Effects of Lateral Heterogeneity on ID D.C. Resistivity and Transient Electromagnetic Soundings in Kuwait by Nasruddin Abbas Nazerali S.B. Physics, 2005, M.Eng. Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2007 Massachusetts Institute of Technology SUBMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF EARTH, ATMOSPHERIC AND PLANETARY SCIENCES IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIEMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF ARCHIVES MASTER OF SCIENCE IN GEOPHYSICS MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AT THE MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY SEP 28 2015 September, 2015 LIBRARIES c 2015 MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Signature of Author: Signature redacted Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences Certified by: Signature redacted &I I/ Z7-) Signature redactec Accepted by: August 28, 2015 Frank Dale Morgan Professor of Geophysics Thesis Supervisor -17 ', Robert D. van der Hilst Department Head, Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences 2 Effects of Lateral Heterogeneity on ID D.C. Resistivity and Transient Electromagnetic Soundings in Kuwait By Nasruddin Abbas Nazerali Submitted to the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences on August 28, 2015 in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Geophysics ABSTRACT Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) of treated wastewater is a viable sustainable water management option for Kuwait. A geophysical survey to characterize the target aquifer in the Dammam Formation was conducted to obtain one-dimensional (lD) resistivity using the D.C. resistivity (DCR) and transient electromagnetic (TEM) methods. For DCR, we implement a systematic approach to obtain a 1 D vertical profile using fixed-thickness and variable-thickness layer inversion techniques in succession. The optimal model has 6 layers above the half-space depth of 101 m, consisting of 3 surface layers down to 15 m depth and 3 intermediate layers, which correspond to the formations of the Kuwait Group overlying the Dammam Formation. Anomalies in the data which cannot be attributed to noise or error are not adequately fit by the best set of ID models. The possibility that lateral heterogeneity explains the variation in the data is explored using approximate 2D resistivity inversion. A comparison of the 1 D vertical profile obtained from the approximate 2D image with the ID layered model indicates that, in our case, ID analysis provides a sufficient picture of the subsurface despite the evidence of possible lateral heterogeneities in the subsurface. Such heterogeneity is explained by the occurrence of gatch (caliche) in the Fars and Ghar formations of the Kuwait Group. The comparison between DCR and TEM indicates that the TEM data is not sensitive to a relatively resistive layer that is resolved by the ID DCR inversion, or to the resistive heterogeneities that are indicated in the DCR data with respect to the best fit. We obtain the top of the Dammam formation - or the aquitard on top of the Dammam - as the model half-space depth at approximately 100 m below the surface in both data sets. Thesis Supervisor: Frank Dale Morgan Title: Professor of Geophysics 3 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTE Nasruddin Nazerali received an S.B. in Physics in 2005 and an M.Eng. in Civil and Environmental Engineering in 2007, both from MIT. In between the two, he taught high school mathematics in Potomac, Maryland. In the Geophysics program in the Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences, his research interests were: electromagnetic methods, inverse methods, GPS, earthquakes, and innovations in instrumentation, field logistics and interpretation of geophysical exploration. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author would like to acknowledge the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences for funding this research through the Kuwait-MIT Center for Natural Resources and the Environment (KUMIT-CNRE). We also gratefully acknowledge the support of Massachusetts Institute of Technology through the Robert R. Shrock, and Theodore R. Madden fellowships. We thank our colleagues at Kuwait Institute of Scientific Research who helped us to perform the field experiment described in this work, in particular, Mr. Asim Al-Khalid and Mr. Bandar Rahman. We wish to thank Dr. Amina Hamzaoui, who served as executive director of KUMIT-CNRE, and was instrumental in facilitating all aspects of the project. We thank Professors Nafi Toksoz, Thomas Herring, and Taylor Perron for kindly serving on the thesis committee and providing invaluable insights and advice on improving the research. Drs. Daniel Burns and Srinivas Ravela also kindly offered their helpful suggestions to improve the thesis. We acknowledge our direct collaborators in this research without whose diligent work the project would not be possible: D.A. Coles, B. Minsley, A. Mukhopadhyay, F. Al-Ruwaih and F.D. Morgan. The thesis supervisor, Professor Frank Dale Morgan, was instrumental in astutely guiding the project from conception to completion. We offer our deepest gratitude to him. We offer thanks to all family, friends and colleagues who offered their support in many ways, and our final call is Praise to God, Lord of the Worlds. 4 CONTENTS 1. Introdu ction ............................................................................................ . .. 9 2 . M eth o dolog y ............................................................................................... 10 2 .1 S tu dy A rea ...................................................................................... 10 2 .2 L ithology ................................................................................... 2.2.1 Umm er Radhuma Aquifer ....................................................... . 11 11 2.2.2 Dammam Aquifer ................................................................. 12 2.2.3 Kuwait Group Aquifer and Surface Sediments ................................. 13 2 .3 D C R ......................................................................................... 2 .4 TE M .............................................................................................. 3 . D ata Analysis......................................................................................... . .. 13 14 . .. 15 3.1 D C R ID A nalysis .............................................................................. 15 3.2 TEM ID A nalysis .......................................................................... 17 3.3 DCR Approximate 2D Analysis ............................................................. 18 3.3.1 Alternative 2D Parameterization and Inverse Models .......................... 22 3.4 Comparison of 1 D Vertical Profiles from 1 D and Approximate 2D Inversion ........ 25 4 . D iscu ssion ............................................................................................. 5 . C on clu sion ................................................................................................ . 26 29 5 6. Appendix A. Determining the Optimal Number of Layers in 1 D DCR Inversion ......... 44 7. Appendix B. Exploring the Limits of ID DCR Models in Fitting Vertical Electrical Sounding D ata ............................................................................................................ 55 8. Appendix C. Alternative ID and Approximate 2D DCR Inverse Models .................... 57 9. Appendix D. Raw Data of DCR and TEM Experiments ............................................ 97 10 . R eferen ces...............................................................................................1 12 6 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1. Map of Kuwait with contours of the top elevation of the Dammam Formation in meters above mean sea level. The experiment site in Kabd is marked in red. Figure 2. Experiment set-up showing relative placements and dimensions of the DCR and TEM arrays. Figure 3. Left panel: DCR data and best fit model. Right panel: residuals. Figure 4. Best one dimensional resistivity model with depth from DCR data inversion. Figure 5. TEM data as normalized induced voltage vs. time, and a homogeneous model fit to the data. Figure 6. Left panel: TEM data and best fit model. Right panel: residuals. Figure 7. Best one dimensional resistivity model with depth from TEM data inversion. Figure 8. The model grid and starting model for approximate 2D inversion. Note the symmetry from the central point of the array. Figure 9. The best resistivity model with lateral structure only in layer 3 - using approximate 2D DCR inversion. Figure 10. A zoomed-in contour plot, with 7 contour levels, of the approximate 2D inverse model shown in figure 9. Figure 11. Left panel: DCR data and best fit model with approximate 2D inversion. Right panel: residuals. 7 Figure 12. A comparison of the ID vertical profiles obtained by 1D inversion and approximate 2D inversion. Figure 13. A comparison of the lithological and stratigraphic interpretation obtained from the literature with the 1 D DCR and TEM resistivity layered models. 8 1. INTRODUCTION Aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) of treated wastewater in Kuwait is a viable means of water resource management and sustainable development to meet projected water demands. Kuwait has the largest domestic water consumption in the world, 500 liters/cap/day in 2011 (Gulf News, 2011), which is supplied by desalinated seawater (90%) and brackish groundwater (10%), (Fadlemawla and Al-Otaibi, 2005). Al-Otaibi and Mukhopadhyay, (2005), and Fadlemawla and Al-Otaibi, (2005), indicate that only 30% of treated wastewater is being reused, and contributes to 25% of the irrigated agriculture needs, the remaining supply being from the over-exploited brackish groundwater aquifers. Therefore, if the treated wastewater could be stored rather than disposed of in the Gulf Sea, it could serve the double purpose of restoring over-exploited aquifers and encouraging more efficient use of the existing water supply, for example, by increasing its use in irrigated agriculture. The Kabd well-field has been chosen for a pilot ASR study due to its proximity to one of the larger capacity treatment facilities, and the hydrogeology that is known of the area due to the test wells and boreholes needs to be supplemented by more extensive coverage using surface geophysical methods. Such methods are a cost-effective means to characterize the target aquifer, and for subsequent monitoring of injection, storage and recovery phases (e.g., Minsley et al. 2010). In Kuwait, the relatively deeper carbonate aquifer (Dammam Formation) is preferred to the overlying clastic aquifer in the Kuwait Group due to the compatibility in geochemistry between the native water and injected waters (Mukhopadhyay et al., 1998), specifically due to better efficiency due to less clogging from dissolution and re-precipitation of minerals. Mukhopadhyay and Al-Otaibi, (2002), and Minsley et al. (2010) have shown synthetic hydrogeophysical models that indicate electrical resistivity as a sensitive parameter for surface 9 geophysical measurements due to the contrast in bulk resistivity caused by the low salinity (high resistivity) of the injected compared to the native waters. Previous work in electrical resistivity soundings has focused on the shallow groundwater in Northern Kuwait (Al-Ruwaih and Ali, 1986). As part of a feasibility study to determine the most effective electrical-resistivity method to survey the 100 sq.km. well-field, we used D.C. resistivity (DCR) and time-domain (transient) electromagnetic (TEM) sounding methods at one site in Kabd. The goal of both experiments was to obtain the 1 D layered resistivity structure and specifically to obtain the resistivity, depth, and thickness of the Dammam formation. The depth to the top of the Dammam formation in the Kabd area is expected to be at 130 to 180 m below the surface, and with a thickness between140 to 160 m. The following section describes the analysis of the DCR and TEM data. The DCR analysis points to complexity in the data that is not adequately explained by the best fit 1 D models. The hypothesis that the ID data is corrupted by 'geological noise' (Frischknecht, et al., in Nabighian, ed., 1987) or 'model structural error' (Kennedy and O'Hagan, 2001) due to actual heterogeneous resistivity structure beneath the array of electrodes is further explored in an approximate 2D inversion. 2. METHODOLOGY 2.1 Study Area The Kabd area is part of a region with many water wells. The exact location of the field tests was N29 6.09'E47'40.471' (3222.2 km N, 760.3 km E UTM zone 38N, shown in figure 1). This coordinate served as the mid-point in the DCR electrode array, which was along a North- 10 South strike. The same line was also the eastern edge in the TEM sounding square loop transmitter. Figure 2 shows the lay out and relative dimensions of the two experiments. The goal of both the DCR and TEM methods is to obtain the one dimensional (lD) layered resistivity structure of the subsurface with depth. The assumption that the structure within the length scale of the survey is one dimensional may be justified by the known geology, but must be verified by the experiments. Such vertical electrical soundings could be repeated throughout the well field in order to yield an approximate understanding of the 3D structure of the aquifer system. 2.2 Lithology The hydrogeology of Kuwait has been reviewed in several papers, and the stratigraphy and regional structure of the aquifer systems are well known from the coring done at water and oil well fields. The following is a brief summary following Alsharhan, et al., (2001). The Dammam aquifer is discussed in more detail, including hydrochemical tests of the compatibility of the aquifer with injected waters, by Mukhopadhyay, et al., (1998). 2.2.1 Umm er Radhuma Aquifer The Cenozoic (Paleocene, early Eocene Age) Umm er Radhuma formation overlies the Mesozoic Aruma. This aquifer is more important in Eastern Saudi Arabia, but more saline in Kuwait, increasing from 4000 mg/l in the southwest to 35,000 mg/l in the northeast. It is composed mostly of anyhdritic, dolomitic and marly limestone, increasing in thickness from north to south from ~420m to 600m. It is overlain by the Rus aquiclude which separates it from the Dammam formation. 11 2.2.2 Dammam Aquifer The Radhuma (Umm er Radhuma), Rus, and Dammam formations together compose the Hasa Group. This middle to early Eocene formation was deposited in marine and continental environments and ranges in thickness from 180m to 210m. It is composed of soft, chalky, shelly and porous limestone and hard crystalline dolomitic limestone, with chert bands occurring mostly near the top. The formation is recharged in outcrops in southern Iraq and northeastern Saudi Arabia. The salinity increases from southeast to northwest from 2500 to 150,000 mg/l, with Na>Ca>Mg for anions and S0 4>Cl>HCO 3 for cations. The piezometric surface map also shows the general water movement in this direction. The hydraulic gradient is generally upward into the overlying Kuwait Group, with the reverse applying in certain areas. It is semi2 confined/confined with average transmissivity 580 m 2/d and effective permeability 2.8E-12 m increasing to the north. Karstification has caused vuggy and moldic porosity, with an average value from laboratory core samples of 18%, with a range of 4 to 27% (Al-Sulaimi and AlRuwaih, 2004; and Mukhopadhyay, et al. 1998). The structure of the Dammam formation also controls the geomorphology of Kuwait to a large extent as the overlying Kuwait Group and surface sediments lie conformably on top of it (Al-Sulaimi and El-Rabaa, 1994.) The depth of the Dammam formation at the experiment site can be expected to be between 130 to 180 m based on the wells and boreholes near to the site (figure 1), and its thickness is expected to be between 140 and 160 m. A resistivity well log from well SH-OW-7 which is about 2.6 km away from our site is used as a reference for the lithology in the area. 12 2.2.3 Kuwait Group Aquifer and Surface Sediments The Kuwait Group is composed from bottom to top of the Miocene Ghar and Lower Fars formations and the Pleistocene Dibdibba formation. The Lower Fars formation is composed of calcareous sandstone and limestone with some shale, and acts as an aquitard between the upper and lower Kuwait Group, the Dibdibba and the Ghar. The Ghar formation is composed of sandstone and conglomerates with some shale in the lower part, which along with the chert on top of Dammam forms an aquitard. The formation has generally brackish water. The Dibdibba formation consists of gravels, gravel and sand, conglomeratic sandstones, siltstone and shale. This formation is permeable and hosts fresh water in shallow parts below wadis and depressions. The overlying sediment is composed of windblown sand, wadi alluvium, playa silts and clays, beach sands and limestones. The Ghar and Lower Fars formations are the host material for the formation of gatch (caliche). 2.3 DCR A Schlumberger array (see, e.g. Telford, et al., 1990) was used to collect apparent resistivity data up to a maximum current electrode spacing of 498 m, determined by the available field work time. The Schlumberger array is a 1 D array, with a linear and center-symmetric spread of four electrodes. The outer electrodes (for current injection) are equally spaced on a logarithmic scale reflecting the decrease of resolution with increasing separation, and corresponding increase in the depth sensitivity. The inner electrodes (voltage measurement) are maintained in place for a number of measurements such that we obtain 23 data points with only 6 blocks of move-out in order to maintain a good voltage signal-to-noise ratio. Such an array provides an approximate depth of investigation of 125m to 200m based on the portion of current injected that penetrates beyond a given depth (Telford, ct al., 1990). The actual maximum depth 13 sensitivity and resolution of the field data depends on the resistivity structure and is seen from the optimal inverse resistivity models that fit the data. The measurements were conducted with the Zonge GDP multi-purpose receiver system and the transmitter signal was generated with a car-battery powered 400 W ZeroTEM transmitter of the same company (Zonge, 2015). DCR inversion is carried out with three different algorithms, (i) fixed layer thickness, (ii) variable layer thickness programs, and (iii) a two-dimensional finite difference program developed to compare one dimensional and approximately two dimensional parameterization of the subsurface resistivity. 2.4 TEM The TEM soundings were conducted with a central or in-loop configuration, consisting of a 190 by 190 m 2 square loop of one turn, and an induced voltage receiver antenna in the center (the Zonge TEM/3 antenna, which has a moment of 10 4 M 2 . The transmitter moment (current magnitude multiplied by transmitter loop area) and the number of cycles of data stacking determine the time range of the data above the noise floor which in turn affects the maximum depth of investigation. The transmitter waveform consists of a sum of square waves such that there is an on+/off/on-/off sequence. The antenna measures the induced voltage decay due to the changing magnetic field caused by induction in the subsurface during the off-time of the primary current signal. The earliest time that the signal at the receiver can be sampled gets larger as the transmitter loop size increases, because it takes a longer time for the primary signal to turn off. Therefore, by choosing a large transmitter moment, we sacrifice the ability to resolve shallow structure using fast and early sampling of the induced voltage (Spies, 1989; and Fitterman and Stewart, 1986). Smaller loop sizes were also tried in the field. The 190m loop data proved to be the only one with a sufficient range of data above the noise floor of ~10- 8 V/M 2. In our case the 14 data ranges from 44.14 pts to 7.731 ins, which, using the concept of diffusion depth (e.g., Ward and Hohmann, in Nabighian, ed., 1987), indicates an approximate minimum depth of investigation of 22 m (no shallower than 22 m) and a maximum of ~290 m, assuming an average resistivity structure of ~7 im. Note that depth of investigation calculations are only approximate due to the use of diffusion depth, conductivity in Siemens/meter, to 6 TD 4 6 TD = '(2t/ajio), [t, time in seconds, G7, x 10-7 N/A 2 is the vacuum permeability]. Diffusion depth is appropriate for an impulse source rather than for an alternating on-off current source, and also due to the assumption of a homogenous average resistivity. For TEM inversion, we use a program, eml dinv, developed by Auken and Christiansen, (2007). The program solves for the resistivity and thickness of a specified number of layers of the subsurface with a damped non-linear least squares algorithm. 3. DATA ANALYSIS 3.1 DCR 1D Analysis DCR ID analysis is carried out in a sequential use of two different inversion methods: (a) a fixed-layer-thickness model in which a number of layers and their thickness distribution is set and fixed at the beginning and the resistivity values are solved for and (b) a variable-layerthickness model in which the same parameters are set at the beginning, but the thickness of the layers is allowed to vary and is solved for along with the resistivities. The first step (a) is carried out with a search over inversion starting parameters (number of layers, maximum depth, and initial homogeneous resistivity) to obtain a range of models to characterize the error space. We draw the following conclusions: (1) The optimal (fewest) number of layers that fit the data is 6 above a basement half-space; (2) No one dimensional model can account for the curvature observed in the data, which has a higher spatial frequency than can be explained solely by one15 dimensional resistivity contrasts. Specifically, the best fitting apparent resistivity curve does not fit the curvature of the data for electrode spacings greater than L = 50 m. The best model with 6 distinct layers above the half-space is used as a starting model for further analysis. Figures 3 and 4 show the observed apparent resistivity data, best data-fit, and the corresponding ID DCR model. A-priori model constraints were not applied; however, we favor, in general, the models with the least number of parameters which fit our data adequately as described below and in the approximate 2D analysis described in the section on DCR approximate 2D analysis. The approach of using a fixed layer thickness code in a systematic search of inverse models followed by a variable layer thickness code suggests an extension and simplification of the work of Simms and Morgan (1992), who showed that the 'variable parameter scheme' obtains the most accurate inverse results in synthetic tests and suggests using the F-Test to obtain the minimum number of layers. Gupta et al., (1997), describe a "straightforward inversion" which closely corresponds with our fixed thickness layer inversion, and also address the task of determining sharp layer boundaries from the smooth inverse models (Israil, et al., 2004). However, we propose a simpler sequential application of two distinct algorithms to obtain an optimal ID model. Further work is being done with synthetic models in the manner of Simms and Morgan, (1992), to formalize and benchmark an automated algorithm instead of a sequential approach. We also suggest that this simple sequential approach is better in practice and in computation time to Bayesian approaches which incorporate a penalty with increasing number of layers in order to solve the inverse problem with the most 'parsimonious' dimensionality (e.g, Malinverno, 2002). 16 3.2 TEM ID Analysis TEM data is dependent to a large extent on the half-space resistivity, especially the late time asymptote (Ward and Hohmann in Nabighian, ed., 1987). This motivated us to pre-process our TEM data to accentuate the variation by plotting the residual variation relative to a homogeneous model. The observed TEM data and homogeneous best fit are shown in figure 5, plotted with induced voltage on the horizontal axis and time increasing downwards on the vertical axis. We then plot the log of the ratio of the raw data to the fitted model, as shown in figure 6 in red circle markers. This transformation has an advantage over conventional calculations of apparent resistivity from induced voltage data (Raiche, 1983; Spies and Eggers, 1986) because it clearly highlights the variation in the data. The data as displayed shows three segments, or two turning points, possibly enumerating the number of layers that depart from the homogenous model. The TEM data is inverted for layer resistivities and thicknesses, and the data is indeed only able to resolve two distinct layers above the model half-space. The data and best fit are displayed in figure 6, and the ID vertical profile is shown in figure 7. The TEM model, figure 7, is seen to correspond on average to the DCR model, figure 4, with (1) a resistive top layer that averages out the 3 top layers of the DCR model, (2) a conductive middle layer without the 2 additional intermediate resistivity layers in the DCR model and (3) a basement layer which is more conductive than the basement of the DCR model. We note that unlike the DCR data, the TEM data and fit do not show any evidence of a systematic misfit. The misfit between the DCR best fit model and data is postulated in the next section to arise from lateral heterogeneity that is not accounted for in a ID layered model. The fact that the transmitter and receiver dipoles move along the surface in the DCR survey and that 17 the transmitter loop and receiver antenna are stationary in the TEM survey accounts for the relative insensitivity of the latter to heterogeneity. Moreover, as the geometry of the experiment set-up shows in figure 2, there is an offset of 95 meters between the central axis of the DCR and TEM arrays, and the lateral subsurface volumes that are investigated do not exactly coincide. As shown in the next section, the anomaly encountered in the DCR data is relatively resistive whereas the TEM method is known to be more sensitive to conductive anomalies (Fitterman and Stewart, 1986). This may be an additional factor explaining why the resistive intermediate layer in the ID DCR or the resistive anomaly in the approximate 2D DCR model are not encountered in the TEM model. 3.3 DCR Approximate 2D Analysis The results of DCR 1 D analysis point to the possibility that 1 D model parameterization is not enough to adequately fit the data. (Refer to appendices A and B for more detail.) In order to obtain greater depth sensitivity the Schlumberger array and other 1 D DCR acquisition techniques symmetrically spread the transmitter and receiver dipoles. Therefore, the measurements are also sensitive to laterally varying volumes in the subsurface and not only to layers as postulated in 1 D analysis. As the ID experiment is not designed to resolve such lateral variations, any such heterogeneity in the subsurface is understood in the literature as model structural error (Kennedy and O'Hagan, 2001) or geologic noise (Frischknecht, et al., in Nabighian, ed., 1987). In analyzing Schlumberger array data in an approximate 2D inversion, we note again that the data is severely limited in terms of the design, namely that there is no lateral profiling, and the quantity of data compared to the number of 2D resistivity grids that are being modeled. Therefore, it is justified to treat the approximate 2D analysis as a 'noise' analysis in the 1 D data, and to use the 18 best fitting 1 D model as a starting model on top of which lateral variation is parsimoniously added. In order to analyze the data in an approximate-2D scheme, we first make an appropriate 2D finite difference grid and solve the Poisson equation using the method outlined in Dey and Morrison, (1979). In the x-direction (horizontally) we accommodate every position (23 data points) of the 4 electrode spread and include an extra grid point in between the electrode positions, along with five boundary blocks outside the imaging domain (with width 6, 15, 100, 500, and 500 meters each). In the z-direction (vertically) we use the optimal 6 layer model obtained in the 1 D analysis with a seventh layer serving as a half-space as well as three boundary blocks (the layer at the half-space depth has 200 m thickness and the boundary blocks have thickness 300, 500, and 500 meters each). The model grid and starting model are illustrated in figure 8. The best ID model is the starting model for the inversion. The horizontal cells that are added follow 2 simple criteria: (i) we only allow variation in layers 1 to 5 as the sensitivity to variation in cells at depth is seen to be very small, and (ii) we don't include the whole horizontal spread, but only from the left half of the model from the edge at L = 270 up to 30 m from the center, and the mirror image on the right half of the model because of the radial symmetry of the array. These criteria are devised on the observation that the systematic misfit (see figure 3) only occurs from approximately L = 60 to 249 m, and that the symmetry of the array does not allow a distinction between the left or right of center. The inversion proceeds to solve for layer resistivities for the layers that do not have lateral cells, and the lateral cell resistivities for the approximate-2D portions. The LevenbergMarquardt algorithm is used for the inversion with log-rescaling and parameter bounds implemented following Kim and Kim, (2011). As the inverse problem as formalized here is 19 highly underdetermined and ill-conditioned, this approach helps to improve the inversion stability. The effectiveness of using ID models as starting models for 2D inversion to improve the stability of the inverse problem, has been shown in the context of 2D data sets (e.g., Olayinka and Yaramanci, 2000). To explore the likely depth of the lateral variation, we performed multiple inversions with lateral variation in the 5 top layers individually and in combination for a total of 30 different cases. Operating on the principle that the lowest data misfit for the least number of layers is the best answer, we pick the model with only layer 3 as the target location for the heterogeneous structure. This model ranks 4 th out of the 30 cases. The first 4 ranked models are all within 1% root-mean-square-error, and have (1) layer 3 and 4, (2) layer 3, 4 and 5, (3) layer 3 and 5, and (4) layer 3 only. Refer to Appendix C for the other models with more parameter complexity. We show the results of our chosen best model in figures 9 to 11: figure 9 a 'pseudocolor' plot; figure 10, a smoothed contour plot, displaying model features in a more geologically realistic way; and figure 11, the apparent resistivity data and fit. Note that the model is radially symmetric about a vertical axis at the center of the array, and the model plot in figure 10 shows only one side of the electrode lay-out. Previous work has investigated the efficacy of ID data acquisition and interpretation in subsurface models that have 2D variation. Beard and Morgan, (1991), performed synthetic studies on how ID Schlumberger and Wenner resistivity soundings resolve 2D structures such as fault blocks, dikes, buried prisms, and ramps. If such simple anomalies are known to be either conductive or resistive, they showed that a series of ID inverse models can be combined to approximate the shape and location of the 2D anomalies. They note that the more smoothly varying the 2D structure is, the better is the reconstruction, and that the Schlumberger array is 20 superior to the Wenner array in this regard. Duch and Sorensen, (1994), extend the work, with a field study using Wenner array profiling/sounding and assess the similarity of inversions of adjacent soundings using 2 or 3 layers with the inversions of the profiling data. Most other work on DCR surveys involving a series of ID data sets has revolved around treating a set of adjacent ID data sets or VES (vertical electrical sounding) from a 2D perspective, instead of simply concatenating a series of 1 D vertical profiles to characterize the study area (e.g., Uchida, 1991; El-Qady, et al. 1999; Gyulai and Omos, 1999; Gyulai, et al., 2010). Alternatively, some researchers have taken profiling data and applied ID inversions with lateral constraints to favor smoothly varying 2D sections. This type of ID or 2D 'laterally constrained inversion' (LCI) aims to combine the lateral resolution of combined 1 D data sets with the sharp layer boundary resolution of ID inversions (E.g., Auken and Christiansen, 2004; Auken et al 2005; Wisen, et al., 2005; Santos, 2004, Miorelli, 2011; Schamper, et al., 2012). In our case, we need to assess the validity of 1 D interpretation of a single sounding. As the foregoing analysis and discussion has shown, data pre-processing and systematic exploration of ID models rules out the possibility that the anomalous features in the data are either noise or erroneous outliers, or that they can be adequately explained by ID layered models alone. We are presently developing a diagnostic data analysis tool to make such assessments in near real-time. In this study, we present a sequential analysis of 1 D and approximate-2D inversion models in order to determine whether lateral heterogeneity is affecting VES data. Based on a parsimonious parametrization, we are able to provide a reasonable geological interpretation of this type of geologic noise. 21 3.3.1 Alternative 2D Parameterization and Inverse Models In the absence of external constraints, we have chosen one 'best' approximate 2D model for the foregoing and subsequent analysis based on the criterion that a model with less parameters which fits the data adequately is better than a model with more parameters. Moreover, we perform the approximate 2D inversion by using the 'best' ID inverse model as a starting model and baseline for comparison with the 2D models. Given that we have a ID VES data set, this approach is more feasible than parameterizing the 2D domain in the conventional manner with a 2D grid in the whole domain and adding a model-norm penalty to the objective function or applying various smoothness constraints in the inversion. Both of the above choices of best ID baseline model and the best approximate 2D model lead to a consideration of how disparate the alternative parameterizations and resultant inverse models are, and therefore how robust is the approximate 2D interpretation of our DCR data. These questions are further examined in appendices A and C. Firstly, we can see that the ID inverse model which minimizes the Li norm of the misfit instead of the L2 norm has slightly different layer depths/thicknesses and resistivities especially for the middle three layers and the half-space (figure A6, Appendix A). However, in comparing, e.g., figure 10 to the corresponding figure for the LI case, figure C16, of Appendix C, we can conclude that the conductive and resistive anomalies are present in both cases in the same pattern and with the same geometries. The Li model fits the data points for L between 50 and 100m and also for L greater than 150m by sacrificing the two data points for L between 100 and 150m as outliers, which are both relatively resistive, whereas the L2 model fits all the data points equally well by leaving residuals with a pattern of conductive-resistive-conductive relative to the data points between L = 50 and 200m (compare figures A4 and A5). Conceivably the pattern of 22 anomalies would be different between the approximate 2D models based on the L2 and LI baseline models, but this is not observed to be so in comparing the sets of figures 9 to 12, C2 to C13 for L2 on the one hand, and C15 to C30 for LI cases on the other. We can observe from best set of approximate 2D models in Appendix C that all four best models have lateral cells in layer 3, and the lowest rmse models have layers 3 and 4 in the L2 case or layers 3 and 5 in the LI case. In all cases the inversion proceeded to a large maximum iteration number and took conservative steps in decreasing the damping factor in the LevenbergMarquardt algorithm. It was attempted in this manner to make the comparisons independent of the inversion behavior and stopping criteria. As expected, the cases with deeper layers, layers 4 and 5, in addition to layer 3 (figures 9 to 12), have the heterogeneous structures extend deeper and also wider (e.g., compare figure 10 and figure C11), with the model which has all layers 3 to 5, figure C7 for L2 case, and figure C20 for the LI case, showing the resistive anomaly extending under the conductive anomaly between 50m to l00m laterally. These geometries and depths of the resistive anomaly conform to the hypothesis of the occurrence gatch in the Kuwait Group formations. In the comparison of the vertical profiles obtained from the approximate 2D inversions with the best ID model, we observe a greater or lesser effect based on the inclusion of more layers of lateral heterogeneity as can be expected. In some of the cases, such as shown in figure C12 as compared to figure 12, the pattern of relative resistive and conductive layer transitions can be reversed, even though the magnitude differences in resistivity are negligible. It should be noted that the parameterization of the approximate 2D inversions with a full 2D grid independent of the best 1 D models (even if we do use the 1 D models as starting resistivities for the 2D inversion) would be better suited to examine the effect of lateral heterogeneity on the vertical profiles, as layer depths would not be effectively fixed as we have done in our analysis. 23 Finally, we can compare a third set of different parameterization for the 1 D and approximate 2D inversion to our results presented in this section. Figures C31 through C38 illustrate a set of inversions which are all done with the 2D modeling and inversion code, and therefore forego the investigation into the optimal-fewest number of layers using the fixedthickness and variable-thickness ID codes (Appendix A). With the knowledge that resolution is diminished with increasing depth, layers of thickness logarithmically increasing with depth are assigned and a 1 D inverse model is obtained (figures C3 1, C32) by inverting for the resistivities of these layers. This ID model is used as a starting model for an approximate 2D inversion in a similar way to the foregoing discussion, with the difference that in this instance, we have not imposed the symmetry of the image from the center of the array. The best approximate 2D model which has heterogeneity in layers 3 to 8 of the 15 layers is shown with the associated contour-map, data and fit, comparison of vertical profiles, in figures C33 to C36. And finally a comparison with the other available models (TEM and well-log) and the corresponding lithological interpretation are presented in figures C37 and C38. We can compare figure C34 with the closest corresponding figure with the alternative parameterization, figure C7, which has layers 3, 4 and 5 for the L2 baseline model. What is immediately apparent is that the anomalies in the log-fixed-thickness case of figure C34, the heterogeneities are more extensive in width and shallower in depth. The resistive patch at 5 meters depth in is almost extensive as a thin layer, but has lens shaped pieces between 50 m to 200 m offset. The associated conductive anomalies lie on top of the resistive anomalies, conforming to the expectation that these could be lenses of perched water on top of the gatch layers/patches. In comparing figure 13 and figure C37, we note that the resistivity magnitude of the log-fixed-thickness inverse model is higher on the average than the models obtained with 1 D DCR codes (whether variable thickness as in figure 13 24 or the fixed thickness models shown in Appendix A) and is therefore closer to the magnitude of the well-log. This can be explained by the observation that in ID DCR modeling the product of resistivity and thickness of a given layer is uniquely resolved but not either parameter separately. Therefore the thinner layers at intermediate depths of 10 m to 100m, in the fixed-thickness case all have higher resistivities. We also observe in figure C37 that the half-space depth assigned for the 15 layers coincides with the depth of a notable jump in resistivity shown in the well-log at -150 m. The fact that both the ID inverse model and the well-log are showing a relatively resistive layer would lead us to postulate this depth as a possible transition to the Dammam aquifer or the aquitard overlying it. Nonetheless, the matching depths are also a factor of coincidence in the log-increasing thickness parameterization of the 15 layers and has not been artificially imposed, nor should too much weight be given in the interpretation of these matching depths. 3.4 Comparison of 1D Vertical Profiles from 1D and Approximate 2D Inversion Comparing the 1 D vertical profile obtained in a 1 D inversion, which does not account for heterogeneity, to the vertical profile obtained in an approximate 2D inversion (the area weighted average of resistivity of the lateral blocks), which accounts for heterogeneity, helps to determine whether 1 D acquisition of data in the context of the near surface of Kuwait in the Kabd region will be sufficient to characterize the basic hydrogeological lithology. By area weighted average we mean than in our best approximate 2D inverse model, the lateral cells of layer 3 are averaged by summing the product of the area (AxAz) of each cell and the resistivity, and dividing by the sum of the areas of all the cells. This average value is used as an alternative to the value of resistivity at zero offset, or the middle of the array as the layer resistivity for comparison. Either one of these two ways was found to be suitable for the comparison. The comparison illustrated 25 in figure 12 shows that there is minimal difference between the two 1 D vertical profiles, and that we can cautiously conclude that the 1 D data acquisition and interpretation is generally accurate despite the evidence of heterogeneity. Note also that our comparison does not account for variation of the layered structure in terms of the depths of the layer transitions because we used our best ID model as a starting model for the approximate 2D inversions. 4. DISCUSSION The litho-stratigraphy that is deduced from the literature (e.g., Alsharhan, et al., 2001) matches, in large part, with the resistivity layers obtained from the 1D DCR inversion. In figure 13, we show our interpretation of the matching stratigraphy obtained from core samples and well-logging (e.g., Al-Ruwaih and Ben-Essa 2004; Al-Ruwaih and Qabazard, 2005; and Mukhopadhyay, et al., 1998) alongside the vertical profiles obtained from the resistivity (DCR and TEM) sounding models. The top 3 layers show decreasing resistivity from the surface, possibly indicating increasing moisture content with depth; we have interpreted these to be the surface sediments. The following 3 layers indicate alternating relative low and high resistivities, corresponding with the expectation of the succession of Kuwait Group aquifers separated by an aquitard. The last half-space layer is semi-infinite and therefore does not resolve separate units of the Dammam aquifer or the aquitard overlying it. Its depth indicates where we would expect the top of the formation at this location. In the same figure, we also show the formation resistivity ranges for the Dammam aquifer and the Kuwait Group aquifer. These range estimates are obtained from laboratory investigations on core samples from the Kuwait Group (Mukhopadhyay, et al., 2004), the Dammam Formation (Mukhopadhyay, et al. 1998), and from the groundwater conductivities from these aquifers (Al-Ruwaih, 2001). 26 The approximate 2D analysis of our DCR data indicates the possible presence of lateral heterogeneities which are relatively resistive within the length of the experiment, with adjacent conductive lenses. The resistive heterogeneities are likely due to the occurrence of gatch. Gatch is an evaporite deposit which occurs in Kuwait as a "partially to highly cemented calcareous patch or irregular lens of different shapes and sizes (as a) common and characteristic feature of the Lower Kuwait Group sand" (Al-Sulaimi, 1988). Gatch has been studied in Kuwait on regional and local scales, including (1) a country wide map for construction material resource (Youash, 1984, Al-Sulaimi, et al., 1990; Al-Sanad, et al. 1990), (2) presence of gatch in Kuwait city from excavations and borehole cores (Al-Sulaimi, 1988) as well as surface geophysical methods (Al-Fahad and Al-Senafy, 2003) and (3) field investigation of gatch hydraulic conductivity (~1.9e-6 m/s) in surface oil contamination areas (Al-Sarawi, et al., 1998) and soil aquifer treatment experiments (Viswanathan, et al., 1999). Surface geological maps (e.g., AlSulaimi, et al., 1997) can also be used as a guide to locations where the Ghar and Lower Fars formations outcrop and gatch can be expected in the shallow subsurface. The adjacent low resistivity lenses (associated with both the smaller and larger patches of high resistivity centered around 50 m and 125 m offset from the center respectively) could be explained by the presence of water, the downward percolation of which has been blocked by the relatively low permeability gatch and accumulated to some extent to the sides of the gatch. The very low resistivity values in these lenses indicate that the fluid in the pore-spaces has high salinity which would point to a deeper source such as brines from oil reservoirs that could have spilled on the surface. However, if the water is accumulating from percolating rainwater as it would be reasonable to expect, these small shallow lenses of water are worth investigating as a potential source of water for small scale use. At our experimental site, shallow wells can be used 27 to sample cores and water content to verify the hypothesis of these two sources of heterogeneity. Depending on the outcome of core and water sampling, shallow patches of gatch can be a future target for geophysical imaging in the exploration for water. The Ghar and Lower Fars formations (middle and lower member) of the Kuwait Group are known to be the host material for gatch. We propose gatch to be the cause of the heterogeneity that is seen in the 1 D DCR data although our chosen inverse model shows the anomalies in the layer overlying the Ghar formation. Gatch may occur in discontinuous patches as seen in the approximate 2D image (figures 9 and 10) and at length scales similar to the station spacing in a geophysical survey of the whole well field. Therefore, a study of the occurrence of gatch in the Kabd area is warranted before proceeding to such a larger survey. Ground penetrating radar (GPR) imaging or 2D/3D DCR imaging in conjunction with borehole core sampling can be used to determine (1) whether the heterogeneity that is postulated in this paper is encountered, and (2) if the vertical profiles obtained from 2D or 3D images compare to the approximate results of our ID soundings. In figure 12, we show that accounting for the heterogeneities in the relatively shallow structure at our test site does not have a large effect on the vertical profile compared to the imaging that does not account for heterogeneity. Moreover, the limited maximum depth of investigation of our DCR experiment does not support further inferences regarding the Dammam aquifer. The TEM inverse model shows an average correspondence with the DCR models. Notably, the TEM data is seen to be insensitive to the lateral heterogeneities that are indicated in the DCR data analysis. With respect to the target aquifer, the depth of investigation of the TEM data is also limited to confirming the expected depth of the top of the Dammam Formation determined by the DCR analysis. 28 5. CONCLUSION We conducted two 1 D resistivity imaging experiments using DC resistivity and time domain electromagnetic sounding at one site in the Kabd well field in Kuwait. The data analysis shows evidence that the target aquifer for the aquifer storage and recovery project is at the deeper limits of the sensitivity of both experiments, and further that there is some heterogeneity in the relatively shallow subsurface, likely due to the occurrence of gatch. In future geophysical investigations of the Kabd area of Kuwait or similar arid environments, we suggest an initial exploratory survey using relatively fast techniques such as GPR, or 2D DCR. GPR would be a suitable method, as the topmost sediments in a desert setting are expected to be relatively dry, resulting in good depth resolution (see, e.g., Kruse, et al., 2000). Such an initial survey, completed on a smaller scale can help to decide what type of survey, whether a series of 1 D or 2D, or a full 3D imaging, is best suited to characterize the larger study area. We note that the central-loop TEM method has an advantage over DCR in field deployment, as the transmitter and receiver are stationary, and heterogeneities near electrodes may thus be avoided. If the loop size is decreased, so that earlier times of the induced transient can be measured, and the transmitter power and data stacking time are increased in order to increase the number of data points above the noise threshold, TEM can be a viable method for ID sounding in the Kabd well field. However, if 2D or 3D imaging is deemed to be necessary, automated acquisition and high-powered transmitters can be used to deploy DCR to advantage, both in terms of speed and resolution. We performed approximate 2D analysis of our 1 D DCR sounding data to account for features that could not be adequately fit by ID layering. The heterogeneities in this approximate 2D image have high resistivity, horizontally elongated shape and the correct depth range, 29 indicating that gatch is present in the relatively shallow subsurface. A comparison of the 1 D vertical profile obtained from the approximate 2D image with the 1 D layered model indicates that, in our particular experiment, ID analysis provides a sufficient picture of the subsurface despite the evidence that the best 1 D fits do not capture a clear anomalous pattern in the data caused by possible lateral heterogeneities in the subsurface. 30 JNI Iraq 330- U Iz3250 3200 3150 Saudi Arabia 31 650 700 750 goo 850 60 UTM Easting (km) Figure 1. Map of Kuwait with contours of the top elevation of the Dammam Formation in meters above mean sea level. The experiment site in Kabd is marked in red. 31 Experiment Set-up tN DCR Schlumberger Array maximum electrode spread 498 m TEM transmitter 19o by 190 sq. m receiver antenna DCR array center at N290 6.og' E47* 40.471' Figure 2. Experiment set-up showing relative placements and dimensions of the DCR and TEM arrays. 32 Residuals DCR Data and Best Fit 0 0 50 - 500 0 100 100- 0 0 p -Jwtk 150 150H 0- 200 200F 250 250 -0 o Data -Best 300 Fit [1.5 Om; 10.4% rmse] 102 Apparent Resistivity (Om) 3001 -40 -20 0 20 40 % Residual Figure 3. Left panel: DCR data and best fit model. Right panel: residuals. 33 Best I D Resistivity Model with Depth SII I li1i 11111iI I I I 50- .0 0 1'5 I 100 ' I ' ' ' ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' 101 1' 102 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' 1 103 Resistivity (em) Figure 4. Best one dimensional resistivity model with depth from DCR data inversion. 34 TEM Data and Homogenous Model Fit 100 10 -I I0 0 TEM Data -Homogeneous .3 - -- 10 .2- - 10 Fit -22 10 -8107 10 -610' 10~- Induced Voltage I Receiver Moment (Volts/m2 Figure 5. TEM data as normalized induced voltage vs. time, and a homogeneous model fit to the data. 35 TEM Data and Best Fit 10 10 __ 0-3 Residuals 10 1 -3 -- -2- ~- 1 'U- - - --- - -- 10'b 104 o Data - Best Fit [7.5e-9 V/m 2 ; 0.2 % rmse] -0.4 -0.2 0 log(VIVhomog) 0.2 0.4-10 0 10 % Residuals Figure 6. Left panel: TEM data and best fit model. Right panel: residuals. 36 Best TEM 1 D Model with Depth 0 50 ' ' ' ' ' '' ' ' ''I 1 1 1 y ' ' ' ' ' ''11 - E CL 100 1501 IC iO 10 102 103 Resistivity (Qm) Figure 7. Best one dimensional resistivity model with depth from TEM data inversion. 37 C~0 C4 E U1 0 0 CD4 0 0 0 I 0) 0 U, 0D 0 LO 0 0 0 CD (w) Li)dea Figure 8. The model grid and starting model for approximate 2D inversion. Note the symmetry from the central point of the array. 38 E CI Cj. - >1 D 0 0 SIn I- ... 0 0 E ui - n1 0 - I I 0 0 0 0 CD (wu) Lidea Figure 9. The best resistivity model with lateral structure only in layer 3 - using approximate 2D DCR inversion. 39 E C 0 0 0 0 It, I 0 0 0 0 U 0 LO) 0 Cd 0 IO C41 O 0 (w) qIdea Figure 10. A zoomed-in contour plot, with 7 contour levels, of the approximate 2D inverse model shown in figure 9. 40 DCR Data and 2D Best Fit n -j Residuals 0 50- 50 100- 100 150- 150 -o I 0- 0- 200- 20U ) 250 - - -e o Data Best Fit [1.92cm; 3.6% rmse] '2 nn0 I 309 "3 102 Apparent Resistivity (em) -10 0 % Residual 10 Figure 11. Left panel: DCR data and best fit model with approximate 2D inversion. Right panel: residuals. 41 0 I ID Cross Sections Compared II - --- - 50- - - - -- II Approx 2D Best I D El 0. 0) 100- 150100 II 101 I I I I I I I I II 102 Resistivity (nm) Figure 12. A comparison of the 1 D vertical profiles obtained by 1 D inversion and approximate 2D inversion. 42 0 I Best I D Resistivity Models with Depth I II I I.I I I I I I II lI I Surface sediments Dibdibba (Upper KG Aquifer) Expected resistivity of KG aquifers Upper Fars Aquitard 50 model model -DCR -TEM #-ft - E 0. Resistivity well-log 100 -- - - - - Lower Fars and Gha, (Lower KG Aquifer) Chertified limestone Aquitard on top Of Dammam Formatio n 150' 1C 0 I II I I I I I I1111 101 I I ExI pected resistivity of Dammam aquifers I III i I I 102 I I I 103 Resistivity (0m) Figure 13. A comparison of the lithological and stratigraphic interpretation obtained from the literature with the 1 D DCR and TEM resistivity layered models. 43 Appendix A: Determining the Optimal Number of Layers in ID DCR Inversion We adopt a novel two-step approach to analyze the DCR data. In step 1, we explore inverse models with fixed layer thickness. We perform a search over starting parameters of the inversion program, namely, (i) number of layers (10 to 75), (ii) maximum depth (50to 500 in), and (iii) homogeneous starting resistivity (1 to 1000 Um). The variation in inverse results which are close to a global minimum shows a measure of uncertainty which can be depicted as errorbars on the predicted data (figures Al, A2), and as a resistivity vs depth solution cloud, or again as error bars on resistivity values for the subset of models with the same number of layers (figure A3). We note that we have been able to obtain two distinct families of models from one set of inversions as illustrated by figures Al and A2, and the ID cross sections compared in figure A3. Even though the inversion algorithm minimizes the L2 norm of the objective function, we can rank our set of inverse results according to those that minimize the L2 or the Li norm of the misfit between observed and predicted data. This allows us to interpret which features of the resistivity vs depth models are affected by what appear to be systematic misfits in the data, and to decide whether or not to treat some set of points as outliers and minimize their influence in the interpretation. Such a choice in interpretation does affect some salient features of our model interpretation as can be seen by a comparison in figure A3, specifically, the depth and resistivity of the basement (half-space) of the models are quite different. The Ll model has basement depth at 70 m and basement resistivity -70 Qm, whereas the corresponding values for the L2 model are 150m and -430 fm. We see a fair correspondence between the two models up to 40 in depth. We notice visually that the largest variation is indicated in the parameters at larger depth, namely the depth and resistivity of the basement (or model-half-space). 44 Compared to case of the L2 quantification of error, the Li ranking shows that (i) there is more variation in the predicted data in the neighborhood of the global minimum shown by the larger error-bars (note that this is not accounted for by the inclusion of 33 more models in this case compared to the previous one), and (ii) the best fit line treats the data points at L = 104 and L = 139 as outliers and fits the rest of the data better. The second observation is in keeping with the feature that the LI measure of the misfit does not weigh (and try to fit) outliers as much as the L2 measure. From the residuals and the best fit plot with error-bars, we infer that the range of inverse results obtained do not adequately fit the data from spacing L = 50 onwards. Specifically, the variation of apparent resistivity with L has a higher spatial frequency in the data than can be captured by 1 D modeling to within the expected uncertainty. Both fixed-thickness layer models in figure A3 lead us to conclude that the resistivity structure has 6 distinct layers above the half-space. The discrete approximation of the layered structure from step 1 is used to determine the number of layers to use in a more accurate inversion for layer thicknesses and resistivities. To proceed, we again present two sets of results in the second step of the DCR analysis. In the second inversion program, we can actually choose to minimize the L2 or the LI norm of the objective function. In figure A4, we present the best fit and residuals according to the L2 norm minimization. Figure A5 shows the best fit and residuals according to LI minimization. The overall fit is slightly worse than in the case of the L2 minimum model: 1.7 Qm; 10.5% rmse, compared to 1.5 Um, 10.4% rmse, but it is noticeable that the data points from L= 33 onwards are fit better in the LI case, with the exception (and at the expense of) the points L = 104 and L = 139, which are treated as outliers. Figure A6 shows all of the ID models for comparison. 45 The two variable thickness models corresponding to L2 and Li minimum have differences from 5 th layer and below, the most significant being the basement is 10 m shallower and 200 fm higher resistivity in the Li model compared to the L2 model. Figures A4 and A5 illustrate the difference between the two models clearly by showing that the LI model does not weigh the misfit at data points L= 104, and L = 139 as heavily as the L2 norm, resulting in these points being treated as outliers in the fitting. Interestingly, we notice a similarity between the models corresponding to LI and L2 minimum in the fixed and variable thickness inverse models (yellow and green for Li, red and blue for L2 in figure A6), even though in the case of the fixed thickness inversion the distinction between the two measures of error is simply obtained by ranking of the inverse results. Figures Al and A2 also show correspondence with figures A4 and A5 in the data and best fit lines between the two types of inversion programs. We can make the observation that the best models in the LI case compared to the L2 have shallower half-space depths, and show similarity to some of the models in the L2 case. To illustrate the steps taken to determine the optimal (minimum) number of layers to be used in the variable thickness inversion model from the results of the fixed thickness layer inverse models, we show a set of plots in sequence in figure A7 corresponding to the best L2 ranked model. We may simply use a smoothed version of the many layered fixed thickness model to obtain an estimate of the number of turning points in the 1 D cross section. These would correspond to the number of distinct layers. We could visually ascertain from the top panel of figure A7 showing the smooth section, and certainly from the second panel showing the integrated section that there are 6 distinct segments. However, further processing as shown in the bottom panel, such as taking stationary points of the second derivative of the integrated (or the first derivative of the smoothed section), can be a method of obtaining the optimal number of 46 layers in an automated algorithm. This approach suggests an extension and simplification of the work of Simms and Morgan (1992), who have shown that the 'variable parameter scheme' obtains the most accurate inverse results in synthetic tests and suggests using the F-Test to obtain the minimum number of layers. Gupta et al., 1997, describe a "straightforward inversion" which as some correspondence with our fixed thickness layer inversion, and also address the task of determining sharp layer boundaries from the smooth inverse models (Israil, et al., 2004). However, we propose a simpler sequential application of two distinct algorithms to obtain an optimal 1 D model. Further work with synthetic models in the manner of Simms and Morgan, 1992, can be done to formalize and benchmark an automated algorithm instead of the sequential approach described in this appendix. We also suggest that the present approach is better in practice and in computation time to Bayesian approaches which incorporate a penalty with increasing number of layers in order to solve the inverse problem and solve for the most 'parsimonious' dimensionality (e.g, Malinverno, 2002). 47 Data and Model Fit Residuals 0 0 00 lw 50KF 100 _01 - ---- 150- 0 0.. ... 0 ,150 - .......... . EJ 200- 200 250 - - ...... 0 0.2 log(d/p) 250 - o - 1 00K_ 50 Data Best Model 1.7Qm; 9_8% RMSE 2a of 45 best 300 L 3UU- 102 Apparent Resistivity (Om) -0.2 0.4 0.6 Figure Al. Left panel: best fitting model-prediction in black and data points in red. Error bars are shown for the best 45 solutions at each point at 2 times the standard deviation. Note that the apparent resistivity is displayed in log scale in order to clearly show the deviation of the model from the data. Right panel: residuals of the data from the best fit line. 48 Residuals Data and Model Fit 0 0 50- 50- 100- 1 00 0- -0 .-. -.. . EJ 150- 0- -J 150 200 - 200 - .............. 250 250 o Data Best Model 1.80m, 10.0% RMSE 300 I I I I 2o of 78 best I111111 I -3UU - - 102 Apparent Resistivity (em) -0.2 0 0.2 log(d/p) 0.4 0.6 A2. Left panel: best fitting model-prediction in black and data points in red. Error bars are shown for the best 78 solutions (ranked by Li measure of misfit) at each point at 2 times the standard deviation. FIGURE 49 Best Models Comparison I 0 - I I i best fixed thickness LI rank best fixed thickness L2 rank 50 H 0. E 100 F- 1 0 10 101 Resistivity (nm) - -I ' 1i - III 102 Figure A3. The best models according to L2 and LI ranking of the misfits. The error bars, which are too small in the case of the LI rank to be noticed are showing the variation in resistivity of the subset of models with the same number of layers, the best 6 in the LI case and the best 4 in the L2 case. 50 Residuals Data and Model Fit 0 0 rko* . - - - 50 100- 100-- 00 -J 150- - 50- 0- EJ 150-- 0 0 200 - - 200 ---~~ ~ 250 250 -- - o - --.. -- Data Best L2 Model 1.47260m; 10.4% rmse 3001 102 Apparent Resistivity (f m) 300' -0.4 -0.2 0 log(d/p) 0.2 0.4 FIGURE A4. Best fit and data, left panel, residual, right panel, for variable layer thickness inversion, L2 minimization 51 Data and Model Fit 0 Residuals 0 O mr 50- 100- 150- 50 100- -0 0 EJ 150- -j - . ....... ..... o 200- 200- 250- 250- -I- Data Best Li Model 1.6591nm; 10.5% rnse 300 -' 102 Apparent Resistivity (Qm) 300kL -0.2 0 0.2 log(d/p) 0.4 0.6 FIGURE A5. Best fit and data, left panel, residual, right panel, for variable layer thickness inversion, Li minimization 52 Best Models Comparison 0 -best - - best fixed thickness LI rank L2 rank rank fixed thickneee L2 fixed thickness best best L2 6 Layers best LI 6 Layers 501F- E C. 100[K 150L 0 10 I I I I ~Nj~ I I II .111 101 Resistivity (em) 102 Figure A6. A comparison of the fixed thickness and variable thickness optimal models showing the correspondences between the outcome of the two algorithms in minimizing L2 or Li measures of misfit 53 B.t FCkd T Ac1%- M yLfyerd ModsI - 0- --- Bedt Layered Mde --- smOOO1*d Mo"de 40 100 120 40 1 1010 10, Rewiahw* (Cm) Snocwd Resiseuyd b tg Festmad 0emond Derihsumoftu 0iasgnd Made - O 10 d Re.*ety Plot 20j 30 4 Socod 0 40 00 60 -1 70- ?O60 0 60 100 160 Figure A7. Illustrating steps that can be taken to obtain the optimal number of distinct layers that can be used in a variable layer thickness inversion from a many-layered fixed layer thickness model. 54 Appendix B: Exploring the Limits of ID DCR Models in Fitting Vertical Electrical Sounding Data In Appendix A, we explored a family of models which characterize the global minimum of the model to data error space. We notice that as more models near to the minimum are included the best fit apparent resistivity lines can approach closer to the anomalous data points, from L = 60 and up (refer to figures Al and A2.) However, the overall fit is always sacrificed in the attempt to fit the anomalous data points better. In order to obtain more certainty that 1 D layers are inadequate to fit the data to better than ~10% rmse and capture the turning points in the apparent resistivity curve, we perform a posterior error analysis, which is illustrated in figure B 1. Firstly, the initial surface layers are ruled out of the parameter search due to the insensitivity that is observed with respect to data beyond a certain electrode spacing. We then perform a search over the thickness and resistivity values and keep the best set of models, as shown in figure B1, which plots the data and the ID cross section on the same figure for easier reference and comparison. We can conclude from the figure that extremes in layer thickness or resistivity are not able to adequately characterize the curvature in the data that is not fit by the best layered model. We also performed a posterior error analysis in the conventional way to obtain limits in apparent resistivity due only to extremes in resistivity of the best 6 layer model with the thicknesses as determined in appendix A. The two data points between L = 150 and 200 are not within the error bars thus obtained. These observations lead to the hypothesis that lateral heterogeneity is affecting the data, as explored in section 3.3. 55 Synthetic Data and Models Analysis 50 | b UU -----------------------10 - in CL - --------------- C 150 10 rmse =1.55 Pct rmse =10.3% rmse =1.69 Pct rmse =12.7% 200 - rmse =1.81 Pct rmse =14.50 rmse =4.31 Pct rmse =20.3* rmse =3.1 8 Pet rmse =55.50 5 101 10" 10 1 2 102 " 10 ' " ' ' ' '' "' ' 10-2 10 10 10 10 Apparent Resistivity/Resistivity Om Figure BI. Synthetic data and models analysis based on the best layered model plotted along with the apparent resistivity data, showing that overall fit is sacrificed by fitting certain anomalous portions of the data. 56 Appendix C Alternative 1D and Approximate 2D DCR Inverse Models The strategy in approximate 2D inversion of DCR data was to favor the least complex model that would fit the data to an appropriate level. The result that was chosen for further analysis in section 3.3- 3.4 had only 1 layer with lateral heterogeneity, and the baseline ID structure corresponded with the inverse model that minimizes L2 measure of misfit. Here we provide for completeness the other low rnse models for the L2 baseline model (figures CI to C13) and a matching set of figures corresponding with a baseline ID LI model (figures C14 to C30). (Please refer to appendix A for more detail on the Li and L2 models). Finally, we also provide the approximate 2D inverse model that uses a completely different set of parameterization for the baseline ID model. Specifically, we use the 2D code to make a ID inversion for a fixed thickness distribution of layers - with logarithmically increasing thickness with depth reflecting decreasing resolution with depth. We then perform the approximate 2D inversion with the same set of constraints described for the earlier set of models, with the difference that the symmetry of the 2D image on the left and right of the array center is not imposed - the anomalies are only on one side of the image and the layer parameters extend wherever there are no 2D parameters and the ambiguity of the location of the heterogeneities to the left or right of the center remains (figures C31 to C38). These three alternative sets of models (L2, Li and fixed thickness) demonstrate the robustness of the results and the expected variation of the results due to final model parameter errors and variation due to parameterization. In the ranking of the Li and L2 sets of inverse models, the 4 case numbers that are the best sets of models correspond to: Case 3, layer 3 only; Case 13, layers 3 and 4; Case 14, layers 3 and 5; Case 24, layers 3, 4 and 5. The rest of the case numbers shown in figures Cl and C14, and the matching layer combinations are given in the following table. Note that the case numbers 1 to 30 57 correspond with all the combinations that can be obtained by assigning layers 1 to 5, e.g., case 1 which has only layer 1, all the way to case 30 which has all layers 1 through 5 with lateral cells in the inversion. In choosing and presenting results, the cases with the first thin layer in the parameterization were left out as the sensitivity near the electrodes in this layer can dominate the inverse results. Case Number Layer combination 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 10 2,3 11 2,4 12 2, 5 13 3,4 14 3,5 15 4,5 22 2,3,4 23 2,3,5 24 3,4,5 29 2,3,4,5 Table C1. Case numbers in the approximate 2D inversion with corresponding layer combinations. 58 14 Solutions with L2 Starting Model 0.1 0.09 0.08- 0.07 0.060 U) 0.05- 0.04 13 0.030.02 0.01 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Ranking Figure Cl. Ranking of L2-baseline approximate 2D models. See the text for corresponding structure of the case numbers. Note the rinse values use the log of the ratio of the data to the predicted data as a measure of residual. 59 C4 qm 0 0 40 0 . 0D 0 am 0 CD U") 0 U) o Figure C2. L2 case 14 (layers 3, 5) pseudoand logio of resistivity in Um for the color and offset, color plot. Scales are in meters for depth scale. 60 CM V I 0 0 0 LC) 0 0 .5 I E 0 0 Le) CD) a * 0 In - S 0 In Figure C3. L2 case 14 (layers 3, 5) contour plot. Scales are in meters for depth and offset, and logio of resistivity in Um for the color scale. 61 I D Cross Sections Compared 0 -Approx 2D Best I D 50 F E 0. 100 150 FL 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Resistivity (em) Figure C4. L2 case 14 (layers 3, 5), comparison of vertical profiles. 62 Data and Model Fit 0 d=W&I Residuals 0 V0 50 H 50 [F 0- .--% 100 F- 100 H 150 H 150 H 200 [ 200 H 250 250 H I I o Data -Best 300 Fit 1.92Qm; 3.3% rmse 102 Apparent Resistivity (em) 300' -10 0 Pct Residual 10 Figure C5. L2 case 14 (layers 3, 5), left panel: data and best fit; right panel: percent residuals. 63 IfO I0 C*4 L 0 0 c~I 4a~ 0 0L 0 0 0 0 0 4) U) 0 0 I U) U) w) 0 0 I o 0 0 T"" 0 Figure C6. L2 case 24 (layers 3, 4, 5) pseudo-color plot. Scales are in meters for depth and offset, and logio of resistivity in Urm for the color scale. 64 VEO 00 . 0 OL0 0 0 CD LO Figure C7. L2 case 24 (layers 3, 4, 5) contour plot. Scales are in meters for depth and offset, and loglo of resistivity in Qm for the color scale. 65 1D Cross Sections Compared 0 -Approx 2D -Best ID 50 1 100 150 0 50 100 150 200 Resistivity (Qm) 250 300 Figure C8. L2 case 24 (layers 3, 4, 5), comparison of vertical profiles. 66 Data and Model Fit Residuals 0 0 5o 50 F 100 1001- -J 150 150 H a C 200 I- 200 250 o Data Best Fit 1.91 Qm; 3.3% rmse 300 ' ' I0 02 Apparent Resistivity (Um) 250 F- 4 300' -10 10 0 Pct Residual Figure C9. L2 case 24 (layers 3, 4, 5), left panel: data and best fit; right panel: percent residuals. 67 Ien UO Vn TM-6 D4 0 0 C~J 4w. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4- a U- 0 0 I 0 0 C,1 o o In o o o In Figure C10. L2 case 13 (layers 3, 4) pseudo-color plot. Scales are in meters for depth and offset, and logio of resistivity in Urm for the color scale. 68 LC) W) 0 0 0 0 In I 0 0 0 0 CU U E 0 0 I S (I) 0 0 N I 0 0 U, (N I 0 0 In Figure C11. L2 case 13 (layers 3, 4) contour plot. Scales are in meters for depth and offset, and logio of resistivity in Um for the color scale. 69 1D Cross Sections Compared 0 -Approx - 2D Best 1D 50 E 0. 100 ' 150 0 50 100 200 150 Resistivity (Um) 250 300 Figure Cl 2. L2 case 13 (layers 3, 4), comparison of vertical profiles. 70 Residuals Data and Model Fit 0 0 ) -o E1 50 F- 50 F 100 H 100 V 150 H 150 H 0 0- 200 H 200 1- r 250 Io Data - Best Fit 1.91m; 3.3% rmse 0 I 300 i I 02 Apparent Resistivity (Um) 250 H 300' -10 0 10 Pct Residual Figure C13. L2 case 13 (layers 3, 4), left panel: data and best fit; right panel: percent residuals. 71 14 Solutions with LI Starting Model 0.09 0.050.04:92 f 914 0.030.02- 0.01 0 0 10 5 15 ranking Figure C14. Ranking of LI-baseline approximate 2D models. See the text for corresponding structure of the case numbers. Note the rmse values use the log of the ratio of the data to the predicted data as a measure of residual. 72 EV M 0 0 CM~ 0 0*a 0 75 U 0 0 0) U) I 0 0 C14 o 0 If O 0 0 I4W Figure C15. LI case 3 (layer 3) pseudocolor plot. Scales are in meters for depth and offset, and logio of resistivity in nm for the color scale. 73 oC0 0 LM 00 0 C E o 0 In CO .0 e LO Figure C 16. L I case 3 (layer 3) contour plot. Scales are in meters for depth and offset, and logio of resistivity in Urm for the color scale. 74 ID Cross Sections Compared 0 -Approx 2D Best I D 50 I- 100 ' 150 0 50 100 150 200 Resistivity (Qm) 250 300 Figure C17. LI case 3 (layer 3), comparison of vertical profiles. 75 Residuals Data and Model Fit 0 0 50 F 50 F 100 1- m .7 100 -j 150 H 150 200 - 0 200 H 250 [- 250 H 0 0 o Data - Best Fit 2.23 Qm; 3.4% rmse ' 300 I 02 Apparent Resistivity (am) 300' .10 0 10 Pct Residual Figure C18. LI case 3 (layer 3), left panel: data and best fit; right panel: percent residuals. 76 In CM 0 0 0 0 L. 0 0 0D 0 0 0 U) U) 0 U) 40 Q 0 In o 0 0 10 Figure C19. LI case 24 (layers 3, 4, 5) pseudo-color plot. Scales are in meters for depth and offset, and logio of resistivity in Um for the color scale. 77 In) to N 0W 0 0 0 0 C) 0 E 0 11 .O 0n 0 nos a o 0 Figure C20. LI case 24 (layers 3, 4, 5) contour plot. Scales are in meters for depth and offset, and logio of resistivity in im for the color scale. 78 I D Cross Sections Compared 0 I -Approx 2D -Best ID F-I *0 CL 100 150 0 I I I 50 100 150 Resistivity (Um) II 200 I 250 300 Figure C21. LI case 24 (layers 3, 4, 5), comparison of vertical profiles. 79 Residuals Data and Model Fit 0 0 50 -4 50- 100- 100 150 - 150- 200- 200- 250 - 250- _- o Data -Best Fit 2.58Qm; 3.4% rmse 300' 1 102 Apparent Resistivity (Qm) I 300 -10 0 10 Pct Residual Figure C22. LI case 24 (layers 3, 4, 5), left panel: data and best fit; right panel: percent residuals. 80 0 C4 .4r: IO In W- 0D 0D 0 cV" LO 0 0 I U a- U) 4) CY. o 0 IC) o o O in Figure C23. LI case 13 (layers 3, 4) pseudo-color plot. Scales are in meters for depth and offset, and logio of resistivity in Um for the color scale. 81 LO L 00 U 0 00 In U- o to U) Figure C24. LI case 13 (layers 3, 4) contour plot. Scales are in meters for depth and offset, and logio of resistivity in Urn for the color scale. 82 I D Cross Sections Compared 0 -Approx - 2D Best I D 50 E- U- 100 150 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Resistivity (Qm) Figure C25. Li case 13 (layers 3, 4), comparison of vertical profiles. 83 Residuals Data and Model Fit 0 0 50- 50 100- 100- N150 - 150- -j 200- 200- - 250 _- - 250 o Data Best Fit 2.56Qm; 3.4% rmse 300' 1 102 Apparent Resistivity (Um) 300 -10 0 10 Pct Residual Figure C26. LI case 13 (layers 3, 4), left panel: data and best fit; right panel: percent residuals. 84 to C4 W) C4 Vn T- (N 0 A 0 0D .5 0D 0 4) 0D .l) 0D 0D I 1 0 in Figure C27. Li case 14 (layers 3, 5) pseudo-color plot. Scales are in meters for depth and offset, and logio of resistivity in Um for the color scale. 85 a, LC C a L C O0 0 L0 $O% L.n O oD 0 0 Ln Figure C28. Ll case 14 (layers 3, 5) contour plot. logio of resistivity in fOm for the color scale. offset, and Scales are in meters for depth and 86 I D Cross Sections Compared 0 I -Approx 2D -Best ID II 50 9 100 150 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Resistivity Ulm) Figure C29. LI case 14 (layers 3, 5), comparison of vertical profiles. 87 Data and Model Fit 0 Residuals 0 mO-O 00 -e 50K 50F 0- -J 100 b 100 K 150 150 F- -e 0 200 [- 200 H 250 1 250 K o Data Best Fit 2.240m; 3.3% rmse ' 300 300' - 02 Apparent Resistivity (0m) -10 0 10 Pct Residual Figure C30. LI case 14 (layers 3, 5), left panel: data and best fit; right panel: percent residuals. 88 ID Cross Section 10 0 10 10 102 100 101 102 3 Resistivity (ftm) Figure C31. 1D DCR inverse model, using fixed thickness layers, with logarithmic increasing thickness with depth distribution. This alternative parameterization inversion was done with the 2D code. 89 Data and Model Fit Residuals 0 -T 0 ID U 50 - 50 0' 0 100 Data Best 1 D Model Fit 1.400m; 9.6% rmse 0* 100- i -J -- o 0 150 150 0- 200 F- 200 250 101 102 Apparent Resistivity (0m) 2581 -. 4-0.2 0 0.2 log(d/p) Figure C32. Apparent resistivity data and best fit corresponding to the model shown in figure C3 1, left panel; residuals plotted as log of the ratio of the data to the best fit (predicted), right panel. 90 Aprpoximate 2D Model log10 (Resistivity Qm) 3.5 3 50 2.5 100 2 Ea- 0. 1.5 150 1 200 0.5 250 -200 -100 0 100 Electrode Positions (m) 200 - Figure C33. Approximate 2D DCR inverse model with the starting baseline 1D model shown in figure C3 1. Note that in this case, compared to the approximate 2D models shown earlier, only one side of the array is parameterized with 2D cells and symmetry is not imposed the position of the anomalies is therefore ambiguous whether on the right or the left of the array center. 91 Approximate 2D Subdomain 0 10glo (Resistivity Qm) 2.5 5 10 2 15 - 20 1.5 L 25 30 35 0.5 40 4 -250 -200 -150 -100 Electrode Positions (m) -50 Figure C34. A contour plot of a zoomed in portion of the approximate 2D inverse model shown in figure C33. Note the different color scale. 92 Residuals Data and Model Fit 0 0 -- I 0 50 ~0 0 Data - P Best Fit 0.55Qm; 2.2% rmse -10 0 ' 100 I I -i 150 I 0 -P 200 0 -2( 0-0 250 101 102 Apparent Resistivity (Um) -0.1 0.1 0 log(d/p) Figure C35. Apparent resistivity data and best fit corresponding to the model shown in figure C33, left panel; residuals plotted as log of the ratio of the data to the best fit (predicted), right panel. 93 ID Cross Sections Comparison I II I I I III I 1 I I I I I I t I I I 100 E 1D Model Approx 2D zero-offset cross secti n 4.d 101 F I - - m m m - m -- U I II 102 I 0 ENEENNEONMENEENOW II I I 100 10 1 I I II II I I IIII 102 II . II I I I 3 Resistivity (am) Figure C36. A comparison of the vertical resistivity profile of the ID and approximate 2D inverse models. The cross section of the 2D model is taken at the middle of the image, and the resistivity of the layers with lateral resistivity heterogeneity are not average (area-weighted average) as with the previous comparisons shown. This comparison shows how the layered parameters compare, in case we do and we do not account for any heterogeneous structures. 94 ID Cross Sections Comparison 0 I1I I I I odel- -DCRM 50 F- ""DCR- A pprox 2D "'-.TEM M xdel rusisIt vity well-log a - - i I-- - .1001E 150 I I I K II II I I I I I I I 200 H I ' I' 250 100 101 I' 102 Resistivity (Qm) 104 Figure C37. A comparison of the ID and approximate 2D inversion models in cross section, with the best 1 D TEM inverse model and the resistivity well log, obtained from a well 2.6 km away from the field experiment site. Note that the resistivity magnitudes of the DCR inversion in this parameterization compare more favorably with the well log data, whereas the earlier set of parameterizations (LI and L2 from the 1 D code) correspond more to the magnitudes obtained from TEM inversion. 95 Cross Sections Comparison 1D sedl Dibdibba 0 (Upper KG Ao luffer) - I I I ents IIj m m Rsistivity ae of KG aquifers I Upper Fars Aquitard 50 I Lower Fars ai id Ghar (Lower KG A luifer) 100 I I U I I calcareous sand U gravelly sand siliclfi .. ca sroU.Lvs91 Che;f;lim;;;oe, aq;ulard on top of Dammam Formation chertifled dolomite E 150 Depth and resistivily range of Damram Formaftk n I & I DCR Model gU A "I - 2001 - DCR- Approx 2D - - TEM Model I 100 101 I II I I I II 102 103 104 Resistivity (Qm) Figure C38. Alternative lithological interpretation based on fixed thickness (logarithmic increasing with depth) parameterization of DCR inversions. Compare with figure 13. 96 Appendix D Raw Data of DCR and TEM Experiments We provide the raw data for DCR (table DI), and show a figure with the data points picked for analysis using a summary figure displaying the data, figure DI. The outliers have been eliminated. The nearly-overlapping data points for short L spacing include points that were obtained according to optimal experimental design. Nonetheless, the SEM (standard error of the mean) of these points proved higher than the nearby points that were following a logarithmically increasing spacing of conventional use in Schlumberger arrays, and were therefore also discarded. We provide the TEM data (table D2) and summary figures (figures D2 and D3). The pages of the TEM data file can be interpreted with the aid of the following key: (A) 1 Hz switching current signal and 512 cycles of stacking for the transient induced voltage (sampled at the appropriate gates corresponding to the signal frequency) and (B) similarly for 8 Hz signal and 2048 cycles. And finally, blocks 130 and 132 correspond with ambient noise measurements (no transmitter signal) obtained with the sampling and stacking system of cases A and B above respectively. The data that was used for the analysis in this study was 190 by 190 m loop, 8Hz (block 110). Loop Size Data Block Loop Size Data Block 190 107 190 110 100 116 100 113 50 128 50 125 50 repeat 129 18 095 Case A 1 Hz, 512 cycles Case B 8 Hz, 2048 cycles 97 The data picked for TEM inverse analysis was the 190m square loop data at 8Hz, 2048 cycles. This data set was the only one with sufficient range at early and late times above the ambient noise floor. The smaller loop sizes were not operated with higher frequencies and we therefore did not have earlier samples of the voltage transient to provide complementary information on the data from the 190m loop. All of the field data, as well as synthetic data with the same sampling and data range computed for simple layered models, were analyzed in inverse modeling. Apart from the chosen data set, the inversions were not robust with respect to initial parametrization such as number of layers, and initial resistivity and depth distribution. phi V I L Data Block No. cycles Freq SEM I 1 2 0.1 1.1 1391 66.94 1.92 0.5 8 2 2 0.1 19.53 -11.2 68.68 0.52 0.5 8 3 4 2.7 2.7 0.1 1.2 7.21 0.4 -14.7 -765.7 51.05 54.25 0.86 11.21 0.5 0.5 8 8 5 3.6 0.1 44.8 1.4 65.15 -1.18 0.5 8 6 3.6 1.5 57.6 -444.7 51.06 13.8 0.5 8 7 4.8 0.1 8 4.8 2.1 26.46 268.9 7.8 -1130.3 82.07 85.59 5.37 1.79 0.5 0.5 8 8 9 10 6.4 6.4 0.1 2.8 9.06 382.9 -5.3 -2.8 62.99 68.07 10.41 0.35 0.5 0.5 8 8 11 8.6 0.1 3.83 11.9 59.88 15.43 0.5 8 64.28 43.42 0.6 93.32 0.5 0.5 8 8 12 13 8.6 10 3.7 0.1 213.9 1.81 -3.6 -18.3 14 10 1 19 13.8 47.89 3.25 0.5 8 15 10 4.3 132.5 -7.2 52.9 1.06 0.5 8 16 17 12 1 9.75 30.4 43.09 7.72 8 12 5.2 77.02 -2.3 44.12 1.77 0.5 0.5 18 13 1 12.3 -7.7 71.92 6.16 0.5 8 19 13 5.6 115.5 -5.8 79.68 0.89 0.5 8 8 20 15 1 16.33 10.3 157.8 5.39 0.5 8 21 15 31.8 4 0.83 0.5 8 18 171.1 17.04 164.2 22 6.5 3 89.15 2.47 0.5 8 23 18 7.7 81.02 -4.7 116.6 1.13 0.5 8 24 25 26 27 21 21 24 28 3 9 3 3 14.43 68.77 15.92 7.32 2 -6.1 1166 46.1 127.9 138.2 0.35 159.2 3.18 1.4 3.62 17.24 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 8 8 8 8 28 32 6 11.11 706 126.7 6.17 0.5 16 29 37 9 7.89 30.6 133.1 30.2 0.5 16 30 43 9 5.12 -17.1 141.7 9.82 0.5 16 31 50 9 3.17 -23.5 133.6 15.04 0.5 16 27.3 24.86 30.5 53 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 16 16 16 16 58 67 77 90 9 9 9 20 2.68 1.27 1.56 3.39 16.1 39.9 97.7 -1081 167 112.6 76 0.227 36 90 -1161.6 0.427 63 0.5 16 104 20 20 3.28 37 1.97 950.3 107.7 95.3 0.5 16 38 120 20 2.83 1348 0.2 64.1 0.5 16 39 139 20 2.01 212 217.4 86.9 1 32 40 41 161 186 30 30 2.12 1.63 134.3 88.4 279 290.1 39.8 36.76 1 1 32 32 42 216 30 1.22 220.9 227.9 91.5 1 32 43 249 30 1.07 -6.6 249.9 66.73 1 32 32 33 34 35 Table D1. DCR raw data 99 Raw Data And Picked Data 0 pO 010 * - 50 0 .E o> 0 0 0 L 100 00 S15000 - 0 0 raw data * picked data corrected L ' 250 10-2 10,1 100 102 10 Apparent Resistivity 9m (Volta ge/C urrent)ir(L 2 . 1 2 )/(21) 77, 1 9 to 1 20 10 3 105 Figure D1. DCR apparent resistivity data and picked data 100 0095 TEM 0618 2008-02-12 15:16:25 12.2v INL 42.5% 36.1 DegC Tx 0.00000 Rx 1 N OUT 26u 30.52u 2048 Cyc Tx Curr 1 213.6u 8 Hz 0.00 0000 0.018u 54.62u 0.646 I Hz 1 4.5007 Rho I Mag I Wn 54.62u 4.5007 0.6457 85.14u 1.3378 0.6919 115.7u 54.047m 3.5269 146.2u 11.956m 6.5268 176.7u 28.351m 2.6759 207.2u 22.490m 2.3944 252.4u 17.357m 2.0484 313.6u 12.491m 1.7765 374.7u 9.5993m 1.5737 450.2u 7.0736m 1.4206 541.9u 5.2237m 1.2763 661.9u 3.7230m 1.1462 829.1u 2.5991m 1.0008 1.027m 1.8293m 0.8854 1.269m 1.3271m 0.7704 1.573m 967.42u 0.6653 1.965m 701.70u 0.5685 2.481m 506.93u 0.4790 3.119m 380.92u 0.3957 3.907m 291.18u 0.3251 4.893m 216.47u 0.2723 6.148m 164.32u 0.2236 7.742m 117.75u 0.1902 9.714m 76.978u 0.1730 12.20m 54.790u 0.1485 15.35m 40.374u 0.1241 19.31m 26.093u 0.1132 24.29m 19.205u 94.724m 0107 TEM 0618 2008-02-13 11:45:44 12.3v INL 43.8% 27.2 DegC Tx 0.00000 Rx 1 N OUT 1 488.3u 64u 122.1u 1 Hz 512 Cyc Tx Curr 1.24 0400 28.23u 1 -0.1363 212.3u 16.02 1 Hz Rho 1 Mag 1 Wn 212.3u -0.1363 16.023 334.4u -90.044m 9.9055 Page 1 0 0 Table D2. TEM raw data - pg. 1, continued overleaf... 101 456.4u -63.329m 7.4560 578.5u -46.457m 6.1752 -35.186m -27.392m -19.756m -13.379m -9.5311m -6.5544m -4.4442m -2.8779m -1.7049m -1.0115m -590.12u 5.4017 4.8838 4.3612 3.9310 3.6576 3.4535 3.2812 3.1386 3.0548 3.0269 3.0441 6.285m -330.12u 7.855m -171.95u 3.1347 3.3394 9.916m -83.035u 12.47m -32.943u 15.62m -4.2424u 3.6795 4.6524 12.530 700.6u 822.6u 1.003m 1.248m 1.493m 1.794m 2.162m 2.641m 3.310m 4.101m 5.071m 19.56m 7.3281u 5.9803 24.59m 30.96m 38.85m 22.288u 41.928u 37.358u 1.9466 0.8700 0.6436 48.78m 44.071u 0.3944 61.40m 20.220u 77.23m -11.352u 97.17m -36.239u 0.122 -24.860u 13.387u 0.154 0.5008u 0.194 0.4520 0.4531 0.1425 0.1248 0.1287 0.7835 0110 TEM 0618 2008-02-13 11:56:24 12.2v INL 1 N OUT Tx 0.00000 Rx 1 8 Hz Hz Wn 44.14u 74.66u 105.2u 135.7u 166.2u 196.7u 2048 Cyc Tx Curr 44.14u 1 -0.3289 Mag 1 -0.3289 -0.2806 -0.2419 -0.2102 -0.1842 -0.1624 42.5% 28.3 DegC 26u 30.52u 1 244.1u 0300 92.30u 1.51 122.0 0 Rho 1 122.01 56.490 35.233 25.299 19.706 16.179 Page 2 Table D2. TEM data - pg. 2, continued overleaf... 102 241.9u 303.1u 364.2u 439.7u 531.5u 651.4u 818.6u 1.016m 1.259m 1.562m 1.955m 2.470m 3.108m 3.896m 4.882m 6.138m 7.731m 9.703m 12.19m 15.34m 19.30m 24.28m 12.877 -0.1364 -0.1097 10.225 -89.951m 8.5952 -71.839m 7.2950 -56.070m 6.2744 -41.783m 5.4376 -29.141m 4.7251 -20.159m 4.2114 -13.641m 3.8259 -8.9588m 3.5322 -5.6149m 3.3197 -3.3986m 3.1415 -2.0196m 3.0305 -1.1722m 2.9884 -674.33u 2.9664 -378.39u 2.9776 -212.16u 2.9807 -121.09u 2.9665 -70.605u 2.9070 -45.324u 2.6623 -32.999u 2.2439 -23.665u 1.9096 0113 TEM 0618 2008-02-13 13:04:12 12.2v INL 41.1% 30.6 DegC Tx 0.00000 Rx 1 N OUT 8 Hz 2048 Cyc Tx Curr 1 213.6u 26u 30.52u 1 Hz 1 -0.3712 41.62u 52.75 0300 88.96u 1.92 Wn Mag I Rho 1 41.62u -0.3712 52.748 72.14u -0.2753 25.743 102.7u -0.2115 17.046 133.2u -0.1671 12.926 163.7u -0.1350 10.568 194.2u -0.1110 9.0538 239.4u -85.633m 7.5953 300.6u -62.696m 6.3989 361.7u -47.645m 5.6442 437.2u -35.386m 5.0180 528.9u -25.669m 4.5243 648.9u -17.795m 4.1083 816.1u -11.547m 3.7411 1.014m -7.5097m 3.4710 Page 3 0 Table D2. TEM data - pg. 3, continued overleaf... 103 1.256m 1.560m 1.952m 2.468m 3.106m 3.894m 4.880m 6.135m 7.729m 9.701m 12.18m 15.34m 19.30m 24.28m -4.8028m -2.9864m -1.7685m -995.88u -546.63u -285.21u -141.03u -65.581u -33.214u -27.061u -40.401u -65.368u -100.5lu -140.33u 3.2715 3.1305 3.0539 3.0311 3.0819 3.2618 3.5807 4.0731 4.3630 3.4245 1.7929 0.8865 0.4539 0.2477 0116 TEM 0618 2008-02-13 13:21:53 12.2v INL 41.8% 30.0 DegC 1 N OUT Tx 0.00000 Rx 64u 122.1u 1 488.3u 512 Cyc Tx Curr 1 Hz 1.24 0500 28.37u 1 -71.998m 240.3u 8.474 1 Hz Rho 1 Mag 1 Wn 240.3u -71.998m 8.4742 362.4u -41.753m 6.1448 484.4u -26.862m 5.0822 606.5u -18.436m 4.4912 728.6u -13.351m 4.1027 850.6u -10.040m 3.8324 1.031m -6.9788m 3.5423 1.276m -4.5485m 3.3048 1.521m -3.1572m 3.1475 1.822m -2.1186m 3.0364 2.190m -1.4114m 2.9319 2.669m -894.68u 2.8556 3.338m -525.97u 2.8036 4.129m -318.82u 2.7459 5.099m -188.45u 2.7434 6.313m -113.63u 2.6921 7.883m -68.360u 2.6090 9.944m -37.454u 2.6459 12.50m -15.308u 3.2830 15.65m 1.2461u 12.014 19.59m 11.267u 1.9031 24.62m 16.803u 0.9967 Page 4 0 Table D2. TEM data - pg. 4, continued overleaf... 104 30.99m 32.529u 38.88m 41.314u 48.81m 45.057u 61.42m 35.713u 77.26m 19.625u 97.19m 0.5632u 0.122 -17.726u 0.154 -14.017u 34.207u 0.194 0.4372 0.2554 0.1650 0.1313 0.1336 0.9721 66.430m 53.009m 19.921m 0125 TEM 0618 2008-02-13 14:20:26 12.2v INL 41.8% 30.0 DegC 1 N OUT Tx 0.00000 Rx 26u 30.52u 1 183.1u 2048 Cyc Tx Curr 8 Hz 0400 85.08u 1.10 32.11u 52.29 1 -0.1800 1 Hz Rho l Mag 1 Wn 32.11u -0.1800 52.287 62.62u -0.1211 22.366 93.14u -87.286m 14.353 123.7u -65.562m 10.831 154.2u -50.838m 8.8849 184.7u -40.486m 7.6534 229.9u -29.989m 6.4912 291.1u -21.051m 5.5462 352.2u -15.502m 4.9502 427.7u -11.152m 4.4607 519.4u -7.8629m 4.0726 639.4u -5.3302m 3.7327 806.6u -3.3913m 3.4264 1.004m -2.1766m 3.1950 1.247m -1.3851m 3.0122 1.550m -861.88u 2.8739 1.943m -517.86u 2.7709 2.458m -303.15u 2.6754 3.096m -177.78u 2.5994 3.884m -105.65u 2.5200 4.870m -63.339u 2.4309 6.126m -39.571u 2.2696 7.719m -27.035u 1.9902 9.691m -20.728u 1.6260 12.18m -18.064u 1.2184 15.33m -17.579u 0.8453 19.29m -17.267u 0.5834 Page 5 0 Table D2. TEM data - pg. 5, continued overleaf... 105 24.27m -18.627u 0.3781 0128 TEM 0618 2008-02-13 14:35:28 12.2v INL 41.8% 30.0 DegC 1 N OUT Tx 0.00000 Rx 64u 122.1u 1 366.2u 256 Cyc Tx Curr 1 Hz 1.37 0510 48.31u 1 -43.440m 139.2u 11.70 1 Hz Rho I Mag 1 Wn 139.2u -43.440m 11.697 261.3u -20.261m 6.8105 383.4u -11.486m 5.2485 505.4u -7.2374m 4.5046 627.5u -4.9493m 4.0466 749.6u -3.5660m 3.7440 930.3u -2.3830m 3.4173 1.175m -1.4923m 3.1635 1.419m -1.0162m 2.9826 1.721m -674.53u 2.8422 2.089m -452.98u 2.6855 2.568m -292.21u 2.5483 3.237m -182.61u 2.3708 4.028m -118.40u 2.1981 4.998m -74.651u 2.0870 6.212m -54.467u 1.7919 7.782m -30.894u 1.7964 9.843m -15.541u 1.9199 12.39m -3.4352u 3.5762 15.55m 11.171u 1.1168 19.49m 24.665u 0.4518 24.51m 44.284u 0.2087 30.89m 67.508u 0.1072 38.78m 75.400u 68.173m 48.71m 84.942u 43.053m 61.32m 49.810u 41.870m 77.15m -33.929u 36.884m 97.09m -119.14u 10.884m 0.122 -98.955u 8.3890m 76.571u 6.7895m 0.154 45.378u 6.5538m 0.194 0129 TEM 0618 2008-02-13 14:46:23 12.2v INL 41.8% Page 6 0 30.0 DegC Table D2. TEM data - pg. 6, continued overleaf... 106 0.00000 Rx 1 N OUT 1 Hz 512 Cyc Tx Curr 1 -43.023m 139.2u 1 Hz Rho I Wn Mag I 139.2u -43.023m 11.773 261.3u -20.095m 6.8481 383.4u -11.390m 5.2778 505.4u -7.1817m 4.5279 627.5u -4.9006m 4.0734 749.6u -3.5281m 3.7708 930.3u -2.3432m 3.4558 1.175m -1.4584m 3.2123 1.419m -983.46u 3.0485 1.721m -647.69u 2.9202 2.089m -430.94u 2.7763 2.568m -272.92u 2.6670 3.237m -160.77u 2.5808 4.028m -101.17u 2.4410 4.998m -63.520u 2.3242 6.212m -42.139u 2.1263 7.782m -31.069u 1.7897 9.843m -17.520u 1.7725 12.39m -17.110u 1.2262 15.55m -13.510u 0.9839 19.49m -7.3674u 1.0112 24.51m -4.1497u 1.0118 30.89m -0.5767u 2.5656 38.78m -1.5455u 0.9102 48.71m -7.8832u 0.2100 61.32m -21.737u 72.774m 77.15m -36.706u 34.999m 97.09m -34.807u 24.720m 0.122 -11.411u 35.409m 0.154 0.5184u 0.1897 0.194 -22.971u 10.318m Tx 64u 122.1u 1 366.2u 1.37 11.77 0510 24.82u 0130 TEM 0618 2008-02-13 14:56:55 12.2v INL 41.8% 30.0 DegC 1 N OUT Tx 0.00000 Rx 64u 122.1u 1 366.2u 512 Cyc Tx Curr 1 Hz 1.37 0510 21.52u 4189 1 -6.4092u 139.2u I Hz Rho 1 Wn Mag I 139.2u -6.4092u 4189.4 Page 7 0 0 Table D2. TEM data - pg. 7, continued overleaf... 107 261.3u 383.4u 505.4u 627.5u 749.6u 930.3u 1.175m 1.419m 1.721m 2.089m 2.568m 3.237m 4.028m 4.998m 6.212m 7.782m 9.843m 12.39m 15.55m 19.49m 24.51m 30.89m 38.78m 48.71m 61.32m 77.15m 97.09m 0.122 0.154 0.194 -20.768u -15.593u -4.2525u -23.004u -11.982u -10.535u -10.944u -16.058u -16.349u -20.445u -14.332u -12.015u -16.345u -13.419u -14.392u -13.455u -11.375u -10.904u -13.162u -12.764u -9.7888u -2.4765u 0.6058u 8.7691u 4.5266u -1.5171u -6.1613u 4.4399u 7.8288u -17.552u 669.93 428.07 642.12 145.30 166.89 126.86 83.810 47.366 33.937 21.185 19.019 14.546 8.2290 6.5524 4.3517 3.1265 2.3639 1.6558 1.0011 0.7010 0.5710 0.9711 1.6994 0.1956 0.2071 0.2928 78.411m 66.438m 31.051m 12.346m 0132 TEM 0618 2008-02-13 15:03:17 12.2v INL 42.5% 30.0 DegC 1 N OUT Tx 0.00000 Rx 26u 30.52u 1 183.1u 8 Hz 2048 Cyc Tx Curr 1.37 7266 0640 110.6u 1 Hz 1 109.85u 32.11u Rho 1 Wn Mag 1 32.11u 109.85u 7266.0 62.62u 136.07u 2068.9 93.14u 121.07u 1154.0 123.7u 135.66u 667.02 154.2u 138.74u 454.97 184.7u 103.32u 409.83 Page 8 0 Table D2. TEM data -pg.8, continued overleaf... 108 229.9u 126.28u 291.lu 133.28u 352.2u 128.52u 427.7u 130.16u 519.4u 131.83u 639.4u 130.20u 806.6u 126.25u 1.004m 122.89u 1.247m 123.27u 1.55Gm 116.75u 1.943m 116.90u 2.458m 112.65u 3.096m 108.80u 3.884m 102.25u 4.870m 94.671u 6.126m 84.226u 7.719m 70.139u 9.691m 49.479u 12.18m 23.385u 15.33m -8.8806u 19.29m -47.059u 24.27m -87.800u 248.92 162.06 120.85 86.696 62.171 44.337 30.733 21.710 15.111 10.896 7.4739 5.1761 3.6061 2.5754 1.8595 1.3716 1.0541 0.9104 1.0258 1.3326 0.2990 0.1345 Page 9 Table D2. TEM data - pg. 9 109 Different Loop Sizes at 8Hz 2048 cycles 101 x x 100 x 0 18m 50m 0 loom 190m V 0noise 9 )P0 10*1 a ~ a 0a x 10-2 0 0 X.o xC 00 x 00 V 00 0 10-3 x 0 V a x0 V 10 8 0/ 10~S 10.6 10~1 100 101 time (ms) Figure D2. TEM data for various loop sizes and the ambient noise magnitude for 8Hz transmitted signal and 2048 cycles of stacking. Note the last 3 noise measurements are negative in sign. 110 Different Loop Sizes at I Hz 512 cycles 10 0 o 0 V 10 .1 0 a noise o So I 0-2 50m loom 190m 1 o 0 o a0 0 0e a CO 0 a 10-3 0 aa V 01 a 0 0 10-4 0 S0 ' 0 Ift 0 0 10 106 0 0 7 10- 1 -1 10 100 10 1 102 time (ms) Figure D3. TEM data for various loop sizes and the ambient noise magnitude for 1Hz transmitted signal and 512 cycles of data stacking. Note that apart from points 24 to 26 and 29 to 30, the noise measurements are negative in sign. 111 REFERENCES 1. Al-Ruwaih, F.M., and H.O. Ali, 1986, Resistivity measurements for groundwater - investigation in Umm Al-Aish area, North of Kuwait: Journal of Hydrology, 88, 185 198 2. Al-Fahad, K.G., and M.A. Al-Senafy, 2003, Exploration of subsurface water and calcrete with seismic refraction and surface resistivity techniques in Kuwait City in J.A.A. Jones and T.G. Vardanian, eds., The Rational Use and Conservation of Water Resources in a Changing Environment, Yerevan State University 3. 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