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Sakai 101 Competencies
Below is a list of the competencies taught for each part of the Sakai 101 Certification program. Part 1. Getting Started in Sakai 
Create a Sakai username and password; log into Sakai site Set Workspace preferences Create a project site Use Site Editor to add several tools to a project or course site, including Syllabus, Resources, Assignments, Tests & Quizzes, Gradebook, Calendar, Mailtool, Messages, and Forums Activate Gradebook Create two folders in the Resources tool Upload material using the Resources tool Move an artifact from one folder to another in Resources Describe how to view a course site as a student Upload a video to Media Gallery and create a Media Collection Upload a MS Word or pdf syllabus as an attachment using the Syllabus tool Create a syllabus inside the Syllabus tool Use Site Editor to import data from a course or project site Part 2. Creating and Delivering Content 
Use Site Editor to add participants to a project site Create a sample assignment in the Assignments tool Assign points to an assignment using the Assignments tool Using the Assignments tool, assign dates to a gradable item Automatically create an announcement and calendar event using the Assignments tool Grade an assignment Create a lesson module with varying content and media using the Lessons tool Use “Paste From Word” function in the Rich Text Editor to add content Create a second lesson module with varying content and media linking to the Resources tool Link to Assignment in the course from the Lessons tool Create a “Next Steps” in the Lessons tool Part 3. Assessment and Grading Mechanics 
Create short test using assessment builder inside the Tests and Quizzes tool and assign points Create a short test using markup text inside the Tests and Quizzes tool and assign points Set the start, end, and retract dates for a test inside the Tests and Quizzes tool Set an automatic Announcement and Calendar event inside the Tests and Quizzes tool Create a question pool in the Tests and Quizzes tool Create a test that uses randomized questions from a test pool in the Tests and Quizzes tool Set up Gradebook Categories Add a manual Gradebook item Part 4. Working with Communication Tools 
Create at least two Groups with the Site Editor tool Create two announcements with start and end dates using the Announcements tool Assign one announcement to a group using the Announcements tool Use the Calendar tool to create two events with start and end dates Use the Calendar tool to display one event to the entire course site and one event to a group Send an email to someone within your course site or project site with the Mailtool Change the Site Email Address in the Email Archive tool Using the Forums tool, create two forums with one topic in each forum Designate start and end dates for each forum in the Forums tool Participate in voice and text chat in the Meetings tool 