Fasong Yuan Receives $120,000 for Lake Erie Research April 2016


April 2016

Volume 3, Issue 4


Fasong Yuan Receives $120,000 for Lake Erie Research

Fasong Yuan Receives

$120,000 for Lake Erie


Meet CSU's New Faculty

Featured Researcher

Video Series

CSU Scholar News

News from the Technology

Transfer Office

Prof. Fasong Yuan from the

Department of Biological,

Geological and Environmental

Sciences ( BGES ) in the

College of Sciences and Health

Professions ( COSHP ) has received a grant from National

Oceanic and Atmospheric

Administration ( NOAA ) through the Ohio Sea Grant College

Program . The title of the grant is "Anthropogenic phosphorus storage, bioavailability, and cycling in the Maumee Bay and western Lake Erie," and is one of nine research projects that

Batu Chalise Receives Air

Force Summer Faculty


Educational Data

Available for Research

NIH Update

Undergraduate Summer

Research Award Recipients

have been recently selected to study re-eutrophication in

Lake Erie. Eutrophication of freshwater and coastal marine ecosystems has become a global problem that frequently affects supplies of safe drinking water and food resources.

Phosphorus emissions from agricultural, industrial, and municipal runoff are leading causes of eutrophication in Lake

Erie and across the world. Lake Erie management efforts started as early as 1969 and have significantly reduced the


Proposals Received

Undergraduate Research

Award Applications for Fall -

Deadline Approaching

amount of tributary phosphorus. Despite early success, harmful algae blooms have increased significantly since the mid-1990s, demonstrating an incomplete understanding of the full complexity of the eutrophic lake ecosystem. Prof.

Yuan's research will use seismic, geochemical, and isotopic tools to characterize the distribution of unconsolidated sediments, estimate the degree of phosphorus storage, and evaluate the extent of phosphorus availability and cycling.

Results from this research will help determine the safe limits of external phosphorus loading from human sources.

Prof. Yuan's prior research, funded by the NSF, the EPA, and the Lake Erie Commission, has

Communications, Scientific Reports, Chemical Geology, Applied Geochemistry, Journal of

Paleolimnology, and Geophysical Research Letters. Click here for more information about Prof.

Yuan's research.

Meet CSU's New Faculty

Pooyan Fazli , assistant professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, joined Cleveland State

University in fall 2015. He received his Ph.D. in computer science from the University of British Columbia. Prior to joining

CSU, he was a postdoctoral fellow in the CORAL Research

Group at Carnegie Mellon University, and in the Laboratory for

Computational Intelligence at the University of British Columbia.

Professor Fazli's research interests include artificial intelligence, autonomous robots, multi-robot systems, human-robot teams, cloud robotics, machine learning, and robot vision. His longterm goal is to develop highly heterogeneous teams of robots, humans, and other agents to collaborate and coordinate in dynamic multi-goal environments.

At CMU, Professor Fazli was involved in the High-Assurance Cyber Physical Systems Project, a multidisciplinary program sponsored by DARPA that aimed to develop secure robotic systems that are resilient to cyber attacks. He also initiated a project on cloud robotics that enables remote and heterogeneous robots to share plans and instructions, and to learn new skills by connecting to other robots that are geographically distributed throughout the world.

Professor Fazli's research at UBC was in the area of multi-robot coverage and patrolling, and involved teams of robots that conducted sensing, monitoring, data collection, search, and servicing tasks in a target area. He has extensive experience in building and mentoring RoboCup teams (rescue robots, soccer robots, and service robots) which have achieved significant success in national and international competitions. He was also a co-organizer of the 2009 and

2010 Semantic Robot Vision Challenge and a member of the UBC team in the contests, which placed first in the software league.

Professor Fazli has published over 20 articles in leading artificial intelligence and robotics journals and conferences. He has also served on several conference program committees and has co-chaired several workshops on autonomous robots.

Featured Researcher Video Series - Samantha Baskind

Research by Prof. Samantha Baskind is the focus of the latest installment of the

Featured Researcher Video series.

Prof. Baskind is a professor of art history at

Cleveland State University. She received her B.A. from the University of

Pennsylvania and her Ph.D. from the

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.

Her diverse research interests include topics such as how Jewish identity manifests itself in paintings, sculptures, and prints; depictions of Jews in American film and television; and Jewish contributions in the realm of comics and graphic novels. She is the author of several books, including the critically acclaimed Raphael

Soyer and the Search for Modern Jewish Art (2004) and the Encyclopedia of Jewish American

Artists (2007). She co-authored Jewish Art: A Modern History (2011) and co-edited The Jewish

Graphic Novel: Critical Approaches (2008). Her newest book, Jewish Artists and the Bible in

Twentieth-Century America (2014), was funded by a year-long National Endowment for the

Humanities fellowship, the Hadassah-Brandeis Institute , and the Memorial Foundation for Jewish

Culture . Prof. Baskind served as the editor for U.S. art for the 22-volume revised edition of the

Encyclopaedia Judaica (2006), and she is currently the series editor of Dimyonot: Jews and the

Cultural Imagination , published by the Pennsylvania State University Press.

We encourage you to learn more about Professor Baskind's research and to take a look at our

previous Featured Researcher Videos .

CSU Scholar News

Prof. Chris Sagers , the James A. Thomas Distinguished

Professor of Law and Faculty Director of the Cleveland-Marshall

Solo Practice Incubator, joined the CSU College of Law in 2002.

He has brought national distinction to the University through his work in antitrust and business regulation. Before joining CSU,

Prof. Sagers practiced law for four years in Washington, D.C.

He earned his law and public policy degrees at the University of

Michigan and was an editor of the Michigan Law Review.

Prof. Sagers is a nationally recognized expert in antitrust law who has written or co-authored six books. His most recent book,

Apple, Antitrust, and Irony: Disruption and Change in the Policy of Competition , is forthcoming this year from Harvard University

Press. It takes the widely publicized federal antitrust case against the Apple computer corporation, which charged Apple with conspiring with publishers to fix the prices of e-books, as a case study in larger political problems surrounding competition policy. He is also a co-author of The Law of Antitrust: An

Integrated Handbook , which is a leading treatise widely used by lawyers and courts, and he is a co-author of Business Organizations , which is a law school textbook. His other books include the student law treatise Antitrust Examples & Explanations , and several monographs for antitrust specialists published by the American Bar Association's Section of Antitrust Law. He has published 17 journal articles, many of them in prominent venues like the Georgetown Law

Journal, UCLA Law Review, and Yale Law & Policy Review. Prof. Sagers is frequently quoted in national media, including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Cleveland Plain Dealer,

Huffington Post, and National Public Radio.

Prof. Sagers has given testimony on legal matters before the U.S. Congress and the congressionally empaneled Antitrust Modernization Commission. He frequently participates in important antitrust litigation by consulting with plaintiffs and enforcement officials pro bono, and by authoring briefs amicus curiae in federal courts of appeals. He is a member of the American

Law Institute, a senior fellow and advisory board member of the American Antitrust Institute, a fellow of the Center for Law, Economics & Finance, and a leadership member of the ABA

Antitrust Section. He was awarded a CSU Distinguished Faculty Award for Research in 2015.

The law school's alumni association has awarded him the Walter G. Stapleton Award for Faculty

Excellence, and he has twice been elected Teacher of the Year by CSU law students.

News from the Technology Transfer Office

License Agreement between CSU and ProteoSense,

LLC: CSU has entered into a license agreement on behalf of Prof. Siu-Tung Yau in the Department of

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, with

ProteoSense , a Columbus, Ohio company focused on rapid food-borne pathogen detection. The CSU-

ProteoSense license involves Prof. Yau's U.S. Patent No. and his expertise in exchange for royalties, equity, licensing fees, and partial reimbursement of patent expenses.

Prof. Yau and ProteoSense are working together to apply his technology.

Invacare-Sponsored Research Results: Invacare has a longstanding research relationship with Prof. Orhan and Prof.

Sridhar Ungarala in the Department of Chemical and Biomedical

Engineering. Their research has resulted in the submission of an

invention disclosure to Invacare. The invention involves a prototype developed by Prof. Talu and Prof. Ungarala for a portable oxygen concentrator that will transform oxygen therapy products for patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which affects 12.7 million adults in the U.S.

Technology Validation and Start-up Fund

(TVSF) RFP: The Ohio Third Frontier through the TVSF has recently released its first RFP of

2016. The TVSF is designed to: (1) Support protected technologies developed at Ohio research institutions that need validation to impact and enhance their commercial viability and their ability to support a start-up company; and (2)

Support Ohio start-up and other young companies that license these validated technologies from

Ohio research institutions. Prospective applicants are required to contact Jack Kraszewski of the


Batu Chalise Receives Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship

Dr. Batu Chalise , a visiting professor in the Electrical

Engineering and Computer Science Department, has been awarded an Air Force Research Lab Summer Faculty

Fellowship. Dr. Chalise will conduct research in radar systems at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton,


Passive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar (PMR) systems have several advantages over conventional radars. The key objectives of Dr. Chalise's research project are to: (1) Investigate the detection performance of PMR systems with a single receiver; (2) Develop robust detectors so that PMR systems are resilient against imperfectly known location and motion parameters; (3) Improve detection performance and verify its validity using the long-term evolution (LTE) communications system; and (4) Exploit LTE broadcast signals to enhance detection performance. Dr. Chalise's research promises to simplify

PMR design and implementation, make detectors robust against imperfectly known transmitter parameters, enhance detection performance using widely available flexible-bandwidth communication signals, and pave the way for efficient and optimum detection of target motion parameters. Dr. Chalise's research has long-term implications for innovations in the design, and implementation of radar systems. Dr. Chalise also intends to incorporate the results of his research in the courses that he teaches at CSU.

Educational Data Available for Research

The CSU Center for Urban Education is hosting a workshop on the research use of administrative data from the Ohio Longitudinal Data Archive ( OLDA ) on

Thursday, April 28, from 11:30-1:00 in Julka Hall

292. The OLDA database is available to researchers and public stakeholders, and combines longitudinal, person-level data from the Ohio Department of

Education (ODE), Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE), Ohio Job and Family Services

(ODJFS), and Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD). This rich database allows for the investigation of research topics including, but not limited to:

Long-term employment outcomes of education and training programs;

Career pathways;

High school to college transitions (remediation, dual enrollment, and advanced placement);

Self-sufficiency and generational poverty;

Education standards and assessments;

Education improvement and innovation;

Academic achievement;

Early childhood outcomes;

Economic trends and behaviors.

The workshop will include an overview of the OLDA and instructions for accessing and using

OLDA data. A box lunch will be provided. The workshop is being facilitated by the Ohio

Education Research Center. Please contact Prof. Adam Voight at a.voight@csuohio.edu

with questions, or RSVP by April 22 if you would like to attend.

NIH Update

FORMS-D is nearly upon us! Beginning March 25, NIH will start posting packages on Grants.gov

using the new forms. Here's a summary of what you need to know as you work on your NIH proposals in Cayuse.

FORMS-D will be required for all proposals due on or after May 25.

Cayuse has been updated to include support for FORMS-D.

Between now and May 25, the NIH will reissue existing grant opportunities in new FORMS-D versions. This means that downloaded NIH grant opportunities might include two packages; one in FORMS-C and one in FORMS-D.

The form version is shown in both the "Competition ID" and "Competition Title" fields. If the proposal is due on or after May 25, you should choose FORMS-D.

If you are working on an NIH proposal that is due on or after May 25 and a new opportunity package is released, your existing proposal must be converted to use


Undergraduate Summer Research Award Recipients

The Office of Research is pleased to announce the recipients of the 2016 Undergraduate

Summer Research Award program. Forty-eight proposals were received from five colleges with requests totaling $384,709. Thirty-four proposals were funded across five colleges for a total of

$249,970. Please take a look at the 2016 Undergraduate Summer Research Award Recipients .

FSI, FRD, and DRA Proposals Received

The Office of Research received 30 Faculty Scholarship Initiative ( FSI ) proposals, 25 Faculty

Research Development ( FRD ) proposals, and 33 Dissertation Research Award ( DRA ) proposals.

FSI awards will be announced in mid-April, and FRD and DRA awards will be announced in early May. The Office of Research would like to thank all of the faculty and students who submitted proposals.

Undergraduate Research Award Applications for Fall -

Deadline Approaching

The Undergraduate Research Award program allows undergraduate students to obtain funding for research in a CSU credit-bearing course. There are two application deadlines each year: one

for the fall semester and one for the spring semester. The deadline for fall 2016 funding is April

25. Click here for more information.


Please share with us important news or updates on your research, scholarly, or creative activities. Updates may be related to a paper that has been accepted for publication in a highimpact journal, a book you've just published, your work that will be exhibited at a prominent institution, or other updates you wish to share with our office. Send details to j.yard@csuohio.edu

and d.j.simon@csuohio.edu



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