A Weakly Dependent Bernstein–von Mises Theorem Benjamin Connault∗ Princeton University, Department of Economics November 2014 Abstract The Bernstein–von Mises theorem is the central result of classical asymptotic theory applied to Bayesian methods. I isolate a convenient set of assumptions and prove a new weakly dependent Bernstein–von Mises theorem along the lines of Le Cam (1986). This new theorem is valid under few assumptions beyond local asymptotic normality. An application in a microeconomic model of dynamic choice can be found in my job market paper. The Bernstein–von Mises theorem is the central result of classical asymptotic theory applied to Bayesian methods. In sufficiently regular independent and identically distributed models, the Bayesian posterior will be asymptotically Gaussian, centered at the maximum likelihood, and with variance 1/T the asymptotic variance of the maximum likelihod. From a frequentist point of view, this implies that Bayesian methods can be used to obtain statistically efficient estimators and consistent confidence intervals. The limiting distribution does not depend on the Bayesian prior. This paper proves a new Bernstein–von Mises theorem for weakly dependent models in timeseries asymptotics. I give a set of weak, yet easy-to-check sufficient conditions for Bernstein– von Mises convergence, organized around local asymptotic normality. The assumptions and ∗ princeton.edu/~connault and connault@princeton.edu I thank Andriy Norets for early encouragement and helpful comments. I also thank Sylvain Chassang, Bo Honoré, Ulrich Müller and participants to the Princeton Econometrics seminar for useful comments and discussion. 1 the proof strategy are along the lines of Le Cam (1986)’s theorem for smooth, independent and identically distributed models (see also van der Vaart (1998)). An example of application is in Connault (2014) in a microeconomic model of dynamic choice. There are many Bernstein–von Mises theorems, including some for dependent processes. Le Cam (1953) formalized and generalized ideas already present with Laplace, Bernstein and von Mises. The results of Le Cam (1953) were extended in various directions (Walker (1969), Dawid (1970)), including for dependent processes (Heyde and Johnstone (1979), Chen (1985), Sweeting and Adekola (1987)). This family of results relies on relatively strong, functional assumptions about the likelihood and the density of the prior. In Le Cam (1986), Le Cam developed a proof strategy relying on much weaker assumptions. Uniformly consistent tests as in Schwartz (1965) play a significant role (see assumption (A3) below). The main lines of the approach are also described in Le Cam and Yang (2000), chapter 8. Although some of the ideas in Le Cam (1986) are developed for general sequences of experiments (chapter 12), for application purposes only the smooth, independent and identically distributed case is treated (chapter 17). van der Vaart (1998) improved and gave a streamlined version of the proof of Le Cam (1986) for smooth, independent and identically distributed models. As far as I know, Le Cam’s approach has never been extended to the weakly-dependent case. There are at least two reasons why a new weakly dependent Bernstein–von Mises theorem along the lines of Le Cam (1986) is of interest. First, I obtain a Bernstein–von Mises theorem valid under very few assumptions besides local asymptotic normality. I comment further about the assumptions below, but essentially all the assumptions are close to necessity or expected to hold for a typical locally asymptotically normal model. Assumption (A6), a McDiarmid-type large deviation inequality for the score, might be the least easy to check in practice. One can usually obtain such an inequality from a weakly dependent concentration inequality granted one can prove the score has bounded differences. Second, and related to first, the set of assumptions I consider is convenient when one is interested in a Bernstein–von Mises theorem as a part of a more comprehensive asymptotic analysis — which might also include for instance the asymptotic distribution of the maximum likelihood estimator. When this is the case, a natural first step is to first prove local asymptotic normality, and then “branch right and left” towards Bayesian and frequentist asymptotics. See for instance Connault (2014). 2 The exact statement of the Bernstein–von Mises theorem is as follows: the total variation distance between the scaled and centered posterior distribution and the Gaussian distribution centered at a random statistic X ∼ N (0, I) and with variance-covariance matrix I goes to zero in probability, for some invertible matrix I. Note that the asymptotic Gaussianity of the Bayesian posterior is different in nature from the asymptotic normality of, e.g., the maximum likelihood. The posterior distribution is asymptotically Gaussian for a given path of observations, whereas the asymptotic normality of the maximum likelihood is a sampling property. There is sampling variation in the centering X of the posterior distribution. Connault (2014) provides an example of application of the Bernstein–von Mises theorem developed in this paper. There, a uniformly consistent test (assumption (A3)) is obtained from a uniformly consistent estimator based on the empirical distribution of the marginal probability of a suitable number of consecutive observations. Assumptions specif to the weakly dependent setting are obtained from concentration bounds for hidden Markov models and a Taylor expansion for the score. Section 1 describes the model, states and comments on the assumptions, and states the Bernstein–von Mises theorem. Section 2 gives the proof. 1 A general weakly dependent Bernstein-von Mises theorem 1.1 Notation θ is a statistical parameter θ ∈ Θ, where Θ is an open subspace of a Euclidian space Θ ⊂ Rdθ . y1:T is a sequence of observations yt ∈ E, where E is a Polish metric space. Θ × E T is endowed with its Borel σ-algebra. In accordance with the Bayesian paradigm, θ and y1:T have a joint distribution µ̃T . The Bayesian prior π̃(dθ), which is the marginal distribution of θ, is the same across different T ’s. We write µ̃T (dθ, dy) instead of µ̃T (dθ, dy1:T ) when there is no ambiguity about the time-horizon. The Bernstein-von Mises phenomenon is best studied under a local parametrization. θ? is a √ distinguished parameter value in the interior of Θ and h = T (θ −θ? ) is the local parameter. 3 The usual Bayesian disintegration holds: π T (dh) | {z } prior k T (h, dy) | {z = µT (dh, dy) = } conditional distribution | {z } joint distribution pT (dy) q T (y, dh) | {z } | marginal distribution Note that the prior π T depends on T because of the local √ {z posterior } T scaling. We will also consider the corresponding disintegration with the prior truncated and normalized to a subset C ⊂ Rdθ : πCT (dh) k T (h, dy) = µTC (dh, dy) = pTC (dy) qCT (y, dh) Sometimes we will abuse notation by writing pTh for pT{h} = k T (h, ·). pTh is simply the distribution of the data for a given value of the (local) parameter. P ? −−θ→ means converge in probability under θ? and ∇θ1 means 1.2 ∂ . ∂θ θ=θ1 Assumptions A domination condition is needed to apply Bayes formula: Assumption (A1): Dominated family For each T , the k T (h, dy)’s are dominated by a common σ-finite measure. k̂ T (h, y) is the density with respect to the common dominating measure. The prior puts mass around the distinguished parameter value θ? : Assumption (A2): Prior mass π̃ is absolutely continuous with respect to the Lebesgue measure in a neighborhood of θ? with a continuous positive density at θ? . Assumption (A3): Uniformly consistent test For every > 0, there is a sequence of uniformly consistent tests φT , meaning tests such that: Eθ? [φT ] → 0 and sup Eθ [1 − φT ] → 0 kθ−θ? k≥ Assumption (A4): Local asymptotic normality There is an invertible matrix I and a sequence of random variables ∆T converging weakly to N (0, I) under θ? such that, for every hT → h: log dpThT 1 = h0 ∆T − h0 Ih + opT0 (1) T dp0 2 4 Let sT = √1T ∆T . It is well-known that in the smooth, independent, identically distributed case, local asymptotic normality holds with: sT = ∇θ? T 1 1X ∇θ? f (Yt ; θ) log f (Y1:T ; θ) = T T t=1 f (Yt ; θ? ) (Where f is simply the density parametrized by the global parameter, f (y1:T ; θ) = k̂ T (h, y).) Likewise, in a smooth, weakly dependent case, it is expected that local asymptotic normality holds with: 1 ∇θ? f (Y1:T ; θ) 1 sT = ∇θ? log f (Y1:T ; θ) = T T f (Y1:T ; θ? ) For this reason, we call sT the score under local asymptotic normality. The score must satisfy the following assumption, which can be checked using Taylor expansions in smooth models: Assumption (A5): Local linear lower bound for the score There is T0 ∈ N, δ < 1 and c > 0 such that for any kθ − θ? k ≤ δ, any T > T0 : kEθ [sT ] − Eθ? [sT ]k ≥ c kθ − θ? k Assumption (A6): Large deviation inequality for the score We assume a two-sided McDiarmid-type inequality for the score. There is T0 ∈ N and c < ∞ such that, for any θ ∈ Θ, any T > T0 : 1 u2 Pθ (ksT − Eθ [sT ]k > u) ≤ 2 exp − 2 c/T ! Assumption (A7): Large deviation inequality for blocks We assume a one-sided Hoeffding-type inequality for non-overlapping consecutive blocks of y’s. Let R ∈ N and ŷs be non-overlapping blocks of R consecutive yt ’s, ie ŷ1 = y1:R , ŷ2 = yR+1:2R , etc. Write gs = g (ŷs ). There is T0 ∈ N and cR < ∞ such that for any function 0 ≤ g ≤ 1, any θ ∈ Θ, any T > T0 : S S 1X 1 u2 1X gs < E gs − u ≤ exp − S s=1 S s=1 2 cR /S " Pθ # ! ! (In the independent, identically distributed case, this inequality holds with cR = 1/4.) Assumptions (A5) to (A7) are specific to the weakly-dependent setting. Assumptions (A5) 5 and (A6) concern the score of the model, as defined in section 1.2. (A5) is a local linear bound for the score and (A6) a large deviation inequality. (A7) is a large deviation inequality for sums of blocks of data. Assumptions (A1) to (A4) are usual assumptions for independent and identically distributed Bernstein–von Mises theorems in the style of Le Cam (1986) (see for instance van der Vaart (1998)). (A1) asks that the model be dominated in order to apply Bayes formula. (A2) asks that the prior puts some mass around the true parameter value. A uniformly consistent test, as in Schwartz (1965), must exist according to (A3). Finally, (A4) is the local asymptotic normality assumption. 1.3 Statement of the theorem Write N T = N (I −1 ∆T , I −1 ) and NCT for its truncation. With this notation, the Bernstein-von Mises theorem can be concisely stated as: Theorem: Weakly-dependent Bernstein-von Mises theorem Under assumptions (A1) to (A7): T q 2 P − NT TV ? −−θ→ 0 Proof The idea of the proof is to decompose q T − N T T q − qCT T TV − NCTT + NCTT TV T term qCT − NCTT . + qCT T − N T TV TV in three terms : q T − N T TV ≤ . Local asymptotic normality can be used on the truncated This is described in more detail in section 2.3 and TV carried out in the following sections. Before that, I derive two preliminary results in section 2.1 and 2.2. 2.1 From uniformly consistent to exponentially consistent tests Assumption (A3) ensures the existence of uniformly consistent test, more precisely tests which are uniformly consistent against uniformly remote alternatives. This is not strong enough for the proof of the Bernstein-von Mises theorem (see section 2.4). We will need exponentially consistent tests, more precisely tests which are uniformly exponentially consistent against local alternatives: for MT → ∞, ψT is a sequence of exponentially consistent 6 tests if there is a constant c > 0 and T0 ∈ N such that: Eθ? [ψT ] → 0 And for any T ≥ T0 , for any θ such that kθ − θ? k ≥ M √T T : Eθ [1 − ψT ] ≤ exp −cT kθ − θ? k2 ∧ 1 This section shows that exponentially uniformly consistent tests can be built from uniformly consistent tests. The proof proceeds in two steps: we find some δ, and two sequences of tests ψT1 and ψT2 √ T ≤ kθ − θ ? k ≤ δ and which satisfy the definitions of exponentially consistent tests on M T ? 1 2 δ ≤ kθ − θ k respectively. Then ψT = ψT ∨ ψT is an exponentially consistent test on the √ T ≤ kθ − θ ? k. whole region M T Step 1.1: δ and ψT1 on M √T T ≤ kθ − θ? k ≤ δ Define the score test: s ψT1 = 1 ksT k ≥ First, because MT → ∞: √ MT T T sT = ∆T ⇒ N (0, I) under h = 0 (by assumption (A4)) and because √ Pθ? T sT > MT → 0 Equivalently, Eθ? [ψT1 ] → 0, as required. Second, by the triangle inequality: ksT k = ksT − Eθ? [sT ]k ≥ kEθ [sT ] − Eθ? [sT ]k − ksT − Eθ [sT ]k From assumption (A5), there is δ < 1 and c such that for any kθ − θ? k ≤ δ: kEθ [sT ] − Eθ? [sT ]k ≥ c kθ − θ? k Now consider any θ such that M √T T ≤ kθ − θ? k ≤ δ. In particular, for T big enough, 7 √2 c MT ≤1 and q MT T ≤ c √2 c MT 2 kθ − θ? k ≤ 2c kθ − θ? k. We have: h s i Eθ 1 − ψT1 = Pθ ksT k ≤ MT T s ≤ Pθ kEθ [sT ] − Eθ? [sT ]k − ksT − Eθ [sT ]k ≤ s ≤ Pθ c kθ − θ? k − ksT − Eθ [sT ]k ≤ ≤ Pθ 1 ksT − Eθ [sT ]k ≥ c kθ − θ? k 2 MT T MT T We can apply the large deviation inequality for the score (A6) and as required: Eθ [1 − ψT1 ] ≤ exp −c2 T kθ − θ? k2 Step 1.2: ψT2 on δ ≤ kθ − θ? k Consider uniformy consistent tests φT for δ (by assumption (A3)): Eθ? [φT ] → 0 and 1 4 and sup kθ−θ? k≥δ Eθ [1 − φT ] → 0 Take R such that: Eθ? [φR ] < sup kθ−θ? k>δ Eθ [1 − φR ] < 1 4 Define blocks ŷs to be non-overlapping blocks of R consecutive yt ’s, and φ̂s = φR (ŷs ). Note h i that by definition of R, Eθ φ̂s > 43 . Finally, define: S 1X 1 =1 φ̂s ≥ S s=1 2 " S = bT /Rc ψT2 and # Then: Eθ [1 − ψT2 ] =P S 1X 1 φ̂s < S s=1 2 =P S S S 1X 1X 1X 1 φ̂s < E φ̂s − E φ̂s − S s=1 S s=1 S s=1 2 ! " # 8 " # !! Apply the large deviation inequality for blocks of data (A7): Eθ [1 − ψT2 ] ≤ exp − 1 E 2 h 1 S 1 S ≤ exp − 32cR PS s=1 φ̂s 1 c S R i − 1 2 2 S ∼ T , so this concludes the proof for Eθ [1 − ψT2 ]. In a similar fashion, Eθ? [ψT2 ] → 0. Step 2: ψT = ψT1 ∨ ψT2 . Putting steps 1.1 and 1.2 together: Eθ? [ψT1 ∨ ψT2 ] ≤ Eθ? [ψT1 ] + Eθ? [ψT2 ] → 0 Eθ [1 − ψT1 ∨ ψT2 ] ≤ Eθ [1 − ψT1 ] ∧ Eθ [1 − ψT2 ] ≤ exp −c1 T kθ − θ? k2 ≤ ≤ exp (−c2 T ) ≤ exp −(c1 ∧ c2 )T kθ − θ? k2 ∧ 1 M √T T on on δ ≤ kθ − θ? k on on δ ≤ kθ − θ? k exp −(c1 ∧ c2 )T kθ − θ? k2 ∧ 1 ≤ kθ − θ? k ≤ δ ≤ exp −(c1 ∧ c2 )T kθ − θ? k2 ∧ 1 M √T T ≤ kθ − θ? k ≤ δ MT on √ ≤ kθ − θ? k T This shows ψT = ψT1 ∨ ψT2 is an exponentially uniformly consistent test. 2.2 Contiguity Under local asymptotic normality (assumption (A4)), it is well known that, for any bounded sequence hT : pThT / . pT0 9 We will need the stronger contiguity property: for any U closed ball around 0: pTU / . pT0 Let AT be such that pT0 (AT ) → 0. By LAN and contiguity, for any h ∈ U , pTh (AT ) → 0. By R dominated convergence, pTU (AT ) = U πUT (dh)pTh (AT ) → 0. Let AT be such that pTU (AT ) → 0. Let hT ∈ U be such that pThT (AT ) ≤ pTU (AT ). Then pThT (AT ) → 0. By LAN and contiguity, pThT / . pT0 , so that pT0 (AT ) → 0. 2.3 Decomposition in three terms We turn to the core of the proof. We want to show: P T q − N T T q − N T TV ? −−θ→ 0 Or expressed in local parameters: TV pT 0 −→ 0 We will use the following decomposition, for some sequence of balls CT of diameters MT → ∞: T q − N T ≤ q T − qCT T + qCT T − NCTT + NCTT − N T TV TV TV TV More precisely, we will show that for any sequence CT , MT → ∞: T q − qCT T TV pT 0 −→ 0 (step 1) and T NCT And that for some particular sequence CT , MT → ∞: T qCT − NCTT TV pT 0 −→ 0 10 − NT (step 2) TV pT 0 −→ 0 (step 3) 2.4 Step 1: posterior and truncated posterior For any B and some particular C: q T (B) − qCT (B) = q T (B) − q T (B|C) = q T (B ∩ C) + q T (B ∩ C c ) − q T (B|C) = q T (B ∩ C c ) − q T (B|C)(1 − q T (C)) = q T (B ∩ C c ) − q T (B|C)q T (C c ) |q T (B) − qCT (B)| ≤ q T (B ∩ C c ) + q T (B|C)q T (C c ) ≤ 2q T (C c ) So that: T q − qCT TV ≤ 2q T (C c ) Now taking CT to be any sequence of balls of diameter MT → ∞, we show: pT 0 q T (CTc ) −→ 0 Taking ψT an exponentially uniformly consistent test (see section 2.1), write: q T (CTc ) = q T (CTc )(1 − ψT ) + q T (CTc )ψT | {z } step 1.1 | {z step 1.2 } Step 1.1 Take U a fixed ball around 0. Then: EpTU [q T (C c )(1 − ψT )] = Z pTU (dy) y | {z } R = = h1 ∈U Z Z y (1 − ψT (y)) h1 ∈U Z h2 ∈C c q T (y, dh2 ) T (dh )k T (h ,dy) πU 1 1 Z 1 T T π (dh1 )k (h1 , dy)(1 − ψT (y)) q T (y, dh2 ) {z } π T (U ) | h2 ∈C c =pT (dy)q T (y,dh1 ) Z Z 1 p(dy)(1 − ψ (y)) q T (y, dh1 )q T (y, dh2 ) T π T (U ) y h1 ∈U h2 ∈C c π T (C c ) = T E T [q T (U )(1 − ψT )] by Fubini π (U ) pC c = Z 11 And: π T (CTc ) Z π T (CTc ) T E T [q (U )(1 − ψT )] = T π T (U ) pCTc π (U ) y R = ≤ h pTCTc (dy) q T (y, U )(1 − ψT (y)) | | {z } T (dh)k T (h,dy) πC c {z ≤1 } T π T (C c ) Z Z π T (dh) T k (h, dy)(1 − ψT (y)) π T (CTc ) T π T (U ) y h∈CTc 1 Z = T π T (dh)Eh [1 − ψT ] c π (U ) h∈CT Now note that π T (U ) > c1 √ 1dθ and that, according to assumption (A2), there is D ≤ 1 T small enough and c2 such that π has a density with respect to the Lebesgue measure which is bounded uniformely by c2 on kθ − θ? k ≤ D. Then using exponential consistency (section 2.1): √ dθ Z 1 Z 2 T π (dh)Eh [1 − ψT ] ≤ c1 T π T (dh)e−c3 (kh k∧T ) T c π (U ) h∈CT MT ≤khk √ ≤ c1 T dθ Z Z −c3 (kh2 k∧T ) −c3 (kh2 k∧T ) T T π (dh) e √ {z } + D√T ≤khk π (dh) e {z } | MT ≤khk≤D T | {z } | 2 2 c4 d T θ ≤√ ≤ c5 ≤ c5 Z √ MT ≤khk≤D T Z MT ≤khk So that, if MT → ∞: c2 dh ≤e−c3 kh k ≤e−c3 D T √ dθ 2 2 dh e−c3 (kh k) + c1 T e−c3 D T √ dθ 2 2 dh e−c3 (kh k) + c1 T e−c3 D T π T (CTc ) E T [q T (U )(1 − ψT )] → 0 π T (U ) pCTc And finally: EpTU [q T (CTc )(1 − ψT )] → 0 ⇐⇒ q T (CTc )(1 − ψT ) → 0 in pTU -mean pT U =⇒ q T (CTc )(1 − ψT ) −→ 0 pT 0 =⇒ q T (CTc )(1 − ψT ) −→ 0 by LAN and contiguity Step 1.2 pT 0 q T (CTc )ψT −→ 0 by definition of ψT 12 2.5 Step 2: truncated posterior and truncated Gaussian Thanks to the domination assumption (assumption (A1)), we can apply Bayes formula: qCT (x, dh) = k̂ T (h, x) πCT (dh) R g∈C πCT (dg)k̂ T (g, x) = π (dh) R g∈C Let us start by fixing C and showing that NCT − qCT R k̂ T (h, x) T TV + π T (dg)k̂ T (g, x) pT 0 −→ 0. For any two measure P and Q, kP − QkTV = 2 1 − pq dQ where p and q are the densities of P and Q with respect to any common dominating measures. For T big enough, by assumption (A2), π T is dominated by the Lebesgue measure λ on Rdθ . Let π̂ T and N̂CT be the respective densities with respect to λ. Suppressing y’s from notation for this display: 1 T T NC − qC = TV 2 Z h∈C qCT (dh) 1 − R g∈C = Z h∈C qCT (dh) 1 + T N̂C (h) T k̂ (h) T (h) π̂ T T π (dg)k̂ (g) + N̂ T (h) k̂ T (g) π (dg) TC − π̂ (h) k̂ T (h) g∈C Z T + π̂ T (g) N̂CT (h) k̂ T (g) NCT (dg) T = qCT (dh) 1 − g∈C h∈C N̂C (g) π̂ T (h) k̂ T (h) Z Z + k̂ T (g) N̂CT (h) π̂ T (g) ≤ qCT (dh) NCT (dg) 1 − h∈C g∈C k̂ T (h) π̂ T (h) N̂CT (g) Z Z (In the last line we used the fact that for any random variable ξ, (1 − E[ξ])+ ≤ E[(1 − ξ)+ ].) Now call: + k̂ T (g, y) N̂CT (y, h) π̂ T (g) a(h, g, y) = 1 − k̂ T (h, y) π̂ T (h) N̂CT (g) Integrating the double integral above with respect to the “truncated” marginal pTC (dy) and applying πCT (dh)k T (h, dy) = pTC (dy)qCT (y, dh): Z pTC (dy)qCT (y, dh)NCT (dg)a(h, g, y) = Z πCT (dh)k T (h, dy)NCT (dg)a(h, g, y) Now, because k T (h, dy) / . k T (0, dy) (for any h) and πCT (dh) and NCT (dg) are contiguous with the uniform distribution on C (the boundedness of C is crucial here, and the reason why we 13 made this three-term decomposition in the first place): πCT (dh)k T (h, dy)NCT (dg) / . λC (dh)k T (0, dy)λC (dg) Using: 1 1 h0 ∆T − h0 Ih = − (h − I −1 ∆T )0 I(h − I −1 ∆T ) + constant 2 2 the LAN property implies that: k̂ T (g, y) NCT (y, h) = k̂ T (h, y) NCT (y, g) k̂T (g,y)/k̂T (0,y) N T (y,g) k̂T (h,y)/k̂T (0,y) N T (y,h) = (1) exp opT pT 0 (2) 0 −→ 1 exp opT 0 ˆ (θ) is the density of the prior π̃(dθ) with respect to the Lebesgue Also, for T big enough, if π̃ measure around θ? (by assumption (A2)): 1 ˆ θ + √h π̂ (h) = √ dθ π̃ T T T ! ? and thus π̂ T (g) →1 π̂ T (h) Finally: pT 0 a(h, g, y) −→ (1 − 1 · 1)+ = 0 for each h and g =⇒ a(h, g, y) → 0 in pT0 mean, for each h and g, by uniform integrability =⇒ a(h, g, y) → 0 in λC (dh)λC (dg)k T (0, dy) mean, by dominated convergence ⇐⇒ a(h, g, y) → 0 in λC (dh)k T (0, dy)λC (dg) mean =⇒ a(h, g, y) → 0 in λC (dh)k T (0, dy)λC (dg) probability =⇒ a(h, g, y) → 0 in πCT (dh)k T (h, dy)NCT (dg) probability, by contiguity =⇒ a(h, g, y) → 0 in πCT (dh)k T (h, dy)NCT (dg) mean, by uniform integrability =⇒ =⇒ =⇒ T NC T NC T NC − qCT TV T − qC TV T − qC TV →0 in pTC mean →0 in pTC probability →0 in pT0 probability, by contiguity Thus we have shown that for any fixed C, NCT − qCT TV pT 0 −→ 0. To conclude the proof of this step, note that in general if umn is a doubly-indexed sequence of random variables such that for every m, umn −−−→ 0 in µn -probability (µn any sequence n→∞ of probability measures), then there is an extraction mn → ∞ such that umT n −−−→ 0 in n→∞ 14 µn -probability. This implies that there is some sequence CT with MT → ∞ such that: T NCT 2.6 pT − qCT T TV 0 −→ 0 Step 3: truncated Gaussian and Gaussian Similarly to section 2.4, for any ball of diameters MT → ∞: T NCT − NT TV pT 0 −→ 0 This concludes the proof. References Chen, C.-F. (1985): “On asymptotic Normality of Limiting Density Functions with Bayesian Implications,” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B (Methodological), 540–546. Connault, B. (2014): “Hidden Rust Models,” Job Market Paper, http://www.princeton. edu/~connault/. Dawid, A. 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