Enhancement of the Australian Adventure Exhibit at the Fort Wayn e Children's Zoo Angela D. Caprigli one Dr. Thomas Lauer, advisor Enhancement of the A ustra liao Adventure Ex hibit at tbe Fort Wayne Children's Zoo An Honors Thesis (HONRS 499) by Angela D. CaprigJione Thesis Advisor Dr. Thomas Lauer Ball State University Muncie, TN December 2004 L SpeD/) ThesIs LJ) AbslT.ct J.'fgc; . Z 'f :J. 0 0 ,/ . C:3:s:5 The Fort Wayne Children's Zoo is host to a multitude of educational programs and materials for teachers, home schoolers, group leaders, and other educators. The zoo prides itself in establishing and maintaining high educational standards. and specifica ll y confonns to the Indiana Academic Standards for Science us ing simple fi eld acti vi ties. This pedagogical intent does not come without effort, and the zoo is continually work ing to improve the transfer of knowledge to visitors o f all ages, intellects, and interests. In 1987 the zoo opened a new Australian Adventure exhibit. which was deemed the crowning event of the year. Its popularity has re mained strong for over 15 years with such a nimals as lorikeets (bi rds), dingoes, fi sh from the Great Barrier Reef, jellyfish and kangaroos. Unfortunately, these exhibits have developed a need for some enhancement, specifica ll y in the area ofeducationlinfonnation. However, zoo officials did not have design plans for these improvements, and because of time and money constraints, often s kip the evaluation phase. The objecti ve of this study was to provide the Fort Wayne Children 's Zoo with a report o utlining a plan for enhancements of the kangaroo yard, detailing verbiage and s ign d esign. The information needed for the plan was obtained usi ng visitor questi onnaires/interviews, consultation with the zoo's education department, and industry guide lines. Honors College Ball State University Muncie, IN December 2004 Acknowledgements Thank you to the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo volunteers who helped to conduct the survey and to the staff who were instrumental in the success o( thjs project. Thank yo u Dr. Thomas Lauer for advising this project. Your oversigh t and advice helped mold the final product to its full potential. Thank yo u 10 my fiance Scott McColgin for being my editor and "graphic designer." Witholll you my vision oflhe ex hibit signs wo uld not hav e been conveyed as adequat ely as it has been. Enhancement of the Australian Adventure Exhibit at the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo Introduction The Fort Wayne Children's Zoo has had a positive impact in education, recreation, and animal conservation for over forty years. From meager beginnings in 1965, the zoo has grown in physical size with a concomitant increase in the number of animals exhibited. Moreover, these expansions have been carefully planned and specifically targeted to serve the zoo patrons. Currently, more than 1500 animals can be found at its Franke Park location, making it a world class zoological facility. The mission of the zoo is three-fold. The first is one of education and appreciation for animals of all types. Educating visitors to new and different experiences is an obvious and universal intention of most zoos, and is a paramount feature of the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo. The second aspect of the zoo's mission is to help save the world's wild animals and wild places. It does this through high quality husbandry, conservation, and a genuine interest in the eventual fate of the animals. The last aspect of the zoo's mission is to encourage family fun in a natural setting, and is the reason people of all ages initially visit the zoo. Any portion of the three-fold mission would justify the existence of the zoo, but together, they create a positive synergistic impact on the facility's success far greater than any single component. The Fort Wayne Children's Zoo is host to a multitude of educational programs and materials for teachers, home schoolers, group leaders, and other educators. The zoo prides itself in establishing and maintaining high educational standards, and specifically confonns to the Indiana Academic Standards for Science using simple field activities. This pedagogical intent does not come without effort, and the zoo is continually working to improve the transfer of knowledge to visitors of all ages, intellects, and interests. In 1987 the {.oo opened a new Australian Adventure exhibit, which was deemed the crowning even t of the year. Its popUlarity has remained strong for o ver 15 years with such animals as lorikeets (birds), dingoes, fish fTom the Great Barrier Reef.jellyfish and kangaroos. Unfortunately, th ese exhibits have developed a need for some enhancement, specificalJy in the area of ed ucation/information. Toward this end. the zoo has procured funds ($4900) for improvements in the kangaroo and dingo signage. However. zoo officials do not have design plans for these improvements, and because of time and money constraints. often skip this evaluation phase. The objective of this study is to provide the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo with a report outlining a plan for enhancements of the kangaroo yard, detailing verbiage and sign design . The information needed fo r the pl an will be obtained using visi tor questionnaires/interviews, consultation with the zoo's education department, and industry guidelines. Metbods Through consultation with the Fort Wayne Children's Zoo Education Department and a private consultant, a questionnaire was created requesting infonnation from patrons regarding their knowledge of the Eastern Grey Kangaroo. Demographic infonnation was incorporated into the questionnaire including age, gender, educational bac.kgrolUld, and zoo-visiting pattern. This information was later used to detennine the appropriate target audience for the exhibit signs. The educational objective of the questionnaire was two-fold . but covered a broad range of to pies. The flfSt objective was to ascertain patrons' general knowledge of the kangaroo, with questions about habi tat, predator/prey relations, and unique animal adaptations. The second objective was to determine knowledge of the kangaroo reproductive strategy. This section included questions about the definition of a marsupial and the embryogenesis of the kangaroo. 2 The questionnaire was administered by s urveyi ng in an open plaza in the Australian Adventure area. Thi s location served (wo purposes. First , the kangaroo ex hibit is located in the Australian Ad venture and vis itors were ass umed to have some interest in th ese animals. Second, it was the bus iest locale in the zoo due to the opening of a new exhibit and it was thought to provide a large number of patrons for s urveying . A patron was selected from a specific area on the plaza every three minutes and asked to complete the s urvey. If that patron declined another was asked until a willing participant was found. While not random, the large sample size allowed for the assessment of a variety orvisitors, and provided s ufficient diversity. All responses were tallied and evaluated based on age, educational background, and zoo visitin g pattern. The responses were then analyzed to determine how the responses rated to the educational objectives for the new signs. These objectives were prioritized based on the knowledge of a content area and the target audience. Based on the analysis, two preliminary signs were designed with the objectives in mind . The use of graphics as well as verbiage was taken into consideration when conununicating the desired message. Results Two hundred questionnaires were completed from people from 5 to over 65 years of age. This section presents information about visitors' top-of-mind knowledge of the Eastern Grey Kangaroo, prompted by a series of nine open-ended questions. A summary of (he results can be found in Table I. Question: What is the preferred habitat of tbe kangaroo? 3 Answer: Twenty percent named Australia as the preferred habitat of the kangaroo. Some characterized the outback, hot and dry, while others described their preferred environment as grassy, plains or forest. Question: Wbat do they {kangaroos] eat in the wild? Answer: The majority of visitors classified the kangaroo as an herbivore, though only four percent used that spec ific lenninology. Only seven percent said kangaroos were meat eaters. Question: What eats them Ikangaroos) io tbe wild? Answer: Naming a non-native species, such as tigers and lions, was the most comm on response. Thi rty-seven percent of participants surveyed named a predator not nalive to Australia. Four percent believed that humans were kangaroos' only predators. Eight percent said nothing preyed upon the kangaroo. While, four percent said it could be eaten by any larger animal. Predators other than the dingo, such as the python, goanna, and large birds of prey w ere mentioned less than one percent of me time Question: Does the kangaTOo prefer (0 live alooe or in a group? Answer: Ninety-five percent ofparticipanls surveyed stated that kangaroos preferred to li ve in groups. Question: Tbe kangaroo has a thick sturdy tail. What is the purpose or tbe tail? Answer: More than half of participants surveyed said that the kangaroo's tail was for balance or help with movement. Nineteen percent said it was used for defense from predators or other kangaroos. Question: A kangaroo is a marsupial. What does tbat mean? Answer: Almost ha)f of participants related the word marsupial to the animal having a pouch. Less than one percent specified that only females have pouches. Thirty-seven percent said that 4 they did not know what the word meant. Only two percent unders tood the full concept that marsupi als have a pouch and that yo ung are born very underdeveloped. Question: How d ocs (he baby get in the pouch ? Answer: Nearl y hair or participants surveyed sa id th at a kangaroo joey crawls into the pouch after birth. Twenty-nine percent said it was born there. Thi rteen percent said that the mother put the joey in the pouch after birth. Question: A baby kangaroo is called a joey. How big is a joey at birth? Answer: Thiny-six percent of participants surv eyed understood the concept of the size o fa marsupial baby at birth, with answers comparative to less than one inch or less than one ounce. One quarter had a moderate understanding of the concept, w ith answers between one and two inches or One to two ounces. Forty-one percent had nO understanding of the concept, with answers greater than two inches o r two ounces. Further, forty-nine percent related their answer to another object, the size of which they already knew. Thirty-six percent gave their answer in terms of length. Only fifteen percent answered in terms of weight. Question: \Vb a t a r e marsupial babies dOing in the moth er's pouch? Answer: The majority of participants surveyed thought that marsupial babies were eating, sleeping, and growing in their mother's pouch. Five percent said it was for protection and another five percent said it was for wanntb. Three percent said the pouch was only a means of transportation. Discussion It was apparent after analysis of the results that there were several concepts that visitors did not understand . The concept of habitat was unclear as well as lhe correct h abitat of the 5 Eastern Grey Kangaroo. Many participants named a place, instead of describing the environment. Most that described the enviro nment did so incorrectly. The predator prey relationship of the kangaroo was also misunderstood. Naming animals nol nalive 10 Australia, such as lio ns, tigers, and bears was very common. Visitors do not seem to associate the proper predat ors with the correct continent. One of the major predators of the kangaroo, the dingo, was only mentioned by twenty percent of participants. The most misunderstood concept was that of the marsupial. Many participants understood they had a pouch. Only one stated that just females have pouches. Very few knew that marsupials are born underdevelop ed and do the majority of their natal growth in the pouch . The size of the joey at birth was also largel y misunderstood . Some understood that they were small, but not how small. Others categorized joeys as being the size of a puppy, a loaf of bread, or even a human baby. Only thirty-four percent was also seen that patrons relate as much 10 10 p~t joeys in the correct size bracket. It the concept of length and of sizes they already know , but not the concept of weight. Some concepts were clearly U!lderstood by participants. Most classified kangaroos as plant eaters, understood that the tail was for balance, and that kangaroos prefer to live in groups. Further, most participants believe thatjoeys do what all other babies do, eat, sleep and grow. After the questionnaires were assessed, the responses were evaluated in light of the twofold educational objective. The initial goals were to detennine visitors' general knowledge of the Eastern Grey Kangaroo, and also their knowledge of the concept ofa marsupial. Based o n concepts that were understood and mi sunderstood, the infonnatioo to be put on the signs was prioritized. 6 Understanding the marsupia l concept was the first priority. Four of the nine questions add ressed the concept of the marsupial. Visitors did not perform well on these questions. A marsupial is defined by females having a pouch and birth ing immature young. Less than one percent of visitors surveyed grasped the entire concept. Further, the size of the joey and how and where it was born were also misunderstood. Kangaroos are defined as macropods and it is essential that visitors understand what makes them different from other mammals. Therefore, one sign was dedicated just to this concept. A general knowledge sign was the second priority. The first concept that needed to be addressed on this sign was the defini tion of habitat. Visitors consistently named a place, rather than describing an envirorunent indicating that the tem habitat was misunderstood. The second concept to be addressed was predator prey relationships. It was apparent that patrons did not associate (he correct predator with the appropriate continent. While it is difficult to address that particular issue, the goa l of the sign is to make apparent that dingoes are the primary predators of kangaroos. Trailing the priority list were the purpose of the kangaroo tail, what kangaroos eat, and their living preference (alone or in a group). There are several reasons that these concepts were not a priority. First, the majority of visitors understood these three concepts. Second, the exhibit portrays the preferred li vi ng of arrangement of the kangaroo, with a mob 0[25 . Also, viewing the kangaroos in the ex hibit reveals their eating habits and the use of their specially adapted taiL The end result was the design of two signs, which can be seen in Figures I and 2. The first of these signs was based on the kangaroo birthing process and uses a linear graphjc to demonstrate the unique traits of that process. Special care was taken to put the size of the joey in tenns of something to which visitors could relate (i .e., the size of a bumblebee). The second sign ~. 7 di splays genera l information about the Eastern Grey Kangaroo with facts about their habitat, special adaptations, and predators. Both signs were targeted to a youn ger audience, with an emphasis on graphics as well as verbiage. Information was put lnlo concise blocks so a visitor could glance at the sign and get a single piece of information without reading the entire thing. They are simple enough for a child to understand, yet informative enough that a more mature re ader might glean a fair amount of information. The stated objectives for the exhibit enhancement were met. Patrons' general knowledge of the kangaroo was assessed, as well as their knowledge of kangaroo reproductive strategy. The graphics were designed around their understanding of the stated concepts. The final step of the process will be for a graphic designer to take the preliminary sign drawings and make the final designs. In the future, a follow-up srudy would be helpful following implementation of the signs. Such a stud y would determine how much visitors are learning from the exhibit signage. 8 T able I. Su mmary of visitor responses. What is the preferred habitat of the kangaroo? Hot, dry, desen 26% Do not know 25% Australia G rassla nd 21% Outback Forest Africa Outdoors 6% 5% 37% QlheT 20% Humans 6% 4% 19% 8% Anything bigger Crocodile 4% 2% 6% 6% Plains Wh a t do th.ey Ika ngaroos) eal in the wild ? classifi ed as plan t eate r do not know classified as meat eater What eats them [kangaroos] in the wild ? Named an animal not native to Australia Dingo Do not know Nothing 1% 1% 73% 200/0 7% Wha t is the purpose of the kangaroo's tail? hang from trees balance or help wlth movem ent mode o f defense do not know Do kanga roos p...efer g...up alone (0 56% (prehensile) 4% 19% J8% Other 3% born underdeveloped come out at night 2% 1% has a tail 1% live alone or in a group? 95% 5% A kanga roo i5 a marsupial. Wbat does thai mean? Re lated wo rd to pouch 48% Do not know Related to concept of mammal (live birth, milk fro m molber, etc.) 31% 8% How does the baby get into the pouch? crawls born there mother puts it there 46% 29% 13% A baby kangaroo is called a joey. How big is a joey at birth understand how small joey is (answers <1 inch, < I ounce, etc) moderate understanding of concept (1-2 inches, 1-2 ounces , etc.) no understanding of concept (>2 inches, >2 ounces, etc.) What are marsupial babies dOing in the mother's pOllch ? growing, sleeping, eating pro tection w annlh l1ansportation do Dot kno w hops 11 % 7% hanging out do not know developing living 2% 2% 1% 34% 25% 41% 80% 5% 5% 3% 1% 9 Appendix A Interview Questionnaire - Participanl# _ __ _ _ _ Dale: _ _ _ _ _~--Time: Fort Wa yne Children's Zoo Enhancement of Austr::alian Adventure Grey Kan garoo Exhibit In tel-vie w Questio ns Locati~o~n-:------- Ge nder: '-- .ge: '·7 8- 12 13- r 5 16-1 g r 9-21 ) r-45 22-30 46-59 F M 60+ Educational Background: [Circle last grade completed] Pre-elementary High School Elemenlary Some CoUege Undergraduate Degree Post Graduate How would yo u describe your zoo-visiting pattern ? [Do Not Read) Once a week or more cwo times a month once a month two times a season once a season Questions: What is the preferred habitat of the kangaroo? (What is the weather like where they live? How would yo u describe the envirorunenl there?) What do th ey eat in the wild? What eats them in tbe wild? '}cs the kan ga roo prefer to live alone or in a group? ALONE ne kan garoo has a th ick sturdy tail. What is the purpose of the kangaroo's tail? GROUP A I<anga roo is a marsupial. What does that mean? How does th e baby get in the pouch ? A baby kangaroo is called a joey: How big is a joey at birtb? [Open ended] (Read list until answer is given. Record Answer] Is it bigger than a: PENCIL ERA SER SHOE GRAPE LOAF OF BREAD GOLF BALL BED PILLOW OTHER (Specify] What are marsupial babies doing in the mother's pouch? CELL PHONE CAN OF POP Appendix B Preliminary Sign Drawings A MARSUPIAL Miracle The birth Once fully developed. Mom will open her pouch oInd bend forward so the joey faUs out ror the first time. -- ~ 30 days after fertili7...ltion, baby kangaroos .ue born only the size of a bumblebee. ., , \ Only partiidly developed, the tiny joeys crawl through their mother's fur into the safety of the pouch. O nce inside the pouch the joey aHaches to a nipple and grows for 10 months. Appendix C Visitor Survey Responses W ha t is the preferred habitat of the kangaroo? IAoe 146- t Ii plains 'in Ihe ,- Vi<iiino 1M IF IF 22-30 '3C 131 -45 119-21 15131-45 " arad 00' 1M 146~ Ii Iwarm Ihia~ I~ loost Ipost Ihiah 122-3 Ida nol know Ihol n ~ Ida not know , - hal and humid t kn 1-4 1-4 1M 1M 1M M ?? dOl I Iarid I I area ooen prarie 12-30 -45160+ Irln"nOIknow Ida npt know i 19-2 ' -30 '2-30 13~ Ii Ii M Ihot idonOtknow I hot IdOriOtknow ~en loralie ~ ________ lolains idonOtknow ifl ~ " '? "101 .-;;;;;; 1M Ihig h sch,,,,' /? Ihigh II ttIille i i 5( I )+ <knOW =~~ 1M 1M IF Ii I :t ~ , 'school = do nOtknow " 160+ lfirst time visitor ~ ?? , school ]fi;; 15-7 1 15-7 146-5 t ~ 1M IT ~ 160+ 1M 131-45 15-7 1M ~J ~;5 160 · IF IF 18-12 1M torad ~ime;;iSitor t orad What is the preferred habitat of the kangaroo? Resoonse oul in the wild do nol know hoI australia do not know o~assland australia '--.. hoI do not know Grassv Areas do not know hoI hoI do not know desert australia - outback australia - ocen ranaeland australia australia do not know australia iQrassland do not know do not know do not know - forest do not know australia drv and hal do not know ooen arassland do nol know dry forest hot - wooded areas hoI do not knOW woods australia - hot, desert do not know australia wide open desert soaces australia austraUa - desert , sometimes rass lains with limiled trees do nat know warm do not know - ooen fields?? do not know mountains, flat desert do nol know cool olaces, 75-80 deorees field .i..O. 6022-30 5-7 31 -45 22-30 6022-30 22-30 16-18 6022-30 5-7 8-12 31-45 31-45 31-45 22-30 8-12 31-45 31-45 31 -45 31-45 22-30 31-45 31-45 22-30 5-7 31-45 8-12 31 -45 5-7 31-45 19-21 60- Gender F F M M F M M F F F F F M F M F M F M F F M M F F F M F F M F F M F 31-45 F 5-7 22-30 F F 8-12 ?? 46-59 46 -59 22-30 8-12 M M M 31-45 M F 31-45 22-30 19-21 19-21 8-12 8-12 31-45 31-45 ?? F F F M F ? ?? Education hiQh school underarad elementary hiah school hioh school elementary hiah schoof hi h school elementarv Some Colleqe Some Colleae re-etementarv elementary hiQh school underarad underQrad iPOst arad elementarv underQrad hiah school some colle e underarad underarad Visiting Pattern 2x1season 2x1monlh lx/season 2x/season 1x1month 1xlseason l x1season lx1season 1x/season 2x1season l x/season lx/season first time visitor first time visitor 1x/season 3-4x/season first time visitor 2x1season 1xlseason 2x/season 2-3x1season rarelv lx1season SomeColI~e rarelv looslorad first time visitor hich school 2x1season elementary first time visitor IPOst orad first time visitor elementary l x/season hiah school 2x/season elementa 4-5x/season under rad l x/season hiah school l x1season hiQh school 2x/season hi h school ra rel y elementarY lx/month rarely some colleQe elementarv lx/season hi!;h school l x/season 2x1season ost Qrad underarad 5X1season elementary 3x1season looslorad 1xlseason rarely high school hiQh school rarelv Some Colleae 2x1season rarety hiQh school elementarv 2x1season elementary lx/season underarad 1x1week hiah school 4x1vear What is the preferred habitat of the kangaroo? Res onse Aoe do not know 22-30 !Piains 22-30 do not know 31-45 desert area 31-45' warm and dry 8-12 australia 46-59 australia 19-21 Imains 60australia 22-30 do not know 46-59 do not know 46-59 australia, dry 46-59 austraJia - outbaCk, forested areas 16-18 australia -outback 31-45 do not know 22-30 desert 31-45 austra lia 60bush, Dlains 22-30 auslralia..ar:v. arid 31-45 do not know 31--45 australia - outdoors 60rassvsettinn 31-45 oulback 46-59 do nol know 31-45 warm, not to dry 31-45 46-59 australia don not know 31-45 do not know, warm 16-18 forest, dense forest 31-45 hot, warmqrassv area wiith shade an 31-45 australian arassland 46-59 australia 22-30 hot prarie do not know warm australia prarie rassland australia dry areas warm ]arassv australia do not know scrubbY warm reoions on australia hot and sandv ooen savannah forest australian outback do not know 5-7 22-30 6022-30 46-59 13·15 31--45 46-59 46-59 8-12 8-12 6013-15 608-12 6046-59 31-45 22-30 Gender ?? F ?? M F F F M M M M F M F F M M F F F M M F M M F F F M F M M F F M F F F M F M F F M F M ?? F F F F Education undergrad hiQh school underorad post rad elementary some colleoe some colieqe some colleae hiqh school some colleae under rad hiQh school some colleoe under rad some colleae some colle e undefJ1rad underarad under rad hiah school underarad hi h school some colleae post orad under rad some colleae some colleQe hiQh school underarad under rad 10051 orad undergrad \underqrad underarad ost rad some colleoe loost orad hie h school underarad hi h school some colieae elementary elementarv IDOst orad hi h school ost orad elementarv underqrad ost orad ost rad hiah school Visitina Pattern 2x1month l x/season lx/month 2x/season 2x/season once every two years lx/season 1x/season 2x/season first time visitor 4-Sxlseason once every two vears first time visitor 2X1month 5-6xJseason 3-4x/season first time visitor lx1month 2x1season 1x1season first time visitor 2x1month 2x/season first time visitor 2x1month 1x/seasom lx/season lx/season lx/season 3x1season rarelv rarely 2x/season lx/season 4-6x1season 1x/season rarely first time visitor 2-3x1season lx/season 1x/season first time visitor lx/season first time visitor 1x1season first time visitor 1x/season first time visitor first time visitor rarel first time visitor What is the preleaed habitat 01 the kangaroo" Res ponse australia. hot desert do nol know do not know rassy field s do nol know do nol know rassy, some trees australia do not know do not know igrassla nd hot IQrasslands do not know hot and dry do nol know - africa ? desert. dry areas, outback outside do not know - australia Igrassland woodlands australia austrlia n outback australia do not know australia hot rassy plains lains tains fields. hot a en lains hot savannah do not know dry areas hot Ipretty warm outback, dry desert australian outback hot rassland hot really hot do not know desert, drylands Aqe 31-4 5 46-59 22-30 31-45 31-45 8-12 31-45 46-59 31-45 Gender M M F M M F F F 13-15 60+ M M M 8-12 ?? 46-59 F F 13-15 22-30 22-30 46-59 13-15 31-45 46-59 31-45 46-59 46-59 22-30 8-12 22-30 5-7 31-45 60+ 60+ 5-7 60+ 5-7 31-45 13-15 22-30 8- 12 5-7 31-45 8-12 46-59 8-12 31-45 8-12 8-12 46-59 13-15 M M F M M F M M F F F M M M M F M M F F M F F F F M M F F F F F M Educat ion post grad h iQh school undergrad undergrad hiQh school elemenlary post Qrad undeiQrad high school elementary post rad elementary under rad elementary some colleqe hi h school high school hiQh school ost rad underQrad post Qrad undergrad undergrad undergrad elementary hiQh school elementary I post grad h[gh school hi h school I pre-elementary post rad re-elementary undero rad elementary underQrad elementary elementary some colleqe elementary hiQh school elementary high schoo! elementary elementary hiqh school elementary Visitinq Pattern rarely 1x1season 1x1month first lime visitor 2x1season 2x1season 2x1season 2x1season first time visitor first time visitor 2x1season lx/month 1 xlmonth first time visitor first time visitor 2x1season 4x1season l x/season first time visitor 2x/season rarely first time visitor 1x/season 2x/season 2x1month l x/season l x/season 2x/month first time visitor 1x/season 3-4x/season 2xlseason lx/season first time visitor lx/season 2x/season 1x/season lx/season 1x/month 1x/season rare ly l x/season 2x/season 1x/season 1x/month 3x/season 1x1season What do they eal in the wild? Response do nol know Ic(ass. lants lolants bucs nuts, berries veaetaria n veOetalion , mice do nol know I alants and veaetables Icrass do not know - nuts, berries berries, fruit rass Plants lants leaves rass, vecetation rass orass do nal know venelation 'Ie etarian veaetation 'Ie elation fruit do not know rass Qrass do not know do not know hay eucalvotus leaves, herbivores leaves, foila e rass Qrass lants leaves, rOUcihaoe ross veoetation do not know rass veaelation rass, fruit [Qrass, insects do not know eucalvotus reen stuff rass, berries do not know reen stuff rQrass, berries do not know A e Gender 46-59 8-12 19-12 13 15 22-30 22-30 31-45 19-21 5-7 31-45 46-59 60+ 22-30 31-45 22-30 31-45 8-12 F 8-12 5-7 31-45 31-45 46-59 31-45 19-21 31-45 22-30 31-45 60+ ?? [,-7 19-21 22-30 22-30 31-45 13-15 60+ 46-59 31-45 5-7 5-7 46-59 31-45 22-30 22-30 8-12 60+ 31-45 5-7 31-45 60+ 8-12 M F F F F F F M M F M M M F M M M F F M F F F ?? M M M M F F M ?? ?? M F F ?? F ?? M ?? M M F M F M F F M Educa tion some colle e elementary some callece elementary some callece post rad looslcrad hiah school elementary underorad some colleQ e hioh school post orad l oost orad hiah school lpest orad elementarv elementary elementarv some colle e underorad hiah school underorad some colleoe unde(!:)rad elementary some call e loostQ underarad elementary some collece some colleQe hiah school ost rad hiQh school some colleae hiQh school hioh school elementary lore-elementarv some cOlleQe some callece high school hiah school elementarv Ipost rod some calteae I pre-elementary some colleae ost rad elementarv Visitina Pattern 2x/seasan 4-5xJseasan 1x/season 1xlseason 1x/monlh 2x/season 2x/month l x/season 1x/season 2x/month 2x/month 2x/season 2xlseason 1x/season 2x/season 2x/month lx/season 1x/season lx/season 1x/season 2x/season lx/season 2x/season 2x/season 2x/month 1x/season 2x/season 2x/season 2x/season 1x/season lx/season first time visitor lx/season lx/season 1x/season first time visitor l x/season 2x/season first time visitor l x/season 2x/season 2x/month 1x/season l x/season l x/month 1x/month l x/season first time visitor first time visitor 1xJseason 1xJseason What do they eat in the wikt? Response rass ve elarian rass do not know do not know plants. vegetation plants bamboo do nol know IQrass Igrass IQrass Igrass fruit and berries IQrass Igrass and leaves IQrass do not know do 1'101 know do not know v e elation insects ve etarian veqelation lants Igreen stuff [grass fruit do not know Igrasses and rains fruit Igrass lants bamboo do not know Iqrass Igrass IQrass ve etarian vegetation do not know do not know IQrass, veQetation do not know lants ve elation do not know lants rass grass do not know - fruit Age Gender 60+ 22 -30 5-7 F F 31-45 22-30 60+ 22-30 22-30 16-1 B 60+ 22-30 5-7 8-12 31-45 31-45 31-45 22-30 8-12 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 22-30 31-45 31-45 22-30 5-7 M M F M M F F F F F M F M F M F M F F M M F F F M 8-12 F F 31-45 M 5-7 F F 31-45 31-45 19-21 60+ 31-45 5-7 22-30 8-12 46-59 46-59 22-30 8-12 31-45 31-45 22-30 19-21 19-21 8-12 8-12 31-45 31-45 M F F F F ?? M M M ?? M F F F F M F ? ?? Education h i h school under rad elemen tary high school hiQh school elemen tary hiQh school hi h school elementary Some Colleae Some College re-elementary elementary hiqh school under (ad under rad post grad elementary underqrad high sc hool some college underqrad undergrad Some Colleqe post grad high school elementary lpost grad elementarv hi h school elementary undergrad hig h school hig h school high school elementary somecotlege elementary high school Ipost Qrad undergrad elementary post Qrad high school hiQh school Some College h iQh school elementary elementary undergrad high school Visitinq Pattern 2x1season 2x1month l x/season 2x1season 1x1monlh lx1season l x/season l x/season l x/season 2x/season 1 x/season 1x/season flrsllime visitor first ti me visitor 1x/season 3~x/season first time visitor 2x/season 1x/season 2x/season 2-3x/season rarely 1x/season rarely first time visitor 2x/season first lime viSitor first time visitor 1x/season 2x1season 4-5x1season l x/season l x/season 2x/season rarely 1x/monlh rarely 1x/season 1x/season 2x/season 5x/season 3x/season 1x/season rarely rarely 2x/season rarely 2x/season 1x/season 1x1week 4x1year W hat do they eat in the wild? '- Ano Resno nse do not know - leaves 22-30 rass 22-30 fruit 31-4 5 31-4 5' reens, brush lants 8- 12 brush 46-59 ,"ss 19-21 60+ lant life 22-30 herbivores do not know 46-59 do not know - arains 46-59 veqetarians 46-59 eucalvolus leaves, arasses, lea 16-18 lants, berries 31-45 do nol know - buas 22-30 lants 31-45 veQetarians 60+ veaetarian, plants 22-30 31-45 do not know - leaves do not know 31-4 5 herbivores, leaves, foilaoe 60+ rasses, leaves 31-45 veoetation 46-59 nuts, berries 31-45 veoetation 31-45 berries, leaves, v etarians 46-59 do not know 31-45 do not know 16-18 do not know 31-45 do not know 31-45 anvthinQClreen 46-59 larass 22-30 5-7 meat rass , lants 22-30 rass 60 + bu s 22-30 do not know 46 -59 [Prarie dOQ5 13-15 larasses 31-45 berries 46-59 lolants 46-59 Inlants 8-1 2 Iqrass 8- 12 lorass 60+ do not know 13-1 5 veoetation 60+ do not know 8- 12 60+ herbivores rPlants, (asses, leaves 46 -59 trees, leaves berries 31-45 do not know 22-30 Gender ?? F ?? M F F F M M M M F M F F M M F F F M M F M M F F F M F M M F F M F F F M F M F F M F M ?? F F F F Edu cation underQrad hiah school underQrad ost orad elementarv some colleae some college some colleae hiah school somecolleQe undera rad hiQ h school some conece underQrad some callece some coli e underarad undera rad undel'!:l rad hiah school underg rad hi h school some colleae 051 rad undera rad somecolleQe some colleae hio h school und e~ rad underarad post rad underarad \underQrad underarad Ipost grad some colle e ost orad hi h school underorad hi h school some colleqe elementary elementarv loost orad hiqh school ost orad eleme ntary undera rad lpest Qrad 1005t Qrad hio h school Visitina Pattern 2x1m onlh 1X1season hlmonth be/season 2x1season once every w o vears lx/season 1x/season 2x1season first time visitor 4-5x1season once every two years first time visitor 2x1month 5-6x1season 3-4x1season first time vi sitor 1x1m onth 2xfseason l x1season first time visitor 2x1month 2x/season first time visitor 2x1monlh l x1seasom 1x1season 1xfseason 1xlseason 3x1season rarely rarelv 2x1season 1x1season 4-6x1season 1x1season rarelv fi rst time visitor 2-3x1season 1x/season 1 xlseason fi rst time visitor l x/season first time visitor 1x1season first time visitor 1x1season first time visitor first time visitor rarel first time visitor What do they eat in the wild? ReSPonse nuts, crass rasses, veo-etables leaves rass, b-uQS do not know -Plants do not know veQelation lants do nol know fish rass, straw do not know rass fruit larass leaves larains rass do nol know lorass lorass , leaves ve etalian do not know - rodents 'Ie elation do not know lanls do not know iQrains~ass V9(l etarians nuts, berries rass rass rass leaves, bark do not know rass do not know leaves leaves lanls veaetables, arass do not know rass, leaves , Qreen thin s do not know bUQS do not know animals, animaT'tYPes A e 31 -45 46-59 22-30 31-45 31-45 8-12 31 -4 5 46-59 31-45 13-1 5 60+ 8-12 46-59 13-15 22-30 22-30 Gender M M F M M F F F M M M ?? F F M M 46-59 F 13-15 31-45 M M 46-59 F 31-45 M M 46-59 46 -59 22-30 8-12 22-30 5-7 31-45 60+ 60+ 5-7 60+ 5-7 31-45 13-15 22-30 8-12 5-7 F F F M M M M F M M F F M 31 ~5 F F F F 8-12 46-59 M M 8-12 31 -45 F F F F F 6-12 8-12 46-59 13-15 M Education I DOS! orad high school undero rad underorad hiqh school eleme ntarv DOs! rad underarad hiQh school elementarv post rad elementary underorad elementary some colleae hi h school hiqh sc hool hioh school I DC S! rad underarad ost grad underQ rad undergrad underQrad elementarv hiQ h school elementary I post ~rad hioh school hioh school lore-elementary I oosl orad lore-elementary underarad elementary underQrad elementary elementary some colleae elementary hioh school elementary hiqh school eleme ntarv elementary hioh school elementary VisitinQ Pattern rarelv 1x1season l x/month first time visitor 2x1season 2x/season 2x/season 2x1season first time visitor first time visitor 2x/season lx/month lx1month first time visitor first time visitor 2x1season 4x/season 1x/season first time visilor 2x1season rarely first time visilor lx1season 2x1season 2x1month l x/season 1 xlseason 2x1month first time visitor lx/season 3.-4x1season 2x1season 1x/season first time visitor lx/season 2x1season l x/season 1x/season lx1month 1x/season raretv 1x1season 2x1season 1x/season 1x1month 3x1season 1x/season What eats them in the w ild? - Response lioers dinaos, Jar e cals tioers nothino tioers dinqos do not know tlQers do nol know dinqos lion sharks lovthon cOYotes dlnaos diooos loeoole coyotes dinqos - do not know do nol know nothina hyena do not know· eoole? do not know lions, liaers dinoos do not know l ioer nolhinQ do not know dillQos lions, tioers do not know - nathinq do not know crocodiles lions do not know ackals dinoos, laroe cats do not know dinoas Ioanther. eoole wild cat anther somethino biocer ·hyena dinoos anthers dinoos llons, ttaers Aae Gender 60' 22 -30 5-7 31 -45 22-30 60+ 22 -30 22-30 16-18 60+ 22-30 5-7 8-12 31-45 31-45 31-45 22-30 8-12 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 22-30 31-45 31-45 22-30 5-7 F F 31-45 8-12 31-45 5-7 31-45 19-21 60+ 31-45 5-7 22-30 8-12 46-59 46-59 22-30 8-12 31-45 31-45 22-30 19-21 19-21 8-12 8-12 31-45 31-45 M M F M M F F F F F M F M F Education hiah school underqrad Visit ina Pattern elementarv 1x1season 2x1season hi h school hiah school elementary hioh school hi h school elementarv Some Colle e Some Colleae underarad underQrad IDOst orad F elementarv undemrad hioh school F F M M F F F M F F M F F M F F F F ?? M M M ?? M F F F F M F 7 71 1x1monlh 1x1season 1x1season 1 xlseason 1 xlseason 2x1season , xlseason re-elemenlarv 1x1season elementarv first time visitor hiQh school first time visitor M M 2x1season 2x1month some colle e underorad underQrad Some Colleae I post grad hiah school elementarv I post qrad elementarv hiQh school elementarv undergrad hioh school hiah school hioh school elementary some colleae elementary hiClh school loost orad under rad elementarv post rad hiah school high school Some Colleoe high school elementarv elementarv under rad hioh school lx/season 3-4x1season firsllime visitor 2x1season lx/season 2x1seasan 2-3x1season rarelv 1 xlseason rarelv first time visitor 2x1season first time visitor first time visitor 1x1season 2x1season 4·5x1season 1xiseason 1x1season 2x1seasan rarel 1ximonth rarel 1xJseason 1xJseason 2x1season Sxlseason 3x1seasan 1x1seasan rarelv rarel 2x1season rarely 2x1season 1x1season 1xJweek 4x1vear What eats them in the wild? Age Res pons e 22-30 do not k now lions, liqers 22-30 31-45 lions, ttgers nothing 31 -45' do not know - dinQos 8-1 2 46-59 bigger a nimals wild dOQs 19-2 1 humans, dingos 60+ humans 22-30 do not know 46-59 dinQos 46-59 do not know 46-59 16-18 humans, dingos coyotes, dinaos 31-45 tigers 22-30 31-45 humans 60+ lions lions 22-30 do not knOW - h'@nas 31-45 something bigg er 31-4 5 60+ do not know - nothing dingos 31-45 tiQers. bears, wild dOQS 46-59 31-45 tigers 31 -45 redatorv ani mals do not know 46-59 31-45 dinQos do not know 16- t8 31-45 lion, tiger, leopard do not know 31-45 dingos 46-59 lions, Haers 22-30 t-re x 5-7 do not know - lions, tiqers 22-30 60+ lions nothing 22-30 hyenas 46-59 13-15 alligators lions, cheetahs 31-45 something bigger 46 -59 big cats 46-59 8-1 2 lions lions 8-12 60+ do not know 13-1 5 do not know dingos, monitor lizards, ha.... 60+ 8-12 Itiqer di ngos 60 dinqos 46-59 do not know 31 -45 ItiQers, anything bigger 22-30 Gen der ?? F ?? M F F F M M M M F M F F M M F F F M M F M M F F F M F M M F F M F F F M F M F F M F M ?? F F F F Edu cation underarad hiQh school underQrad 051 g rad elementary som e colle e some colleae some colle e hiQh school som e college underQrad high schoo l som e colleQe und er~rad some college som e collea e under rad underQrad unde r rad high school und er9.!'ad high school som e COllege post g rad underQrad some colle e som e college hi h school undergrad underQi.ad ost Qrad underQi.ad \undergrad underarad ost grad some college Ipc st rad hiQh school under rad hiQh school some college ele mentary elementary lpost rad hiQh school ost rad elementarv undergrad ost Qrad post grad hiQh school Visiting Pattern 2x1month 1xlseason 1x1monlh 2x1season 2x1season once every two years 1 xlseason 1xlseason 2x1season first time "isitor 4-5x1season once every tw"o years first time visitor 2x1month 5-6x1season 3-4x1season first time visito r 1x1month 2x1season l x1season first time viSitor 2x1month 2x1season first time "isilo r 2x1month l x1seasom 1x1season lx/season 1x1season 3x1season rarel y rarely 2x1season l x/season 4-6x1season 1x1season rarely first time visitor 2·3x1season 1x1season l x/season firsLlime visitor 1x1season first time visitor 1 xlseason first time visitor 1x1season first time visitor first tim e "isitor rare firs t lime visitor What eats them in the wild? Response nothin nothinQ dingos lions, tiqers do not know biqqer animals do not know - hyenas humans, wild doqs do not know do not know dingos bi cats dingo, crocodile cheetahs lions lions wild doqs nothin do not know lions din os nothinq lions, Ii ers leopards, tiqers do not know hyenas, dinqos do not know wolves, dinqos din os wild doqs, dinqos dinosaurs nothinQ, people crocodile humans, dingos lions lions do not know lions, tigers dingos dingos lions, Hoers, dinqos do not know dinqos, humans lions tiqers crocodiles biQqer mammals Aoe 31-45 46-59 22-30 31-45 31-45 8-12 31-45 46-59 31-45 13-15 60+ 8-12 46-59 13-15 22-30 22-30 46-59 13-15 31-45 46-59 31-45 46-59 46-59 22-30 8-12 22-30 5-7 31-45 60+ 60+ 5-7 60+ 5-7 31-45 13-15 22-30 8-12 5-7 31-45 8-12 46-59 8-12 31-45 8-12 8-12 46-59 13-15 Gender M M F M M F F F M M M ?? F F M M F M M F M M F F F M M M M F M M F F M F F F F M M F F F F F M Education Ip<stgrad hiqh school undergrad underqrad high school elementary post grad under rad high school elementary Ipost orad elementary underorad elementary some colieoe high school hiqh school high school post ",d underarad post rad underqrad under rad underqrad elementary hi h school elementary ost qrad high school hi h school re-elementarv Ipc st Qrad re-elementarv undergrad elementarv undergrad elementary elementary some coUeqe elementary hiqh school elementary hiQh school elementarv elementary hiah school elementary VisitinQ Pattern rarely 1xfseason 1xfmonth first time visitor 2xfseason 2xfseason 2xfseason 2xfseason first time visitor first time visitor 2xfseason 1xfmonth 1xfmonth first time visitor first time visitor 2xfseason 4x/season 1x/season first time visitor 2xfseason rarel first time visitor 1 xfseason 2xfseason 2x1month 1x1season 1x1season 2x1month first lime visitor 1xlseason 3-4x1season 2x1season 1x1season first time visitor 1x1season 2x1season 1xlseason 1x1season 1x1month 1x1season rarely 1x1season 2x1season 1 xlseason 1xlmonth 3x1season 1x1season What eats them in the wild? Res ponse do nol know wolves di nQo, crocodile l!igers dinQO, tasmanian devil nothing donal know lions, tiQers lions dinoos , crocodiles cats dinaos people dinQos do not know - lions, tigers do not know lions eat ioeys d in os do not know eople dinaos leo ard anythinQ biQQer Itiger fox cheetah do nol know do nol know do nol know nOlhinQ lions nothinQ wild dogs nothing do not know people, buzzards affi1hing bigger nothing tiaer do not know donOI know tigers, hyenas, wild dogs nOlhina do nol know nOlhinQ lions, ti ers lions do not know anything bigger lions lions , tigers Ag e Gender 46-59 8-12 19-12 13-15 22-30 22-30 31-45 19-2 1 5-7 31-'15 46-59 60+ 22-30 31-'15 22-30 31-45 8- 12 8-12 5-7 31 -4 5 31-'15 46-59 31-'15 F 19-2 1 31-'15 22-30 31-'15 60+ ?? 5-7 19-2 1 22-30 22-30 31-45 13- 15 60+ 46-59 31-'15 5-7 5-7 46-59 31-45 22-30 22-30 8- 12 60+ 31-'15 5-7 31-45 60+ 8-12 M F F F F F F M M F M M M F M M M F F M F F F ?? M M M M F F M ?? ?? M F F ?? F ?? M ?7 M M F M F M F F M Visiting Patte rn 2x1season 4-5x1season 1x/season 1x/season 1 x1month 2x1season 2x/month Ipost grad 1 x/season 1Jlgh school lx/season elementary 2x1month underarad 2x/monlh some college hioh school 2x1season 2x1season post rad 1 x1season I post orad high school 2x/season post Qrad 2 x/month lx/season elementary elementary lx/season , xlseason elementarv 1x/season some colle e 2x1season underQrad hi h school 1 xlseason undergrad 2x/season som e COllege 2x/season 2x/month underg rad 1 x/season elementarv some college 2x1season 2x/season loosta undergrad 2x/season 1 xlseason elementarv 1 xtseason some college some colleQe first time visitor high school 1x/season 1 xfseason I past grad hiah school 1 x/season some college first time visitor 1 x/season hiah school high school 2x/season firsl time visitor elementarv re-elementary 1 xlseason som e colleqe 2x/season some college 2xfmonth hiQh school 1 x/season 1 x/season hi h school elementary 1x/month 1x/month DOst orad some college 1x/season re-elementarv first time visitor first lime visitor some coUe e 1x/season ost orad elementary 1x/season Edu catio n some colleQe elementary some colleQe elementary some college post grad Does the kangaroo prefer to live alone or in a group? Response rOUD rou rou group rou group rou group rou group rou rOUD grou roup Igroup rou Igroup roup rOUD Igroup roup Igroup roup rouP rou alone rou roup Igroup roup Igroup roup roup roup roup roup roup group roup alone roup roup roup alone roup roup Igrou laroup Igroup Iqrou larouD Age Gender 46-59 8-12 19-12 13-15 22-30 22-30 31-45 19-21 5-7 31--45 46-59 60+ 22-30 31--45 22-30 31--45 8-12 8-12 5-7 31-45 31--45 46-59 31-45 19-21 31-45 22-30 31-45 60+ F ?? 5-7 19-21 22-30 22-30 31--45 13-15 60+ 46-59 31-45 5-7 5-7 46-59 31-45 22-30 22-30 8-12 60+ 31-45 5-7 31--45 60+ 8-12 M F F F F F F M M F M M M F M M M F F M F F F ?? M M M M F F M ?? ?? M F F ?? F ?? M ?? M M F M F M F F M Education Visiting Pattern 2x/season elementary 4-5x/season some college ix/season elementary ix/season some college ix/month ost rad 2x/season IDost orad 2x/month ix/season high school elementary ix/season under rad 2x/month some college 2x/month high school 2x/season ost rad 2x/season IDOst Qrad ix/season hi h school 2x/season I post Qrad 2x/month element§!y ix/season elementary 1 x/season elemental"; ix/season some colle e 1x/season underQrad 2x1season hi h school ix/season underQrad 2x1season somecoll~e 2x1season undergrad 2x1month element~ ix/season some colle e 2x/season osta 2x/season undergrad 2x1season elementary 1x/season some colle e 1x/season some college first time visitor high school ix/season post grad ix/season ix/season high school some college first time visitor hiah school ix/season high school 2x1season elementary first time visitor I pre-element~ 1xlseason some college 2x/season somecoll~ 2x1month high school ix/season hiah school ix/season elementary ix/month post Qrad ix/month some college 1xlseason pre-elementary first time visitor first time visitor some cOII~e I post Qrad 1xlseason elemen~ ix/season somecoll~ Does the kangaroo prefer to live alone or in a group? Response larouD Igrou alone [grou roup rou roup roup fOUp roup roup roup roup roup rou p roup roup roup roup Igroup Igroup 19 rou [group [arouD Igrou roup rou roup alone roup £rOll» roup roup roup roup roup roup 19roup roup rOUD roup 19roup [group alone [grou roup rou fOUP group roup £roll» Age 60+ 22-30 5-7 31-45 22-30 60+ 22-30 22-30 16-18 60+ 22-30 5-7 8-12 31-45 31-45 31-45 22 -30 8-12 31-45 3 1-45 31-45 31-45 22-30 31-45 31-45 22-30 5-7 31-45 8- 12 31-45 5-7 31 -45 19-21 60+ 31-45 5-7 22-30 8-12 46-59 46-59 22-30 8-12 31-45 31-45 22-30 19-21 19-21 8-12 8- 12 31-45 31-45 Gender F F M M F M M F F F F F M F M F M F M F F M M F F F M F F M F F M F F F F ?? M M M ?? M F F F F M F ? 11 Visitin Pattern 2x/season 2x/month 1x/season 2x/season 1x/month 1xlseason lxiseason 1xiseason 1xiseason 2x1season 1x1season 1x/season first time v'lsitor first time visitor 1xiseason 3-4xiseason first time visitor 2x/season 1x/season 2x/season 2-3xiseason rarelv 1x/season rarely first lime visitor ost rad high school 2x/season elementary first time visitor post grad first time visitor elemenlary 1xiseason hi h school 2x/season elementary 4-5x/season undergrad lx1season hiQh school 1xlseason high school 2x1season rarely high school elementary 1x1mon\h some college rarely elementarv 1x/season high school 1x/season loost Qrad 2x/season under rad 5x1season elementary 3x/season post rod 1x/season rarely high school hiah school rarel Some College 2x1season hiQh school rarely elementary 2x/season elementary l x/season undergrad l x1week hiQh school 4x1vear Educa lion hiQh school under rad elementary high school hiQh school elementary high school hiqh school elementary Some ColleQe Some College re-elementary elementary hiQh school undergrad undergrad IDOst Qrad elementary underQrad high school some college undergrad under rad Some College Does the kangaroo prefer to live alone or in a group? .~. Response roup roup group roup 9couP roup group roup group roup roup roup roup group roup 2'oup roup roup roup roup group roup roup roup roup roup roup roup roup Igroup roup 19roup Igroup Iqroup Igrou Iqroup Igroup ak>ne Igroup alone IQroup Igrou alone 19 rou roup group roup group roup 2'oup roup Age Gender 22-30 22-30 31-45 31-45' 8-12 46-59 19 21 60+ 22-30 46-59 46-59 46-59 16-18 31-45 22-30 31-45 60+ 22-30 31-45 31-45 60+ 31-45 46-59 31-45 31-45 46-59 31-45 16-18 31-45 31-45 46-59 22-30 5-7 22-30 60+ 22-30 46-59 13-15 31-45 46-59 46-59 8-12 8-12 60+ 13"15 60+ 8-12 60+ 46-59 31-45 22-30 ?? F ?? M F F F M M M M F M F F M M F F F M M F M M F F F M F M M F F M F F F M F M F F M F M ?? F F F F Education under rad hiqh school under rad ost qrad elementary some coileqe some college some colle e high school some colle e underQrad hi h school some colleqe undergrad some colle e some cOllege undergrad underQrad undergrad hiqh school undergrad high school some colleQe post grad underQrad some college some colleQe high school underqrad undergrad Ipost 9rad underQrad \under rad underqrad ost rad some colleqe I post 9rad high school undergrad high school some colleQe elementary elementary ost rad hi h school post grad elementary undergrad osl grad ost Qrad hi h school Visiting Pattern 2xfmonth 1xfseason 1x1month 2xfseason 2xfseason once every two years 1xfseason 1xfseason 2x1season first time visitor 4-5x1season once every two years first time visitor 2x1month 5-6xiseason 3-4xfseason first time visitor 1x1month 2x1season 1xlseason first time visitor 2x1month 2x1season first time visitor 2ximonth 1xiseasom 1xfseason 1xfseason 1xfseason 3x1season rarel rarely 2x1season 1xfseason 4-6xiseason 1xfseason rarely first time visitor 2-3xfseason 1xlseason 1xlseason first time visitor 1x1season first time visitor 1x1season first time visitor 1xiseason first time visitor first time visitor rarely first time visitor Does the ka ngaroo prefer to li .... e alone or in a group? Respon se larouo larou larouo rc;rOlJt) larou (oun rou AQe 31 -45 46-59 22-30 31-45 31-45 Gender M M F M M 8-12 F 31 -45 F rouo 46-59 F rou 31-45 13-15 M M M ?? F F M M (OUO rou rOU D rou rouo OroUD rouo (OUO (OUO (OUD lQroUD rouo rouo rouo rouo rouo rOU D roup (OUO rouo (OUO alone rOUD rou-o(OUD (OUD (OUO (OUO (OUO (OUO (OUO rOUD rouo rOUD alone roup roup (OUO 60+ 8-12 46-59 13-15 22-30 22-30 46-59 13-15 31-45 46-59 31-45 46-59 46-59 22-30 8-12 22-30 5-7 31-45 60+ 60+ 5-7 60+ 5-7 F M M F M M F F F M M M M F M M F 31-45 F 13-15 22-30 8-12 5-7 M F F F F M M 31-45 8-12 46-59 8-12 31-45 8-12 8-12 46-59 13-15 F F F F F M Education lciost Diad hioh school underarad under rad hioh school elementary DOst orad unde--;:q-rad hiah school elementarv Visitina Pattern (arely1x/season 1x/month first time visitor 2x/season 2x1season 2x/season 2x/season first time visitor first time visitor DOsl rad 2x/season elementarv lx/month under rad 1x/month elementarv first time .... isitor some colleQe first time visitor hiah school 2x/season hlclh school 4x/season hi h school lx/season 10051orad first time visitor underQrad 2x/season Ices! orad rarelv underQrad first time visitor underarad 1x/season undera-rad 2x/season elementary 2x/month hioh school 1x/season elementary 1x/season IDOst orad 2x/month h1Qh school first lime visitor hiah school l x/season Iore-elementary 3-4xtseason IODst orad 2x/season lore-elementarv 1x/season underarad first time visitor elementarv l x/season underQrad 2x/season elementarv 1 x/season elementarY l x/season some collece 1x/month elementarv 1x1season hiah school rarely elementarv l x/season hiQh school 2x1season elementarY l x/season elementary lx/month hioh school 3x1season elemen tarv lx/season The kangaroo has a thick stu rdy tail. What is Ihe purpose o f Ihe kangaroo's tail? Res Dnse do not know balance balance balance balance , stand on it and kick defense ba lance , defense do not know do not know wea on to whacK eoole balance sprinQboard for movement. defense balance third leo . stand on it balance stand on it to kick. defense balance. orotection balance white h~ balance while hoooinQ do not know balance balance wea n hoooina defense fiahtina (defense) lorotection (defense) balance balance balance helos them ium fIOhts with it balance balance when swinomo tokee it steady (balance) balance balance balance stabffitV7balance) do not know do not know helos with movement balance defense do not know balance while hoO~ in weaoon balance do not know balance balance do nol know Aoe 46-59 8-12 19-12 13-15 22-30 22-30 31-45 19-21 5-7 31-45 46-59 60+ 22-30 3 1-45 22-30 31-45 8-12 8- 12 5-7 31-45 3 1-45 46-59 31-45 19-21 31-45 22-30 31-45 60+ ?? 5-7 19-21 22-30 22-30 31-45 13-15 60+ 46-59 31-45 5-7 5-7 46-59 31-45 22-30 22-30 8- 12 60+ 31-45 5-7 31-45 60+ 8-12 Gender F M F F F F F F M M F M M M F M M M F F M F F F ?? M M M M F F M ?? ?? M F F ?? F ?? M ?1 M M F M F M F F M Education some colleqe elementarv some college elementarv some colleae post Qrad loost orad hiQh school elementarv undergrad some colleae high school loost rad loost orad hiqh school IDOst Qrad elementary elementarv elementarv some colieQe underarad hiqh school underorad some college underc rad elementarv some colieQe osta under rad elementarv some coliege some colieQe hieh school locst Qrad hiah school some colle!= e hiqh school hig h school elementarv Ipre-elementary some colle e some colleae hiQh school hiah school elementary IDost arad some college pre-elementarv some college post Qrad elementarv Visitina Pattern 2x/season 4-5x1season 1x/season l x/season l x/month 2x1season 2x/month l x/season l x/season 2x/month 2x/month 2x/season 2x/season lx/season 2x/season 2x/month lx/season 1x/season 1x/season 1x/season 2x/season 1x/season 2x/season 2x1season 2x1mon th lx/season 2x/season 2x/season 2x/season 1x1season 1x1season first time visitor ix/season lx/season 1x/season first time visitor 1x/season 2x/season first time visitor 1x/season 2x1season 2x1month 1x/season l x/season 1x/month l x/month 1x/season first time visitor first time visitor l x/season l x/season The kangaroo has a thick sturdy tail. What is the purpose of the kangaroo's tail? Response balance balance, fighting do not know defense defense balance to swim balance do not know balance balance balance. let them move do nol know balance balance, 'umpinq balance spring forward, defense balance balance do not know balance balance. weapon balance defense defense do not know balance balance do not know balance do not know balance balance rolection (defense) weapon keep Ihem safe (defense) balance kill prey balance, rotection balance do not know do not know balance help them sit up balance balance balance balance do 001 know stabilize them do not know Age Gender 60+ 22-30 5-7 31-45 22-30 60+ 22-30 22-30 16-18 60+ 22-30 5-7 8-12 31-45 31-45 31-45 22-30 8-12 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 22-30 31-45 31-45 22-30 5-7 31-45 8-12 31-45 5-7 31-45 19-21 60+ 31-45 5-7 22-30 8-12 46-59 46-59 22-30 8-12 31-45 31-45 22-30 19-21 19-21 8-12 8-12 3 1-45 3 1-45 F F M M F M M F F F F F M F M F M F M F F M M F F F M F F M F F M F F F F ?? M M M ?? M F F F F M F ? ?? Education hiqh school undergrad elementary hi h school hiQh school elementary high school high school elementary Some Colleae Some Colle e Ipre-elementary elementary high school undergrad undergrad post orad elementary undergrad high school some college underqrad undergrad Some COlleqe [post grad hiClh school elementary post grad elementary high school elementary under rad h;qh school high school high school elementary some college elementarv high school lpost Qrad undergrad elementary ost grad hi h school hiqh school Some College hiQh school elementary elementary undergrad high school Visiting Pattern 2x/season 2x1month "Ix/season 2x/season "I xJmonth 1x/season 1x/season "Ix/season 1x/season 2x/season 1x/season 1x/season first time visitor first time visitor lx/season 3-4x/season first time visitor 2x1season 1x/season 2x1season 2-3x/season rarelv 1x/season rarely first time visitor 2x1season first time visitor firsl time visitor 1xlseason 2x1season 4-5x1season 1x1season 1x1season 2x1season rarely 1x/month rarely 1x/season 1xJseason 2x1season 5x/season 3x1season lx1season rarely rarely 2X1seasoo rarely 2x1season 1xJseason 1xJweek 4x1year The kangaroo has a thick sturdy tail. What is the purpose of the kangaroo's tail? - ResPonse Age Gender do not know balance stand back on il and kick balance 22-30 22-30 ?? F Educatiott undergrad hiQh school 31 -45 31-45 ' ?? under rad ost grad balance 8-12 46-59 19-21 60+ 22-30 46-59 46-59 46-59 16-18 22-30 M F F F M M M M F M F F balance 31-45 M do not know hel them hop balance 6022-30 M F F F M M F M M F F F M F M M F do not know balance defense, balance balance balance, weapon balance balance balance, kick each other when fiqhtinQ balance do not know we~on stabmty, balance when hopping balance balance do not know help them move balance defense. balance balance do not know do not know balance defense hang from trees to kill other animals defense balance balance bouncin balance balance SUPPO" swat things balance send messages, (ound up family do not know balance when sitting, sta bility when jumpin bouncing balance, defense balance when jum ing, prop when standing balance , stand on it do not know 31-45 31-45 31-45 60+ 31-45 46-59 31-45 31-45 46-59 31 -45 16-18 3145 3 '-45 46-59 22-30 5-7 22-30 60+ 22-30 F M F 46-59 F 13-15 31-45 46-59 46-59 8-12 8-12 60+ 13-15 60+ 8-12 60+ 46-59 31-45 22-30 F M F M F F M F M ?7 F F F F elementary some colle e some calleqe Vis iting Pattern 2x1month 1x1season 1xlmonth 2x1season 2x/season once every two years some colleqe 1x1season 1x1season high schoOl 2x1season some colle e first time visitor 4-Sx/season once every two years first lime visitor 2)(/mon\h 5-6x1season 3-4xJseason first time .... isitor 1x1month 2x/season 1x1season first lime ....isitor 2x1month 2x1season firsl time visitor 2xtmonth 1x1seasom 1x/season 1x/season 1x1season 3xJseason rarely rarel 2xJseason 1xlseason 4-6x1season 1 x/season rarely first time .... isitor 2-3x1season 1x/season 1x/season first time .... isitor 1x/season first time visitor 1x/season first time .... isitor 1x1season first time .... isitor firsl time visitor rarely first lime visitor undergrad high school some colleqe under rad some college some colleQe under rad under rad underQrad higb school under rad high school somecoll~ ost grad undel1:lrad some colle..illl some college hiQh school undergrad undergrad IDost Qrad undergrad \undergrad undel9rad pos. rad some college post Qrad high school undel1lrad hiqh school some college elementary elementary Ipost grad hiQh school post grad elementary underQrad lposl grad I post grad hiQh school The kangaroo has a thIck sturdy lail. What is the purpose of the kangaroo's tail? '-- Response ba lance balance balance, defense beal it and scare thin 5 awav like foot do not know lean back on it, use to kiCk, raise to get food balance Iprotect themselves do not know balance to keep them up when standinQ balance balance balance so they can bounce balance balance swatUnQ flies balance balance balance. help them 'umD defense against predators help them move, protection do not know balance do not know balance balance balance do not know stability cleans their teeth balance do not know helps with hoppinQ, to hit somebody with do not know balance on their hind leQs balance when hop~ in balance balance do not know balance when 'urn in to get a good bounce do nol know balance and ive them strength do not know Age 31-45 46-59 Gender M M 22-30 F 31-45 31-45 8-12 31-45 M M 46-59 31-45 13-15 60+ 8-12 46-59 13-15 22-30 22-30 46-59 13-15 31-45 46-59 31-45 46-59 46-59 22-30 8-12 22-30 57 31-45 60+ 60+ 5-7 60+ 5-7 31-45 13-15 22-30 8-12 5-7 31-45 8-12 46-59 8-12 31-45 8-12 8-12 46-59 13-15 F F F M M M ?? F F M M F M M F M M F F F M M M M F M M F F M F F F F M M F F F F F M Visiting Pattern rarelv lx/season l x/month first time visitor 2x/season 2x/season 2x/season 2x/season first time visitor first time visitor 2x/season lposl grad elementary l x/month l x/month underg rad elementary fIrst time visitor some colleQe first time visitor high school 2x/season hi h school 4x/season high school hclseason first time visitor ost Qrad underQrad 2x/season rarely IDest Qrad undercrad first time visitor under rad l x/season underQrad 2x/season elementary 2x/month lx/season hi h school elementarv l x/season ost grad 2x/month hklh school firsl time visitor high school lx/season l ore-elementarv 3-4x1season ]post grad 2x/season I pre-elementary lx/season underarad first time visitor elementary 1x/season underQrad 2x/season elementary 1xlseason elementary 1x/season some college l x/month elemenlary l x/season hiah school rarelv 1x/sea son elementary hiah school 2x/season 1x/season elementary l x/month elementarv 3x/season h~ h school , xlseason elementary Education post orad hi h schoot underqrad undergrad IhiQh school elementarv post grad underorad high school elementarv A kangaroo is a marsupial. What does that mean? Response do nol know do nol know do not know do not know do not know very rare do not know do not know mammal with a pouch do nol know do not know do not know do not know do not know do not know hold babies in pouch do not know do not know sleep in day, come out at night nocturnal) only live in Australia do not know do nol know do not know have a pouch do not know baby born prematurely, have a pouch have a pouch for baby live on land do nol kow have a pouch animal that 'um s do not know do not know do not know do not know do not know have a pouch do not know do not know do not know do not know - live birth do not know have a ouch do not know have a pouch do not know have a pouch have a pouch have a pouch AQe 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 8-12 8-12 Gender M F F F ?? M M F M F F F M M F F M M 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 M 8-12 ?? M F F F F ?? F 8-12 8-12 8-1 2 8-12 8-1 2 8-1 2 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 ?? 13-15 13-15 13-15 13-15 13-15 13-15 13- 15 13-15 Education elementary elementary elementary elementary !pre-elementary Ipre-elementary elementary Ipre-elementary elementary elementary elementary \undergrad elementary re-elementary re-elementary elementary elementary elementary F M M F F ?? ?? F F M F F F M F M F F M F M M - VisilinQ Pattern lxlseason 1xlseason lx/season first lime visitor lx/season first time visitor lx/season l x/season first lime visitor 4-5xfseason 1xlmonth 2x/season lx/season 3-4X1season 1xlseason 1xlseason 4-5x1season 1x/season elementary elementary elementary elementary elementary elementary elementary 1x/season lx/month 1x/season first time visitor 2x/season l x/season 1x/season elementary elementary elementarv elementary elementary etementary eleme ntary elementary elementary elementary elementary elementary elementary elementary elementary undergrad elementary hi h schoo! hiQh school high school elementary elementary high school elementary 3x/season 2x/season 1x1season 2x/season first time visitor 1x1season 1X/season 2x/season 1x/month 2xfmon th 1x1season 1x1season l x/season 1x/season 1x1month 2x1season lx/season 1x1season first lime visitor l x1season first time visitor first time visitor 1X1season 1x/season A kangaroo is a marsupial. What does that mean? - -- Response do not know do not know carry babies in pouch have a pouCh ca rry yaung in pouch do not know do not know has a couch have a pouch have a pouch do not know do not know have a pouCh for baby ca rry young in pouch have a pouch do not know do not know young develop in pouch - not like other mammals carry babl'. in ouch have a pouch donal know carry baby in pouch do not know do not know mammal baoy in pouch have a pouch has a couch do not know baby in couch do not know do nol know do not know temperature car babies in pouch do nol know has a couch for young carry babies in pouch carry babies in pouch have a pouch to hold young do not know mammal do nol know donol know do nol know carry babies in pouch do not know lpo uch 10 carry youn oung grows in pouch Age 13-15 16-18 Gender M F 16-18 M 16-18 19-12 19-2 1 19-21 19-21 19-21 19-21 F F F F F 19-21 19-21 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 M F F F F F M F M 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 M ?? M M 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 31-45 31-45 F F F F M F F M M F F M F ?? F M F F M F F M M F M F F M Educ atio n elementary elementary some colleQe high school some colleQe hi h school some college some colle<Je hi h school SomeColleQe high school somecolleQe some college lpost orad Ipost rad high school elementary some college hi h school high school ~iah school undergrad hiQh school hi h school hiQh school Some Colle e ost grad underarad high school some college undergrad high school under rad high school hioh school somecallege Visiting Pattern lx/season lx/season first time visitor 1x/season 1x/season lx/season 2x1season 1x/season 1x/season 2x/season rarely l x/season 1x1month 2x1season 2x1season 2x/season lx/season under (ad undergrad first time visitor 1xlseason 1x1season lx/season 2x1month 1xlmonth 1xlseason lx/season 1xlseason first time visitor l x/season 2x/season rarely 5x/season rarely 2x1monlh lx/season 2x1season 5-6x/season 1x/month rarely 1x/season some college hiah school undergrad some colleae high school underQrad high school underQrad IPost g[ad undergrad 1xlseason first lime visitor 1x1month first time visitor 2x1season 2x1season 1x/season 2x1season 2x/monlh 2x/month undef!~ rad A kangaroo is a marsupial. What does that mean? Response carry young in pouCh carry young on outside bear livevoung do not know do not know has a pouch raises youna in Douch mother has a pouch do not know do nol know AOe do not know - stand upriQhl do not know - have a tail do not know do not know 31-45 31-45 F F 31-45 M F have have have have 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 M somethino to do with tail raises vouna in DOuch has a pouch for young have a little pocket (pOuch\ carry baby in pouch do not know pouch, birth live younQ a pouch a pouch a pouch carry youna in DOcket rDOuch) carry baby in pouch pouched animal do not know after born lives in ocuch do not kow has a pouch carrY babies in couch mammal. awe birth 10 babies hands have fmQers do not know babies bom in pouch ounQ in pouch have a pouch have a pouch do not know do not know do not know pouch for young feed young with milk do not know Education post Qrad IDOst orad some colle<1e underarad underQrad underorad some colleae loost orad hieh school some colleae Visiting Pattern l x/season 2x/month 1x/season 2x/season 2x/season 2x/month 2x/season 1x/season 2x/season 2x/month some co ll e~le some colleae hi h school hioh school 1x/season first time visitor 2x/season first time visitor M F underQrad underorad under tad hieh school 1x/season 3-4x/season 1x/season 2x/season 31-45 31-45 31-45 F M F somecolleqe underorad Some Colle e 2-3x/season rarelv rarely 31-45 F F ost orad loost orad hioh school first time visitor first time visitor 2x/season underorad hiah school ost orad high schOOl underorad hieh school under rad underorad 1x/season rarely l x1season rarely 1xJweek 4x1vear 1xlmonth 2x1month some colleoe under rad hioh school hiah school ost orad underorad some coile underorad unden::)rad underorad 3-4x1season 2x1season 1xlseason 2x/month first time visitor 2xfmonth ixfseason 1xfseason 3xfseason 2-3x1season rarely rarelv first lime visitor 31-45 31-45 Gender M M 31-45 F 31-45 M F ?? M ?? 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 31 -45 31-45 31-45 31 -45 31 -45 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 31 -45 31-45 31-45 31-45 3 1-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 ?? ?? F M F F M F ? ?? ?? F M F F M M M F M F M • 31-45 F Ipc $1 grad 31-45 M M loost orad under rad 31-45 A kangaroo is a marsupial. Whal does Ihat mean? Response do not know Ace 31-45 Gender M Education hiqh school Visitina Pattern 2x1season how vouna is born , has a pouch don'! lay eqqs do not know have a pouch for young carry babies in oouch 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 F M M M M 100S! orad hiQh school loosiorad loosl Qrad looslorad 2x1season fir st lime visitor first time visitor rarelv 2x1month have a pouch, young born alive and live in pouch carry babies in oouch pocket to carrv vouna 31-45 31-45 31-45 F F F birth babies and thev climb into pouch do not know do not know 31 -45' 46-59 46-59 M F F some colleQe some colleae 2x1season 2x1season 2x1month awake al niQht (nocturnal) have a pouch donal know donal know 46-59 46-59 46-59 46-59 F F hiqh school hiah school some colleQe hiah school 1x/season lx/season 2x1season lx/season oaslorad some colleoe some colleQe underarad hi h school some coUeae same colle e 2x1season once everv mo vears first time visitor 4-Sx/season once every two years 2x1season lx/seasom M ost orad ost orad hioh school some colle e rarelv rarel lX/season 1xlseason loaslorad first time visitor Ivouna born prematurelv, crawl into DOuch 46-59 land and water 46-59 have a pouch 46-59 no eggs, natural birth 46-59 carry babies in pouch 46-59 babies in a pouch 46-59 carry babies in pouch 46-59 young born in pouch before fuUy developed 46-59 do not know 46-59 have baby in pouch 46-59 young raised in pouch 46-59 M M M F M M F F F M F F babies born underdeveloped, crawl into pouch 46-59 F mammal with pouch for vouna carry babies in pouch 46-59 46-59 F live birth, carry youna in couch do not know nurse babies have a pouch carries baby, mammal do not know have baby in pouch bear young in pouch have a pouch carry baby in pouch 46-59 46-59 46-59 46-59 46-59 46-59 46-59 60+ 60+ 60+ M F F F M F M F M M F unden:jrad some colleoe hioh school Ioosl orad hiah school underarad underarad hkh school underarad undergrad underarad high school hiah school h;gh sc/lool Io<sl same colleae first time visitor l x/month 2x1season 1xlseason 2x1season lx/month 4x1season 2x1season first time visitor 1x1season rarelv 3x1season 2x1season 2x1season first lime visitor A kangaroo is a marsupial. What does thai mean ? AQe Response how they birth vau na 60' Gender M Education post orad Visitin Pattern 1)(./month tail to use like a hand , have a pouCh 60· F DOst Qrad 1)(./season have a pouch for vouna. nurse baby carrY young in pouch have a pouch water creatures 50' F 60' 6060' M F F hiah school elementarv Some Colle e hioh school 2)(./season 1)(./season 2)(./seasan 2x1season babies born alive and keol in a Douch 60- M some colieqe 1 xlseason babies outside , something to do with pouch females have pOUChes breast fed do not know 60' 60' 60' 60+ M M M M underarad underQrad loast orad first time visitor first time visitor 4-6x1season first time visitor baby born unable to survive on Own, lives in pouch 60' have a pouch 60' have a pouch 60+ .- M F M [post Qrad post Qrad underarad post cad first time visilor first time visitor 2x/season have live vouna that live in Douch the pouch thin 60+ 60' M F high school hiQh school first time visitor 1 x/season have a pouch, vounQ mature in oouch' 50' M post Qrad 2x/season How does the baby get in the pouch ? ReDonse born there do not know hops in hops in from stomach (born there) do nol know haas in from their bellY born there crawls in from where it's born do not know hops in hops in baby puts itself there umps in hops in born there climbs in crawls in goes trom stomach to pouch (born there) bam there do not know born there hops in crawls in after birth born there born there born there do not know - climbs in?? crawls up hops in born there born there umps in IQ(OWS in there (born there) umps in do not know do not know do not know climbs up there mother outs It there crawls in after birth mother puts it there momDuts it there born there crawls throuah stomach into pouch do not know born there born there umps in ADe 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 5-7 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 8- 12 8 -12 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-1 2 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 8-12 7? 13-15 13-15 13-15 13-15 13-15 13-15 13-15 13-15 Gender M f f f ?? M M f M f f f M M f F M M M f M M f f ?? ?? M f f f f ?? f ?? f f M f F f M f M f F M f M M Education elementarv elementary elementarv elementarv re·elementary lore-elementarv elementary re-elementary elementarv elementary elementarv \underQrad elementarv re-elementary re-elementarv elementarv elementary elementarv Visitin Pattern lx/season l x/season l x/season first time visitor 1x/season first time viSitor lx/season 1x/season first time visitor 4-5x/season l x/month 2x/seasan lx/season 3-4x/season lx/season lx/season 4-5x/season l x/season elementary elementary elementary elementarv elementary elementarv elementary elementary elementary elementary elementarv elementary elementarv elementary elementarv elementary elementarv elementarv elementary elementarv elementary elementarv underQrad elementary hioh school hiQh school l x/season lx/month lx/season first time visitor 2x/season lx/season l x/season 3x/season 2x!season lx/season 2x/season first time visitor lx/season lx/season 2x/season l x/month 2x/month l x/season 1x/season 1x/season 1x/season 1x/month 2x1season l x/season lx/season first time visitor hiqh school elementarv elementary hiah school elementary lx/season first time visitor first time visitor 1x/season 1x/season How does the baby get In the pouch? Reponse mother puts it there crawls in cra'N1s there through fur do not know Aoe after birth finds way there somehow mother puiS it there mother puts it there do not k:now born there crawls in crawls in crawls there 19-12 19-21 19-2 1 19-21 19-21 19-2 1 19-21 crawls in , attaches to nip ple to feed bam there crawls in climbs in after birth jumps in crawls in bom there mother puts it there mother puts it there do not k now crawls in milk from mom born there crawls in, fertilized there born and crawls up and in mother puts it Ihere climbs in mother puts it there do nol know born there do nol know born there crawls there crawls there mother puts it there born there bom there crawls there crawls in there crawls there by itself do not know mother puts illhere mother uts it there crawls UP in hair inlo pouch crawls in mother puts it there crawls in 22-30 22-30 22 -30 22 -30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 3 1-45 31-45 13-15 16-1 8 16-18 16-18 19-21 Gender M F M F Education elementary elementary some colle e high school VisitinQ Pattern b :lseason l x/season first time visitor 1x/season F F F F M F F F some college hiQh school some college some cOllecte high school Some ColleQe high school some college lx/season lx/season 2x/season 1 xlseason 1x/season 2x/season rarely l x/season F F M F M M some college I post Qrad IPost grad high school elemental)' some college high school hi h school high school underg rad high school h.lgh school high school Some College ost rad underQrad hi h school some college undergrad high school underqrad high school hiQh school some coUege underQrad undergrad under rad some college high school underQrad some college hiQh school under rad hiqh school undergrad ostgrad underQrad 1x1month 2x/season 2x/season 2x/season 1x/season first time visitor 1x/season lx/season 1x/season 2x/month 1x/month l x/season l x1season lx/season first time visitor 1x/season 2x/season rarely 5x1season rarely 2x1month 1x/season 2x1season 5-6x/season 1x/month ra rely 1x1season 1x1season first time visitor l x1month first lime visitor 2x1season 2x1season 1x1season 2x1season 2x1month 2x1monlh ?? M M F F M F F M M F F M F ?? F M F F M F F F F M M F M F F M How does the baby get in the pouch? Ed uc at ion ost grad 31-45 Ge nder M M 3 1 ~5 F 31-45 31-45 31-4 5 31-45 M some cone e undergrad underQiad underg rad some colleae Vi s iting Patte rn l x/season 2x/monlh l x/season 2x1season 2x1season 2x1month 2x1season m om puts it there with mouth crawls in born there crawls in crawls in born there mother puiS Il lhere crawls in after binh mother puts it there c rawls in do not know born and crawls up and in crawls along skin of mother clim bs in IgrO'o'ls in there (born there) 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 ?? 7? ?? F F 3 1-45 F 31-45 31 -4 5 M 3 l~ 5 M 31-45 31 -45 31 -4 5 31-45 31 -4 5 F F IPOSlorad high school some college some college some college hiah school h '~ h school underarad under rad underQrad hioh school some college undero rad Some College lpost Q rad 1xJseason 2x1season 2x1m onlh l x/season firs t time visitor 2x/season first time v isitor lx/season 3-4xJseason 1xlseaso n 2x1season 2-3x1season rarely rarel first ti me visitor c rawls in? mother puts it there? crawls in after birth migrates there from birth place (crawls in) do not know climbs up and goes in fro m somewhere outside do not know crawls by itself um ps in crawls from uterus crawls there crawls there clims the re from birth do not know born there mother puts it there climbs there b itself crawls there mother puts it th ere do not know born there m other puts it there born there 31-45 31-45 F M POSI grad hiah school first time visitor 2x1season 31-45 31-45 F F underQrad high school l x/season rarely 31-45 31-4 5 31 -45 31-45 31-45 31 -45 31-45 31 -45 31-45 31-45 31-45 3 1-45 31 -45 31-'15 31-45 31-45 31-4 5 M 3 1~ 5 M Iposl grad high school under9.!ad hi h school underQrad under rad some coll~e under rad high school hiah school l posl rad undergrad some college underarad undergrad underQrad po SI rad IPOslorad 1x/season rarely lx1week 4x!year l x/month 2x1month 3-4x1season 2x1season 1x/season 2xJmonth first time visitor 2xJmonth 1x1season 1xJseason 3xJseason 2-3x1seaso n rarel rarely 31-45 31-45 M M underqrad hJ~h school first time visitor 2xJseason Reponse born there crawls in crawls in c rawls in bounces in mother puts ilthere crawls in Ao e though birth canal (born there) born there 31 ~ 5 F ?? M M F M F F F ? ?? ?? F M F F M M M F M F M F poSI grad How does the baby get in the pouch? - Visitin~Pattern Reponse crawls in born there mother puts it there born there Age 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 Gender F M M M Education ost grad hiQh school post rad ost orad 2x/season first time visitor first lime visitor rarely born and connected to pouch climbs in mother puiS it there crawls up pouch and in crawls u mother puis il there 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45' 46-59 M F F F M F post 9<ad underorad some college hioh school post grad some college 2x/monlh first time visitor lx/month 2x/season 2xJseason 2x/season crawls out of womb into pouch 46-59 F some college 2x1month mother PUiS it there, born Ihere crawls in after birth crawls in do not know crawts in born there born there crawls there c rawts there born there born there crawts there crawts in do not know crawls there crawls up mothers stomach from birth canal crawls there crawls in crawls in crawls in crawls in crawts in born there crawls in born there bom there crawls in crawls in after birth 46-59 46-59 46-59 46-59 46-59 46-59 46-59 46-59 46-59 46-59 46-59 46-59 46-59 46-59 46-59 F hiqh school high school some colleQe hqh school I post grad some colieqe some colle e undefQrad hjgh school some college some colleqe [post Ilrad Ipost 9rad h- h school some college lx/season 1x/season 2x/season lx/season 2x/season once everv two years first time visitor 4-5x/season once evefY.r:w~ years 2x/season 1x/seasom rarely rarely 1x1season lx/season 46-59 46-59 46-59 46-59 46-59 46-59 46,59 46-59 60+ 60+ 60+ F [post 9<ad hi!=lh school unders..rad under rad hi!=lh school underqra(j undergrad underqrad hi h school hiQh school high schoot lpostq somecolle~ first time visitor lx/season 2x/season lx/month 4x/season 2x/season first time visitor lx/season rarel 3x/season 2x/season 2x/season first lime visitor do not know - mother puts it there craw1s in after birth crawls in crawls in u mothers fur crawt in crawts in crawls there by itself 60+ 60+ 60+ 60+ 60+ 60+ 60+ M F post Qrad ost <ad hi!=lh school elementary Some Cone e hiQh school some colle e lx/month 1x1season 2x1season lx/season 2x/season 2x/season 1 x/season 46-59 46-59 F M M M F M M F F F M F F M F M F F F M F M F M M F F M F F M How does the baby gel in the pouch? Reponse A•• Gender Education Visiting PaHern crawls from birth canal to pouch from womb mother puts it there mother puts it there 60+ 60+ 60+ 60+ M M M M undergrad underQrad ost grad ost Qrad first time visilor first time visitor 4-6x1season first time visitor crawls from birth canal to pouch 60 + M post .rad first time visitor crawls from birth canal to pouch 60+ crawls in 60+ crawls there 60+ crawls there 60 + starts there as embryo, attaches to walil l60+ of pouch F M M F underqrad IPost grad hiQh school hioh school first time visitor b(/season first time visitor 1xiseason M Ipost Qrad 2x1season A baby k.a ngaroo is called a joey_ How big is a joey at birth? Response 1 inch 1 inch 1 inch 1 inch 1 inch 1 inch 1 inch or less 1 inch or less 1 inch or less 1/2 inch or smaller 1/4 of inch 1/8 inch 1-2 cm 1-2 ounces 2 millimeters 3 centimeters 3cm bit penci l eraser and grape bit pencil erase r and grape bit ~ncil eraser and Qrape bean size few ounces fifty-cent piece fify-cent piece Igrape lorape less than 1 inch less than 1 inch less than 1 inch less than 1 inch less than 1 inch, size of a bee less than 1 ounce lima bean minute ounces, really small Ipea size pea size lpeanut eanut lpeanut lpeanut eanut peanut size peanut size peanut size eanul size peanut, out of shell, one nul pencil eraser inky finQema iJ uarter uarteroffifty~entpiece Ag e 31-45 31-45 60+ ?? 46-59 22-30 60+ 46-59 31-45 22-30 22-30 22-30 31-45 60+ 31-45 8-12 31-45 22-30 8-12 31-45 46-59 46-59 31-45 31-45 31-45 46-59 31-45 31-45 46-59 19-21 5-7 46-59 60+ 46-59 60+ 31-45 46-59 46-59 60+ 8-12 31-45 8-12 16-18 22-30 22·30 5-7 22·30 Gender M M M M F M M M M M F F M M ?1 F F M F F F F M F F F M M M F M F F M F F F M F F M M M F F F 31~5 M M 60+ 13-15 46-59 F M M IEducation I post Qrad some colle e cst grad undergrad undergrad hiah school elementary hiQh school undergrad hklh school some colle e some college under~rad ost grad hklh school elementary underQrad high school elementary hiqh school undergrad underQrad lpest grad some college [post grad high school IDosl Qrad high school underQrad Some College elementary higtl school Some College hiQh school high school some colleQe high school some colleQe higtl school elementary hJgt1 school elementary somecolle~ some college underQrad \undergrad some colleoe under rad some college higtl school high school Visiting Pattern 2x1monlh 2xfseason 2xfseason 2x1season 2x1season 1xiseason lx/season lxfseason rarely 2x1season lxfmonth lxfseaso n 2x1monlh 2xfseason 2xfseason l x/season 3xfseason l x/season h e/season 2x1season lx/month 2x1season rarely'" lx/season 2x1month lx/season 1xfseason 2x/month first time visitor 2xfseason first time visitor 1x/season 2x/season rarely 1xlseason 2-3x1season 4x/season 2x/season 2xfseason 2x/season 2x/season 2x/season first time visitor 5-6x1season l x1month 2x1season first time visitor 2x1month first time visitor lx/season 1x1season A ba by kangaroo is called a joey_ How big is a joey at birth? Respo nse size of midd le fin gerna il small, 1 Ib at most sz of rain o f rice sz of qrape sz of jelly bean sz of iellv bean sz of jelly _bean sz of "el ly bean sz of jeU}1>ean sz of kidney bean sz of lima bean sz of pencil eraser sz of pencil eraser sz of pinky fin er sz of pi nky fi nqer sz of seed teaspoon teaspoon teeny-tiny very little walnut 1 - 2 ounces 1 112 inches 1 Ib '-2 inches 1-2 inches 1-2 inches '-2 inches 1·2 inches 1-2 inches '·2 inches 1-2 inch es 1-2 inches 1-2 Ibs 1-2 lbs 15 ounces 2 112 Ibs 2 inches 2 inches 2 inches 2 inches 2 inches 2 inches 2 pounds 2-3 inches 2-3 inches 3 - 4 inches 3 inches 3 ounces 6 inches 6-7 inches AJie Gen der 60+ 46-59 3 1-45 M M M M F F F F F F M M M F F F M 3 1 ~5 31-45 60+ 46-59 8-12 31 -4 5 22-30 60+ 46-59 13-1 5 46-59 13-15 31 -4 5 31-45 31-45 31-45 22 -30 60+ 3145 8 -12 19-2 1 8-1 2 60+ 46-59 46-59 46-59 46-59 31-45 60+ 31 -4 5 F ?? F M F M F F M M F F M F M F 3 1~ 5 F 60· 31-45 60+ 22-30 31-45 19-21 31-45 31 -4513-15 46-59 6-12 31 -45 22-30 46-59 46-59 31-45 60+ M 7? M M F M F M F F ?? 7 M F M M F Ed ucatio n undergrad some colleqe undergrad underQrad undergrad underQrad lJ'9s1 grad elementary under9!ad undergrad IDOsl o rad Ipost grad hiQh school lpost g rad hiq h school hi9b school under fad underq rad under rad unde rgrad ~igtl school I post rad elementary some college elementary some col!ege undergrad hioh school some college some colleqe some college DOst Qrad und ergrad som e colleqe post grad some colle e DOst Qrad hig h school some colleqe hi h school hiQh school po st grad elementary som e college elementary underQrad ost grad hiQh school ost g rad ost Qrad lpost grad Visitins.. Pattern firs t time visitor first time visitor 2·3x/season first time visitor l x/season first time visitor first time visitor l x/season 2x/mo nth lx/month first tim e visitor rarely l x/season rarely l x/season 2x/season lx/season 3-4x/season 1xlmonth 2x1month 2x1season first time visitor l x/season 1 xlseason 2x/season 1x/season 4-5x/season once every two ~ears 1x/seasom lx1season 1x/month 2x1season first time visitor 1x/season firs! time visitor 2x/month 4-6x1season l x/season 1x/season 1x/season rarely 2x1season first time visitor 2x1month 3x1season 1x1week fi rst time visitor 3x1season 2x1season 2x1month 1 x1season A baby kangaroo is called a joey. How big is a joey at birth? Response 6-8 inches Bounces a few Inches a few inches bit 9ra e and orf ball bit grape and golf ball bit grape and gf)lfbalJ bit gra e and golfball biQ as fist cell phone few inches olfball size IQalfball size less than 1 Ib less than 1 lb. few inches size of little fi noer sz of baseball glove sz of Qolf ball sz of mouse sz of palm of hand thumb 1 112 feet 1 112 feet 1 112 feet 1 foot 1 fOOl 1 fool 1 foot 1 foot 1 foot 1.5 feel 10lbs 10lbs 10-12 inches 12 inches 19 inches 2 feel 2 feet 2 feet 2 feet, small bush 2 pounds 2 pounds 2 limes human baby 20 inches 20lbs 20 pounds 20 pounds 3 feel 3 pounds 3 pounds 3-4 feet Age Gender 5-7 22-30 F F 19-12 31-45 M 22-30 16-18 46-59 22-30 31-45 22-30 60+ 31-45 46-59 31-45 3 1-45 31-45 5-7 31-45 60+ 8-12 22-30 !;-7 31-45 1S-18 8-12 22-30 5-7 31-45 31 -45 13-15 !;-7 46-59 22-30 22-30 31 -45 8-12 31 -4 5 5-7 5-7 8-12 22-30 31-45 19-21 22-30 22-30 31-45 22-30 22-30 22-30 31-45 19-21 F F F F F F F M M F F F M M M M M M M M F M ?? ?? F F M F F F F F M ?? F F F F M F M M F F M M F F Education elementary DOst orad some co\fege ost orad high school hiQh school some colle e high school hi h school high school unde.iQrad undergrad hiQh school osl grad underQrad some college elementary hiah school high school elementary high school elementary hioh school elemenlary elementary high school re-elementary some college high school elementary re-elementary underQrad undergrad hiQh school underg rad elementary underarad elementary elementary elementary SomeColleoe undergrad some colleQe ~h school undergrad Visiting Pattern 4-5x/season 2x/season lx/season rarefy first time visitor lx/season 2x/season 1x/month lx/season 2x1seasan firsl time visitor lx/season lx/season rarely 2x/season 3-4x/seasan l x/season first time visitor first time visitor lx1season 1x/season l x1season 2x1season l X/season 4-5x1season 1x1season lx/season first time visitor first time visitor l x/season lx/season l x/season 2x1season 1x/season 2X1season 1x1season 2x1month 1xlseason first time visitor 1x1season l x/season l x/season 1x/season 2x1season rarely first time visitor ~stQrad high school 2x1season first time visitor some colleae 2x/season Ipost rad Some ColleQe rarely high school rarely A baby kangaroo is called a joey . How big is a joey at birth? Res oonse 41eet 4 feellal! 40lbs 40 ocunds Sibs Sibs 5 Ibs 5 Ibs 5Dounds 500unds 5-10 DOunds 8Pounds a li"1e btaoer than a baseball bit can of clOOand shoe bIt shoe and loaf of bread basketball size between can of DO and shoe between aolf ball and cell ohone do not know doo or cat fist four-vear-old human babv human baby kitten kitten loaf of bread toaf o f bread mouse racoon shoe shoe small stuffed animaf sz of bia doa 52 of bTiJdoa sz of foolball sz of football sz of hand sz o f human babv sz of human babY sz of human babv sz of hu man babY sz of human babY sz of loaf of bread sz of rat sz of shoe sz o f sm all doa AOe Gender 8- 12 8-12 31-45 22-30 22-30 46-59 22-30 8-12 13-15 31-45 4&-59 60+ 8-12 8-12 22-30 31-45 22-30 3 1--45 8-12 60+ 8-12 8-12 5-7 19-21 3 1-45 22-30 5-7 5-7 3 1-45 22-30 19-21 22-30 5-7 8-12 5-7 13-15 8-12 31-45 8-12 5-7 5-7 22-30 13-15 3 1-45 31-45 13-1 5 8-1 2 F F ?? M F F F ?? F ?? F M F F ?? M F F M F ?? M F F M M M M M F F M F F F F F M F M F F M F M M ?? Educatio n Visitina PaHern elementary lx/month elementarv lx/month 4)(}year hiQh school elementarv l x/season hiqh school 1x1season some colleqe 2xJseason undergrad lx/season elementary l x/season elementary 1x/season post rad 1x1season some col\eae once every two vears post Qrad lx/month elementarv 2x/month elementary 1x/season underorad 2x/month ost orad first time visitor hi h school rarely hiah school rarel elementary l x/season hiah school 2x1season elem entary 1x/season first time visitor elem enta/V elementarv l x/season some colleqe 2x1season underorad 2x1season unde rgrad l x1season elementarv lx/season re-elementarY first time visitor ost rad lx/season some colleoe rarelv hiqh school lx/season unde rorad 5x1season elementary 1 xJmonth elementary l x1season elementary lx1season hiQh school first time visitor elem entarv 2x1season ost Qrad first time visitor elementarv first time visitor re-elementary 3-4x1season re-elementarv 1x1season undergrad 2x1season elementarv 1x1season loost orad 2x1season hiQh school 2x1season elementary first time visitor elementary 1 xlmonth What are ma(supial babies doing in the mother's pouCh? A e Response eatinQ 5-7 5-7 eatin ~ . qrowing eatin I. growing 5-7 rowing 5-7 5-7 Igrowin 5-7 usl sittinQ there Hvintl in it 5-7 looking around 5-7 5-7 lookinQ for food mom carrying it because it can't ho v 5·7 nothinQ. 'ust sittinQ 5-7 5-7 ridiQg 5-7 sittin in there 5-7 sleeoinQ 5-7 sleeping sleeping 5-7 8-12 do not know 8-12 do not know 8-12 do not know eatin 8 12 eatin 8-12 8 -12 eatinQ 8-12 eatin 8-1 2 eating mothers milk 8-12 eating, growing 8-12 eating, sleeping eatinQ, sleeoinQ 8-1 2 rowing 8-12 rowinQ 8·1 2 8-12 lssowinfl 8-12 Igrowing 8-1 2 Igrowinq, sleepinQ 8-12 living in it rotection 8-12 sleepil}9. 8-12 8-1 2 sleepin 8-12 sleeoinq 8·12 sleeping 8-12 stavinQ there, han~ inQ out warmth 8-12 maturing (g(owing: ?? 13·15 deveJopinQ 13-15 do not know do not know 13-1 5 13-1 5 eating_, sleepin9.rOwing 13-15 \Qrowinq 13-15 13-15 Igrowing 13-15 sleeoinQ 13-15 sleepin 16-18 eating Gender ?? F M F F M M F F M F F F M M F M F F M F M F M F ?? F F ?? M F M ?? ?? M F F F F F M F F M M M F F M M F Edu cation (e-elemen tary underarad elementary elementary elementary re-elementary elementary elementary (e-elementary el ementary elementary l ore-elementary elementary lore-elementary elementary elementary elementary elementary elementary elementarv elementary elementary elementary elementary elementarv elementary elementary elementary elementary elementary elementary elementary elemenlary elementary elementary elementary elementary elementarv ele mentary elementary under rad elementary elementa hiQh school elementary high school hiQh school high school elementary elementary hi h school Visiting PaMern l x/season 2x/season 1x/season 1xlseason l x/season 3-4x/season first time visitor lx1season l x/season 1x/season lx/month l x/season first time vis itor first time visitor lx/season 4-5x1season 1x/season 1x/season first time visitor 4· 5x/season lx/season first time visitor 1x/month 1x/season 2x1season lx/month 2x/season l x/season 3x1season 2x/season lx/season 1x1season l x/season lx1season 1xlseason 2x1season 1x1season 1x/month 2x1month 1x/season 2x1season 1 xlseason first time visitor l x/season l x1season 1x1season first time visitor 1 xlseason first time visitor 1x/season 1x1season What are marsu pial babies doing in the mother's pouch ? Response eal~. growinQ. oroteclion sining, nursing (eating ) nestinQ and eating eatin eating. ha~ i ng out eatinQ , sleepinQ \growing rowing warmth warmth. rowin . sleepinS.being carried (transportation chillin' out eating eatino eatin eating eatinQ eatino eatin eating , developing eatin9J developinQ eatin , growing eatinQ . growing eatin9....Jlrowina eating. growing eating , growing eatinSL....growina eating, rowin ealinQ. Qrowing eating......9rowinc eating . hanging out eatinQ. sleepinQ eating sle~ p in9. eating, warmth IQrowinQ Igrowing . Igrowing. eating, sleeping how they Qet around (transoortation keepin warm lace where Ihey live safety, securi sleeping sJeepinQ . protection slee ina. warmth warmth . protection do not know eatin eating eatino eating eatinQ Age 16-18 16-1B 19- 12 19-21 19-21 19-21 19-21 19-21 19-21 19-21 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22 -30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 22-30 31-45 31-45 31 ~5 Gender M F F F M F F F F F M M M F M M M F M F M M F F F F F F F M F ?? 77 M F F M M F F F F F F M M M M 31 -45 F 3 1~5 M M 31 -45 Visi ting Pattern Education first time visitor some colleae elementary lx/season l x/season some colleQe 1x/season some col\eae hi h school l x/season lx/season some colleQe some colleae 2x/season Some College 2x/season rarel hiQh school hiah school lx/season underQrad 5x/season first time visitor some colleoe hi h schOol l x/season l x/seaSOn underQrad hi h school l x/season first time visitor os! rad hiQh school lx/season rarely hia h school l x/season hi h school some college lx/month first time visitor some colleae rarelv undergrad lx/season some college l x/month undertlrad Some Co!! e lx/season ost grad 2x/season 2x/season hiah school undergrad 2x/month some college 5-6x/season 2x/season I DOS! arad undergrad 2x/season underQrad 2x/monlh l x/season high school lx/season undergrad hiClh school l x/month hiah school first time visitor 2x/season high school elementary 1xJseason some college rarelv 2x/season unde~ rad hiah school lx/season 1x1season h~ h school 2x1season hioh school underorad 1x/month 2x/season hi h school first time viSitor hioh school hiah school 2x/season I",stgrad 1x1season 2xiseason underQrad hig h SChool 2x/month undergrad first time visitor What are marsupial babies doing in the mother's pouch? Response eatin ealin~ eatinQ eati n j, growing eatinQ , qrowinQ ealin :, growing eatinQ, QrowinQ eating , growing eatinQ , qrowinQ eating, growing eating , qrowinQ eatino , QrowinQ eat;n I. growin eatina, arowinq eatin , rowing. rotection eating, protection eating , ~otection eating. sleeping ealina, sleepinQ eating, sleeping eatinQ, sleepinq eating , sleeping eating. sleeping , growing eat~ sleepino. orowino eating . slee ping, growing eatina , sleeoinQ , DQopinQ eating , warmth, trans ortation lorowing Igrowing larowinQ Igrowing_ rowing [growin>l rowing rowinQ rowin rowinQ (owin rowinQ !growin ,eati ng, stee~ng learnina how to be ad ults matu ringJg ro win 91 resting ridinQ sleeping sleeoino sleeping sleeoinQ warmth warmth eatin~. warmth Age 31 -45 31 -45 31-45 31-45 31 -45 31-45 31-45 31 -45 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 31 -45 31-45 31-45 31-45 31-45 31 -45 31-45 31-45 Gender M M F M 7 ?? M M F F F F M M M M F F F F M ?? F 71 31-45 F F F M ?? F F F M F F F M F M F ?? 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