Residential Applications of Sustainable Stormwater Techniques To Alleviate Combined Sewer Overflow Garfield Heights, Ohio An Honors Thesis (LA 404) by Jarlath L Caldwell Thesis Advisor Carla Corbin Ball State University Muncie, Indiana 8 May 2009 9 May 2009 Graduation Abstract The issue of water quality is often associated with the city of Cleveland, Ohio, usually for its historical lack of concern. Since the inception of the Clean Water Act, there has been a nationwide reduction in point source pollution that has contaminated our waterways. While that source of pollution has been reduce, urban centers that are serviced by a Combined Sewer System (CSS) still emptying raw sewage into waterways as a result of Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO). CSO is a result of an excessive amount of "waste" water that enters the system over a short period of time that is often the result of a storm event. Through a new approach to stormwater infrastructure, the amount of wastewater that enters one of Cleveland's CSS's shall be reduced by designing the residential network of a community to incorporate Green Infrastructure practices. The residential landscape presents the ideal instrument through which stormwater management can be implemented along with educating the residents of a community about their impact upon the broader reality of CSO and the quality of our waterways. Can you find the river that first made the city? Look behind the unkempt industry, cross the grassy railroad tracks and you will find the rotting piers and there is the great river, scummy and brown, wastes and sewage bobbing easi~v up and down with the tide, endlessly renewed. -Ian McHarg, 1969 Design With Nature Acknowledgements Foundation To my family for their continued love and support. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa, Mom, Dad, Taige, Darragh, Benvy and Kat Guidance A special thanks to Carla Corbin who helped me through the process and structure of my project, and to the faculty of Ball State University Landscape Architecture Inspiration To the 2009 Graduating Class of Landscape Architecture from Ball State University RESIDENTIAL APPLICATIONS OF SUSTAINABLE STORMWATER TECHNIQUES To Alleviate C01nbined Sewer Overflow Garfield Heights, OH larlath L. Caldwell Ball State University I. ABSTRAC( The issue of water quality is often associated with the city of Cleveland, Ohio, usually for its historical lack of concern. Since the inception of the Clean Water Act, there has been a nationwide reduction in point source pollution that has contaminated our waterways. While that source of pollution has been reduce, urban centers that are serviced by a Combined Sewer System (CSS) still emptying raw sewage into waterways as a result of Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO). CSO is a result of an excessive amount of "waste" water that enters the system over a short period of time that is often the result of a storm event. Through a new approach to stormwater infrastructure, the amount of wastewater that enters one of Cleveland's CSS's shall be reduced by designing the residential network of a community to incorporate Green Infrastructure practices. The residential landscape presents the ideal instrument through which stormwater management can be implemented along with educating the residents of a community about their impact upon the broader reality of CSO and the quality of our waterways. Can youjind the river thatfirst made the city? Look behind the unkempt industry, cross the grassy railroad trach and you will jind the rotting piers and there is the great rive!; scummy and brown, wastes and sewage bobbing easily up and down with the tide, endlessly renewed. -Ian McHarg, 1969 Design With Nature Figure 1.1 Urban Waterwa:v ( Chapter 1 Abstract 1 IIi .. CKNOWLEDGEMENTS Foundation To my family for their continued love and support. Thank you Grandma and Grandpa, Mom, Dad, Taigc, Darragh, Bcnvy and Kat Guidance A special thanks to Carla Corbin who helped me through the process and structure of my project, and to the faculty of Ball State University Landscape Architecture Inspiration To the 2009 Graduating Class of Landscape Architecture from Ball State University Chapter II Achnowledgements 2 III INTRODUCTION The importance of water can often be overlooked. It flows through our cities and falls from the skies. Yet over the last half decade, it has become apparent the effect we as a society have had on this natural resource. The cause has been both ignorance and self gain at the expense of the environment. In man's quest for wealth, waterways were treated as highways and pollution dumps. The infrastructure of the past must now be remedied by the coming generation of designers and ecologists. Today's pollution sources are leaked from our cities and our homes through a sewer system that is prone to overflowing. The rain that falls is no longer staying where it lands, but is being carried off into this same system that treats our waste. It is time to reassess the issue and it begins with our homes. The city is composed of varying parts and functions with equally varying amounts of impervious surfaces, yet that is something that ties all human development together. The coating of our earth with development causes the same issue wherever it is applied. The urban core is dominated equally by the consolidation of people and the structures and systems that house our efficiency. Rooftops to roads create an infrastructure of economic development, but also pollution. Beyond this harsh hardscaped landscape and the public mass are the residential neighborhoods built around the family unit and community. Working with these personal elements of humanity, an acceptable sustainable solution has been created to address our water quality dilemma because it is a human goal to strive for the health of our planet and our future. We can no longer plead ignorance after the effects of our actions are known. The city is of human creation, currently in disharmony with the naturally hydraulic world that flows through and beneath it. The steps that need to be taken to return to our natural harmony will begin in our homes and each individuals attempt at solving water pollution. Chapter III Introduction 3 IV ;'ABLE OF CONTENTS Garfield Heights Analysis, continued Preliminary Analysis 1 Xv. 2 XVI. XVII. Type A Roadway 45 Table of Contents 3 4 XVIII. Type BRoadway Table of Figures 5 XIX. Type C Roadway 46 47 Defining the Issue 6-9 10-11 XX. Zoning Investigation 48 XXI. Type 1 Residence 49 Envisioned Project Goals & Objectives 12 XXII. Type 2 Residence 50 51 VIII. Benefits of Design 13 IX. Definition ofTenns 14 I. II. III. IV. IVa. V. VI. VII. Abstract Acknowledgements I ntroducti on The Philosophy of Water Stonnwater Generation Right of Way Analysis 42-43 44 XXIII. Type 3 Residence Green Infrastructure X. Green Infrastructure 15-16 XL Precedent Studies 17-22 Garfield Heights Analysis Design XXIV. Residential Green Infrastructure 52 Detailed Designs XXv. Type A- 114th S1. Design 53-55 XXVI. Type B- Thornton Ave. Design 56-58 XXVII. Type C- 117th St. Design 59-61 XXVIII.Type 1 Residence Design 62-64 XII. Defining the Site 23-28 XXIX. Type 2 Residence Design XIII. Environmental Site Investigation 29-31 XXX. Type 3 Residence Design 65-67 68-70 Topography 29 Hydrology 29 XXXI. Works Cited 71 Soil Analysis 30 31 ApendixA NEORSD Information Apendix B Soil Description 72 73 Winter Impact XlV. Investigation ofImpervious Surfaces 32-41 Public Impervious Analysis Private Impervious Analysis Total Impervious Analysis 33-34 35-38 39-41 Chapter IV Table o.fContents 4 IV TABLE OF FIGURES Preliminary Analysis L V. VI. VIII. IX. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 1.1 5.1 5.2 5.3 Fig. 5.4-.5 Fig. 6.1 Fig. 6.2 Tab. 8.1 Fig. 9.1 1 6 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 Green Infrastructure X. XL Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 10.1-.2 10.3 11.1-.3 11.4-.5 11.6 11.7-.8 11.9 Fig. 11.10 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Garfield Heights Analysis XII. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. 12.1-.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6-.7 12.8 23 24 25 26 27 28 XIII. XlV. Fig. 1 la-b Tab. 13.1-.2 Fig. 13.2 Fig. 14.1 Fig. 14.2 Fig. 14.3 Fig. 14.4 Fig. 14.5 Fig. 15.1 Xv. Tab. 15.1 Fig. 15.2 Tab. 15.2 XVI. Fig. 16.1 XVII. Fig. 17.1-.3 XVIII. Fig. 18.1-.2 XIX. Fig. 19.1-.3 XX. Fig. 20.1 XXI. Tab. 21.1 XXII Tab. 1 Fig. 22.1-.2 XXIII Tab. 23.1 Fig. 23.1-.2 Design XXIV Fig. 24.1 XXV Fig. 25.1 Tab. 25.1-.2 Fig. 25.2 Fig. 25.3-4a,b 29 30 31 32 34 36 38 40 42 42 43 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 50 51 51 XXVI. Fig. 26.1 Tab. 26.1-.2 Fig. 26.2-.3 Fig. 26.4-.5 XXVII. Fig. 27.1 Tab. 27.1-.2 Fig. 27.2 XXVIII. XXIX. XXX. Fig. 27.3-.4 Tab. 28.1 Fig. 28.1-.2 Fig. 28.2 Fig. 28.3-.4 Tab. 29.1 Fig. 29.1-.2 Tab 29.2 Fig. 29.3-.4 Tab. 30.1 Fig. 30.1-.3 Tab. 30.2 Fig. 30.4-.5 56 57 57 58 59 60 60 61 62 62 63 64 65 65 66 67 68 68 69 70 52 53 54 54 55 Chapter IV Table of Figures 5 v.· EFINING THE ISSUE The course of development in the United States has been dependent upon the waterways along which we build our cities. Yet for all we have gained from our partnership, we have done little to ensure that the quality of water that leaves our cities is as pure as that which enters. Pollution has become a byproduct of our built environment, and it is therefore in that realm we as designers have the greatest influence. The current dilemma involving the pollution of our waterways can be derived from the basic questions of what, why, where and how. What is the cause o/Combined Sewer Overflow? Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) is the result of an existing infrastructure found throughout the United States. In total, 772 urban centers have integrated the Combined Sewer System to address human wastewater (USEPA, 2008). The Combined Sewer System (CSS) functions through a subsurface conveyance system that transports wastewater from human developed areas to a wastewater treatment facility. Due to its below ground infrastructure, the system is inelastic and unable to fluctuate with the changing demand on the system. CSO is a defense measure of the CSS designed to deal with an excessive amount of wastewater by dumping raw, untreated sewage into surrounding waterways. The American urban framework has been expanding and increasing the impervious surface area above the existing CSS's, thereby increasing the demand ofthe CSS. Expanding the system would require demolition of existing surface development to access the subsurface CSS. Likewise current expansions to CSS's are in themselves below grade installations and therefore inflexible solutions to an inflexible system. • What is the cause of Combined Sewer Overflow? • Why is wastewater exceeding the potential ofthe System? • Where is CSO most pertinent? • How is CSO allowed to remain prevalent in our society? \. Dry Weather lW..C' ~~; Figure 5.1 CSO Diagram: Wet.: Dry Conditions Chapter V Defining the l5sue 6 Why is wastewater exceeding the potential of the System? The excessive amounts of urban wastewater can be derived from our social definition of what wastewater is composed of. Currently, wastewater is defined as the collective volume of domestic and commercial sewage, industrial wastewater, and rainwater runoff (USEPA, 2008). Existing CSS's are capable of treating the demand of wastewater coming from the residential, commercial, and industrial sectors; the issue of CSO arises when the changing demand of rainfall is added to the system. It is from this current definition of wastewater, one which treats all water that has touched human development as equal, that the issue exists when in fact there are varying degrees of waste in our waters. Rain that falls to the earth and touches our development does not require the same attention to treatment that industrial wastewater or human waste demands. Where is CSO most pertinent? The CSS can be found across the United States. Its largest concentrations occur along the East Coast, the Pacific Northwest and the Midwest United States. Extensive attention and projects addressing the issue Figure 5.2 CSS Nationwide Locations of stormwater can be found in both the Pacific Northwest and the East Coast in How has CSO been allowed to remain such areas as Portland, Seattle, Philadelphia, prevalent in our infrastructure? Washington D. C. and Mary land (see Chapter Pollution is not allowed to exist without XI: Precedent Studies). public acceptance. Pollution is the price However the Midwest has undergone our environment pays for gro\\-1h and minimal measures in altering CSS's advancement. It is often seen as the beyond the conventional grey infrastructure byproduct of industry, or an outside source expansion. The success of the East and West beyond the realm of personal connection, Coasts lies in the implementation of Green however wastewater is the product of each Infrastructure, applications utilizing the individual person. natural benefits of evaporation, transpiration, The existing system has been successfully infiltration, and retention, to expand the kept out of the public realm and therefore function of the CSS by focusing on the public concern of where our water goes surface storage and reduced peak flow of once it enters the drain. This water does storrnwater runoff. not emerge again until it is fully treated, The Midwest has been lagging behind in or in the event of CSO, when the system is this respect. The waterways that defined the overtaxed. Green Infrastructure integrates industry and ergo the cities in the Midwest people into the process of stormwater are still under stress of pollution and in need treatment within their communities and of a solution. streets increasing the awareness of water pollution. Chapter V Defining the b;sue 7 Pr ing Needs Rainfall levels CSO has numerous issues that stem from within the system itself, yet there are still more influences that we as people have little ability to alter. These overarching influences have been set in place with the only potential course of action being reaction. Increased rainfall levels coupled with growing impervious surfaces are two elements that provide negligible benefits to storm water generation and exponential costs to our existing CSS's On September 13th 2008, Chicago, Illinois experienced a 500 year storm, which measured up to nine inches of rainfall over a 24 hour period. As a result, 11 billion gallons of CSO entered Lake Michigan, the source of Chicago's drinking water, and 50 billion gallons of eso into the Mississippi River. (Camarata, 2009 p. 9). This example showcases the result of the full range in rainfall potential. 16,000 ~ 0 tt: 12.000 (L) > 0 (L) ~ 8.000 c<:: .....l 5,000 2.000 19505 1960s 19705 1980s 1990s 2000s A 500 year stonn is a rare occurrence yet the results of its power have been seen, and the trend over the last century has shown that rain events are growing in intensity. From the first half of the 20th century to the second, there has been a 36% increase in the design rainfall level, meaning municipal stormwater designers have to build systems to account for more waste stormwater (Ibid., p.12). To provide a hypothetical example, a designed storm event level of a 2 inch rainfall from the first half of the century would have to be increased to a 2.72 inch designed level by today's standards. In order for the city of Chicago to maintain the same service it has from the first half of the century to todays standards, the city would need to increase the diameter of every sewer pipe by 17% (Ibid., p.12). An alteration of the entire subsurface infrastructure of Chicago is needed just to maintain the required treatment capacity as set by the city standards. Figure 5.3: Total Chicago CSO by Decade (Camarata, p. 10) Chapter V Defining the l'isue: Pressing Needs 8 ( By disrupting the natural process of the water cvcle , the touch of human influence has entered into a detrimental mentality of water where polluted waterways have become the norm within developed cities. Impervious growth Along with growing environmental pressures, the human landscape has expanded the demand of existing infrastructure. The course of development measures success based on the expanse of human development. As expansion enters into natural, rural tracts of land, an impervious layer of development is blanketing the earth. Continuing with Chicago as a case study, between the years of 1982 and 1997, the city's population increased by 12%. During that same time period, the measure of developed land increased by 25% (Ibid., p. 9). For every unit of population gain, twice as many units of development are occurring. . Figure 5.4 Population vs. Urban Land Growth 1982-1997 (Camarata, p.14) The nationwide trend, Figure 5.2, follows a similar pattern revealing a pressing national crisis as we are not only continuing to expand our existing infrastructure, but through doing so, have reduced the infiltration potential for growing rainfall levels. With the growth Chicago has experienced since 1982, the region has experienced a 10-24 billion gallon loss in infiltration and potential recharge of groundwater tables (Ibid., 9). Figure 5.5 Urban Sprmll/, Las Vegas NV ( The current course of development has created a barrier over the earth's surface that has contributed to rising water pollution events and falling water tables. Chapter V Defining the Issue: Pressing Need~ 9 VI rHE PHILOSOPHY OF WATER Water and life exist in a living partnership. The waters that flow through us as human beings is the same that falls on our lands and gets swept away to the oceans. The waterways of our bodies translate to the natural world upon which we have built our civilizations. Life has come to the point where advancement is a product of natural exploitation. In 1969, Ian McHarg analyzed the developed world epitomized by the industrialized American cities, and the course urban development has undertaken since the industrial revolution. The highly philosophical approach of McHarg questions the decisions of how our society has advanced in the past by looking at the current results of those decisions. Among the many exploitations of earth, waterways have borne the burden of carrying the results of our advancement. "Can you find the river that first made the city? Look behind the unkempt industry, cross the grassy railroad tracks and you will find the rotting piers and there is the great river, scummy and brown, wastes and sewage bobbing easily up and down with the tide, endlessly renewed" (Ibid., p. 21). We have all seen this image, and if not, it can be pictured through his words. Somehow, against our economist mind set, it does not seem right. This living partnership between water and life has been wronged. "If nature receives attention, then it is only for the purpose of conquest, or even better exploitation. We have but one explicit model of the world and that is built upon economics" (McHarg 1992, p. 25). determine how it came to be. Economic growth is the central driving force for our exploitation of the earth coupled with a removal of the byproducts of production, pollution and waste, partially through our waterways. Urban waste removal became coupled with water systems to create CSS's. The conventional urban system for water conveyance relied on collection and rapid disposal of stormwater, accomplished through burying or encapsulating many of the existing smaller creeks, and routing the collected stormwater to the major surrounding waterways, wastewater became a waste stream to be disposed of as quickly and efficiently as possible (Leib, Maimone and Neukrug 2008, p. 615). As he states, the purpose of our growth has become human oriented rather than natural. He continued to analyze the built world that has been spurred by the economic mind set and assesses the effects upon the natural world. For all that water has given us; our gift to nature is pollution and alteration to natural hydrology. The end result was not achieved over a year nor a decade, but generations. To understand this shift in our view towards the landscape, it becomes impOltant to Figure 6.1: Cuyahoga River Industrial Waterfront (wwl>~clevelandmemoryorg) Chapter VI The Philosophy of Water 10 Water and waste were seen as similar products to be removed as quickly from the urban setting as possible through existing waterways. The collected runoff carves out existing streams increasing slopes of banks leading to further erosion issues. A loss of infiltration and groundwater recharge in the surrounding watershed combines with a depression in normal water levels in the stream system to lower the regional water table and starve the stream during periods of drought (Farr 2008, p. 175). The increase in peak flows that erode stream banks and at the same time remove water table recharge is a result of the all encompassing definition of "waste" water. Figure 6.2 Aerial view ofthe Cuyahoga River as it passes through Cleveland (\rww.clevelandmemory org) Chapter VI The Philosophy of Water 11 VI ENVISIONED PROJECT GOALS & OBJECTl 2S The integration of Green Infrastructure throughout the urban framework would be the ideal solution to the CSO issue, however acceptance of such a measure would be unexpected until the public became aware of the need for Green Infrastructure. Therefore, the location of this pilot project shall be in a residential community, worked into the public right of ways and private residences of the people in a demonstration of influence to show the residents that they are part of the issue and therefore, they are part of the solution. Desien Goals I. II. III. Incorporate the use of Green Infrastructure to manage stormwater 1. Improve water quality and reduce nonpoint source pollution deposition in surrounding waterways n. Naturalize stormwater management design to alleviate CSO challenge HI. Increase stormwater detention capacity IV. Decrease stormwater discharge to adjacent waterway Enhance the neighborhood livability, connectivity 1. Green street emphasis with focus on the pedestrian scale I!. Improve pedestrian circulation through sidewalks and public trail connections Ill. Community ownership of the stonnwater systems Expand the function of public right of ways 1. Beyond service and circulation towards stormwater treatment 11. The Design Goals center on the installation of Green Infrastructure and build on the environmental and social benefits of a natural system within a developed region. Ill. Stomlwater retention Street Tree Initiative Project Publication Objectives I. II. III. IV. Provide Clarity for Designers & Developers 1. Create a design standard document for residential based Best Management Practices utilizing Green Infrastructure to address stormwater management 11. Expand beyond the realm of the subsurface grey system Improve sustainable storm water management 1. Implement Green Infrastructure Best Management Practices to address stormwater 11. Naturalized surface treatment, detention of stormwater Improve Neighborhood identity Economically feasible integration of Green Infrastructure Chapter VII Envisioned Project Goals & Objectives 12 vII: BENEFITS OF DESIGN ~ ~ Evaporation, Infiltration, Transpiration, Retention Reduced influence of the grey c'ommunity on lifestyle Ed~catjonofth~ pu~lic Personal·· Impro'V~ the on the· environmental issues oftheir community . accountability:for community thl'ough a common goal NaturalSolutions to Human· Problems runoffgenerat~ sense of from private lots Table 8. I: The Bentifits oj Design Matrix When determining the measure of benefit With conscientious, sustainable design, the created through design, it is important to ecological and societal systems of the site identify the benefactors of an improved along with the water cycle, all gain from the environment. The scope of design and components of design. The matrix of growth cliental goes beyond the group covering the that results from the integration of design monetary cost and encompasses the realm of users, both human and naturaL and cliental, creates an improved, holistic Chapter VIII community where the gain filters into all components of the site. Benefits of Design 13 lX ilEFINITION OF TERMS Combined Sewer System (CSS) - A wastewater treatment system incorporated in 772 American urban centers that combines all forms of human influenced waters from our built environment into wastewater to be treated at a wastewater treatment facility (EPA). CSS Wastewater- rainwater runoff, domestic sewage, commercial and industrial wastewater Combined Sewer Overflow (CSO) - During periods of heavy rainfall or snowmelt the wastewater volume in a CSS can exceed the capacity of the treatment plant, and therefore the excess wastewater into local waterways untreated. Grey Infrastructure The existing subsurface framework of the CSS composed of culverts and storage basins for transportation and detention of wastewater. Green Infrastructure A sustainable design system built around the natural processes of evaporation. transpiration, infiltration, and natural retention in the built landscape to address environmental issues. Point Source Pollution - A single, identifiable source and location of pollution Figure 9.1 Roadway curb bumpout Portland, OR Nonpoint Source Pollution - A diffuse pollution source brought about by runoff along impervious surfaces collecting natural and human made pollutants. Outfallshed - The region that contributes wastewater to a treatment facility and the impervious surface area that causes CSO. Impervious Surface - Human development that does not allow for water infiltration, asphalt, concrete Public Right of Way The surface of, and space within, through, on, across, above or below, any public street and any other land dedicated or otherwise designated for a compatible public use, which is owned or controlled by the City. Runoff- The portion of rainfall, melted snow, or irrigation water that flows across the ground surface and is eventually returned to water resources. Tree Lawn The area within the public right of way between the roadway and public sidewalks Chapter IX Definition of Terms 14 X.l REEN INFRASTRUCTURE Green Infrastructure is a term becoming as common as sustainability, yet the understanding of these terms requires a specific description for the intended function. The key to the design concept of Green Infrastructure is derived from its functionality within the built landscape to reinstitute the natural benefits of evaporation, transpiration, infiltration, and detention that have been lost within the urban setting. Through the reapplication of natural processes within the built environment, the benefits of Green Infrastructure enhance the function and lifespan of existing grey infrastructure. Along with the mutual enhancement to existing infrastructure, Green Infrastructure has been proven to be an effective tool in reducing stormwater runoff, a cost saving practice in comparison to conventional infrastructure, and instills numerous community benefits beyond stormwater management (Camarata 2009, p.23). Figure 10.1 Impervious private driveway (Rooftops to Rivers) Applications of successful projects shall be addressed in chapter XI. The projects in the following chapter have been installed for the purpose of improving increased CSS demands. The municipalities that piloted these projects understood the hidden cost of human development. When our wetlands and forests are removed, society incurs a cost not accounted for in the economic market. Green Infrastructure is a balance between the natural, measurable function of a project, and the aesthetic quality that can be integrated within an existing community. The range of project types is diverse and range from private to public installations. Residential land use provides the ideal location to implement Green Infrastructure design due to the quantity and quality it offers. When looking down on a city, it is apparent that density subsides when moving away from the central urban core and fades into the suburban reaches of human development. A study of the Washington D.C. greater area revealed that 46% oftotal rooftop areas within the district are of the residential type (Busiek, Molloy, Sullivan, Upchurch and Whitlow 2008, p. 619). Our society is entering into a period where the effects of our actions are becoming apparent in daily life as the degraded health of our ecosystems is on the threshold of individual concern. Figure 10.2 Tree fawn rain gardens (Camarata, p . ./) Chapter X Green lT~frastructure 15 Likewise as density drops from almost 100% impervious within the urban core outwards, a patchwork network of underutilized green spaces provide future project locations for Green Infrastructure. The majority of residential land includes green space, which provides the dual benefit of green space, and personal interaction. CSO water pollution is a nonpoint source pollution with no individual polluter. The CSO outfall is the point source for a societal contamination that can be narrowed down to each individual within that society as contributors to the issue. The social disconnect can be corrected through the installation of Green Infrastructure by bringing the issue to the residents of a community through community projects and raising their awareness that through these projects, a community can make a difference. Figure 10.3 Residential Green Street (Camarata, p. 1) Chapter X Green b?frastructure 16 XI. PRECEDENT STUDIL , Two regions of the United States have been responsible for the majority of pilot Green Infrastructure projects. The Pacific Northwestern cities of Portland and Seattle, along with the East Coast cities of Philadelphia and Washington D.C. have been at the forefront of Green Infrastructure on the public scale. Figure 11.1 Reduced impervious surface ( Figure ll.2 Curb bumpouf storm wafer inlet ( Figure 11.3 Successful installations of Green Infrastructure to date have not been possible without municipal assistance. A large reason for this has been the lack of public understanding. This new principle and its numerous benefits have not been adequately understood by society. On the small scale, installations have been accepted by surrounding communities once the effects are known. Thanks to the work of the above mentioned cities, Green Infrastructure now has examples that can be referenced as proven projects that have improved the natural and societal quality of communities that have had the benefit of a pilot project. Green Infrastructure is the union of numerous design components; the following projects have successfully integrated these principles into cohesive stormwater treatment systems. Residential rain garden (www.beltramiswcdorg) Chapter XI Precedent Studies 17 SEA Street ~ tile, Washington SEA Street is a public roadway installation along a previously existing residential right of way. The city of Seattle chose to address the issue of impervious runoff and pollution capture by creating a Natural Drainage System (NDS), which mimics nature by increasing the ability of the local landscape to store and infiltrate runoff. The SEA Street pilot project was completed during the spring of 200 1. Bioretention swales, amended soils, plants, and a reduction in impervious roadway were the main components of the design, which perform the functions of improving water quality and quantity while reducing pollution and runoff velocity. Planted swales situated on both sides of the roadway provide natural conveyance of stormwater over a porous medium not only allowing rainwater to return to the earth, but capturing pollutants from the impervious surface such as oil and grease, heavy metals, pet waste, sediments, chemical fertilizers, and pesticides as well (Seattle Public Utilities, 2009). The resulting benefits of SEA Street, as shown in Table 11.1, spans the breadth systems present on any site. Through Green Infrastructure, it becomes possible to address the cross boundary benefits of functional design as it relates to Environmental, Social, and Stonnwater demands. In the case of SEA Street, measurements made since its completion in 2001 have proven Green Streets are able to retain on site stonnwater generation while reducing impervious surfaces. Figure 1l.5 Vegetated s.1'ale buffer ( Figure llA SEA Street aerial view (Camarata. p. 24) Chapter XI Precedent Study: St.A Street 18 Environmental Social Stormwater Filter Pollutants Low maintenance Increased root zone for water storage Community Involvement Hardscape Reduction Human/natural relationship growth Increased porous surface area Personal maintenance of street edges Pedestrian friep,dly Reduced traffic speed -Impervious surface reduced by 11 % Stormwater Reduction Increased infiltration to water table Decreased flooding potential 98-100 % reteo Hon of rainfalJ on site Native Plants '" ;" , . -.- Table 11.1: SEA Street Design Benefit Table An additional benefit of Green Infrastructure has been found as the functional capabilities of the practice have begun to enhance the surrounding communities. People are recognizing the -, - Residents are willing to pay more to live along Green Streets, which in the future may be a potential design development to try and revitalize communities through the street systems. aesthetic quality Green Streets are lending to a community adding natural substance to public right of ways along which residential housing units are increasing in value. A study across the Seattle municipal area, including SEA Street, has revealed that homes along Green Infrastructure projects have increased property values by 3.5-5% more than surrounding homes in the same zip code (MacMullan 2008, p. 3). Figure 11.6 Reduced drive lane width" ( Chapter XI Precedent Study: SEA Street 19 Si~ 'on Street Portland, Oregon The Pacific Northwest provides numerous Green Infrastructure examples to research. Siskiyou Street is an example of a project retrofit of an existing right of way to address the demand on the existing infrastructure. The 80 year old residential roadway received an alteration in 2006 from designer Kevin Perry. The design consisted of installing two curb extensions into the parking zone along both sides of the roadway. Curb extensions have been used by the City of Portland traditionally to provide improved pedestrian safety. Perry improved the function of these extensions by creating shallow depressions above the existing storm drains allowing stormwater to enter and infiltrate into the ground. The project totaled $15,000 and two weeks of installation \vith the benefit of these two T by 50' bumpouts collecting 10,000 sq ft of runoff from the roadway (ASLA, 2008). Through this simplistic and cost effective design, runoff that would have originally entered the CSS directly has now been given the opportunity to be retained for plant use and infiltration potential into the groundwater strata. Siskiyou provides an ideal example of a small scale, retrofit application on an existing roadway that creates a reactive water treatment system that can fluctuate its storage potential with the level of runoff that enters into it. Along with the stormwater success, and similar to the success of SEA Street, the livability along Siskiyou Street has improved, which can be measured by increased property value, and has led to similar project demands throughout the Portland area. Figure 11. 7 Siskiyou St. retrC!fitted curb bumpouts (1VW11: Figure J1.8 asIa. com) Curb bumpout detail plan (lI'ww.asla. com) Chapter Xl Precedent Study: Siskiyou .s'treet 20 Grt Buildout Model ( Washington D. C. Along with individual Green Infrastructure examples, municipalities have already begun to assemble extensive research projects compiling persuasive research on the benefit of Green Infrastructure. Washington D.C. has performed multiple studies of its urban setting. The cities first study, completed in 2007, included tree canopy extension and green roof conversions at a "moderate" scale (any unutilized hardscaped plot or structurally available roof) resulted in a 5-10% decrease in stonnwater runoff (Busiek, Molloy, Sullivan, Upchurch and Whitlow 2008, p. 614). The success of the first model set the groundwork for their second model to analyze additional green infrastructure practices. An important component of the model is the equation found at the bottom of the page (Ibid., p. 617). This rather simple equation helps represent the various functions of sustainable practices in the landscape. A combination of vegetative material, infiltration basins, and temporary storage areas all contribute to the alleviation of excessive runoff. An important function of the Green Build Out Model beyond the sustainable practices is the breakdown of the urban structures that contribute to runoff. It was found that buildings less than 2,000 sq ft represent approximately 120 million sq ft (46%) o[ the roughly 260 million sq [t of roof tops in the District (Ibid., p. 619). Buildings of such size are stated as residential or small commercial, which assuming the majority of American cities follow this framework provides a large portion o[ cities to be influenced by sustainable residential practices. Figure 11.9 Green Streets in a residential community (Camarata, p. -+2) The Washington D.C. model likewise analyzed street and sidewalk retention practices in their urban setting. They determined that curb bumpout bioretention and sidewalk bioretention planters can service an area ten times their size. For example, one 200 sq ft curb bump out sited in the existing parking lanes of a minor residential street can service a 2,000 sq ft drainage area (Ibid., p. 620). Roadways are the branches that begin to collect runoff from communities. If able to discOlmect these branches, the area serviced by a CSS would be diminished. Runoff::=: Precipitation - potential evapotranspiration - ilifiltration - storage Chapter XI Precedent Study: Green Buildout Model 21 CSt =ontrol Policy Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Philadelphia has likewise undergone an analysis of its urban network beginning with Without infringing on the freedoms of its a breakdown of their city and its impervious citizens, the shared public, and federally maintained urban spaces provide the most surfaces. Soon after the Environmental opportune resource to begin a citywide Protection Agency issued its CSO Control change in the philosophy of stormwater. The Policy in 1995, Philadelphia began its roadways that meander through residential comprehensive evaluation of its urban zones are of significant importance. This framework. interaction between the public roads and Buildings, parking lots, and roadways were found to compose 80% of their city and are a major source of non point source pollution (Leib, Maimone and Neukrug 2008, private lots presents an issue of how can the two work together to solve the universal problem of runoff. What it will take to influence residential owners to become part of the solution p. 615). A design goal the Philadelphia Water Department (PWD) is aiming to retain towards runoff relief may lie in the use the first inch of rainfalL This first flush can carry as much as 85% of the pollutants from of roadways. By utilizing the roadways as public displays of CSO relief projects, the impervious surfaces into the system. they shall inform the public of the personal The PWD through analyzing the multiple inflows into their CSS (integrated water, influence they have on the quality of their water. wastewater, and stormwater, domestic, commercial, and industrial wastewaters) have come to understand that the one source they as a municipal department have the most impact on is stormwater runoff. It was the final determination of the PWD that CSO can be reduced by 90% if all impervious surfaces are retrofitted over a 20-30 year period. Figure ll. 10 Green Roofpotential Philadelphia PA (CamaralG. p. 44) Chapter Xl Precedent Study: CSO Control Policy 22 XI DEFINING THE SITE Cleveland, Ohl. It is worth noting that the Cuyahoga River CSO is an issue shared by over 772 cities nationwide affecting 40 million people, mainly focused in the eastern and northwest United States (US EPA, 2008). Since the inception of the Clean Water Act. many of these cities have been addressing water quality issues. On the broad scale. point source pollution has been largely reduced. The issue of nonpoint source pollution has become the new focus of municipalities. Various regions of the United States have made extensive advancements in addressing nonpoint source pollution with the implementation of Green Infrastructure practices, yet there has been a Midwest neglect when it comes to alternative thinking for current issues of stormwater management. When analyzing the scope of a project, it is important to recognize the overarching realm of influences on a specific site. Analysis of the regional factors of the site, historical context of what has occurred, and nature of the local watershed are all vital components of a specific site. We shall begin with the Midwest and the major urban center in our study. has caught fire more than once in its history documenting the polluted quality of the river. but the blaze of 1969 became the epitome of irresponsible environmental management. At the cost of prosperity, residents of Cleveland saw the backbone of their city bum, and Lake Erie degrade into a lifeless water body along the developed shoreline. Figure 12. I The industrialized Cuyahoga River ( Cleveland, Ohio, like so many other Midwest centers, is a city that has been born and nourished by the human economic philosophy while having a CSS to remove all evidence to the contrary of human development. Cleveland's proximity along the Cuyahoga River and Lake Erie connected the Midwest City to the waterways of the east. Industry became the city's life blood fueled by the natural resources of the land and fed by its surrounding waterways transporting all of its products including pollution. Chapter XII Figure 12.2 1969 Cuyahoga River burning (www.clevelandmemoryorg) Defining the Site: Cleveland 23 Therefore on average, an overflow event is occurring every 4.45 days in the Cleveland area in more than one location. These present day predictions, even after $900 million invested in projects of the conventional system, warrants further investigation into the alleviation of wastewater reaching the Cleveland CSS (Beach and MacDonald 2008, p. 64). Figure 12.3 NEORSD Greater Cleveland treatment region and CSO outfall/oeations (www.neorsdcom) The Cuyahoga River burning was a momentum shifter in the development of the Clean Water Act of 1972 and spearheaded a movement of removing point source pollutants from the Cleveland region, however today the city is still suffering from nonpoint source pollution (Beach and MacDonald 2008, p. 62). While the direct inlet pipes of industrial waste were easily located. the issue with non point source pollution is that no "owner" can be identified. The majority of toxins and pollutants still reaching our waterways are the result of runoff from agricultural land and impervious surfaces. These pollutants are entering the CSS and, since they are a result of a storm event, overflowing into rivers and streams. The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District (NEORSD) currently has 126 pennitted outfalls where overflows may discharge. Of these 126 outfalls, it has been mapped that a maximum of82 CSO events occur annually (NEORSD, 2008). Chapter XlI The Mill Creek Project is an example of a CSO aversion attempt to increase the subsurface storage potential of the CSS. These subsurface projects, known as interceptors, consist of large tunnel systems where the only function is to house excessive stormwater during peak flow. Expansion of the existing grey infrastructure, which in the case of the Mill Creek Project cost over $85 million to complete, continues to hide the issue of CSO below grade and out of the public view. The concept of Green Infrastructure has yet to be integrated into Cleveland's design principles. Defining the Site: NEORSD 24 Site SeiectioA ___ riteria Of the 126 CSO outfall locations to work with, the selection of a specific site was based on the following parameters: • CSO must overflow more than 50 times annually (roughly once a week) • CSO location must be outside of the Cleveland city limit • Location must be adjacent to a residential community that is connected to the Combined Sewer System CSO frequency was based from the NEORSD CSO Frequency Chart, (Appendix A) which identified the location and number of annual CSO events in the NEORSD. With these requirements, two CSO locations out of the 126 total were potential sites. Upon further research and site visitations, CSO 245 and Garfield Heights was selected as the project location. Figure 12.4 Garfield Heights Residential Site Location Chapter XlI Defining the Site: CSO 245 25 Ga. Id Heights Garfield Heights is situated on the southern border of the Cleveland city limits. The location of a site outside of the urban core ensures an integrated mix of both hard and softscapes. When looking at the makeup of a city, the density goes from high to low from the center out. Likewise the amount of area increases and the density of people decreases as you enter suburbia. It is within this suburban realm that the highest impact can be implemented on sustainable stormwater design. This expanding region has no boundaries as development continues to push into rural land; and as development increases, impervious surfaces grow increasing the demand on existing CSS's. Garfield Heights falls in the Southerly Treatment Facility of Cleveland. The Greater Cleveland Metropolitan Area is divided into 3 treatment regions with the southerly region comprising the largest land area covering 225 square miles and 41 municipal districts with a population of 601,000 people (NEORSD, 2008). The extent of the treatment facility boundary is a result of Cleveland's sprawl. The waste water treatment center is now one of the largest in the country in order to address this increased demand from impervious infrastructure. (Southerly Treatment Facility, Appendix A). Figure 12.5 NEORSD Southerly Treatment Facility treatment area (www.17eorsdcom) Chapter XlI Defining the Site: Ga~field Heights 26 Mil 'reek Watershed Along with the human wastewater shed, Garfield Heights is part of the Mill Creek Watershed, which is one of the subwatersheds that contribute to the Cuyahoga River. Mill Creek collects drainage from a 20 square mile area with 27.9% of that area being Garfield Heights. Currently land use statistics show that 83% of the land area within the watershed has been developed with medium density residential accounting for 62% (NEORSD, 2009). Unde\'elo~ 17"/. Non - Residential 21% Figure 12,6 Land usefof' Mill Creek 'Watershed (www.neorsdcom) Figure 12,7 Mill Creek Watershed Boundary, Site Location Highlighted in Bille (wwu:nearsdcomj A portion of the undeveloped land area, Garfield Park, is located on the northern boundary of the project site. A total of 20 CSO are located within the Mill Creek Watershed, which has led to recent grey infrastructure projects, including the Mill Creek Project at a price of over $85 million. Chapter Xli Defining the Site: Mill Creek Watershed 27 Defining ~.. _ Site Outfall 245 is located in Garfield Park along Wolf Creek, a tributary of Mill Creek. Wolf Creek emerges from a culverted waterway into a stream at the southern point of Garfield Park due to the Marymount Hospital development to the east of the site. 52 overflow events occur annually from Outfall 245, which equates to roughly once every eight days. The 150 acre residential community adjacent to the outfall location provides the ideal location to implement Best Management Practices for the reduction of direct stormwater runoff from the community. Figure 12.8 The majority of the site is zoned residential with a commercial corridor on the western border along Turney Road, and an Elementary School located on the corner of Turney and Granger Roads. A significant portion of the student population walks through the community going to and from school making pedestrian safety an even more significant goaL Garfield Heights Community Site Inventory Chapter XII Defining the Site 28 Xl ENVIRONMENTAL SITE INVESTIGATION I Topography/Hydrology A multitude of site factors contribute to the overall character of a site and the intended design and function of a project. Analysis of the existing environmental characteristics of the Garfield Heights site dictates the level of required alteration to the landscape in order for Green Infrastructure to be successful. Site slope, soil penneability and frost potential are only a few of the design factors that must be considered when implementing functional Green Infrastructure projects Environmental site investigation includes analysis of: • Topography • Hydrology • Soil • Winter Impact Figure 13.1 a Topography & SUlface Flow Map Topography of the site slopes from the southwest to northeast corner terminating near Outfall 245. Over the 2,700 linear feet from southwest to northeast corners, a 70 foot drop occurs, which equates to a 2.6% cross-site slope. A 2.6% slope is a beneficial trait to the site ensuring the velocity of stormwater runoff does not increase to the point where Green Infrastructure practices would be unable to allow proper infiltration and retention. Chapter XIII Figure 13.1 b Roadway Hydrology Flow Hydrology of the site follows the existing infrastructure of impervious surfaces. Residential lots are elevated as high as three feet above the right of ways allowing any excessive runoff from the private land to flow into the public right of way. Runoff that enters the right of way follows the sloping roadways north until a drop inlet is reached allowing stornlwater to ultimately enter the CSS. Site Investigation: Topography/Hydrology 29 Sci ;nalysis The site soil must perfonn two functions Saturated to ensure a successful degree of Green ~ D 'n C) s ~ microm/sec Infrastructure from the design. The soil must be able to sustain plant life, and transfer storm water through its medium to the subsurface water table. The soil should be able to maintain new native plants within an urban environment that entails increased pollution and solar Table 13.2 Site Soil Characteristics Table stresses. Soil amendment may be required to sustain the increased plant life, but the quality should be at a point where annual fertilization would be unnecessary. The ability of the soil to transmit stormwater through its horizon at a high rate will ultimately determine the success of the project. The higher the soil conductivity, the fewer Green Infrastructure projects will be Water Capacity refers to the potential water storage of a soil given in centimeters of water per centimeter of soil for each soil layer. Soil storage allows for plant growth and increased overall Green Infrastructure potential. Plant selection would be based on potential soil retention throughout the year. The ability of a soil to transmit water through its medium, expressed in terms of micrometers per second, gi ves the infiltration potential of the site. The higher the saturated conductivity, the greater storage potential of Green Infrastructure projects. needed to address the quantity of stonnwater Drainage class refers to the frequency and duration of wet periods a certain soil allows for. being generated. The soil types found on the Well drained assumes standing water seldom occurs due to adequate subsurface storage and site are: infiltration. Hydraulic soil group describes the potential for runoff from a certain soil. The soils on site experience average levels of runoff from storm events once the soil has become Type completely saturated. Abhrevintiuo LuC 8.2% 6.7%~ ElB, E~C A full Soil Series Description and Soil Qualities analysis can be found in Appendix B. Ell,woith LnB Dkf Table 13.1 Site Soil Types Chapter XIII Site Investigation: Soil Analysis 30 Wi r Impact A unique characteristic of the Midwest, and something other regions of the United States do not have to deal with, is the potential for frost and freezing soiL Green Infrastructure projects function above the typical frostline, a minimum of 12 inches below grade. and likewise must account tor snow load, and Frost Free Days _ ....------- 165 - 180 Days 145 -165 Days increased stress from street salting. Frost Potential _Moderate ...----Not Classified* The winter months will have some affect on a soils ability to hold and transmit stonnwater. However a flow performancebased assessment out of Washington D.C. has revealed that the impact on infiltration of Green Infrastructure projects is minimal enough to not warrant concern (Avelleneda et. al. 2008, p. 3). * Urban soil has be altered beyond the recognizable natural soil characteristics Cleveland receives on average 40" of snowfall a year, a public concern that must be plowed for safety. Snowfall is considered a wastewater especially with the addition of street salt. The implementation of Green Infrastructure projects can be viewed as a benefit by providing street locations where snow could be plowed and allowed to slowly infiltrate back into the ground. Figure 13.2 Winter Soil Characteristics Chapter XliI Site Investigation: Winter Impact 31 XI INVESTIGATION OF IMPERVIOUS SURFA{ The makeup ofthe Garfield Heights community is important in understanding to extent of storm water that is being generated by the impervious surface of the community. Impervious surface offers negligible infiltration capabilities for rainfall to work its way back into the ground thereby increasing the demand of retention on site by the quantity of impervious surface. With this analysis, I have broken the site down into its main hardscaped components and separated them between the private and public realms of in11uence. NOTE: As designated by the Garfield Heights Planning Zoning Code, Comprehensive Stormwater Management Section 1170.09 Performance Standards, all future designs must use a .75 inch rain event as the minimum design rainfall level. Figure J4.1 Site Map Public 1.Roadways- The street grid of the community is the main component of transportation and conveyance of stormwater, and is likewise the largest location for influence capable from the city of Garfield Heights when they begin Green Infrastructure installations. 2.Sidewalks- The main pedestrian movement through the site. The sidewalk defines the edge of the public right of way and boundary between public and private land. Private 3.Driveways- The connection between the roadway and the household, it is the impervious connection of the system between public and private stormwater. 4.Residential Rooftops- The combined surface area of the household and the garage. Rooftops represent the first points of contact between rainfall and the earth. and likewise provide a separation from the rainfall and the various pollutants and particles found on the roadway and household surfaces. 5.Commercial Development- The commercial stretch of Tumey Road incorporates both the surface parking and building rooftop areas. Chapter XIV Investigation of Impervious Swfaces 32 Public Right of Way Analysis Total Roadway Surface (square feet) 41,280 31,920 72,000 17,160 53,040 15,240 6,360 Sidewalk Stormwater Generation (cubic (eet) 1,059 823 1,414 447 1,295 397 166 Total Roadway Stormwater Generation (cubic feet) 2,580 1,995 4,500 1,073 3,315 953 398 Length (feet) 1,720 1,330 2,400 715 2,210 635 265 Width (feet) 24 24 30 24 24 24 24 Total Sidewalk Surface* (square feet) 16,950 13,175 22,625 7,150 20,725 6,350 2,650 119th St. 1 17th St. I 15th St. 114th S1. 113thSt. 112th St. 1,925 1,920 2,485 1,860 1,870 880 25 25 25 25 23 25 19,000 18,950 24,300 18,050 17,900 8,375 48,125 48,000 62,125 46,500 43,010 22,000 1,188 1,184 1,519 1,128 l,ll9 523 3,008 3,000 3,883 2,906 2,688 1,375 Turney Rd. Granger Rd. Edgepark Dr. 2,750 1,375 t,190 55 30 23 25,875 13,125 11,775 151,250 41,250 27,370 1,617 820 736 9,453 2,578 1,711 Roadway Name Plymouth Ave. Park Heights Ave. McCracken Ave. Thornton Ave. Wallingford Ave. Lincoln Ave. Elmwood Ave. * Sidewalks zoned at 5' width, both sides of street Total Sidewalk Impcrvious Surface Total Roadway Impervious Surface Totallml!ervious Surface Total Sidewalk Stormwater Generation Total Roadway Storm water Generation Total Stormwater Gener,ttion Chapter XIV 246,975 726,630 973,605 15,436 45,414 60 1850 Investigation of Impervious Surfaces sq ft sq ft sq ft cu ft cu 1't cu ft 33 Public Right of Way Analysis Roadways 11% Surface Area 726,630 sq ft Stormwater Generation 45,414 eu ft Sidewalks 4% Surface Area 246,975 sq ft Stormwater Generation 15,435 eu ft Figure 14.2 Chapter XIV Investigation ~f Impervious Surfaces 34 Private Driveway Analysis Driveway Width ({eet) 8 8 8 8 8 8 Total Driveway Surface (square feet) 52,000 41,944 64,680 16,560 12,920 ] 1,520 Total Driveway Stormwater Generation (cubic (eet) 3,250 2,622 4,043 1,035 808 720 Plymouth Ave. Park Heights Ave. McCracken Ave. Thornton Ave. Wallingford Ave. Lincoln Ave. 65 49 77 18 17 16 Driveway Length* ({eet) 100 107 105 115 95 90 119th St. 117th St. 115thSt. 114th St. I I 3th St. 112th St. 73 77 95 76 69 19 100 115 110 I 15 95 95 8 8 8 8 8 8 58,400 70,840 83,600 69,920 52,440 14,440 3,650 4,428 5,225 4,370 3,278 903 Turney Rd. Granger Rd. Edgepark Dr. 12 48 24 120 110 110 8 8 8 11,520 42,240 21,120 720 2,640 1,320 Roadway Corridor Driveways * Average length for street corridor Total Driveway Surface Area Total Drivewa~ Stormwater Generation Chapter XIV 624,144 sq ft 392009 cu ft Investigation of Impervious Surfaces 3S Private Driveway Analysis [Roadwavs 726,630 sq ft 11 % Surface Area Storrnwater Generation 45,414 cn ft 40/0 Sidewalks Surface Area Storrnwater Generation 246,975 sq ft 15,435 cn ft 9.5 % torivewavs Surface Area IStorrnwater Generation 624,144 sq ft 39,009 cn ft Figure 14.3 Chapter XIV Investigation of Impervious Surfaces 36 Private Residence Analysis House Total Roadway Corridor UI U2 · 65 49 45 Garage Total Total House Surface* (square feet) Total Garage Surface*'* (square/eel) 65 49 77 18 17 16 74,750 56,350 88,550 20,700 19,550 18,400 19,500 14,700 23,100 5,400 5,100 4,800 4,672 3,522 5,534 1,294 1,222 1,150 1,219 919 1,444 338 319 300 Total House Stormwater Total Garage Generation Stormwater Generation (cubic/eel) (cubic/eel) Plymouth Ave. Park Heights Ave. McCracken Ave. Thomton Ave. Wallingford Ave. Lincoln Ave. 32 18 17 16 119thSt. 1 I 7th St. 115th S1. 114th St. 113th St. 112th St. 73 77 77 55 52 19 · · 18 21 17 73 77 95 76 69 19 83,950 88,550 109,250 87,400 79,350 21,850 21,900 23,100 28,500 22,800 20,700 5,700 5,247 5,534 6,828 5,463 4,959 1,366 1,369 1,444 1,781 1,425 1,294 356 Tumey Rd. Granger Rd. Edgepark Dr. 12 48 · · 12 48 24 13,800 55,200 27,600 3,600 14,400 7,200 863 3,450 1,725 225 900 450 · · · · - 24 * Average Household Size - 1,150 sq ft ** Average Garage Size - 300 sq [t Total Garage Impervious Surface Total Household Impervious Surface 220,500 sq 11: 845,250 sq 11: Total Im~rvious Surface 1:0652750 sq ft 13,781 cu ft 52,828 cu ft 66609 cu ft Total Garage Storm water Generation Total Household Stonnwater Generation Total Stormwater Generation Chapler XIV Investigation of Impervious Surfaces 37 Private Residence Analysis !Roadwavs Surface Area 11% Stormwater Generation 726,630 sq ft 45,414 ell ft Sidewalks Surface Area Storm water Generation 246,975 sq ft 15,435 ell ft Drivewavs 9.5%. Surface Area Stormwatcr Generation 624,144 sq ft 39,009 ell ft 40/0 Residential RooftODS Surface Area Stormwater Generation 1.065,750 sq ft 66,609 ell ft Figure 14.4 Chapter XIV Investigation (?i Impervious Sutfaces 38 Commercial Surface Analysis Commercial Block Rooftops 1 1 2 2 5 2 2 4 5 1 1 4 6 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 3 Total Rooftop Surface Area ('iquare feet) 4,825 12,725 6,146 14,588 3,844 9,522 34,123 2,319 1,086 13,518 10,763 16,389 Parking Surface Area (square feet) 7,186 2,406 17,974 36,305 15,844 34,489 94,309 16,627 19,746 32,212 32,306 65,696 Total Rooftop Stormwater Generation (cubic feet) 302 795 384 912 240 595 2,133 145 68 845 673 1,024 Total Rooftop Impervious Surface Total Parking Impervious Surface Total Im(!ervious Surface Total Rooftop Stormwater Generation Total Parking Stormwater Generation Total Stormwater Generdtion Chapter XIV Total Parking Stormwater Generation (cubic feet) 449 150 1,123 2,269 990 2,156 5,894 1,039 1,234 2,013 2,019 4,106 129,848 375,100 504,948 8,116 23,444 31.559 sq ft sq ft sq ft eu ft eu ft eu ft Investigation ofImpervious Surfaces 39 Total Surface Analysis Impervious Surface Type Roadway Sidewalk Driveway Residential Rooftop Garage Rooftop Commercial Rooftop Parking Lot Total Total Surface Total Stormwater Generation Area Total Site Area (square feet) (cubic feet) 726,630 45,414 11% 246,975 15,436 4% 624,144 39,009 10% 845,250 52,828 13% 220,500 13,781 3% 129,840 8,115 2% 375, I 00 23,444 6% 3,168,439 198,027 Figure 14.5 49% Chapter XIV Investigation o.lImpervious Surfaces 40 Street Corridor Stormwater Generation Roadway Corridor Roadway (cubic leet) Plymouth Ave. 2,580 Park Heights Ave. 1,995 McCracken Ave. 4,500 Thornton Ave. 1,072 Wallingford Ave. 3,315 Lincoln Ave. 952 Elmwood Ave. 397 119th St. 1 17th St. 115th St. 1 14th St. 1 13th St. ll2thSt. 3,007 3,000 3,882 2,906 2,688 1,375 Granger Rd. Edgepark Dr. 2,~~~ 1,7 Sidewalk (cubic feet) 1,060 825 1,415 446 1,295 396 165 Driveway (cubic feet) 3,250 2,622 4,046 1,035 810 720 Residents (cubic feet) 4,673 3,523 5,534 1,293 1,225 1,150 Garages (cubic feet) 1,218 918 1,443 337 318 300 - - - Total (cubic feet) 12,781 9,883 16,938 4,183 6,963 3,518 562 1,187 1,184 1,518 1,130 1,120 523 3,650 4,427 5,225 4,370 3,277 902 5,250 5,534 6,828 5,463 4,959 1,365 1,368 1,443 1,781 1,425 1,293 356 14,461 15,588 19,234 15,294 13,337 4,521 820 736 2,640 1,320 3,450 1,725 900 450 10,388 5,941 I Total Residential Stormwater Generation Roadway Corridor Roadway (cubic leet) Turney Rd. I 9,453 Sidewalk (cubic feet) I 1,617 Building (cubic leet) I 8,115 Parking (cubic feet) I 23,443 I Residnence* (cubic leet) 1,807 Total Commercial Stormwater Generation Chapter XIV 153,592 cu ft I Total (cubic feet) 44,435 44,435 cu nI Investigation of Impervious Surfaces 41 Xl\NNUAI STORMWATER GENERATION J It can be difficult to comprehend the quantity of generated stormwater spread over a 150 acre site. A .75" rainfall is capable ofleaving 1,481.344 gallons of stormwater on the impervious surfaces of Garfield Heights destined for the CSS. Table 1 displays the monthly rainfall levels of Cleveland, which peaks during the summer month of June. The average annual rainfall level for Cleveland is 38" with an average of 40" of snowfall a year. (40" of snowmelt equals roughly 4" of water). Figure J 5. I Bracken Libra'}, Ball State University ( Average Monthly Precipitation Cleveland,Oh,o 30 10 05 To understand the quantity of annual rainfall on the Garfield Heights community, a graphic scale will be applied. Figure 15.1 is an aerial image of the five story Bracken Library, located on the campus of Ball State University, Indiana. The structure will be used to measure against the annual rainfall level, but first the amount of annual stonnwater generation must be computed. Table 15.1 Cleveland Annual Precipitation Chapter XY Annual Stormwater Generation 42 i QU. .tifying Water Average Annual Stonnwater Generation for Garfield Heights Community 10,218,215 cu ft 76,437,562 gallons 76,437,562 gallons of stonnwater can be understood once related to Figure 15.2. The library's dimensions of215' by 350' and a 70' height accounts for just over half of the total annual stonnwater generation. Figure 15.2 Annual Site Rainfall Volume wi Brakcen Rainfall Levels Analysis of Chicago, a similar Midwest city, revealed that 98% of stonn events for the city are 2" or less events. The vast majority of stonnwater flowing over impervious surfaces are the result of small scale events. This presents a strong benefit of Green Infrastructure practices that have an elastic response to stonnwater demand allowing the system to fluctuate with the rainfall event. Table J5.2 Rainfall Level Percentages for Chicago (Camarata, p. 12) Chapter XV Annual Stormwater Generation 43 X" Right of Way Analysis The public right of way, from sidewalk to sidewalk, presents the optimal. low impact location for a design focus. Design philosophy is based on Low Impact Development (LID) with minimal disturbance to the existing private infrastructure of the site. Type A Roadway Drive Lane Parking Lane Sidewalk Tree Lawn Building Setback 18' 7' 5' 12' Total right of way width: 59' 24' of tree lawn width presents the most options of all the street types for design area of influence. ~ The linear potential of the site ties in with the current storrnwater runoff from the site along the public right of way with design working itself into the parking lane area of the roadway. Type BRoadway Drive Lane Parking Lane Sidewalk Tree Lawn Building Setback 18' 7' 5' 6' 30' Type C Roadway Drive Lane Parking Lane Sidewalk Tree Lawn Building Setback Figure /6./ 18' 7' 5' 2' 25' Total right of way width: 47' 12' of tree lawn width still allows for effective design space for Green Infrastructure projects. Total right of way width: 39' The narrowest of the public right of ways, 4' width of total tree lawn still allows for the 7' parking lane to be utilized for curb bumpouts Low Impact Development Realm of Influence Chapter XVI Right of Way Analysis 44 x~ Type A Roadway All residential streets maintain the same roadway width of25' while being flanked by two sidewalks with a 5' width per sidewalk. The variation of street types therefore comes down to tree lawn widths and building setbacks from the roadway with Type A Roadways exhibiting the widest expanse. r~~ Figure 17.3 Ij;pe A Roadway Vicinity Map Two of the residential streets qualify for Type designation. Such roads as McCracken and Tumey Road were not considered for classification due to the use intensity ofthe roadways and lack of residential street quality to promote community growth. The red highlighted region in Figure 17.2 refers to the Type A Roadway Design block along 114th S1. (see Chapter XXV.) " .. ' ,.. j'.,,' Figure 17.1 II 4th St. Existing Conditions J'5pe A Roadways 114th Street Edgepark Drive .' . X~ 1. Type BRoadway Type B Roadways Thornton Avenue Wallingford Avenue Lincoln Avenue Type B Roadways still allow for moderately large public project installations to increase the retention and infiltration potential of the roadways. Public Projects include: Curb Bumpouts- extension of the tree lawn space into the parking lane of a roadway in order to capture roadway stormwater. Figure /B.2 Swale Retention- Depressed tree lawn areas which allow for storage and eventual infiltration of excess stormwater runoff. Figure 18./ Type B Roadway Vicinity Map Type B Roadways comprise the majority of east-west streets across the site. The connection to the busy commercial corridor of Tumey Road allows for numerous gateway opportunities demarcating an entrance into the residential community. The red highlighted region in Figure 18.2 refers to the Type B Roadway Design block along Thornton Ave. (see Chapter XXVI.) Thornton Ave. K'(isting Conditions Chapter XVIII T:vpe BRoadway 46 XI Type C Roadway Tee Roadwa s 119th Street 117th Street 115th Street 113th Street 112th Street Plymouth Avenue Park Hei ts A venue '----_...... . The tighter width of Type C Roadways carries with it a limitation on the storage potential per installation due to only having 2' width tree lawns. However, the space enjoys the close proximity of homes making community enhancement more likely to stretch across the right of way. Figure 19.3 7jlpe C Roamvay Vicinity Map The red highlighted region in Figure 19.3 refers to the Type C Roadway Design block along 117th. St. (see Chapter XXVII.) Figure '9. J II 7th. St. Existing Conditions Figure 19.2 Type C Roamvay Cross Section Chapter XIX 47 x): l.oning Investigation The site is comprised of four zoned area types. Single Family Use- Largely concentrated to the south of McCracken St., single family use comprises the majority of the site area Two Family Use- Situated to the north of McCracken St., the larger home style lends a different quality to the community. * There are a total of 735 housing lots on the site U-I Single Family U", U-Z Two Family Use lJ.... Retail & Se ...1ce C~neral Business Shopping Center u.s Retail & Service - Commercial land use is only located along Turney Road, the western border to the site. S.,..,lallJ", Public Service (ChurdlC5. SdltMJls., Recreation, Ihl'l'pifal &: City Hd~ Sile Boundary i i (Ill FEET) 1 inch = 600 It. Figure 20.1 I-~ liUlII 11111!~ Garfield Height Township Zoning Map ~" ,~ _, v~. " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , ....... , ... , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ GQlfteld Heights Zoning Map Special Use Public Service- Special uses include an elementary school and Fire Station along Turney Road, and Garfield Park located to the n0l1heast of the site. (! Chapter A::X' Zoning Investigation 48 X] Type 1 Residence Type 1 housing consists of two family housing units. Due to the larger residence sizes on Type 1 lots, there is a higher level of generated storm water from the impervious surface coupled with the decreased infiltration potential of the porous lawn spaces. Type 1 characteristics, as seen in Table 21.1, show that there is more impervious surface on the lot than pervious and that the rooftop is more than twice the size of the front lawn. Addressing stormwater runoff will require high intensity projects, such as rain gardens and porous pavement, to account for potential runoff along with the low intensity measures of rain barrels and lawn infiltration. Figure 21. I Type 1 Lot Location Map Type 1 housing differs from types 2 & 3 due to its zoning. It is the only two family use lots on site, which are all located to the north of McCracken Avenue. Aside from their larger size, house character matches the quality of the neighborhood. Type 1 Lot Size Lawn Area Impervious Area Total Area Lawn:lmpervious Ratio Front Lawn Rootop Area Front Lawn:Rooftop Ratio Table 21.1 ~vpe (sqfl) 2,142 2,233 4,375 0.96 540 1125 0.48 1 l~ot Characteristics Figure 21.2 T:-vpe 1 McCracken & 11 7th St. Chapter XXI Type 1 Residence 49 XJ Type 2 Residence A majority of the site is comprised of Type 2 housing units. They are zoned single family use just as Type 3 units are. The main difference lies in housing style. Compared to Type 3, the roof area is larger while the character of the house has more pitched roofs as in Figure 22.2. Stormwater from Type 2 Residences, though smaller than Type 1, will still require some high intensity rain garden installations along with the low intensity projects. Lawn to impervious surface area begins to grow with Type 2 units, which aides the infiltration potential of the residences. Type 2 units follow the main north-south streets of the site. They are the main housing type to the north of Wallingford Avenue, and continue south following 117th, 115th, & 114th Streets to Granger Road. Type 2 Lot Size (sqjt) Lawn Area Impervious Area Total Area Lawn:lmpervious Ratio Front Lawn Rootop Area Front Lawn:Rooftop Ratio Table 22.1 3,445 2,252 5,697 1.53 1,400 900 1.56 Type 2 Lot Characteristics Figure 22.2 11 4th Street Type 2 Residence along Chapter XXII '"(vpe 2 Residence 50 X~ f. Type 3 Residence Type 3 residences present the greatest opportunity for low impact development. The front lawn to rooftop, as determined by the Washington D.C. study (see Chapter XI: Precedent Studies, Green Buildout Model) allows for direct downspout from rooftops to infiltrate into the front lawn. This coupled with rain barrels will provide enough of an impact to reduce Type 3 storrnwater runoff. Figure 23.1 Type 2 Lot Location Map Pockets of Type 3 residences can be identified by their compact house character. While Type 1 & 2 housing characters differ within their classifications, Type 3 units are an identical layout. Type 3 Lot Size Lawn Area Impervious Area Total Area Lawn:lmpervious Ratio Front Lawn Rootop Area Front Lawn:Rooftop Ratio Table 23.1 (<;qft) 3,445 1,955 5,400 1.76 1,110 675 1.64 Type 3 Lot Characteristics Figure 23.2 119th Street Type 3 Residence along Chapter XXIII Type 3 Residence 51 XXIV. Residential Green InfrasL dcture Detailed Designs The following pages detail three green street and three residential lot designs: Type A ROW 114th Street Type B ROW Thornton Avenue TypeCROW 117th Street Type 1 Residence Type 2 Residence Type 3 Residence Figure 24.i Chapter ..ITIV Design Realm ofinfluence Residential Green Infrastructure 52 Xl TYPE A ROADWAY - EXISTING CONDITIO! 114TH ST. For Single Block between McCracken Ave. & Wallingford Ave. Right of Way (ROW) Hydrology The street corridor ROW is comprised of two 9' drive lanes and a 7' parking lane along the east curb. The crested roadway sheets runoff to the curbed edges. Drop inlets are situated at the north intersection, and midpoint of the block. Storrnwater runoff flows from south to north along the roadway. Runoff that does not enter the drop inlets at the intersection of Wallingford and 114th from the west flows into the block. The elevated residential plots likewise contribute any excessive runoff from the private property. 12' tree la\\'ns buffer the sidewalks from the roadway. D Figure 25.1 114th Street ROW Existing Conditions between McCracken Ave. & Wallingford Ave. ChapterXXY J:vpe A Roadway: Existing Conditions 53 TYPE A ROADWAY - PROPOSED DESIGN]I .eH ST. 114th Street Stormwater Reduction ROW + Drive Stormwater Generation (cuft) 2,743 3,642 5,485 ROW Stormwater Generdtion (cuft) 1,236 1,648 2,471 Private Drive Stormwater Generation (cufi) 1,507 1,994 3,014 :,21' 3,195 4,019 7.314 3,628 3,628 3,628 3,628 3" 4,943 6,591 6,028 8,037 10,971 14,628 3,628 3,628 Rainfall Level (in) .75" I" IS 4" Table 25.1 Bumpout Storage Area (~qft) Projected Total Retention/lnfiltr.ltion Potential* (cuft; 9,650 9,650 9,650 ROW StormwaterlStorage Difference (cuft) 9,533 9,121 8,298 ROW + Drive StormwaterlStorage Difference 10,769 7,474 3A55 10,769 10,7 5,826 4,178 -202 -3,859 Swale Storage Potential** (cuft) 1,119 1,1\9 1,119 Total Projected Storage Potential*** (cuft) 10,769 10,769 10,769 9,650 1,119 9.650 9,650 1,119 1,119 Stormwater Generation & Storage for Varying Rainfall Levels (culV 8,026 7,127 5,284 * See page 52 ** See page 52 Summa *** The combined Swale Impervious Roadway Reduction Total Impervious Roadway Percentage Reduction 1,315sqft 14,125 sq ft 9.31% Stormwater Reduction 82.1875 cu ft & Retention/Infiltration Potential Parking Lane 111.0' ... LD. [~1 Cd II 4th Street ROW Proposed Design between McCracken Ave. & Wallingford Ave. Chapter XXV Type A Roadway: Proposed DeSign 54 TYPE A ROADWAY - DESIGN DETAILS 114t ST. For Single Block between McCracken Ave. & Wallingford Ave. Design Elements 5 Curb Bumpouts 2 Swale Storage Basins 17 Street Trees The altered dynamic benefits from the street front additions of garden spaces and street trees. Curb Bumpout rain gardens wi11 add color and vitality to the street as the design aims to build a neighborhood from the roadway out. The 114th Street design successfully accounts for storm events beyond a 2" rainfall, which accounts for 98% of annual stonn events. (b) Figure 25.4 a, b 114th Street Curb Bumpout Detail Chapter A:'XV Type A Roadway: Design Details 55 XJ f. TYPE B ROADWAY -EXISTING CONDITI( For Single Block between Turney Rd. & H2th St. ., THORNTON AVE. Right alWay (ROW) Hydrology The street corridor ROW is comprised of two 9' drive lanes and a 7' parking lane along the southern curb. The crested roadway sloping from west to east sheets runoff to the curbed edges. Drop inlets are situated at the east intersection, and midpoint of the block. Stormwater runoff flows from west to east along the roadway. Runoff from Turney Road enters to site from the western intersection. The elevated residential plots likewise contribute any excessive runoff from the private property. 6' tree lawns buffer the sidewalks from the roadway. o Cl) N Figure 26.1 Thornton Avenelle ROW Existing Conditions between Turney & 112th Street Chapter XXVI Type BRoadway: E,xisting Conditions 56 TYPE BROADWAY - PROPOSED DESIGN TR .l{NTON AVE. Thornton Avenue Stormwater Reduction ---- Rainfall Level (in) .75" I" 1.5" ROW Stormwater Generation (CII fl) 1,519 2,026 3,039 Private Drive Stormwater Generation (clIjV 1,035 1.380 2,070 4.052 6,078 8,103 2" ft 3 4" Table 26.1 ROW+ Drive Stormwater Generation (cuft) 2,554 3,406 5,109 Bumpout Storage (sqj;) 2,586 2.586 2,586 Projected Total Retcntionllnfiltration I'otential* (cuft) 6,879 6,879 6.879 2,760 6,812 2,586 4,140 5,520 10,218 13,623 2,586 2,586 6,879 Swale Storage Potential** (cll.fiJ 1,880 1,880 1,880 I,R80 Total Projected Storage Potential*** (cuji) 8,759 8,759 8.759 8,759 6,879 6,879 1,880 1,880 8,759 8,759 ROW StormwaterlStorage Difference (Cliff) 7,240 6,733 5,720 4,707 2,68( 655 ROW + Drive StormwaterlStorage Difference ( 6,205 5,353 3.650 1,947 -1,459 -4,865 * Set: page 52 Storm water Generation & Storage for Varying Rainfall Levels ** See page 52 *** Tht: comhint:d Swale Storage Summary Impact of Proposed Changes Impervious Roadway Reduction Total Impervious Roadway Percentage Reduction & Retention/Infiltration Potential 1,330 sq ft 17,160 sq ft Storm water Reduction Table 26.2 Type B Impervious Reduction Figure 26.2 Figure 26.3 Thornton Avenue ROW Proposed Design between Turney & li2th Street Chapter XXVI Centerline Detail Type B Roadway: Proposed Design 57 TYPE BROADWAY - DESIGN DETAILS TH{ NTON AVE. For Single Block between Turney Rd. & 112th St. Thornton Avenue is one of the gateways to the community as people transfer from public to private streets coming off of Turney Road. Design Elemenbi 5 Curb Bumpouts 2 Swale Storage Basins 17 Street Trees The Green Street benefits from curb bumpouts located next to existing drop inlets allowing for runoff retention before it reaches the CSS. Figure 26.5 Chapter XXVI Thornton Avenue Green Street Type B Roadway: Design Details 58 Xj H. TYPE C ROADWAY - EXISTING CONDITL For Single Block up to McCracken Ave. ~S 117TH ST. RighI of Way (ROW) Hydrology The street corridor ROW is comprised of two 9' drive lanes and a 7' parking lane along the east curb. The crested roadway sloping from south to north sheets runoff to the curbed edges. Drop inlets are situated at the north bend, and midpoint of the block. Stormwater runoff flows from south to north along the roadway. Runoff from McCracken Avenue enters to site from the southern intersection. The elevated residential plots likewise contribute any excessive runoff from the private property. 2' tree lawns buffer the sidewalks from the roadway. DO Figure 27.1 f 17th Street ROW Existing Conditions up to McCracken Avenue Chapter XXVII Type C Roadway: Existing Conditions 59 fYPE C ROADWAY - PROPOSED DESIGN 11 ( .-1 ST. 117th Street Storm water Reduction Rainrall Level ROW Stormwater Generation (in) h'ufl) .75" 1" 1.5" 1,445 1,927 2,891 Private Drive Stormwater Generation (cuft) 935 1,247 1,870 ROW + Drive Stormwater Generation (cuil) 2.380 3,174 4,761 Bumpout Storage (sqfi) 2.868 2,868 2.868 6,348 9,521 12,695 2,868 2,868 2.868 ..", 3,854 2,493 ~" .1 5,781 7,708 3,740 4,987 4" Table 2 7.1 Projected Total Retentionll nfiltration Potential" (cuft) 7,629 7,629 7,629 Swale Storage Potential"* (('/Iii) 5,724 5,724 5,724 Total Projected Storage Potential*** (('/Iii) 13,353 13,353 13,353 ROW StormwaterlStorage Difference (cu/i) 11,908 11,426 10,462 ROW + Drive StormwaterlStonlge Difference (cuii) 10,973 10,179 8,592 7,629 5,724 13,353 9,499 7,629 7,629 5,724 5,724 13,353 13,353 7,572 5,645 7.005 3,832 658 * See page 52 Storm water Generation & Storage for Varying Rainfall Levels ** See page 52 Summary Impact of Proposed Changes Impervious Roadway Reduction Total Impervious Roadway Percentage Reduction *** The combined Swale Storage & Retention/Infiltration Potential 1,687 sq ft J6,875 sq ft 10.00% Stormwater Reduction 105.4375 cu ft Table 27.2 Roadway Centerline Type C Impervious Reduction Swale Storage Surface Flow I I I L______ --l D Figure 27.2 D f17th Street ROW Proposed Design up to McCracken Avenue Chapter XXVII r:vpe C Roadway: Proposed Design 60 TYPE C ROADWAY - DESIGN DETAILS 1171 ST. For Single Block up to McCracken Ave. Figure 27.3 J17th Street Design Detail Design Elements 5 Curb Bumpouts 2 Swale Storage Basins 1 Rain Garden 13 Street Trees The bend of 117th Street marks the northeastern point of the site and therefore the low point where surface runoff ultimately flows. Due to its elevation and location alongside Garfield Park, the bend offers the ideal location for a community rain garden, creating a public place to learn and enjoy storm water management. 2' tree lawns dictate that curb bumpout design be long, linear retention basins. An existing infrastructure of street trees would make it an easy transition to enhance the community. Figure 27.4 Chapfer XXVII Type C Roadway: Design Details 61 XJ III. TYPE 1 RESIDENCE - EXISTING CONDF Along Park Heights Ave. The Park Heights Avenue Residence generates 140 cubic feet of total impervious runoff from a .75" rainfall. The typical Type 1 Lot consists of more impervious surface than porous lawn area. JNS Type 1 Residential Lot- Park Heights Ave. Garage House Driveway Total Table 28.1 Rain Barrels square feel cubicfeel gallons 252 1,125 856 2,233 15.75 70.31 53.5 139.56 118 526 400 1,044 Type 1 Impervious SllIiace Analysis Rooftops generate the largest quantity of runoff at 85 cu ft between garage & residence. Rain barrels provide a quick and low impact result for disconnecting downspouts Figure 28.1 Residential Rain Garden from the CSS. (Camarata. p. 43) The barrel sizes used for residential applications are 55 gallons and 70 gallons. Stormwater runoff from a residence comes from sheet flow from driveway surfaces to the public ROWand direct downspout connections to the CSS from rooftops. It is a benefit to be accounted for that collected runoff can be used for future residential water applications such as irrigation. Figure 28.2 Type I Existing RunoiJHydrology Chapter XXVIII Type 1 Residence: Existing Conditions 62 TYPE 1 RESIDENCE - PROPOSED GREE Green Infrastructure Design Rainfall Level (in) Application Number ain Barrels Rain Barrels Rain Garden 2 4 TOTAL Table 28.2 1 I 1 1 Garage Residence 2 2 2 2 Garage Residence DriV;V1 .y Drivewax .. NFRASTRUCTURE APPLICATIONS Storage Potential (cuft) 18.72 37.43 108.00 140.00 304.15 Total Runoff Potential (cujt) 15.75 35.00 35.00 53.50 139.25 Stormwater Storage (cult) 15.75 35.00 35.00 53.50 139.25 Percentage Reduction 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Remaining Storage Potential (cuft) 2.97 2.43 73.00 86.50 164.90 Rain Barrels Rain Barrels Rain Garden Porous Pavement TOTAL 2 4 1 1 18.72 37.43 108.00 140.00 304.15 21.00 46.88 46.88 71.33 186.08 18.72 37.43 46.88 71.33 174.35 89% 80% 100% 100% 94% -2.28 -9.44 61.13 68.67 118.06 Rain Barrels Rain Barrels Rain Garden Porous Pavement TOTAL 2 4 1 1 18.72 37.43 108.00 140.00 304.15 42.00 93.75 93.75 142.67 372.17 18.72 37.43 108.00 140.00 304.15 45% 40% 115% 98% 82% -23.28 -56.32 14.25 -2.67 -68.02 Residential Lot Slormwaler Generation & Storage for Varying Rainfall Levels Chapter XXVIII 1 Residence: Proposed Applications 63 TYPE 1 RESIDENCE - DESIGN DETAILS Along Park Heights Ave. Garaie Rain Barrels 15 eu ft Residence Rain Barrels 35 eu ft Rain Garden 35 eu ft Driveway Porous Pavement 53 eu ft 100% Storage Potential from a .75" rainfall event ~):pe I Design Details Green Infrastructure Application Figure 28.3 6 1 1 Type J Proposed Hydrology Chapter ",¥XVIII Rain Barre Is Rain Garden (55 sq ft) Porous Pavement (140 sq ft) Type 1 Residellce: Design Details 64 XJ~. TYPE 2 RESIDENCE - EXISTING CONDITt "~S Along 117th St. The main housing type of the project site, Type 2 Residences allow for a mix of low and high impact applications. Rain barrel Garage House Driveway capture matched with lawn infiltration and rain garden installations cover the full potential of stormwater capture from a Type 2 Residential Lot- I 17th St. square.feet cubic/eel 432 27 900 56.25 920 57.5 Total Table 29.1 private residence 2,252 140.75 gallons 202 420 430 1,052 Type 2 Imperviolls SUI/ace Analysis Rain Gardens Rain gardens present a more high impact and high infiltration capability. The functional garden space located in the front yard of residence provides a uniting street feature to a community that implements a green street project. 27 cu ft With the elevate slope of the residences from the roadway, rain gardens also provide a final retention buffer between the private and public realm and the stormwater generated and accounted for from Figure 29.1 Residential Rain Garden (www.bellramiswcdorg) each. Figure 29.2 Type 2 Existing RunoffHydrology Chapter XXIX l}pe 2 Residence: Existing Conditions 65 TYPE 2 RESIDENCE - PROPOSED GREB Green Infrastructure Design Rainfall Level (in) 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 Table 29.2 . . NFRASTRUCTURE APPLICATIONS Storage Potential (cuft) 37.43 16.71 71.50 459.38 140.00 725.02 Total Runoff Potential (Clift) '77.00 14.06 28.13 14.06 57.50 140.75 Stormwater Storage (cuft) 27.00 14.06 28.13 14.06 57.50 140.75 Percentage Reduction 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Remaining Storage Potential (cuft) 10.43 2.65 43.38 445.31 82.50 584.27 Application Number Rain Barrels Rain Barrels Rain Garden Lawn Infiltration Porous Pavement TOTAL 4 2 I I I Rain Barrels Rain Barrels Rain Garden Lawn Infiltration Porous Pavement TOTAL 4 2 I I 1 37.43 16.71 71.50 437.50 140.00 703.14 36.00 18.75 37.50 18.75 76.67 187.67 36.00 16.71 37.50 18.75 76.67 185.63 100% 89% 100% 100% 100% 99% 1.43 -2.04 34.00 418.75 63.33 515.47 Ra in Barrels Rain Barrels Rain Garden Lawn Infiltration Driveway Porous Pavement TOTAL 4 2 I I I 37.43 16.71 71.50 350.00 140.00 615.64 72.00 37.50 75.00 37.50 153.33 375.33 37.43 16.71 71.50 37.50 140.00 303.14 52% 45% 95% 100% 91% 81% -34.57 -20.79 -3.50 312.50 -13.33 240.31 Garage Residence Drivewa::: I I I 1 1 Garage Residence 2 2 2 2 2 Garage Residence Driveway Residential Lot Stormwater Generation & Storage for Varying Rainfall Levels Chapter XXIX Type 2 Residence: Proposed Applications 66 TYPE 2 RESIDENCE - DESIGN DETAILS Along 117th St. Figure 29.3 Gara2e Rain Barrels 27 eu ft Residence Rain Barrels 14 eu ft Lawn Rain Garden 14 eu ft 28 eu ft Driveway Green Infrastructure Application Figure 29.4 6 1 1 Porous Pavement 57 eu ft 100% Storage Potential from a .75" rainfall Rain Barrels Rain Garden (35 sq it) Porous Pavement (140 sq ft) event Chapter J¥XIX Type 2 Residence: Design Details 67 X] TYPE 3 RESIDENCE - EXISTING CONDITI( Along 119tb St. With the largest from lawns, Type 3 homes will enjoy the lowest impact on their existing infrastructure. Direct disconnect of the downspouts to the front lawn allow the lawn to efficiently infiltrate the stormwater .S Type 3 Residential Lot- 119th. St. Garage Hou.."e ~ .. ~Q~iveway square/eet 480 675 800 cubic/eet 30 1,955 Total Table 30.1 gallons 224 42.l9 315 50 374 122.19 913 Type 3 Impervious SUI/ace Analysis Figure 30.1 Downspout Disconnect Porous Pavement (Camarata, p. 43) Driveways create a good majority of the total runoff from a residential site that likewise creates a direct connection to the public ROW. A solution to the issue outside of adjustments to the landscape would be the installation of a porous strip along the driveway. Following the linear nature of the driveway, the strip will collect water as it migrates down the sloped impervious surface to the roadway. Figure 30.2 Porous Driveway Strip (Camarata, p. 5) Figure 30.3 Type 3 Existing RunoffHvdrology ChapterXXX' Type 3 Residence: Existing Conditions 68 TYPE 3 RESIDENCE - PROPOSED GREIf Green Infrastructure Design Rainfall Level Application Number Rain Barrels Rain Barrels La"ffl Infiltration Porous Pavement TOTAL 4 2 1 I Rain Barrels Rain Barrels Lawn Infiltration Porous Pavement TOTAL 4 2 I I Rain Barrels Rain Barrels Lawn Infiltration Porous Pavement TOTAL 4 2 I I (in) 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 1 1 I 1 2 2 2 2 Table 30.2 Garage Residence Driveway Garage Residence Driveway Garage Residence Driveway INFRASTRUCTURE APPLICATIONS Storage Potential (cuft) 37.43 16.71 364.22 140.00 Total Runoff Potential (cuft) 30.00 10.55 31.64 50.00 Stormwater Storage (cuft) 30.00 10.55 31.64 50.00 Percentage Reduction 100% 100% 100% 100% Remaining Storage Potential (cuft) 7.43 6.16 332.58 90.00 558.36 122.19 122.19 100% 436.17 37.43 16.71 346.88 140.00 40.00 14.06 42.19 66.67 37.43 14.06 42.19 66.67 94% 100% 100% 100% ~2.57 2.65 304.69 73.33 541.02 162.92 160.35 98% 378.10 37.43 16.71 277.50 140.00 80.00 28.13 84.38 133.33 37.43 16.71 84.38 133.33 47% 59% 100% 100% -42.57 -11.41 193.13 6.67 471.64 325.83 271.85 83% 145.81 Residential Lot Stormwater Generation & Storage for Varying Rainfall Levels Chapter XXX Tvpe 3 Residence: Proposed Applications 69 TYPE 3 RESIDENCE - DESIGN DETAILS Along 119th St. Figure 30.4 Type 3 Proposed Hydrology Garal:e Rain Barrels 30 eu ft Residence Rain Barrels Lawn 10.S eu ft 31.5 eu ft Driveway Figure 30.5 Ij;pe 3 lJes(l!,n Details Green Infrastructure Application Porous Pavement SO eu ft 6 1 100<% Storage Potential from a .7S" rainfall event Chapter XXX Rain Barrels Porous Pavement (140 sq ft) r."pe 3 Residence: Design Details 70 Xl I. WORKS CITED Avelleneda, Pedro, Thomas Ballestero, Joshua Briggs, George Fowler, James Houle and Robert Roseen. Water Quality & Flow Performance-Based Assessments of Stormwater Control Strategies During Cold Weather Months. Municipal Stormwater Conference: Washington D.C., 16-19 June 2008. Beach, David and Joseph A. MacDonald. Saving a Shared Asset. Planning, August-September 2008. Busiek, Brian, Jenny Molloy, Micheal Sullivan, Meredith Upchurch and Heather Whitlow. Expanding the Green Build-Out Model to Quantify Stormwater Reduction Benefits in Washington. DC. Municipal Stormwater Conference: Washington D.C., 16-19 June 2008. Camarata, Mark. 2009 A Green Vision for CSO Long-Term Control Planning in Philadelphia: How Green Can One City Get? Green Infrastructure Webcast Series presented at URS Corporation, Cleveland OH. Combined Sewer Overflow: An Overview. 3 November 2008. The Northeast Ohio Regional Sewer District. 9 November 2008, <>. Farr, Douglas. Sustainable Urbanism: Urban Design with Nature. New Jersey: Jolm Wiley & Sons, 2008. Leib, Amy, Mark Maimone and Howard Neukrug. Philadelphia's Stormwater and CSO Programs: Putting Green First. Municipal Stormwater Conference: Washington D.C., 16-19 June 2008. MacMullan, Ed, Sarah Reich and Bryce Ward. The Effect of Low Impact Development on Property Values. Municipal Stormwater Conference: Washington D.C., 16-19 June 2008. McHarg, Ian. Design With Nature. New York: Jolm Wiley & Sons, 1992. Street Edge Alternatives (SEA Streets) Prqject 2008. Seattle Public Utilities. 19 Oct 2008 < Drainage_Systems/Street_Edge_AIternatives/index.asp>. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Combined Sewer Overflows. 1 April 2009, National Pollution Discharge Elimination System. 11 Oct. 2008. < id="5>. Chapter XXXI Wl:>rks Cited 71 INDIX A NEORSDDATA CSO ldenlllleetlon _ CSO I.ocatlon· _,lion 1m.. BETW[EN om T~AC~S ........berof 0Y«11oWs ..... yea, (ESTINATE) 17 211 HINE·Wl!.E 01££1(. [AST Of COlT 21Z 8£~YOIR 214 8£H1N!) AM(RICAN $T[£l 5UPI'll£S "SARA-NAC 1lO. & Ii. 11'0TII Sf. A.lONG Rl\ fRACKS 61 215 WEST SfI)( Of DOAN BROOK II' Sf. (!.AIR AY[>iU£ (l 216 M:Sf or PARlIGATE AVL & [AST BLVO. EAST SlO[ Of DOM/BROOK 217 WEST or MARTIN UJTHElIIWfG ~YO." L 98TH ST. ~ASf SlOE Of OOAN BROOK 53 242 E. 14211D $1. & LAKESHORE BLVD. 14 o BlYO. OPI'OSlTt Q\lII.U4'1!S AVQ(ASr $ll)E Of ClKlJIl 246 IIROADWAY AVr. ;llMILL CREEK. EAST "'ALL or BRIOO[ 247 (ASf BLVD. ijl CRANWOOO CREEK. NORTH Of TIIORNHURST AVE. 32 o 249 .450' EAST Of £. 119TII 2SI>' NOI!T!i Of !oICCRACKEN flO. Ii 250 ALONG CUYAHOGA RIVER. 370' SOUTH Of CANAL RD•• EAST SlOE OF 1-77 BRIOG( 13 251 ALONG 8&0 RR TRACKS. 2200' NORTH OF CANAL 100. 49 Cleveland CSO Frequency Chart U. f.t.)TfPtY~&.-'-"f.NtI'lMc <At(TV'; 't 'IUrlll(~ 4ft .. H ;(l!}ttlt'llY "","''''\I[,}<l aj1fn"l >(!l!flfl(. ,*,iiM(! ~ AAr ... #;nf:I1t'VTI\t-U"\II'NT !'lM;f Y.HHIll.~ ~,R\1Cr .. ftA IJi"'II'l ,... t.\tHtJ\l ok ~~"".,..« "t-:Vh!H1MtM Cleveland NEORSD Treatment Regions 72 Ai ZNDIX B SOIL DESCRIPTIONS Available Water Capacity (AWC)Refers to the quantity of water that the soil is capable of storing for use by plants. The capacity for water storage is given in centimeters of water per centimeter of soil for each soil layer. The capacity varies, depending on soil properties that affect retention of water. The most important properties are the content of organic matter, soil texture, bulk density, and soil structure, with corrections for salinity and rock fragments. Available water capacity is an important factor in the choice of plants or crops to be grown and in the design and management of irrigation systems. It is not an estimate of the quantity of water actually available to plants at any given time. Available water supply (AWS) is computed as Awe times the thickness of the soil. For example, if AWe is 0.15 crnJcm, the available water supply for 25 centimeters of soil would be 0.15 x 25, or 3.75 centimeters of water. Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity (Ksat)Refers to the ease with which pores in a saturated soil transmit water. The estimates are expressed in temlS of micrometers per second. Hydrolol:ic Soil Group Ratinl:J ,ased They are based on soil characteristics observed in the field, particularly structure, porosity, and texture. Saturated hydraulic conductivity is considered in the design of soil drainage systems and septic tank absorption fields. For each soil layer, this attribute is actually recorded as three separate values in the database. A low on estimates of runoff potentiaL Soils are assigned toone of four groups according to the rate of water infiltration when the soils are not protected by vegetation, are thoroughly wet, and receive precipitation from long-duration storms. The soils in the United States are assigned to four groups (A, B, e, and D). The groups are defined as value and a high value indicate the range of this attribute for the soil component. A "representative" value indicates the expected value of this attribute for the component. For this soil property, only the representative value is used. The numeric Ksat values have been grouped according to standard Ksat class limits follows: Group B. Soils having a moderate infiltration rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of moderately deep or deep, moderately well drained or well drained soils that have moderately fine texture to moderately coarse texture. These soils have a moderate rate of water transmission. Group C. Soils having a slow infiltration Drainaee Class- refers to the frequency and duration of wet periods under conditions similar to rate when thoroughly wet. These consist chiefly of soils having a layer that impedes the downward movement of water or soils of moderately fine texture or fine texture. These soils have a slow rate of water transmission. those under which the soil formed. Alterations of the water regime by human activities, either through drainage or irrigation, are not a consideration unless they have significantly changed the morphology of the soil. Seven classes of natural soil drainage are recognized-excessively drained, somewhat excessively drained, well drained, moderately well drained, somewhat poorly drained, poorly drained, and very poorly 73