JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC THEORY 3522317 (1992) 56, Stochastic Dominance under Bayesian Learning* SUSHILBIKHCHANDANI Anderson Graduate University of California, School of Management, Los Angeles, California 90024 UZI SEGAL Department of Economics, University of Toronto, Toronto. Canada M55 IA1 AND SLTNILSHARMA Department of Economics, University of California, Los Angeles, California 90024 Received January 22, 1990; revised June 11, 1991 The concept of first-order stochastic dominance defined on distributions is inadequate in models with learning. We extend this concept to the space of distributions on distributions. We discuss conditions under which for all common observations one person’s beliefs (over a set of probability distributions) dominate another person’s beliefs by first-order stochastic dominance. We obtain sufficient conditions for this partial order and show that the sufticient conditions are necessary, provided that the underlying distributions satisfy an additional assumption. These conditions can be verified without taking any observations. Applications are discussed. Journal of Economic Literature Classification Numbers: Cll, DSO, D81, D83. 0 1992 Academic Press, Inc. 1. INTRODUCTION The concept of first-order stochastic dominance is usually defined on probability distributions over final outcomes (simple lotteries). Although this definition has been widely applied in economics, there are situations where it is inadequate. In this paper we analyze the concept of first-order * We are grateful to Ken Burdett, Seonghwan Oh, Lars Olson, Joe Ostroy, Zvi Safra, Lloyd Shapley, and two anonymous referees for helpful comments. 352 0022-0531192 $3.00 Copyright All rights 0 1992 by Academic Press, Inc. of reproduction in any form reserved. STOCHASTIC DOMINANCE UNDER LEARNING 353 stochastic dominance for probability distributions over probability distributions (compound lotteries) under Bayesian learning. e discuss conditions under which one person’s beliefs dominate another person’s beliefs by first-order stochastic dominance regardless of what they observe in common. We provide sufficient conditions on prior beliefs under whit this is true. These conditions can be easily verified without taking any observations. One may claim that it is unnecessary to define stochastic dominance relationships between updated beliefs. For instance, one may multipfy probabilities in the compound lotteries and apply the usual definition of stochastic dominance to the resulting actuarially equivalent simple lotteries. However, the partial order on compound lotteries obtained by ~ornpar~n~ actuarially equivalent simple lotteries may not be very useful from a normative standpoint. When a decision-maker faces a series of decisions, with some resolution of uncertainty between decisi valuable information ution on distributions. may be lost by multiplying probabilities in a di In any setting where there is learning, the usual concept of first-order stochastic dominance for distributions may be inadequate. This is illustrated by the following example, adapted from ~ikhchanda~i and Sharma [2]. Consider a risk-neutral decision-maker searching uentially (with or m distribution on without recall) for the lowest price. Let F, be a un CO, I] and let G, , G, be uniform distributions on CO,i) and [i, I], respectively. F is the compound lottery which is degenerate at F, and G is the compound lottery which yields the simple lottery Gi with probability 1, i = 1,2. The decision-maker may either take price samples from F only, or from G only. The cost of each sample is i. It is well kn searching from a known distribution (i.e., a simple lottery) to stop as soon as one observes a price less than some reservation price (see, for example, Lippman and McCall [lo]). The reservation price, r, is obtained by solving c=srH(x)dx, 0 (1.1) where c is the cost of each sample. Moreover, the minimum expected cost is equal to r. (The cost includes the price paid for the good as well as the sampling cost.) Thus, when searching from F, the minimum expected cost and the reservation price are both equal to l/d. On the other hand, when searching from G, the decision-maker knows after exactly one observation whether he is searching from G, or G,. Using (1.1) it is easy to check that it is optimal to stop after the first observation from 6, and the minimum expected cost is 0.75. Clearly, both and G have the same actuarially F 354 BIKHCHANDANI, SEGAL, AND SHARMA equivalent simple lottery, and yet the expected cost is lower under F. The usual definition of first-order stochastic dominance, when applied to actuarially equivalent simple lotteries, is inadequate.’ Our concept of stochastic dominance under Bayesian learning, what we call Bayes’first-order stochastic dominance, states that a compound lottery P dominates another compound lottery G if after any sequence of (common) observations, the actuarially equivalent simple lottery of the posterior distribution of p dominates the actuarially equivalent simple lottery of the posterior distribution of G, by ordinary first-order stochastic dominance. In the search example above, after one observation the posterior distribution of F remains unchanged whereas the posterior distribution of G is either degenerate at G, or degenerate at G,. Thus F and G cannot be compared by Bayes’ first-order stochastic dominance. It can be shown that if a compound lottery $ dominates another compound lottery 6 by Bayes’ first-order stochastic dominance, then the expected total cost (price of good plus sampling cost) is lower under G. Bayes’ first-order stochastic dominance is not a new concept. This and other related concepts have been used in the literature. For instance, Bayes’ first-order stochastic dominance is the same as Berry and Fristedt’s [ 1 ] concept of “strongly to the right,” which is useful in deriving comparative static results for the bandit problem. For the case when the simple lotteries have two final outcomes, Berry and Fristedt provide an equivalent condition for Bayes’ first-order stochastic dominance. However, in order to check this condition all possible sequences of observations have to be considered. The contribution of our paper is that it provides easily verifiable conditions for Bayes’ first-order stochastic dominance between compound lotteries with finitely many final outcomes. More importantly, our conditions can be checked without taking any observations.2 i This example shows that from a normative viewpoint, the partial order obtained by comparing actuarially equivalent simple lotteries may be inadequate when there is learning. From a descriptive viewpoint this partial order may be inappropriate, even in situations where there is no learning, since decision-makers may violate the reduction of compound lotteries axiom. That is, they may not be indifferent between a compound lottery and its actuarially equivalent simple lottery (see Segal 1181 and the references cited there). If we modify the above example so that the decision-maker can search exactly once from either For G, then an individual who does not subscribe to the reduction axiom would not be indifferent between F and G. Bikhchandani, Segal, and Sharma [3] obtain necessary and sufficient conditions for stochastic dominance under Bayesian learning for such decision-makers. ‘The question of ordering distributions on distributions has been addressed before by Bohnenblust, Shapley, and Sherman [5], and Blackwell 141. Bohnenblust, Shapley, and Sherman obtain a partial order on information systems, that is, on distributions on distributions, based on their value to the decision-maker. Blackwell shows that this partial order is the same as the one obtained from the statistical notion of sufficiency. This notion compares two information systems based on the criterion of second-order stochastic dominance of the expected posterior distributions after one observation. STOCHASTIC DOMINANCE UNDER LEAIRNING 355 A related question has been addressed by Whitt [I93 and aileron [14]. They are interested in conditions under which the posterior distribution of a compound lottery updated after an observation dominates another posterior distribution of the same compound lottery updated after a less favorable observation, by first-order stochastic dominance. We discuss the relationship between this concept and ayes’ first-order stochastic dominance in Section 3. This paper assumes the existence of probabilities of probabilities. Some authors argue against this concept (for a discussion see ~arschak [127, and in particular de Finetti [6]). We presume that they mean that when there is no learning, probabilities of probabilities are equivalent to ies, but when there is learning, the two are different. That, at is Totrep’s view in Kreps’ [9, p. 150] splendid drama concerning Our results are as follows. We show that when each underlying simple lottery is over the same two final outcomes, a compound lottery F dominates another compound lottery G by ayes’ first-order stochastic dominance if and only if F is a convex transformation of G (in a sense made precise later), if and only if the expected final outcome from any updated version of F is greater than the expected final outcome from an updated version of G using the same observations. This generalizes to the: case where the underlying simple lotteries yieid a finite number of final outcomes provided that the simple lotteries can be completely ordered by ordinary first-order stochastic dominance and satisfy an a~d~tio~a~ assumption The paper is organized as follows. We give necessary and sufhcient conditions for Bayes’ first-order stochastic domina~cc in Section 2. first analyze the case when there are two final outcomes and then the when there are finitely many final outcomes. Ap~~~cat~o~s are discusse Section 3. All proofs are in the Appendix. 2. BAYES’ FIRST-ORDER STOCHASTIC Let L, s {(PI, P,, .... P,):Pi>Q, CPi=l) be the s ace of probability distributions on a finite set (x1, x2, .... x,>, x1 <x2< ... <xM. An element of L,, Xi= (PiI, Pi2, .... PiM) represents a simple lottery yielding outcome xi with probability P,. Let I,,= ((X,, a,; X,, a,; .... X,,afg): Cti38, xUi=l, XfEL,) be the space of probability distributions with finite support in L,. Elements of L,, called compound lotteries, are denoted by 17, G, etc. The Lottery ’ Trade-off talking rational economic person. 356 BIKHCHANDANI, SEGAL, AND SHARMA F= (I,, a,; X2, a,; ... . X,, aN) yields the simple lottery Xi with probability aj. When comparing two compound lotteries F and G we write, without loss of generality, F= (a,, Q, .,., a,) and G = (pi, p2, .... PN), where some of the ai and pi may be zero. By multiplying the probabilities under F, say, we obtain its actuarially equivalent simple lottery E[F] EL,, where E[F] = (C-i” criPil, C: aiPia, .... Cy cxiPiM)< An observation from a compound lottery F is an outcome, Xi. We will sometimes refer to xi as the final outcome. The simple lottery Xi which gives this final outcome is not observed. Successive observations are independent draws from the same simple lottery Xi. After observing ti realizations of xi, t, realizations of x2, and so on, the decision-maker uses Bayes’ rule to obtain a posterior compound lottery in L, which is denoted by F(t,, t,, .... tM), or F(T), where T=(tl, t,, .... tM), Let a,(T) be the posterior probability given T that Xj is the true simple lottery. By Bayes’ rule, Since we assume that P, > 0 for all i, j, ai( T) is well defined for all i and T.4 Thus F(T)= (q(T), a,(T), .,., a,(T)). DEFINITION 1. Let Xi, X, E L,. Xi dominates X2 by first-order stochastic dominance, denoted by X, FOSD X,, if and only if for all increasing functions U: R -+ R, c,E 1 P, U(xj) > c,E 1 P, U(xj). It is well known that X1 FOSD X, if and only if Ql<M. (2.2) Since for every F, GEL,, E[fl, E[G] EL,, the partial order FOSD induces a stochastic dominance relation on L, in an obvious way. This definition of stochastic dominance is useful when decision-makers subscribe to the reduction of compound lotteries axiom (i.e., they are interested only in the probabilities of final outcomes), and there is no learning. However, the search example in the Introduction shows that comparing ECF] and E[G] by FOSD is inadequate when there is learning. The following definition requires that stochastic dominance be maintained under Bayesian learning. 4 We assume and j. P,>O for simplicity. Our results can be extended to allow P,=O for some i STOCHASTIC DOMINANCE UNDER 357 LEARNING DEFINITION 2. Let F = (ul, Q, .... CY~), G = (PI, p2, -.., fiN) E L,. F dominates G by Bayes’first-order stochastic dominance, denoted by F+= 6, if and only if VT, E[F( T)] FQSD E[G( T)]. Our definition of Bayes’ first-order stochastic dolminance is identical the concept of strongly to the right in Berry and Fristedt [I].’ to 2.1. Two Final Outcomes We first present the case when the simple lotteries Xi, i= 1,2, .... IV, yield two final outcomes, x1 and x2, x1 <x2. Without loss of generality let Pll>PZl> .,. b-PNl, where Xi = (Pi,, Pi2). Thus X,,, FOSD X,_ 1 I .. The expected final outcome under the posterior distribution E[xl F(T)] = i j=l F(T) is t x,cc,(T)P,. i=l E[x ( G(T)] is similarly defined. Berry and Fristedt [l] of two final outcomes that F+ G if and only if ECx IF(T)1 2 E[x I G(T)], proved for the case (2.3) VT. However, (2.3) is an impractical condition for applications, since it requires that the posterior distributions F(T) and G(T) be computed for all T. It is our aim here to find easily computable conditions equivalent to P”+ 6. Consider the following conditions on F = (or,, Q, .... a,), G = (aI, pz, .... fiN) E L,. There exist a 2 1, b < N such that Moreover, F= (0, .... 0, a,, a,+ I, . ... EN), aj>O, Viaa (2.4) G = (PI, Pz, ...> Pb, 0, .... 01, p,>o, (2.5) Vi6b. if a < b then cli %+ai+l Pi a<i<b (2.6) ‘Bi+Pi+l’ 5 A stronger definition would be to require that stochastic dominance be maintained after any sequences of observations T from F and T’ from G. Thus, corresponding to 3 we may define F+* G iff E[F(T)] FOSD E[G(T’)], VT, T’. Let P= (A’,, pi; X,, p2; .... X,, p,), p,>O, and G= (Y,, ql; Yz, q2;.... Yr, qL), ql>O. It is easily verified that F>* G if and only if Xi FOSD Y,, Vi, 1. First note that for all T the support of I;tT) is (X,, X,, .... X,), and for all T’ the support of G( T’) is (Y,, Y,, .... YL). Therefore a sufficient condition for F+* G is that Xi FOSD YI, Vi, 1. From (2.1) it is clear that for any i and 1 one can find T and T’ such that F(T) places most of its mass on X,, and G(T’) on YI. Thus a necessary condition for F+* G is that X, FOSD Y,, Vi, 1. 358 BIKHCHANDANI, SEGAL, AND SHARMA or, equivalently, -- cli @-,+1 Pi a<i<b. %+ly Conditions (2.4) and (2.5) imply that if for some i, cli = 0 and fii > 0, then ak = 0 Vk < i. Also, if for some i, cli > 0, pi = 0, then Pk = 0 Vk > i. Condition (2.6) implies that if ai, a,+i, /Ii, /Ii+ i > 0 for some i then the conditional distribution of I; on Xi, X,+r dominates the conditional distribution of G on Xi, Xi+ 1 by FOSD. The main result of this section is stated below. The proof is omitted since Theorem 1 is a special case of Theorem 3 below. THEOREM 1. Let X1, X,, .... X~E L, be simple lotteries with two final outcomes x1 and x2. Let F= (a,, q, .... ~1~) and G= (PI, p2, .... PN) be compound lotteries with outcomes in the ordered set (X,, X,, .... X,). The following statements are equivalent: (i) F+G. (ii) E[x/i(T)] >E[xjG(T)], VT; (iii) F, G satisfy (2.4), (2.5), and (2.6); (iv) F, G satisfy (2.4) and (2.5), and there exists a convex function, f, such that Fi = f(Gi) Vi E {a, a + 1, .... b), where a and b are as defined in (2.4) and (2.5), and Fi=zf=, a,, Gi= CL=, /3r are the cumulative distribution functions of F and G, respectively. When F and G have the same support, that is, when F= (a,, CQ,.... a,), G = (PI, Pz, .... /IN), and cli > 0, pi > 0 Vi, condition (iv) of Theorem 1 states that the cumulative distribution function of F is a convex transformation of the cumulative distribution function of G. Conditions (iii) and (iv) can be checked easily, since they do not require any observations. Conditions (i) and (ii) cannot be checked in general, since they are conditions on the updated distributions F(T) and G(T) for all T. 2.2. Many Final Outcomes In this section we consider the case when each simple lottery yields finitely many outcomes. We restrict ourselves to the case where X, FOSD .XNmI . . . FOSD X1. We first show that (2.4), (2.5), and (2.6) are sufficient for F+ G. THEOREM 2. Suppose that X, FOSD X,,- I . .. FOSD Xi. Let F = al, m2, . . . . aN) and G = Ml, P2, . . . . BN) be compound lotteries with outcomes ( in the ordered set (X1, X,, .... X,). If F and G satisfy (2.4), (2.5), and (2.6) then F> G. STOCHASTIC DOMINANCE UNDER LEARNING 359 It can be shown that even when X,, X,, .... X, are ordered by F (2.4), (2.5), and (2.6) are not necessary for F+ G. However, these condil tions are necessary when X1, X,, .... X,,, are of a special type defined below. DEFINITION 3. The simple lotteries Xi= (PiI, Pi2, .~.,PiM), i= 1, 2, .,., Iv are of type 1 if Xi+ I is a convex transformation of X,, i= 1, 2, ...) W- 1. That is, there exist convex functionsfi, i= 1, 2, .... W- 1 such that j, Pjil,i=f( i j= Pg], It can be shown (see Lemma are of type 1 if and only if pi ----< j+l pi+I,j+l pij Vl<M, A.2 in the Appendix) Qj<M, pi+l,j Qi=1,2 ,..., IV-I. (2.7) 1 that Qi= 1, 2, .... N- 1. G3) ’ Condition (2.8) is equivalent to the monotone likelihood ratio property (see Ferguson [S]). This assumption is used in a number of models in auction theory, principal agent problems, etc. (see Milgrom 1141). DEFINITION 4. The simple lotteries Xi= (PiI, Pip, ..D,PiM), i= 1,2, .... N2 are of type 2 if p, DEFINITION 2 pi+ 1, j9 Vj’j< M, Qi= I, 2, ..~)N- 1. (2.9) 5. The simple lotteries Xi = (Pi,, Pi2, .... PiM), i= 1, 2, ~..)Ar are of type 3 if pijGpi+l.j, Qj> 1, Qi= 1, 2, .. .. N- 1. (2.10) In the two final outcomes case considered in Section 2.1 any collection of simple lotteries are of types 1, 2, and 3. To see this, label the simple lotteries over two final outcomes X,, X,, .... X, so that P,, > Pzl > . . > Clearly X,, X,, .... X, satisfy (2.8), (2.9), and (2.10). For the case of final outcomes, types 1, 2, and 3 are illustrated in Figs. 1, 2, and 3, re tively. These triangle diagrams show simple lotteries in the P, - P, s Choose any Xi and plot it on a triangle diagram as shown in Fig. points (PI, Pz, P3) below the line AE satisfy PJP, 3 Pi2/Pil, a points above the line BD satisfy P,/P2 3 Pix/Pi2. Thus (2.8) implies that if Xl, x2, .... X, are of type 1 then Xi+ 1 must lie in the region AC Xi- 1 must lie in BCE. 6 Such diagrams were reintroduced into the literature by Mark Machina. He attributes these diagrams to Jacob Marschak (see Machina [ll]). 360 BIKHCHANDANI, SEGAL, AND SHARMA p3= Prob(x3) P, = Prob(x,) FIGURE 1 A similar argument establishes that if Xi, X,, .... 1, are of type 2 and Xi is as shown in Fig. 2, then Xi+ i must lie in the region AFCD, and X,-i must lie in HCE. Also, if Xi, X,, .... X,,, are of type 3 and Xi is as in Fig. 3, then Xj+l is in FCD and Xiel is in HCEB. These figures also show that the three types are not identical. In each of Figs. 1, 2, and 3, all simple lotteries that dominate Xi (by FOSD) are northwest of Xi, and Xi dominates all simple lotteries to its southeast. Thus, at least for three outcomes, if X,, X,, .... X, are of 1 p3’ Prob(xJ P, = Probdx,) FIGURE 2 STOCHASTICDOMINANCE UNDER 361 LEARNING P, = Prob(x,) P, = Prob(xJ FIGURE type 1, 2, or 3, then X, FOSD X,establishes this in general. LEMMA 1. rf X, , X,, .... X, X, FOSD X, p I . . . FOSD X1. 3 1 . ~. FOSD X, ~ The following lemma are of type 1, 2, or 3, then As is evident from Figs. 1, 2, and 3, the converse of Lemma 1 is not true. Also, there exist Xi, X,, .... X, which are of types 1, 2, and 3. For example, we can choose X,, X,, . ... X, which satisfy (2.8) with P,= Pi+l.i, 9=2,3 , ....M-1. i=l,2 ,..., N- 1. In the case of three outcomes, if Xi, X2, ...) X, lie on the line DH in Fig. 2 then they are of ty If the underlying simple lotteries are of type I, 2, or 3, then for any i such ahat ai, Mi+ 1, Bi7 Pi+ 1 ) 0, it is possible to find a sequence of observations T such that (i) F(T) and G(T) assign most of their mass to Xj and Xi+ i, and (ii) the relative mass assigned to Xi and Xi+ 1 by F(T) and G( 7-g can be made arbitrarily close to the relative mass assigned to them by F and 6, respectively. Therefore, E[F((T)] FOSD E[G(T)] only if ai(T)/aj+ ,(T) d P,(WB,+,(T) only if c+~+ 16 Pi/Pi+ 1. Thus (2.6) is necessary for F>i 6. The main result of this section generalizes Theorem 1. THEOREM3. Let X,, X,, .... XNg L, be of type 1, 2, OY 3. Let F= (a,, a2, ..*, ~~1 and G = (P1, ,%, .... PN) be compound lotteries wit outcomes in the ordered set (X,, X2, .... X,). The following statements are equivalent: 642/56/2-9 362 BIKHCHANDANI, (i) SEGAL, AND SHARMA F+G; (ii) E[xIF(T)I3E[xIG(T)I, VT; (iii) F, G satisfy (2.4), (2.5), and (2.6); (iv) F, G satisfy (2.4) and (2.5), and there exists a convex function, f, such that Fj = f(Gi), Vi E {a, a + 1, .... b}, where a and b are defined in (2.4) and (2.5) and Fi=Cfzla,., Gi = CF= 1 p, are the cumulative distribution functions of F and G, respectively. Theorem 2 established that if XN FOSD X,- 1 . . . FOSD X, , then (2.4), (2.5), and (2.6) are sufficient for F+ G. However, (2.4), (2.5), and (2.6) are not necessary for F+ G under these assumptions. This is shown in Bikhchandani, Segal, and Sharma [ 31.’ So far we have assumed that the supports of the simple lotteries and the compound lotteries are finite sets. The sufficient conditions in Theorem 2 can be generalized to the case where the support of the compound lotteries is an infinite set (and the support of the simple lotteries is a finite set). That is, if 9 is an infinite set of simple lotteries ordered by FOSD, and F and G are compound lotteries with support 9, then if F is a convex transformation of G then F& G (see Bikhchandani, Segal, and Sharma [3]). Although we do not have any results for the case where the supports of the simple lotteries and the compound lotteries are infinite sets, we close this section with an example in this setting. Let E; be normally distributed with unknown mean M, and precision 1, and G be normally distributed with unknown mean Mg and precision 1. Further M, and Mg are each normally distributed with means pf and p respectively, and precision r. It can be verified that if ,M$ pLgthen F&G. b’ 3. APPLICATIONS Bayes’ first-order stochastic dominance is useful in sequential decision models where there is uncertainty about probabilities. There are two kinds of questions that arise in applications of this concept. When do one person’s beliefs dominate another person’s beliefs regardless of what they observe in common? This question comes up in the first example below, in which we point to a duality between comparative risk aversion and Bayes’ 7 In this example, Xi = (0.5, 0.3, 0.2), X, = (0.5, 0.25, 0.25), X’s = (0.25, (0.25,0.45,0.3) are simple lotteries over three final outcomes. Clearly, X, FOSD Xi and Xi, X,, X-,, X, are not of any type I, 2, or 3. Let F= G = (0.75,0.1,0.15,0). F and G violate (2.6), since aJ(clg + s) > &/(& + s Suppose that one observes k samples with mean X from F[G]. distribution of M/ [M,] is a normal distribution with mean [(rpc, + mZ)/(r + m)] and precision z + VI. Clearly, the expected posterior F dominates the expected posterior distribution under G by FOSD. 0.5,0.25), and X, = FOSD X, FOSD X, (0, 0.1, 0.1,0.8) and 8s). However, F+ G. Then the posterior (r~~+mx)/(z+m) distribution under STOCHASTIC DOMINANCE UNDER LEARNING 363 first-order stochastic dominance. The second question we address is which compound lottery would a decision-maker choose today knowing that he will behave optimally in the future? This comes up in the other examples in this section. We first discuss the relationship between Bayes’ first-order stochastic dominance and the papers of Whitt [19] and Milgrom [14]. Let F be a distribution on distributions (i.e., a compound lottery) and let F(yr, yZr .... y,) be the posterior distribution (updated by Bayes’ rule), after final outcomes yl, y2, .... y, are observed. To be consistent with our earlier notation, each yj~ (x1, x2, .... x~M). The foclilowing ass~rn~t~~~ is often made in economic models. H)EFINITION 6. A compound lottery F is increasing if EEF(Y*, Y2, ...>Yjt ‘..) Y~)I FOSD ELF(y,y Yz, “‘3 y.lT ..‘> ym)I, V(Yt, Y2, -, Ymh VYJG Yj, Vm. A compound lottery, F, is increasing if higher observations in the past imply that future observations are more likely to be higher.’ It follows from Definition 2 that a compound lottery F is increasirrg if and only if F(Y,, Y2, .... Yj, --A>Y,~)>J’(;(YI, Y2v ..-gJ;‘, .~.>~,n), WYI, Y2, ..‘> y,), vyj< yj, Vm. Let F be a compound lottery which yields simple !otteries X, , X,, .... X,.,. Milgrom [ 141 has shown that if X,, X2, ..~,X, have the monotone likelihood ratio property”’ (which, as proved in Lemma A.2, is equivalent to assuming that the simple lotteries are of type I), then P is i~cr~as~~~ (see also Whitt [19]). This can also be proved from Theorem 3 (see ikhchandani, Segal, and Sharma [3]). Comparative risk aversion and Bayes’first-order stochastic dominance. say that one decision-maker is less risk averse than another if he is w~~~i~g to pay more than the other one for every lottery. Let two expected utility maximizers 4 and II have the same utility function U. Let both face the random variable (x, S; y, 1 S), x > y, yielding x if S happens and y if S does not happen. Assume, without loss of generality, that U(X) = 1 and u(y) = 0. The two individuals have the opportunity of jointly observing a series of identical experiments under which S may or may not hap 9 Related assumptions are affiliation (see Milgrom and Weber 1151) and condirionrrl szochastic dominance (see Riley [ 161). lo The monotone likelihood ratio property is often measured in models in auction theory, principai agent problems, etc. ‘I Think of the lottery as a slot machine that pays a positive amount if S happens and zero otherwise. 364 BIKHCHANDANI, SEGAL, AND SHARMA Initially, decision-makers I and II have beliefs F= (Q , CI~, .... rxN) and G = (PI, 82, .... PN), respectively, over the possible values of the probability of the event S, pl, p2, .... pN. The prices P, and P, that decision-makers I and II are willing to pay for this lottery are given by P,= u-‘(C aipi), P,= u-‘(C /lipi). It follows from Theorem 1 that I is willing to pay more than 11 for this lottery for all possible Bayesian updating (based on common observations of realizations of the event S or 1 S) if and only if F+ G if and only if F is a convex transformation of G. There is a striking duality between the definition of risk aversion in expected utility theory and Bayes’ first-order stochastic dominance. In expected utility theory, one decision-maker is less risk averse than another if and only if his utility function is a convex transformation of the other’s utility function. In the above story, where there is uncertainty about the probability, the equivalent condition is that one decision-maker’s beliefs over possible values of the probability of success is a convex transformation of the other%. A screening problem. Consider an employer who cannot observe the ability of potential employees, Output in each period is a random function of the worker’s ability, which may take the values a,, a2, . ... aN, and the effort (or investment, or some other input), 8 2 0, made by the employer in that period. Specifically, let X1, X2, .... X, be a set of simple lotteries over the employee’s input levels (.x1, x2, .... x,}, where 0 < x1 <x2 < .. . < xM. If the worker’s ability is ai then his input level in any period is an independent draw from Xi. We assume that the simple lotteries (X,, X2, .... X,) are of type 1; that is, they are ordered by the monotone likelihood ratio property. Under this assumption, higher input levels from a worker imply that he is more likely to be of higher ability. If the employer’s input is 8 in any period, and the worker’s input is xi, the output (in dollars) isf(8, xj), where fs, fX > 0, fee Q 0, and feX > 0. The employer incurs a cost c(0) for providing the input in each period, where c’( .) > 0 and c”( .) 3 0. Suppose that the employer has to choose between two potential employees, F= (cI~, a2, .... aN) and G= (pr, pZ, .... PN). That is, the employer’s beliefs that worker F is of ability ai is cli etc. If his objective is to maximize expected gross profit over T< cc periods, which one should he choose?12 His expected gross profit if he selects F is nF= i k=l dkB[mdy fE[f(eky Yk) 1 F(YIF . . . . Yk-dl-C(~k)}IF1, I2 Since there is no moral hazard in this example, the question of designing an optimal incentive scheme for the worker does not arise. Therefore, we assume that the workers are paid a constant wage which is exogenously determined. STOCHASTIC DOMINANCE UNDER LEARNING 345 where 6 is a discount factor and F( y,, .... yk- r) E P for k = 1. In each term of the summation the outer expectation is over y,, ..‘, y,- 1 and the inner expectation is over yk. The expected gross profit from selecting G, ‘, is similarly defined. Consider the following example. Let f(e, x) = Bx, c(6) = @, T= 2, and 6= I. Further, M=2 and N= 3 with x1 =O, x2= 1, and X, = (1,0), X, = (3, f), X, = (0, 1). Thus the input of a worker with ability level and is always zero, etc. Let F= (aI, CQ,ax) = (0.45,0.05,0.5) a1 G = (jl, pZ, b3) = (0.5,0,0.5). Not only is the expected input level under F greater than that under G (i.e., E[x 1F] > E[x 1G]), but also, when F and G are considered as simple lotteries over ability 1eveHs (a,, a*, Q), %; dominates G by ordinary first-order stochastic dominance (i.e., 01~< PI ar 01~+ c(~< /I1 + b2). However, direct calculation shows that the employer better off choosing G. Specifically 0.1808 = ZIF < IiTc = 0.1875. As the next proposition shows, if F> G, then thle expected gross pr is greater under F. Thus, if F is a convex transformation of G then employer should choose F. PROPOSITION 1. If F+ G then RF3 IIf’. A sampling problem. An employer wishes to hire one of two workers F and 6, each of whom can produce zero or one unit per period. Each worker’s output is an independent draw in every period, but the probability of success for each is unknown. An employer has a distribution over the probabilities of success of each of the two workers. Specifically, Pet O<p, <pz< ... <pN< 1, and let F= (tq, cc*, .‘., 01~) and 6=(pr, pZ9..., ,!Iw) be such that C cli = 2 /Ii = 1. The employer believes that there is probability cli [pi] that the probability of success for worker F [G] is pi, i = I, 2, .#.,pd. Qf course, some of the ai and pi may be zero. Although the employer wants to hire only one of the two workers, be may hire both workers during an initial probationary period and make a final decision later. If he hires both, he can observe the total quantity produced in each period, but he cannot tell how many units (zero or one) each worker produced.r3 Every period the employer updates his beliefs about the workers by using Bayes’ rule. Even if initially pi dominates by ordinary first-order stochastic dominance (in the sense that cf=, CZ~<C~= I pi, VI) this may change once the employer gets more information about their performance. For example, let pl = 0, p2 = 0.5, p3 = 1, I3 Alternatively, the employer may wish to hire both the workers ability worker (the one with a higher expected probability of success) job. In order to gather more information about the workers’ abilities their joint output for m periods. and place the higher in a more demanding he decides to observe 366 BIKHCHANDANI, SEGAL, AND SHARMA and let F= (0,0.5,0.5), G= (0.5,0,0.5). Obviously F dominates G by ordinary first-order stochastic dominance. If in the first period two units of output are observed, the updated G dominates the updated F by ordinary first-order stochastic dominance. Therefore, the employer may wish to hire both workers initially, and make a final decision after m periods. However, as we prove in Proposition 2, if F+ G then after an initial period of observation the updated F dominates the updated G by ordinary first-order stochastic dominance, regardless of the sequence of observed outputs. Thus he can avoid the cost of hiring both initially and select F to begin with. PROPOSITION 2. Suppose that F& G and the employer hires both workers initially. Let F* = (a:, a$, .... a$) and G* = (p:, /?z, .... jQ,) be his updated distributions after m periods of observation. Then cf= 1 a* < cf= 1 p*, Vl. Sequential search. Consider a risk-neutral individual who searches for the lowest price at which to buy a good. He can elicit price quotations from different sellers at the rate of one price quotation per time period. He can search for at most L time periods and, for simplicity, the cost of obtaining each quotation is zero. Once he decides to stop searching, he buys the good at the lowest price quotation obtained so far. Thus, an optimal strategy is to obtain L price samples and select the lowest price. The possible prices -.. <x,. The individual does not know the are {x1, x2, .... x,}, Xl<XZ< exact distribution over prices he searches from. Let X1, X,, .... X, be the set of possible distributions of prices. Let F and G be two distributions on the set (Xi, X,, .... XN}. Suppose that the individual can search for the lowest price either from F or from G. Further, once he chooses one of them he cannot switch to the other at a later stage. (The interpretation is that F and G represent his beliefs on the distributions over prices in two widely separated shopping areas. If he goes to one shopping area, then he does not have the time to go to the other.) Are there conditions on F and G such that, without actually computing the expected minimum prices, one can determine which one of the two distributions on distributions will be preferred by the individual ? We show that FOSD cannot be used to choose between F and G. Let X, = (1, 0), X, = (4, 4) and X3 = (0, 1) be simple lotteries over two final outcomes x1 and x2, x1 <x2. That is, X, yields x1 with probability 1, etc. Let F= (0, LO), G = (3, 0, f), and F’ = (f, 0, 4) be distributions on the set (Xi, X,, X3}. First, consider the case when the individual is allowed to take two price samples from either F or G. Let y, E (x1, x2}, k= 1, 2 denote the kth sample observation. Since E[min( yr , y2) I F] = :x1 + $x2 < 5.~~+ $x2 = E[min( y,, y2) I G]; STOCHASTIC DOMINANCE UNDER LEARNING 367 E; is preferred to G. If, instead, the choice is between F’ and G, and again only two price samples are allowed, then E[min(JJi, y2) IF’] = ix1 + +x2 > $x1 + $x2 = E[min(y,, y2) j G] implies that G is preferred to F’. Since ELF] = I?[%;‘] = (f, ;f and E[G] = ($, i), it follows that ELF] FOSD E[G] and ELF’] FOSDE[ Hence, FOSD is inadequate in this setting. In Bikhcha~dani, Segal, an Sharma [3] it is shown that if F>, G and the underlying simple lotteries are of type 1,14 then when searching with recall over a finite horizon the expected minimum price under G is less than the expected minimum price under F (see also Bikhchandani and Sharma [Z]). Bandit problems. Berry and Fristedt [ 1] use ayes’ first-order stochastic dominance to compare optimal strategies (under different p problems. Consider the two armed bandit with independent in which one arm, say the second, has a known distribution. ith arm yields an amount qi > 0 with probability xi, i= 1, 2, and yields with probability 1 - rci. The player knows n2 and has a prior distrib~ti~ on or. IIis objective is to maximize the expected discounted reward over an infinite horizon. Berry and Fristedt show that if a prior F on nil first-order stochastically dominates another prior G, then the value bandit (i.e., the supremum of the expected reward over all strategies) under the F-prior is greater than the value under the G-prior. Rothschild [17] uses the bandit problem to analyze the p good when the seller does not know the demand curve (see also L-131). othschild emphasizes that an individual will eventually settle on one arm and play it forever. However, the chosen arm will not necessarily be the “correct” one. That is, learning may be incomplete and an individual may play the less attractive arm forever. For any given experience on t unknown arm, if a prior F leads to incomplete Iearni then for all priors which are Bayes’ first-order stochastically dominate by F, we obtain incomplete learning. Whether similar results go through for correlated arms (see Easley and Kiefer [7]) is an interesting open question. Berry and Fristedt also show that for the case of two final outcomes, F+ G is equivalent to condition (ii) of Theorem 1. owever, as pointed out earlier, this is an impractical condition, since it requires that the posterior distributions F( 2”) and G(T) be computed for all T. The sufhcient conditions we obtain for F$ G are easily computable. l4 If the simple lotteries are of type 1 then higher higher future price realizations are more likely. price realizations in the past imply that 368 BIKHCHANDANI, SEGAL, AND SHARMA APPENDIX We need the following result to prove Theorem 2. LEMMA A.l. Let F and G be as in (2.4) and (2.5), respectively. Then (2.6) implies Vl<N. (A.11 Proof of Lemma A.l. If b <a, (A.l) follows trivially. Suppose that N} then again (A.l) follows b > a. If 1E (1, 2, ...) a-l} or Z~{b,b+l,..., trivially. Suppose that there exists ZE (a, a + 1, .... b - l} such that Without loss of generality we may assume that CT= i ai 6 CT= i fii, vs < 1. Therefore, ar>P,. From (2.6) we know that a,/yi,<ai+l/Bi+l, a< i< b. Thus ai > pi, I< id b. This, together with (A.2), implies Cp= i a,> w h’ic h contradicts the fact that Cp=i cl,< 1. Thus (A.l) must be Cf=lpi=l, true. 1 Proof of Theorem 2. From Lemma A.1 we know that (2.4), (2.5), and (2.6) imply (A.l). Since X, FOSD X,_ i ... FOSD X,, it is easily checked that (A.l) implies E[F] FOSD E[G]. Thus it is sufficient to show that after taking one sample the updated distributions satisfy (2.4), (2.5), and (2.6), and the lemma follows by repeated application. Let Tj be an M-vector with a 1 in the jth place and 0 everywhere else. Thus Tj represents a sample of size one in which xi was observed. We will show that F(Tj) and G(T’) satisfy (2.4), (2.5), and (2.6). Since a,(Tj) > 0 if and only if ai> 0, (2.4) is automatically satisfied by F(Tj). Similarly, (2.5) is satisfied by G(T,). Suppose that b > a. Choose i such that a < i < b. Since F, G satisfy (2.6), we know that clJc~,+ 1 </Ii//Ii+ 1. Also, since ~i(Tj)/ai+l(Tj)=(P,ja,)l(Pi+l,jai+l), and Pi(Tj>/P,+l(Tj)= (f’,Bi)I(Pi+ l,jPi+ 1) we have ai I < Pi(?) ai+ l(Tj) Pi+ I(?)’ (A.3) But (A.3) implies that F( Tj) and G( Tj) satisfy (2.6). 1 In the discussion on type 1 we claimed equivalent. A proof is provided below. (2.7) and (2.8) are that STOCHASTIC LEMMA DOMINANCE UNDER The simple lotteries A.2. LEARNING X1, Xz: .... X, are of type 1 $ and only if pi j+l --< pij Pi+!,j+l pi+l,j Vj-cM, Vi= 4, 2, .... N- Proof of Lemma A.2. Suppose (2.8) is true. Take pI = cj= i P,, and q, z cj= 1Pi+ I,j. Define fj as follows: any i< N. Let 1= 1, 2, ...) M; fi(PJ = 4r7 fz is continuous 1. ’ and between each pI and pI+ I it is linear. For all I< M - 2, fi(PI+l)-fi(PI) PI+l-PI jfi(Pi+Z)-L(PII) ’ P1+2-Plfl 41+ 1- 4i< 4r+2 - 4r+ 1 PI+1-P11Pr+2-Plti pi+I,I+1cpi+I,l+2 * pi,/+ 1 ’ pg+2 The last inequality is implied by (2.8). Thus fi is convex an are of type I. Next suppose that X,, X,, .... X, are of type 1. Take any i < N. Let p, and qr be as defined earlier. For some constants cr > 0, c2 > 0, dr , d2 define pP = cl pI+ dI and 4.7= c2ql+ d,, I= 1, 2, .... M Clearly it is possible to choose ci, di such that pjYI=qF-l=O and pT+r=@+r=l. Let h*(x) z c2fj((x -d,)/c,) + d,. Obviously q? = fi*(pT), I= I, 2, .... hf. Since fj is convex, and cr, c2 > 0, j-j* is convex. Therefore, Also, Similarly, Pa/(Pu + Pi,,+,) = p:. Thus (A.4) implies that Pi+l,l/ ) <1 Pil/(Pil+Pi,r+l)y which implies that Pi+l,~+l/P,+,,~3 (pi+-l,l+pi+l,I+l Pi,,+l/Pil. Since this is true for all 1, i, we have established (2.8). Proof of Lemma 1. The proof is immediate when X,, X2, .. .. X, are either of type 2 or type 3. Suppose that X,, X2, .... X, are of type I. We can rewrite (2.8) as BIKHCHANDANI, 370 SEGAL, AND SHARMA Define JjSAL j = 1, 2, ...) hf. pi+i,j’ By assumption, 1,3 1, > . . . 3 1,. Also, 1, < 1 and A, > 1, otherwise either cjE, P, # 1 or J$E 1 Pi, I, j # 1. Therefore there exists I* such that &*>l>,&+,. For all 161*, i Pij= j=t Similarly, Inequalities i i Ajpi+,3j>L/ i pi+I,j3 j=l j=l (A.9 pi+l,j. j=l for all I> I*, (AS) and (A.6) imply Xi+l FOSD Xi. 1 Lemmas A.3 and A.4 below are required to prove Theorem some notation. For 0,~ [0, 11, C 0,= 1, define Cki(f)li 02, . ..> 0,) ckv4, e2, . . . . e,) Cite,, e2, . . . . e,)’ 3. First, 1~ i, k 6 N. = (A.81 We can rewrite (2.1) as LEMMA A.3. Suppose that X1, X2, .... X, are of type 1, 2, or 3. For any k < i there exist Oki 1 , 6’f> .... 0% such that cri(ey, eg .... eg) = I, if rE {k, i} -=I1, if rE (1, 2, .... k- l> u (i+ 1, .... N). Proof of Lemma A.3. Suppose that X1, X,, .... X, are of type 1. Let Sil = c$= 1 P,, VI < M. Then, M-l In ci(e,, .... e,) = 1 Blln(S,- S,,- i) + ln(Si, - Sj,,- I= 1 a In Cj ~~=si~-si,I--I-si,i+l-sii asit e1 eI+ 1 =---0, pil 4+l Pi3l+l’ 1) STOCHASTIC DOMINANCE UNDER LEARNING 371 Thus 8 ln Ci/aS, 3 0, QI < M if and only if -- 81 pii e It1 (k.10) Vl<M. ‘pi,i+l’ By Lemma 1, S,,d Su, Vr > i, VI< M. Thus, satisfying the inequalities (A.lO) then if we choose IS,, .... 0,) V’r>i. C,(@l, a.., 0,) 6 Ci(O, >*.., O,), Similarly, (All) 8 In Ck/dSkl 6 0, if and only if (Al?) Thus for any (0,, .... 0,) satisfying (A.12), we have c,(dl, ..., 8,) d ck(@, ‘drck. > ..*> @Ml, (A.13) Since Xi, X2, .... X, are of type 1, (2.8) implies that there exist (0,, t)?, ...) 0,) which satisfy (A.lO) and (A.12) with at least one strict inequality. Cki(Pk,, Pkz, .. .. PkM) > 1 and cki(Pjl, Pjz5 .... PLM) < 1, Moreover, Since there exists a point (Sfi, el;j, .... 0:) on the chord joining X, and Xi such that cki(qi, (A.14) ey, .... e$, = 1. Since (Oti, 19l;j,.... 0:) satisfy (A.lO) and (A.12), Eqs. (A.11) (A.13), and (A.14) imply the lemma when X,, Xz, .. .. X, are of type 1. The proof for type 2 or 3 is similar. If X,, X,, ..~,X.V are of type 2 t d In CJaP, 3 0, Vj < M, if and only if 3-> &I’ and 8 ln ck/dPkj pij 1 -c:;i j=l,2 P,’ >... . - 1: (A.15) G 0 if and only if Since X,, X,, .... X, are of type 2, it is possible to find 8, ) 6,, ...) GM whit satisfy (A.15) and (A.16) and the rest of the proof is similar to the proof for type 1. When X,, X,, .... X, are of type 3, then one can fmd ol, 8,, .... that a In c,Iap, d 0, Qj > 1 and a In > 0, Qj > I, and the rest of the proof is symmetric. 1 ckjapkj 372 BIKHCHANDANI, SEGAL, AND SHARMA LEMMA A.4 Suppose that X,, X,, . ... X, are of type 1, 2, or 3. Zf F+ G then F and G satisfy (2.4), (2.5), and (2.6). Proof of Lemma A.4. Suppose that (2.4) does not hold. Therefore there exists i, and k < i such that aj = 0, ak > 0, and pi > 0. (We disregard the possibility that ai = pi= 0 because then, after dropping Xi, (2.4) can be satisfied.) Without loss of generality we assume that 01,=0, Vr E (k + 1, k + 2, .... i>. From the proof of Lemma A.3 it is clear that if Xl, x2, *.., X, are of type 1 then (OF, .... 6:) and (0?, .... f3$), r > k, s > i, when considered as simple lotteries, are also of type t with (ey, ...) 6;) FOSD (8?, .... SE). Thus we can find (6:, .... 8%) such that (B~,~.YO~), (0:, . ... &), and (Oii+‘, .... 8$+“) are of type t with (0;’ , .... 8gf’) FOSD (e:, .... Q$) FOSD (0: .... (I:), and Cri(6F, .... 6%) < 1, Vr E (1, 2, .... k- c,k(e:, VrE{1,2 ,..., k-l}u{i+l,..., . . . . 6t.f;) < l, 1) u (i+ 1, .... Nj N}. (A.17) We can choose (&Jf , .... 0%) to be rational and T= (tI, t2, .... tM) such that tj/c tj= 67, Vj. Define H, to be the compound lottery which yields X, with probability 1. Substituting (A.17) in (A.9), we see that lim F(zt,, .... zt,) = Hk z-m lim G(zt,, .... zt,)= z-m 1 Of,, r=k+l where a,>O, C:=,+, a,= 1. Thus for large enough z, E[F(zt,, .... zt,)] does not dominate E[G(zt,, .... ztM)] by FOSD and hence F% G. A similar proof establishes that (2.5) is necessary for F+ G. Next, suppose that b > a. Choose an increasing sequence of observations T’= (t:, .... t’,) such that (t:E tj, t’Jc tJ!, .... t’,E tj)) converges to (6;ii+1 ) ...) eg+ l ), where a<i< b and (Q:‘+‘, .... 19$+‘) is as defined in Lemma A.3. Thus Lemma A.3 and (A.9) imply that 0, lim clk( T’) = I-m ak OEj+C$+l 0, lim Bk( T’) = I+co Bk Pi+Bi+l’ if k$(i,i+l} if kE{i,i+l) if k#(i,i+l) if kE{i,i+l). STOCHASTIC DOMINANCE UNDER Also, since ai, a,+,, fli,fli+l>O, lim,,, defined compound lotteries. Therefore, E[ lim F(T’)] I-cc 3’33 LEARNING F(T’) and iim,,, G(T’) are well- FOSD E[ lim 1-30 iff Q'k<M iff ai aj+ai+f Pi %+A+1. Thus, for large enough 1, E[F( T’)] FOSD E[G( T’)] only if (2.6) ho1 Proof of Theorem 3. (i) o (iii). By L emma 8.4, (i) implies (iii) and by Lemma 1 and Theorem 2, (iii) implies (i). (i)+(ii). If F+=G then E[F(T)] FOSD E[G(T)], VT, which implies E[x/F(T)]>E[xIG(T)], VT. (ii) s (i). Suppose that 8’2 G. Then (iii) implies that either (2.4) or (2.5) or (2.6) is violated. Consider first the case when (2.6) is violated. Thus, there exist i, i+ 1 such that ai, ai+:, pi, /3i+l > 0 and cc,/(ai+ ai+ 1) > p,/(pi+ /Ii+ 1). Choose T’= (ti, t:, .... t’,) such that C I: -+ co and lim -cj”=, Iem t’ i,i+ t,!=H’ 1 ’ vi where f?,i+ ’ is as defined in Lemma A.3. For large enough I, P;(T’) an G(T’) &ace most of their mass on Xi and Xi+ 1, and Since, for arbitrarily small, positive E there exists I such that ai ai+ ,(T”) 2 1 -E, and fii(T’) + fii+ ,(T’) >, 1 -E, we have E[.x j G(T’)] E[x I F( T’)] for large enough I. i > 314 BIKHCHANDANI, SEGAL, AND SHARMA The other possibility, when F% G, is that either (2.4) or (2.5) is violated. Assume that gi + pi > 0, Vi, otherwise we can drop Xi. Thus there exists i, i + 1 such that either ai > 0, mi+ I =O, and pi+r>O, or ai>O, Bi=O, and pi+ 1 > 0. Using Lemma A.3 once again, we can find T* such that F( T*) puts most of its mass on Xi, and G(T*) on Xi+ 1, and thus E[xl G(T*)] > E[x 1F( T*)]. (iii)=>(iv). Let Fi=~~=, a,, Gj=CIS1 f(Gi) = Fig p,, and definefas i = a, a + 1, . ... b; f is continuous, and between Gi and Gi+ r, i = a, a + 1, .... b - 1, it is linear. The rest of the proof is similar to that of the first part of Lemma A.2. (iv)*(iii). Let iE (a, a+ 1, .... b-l}, and let F, and Gi be as defined above. For some constants c1 > 0, c2 >O, dl, d, define GF = c,G,+ d,, Fi*=cc,Fi+d2, i=l,2 ,..., N. The rest of the proof is similar to that of the second part of Lemma A.2. 1 Proof of Proposition 1. We give the proof for T< co. The T= CC case follows by a simple continuity argument. Let yr, yz, .... ykP 1 E { Xl, x2, ---, x,} be the history of employee input levels in the first k- 1 periods. (By observing the output level, the employer can infer yr, y2, .... yk- 1) since he knows 6,) 02, .... ok- 1.) Then, under G his optimal choice in period k is where the expectation iS over yk. Given our assumptions on f( .) and c( .), a unique 0: exists for each yr, yz, .... yk ~ 1. The expected gross profit under G in period k is 19: and II: are similarly FOSDJTG(Y,, y2,..., defined. Since F+ G implies EII;(yl, yk--l)l, E[f(@,", we have yk)(G(yl,...,yk-1)1-C(8kG) <'[f(fl,", yk)iFt;(yl,..., ykpl)] de,") and, therefore, WgYl, y2r ..., Yk-d~n,F(Yl, Y,, ...Y Yk-1). y,, .... ykP r)] STOCHASTIC DOMINANCE UNDER LEARNING 375 Moreover, since X,, X,, .... X, are of type 1, F and G are increasing (in the sense of Definition 6). Therefore, nr( .) and n,“( .) are increasing fu~~ti~~s of their arguments. Thus, since E[F] FOSD E[G], we have k=l Proof of Proposition 2. In each period the employer observes either two units of output (and he knows that each worker produced one unit), or zero units (and he knows that each worker produced zero), or one unit. Suppose that he observed mj periods of i units of output, i = 0, 1, 2, an C mi = m. Since the exact sequence of these observations is not important, we assume that in the first m, + m2 periods he observes zero or two uni in each period, and in the final m, periods he observes one unit per perio Let p= (a,, &, .... oi,,,) and G = (fll, B2, .... flN) be the updated distributions after m,+m_, periods. Since p= F(m,, m,), G= G(m,, mz), and F+Gh;: clearly iQ= G. Consider the remaining m, periods. For 0 < j d m qj that in j of the m, periods worker F produced a u not and that in the other m, -j periods worker F worker G did. Let @ be the updated probability at the end of the r~ periods that the probability of success for worker F is pi, and let a: j be the updated probability at the end of the m periods that the probability sf success for worker F is pi, given that in exactly j of ,the m, periods in whit only one unit was produced, worker F was the one to produce it. Similarly, define /I,+ and /3J;,. Of course, a* =‘j$& qjliaGj and /3* =cJTo qml-jfiJ,. Finally, let F* = (a:, CY:, .... c(s) and G* = (p:, 82, .... /?$). We show that F* FOSD G*. That is, Since E[P] FOSD E[d] it follows that for j> mJ2, qj> qrn,- j’ Let ~i=~~!~q~ol$~, d = c,q;>4, ..*, qh,), where qj=q&j=&(qj+qm,-i). /I,! = cJ?O qi/3i;: j, and F’ = (a;, a;, .... ah), G’ = (pi, /I;, .... lj;). It is well known that if I;, FOSD G1 then for I >a> b>O, aF, + (1 -a)G, FOSD bF, + (1 -b)G1. Moreover, if F1 FOSD G1 and F2 FOSD G2 then VaE [0, 11, UP, + (1 -a)F, FOSD aG, + (I -a)G,. 376 BIKHCHANDANI, SEGAL, AND SHARMA Also, it is easily verified that if j> ml/2 then a$j FOSD aJrnlPj, where (UT, cl;/ ...2aXi ). These facts imply that F* FOSD F’ and G’ FOSD G*. Since &= 6, it follows that for every j, a~j FOSD p$j. We therefore obtain the sequence of dominations, if (1) ml is an even number, CC:j= j, j, F*= j 2 qjcx;j FOSD z q;alyj j=O j-0 WI2 42 =,goq~(~~j+~~rnI-j) FOSD1 qi(B.Tj+P.Tnz-j) j=O = f q;& z q,,- jB;j= FOSD G* j=O j=O and, if (2) ml is an odd number, F* = ffJ qjCt:j FOSD j=O z qJCr!j j=O (ml- 1x2 = C j=O 9~(a~j+a.*I,,~j)+4;ml+l),2a~(m*+1)/2 FOSD (ml- 1l/2 1 qj.(B-Tj+B~nrl-j)+q;M,+1)/2P~(m,+1)/2 j=O = 2 q;p$j FOSD j=O 2 qm,- j&= G”. m j=O REFERENCES 1. D. A. BERRY “Bandit Problems: Sequential Allocation of Experiments,” 1985. S. BIKHCHANDANI AND S. SHARMA, Optimal search with learning, working paper (revised), University of California, Los Angeles, 1991. S. BIKHCHANDANI, U. SEGAL, AND S. SHARMA, Stochastic dominance under learning, working paper (revised), University of California, Los Angeles, 1991. D. BLACKWELL, Equivalent comparison of experiments, Ann. Math. Statist. 24 (1953), 265-272. H. F. BOHNENBLUST, L. S. SHAPLEY, AND S. 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