-trained athletes tended to eat high-protein (approx. 20% of calories) lo~ ~ high-fat (approx. 45-50% of calories) and ~ carbohydrate (approx. 30-35% of calories) diet. Runners and controls tended to eat diets that were higher in their carbohydrate content (approx. 45-50% of calories) and lower 30-35% of calories) drawn and analyzed. in their fat content (approx. After a 12-14 hr fastl Results of this showed that there was no significant difference levels among PL l blood was in total cholesterol BB! runners! and controls. HDL levels were considerably lcwer However, in the PL than in the BB! runners, and controls. Also l PL demonstrated a much lower HDL/LDL ratio. This difference may be partially the result of diet differences in comparison wi th the runners and controls. However. when comparing the PL to the BB there no significant difference In ,4, ..' '1' .e .e + .. ...... 4-' c c: '1' l... '1' U C '1' '1' '+ '+ l... '1] '1' '+ .1. '+ .e +,' '"(1 en c +' '+ (I '1' I,n ;:J ;:J 1.(1 '1' I'l:i 4-' 3: D 1].1 4-' e (11 ,1) u (I Iii 1,11 l'l:i ..... '1' E 01' l1:i l... D 4-' .e I.il 3: +' '1' ;:J I~i l... 0.. m + .. '1' D '1' '1] n o 0. +,' 1..-' 1.11 '1' l... 4-' ,-.:i 4-' ::J E l... 0.. ;:J 4-' Iii '-r:i o (I D e o '+ (I '1' '1' Iii (I l1:i e 3: ::1 e L., 0., n:i l... .4-" m m .e IT.i 1..,1 D '1' E (I (I GI '1' e (I fT.i "::. CT' ir:i l... TJ ((i '1' :::. ,01-' '+. '1' U :'1 ,=. D () l... Ll . l"ti .1. t'r:i Q ....... I_I E (I :3: <I l... ,01-' ;:J e '1] (I e '1' e E ~ ~ ~ ~ ::< ~ D _ri .c. CL '1' 4-' 4-' 'I' c III .e L... l1:i e c Cil l"ti l... 11:i 0 .. '_I .....' .e ....... L... ;:J Iii '1' (TI o '1] C I::" U l... III III '1' l... 0.. >:; ,.c I- 1,11 U l... '1' I,n '1' '+ '1' ::< '1' .:.., 0 , e L U ....... III U'I .e o I,n '_I L ·1· ::< .....' l1:i D C III I) 4-' I,(i Q. ira lJ l... '1' -1-' e '1) .1· e It:i CL E IT.; (11 e 1,11 D o I) D o· e e c '1' D '1' .e l... 4-' (I I'(i oTj ",- D '1' ...... c l1:i en C e l... ~ 0 , ~ ::J 4-' ~ 4-' D .JJ I,n l.LI C ((I 1] e ;:J (I .e l1:i CT! Iii u u -1-' 1.11 I_I '1' c '1' C e l... '1:i L... III '1' >:: I- ;:J f: -1-' ;:J ...f) +-' u .e 0'1 1"(; ~ ::J Iii 111 C u ::' c lJ +' c E. ,=, III .e u (I) '11 c 4-' Il;i ~ 0. ~ 3: :~ u I.n ~: .:: 111 III III (I L III m I ,.~) 0 U~I c .1. -1-' I"(j cn c c L... t't:i 0.. 1,1'1 m U ~ '1' l... ..u o +, "-:. ITj L... +, '1' ::' ::'1 (I) ~ ~ :.J III ;:J -1-' 1= c ':1" '+ ....... c 1.11 J= (I 3: .e u m ~ l1:i ~ ~ ~ +' o c: (I u ~ '+ ~ ~ .e m I"(i 01' III ~ U ((I '+ '+, I) '1' 1.11 ~ I~i (I 0.. '1' l... f{i c: (I D D I'(i +' ~ 11. '1' 1.11 l... 0 4-' 4-' 3: ~ u L 0., I .....' C TJ 'C1 ~ c o '1' -1-' ;:J Iii o o z I"(i 'f] "(1 I,ll '1' '-;. ,D t''(i III ::. ·1· ,01-' Iii 3 +' (I 1.1'1 c .e L (I U o Ilj o -+..' Iii .+-' '1' ? .... ::J I'D D .e u m o 1,(1 Iri L Iii +' L D '1] l1:i ~ ~ It:i 4-' I) ~ '+ (}I 4-' ~ ·1· l... c: 0.. .-r:i '1' ~:s;: 1.1"1 U C e e +' Il:i c (I ,1' '+ ,"(1 C 'T.i C ·1· l... c ,-r:i III 11) ::J u -1-' L U l... 3: ,4-" 11. '1' ::< III D ,"(1 Iii 4-' n;i en C "{I () l1;i '1' .e III e '+ 'I' '1' 3: (',j ..f-' e ~ c (I) E Iii ~ u Iii o o 'l.' 111 ~ (I 'U (I .e e D '+ IJ' ,,(i 0 e '-t' u 1,1'1 ~ 'i· I) ,.j...' ~ 4-' c o E C 1.1'1 ..c ~-' e '1' D I,(i D .1· CL '1' L.. '1' (I 4-' c D 0.. .01-' D ....... (I e o lJ '1' II' I_I "{I L 3: C I.n .....' 4-' D E E 1,1'1 [' .. ("j ;:J 1.11 (1) e 4-' (I ~::.:: 11:; 1.11 Ilj ..c: -+-' I) I(i '1' u III 11:; c 4-' '1;i '1' ::. '1' c Cli .:::.:: C 4-' e .1. '1' 01' .e III 'TJ Iii "l... C () l... 1.11 ·1·(T. D lJ CTI ITj D .e 1...1 I) CTI '1' cn '1' ,-.:i e '"(I (To D 4-' '1] 0., (I () '1' '1' .e CL D e l... o l'ri l... e '+ 111 _:. E I) U '1' ::J Iii '+ (I ·1·1,11 '+ c L '1' ,"(1 4-' c: u I,(i I.n U 4-' '.I' ·1· +,' (Y) ff) I) )" (I 3: w (~) .JJ '1' .1' 11;; '1] :::. en c: ell 'I' .JJ .e E D l... .e (I J] ;:J C I~i '+ I~ .. '1' '1' U e '1' '+ E Iii (I C 4-' .4-" (I '1' CTo '1' '-.:; D '1' '1' o D U D I-.:i lJ 4-' '1' l... .e ,.c 01' l... l... c n:i '1' 4-' '1' .1. 0. x (I '1' 1...1 E .=, III 1,1'1 ~~i •1:; ..c:. '-' f1:i Cft I.... C 11:; c 111 I,(i L. I) '+ "U 111 ~; 3: L. ......' .-.:i ......' '+ ..::. '1' U c 11) ......' 'f' 'f''1' C- '1' ,:... '1' 3: "0 (I U ......' U C 111 ......' .n ::J U. 11,1 '+ L. .... 111 E ....... .j. ....... 1'-:_ 111 L. '...1 .J=U "U E '" •... o 111 "U '-' ......' ......' '1' .C L. I) E I) C ')) (J' I), 111 c c fl:i L. ......' ....... ..c:. Q I r···. c o ....... c (I '1' L. L. L. U C 3: '.'" 111 111 ..c:. 1-- ..j...' '.'" E :J E tIl ...... ' ..c: '-' l'ti E <I '1' ....... "U (I 111 .4-.1 C l1:i D e "U '1' ~i 111 '-'C 111 c o ....... '-' ....... L ....... 111 L. e 111 'f' Q1 "U eft '1' "-'1.11 111 E '1' Ct 111 o ..c:. 1-- ..c:. '-' 11' :J ..j...' I) I,(i ....... ..c:. ..j...' CI) ',-,' "U a.. L. ::J I'r:i C- ."-''11 :... E ....... C :::J <I o ::. I), 111 ,'-', ~):i (0 L. ::J o::j o::j In c ..... D Cft ."(i 1]) fT.i "U C- 'f' o .+-.' o L. cr' cr' c c I) ....... '1' e fT.; L. l1:i L. ..j..' C ::J C en c 1.11 <I 'f' lir .. ..c:. ..,... I '~'. Q U ',-" c 111 '.1'1 o Il_ L '1' ..,... 11- 11:; L. 3: lI_ .C .n L. 1'(; "U l1;i '1' C '-' 'f' 'U c'-' J'(i '.(' L. ~ I'(i I) _II L 1.11 'f'c (I ..,..' 'f' ....... 11_ '-' ...... .j) :J '.I' '1' ..c:. ....... '+ o:i _II '1' c.: I) z E I 111 ..,... l1:i o ......,. L. o I,(i C ~i -I' ~ '1- 'i'c c C ,:... U 3: '.fo- 1.1"1 ..,... ..,... '-' 'i'c 111 .C ..j...' I'D 'U I) 'i' 1:,1 L. o ,.n I) .+ C) D 'i' "U L. '-' I] 111 L l: 'U ,,(I I) (I (I .+ D L. ..,.., 111 'U o ....... a.. _II .:::.~ I.t'l ......,. '-''1' "--;. D 111 L ....... .+ o 0' c :J 111 ..c:. I- l'ti '.I" I!.i '+ I,:i ,.n '1' a.. E '-' L. o 0 .. .+ o 11111 .::L: o (I, c 3: ..j...' IT,i L. TJ "U 111 .:::.:: 11_ l'ti '.1'1 .C L f(i 3: ..,... 'U () '1' ..c:. ....... E 0' 1.1'1 c t'J:i '0 -1- 0' c IlL.. '-' (I "U .D '1' 3: L. I,(i '1' )'" 1.11 .-:. '-' '.}' .D iJ ..j...' 111 :J L. '.1'1 1.11 -I' 111 11_ ~-.' L. 'i' (I CI .+ III c o L o (I) .C ..,.. .. E L I) L. C I) :J ::. I) 111 :J a.. 111 (I c: o L. 'fT.;.I' 1J e 11:; III L. :::J L ....... a.. "U "U TJ (I) ·tl I,(i .C C 'i'Q1 111 :;"" 111 fT.i "U ..,... .+ ~-' E ..c:. ..j...' 1,11 '1' '1' 1'(1 :J ..c:. c ..j...' n:i -:. ((i I III fT.; C- o L. I), Q1 '1' cr, >'" e III 111 'lJ ..... ::... 'lJ ::. 111 111 '.'" ....• "U D 1.11 1'(; e TJ 11:; 111 L. 111 1.0 111 111 L I) 1,11 111 "U (',~ c '11:1.'" U ::J +.' ..j...' w o ::J C 111 L. U C e 111 +-' c 1J :;. ....J Q 111 1,11 I,ft ,1;i 111 :J 3: ..~) L. III C- I,(i C E o 111 I ti III 3: 1] :J L. '-' 111 ·0 o 111 () '-' "U I) 111 ..c:. ..j...' .C U I) 'f' 1] 11:; I) ....... 111 ....... ..~i L. Iii ::J iJ I(i 1:1 l1:i 111 D 111 CI,(i .+-.' ....... (l:i L. E 111 'c.'" ..c:. c 1.1'1 111 C 'f'fr;i L o::j 'f' 3: ....... III 111 IT) 111 'U C;:i l1:i 111 >:: "(1 111 L. i):i c ..j...' '+ Cj 111 'U 'f' c 1..) C U :J "U 111 '1' ....... E c .+-.' '-' _J L fT.i I,(i E l'1:i L. 1.(, 1"'(1 I) ..j...' L. (I o eft ,..., Q1 c: L. .. J '1' ......' I,ll E (I 11) 111 o L. C fr:i ..j...' c'.'" o 1,11 1'(; 'f' 111 'f' '.fo- '+ "U 111 ......' ....... 11- I'(i 111 I) C U. L .J= '-' 111 (I (I c (I Cft 3: ....J (t.., (I I,,(i 111 . ir:i 1:1 '1' ::. C ..c:. ......' '1' 1.1' C :::. e ..j..' L. (I 1]) o co ....... (I .+ ....... 'f'C I,(i '.'" ,':; ......' '1' 111 l,(i :J C 111 :J U I:". Iii '1' E ......' 111 111 L. l1:i L. 1.11 I,(i (I 1'(; ....... "U 111 0' 1:,1 C o 'f' 1,11 1.11 ..j...' 111 ......' I'r:i ....... ::J IfI o ..c CJ ._J c _I' ,-.:i ....J I)", 111 1:,1 ::J E I,(i E '-' a.. -1- ..c:. I- 111 a.. }" f(i 1J o ..J-' (II I,'" C '1' 1.1) 1::J o (I .+ 1) '1' '1' .:::a:: .J:: 1.1) I-- l1:i U L o::t L '1' ..c 4-' .+ o '1' L '1' ';::. U c f,:i 0.. o '1' ~ .D '1' \11 1.11 o 1) :J 1.1'1 l1:i C '1' tIl .J:: 4-' .+ '1' 3: 4-' :J 4-' 4-' .+ o ...... ·1· Ii' '1' C o .:::a:: .1' .1' 1...1 l'1:i 4-' 4-' 4-' •1· o::t I ((I '1' 0.. L E o :J .1' I,n C '1' ..c ..J-' l1:i L 4-' L .+ 'U '1' ...... Iii Iii ,-.:i ..J-' 1] L I_I .1' o U '1' L U 0.. :J 1] '-:, .!J :J 1.1" ...... 6 'ct u '1' :::J 1.11 0.. 0.. :J I,(i L o '1' ..c 1-- u c :J u >'" l1:i .J:: ~:: (II I) tIl C L l1:i ...... '1' 0.. '1' '1' )., I.f! .1. '1' til I_I o L .n '1' I C '1' L '1' .+ .+ 1] ..c ...... c· Iii ...... ( •.J '1' Iii C ,1:i fT.i U L In '1' ::< '1' E C o .1. I.f! C :". '1' 1) (I 4-' '1' 3: ...... '1' 1) .-.:i l1:i 3: ...... ~:: OJI '1' L '1' L 1] -' (I (q 11) '1' .D '1' :> c :::( '1' (0 C '1' '1' 3: u 4-' C '1' D ,.':. '1' IT) I) .+ '1::. '1' o +. O· C .1. L -.-I..... E I,(i I,i'l 01 '.I" (I '1' I.f! OJI L 0. cn c c ...... w E o u L (I ..J-' ...... (JI l1:i L :J (I U C CII 3: c ...... w D w 1) w c w 0 III U Iii '1' .....o ~~: 1.11 '1' l1;i L :J 1ft I) '1' >:: (0 C.L II' .i.i c 4-' .+ I) :J D C ..c 01 I) L '1' '1' I.f! '1' ':.,' '1' '1' 0. . t.f! I-.:i I) L ..... 3: '1' 11:i I.ft ..c o -1-" '1' 1) '1' '1' ..c 4-' u l1:i U 11:; 1] c (I I-- 1) 4-' I"(i ..c L 1] 4-' '.1"' ~~ '1' ::. (1.1 ::'" (JI 1:.1 C =1 l1:i L... 1) .-J 4-' '1' Q I'I:i L. I L III ...... <I ~ ..c f(i .....'1' 1.11 l1:i Iii I,,(i L 3: '1' E ..J-.' I.n ..c C o ':-" ..... 1.11 1] I_I IT; '1' .11 L U '1' L. 1.11 --;. 1.11 .D ·1· :J III '1' Iii ..c +. .D 11) '1' ..J-.l c L '1' ::. I) 0.. L ...... .D ,'''' o C o o 4-' '1' ..c .J:: {.l 0.. ..... o -1-.' o '1' :J .J:: U L _....I u 4-' 1.11 1].1 III '1' I) .D '1' ...:: c: ..c 1--' ~-' C 4-' 1,11 1/1 L ::. c: I_I I_I cn .-J I,(i .D Iii I.f! '1' 1.1'1 ,w:i .1. L 0. C o 1.11 L l1;i L -1-' 4-' '1' eT, 'U Ii. 3: () -J.... ...... ..1..-: Iii C I-.:i L :J D I.f! -1-.' I_I L 0 I) 0.. '1' TJ u :J l1:i I-.:i l1:i E t'r:i '1' -1-' C 4-' Iii I-.:i ~ '1' '1' '.I"' ~ ...-1 -1-" 4-' ....... c C) c '1' ..c ...... L- c: J:: U o >~ (I L :J ..J-.' ..... E o W C .....L E ~ W l,(i '1' ..c .-r:i '+ L ::< C c: Iii +. >< I'(i C l1:i ·1- c (I ..... In E .£1 ..J-' 1] C :J L. .J:: -1-" ..c ~ '1' 4-' I_I c '1' l'1:i ~ ~ '1' ::< c: III w C l1:i U L- f(i 0.. I_I E '1' Iii c I) l1:i III Iii ~ ~ ~ 1).1 '1' III 0.. E U ..c 01 E )'" Tl l1:i I,ft I~: '1' -1-' III .-a:i 1.11 L L... '1' cr '1' ::. I.f! c C ::J III c Iii U L 1_' C I.f! (I '1' '1' L U (l:i Iii 1) '1' III .D 0.. 1J :J 1) >:: c l1:i L :J E 11) .=. CTi :J 1] L 0.. 0.. :J o '1) ,.L" 1) .1. ::. '1' I,(i C L .j.... U L ..c I-.:i 'il (I .+ :J ..J-" ...... I,'" ...... E '1' Iii 11:; .1· ... I_I :J 4-' 3: ..c '1' Iii .:::.:: o ~ III :J L Iii 1) ::< '1' o L 0.. .D I_I '-:. .1. '1' ~~:' Iii •1• L... "-;. C L o .+ L CII .D 1) ..c o .D I L (I .+. I:'" )" 1) 4-' L f'ti '1' '1' ::< '1' '1' E 1.11 ~-' Iii '1' ..c .+ 3: 4-' >" 1] o ";:;:j .1' E o Iii ·1· ..1..-: o ~ .... Iii I) .:... .+ 1] u .1· "{I 4-' )" (Ti .:::' L "t.. I.f! ·1· '1' 0.. 1.11 '1' Iii '1' U '1' ..c ...... "(1 E L :J (") 'U .1. L :J .+ E ::.... .'ti E 01 C <I c .....·1· 11) l1:i 4-' c: L by· U1 I r· i c h e t .;..1.':: 22::' Twenty-five subjects donated fasting blood samples before and after the 8 weeks training program. SubJects were randomly assigned to one of the following 4 groups: endurance group- 2 sets of 15 PM (repetition maximum), explosive group-l set of 15 PM. as quicKly as possible, strength PM, and strenQth II -1 set of 10 PM two days per weeK and one set of 3 PM one day per weeK. were drawn within 1 weeK before and after completion of weight training, and at least 48 hrs. after exercise. Corsidering all groups together, ·;::.i ';;In i f i c·;..nt i ncr·e·;..·;::·e cholesterol remained unchanged. in HDL-chol e·;::.ter·ol, but tot.;..1 increases in HDL-cholesterol .;..nd there was a The most dramatic occured in the endurance ·;::.tr·en.~th F r· om the .:; e d iff e r· e n t .;::. t u die .;::. i t there i·;::. a b I.} i 0 u .;: . t h.;.. t is inconclusive evidence of the effects of r· e -:;. i·;::. t .;.. n c e t r· .;.. i n i n g 0 n b 1 c. cllj 1 i P i dIe!.} e 1 .;::. .;.. n d p r· a f i 1 e·;::· . There are many different parameters in each studY that c au 1 d ,j i r· e c t 1":,.. e f f e c t taKen the r· e ·;::·u 1 t .;::.• into consideration when evaluating the studies and may be partially responsible some of the discrepencies in their findings. include: normal variations of These parameters plasma volume t .:.. ~:: ell, .:;. ·:..m pIe .:;. v·.! e r· e ·:;.a.mpl in,;), sets, j n ten .::. t::.'j:,e number j fol lowing exercise, of of t y. eof .;0.. 1 t e r· level chemi ca.l sets, the .:'..:;.'::..:'.'/ u·::.ed, number o.u t·~ of i .je a.o t i experiment, condi tieoning, the the of number' to determine of the if r·e·:: i ·::.t.:'.nce for c,f be It c·:'.n of medioatieons be studY are .:.. g e, .::. e ::< that p r· i o. r· dietary 1 e'.)e 1·::., .:'.nd med i c.:'.l as in most It research. j.::. difficul t Heowever, theough even in the r· e·::· ij It·::. 1.....1 e r' e Because eof this, blood some r·e·::.i ·::.t.:'.nce effects of This sheows the ·::·er·um r·esu 1 t·::. seen if accurate. Currently, the the need effects lip i d·::.• tr·.:..i n in,;) eon .je ter·m i ne.j In I e'·)e 1·::. .:..ne:; pr·of i 1 e·::· lip i ,j bloeod these same manner to accurately determine tr·,:,. in i r!l~ eon of ':: till·::. om e tim e'::· the conclusively determined. r·e·::· i ·::.t.:'.nce relative truely reprsentative the studies bet1i..!een subjects were tr·.:.. in in.;) on further effect·::. of ~ b I 0 c ,j i e '.) e 1 of e t:;.-· 1 Imi ted ·:'.n,j control led feor .::. t u die .::. con t r' .:'.d i c tor· .)-.' . cannot the population. i f f e r· e n t Also. ·::.ubject·::. '. . .1.:...::. n,~ r·e·::.t body compost ion, subjects. parameters were oj !.) use i popr·eote i n-l i p i ,j histeory eof bloOd repiticns, 1 i P eo P r· 0 t e i n - 1 i P j d met.:;.. b 0 1 i sm, of the pc·:;. t u r· .:.. 1 c ':' n t r' 0 1 ,j u r· i t r· .:.. j n in,;, subjects during when the 1 i pi d·::. t,efeor·e in.:.. ameount eof i c,rll;) ter·m .+ D ....... '-' ::J lJ c )" .-t.. o L. III In ....... '-' .+ .+, ::. ·1·l.il 11' '1' '1' ....... :::J U l1:i c: '1' '1' .n 1.11 ::. .L. 1.11 "0 Q. I.n '1' :::J ....... o 1.1'1 (I I"(i D c II' o ..0 ell I'(i I-.:i c (I ....... I'1:i E L. (I .+ C ....... 1.1'1 .4-' L. '1' ...:. '1' 1.1'1 L. ....... ~; :r ·1· D (I c o Cfl c: I,(i .L. ) .... ::J 1,..1 l'ti '-' III ....... Cf' c ....... D '1' ....... o lJ L. III .+ c: '11 .i.: C :::J +. f(i c '1] 1•..1 ,::':: 'il (I (I III 3: o <'(1 .4-' 1.11 lJ ..c '-' II' :J ~i I.n ~~ ..c 1.11 ,=,(: '1' (- c ....... Iii c ....... ... III L. III ::. ....J U Q I-.:i I,(i I '4-' C ::J ....... L. 1'0 ::. "{I 1,1' lJ Q, (I .,(i I.n I_I 11'1 ..... ..c Q. Cfl C 5 o .+ 1,1'1 ..c. ....... L. III ::. III III U :... l1:i L. ....... E :'1 L. II'I ~t ei ..c ....... lJ III '-:. III III 5 ..c 1.1'1 (I) (0 o;t ell ..c 5 III >'" 11;; 1'1) ..•... 3: I]) III (I C Iii "(1 C III III .:::L: ..c (I o +. ..c III +• m L. o .+ I.n ...... 11;; D ::. III ....... )" III 1) ::J ('·l '._.' ITj ::J 1,1'1 +. III III Q E m c o I~i m Iii III 1.1) l'ti ::. .+ L.. 1) III III ..c C +. ..... I'l:i III fT.i .L. III ~-' I '1] L. ....... ((i L. ..c I- <I tD ::-:: ....... I'(i c E E C'-l 111 L.. 0.. U .n 1=. :> D r·,·.. ..... +. III III +. '1] ..-:. l"J:i III .J) E ::< :J 1.1'1 I) III c '11 I.ft U L.. >:: L.. Cfl C [; ft:i en ((i .+ II~ U IX III I:) et .+ E I,(i III III U..) .~ L. D ~ ~ ·ct :::J III Il:i .. ~ c ...... ) m ....... 1=' 1.1'1 ....... N (I (I ..cJ ~; ,.c III ~ o I) E C I) III L.. Q, (I (I ....... +. 1.11 D o ..1: D l1;i C 1,1'1 L :'1 o;t III L. ....... ~ +. l1;i lJ (I ::. ....... III III III 1=' L, I,n +. 1,.,1 .+ III III 1) III I~i :J L. -1-..' L.. Il:i :::J 'D 1,1'1 Iii I,(i ,.j...' ~:~: E C 1) Iii 0,. l1:i L. :'1 c -1-..' ::. Iii III 111 L. +. .,(i l1;i 11:; L. U o;t 1,11 L.. 111 .L. c: :J fT.i III co III I.t" +. ..c III ((; "'" 1.1' l'ti +. I{i I"t:i +. 1=' ,.j...' >:: III E L. III III -1-..' E ..•... :'J I,{i ." ..' (t... 1...1 I_I ,.j...' 1) ·11 I,n E. III .+ I-.:i 1] Il:i III III TJ 11. ,~ ..' :::J ....... ....... 3: 1.1'1 II'I .+ u I) u (I Iii lI:i ''1) III c +. .+ U~I ", E '11 III TJ dl >:: L- (I (··l 111 Cfl III ..c U L. >:: III Cf' C III L. :::J III III ..... L. III _I lJ III .,(i U c: 1.1'1 I ....... ..c D ::. lJ III .J::: •.j..•• ..c I- ....... ::. III L. )" ::J III lJ Iii III L. >:: C 'l' '11 .j...' III ::J I~i L. III ,-.:i lJ III E I]) III 3: (I "(1 III L. ....... IfI Q. +. L. 1.1'1 Iii I,ll U U III 11' o 1.11 I_I o If' III II' ..c III .4-' 1) 1) ::J 1.1'1 C '0 ~ I_I '1] ::J L. .+. III I_I )" (I ,T.i ....... ....... ,-.:i 'U III I'f:i III '11 IfI IT,; .c III ..c C C ~~ III T1 Iii E Cfl ({i III E E 1=' o;t .J..-: ....... ::J o (t:i L. I,(i E '1] 'D c In E III lJ E 11' ..' .J: ~ .... (:r. )" ,~, I,n ..... ....... 11' C Iri C 1] .L-:: U ....... '.I" _J l1:i 1.11 D L. :::J '1' .+ III '1' ....... c I"{i Cfl III ....J Ilj L. III ..c >'" C '1' ;::. (I (I ....... Q. .4-' I] ....... 1] L. '1' .+ .+ L. III lJ II' u c fT.i _.' D TJ 'TJ C) (I '1' l1;i '1' c: o 11f -1-... ..c D I) u '1' o lJ III Iii II. '1] C I,(i III I.n U L. III >:; III (I .+ I.n L.. ::J (I J= "{I (t... 1) c 1'1) II' L. 1ft (I L.. :J L L. Q. .+ III III 0.. III (I Q, 3: Ilj .J) .c: an increase of 4.5 mg/dL of HDL's 5 minutes after e::{€'r'c j Th i -;:. i ncr·e·:,.·:·e fe 11 ":.E'. tC 1. 5 i rrl'~ ../dL 24 hOIJr":. after exercise and to 0.1 mg/dL 48 hours after t? ::{ However, when measured 96 hours after e r' c i '::·e • to a 2 mg/dL exercise this HDL value was back increase. Triglyceride levels increased 18.1 mg/dL 5 minutes f 0 1 1 01"..1 i n g e ::< e r' c i '", e ~ but f ell t '~" 0 6 mI~ .../ d L bel value when measured t h .~. t 0 f .. .- " ..::."'t These values remained below the pre-exercise E}::er'c i ';·e. level 01...,1 by 5.3 mg/dlL when measured 48 hours after exercise and by 2.7 mg/dL when measured 96 hours after Results simi lar to these studies were also seen in One study was found that examined the acute Ten male subjects (average age 25.4 years) were studied before and after 90 minutes of resistance exercise to the acute effects of both high volume (HV) determine a. n c~ 1 C,I. . J I.) 0 I u me':: U.) ) r' e.;; i men'", 0 The HV exercise bout n 1 i p Id .~. n ,j 1 i pop r' 0 t e i n involved the use of 8-12 RM loads wi th 60 seconds of rest between sets. re~imen The Lt.) Involved the same exercises at 1-5 PM with 3 minutes rest between each set. Blood samples were ) .. u III Iii I,(i '1' 3: 1.11 l1:i '1' I}.. "(,1 ~ .+ '1' III I"(i III 0.. Iii U'i (I 1...1 u 1J L C ·11 I,(i E C L '}::1' III .e 3: •1. L .....1·' .+ I~i 1J t:: l1:i III IJI >:: TJ Iii L (I ....J o I c '1' I"(i III .. L -1-' 1...1 11' I I_I If1 '1' '1' >" Crt ... 1J t::1.. III ..... -':. ..... c 1.1"1 1],0 O. '1' I.n 1J '1' l1;i ::=- (I ·1· III (,·l .-6 r··· U "(,1 1J '1' .],0 E E C (1:i (0 C 11' .:::a:: ,"(i -1-' ,;:t ':t C··l E III ."(i L.. >:: '1' E L U C :.:t ...... ....J o I '1' 11' Iii .~' 11' ':::. ..c I,n I"(i Iii ·11 () L U '1' '1) '1' ~::j ."(i C u I"(i .~."' 1.11 1= 1'(; :" U '+ C c Cli c III U TJ L I_I L III L O. C ::< III I,(i '11 1J ~i C I,(i .e 1,1'1 L C (I 1]" U L .~' c 111 '1) Iii ..c ..... L I"(i I) -1-' E .e E L .J) III I_I E L U .1. :;"" U C I,(i I"(i E -1-' Iii E "(,1 (I 11· Iii L E 11' L .+ 1.11 -1-' L o '+ L '+ :J '1' ..c U ·1·::< o u 11' .+ .+ '1' '1' L Iii I,(i 11' C ::. '1' 8 I (I 1.1' (JI IJI =1 C e: I_I Iii C I"(i (I U -1-' L 1J 0.. '1' >'" C o CJ.. '1' .e ...... '1' I_I I'(i C '1' -1-' 11) -1-' 11· .+ 1.0 ....' :J U -1-' C L c o -1-' I) I,(i '1' C D I"(i 0.. I,ll '1' D I) I) U '1' L I- '1' f,(i L L I_I 111 Iii C Iii I) 1J C L" 11' cft 11' o. ..c: I"(i III o C U -1-' 0.. Cft c :J o :::" U Cl '1) ''I:i :;. 1J I"(i ::J '1' Iii .' c I.ll I"(i ...11' e: -1-' -I-' ..c I.n 'tJ '1' "I., IJ '1' ... u I',:i >'" Crt (I III 1.1'1 ·1· U (I :J .; Iii -1-' fl:i ..c l1:i 1J N c L 11' l1;i I.n u 1J 11' Iii U o '1' Iii l1:i III '1' ..f.... 1J Iii '1) .e L c c I,(i I L 0.. '1' 6 Iii ....• '1' U ).. (JI (I Iii C l1:i c ."(i '1' ::J '1' .+ L I.n I) L ,,(i 'i' c C I"(i 1) .' -1-' :t C o .e ....'1'' ::< 1J ....'1'' -1-' III I- C '1) .e L 11) ". .~' U C ,"(i L L ::J J= 11' (I -1-' '1' ·1· 1-.:1 .e Iii III Iii D J) ~~~ (JI E .-1-..' U L III '-t" o 1J 1.11 (I Cli ·1, '1' .~' L o Iii III I I- ::J (I 01 III E ·1· U L >:: '1' "t': Lt 0.. :J L.. Ifl U ~"': (I -1-' L 1J L III I) I) .+ Iii o III D D ·11 L t"'lETHDDDLDI3{ Eight volunteers were recru! ted from the E: .0.. I I :::; t .:.. t e UIi i '') e r' .:. it·;... c omm ij nit ':,.' top .:.. r' tic i p .:.. t e i nth i·:. Individuals had the fol lowing charac- research project. t e r' i·:. tic: to q u .:.. I i fy' for' in good heal th (as the:; t u d y' : determined by Health HistorY Questionnaire and fol lowing the MediCine for contraindication to exercise); non-smoKers; me t.:'.t:.ol i ·:.m; .:'.nd All height= 5···11···... ·Jer·e .:..ccu·:.tomed to r·e·:· i ·:.t.:'.nce e>::er'c i ·:·e 1... subjects were males (mean age= 25.5 Yrs. 1....Jei.~ht= 1'7'2 lb·:.. ). The sub.iects read and sianed and insti tutional IY approved informed consent form prior to beginning the study. An ini tial blood cholesterol screening was performed to ensure that a range of cholesterol values existed in the subject group. I t I....,::..·:. desired that subjects had TC>200 mg/dL and none were used that were (160 mg/dL. Ex f;. e r' i me n t .:'.1 three day period. F'r' oc e du r' e':· . The studY took place over a Prior to the first day of the study. minimum of 48 hours. On the morning of the first day 's u b.j e ct·:::. r· e J:. 0 r' ted tot h e t e':. tin.~ .:.. r· e .0.. .:: Un I ..... e r' .:. i t 'yO i3 YTn Room) following and overnight fast of 10 hours. postural ·:;.:..mp 1 e. distribution effects from i,....1 e I gh t To pr·e'.)en t influenCing the blood trle ·:.ub . i ec t·:..: ..:.. t qu i e t 1 ':,' for' ,:. m i nu te':' be for' e e ·:'.ch I.n .-1-' ...... (t:i .e I-.:i .-1-' e u (I '1' e .+ L- ·11 ",(1 ·1·e l1:j L- +-' 11:, e ~; a. I.n l1;i t: (I L- .+ ell 11:; IJI D o L- .D +-' '1:i ·U l1:i ·1' ·1·t: t: .D ·1' IfI .+ I,::' I D -I·t: L- e ·U '1' -1-' e ·1' .e ...... '1' a. t: (I 1.11 I_I -1-' l'ti +-' .D U .1· (I .D -1-' 1,1'1 (I) e ·1· .e I"t:i L1) E o -1-' (I D .D (I ·1· o .LI e .c a. t: IfI 1.11 ·1· a. f- l1:i .-1-' ::< u l'ti -1-' ::J cr ·1· .1· Iii U L- .1. ::< .1· ·1· U e t'r:i ...... 1.11 c o ·1· Ifl .1. ::< .1. .+ o 1.11 .-1-' -1-' ::J .-1-' -1-' ::J U {t:i l1:i z o -1-' .-1-' ·1' a. Il,l ,=. 3: +-' .+ I) ·U .1· -1-' '1' I.n 0.. 1.11 -1-' D .1· e t: L ·1· ·1· D +-' I.n o .1· ...... o e ',-,' U 0. L- ·1· 01· ·1' 1.1'1 .-1-' ·1· .e .e ·U -1-' L I) -1-' ·1·I_I .-(i t: -1-' I.n L- .e ,_, ·1· ::. ·1·a. en l1:i ell e e u u IfI III e 11· e >:: ·1· ·1' .c ...... e .1· ·1·3: ...... ·1' .D is:i o .e )" ·U Iri '1' e D U J-::' ·1' . '-: ·1' +-' (II e e III c 3: U e 1'1) ...... e II· Iti 0... e ·1· L- 11) ' •ri .....' ·1' ..... t: '+ III ::J I I) ~ f(i '"-,' IfI ·1' .e en "'-' e (I C a. E .D U o =1 <I ....... cr e .e u ITj .....' ·1·L·1·3: 3: ...... L- 3: +-' ·1· o .....' ·1·L- en e a. ~; ·1· .e I.n .+ +-' -1-' '+ (I '1' LJ III .e ...... ::J c ((I I) .e ::J o I'r:i ..0:: ,.'~'. I)) 1.11 o::t .e )" D e ,~i o::t C··J L- .....·1·' '1· ::J Ifl U L- 01. >( III o -1-' D ·1' .e ,,I', L- U U fT.i e e I) 1) ·1' ·1·3: e CTI C e Iri L- .+ ...... e .D 'l'l1:i L(I ·U E l'ti o I,(i -1 .+ ·1. ·1· Loll -1-' 1.1' ,-r:i .e e '-I'.I' 1) .D t: e I.il ,ri .1.'.I' u I) (I ...... m ,.n ·1·e CT' ..• .,(i I~i -1-' D I.n .]) ...... ::0 C t: e o -1-' ::J .-.:i '-''1' .e ...... l1:i .1. ...... .+ <I LI) .+ .+ L- ...... e I.n .+ IfI ·1· .e D +-' N c o ,=, '1' ...... I'l:i U ·1' L(I L- .+ ·1·3: o e <I C 0. . L D Ii' o o. (I (.J. ~I .~i oJl e L- 1.11 0... ::J f(i If' "L, t: e L- I'(i ......1· ::J C ...... t: '::- ::J t: ::J C- '1' 'l' o::t L- ·1· .e .1. 11) ' IT,i I.n '1· ·1' lJ ·1· E ::J L- '1' I.n T L._ efl c L- .e ·1·o oJ' L- ...... ....,. D IT,i o LIII a. I) ::J ':L, l1:i e ...... I.n 1) '1' e I'l:i '...' L- N f·- C e (iJ II· ::J +-' e o,_, L- .1· 1.1' .1. '.I' I'(i U t: L- e 111 -1-' 1) III '11 U ' 1:i Il:i t: .e e +-' a. ::L, t'(i IT.i L- ·1· L·1·3: 3: ••L, c:. Iff ,.n ·1· e o ·1·0 .. '.T,i.I' '.1' c efl () ,T,i L- e .J-::' l'1:i ·1·L- Ii' I.'·' (t:i e t: ...... Iii ·1· +-' :.' )" ·lJ (0 ·1·0' oJl o ,.n u ~.' L C) D '1' .e t: U '1' ...... ...... L- -=C··J l1:i 1.1'1 III Ct. '.I" I) 1] 3: ,'I) .]) ::J efl c: C .11 fti ·1· D f- ::J ,ri ...... .e 0.. 11;i 0' lJ LI) 111 L- L- o >" .D 1) 1.11 e ::J ....... e L- '::0 Iii (I) o 0.. D ...... U 01' -1-' IfI 01· ·1· .J.-::' I) f(i e '1' .e -1-' e (I .1· ~; (I) en L- ·1· ::J II' J-::' ~-' e +-' D +-' ·1' .11 o .1. If' I'l:i .e e I) I) -+-' ,'(I IfI e ·1· ..c: II. L- ·1' ::- I) t: ,=, o .+ o -1-' (I I_I ·U e e ·1·L- ·1· t: I fti c ,-.:i D L- I.n e It; IfI IfI ,_, o l1:i :':. .,:i .~-' I.n 1) L- c I) ·1' IT; .D fT.i o (I '+ +-' l1:i L- L- u L- t: ,_, -1-' I_I -1-' t: o ..0:: ·U C Iri L.+-. L- (I .+ l'ti ::. e fl:i .+ fT.i e 1'(; III U t: o -1-' e LI) (I 0.. 1) ,ri ...... C ..0:: '.I' ·1· .e (I ::J CTI fT.i l1:i .D D l1:i ......' I) 1.11 ...... I.n ·1· .e o1j 3: .e u .+. L- '1' >:: ::J .....' .1· Ifl .D 1,11 ·1· L- .D ...... . o I"(i U L- 11:; -1-' 1.1'1 I.n ·1' ...... u ·1U e 1J I.n ,"1:' L ,,I, c ,'-'. 3: .1· Iri ·1' '-; t: (I .e l1:i 0. I't:i U e t: o ~i fr:i ·1·e '1' '1' U e -1-' -1-' -1-' (I (II -1-' (I '1' 11:i ll.. IfI >'(1 D III (I -+-' ·1· I.n L- )". f(i .+ L- (I '1' ::J C U L .'t:i l1:i '1- '1' o ·1' L: t: III L- L cr CL ·1· ·1·t: ~ ....... ::J L .e ·1' Ll"J:i ....... ·1' 1:1 -' .D ·1· I,n e -1-' I"(i .e 11· .-1-' 11) e 01· lLI ::J 3: t: U L- L- I'I:i f(i i'(i -1-' u ·1' U .c o ::J U .c 1.11 .+. .-1-' 0.. ::J ::J U -+-' L(I .1· .-:. U L- 01· ·1· .e t: r-.- ....... 1) .e .:;. ).. -I' ...... I'(i .+ ITi Iii t: I) 01· U 0. 1) ::L, ·1' Ifl ::J '1' o e ,ri u 1.1'1 -1-' U e CTI e .c 11. ....... (II ·1· U .....' e ·1· .e ·1· .e '-' 1'(; e o L- ....... o .+ .1· ,l:: (il '1' c E "(1 1.11 III III t--I L :'1 i,(i III 1.11 ...... Iri U E '1' L C) "(1 u i,(i cn (0 ....... I~i t-.:i :::( Iti E )... L CI. D 1.1'1 e '1' e ((i .::,;: ~ u ·1· Il' I~i C I L 01 J: - ....... I ~ L~ (I e Cll ((i I L o ~ o III 1'1) ....... L I.f! t-I D '1' I] L o U m e ~ D e :J L U :J ·1· I,n 1) .1· .-1-' ,'-', Cfl e 1.1l e )" I e ~ ~ 0 L U o u 3: ,,(i .L. ::J o ..J ....... ((I L '1' ...... .+. <I '1' E ,-.:i I.f! ,'-', e D c. E L (I C) e (I (il :::t 1.1"1 11:; D L 111 ~ L ::. ~ ~ III ~ ~; ~ I D I) L ...... e o u I.n III :J 11' t·/ Ilj ::. ..... I~i 1J e D '1' c: 1.1" ~ u c L ....... e ::J III 1.1"1 I'(i ':", '1' ,r,i L <I ...... 'i' D (I ....... D .+ IfI ,ri -::=. '1' L ...... L It:i IfI 1.1"1 QI U Q. e i .1: ....... (.-1 L :J '11 o c. I,ll I 11' U I.il J: (0 o::t e I,(i 3: 1) '11 e III I'(i --1-' '1' L :J L ,r.i ::. e .+ 11' I I,n C ..... j I.f! }.. U U o::t ....... l l1;i '1' L .-1-' ""'.0' :::'1 C e '1' :::, Q. o (I ..f:. I) ....' L L ....... ...... III ....... :J o '1' 11. L (I IfI I_I U ::J I_I '.I' "(1 ::J ITi U I) ((i 1.1) ,=, •.•..•. CL ....... .LJ .+ 3: U~I .=, III ....... ':::. c I~i ....... Iri )" L L L CI.. e c Ir.i >< '1' c. '1' 1) ~ '1' E '1' L Ifll I-.:i 'I) ..-' ~ a '1' ....... 11' m ~ E D I E ~ -1-.' ITj C l1:i ~ u ~ L I,(i I"(i '1' 1,11 u ~ I.il f,(i III '1' III ~ ~ --1-' U TJ -1-.' L ; 3: L.. L :J D ::< U 1) E oj E ~ L ,:.., '11 11. L 111 I~i .-1-' o L 1.11 J= (- L .+ e I) III U L I 11' L u E ::,( E (I l1:i 0.. .1. III ~ '1' :;... ,lj 11' L ,-.:i ..,.... 1.11 D ',-,' e L D .J:! I,n ......' 1) .-1-' U IfI E D I: I_I l1:i Ilj U e 3: ld L '1' 1,11 o ..c ....' ....• 111 i,(i ....... c. III I,(i TJ C z <I L.. It:i c. u L ~ c L .-1-' III U I) ,r.i ....... I.f! ~ ir:i ·11 ....... Ir. cn e e ~ D 11· ....... t-l E '1' L l'1:i C f-r:i III f(i ,r.. c .+. ,,(i c cn 01 I.f! 1•..1 E C o ,=, I.f! L ((I :J 1- e u I '1' The I.) .:.. r' i .:0. t i CI n I n tot .:0. 1 c hoi e':· t e ,. 0 I ( T C ::0 t r' clm p r· e - exercIse values showed no signiticant change (Table 1). Similarly! den .:. i t f 0 I 1 Ol..<! i drop 1 i pop r· 0 t e i n y' H01.···.1 e I.,.' e r' there was no significant change ~ n!~ 0:: HDL::' .:. IJ tl t the t r' i g I y' c e r' ide 0:: T 13 ::0 the e ~< e r' c i·:. e b 0 u t in the high- r' .:0. c t ion 0:: .:0. i ue s ': t e .:0. d i I 'Y' dec 1 i n e oj I.,.' ( T .;:0. to 1 e 1). T .:0. b 1 e 1). The r' e I..I •.I.~. ':. .:c. ,~: 5~···~ il triglycerides 48 hrs. post compared to pre- exercise values. This was not statisticallY deVIation tor the pre-0::96) and 30 min. post-(72) me .:0. ·:·U r eme n t • Tatle 1. Changes in TC~ HDL. and T13 tol lowing a t r' .:0. i n i n g bou t 0:. me ':'.n .:!:. ~;D::'. TC mg/dL 191(23) 188(25) HDL mg/dL 42.8(8.3) 43.4(6.5) TG mg/dL 174(96) 42.0(4.4) 145(72) 124(41) 113(34) These changes are also depicted In Figure la-c. Further analysis of the data showed that a subset 44% decrease [pre-exercise= 249(77) mg/dL to 48 hour P 0:0': t = 1 40 0:: 1 5;' mI~ d L ] •••/ i n TG 0:: shown belo:ow and in Figure 2. p = . 06 ) Th e r' e s·u 1 t .:. ·:O.r· e - Fig. 18. 220 -...I "0 at 210 200 E 190 (,) t- 180 N--t--1 170 i II 48 hr. 24 hr. 30 min. pre Time of blood •• mpllng Fig. 1c. 210 -...I "0 at 190 170 150 E - 130 g 110 90 o+~~~~~I~I------~ pre 30 min. 24 hr. 48 hr. Time of blood .ampllng Figures 1a-c. Change in total cholesterol (a), highdensity lipoproteins (bJ, and trig/ycerides (c) fol/owing a resistance training bout. Values are mean:!:. standard error. Tatle 2. Change !n TG ~ol lowing a resistance training bc.u t of ·:.ubJ ec t·:; (n=4) 1/..1 i tr-I in it i.:.."' TC3> 150 mg/dL (mean ~ SD). Lij:.id F'r'e TG mg/dL 24hr. :=:Om i n 249(77) 1 '7'7 ( ~l~=~) 1~t,~,(27) Although not directly analyzed, 140(15) the low- density ipoprotein (LDL) concentrations were estimated uSing the equ.:..t i on de'.}el e'ped b':..' Fr' i edel/.J.:'.I d et •.:..1.: LDL = TC - HDL - TG/5 From this equation, the LDL levels shcwed a steadY increase (al though not statisticallY significant) from pre-exercise--113 mg/dL to 48 hours post-- 128 mg/dL. The results are shown in the table below and in Figure .-, •.:, 11 Table 3. Change in LDL fol lowing a resistance training bout as determined by the Frledewald formulaLDL=TC-HDL-TG/5 (mean ± SD). ::::Om in. LDL mg/dL 113(25) 11,::;,(27) A I I me ·:..·:·u r' erne n t .:. 1.·\Je r' e m':'.de 24hr. 126(23) 12::::(19) i n du pI i c-:.. t e 1. '..1 i t h no statistical difference between the 2 measures (0).05). There was also a very low absolute difference ( I cI iff . j = mg/dl [I. 3 mg./' d L for' T C. O. ';;' mg . . . d L of 0 r' HDL • . :3 for TG) and less than a 5% deviation for each dupl iC.:'.te me·:'.·:.ur·e. 290 -. .J "a 260 Q 230 L- E 200 CJ ~ ~ 170 140 Or II pre 30 min. 24 hr. 48 hr. Time of blood .ampllng Figure 2. Change in triglycerides following a resistance training bout of subjects whose initial level of TG was greater than 150 mg/dL (n=4). Values are mean .:t standard e"or. - 160 . .J "a 150 Q 140 E 130 0I 120 C 110 ..J ..J r---t~ t 100 _01" I I-I pre 30 min. 24 hr. 48 hr. Time of blood .ampllng Figure 3. Change in lOW-density lipoproteins following a resistance training bout as determined by the Friedewald formula (LDL= TC-HDL -TGI5). Values are mean j; standard error. - D I :::;CU:3:3 I ot···j The most noticeable acute effect of resistance training was a decrease ..:. I.....I.~ .~. hr'. dr' op ::::5:···~ in triolyceride levels. in trlglycerides from pre-exercise important elevated initial t r' i 0 I ·:."C a decrease This indicates that resistance it·:. gr·e.~.te·:.t need it tr-Ie mo·:.t: th.~.t nit i ~.l pr·ol.}ide mg/dL)~ This approached statistical significance (p=.06). I in subjects wi th elevated levels trig]ycerides <)150 of 44% was observed. m·~.·:'" The effect In a subgroup (n=4) of people wi th triglycerides. pecple this effect may be in reducing the risK of CHD (11). was even more dramatic tr·.~.inirJl~ 4· .=, '-' Since high triglycerldes are thought to po·:.t. contribute to CHD development. of Ther'e e r· i de .:.. benefi!:i.~.l tho·:.e effect·:. to .Iith elel..!.~.ted !.... These results are approximately the same as those observed in a study conducted by (.,.J.~.l i ~.c e et increase .~.1. ( 23::' . Even though their studY showed an in triolycerides immediately followino resistance training of 14%, this level bel I u e 24 01.....1 t h .~. t 0 f the i nit i a. I I.} .~. 1'"1 r' .:.. [) CI .:. t - e ::< e r· c i·:. e . In this study, a drop of 31% 24 hrs. post-exercise was Further comparison to Wal lace's studY of the acute effect of resistance training on triglycerides not possible as only an abstract was avai labe for r· e I.} i Eo I}." • In the present study, at 48 hr. post-exercise triojycerides were 35% lower than the pre-exercise s £ I_I ..... +-. L- Q. :J '1' +-' ...... U Iti ·0 '1' III ~ ~ +-. U 1'1) '1' ~ +-. C :J 11' ::. 1.11 ..L CL. E C 11) L•1· 3: Iii III :::J ::. l1:i D E I) (I III .11 .D cn c III c 'IJ1' 1.(1 :.... .:::.:: 1]1 .1' J= 3: '1' ::. .1' 1.11 D 11;' :J '1' ..,...1 (I Q. lJ (I I~i I,ll '1' ::. l1;i L +-. ..L +-. I.n .1' ~i 111 :J L +-• U ':... :J L- '1' +-. Q. :::- ~ c l1:i 1.11 E 11J '1' L.. II' L ...:. U '1' III ~ tIl +-. D ( )" I(i Ii' ..t:i .L l1:i U (II U L- C 11:; L- .1. ::< '1' .1' C lJ l1;i C u .+ .D +-. 01 C L '1' '1' .D 1] C o ..... .]} L '1' ....... lJ '.I' ir. +-. '1' lJ L- Iri L (I .+ c '1' '1' ::. '1' :J It; ...:.: ~-' '1' +-. '-''1' +-. ,.n <I L- '1' ,=, U~, •-.:i L '1' '-' ..... 0' '1' c fT.i lJ lJ '1' ~~ J= E '1' L W ..(, L- ~i ',-,' o +-. ·1· L£ 1-- D C ,1,i +-. :J ::. '1' '1' Ii' '1' :;< '1' '1' >:: '1' +-. c U L (I ....... Ii' ::< '1' ,r:i '+ .1. o '1' )" (I u 'f' I'l:i )" :J Il:i ~'" }" +-. '-' lJ '1' ::< '1' +-. :J '.I' 'i' I +-. I.n :J U '1:i +-. I) C ~ o +-. 0. E LJr.i L L ~ '::t C'·J ...J D '1' I.n '-',:... '1' ((I lJ lJ CT' ,.n '1' ::. ,'(J ~ '1' )" .j.... L- (II +-. C' c I,,(i L- +-. '1' ).. U C c :J '-' C :J 'i''1' U) Ii' ~ ·1· I- Ilj L -1-" '1' U C .+ '.I' ''1'.I' L- '1' -;. '1' '-' '1' '::1" .+. I'(i (: .+ I) ,.n (j IL ~; ...J o C .1' "(' Iii 'll •1. '1' :~. .1. 1.(1 C C l1:i '1' +-• L- 0. '1' I"(i L '-' )" 0. '1' :J '-'l1:i f(i lJ L- +-' '-' .]) .J) III 'i' 'i' I,(i ~ '1' +-. I) CL. )'" ') 'i' C '.I' ::t c III ::t :J '.11 (I L0. 'i' :J '1' 0... L- C I-.:i .1. 3: en '1' L- '-' U L... '1' >:: 11' ::< ,'(, .1• II' ·0 I'l:i '1' ..j...' ,.n I.n III CJ ,ri _.. I- c Q• 11;i -.1-' ...... }. lJ I.'" (I 1.11 C 'i' .+ III c 1'(1 III J= +-' 1.1'1 ::. '1' 1:.i 111 ·0 (I 1:.1 I,(i L C III '1' 1.1'1 ITi ......' '1:i o +-' lJ 111 +-. fl '1' ..c ,.n .!:: E ,_, lJ ~"J I) L- l1:i 1_' ..•.. 'J' (I CJ.. ..c +-. --4-' L L- L"(1 .+-' '1' '1' (I f(i ,.n I- 'i'I,(i L '-''1' (I '-' ·lJ ...J I:::' I '1' .+ .+ L '1' :;. c l.fl ~ c lJ .]) CT' '::t (J 'i',1:; J) I-.:i I c ~ .j.... +-. (0 E .1. C .1. L~ Q. L }" ,,,(i +-• L- I,(i lJ +-. 1.11 £ .c e·J C '1' .L ,::..1· .]) 0.. C L- ~ .+ '1' '1' .J) 1'(; I +.' L- ·1· C +-' '1' (I '1' ::< ,.n c E 'ofI) '-' .+ ~i ,,I' ::< (,.J .L (I IT.; I"(i £ .+ ..;j, E '1' 1.11 (I '1' 0.. +-. .....'1' c '1' :J IfI .+ '1' L- (I ....... .]) ,..; I,(i ·0 ::. ._J lJ (I '.I" ,"(; .:::. c Cl I '-' C .J) '1' c +-. l1:i ((i :J '1' +-. L- lJ L ((i 3: l1;i +-. '1' ::< +-. 1-- (I) '1' .L I) _+-,1 ~ I III '1' "-'. "{I 1"":1 (I E '.I' '1' ~ d, +-. I,n U L .-1 lJ 0. '1' ::J :J (I U L- (I '1' +-. ::< (0 '::1" L .D CT' '.I' '1' L 0. L Iii +-. .+- ir.i TJ '.II ::. (I lJ ~"': '1' +-' I,,(i '1' )" '1' I:!:f I- .'(; 11:; '1' E ·lJ '.I' +-. E L '1' +-. l1;i IT.; lJ CI. I) L- ·0 +-. 1.11 '1' Iii ::.., '-' D .1. '.I' C Iii +-' 1.11 C U I(i c (I '1' '1' C 01 ·1· .D '1' L.. oJ.o TJ i5 '1' '-' :J I.) lJ E c '1' 1] '1' ."(i L:J .+ .1' >" Jj +-. '-'C I.n .-1 C +-. E :J (- c '1' C L lJ L- I- (n +-. '1' '1' 3: '1' 1,11 CT, L- £ +-. £ ~ ~ l1;i ~i '1' +-' .1' c '1' o '1:i :J 1.11 I.n '1' 4-' C 0" +-. ::.:: '1' +-' .1. I- '1' o c E 4-1 ,,,(i +-. '1' it; .-1-' :.' +-. c .j.... +-. 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(0 'T -1-' ....J D -1-' d, E co Co.J (I D (I Ii' '1' .L. o C L c o '-' III '1' D '1' .-J Q _J ....... .-J L..l I D c t'(i 'i' '1' ::. '1' (!:) I- c L '1' ::. '1' ~; D .1· (I I '1' 0. E '1' L ::J ,,(i 11) '1' (I .+ ::J ....... '1' L L C (I '1' o I,(i -1-' '.I' (I '1' '1' ::. c '1' .-/-.' ::. .+ E a.. '-' ..... l1:i D E W I .-i-' .L. ..J CJ -1-' ...J (,,) E 01· .f: II' l1:i III .c .c (I. .C D '1' .~-' '-''1' 0. ....... >:: '1' c '.I'I 111 L I,(i C '1' .],0 1.1'1 1.11 11:; ....... u '1' .+ .+ '1' .L. .....' .L. -1-' .L. .L. ...... '1' .1. L -" C Il' 1J D c f{i 'i' c E f{i ·1· D '0 '1' ,.I, :.... .L. C) .L. 3: I-- 0... en L ...... '1' ...... ' 111 1.1'1 'i' ::J o '1' I'{; U ·1· co L '1' (I .L. U c 1)'0, ' I,(i 'i' '1' L L C I'(i .._.' '.I' _i CJ .-J .+-' o ,.I, E C c 1'1:i L -I-' '1' U c '1' L .+-. D -1-' C '1:i 'i' D L 111 en 11:i C ....... E 'i' '1' ,.I, L ......1 '1' ·1· .+-. ~; IT,i D L ::J U 'i' .-J CJ _J (I '-'JT,i III L o E o .],0 .... .' D 0' (I '+ ,.n '1' ::. '1' '1' L .f: +.' 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