STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I =strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree l. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2 3 4 CD 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 1 2 3 @ 5 0) 3 4 5 2 3 2 3GJ 3. I believe that there is much more to a person than how they look or what they wear. 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. 1 ~5 5 What was the most useful part of the presentation?: ~te Q ~ ~(~ eJ.'ver b's/~/1iL)' ~ ~-----------~~-~ ~~ . STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I =strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=stronglyagree 1. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements "-'. I believe that there is much more to a 1 person than how they look or what they wear. 4. I think more schools should have programs 2 3 4 2 3 (]) 2 @4 2 3 like this 'one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. What was the most useful part of the presentation?: @3 Q 5 5 f)5 4 5 Cf{o-u....J to ("y"V1PA"~ STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUA TION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I =strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutraI 4=agree somewhat 5=stronglyagree 4(0 ------_. 40 l. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2 3 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 1 2 3 "-'. I believe that there is much more to a 1 2 38 5 2 3 4(9 2 3 48 person than how they look or what they wear. 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. 1 What was the most useful part of the presentation?: 10 (VOAt- CF~8're p~ a )tb I .fJrYIJ7eoj/ I~~ STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I =strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree l. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements -'. '" I believe that there is much more to a 1 3 2 3 (4) 5 2 CD 4 person than how they look or what they wear. 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. s. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. 1 40 2 5 2 3 ('£)5 2 3 (£)s ~~( ~~ STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers I to 5. I=strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree 2 3 4 C0 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 2 3 4 ~ 3. I believe that there is much more to a I person than how they look or what they wear. 2 3 4 CD 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 2 3 4W 2 3 l. I learned something I didn't already know. 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. 1 1 What was the most useful part of the presentation?: \~<;J\I\il[l ~ U\"f ~\Y)~-$, 0 5 STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I =strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree 1. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2 3 €) 5 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 1 2 3 4 (j) 2 3 4~ 2 3 4 CV 2 3 (i) 5 "-'. I believe that there is much more to a person than how they look or what they wear. 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. 1 What was the most useful part of the presentation?: ( -eJ (W15 f"€.- OfY (e. LOUfli--s O'r h c(; C"\ \-\-\ €..- ;p o~ld ilO~ 4he.. 5 ;d ~ clo+he. s STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I=strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree (V l. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2 3 4 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 1 2 3 48 3. I believe that there is much more to a 1 2 12) 4. I think more schools should have programs 1 2 3 2 .) person than how they look or what they wear. 4 5 4(() like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. What was the most useful part of the presentation?: o...,\,d·, des \.r.., c \l'-Q.. -\'c.~~~o~ "\-'~ "I 4 (2) STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I =strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree 0 2 3 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 2 3 4~J 1 3. I believe that there is much more to a person than how they look or what they wear. 2 3 48 2 3 4U 2 3 4G~-' ~_) 1. I learned something I didn't already know. 4. 1 I think more schools should have programs 1 like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. 1 What was the most useful part of the presentation?: 5 STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUA TION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. 1=strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree l. I learned something I didn't already know. 4(b 48 2 3 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 2 3 3. I believe that there is much more to a person than how they look or what they wear. 2 3 4 2 3 4 2 3 4 4. 1 / I , 5 '-------" ~ ( I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. 1 On 5 I L)' -fhP VI Jj) rli -jfi[:r What was the most useful part of the presentation?: I'vv\ i~ )1 < STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I =strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=stronglyagree l. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2 3 4G 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 1 2 3 4Q) 1 2 3 4 4. I think more schools should have programs 1 2 3 4 'D 2 3 4 D ,., -'. I believe that there is much more to a (i) person than how they look or what they wear. like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. 1 What was the most useful part of the presentation?: STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. 1=strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree 1. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2 6) 4 5 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 1 2 3 (4) 5 3. I believe that there is much more to a person than how they look or what they wear. 2 3 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 2 3 @ 5 Q) 3 4 5 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. 1 What was the most useful part of the presentation?: 40 STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I=strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree 1. I learned something I didn't already know. 0)5 2 3 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 2 3 4Q 1 3. I believe that there is much more to a person than how they look or what they wear. 2 3 40 4. I think more schools should have programs 2 (j 4 5 2 0J 4 5 1 like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. What was the most useful part of the presentation?: STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I =strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=stronglyagree 2 (8 4 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 2 3 4 @ 3. I believe that there is much more to a person than how they look or what they wear. 2 3 4 (i) 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 2 3 4 @ 2 3 4 C; 1. I learned something I didn't already know. 5. 1 would be interested in learning more on this topic. 1 1 What was the most useful part of the presentation?: 5 STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I=strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=stronglyagree (~ l. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2 3 4 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 1 2 0) 4 5 2 3 4 5 4. I think more schools should have programs 1 like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 2 3 41 5; 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. 2 a \, . / ~-\ "'I -'. I believe that there is much more to a person than how they look or what they wear. ,,- @4 I -, LI 5 What was the most useful part of the presentation?: leok I;k e SCJmeore pOfL1lo r. I STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. 1=strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree 05 l. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2 3 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 1 2 3 2 3 2 3 40) 2 3 €)5 3. I believe that there is much more to a person than how they look or what they wear. 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 5. I would be interested in learning more on 0 40 5 this topic. ~1 f h . ? Wh at was th e most uselU part 0 t e presentatIOn.: L ....... ' nu V-..J I I r.. -n,.J 11 ..... k:; Til", cl~'(,. GA.. t'< sf' (-\ S . - STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I=strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=stronglyagree Q3 1. I learned something I didn't already know. 4 5 2 Q 4 5 3. I believe that there is much more to a 1 person than how they look or what they wear. 2 3 4 5 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 2 3 4W 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. 2 3 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 0) GJ 5 What was the most useful part of the presentation?: T ,..-- f~('" ~ . UJo U (). 1 1t7'\;~ J e>J1t r <) fOpv Lr fY~f/Jt.e (P~u IJ a (I sd10 r <z- f, 0 (5 56 j+L~ f-!1te. 'z.,q f~ r --A.c:;J 5kcr kA-i-r ~'-\ Qex-. L\ STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I =strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=stronglyagree 1. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2 3 4 Q) 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 1 2 3 4 <D "-'. I believe that there is much more to a 1 person than how they look or what they wear. 2 3 4~ 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 2 3 4 (2) 2 3 4 (t) 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. 1 \\0+ lto\J.. ~eLL\ ~'~ufi6 • STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I=strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=stronglyagree l. I learned something I didn't already know. 2 3 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 2 3 '" I believe that there is much more to a -'. 2 3 2 3 person than how they look or what they wear. 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. 2 G) 5 40 46') 0 04 5 5 What was the most useful part of the presentation?: Le:(),! ('5 (J ., .c~.J;o- (/-1 D.. dv ~ r { ;s f1A ~I) Js # STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I=strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree 05 ©5 l. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2 3 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 1 2 3 2 3 4(2) 2 3 4W 2 3 4G) " I believe that there is much more to a .). person than how they look or what they wear. 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. ---(~ W-\- What was the most useful part of the presentation?: L-:J""Q4'. S"'fL~S --h\\~~~~ o\ooo-\. ~\~ ~~'i'(\. cmeJ'-A\;f,~ - STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUA TION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I =strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree 40:) 40 8 40 l. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2 3 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 1 2 3 1 3. I believe that there is much more to a person than how they look or what they wear. 2 3 2 3 2 3(3) 5 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. 5 What was the most useful part of the presentation?: u0'\i~\'~ ~c. \()0\htO L\~~L \J'~~_ \~ <,"'-"\' 0' \~~_, \ 1r',( ..". STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I=strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree 1. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2 3 ~ 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 1 2 3 4 .~ 1 3. I believe that there is much more to a person than how they look or what they wear. 2 3 4 8 4. I think more schools should have programs 1 2 3 4G) 2 3 4(~ 5 like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. What was the most useful part of the presentation?: STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I =strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree l. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize 2 3(9 5 2 (J) 4 5 2 3 (3J 5 2 3 4 ® 4 5 messages given in advertisements 3. I believe that there is much more to a 1 person than how they look or what they wear. 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. 1 What was the most useful part of the presentation?: 2 ~ ~\ 'Ad; "'3 \,k c.. STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I=strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=stronglyagree ,..-" 1. I learned something I didn't already know. 2 3 (4) 5 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 2 G 4 5 1 3. I believe that there is much more to a person than how they look or what they wear. 2 3 (:4; 5 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 2 G 4 5 2 3 & 5 5. 1 would be interested in learning more on this topic. 1 What was the most useful part of the presentation?: [cl/ll"~?'-> -,,/ I '1" STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I =strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree (0 2 3 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 1 2 3 "'I 1 @ 3 4 2 3 (f) 1. I learned something I didn't already know. -'. I believe that there is much more to a person than how they look or what they wear. 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. 4 (I) 5 \ "<~.,,/ 1 What was the most useful part of the presentation?: 2 \3 5 4 5 " 5 5 STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I=strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree l. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2 [) 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 1 2 3 4!0 " I believe that there is much more to a 1 2 3 4{j) 2 3 .). 5 \~ person than how they look or what they wear. 4. I think more schools should have programs 4 f4; 5 4 5 "-_/ like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. ,'A 2 \I 3\' 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. \ '~/ ) What was the most useful part of the presentation?: GJC /cv((Vcd 50('netAI~ STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I=strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree l. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2 CD 4 5 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements - 1 2 0 4 5 1 I believe that there is much more to a person than how they look or what they wear. 2 3 ® 5 2 3 @) 5 ~ 3 4 5 ,.., ~. 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 5. 1 would be interested in learning more on this topic. 1 What was the most useful part of the presentation?: We.. STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I =strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree l. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2 3 4 CD 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 1 2 3 GJ 5 1 2 3 0 5 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 2 G) 4 5 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. 2 3 ,., -'. I believe that there is much more to a person than how they look or what they wear. What was the most useful part of the presentation?: (4)5 DOh /t)A'f Cc\~e01\~ n STUDENT PRESENTA TION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I=strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree l. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2 Q 4 5 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 1 2 3 4 (s) 1 3. I believe that there is much more to a person than how they look or what they wear. ~ 3 4 5 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 0CD 4 5 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. @ 2 3 4 5 What was the most useful part of the presentation?: jLb"Qsi \\OW,?l.bpt-e {\"\Y\\::b -\ ()~hc!C5 \ STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUA TION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I =strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree 2 1. I learned something I didn't already know. 2. ht the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 3(3 5 1 2 Q) 4 5 1 2 Q) 4 5 ,., -'. I believe that there is much more to a person than how they look or what they wear. 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 2 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. 2 What was the most useful part of the presentation?: 3 e]) 0 4 ~ 5 5 STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to S. I=strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutraI 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree 1. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2 3 4 cD 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 1 2 CV 4 S 3. I believe that there is much more to a 1 2 3 4 6) 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 2 3 5. I would be interested in leaming more on 2 30)5 person than how they look or what they wear. this topic. What was the most useful part of the presentation?: CDS fV'; , I STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. 1=strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree 1. I learned something I didn't already know. 2 3 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 2 3 1 3. I believe that there is much more to a person than how they look or what they wear. 2 3C.A) 5 \U5 0 - ~."./~~'-" 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. What was the most useful part of the presentation?: 2(J 5 ) 4 5 2G)4 5 ''---.....;/ &t-rtn~ C O..r/~<:.h STUDENT PRESENTATION EV ALUATI312/~"'2 Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I =strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=stronglyagree l. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2 3 4 (!) 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 1 2 (j) 4 5 '" I believe that there is much more to a -'. 1 2 3 4 G) 2 3 4 cD 2 3 4() person than how they look or what they wear. 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. 1 What was the most useful part of the presentation?: STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. 1=strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree 2 CD 4 5 2 3 CY 5 1 3. I believe that there is much more to a person than how they look or what they wear. 2 cD 4 5 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 2 3 CD 5 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. 2 -' 4 cD 1. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements What was the most useful part of the presentation?: 8dve.rt\& ~~~ '") STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I=strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree 3(1) l. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 1 2 (j) 4 5 1 2 CD 4 5 2 3 G 5 2 3 @ 5 ,., -'. I believe that there is much more to a person than how they look or what they wear. 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 5. 1 would be interested in learning more on this topic. 1 What was the most useful part of the presentation?: 'A \)0(.(+ 5 0\.&. vert IS i n;} ~ STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I =strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=stronglyagree l. I learned something I didn't already know. 2 3 40 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 2 3 4 @ 3. I believe that there is much more to a person than how they look or what they wear. 2 0 4 5 @3 4 5 Q> 4 5 4. I think more schools should have programs 1 like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. 1 2 What was the most useful part of the presentation?: Tk ~rcen+ mool~!$ , ().[ f} eo,p {e ~{-~ 'T r.{~ t",,-,v\'/, C;IJt..'" STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. 1=strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=stronglyagree l. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2 3 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 1 2 38 5 3. I believe that there is much more to a 1 2 3 4(s) 2 3 4Q 40 person than how they look or what they wear. 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. 1 2{j) 4 5 What was the most useful part of the presentation?: ~e-l /: "J 'feork ~ /7 . /" cAl-? 2t- 6e ~--ceC-+- STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I=strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree 1. I learned something I didn't already know. 1 2 3 4 ({j 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements 1 2 3 4 ({}) 1 3. I believe that there is much more to a person than how they look or what they wear. 2 3 4 0 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 2 3 4(0 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. 2 3 4(] What was the most useful part of the presentation?:,~ \'Yl3 \-hf Ol\~ ~ Vh OJ O\~\ vl.(,S , STUDENT PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rank the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I=strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree l. I learned something I didn't already know. 2. In the future, I will be able to recognize messages given in advertisements ..... 1 2 3 1 2 3 (J) 4 G) 1 2 3 4 2 3 4(J) 2 3 ,.., -'. I believe that there is much more to a 4 G) person than how they look or what they wear. 4. I think more schools should have programs like this one to teach students how to understand advertisements. 5. I would be interested in learning more on this topic. 1 What was the most useful part of the presentation?: \'\{'fj Ct'Qout -tftQ -t\\\(\~S we o,c\ 0 5 TEACHER PRESENTATION EVALUATION Please rate the presentation using the numbers 1 to 5. I =strongly disagree 2=disagree somewhat 3=neutral 4=agree somewhat 5=strongly agree 1. The presenter related to the students. 1 2 3 4U,-) 2. The students seemed to understand the presentation material. 1 2 3 4@/ 3. The presenter used a variety of resources. 1 2 3 4 CD_ 4. The presenter showed understanding of the teaching method being used for the lesson. 1 2 3 4 0 5. The subject matter of this presentation was useful to the students. 1 2 3 4 €) Comments: -- kl eJ ), \ ~\..(­ (-,6- G'\. V{ \ 0 lS \~ e c (~ J' _ j .\IC~.) C-i.f-) c) ( CA-.+-h: ,,- .-\-\ 0)'\ o~ )Z', c) -C Y. s, Q Vh__ o'V' CjV -\,--{ I V\) \.J .' l\... 0 \ d \ r'-~ t (.J I t:-' + CA S s C:; ( 0 J k 0, (Jr-.) \ t- .