Fleet-Based LCA: Comparative CO2 Emission Burden of Aluminum and Steel Fleets Randy Kirchain Materials Systems Laboratory Massachusetts Institute of Technology Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Materials Systems Laboratory Life Cycle Analysis Conventional Analysis Is Focused On A Single Product Necessarily "Compresses" All Time-Dependent Emissions Into A Single Value May Be Appropriate In Some Cases However, When Significant Emissions Differences Occur Over Long Periods Of Time, May Provide An Incomplete Picture Pertinent In The Case Of Automobiles, Where Use-Phase Emissions Dominate LCA Inventories Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Materials Systems Laboratory Study Objectives Detailed treatment of temporal effects in life-cycle assesment When do impacts occur? When is "payback" achieved? What if production is distributed over time? Make analytical assumptions explicit Reveal implications of analytical assumptions Impacts Impacts Impacts Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Impacts Materials Systems Laboratory Temporal Effects on Life-Cycle Assessment Conventional LCA studies have looked at impacts of single products Production −> Use −> Disposal Even for single products, effects are inherently distributed over time Particulary true for long-lived products like automobiles Typical Life Cycle Impacts 3 2 1 Use Disposal 4 Production Release of CO2 5 0 Years Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Materials Systems Laboratory Issues with Conventional Analysis 120 Because impacts are distributed, point estimates do not fully describe a life cycle Use Production 100 A question arises: When does the impact of one product drop below that of another? 80 Thousands CO2 emissions (lbs) Relative timing of impacts may be important 60 40 20 0 Steel Aluminum Production emissions accounts for only BIW material. Remainder of vehicle assumed to be same for both Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Materials Systems Laboratory Timing of Life-Cycle Burden Can Be Important 120 Steel lbs CO2 Thousands 100 Aluminum Steel overtakes Al in cumulative CO2 burden 80 60 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 40 20 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Years Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Materials Systems Laboratory Once Recognized, Time Exposes Other Needs Analysis Requirements: Detailed treatment of time New modeling approach &RPSDULQJ 6LQJOH 9HKLFOH ,PSDFWV OEV &2 Key Issues Is a single product the correct unit of comparison? Production at one point in time Production distributed over time Does the performance of production technologies remain constant? Do all units operate identically over their life? 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 <HDUV Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Materials Systems Laboratory Impact of Fleet Perspective Single Vehicle: Production at One Instance, Use Distributed Over Time Fleet of Vehicles: Production Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts AND Use Distributed Over Time Materials Systems Laboratory Fleet Introduction Changes Rate of Life-Cycle Emission 200 Non-linear growth results from additions of vehicles Thousand lbs CO2 150 100 New vehicles added at regular intervals, each contributes to fleet total 50 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Years Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Materials Systems Laboratory &XPXODWLYH &2 GLIIHUHQFH 7KRXVDQGV OEV Fleet Changes Shape and Timing of Recovery Curves $O6WHHO $O8/6$% Crossover before 7 years for single vehicle comparison &XPXODWLYH &2 GLIIHUHQFH WRQV <HDUV $O6WHHO $O8/6$% Crossover after 13 years for fleet comparison <HDUV Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Materials Systems Laboratory Modeling Framework: Systems Dynamics Explicit Consideration of Time, Rates of Production and Accumulation Unit Of Analysis: Fleets In Production And Use Fixed Production Rates Use Begins Following Production Retirement Follows US Fleet Patterns End-of-Life Vehicle Materials Available For Reuse Key Analysis Assumption: "New" Vehicles Imply Incremental Increases In Production Of Raw Materials, With Associated Incremental Effects Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Materials Systems Laboratory "Incremental" Production & Effects Introduction Of Aluminum Vehicles Will Mean Large Change In Consumption Patterns "New" Aluminum Production Will Be Required Analysis Examines Incremental Changes In Resource Use Energy Consumption Recycled Material Availability Analysis Assumes That All Other Economic Factors and Demands Are Unaffected By New Aluminum Consumption Price Changes & Demand Sensitivity Not Assumed Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Materials Systems Laboratory Baseline Simulation Framework Start With A Zero-Car Fleet Growing To Constant Fleet Size of ~150 Produce One "Car" Per Month Steel Conventional Aluminum Intensive (AIV) ULSAB Start Driving The Car Immediately Following Production Retire Cars According To US Fleet Statistics Collect ELV Materials For Reuse Use Primary Material To Make Up Difference In Current Production Calculate And Sum CO2 Production Compare Totals For Each Fleet Alternative Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Materials Systems Laboratory Base Case Assumptions Distance driven per year: Life of vehicle: CO2/gal gasoline: Fleet introduction: Aluminum electricity source: Secondary weight savings: Fuel economy improvement: Stamping Yeild: 11,400 miles (18,240 km) average 12.2 years using fate model 22.9 lb CO2/gal 1 "vehicle unit"/month 5 years Coal, then marginal DOE grid 50% 5% per 10% weight reduction 50% Steel ULSAB Aluminum BIW weight - lb(kg) 816 (371) 612 (278) 444 (202) Curb weight 3180 (1445) 2874 (1306) 2622 (1192) Fuel economy 27.5 / 23.0 MPG 28.8 / 24.1 MPG CO2/lb material Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 1.24 1.24 29.9 / 25.0 MPG 19.4-12.6(primary) 1.0 (recycled) Materials Systems Laboratory Modeling Vehicle Fate Single vehicle models assume all vehicles retire at same time All vehicles lasted 10-12 years Cumulative Retires Schematic Vehicle Retirement Dynamic model can use real data about vehicle retirement Some vehicles crash and retire quickly Others last a long time 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% 1 3 2 5 4 7 6 9 8 10 11 13 15 17 19 12 14 16 18 20 Vehicle Age Years Base case scenario generates average vehicle life of 12.2 years Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Materials Systems Laboratory Implications Of Vehicle Fate Early Vehicle Retirement Has Two Effects Recycled Content of AIVs Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts 50% 25% 239 205 171 137 103 69 0% 35 In early years, less vehicles on the road This means less miles driven Vehicle Fate Model 75% 1 Scrap aluminum becomes available more quickly This reduces total primary aluminum usage Recycled Al Content 100% Months Materials Systems Laboratory Electrical Power Source Assumption "5 years Coal, then marginal DOE grid" 1. Current non-fossil production part of base load generation 2. "New" aluminum production will require non-base loads Less efficient, more polluting - currently coal-fired facilities 3. Eventually, utilities will build new base load capacity to satisfy increases in demand Forecasts predict combined cycle natural gas generation "New" hydropower currently infeasible, although sites exist Regulatory hurdles Environmental concerns Competing uses (recreation, etc.) Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Materials Systems Laboratory Base Case Results: Years to Recover CO2 Burden Al - Steel (23.5mpg) 300 Al - Steel (27mpg) Al - ULSAB (27mpg) 200 tons Cumulative CO2 difference 400 100 0 -100 -200 -300 10 80 150 220 290 360 Months Base Case Crossover Points Time Until Aluminum Fleets to Produce Less CO2 than Conventional Steel: 11.8 - 13.5 years (23.5 - 27 mpg) ULSAB: 23.7 - 27.7 years Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Materials Systems Laboratory Robustness of Result Crossover points are sensitive to some initial assumptions Base fuel economy Source of electricity Vehicle weight savings Impact of Base Fuel Economy Years to Crossover CO2 Burden Crossover 16 15 14 13 12 11 23 27.5 32 Vehicle Fuel Economy Miles per Gallon Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Materials Systems Laboratory Role of Aluminum Electricity Source Results are sensitive to assumptions about Al electricity source Conventional LCA relies on currently used resources Current electrical grid Industry reported electrical sources Because manufacturing aluminum autos represents a significant increase in aluminum production, we looked at marginal effects Expansion in electrical demand Current Al electricity sources are fully utilized DOE forecast for expansion Short term: Use of current facilities Mid term: Largely new natural gas facilities (12% coal, 3% renewables) Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Materials Systems Laboratory Sensitivity To Aluminum Electricity Source Nevertheless, other assumptions may be credible Evaluating on marginal burden discourages investment in clean energy sources Other groups may choose most favorable scenario Impact of Source of Aluminum Electricity CO2 Burden Crossovers - (23.0 mpg / 27.5 mpg basis) Source of Electricity Coal - 5 years, then Marginal Grid Coal - 10 years, then Marginal Grid Current Grid IPAI Mix Al vs. Conventional Steel Al vs. ULSAB 11.8 / 13.5 23.7 / 27.6 13.6 / 15.3 36.9 / 31.7 9.8 / 11.4 5.3 / 6.2 * Crossovers in years 20.9 / 24.3 13.3 / 15.4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Materials Systems Laboratory Robustness of Result Potential fuel economy improvement can effect result Aggressive secondary weight savings Strong response of fuel economy to weight Some scenarios push crossover to approximately average vehicle life Fuel Economy Improvement per Mass Reduction Secondary Weight Savings 5% : 10% 5% : 8% 50% 13.5 11.6 100% 11.1 9.6 * Crossovers in years Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Materials Systems Laboratory Conclusions Base case analysis shows a substantial recovery period before CO2 benefits of aluminum vehicles are realized Al vs. Conventional Steel: Al vs. ULSAB: 11.8 - 13.5 years (23.5 - 27 mpg) 23.7 - 27.7 years Results are sensitive to analytical assumptions Fuel economy improvement Electricity source Credible set of assumptions can result in simulated recovery periods less than or equal to current average vehicle lifetime Results may differ for emissions other than CO2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Materials Systems Laboratory Future Work Continuing Validation and Testing of Simulation Assumptions Electrical Power Source Scenarios Energy In Post-Smelter/Furnace Processes (i.e., Rolling) Influences of Changes in Key Rates Vehicle Production/Introduction Size of Steady-State Fleet Rate of Vehicle Use Displacement of an Existing Fleet Alternative Recycling Accounting Methods Emissions in Addition to CO2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, Massachusetts Materials Systems Laboratory