Section 5 - Setup .rId Build SLA-1 eG/250 1 1 Cur. Depth , I\.. ~ 1 ThIcl6c.- CMn:ure I t Figure~. WEAVE" - l.&yw Layer Overlap Example An alternate method which aeates stroag layers and avoids cxcesaive overlap is known as WEAVE". WEAVE" specifics an UDdercurc, or ne~ hatch overcure on the first pus of the laser. On a second, perpendicular pass, additional cure is perated to bond layers by fOl'llliai riveu which penetrate down into the previoualayer and prOYide adhesioa. See Section 7, Section S. and Resin Specific Build Parameter Releasea few more information about WEAVE" Parameters. The amount of overcure required is resiD-depeadeat. Dec::reuiag the OYercurc can deaease building time. but should be done cautioualy aDd ia accordance with the rcc:ommcaded cure depth for thc resin being used. Default overcure and cure depth values are saved in a resin specific file thai is loaded when a particular resin is choaeD in the Utilities, Change Resia option. STAR·WEAVE" is a specific procesa required for building pans usias rain XB 5143, but may be used to increase accuracy with other resins as we1l. STAR is Ul acroayaa few S1qpred batch, Altcrnate sequeaciag, and Recracted batch. See Section 7, SectioD S. and Resin Specific: Build Parameter reJeasea for more information about STAR·WEAVE" Paramaen. Stagered balch offsets every other layer of the X and Y hatch vectors by a distaace equal to one half the balch spac:iag. This preveala the X and Y hatda vectors of the nCllllAyer from beiDa placed directly over the X and Y Iwda vec:ton of the first layer, ad every other layer thereafter. This method reducea iatenaallb'ellCl thai aorma1ly accumulate during the build proc:eu. Altenwe sequcaa.. additionally aonnalizes stress directions by altcf1Wias the order and the dircctioa of the balch vectors scanned for each layer. 1b funher reduce SMIliag and suess, retracted balch is used to keep the cud point of each hatch vector from bonding with the border while allowiaa lhe starting points of the batch vecton to bond to lhe border vecton. 3D Syatem8, Inc. Section 5 • Setup and BuDd SLA-110125O Setup Getting Started After the system is powered up and numiDg. the user completes the fiaal software preparations outlined in this section prior to building parts. Procedures described berein assume the uscr has powered up the ControUer, and that the StercoLi.thograpby mes haw been sliced and merged to creaIe the four part building addition, auy Build file modifications must have already been completed using the Prepare option before initiation 01. the Build proc:csa. Hote For information on using Prepete to eJtar Build filM, review Section 4, Part Preparation and Section 7, Quick Stalt DISPLAY: MaiaMenu SELECf: Toolbox (triter key) or TYPE: 6 DISPLAY: Toolbox menu SELECf: Utilities ("'"' Icq) See figure 5-5. - or TYPE: 1 DISPLAY: Utility Menu SELEcr: or TYPE: 7 Figure 5-5. Utility Menu 3D S,....., Inc. APPENDIX B 15 - s ~ - " a~ - lrl C\J 0 ,. I If i I. :I.i .I t f' If f• f ,' 1t I. :i fI I• PART NAHE_~__ /~~~______ _ Mode I er : _~~£:.;-:::.~::::~~____ SYSTEH: Idea::; / llG I I Opera tor: _(1_0_::..ep.:."2.'=__ PATH: /usr/people/ ________________ / __________________ / _L:?:p.p__ .r-/L. stl : ___L@'2. __t2.k.stl : __________ . stl : File name: Hetric/Inch ~~xtra -CllrE' .00n ::::.----- beam wdt cornp scale factor: resolut i .)1"1 fxd layer thickness var layer thickness ----~-------:------~------:-------------____ _____ : _____ _____ :_____________ _ Ll~~ ------r-------:-------,-------:-------------1 _____ _____ ______ ______ - ______ 1 ______ - - - - - - - - _ . _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - ____ ~~O______ ' _____ ~~J'~----:-------------LZ-....t _____ : ______________ _ ~~~= . .,. brk pnt:thick brk pnt:thick - ______ 1 _____ - _______ 1 _______ 1 _______ • _____ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ 1• _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 1 _____ _ ------_._----- -------; : _____b.t...O____ _ : ______ 1::2_____ _ =====:,=z.:a===~ ------_Q_----______•./JJ.. ____ £_ 0 ' ______ ""'-----1 1 ~-i'--~;v :brk pnt:thick • -_- ____ 1 _____ - ======~====== -------------- ===:=:~:::=::: -------------_. ------yr------======~===== ======t======== --------------, Build 'file name - ~, ... 1<i ... " ~ u...u '( &.......... xhatch yhatch 1:2.- ;..-.. 0"""; 60/1.20 hatch 1 x skin fill ,(../ 0 , I y skin f'lIl min surface angle min Intersect angle -----~------STaggered hatch ------~-----1 Alternate sequencing - - - - - - - - _ - __-_1 1 Retracted hatch . sl i : output f'j Ie name: /z.~c_5p .sll. I :='OL _Ob .sl i (8 letters max) --------------:--------------- --------------: Herge files: pick support(s) then object(s) ____________ .sli offset x _____ y _____ z _____ Al1 ___ _ ____________ .sl; offset x _____ y _____ z _____ All ___ _ ____________ .sll offset x _____ y _____ z _____ AII ___ _ ____________ .sli offset x _____ y _____ z _____ All ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~L~_ _ _ _ _ _ ~l~~ 1 (8 characters no extenslon): ___J-_L~~'2____ _ Parameters: Shr i nk( +/-5_) Z- __ • ___ - XY- __ • ___ - Number of cop i e~. __~__ _ Prepare Data: find blocks FDF~- Add range at Z _~.£tt!J.. ______ _ Recoating Parameters: Range 1. - NS 0 zW_~_ ZV .051 Range 2 - NS .1_ P1. ~Q ZW Le ZV .051 Range 3 - NS __ Pi __ ZW __ ZV .051 ASSign cure depths: over cure / cure depth / defaults Range 1 - _________ or __________ or ________ _ Range 2 - _________ or __________ or ________ _ Range 3 - _________ or __________ or ________ _ .D~LAY 7Lo ~ t!!J/2£ ,___'1l-q"l"l~ql...!"'.u~~·:dv s.:::::::::.-J..e.J,4~4...!k:.::::.._ _ ) :~ p, ~;. =1 ~! :f. :(. =1 ~ ) f..I~ _ .. • 01 C, Of =i ;r -i c, V) C~ -. ) c..) ::::C • n, 2S v," ~I ~ .. o m "" ~ ~ " • 4 -I. -, D 4 ~ ::, '"=i n. C'l <..... .J:_ v) "" r" ):,. ).. ),... ):... )O' ..... ..... I- ~ ...... I-~ .t-. I I I v) ") ... " I I C') (,.,.., I z ~ ~ ~ tt n m , 9 m ~ ""r> ~ e, -., v, ).. ,... .. c> ~ .lfln, ::t =i (!. p;-, t-' e, 0' C) "'" ~, C, '" ,,> U) 1-' ,. "~ " c> e, e,t. r' 1-' eo) u, c, (..11 (,,0) c,) C) c~ U"I ... .1 t,n "" (.., 0) C' !-" C, .... " C" c") c, C) 0,) C') c") t .. r' -I· =1 ...... ' '1') nJ $)., 7'; D~ ~ -,.. rr ~i ~l " +. ''"" 0' '-, '0," '" u," ''-, '" t. c, e, '" t. -. '0> '" t. U' e) C> ..., t. t-. t-. h f' >-, • • b h W b ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ C) U C? U N W cr Cil "' ttl PI . . . " r. -. <"1 <"1 ~) t. ") (.., '" '" '" C> t. ",c> '" ~.. ~. (..1'1 .t~ ._ (.;'1 U) 0) C') ~., 1'\.) tJ) u) C!I ~) 0) C\ Cl ..... '" ?' ... " ") ... . , p.~ ,..t- rc., 0., "L c.;. (,,') -C:f (1/ n -cj III _10 .,., nt Q! 7'.- OJ rt- C, ~) C? t. e, '" "":c "" -. U) ") <... '"'" U) ~ C? h ~ ~ ~ C) C) ~ W NC>O C) ~ C> ~ ~ N 0 G C) J' -. .. <> l, o C) ..., >-. :" 0, U, ~, 0) e, CO '" (.., '" '" V, ..., -. 1-' vi 01 =-1 r, 0' ::J =i ... ~ ~ ~ ~ p '" ~ ~ C) ~ N P -. '" u u) ~ -..l ~ C, u C) u C, C) C, e) C> (.0 '" 0' '" t-' ", U) ~ :.;; <:> 1-' L.' t. ") C1 'C?" C) ~ <:> W W W 0 ~ ~ 00 ~ C> W 0 ~ C> U C> £! ~~ V! ~ =1 V' _10 n. d~ '•" ", • "".l C' (..1'1 C) "'.l c;a +:110 ~,1 C, c, C,+:>0 ""c, c, c) rn ....., I't» VI ") C, C) "') -l:,.. C) \-.4 (.1'1 "J (,.., U'I c, c, ......... 01 ).C r-" el C' C) 1-'" "J C) "'> C) C') C) C, C, C!, C) L' C) .... " C, c, c, c, C) C, ") C) I'-.l • "J • " ) . f .. () C) C) C, C:, C, ~ W a m •,.. t.n C', t.:t rto ·lo... . ")"" C, . . .c, c, -f C) ~ ~ ~ ~ no C') C, C) ~ D C) &.., '11 t:1- ") fw) ... ., 0' C') "':'.1" =i C) I-.l ... " .... " ~) ~) --C! VI _I' ") ~f" ...... ,.. C, -t, -~ v, CT' r' '-.,..".. ttl V,v, iJ ~; -, -1 ~I c.!elj =, rr, ~I ~I n, rot r-i> -, nl 04 -, '1 p, ;n 0, ,-, c-r V, +'" V, f'\) CI -I, C, C) (11 0' -, .... " rl> V, \J -j" V, rt n, 0, r' eo -, -,=, .~ _I. ("'II n, 0' C> C) 0 <:> p p ~ W }. ~! 1: CI CL '"t:1 ...... V~ .... ::: CI C . . . ,. c· r::; u, <:> _J. '[~ s:_ .. v. -j C'o v, )- ",,5 ): -j m c~ ;>, -I· CI -j =i n· -, F: tJ'l ~L n, ;1. n. r' c;., r' o :;;:~ 5: G' ~, <> ", -c' CT' n >, '" 'to; :, CT. ~J ~, C> C) C, • C) 1\) c:, Cl I') ") ,...) C:;I C) ... '" ~., C) C) C) C, ,..) V" 01 t...) C) 1'14 :; (", rl- Co j> ~ ;J) OJ ("'I. =l ~; ~? .~r o ')' • -,-, CI ~, v, e> ,,'v', n, n .. v, v? ~( .:! ... ~ C) C) t:' "n,r, ,J P! ~, C,) CTI L,? ""l:l :., C' o "n ""noO! -, () e,", c, -~ :1;: QI ~I i:1 :'. !'!; c:- c.-. '"' tI! v, 0, =1 ie, n, (""t ~ n; -j "n. n. ", ). v, '-, C) -, ~, rt C:J ~ 0, -=i vI) , ~ -,. m (n >c ~ ~ rl> , (:, ~ C) Q ;1- c 't:; "t C. ~ .. £1 -, =, tll c:a C, ~! ~ T' d' C' -1 m " n. t:r ~, Q, .. t 1""1> -. C11 CJ... tJ) ::( U) 1\) 0.1 f'"~ n, 0, VI -; n' V. c' -'. ee, u W l- C' n. o:j W N N ~ N W W ~ "J I' -ci V)·, VII"I- ct; :, ~ 0. ('1, -_ M "J _ .... p., c.v,c. 'I CT. ") +. C' ru .el OJ -~ -1 i? n. CJ II! d~ Co, (1,"t:l f" f\.).,J:. ,.. I1J (..oJ :i CT. C~ C) P.! ~; r' n :r • ,.-", 0' -, t:l- ~ It) '" :r (I. Dol c., -, -, tI! Vr ~'-, c' C) C) C) C) ~t- C'"1 ("[, (,.') -."l:.i -I' "J Do! rt- ::; ,-t' :.; • • >: ~I -. 1\0) c· ,,; r"- "J r" :.~ ~ ,...) -j C~ UIC,I'.)"') N C) 0 ." d~ 7;- u W :.1 n. C) CO 0''" n1 >, f\J ~ ~. ::J n. [:' nl 1') ",r' -I· (!:J t:' m ") ~ C' J. Ul o. , il >: 4 t-' =j ~:- -, ~~ :it p, ~ C) 0- ~I n, n r' ,,; =r lei C:, t. o r" -=r lCl O. (..;'1 0' >: --of tel '" t..; r, 1"\1 v·) p, :? -1"- ~ ", '< VI r' "j 0, o ~, n c, =~ C) ) - Sl.JISRA' I t! t t t I f I o4ee Sf'EC .. 18 i 1/ I I I I I II 1I I t t ~ / I t It t :.a I t t l 281 .1IB - i I 8.81 '.82 8.83 8.14 '.85 '.18 8.17 '.18 t.1t ( - SYSTEM: Ideas / UGII PATH: lusr/people/ ________________ I F I Ie name: Hetric/Inch Extra -cur~ .00n beam wdt comp scale factor: resolution ~xd layer thickness var layer thickness __________________ I -L~~_~e.stl: __ l~~2Q~_.stl __________ .stl: ______11__, ____ : ____ __ ______________ : _____ _____ : ____ ________ _____________ _ ~ Jl~ I - - - - - - - - ______ 1 ______ - - - - - - - - - ______ 1 _______ : ______ 1 _______ _ ------~~---:-----~~~---- ------~~------:------~~-~----brk pnt:thick :brk pnt:thick t _______ - .. , ______ 1 ______ . _ - - - - - _ . _ - - - - - - ______ I ___ 1 ____ -_L~_~ _____ _____ _ ______ _____ - ______ 9 _____ - ______ ~_q____ _______ x sk i n f i 11 1_______ br~( pnt: _ th_ _i ck __ _ ~______ ~ ~~Jl ~ _____ _ _______ • _____ _ ------_._----1 ______ _ _ ____ JJP______ _ ___________ ~ ______ _ skin f"lll : _______ Gt ____________ ______ _ min surface angle : _______ ____________ Je ______ _ min Intersect angle STaggered hatch AI terna te sequenc i ng :------~------ ------~------1 ______- - - - - - - ______ ~______ _ - Retracted hatch output file name: : .J.:._lh.o_":._ _s__1_I _.lL~e_~~~_.:~~~ (e letters max) Herge files: pick support( s) then obJect( s) z _____ All ___ _ ____________ osli offset x_____ y _____ ____________ .sli offset x _____ y _____ z _____ A11 ___ _ ____________ .sI1 offset x_____ y _____ z _____ A1I ___ _ ____________ 061i offset x_____ y _____ z _____ All ___ _ Y . I, _ _ _ _ _ _ , • _ _ _ _. _ _ _ t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I, 1 1 - - - - - - - , - - - - - _ . ___ ~_~e____ xhatch yhatch 60/120 hatch ~----- ~J~ ~ ~ :------tvr----- --------------- See Bu'ld f I Ie name (e . sl i characters no extens I on): _.t._L?:~~.f?_______ _ * Parameters: Shrtnk(+/-5.) Z-__ o _ _ _ XY- __ o _ _ _ • Number of COPie$_~ __ _ Prepare Data: find blocks FDF_~_- Add range at Z ____________ _ Recoatlng Parameters: Range 1 - NS 0 ZW_€_ ZV .051 Range 2 - NS J_ P1 L~ ZW ~~ ZV .051 Range 3 - NS __ P1 __ ZW __ ZV .051 ASSign cure depths: overcure I cure depth or/ defaults Range 1. - _________ or __________ ________ _ Range 2 - _________ or __________ or ________ _ Range 3 - _________ or __________ or ________ _ ~ ..drt.:.!..:£f?-I!] Fin t sh: 2:::3..£~~_ Total T I me :~~__ Laser Power ..LL__ rnw - D£L/JY / ~/I;f PELA---:] L~Re 9~ 9 (Jr.I,e,e f'"1ant 18 Rm. Instion Corporatiun SerifS IX A~tumatcd Materta1s Testing System 1.02C Test Oate: 04 FEb 1992 Teiistlc Operatur name: ';,'RJ Somp1€ Idcnt1ficatton: SLAGRS Interface T~~e; 4200 Series ::tic-mnE Parameters .:if tEst: Semple Rate (pts;scc): ~rossTh:cid Speed {'iii/ii'iiil ): ExtciTsometeT' $""i ten y'a1 ue: 2'0.00 50 TempEraturE (dEy. Fi; .£uv """· uffset OimenS1uifS: SpeC. 1 SpEC. 2 SpEC. 3 Spec. 4 Spec. 5 SpEC. Ii ';,'ldth {1i1J Tmc~"iiesS • 4130C •42G50 .20400 .201i00 ,...,,"'"' 2.0000 £.uuuu 2.0000 2.0000 " t..uuuu 2.2500 2.2500 2.2500 2.2500 2.2500 (~il) .... -... UI Ii sp~C'tmens, It PEal<: {in) C'tu .Jo/t'lt StrESS at PEak % Stra1n (1os) (pst) (%) SZ-I • v..... ~ 402.4 " 82-2 • ~!iO() ~ S2'-3 .0481 4 82-4 5 82-5 • 0466 • ~15 Ii B2-6 • OG34 423.3 .wG.2 414.2 422.8 419.3 .42050 .20600 2.0COO 2.2500 t:tEan; • 0541> Standard OCy-t at t uo: .~78 ~ ~ 4542. 4984 • .tRIO • 4841i • at Max. Luad ~ .. "' Auto • Stratil BrEak (%) Otsplcment at Aiitu. Break (1 ii) ..... "'.. StrESS at offset .2% (psi) 303S • 3235. {Aut 'IO~1ig) (ps1) 2.53;' G.l:)1 .J.J..7 ... 3.0"81 2.510 3.718 .072(; 2.859 2717. 28G7 . 2liZZ. 210SOOO • 2159000 • ......... 2978000. 3003000. 2430.."00. 4.121 4881. 48 ....,. . 2.430 3.248 3.3"02 8 d ... ...... .0557 .0804 .OB14 .1GOC 414.9 481B. 2.B52 4.863 .0949 2987. 259800~_ ".u ~ 14B. .402 1.324 .03B1 314. 404200. .~31S 388.D 4315. 1.64G -.sos :'t,**:l'ro;ft 2~45. 1385000 • • 0780 441.8 5262 • 4.05S ***** .2091 3m. 3810000. Mtlri~""lJ; .0466 402.4 4542. "L.Aofo,)U ."" l.S5S .0557 2G22. 210SDOO. MilX1iiUn: ~". • u"'~ 42""~ .>." 49B4. ~ • .,)UIIt. .l ""'" 8 .J.".. .. .11iOO 3443. 3003000 . " j:1'eGi1 - ...... ,I Load at I'eal<: J. ~ - .t.u,)uu 0 excluded. NiEtlber , .20300 .... I6n.A I"\IV.." " f'\~f'II." ot spl CiTftmt SpcctiT"otm .'+J.uuu .2CI'OG txt. gauge lEn (tn) Spec gauge leii (tit) ""'v .... .42800 .41S0n 4.242 ~ ~A"'''' 2850000 . - " "" *- Sd.,; MEan . 3.00 * Sd.'; ~a - SPEC .86 i t I !>-I I t t ti I I i l- I \ Ii i i I I ) I i / J i t-; ! I I' , t i , I Iii i I .. I It ,I I lI ,III l)II! II , I I i {l ,:IJ; t l' I I [I t 1a I J I I 1. . I I II i II • I I rl t I I \ 1 ,I• I. I I I 8.12 8. 1M 8.18 I .• I I 8.18 DhiPloICelIeOt (tn) 1.12 I 1.14 I I 1.18 I1I I 1.18 t.a ( - DATE ____________ ..). f-q~_ - SYSTEH: Ideas / UGII operator: __~_~~~~ PATH: /usr/people/ ________________ / __________________ / File name: Hetric/Inch Extra -cur~ .00n beam wdt comp scale f'actor: resolution fxd layer thickness var layer thickness :_l~~l:=~~.stl: __ l~~P_~~~_.stl: __________ .stl: ::----~--,----:-----~-~-----~--------------: _____ _____ : ____ ________ : ______________ : ~L~~ ~L~ , , , 1 ______- -______ 1 ______ - - -______ 1 ______ - - - - - - - - : ______ J _______ : ______ L ________ I _____________ _ :-----~i~-----:-----~£~----- . _ - - - - - - - ______ 1 ______ - - - - - - - - - -------------_____________ _ 'brk pnt:thick 'brk pnt:thick brk pnt:thick , , , _______ , , ______ - - _ - ___ , 1 ______ _______ , , _____ _ - ______ 1 _____ - _______ ' ______________ , _____ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ ,1 _ _ _ _ _ - _______ 1 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,• _ _ _ _ _ _ xhatch yhatch 60/120 hatch x skin fill ______ __________ ___________________ _ ______ _ ____ ___________________ _ _______ e_____________Q ____________________ _ _______ ______ _____ _______ _____________ _ y sk i n f' I 11 _______ ~~ ~~~ ~~2_____ ~~~ 9______ ______ f'________ _____________ _ ~ min surf"ace ang 1e - Hodeler: __ ~~~~~~~__ g______ ______.g________ _____________ _ -------;r----- --------------- -------------____________________ ____________________ -------Nr----------~--------------------_ _______ ____________ ____________________ _ _______ min Intersect angle Alternate STaggered sequencing hatch Retracted hatch ~L~ ~ ~ ~ output 'file name: 2/Z.o0_sf. s11 iJ2.l>o_ob .sll .sll (9 letters max) -------------- --------------- --------------: Herge files: pick suppor~s) object(s) ____________ .sli offset then x _____ y _____ z _____ All ___ _ ____________ .sll offset x _____ y _____ Z _____ All ___ _ ____________ .sI1 offset x _____ y _____ z _____ All ___ _ ____________ .$li offset x _____ y _____ z _____ All ___ _ Bu'ld file name (9 characters 1"10 extensIOn): __~_'3':.~e______ _ Parameters: Shrink(+/-SS) Z-__ • ___ S XY- __ • ___ S Number of cop;es_~ __ _ Prepare Data: ftnd blocks FOF_~- Add range at Z ____________ _ Recoatlng Parameters: Range 1 - NS 0 ZW_?_ ZV .051 Range 2 - NS !_ P1 L~ ZW ~g ZV .051 Range 3 - NS __ P1 __ ZW __ ZV .051 ASSign cure depths: overcure / cure depth or / defaults Range 1 - _________ or __________ ________ _ Range 2 - _________ or __________ or ________ _ Range 3 - _________ or __________ or ________ _ ,- - -. Iiist lun CvT'porat t vii ICst type; Sertes IX Auturr.ated rtaterials T2sttng Syst6Tf 1.02C Test Oatc: O~ Feb lSS2 Su,nple lctcntificit1on: SLAGRC Ii1t~rface T.1"pe: 420G Scii es Mach10e Pala.r~tcrs of test; Sample Rate (ptS/SeC): 50 Temp21ituie (dcg. F); 20.00 Crusshead Speed (in/min); ExteDSumeter switch .alu2: u1iileiiSivns; lD~O.OOGO% SpeC. , Spec. 2 Spec. (in) Thtc~l1ess (in) Ext. gauge leii (i nj Spcc gauge len pn} Out ..... '" SpEc1iiien NiM""TIber .... 5 MEan: G specimens, S ~,,\ '" C3-1 C3-2 C3-3 C3-4 C3-5 C3-G ~ Spec. 4 Spec. 5 SpEC. G .42200 .41900 .. 42000 • 41S00 .41800 • 42Z00 .20300 .. 20400 .20GOO .coseo .20400 2.0000 2.2500 t.) uffset ~ "idth , ... .. 20'400 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.2500 2.2500 2. 250C 2.2500 2.2500 2.0000 ~.OOO~ 0 excluded. 01 s-p 1CiT".ciit Load at Peak at PEak (in) (lbs) Stress at Peak (psi) % Strain % Stra1n Dlsplcment at l'\ix.Luad (""J at Auto. BrEak at Auto. Bteak (%) (in) 4019. "".:;J.UJ..L ........... 8.121 • ()~53 34&.0 323.5 3803. 2.899 3.591 .0110 .OBOG 328.9 3839. ~.GG4 322.1 5.739 .OGS3 Stiess at offSEt .2% (psi) 1349.0 24(;8.0 ~udu1us (Aut \'"ung) (pst) IGS20oo. 2SC5000 • 1GG7000. .1OG2 2043.0 1941.0 200700C. .1974 2197.0 115100C. 8.215 .11'17 379.1 521900. .0825 .1611 m.i' 3740. 2&S.3 3349. 4.174 4.201 a.1S8 .0S1i8 322.1 3148. 4.451' Ii.S50 . 134G 1931.0 1140000. . 0311 18.9 221 • l.S8S 2.315 .04G4 505.1 73-WOG. 2&0.1 3085. .1997 319.3 ~.LJ... .0559 2&8.3 3349. 2.8SS 34G.O 4019. B.las Standard - - Mean 413.5 -.0S4 .... "" 3.591 • 2738 3441.0 3944000 • .OG9S S1S.1 521S00. . lS74 241'8.0 2805000 . - - I, I It, I t It, I , I .. I I t I Itt I :; I t i~/ t : / III ; w: / l 3118 Itt I I t I I I I I I I ' I I \ \ . I I I . I . I I . I . I , , II! I 'I ! )1 I I --. ------~~ / I , / I ".' I I, \ \,,, / I1\' I I' , :.1 - \ \,, II J I !: I' !I , t l It I ! \ !lie ,I \\ I! i, , I .. I, II .D \ I , I I , I I 'i Q .J - - 118 1\ j II l! ! I. t I I I • • I .II. I I I .Itt I It' . '! lit ltlll II11 Il JI I lltl I tt I It· I • t • t 8.86 8.18 8.15 i II Itittit I t 1.28 I I II I .Ittlt t t • t I III II I t I I 8.21 8.38 - PART NAHE ______________ _ i-/Z-c> 0 SYSTEH: Ideas / UGII Hodeler:_~~~~~€~___ operator:_~~~~~9-~ PATH: /usr/people/ ________________ / __________________ / _J~~q=_~~.stl:_J~~e=_~~_.stl: F lIe name: Hetric/Inch Extra -curE' .00\"1 beam wdt comp scale factor: resolutil)n fxd layer thickness var layer ~hickness __________ .stl _____ _____ : _____ _____ -------------_____________ _ ----~-------:-----~-------~~~~ ~J~_~ 1 - - - - - - - - ______ 1 ______ - - - - - - - - - I I I ______ _ - - - - - - - - ______ 1 ______ - 200 2.00 -------------_._-------------------~-~~----:-----~~-~-----1 brk pnt:thick :brk pnt:thick brk pnt: th i c~< - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ "1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ t ______ • _______ • ______________ • _____ _ • I I • ______ I 1-_- ___ t 1 _ _ _ _ _' __ . _ - - - - - - ------_._----_._------1 - _______ ._____ __ ______ ___________ ______ ___________________ ______ _____ _____ ___________________ _ _______ _ ______ :2_______ _____________ _ I xhatch yhatch I p~Q ~~p 60/120 ha tch , I ~~~ ~~t ~______ _______ ..9______ _____ !..Lt2_______ _____________ _ x sk i n fill _______ .9______ ______ 0 ________ _____________ _ sk i n f" I 11 min surface ang I e min Intersect angle STaggered hatch ________~_____ _ _____ ,,_____________________ _ ________ ___________Q_____________________ _ _______ ~ __________ ~------- _____________ _ Al ternate sequenc Retracted hatch i n9 -------~----__________________________________________ 1 y ~ ------'Z------- -------------- • sl i : output f" i Ie name: _2__'_ZD __O__-_S_f-_ S__l _ .1IZu D_ ob_ sll ' (9 letters max) --------------- --------------: Herge files: pick suppor~s) then object(s) ____________ .sli offset x _____ y _____ z _____ All ___ _ ____________ .sli vffset x _____ y _____ z _____ All ___ _ _____________ sll offset x _____ y _____ z _____ Al1 ___ _ ____________ .$li offset x _____ y _____ z _____ All ___ _ Butld file name (9 characters no extenslon):_J:._L~£P- _____ _ Parameters: Shrlnk(+/-5S) Z-__ - ___ S XY- __ - ___ S Number of COPie$_~___ _ Prepare Data: find blocks FOF_~_- Add range at Z ____________ _ Recoatlng Parameters: Range 1. - NS 0 ZW_:?_ ZV .051 Range 2 - NS ~_ P1 ..!E ZW ..I.E ZV _051 Range 3 - NS __ P1 __ ZW __ ZV _051 Assign cure depths: overcure / cure depth or / defaults Range 1. - _________ or __________ ________ _ Range 2 - _________ or __________ or ________ _ Range 3 - _________ or __________ or ________ _ ~ .drt: ..1.:.'££ ___ - Fin i sh: _f!.:.'!i__ Tota 1 T I me: __4..:..-!.~ Laser Power _./2__ mw ')LI"\ ..... "T"r .... ,. .. , 111"1 t r-, .......... ,.. t:.r\.I.I"'IL j .... t'\"' .... '" I"...... H CLVI"IU/l.vUUV/ £ 1. 1''4 Test t)'Pc; ........ ..... .l Iiiterfac~ T...,-pe: 42uu :1ach~ liE P'aiaiTf~t~rs 0f "-.!... "' ..... ,...'" re,U .l,':.l~£ Scri cs test: SaTiiP1c Rate (pts/scc); '''U'\ ......... 50 £u.uu ~, - r i. SpeC . 1 SpeC. 2 SPeC. 3 Spec. 4 'w~ctth .. 41050 .1SuCQ .19500 .lS600 .... ,.,I"A t.:._\. .'+J.uuu " 11 I) .lSG50 . lS5CO (.:1.._'\ lilt} 5 Spec. G S~~C. E-'.'t .. gaygf f'i!IT {til) Spec g~uge 2.2300 Z.2S0C 2. 2500 2.£500 2.2500 "'_"''''''uu 1eIT (tn) .... StrEsS .,. Spectmci1 S I"'" at Peak 1 Stt€Si' at Auto. at 04-1 .05~ 452 . 0 • 0575 .0735 l'I""'''' 5 __.-. nt!QII .. 5573. . ~"" uvv 53S"S. ..... 53OG .. 2.SS3 .." " .... e .;).,)J...) 52'72 .. .." ..... u~ .CS85 424 .. 4 .OG4S 431.9 .. u;JSS 11.0- " .... ,.. a 3SG.4 4830. .. ,..., J78'9 .. ro. ... 1"'\ .>.OJ..'" .0915 <II. r .)\.1". 3.00 ~ .VJU4Io Scty; ~i iii i'ifyi1i: .... '+l)t.,) (psi) """"'n. "':;,.,,"'. 2C"S500C. 1832-.. 753&00 .. 2323. ..Juu..-uuu • .....,.~.('\~ ... 3 .. 40S .07S8 .CSG3 27S5 .. 22'75GCO. ' .0"305 2527 .. ..... .... t'l .... " ... J\.. , .. . , ....64- 23SGGOC. £.lOuvvu. .014& 1235 • .1250 ,'" .. 557~ .. , - •. !. '\~:::ti } ..... n,,,., .).uvt 5310. .vj~S 452.u ... _ u.~ .2% 1':'_"- Standard: f!'.l, ... I IVU.U. , \IH} 5139. .vuu~ C4-G ..... ~' •• "1 orca~ Max. Load P'€ak 43"8.1 ..... % St;-atii ...-- (1bs) Nv.inbei ",1:1"\." t'l~~ O.J..~ .I"\.f'.n. ..... uvu " .... ... ".lOJ..o. "'\. "I.e" W.J..J"+ .OSG3 3GG"CCG . -~ I ! ! I I I I I 1 I 488 \ I i l I .- III 4 1. t .- I J ~ t \ I I I \ I I 8.12 I I I I \ I 1 1.84 I .• e.• ! I I I \ 1.18 8.12 1.14 \ I PART NAHE ______________ _ '1-/ ZoO -- SVSTEH: Ideas / UBII HOdeler:_~~~§~____ operator:_~~~_~-~-~ PATH: /usr/people/ ________________ / __________________ / File name: Hetric/Inch Extra -cur£' .001"1 beam wdt comp scale factor: resolution fxd layer thickness var layer thickness : __ ~?£~~~~st1: __ !_~£~9_~stl __________ .st1 ______________ • ____ L __________ -----~-r_----:----~Z~------ _______ 1______ ______L_______ _ -------------_____________ _ ______~~p,---- ____ ~e~----------~~~---------~~-------brk pnt:thick brk pnt:thick Ibrk pnt;thlck ------_._----- -------.------- ------_._----1 , - ______ 1 , _ -_ _ _ - , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 11 _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ , ______ • _______ 1 ______________ 1 ______ , xhatch yhatch 1 I , ______ _____ : ______ ___________________ _ ______ ____ : _____ ___________________ _ _______~------ _______~------- _____________ _ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ :o~~~~ ~~~~h Y sk i n f' I 11 min surf'ace angle min Intersect angle STaggered hatch ~jlt :::::::e:::::: ::::::::::::::_ _______q ______ ::::::ZZe:::::: _______ ,,____________________ _______ _______(2____________________ _ ____________________ ____________________ _ ~----- ~ ------X------_____________ __ ____________________ Al terna te sequenc 1ng : ______ ..1:1______ Retracted hatch : ______ J.Y____________ - ~ output file name: : ~/~~" ... sp.Sll l//~~-ob .sll .s11 (9 letters max) l-------------- --------------- -------------Herge f'11es: pick support(s) object(s) ____________ .811 offset then x _____ y _____ z _____ A11 ___ _ ____________ .sll offset x _____ y _____ z _____ Al1 ___ _ _____________ 811 offset x _____ y _____ z _____ Al1 ___ _ ____________ .811 offset x _____ y _____ z _____ Al1 ___ _ Bu' 1 d f lie naAle (e cha rac ters "0 ex tens I on ): __~L.g_t2P_ ____ _ Parameters: Shrlnk(+/-5S) Z- __ • ___ S XV- __ - ___ S Number of cOPje$ __ ~___ Prepare Data: find blocks FOF~_- Add range at Z __~:== Recoatlng ParaMeters: Range 1 - NS 0 ZW_!!_ ZV .051 Range 2 - NS _L Pi _coZW !Q ZV .051 Range 3 - NS __ Pi __ ZW __ ZV .051 ASSign cure depthS: overcure / cure depth or / defaults Range 1 - _________ or __________ ________ _ Range 2 - _________ or __________ or ________ _ Range 3 - _________ or __________or ________ _ ______ _ ~_drt:_~~~j___ Fln'Sh:_J~~~~__ Total Tlme:_~~J__ Laser power_!~ __ mw - ~ 1 ~'u R~y' Plant lS " PLASTIC StA MATERIAl.. Test tytle: vi v'. ~. 12 ElOt'.'GIlGOOO/2I~ Instron Conporatton Series IX Automated l'Iatcri als Testing Sf'stan 1.02t Test Date: 11 Feb 1992 Tens'l1e Gperator name; RSC Sample Identification: SlAGRE InterfaCe 1"l1e: 4~ Series Machine Parameters of test: Sample Rate (ots/sec): Crosmead Speed (~n""rin ): Extensometer s-..itch ulue: Sample Type: ASTM Hi.lIIf dity ( % I: SO Temperature (deq. F): ~O.OO .~30 1000.0000'0 offset OiiiTCilst ons: Spec. 1 Spec. 2 Spec. 3 Spec. 4 Spec. S Spec. Ii (in) TlT!cll:ness On) U.-t. gauge len (in) Spec gauge len (in) - Out of Ii specimens, o excluded. Di sp l.:ment Specimen SiN t'.~urrber 1 .42300 .43000 .43000 .42200 • 19G00 .19500 .19700 .1~00 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.0000 2.2530 2.2500 2.2500 2.2500 .42200 .42000 .1~00 • 19G00 ~.OOOO 2.0000 2.2500 2.2500 \tfdth at Peat.: (in) load at Pellk Pbs) Stress at Peak (psi) ,. Strain at ttllx.load (%) % Strain It Auto. Break O1splcment at Auto. Break ('o) (tn) Stress at offset .2% (psn ttodulu$ (Aw'tYoung) (psi ) 4.094 4.101 l.S41i 3.302 5.1S1 4.G71 2.242 .0913 181iG. 2DG4 • 1315000. 2138000. .0437 4533 . 4.000 • 0781 3512000. 171SOOO• m'o. 2.4~a 5Gi'3. 3.S[;0 2.470 3.9[;0 .0172 2129 • 3052. 155S. 51ilS. 3.313 3.754 .0732 ~534. 2009000. 10.S 18S. .S21 1.176 • 0232 11GG. 781500 • • 0103 ~33.S 5050 • .551 .m .0031 -71i5. -335400. .1185 49S.1 G18(;. G.015 7.282 •1421 5833. 4353000 • !'tinill1ll11: .0318 44Ii.4 5270. 1.S4Ii 2.2'-2 .0437 1559. 1315000. l'Iax'iiTr..rn: .GSOO 47S.5 5825. 4.107 5.181 .1013 4533. 3512000. E5-1 E5-2 E5-3 ES-4 E5-5 ES-G S709. 5825. !i1i1i0. 5511. .0712- 41i9.8 479.5 41iS.3 4G7.1 44G.4 41iG.8 .0[;44 41i1i.S Oe~·tatton: .0180 !'tean 3.00 :\ Sdv': 2 3 4 .5 G Xean: .079G •~800 . :ms • ~1 .047G .1013 .~7G 1729000. lC42000. Standard - !'tean + 3.00 " Sd~': - SlAGRE ..--.-, , ,, , I 'I ! I I I I I L- I I I , I ,, ----------------. I I t I I I i i, I I ! II I I I I I ...,, ,, ! I I ! I II ,, ,, I , I I I I I, , I I II t I I I I I I II I II I I I It I , I I I I/ I I I I ...,, I , ,,, , t I I I ( I J I I I 1 I I I I I ! I I 1 -lI t I I .a I I , ,I, ,, t , , I I .,... I 1J • ...., ,, , I. I Q J I I I , , I I I, I 1. I , ( t t I It ...,I r-- II t I I I I II I I I ! I I I I I I ...,, ,I f- I I I I II I I I I I - I ,I ,, I I ,I ,t- , ,, ,,t J II 2M ,, ....i I ! , I I I I ... /"~>' ,, I I I II .- I I t <II I I l-,, 388 , I 'I I 488 SPEC It G)1 ,, , ,,, I , t! I I , I 8.84 8.06 8.88 9.18 G - KOU P F(; PART NAHE ______________ _ d< /ZOp SYSTEH: Ideas / UGII HOdeler:~_~~~~~___ operator:~~~~~~PATH: /usr/people/ ________________ / __________________ / File name: Hetrlc/Inch Extra -curE' .00n beam wdt com!=, scale factor: resolut I on fxd layer thickness var layer thickness - __ L_~~_~~.st1: __ ~~~_~~_.stl __________ .stl ____ ____ :___ _______ -------------_____________ _ ------~------:----~--------J_L~i: ~~~JC ______ J_______ ______L _______ _ xnatcn ynatch 60/120 hatch x sk I n fill y sk I n f" I 11 mI" surface ang 1e ml1, 1ntersect angle STaggered hatch Alternate sequencing Retracted hatch a ______ ~..!'_Q..____ ~~_ _ _ _ ::::::iJC:::::: brk pnt:thick brk pnt:thlck f ______ - ______ 1 _____ f Z-4' brk pnt:thlck _______ 1 ______________ , _____ _ f • _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,• _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ 1I _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,• _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - - _ _ _ 1I _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ •, _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ ___________ ___________________ _ ______ ___________ ___________________ _ _______e _____________Q____________________ _ _______ .:.l!!.______ _____________ _ _______<2______ _______ _______ _ ______ jL~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~ '2______ ______ '2._______ _____________ _ ~______ t2._______ _____________ _ -------'?T----______ tL _______ --___________ _ _______ ____________ ____________________ _ ~ _______ _______ ~ ~ ~ ___________ 1_____________________ _ ___________ ____________________ _ ~ output file name: 212& /) _$p .sll 2IZDD~()i~ .sll .sll: (8 letters max) -------------- --------------- --------------: Herge files: pick support(s) object(s) ____________ .811 offset then x_____ y _____ z _____ All ___ _ ____________ .sI1 offset x_____ y _____ z _____ All ___ _ ____________ .sll offset x_____ y _____ z _____ All ___ _ ____________ .sll offset x_____ y _____ z _____ All ___ _ au lid f lie naMe (8 cna rae ters "0 e xtea,. 1on ) : _£_.!~E_~ _____ _ Parameters: Shrtnk(+/-5S) Z-__ • ___ S XY-__ • ___ S Number of cOpl.$ __ ~ __ Prepare Data: f I "d blocks FDF k_- Add range at Z __l~::P______ _ Recoatlng Parameters: Range 1 - NS 0 zw_i_ ZV .051 Range 2 - NS .1_ P1 t.J2 ZW Lg ZV .051 Range 3 - NS __ Pi __ ZW __ ZV .051 Assign cure depths: overcureor/ cure depth or/ defaults Range 1 - _________ __________ ________ _ Range 2 - _________ or __________ or ________ _ Range 3 - _________ or __________ or ________ _ ~ .drt: _i":'£~___ Fin. sn: j':'l~___ Tota 1 Time: _~~.L_ Laser Power __Lt__ mw - D£L,4y.. CURE ~~ ie;, {i~ .- r'1arrt 18 Rm. 1Z * PLASTIC SLA MATER.AL ELO~G/10000IZI~ Instron Corporation Sertes IX Autamated ~atertals Testing System 1.02C Test Date: 11 Feb 1992 ,cns11e Operator name: RSC Sa.mole Identtftcation; SJAGRF Interface Type; ~200 Series ~achtne Parameters Jf test: Sample Rate (pts/sec); Crasshead Speed (in/nTIn ); Extensurneter S"lIi t;;h ',a I we; -- Sample Trpe: H..-mdity ( ~ ); 50 Tsmperatwre (deg. F): ZO.OO .200 1000.0000% offset u1mensloils; Spec. 1 Spec. 2 Spec. 3 Spec. 4 Spec. 5 Spec. G (tn) Thi c'.:ness ,in} Ext. gauge len (in) Spec gauge len (tn) .41700 .19500 2.0000 2.2500 'iltdth .41500 .19650 2.0000 2.2500 Owt of 6 specimens, 0 excluded. Sample COiTrnfmts; SAI'IPLE :mE SREAK VERY EARU' SpeCimen Silt t~er FIi-l FG-Z FIi-3 F6-4 F6-5 FC-Ii Z .. 3 5 G - ASTM Ot sp 1OIWlnt at Peak (tn) .011i8 .0585 .O~2 • ()481 • 0613 laad at Peak (lbs) ~ . ,. .. ,311.1 581.5 581.5 S1i9.1 .41800 .19500 2.0000 2.2500 I~TO 1134. 7017 • .42400 .19600 2.0000 2.2500 THE TEST ....ITH LO'It RESUlTS. Stress at Peak (pst) 4645. 7131- .41100 .41900 .19450 .19450 2.0GG0 2.0000 Z.25OO 2.2500 Stratn at Max. Load ~ (~) % Strain at Auto. Break (%) 01 spl onent at Al..-to. Srelk (in) .9530 3.0340 2.3SGO 2.4830 3.1810 1.7850 • 9530 4.37GO 2.3SGO 3.4SGO 3.Z480 1. 7S50 .01GS • 0853 .0452 .CG72 Stress at offset .2% (pst) Modull.lS (A.itlOunq) (psi) .0344 4376 • 2991. 4500. 2397000 • 3&85000. 361'9000. 4IiSGODC. 153Gooo. 3472000. 2951. 3071 • 4417. • 0344 SIi1.l 7020 • 1i1'52 • Mean: • 0441 540.5 Glilli. 2.2950 2.G890 .0519 3118 . 32C8OOO. Standard Dew-tatton: .01G5 SO.l .... u. .S282 1.2390 .C247 7S3. 111[;000. :tItt1l~* ~'"''' " ,Juu .... SG89. -.1891 ~:'II!'I:ftll:'r. tt*ft1rfli 13GS. -79470. .0!35 1SG.S 9544. 4.7800 G.4050 .121iC GOG7. IiG15ooo. .OlGS "'.,.., ., 4645. .SS3C .9530 •OlGS 2951- 15SGooo • Mean 3.00 " Sdv: ~12.1 ~I ~ .002i' i-Iean .;3.00 :'I Sm-: Minimum: ;JII.I . "' ... "." ,,~c:~ .4r.~r.~ - Di~l~t (In) PART NAHE ______________ _ ,sIZ()/::) ~SYSTEH: Ideas / USII HOdeler:_~~~~~~____ operator:_C~_~~~~g~­ \ / "PATH: /usr/people/ ________________ / __________________ File "ame: Hetric/Inch Extra -cure .00n beam wdt comp scale f"actor: resolution fxd layer thickness var layer thickness __ !~~~§~stl __ J~~jD~_~~.stl __________ .stl :::=~~~Jr::::: :::::~~~f:::::: _______ L_____ _ I 2.00 ::::::~:-i[:::: tlrk pnt: th i ck -----aDo----_____ ______ _ -------~-----:..~i! brk pnt:thlck , - _ _ _ _ _ _ ,1 _ _ _ _ _ _ ' • ____ ___ 1 ______ I - _ _ _ _ _ _ t1 _ _ _ _ _ _ • 1 _ _ _ _• ___ . _ - - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,, _ _ _ _ _ _ • - xha tch yhatch (....0 ha tch x sk i n l' i 11 y sk i n f" I 11 min surf"ace ang 1e STaggered hatch min Intersect angle Alternate sequencing hatch 60/120 ~etracted _ _ _ _ _ _ 1I _ _ _ _ _ _ - • .:; 3 ::::::~~~::::: :::::~~fC:::::: _______'2______ _______ :::::::::::::: ______ .9________ brk pnt:thick _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I, _ _ _ _ _ _ _____________ _ _____________ _____________ __ Q______ _____ .:..Le_______ _____________ _ 0______ ______ £________ _____________ _ _______ 8______ ------g-------- -------------______________ ------~-------_ _____ _____________________ ------;S-------------------_ _______ %-____________ _____________________ _ ~ ______ ____________________ _____________________ _ ~ ~ .)utput 1'ile name: 3IZ~1)_~.sll S/2()f)_ Q b osli .sli (9 letters max) -------------- --------------- -------------Herge f"11e!;: pick support( s) then object( 5) ____________ 051i offset x_____ y _____ z _____ A11 ___ _ ____________ 051i of1'set x _____ y _____ z _____ A11 ___ _ ____________ 0511 011'set x _____ y _____ z _____ A11 ___ _ ____________ os1i offset x _____ y _____ z _____ Al1 ___ _ Bu lid l' lie name (9 $12..a-D cha rac ters no e)( tens I on). ______________ _ 0 Parameters: Shrlnk(+/-5S) Z-__ • ___ S XV- __ o___ S Number of cOPie$ __~ __ _ Prepare Data: find blocks FDF.1::-_- Add range at Z __2L~_______ _ Recoatlng Parameters: Range 1 - NS 0 ZW_:?_ ZV .051 Range 2 - NS L_ P1. ~e ZW Le ZV .051 Range 3 - NS __ P1. __ ZW __ ZV .051 AS51gn cure depths: overcure depth or / defaults Range 1 - _________ or/ cure __________ ________ _ Range 2 - _________ or __________ or ________ _ Range 3 - _________ or __________ or ________ _ ___ ~ ..drt: _t.!.i~ - F. n I sh: _-Z'~1l. ___ Tota 1 T I me: ~:!!__ Laser Power _!_?__ mw ~f ~~ ~. ~ ""-,. ::J ~. ~ .2~ '"~J (,I,) :.i V> . ~~ ~ ... (.I) • c,C, " Vl ~ ~~ n, C:) n, VI III ... t =1' n, ::J ~i. ~ ...-,.r" "'- ~ -.Dt ~ .g' n, ct, .... _J. '1 ru 4F c:, c..JI +.-. (,0) f'Itrt., ,..~ §l eo. ~? c. C;, ..... G'') ..... G,) I I • ... .,t b Ci' Ci'J ........ .01 , I Ll)") -~ c, ". ,,? ..... ~. t ~!: 1-",. {J n, ro ~. n, ~, UI .j:. ~ c,•• .., l-" .e, . J ~) UJ c:, ") ~ e, ~ C) ~ 1-> !" '" CO, '" &; -, '" -.. l-" ~ g ...-., ~ ..,.t. -. ~ "" ::J !!' -.. '" gg8g~~8 CI)I\)C"C'C'f!') ,"",U1'"C:'")~''' l~ ,J.. '" (,,, .,&:", =._'0 --,. " n, p, g" ,.. .. ~-: {J -,. g ~ ~ Col, ~~~~~~3~~ cnu)~'Q""C' -" cr ru ~ III ~~ ~ ~ 0~ III "'- ••D, ?'" •• ,:> ~ g~ ~. ''"" f' l. c, ~, ~ !') .1-* .1:. ." ... ... ~: lC: ~~~~fgl ~ ~, :~ ~, :--" ?S "', nr _10 a, Vl r~ Df ,..~ 1'C -, nl trj A• 1:: n. ", n, n. u::, u::. -- ::I -" -::1 ::I ~) ~, '" UI .., C, 1-> ,..> 1-> 1-> '" ~, ~ c. f' u, D) UI ,..> ...-.. +. UI ''"" :'" ~) ~) ~) ~) ~) ~, ''••"" N"')O'C'C'\~ t~~~~~~~C't ~M ~. ~ r a III ~ ,,' ~) '" UI C) '"'" '" -. c, ~, ..M 1-> u,••-. >0, UI '" C) -. '••" 1-> C) '"'" Q ~, C) 0' f' l, ~ . C) D) -, ~, ~" !-" ~) !"" ~"J ~.1 . ... '" C, c, c)C)C1 ..... C, t--"c:' ~a,) ..... ~ '" ")". '1 ru ~ III ~ ~ . "..Joo :;. -,. '!{ ~: 7';' 1-> t-> 0,'" ~, 'f" "" ... 1-' (.., 1-' 0''" '" ...c,'" ~, u, 1\) ~ .. ") U) 0) ~) ~) g g., .'" -tI,. C.. ,. '" .... ,. ") "~ ",1 ...., ~) ~ t:, C) ~) 'C," c:, C, (.., C) .j:. c,'''""" ~~ '~~C," c, UI C, ,.., C) ~) '" '" C.""'" C) C. u., ";J 1-'" (J) '1:1 u, _I· 1"10, '" tJ) (..) .... '" ... " ll) U)UlCl ..... CJ)'" t.I" O'c.,,"' ...... r-)O) gggggg C) ~, ~, ~) ~) ;' {l I'J .i~ CI ,.." -. - .. 't:i II! _h l~ ~ ,..r ~, CI 1:' =1 '=~ ~ c: - .. 1:: '" ,,? n, til ....... -CI m II! II! 0., tet ~ ([I -, -t.,. " o.t C, !~.ct.~~~c §1 ,.... •• U4 ct,""'C1 CI, r. "'l ,..r _'0 r' -, '<' <:1 ft. ~ ;r) ~ n -1 n' ~r ~~ ~~ n. c: .. ;:~ =, n, I:. '"fL ."" ...... ,) ..." """,, ~~~~t:~ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~ . 1\.) .., to • .....~. '" c, ... g g c, '" '" c~ C) ") 1'\, "" c,~~~t~~ .. . ...".,.. 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C) C) - =r. n1r1C;')=I-~n' >; -, S1~ n, g., rr CI n.--t -f '" <.M '1 ~ c-+ _"~ '" M !'! .:~ ".l ::J a, ~'" Lo'C'r;..)t.J),.. .. ...... ~ =r ~ VI c. =1 -, n· ::J ~!. UI ~> "'> I-~ '" ... "" c't ... ~t:~~~~~ lit '!l. -< n. ,~? -I. ,..., 1-' r ... ~f .... 1-" J."" r'Io)C)\Ql'o,l ~ ~ ~ u,n. u, II! ~ ~ =, C) l. ;:;. e;? :; ,.... -~I f"I l.I1 r, -Cf"", ~~ III 1:: r'Io" .1" =1 t.' ~' =~ 5. .. +. ~I n ~' N .j:. ~~ C:) r' =1 ClCJ1 . ) ) ) m ~ ~ ~ ~ SPEC • L i li I I I I ~--- I I / I I 1 I I - as l j ! I I / / f .! I ~I r I I If! t I I I r- I I I : t : ' ' I . [ , I . U I ' I I II I q Iii [ [ [ I, I I 1'1 I)' I" i! t t ~ t r I, I I [ , [I 8.02 8.84 8.00 Dl~tolCMlilnt (In) 8.88 0.18 SYSTEH: Idea::; / lie I I Mode 1er : __~~~~~!::___ Opera tor: __(/;:_"'!.."::1L".-'_'=- PATH: /usr/people/ __ {!;.=:J¥-~_~ ___ / __________________ / F 11e name: Hetric/Inch Extra -cur~ .001"1 beam wdt c1)rnp :3ca1e factor: resolution fxd layer thickness var layer thickness _.L_~_l?._~.f.:. :;t1 __ .!B;,,£=~.A. atl __________ . :;t 1 : ------~------ -----~-------------~~-~---- ---~~~£_------_______ j______ _ ____ 1 ________ _ ~ Z--crO - _ _ _ _ _ _ I' _ _ _ _ _ - - ______ 1 I _____ - , _______ • ______ I I - - - - - - - - ______ 1 I I - - - - - - - - ______ 1 --------------- , I =======~~t==== brk =====~~~====== pnt: th ck t,rk pnt: th i ck --------------, --------------, i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .... _ II brk pnt:thick : • - - - - - __ 1 I - _____ - - I _ _ _ _ _ _ I, ______ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,• _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ 1I _ _ _ _ _ _ I, - _ _ _ _ _ _ I1 _ _ _ _ _ _ I, , - - - - ___ 1 ______ - _______,,_,.!:.____ --------,;------. _______ e______ ======p======== --------------, --------------, .======~======'======~======= -------------_. ======12====== =:::==i======:: --------------, -------------__ --------------, ,,;z.. 8 xhatch _______ ~,!?_____ ,2.1S yhatch --------------, 60/120 hatch (J ,,/0 x skin fill Y sk i n f' I 11 ______ ______ e_______ _ min surface angle , c min Intersect angle STaggered hatch A1 ternate seqlJenc i ng ------~------ -----~-------- --------------, Retracted hatch -----~-------.::;11 tP sli .s 1I : OIJtput file name: _L~g_~~_____ __j~~~_~_:~ (a letters rnax:> --------------: Herge files: pick support(s) then object(s) ____________ .sli offset x _____ y _____ z _____ A11 ___ _ ____________ .51i offset x _____ y _____ z _____ Al1 ___ _ ____________ osll offset x _____ y _____ z _____ A11 ___ _ ____________ .$li offset x_____ y _____ z _____ A11 ___ _ I - - - - - - - - ______ 1 I I - I ~______ - - - - - - - - _ - _ - __ 1 I I - - - - - - - - ______ 1 I I I BuIld file name (8 characters no extenslo"): ___-lL~_"_f>____ _ Parameters: Shrink(+/-5S) Z-__ o___ S XY- __ • ____ NlJmber 91' (:c)pie$ __~__ _ Prepare Data: 1'1 nd blocks FDF _-!_- Add range at Z __~~~ ______ _ Recoating Parameters: Range 1 - NS 0 zw_5_ ZV .051 Range 2 - NS _L P1 ~t.2 ZW Cl2 ZV .051 Range 3 - NS __ P1 __ ZW __ ZV .051 Assign cure depthS: overcure / cure depth / de'falJ1ts Range 1 - _________ or __________ or ________ _ Range 2 - _________ or __________ or ________ _ Range 3 - _________ or __________ or ________ _ __ 4drt:~jl~ ___ FinISh:A"~~~-:' __ Total Time:.t~l._ Laser Power_~~__ rnw £)tt../J7 ~ (!,u..e£ 99.9~ Plant 18 Ntf. 12 n PLASTIC SLA MATER!AL .-, ""l"" !" ".."'"',, ( ......... CL.U:'1U( ":"\JUUY/C:.U~ ~ Instt0i1 Test type: Cui'-PCilat~ ar: Sc:ic's IX Aut0tT.ateG Mat~ltal s S_istcm 7est~7rg 25 Fe!; 1992 ASTM Interface Tipe: '~200 Seri €s MacMtne ParamEters uf test; Samp1c Rat2 (pts)scc); Cros'sh"€ad Speed {~l1/iTftii 20.00 Sp~C. ~4ath 1 SpeC. Z SpeC. 3 SpeC. ·t SpeC. 5 SpeC. 0 (til) .19000 .18750 Thtckness (tiiJ Ext. gaygc 1eT: (iii) SpeC ga\.ige 12n (iii) .1SiOC Out uf u s~ect~ens, C cKc1~dect. S~1c c~ents; THIS IS TKE FIRST BATCH OF OTHER RESiN. Load at utsp1cm~t -> SpaCiiiTfii i'~L.u-nbCI 13 .200 1000.00DO\ uffsEt ;: SIN ·" H8-1 ''" Peak • 2120 H8-2 .1~SOO ~ORE '0 Stratll at peak at Peak (los) (psi) \ '>; .2'15l .Z855 28o.S 377G. S.C 75. Standard D'ev1attun; - D1 sp1cmfrrt StieSS at ,,"\.ita. at vffset .2% oleak (1n) (A~t 'jo" (pS1 ) (pst J :la03 .. ZSG.S 27&.8 .3·tSS creak 111. ..... 12.99 12.39 18.a1 12.3-' 17.58 10.8G ... " 281.1 H8-5 HS-G % Strain M'ax.Luad ZS5.8 5 .lS200 STRETCH IS SEEN. Stress 2S5.·' 285.1 .lS300 .257·' .2·150 e"'l ...... ",or\. .i.'I.~O l1GS.C 1153".0 J.J ...JI ... n. "-'" ~u.ou 12S3.0 .. 2153" 215GGO • .2855 "'II! I tv·.... "" U",,'tuv. .CG23 \ 3552. 3.CO :': Sa\'"; 310.9 :"t1 iTt mu:iT: .2153 270 .. 8 .. 3]·13 ZSo.S r: roo .... .J.UI,J ·~()C1. 18.81 5.02 .0387 23.lj • 'It,,"'1 ..... ". 2SGSOOO • In. a£) .. 21S3- Z?5GOG • 18.81 • ,J/'LJ ............. 12&3.0 SUISRH 38IiJ II f I I I 1/ /1 l , Il I j I I I ,! I Il ~ l l t t l I , I l f l I ,I t l l l l I I ,I If I I l I I I I I III f I l I II I I ,/ ( I' I I l l J II I ~---- I 'I L l --- I I I j ... .,., l l l l l I , l 1 II II Il , J, , I I I q t I I I I l I I I II I ,I I,I I ,I' If l l l j IrI t ' "' i ,, , I II l l t l I l l i If l l l l l l ,I I I ,, ,I ,, I ,i III i If ~:y l I I oIJ I I 'f II J II 'J I ~ Q 100 Il I I j , t I I I I I I I', I, r,'I'; "I I : '1:1" Il ., f I, ,i j 1/ I .- , ,," .- /' ----- -- .-- tllilld, ; ', I)j ,,' ,I, ! .Q I II I Il .- ,... ,- II l Z88 I ,I 1 ~ SPEC .. 85 I I il I l l -I r j i I II II ,11 t t,. if' II Iii Df I l It( Il III ,1/ gI l , l I I I f l I I I l l l l I I II ,I 'r' r- . : I -; I J( l l I l I I' l I l l l I l I , I j " I' t 11 ( l ll I I I" I I / I } 'J' tit I11"II t f it •l lt lt ltil ll 8.85 t lL lt 1t t1 1I iI il ( l !\ \'I ! l't t I II! itil dt 8.18 I ' I I I l l l 8.1S ~ 1. 1. l , ~ t I 1. l 1. 11111 8.28 '1 t t I I ! ' II l l II l ! I I " 1 •• 11111 8.25 I . li t I ~ t t t \II1.'1 \t l' III l l l l I l 8.38 l 1 1 l Il , tI t ! 8.35 II I l t t l ( (i 1 t 1 l l 1 8.48 PART NAME ______________ _ / /2~O tJ".c,.~ SYSTEM: Ideas / lie I I Mode 1er : J!!..~'C:!!!:.._____ Opera tor: _~_ PATH: /\Jsr/peoPle/_f.~~t.!!.=-----/------ ____________ / F I Ie name: Hetric/Inch Extra -cur~ .001"1 beam wdt comp ~3cale f'actor: resollJt i on ~xd layer thickness var layer thickness : _!.~'!..'?-=.~e __ .:;; t i l _.!~E>___ ~~__ •s t 1 ----~-------- ---~-,------------~~-(----- --~~~~--------- __________ . s t 1 ---------------------------------------______ L_______ --------------- -------------__ -_-_-_-_-_ -----:;.r------- -------------_--_-_-_-_-_, z_? brk pnt:thick brk pnt:thick Ibrk pnt:thick : _______ ,______ ----_-_1 ______ - _______ .______ . I ---~~--------- ~o _______________ 1 _________._ _ ', -_ -_ -4 -- I - I _ _ _ _ _ _ 1I _ _ _ _ _ - I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I 1 ____ __ , . _______ • _____________ 1 ______________ • ______ f I I I ' xhatch ______ ~~~ ___________ ~~l ____________________ : yhatch 60/120 hatch ______ ____________ ____________________ : ______ g _______ _______ _____________________ : x sk ______ 9 _______ ______ Q.______ i., .,. i 11 y sk ill f" I 11 min sur~ace angle min Intersect angle ~~ ~~t ~ ______ _______ ______________ : ~p () ______ 9_______ :===:=~=:==:=== 0 a ______________ : ______________ : ______________ : STaggered hatch i ng ======~====== Al ternate sequenc ______ ~_______ ______ Z'________ ______________ : Retracted hatch ______ _____________ ________ • ______________ : OIJtput ~I Ie name: /ZdD_ sf' osll /Zdo_ 08 osl I: .sll: (9 letters max) -------------- ---------------:--------------: Herge files: pick support(s) then obJect(s) ____________ osli x _____ y _____ z _____ Al1 ___ _ ____________ osli offset x _____ y _____ z _____ All ___ _ ____________ os11 x _____ y _____ z _____ All ___ _ ____________ 0$11 x _____ y _____ z _____ Al1 ___ _ ======y======== ______________ : ~ ~ of~set o~~set o~~set Bu'ld ., lIe name (8 characters no extens I on): __ J.:..!_~_1?_____ _ - Parameters: Shrlnk(+/-5S) Z-__ o___ S XY-__ o___ S NlJmber o~ cop;e$ __~ __ _ Prepare Oa ta: find blocks FDF ~_ - Add range at Z __ ;.L~______ _ Recoatlng Parameters: Range 1 - NS 0 zw_~_ ZV 0051 RancJe 2 - NS -'_ Pi C!' ZW LP ZV 0051 Range :3 - NS __ Pi __ ZW __ ZV .051 ASSign cure c:fepths: overcure or/ cure depth or / de~alJlts Range 1 - _________ __________ ________ _ Range 2 - _________ or __________ or ________ _ Range"').:3 - ___'-_____ or __________ or ________ _ __ drt:L~t{ ____ FlnISh:_~~~_~ __ Total Time:_i~~~ Laser Power_~t ___ mw ,1)£1..1'17 ev~ /y' ~ 99~ ) ii, >, .-1, :t. ;I ~ .,~ ~ =1 "1' ""• ~, n, ~~ ~~ ~ "..' ~ -+. ~ • C) q ~ ~ ~ < 3 G ~ ~ ~ ~ ru ru ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ z o~ nr ~; C"l ~ ~ '"to, '"'" ~~ ~. e, c, '''' r.) e, e' o, e, C> , ...r., en .:. ,J .c,, ...'" ,.;, L. ~. C) ,:) ~. ~. r., '" .., ",)f\'t-" ~ C> -. ,.., (.."1..:.. ~ uI ,.., ,.., (~J '" ~. C> .-. .'-" ~. u - en en tit ~ ~ ~ en I w '" ~ cl ~ ~ ~ ,ru C) -~ ,-t ~ c, ..., -.'" en I ~~ ~ n, rr ~r '"v,::; . ~ ~ ~ ~~ r-~ Ut,"C"\~", ~? r.) I-~ .:. tJ) C) "'c,"'''' C, .... ~", -Iru =. "-" p., 7': P1 ...... {l -~ w. !'" :-J r' ~3~~~~~~~ !')~,;-~~~, U'I .....'c;.c-.m'" -~." cr ~ 0., '" AI ... '-I' 7';' ~r (j,') T.I ~: '" {l r' CI ~ ~ Q U""..J ''"<.n" ~ !" ,,) '" L" ~ ''"" :g ., .:. -. '" <.n Q,J -~ 01 "' :j =1 ~ ~. n, $l.t tlt r#'- ;&: ,.., 19 VI C> (,' C) c,g 'C, " u, ,.., ~:~ -. !') (.h r., '" 0, C> .... ' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ en ..., en 0) ;;j ~~ ~ C) en C) ~ q '" C) '">: .:!~ ~.. o 0, ~~ t.., ,.., '" c, ',..," C> ") (.h a,IJ, ~< t·· t·. ~ ''"" r.) c, L' ~. e, e, '" ...c,, en C, c, '"en !" .c,, ~. C) ~. ~. r., .,..." o c,'"'" ,,> '" ~ 1-,1 I-A ~ ~, ~ -;'" ~ (.,."1 1'0,.1 C) U) ..... ~" ,.,) ..... 1" ...... C"\ ..... C) "" a-... ff' c~ 1\;1 "" ~;l ~ ~ ~. C, t-.. ..... ....... '" r"o) r..., C) C) C) • 1'.::., ~~~a;~~~ 11, .,.: ~ -to "" _t_ ::; -. co ~I > _"" 2,~~~~1 o n, ::1 ... t ,... '" !" C) CO ,.., ,.,e' ~~;'I c,c, ~, u, t~ '" .,..., 'c," ~< !" ,... IJ, C, ~. c, r.) 8'c," .c,c, .en" ~~,) .:. ,. ,. :t ~ ,... <:) '" ~, c, -. '-, !l 0) :t :t ~~ :> D' !" c, Ln '" 0,C,IJ, ~, •• ,1 U) h.,l t-,1 ...... "",1 ........ C, ..... ,1 r-,I ,....)c, ...... 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"""\ §J ;: ., C'tt t:r ~ '" ~ ~ "> ru ,.,) r" ._.j ..... /* ~ ~ ru ru c-t n, Cs. ~ ~ ~ ru ~ ~ VI ru ~ - '" ~ ~ ~ S:' ctt Cl ct. Q. I-~ ~ ~ -,., _..J -I . ,,~ C, VJ '" 'l ::; c. ~ ru W ~ ~ ~ ~ C, C) -.:. n, X n ~ C) '"f' -.:i C) o '" '"rr ..., m r ~ Z C) C) ~. ~ ~ ;.. 3C) C) • C) C) C) UI C) C)QC)C) ~ r ~ '" ...,....:. ~ ~ m '" n '" ...... C) c, • C, n ~ ~! =1 ~ ~ r ;n to1·, til ~ r ~ rt ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ::r ~" ~ rt '" u) (,.o'J o rio ... ,lo , C) C) s.:: -. rt' PI '" ~ ~} C) <:) C) C) Ct Vl ~I gl ~~:;7,J~I~~~~ C". Of n, ru --., f-t .. 10 -.j, r,.l r-.) d~nllr"''' ....... , C) ~ ttl ,-ct -I- 2, U'I Lt,l 0) C:, C) C) C)C)OC) _)0 '"r' '" -, ::i n, elt nl " C) ..... ~' (II f· r'OJ =1 ~! r:; c...1 III - -. ") III , r>o.) !:: V) Ct >: rtf rt- ~. (11 "", -" ~~ ~~ VI ~ ~. t·' rt ,of v, '" ~ ~ C) C) C) '" C, ,-.. =I s;. C) '" '" II! II! n1 c· II! :, ~r. ~ p" VI "Ct." -,. _f, ~t ~r =r no -.I c..n~",~!"~"lc,.."1 =1 ::I{ >; LA C) ~> ::r Of it, ~I .~. CJJ ....,.. r:: nr -~ t.nUlC,c:-,.~.~ lJ1 let (CJ nl r;.., (;) ("" >: -.f :-t r;' (1, s:: r.., t.J, "" (", r-n ll:t f ~. :~~ t:} ~, "., 't··" ) ) "" ; ~ ~ ~ ,.., c, r" n r" _I' c· =f ~ <. - sPEC .. 83 $UIGR'l I \\ -- \ 1\ ~ ~ I \\ I I 1\ I I \ \ \\ \\ II \\ I 1\ I I I \ \\ \ I l l \ -tI \ \ l I \ I I \I t \\ I l I \ I I l \I I I I I \ I I I I ZOO I \ \I I tI \ I I l I I I I t \I I I t I \ ~ \ \ c- \ \I t I I I I \ I \ I I f ( I \ I I I t I I l I l I I I I I .....II I \ I l I I l vi I I I .c l l \ \ .. ~ C J 1~ \ I I II I r-- \ l I I l l \I I ! l \ l l l l l j I l I I I I I l I I \l l I I I I l l l r l I I l \ t I I l \ tI \l \ t I t \\ ! t l I d 1I \I 1I lI -< 8.85 8.18 8.15 8.28 8.38 8.35 PART NAME __ ~~~_~ ______ _ SYSTEM: Ideas / UGII HOde1er:_~e~~E~§_~___ t:. t-/t-tp..,.., operator:_~:_~~~~_~_ L.. PATH: /lJsr /peop 1e/ _J1.P.s-_~V;!!.t;.______ / __________________ / F I Ie name: Metric/Inch Extra -cur~ .00n beam wdt cornp scale factc)r: resolut i I)n fxd layer thickness var layer thickness __________ .stl I _____ ~-- ______ I ______ ------------~~~-----:----~!~£ I ___ - __ -------I I ' ______ 1 _______ I _____ l _________ : _____________ _ _____ El,22______ : _____ _______ : _________ _~~£q_~_~.stl:_J~~P_~_~~_.stl: -----~- ______ _______ ______ --------_._------------- -------- ______ ~E.9 0 ____ _ --------______ 1______ ---______ 1_------------pnt:thick _______ ,______ 'brk ---_-__ 1_______ Ibrk ._-----_1_----_______ .______ ------_._-_____ 1___ -_--1-----.;zs brk 1 pnt:thic~.:: .2.$'" 1 pntlthic~< r I I • I I I I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,, _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ I1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I1 _ - _ _ _ - _ •. _ - - - - - xhatch , ______ __________ ____________________ _ yhatch ______ ____________________ _ 60/120 hatch _______ ______ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ x skin fill _______ ______ _____ ..:.I..!!.. _______ _____________ _ Y skin f ll1 ~ min surface angle _______Q______ ______ _____________________ _ min Intersect angle _______ STaggered hatch ______ ______ ______ Z________ _____________ _ Al ternate sequenc 1ng ______ ~_____________ ~_____________________ _ Retracted hatch ______ _____________ _____________________ _ ~~ ~~e _____ _____ ~ ~~J ~~l ~ ~ O -------Q ______ ______ ________ -------------~ e______ ______ _____________________ _ ~ ~ - ~ ~ output fl Ie name: 1. /Z()D_ sf) .sll 1 /z(1D_O~ .sll .sl i . (9 letters max) -------------- --------------- -------------Herge files: pick support(s) then obJect(s) ____________ .sli offset x_____ Y_____ Z _____ AII ___ _ ____________ .sI1 offset x _____ y _____ z _____ All ___ _ ____________ .sI1 offset x _____ y _____ z _____ All ___ _ ____________ .sI1 offset x _____ y _____ z _____ All ___ _ Build file nalRe (9 characters no extenslon):_~__ L~..?!: _____ _ Parameters: Shr. nk( +/-5S) Z-__ • ___ S XY-__ • ___ S Number ~ cop i e$ __~ __ _ Prepare Data: find bloCks FOFA_- Add range at Z __ ~__ ~ _____ _ Recoatlng Parameters: Range 1 - NS 0 ZW_~ ZV .051 Range 2 - NS ~_ P1 L~ ZW L~ ZV .051 Range 3 - NS __ Pi __ ZW __ ZV .051 Assign cure depths: over cure or / cure depth or / de-falJlts Range 1 - _________ __________ ________ _ Range 2 - _________ or __________ or ________ _ Range 3 - _________ or __________ or ________ _ ~.drt:~·~ ___ Flnlsh:~~!____ - Total Tlme:~~J__ Laser power_!~__ mw '"" PI ~~l. =j ~! :-:f. =, ~I:' #l 1I) • C;l C) :> ,,.'" ~: :.~ ::!( fit lit C) nt .. C) :; '" ~~ tJ) • ell o ttf <' Q! rt 'c:c " -: V> ,..t III '" ~ ... "1 ;~ ::~ Q. c-, t..., N '" c,' 1<) . :~ 0) ,,' '" e' ,-, C) ''"" I" " Ul ...e,, ..., C) -J lS) ...:,.. tJ) r" 1-" fr n~ •• &11 to: =, a (0) -. ,,) II) C) ~ ~ ~ ~ I I C) , '" 1 C, <.II ~ W ~ ~ 0i N ~ t,., .... ~ r, ,It ~r <It :~ . . t..n '" '. ::c!: 0, 0 !!' ~~ ~ ~~~j:~~ c:, ..... m ",,) Col' c, .::. .-~ c, ~ ~ '" ~? r_·... .. ,. nl Po, 2~ ~~ f·t -. .. ' -J -J 1<) '.:".. ~) ~, .~. ~. . '" C) ~ '" '" 1<) -J ~) ,.,.' ... "", -J '" '" f-J -J '" -. ", ,.. r-, ~. '~" C'I e., '"?~ ~~r~)~~~~ ~.. ?1 ;- ~) ~.. ;~ ~... Ut I\) C'l '" C) -, -... t:r nl III ,., ..... " ?~ '" ~> t·· ~, r-, 1<) "J '-' '" -J -J 1<) C) ~, ~~ ..c,, .... 0) ~~, ... ~, ,.. U) r-, <.II ~~.l '" :g It) g~ ,.. ...'", It) (,) fJ) "'.l (,I' ~(J'lC\C, ~. '" C) 'c:'\ " -.J .:. ,-, '"e., '" .........,, II) C) <., 0) C) ~~ U) -J c, III C:C n, n to Or 1:: tel OJ rtf =, _I. .:~ ~~~~~?~~::~ ,.... (.o'! '"'Ct" '" ru -I. ca., f-+- Sl, -. rTI rr til III ;; .:. ...... 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"') • (:) 4 <'It 0.1 C, ::1 ;t -t, .C, '"'" ~) ::~ C) ;:, V) ~~ 0- <'It ~ '" " V) -o "b ~ ~; V) rt '"~ '", 0. ::"10,n, ~ ~ c... "", .t:,. CJ.) ,...) ..... ~ , - ~ <'It 0. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ .....I ..... Cl U • I I ~ W ~ 'e," 0) '" ,.- e, '" '" '. '" e, 0) CO, i~ to" Cl C, ~~ ;:, C, -~ ~ " -tt ~ ... ~ ~ ... ~ 1", <'It <'It ~, ~ '" ~ ~, C' '. '. t., ") U1 ,..- ~, J:. ,..- C) ,..- '" .c. - ...C, 1'0, e, '. 0':> '. ,... .a,, 'L"," '" c, a, u, ~n c, O'J ~, '" ..... 'e, u,", ~ ~ ...... 1',) ") e1 !!' "';1 C1 ~ ~ ~ ..,.", N ~ ~~ a, Col, :? ..... Y.: C) '-'"(tJ -I- :J "l ~ '" 'UI" L,,' U1 - ...0, '. 0, .:, ,..- !" 0, ,,,co, -. 'Cl" Cl ,..'" :"'" ~ '" C1 ~ Cl ,..N ~ t-' '<0," UI C,... c, ", c, . Cl C, ,... ~, '" ,.., Cl ~, .'", ''"" :" '<0," 0) '=> e, "" c, . '" 1: ':." :" 0) c,'L"," C, ,... (:) c, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Cl r") '" tJ) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t.) Cl t.o) ~ ~) UI ~'~f)~"~)"'''' .......... ..... a Cl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U1 ..... ~ : . ..... ..... W '" a W a '" 0) 0 ~ ("t- ,-. _.J." C.r to 01 "" ~ Q,J ,. .. 7-:- W ""c, . 1'0' '. C1 a, ~ .......... U): ..... '-', .b ...... c, "" ~ -C:i"'" "" ..... tit po, 1':" .-" ..... f ttl V, III .. Or ..... . ~ ~ ~>: ~ ~ ~ ..... C;:) f\'"" ( ../'1 c..n "'" ........... CII r\) ("I) ,...) ") ...... ..... Cl C1 ~~ ~ ~ c, ~ ~ ~ '"', "" O;J "'~'" !~ <. !." '" ..... I\) VI ~, c g: ")or ~ ~ c:, c., ~ l~ UI ...t-' .1:,' ~~ c, -. f' ,...'co," '. C) co, C, ''"g. , 'c, " '.'"'"2S. <01 ,... ,..u, c,'C," C) ~~P~~f~~~f~ !f ~, ...'" ~ -;. tb ):. ::1 ... .::: 1:- ~ ("r- C, 10, -~ ('~ , ...'" ..--. . . . . . . . . Col') '"t:1 IIJ ,.... ""1 '" ~ c.:J ....., !'! ;oj <'It II! II! ~ a - ~ '" v, . . . ", -,? ~ :.;. ,.. <W( Cor') -Cf (II ~ ")"', C,It, ")'" ..0, C, C> C) C, f" '" ~, 1:. c<;) ..... ".1. ~~g~~h <:>C,,,,o C) C, c) V) 'C; n· ft ~. ~ n, (', 1\) ~J. ttl ~ ~ ~, rT ., n, ttl ('t fI1 .... ....... ,..t,. r.) ::~ Do, ...~.1:. '" C) U) C:) C) C, C, C) ,,> 1'\) ,.... t .. tj~~~~~ It) C, • C) lOi ...'CIc· r' -, C, .. n, ~I n,~ • tt, -t, ClI II! 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I, I I I J I II I I i' .1 II 8.85 8.18 8.15 8.a 8.25 •. 38 DATE ____________ _ PART NAME_z(~~~~_______ _ Hode 1er : __t,,~~!.€=_____ SYSTEM: Ideas / UG I I t,pera tOT': _c:f~~Z~£c:..=__ _ PATH: /lJsr/people/ _4!;~~.e.!£_,=______ / __________________ / File name: Hetric/Inch ~ ,LExtra -cure- .00n S"~/~ beam wdt c1,mp 7 scale factor: : j£.'pp_~~.! __ . stl __ 1~.!'___ !:!k:.. stl : __________ . :;tl ::----~-------____ _____ -------~-------:-------------_____ _____ : _____________ _ ~~~1 ~ ' ______ L ______________ L ______ _ ._---------------------------,-------------I I _______ Z~ re~oluti"n fxd layer thickness var layer ~hickne$s ~ -----~~~----- ____ _ ,<~ ---------------------------t,rk pnt: th i ck ,brk pnt: th i ck - brk pnt:thlck ______ 1 _____ - _______ • ______________ 1 _____ _ - ______ 1 _____ - _______ 1 ______________ ' _____ _ I I I _______ .______ --_-_-_1 ______ - _______ ,_____ _ _____ ___________ I xhatch yhatch 60/120 hatch x sk i n fill y sk i ''''I f'i 11 m11"'1 surf'ace angle ~_~ I I I I I ____________________ _ ~~ 4~~ ______~.p______ ____ ~_~~------ _____________ _ ______ E_______ ____________________________ _ ______ E_______________Q ______ _____________ _ ______ :.LQ.____ _____________ _ ______ E________________ Q_____ _____________ _ !3_______ _______ ------fr------ --------1----- -------------- STaggered hatch _________________________________________ _ mll"'l Intersect a"gle Alternate sequencing ______ '::1__________________________________ _ Retracted hatch N output fi Ie name: ~;:,-~=~-;-:;11 -~~~-;-='.6 ----------~;l~ (8 letters max) :-------------- --------------- -------------Herge f'lles: pick support( s) then object( s) ____________ osli offset x _____ Y_____ Z _____ A1l ___ _ ____________ .sli offset x _____ y _____ z _____ AI1 ___ _ ____________ .s11 offset x _____ y _____ z _____ AII ___ _ ____________ .$1i offset x _____ Y_____ Z _____ AI1 ___ _ -:;1* Build ~Ile name (8 characters no exte1"'lsion):_~LEi'_e______ _ Parameters: Shrink(+/-5_) Z-__ o _ _ _ - XY-__ • ___ - Number ~f coP,e$ __ ~__ _ Prepare Data: find blocks FDF-a_- Add range at Z _g_!!. ______ _ Recoatlng Parameters: Range 1 - NS 0 ZW_?_ ZV .051 Range 2 - NS _t. P1. Li? ZW LQ ZV 0051 Range 3 - NS __ P1. __ ZW __ ZV .051 Assign cure depths: overcure depth or / defaults Range 1. - _________ or/ cure __________ ________ _ Range 2 - _________ or __________ or ________ _ Range 3 - _________ or __________ or ________ _ ~ ..cArt: ~~~~~ ___ Fin I sh: _j~_:!J.__ Total - 1: i me: .£:..i_~ Laser Power __~~_"'W ) '">: 0. =i' ~ ~f. :L ~ ~! CJ) • It. .w ::'i G ;;, c:, 01 K -4 C, v> u ~- C> ~ ~ ~ X G ~ ff v> =f ~ ~ ~ ~ \>. ~ U D ~ U ~ ~ H 2 ~ ~:: ~ no :1 ~ .::, f..,' r" -, Uf ", ... ' C, t-' '" ", !.o-" ~" .0,0,' ,,, C, ,., -. 0) 't." C, ") 1 .. C,d "''> I--,j r~ I~ r~ J""~ ") 1', ,..'" )o-A ..... I-,.t. ..... "'.l I .1> ") "} '" ") t--.a ........... ~) ) ) t I C.., c,.., I ~) I '"t. '"t. '" '"t. '" l~ ~ ~ ~ ~,& I'J H U '" ~ ~! -" c,c: ::1 C. ('It -, ro) (..IJ ..... l,.'1 ,.. e., " -~ c, ctl ~ ~ ~ 1" W. /1. 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(" VI "-.- n • r\,l • ~.. l-. ~g~!f~ e, '" <:,) c, c)' C, c., (:) VI ). " 2f :l- ;:r, -i v> n I'll -i g; ~ :1 -, c"., ~- I'll C) ""., r-~ _h fll ),. '" G' ft· ~) !o ~g'f!~ C~ C, c...1 Ut C:, c::) C, C, ·P\.' . 1\) ...~..t. C) II' t-' l'•I., ...... "") .t.,. f\) ("..., C) C::, t, e, C) ~ C) C) ..t:.. .t~ ur 0:;, c, e, g ~! S' C, c, c:~ C) C) C) !\J f\). · . ") It) • ,..~.t. u) ,.." '-11 C) '" C;J ~~~~~~~ '" • r\,1 ........ c,C, ge:,C.) ~ • 4 ~ ~ C) C) (",., C::, ,..,1 C,' ;1 C) ".n. ""I (', ,- '" VI <:,) . c, F~ r- ~~ Q. ~ ;; C> C) ""I n. ;j n c.-, .. ru n, n, '"">, r- :le.. r- " '" C, e, '"c. 'C)" ~! c, , ~:: C) ""t, .,., :;:f ~~ ~ ttl !~ ;:i c.) rtl ;: Ci ,., :n c,e, ... ~ LI) 0' ". :i:} ~; ~ \4:' • c, :i~ .' C. -~ '" -~ ~ -'- ~ ~, ""I n. (. '" VI ""I /1. (. t. VI ""IIt. 1", ....' ~ ft. 1". -~ ,.,-, "I--" t'tl ctl ~~..., ,"' t~ foe: =j /1. '" :l:: ru rt ~ ~- ~~ IL, ~ -d a, '0 ....-t "" ~ :t It. ttf -.~ ::Ef <:,) (1'1 .. -t ,..It.".C) '" ~of :J ~~ Cl ::1 x n a ~ C)"~ ~ ~., -i '<, l; .." ~I "". -, ...., .....-,nt ~, ttl ;n t::J. til II, ~I ~t =l, -.-I I ~, ,.. !I _..J .:~ ~:- ~~ ~ CJ '" ~~ n, ~) ",(:, :::. :f. ::it ::i S;.f v, a," -I- 2. fo' ~ .., >! VI ~ ~c:!-","C'C)C, '" r"" m ("., ~ '::c ~ ;. - A. M ~ ~ ICtICt n, ~ ~ n :;! :~. ~ ~ ,., ~ ~ ~ ,.. ~ I g '" ::It U) "" t"t- .' 1', .' 'tt J. ~ -~ '" '~~:1" -i tit <.c, VI '<' vi §j .' c, 'n" I' - SUiGRL SPEC • • i'IT iii 1 " t ------ I ! I I ,;- I I / I1 / ( ( I I " I i1 I I 1 ! I i ll' I 1 I I I I ; 1I 1 / ! II I - / !! 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Retracted hatch • ______ _____________ :::::::t::::::: ______________ : -1______________________ : ~ OlJ tpu t ~ I 1 e nam~: : 2 / l:::-D 0_ s P • s 1 I ~ I Z:. 0 C:> _ D/'-o s 1 1 letters max) Herg. 1·118$: pick support(s) then object(s) ____________ os11 x _____ y _____ Z _____ All ___ _ ____________ os11 x _____ y _____ z _____ Al1 ___ _ _____________ 511 x _____ y _____ z _____ All ___ _ _____________ sll x _____ y _____ Z _____ Al1 ___ _ (8 •~1•: l-------------- --------------- --------------: o~~set o~~set o~~set of~set Build ~Il. na... (8 characters 1'0 extensIOn):_d._L:~P_____ _ Parameters: Shril,k(+/-5S) Z- __ - ___ S XY- __ - ___ S Number ~~ cop.e"5 _____ _ Prepare Data: find bloCks FOF..:l_- Add ral,g. at Z __ ~_~ _____ _ Reco.tll,g Parameters: Range 1 - NS 0 ZW_~_ ZV .051 Ral,.,. 2 - NS _'- P1 ~e ZW ~~ ZV .051 Range 3 - NS __ Pi __ ZW __ ZV .051 ASSign cure depths: overcure / cure depth / d.~a'Jlts Ral,ge 1 - _________ or __________ 01'" ________ _ Range 2 - _________ or __________ 01'" ________ _ Rang. 3 - _________ or __________ 01'" ________ _ - ~.4rt:_~~~£_~ Ftntsh:_6ttC~_ DEL~.Jt -7'f,""wOue.E 9~.q 4 Total Tlme:_~:~l~_ Laser Power __ ~t __ ~w 10 Rrn'" 12' Instrun Cvrporat7Go -- liam€: ~---~ VtJt:i a\.Ui S.I~le Serte5" ~x. AutOOlat"d Mater7als T"sttng System TEst Giti:; D-ti Mar 1992 RSC SlAu~ liientification: 4200 Series Machi~c ~arametcrs of test: S~1€ Rata {ptslsec): I~terfa~~ T,~e: Cr-vssh~ad 20.00 Sp.e€d (iil/mii1 ): txteiiS'(AT'.ctcT s..i tdt lia 1Uc; lotc.oon~· offset Spec. 1 SpeC. 2 Spec. 3 SpeC. 4 Spec. 5 SpeC. G .. ~ ,n.-" UU .41150 .. 410',00 .405DO ... ~n." . . ".r\." .J..::Jqvu .13450 "'" ...r.n. .J..:J:JJV .o&.tJ..~ T~i CkiTeS-S ('in; .. cAt. goUge len (tn} S n..~ I" NUI'WCI ....... "" ... 1 2 :; flL.J-J.. ~13-2 .::..tH.HJU Luad it Stress at % Strain at rt. ... _l. reo", Pciik Pea~ Max.i:..vad {ii"T1 {1 bS'J • 1885 .. 1585 ", ... ,.,to. 2"50.7 ",.n. .... '::~HJ.,) ~--.! ~1J:" •H , :. Strain it AiJ.tii .. ni sp 1artEiit 8reak Break '0.'- {%) i "£.£.Ju.v ,",e"" 1, .... ) .. _.4 _ at ,..U-I.\.I • {tiT) to. 122COCt .. :u.~ 1458.C 11870nn. J.J..()-"-tV :il.G4D .... ..... .. £..;1£V to. ..""",,",,,,,ft J.£VfVVV. .)0::.0..1. 11.250 11.2G~ 3343. ......... A'" j,.""4. ;uu .... .,n .... ~::HJJ • t .. ::JJ.:J ................. "' " .. 2252 ~13-S .£~.J " .......... ",.,.. .... £uu. i f'\,r. ....... ",........ "" £.:u .. oJ f"\I'V'U' ....... eru'" ..L~.J.:1V 12.5SC • 252D 250.2 .J.1 .... , • "" . .&" "'J..1.£ ............-. v..... 11.2Sn ..££JJ. £ • .;10' 2.38; .U.LfIU .. .. vo"-t " ...... .... vau Stonctacd Oi,,'~ Mean at ~ vii: ~ ........ t:: ;JJ..~.) • ""'"-,",1: '::!i"-':' • <r, • V41/0 9.5 ... rv''l'''' "'.,.... .... £o!..l .. o ""...'" "u--+u. "....... ",o.u,.. .... .,J~.J ~UI 0"\ • "" .... .,- J. ...... tVU • 2"254 .2S43 f"\f'\r. ... t'\""Y~ "'I.'I.~ J.J.J.o.v ... f'I. ............. .L£.13.1.J 1215000 • ... .... "'t'Il.,.., ........ ,", J.:;JUtU\JU. ~ n J."+"fo.v t'I.,... .. ".. 7:f5DOD .. ... " , , , ........ J.t..':'/.U .."''"'-'''''' ......" J..£,J.::1UV\J. "~,, '" £uo.v 4003"00 .. o~.u - 3.Gu .. l't€ai1 ....... ,. , J.0.,J.) ... .y J "'""r. .... ,--~ \I"" i ... ,. ........ ~ • ££,."J. {pii} • ..1.,",0,", ., ........ ,... 25-4. S • £')£oU Mudulu:s {AutVouI(YJ .2% .. 1885 S.3G; ~"'\"" ""r.'" .. £.)1 .. ~ :-::13-& St;e5"S Gt vffSit ....':'.')0':' "".,." ,., .. " ...... ... ,)J..JJ... "t'\.~" • £.,)£U M€'un; C".J. __ ..)\JV. • .uOt.. .J • .. S~h·: .. "UI ~~rdffiUl"'l7: .1585 tt.x1muii7: .£.';1J--.3 ~ 2.0nD~ ~.v-uvu (it SjJ 1CcT~iit ... "-r.' ...." .!-:J.Jvv "n.tu'I. ~ f". ..... " .... .415SG • ..L:#.A.fVV M13-3 X13-4 (j - ... n.a ...... t\ 2.CCll(l 2 .. a.~OO 2.CCOO . . . r."..... 2.2SnC 2 .. 2500 2.2500 2.2S0n 2 .. c.JUV r'\ Spec gauge len (in) Sp€ctiT'.ci1 L:J~UV ....'v"'"" ..... ULU·U ~~ .... ~ .... l'Io. j ""'4'.... ,. ...... ~ .. 18 .. 410 £;11.,) ... 2923. 7 .. 9iS ~f"'f'\ -r ",uV.t ~"' ,J.)&+.:t .. 0"\"'''' .. "' "'\ .. ,"',.. uv L""'.I .vo".) "":1.1 .. V ............ " :)8480. LO ...... J.U .. ' \ " .3Gi; £J.V.L.v ,.. "£ ....... .... vuvv. "",,<'1. . . . 7' .. SIS .1585 8S-4.ti 735000. "......... .. "'''t\. ~ vu .. 2943 • ... n t\t'I.~ f\rv ....... f"\"'~'" ... r ........ "- 4U.J..l.U lSC7QOO. SFEC .. 86 ( Ii t It Jlll \ I II i II ! i ~ I ! I I I I I I I i j / I t, I It I1 I t I I I t r t ~ I I - l I I Ir !! Ii t 1 lee t 1,/ :...... t, ~ I I t / J I t t t t t i ; II Ii t[ 1I,i ,I ! II '/ 1:, It t •t ••• ••t l; (' Ii ~ i (I II JI I• til: ;" II ~ t 1 •tt i -t t! t I li l ~ : ~j ! i It t t 1t I I I 1I t I - 8.18 8.15 On) 8.28 a.25 8.38 PAAT NAHE~!~~~ ______ _ Hodeler:_e~~~~~ _____ SYSTEH: Ideas / UGII ~perator:q:~-f~~~_~ __ _ PATH: /IJsr/people/ _g.':-_"!~t>~.E_~_____ / ------------------/ : _l.?:EE___ ~f_ .st1 : __'-Z:!>.P_":..l1.!!::_ .st1 __________ . :;t1 ::-----~-------:----~-~------____ ______ : ____ _______ _____________ _ File name: Hetric/Inc'" ~G (Extra -cure .00n [;"';;/I,J6f ~eam wdt comp 7 scale factor: resolution fxd layer thickness var layer ~hickness ~L~~ -------------- ~L~~ I I __ __ __ ___________ _ · I _ __ _ 1t _ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -I / I I ·----~eEt'----:-----~~----------~~------:------~~------brk brk pnt:thick :brk pnt:thick pnt:thlck -______ 1______ ._-----_1 ______ - _______ ,_____ _ • - " I • _-----_. I _-----_ _ _ _ _ _ 1• _ _ _ _ _ _ . - - - - - - _ .I _ _ _ _ _ _ 1" _ _ _ - - - _ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ - xhatch yhatch 60/120 x skin hatch fill y -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I1 _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ _____ : ______ ______ _____________ _ ~ _____~~~ _____ : ______ ~~ ______ -------------______ ~ ______ -------~-_____ -------------______ .P... ___________ _______ _____________ _ ______ .P_____________ L _______ 1 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ______ .1>_______ ______ ..P________ _____________ _ () ______ .fZ. _______ _____________ _ ======~====== ~ ~~ ~~l ~LE. sk i n f'l 11 min surf'ace angle min Intersect angle STaggered hatch Al ternate sequenc i riO Retracted hatch ______ l:L ______ ______ ~ ______ _____________________ _ ______ .1'_____________________ _ ____________ -'_____________________ _ ou tpu t f i 1e name: : t3 I-CCD • S 1 • .E' Zo D _ 0 Ir • s 1 i .s1I (9 letters max) :--------~~---- --------------- -------------Herg_ f'____________ I 1 e$ : pick suppor t( s) then ob Jec t( s ) .sli offset x _____ y _____ z _____ A11 ___ _ ____________ .sli offset x _____ y _____ z _____ Al1 ___ _ ____________ .sll offset x _____ y _____ z _____ Al1 ___ _ ____________ .s11 offset x _____ y _____ z _____ Al1 ___ _ Bu'ld .,. Ie name (9 characters no elCtens.on):_:f.~~£ _____ _ Parameters: Shrlnk(+/-5.) Z-__ e ___ S XY- __ • ___ • Number of COPle$ __ ~ __ _ Prepare Data: find blocks FOF..4._- Add range at Z __;:.~£.£. _____ _ Aecoatlng Parameters: Range 1 - NS 0 ZW_2_ ZV e051 Range 2 - NS _L P1 Le ZW ,£ ZV .051 Range :3 - NS __ P1 __ ZW __ ZV .051 ASSign cure depths: overcure / cure depth or / defaults Range 1 - _________ or __________ ________ _ Ranoe 2 - _________ or __________ or ________ _ Ranoe :3 - _________ or __________ or ________ _ -v",drt:LL:££ __ F.nlsh:.£:":'~~___ .D£/..,AY CLlR£ Total _'J1c _____ ~9,9 Tlm_:_~:'~.(_ Laser Power_g~__ I'1"" " '-. ZnstrUTI Corpuratfon TEi1si;c Series IX Automated t4at~rtal£ Testtng S)'stem 1.v2C TEst Dote: DG Mar lSS2 Samp1e rct~nttftcGt~un: SLASRt~ l~erfacc Ty~e: 420C SerieS af test: rtGch~n2 rarGlr~ters S~1€ ~Gte 50 (pts'/s-cc); Cr\Jssnead Speed {in/min }; Temperature (deg. F): .. ""n £UU , ... ", E;:tensvrnetci s-witm value: SpeC. 1 Spcc. 2 Spec. 3 Spcc. "\u:..,. ~ t.! .I. .... I- go",gi 1€n Spec gouge 1i:Ti ~. .""'+.i.UV-U ._"1.""'." .4140n ..4~t5D .lS5CC .1~50 .1S&OD .lS450- .13550 2.nD~D "" I'\.n.",.. £.\,#\H,JV 2.000G " I'\ro.A" £.u-uvu O"'t. \ fHi ~.YVUV "" "....",..~ ".\J\Jvu ""--'- 2.2500 2.2500 2.2500 2.250C 2.25GV 2 .. 25~·D ,!._\. \ I HJ Dtsp1crnent lOcid it at -...1.. __ ~UiItUt:l 1 N14-1 ~ . ~"'... '" Peak Peak (1n) {1bs) {pst) • 25C3 Sr-fak Break Ill.' 1':--.'- {-\i \1/ \, lHJ Str-cSi at uffs€t ..... (AutVoi.tTig) .£... (ps; s. . . 10&_..1.--" •. - i·tVUU..u.~ J (psi ) SlSSDC . .31-48 3340. ....,. ..LoJ lG . 1G .. ,J-l.,JO 20(;.0 "1..l"'\n". ,]':::00. 15.81 15.S1 .. 31G5 .. .JU/I! ...... A ... " ",,.. r: £tu .. J ".", .>'-1:1(. "01': 15.38 • .;JV/" 15G5 .. D lSS3"DOC. "n..... " .. .J:lU.) 281.1 3423. .. " "'''I J..::I.O~ 1;.81 .. :lSG3 9~1.o 11()3'OC~. • 317i3 ""'f"\ £,1£ • "" .1. ..... .;;J,Jtu. 15 .. 8; .,LJ .. !U. • .)..LOl. ""","r.u-o+ur,J li.D av. -l...Jr::. ".c..,]tl.. ~" .\l"fOU .177.1) n,.r. ... n £.J....... \J 0""\.1""" .J1...J£. B.94 0 .. ,:10 .4577 230.2 3609. 22.&4 "'t:"",, ~..JV.J 2'GY.(i 3'280. "' .......... "'£OJ..J. ....... . 34S7 .. N1A-4 .,)J.U.J "''''''r. N14-5 Mean; Dtsp1cment at Auto. • 2'503 .< t~J,..£.I-U ' .. ·.4 _ "'",U.t.J • 15. 7~ • .:J£.lU G ...- % Stra~n 12.5Ci 1'4.l~-..J ,. ................ at Max. Load At"- ......,. IS.iiG 3 "'"\11. "'£.,........ ...... .i \ Sti-a:ili •42C'nO 12.5G '"1"-"'-''" ("'J.~-£. 5 StreS's ct Pt:ak <. u ........ li .41tiOO SiN SpCC~H.ci1 .. 031JC\. .. .1;{iCC (tn) E.Kt .. 1:" _ _ _ .415tlG {in) Th~cki1ei5 ... Spec• S .. ,J .1..J~: ... "'..... ,'" .. ,J~/U. £,Ui .1 .l.:Jl..HJ. 2GG.S ~,.... ~~~ ""' ,'"' .Lu .. J..J • 1." ..... n. ..)O ... e ~ • ""V',," ",,("1,'''' "",n", ·n "- .lO.£. 1105.0 851.u .. " '.... .,. f\. 1.'-J..f .. u .... t'\ot'I.t: 1'1 , .. n,.Al'\.n .i1..:IUV-vu .. 22S50D . 93"9500 • ....... e ... ".". ..... .J..UOJ.U .J.U..J""+\JVU. t.'O.:J "'' '('01, . . . SuMOn . J.~O," ~t'\'" 2.4S.; -G50S0C • 22.St .-4580 1920.0 2'UOOO-C. 12.5ti 12.5G .. 2503 838 . 2 2255G·C • lS.Sl 19:.S1 • sSG:) 1565.0 19S3()(lD • Standard C""\._.':_./o':' _ _ ~ Ut::t(f~\.lUII. ~~ ~ ~~ " ... ,..,. u ___ . n-C::<l14 - ~ ~n .l.uv u~ •. _ l'H:: 0. I 4 ~ ~ ;J.-..JV - .. Sctv; " ~ ~~ ,,)u~ - • MtnimwTi: ... X"iA~tr-t\Jjj: • .:J:otOt) ~ ~r • .. , "\1\11111 .1111 1 !llI,II\i!l\!ll!q 1 \ \ 1 -; 1 \ 1 1 \ \ ( \ 1 t t • I t t I \I I, ( 1 i I \ ( II I .....I( I ( < < I < I I < < I I < I I \ II I I I I I I II \< ( < \I liiillill iiinill! liUlilll HiHliil\ - 9.&5 9.19 9.15 8.25 0.38 9.40 8.45 8.50 .,- APPENDIX C 16 17 ENDNQTES There was not a large amount of literature on stereolith09raphy because of the newness of the technology. Therefore, the researcher found most of the background information from Delco Eemy. All the articles were copied from the magazines so it was difficult to give all the information needed for the endnotes. The researcher has supplied all the information that he had from the articles. 1. Terry T. Wohlers, "Make Engineering" March 1991, p. 44-48. Fiction" I Manufacturing 2. Susan Arellano, "3-D Systems announce SLA-190", The Slate: A QuartE!rly Newsletter For The Stereolithography User Community, August 1990. p. 1-3. 3. Donald R. Stovicek, "Rapid Prototyping Slices Time-ToMarket", Automation, September 1991, p. 20-24. 4. Leonard LaVerne, "Will Rapid Prototyping Be A Part Of Your Future?", Plastics Design Forum, January-February 1991, p. 15-22. -