Parametric subharmonic instability of internal gravity wave beams by Hussain H. Karimi B.S., University of California, San Diego (2010) M.S., Massachusetts Institute of Technology (2012) Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering at the MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY June 2015 © Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2015. All rights reserved. Author . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Department of Mechanical Engineering May 8, 2015 Certified by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Triantaphyllos R. Akylas Professor of Mechanical Engineering Thesis Supervisor Accepted by . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . David E. Hardt Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students Parametric subharmonic instability of internal gravity wave beams by Hussain H. Karimi Submitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering on May 8, 2015, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering Abstract Internal gravity wave beams are time-harmonic plane waves with general spatial profile that arise in continuously stratified fluids owing to the anisotropy of this wave motion. In the last decade, these wave disturbances have been at the forefront of research, both from a fundamental perspective and in connection with various geophysical flow processes. Oceanic internal wave beams, in particular, form the backbone of the internal tide, generated by the interaction of the barotropic tide with sea-floor topography. The internal tide breakdown and its role in deep-ocean mixing have attracted considerable attention. In this context, it is of interest to understand mechanisms by which internal wave beams become unstable and eventually breakdown, thereby contributing to mixing. A possible instability mechanism is via resonant triad interactions that amplify short-scale perturbations with frequency equal to one half of that of the underlying wave. For spatially and temporally monochromatic internal waves, this so-called parametric subharmonic instability (PSI) has been studied extensively and indeed can lead to breakdown. By contrast, the focus here is on understanding how wave beams with locally confined spatial profile, such as those in the field, may differ, in regard to PSI, from monochromatic plane waves. To this end, an asymptotic analysis is made of the interaction of a small-amplitude wave beam with short-scale subharmonic wavepackets in a nearly inviscid stratified Boussinesq fluid. A novel system of coupled evolution equations that govern this nonlinear interaction is derived and analyzed. For beams with general localized profile, unlike monochromatic wavetrains, it is found that triad interactions are not strong enough to bring about instability in the limited time that subharmonic perturbations overlap with the beam. On the other hand, for quasi-monochromatic wave beams whose profile comprises a sinusoidal carrier modulated by a locally confined envelope, PSI is possible if the beam is wide enough. In this instance, a stability criterion is proposed which, under given flow conditions, provides the minimum number of carrier wavelengths a beam of small amplitude must comprise for instability to arise. Furthermore, the effect of the Earth’s rotation on PSI of internal wave beams is in2 vestigated. Even though rotation induces transverse motion, plane waves in the form of beams are still possible. Most importantly, however, in the presence of rotation, short-scale subharmonic wavepackets may experience prolonged interaction with a beam of general localized profile, potentially causing instability. This situation arises when the subharmonic frequency nearly matches the background Coriolis frequency so the group velocity of subharmonic wavepackets is close to zero. In particular, wave beams generated by the M2 tidal flow over topography encounter this resonance near the critical latitude of 28.8◦ (N and S). Coupled evolution equations for subharmonic wavepackets riding on a beam of general profile under such resonance conditions are derived. Based on this asymptotic model, it is shown that locally confined beams above a certain threshold amplitude are unstable to near-inertial subharmonic disturbances. The theoretical predictions are supported by recent field observations which show that significant energy transfer to subharmonic disturbances does indeed occur near the critical latitude and not elsewhere. Thesis Supervisor: Triantaphyllos R. Akylas Title: Professor of Mechanical Engineering 3 Acknowledgments My education at MIT would not have been so satisfying had I missed the opportunity to have Professor Triantaphyllos R. Akylas as my advisor, one of the sharpest minds I have ever had the pleasure to encounter. A typical discussion of ours would end in my astonishment at the profound clarity and insight Prof. Akylas is able to provide with barely a moment’s thought. Indeed, it is an ambition of mine to perform my future professional duties with a speed, accuracy, and thoroughness that is consistent with the training I received under his guidance. The clarity he brings to the scientific community is complemented by his effectiveness as a course instructor. After taking four of his courses and working as his teaching assistant for four semesters, I have heard countless testimony from classmates conveying their excitement at my fortune to work with such a pedagogical master of illumination. It is a sentiment I am happy to share. The numerical work in chapter 4 is an ongoing effort conducted under the supervision of Prof. Chantal Staquet at LEGI in Grenoble. Her generosity and hospitality during my summer visit was immeasurably granted and left in me a desire to return to France in any capacity which I can muster. We hope to complete our collaboration so that the theoretical emphasis of this thesis may be held tangibly in the geophysics community. Breadth and scope were added to this thesis by the useful suggestions from thesis committee members Prof. Tom Peacock and Prof. Kostya Turitsyn. Our discussions pushed me to further appreciate the implications of our work and its value to a broader range of scientific knowledge. The scientist attempts to achieve an understanding of quite complex phenomena, but its societal application relies on the ability to ground one’s work at an accessible, realizable level. Assistance has a way of presenting itself in the corners you need it, as evidenced by the strongly supportive staff in the Mechanical Engineering Department. Leslie Regan, always the student advocate, contributed swiftly and effectively to a number of logistical issues that inevitably arose through my time here. The friendly faces of 4 administrators Laura Canfield and Ray Hardin were always available and quick to handle all office requests. Perhaps the greatest strength of MIT lies in its cohesive peer network. My professional training has been complemented quite rigorously by my personal development through the many talented colleagues I had the satisfaction of befriending. From discussing the hyperbolicity of slightly non-linear wave equations to a thorough breakdown of the best jazz bars in town, the lively discourse between the hallways of building 3 have been vital to my growth. Although a full list of these friendships is beyond the scope of this thesis, I would like to thank here Sasan Ghaemsaidi, Usama Kadri, Tal Cohen, Margaux Martin-Filippi, Maha Haji, Jerry Wang, Ashkan Hosseinloo, Matt Mayser, Kashif Khan and Nils Holzenberger for inspiring me by example and bringing me daily joy at MIT. It is a fortunate coincidence that my uncle and his family moved to Cambridge just one year prior to my arrival. They have been my family away from home while welcoming me into theirs. Finally, I extend a deep appreciation towards my parents and brother, who have supported me throughout. From a young age, I was taught the rewards of perseverance, hard work, and sincerity. The foundations of whatever success I may experience were prescribed to me as a humble child. This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under grants DMS-1107335. 5 Contents Cover page 1 Abstract 2 Acknowledgments 4 1 Introduction and review 14 1.1 Motivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 1.2 Brunt-Väisälä frequency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 1.3 Boussinesq approximation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1.4 Internal gravity waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 1.5 Wave beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 2 PSI of internal gravity wave beams 31 2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 2.2 Long–short wave interaction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 2.3 Nearly monochromatic beam profile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 2.4 Stability analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 2.4.1 Sinusoidal wavetrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 2.4.2 Eigenvalue problem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 2.5 Top-hat beam envelope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48 2.6 Transient disturbance evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 2.7 Concluding remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 6 3 Near-inertial PSI of internal wave beams 58 3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 3.2 Near-inertial approximation and scalings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 3.3 Stability analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 3.3.1 Sinusoidal plane waves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 3.3.2 Locally confined beams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 3.4 Long-time evolution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 3.5 Concluding remarks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 4 Applications and numerical simulations of PSI in wave beams 78 4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 4.2 Application to experiments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 4.3 Application to beams generated by iTides . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 4.4 Numerical simulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 4.4.1 Periodic boundary conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 4.4.2 Qualitative results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 4.4.3 Remaining challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 5 Concluding remarks 98 Appendix 102 A Derivation of wave-interaction equations 102 B Bifurcation of eigensolution branches 105 C Derivation of near-inertial evolution equations 107 D Comparison with Young et al. (2008) of PSI growth rate for sinusoidal plane waves 111 Bibliography 113 7 List of Figures 1-1 Fluid displaced from hydrostatic equilibrium. A fluid parcel initially at z0 in its equilibrium position having density ρ(z0 ), as shown on the left, is vertically displaced as shown on the right. The vertical forces in red are the surface pressure forces and the body weight of the parcel. A force balance reveals that the displaced fluid parcel oscillates vertically, much like a mass on a spring, with a frequency dependent on the strength of the local density stratification. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 1-2 The image on the left is that of an internal gravity wave generated by the vertical oscillation of cylinder extended into the page [36]. The observed pattern of wave propagation is sometimes referred to as “St. Andrew’s Cross”. The vertical rod which supports the oscillating cylinder in the centre is visible as a dark shadow. The resulting beams emanate at an angle θ to the horizontal. Following the beam that radiates towards the lower right corner, the image on the right indicates the directions of the group velocity cg and phase velocity c. Lines of constant phase are shown parallel to the group velocity. . . . . . . . . 27 1-3 The effect of the sign of the magnitude of the wavevector κ when the direction η is fixed by the dispersion relation. Flipping the sign of κ also flips the direction of the group velocity cg and phase velocity c. . 8 30 2-1 Geometry of long–short wave interaction. The underlying wave beam with general locally confined profile of characteristic width L∗ has frequency ω and propagates at an angle θ to the horizontal such that ω = sin θ. Subharmonic perturbations are short-crested (λ∗ /L∗ 1) nearly monochromatic wavepackets with frequency close to ω/2 that propagate at an angle φ to the horizontal, with sin φ = 21 sin θ. . . . . 36 2-2 Schematic of interaction of nearly monochromatic wave beam of frequency ω = sin θ and nondimensional amplitude 1 with subharmonic perturbations of frequency close to 21 ω = sin φ. The beam profile comprises a sinusoidal carrier modulated by a slowly varying envelope, Λ∗ /D∗ = O(1/2 ), where Λ∗ denotes the (dimensional) carrier wavelength and D∗ the characteristic width of the envelope. The perturbations are short-scale wavepackets with (dimensional) carrier wavelength λ∗ , such that λ∗ /Λ∗ = O(1/2 ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 2-3 Plots (—) of the first three eigenvalue branches λ̂(n) (κ̂) of the character(n) istic equation (2.51), which bifurcate at κ̂c = (2n+1)π for n = 0, 1, 2. The intersections of the lowest (n = 0) of these modes with the cubic Cκ̂3 ( ), shown here for C = 1.5 × 10−3 , determine the range of unstable disturbance wavenumbers κ̂l < κ̂ < κ̂u . The dashed lines (– –) indicate the asymptotic approximations (2.53) and (2.54) of λ̂(0) (κ̂) (0) near and far away from the bifurcation point κ̂c , respectively. . . . 51 2-4 Evolution of wave beam, with initially Gaussian envelope (2.61), and subharmonic perturbations with the most unstable wavenumber, according to numerical solution of the coupled equations (2.30)–(2.31) subject to the initial conditions (2.62). The wave envelope magnitudes of the beam (|q|) and the perturbations (|a|, |b|) are displayed at various times τ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 54 3-1 Geometry of beam–wavepacket interaction. The underlying wave beam with general locally confined profile of characteristic width L∗ has frequency ω and propagates at an angle θ to the horizontal according to (3.6). Subharmonic perturbations are short-crested (k∗ L∗ 1) nearly monochromatic wavepackets with frequency close to ω/2 that propagate at an angle φ to the horizontal given by the dispersion relation (3.7). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 3-2 Plots of the real part of the first eigenvalue branches λ̂r (κ̂, σ̂) of beam with Gaussian profile (3.45) for σ̂ = 0 (—), 1 (– –), and 2 (– · –). An additional eigenvalue branch is shown for σ̂ = 0 which emerges just before the first branch ends, reaching a slightly larger peak. The intersections of these modes with the quadratic Cκ̂2 , shown here for C = 0.05 ( ) and 0.09 ( ), determine the range of unstable disturbance wavenumbers κ for which (3.43) is satisfied. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 3-3 Evolution of wave beam, with initially Gaussian envelope (3.45), and subharmonic perturbations with the most unstable wavenumber κ = 1.96, according to numerical solution of the coupled equations (3.16)– (3.17) subject to the initial conditions (3.50) as shown in figure 3-2. The real part of wave envelope magnitudes of the beam (Qr ) and the perturbations (Ar , Br ) are displayed at various times T . . . . . . . . 74 3-4 Contours of the along-beam velocity component at (a) initialization, (b) appearance of PSI in the wavefield, and (c) near the end of the interaction under the assumed asymptotic conditions. . . . . . . . . . 76 4-1 Internal tide generation due to M2 tidal flow over a Gaussian ridge. The shown horizontal velocity clearly indicates the presence of a discrete beam. A sample across the beam is taken at the dashed blue line shown in figure 4-2(a). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 84 4-2 Cross-beam profile and spectra of internal tide. Notice that the crossbeam profile does not appear to contain a carrier wavenumber in (a), though the spectra reveals a small dominant wavenumber in (b). The width of the beam, however, is about twice the dominant wavelength. 85 4-3 Contour plot of the vorticity field of a numerical simulation initialized with small random noise over a sinusoidal wave shown after sufficient time has passed for instabilities to develop. The dominant mode of instability appears as fine-scale disturbances with angle of propagation more shallow than the underlying wave, implying that the frequency of perturbations are less than that of the underlying wave. . . . . . . 86 4-4 The domain of the numerical simulation is shown in the center, thickoutlined box which contains the underlying beam of interesting (dark grey). To satisfy periodic boundary conditions in the horizontal and vertical, two additional beams (light grey) are included in the top-right and bottom-left corner to include the effects of the dash-outlined boxes adjacent to the domain. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 4-5 Evolution of the total vorticity field is shown as contours. (a) The underlying beam is initialised with very small random noise. There are nearly 2 wavelengths contained in the beam of Gaussian envelope. (b) Development of PSI is clearly visible at t = 1000 as fine-scale contours are seen to interact with the underlying beam. (c) By t = 1200 PSI wavepackets continuously extract energy from the beam while transporting energy with more shallow propagation angles. . . . . . . 91 4-6 The total (potential and kinetic) energy of the wave field at the center of the numerical domain filtered at half the frequency of the underlying beam. Initially the energy drops off as the randomly seeded disturbance takes shape as PSI wavepackets. Once formed, the subharmonic perturbations grow at exponential rate, seen here between t = 1000 and t = 1200. The black line above the energy curve shows the fitting used to determine the growth rate. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 92 4-7 Evolution of the total vorticity field is shown as contours, but for a beam of general spatial profile lacking the presence of a carrier wavenumber. (a) The underlying beam is initialised with very small random noise. (b) Shown at t = 2100, the beam is still completely intact and random noise is apparently unable to excite any instability mode (including PSI). Compare this to the PSI of figure 4-5 that appears at t = 1000. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 4-8 For arbitrary beam angles of propagation, θ, the periodic domain is rectangular (a) with vertical (Ly ) and horizontal (Lx ) widths. By simple coordinate transformation, y = y 0 tan θ, the domain is square (b) thereby reducing numerical complexities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 5-1 World map shown with red lines at near-inertial latitudes where energy transfer to fine-scale subharmonic wave motion is expected to arise. Internal wave generation sites, due to steep topography, near the critical latitudes are identified by green circles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 12 List of Tables 1.1 The scaling parameters on the left-hand side are chosen so that they are appropriate to the wave motion of internal gravity waves. Applied to the field variables of interest, and to the buoyancy frequency N , we can easily compare the relative importance of the different terms in the governing equations simply by inspection. This method allows us to make clean approximations and clearly judge the limitations of them in doing so. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 22 Experimental and numerical results of Bourget et al. [3] are summarized. For various beam configurations, the observed PSI wavepacket characteristics are reported, along with the predictions of our asymptotic analysis in parentheses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 83 Chapter 1 Introduction and review 1.1 Motivation Internal gravity waves arise in continuously stratified fluids, such as the ocean and atmosphere, due to the restoring action of buoyancy forces. Their unique transport properties cause these waves to contribute to the vertical distribution of energy in the fluid medium. In the atmosphere, internal gravity waves affect wind speeds by carrying momentum from the ground to higher altitudes [6]. In the ocean, they are partially responsible for the gradual vertical temperature gradients [11]. The consequences that follow from the anisotropy of the fluid medium, due to stratification in the direction of gravity, was first investigated by Görtler [13] and Mowbray and Rarity [36] in which disturbances to hydrostatic equilibrium were created by an oscillating cylinder in a rectangular tank. In an isotropic medium, such a source of disturbance would lead to cylindrical wavefronts; however, the vertical anisotropy here causes wave propagation to take the pattern of four straight arms radiating away from the source. Each arm of this cross pattern, known as St. Andrew’s Cross (see figure 1-2), carries energy in a distinct direction away from the source in the form of time-harmonic plane-wave disturbances with a general spatial profile. These disturbances are known as an internal gravity wave beams. A common mechanism of internal wave generation in the ocean stems from the interaction of oscillating tidal flow with underwater topography, such as ridges and 14 trenches [10]. Internal waves generated in this fashion are called internal tides. Deepsea mixing is thought to be influenced by the vertical transport of energy by these internal tides [48]. The overall effect is believed to be partly responsible for the gradual temperature variation in the ocean [9]. The processes by which internal waves release energy into the surrounding system is not fully understood, though various instability modes of internal waves are suspected to arise in the early stages of possible mixing and breakdown. Initial stability analyses on spatially and temporally monochromatic waves found that internal waves are always unstable in the inviscid limit [7, 31, 35]. The dominant mode of instability is characterized by short-scale wave disturbances with half the frequency of the underlying wave and is known as parametric subharmonic instability (PSI). With the understanding that internal waves may represent the general localized structure of internal tides, the PSI of monochromatic waves has been often used as a predictive model for ocean applications. Internal tides generated in the deep sea, however, propagate as wave beams that are localized disturbances of finite width and do not necessarily exhibit sinusoidal behavior in their spatial structure. A more accurate depiction of internal tides may be drawn by taking advantage of the unique properties that internal waves possess. Not only are sinusoidal plane waves exact solutions of the nonlinear inviscid equations of motion, they are also insensitive to nonlinear interactions with plane waves of different wavelength but equal frequencies. These properties allow the description of a general wave beam to be given by the superposition of monochromatic waves with a single identical frequency as presented in Tabaei and Akylas [46]. Since planewave beams are also nonlinear solutions of inviscid stratified fluids, they serve as a convenient basis for the formulation of analysis that more accurately portray internal wave motion in the deep ocean. As pointed out by Sutherland [43], the occurrence of PSI in wave beams is a much more rare event than suggested by the theoretical predictions of PSI based on monochromatic waves of infinite extent. Observations from numerical and experimental studies indicate that the width of a realistic internal wave beam plays a 15 decisive role in determining whether or not PSI develops, a parameter that is completely overlooked when considering infinite sinusoidal waves. Our objective here is to theoretically investigate the conditions under which the PSI of internal wave beams can instigate breakdown processes that ultimately lead to energy and momentum deposition. This thesis is organized as follows. Chapter 1 first presents a brief review of some well-known, singular properties of internal gravity waves [11, 24, 27, 42]. Although the treatment in chapter 1 may be found elsewhere, it is included here for the convenience of the reader. A detailed analysis of PSI as it may occur in internal wave beams of general spatial profile follows in chapter 2. In chapter 3 we include the effects of Earth’s rotation, which plays a significant role near critical latitudes. A detailed application of the theoretical analysis is presented in chapter 4 along with preliminary work in which we perform numerical simulations over a range of beam configurations. Finally, the thesis will be closed with a brief concluding discussion in chapter 5. 1.2 Brunt-Väisälä frequency It is perhaps instructive to first consider the simplest sort of perturbation to a stably stratified fluid under the conditions of hydrostatic equilibrium. A fluid parcel vertically displaced is acted upon by the restoring buoyancy force which causes the fluid parcel to accelerate towards its equilibrium position, but the ensuing gain in momentum results in its overshoot. Still displaced from equilibrium, the restoring force now acts in the opposite direction in an effort to restore the fluid parcel to its stable position. This oscillatory motion is much like a mass supported by a spring, which servers as the restoring force. Let us examine the details of this fluid motion as a starting point. In a stratified fluid under hydrostatic equilibrium, the pressure p(z) and density ρ(z) satisfy dp = −gρ, dz (1.1) where z denotes the vertical coordinate, measured upwards. Applying momentum 16 principles to a differential fluid parcel that is initially located at z0 and subsequently displaced by a short vertical distance δ, as shown in figure 1-1, we find in the vertical 1 1 (ρ(z0 )dV ) δ̈ = p z0 + δ − dz − p z0 + δ + dz dA − gρ(z0 )dV. 2 2 (1.2) Expanding the pressure terms around the displaced position, z0 + δ, and dividing through by the parcel volume dV , ρ(z0 )δ̈ = =− − 12 dz dp (z0 + δ) − dz dz 1 dz 2 dp (z0 + δ) dz − gρ(z0 ) dp (z0 + δ) − gρ(z0 ). dz (1.3) The hydrostatic pressure gradient is the buoyancy force and can be expressed in terms of the density stratification by the hydrostatic equilibrium (1.1) as dp (z0 + δ) = −gρ(zo + δ). dz (1.4) Now we expand about z0 and substitute ρ(z0 + δ) ≈ ρ(z0 ) + δdρ(z0 )/dz into the momentum equation to find the equation of motion for simple vertical oscillations to be ρ(z0 )δ̈ = g dρ (z0 )δ. dz (1.5) Since z0 is arbitrary, that is for any fluid parcel vertically perturbed from its equilibrium position, the preceding equation is valid for any position z and we drop the point of evaluation z0 . Quite often, the equation of motion is written as δ̈ + N 2 δ = 0, (1.6) g dρ ρ dz (1.7) where N2 ≡ − is known as the Brunt-Väisälä frequency, or sometimes simply as the buoyancy fre17 g Figure 1-1: Fluid displaced from hydrostatic equilibrium. A fluid parcel initially at z0 in its equilibrium position having density ρ(z0 ), as shown on the left, is vertically displaced as shown on the right. The vertical forces in red are the surface pressure forces and the body weight of the parcel. A force balance reveals that the displaced fluid parcel oscillates vertically, much like a mass on a spring, with a frequency dependent on the strength of the local density stratification. quency. It is a measure of the local density stratification and is useful in characterizing ocean (and atmospheric) flows. For a stably stratified fluid, density decreases in the direction opposing gravity so dρ/dz < 0 and N 2 > 0. Typical values of N are ∼ 10−3 s−1 in the ocean and atmosphere [42]. The corresponding period of oscillation is on the order of 10 hours. 1.3 Boussinesq approximation There are various ways to present a reasonable approximation to determine the flow due to perturbations from hydrostatic equilibrium in a stratified fluid [24, 42], each of which instructively leads to the same result known as the Boussinesq approximation. However, the reasoning provided between various sources is slightly different, though the essence is the same. Here, we will provide the details of the approximation as given by Tabaei and Akylas [46] since we believe that the application of the approximation 18 in this fashion is done so in a manner which picks up all the subtleties and limitations in a single step. There is also the added advantage of removing the explicit presence of the hydrostatic density variation from the momentum equations. The mathematical reward of this simplification will be noted at the end of this section when it becomes apparent. First, let us agree on the relevant equations and begin with momentum balance, % Du + %2Ω × u = −∇P − %gêz + µ∇2 u, Dt (1.8) where D/Dt ≡ ∂/∂t + u · ∇ is the material derivative following a fluid parcel, u = uêx + vêy + wêz is the vector velocity field, êz is the unit vector oriented in the positive vertical direction, P is the total pressure, % is the total density, µ is the dynamic viscosity, and Ω is the local Coriolis parameter. It will prove useful to invoke the constitutive relation appropriate to oceanography before conserving mass. That is, the incompressibility condition such that any particular fluid parcel retains its density, %, throughout the entirety of the flow, is stated as D% = 0. Dt (1.9) Now substituting (1.9) into mass conservation ∇·u=− 1 D% , % Dt we find that the right-hand side becomes identically zero, and the continuity equation, ∇ · u = 0, (1.10) requires the divergence of the flow field to be zero. The appropriate scaling parameters are the typical wavelength L of an internal wave as length scale, 1/N0 as time scale where N0 is a typical value of the BruntVäisälä frequency, and ρ0 a nominal value of density. The relative length scale of 19 density variation L is also important and from (1.7) we find that it scales like L ∼ g/N02 . (1.11) The Boussinesq parameter is the ratio of the two relevant length scales, B ≡ L/L, so B = LN02 /g. (1.12) To show that density perturbations scale like B, consider again the momentum equations (1.8), but with the substitution % = ρ + ρ and P = p + p so that the hydrostatic variation (1.1) cancels out, % Du + 2Ω × u Dt = −∇p − ρgêz + µ∇2 u. (1.13) In gravity waves we expect the inertial terms to balance with buoyancy perturbations, ∼ ρg. Along with the parameters above, then, density perturbations, ρ Dw Dt ρ∼ N02 L g ρ0 = Bρ0 . (1.14) The result (1.14) anticipates the known result [24, 42]. To write the governing equations in the most convenient form for the ensuing analysis, ρ(z) ρ(x, t), ρ0 ρ(z) P (x, t) = p(z) + p(x, t). ρ0 %(x, t) = ρ(z) + B (1.15a) (1.15b) Note that the perturbations ρ and p are not simply the variations to hydrostatic equilibrium since these quantities are scaled with local hydrostatic density; instead, this locally scaled variable will allow the complete removal of the explicit presence of the hydrostatic density, ρ(z), within the Boussinesq approximation, from (1.8). 20 To see this, we first introduce (1.15) into (1.8), Du ρ ρ ρ + 2Ω × u = −∇ p + p − gρ 1 + B ρ 1+B êz + µ∇2 u. ρ0 Dt ρ0 ρ0 (1.16) The hydrostatic equilibrium terms drop by (1.1), and after dividing through by ρ, ρ Du −∇(ρp) ρ 1+B + 2Ω × u = − gB êz + ν∇2 u, ρ0 Dt ρ0 ρ ρ0 (1.17) where ν = µ/ρ is the kinematic viscosity. Distributing the gradient operator in the first term on the right-hand side and incorporating (1.7), −∇(ρp) ∇p p(dρ/dz) ∇p N 2 =− êz = − pêz , − + ρ0 ρ ρ0 ρ0 ρ ρ0 ρ0 g (1.18) the momentum equation yields Du ∇p ρ N2 ρ + 2Ω × u = − p êz + ν∇2 µ. − gB − 1+B ρ0 Dt ρ0 ρ0 ρ0 g (1.19) Similarly, (1.15) applied to the incompressibility condition (1.9), ∂ +u·∇ ∂t ρ ρ(z) 1 + B = 0. ρ0 (1.20) Separating the local and advective derivatives, we distribute the latter per the product rule, ρ ∂ρ ρ ρ dρ + B (u · ∇) ρ + 1 + w = 0. B ρ0 ∂t ρ0 ρ0 dz (1.21) Dividing through by Bρ/ρ0 , the factor in the third term can be simplified with the use of (1.7) and (1.12) as ρ0 B dρ/dz ρ =− N 2 ρ0 N 2 ρ0 =− 2 . (Bg) N0 L 21 (1.22) Scaling parameters Nondimensional quantities dimension based on quantity length typical wavelength L time typical Brunt-Väisälä frequency N0−1 density nominal density ρ0 u/N0 L ρ/ρ0 P/N02 L2 ρ0 N/N0 Ω/N0 ν/N0 L2 → u → ρ → P → N → Ω → ν Table 1.1: The scaling parameters on the left-hand side are chosen so that they are appropriate to the wave motion of internal gravity waves. Applied to the field variables of interest, and to the buoyancy frequency N , we can easily compare the relative importance of the different terms in the governing equations simply by inspection. This method allows us to make clean approximations and clearly judge the limitations of them in doing so. The incompressibility equation can then be written as N 2 ρ0 ρ ∂ +u·∇ ρ− 2 1+B w = 0. ∂t N0 L ρ0 (1.23) Thus far, everything is exact. To make an order of magnitude approximation, the governing equations (1.10), (1.19) and (1.23), must first be appropriately nondimensionalized. The scaling parameters are reiterated in table 1.1 along with a list of the nondimensional variables which are specifically scaled so that they are all of the same order. The governing equations then become (1 + Bρ) ∂ + u · ∇ + 2Ω× u = −∇p − ρ − BN 2 p êz + ν∇2 u, ∂t ∇ · u = 0, ∂ + u · ∇ ρ − N 2 (1 + Bρ)w = 0. ∂t (1.24a) (1.24b) (1.24c) All the field variables are O(1), which leaves the relative magnitude of different terms solely dependent on B. Furthermore, the Brunt-Väisälä frequency defined by (1.7) is nondimensionalized to dρ = −BρN 2 . dz (1.25) In one fell swoop, we now make the approximation that B → 0, which is to say 22 that the length scale associated with wave motion is much less than the length scale of relevant hydrostatic density variations. Inherent to this approximation then, is that ρ → 1 by (1.25). This means that a fluid parcel undergoing wave motion will experience spatial variations in which the local density is different, however those changes are considered to be quite small. Note that the entirety of the Boussinesq approximation is contained in B → 0. The mathematical reward with our particular form of hydrostatic perturbations (1.15) mentioned earlier is that the momentum equations have constant coefficients, regardless of the background stratification, ρ. We will further simplify the fluid system by considering the background stratification to be uniform (N = 1) so that (1.24) becomes ∂ + u · ∇ + 2Ω× u = −∇p − ρêz + ν∇2 u, ∂t ∇ · u = 0, ∂ + u · ∇ ρ = w. ∂t (1.26a) (1.26b) (1.26c) Recall that we are taking the fluid to be incompressible from its hydrostatic equilibrium. That is, if we follow two different fluid parcels located at z1 and z2 during equilibrium conditions, they will have a density ρ(z1 ) and ρ(z2 ), respectively, for all time even when perturbed. 1.4 Internal gravity waves The purpose of this chapter is to illustrate the physics of internal gravity waves, and for instructive purposes, we will take the total pressure and density to be P = p + p and % = ρ + ρ, respectively, in the governing (dimensional) equations (1.8), (1.9), and (1.10). For the remainder of this review chapter, we will work in the these terms to avoid confusion by calculating quantities which have very clear, unambiguous interpretations so that the basics of internal gravity are openly understood. Furthermore, the (weak) effects of viscosity [46] and Earth’s rotation will be neglected for now. We will return to the nondimensional equations (1.26) in chapters 2 and 3 where it will 23 prove useful as it has in previous works [47]. The Boussinesq approximation, in these dimensional terms, can then be applied to a uniform background stratification to unveil the equations of wave motion [24, 42] ρ0 ∂ + u · ∇ u = −∇p − ρgêz , ∂t ∇ · u = 0, ∂ dρ + u · ∇ ρ = −w . ∂t dz (1.27a) (1.27b) (1.27c) It is useful to first derive the linear solution which assumes small-amplitude waves and allows the neglect of the advective terms in (1.27), ρ0 ut = −∇p − ρgêz , (1.28a) ux + vy + wz = 0, (1.28b) ρt = −wρz , (1.28c) where (x, y, z, t)-subscripts denote derivatives. There are five unknowns with the same number of equations in the set (1.28). First, pressure is eliminated by taking the curl of the momentum equations [∇×(1.28a)] which yields, ρ0 (wy − vz )t = −ρy g. (1.29a) ρ0 (wx − uz )t = −ρx g. (1.29b) uty = vtx . (1.29c) Note that (1.29) contains only two linearly independent equations, not three. By taking cross derivatives of (1.29a) and (1.29b), followed by the difference, we can re-construct (1.29c). This is expected since the elimination of a variable is associated with the usage of an equation. Although it is possible to solve for any of the four remaining variables, it is most convenient to favour w. We will do so here by focusing on (1.29a) and allow our next 24 steps be guided by the elimination of v followed by u. After taking the z-derivative of (1.28b), v is expressed as − vyz = uxy + wzz . (1.30) The result (1.30) can be substituted into the y-derivative of (1.29a), ρ0 (wyy + uxz + wzz )t = −ρyy g (1.31) The velocity component u is the next target of elimination and prepared for dispatch by considering the x-derivative of (1.29b), ρ0 uzxt = ρ0 wxxt + ρxx g. (1.32) Substitution of (1.32) into (1.31) gives ρ0 (wxx + wyy + wzz )t = −g(ρxx + ρyy ) (1.33) The last variable to go is density, leaving w isolated. Before invoking (1.28c), it must have its second x- and y- derivatives taken so to be matched with the t-derivative of the right-hand side of (1.33), ρ0 (wxx + wyy + wzz )tt = −g(ρtxx + ρtyy ) = gρz (wxx + wyy ). (1.34) Rearranging, the linear solution represented in favour of the vertical velocity component is where ∇H2 ∂2 2 2 2 ∇ + N ∇H w = 0. ∂t2 (1.35) q ≡ ∂ /∂x + ∂ /∂y is the horizontal Laplacian operator and N ≡ − ρg0 dρ dz 2 2 2 2 is the Brunt-Väisälä frequency as before in §1.2. 25 Assuming a plane wave solution of the form w = w0 exp {i (k · x − ωt)} = w0 exp {i (kx + ly + mz − ωt)} , the dispersion relation is found from (1.35) as ω2 = N 2 k 2 + l2 = N 2 sin2 θ, k 2 + l2 + m2 (1.36) where θ is the angle of the wavevector, k, from the vertical, or equivalently the angle of propagation from the horizontal as shown in figure 1-2. For simplicity, we will take l = 0 by rotating our coordinate system by a horizontal angle of tan φ = l/k so that the waves are now uniform in the new y-coordinate and the y-velocity component is v = 0. Because the system is horizontally isotropic, there is no loss by making this rotation. The ambiguity associated with the signs of θ and ω in (1.36) can be addressed in different ways, each requiring careful interpretation of the physics involved. Here, we will always consider ω > 0. Furthermore, θ will be taken from the vertical to the wavevector such that θ < π/2 (sin θ > 0). In this way, θ and ω are uniquely defined by (1.36) and can be written, according to our convention, as ω = N sin θ. To understand this particular geometry more clearly, we first calculate the phase velocity c and group velocity cg , ω k êk = N 3 {kêx + mêz } , |k| |k| m cg ≡ ∇k ω = N 3 {mêx − kêz } . |k| c≡ (1.37a) (1.37b) The group velocity and phase velocity are found to be perpendicular to one another, which equivalently implies the group velocity is also perpendicular to the wavevector, cg · c = cg · k = 0. (1.38) This unusual relationship between the directions of cg and c is attributed to the 26 z g x Figure 1-2: The image on the left is that of an internal gravity wave generated by the vertical oscillation of cylinder extended into the page [36]. The observed pattern of wave propagation is sometimes referred to as “St. Andrew’s Cross”. The vertical rod which supports the oscillating cylinder in the centre is visible as a dark shadow. The resulting beams emanate at an angle θ to the horizontal. Following the beam that radiates towards the lower right corner, the image on the right indicates the directions of the group velocity cg and phase velocity c. Lines of constant phase are shown parallel to the group velocity. anisotropy of the system. The density stratification is unique to the direction of gravity resulting in a dispersion relation which requires that the frequency of oscillation is solely dependent on the orientation of the wavevector, independent of its magnitude. Also note that the vertical components are exactly opposite, (c + cg ) · êz = 0. (1.39) This is a convenient property to keep in my mind when drawing the wavevector and group velocity; both vectors are orthogonal with opposing vertical directions. Physically, the fluid motion is along lines of constant phase unlike the case of the more familiar surface waves. This is apparent by reconsidering the continuity equation (1.27b), which can be re-written for the plane wave solution as k · u = 0. (1.40) Revisiting the fully nonlinear governing equations (1.27) in view of the linear plane 27 wave solution, we can expand the advective terms as u·∇=u ∂ ∂ +w = uk + wm. ∂x ∂z (1.41) By recognizing (1.41) is equivalent to (1.40), we find the remarkable result that the plane wave solution is the fully nonlinear solution since the nonlinear terms identically vanish [46]. We will return to this crucial point in our construction of wave beams in section §1.5. For now, we may calculate the other field variables in terms of w0 by returning to (1.27), m − u k 1 w = w0 exp {i(kx + mz − ωt)} . ωmρ0 p − 2 2k i N ρ0 ρ ωg 1.5 (1.42) Wave beams As mentioned at the end of §1.4, the plane wave solution is an exact solution because the advective terms vanish. This is so because the advective terms, u · ∇, account for spatial variations in the direction of the flow field; however internal waves are unique in that there is no spatial variation in this direction. This implies that plane waves of the same frequency ω and hence, via the dispersion relation (1.36), the same angle of propagation, do not interact with one another regardless the magnitude of the wavevector. This is shown explicitly by considering two plane waves with the same frequency ω, u = u0,1 ei(k1 ·x−ωt) + u0,2 ei(k2 ·x−ωt) . (1.43) The advective acceleration—for the arbitrarily chosen variable w—is (u · ∇)w = (u1 + u2 )(ik1 w1 + ik2 w2 ) + (v1 + v2 )(il1 w1 + il2 w2 ) + (w1 + w2 )(im1 w1 + im2 w2 ) 28 (1.44) which can be more insightfully written as :0 :0 (u · ∇)w = iw1 (k (k 1 · u1 ) + iw2 2 · u2 ) + i {w1 [k1 · u2 ] + w2 [k2 · u1 ]} (1.45) The first two terms are zero by (1.40). Furthermore, by (1.36), the wavevectors k1 and k2 are parallel, as are the velocity vectors u1 and u2 . Then by the same token, (1.40) requires the remaining two terms in (1.45) to vanish. We can then superpose a number of plane waves with frequency ω as an integral sum, which is a so-called wave beam and is also an exact nonlinear solution [46]. To do so, we first introduce the cross-beam coordinate η which is directed along the wavevector k, η = x sin θ + y cos θ, (1.46) according to the second of figure 1-2. Foreseeing more difficult calculations to follow, it is worthwhile to introduce the streamfunction which satisfies (1.27b) by using v = 0, u= ∂ψ , ∂z w=− ∂ψ . ∂x (1.47) The wave beam in terms of the streamfunction is Z ψ(η, t) = 0 | ∞ iκη b Q(κ)e dκ e−iωt + c.c., {z } (1.48) ≡Q(η) b where κ is the magnitude of the wavevector—or simply the wavenumber, Q(κ) is the complex amplitude of the plane wave with wavenumber κ, and the integral sum is b defined as the η-dependence of the profile as Q(η). We require Q(κ) to be complex so that it accounts for the difference in phase associated with the plane waves. The complex conjugate is included so that ψ is explicitly real and upcoming nonlinear calculations will be made more feasible. The limits of integration are such that κ > 0 which is required for uni-directional beams [47]. To see this more clearly, consider κ → −κ as shown in figure 1-3. The 29 z z g g x x Figure 1-3: The effect of the sign of the magnitude of the wavevector κ when the direction η is fixed by the dispersion relation. Flipping the sign of κ also flips the direction of the group velocity cg and phase velocity c. group velocity and phase velocity of a plane wave with −κ flip in direction by (1.37). 30 Chapter 2 PSI of internal gravity wave beams Having now a working knowledge of internal gravity wave beams, it is desirable to understand their interactions within their environment. One such interaction is the deposition of energy from the wave motion into the surroundings. A freely propagating beam may do so if it is unstable. Here, we build on the stability analysis of monochromatic internal waves by extending the analysis to internal beams of finite extent as presented in Karimi and Akylas [20]. 2.1 Introduction There is an extensive literature on the stability of internal gravity waves in continuously stratified fluids with applications to various geophysical processes. Most stability analyses assume uniform stratification in the Boussinesq approximation. Under these flow conditions, the background buoyancy frequency is constant and, moreover, sinusoidal plane waves are not only linear solutions, but also exact nonlinear states of the governing equations in the inviscid limit. A uniformly stratified Boussineq fluid thus affords a convenient setting for examining the stability of periodic wavetrains of arbitrary amplitude. This problem has been addressed by numerous investigations (see Staquet and Sommeria [41] for a review), and it is now well established that instability of smallamplitude internal waves is instigated by resonant nonlinear wave interactions (see 31 Phillips [40] for a review). Specifically, ignoring dissipation, weakly nonlinear sinusoidal internal waves are unstable to infinitesimal perturbations that form resonant triads with the underlying wavetrain. In addition, the unstable perturbations singled out by triad interactions are of short wavelength and have frequency equal to one half of that of the primary wave. This so-called parametric subharmonic instability (PSI) has received a great deal of attention as a potential mechanism for transferring energy from large-scale internal waves to small-scale mixing in oceans (see, for example, Hibiya et al. [15], Koudella and Staquet [23], MacKinnon et al. [29]). However, as argued by Sutherland [43], the PSI found in stability analyses of spatially and temporally monochromatic internal wavetrains may not be entirely relevant to ocean internal waves. In fact, an inviscid, uniformly stratified Boussinesq fluid supports time-harmonic plane waves with general spatial profile which propagate along a direction to the vertical determined by the wave frequency. These disturbances, often referred to as wave beams, are fundamental to internal wave motion and, like sinusoidal wavetrains, happen to be exact nonlinear states of the governing equations [30, 46]. In oceans, wave beams with locally confined profile arise from the interaction of the barotropic tide with sea-floor topography, as demonstrated by theoretical and numerical models [1, 22, 25], laboratory experiments [14, 39, 50] and field observations [5, 18, 26]. In contrast to sinusoidal wavetrains which are generally prone to PSI, however, no evidence of PSI in wave beams is reported in these studies. Moreover, the same is true for internal wave beams generated in several laboratory experiments by oscillating a body in a stratified fluid tank (see, for example, Mowbray and Rarity [36], Sutherland and Linden [44], Sutherland et al. [45]). Yet, according to other recent studies, PSI can occur in internal wave beams under certain circumstances. Similar to earlier experiments, Clark and Sutherland [4] used a vertically oscillating circular cylinder as wave source in a stratified fluid tank. However, the cylinder oscillations were of relatively large amplitude, resulting in beams with quasi-monochromatic profile which typically broke down as they propagated away from the forcing region. Clark and Sutherland [4] indirectly linked this break32 down to PSI, a hypothesis also supported by numerical simulations. Furthermore, PSI was noted in an experimental–numerical study of a model internal tide [38], as well as in numerical simulations of the reflection of a localized nearly monochromatic wave beam from a horizontal surface [51]. Finally, recent experiments [2] have revealed that resonant triad interactions can bring about instability in a localized wave beam that comprises just three wavelengths of a sinusoidal wavetrain. However, the observed most unstable perturbations were not short-scale subharmonic disturbances because the dimensions in the experimental setup, being orders of magnitude smaller than the typical ocean scales, amplified the effects of viscosity. The current chapter seeks to understand theoretically the conditions under which internal wave beams with locally confined profile may suffer PSI in a nearly inviscid, uniformly stratified Boussinesq fluid. In keeping with the salient features of PSI in this setting, the analysis focuses on subharmonic disturbances of short wavelength compared to the beam width, a picture also suggested by the numerical findings of Clark and Sutherland [4]. Such fine-scale wavepackets are modulated by and also interact nonlinearly with the underlying large-scale wave beam. To examine the possibility of PSI as a result of this long–short wave interaction, coupled evolution equations are derived for the wavepacket envelopes and the beam profile, taking the beam and the perturbations to have small but finite amplitude. The analysis brings out the fact that subharmonic wavepackets travel with their respective group velocities, so their interaction with a locally confined beam has finite duration; thus PSI hinges upon whether, during this limited time, such perturbations can extract enough energy from the beam to overcome viscous dissipation. The decisive role, in regard to PSI, of the group velocity of short-scale subharmonic wavepackets riding on a large-scale internal wave, was first suggested by McEwan and Plumb [31]. Based on the evolution equations derived here, it is argued that weakly nonlinear beams with general locally confined profile are stable to short-scale subharmonic perturbations, in stark contrast to the well-established PSI of weakly nonlinear monochromatic plane waves. The reason for this difference is that triad interactions, 33 which are responsible for PSI, are not strong enough to cause instability during the limited time that the pertubations overlap with a beam of localized profile. An exception arises when the group velocity of subharmonic wavepackets happens to vanish or nearly so, a condition that can be satisfied when Coriolis effects are taken into account [12, 49]. PSI of localized beams under this resonance is discussed in the next chapter. On the other hand, triad interactions are capable of destabilizing quasi-monochromatic wave beams whose profile consists of a sinusoidal carrier wave modulated by a locally confined envelope. In this instance, the asymptotic theory reveals that PSI does occur if a beam is wide enough, and an explicit stability criterion is proposed in terms of the number of carrier wavelengths required for instability to arise. Although strictly valid for weakly nonlinear slowly modulated beams, the theoretical predictions seem consistent with the experiments and numerical simulations of Clark and Sutherland [4], which involved finite-amplitude beams with just two carrier wavelengths. 2.2 Long–short wave interaction Our analysis assumes two-dimensional disturbances in an incompressible, continuously stratified Boussinesq fluid with constant buoyancy frequency N0 . We shall work with dimensionless variables, employing 1/N0 as timescale and a characteristic length L∗ , to be specified later, as lengthscale. With x being the horizontal and y the vertical coordinate pointing upwards, the steamfunction ψ(x, y, t) for the velocity field (ψy , −ψx ), and the reduced density ρ(x, y, t) are then governed by ρt + ψx + J(ρ, ψ) = 0, (2.1) ∇2 ψt − ρx + J(∇2 ψ, ψ) − ν∇4 ψ = 0, (2.2) 34 where J(a, b) = ax by − ay bx stands for the Jacobian. The parameter ν= ν∗ N0 L2∗ (2.3) is an inverse Reynolds number, where ν∗ denotes the fluid kinematic viscosity. In the inviscid limit (ν = 0), equations (2.1) and (2.2) support time-harmonic plane waves with general spatial profile. These so-called wave beams are manifestations of the anisotropy of internal gravity wave motion: according to the familiar dispersion relation ω = sin θ, (2.4) the frequency ω of a plane wave with sinusoidal profile depends on the inclination θ to the vertical, but not the magnitude, of the wavevector. Thus, by superposing sinusoidal plane waves with wavevectors of different magnitude but pointing in the same direction, it is possible to construct linear time-harmonic disturbances in the form of beams. Remarkably, this class of disturbances happen to be also nonlinear solutions of (2.1) and (2.2) for ν = 0, irrespective of the beam profile [30, 46]. The dispersion relation (2.4) then links the frequency 0 < ω < 1 of a beam to its direction θ relative to the horizontal (figure 2-1). The question of interest here is how wave beams with general locally confined profile differ from sinusoidal plane waves in regard to PSI. We shall address this issue via an asymptotic theory for weakly nonlinear beams under nearly inviscid flow conditions. Specifically, the nondimensional beam amplitude is supposed to be small: = ψ∗ 1, N0 L2∗ (2.5) where ψ∗ denotes the (dimensional) peak amplitude of the streamfunction and the lengthscale L∗ is the characteristic width of the beam (figure 2-1). Also, viscous effects are assumed to be weak relative to nonlinear effects (ν/ 1; see (2.15) below), as is the case for spatial scales typical of ocean wave beams [2]. Our discussion of PSI focuses on subharmonic perturbations in the form of fine- 35 Figure 2-1: Geometry of long–short wave interaction. The underlying wave beam with general locally confined profile of characteristic width L∗ has frequency ω and propagates at an angle θ to the horizontal such that ω = sin θ. Subharmonic perturbations are short-crested (λ∗ /L∗ 1) nearly monochromatic wavepackets with frequency close to ω/2 that propagate at an angle φ to the horizontal, with sin φ = 12 sin θ. scale, nearly monochromatic wavepackets with frequency close to one half of the frequency ω = sin θ of the underlying beam. As discussed in §2.1, this choice is motivated by earlier work on PSI of weakly nonlinear sinusoidal plane waves under nearly inviscid flow conditions [23, 31], as well as laboratory experiments and numerical simulations of PSI of quasi-monochromatic wave beams [4]. The dispersion relation (2.4), then, requires the wavepacket carrier wavevector k to be inclined to the vertical by φ, such that ω/2 = sin φ, and we write 1 k± = ± êζ . µ (2.6) Here êζ is a unit vector along ζ = x sin φ + y cos φ and µ is a small parameter, to express the fact that the perturbations are short-crested relative to the beam width: µ= λ∗ 1, 2πL∗ 36 (2.7) where λ∗ denotes the (dimensional) carrier wavelength of the subharmonic wavepackets (figure 2-1). Utilizing the presence of these two disparate lengthscales, we shall examine by asymptotic methods the possibility of the assumed perturbations extracting energy from the underlying wave beam, leading to instability. This long–short wave interaction is expected to take place on a timescale of O(1/µ), since, according to (2.4), the group velocities of wavepackets with carrier wavevectors (2.6) are O(µ): cg ± = ±µ cos2 φ, − sin φ cos φ . (2.8) Thus, to study the evolution of the subharmonic perturbations due to their interaction with the wave beam, we define the ‘slow’ time T = µt, (2.9) and introduce the following expansions for ψ and ρ: ψ = Q(η, T )e−iωt + c.c. + µδ A(η, T )eiζ/µ + B(η, T )e−iζ/µ e−iωt/2 + c.c. + . . . , (2.10a) ρ = R(η, T )e−iωt + c.c. + δ F (η, T )eiζ/µ + G(η, T )e−iζ/µ e−iωt/2 + c.c. + . . . . (2.10b) The first curly bracket in expansions (2.10) represents the underlying wave beam with amplitude parameter ; the second curly bracket represents the superposed subharmonic wavepackets with amplitude parameter δ 1 and carrier wavevectors given by (2.6). The beam profile amplitudes Q and R vary in the across-beam direction η = x sin θ + y cos θ, which is also the spatial modulation variable of the wavepacket envelopes A, B, F and G. In stability studies based on the so-called ‘pump wave’ approximation, the perturbation amplitude parameter δ is assumed to be infinitesimal (δ ), and the beam profile is frozen in time. As unstable perturbations grow at the expense of the underlying beam, however, eventually some feedback is anticipated, so 37 Q and R are allowed to evolve with T in (2.10). The magnitude of δ relative to for such full coupling to take place is determined below (see (2.16)); and δ, as well as ν and µ introduced earlier, are treated as independent small parameters at this stage. Upon substituting expansions (2.10) into the governing equations (2.1) and (2.2), we collect terms proportional to exp(−iωt) and exp(±iζ/µ) exp(−iωt/2). This results in six coupled equations for the beam amplitudes Q and R and the subharmonic wavepacket envelopes A, B, F and G. After consistent elimination of R, F and G, the following system of equations for Q, A and B is obtained: µQT − i 2 δ2 ν µ QT T + 2 sin χ cos2 21 χAB − Qηη = O(µ3 , µδ 2 /), 2ω 2 (2.11) i 2 0 1 ν 2 sin2 χ µ (AT + cAη ) − µ c Aηη + A−i 2 |Qη |2 A 2 2 2µ µ ω 3 2 1 ∗ ∗ ∗ + sin χ Qηη B + Qη BT + QηT B = O(µ, µ3 , δ 2 , 2 /µ), (2.12a) 2 ω ω 2 1 ν sin2 χ i B − i |Qη |2 B µ (BT − cBη ) − µ2 c0 Bηη + 2 2 2 2µ µ ω 3 2 1 ∗ ∗ ∗ + sin χ Qηη A − Qη AT − QηT A = O(µ, µ3 , δ 2 , 2 /µ), (2.12b) 2 ω ω where c= χ = θ − φ and ∗ ω 2 − cos χ , 2 c0 = ω 3 cos2 χ − 4 cos χ − 1 , 2 (2.13) denotes complex conjugate. Details of the derivation of this system are given in Appendix A. Focusing on equations (2.12) and recalling that T = µt, the leading-order terms indicate that the envelopes A and B of the subharmonic wavepackets travel across the beam with speed ±µc = cg ± · êη , the projection of the respective group velocity (2.8) on the modulation direction η, where êη is a unit vector along η. The higher-order terms in (2.12) account for the O(µ2 ) effects of dispersion, the O(ν/µ2 ) effects of viscous dissipation and the nonlinear effects due to the coupling with the underlying beam. The latter comprise O(2 /µ2 ) cubic terms, which can only affect the phases of 38 the complex envelopes A and B and may be interpreted as nonlinear refraction terms, as well as O() quadratic interaction terms which may give rise to energy exchange with the beam. Based on equations (2.12) and (2.13), we now determine the proper balance between the small parameters , µ, ν and δ so that nonlinear, dispersive and viscous effects partake equally in the coupled evolution of the subharmonic perturbations with the underlying beam. From (2.12), the O(µ2 ) dispersive terms are as important as the O() quadratic interaction and the O(2 /µ2 ) nonlinear refraction terms, if µ ∼ 1/2 . Thus, we put µ= 1/2 , κ (2.14) where κ = O(1) is a normalized carrier wavenumber of the subharmonic wavepackets. In view of (2.14), the scaling ν = 2α2 , (2.15) where α = O(1), then brings the effects of viscous dissipation to the same level as those of dispersion and nonlinearity. Finally, returning to (2.11), for the beam amplitude Q to evolve on the same timescale as the wavepacket envelopes A and B, we set δ = . (2.16) Hence, full nonlinear coupling occurs when the subharmonic perturbations reach an amplitude comparable to that of the underlying beam. Also, from (2.14)–(2.16), it is now clear that the O(ν) viscous term in (2.11) is relatively small in comparison to the quadratic interaction term; naturally, viscous dissipation predominantly affects the perturbations, as they are of fine scale relative to the beam. Upon implementing (2.14)–(2.16), equations (2.11) and (2.12), correct to O(1/2 ), become QT 0 + 21/2 sin χ cos2 1 χ 2 AB = 0, c i c0 sin2 χ AT 0 + Aη − 1/2 2 Aηη + 1/2 ακ2 A − i1/2 κ2 |Qη |2 A κ 2 κ ω 39 (2.17) 3 c ∗ ∗ + sin χ Qηη B + 2 Qη Bη = 0, 2 ω 2 0 i c c sin χ |Qη |2 B BT 0 − Bη − 1/2 2 Bηη + 1/2 ακ2 B − i1/2 κ2 κ 2 κ ω 3 c 1/2 ∗ ∗ + sin χ Qηη A + 2 Qη Aη = 0, 2 ω 1/2 (2.18a) (2.18b) where T 0 = 1/2 t = κT. (2.19) According to the evolution equations (2.18), subharmonic perturbation wavepackets are expected to travel across a beam of O(1) width virtually intact. As noted earlier, of the dispersive, nonlinear and viscous effects in (2.18), only the quadratic interaction terms are potentially destabilizing. These terms, however, being O(1/2 ), are small relative to the propagation terms associated with the wavepacket group velocities, and cannot bring about instability in the limited time that the perturbations are in contact with the underlying beam. More specifically, in the pump-wave approximation where the beam profile Q(η) does not evolve in time, the nonlinear refraction terms can be removed from (2.18) by letting Z 3 1/2 κ 2 (A, B ) → (A, B ) exp i sin χ cω ∗ ∗ η 2 |Qη | dη . (2.20) As they modify only the phases of the wavepacket envelopes A and B, these terms have no impact on stability. Focusing now on the O(1/2 ) quadratic interaction terms in (2.18), to stand a chance of causing instability, they must be comparable to the O(c/κ) propagation terms which control the duration of the interaction of the perturbations with the beam: c = O(1/2 ). κ (2.21) The above requirement could conceivably be satisfied by short-wavelength perturbations with κ = O(−1/2 ); in this limit, however, the phases of the wavepacket envelopes in (2.20) become O(1/) so they vary on the same scale as the carrier exp (±iζ/µ) in view of (2.10) and (2.14), violating the premises of the asymptotic theory. A feasible way to meet (2.21) is by taking c = O(1/2 ), which supposes that 40 the wavepacket group velocities (2.8) nearly vanish; the perturbations then remain almost stationary and could extract significant energy from the underlying beam to cause instability. This resonant flow situation, although not possible here as is clear from (2.13), can arise when Coriolis effects are taken into account and is responsible, due to the Earth’s rotation, for the instability of internal-tide beams to near-inertial subharmonic disturbances [12, 49]. Detailed analysis of PSI under such resonant conditions is presented in the next chapter. Our conclusion that small-amplitude beams with general locally confined profile are stable to short-scale subharmonic perturbations may come as a surprise in view of the well established PSI of weakly nonlinear sinusoidal plane waves. As noted in §2.1, PSI of a monochromatic wave arises due to subharmonic disturbances that form resonant triads with the underlying wavetrain. For a localized beam with general profile of O(1) width, however, this triad mechanism, while still present by virtue of the quadratic interaction terms in (2.18), cannot cause instability, as perturbations travel with their respective group velocities and triad interactions have relatively little time to act. To further clarify this essential difference between sinusoidal waves and localized beams, we now turn to a discussion of PSI for beams with profile in the form of a monochromatic carrier with O(1) wavelength, modulated by a locally confined envelope. 2.3 Nearly monochromatic beam profile Consider a uniform wave beam of frequency ω = sin θ with nearly monochromatic profile, involving a carrier modulated by a localized envelope (figure 2-2). Here it is convenient to choose as the characteristic lengthscale L∗ = Λ∗ /2π, where Λ∗ denotes the (dimensional) carrier wavelength of the beam profile; thus, the beam carrier wavevector k0 = êη , (2.22) where êη is a unit vector in the cross-beam direction, as before. Also, the (dimensional) characteristic width of the beam envelope D∗ satisfies D∗ Λ∗ (see (2.34) 41 Figure 2-2: Schematic of interaction of nearly monochromatic wave beam of frequency ω = sin θ and nondimensional amplitude 1 with subharmonic perturbations of frequency close to 21 ω = sin φ. The beam profile comprises a sinusoidal carrier modulated by a slowly varying envelope, Λ∗ /D∗ = O(1/2 ), where Λ∗ denotes the (dimensional) carrier wavelength and D∗ the characteristic width of the envelope. The perturbations are short-scale wavepackets with (dimensional) carrier wavelength λ∗ , such that λ∗ /Λ∗ = O(1/2 ). below for the precise scaling of D∗ in terms of Λ∗ ). The perturbations again are taken to be short-scale (relative to Λ∗ ) wavepackets with frequency close to 21 ω = sin φ (figure 2-2). Since PSI arises due to subharmonic disturbances that form resonant triads with the basic wavetrain, recalling (2.6) and (2.14), the wavepacket carrier wavevectors are chosen as k± = ± 1 ê + k0 ; ζ 1/2 2 κ (2.23) thus, k+ + k− = k0 , as required for the members of a resonant triad. Upon substituting (2.23) in the dispersion relation (2.4) and making use of cg ± · êη = ±1/2 c/κ, with cg ± and c as given in (2.8) and (2.13), respectively, we find 1 1 1/2 ω± = ω ± c + O(); 2 2 κ (2.24) hence, ω+ + ω− = ω + O(). This confirms that k+ , k− and k0 form a resonant triad 42 correct to O(1/2 ) and also suggests that the appropriate ‘slow’ time for the evolution of the subharmonic perturbation wavepackets is τ = t. (2.25) Returning now to (2.17) and (2.18), we adapt these evolution equations to the problem at hand: the interaction of a nearly monochromatic beam of frequency ω and carrier wavevector k0 with two subharmonic wavepackets having carrier wavevectors (2.23) and frequencies (2.24). Specifically, combining (2.23) and (2.24) with (2.19), the appropriate expressions for the wavepacket envelopes A(η, T 0 ) and B(η, T 0 ) are i c 0 A = exp η− T a(ξ, τ ), 2 κ i c 0 η+ T B = exp b(ξ, τ ). 2 κ (2.26) Here, a and b are complex envelopes that evolve on the slow time τ defined in (2.25) and depend on the ‘stretched’ across-beam coordinate ξ = 1/2 η, (2.27) such that spatial and temporal modulations are equally important. In addition, the profile amplitude Q(η, T 0 ) of the nearly monochromatic wave beam with carrier wavevector (2.22) takes the form Q = q(ξ, τ )eiη , (2.28) where q denotes the beam envelope, which also evolves on τ and depends on ξ; this ensures strong coupling with the two subharmonic wavepackets, as shown below. Inserting (2.26) and (2.28) into (2.17) and (2.18), after some simplification making use of (2.13), we find that a, b and q are governed by c aτ + aξ + κ c bτ − bξ + κ i c0 κ2 2 a + ακ a − i sin2 χ |q|2 a − sin χ cos2 21 χ qb∗ = 0, 2 8κ ω 0 ∗ i c κ2 2 2 2 2 1 b + ακ b − i sin χ |q| b − sin χ cos χ qa = 0, 2 8 κ2 ω 43 (2.29a) (2.29b) qτ + 2 sin χ cos2 1 χ 2 ab = 0. (2.30) Finally, it is possible to remove the terms involving c0 from (2.29), c κ2 aτ + aξ + ακ2 a − i sin2 χ |q|2 a − sin χ cos2 21 χ qb∗ = 0, κ ω c κ2 bτ − bξ + ακ2 b − i sin2 χ |q|2 b − sin χ cos2 21 χ qa∗ = 0, κ ω (2.31a) (2.31b) by letting c0 a → a exp −i ξ , 8cκ c0 b → b exp i ξ ; 8cκ (2.32) this amounts to an O(1/2 ) shift of the carrier wavevectors k± → k± ∓ (c0 /8cκ)1/2 êη in (2.23). As a result of the scalings chosen above, no small parameter appears explicitly in the evolution equations (2.30) and (2.31). In this ‘distinguished limit’, the effects that control the interaction of the subharmonic wavepacket envelopes a and b with the beam envelope q, are equally important. Specifically, according to (2.31), the transport of a and b with their respective group velocities is balanced by viscous and nonlinear effects, while at the same time q is evolving in response to its nonlinear coupling with a and b, as described by (2.30). The system of equations (2.30) and (2.31) forms the basis for the discussion of PSI of wave beams in the remainder of the paper. 2.4 Stability analysis A uniform beam corresponds to the steady-state solution q = q(ξ), (2.33) with a = b = 0, of equations (2.30) and (2.31). The linear stability of this state is examined by assuming that perturbations are small compared to the underlying beam (|a|, |b| |q|). It then follows from (2.30) that q is frozen in time (pump-wave 44 approximation), so a, b are governed by (2.31) with q = q(ξ). To bring out the effect of the finite extent of a beam, we let ξ → ξ/D and take q(ξ) to have fixed O(1) width. Here, D is the scaled width of the beam envelope in terms of the beam carrier wavelength, D = 2π D∗ 1/2 = 2πN 1/2 , Λ∗ (2.34) and N = D∗ /Λ∗ measures the number of carrier wavelengths contained in the beam (see figure 2-2). It is also convenient to factor out the refraction terms in (2.31), which have no impact on stability, via a substitution analogous to (2.20) Z ξ Dκ3 2 2 0 (a, b ) → (a, b ) exp i sin χ |q| dξ . ωc ∗ ∗ (2.35) Thus, a and b satisfy the reduced system c aξ + ακ2 a − γqb∗ = 0, Dκ c bτ − bξ + ακ2 b − γqa∗ = 0, Dκ aτ + (2.36a) (2.36b) with γ = sin χ cos2 2.4.1 1 χ 2 . (2.37) Sinusoidal wavetrain From (2.36), it is easy to recover the well-known PSI of weakly nonlinear sinusoidal wavetrains by letting D → ∞ and setting q = 1/2; the peak amplitude of the wave streamfunction is thus normalized to , according to (2.10a) and (2.28). Normal-mode solutions, (a, b∗ ) ∝ exp(λτ ), of equations (2.36) then satisfy λ + ακ2 2 45 1 = γ 2, 4 (2.38) and the disturbance growth rate is 1 λ = γ − ακ2 . 2 (2.39) Using (2.37) and recalling that χ = θ − φ with sin θ = 2 sin φ, it can be verified, after some trigonometry, that (2.39) in the inviscid limit (α = 0) agrees with the growth rate of inviscid PSI quoted in equation (10) of Koudella and Staquet [23]. According to (2.39), the inviscid growth rate of PSI is independent of the disturbance wavenumber κ so there is no preferred wavelength of instability. Viscous effects p stabilize the relatively short waves with κ > γ/2α, and the maximum growth rate is then obtained for κ = 0. [Strictly, the asymptotic theory, which assumes fine-scale disturbances obeying (2.14), breaks down for κ 1; under the present weakly nonlinear nearly inviscid flow conditions, the maximum growth rate is realized for finite but small κ, as illustrated in figure 3 of Koudella and Staquet [23] and in figure 11(a) of Bourget et al. [2].] The conclusion that the strongest PSI arises for perturbations with small κ, holds only for sinusoidal wavetrains, which have infinite extent (D → ∞). As remarked earlier, in the case of beams with locally confined profile, the duration of the interaction of perturbations with the underlying wave is controlled by the group velocity c/κ, making instability less likely as κ is decreased; as a result, a low-wavenumber cut-off is to be expected, in addition to the high-wavenumber cut-off imposed by viscous effects. Thus, instability, if present at all, occurs in an interval of finite κ, and the maximum growth rate is realized at a certain κ = O(1) within this window. A detailed discussion of this scenario follows. 2.4.2 Eigenvalue problem The stability of beams with locally confined envelope, q(ξ) → 0 as ξ → ±∞, hinges upon finding normal-mode solutions of (2.36) ∗ ∗ (a, b ) = â(ξ), b̂ (ξ) eλτ , 46 (2.40) with λ = λr + iλi , that decay to zero far from the beam: â → 0, b̂∗ → 0 (ξ → ±∞) . (2.41) Substituting (2.40) into (2.36), â and b̂∗ thus satisfy âξ + λ̂â − κ̂q b̂∗ = 0, (2.42a) b̂∗ξ − λ̂b̂∗ + κ̂q ∗ â = 0, (2.42b) with λ̂ = λ + ακ2 D κ, c κ̂ = γD κ. c (2.43) For given envelope profile q(ξ), equations (2.42) along with the boundary conditions (2.41) define an eigenvalue problem, with λ̂ = λ̂r + iλ̂i being the eigenvalue and κ̂ a parameter that controls the perturbation wavenumber κ. Solving this eigenvalue problem provides λ̂ = λ̂(κ̂), and the stability of the underlying beam is decided by the disturbance growth rate λr which follows from (2.43), λ̂r αc2 2 λr = γ − 2 2 κ̂ , κ̂ D γ (2.44) with λr > 0 implying instability. It is easy to verify that, for given q(ξ) and κ̂, if {λ̂; â, b̂∗ } is an eigensolution of the problem (2.41)–(2.42), so is {−λ̂∗ ; b̂, −â∗ }. Choosing then the mode with λ̂r > 0, the first term in (2.44), which derives from the interaction of the disturbance with the beam, is destabilizing, whereas the second term accounts for viscous effects and is stabilizing; the stability of an eigensolution thus depends upon which of these terms prevails. Based on this criterion, a comprehensive stability analysis of a beam with certain envelope q(ξ) can be carried out by tracing eigensolution branches as κ̂ is varied. In the following, for simplicity, the envelope profile q(ξ) will be taken to be real. In this instance, it can readily be shown (see Appendix B) that a countable infinity 47 of real eigenvalue branches λ̂ = λ̂(n) (κ̂) bifurcate at certain critical values of κ̂: κ̂(n) c = (2n + 1)π R∞ 2 −∞ q(ξ) dξ (n = 0, 1, 2, . . .). (2.45) (0) In view of (2.43) and (2.44), the lowest of the bifurcation points (2.45), κ̂c , provides a minimum value of the perturbation wavenumber, κmin = c (0) κ̂ , γD c (2.46) below which no instability is possible, even in the absence of viscous dissipation. Clearly, this low-wavenumber cut-off for instability is a characteristic only of beams with locally confined profile. As expected, decreasing the beam width D increases κmin , which makes instability less likely. The presence of κmin , combined with the highwavenumber cut-off due to viscous effects in (2.44), confirms that PSI of a localized beam, if possible at all, is limited to values of κ within a finite window which shrinks as the beam is made narrower. 2.5 Top-hat beam envelope As a simple example, we now work out the details of PSI for the top-hat envelope profile q(ξ) = 1/2 (|ξ| ≤ 1/2) 0 (2.47) (|ξ| > 1/2) , which represents a uniform sinusoidal wave of peak amplitude and finite width, similar to the type of beams studied in the laboratory experiments of Bourget et al. [2]. For this choice of q(ξ), it is feasible to solve the eigenvalue problem (2.41)–(2.42) by analytical means. Briefly, under the normalization â = exp(−λ̂ξ) for ξ > 1/2, the appropriate 48 solution of (2.42) that also satisfies conditions (2.41) takes the form â = e−λ̂ξ , b̂∗ = 0 b̂∗ = Deλ̂ξ â = 0, (ξ > 1/2), (2.48a) (ξ < −1/2), (2.48b) â 1 1 = D+ eiσξ + D− e−iσξ B B b̂∗ (|ξ| < 1/2) , (2.49) − + where σ= 1 2 κ̂ 4 − λ̂2 1/2 , B± = 2 λ̂ ± iσ , κ̂ (2.50) and D+ , D− and D are constants to be determined. Enforcing continuity of â and b̂∗ at ξ = ±1/2 then leads to the characteristic equation λ̂ sin σ + σ cos σ = 0 (2.51) for the eigenvalues λ̂ = λ̂(κ̂). From (2.51), one may verify that a countable infinity of real eigenvalue branches, λ̂ = λ̂(n) (κ̂), bifurcate at κ̂(n) c = (2n + 1)π (n = 0, 1, 2, . . .), (2.52) in agreement with (2.45). On each of these solution branches and κ̂ slightly above (n) the bifurcation point κ̂c , λ̂(n) = (2n + 1)π κ̂ − κ̂c(n) + . . . , 4 (2.53) (n) while, in the other extreme, κ̂ κ̂c , 1 n2 π 2 λ̂(n) ∼ κ̂ − + .... 2 κ̂ (2.54) In view of (2.43) and (2.44), the leading-order term in (2.54) recovers the growth rate (2.39) of PSI for a uniform sinusoidal wave; as expected, for very short subharmonic 49 disturbances (κ 1), a nearly monochromatic localized beam behaves like an infinite sinusoidal wavetrain. Moreover, the same is true when the width of the beam envelope is increased (D 1) for κ = O(1) fixed, since κ̂ 1 in this limit as well, according to (2.43). Returning now to expression (2.44) for the disturbance growth rate λr , instability (λr > 0) arises if λ̂(κ̂) > Cκ̂3 , (2.55) αc2 . γ 3 D2 (2.56) where C= Figure 2-3 shows the first three eigensolution branches λ̂ = λ̂(n) (κ̂) of the characteristic (n) equation (2.51), which bifurcate at κ̂c = (2n + 1)π (n = 0, 1, 2) according to (2.52), along with the cubic in κ̂ on the right-hand side of (2.55), taking C = 1.5 × 10−3 for illustration. For this C, the cubic intersects the first two eigensolution branches (n = 0, 1), so for a certain range of κ̂ the instability condition (2.55) can be satisfied by either of these modes; however, the lowest mode (n = 0) always provides the dominant instability (largest growth rate) since λ̂(0) (κ̂) > λ̂(1) (κ̂). Specifically, there is a finite range of unstable disturbance wavenumbers, κ̂l < κ̂ < κ̂u , where κ̂l and κ̂u denote the values of κ̂ at which the cubic Cκ̂3 intersects the lowest-eigenvalue curve (figure 2-3). Within this finite window of instability, the wavenumber that has the maximum growth rate (2.44) is expected to emerge from a general initial perturbation as the preferred scale of PSI. It is clear from figure 2-3 that, in order for the cubic Cκ̂3 to intersect the eigenvalue curve λ̂(0) (κ̂), and hence instability to be possible, the parameter C in (2.56) must be less than a critical value Cc ( = 0.0108), C < Cc . 50 (2.57) 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 0 Figure 2-3: Plots (—) of the first three eigenvalue branches λ̂(n) (κ̂) of the characteristic (n) equation (2.51), which bifurcate at κ̂c = (2n + 1)π for n = 0, 1, 2. The intersections of the lowest (n = 0) of these modes with the cubic Cκ̂3 ( ), shown here for C = 1.5 × 10−3 , determine the range of unstable disturbance wavenumbers κ̂l < κ̂ < κ̂u . The dashed lines (– –) indicate the asymptotic approximations (2.53) and (2.54) of (0) λ̂(0) (κ̂) near and far away from the bifurcation point κ̂c , respectively. Combining (2.56) with (2.15), this condition for instability can be written as γ 3/2 D> ν 1/2 c 1 2Cc 1/2 . (2.58) Thus, PSI of a locally confined beam is controlled by: /ν 1/2 , the strength of nonlinear relative to viscous effects; the beam frequency which fixes the beam propagation direction and hence c and γ according to (2.13) and (2.37); and D, which fixes the envelope width. More specifically, for given Reynolds number 1/ν, a beam of certain frequency and amplitude parameter becomes unstable when D exceeds the critical value Dc = 1 2Cc 1/2 c ν 1/2 . γ 3/2 (2.59) Recalling the scaling (2.34), the critical envelope width Dc translates into a minimum number of carrier wavelengths, 1 Nc = 2π 1 2Cc 1/2 51 c ν 1/2 , γ 3/2 3/2 (2.60) which a weakly nonlinear nearly monochromatic beam must comprise to develop PSI. Note that, since ν 1/2 / = O(1) according to (2.15), Nc = O(−1/2 ). Although it was derived for the particular envelope profile (2.47), the instability condition (2.58) holds in general for real, locally confined envelopes, as suggested by the bifurcation analysis of the eigenvalue problem (2.41)–(2.42) presented in Appendix B; only the value of Cc depends on the specific envelope shape. Hence, the stability criterion (2.58) as well as expressions (2.59) and (2.60) for the minimum envelope width and number of cycles, respectively, required for instability, are also generally valid. 2.6 Transient disturbance evolution We now turn attention to the long-time evolution of PSI, when unstable disturbances are no longer infinitesimal and full coupling with the underlying beam is in effect, as described by equations (2.30)–(2.31). As in the simulations of Clark and Sutherland [4], here the unperturbed beam is taken to have a Gaussian envelope profile, in the normalized form q(ξ) = 1 exp −ξ 2 , 2 (2.61) so that the wave streamfunction has peak amplitude . The assumed initial perturbations consist of small subharmonic disturbances that are locally confined in the beam vicinity and whose wavenumber κ is within the window of instability predicted by the linear stability analysis of §2.4.2. For the envelope profile (2.61), in particular, it follows from the eigenvalue problem (2.41)–(2.42) that the fundamental eigensolution branch λ̂(0) (κ̂), which bifurcates √ (0) at κ̂c = π according to (2.45), intersects with the cubic Cκ̂3 when C < Cc = 2.66 × 10−2 . (The eigenvalues were computed numerically, solving (2.41)–(2.42) by centred finite differences on a uniform grid with ∆ξ = 0.01 and −10 < ξ < 10.) Taking C = 5 × 10−3 , instability then arises for 1.81 < κ̂ < 9.15. In addition, 52 we choose D = 1 for the envelope width and θ = π/4 for the beam propagation √ angle to the horizontal; this, in turn, fixes the beam frequency ω = sin θ = 1/ 2, the subharmonic propagation angle φ = sin−1 (ω/2) = 0.3614, the group velocity c = 0.3849 in (2.13), the parameter γ = 0.3932 in (2.37), and α = 2.05 × 10−3 in view of (2.56). Thus, from (2.43), the disturbance wavenumber κ = 0.9788κ̂, so the range of unstable wavenumbers is 1.77 < κ < 8.96, with the largest growth rate (2.44) corresponding to κ = 4.29. The evolution equations (2.30)–(2.31) were solved numerically using as initial conditions q = q(ξ), a=b= q(ξ) 100 (τ = 0), (2.62) with q(ξ) given by (2.61), and perturbation wavenumber within the unstable range 1.77 < κ < 8.96 determined above. The numerical method used second-order centred finite differences on a uniform grid, with ∆ξ = 0.02 and −25 < ξ < 25, and fourthorder Runge–Kutta time stepping with ∆τ = 0.005. As the initial perturbations in (2.62) are small relative to the uniform beam, in the early stages of our computations the disturbance evolution is governed by the linearized system (2.36), confirming the predictions of the linear stability analysis. After an initial adjustment period, a and b adapt to the fundamental instability eigenmode and grow exponentially in τ with the growth rate (2.44) corresponding to the chosen value of κ. However, since a and b grow at the expense of q according to the fully coupled equation system (2.30)–(2.31), this exponential growth cannot be sustained: as the beam becomes less steep, the subharmonic wavepackets can no longer stay locked onto it; as a result, the nonlinear wave interaction comes to an end, and the linearly unstable disturbances eventually decay due to viscous dissipation as they move away from the beam with their respective group velocities. This scenario is illustrated in figure 2-4 for subharmonic perturbations with the most unstable wavenumber, κ = 4.29. Note that the maximum combined amplitude of these disturbances, reached at τ ≈ 64, is comparable to the beam peak amplitude at that time, and the final beam peak amplitude, after the perturbations have died 53 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 200 20 100 0 0 −20 0.15 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.05 0.05 0 200 0 200 20 100 20 100 0 0 0 0 −20 −20 Figure 2-4: Evolution of wave beam, with initially Gaussian envelope (2.61), and subharmonic perturbations with the most unstable wavenumber, according to numerical solution of the coupled equations (2.30)–(2.31) subject to the initial conditions (2.62). The wave envelope magnitudes of the beam (|q|) and the perturbations (|a|, |b|) are displayed at various times τ . out, is roughly 40% of its initial value. Hence, the stability parameter C, which is inversely proportional to the square of the beam amplitude according to (2.15) and (2.56), has effectively been increased by roughly a factor of 6, so finally C ≈ 3 × 10−2 ; as this exceeds the critical value for instability, Cc = 2.66 × 10−2 , the final beam profile is thus stable according to (2.57). These findings indicate that the overall effect of PSI in the weakly nonlinear regime is transfer of energy to short-scale subharmonic perturbations, which ultimately decay by viscous dissipation, leaving behind a stable beam. However, the rapid growth of these perturbations and the fact that they become as strong as the underlying beam, suggest that overturning and/or shear instability leading to breakdown may be possible due to PSI, in the case of beams with O(1) nondimensional amplitude. These finite-amplitude phenomena, of course, are beyond the reach of the present weakly nonlinear theory. 54 2.7 Concluding remarks As revealed by the preceding analysis, in order for PSI of locally confined internal wave beams to set in, subharmonic perturbations must overlap with the underlying beam for long enough time to allow triad interactions to act. Specifically, for a beam with amplitude parameter 1, the time required for triad interactions to come into play is O(1/). In the case of localized beams with general profile of O(1) width, according to the evolution equations (2.18), this nonlinear interaction time scale is longer than t = O(−1/2 ), the time it takes short-scale subharmonic wavepackets to travel across the beam. As a result, no PSI is possible save for the resonant situation where the wavepacket group velocity happens to vanish or nearly so. On the other hand, when the beam profile is nearly monochromatic, comprising a sinusoidal carrier with O(1) wavelength modulated by a locally confined envelope of O(−1/2 ) width, short-scale subharmonic perturbations evolve on the same time scale, t = O(1/), as triad interactions. Thus, the propagation of subharmonic disturbances is in balance with nonlinear-interaction effects and weak viscous dissipation, as indicated by the evolution equations (2.29)–(2.30). In this instance, if the beam obeys condition (2.58), PSI is possible for a finite range of disturbance wavenumbers. According to the stability criterion (2.58), larger-amplitude and wider beams are more prone to PSI. Specifically, given the fluid stratification and viscosity, a beam of certain carrier wavelength and small amplitude can suffer PSI if its width exceeds the threshold (2.59); thus, the beam profile must comprise a minimum number of carrier wavelengths for instability to arise. In keeping with our assumption of weakly nonlinear nearly monochromatic beams, this critical number turns out to be relatively large, Nc = O(−1/2 ). The theoretical stability criterion (2.58) could be confirmed by numerical simulations and perhaps laboratory experiments. In fact, in very recent experimental and numerical work, Bourget et al. [3] have confirmed that the finite width of a beam does play an important role in resonant-triad instability; however, as in their earlier study [2], owing to viscous effects, the unstable perturbations were not of the short-scale subharmonic type discussed here. 55 The conclusion reached here, that nearly monochromatic wave beams can suffer PSI as opposed to localized beams of O(1) width which were found to be stable, seems consistent with the experiments and simulations of Clark and Sutherland [4]. As noted in §2.1, a novel feature of these experiments was that wave beams were induced via a cylinder performing relatively large-amplitude vertical oscillations (amplitudeto-diameter ratio ≈ 0.33). In response to this forcing, the turbulent oscillatory flow surrounding the cylinder acted as wave source, and the resulting quasi-monochromatic wave beams were observed to break down due to PSI. By contrast, no PSI was detected in relatively thin beams generated by similar means, but with a cylinder performing smaller-amplitude oscillations (amplitude-to-diameter ratio ≈ 0.10), in which case the beam width was set by the cylinder radius [44, 45]. Quantitative comparison of the predictions of the asymptotic analysis with Clark and Sutherland [4], strictly, is not feasible since the experimentally observed beams, as well as those used as initial condition in companion simulations, had finite amplitude and involved only roughly two carrier wavelengths. Specifically, using L∗ = 1/kσ , where kσ ≈ 0.6 cm−1 is the experimentally observed carrier wavenumber, the wave amplitude parameter defined in (2.5) of the beam used in these simulations, is estimated from figure 15(a) of Clark and Sutherland [4] as = 0.79, 0.55 for the stratified solution of NaCl and NaI, respectively. To convert the Gaussian envelope profile used in their simulations to the normalized form (2.61), the dimensionless √ width parameter D = 21/2 kσ σ0 , where σ0 is the (dimensional) standard deviation. Taking σ0 as a quarter of the beam width, kσ σ0 ≈ 2.6 according to figure 15(a), which translates into 4σ0 (kσ /2π) ≈ 1.65 carrier wavelengths contained in the beam; also, D ≈ 3.2, 2.7 for the solution of NaCl and NaI, respectively. For these , D and θ = π/4 for the beam propagation angle, the values of the stability parameter in (2.56) for the two stratified solutions turn out to be C ≈ (3.2, 6.4) × 10−4 , well below the critical value Cc = 2.66 × 10−2 for the Gaussian (2.61). Hence, the beam profile in the simulations is clearly unstable according to the linear stability criterion (2.57). Moreover, from (2.44), the theoretical maximum instability growth rate, N0 λr |max ≈ 0.2 s−1 , is about twice the numerical growth 56 rate estimated from figure 15(b,c) of Clark and Sutherland [4]. Also, the theoretical most unstable wavelength over predicts by a factor of about 2 the preferred instability wavelength found in the simulations. Given that the beam used as initial condition in the simulations did not actually have small amplitude and slowly modulated profile, this rough quantitative agreement with the asymptotic analysis seems reasonable. 57 Chapter 3 Near-inertial PSI of internal wave beams In the previous chapter, we presented an asymptotic analysis of PSI absent rotation. The analysis was possible due to the description of general internal gravity wave motion in terms of a bundle of monochromatic waves, each with the same frequency and direction of propagation. This remarkable property holds with the inclusion of Earth’s rotation, allowing a similar analysis as before. However, the dispersion relation of internal waves in a rotating system is altered, implying that the group velocity of internal waves change as well. It turns out this modification can play a large a role in dictating energy transfer from an internal wave to fine-scale disturbances via PSI under resonant configurations. We analytically explore this situation now. 3.1 Introduction The theoretical study of the last chapter (and Karimi and Akylas [20]) and the recent experimental work Bourget et al. [3] have shown that modulated beams, characterized by a dominant, carrier wavenumber, are unstable beyond some critical beam width. Although beams of general spatial profile may be unstable to three-dimensional perturbations [21], they were found to be stable to PSI absent rotation. With the inclusion of rotational effects, however, a special resonant configuration is possible in which 58 the group velocity of subharmonic perturbations vanish, prolonging energy extraction from the underlying beam. Such a scenario occurs in the ocean at the critical latitude of 28.8◦ N where the M2 internal tide, produced by the semi-diurnal tidal current, has twice the local Coriolis frequency. Numerical models and field observations [28, 29] further suggest that at near-inertial latitudes, significant energy transfer from the M2 internal tide to small-scale subharmonic wave components takes place through PSI. This process has been investigated analytically in the case of sinusoidal waves and vertical modes travelling through arbitrary stratification profiles to provide estimates of disturbance growth rate [49]. In this chapter we will consider the fate of small-amplitude internal wave beams propagating at near-inertial latitudes in a weakly viscous, uniformly stratified Boussinesq fluid. For these conditions, we derive the evolution equations describing the interaction of the underlying wave beam with imposed fine-scale subharmonic disturbances following the asymptotic analysis of Karimi & Akylas (2014) [20], though here we include Coriolis effects due to Earth’s rotation. As expected from previous global studies [28], it is found that PSI is a means of energy transfer to fine-scale motion at near-inertial latitudes. Furthermore, the analysis yields the growth rate of perturbations based on the beam profile and proximity to criticality, allowing comparison to the growth rate of PSI reported in the numerical study of internal-tide beam generation and propagation near the critical latitude of Gerkema et al. (2006) [12]. 3.2 Near-inertial approximation and scalings As in the preceding chapter, the analysis here assumes disturbances to an incompressible, continuously stratified Boussinesq fluid with constant buoyancy frequency N0 . Working with dimensionless variables, we take 1/N0 as time scale and characteristic length L∗ —being the inverse wavenumber for sinusoidal waves and the width for beams of general spatial profile—as length scale. Assuming no variations in the transverse (z-) direction, the in-plane flow field may be written as (u, v) = (ψy , −ψx ) 59 where ψ(x, y, t) is the streamfunction. Along with the transverse velocity w(x, y, t) and reduced density ρ(x, y, t), it is governed by ρt + ψx + J(ρ, ψ) = 0, (3.1) wt + J(w, ψ) − f ψy − ν∇2 w = 0, (3.2) ∇2 ψt − ρx + f wy + J(∇2 ψ, ψ) − ν∇2 ∇2 ψ = 0, (3.3) where J(a, b) = ax by − ay bx is the Jacobian. The parameters ν= ν∗ N0 L2∗ (3.4) Ω sin β N0 (3.5) and f =2 are the inverse Reynolds number and non-dimensional f -plane Coriolis parameter, respectively, where ν∗ is the kinematic viscosity, Ω the rotation of the Earth, and β the local latitude. In the inviscid limit (ν = 0), (3.1)–(3.3) support time-harmonic plane waves with general spatial profile according to the sinusoidal plane-wave dispersion relation ω 2 = f 2 + (1 − f 2 ) sin2 θ, (3.6) which reflects the anisotropy of internal gravity wave motion. The frequency ω of a plane wave with sinusoidal profile depends on the inclination θ to the vertical, but not the magnitude, of the wavevector allowing the superposition of time-harmonic sinusoidal plane waves to construct a beam of general spatial profile. To examine the stability of a fully developed wave beam, we consider subharmonic perturbations with half the frequency of the underlying beam, as observed numerically and experimentally [4, 12], so that the pair of disturbances propagate with inclination 60 Figure 3-1: Geometry of beam–wavepacket interaction. The underlying wave beam with general locally confined profile of characteristic width L∗ has frequency ω and propagates at an angle θ to the horizontal according to (3.6). Subharmonic perturbations are short-crested (k∗ L∗ 1) nearly monochromatic wavepackets with frequency close to ω/2 that propagate at an angle φ to the horizontal given by the dispersion relation (3.7). φ to the horizontal (see figure 3-1), fixed by the dispersion relation s sin φ = ω 2 /4 − f 2 . 1 − f2 (3.7) The corresponding group velocities of perturbations are cg± = ±2 1 − f2 sin φ cos φ (cos φêx − sin φêy ) , ωk∗ L∗ (3.8) where k∗ is the (dimensional) magnitude of the modulated-subharmonic carrier wavevector lying along ζ = x sin φ + y cos φ. It is apparent from (3.7) that the group velocities vanish when ω/2 = f , i.e. at latitude β ≈ 28.8◦ for beams generated by the M2 tidal current [28]. In the small-amplitude limit, = U∗ ψ∗ = 1, 2 N0 L∗ N0 L∗ 61 (3.9) where ψ∗ denotes the (dimensional) peak streamfunction and U∗ the (dimensional) peak velocity of the underlying beam, it was found in the preceding chapter that nonlinear effects and dispersive effects are of equal importance when k∗ = κ 1/2 L∗ κ = O(1). , (3.10) Furthermore, since the streamfunction of PSI wavepackets scales as 3/2 , the evolution equations governing its interaction with the underlying beam may be studied with expansions i o 3/2 nh 1/2 1/2 ψ = Q(η, T )e−iωt + c.c. + A(η, T )eiκζ/ + B(η, T )e−iκζ/ e−iωt/2 + c.c. , κ (3.11a) nh i o 1/2 1/2 ρ = R(η, T )e−iωt + c.c. + F (η, T )eiκζ/ + G(η, T )e−iκζ/ e−iωt/2 + c.c. , (3.11b) nh i o −iωt iκζ/1/2 −iκζ/1/2 −iωt/2 w = W (η, T )e + c.c. + M (η, T )e + N (η, T )e e + c.c. . (3.11c) The first set of curly brackets in (3.11) represents the underlying wave beam of amplitude with general-spatial complex profile Q, R, and W varying in the acrossbeam direction η = x sin θ + y cos θ. The second set of curly brackets represents the pair of perturbation subharmonic wavepackets with carrier wavevector in the ±ζdirection, with complex envelopes A, B, F , G, M , and N spatially modulated in η. The appropriate ‘slow’ time scales like the group velocity, T ∼ |cg± |t. (3.12) Away from near-inertial conditions, the group velocity scales like 1/2 according to (3.8) and (3.10) as presented in Karimi & Akylas (2014). However in view of (2.17)– (2.18) of their paper, envelope propagation comes into equal balance with second- 62 order dispersion and nonlinear effects when sin φ = 1/2 σ, (3.13) where σ = O(1) is a detuning parameter, calculated by putting (3.13) into (3.7), s σ= ω 2 /4 − f 2 . (1 − f 2 ) (3.14) The group velocity of PSI, (3.8), scales like under these conditions so the appropriate slow time variable is T = t. (3.15) Substituting expansions (3.11) into the governing equations (3.1)–(3.3), we collect terms proportional to exp(−iωt) and exp(±iκζ/1/2 ) exp(−iωt/2). The resulting nine coupled equations are combined by consistent elimination of density (R, F , G) and transverse-velocity (W , M , N ) variables in favor of the streamfunctions: QT + 2γAB = 0, (3.16) σc i c0 Aη − Aηη + 2ακ2 A − iδκ2 A|Qη |2 + γQηη B ∗ = 0, κ 2 κ2 i c0 σc Bηη + 2ακ2 B − iδκ2 B|Qη |2 + γQηη A∗ = 0, BT − Bη − κ 2 κ2 AT + (3.17a) (3.17b) where the parameters p c = 3(1 − f 2 ), 0 c = 3f, 3f δ= , 2(1 − f 2 ) γ= 3f p 3(1 − 4f 2 ) , (3.18) 4(1 − f 2 ) depend only on the Coriolis parameter f . The parameter α is defined such that viscous effects primarily affect the fine-scale subarmonic wavepackets and are in balance with nonlinear and dispersive effects [20], α= ν , 22 63 (3.19) and ∗ denotes the complex conjugate. Details of the derivation of this system are given in appendix C. The first two terms in (3.17) represent the linear propagation of envelopes A and B with speed ±c/κ = cg± · êη , the projection of the respective group velocity (3.8) on the modulation direction η, where êη is the unit vector along η. The third and fourth terms are due to the linear effects of dispersion and viscosity. Coupling between the evolution equations occurs through the remaining nonlinear terms which allow energy exchange between the underlying beam and subharmonic perturbations. 3.3 Stability analysis As written in (3.16)–(3.17), the amplitudes of the three members of the triad interaction are of the same magnitude enabling the study of the evolution of the system from general initial conditions over long time. However, an underlying beam subject to small disturbances may be studied by making the so-called ‘pump-wave’ approximation, |Q| |A|, |B|, (3.20) valid during the early stages of interaction. This approximation amounts to linearizing the system about the underlying beam in steady-state, Q(η, T ) = Q(η), (3.21) remaining static in time, automatically satisfying (3.16). The subsequent behavior of complex envelopes A and B determine the stability of the beam: if they are able to extract energy via nonlinear interaction with Q at a rate exceeding the speed of linear transport, dispersion, and viscous decay, the beam is unstable. 64 3.3.1 Sinusoidal plane waves The PSI of weakly nonlinear sinusoidal wavetrains corresponds to the profile Q = 12 eiη , (3.22) in which case the characteristic length is the inverse wavenumber of the beam, L∗ = 1/K∗ , where K∗ is the (dimensional) wavenumber. Putting (3.22) into (3.17), the resulting linear system has harmonic coefficients, susceptible to normal-mode solutions, A(η, T ) = A0 eλT eiρη , B ∗ (η, T ) = B0∗ eλT ei(ρ−1)η , (3.23) where λ is the complex eigenvalue with growth rate given by its real part and ρ is an O(1) correction to the perturbation wavevectors, ρ κ ê k± = ± 1/2 êζ + 1 − ρ η (3.24) with êζ the unit vector lying along ζ. If for some κ and ρ the real part of λ is a maximum, a perturbation of selected spatial scale is expected to emerge. Inserting (3.22) and (3.23) into (3.17) we obtain the algebraic equations σc c0 2 1 2 1 2 (λ + 2ακ ) + i ρ + 2 ρ − δκ A0 − γB0∗ = 0, κ 2κ 4 2 0 σc c 1 1 (λ + 2ακ2 ) + i − (ρ − 1) − 2 (ρ − 1)2 + δκ2 B0∗ − γA0 = 0. κ 2κ 4 2 (3.25a) (3.25b) For A0 , B0∗ 6= 0 a characteristic equation of the form (p1 + p2 )(p1 − p2 + p3 ) = p24 (3.26) arises, which can be factored as 2 2 1 1 p1 + p3 − p2 + p3 = p24 , 2 2 65 (3.27) so )2 0 σc c 1 (λ + 2ακ2 )+i − −ρ = 2κ 2κ2 2 2 σc 1 c0 1 1 2 1 2 2 . γ − ρ− + 2 ρ −ρ+ − δκ 4 κ 2 2κ 2 4 ( (3.28) The real part of λ is maximum when the terms in the curly brackets on the righthand side above vanish—a condition which furnishes ρ in terms of the yet-unknown leading-order subharmonic wavevector contribution κ, 2 ρ= κ c0 v u u c σc −1 ± t1 − − 2 κ 2κ 0 2c0 κ2 σc − 2κ σc κ + − 2 c0 − δκ4 4κ2 c0 2 2 2κ . (3.29) Normal-mode solutions restrict ρ to real values, so the terms under the square root above must be positive, yielding a lower bound on κ, δ 4 σ 2 c2 2 1 κ + 02 κ ≥ . 2c0 c 4 (3.30) Under condition (3.29), the real part of λ is simply λr = 21 γ − 2ακ2 , affirming that the growth rate is limited by viscous damping. Further maximizing the growth rate, λr , demands that κ reach the minimum value allowed by (3.30), κmin σc =√ δc0 )1/2 δc03 1+ 4 4 −1 , 2σ c (r (3.31) where the signs of the fourth-order roots from (3.30) are chosen such that κ is real and positive (without loss, since κ → −κ amounts to A ↔ B). The corresponding O(1) wavevector correction in (3.29) is ρmin = 1 σc − 0 κmin , 2 c 66 (3.32) and the corresponding eigenvalue from (3.28), 1 λ = γ − 2ακ2min , 2 (3.33) is real, signifying that the assumed subharmonic frequency lacks a correction at O(), 1 ω± = ω + O(3/2 ). 2 (3.34) The corresponding subharmonic wavevectors κmin k± = ± 1/2 êζ + 1 σc ∓ 0 κmin êη + O(1/2 ), 2 c (3.35) satisfy the triad resonant condition k+ + k− = K, where K = êη is the wavevector of the underlying beam, up to O(1/2 ). Two interesting limits of consideration are the fully detuned (σ → ∞) and perfectly tuned wave (σ = 0). In the former case the wave is far from near-inertial conditions and κmin = 0, recovering the results of Karimi & Akylas (2014, §4.1) [20] in which there is no preferred wavelength of instability in the inviscid limit. On the other hand, the group velocity of perturbations vanishes when the wave is perfectly tuned and energy transport is due solely to second-order dispersion which evenly spreads the perturbation energy. This process of energy transport leads to the selection of a preferred wavenumber, κmin = (c0 /2δ)1/4 independent of damping effects, which may suppress the instability for a sufficiently large damping factor α, or small by (3.19), permitting the underlying wave to survive PSI. We note that result (3.33) is identical to the growth rate expression, equation (4.19), of Young et al. (2008) in the inviscid limit (see appendix D). 3.3.2 Locally confined beams The width of a locally confined beam serves as the length scale L∗ in the ensuing stability analysis. The stability of such beams, being finite in space, Q(η) → 0 as 67 η → ±∞, are studied by investigating the normal-modes of (3.17) with Q from (3.21), B ∗ (η, T ) = B̂ ∗ (η)eλT , A(η, T ) = Â(η)eλT , (3.36) where λ = λr + iλi , that decay to zero far from the beam:  → 0, B̂ ∗ → 0 (η → ±∞). (3.37) Substituting (3.36) into (3.17), the mode shapes are found to satisfy p 3(1 − f 2 ) 3 3κ2 Âη − i 2 Âηη − i |Q |2  f 2κ 2(1 − f 2 ) η p 3 3(1 − 4f 2 ) + Qηη B̂ ∗ = 0, (3.38a) 4(1 − f 2 ) p 3(1 − f 2 ) ∗ σ 3 ∗ 3κ2 λ + 2ακ2 B̂ ∗ − B̂η + i 2 B̂ηη +i |Q |2 B̂ ∗ f κ f 2κ 2(1 − f 2 ) η p 3 3(1 − 4f 2 ) ∗ + Qηη  = 0. (3.38b) 4(1 − f 2 ) λ + 2ακ2 f σ  + κ Given a beam of some profile, Q(η), detuned by an amount σ from (3.14) with a local Coriolis frequency f and viscous parameter α, system (3.38) is to be solved numerically for the complex eigenvalue λ = λ(α, f, σ, κ) = λr +iλi which has maximum real part for some wavenumber κ. That is, in general, we search for solutions to (3.38) with a set of fixed parameters σ, f , α, and Q then sweep over κ. However, in ocean applications f = 2Ω sin β/N0 . 0.1, so 1 − f 2 , 1 − 4f 2 = 1 + O(10−2 ) ≈ 1, (3.39) and (3.38) simplifies to √ √ σ̂ 3 3κ2 3 3 λ̂ + 3 Âη − i 2 Âηη − i |Qη |2  + Q B̂ ∗ = 0, κ 2κ 2 4√ ηη √ σ̂ ∗ 3κ2 3 3 ∗ 3 ∗ ∗ λ̂B̂ − 3 B̂η + i 2 B̂ηη + i |Qη |2 B̂ ∗ + Qηη  = 0, κ 2κ 2 4 68 (3.40a) (3.40b) where λ̂ = λ + 2ακ2 , f σ̂ = σ . f (3.41) Along with boundary conditions (3.37), the reduced eigenvalue problem (3.40) is numerically solved for a given beam profile Q(η) with normalized detuning σ̂ and perturbation wavenumber κ being the parameters to the complex eigenvalue λ̂(σ̂, κ) = λ̂r + iλ̂i . It follows from (3.41) that the growth rate of the perturbation, λr = f λ̂r (σ̂, κ) − 2ακ2 , (3.42) determines the stability of the beam. For a given Q(η), σ̂, and κ it can be shown that if (3.40) admits {λ̂; Â, B̂ ∗ } as an eigensolution, so is {−λ̂; −B̂ ∗ , Â} admitted. Choosing the mode with λ̂r > 0 in (3.42), the instability criteria (λr > 0) is directly formulated in terms of the eigenvalues, λ̂r (σ̂, κ) > Cκ2 , (3.43) where C= 2α . f (3.44) The left-hand side of the inequality is purely due to the interaction of subharmonic wavepackets with Q(η). To see this, we take Q = 0 in (3.40) and solve the resulting decoupled equations while keeping in mind that the wavepacket pair  and B̂ ∗ are bounded in space, finding the result that λ̂ is imaginary. Consequently, (3.43) indicates the competition between energy extraction from the beam, which varies with beam profile and proximity to the critical latitude, and viscous effects on the fine-scale structure of disturbances. Gaussian profile Given a beam profile and normalized detuning, σ̂, a wavenumber sweep over κ is performed in solving the eigenvalue problem (3.37) and (3.40). The beam is unstable for all κ that satisfy (3.43), and moreover, the growth rate (3.42) is maximized for 69 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 Figure 3-2: Plots of the real part of the first eigenvalue branches λ̂r (κ̂, σ̂) of beam with Gaussian profile (3.45) for σ̂ = 0 (—), 1 (– –), and 2 (– · –). An additional eigenvalue branch is shown for σ̂ = 0 which emerges just before the first branch ends, reaching a slightly larger peak. The intersections of these modes with the quadratic Cκ̂2 , shown here for C = 0.05 ( ) and 0.09 ( ), determine the range of unstable disturbance wavenumbers κ for which (3.43) is satisfied. some selected κ. As a useful example of this procedure, we consider Gaussian profile, Q = 12 exp −η 2 , (3.45) which fixes the amplitude of the beam streamfunction as and the characteristic √ width of the beam as L∗ = 2s, where s is the (dimensional) standard deviation. Beams which are of real and even profile, as in (3.45), can be shown to admit the additional eigenmodes {λ̂∗ ; −B̂(−η), Â(−η)} and {−λ̂∗ ; Â∗ (−η), B̂(−η)} from (3.40), revealing that eigenvalues emerge in quartets. Spurious eigenvalues from finite difference solutions to (3.40) with boundary conditions (3.37) can then be filtered out according to the quartet rule, exposing the true eigenmodes. Results of this numerical procedure are shown in figure 3-2. For a fixed σ̂, the real part of the eigenvalue materializes from a finite value of κ, reaching a maximum, then dropping off to zero whereupon the eigenvalue vanishes. Shown for σ̂ = 0 (though occurring for all σ̂), a second eigenvalue branch appears just before the first disappears with similar behavior but arriving at slightly larger maximum value than the first branch. The pattern is repeated with increasing κ so to determine the length scale of instability, an eigenvalue sweep over a sufficiently large κ range is required. 70 As for the case of beams in the absence of rotation [20], there exists a finite range of unstable disturbance wavenumbers, κl < κ < κu , where κl and κu denote the values of κ at which the quadratic Cκ2 intersects the eigenvalue curve (indicated for C = 0.05 and 0.09 in figure 3-2). Within this finite window of instability, the wavenumber with maximum growth rate (3.42) is expected to emerge from a general initial perturbation as the preferred scale of PSI. In order for the quadratic Cκ2 to intersect the eigenvalue curve λ̂r , and hence instability to be possible, the parameter C in (3.43) must be less than a critical value Cc (σ̂) set by the first eigenvalue branch as seen from the κ-gap between peaks of subsequent branches, C < Cc , (3.46) which depends on the particular beam profile and detuning parameter. Combining (3.19) with (3.43), this condition of instability can be written in terms of the threshold amplitude r > c = ν , f Cc (3.47) or restoring to dimensional form with (3.4) and (3.9) r U∗ > U∗c = N0 ν∗ , f0 Cc (σ̂) (3.48) where f0 = f N0 is the dimensional local Coriolis parameter from (3.5). Though the effects of group velocity are apparent in (3.48) through Cc (σ̂), explicit effects of beam width do not appear. Not entering the instability criteria, the beam width simply acts to provides the first-order scaling over which the mode shapes are spread under near-inertial conditions so long that (3.9) holds. It is important to note that Cc is not a monotonic function of σ̂. For the eigenvalue branches shown in figure 3-2, Cc (σ̂ = 0, 1, 2) = 0.088, 0.101, 0.079. Consequently when C is near, but less than, Cc , the maximum growth rate of perturbation may not be found for a detuned system. Such cases may occur for beams generated on experimental scales since viscous effects may be enhanced. An extreme incidence of this possibility is shown 71 for C = 0.09 in figure 3-2 for which the beam is unstable only when detuned, an event understood by recalling that the angle of subharmonic wavepacket propagation is determined by σ = f σ̂ in (3.13). The projection of beam width on the subharmonic direction of propagation, being L∗ / sin(θ − φ) from figure 3-1, increases with the inclination of perturbation propagation φ. Accordingly, subharmonic disturbances remain in contact with the beam over a larger distance and may traverse through the beam for longer duration despite the increased group velocity. The eigenvalue branches shown in figure 3-2 obtain decreasing peak λr as the beam is detuned so that the PSI growth rate of beams, (3.42), with small criticality parameter, C (so Cκ2 is shallow in figure 3-2), is optimal when perfectly tuned (σ̂ = 0). One would expect then, that the energy of M2 internal-tide beams propagating northward would transfer into subharmonics waves at increasing intensity as it nears the critical latitude and reach a maximum transfer rate at ≈ 28.8◦ in a manner similar to that shown in Figure 1c of MacKinnon et al. (2005) [28]. In the limit of complete detuning (σ̂ → ∞), λr ≤ 0 for all κ implying that beams of general spatial profile are stable unless they propagate under near-inertial configurations. As the group velocity of perturbations largely increase (with σ̂), the limited duration of interaction between disturbance wavepacket and underlying beam is insufficient for sustainable energy transfer to fine-scale PSI, as remarked in earlier works [20]. The preceding analysis is conveniently applied to the numerical study of the internal-tide beam propagating under near-inertial conditions by Gerkema et al. (2006) [12], in which the beam is generated by barotropic tidal flow over a shelf break. The beam quickly experienced energy loss to PSI, before even reaching the sea floor. Paragraphs [9] and [10] of their paper provide the dimensional parameters just below the critical latitude for background frequency N0 = 2 × 10−3 rads/s, beam frequency ω∗ = 1.405 × 10−4 rads/s, Coriolis parameter f∗ = 6.73 × 10−5 rad/s, and turbulent viscosity ν∗vert,hor = (10−4 , 10−2 ) m2 /s. Although a strict conversion from their turbulent viscosity to our kinematic viscosity is not possible, we take the average of their vertical and horizontal scales of turbulent viscosity for the following comparison, ν∗ = 10−3 m2 /s. From their Figure 1b, the peak velocity is U∗ = 0.2 72 m/s and beam width L∗ = 1 km. Upon non-dimensionalizing according to Sec. 3.2, it is found that = 0.1 and the parameters of Sec. 3.3.2 are calculated to be σ̂ = 0.95 and C = 1.49 × 10−3 . Assuming the internal-tide beam to have Gaussian profile (3.45), (3.37) and (3.40) are solved for σ̂ = 0.95 from which it is found that the growth rate (3.42) is maximum for κ = 12.7 with λr = 1.52 × 10−2 . The corresponding (dimensional) inverse growth rate of subharmonic perturbation streamfunctions is (N0 λr )−1 = 3.8 days and the growth rate of their kinetic energy is half that, 1.9 days. In comparison, the reported inverse growth of disturbance energy is 2.0 days in Gerkema et al. (2006), in reasonable compliance with our analysis. The predicted wavelength of subharmonic wavepackets, 1/2 2πL∗ /κ = 157 m somewhat underestimates the observed instability length scale which appears to be ∼ 250 m in their Figure 1b. 3.4 Long-time evolution Unstable disturbances initially grow at an exponential rate as described in the preceding analysis then become finite in amplitude and fully couple with the underlying beam, adhering to (3.16)–(3.17). Numerically solving the fully nonlinear system with the unperturbed beam of Sec. 3.3.2, Q(η, T = 0) = Q(η) = 21 exp −η 2 , (3.49) provides insight into the nature of system evolution over a wide time domain. The numerical method used second-order centered finite differences on a uniform grid, with ∆η = 0.04 and −50 < η < 50, and fourth-order Runge-Kutta time stepping with ∆T = 0.002. Taking C = 0.05 and σ̂ = 1, the range of subharmonic wavenumbers for which the beam is unstable is 1.12 < κ < 2.44, as shown in figure 3-2 and disturbances with κ = 1.96 develop at the quickest growth rate, λr = 1.86 × 10−2 . With fixed C and σ̂, we choose f = 0.1 which sets σ = 0.1 and α = 2.5 × 10−3 from (3.41) and (3.43) in (3.16)–(3.18). 73 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 400 200 0 −20 −10 0.1 0.1 0 0 −0.1 400 −0.1 400 200 0 −20 −10 0 10 20 20 10 0 200 0 −20 −10 0 10 Figure 3-3: Evolution of wave beam, with initially Gaussian envelope (3.45), and subharmonic perturbations with the most unstable wavenumber κ = 1.96, according to numerical solution of the coupled equations (3.16)–(3.17) subject to the initial conditions (3.50) as shown in figure 3-2. The real part of wave envelope magnitudes of the beam (Qr ) and the perturbations (Ar , Br ) are displayed at various times T . Numerical solutions to (3.16)–(3.17) are shown in figure 3-3 for the initial subharmonic perturbations A (η, T = 0) = B (η, T = 0) = Q(η) . 100 (3.50) Conforming to the linearized system (3.40) at the early stages of integration, initial perturbations of any profile first self-adjust so that they assume the mode shapes  and B̂. Exponential growth of the disturbances follows according to the selected κ, chosen such that λr is optimized for comparison to observations, at the expense of the underlying beam according to the fully nonlinear evolution equations (3.16)– (3.17). The energy transfer from Q to A and B eventually halts as the underlying beam drops and perturbations rise in amplitude since the nonlinear wave interaction weakens. From this time on, the perturbations disperse from the interaction while decaying due to viscous dissipation and the beam envelope remains static. 74 20 The weakened nonlinear interaction may be understood by considering (3.44) and using (3.19) to replace α with , which shows that C is inversely proportional to the square of beam amplitude, . Perturbations acquire their peak amplitude around T = 220, with a combined amplitude ∼ 36% of the initial beam as shown in figure 33, whereas the beam is ∼ 72% of its initial amplitude. The stability parameter at this time is C ≈ 0.097 for which κ = 1.96 > κu , outside the window of instability. We note that C remains less than Cc = 0.101 for σ̂ = 1, allowing a small amount of additional energy transfer to a slightly lower wavenumber before the beam becomes stable to all PSI wavenumbers. Selecting = 0.1, contour plots of the along-beam wave velocity field, computed from η-derivatives of ψ in (3.11a), are shown in figure 3-4 for times t = 0, 400, and 2400. In beam periods, 2π/ω = 30.0, where ω is calculated from (3.14), these snapshots correspond to t/(2π/ω) = 0, 13.3, and 80.0. Within just ten beam periods, disturbances self-adjust into mode shapes suitable for exponential growth, apparent from the dispersion of the velocity field on the flanks of the underlying beam in figure 3-4b. By eighty beam periods, the underlying beam has lost a substantial amount of energy to the subharmonic perturbations, shown in figure 3-4c, combined to have about 35% the initial peak velocity. Since viscosity quickly dissipates energy from the PSI wavepackets, due to a relatively large dissipation factor here, they never reach a magnitude near that of the underlying wave, which drops to about 65% of its initial amplitude at the end of interaction. Although the growth rate of PSI is quite rapid, the fact that they achieve a combined maximum velocity of half the instantaneous underlying beam before dissipating or dispersing away from the interaction site suggests that the beam may not undergo breakdown despite significant energy transfer, in a manner consistent with the computations of MacKinnon (2005) et al. [28] and Gerkema et al. (2006) [12] which do not report breakdown. For a smaller viscous parameter α (or larger amplitude by virtue of (3.19)), however, it is possible for PSI wavepackets to achieve a combined peak velocity equal to, or higher, than the instantaneous underlying beam, implying that breakdown due to overturning and/or shear instability may occur. 75 5 5 5 0.02 0.01 0 0 0 0 −0.01 −5 −20 0 20 −5 −20 0 20 −5 −20 0 20 Figure 3-4: Contours of the along-beam velocity component at (a) initialization, (b) appearance of PSI in the wavefield, and (c) near the end of the interaction under the assumed asymptotic conditions. 3.5 Concluding remarks Consistent with the field observations of MacKinnon et al. (2013) [29], internal-tide beams are found here to be considerably more susceptible to PSI in the vicinity of critical latitudes, with a maximum rate of energy loss at criticality. Far from criticality, only spatially modulated beams may be unstable to PSI since the timescale of nonlinear interaction is insufficiently small to allow for sustainable energy transfer before perturbations exit the overlapping region with the beam [20]. However, with the pronounced effect of rotation under near-inertial conditions, it is possible for resonance configurations to exist in which the group velocity of PSI (nearly) vanishes, remaining in the overlap region for a duration dictated by weak (group velocity effects and) dispersion. The proximity to near-inertial conditions is measured by the amount of detuning. The effects of detuning play a significant role in the stability characteristics of wave beams by setting the group velocity of subharmonic disturbances. Beams of general spatial profile are typically found to be more unstable the closer they are to perfectly tuned configurations as the interaction is prolonged, and are completely stable to PSI when they are far from these conditions. The role of beam amplitude is doubly critical for near-inertial beams, firstly by setting a threshold of instability as dictated by (3.48). Unstable beams lose energy at a maximum rate to subharmonic wavepackets of a preferred wavenumber. Secondly, an unstable beam with amplitude 76 −0.02 above the threshold, but not largely so, may not provide PSI with an adequately large energy extraction rate to onset breakdown processes. In this way, the numerical solutions of evolution equations (3.16)–(3.17) are consistent with the fact that the observation of PSI is not necessarily accompanied by breakdown. Although we may make comparisons to prior numerical results [12, 28], experimental results which include rotation are desired 77 Chapter 4 Applications and numerical simulations of PSI in wave beams 4.1 Introduction In the previous two chapters, we provided analytical investigations into the process of energy transfer from an internal wave beam to fine-scale disturbances. The analysis provided a number of physical insights and quantitative predictions under weakly nonlinear conditions. Although some applications of the analysis were provided in those chapters, here we will give a detailed application of the theory in comparison with the recent experimental investigations of Bourget et al. [3], which accounted for the effects of width on PSI absent rotation. A second application will be presented in which internal tides generated by the numerical model of iTides ( are taken as input parameters to the theoretical calculations of this thesis. Lastly, we report ongoing work in which numerical simulations of various beam configurations are performed to provide a data set against which we may quantitatively compare our asymptotic analysis. 78 4.2 Application to experiments In the experiments of Bourget et al. [3], a nearly-monochromatic wave beam was generated at the top of a tank filled with salt-stratified water of constant buoyancy frequency and visualized by synthetic schlieren techniques [45]. The generation mechanism consisted of a horizontal row of thin discs [14, 33] with vertical off-sets to form a sinusoidal shape. Beam width was controlled by the number of plates included in the experimental apparatus, beam amplitude by the off-set distance from the center of the discs, and beam propagation angle by cam shaft frequency (via dispersion relation). Corresponding numerical simulations were run for validation and further analysis. Configuration III of their table 1 lists the following beam characteristics: N0 = 0.91 rad/s, ω = 0.74, l0 = 75 m-1 , N = 3, ψ∗ = 33, ν∗ (4.1) where N0 is the buoyancy frequency, ω is the non-dimensional beam frequency, l0 is the dimensional horizontal component of the beam wavevector, N is the number of wavelengths contained in the beam, ψ∗ is the dimensional peak streamfunction, and ν∗ = 10−6 m2 /s is the kinematic viscosity (of water). The parameters of (4.1) are written in the notation of chapter 2 since the experiments were conducted in a non-rotating tank. To put these parameters in the form of inputs to the theoretical analysis of this thesis, we obtain the beam wavenumber from the dispersion relation, k∗ = l0 = 101.3 m-1 , ω (4.2) and calculate the peak streamfunction explicitly, ψ∗ = 33ν∗ = 3.3 × 10−5 m-2 /s. 79 (4.3) The wavenumber sets the lengthscale L∗ = 1 = 0.0099 m. k∗ (4.4) Non-dimensional parameters, calculated according to the scalings of §2.2 and §2.3, are ν= ν∗ = 0.0113, N0 L2∗ θ = asin(ω) = 0.8331, = ψ∗ = 0.3725. N0 L2∗ (4.5) Note that the asymptotic condition 1 is not satisfied, so the calculations of this thesis are not strictly valid. It turns out however, that all of the qualitative features of their experimental observations are captured in our analysis, and some quantitative comparisons are within acceptable ranges. The first-order approximation of the PSI propagation angle, and difference from that of the underlying beam, are φ = asin 1 2 sin θ = 0.379, χ = θ − φ = 0.4541, (4.6) and the scaled viscous parameter is α= ν = 0.0407. 22 (4.7) Coefficients to the evolution equations of PSI wavepacket envelopes in (2.31) are then calculated as c= ω (2 − cos χ) = 0.4075, 2 c0 = γ = sin χ cos2 ω 3 cos2 χ − 4 cos χ − 1 = −0.804, 2 1 χ = 0.4164. (4.8) 2 Given the generation technique and resulting beam shape of their experiments, it is justified to assume a top-hat velocity profile for the underlying beam, so the scaled 80 width parameter is D = 2πN 1/2 = 11.50. (4.9) The stability parameter is C= αc2 = 7.07 × 10−4 , 3 2 γ D (4.10) whereas the criticality parameter for the top-hat profile Cc = 0.0108 > C, implying that our analysis correctly predicts the experimental beam to be unstable. Note that we may rewrite the criticality parameter in terms of the non-dimensional amplitude, c = αc2 = 0.0244. 4π 2 γ 3 N 2 Cc (4.11) The eigenvalue problem of §2.4.2 depends only on the beam shape, here being the top-hat profile. The growth-rate of the most unstable PSI mode, however, also requires knowledge of C. Maximizing the growth rate (2.44) from the solution to the eigenvalue problem, we find λr = 0.357, γ κ̂ = 9.72, (4.12) or by removing the normalization factors introduced in §2.4.2, κ= c κ̂ = 5.77, γD λr = 0.357γ = 0.1486. (4.13) Note that the value λr /γ is 1/2 for monochromatic waves in inviscid fluids and provides an upper bound for growth rate. The predicted PSI frequencies are 1 1 1/2 ω± = ω ± c = 0.52, 0.22. 2 2 κ (4.14) Combining (2.23), (2.32), and (2.35), the wavevectors of the subharmonic wavepackets 81 are Dκ3 1 c0 1/2 êη ∓ sin2 χ k± = ± 1/2 êζ + êη ∓ 2 8cκ ωc κ Z ξ |q|2 dξ 0 1/2 êη , (4.15) or wavenumbers q 2 2 + 2k±,η k±,ζ cos χ, + k±,ζ |k± | = k±,η (4.16) where k±,η and k±,ζ are the η- and ζ- components of the subharmonic wavevectors, respectively. For beams with top-hat envelope, the integral in (4.15) is simply 1/4. Using κ from in (4.13), the computed wavenumbers are |k± | = 2.60, 1.64. (4.17) Restoring dimensions of the wavenumber, indicated by subscript ∗, |k±∗ | = L∗ |k± | = 263, 166 m−1 (4.18) we can compare the predictions of this thesis to the observed PSI characteristics in the experiments of Bourget et al. [3]. Configuration III of their table 2 report the observed wavenumbers and frequency of subharmonic wavepackets as |k±,∗B | = 208, 121 m−1 , ω±,B = 0.49, 0.26. (4.19) The PSI frequencies predicted in (4.14) agree quite well with those observed experimentally above. Although not as accurate, the predicted wavenumbers (4.18) compare reasonably to the observed PSI characteristics considering that the small-amplitude limit of our theory is not satisfied in their experiments. A complete comparison with the experimental and numerical work of Bourget et al. [3] is given in table 4.1. Note that it is not possible to compare with configuration I since the width is not precisely reported. Comparison with configuration V is not useful since the observed instabilities were not of the ω+ + ω− = ω type of triad resonance; rather they relate to the difference of frequencies (see [3]). 82 Config. Approach of [3] II numerical experimental III IV numerical N 3 3 3 ω+ /N0 0.64 (0.62) 0.49 (0.52) 0.49 (0.56) |k+∗ | ( m−1 ) ω− /N0 201 (293) 0.26 (0.23) 208 (263) 0.26 (0.22) 232 (209) 0.25 (0.18) |k−∗ | ( m−1 ) 101 (174) 121 (166) 148 (113) Table 4.1: Experimental and numerical results of Bourget et al. [3] are summarized. For various beam configurations, the observed PSI wavepacket characteristics are reported, along with the predictions of our asymptotic analysis in parentheses. 4.3 Application to beams generated by iTides Two common mechanisms of ocean internal wave generation are due to forcing by wind flows over the sea surface and tidal flows over topography [16, 37]. Particularly relevant to deep-ocean mixing [9] is the latter which has been studied analytically [1], numerically [8, 17], and experimentally [34]. Internal waves may take quite complicated forms depending on the stratification and structural details of the topography. Those generated in the deep-ocean, where the stratification is nearly uniform, are well described by the wave beam formulation. The use of iTides, an open source numerical model for investigating internal wave generation, allows a connection to be drawn between the theoretical predictions of this thesis to wave beams as they occur in the ocean. The iTides model computes the resulting internal tide due to a barotropic flow over arbitrary topography and stratification. It will be useful here to compute a typical beam profile from this generation process. A simple, though illustrative, example is shown in figure 4-1 which displays the internal tide due to the M2 tidal flow over a Gaussian ridge. Here, the background velocity of the tidal flow is 0.05 m/s with uniform stratification of N0 = 2 × 10−3 rad/s. The beam variation is normal to the direction of propagation, denoted by the cross-beam coordinate η. A sample cross-sectional profile is taken at a distance midway between the generation site and reflection at the upper boundary, shown in figure 4-2(a). Though there are some small-scale oscillations of velocity amplitude, it is clear that the internal tide does not arise as a beam profile modulated by a carrier wavenumber. As discussed at the end of §2.2, PSI is not expected to play a role in 83 Figure 4-1: Internal tide generation due to M2 tidal flow over a Gaussian ridge. The shown horizontal velocity clearly indicates the presence of a discrete beam. A sample across the beam is taken at the dashed blue line shown in figure 4-2(a). energy exchange for such beams. Nonetheless, we may proceed to make a strict comparison of our theoretical analysis according to the re-scaling procedure of §2.3 by exploring the wavenumber spectra of the profile in figure 4-2(a), shown in figure 4-2(b). The dominant wavelength here is Λ∗ = 3700 m, whereas the width of the beam is D∗ = 1750 m < Λ∗ , so only half a wavelength fits inside the beam width, further supporting the claim that the beam is not truly modulated by a carrier wavenumber. Carrying on with the analysis, we find = 0.03 and C = 0.64 which is larger than Cc = 0.0266 for Gaussian profiles. It is sufficient here to compare to Cc of the Gaussian profile since the specific shape of beam profile may change Cc no more than an O(1) factor. The conclusion here, that a typical oceanic wave beam is stable to energy transfer to fine-scale disturbances via PSI, holds significant consequences for ocean studies. A more systematic study, taking realistic input topography from comprehensive field studies, may serve to complement our simple application here; but considering that C ∼ 25Cc , variations in topography and stratification are expected to lead to minor changes to our conclusion. Exceptions to this statement may be found where internal tides of increased amplitude and width are generated. Although broad topography may generate beams of increased width, the beam amplitude decreases; 84 0.04 6 5 0.03 4 0.02 3 2 0.01 0 1 0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 −0.05 0 0.05 Figure 4-2: Cross-beam profile and spectra of internal tide. Notice that the crossbeam profile does not appear to contain a carrier wavenumber in (a), though the spectra reveals a small dominant wavenumber in (b). The width of the beam, however, is about twice the dominant wavelength. conversely, steep topography induces thinner beams of increased amplitude [10]. These competing effects suggest that it is more important to consider regions of greater background tidal flows which amplify beam amplitude without considerably altering the beam profile [8]. Furthermore, by putting (2.15) and (2.34) into (2.56), the magnified effect of beam amplitude becomes clear from the inversely cubic dependence on of the criticality parameter, C ∼ 1/3 . Indeed, PSI of the internal tide has been observed on lab scales when the beam amplitude is large as in the experiments of Pairaud et al. [38] in which the generated beam was of amplitude ≈ 0.3 (taking the peak velocity in their figure 2(a) as the root mean square and assuming the width is made up of one wavelength). An interesting extension of our analysis with iTides can be made by simulating beams propagating near critical latitudes where the inclusion of rotation significantly alters their stability to PSI. Internal tide generation is also modified by the presence of rotation, though accounted for by iTides. Thus, taking realistic topography near critical latitudes may provide a more faithful depiction of the sort of internal tides expected to experience PSI. Putting the output beam from iTides as input to the eigenvalue problem of §3.3, quantitative predictions, such as rate of energy transfer and wavelength of fine-scale disturbances, may be made. 85 Figure 4-3: Contour plot of the vorticity field of a numerical simulation initialized with small random noise over a sinusoidal wave shown after sufficient time has passed for instabilities to develop. The dominant mode of instability appears as fine-scale disturbances with angle of propagation more shallow than the underlying wave, implying that the frequency of perturbations are less than that of the underlying wave. 4.4 Numerical simulations A comprehensive study by which the transfer of energy from an underlying monochromatic wave to fine-scale subharmonic wavepackets was presented in Koudella and Staquet [23]. Having developed an appropriate numerical scheme, it was possible to investigate the evolution of naturally occurring PSI modes for different wave amplitudes and viscosities. An example output of their scheme is shown in figure 4-3. The energetics of this process is discussed in detail in their paper. Here, we adopt their numerical scheme to execute the simulation of a finite-width beam. The goal of this ongoing project is simulate a number of beam configurations and compare its behavior with the calculations of chapters 2 and 3. Of particular interest is to verify the range of parameters over which the asymptotic analysis is valid, and perhaps to discover if large-amplitude instability mechanisms differ from the behavior expected of PSI. 86 Figure 4-4: The domain of the numerical simulation is shown in the center, thickoutlined box which contains the underlying beam of interesting (dark grey). To satisfy periodic boundary conditions in the horizontal and vertical, two additional beams (light grey) are included in the top-right and bottom-left corner to include the effects of the dash-outlined boxes adjacent to the domain. 4.4.1 Periodic boundary conditions Efficiency in computations is gained by making liberal use of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithms which require periodic boundary conditions. Though easily implemented for sinusoidal waves, care is required when simulating finite-width beams, which do not have unbounded periodicity, as shown in the center box of figure 4-4. Instead, we imagine a field of an infinite number of discrete beams and center in on one of them with dimensions such that periodicity is satisfied. The beam of interested is indicated in dark grey in figure 4-4; all other beams, which are required for periodicity is shaded light grey. Thus adjacent cells, in dashed outlines, are identical repetitions of the numerical domain. The size of the domain depends on the width of the beam. Sufficient distance between the beam of interest and the others must be prescribed to avoid the resulting PSI wavepackets from interfering with each other. For a beam of Gaussian profile, we select three standard deviations as this buffer length. In chapter 2, the underlying beam is written in terms of the stream function ψ(η, t) = Qe−iωt + c.c. , 87 (4.20) where Q is the general spatial beam profile evolving at a slower time scale than t. Our analysis concluded that for 1, the beam is stable to PSI, though nearlymonochromatic beams may suffer energy loss to PSI disturbances. Such a beam is written as Q = q (η, t) eiη , (4.21) where q evolves on slow spatial and time scale as deduced from the appropriate balancing of nonlinear interactions, dispersion, and dissipation effects (see §2.2–2.3). As initial condition we take the beam profile to be real, which simply amounts to setting the phase, so the input streamfunction to the Boussinesq solver is ψ(η, 0) =2q(η, 0) cos(η) + {2q(η − d, 0) cos(η − d) + 2q(η + d, 0) cos(η + d)} , (4.22) where the terms in curly brackets, offset by half the diagonal distance of the numerical domain in either direction, are the corner beams that satisfy periodic boundary conditions (see figure 4-4). 4.4.2 Qualitative results For the remainder of this study, we will take the Gaussian profile 1 q(η, 0) = exp 2 η2 2σ 2 , (4.23) where σ is the standard deviation of the beam non-dimensionalized by the carrier wavenumber. The corresponding scaled width parameter, from §2.6–2.7, D= √ 21/2 σ, (4.24) allows us to compare numerical observations with the theoretical calculations of chapter 2. A physically useful quantity is the width of the beam in terms of the number of wavelengths contained within the Gaussian envelope, here defined as the ratio of 88 four standard deviations (dimensional beam width) to carrier wavelength, Nw = 2 σ∗ 2 4σ∗ = = σ, Λ∗ π L∗ π (4.25) where σ∗ is the dimensional standard deviation. The number of grid points, n, in the numerical domain required to satisfy the periodic boundary conditions can be estimated based on the requirements for monochromatic waves. From the original code of Koudella and Staquet [23], it is known that for results to converge nm = 512 grid points are required in the vertical and horizontal discretization. In the case of a finite-width beam, according to (4.22), the diagonal of the domain must be a sum of the underlying beam width, the two corner beam widths (being half that of the full beam), and the spacing between center and corner beams having a buffer zone of one beam width. Thus, the number of grid points required in horizontal and vertical directions is the product of number of wavelengths in the domain and the number of grid points required per wavelength, Nw n = Nw + 2 + 2Nw nm = 4Nw nm . 2 (4.26) Since each wavelength requires nm = 512 grid points, n = 2048Nw = 4096 σ, π (4.27) where (4.25) was used. The above is simply an estimate and the FFT algorithms of the numerical scheme are optimal when the number of grid points are some multiple of 2. The true resolution of computations required relies upon the smallest scale of the system, here set by the fine-scale PSI wavepackets (if they develop). The input to the numerical framework is the non-dimensional beam configuration which is fully defined by beam amplitude , viscosity ν, angle of propagation θ, beam profile, and beam width σ for the Gaussian profile. As an example, we take = 0.1, ν = 10−4 , 89 θ = 45◦ , σ = 2. (4.28) From (4.24), the scaled beam width is D = 0.895, (4.29) and, as in §4.2, the corresponding parameters to the analysis of chapter 2 are α = 0.005, c0 = −0.761, c = 0.385, γ = 0.393, C = 0.0152. (4.30) Containing just Nw = 1.27 wavelengths, calculated from (4.25), this example beam is fairly thin. Unfortunately, the resources available to us are limited in resolution and our predictions may only be as accurate as this limitation. Carrying on, the solution to the eigenvalue problem of §2.4.2 returns the dominant PSI mode, which maximizes growth rate λr /γ, as λr = 0.0930, γ κ̂ = 2.80, (4.31) from which ω± = 0.373, 0.333, k± = 11.6, 10.7. (4.32) Note that the integral in (4.15) for the Gaussian profile is Z ∞ 2 0 Z ∞ |q| dξ = −∞ −∞ 1 −ξ02 e 2 2 0 dξ = r π 32 (4.33) Figure 4-5 is the resulting vorticity field taking (4.22), (4.23), and (4.28) as input to the numerical scheme. Random noise of small amplitude, initialised with the beam, clearly develop into the coherent wavepacket structure of PSI. The growth rate of PSI disturbances is found by filtering the wave field around ω/2 and plotting the energy of the remaining field at the center of the domain as shown in figure 4-6. The effect of finite-width is clear from figure 4-6 by comparing the analogous growth rate for unbounded, monochromatic waves, as shown in 4-3. Post-processing reveals that the growth rate of the beam in figure 4-5 is λfw = 0.0617, 90 (4.34) 6 6 0.1 5 0.05 4 0.1 5 0.05 4 6 0.2 5 4 0.1 0 3 0 2 −0.05 1 3 3 −0.05 2 −0.1 1 0 2 1 −0.1 0 0 2 4 6 0 0 2 4 6 0 0 −0.1 2 4 6 Figure 4-5: Evolution of the total vorticity field is shown as contours. (a) The underlying beam is initialised with very small random noise. There are nearly 2 wavelengths contained in the beam of Gaussian envelope. (b) Development of PSI is clearly visible at t = 1000 as fine-scale contours are seen to interact with the underlying beam. (c) By t = 1200 PSI wavepackets continuously extract energy from the beam while transporting energy with more shallow propagation angles. whereas for the analogous monochromatic it is λmw = 0.156. (4.35) Confinement of the monochromatic wave with an envelope clearly reduces the rate of energy transfer to fine-scale disturbances. The theoretical growth rate given by (4.31), λr = 0.0366, underestimates the observed growth rate by roughly 50%. While working through the remaining challenges in §4.4.3, we are also in the process of gaining access to high-performance computers capable of handling the large resolution required to process wider beams containing more carrier wavelengths. It is expected that numerical simulations conduced with higher resolution will yield different results or that the analytical model gains predictive power with Nw . With increased computational capabilities, it will be possible to determine the source of error between the predicted growth rate and observed growth rate. A major result of the study presented in chapter 2 was that beams of general spatial profile were found to be stable. Just as the beam in figure 4-5 was analysed, we may easily study beams of general spatial profile by modifying (4.22) such that 91 −8 −9 −10 −11 −12 −13 −14 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Figure 4-6: The total (potential and kinetic) energy of the wave field at the center of the numerical domain filtered at half the frequency of the underlying beam. Initially the energy drops off as the randomly seeded disturbance takes shape as PSI wavepackets. Once formed, the subharmonic perturbations grow at exponential rate, seen here between t = 1000 and t = 1200. The black line above the energy curve shows the fitting used to determine the growth rate. there is no carrier wavenumber, ψ(η, 0) =2q(η, 0) + {2q(η − d, 0) + 2q(η + d, 0)} . (4.36) That is, the cosine term has been set to unity. Even for a beam less than two full wavelengths of width, the long-time evolution is drastically different. Plots of the vorticity contour are show in figure 4-7 with parameters (4.28). The only difference between the generation of figures 4-5 and 4-7 is the cosine term between (4.22) and (4.36). Consistent with the discussion at the end of §2.2, the absence of carrier wavenumber of underlying beam excludes the formation of PSI wavepackets. In the previous example, θ = 45◦ was chosen for the numerical convenience of having equal resolution in horizontal and vertical coordinates. To avoid the complications of requiring different resolutions in different directions, which must be multiples of 2, it is useful to introduce the coordinate transformation y = y 0 tan θ 92 (4.37) 6 6 0.02 5 4 0.01 3 0.01 5 4 0 3 0 2 −0.01 2 −0.01 1 0 0 2 4 6 −0.02 1 −0.02 0 0 2 4 6 Figure 4-7: Evolution of the total vorticity field is shown as contours, but for a beam of general spatial profile lacking the presence of a carrier wavenumber. (a) The underlying beam is initialised with very small random noise. (b) Shown at t = 2100, the beam is still completely intact and random noise is apparently unable to excite any instability mode (including PSI). Compare this to the PSI of figure 4-5 that appears at t = 1000. so that the transformed vertical length is the same as the original horizontal length, Ly = tan θ Lx ⇒ Ly0 = 1. Lx (4.38) Figure 4-8 illustrates this transformation. Along with the modification of the numerical domain, density and momentum equations become ∂ρ ∂ψ 1 ∂ρ ∂ψ ∂ρ ∂ψ + + − = 0, (4.39) ∂t ∂x tan θ ∂x ∂y 0 ∂y 0 ∂x 2 ∂ 1 ∂2 ∂ψ ∂ρ + − 2 2 02 ∂x tan θ ∂y ∂t ∂x ( ) 2 1 ∂2 1 ∂ 2 ∂ψ ∂ψ ∂ 1 ∂2 ∂ψ ∂ψ + + − + tan θ ∂x2 tan2 θ ∂y 02 ∂x ∂y 0 ∂x2 tan2 θ ∂y 02 ∂y 0 ∂x 2 2 ∂ 1 ∂2 ∂ 1 ∂2 −ν + + ψ = 0. (4.40) ∂x2 tan2 θ ∂y 02 ∂x2 tan2 θ ∂y 02 For operations taking place in Fourier space, the transformation above may be re- 93 Figure 4-8: For arbitrary beam angles of propagation, θ, the periodic domain is rectangular (a) with vertical (Ly ) and horizontal (Lx ) widths. By simple coordinate transformation, y = y 0 tan θ, the domain is square (b) thereby reducing numerical complexities. placed by the operation ky → ky tan θ, (4.41) which is the case for linear terms in the numerical scheme, though non-linear terms are computed in real space to avoid cumbersome convolution arithmetic. Verification of the transformations above may be performed for monochromatic waves in an inviscid fluid by comparing numerical results with the analytical growth expression in Koudella and Staquet [23] and (2.39). 4.4.3 Remaining challenges A systematic study of distinct beam configurations, including various beam amplitudes, widths, frequencies, and shapes will be carried out awaiting the development of tools sufficient for quantitative analysis and access to machines capable of performing high-resolution computations in reasonable time frames. Qualitative results show that the characteristics of PSI are strongly affected by the width of the beam. The growth rate of a finite-width beam is less than that for a similar monochromatic wave and PSI is completely absent when the beam is of general spatial profile (i.e. there does not exist any dominant, carrier wavenumber). To make direct comparisons to our asymptotic calculations, such as in (4.31) and (4.32), we require precise temporal and spatial filtering techniques. 94 Frequency analysis PSI wavepackets propagate at half the frequency of the underlying beam upto leading order, but the 1/2 correction of (2.24) is not always negligible. When viscous and finite-amplitude effects are amplified, this correction becomes especially significant, as in the experiments of Bourget et al. [3] discussed in §4.2. Thus, simply filtering the flow field resulting from numerical simulations is insufficient to post-process PSI data for wide parameter ranges. Time-frequency spectrum and spectrograph methods are quite applicable to the data sets produced in our numerics, as employed in Joubaud et al. [19] and Bourget et al. [2]. Taking a moving (in time) Hamming window as smoothing function, they calculated the contribution to the velocity field of all frequencies in the domain at every spatial point. Such a Fourier-type analysis introduces a trade-off between the size of the window and frequency resolution. For unlimited computational capabilities, the ideal case is to obtain data at very high frequencies and select a window size such that frequency intervals of analysis are sufficiently small. Fortunately, it is easy to control the data capture intervals in our numerical analysis. The result of this analysis yields a time-frequency spectrum (see figure 3(a) of Bourget et al. [2]) which illustrates the evolution of frequency modes and allows the direct identification of triad members in PSI. Not only does this provide a second method to measure the growth rate of PSI wavepackets, but it also pre-empts the wavenumber analysis method of Hilbert transforms. Wavenumber analysis Knowing the frequency of the underlying beam, ω, and the two triad disturbances, ω± , we may then apply the Hilbert transform method of Mercier et al. [32] to each frequency contribution separately. The Hilbert transformation is a central step in a method that allows the extraction of wavevector data, which includes directional information. Firstly, a Fourier transform in time is executed followed by frequency filtering (here we can easily choose ω, ω+ , or ω− ). After returning to real space, 95 further spatial processing allows the selection of four possible 2-dimensional beams of a given frequency (according to St. Andrews cross of figure 1-2). As in Bourget et al. [3], we set the underlying beam to propagate downwards to the right so we know a priori that PSI disturbances propagate downwards to the right and in the opposite direction, illustrated vectorially in (4.15). The wavenumber can then be determined from the filtered flow field for each frequency with beams in set quadrants. This transformation technique is essentially a sequence of cleverly chosen Fourier transforms, and though it was originally applied to experimental data, it is particularly well suited for the output of our numerical simulations. The growth rate of each member of the PSI pair, though expected to be equal (see §2.4.2), can be observed separately and compared simply by noting the growth rate of any field variable in the filtered data. The numerical data, however, require truncation techniques to avoid aliasing errors during the computation. Ensuring that these truncation methods do not interfere with the Hilbert transform procedure is yet to be completed. Effects of rotation Chapter 3 introduced the Earth’s rotation into the asymptotic analysis of chapter 2 and found significant differences around critical latitudes for which the group velocity of PSI wavepackets nearly vanish. Consistent with global scale DNS simulations [28], it was found that beams of general spatial profile are vulnerable to instability by PSI and the nearly-monochromatic requirement discussed at the end of §2.2 may be relaxed. For this reason, there is a non-trivial desire to implement the Boussinesq equations under the thin-layer approximation (3.1)–(3.3) and perform analogous computations to (4.23), the difference here being that we do not require the cosine factors of (4.22). The post-processing methods carry over so extending the numerical scheme to account for Earth’s rotation is simply a matter of properly simulating (3.1)–(3.3). Introduction of the governing equations with rotation has begun, though verification with the analytical results of §3.3.1 remains to be done. Lastly, we wish to perform fully three-dimensional simulations of monochromatic 96 waves and beams with rotational effects. Although it has been well established [41] that the dominant mode of instability from which internal waves suffer, such is not necessarily the case once Coriolis effects are considered. It remains to be shown if the dominant instability mechanism of internal waves under these conditions is twodimensional. Allowing the evolution of waves in the spanwise dimension opens up the possibility of investigating this question further. 97 Chapter 5 Concluding remarks In this thesis, we analysed a mechanism by which energy from an internal wave beam may be transferred to fine-scale disturbances with the purpose of investigating possible deep-ocean mixing processes. Drawing inspiration from the known susceptibility of monochromatic internal gravity wavetrains to leak energy into finite-scale subharmonic waves, we considered the interaction of a finite-width internal wave beam with perturbations consisting of fine-scale subharmonic wavepackets. Known as parametric subharmonic instability (PSI), this behavior has been observed in the evolution of internal wave beams generated on laboratory scale. Assuming the triad resonance conditions are satisfied, internal wave beams of general spatial profile were taken as input to our investigation in which the exploitation of the disparity of length scales between the wave beam and perturbation wavepackets allowed analytical analysis. In the limit of small-amplitude wave beams, it is possible to derive evolution equations that describe the interaction of the underlying beam with PSI disturbances. It became evident from these equations that beams of general spatial profile may undergo PSI under two separate conditions: (1) the beam must be of a nearly-monochromatic nature possessing a clear carrier wavenumber or (2) the group velocity of PSI wavepackets must nearly vanish. Although these conditions are quite distinct, they arise from the same physical phenomena: energy transfer is possible so long that PSI wavepackets overlap with the underlying beam. As a consequence of having a different frequency from the underlying beam, disturbance wavepackets 98 do not propagate along the beam. Thus, disturbances which cannot extract energy at a sufficiently rapid rate simply escape the beam, leaving behind an eventless scenario. Neglecting the rotation of the Earth, possibility (2) above is not possible and is the subject of chapter 2. The triad resonance conditions are satisfied to higher order if the underlying beam is characterized by a dominant wavenumber, and if sufficiently wide, PSI wavepackets interact with the beam over a prolonged duration permitting sustainable energy extraction to the dominant instability mode. Under these conditions, it is possible to express an instability criterion based on the beam amplitude, frequency, shape, and width. It is important to note that the width of the beam is a critical parameter that directly determines whether PSI is expected to arise. Though limited to the small number of computational and experimental work in this subject, application of the theory produces qualitative agreement with observations. All the defining features of PSI are well captured by the asymptotic analysis. Though beams of general profile are found to be stable absent rotation, results of DNS studies suggest that PSI is a relevant energy transfer mechanism near critical latitudes, which turn out to be where the group velocities of subharmonic wavepackets vanish. Amplified disturbances of fine-scale structure may further lead to cascading mechanisms which ultimately contribute to deep-ocean mixing. Returning to the evolution equations, a rescaling is performed in chapter 3 which accounts for the near-inertial, resonant effects. Without requiring beams to comprise a dominant wavenumber, the asymptotic analysis reveals beams of general spatial profiles may unstable. The difference in behavior is attributed to the nearly-stationary PSI wavepackets which remain in the interaction region for extended durations, facilitating energy transfer. Initial comparisons with available numerical work indicate that the analysis not only yields the qualitative features of PSI, but quantitative descriptions also appear accurate. An ongoing, rigorous comparison between our theoretical approach and a direct numerical approach is the subject of chapter 4. By adapting a numerical scheme that has proven very insightful to the details of energy transfer when an unbounded 99 Figure 5-1: World map shown with red lines at near-inertial latitudes where energy transfer to fine-scale subharmonic wave motion is expected to arise. Internal wave generation sites, due to steep topography, near the critical latitudes are identified by green circles. monochromatic wave experiences PSI, we hope to achieve a parameter range over which the quantitative predictions of the theory are acceptable. It is expected that the primary factor that controls quantitative agreement is the normalized peak velocity of the wave beam. Thus far, qualitative comparisons can be made to show that indeed, beams of general spatial profile are stable. The implications of our study, as relevant to oceanography, lies in the behavior of energy transfer and mixing near critical latitudes where PSI is expected to occur. Considering the generation of internal waves by tidal flow interaction with topography, a quick search for oceanic cliffs and ridges is performed, as shown in figure 5-1, in near-critical regions. An important site to recognize is the Hawaiian ridge, which served as an important inspiration to some of the initial studies which identified PSI in critical latitudes (see Hibiya et al. [15] and MacKinnon and Winters [28]). These global-scale numerical simulations observed internal tides generated near the Hawaiian ridge, of latitude ∼ 18◦ N propagating northward towards the critical latitude ∼ 29◦ N where they experience energy loss to subharmonic wave motion, though do not break down. However, the 100 fine-scale motion, leading to enhanced viscosity and momentum diffusion, may release energy into the ocean by energy dissipation and contribute to mixing by enhanced shear motion. Other possible sites where such energy deposition and enhanced mixing may take place are shown in the green circles of figure 5-1. These sites include internal wave generation by the mid-Atlantic Ridge (north and south), topography near the Canary Islands, the NinetyEast Ridge, the Mariana Trench, then Line Islands Ridge, and the Kermadec Trench. 101 Appendix A Derivation of wave-interaction equations Here, we provide some intermediate steps in the derivation of the evolution equations (2.11) and (2.12). Interactions between the underlying beam and subharmonic perturbations appear through nonlinear resonant terms and are best organized by phase, J(ρ, ψ) =µδ 2 J(F eiζ/µ , Be−iζ/µ ) + J(Ge−iζ/µ , Aeiζ/µ ) e−iωt + δ J(G∗ eiζ/µ , Q) + µJ(R, B ∗ eiζ/µ ) e−iωt/2 + δ J(F ∗ e−iζ/µ , Q) + µJ(R, A∗ e−iζ/µ ) e−iωt/2 + c.c., J(∇2 ψ, ψ) = (µδ)2 J(Aeiζ/µ , Be−iζ/µ ) + J(Be−iζ/µ , Aeiζ/µ ) e−iωt + µδ J(Qηη , B ∗ eiζ/µ ) + J(B∗ eiζ/µ , Q) e−iωt/2 + µδ J(Qηη , A∗ e−iζ/µ ) + J(A∗ e−iζ/µ , Q) e−iωt/2 + c.c., (A.1) (A.2) where Ae −1 i ≡ ∇ Ae = A + 2 cos χAη + Aηη eiζ/µ , 2 µ µ −1 i 2 −iζ/µ ≡ ∇ Be = B − 2 cos χBη + Bηη e−iζ/µ , µ2 µ iζ/µ Be−iζ/µ 2 iζ/µ 102 (A.3) (A.4) and χ = θ − φ. The evolution equation (2.11) for Q is derived by substituting expansions (2.10) in the governing equations (2.1) and (2.2) and collecting terms proportional to exp(−iωt). Making use of the first set of curly brackets in (A.1), it follows from (2.1) that i 1 δ 2 sin χ R = −iQη − µ QηT + µ2 2 QηT T + (AG − BF )η + O µ3 , µδ 2 / . ω ω ω (A.5) Upon substituting (A.5) in (2.2) and using (A.2), one then has i 2 δ2 ν µQT − µ QT T + sin χ (2 cos χAB + BF − AG) − Qηη 2ω 2 2 = O(µ3 , µδ 2 /). ηη (A.6) Next, to derive the evolution equations (2.12), we collect terms proportional to exp (±iζ/µ − iωt/2). Specifically, making use of (A.1), it follows from (2.1) that 1 4µ2 1 2 sin χ F =A − 2iµ AT + Aη − AT T + AηT − Qη G∗ ω ω ω µ ω sin χ sin χ Qηη B ∗ + O(µ3 , µ, δ 2 ), + 4i 2 (Qη G∗ )T − 2i ω ω 1 4µ2 1 2 sin χ G = − B + 2iµ BT − Bη + BT T − BηT + Qη F ∗ ω ω ω µ ω sin χ sin χ − 4i 2 (Qη F ∗ )T + 2i Qηη A∗ + O(µ3 , µ, δ 2 ). ω ω (A.7) (A.8) Also, making use of (A.2), it follows from (2.2) that 1 4 cos χ 2ν 2 A = F − 2iµ AT − cos χAη + Fη + µ Aηη − AηT − i 2 A ω ω ωµ 2 sin 2χ 2 sin χ (A.9) − Qη B ∗ − i Qη Bη∗ + O(µ, µ3 ), µ ω ω 1 4 cos χ 2ν 2 B = −G − 2iµ BT + cos χBη + Gη + µ Bηη + BηT − i 2 B ω ω ωµ 2 sin χ 2 sin 2χ + Qη A∗ + i Qη A∗η + O(µ, µ3 ). (A.10) µ ω ω Putting the leading order balance, F = A and G = −B, from above into (A.6) produces (2.11). 103 Using (A.7)–(A.8) to eliminate F and G from (A.9)–(A.10), we obtain o n 3ω 1 ν ω 2 Aηη + (2 + cos χ) AηT + AT T + 2 A µ AT + (2 − cos χ) Aη − iµ 2 4 ω 2µ 2 sin2 χ 3 1 + sin χ Qηη B ∗ + (2 − cos χ) Qη Bη∗ + QηT B ∗ − i 2 |Qη |2 A 2 ω µ ω = O µ3 , µ, δ 2 , 2 /µ , (A.11) n o 3ω ω 1 ν µ BT − (2 − cos χ) Bη − iµ2 Bηη − (2 + cos χ) BηT + BT T + 2 B 2 4 ω 2µ 2 2 1 sin χ 3 |Qη |2 B + sin χ Qηη A∗ + (2 − cos χ) Qη A∗η − QηT A∗ − i 2 2 ω µ ω = O µ3 , µ, δ 2 , 2 /µ . (A.12) Finally, to obtain the evolution equations (2.12) for the subharmonic envelopes A and B, we eliminate AηT , AT T , BηT and BT T in favour of Aηη and Bηη by using the leading-order balance in (A.11) and (A.12). 104 Appendix B Bifurcation of eigensolution branches Here we show that, for real beam envelope q(ξ), the stability eigenvalue problem (2.41)–(2.42) admits a countable infinity of real eigenvalue branches, λ̂ = λ̂(n) (κ̂), (n) which bifurcate at certain critical values of the wavenumber parameter, κ̂ = κ̂c (n = 0, 1, 2, . . .). In the vicinity of each bifurcation point, where 0 < λ̂ 1, we expand â = â0 + λ̂â1 + . . . , b̂∗ = b̂∗0 + λ̂b̂∗1 + . . . , (B.1a) (n) (B.1b) with κ̂ = κ̂c(n) + λ̂κ̂1 + . . . . Since q(ξ) → 0 (ξ → ±∞), the far-field (outer) solution of (2.41)–(2.42) is taken in the form â = e−ξ̃ , â = 0, b̂∗ = 0 (ξ˜ > 0), (B.2a) b̂∗ = Keξ̃ (ξ˜ < 0), (B.2b) where ξ˜ = λ̂ξ and K is a constant to be specified by matching with the near-field (inner) solution, valid for ξ = O(1). Specifically, upon substituting (B.1) in (2.42), 105 â0 and b̂0 satisfy â0ξ − κ̂c(n) q b̂∗0 = 0, (B.3a) b̂∗0ξ + κ̂(n) c qâ0 = 0, (B.3b) from which it follows that â20 + b̂∗2 0 is independent of ξ. Thus, to be consistent with the inner limit (as ξ˜ → 0) of the outer solution (B.2), we set â20 + b̂∗2 0 = 1 so K = ±1 in (B.2b), and the appropriate matching conditions for â0 and b̂∗0 are b̂∗0 → 0 â0 → 1, b̂∗0 → ±1 â0 → 0, (ξ → ∞) , (B.4a) (ξ → −∞) . (B.4b) Equations (B.3), subject to (B.4), admit a countable infinity of eigensolutions Z ξ (n) 0 0 = (−1) sin κ̂c q (ξ ) dξ , −∞ Z ξ ∗(n) 0 0 n (n) q (ξ ) dξ , b̂0 = (−1) cos κ̂c (n) â0 n (B.5a) (B.5b) −∞ where κ̂(n) c = (2n + 1)π R∞ 2 −∞ q(ξ) dξ (n = 0, 1, 2, . . .) are the bifurcation points of the corresponding eigenvalue branches. 106 (B.6) Appendix C Derivation of near-inertial evolution equations Here, we provide some intermediate steps in the derivation of the evolution equations (3.16)–(3.17). Interactions between the underlying beam and subharmonic perturbations appear through nonlinear resonant terms and are best organized by phase, o 5/2 n iκζ/1/2 −iκζ/1/2 −iκζ/1/2 iκζ/1/2 J(ρ, ψ) = J Fe , Be + J Ge , Ae e−iωt κ 1/2 2 ∗ iκζ/1/2 ∗ iκζ/1/2 + J G e J R, B e e−iωt/2 ,Q + κ 1/2 ∗ −iκζ/1/2 2 ∗ −iκζ/1/2 J R, A e + J F e e−iωt/2 + c.c., ,Q + κ (C.1) J(w, ψ) = o 5/2 n iκζ/1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 J Me , Be−iκζ/ + J N e−iκζ/ , Aeiκζ/ e−iωt κ 1/2 2 ∗ iκζ/1/2 ∗ iκζ/1/2 J W, B e e−iωt/2 ,Q + + J N e κ 1/2 2 ∗ −iκζ/1/2 ∗ −iκζ/1/2 + J M e ,Q + J W, A e e−iωt/2 + c.c. κ (C.2) J(∇2 ψ, ψ) = o 3 n iκζ/1/2 −iκζ/1/2 iκζ/1/2 −iκζ/1/2 J Ae , Be + J Be , Ae e−iωt κ2 o 5/2 n 1/2 1/2 J Qηη , B ∗ eiκζ/ + J B∗ eiκζ/ , Q e−iωt/2 + κ 107 + o 5/2 n 1/2 1/2 + J A∗ eiκζ/ , Q e−iωt/2 + c.c., J Qηη , A∗ e−iκζ/ κ (C.3) where Ae iκζ/1/2 1/2 Be−iκζ/ κ2 iκ 1/2 ≡ ∇ Ae = − A + 2 1/2 cos(θ − φ)Aη + Aηη eiκζ/ , (C.4) 2 iκ κ 1/2 2 −iκζ/1/2 ≡ ∇ Be = − B − 2 1/2 cos(θ − φ)Bη + Bηη e−iκζ/ . (C.5) 2 iκζ/1/2 The evolution equation (3.16) for Q is derived by substituting expansions expansions (3.11) in the governing equations (3.1)–(3.3) and collecting terms proportional to exp(−iωt). Making use of the first set of curly brackets in (C.1) and (C.2), it follows from (3.1) and (3.2), respectively, sin θ sin θ sin(θ − φ) R = −i Qη + − 2 QηT + (AG − BF )η , (C.6) ω ω ω f cos θ ν f cos θ sin(θ − φ) W =i Qη − 2 f cos θQη(3) + (AN − BM )η + QηT . ω ω ω ω2 (C.7) Upon substituting (C.6) and (C.7) in (3.3) and using (C.3), one then has f cos θ sin θ (AG − BF ) + (AN − BM ) + cos(θ − φ)(AB) QT + sin(θ − φ) − 2ω 2ω ν f 2 cos2 θ − 1+ Qηη = 0. ω2 (C.8) Next, to derive the evolution equations (3.17), we collect terms proportional to exp(±iκζ/1/2 − iωt/2). Specifically, making use of (C.1), it follows form (3.1) that 2 4κ 2 sin φ 1/2 ∗ F = A+ −i sin θAη + 2 sin(θ − φ) sin φQη B ω ωκ ω ( 4 8κ2 + − i 2 sin θ sin(θ − φ)Qη Bη∗ − 3 sin2 (θ − φ) sin φ|Qη |2 A ω ω 108 ) 4 sin φ 2 sin θ ∗ −i AT − i 2 sin(θ − φ)Qηη B , ω2 ω 2 2 sin φ 4κ 1/2 ∗ −i G=− B+ sin θBη + 2 sin(θ − φ) sin φQη A ω ωκ ω ( 4 8κ2 + i 2 sin θ sin(θ − φ)Qη A∗η + 3 sin2 (θ − φ) sin φ|Qη |2 B ω ω ) 4 sin φ 2 sin θ BT + i 2 sin(θ − φ)Qηη A∗ . +i ω2 ω (C.9) (C.10) Similarly, using (C.2) in (3.2) yields 2f 2ν 2 4f κ 2f 1/2 ∗ cos φA − i κ M + cos θAη − 2 sin(θ − φ) cos φQη B i M =− ω ω ωκ ω ( 4f 8κ2 ∗ + i 2 sin(θ − φ) cos θQη Bη + 3 f sin2 (θ − φ) cos φ|Qη |2 A ω ω ) 2f 4f (C.11) + i 2 cos φAT + i 2 sin(θ − φ) cos θQηη B ∗ , ω ω 2ν 2 4f κ 2f 2f 1/2 ∗ κ N + cos θBη − 2 sin(θ − φ) cos φQη A N = cos φB − i i ω ω ωκ ω ( 2 i4f 8κ + − 2 sin(θ − φ) cos θQη A∗η − 3 f sin2 (θ − φ) cos φ|Qη |2 B ω ω ) 2f 4f (C.12) − i 2 cos φBT − i 2 sin(θ − φ) cos θQηη A∗ . ω ω Inserting the leading order balance from the above, F = 2 sin φ A, ω G=− 2 sin φ B, ω M =− 2f cos φA, ω N= 2f cos φB, ω (C.13) into (C.8) produces ν sin(θ − φ) 2 2 QT + 2 sin θ sin φ + 2f cos θ cos φ + ω cos(θ − φ) − ω2 f 2 cos2 θ 1+ Qηη = 0. ω2 (C.14) Applying the near-inertial approximation (3.13) to the trigonometric terms by putting 109 (3.6) into (3.14), we find s sin θ = 3f 2 1 − f2 s + O(), cos θ = 1 − 4f 2 + O(), 1 − f2 (C.15) and (C.14) becomes (3.16) after applying (3.19). Lastly, making use of (C.3), it follows from (3.3) that ( 2 2i 2i 2i 2 cos(θ − φ)Aη − sin θFη + f cos θMη A = sin φF − f cos φM + 1/2 ω ω κ ωκ ωκ ) ( ) 2κ 1 4i ν 2i 2 2i − sin(θ − φ)Qη B ∗ + 2 Aηη − AT + sin(θ − φ) cos(θ − φ)Qη Bη∗ − κ A, ω κ ω ω ω (C.16) ( 2 2 2i 2i 2i sin φG + f cos φN + 1/2 − cos(θ − φ)Bη − sin θGη + f cos θNη ω ω κ ωκ ωκ ) 2κ 1 2i 4i ν 2i 2 ∗ ∗ + sin(θ − φ)Qη A + Bηη − BT + sin(θ − φ) cos(θ − φ)Qη Aη − κ B. 2 ω κ ω ω ω B =− (C.17) Using (C.9) and (C.11) to eliminate F and M from (C.16), then applying (3.19) and the near-inertial approximations (3.13) and (C.15), we obtain (3.17a). Likewise, using (C.10) and (C.12) to eliminate G and N from (C.17) yields (3.17b). 110 Appendix D Comparison with Young et al. (2008) of PSI growth rate for sinusoidal plane waves The (dimensional) growth rate of perturbation for sinusoidal plane waves (pumpwave) found by Young et al. (2008) is given by their (4.19), λ∗YTB = akx2 , 4f0 (D.1) where kx is the (dimensional) x-component of the wavevector, f0 the (dimensional) Coriolis parameter, and a the pump-wave amplitude defined in terms of peak xvelocity by Up,x = akx ω∗ 2akx cos φ ≈ cos φ, 2 2 ω∗ − f0 3f0 (D.2) where φ is the phase and ω∗ the dimensional frequency of the pump-wave, and the near-inertial approximation was employed, ω∗ ≈ 2f0 . Replacing a with Up,x , the growth rate (D.1) is 3 λ∗YTB = kx Up,x , 8 111 (D.3) or in non-dimensional form, λYTB = 3 3 kx Up,x = sin θ cos θ. 8 |k| N0 L∗ 8 (D.4) The growth rate derived in this article, (3.33), can be rewritten in a similar form according to (C.15), 1 3 λ = γ = sin θ cos θ. 2 8 (D.5) Note that appears explicitly in (D.4), though not in the expression above since it is absorbed into the slow time scale, T = t, in our analysis. 112 Bibliography [1] T. H. Bell. Lee waves in stratified flows with simple harmonic time dependence. J. Fluid Mech., 67:705–722, 1975. 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