Publications by Western Illinois University Authors: 2007

Publications by Western Illinois University Authors: 2007
Adkins Covert, Tawnya J., and Philo C. Wasburn. 2007. Information Sources and the Coverage of Social Issues
in Partisan Publications: A Content Analysis of 25 Years of the Progressive and the National Review. Mass
Communication and Society 10, (1): 67-94.
———. 2007. Measuring Media Bias: A Content Analysis of Time and Newsweek Coverage of Domestic Social
Issues, 1975-2000. Social Science Quarterly 88, (3): 690-706.
Alexander, Dean C. 2007. Secessionist Dangers in the United States? Security 44, (6): 42.
———. 2007. Sharing Yields Results. Security 44, (3): 60.
Alexander, Jeremy M., Thomas P. Kochanek, and Don T. Johnson. 2007. A New Look at the Equity Premium
Puzzle. Journal of the Academy of Finance 5, (1): 61-71.
Allen, Bem P. 2007. Growing Up White in America: Experiences with Race. N.p.: Gardners Books.
Allwardt, Debra, Helena José, Pedro Parreira, and James A. Thorson. 2007. A Factor-Analytic Study of the
Multidimensional Sense of Humor Scale with a Portuguese Sample. North American Journal of Psychology
9, (3): 595-610.
Baker-Sperry, Lori. 2007. The Production of Meaning through Peer Interaction: Children and Walt Disney’s
Cinderella. Sex Roles 56, (11-12): 717-27.
Baker-Sperry, Lori, and Judith Dallinger. 2007. Assessment by Number: One Size Does Not Fit All. In A
Collection of Papers on Self-Study and Institutional Development, 2007: Prepared for the Program of the
Higher Learning Commission ... at the 112th Annual Meeting of the North Central Association, April 2024, 2007. Vol. 3, 6-8. Chicago, IL: Higher Learning Commission.
Baker-Sperry, Lori, and Liz Grauerholz. 2007. Feminist Research in the Public Domain: Risks and
Recommendations. Gender & Society 21, (2): 272-94.
Barclay, Kathy. 2007. Getting a Head Start on Parent-School Partnerships: What NCLB Has to Say about
Parental Involvement and More. Children and Families 21, (2): 16-22.
———. 2007. Helping Parents Support Literacy Development. Children and Families 21, (2): 50-1.
———. 2007. Research in Reading: Findings of the National Literacy Panel on Language Minority Children and
Youth. Illinois Reading Council Journal 35, (4): 67-9.
———. 2007. Walk a Mile in My Shoes: Using Children's Books to Support Young Children's Social
Competence. Children and Families 21, (1): 58-9.
Bean, Matt. 2007. Why is Acting in Song So Different? Journal of Singing 64, (2): 167-73.
Bean, Matt, composer, and Mimi Bean, lyricist. 2007. Singer: A Cycle of 9 Songs for Baritone and Piano.
Mongo Music Co.
———. 2007. Singer: A Cycle of 9 Songs for Baritone and Piano. CD. Mongo Music Co. Performed by Matt
1 Boeckelman, Keith, and Martin Dupuis. 2007. Barack Obama: The New Face of American Politics. Westport,
CT: Praeger.
Bohne, Michael, and Julianne Abendroth-Smith. 2007. Effects of Hiking Downhill using Trekking Poles while
Carrying External Loads. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 39, (1): 177-83.
Bonnan, Matthew F. 2007. Linear and Geometric Morphometric Analysis of Long Bone Scaling Patterns in
Jurassic Neosauropod Dinosaurs: Their Functional and Paleobiological Implications. The Anatomical
Record 290, (9): 1089-111.
Bonnan, Matthew F., and Phil Senter. 2007. Were the Basal Sauropodomorph Dinosaurs Plateosaurus and
Massopondylus Habitual Quadrupeds? Special Papers in Palaeontology 77: 139-55.
Bonnan, Matthew F., and Adam Yates. 2007. A New Description of the Forelimb of the Basal Sauropodomorph
Melanorosaurus; Implications for the Evolution of Pronation, Manus Shape and Quadrupedalism in
Sauropod Dinosaurs. Special Papers in Palaeontology 77: 157-68.
Bordowitz, Hank. 2007. Bad Moon Rising: The Unauthorized History of Creedence Clearwater Revival. 2nd ed.
Chicago, IL: Chicago Review Press.
———. 2007. Dirty Little Secrets of the Record Business: Why So Much Music You Hear Sucks. Chicago, IL:
Chicago Review Press.
———. 2007. Review of Wolfgang's Big Night Out by the Brian Setzer Orchestra. MEIEA eZine: The Official
eZine for Music & Entertainment Industry Educators 5 (1),
Borgia, Laurel, and Carol Owles. 2007. Terrific Teaching Tips: Reading Engagement. Illinois Reading Council
Journal 35, (1): 34-7.
———. 2007. Terrific Teaching Tips: Responses to Reading for all Readers and Particularly Struggling Readers.
Illinois Reading Council Journal 35, (2): 56-60.
———. 2007. Terrific Teaching Tips: The Literacy and Social Studies Connection. Illinois Reading Council
Journal 35, (4): 48-53.
———. 2007. Terrific Teaching Tips: Vocabulary: A Link to Comprehension. Illinois Reading Council Journal 35,
(3): 29-33.
Bories, Tamara, and Randy Hyllegard. 2007. Testing Assumptions of Deliberate Practice Theory Relevance,
Effort, and the Inherent Enjoyment of Practice with a Music Task. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology
29, (Supp.): S90.
Boston, Sheryl, and Sari Edelstein. 2007. Management and Leadership Theory with Practical Applications. In
Managing Food and Nutrition Services, ed. Sari Edelstein, 21-37. Sandbury, MA: Jones and Bartlett.
Bukowski, Lisa, Shannon Lynch, Amy Keasler, Rhiannon Reaves, and Elizabeth Channer. 2007. The Story of
My Strength: An Exploration of Resilience in the Narratives of Trauma Survivors Early in Recovery.
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 14, (1/2): 75-97.
Burgess, Michelle E., Chieh-Hua Chen, Yalun Cui, Denae J. Clampitt, Jenq-Kuen Huang, and Lisa Wen. 2007.
Characterization of Multiple Forms of Bovine HEAT-Like Repeat Containing cDNA. FASEB Journal 21, (6):
2 Burgess, Michelle E., Lisa Wen, and Jenq-Kuen Huang. 2007. Partial Purification and Characterization of
Bovine Deoxyhypusine Hydroxylase. FASEB Journal 21, (5): A634.
Burkey-Wade, Linda. 2007. Motivating Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Staff in Times of Shrinking
Budgets: How to Say Yes with Less. Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve
17, (4): 135-47.
Campbell, Pam, Angie M. Ferree, and Betsy Hommel. 2007. Logging on with Literature: Biographies as
Powerful as Fiction. Illinois Reading Council Journal 35, (2): 50-55.
———. 2007. Logging on with Literature: Fantasy: Suspending One's Disbelief. Illinois Reading Council Journal
35, (3): 23-8.
———. 2007. Logging on with Literature: It's all in the Family: Readings about Siblings. Illinois Reading
Council Journal 35, (1): 28-33.
———. 2007. Logging on with Literature: Poetry in a Variety of Ways. Illinois Reading Council Journal 35, (4):
Carr, Amy. 2007. A Hermeneutics of Providence Amid Affliction: Contributions by Luther and Weil to a
Cruciform Doctrine of Providence. Pro Ecclesia: A Journal of Catholic and Evangelical Theology 16, (3):
Carter, Marcia J., N. J. Stumbo, and J. E. Folkerth. 2007. Investigation of Graduate Therapeutic Recreation
Curricula in the United States. American Journal of Recreation Therapy 6, (2): 19-31.
Casagrande, David G., and Nora Haenn. 2007. Citizens, Experts, and Anthropologists: Finding Paths in
Environmental Policy. Human Organization 66, (2): 99-102.
Casagrande, David G., Diane Hope, Elizabeth Farley-Metzger, William Cook, Scott Yabiku, and Charles
Redman. 2007. Problem and Opportunity: Integrating Anthropology, Ecology, and Policy through
Adaptive Experimentation in the Urban U.S. Southwest. Human Organization 66, (2): 125-39.
Casagrande, David G., Gordon Rands, Barbara Ribbens, and Heather McIlvaine-Newsad. 2007. Envisioning an
Ecologically Sustainable Society: An Ideal Type and an Application. In Organizations and the
Sustainability Mosaic: Crafting Long-Term Ecological and Societal Solutions, eds. S. Sharma, M. Starik
and B. Husted, 22-59. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Chakravorti, Samit. 2007. Customer Relationship Management (CRM)- A Holistic Understanding. Saarbrücken,
Germany: VDM Verlag Dr. Müller.
Channer, Elizabeth, Shannon Lynch, Amy Keasler, Rhiannon Reaves, and Lisa Bukowski. 2007. The Story of
My Strength: An Exploration of Resilience in the Narratives of Trauma Survivors Early in Recovery.
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 14, (1/2): 75-97.
Chason, Holly, and Lora Ebert Wallace. 2007. Infant Feeding in the Modern World: Medicalization and the
Maternal Body. Sociological Spectrum 27, (4): 405-38.
Chen, Chieh-Hua, Yalun Cui, Denae J. Clampitt, Michelle E. Burgess, Jenq-Kuen Huang, and Lisa Wen. 2007.
Characterization of Multiple Forms of Bovine HEAT-Like Repeat Containing cDNA. FASEB Journal 21, (6):
Chen, Chieh-Hua, Yalun Cui, Darlene D. Gonzalez, Mimoza Sylejmani, Marissa P. Phoenix, Isaac D. Frisbie,
Samyuktha R. Marreddy, Jenq-Kuen Huang, and Lisa Wen. 2007. Molecular Cloning and Functional
Characterization of Bovine Deoxyhypusine Hydroxylase. FASEB Journal 21, (6): A1005.
3 Chen, Chieh-Hua, Jenq-Kuen Huang, Yalun Cui, Denae J. Clampitt, Lisa Wen, and Chi-Tsai Lin. 2007.
Molecular Cloning and Functional Expression of Bovine Deoxyhypusine Hydroxylase cDNA and Homologs.
Protein Expression and Purification 54, (1): 126-33.
Chisholm, John A., Jennifer Chubb, Valentina S. Harizanov, Denis R. Hirschfeldt, Jockusch, Carl G., Jr.,
Timothy McNicholl, and Sarah Pingrey. 2007. II10 Classes and Strong Degree Spectra of Relations.
Journal of Symbolic Logic 72, (3): 1003-18.
Chisholm, John A., J. F. Knight, and S. Miller. 2007. Computable Embeddings and Strongly Minimal Theories.
Journal of Symbolic Logic 72, (3): 1031-40.
Chu, Felix T. 2007. Bridging the LIS-Practitioner Gap: Some Frames for Research. Library Philosophy &
Practice 9, (3): 1-8.
Chung, Su-Yeul, and Lawrence A. Brown. 2007. Racial/Ethnic Residential Sorting in Spatial Context: Testing
the Explanatory Frameworks. Urban Geography 28, (4): 312-39.
Clampitt, Denae J., Chieh-Hua Chen, Yalun Cui, Michelle E. Burgess, Jenq-Kuen Huang, and Lisa Wen. 2007.
Characterization of Multiple Forms of Bovine HEAT-Like Repeat Containing cDNA. FASEB Journal 21, (6):
Clampitt, Denae J., Jenq-Kuen Huang, Yalun Cui, Chieh-Hua Chen, Lisa Wen, and Chi-Tsai Lin. 2007.
Molecular Cloning and Functional Expression of Bovine Deoxyhypusine Hydroxylase cDNA and Homologs.
Protein Expression and Purification 54, (1): 126-33.
Clark, Brian, producer. 2007. The Library Loom. DVD. Macomb, IL: Western Illinois University Libraries.
Directed by Shailendra Verma. Presented by Jo Sanders.
Clauson, Kathleen. 2007. Eva Galuska and the Christmas Carp. Philadelphia, PA: Xlibris Publishing, Inc.
———. 2007. Soul-Eater. The Binnacle (Fourth Annual Ultra-Short Edition).
Clay, Daniel L. 2007. Culturally Competent Interventions in Schools for Children with Physical Health
Problems. Psychology in the Schools 44, (4): 389-96.
Clay, Daniel L., and Kelly M. Champion. 2007. Individual Differences in Responses to Provocation and
Frequent Victimization by Peers. Child Psychiatry & Human Development 37, (3): 205-20.
Cole, Merrill. 2007. Backwards Ventriloquy: The Historical Uncanny in Barnes's Nightwood. Twentieth-Century
Literature 52, (4): 391-412.
Cole, Peter. 2007. Ben Fletcher: The Life & Times of a Black Wobbly. Chicago, IL: Charles H. Kerr.
———. 2007. Philadelphia's Lords of the Docks: Interracial Unionism Wobbly-Style. Journal of the Gilded Age
& Progressive Era 6, (3): 310-38.
———. 2007. Wobblies on the Waterfront: Interracial Unionism in Progressive-Era Philadelphia. Urbana, IL:
University of Illinois Press.
Connelly, David R. 2007. Leadership in the Collaborative Interorganizational Domain. International Journal of
Public Administration 30, (11): 1231-62.
Conrad, Craig A., Harry A. Harmon, Kevin L. Hammond, and Robert L. Webster. 2007. Are Sales Managers
Predisposed to Self-Monitoring? Academy of Marketing Studies Journal 11, (1): 31-51.
4 Cooper, John. 2007. The Baecker Jazz Worship Service: A Work for Jazz Orchestra and Vocalist in Seven
Movements. Pekin, IL: Baecker Music Productions.
Cronkhite, Clyde. 2007. Criminal Justice Administration: Strategies for the 21st Century. Boston: Jones &
Bartlett Publishers.
Crowley, Robert, and Gregg S. Woodruff. 2007. Weigh Choices to Optimize the Sales Or Income Tax
Deduction. Practical Tax Strategies 78, (3): 150-4.
Cui, Yalun, Chieh-Hua Chen, Denae J. Clampitt, Michelle E. Burgess, Jenq-Kuen Huang, and Lisa Wen. 2007.
Characterization of Multiple Forms of Bovine HEAT-Like Repeat Containing cDNA. FASEB Journal 21, (6):
Cui, Yalun, Chieh-Hua Chen, Darlene D. Gonzalez, Mimoza Sylejmani, Marissa P. Phoenix, Isaac D. Frisbie,
Samyuktha R. Marreddy, Jenq-Kuen Huang, and Lisa Wen. 2007. Molecular Cloning and Functional
Characterization of Bovine Deoxyhypusine Hydroxylase. FASEB Journal 21, (6): A1005.
Cui, Yalun, Jenq-Kuen Huang, Chieh-Hua Chen, Denae J. Clampitt, Lisa Wen, and Chi-Tsai Lin. 2007.
Molecular Cloning and Functional Expression of Bovine Deoxyhypusine Hydroxylase cDNA and Homologs.
Protein Expression and Purification 54, (1): 126-33.
Dallinger, Judith, and Lori Baker-Sperry. 2007. Assessment by Number: One Size does Not Fit all. In A
Collection of Papers on Self-Study and Institutional Development, 2007: Prepared for the Program of the
Higher Learning Commission ... at the 112th Annual Meeting of the North Central Association, April 2024, 2007. Vol. 3, 6-8. Chicago, IL: Higher Learning Commission.
Daytner, Katrina. 2007. The Roles and Responsibilities of MWERA Participants: An Update to the Conversation.
Mid-Western Educational Researcher 20, (3): 14-7.
Deng, Yongxin. 2007. New Trends in Digital Terrain Analysis: Landform Definition, Representation, and
Classification. Progress in Physical Geography 31, (4): 405-19.
Deng, Yongxin, Xianfeng Chen, Emilio Chuvieco, Timothy Warner, and John P. Wilson. 2007. Multi-Scale
Linkages between Topographic Attributes and Vegetation Indices in a Mountainous Landscape. Remote
Sensing of Environment 111, (1): 122-34.
Deng, Yongxin, Xianfeng Chen, and Rania Kheir. 2007. An Exploratory Procedure Defining a Local Topographic
Index for Mountainous Vegetation Conditions. GIScience & Remote Sensing 44, (4): 383-401.
Deng, Yongxin, Rania Bou Kheir, and John Wilson. 2007. Use of Terrain Variables for Mapping Gully Erosion
Susceptibility in Lebanon. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 32, (12): 1770-82.
Deng, Yongxin, J. P. Wilson, and B. O. Bauer. 2007. DEM Resolution Dependencies of Terrain Attributes Across
a Landscape. International Journal of Geographical Information Science 21, (2): 187-213.
Dial, Mark A., Roger Kent, and Michael Thompson, directors. 2007. Across the Miles. DVD. Produced by
Michael Taylor. Macomb, IL: Western Illinois University.
———. 2007. A History of Western Illinois University. DVD. Produced by Michael Taylor. Macomb, IL: Western
Illinois University.
———. 2007. People in the Arts. DVD. Produced by Michael Taylor. Macomb, IL: Western Illinois University.
5 Dilworth, Virginia A. 2007. Defining Wilderness with Pictures: An Exploratory Study. In Proceedings of the
2006 Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, Held in Bolton Landing, New York, April 9-11, 2006,
eds. R. Burns, K. Robinson, 295-299. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest
Service, Northern Research Station.
Druckenmiller, Douglas A., William Acar, and Marvin D. Troutt. 2007. Usability Testing of an Agent-Based
Modelling Tool for Comprehensive Situation Mapping. International Journal of Technology Intelligence and
Planning 3, (2): 193-212.
Edsall, Samuel H. 2007. Computer Graphics for Television: A Reference Manual. Rev. ed. Lewiston, NY: Edwin
Mellen Press.
Espahbodi, Pouran, and Jalal Soroosh. 2007. New Accounting Rules for Postretirement Benefits. CPA Journal
77, (1): 28-35.
Faust, Randall E., director. 2007. How to Stop A Horn. DVD. Produced by WIU University Television, Michael
Thompson. Macomb, IL: Western Illinois Horn Institute. Presented by Randall E. Faust.
Ferree, Angie M., Pam Campbell, and Betsy Hommel. 2007. Logging on with Literature: Biographies as
Powerful as Fiction. Illinois Reading Council Journal 35, (2): 50-5.
———. 2007. Logging on with Literature: Fantasy: Suspending One's Disbelief. Illinois Reading Council Journal
35, (3): 23-8.
———. 2007. Logging on with Literature: It's all in the Family: Readings about Siblings. Illinois Reading
Council Journal 35, (1): 28-33.
———. 2007. Logging on with Literature: Poetry in a Variety of Ways. Illinois Reading Council Journal 35, (4):
Ferrer, Efrain J., Ricardo Alarcon, Philip L. Cole, Chaden Djalali, and Fernando Umeres. 2007. Gluon Vortices
and Induced Magnetic Field in Compact Stars. In AIP Conference Proceedings, from the VII Latin
American Symposium on Nuclear Physics and Applications, Held in Cusco, Peru, on June 11-16, 2007.
Vol. 947, 401-406. Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics.
Ferrer, Efrain J., and Incera, Vivian de la. 2007. Magnetic Phases in Three-Flavor Color Superconductivity.
Physical Review D 76, (4): 045011,
———. 2007. Paramagnetism in Colour Superconductivity and Compact Stars. Journal of Physics A:
Mathematical and Theoretical 40, (25): 6913-8.
Filipink, Richard. 2007. Force is the Last Method: Eisenhower, Dulles, and American Intervention in the Suez
Crisis. Critique 35, (2): 167-82.
Forney, Dea. 2007. Using Student Development Theory in Residence Halls: Myths and Realities. Trends: The
News Magazine of the Great Lakes Association of College and University Housing Officers (August): 14-6.
Foster, Jessica, James Olsen, and Melissa Patterson. 2007. After School Math Games. Illinois Mathematics
Teacher 58, (1): 3-6.
Gabbei, Ritchie. 2007. Enough Already with "New PE" Rhetoric: An Appeal for True Advocacy and Reform.
Illinois Journal for Health, Physical Education, Recreation & Dance 59, (Spring): 4-8.
6 Gandhari, Rajani, Padma P. Maddukuri, and Thottumkara K. Vinod. 2007. Oxidation of Aromatic Aldehydes
using Oxone. Journal of Chemical Education 84, (5): 852-4.
Glaue, Russell E. 2007. MySQL Failover Strategy using State Management, Introducing MPP, Part 1. Sun
Microsystems MySQL Developer Zone,
———. 2007. MySQL Failover Strategy using State Management, Introducing MPP, Part 2. Sun Microsystems
MySQL Developer Zone,
———. 2007. MySQL Failover Strategy using State Management, Introducing MPP, Part 3. Sun Microsystems
MySQL Developer Zone,
Godard, Michael P., and Christopher M. Standley. 2007. Relationship between CHAMPS Physical Activity
Questionnaire and Functional Fitness Outcomes in Older Adults. Activities, Adaptation & Aging 31, (1):
Godt, Pamela. 2007. Leadership in Reading: Professional Literacy Study Groups: A Motivating Way for
Teachers to Become School Leaders. Illinois Reading Council Journal 35, (4): 60-6.
———. 2007. Leadership in Reading: Action Research: Putting Teachers into the Driver’s Seat When Planning
Classroom Research Studies. Illinois Reading Council Journal 35, (3): 39-43.
Godt, Pamela, and Bjorn Godt-Hansen. 2007. Leadership in Reading: International Perspectives on Reading
Coaches. Illinois Reading Council Journal 35, (2): 69-71.
Godt, Pamela, and Janice Rashid. 2007. Leadership in Reading: Saving Your Sanity with Self-Talk. Illinois
Reading Council Journal 35, (1): 46-7.
Goff, Diana L., and Frances Steward. 2007. Parent Involvement in Reading: Volunteer Programs: Enhancing
Reading Settings. Illinois Reading Council Journal 35, (2): 61-4.
———. 2007. Parent Involvement in Reading: Adult and Family Literacy Grants: Three Ideas for Family
Literacy. Illinois Reading Council Journal 35, (3): 33-5.
———. 2007. Parent Involvement in Reading: Using Reading Hangtags to Promote Book Reading and Sharing.
Illinois Reading Council Journal 35, (1): 38-41.
Grachev, Mikhail, and Mariya Bobina. 2007. Intercultural Collaboration: Instrumentality of the GLOBE Study.
In Intercultural Collaboration, eds. Toru Ishida, Susan R. Fussell and Piek T. J. M. Vossen. Vol. LCNS
4568, 382-393. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag.
Gruver, Joel B., and R. R. Weil. 2007. Farmer Perceptions of Soil Quality and their Relationship to
Management-Sensitive Soil Parameters. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 22, (4): 271-81.
Hartweg, Kim, and Marlys Heisler. 2007. No Tears Here! Teaching Children Mathematics 13, (7): 362-8.
Hawker, Eric et al. (MiniBooNE Collaboration). 2007. Search for Electron Neutrino Appearance at the m2~1 eV2
Scale. Physical Review Letters 98, (23): 231801.
Hemenover, Scott H., and Ulrich Schimmack. 2007. That's Disgusting! ..., But Very Amusing: Mixed Feelings
of Amusement and Disgust. Cognition & Emotion 21, (5): 1102-13.
7 Hemphill, Hoyet H., and Leaunda S. Hemphill. 2007. Evaluating the Impact of Guest Speaker Postings in
Online Discussions. British Journal of Educational Technology 38, (2): 287-93.
Hemphill, Leaunda S., and Hoyet H. Hemphill. 2007. Evaluating the Impact of Guest Speaker Postings in
Online Discussions. British Journal of Educational Technology 38, (2): 287-93.
Hemphill, Leaunda S., Amy M. Wood, and Donnie Ingram Jr. 2007. Developing a Virtual Community of
Instructors and Teaching Assistants. Midwest Journal of Educational Communications and Technology 1:
Hetzel-Riggin, Melanie D., Amy M. Brausch, and Brad S. Montgomery. 2007. A Meta-Analytic Investigation of
Therapy Modality Outcomes for Sexually Abused Children and Adolescents: An Exploratory Study. Child
Abuse & Neglect 31, (2): 125-41.
Hironimus-Wendt, Robert J., and Fred Spannaus. 2007. The Social Costs of Worker Displacement. Social Policy
37, (3): 83-9.
Holt, Scott M., and Gregory L. Cote. 2007. Prebiotic Oligosaccharides Via Alternansucrase Acceptor Reactions.
US Patent 7182954, filed April 4, 2003, and issued February 27, 2007.
Hommel, Betsy, Pam Campbell, and Angie M. Ferree. 2007. Logging on with Literature: Biographies as
Powerful as Fiction. Illinois Reading Council Journal 35, (2): 50-5.
———. 2007. Logging on with Literature: Fantasy: Suspending One's Disbelief. Illinois Reading Council Journal
35, (3): 23-8.
———. 2007. Logging on with Literature: It's all in the Family: Readings about Siblings. Illinois Reading
Council Journal 35, (1): 28-33.
———. 2007. Logging on with Literature: Poetry in a Variety of Ways. Illinois Reading Council Journal 35, (4):
Huang, Jenq-Kuen, Chieh-Hua Chen, Yalun Cui, Denae J. Clampitt, Michelle E. Burgess, and Lisa Wen. 2007.
Characterization of Multiple Forms of Bovine HEAT-Like Repeat Containing cDNA. FASEB Journal 21, (6):
Huang, Jenq-Kuen, Yalun Cui, Chieh-Hua Chen, Denae J. Clampitt, Lisa Wen, and Chi-Tsai Lin. 2007.
Molecular Cloning and Functional Expression of Bovine Deoxyhypusine Hydroxylase cDNA and Homologs.
Protein Expression and Purification 54, (1): 126-33.
Huang, Jenq-Kuen, Yalun Cui, Chieh-Hua Chen, Darlene D. Gonzalez, Mimoza Sylejmani, Marissa P. Phoenix,
Isaac D. Frisbie, Samyuktha R. Marreddy, and Lisa Wen. 2007. Molecular Cloning and Functional
Characterization of Bovine Deoxyhypusine Hydroxylase. FASEB Journal 21, (6): A1005.
Huang, Jenq-Kuen, Chuian-Fu Ken, Hui-Ming Huang, and Chi-Tsai Lin. 2007. Biochemical Characterization of a
Novel 2-Cys Peroxiredoxin from Antrodia Camphorata. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 74, (1):
Huang, Jenq-Kuen, Lisa Wen, and Michelle E. Burgess. 2007. Partial Purification and Characterization of
Bovine Deoxyhypusine Hydroxylase. FASEB Journal 21, (5): A634.
Hutinger, Patricia, Linda Robinson, and Carol Schneider. 2007. Providing Curriculum Access to Young Children:
Online Workshops for Educators. Assistive Technology Outcomes and Benefits 4, (1): 46-61.
8 Hyllegard, Randy, and Tamara Bories. 2007. Testing Assumptions of Deliberate Practice Theory Relevance,
Effort, and the Inherent Enjoyment of Practice with a Music Task. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology
29, (Supp.): S90.
Hyllegard, Randy, and Masayuki Yamamoto. 2007. Testing Assumptions of Deliberate Practice Theory
Relevance, Effort, and Inherent Enjoyment of Practice with a Novel Task: Study II. Perceptual and Motor
Skills 105, (2): 435-46.
Incera, Vivian de la, Ricardo Alarcon, Philip L. Cole, Chaden Djalali, and Fernando Umeres. 2007. Magnetic
Phases in Dense Quark Matter. In AIP Conference Proceedings, from the VII Latin American Symposium
on Nuclear Physics and Applications, Held in Cusco, Peru, on June 11-16, 2007. Vol. 947, 395-400.
Melville, NY: American Institute of Physics.
Incera, Vivian de la, and Efrain J. Ferrer. 2007. Magnetic Phases in Three-Flavor Color Superconductivity.
Physical Review D 76, (4): 045011,
———. 2007. Paramagnetism in Colour Superconductivity and Compact Stars. Journal of Physics A:
Mathematical and Theoretical 40, (25): 6913-8.
Johnson, Don T., Jeremy M. Alexander, and Thomas P. Kochanek. 2007. A New Look at the Equity Premium
Puzzle. Journal of the Academy of Finance 5, (1): 61-71.
Johnson, Don T., and James Philpot. 2007. The Academy of Finance: Past, Present and Future, 1987-2007.
Journal of the Academy of Finance 5, (1): 26-44.
———. 2007. Mutual Fund Performance and Fund Prospectus Clarity. Journal of Financial Services Marketing
11, (3): 211-7.
Johnson, Jamie L., Nancy Parsons, and Mike Jackson. 2007. All Hazards Preparation. American Journal of
Health Education 38, (1): 51-4.
Jones, Jennifer D. 2007. Music Therapy. In Introduction to Alternative and Complementary Therapies, eds.
Anne L. Strozier, Joyce Carpenter, 179-222. New York: Haworth Press.
Jones, Jennifer D., and Andrea M. Cevasco. 2007. A Comparison of Music Therapy Students' and Professional
Music Therapists' Nonverbal Behavior: A Pilot Study. Music Therapy Perspectives 25, (1): 19-24.
Jones, Jennifer D., and Jayne M. Standley. 2007. Music Techniques in Therapy, Counseling, and Special
Education. 3rd ed. Silver Spring, MD: American Music Therapy Association.
Kalantari, Iraj. 2007. Induction Over the Continuum. In Induction, Algorithmic Learning Theory, and
Philosophy, eds. Michele Friend, Norma Goethe and Valentina Harizanov. Vol. 9, 145-154. Dordrecht, The
Netherlands: Springer.
Kapale, Kishor T., and Jonathan P. Dowling. 2007. Bootstrapping Approach for Generating Maximally PathEntangled Photon States. Physical Review Letters 99, (5): 053602.
Keasler, Amy, Shannon Lynch, Rhiannon Reaves, Elizabeth Channer, and Lisa Bukowski. 2007. The Story of
My Strength: An Exploration of Resilience in the Narratives of Trauma Survivors Early in Recovery.
Journal of Aggression, Maltreatment & Trauma 14, (1/2): 75-97.
9 Kelsey, Penelope, Judith Villa, and Lindsey Smith. 2007. The Simple and Noble Savage and the Mythic Victim:
The New World and Apocalypto Update Old Stereotypes for the New Millennia. Studies in the Humanities
33, (2): 128-39.
Kenny, Peppi M., and John J. Neumann. 2007. Does Mad Money Make the Market Go Mad? Quarterly Review
of Economics & Finance 47, (5): 602-15.
———. 2007. Market Reactions to Jim Cramer's Mad Money Lightning Round. Journal of the Academy of
Finance 5, (1): 72-87.
Kent, Roger, Mark A. Dial, and Michael Thompson, directors. 2007. Across the Miles. DVD. Produced by
Michael Taylor. Macomb, IL: Western Illinois University.
———. 2007. A History of Western Illinois University. DVD. Produced by Michael Taylor. Macomb, IL: Western
Illinois University.
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Please submit corrections or additions to this bibliography to Jeanne Stierman (, University Libraries, or Krista Bowers Sharpe (, University Libraries. Corrections and additions will be made to the final
version of the bibliography, which will be available on the WIU Libraries Website.