MULTIPLICATION LEARNING PROGRAM Honors Project ID 499 Donna J. Broome Dr. Ramon L. Avila August 1980 ID 499 furma J. BrO<Jl're August 1980 Let us look into a lIDdern mathanatics classroom. The teacher ''Why is 2 + 3 = 3 + 2?" Unhesitatingly the students reply, ''Because both equal 5." 'fu, " reproves the teacher, "the correct answer is because the rrutative law of addition holds." Her next question is, ''Why is 9 + ll?" Again the students respond at once: "9 and 1 are 10 and 1 rrore "Wrong," the teacher exclaims. '''The correct answer is that by definition of 2, asks, can2 = is 11." the 9 + 2 = 9 + ( 1 + 1 ). But because of the associative law of addition, 9 + ( 1 + 1) = (9 + 1) + 1. Now 9 + 1 is 10 by the definition of 10 and 10 + ,_ is 11 by the definition of 11." Evidently the class is not doing too well and so the teacher tries a simpler question, "Is 7 a number?" The students, taken aback by the simplicity of the question, hardly deem it necessary to answer, but the sheer habit of obedience causes them to reply affinnatively. The teacher is aghast. "If I asked you who you who you are, what v;ould you say?" The students are now wary of replying, but oI'_~ m:>re courageous youngster does so: "I am Robert Smith." The teacher looks incredulously and says chidingly, ''You 1reaIl that you are the name Robert Smith? Of course not. You are a person and your ~ is Robert Smith. Now let us get back to my original question: Is 7 a nunber? Of course not! It is the name of a number. 5 + 2, 6 + 1, and 8 - 1 are names for the same numbe~The symbol 7 is a numeral for the mnber." The teacher sees that the students do not appreciate the distinction and so she tries another tack. "Is the number 3 half of the number 8?" she asks. Then she answers her own question: "Of course not! But the nureral 3 is half of the numeral 8, the right half." The students are now bursting to ask, ''What then is a nunber?" However, they are so discouraged by the wrong answers they have given that they no longer have the heart to voice the question. This is extremely fortunate for the teacher, for to explain what a rn.tnber really is v;ould be beyond her capacity and certainly beyond the capacity of the students to tmderstand it. And so thereafter the students are careful to say that 7 is a nurn2ral, not a mmlber. Just what a rn..nnber is they never find out. - -- -2The teacher is not fazed by the pupils' poor answers. She asks, ''How can we express properly the wlDle rrumbers between 6 and 9?" ''Why,'' one pupil answers, "just 7 and 8." ''fu,'' the teacher replies. "It is the set of numbers which is the intersection of the set of wlDle numbers larger than 6 and the set of whole numbers less than 9." Thus are students taught the use of sets and, presumably, precision. A teacher thoroughly convinced of the vaunted value of precise language, and wishing to ask her students, whether a number of lolliIX'Ps equals a number of girls, phrases the question thus: ''Find out if the set of 1011iIX'Ps is in one-to-one-corresIXJndence with the set of girls." Needless to say, she gets no answer frem the students. Bent but not broken, the teacher asks one tmre question, ''How rruch is 2 divided bv 4?" A bright st.-OOents says unhesitatingly, ''Minus 2." ''How did you get that result?" asks the teacher. ''Well, " says the student, "you have taught us that division is repeated subtraction. I subtracted 4 from 2 and got minus 2." It vxruld sean that the IX'or children 'M)uld deserve some relaxation after school, but parents anxious to know what progress their children are IIEking also query than. One parent asked his eight-year-old child, "How much is 5 + 3?" The answer he received was that 5 + 3 = 3 + 5 by the cOIImltative law. Flabbergasted, he rephrased the question: 'r.But how many apples are 5 apples and 3 apples?" The child didn't quite understand that "and" means "plus" and so he asked, "l):) you mean 5 apples plus 3 apples?" The parent hastened to say yes and waited exr:;ctantly. "Oh," said the child, "it doesn't matter whether you are talking about apples, pears or books; 5 + 3 = 3 + 5 in every case." Another father, concerned about how his yotmg son was getting along in aritl"lrretic, asked him how he was faring. ''fut so well," the boy replied. 'The teacher keeps talking about associative, camutative and distributive laws. I just add and get the right answer, but she doesn't like that. ,,1 And so llirris Kline characterizes the problans of the student trying to learn mathematics. In his book, Why Johnny Can't Add: The Failure of the New Math, he contends that hundreds of thousands of problems exist in millions of kids. The problans, while varied directly with the rrumber of students, are nonetheless that, problans, and to each and every student, each is as>rtant and as inSUrtIDuntable as any other obstacle in the road to learning. In any public school classrCXJffi, these students bring not only their successes with mathematics and numbers, but their failures, as well. If their background should be unlucky enough to include a large dose of this type of teaching, one - -3can rrore easily understand why students have problems with math. Yet we, as math teachers in junior and senior high schools are not only expected to deal with students wh:> have these problems, but we are expected to help them overcane the problems and to learn mathem:ttics, algebra, geometry or other fonns of higher math. Perhaps it is time that s~ attention focused itself on the slow student-- the one for whom each homework exercise is a seperate little Hell through which he rrust go without the aid of a guide. In short, the student who has problffllS deserves some help. Obviously, in a limited situation such as a Senior Honors' Proj ect at Ball State University in M..mcie, Ind., to attempt to deal with the problems of all slow students in mathem:ttics - be- ~uld"both futile and foolish. focused on those students who lack fundamental facts Instead, this project has ~nd skills as they relate to single digit rrultiplication. This project is a unit of instruction. be used for any of the following instances: individual ~rk It may for a student in a ''nonnal" junior or senior high classroom who gives evidence that he or she lacks basic multiplication facts, group ~rk with students who overall demonstrate a lack of such skills, raraiiation for students in upper elementary grades who have, for one reason or another, failed to master basic multiplication skills and for those students in the lower elementary grades who demmstrate readiness to learn the rrultiplication facts. The instructional unit involves several facets: cognitive through use of flash cards and feedback, through use of visually-read questions and taped answers, through ~s"\e0.J the use of pre and post tests designed specifically to test mastry of the infoI1M.tion presented in the unit, and psychorrotor, through the use of physical obj ects to - -- count representing the act of multiplication. Through these tv.Q domains, the stu- dent will be exposed several times and through several different :rredia to the information being conveyed. - -4Students learn best through rrultiple instruction techniques, as Suydam and Dessart support in the National Cmmcil of Teachers of Mathematics m:mograph, "Classroan Ideas fran Research on Computational Skill~," p: p. 10-11. 2 They con- tend that by teaching students to IIultiply by using a lattice method, students were able to answer problens faster and with greater accuracy in a tim=d, IIl.lltidigit, multiplication drill than students taught by mJre conventional methods. Another example Suydam and Dessart cite is the difference in perfonnance by students taught by intuitive (word problem examples) rather than formal, abstract facts, also known as "conventional" methods. Based on these two studies, the evidence for varying the rrethod of both teaching and learning is so strong that it carmet be overlooked, particularly when dealing with students whose backgrotmds demonstrate a lack of mathematics success. In establishing a multiple method theory for teaching multiplication, Charles H. D'Augustine of Ohio University lists a pair of "readiness experiencesllthat students of nultiplication must have had before they can honestly expect to master the multiplication skills. These skills are COtmting and addition, and both nust, logically, precede a student's perfonnance of the mJre complex skill, multiplication? In this instructional tmit, the preliminary matter of COtmting is dealt with by the student's using sticks, either for COtmting or for rrultiplication work. These sticks are grouped by nu.ltiplication fact and are grouped into cups by their total number. The student clarifies his tmderstandin3 both through the COtmting as well as through cmmting the groups and detennining how many sticks are in each pack. D'Augustine shows a mJdel of the same concept, alghough his differs with ccnplexity and with grouping as this one.From this obviously basic cornerstone , carnes the theoretical or abstract knowledge one needs to begin multiplication. - -5We also know that changing presentation media assists the teacher of the slow student in finding a greater degree of success in helping his or her students. In the instructional tmit developed, the different media include the pre and post tests, the slides, the tape recorder, the flash cards, the sticks for physical manipulation and the written material for students to read. Even for the student who has a deficeincy in reading, the tmit IDuld be able to at least provide for his or her needs, as well as for those who read on either a slightly higher or lower than average grade level. 4 This type of presentation also provides for the student a change of pace in the presentation of material. As earlier indicated, the unit can either be used in a small group or in a individual setting. This provides for tmre personalized instruction which is, according to Sam Duker in Individualized Instruction in Mathematics, the rrost effective way to instruct the slower student as well as the average student. I Also, the utility of having a unit that can be used equally well with individuals J alrrost any situation. , and with small groups carmot be tmderstated by the public school teacher in Specifically, by the design of the instructional unit, I f the student has as an option, continuing on a specific section or tmving through I the entire packet to the next leaming activity. I I In brief, then, the learning packet or instructional tmit consists of the I pretest, followed by the physical review, followed by individual flashcard or screen drill, followed by a IDrksheet and concluded with a post test for each of two divisions of the multiplication facts. The subtmit of multiplication facts is :imnediately made reI event with a short section of verbal application or "story" problems which bnmediately precedes the final post test for the unit. - The instructional unit is specifically designed so that the student will have no difficulty y;orking through the problans, provided the facts have first been mastered, a task provided for in the design of the unit. It also allows students -6to segregate their individual learning problans fran the remainder of the basic nultiplication facts. Finally, the ~diate feedback for the whole unit is the verbal problem unit which applies the facts previously learned. By utilizing sllch an individual approach, one ~uld rope that the teacher who, at the beginning of this paper, was about to be tarred and feathered by her cotIIll.lIlity will no longerhave to fear for her life; she has a no-nonesense guide about how to teach multiplication to the slower junior and senior high school student. ,- ENDOOTES ~y Johnny Can't Add: The Failure of the Nevv Math, York, pp. 1-3, St. Martin's Press. furris Kline, 1973, New 2Classroom Ideas fran Research on ~utational Skills, M. N. Saydam and D. J. Dessart, 1976, Reston, VA, p. p. 0:1, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics. 3Multiple ~trods of Teaching Mathanatics in the Eleneltary School, C. H. D'Augustine, 1973, p. p. 133-150, Harper and Roe, Nevv York. 4Individualized Instruction in Mathema.tics, S. Ducker, 1972, Scarecrow Press, MetuChen, NJ, p. p. 17-74. BIBLICCRAPHY D'Augustine, Charles H. Mlltiple Methods of Tea~ Mathematics in the Elementary School, Harper & Roe,New York, 19 . Thlker, Sam, Individualized Instruction in Mathematics, Scarecrow Publishing Co., Metuchen, NJ, 1972. Hirschi, L. Edwin, Buil~ Mathematical Concegts in Grades Kindergarten Through Eight, Internationa TextbOOk Company, 197 . M:>rris Kline, Why Johrmy Canlt Add: Press, 1973. The Failure of the New Math, St. MartinIs Ginsburg, Herbert, Qri.ldren's Arithmetic: Company, New York, 1977. the learning process, D. Van N::>sttand Suydam, Marilyn and IXmald Dessart, Classroom Ideas from Research on tational Skills, Natiot13.l Cotn1til of Teachers 0 Mathematics, Reston, VA, 19 6. , ..... suw Donna J. Hoile INDIVIDUAL LEARNING PACKET ON MU1T IP1ICATION This individual learning packet is intended as one means of helping first year h1gE_.~c):lOol stu4~ts who do not understand multiplication. It is pa:rt of what will be a four-part remedial unit for individual student,use. r chose the individual learning packet because I've found when students reach high school, they are frequently hesitant to accept help with any of the four basic processes. This packet will help those students by giving them a non-threatening learning situation in which to learn at least survival-level skills in multiplication. The overall goal of the packet is to enable a student who is unable to multiply ..t9 ..p,t leal?t master mul tiplica~lon tables from 1 through 9 and to use . .-~ that knowledge in story or applied problems. -~.".. The secondary objective is to help the student who is weak in multiplication skills to develop those skills, again, through drill and application. The packet is intended to build both knowledge and skills. The selection of media for the packet was based on the learning-by-doing concept. With the groups of sticks, students can actually see, feel and count to understand the "how" and "why" questions. Flash cards provide students with individual tests and immediate feed back, considering answers are on the reverse sides of the cards. Through the pre- and post-tests and practice problems, the student will be able to determine where (s)he needs to concentrate more work. Since this is designed to be used one student at a time, several students each day might use the packet; therefore, all materials are easily cleaned. To use the packet, the teacher will announce its availability. Following class work with multiplication, the teacher will be able to refer individual students to the packet for remedial work. Effectiveness of the packet will be shown by stUdents' better performance of classwork dealing with multiplication. The packe~ contains several opportunities for the student to evaluate their performance as they proceed through the material; however, the mastery of the packet material only, with no carry-over, is not a desirable outcome. In regard to the evaluation of the project, my objective was to develop a format for a four-part packet by way of the multiplication skills. ----------------------,------------------------- I think I've ·. Page 2 met that objective. As for the packet's operational objectives, the only accurate way to determine their effectiveness is to use it in a classroom setting; this I have not yet accomplished. Creation of the project was difficult because I had no model to follow. From my research, I've found the project to be theoretically sound, though. Based on this quarter of the four arithmetic functions, I think I will be able to develop lndi vidual leaming packets wi t:1 j;;,uch less difficulty. PURPOSE: This individual learning packet has been designed to help you develop your skill in multiplication. You need to keep in mind that you will be working on your own. checking your own progress and that you will be able to look at the answers at any time; however, if you look at the answers before doing the work or if you skip steps. that may seem impractical, you will not be learning all you can. If you have any questions, please ask your teacher. GENERAL PROClt:nURE: 1. The procedure to use to answer any question in this packet is to write the correct answer in the blank (unless told otherwise) with the special pen included in the packet. 2. To check your answers after you have finished, take out the appropriate answer sheet and place it on top of your problem sheet. The correct answers will be either to the right of your answers or below them. If you have missed any answers, mark the correct answer on your problem sheet. After you finish correcting your answers, review the problems you answered incorrectly. 3. After reviewing any missed problems, take a damp cloth and wipe off your problem sheet. 4. When you finish with a page, please replace it into the correct envelope in the correct order so that the next person will have a ready-to-use packet. 5. Now, to get a general idea of what to do, please take out the "Flow Chart" from this envelope. 6. Begin working through the packet by removing the "Instruction Sheetl l from this envelope. INSTRUCTION SHEET I 1. Remove Pretest I and answer the questions. 2. Check your answers with Answer Sheet-Pretest I (See # 2 on this envelope) . 3. Did you miss more than two problems on the pretest? If not, please remove Pretest II and answer those questions. Go to #5. 4. If you missed more than two problems on Pretest I, take envelope II and follow the instructions on the outside. 5. Check your answers with Answer Sheet-Pretest II (See # 2 on this envelope) . 6. Did you miss more than five answers on Pretest II? If not, please proceed to envelope IV. 7. If you missed more than five answers on Pretest II, please proceed to envelope III. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _oooo-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ \\0 *-__________n_ _ -_·_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~ = 4 X 0 :3 x2 = 2 X 0 = :3 x1 = = O.X 0 .. 2 X :3 x :3 • 1 X :3 .. 2 Xl" oX 1 - 4X4= :3 X 4 • 2 X 4 - 4 X 2 = 2 X 2 .. 4 Xl" oX o x :3 .. 1 X 2 • 2 .. 1 X 4 • 1 X 1 = :3 x0 4 = 1 X 0 :3 = x :3 = .. 4 oX , ~"7JL\J e_X ~\'\ee.-," ~~ ~-t .I- .3 .(p ~ t .3 0 8 4 ·0 ...,' -----------------,---------------------------- .:t. fu\le \~ I PRETEST 9 x 8 =- - -- 3 x 9 =- - Ox8= _ _ 5 x 1 =- - =- - 8 x 0 =- - 7 =-- 6 x 1 =- - 8 x 1 =-- 1 x 9 =- - 8 ":. -- 9xO":. _ _ 7xl'::. _ _ 4x9= _ _ 7x3":. -- 5x4-:. -- 9x7'::. _ _ 5 8x2= _ _ 5x3-:. -- 7x5= _ _ 5 x 8 = -- 3x6-:. -- 6 x 2 =-- 5 x 2 =-- 7 .l.L X x 5= 7 x 8 =- - 3x7-:' _ _ 6 x 6 o 9 =- - 8x3= _ _ 9x5= _ _ 8 x 8 =- - 2 x 9 ': -- 2 x 6 =-- 2x8= _ _ 9 3 = -- 1 x 7 =- - o x 5 ::; -- 6 x 4 =-- 9x2= _ _ 9 x 9 =- - -- 5 x 6 ': -- 1 x 8 =- - 4x5= _ _ 4 x 7 = -- 9 =-- 6 x 9 ': -- 3x8= _ _ 9x6= _ _ 7 x 9= -- 5x0 =- - 8 x 4 =- - 1x5= _ _ 8x 7 7 x 4 =-- 6 x 0 = -- 9x4= _ _ ox 5 9 =- - 5 x 7 = -- 8x6= _ _ 6 x 3 =- - 6 x 7 =- - 3x5= _ _ 7 x 0 = -- 2 x 5 = -- o x 7 x 6 = d x x x 6 =-- x x =- - 9 x 1 =- - -- 8 x 5 =-- 6 x 5 =- - 7 x 2 = -- 1 x 6 =- - 6 8 =- - 2 x 7 =- - 7 = 4x6= _ _ x I ~"5\.0e\ ~ct III 4J Siza 3 nAttA aq <J -P,e.ta-JI.. "........... ".J-..j3~ . ,.:: "'" ,_ : ·:-~:, ~:. i I I 1~ I '. : { . ~7 : 1(, ..-f';· s I/lJ .'~ JA , :, 5/sJ • • \~': .. : < ' ; , ; , ' ;' ~/- .;;J!l.I;I i "~JI ~o :lJ/. ~ I . "~., 'I¥: " '.~ ,", . 91 :18 II' J j. ! D ,:'7"';'" ....." 1-........... I: () \ . . .' ~-~_J_":"_'__ '" _ · - - - - - - - - , - -_ _ _ _ _ 1t_'. __ I1 _ _ _ ....~ _ _ . ____ _ INSTRUCTIONS FOR ENVELOPE II 1. Procedure to use sticks to solve multiplication problems 1. Remove containers I, 2, 3. and 4 from the box. 2. Since 0 x any number equals zero, there are no sticks. Therefore, zero times any number, or any number times zero equals zero. 3. Work through the following example: Problem: 4 x 3 = Take container 3 a-n~d'--r-emove four bundles of sticks Count the number of sticks you have III III III III = 12. This means 4 x 3 = 12. II. 4. Complete all problems on the Stick Problem sheet in this way. 5. Check your answers. 6. Review mistakes. Procedure to use flash cards 1. III. IV. Take flash cards from box A. Place them so the answers are facing away from you. Go through each card. Try to figure out the answer, then ehcek yourself by turning the card over. Continue until you have gone through all the cards at least twice. Practice Problems 1. Answer the problems on Practice Problem sheet 2. Check your answers 3. Review mistakes Remove the post test and answer the problems. 1. Check your answers. If you missed more than two, return to Step I at the top of this sheet. 2. If you didn't miss more than two, proceed to envelope 3. STICK PROBLEMS Jxl= _ _ 2xJ"' _ _ 1 x J = -- Oxl- _ _ 2x4= _ _ 4 x 1 = -- lx2"' _ _ lx4"' _ _ 2xO= _ _ ox -- J x 2 =- - 4xJ= _ _ lxl= __ 2 x 1 = -- JxO= _ _ Jx4- ___ 4 x 4 =-- 2x2= _ _ 4 x 2 ::: -- o = -- o x 4 ::: ox -- lxO= _ _ 4 x 0 =- - -- 0 ... 2 '" JxJ= _ _ __ ~~._. ~_T_~~·~' _______________,__________________ x J I ,~\'-<,,'-I..JQ-' '::3nee\ -1~ 5\ \C~ -~lJ\t'\(,\'- cs '. '. (p f 3 ~; k :0 C c I:~ , , 10 ' l L:t Ir I o h r "- l I . J f.p I "0 I I;- \ . l,_~." .. ~, __\.-". ;0 PRACTICE PROBLEMS lx4= _ _ 1 x 2 =- - 4 x 1 = 2x4= _ _ ox = -- 1 x 3 =- - 2:x:3= _ _ 3xl= _ _ ox =- - ox 3 = -- 2x2= _____ 3x4= _ _ 2 x 1 = -- 4.x3= _ _ ox 0 =-- 2 x 0 =- - 3x3= _ _ 1 x 0 =- - 1 2 -- Ox4= _ _ 4 x 2 =- - 4x4= _ _ 3xO= _ _ 1 x 1 =- - 3 x 2 =- - 4 x 0 = -- 4 x 1 =- - 2 x 3 =-- o =- - ox 1 = o =- - x 3 1 x 0 = -- 4 x 4 = x 0 3 x 2= _ _ = -- 1 x 3 = ox 2 =- - 3x4= _ _ 4 x 3 = 3 x 3 =- - 4 x 2 = -- 1 x 1 = 1 x 4 = -- 2x4= _ _ 3 x 1 = 2 x 2 =- - 2 x 1 =-- 2 x 0 = Ox4= _ _ 3 =-- 4 x 0 1 x 2 x 0 = I~ o .() ,,8 J{P o () l 3 ••.• _. (J t L~;····~~.',' 0 POST TEST 4xO-::' _ _ 3x2'::. _ _ lxl::' _ _ 3 -- 4x4': _ _ 4x2:: Ox4'::. _ _ lxO= _ _ 3x):: _ _ x 0 -=- -- 2 x 0 1: -- ox 0 =-- 4xJ= _ _ 2 x 1 =- - ox 1 =-- 3x4= _ _ 2 x 2 = -- o x 3 =- - o 3xl= _ _ 2 x 4 =- - 1 x 4 =- - 2x3= _ _ 4 x 1 =-- x 2 1 x J =- = -- lx2= _ _ - I a :'1 1'1,. 12 o - 3 ...._---."..-," ' - - - - - - , - - - - - "--~---- _ .._-- INSTRUCTIONS FOR ENVELOPE III 1. Procedure to use sticks to solve multiplication problems 1. Remove containers 1- 9 from the box. 2. Since 0 x any number equals zero, there are no sticks. Therefore, zero times any number, or any number times zero equals zero. 3. Work through the following example Problem: 5 x 4 = Take container 4 a-n~d~r-emove five bundles of sticks Count the number of sticks you have IIII lIIT lIIl IIII lIII = 20 This means 5 x 4 = 20. II. 4. Complete all problems on the Stick Problem sheet in this way 5. Check your answers. 6. Review mistakes Procedure to use flash cards 1. III. Take flash cards from box B. Place them so the answers are facing away from you. Go through each card. Try to figure out the answer, then check yourself by turning the card over. Continue until you have gone through all the cards at least twice. Practice Problems 1. Answer the problems on Practice Problem sheet 2. Check your answers 3. Review mistakes IV. Remove the post test and answer the problems. 1. Check your answers. If you missed more than five, return to Step I at the top of this sheet. 2. If you didn It miss more than five, proceed to envelope 4. ----------------------------------.---- STICK PROBID1S 7x8= _ _ 5x1= _ _ o x 8 =-- 1x9:: _ _ 4 x 5 =-- 9xl= _ _ lx6= _ _ 7 x 1 = -- 9 5 =- - 1 x 5 =- - 4x8= _ _ 5 x 3 = -- 9xO= _ _ ox 5 =- - 5 x 0 =- - 5x7= _ _ 2 x 5 =- - 5x9= _ _ 6 x 9 =-- 1 x 7 =- - 3x7= _ _ 8 x 2 =-- Ox6= _ _ 3x8= _ _ 7xl= _ _ 7x 2 =-- 8 x 7 =- - 9 x 9 =-- 8 x 1 =- - 5x5= _ _ 7 x 0 = -- 6 x 7 =- - 7 x 4 =-- 5 x 6 =- - 8x8= _ _ 3x6= _ _ 7x3= _ _ 8 x 6 =- - 6 x 4 = x 6x6= _ _ -- =_ 4 x 6 =-- 8 x 5 =-- 9 x 6 =-- 9 x 3 =- - x 7 =- - 8xO= _ _ 8 x 9 =-- 7 x 0 =- - 6 x 0 =- - 8 x 9 =- - 2 x 9 =- - 7 x 8 =- - 5 x 4 =- - 3 5 =- - lx8= _ _ 6x2= _ _ 2 x 7 =- - 6x 5 =- - 7 x 9 =- - 9x2= _ _ 6xl= _ _ 4x9= _ _ 3 9 =- - 6 x 3 =- - 8x4= _ _ 7 x 6 =- - 8x3= _ _ 5 x 8 =- - o x 9 =- - 7 x 5 9 x 4 =- - 4 x 7 = -- x x 2x6= _ _ 9 x 7 =- - 6x8= _ _ o x 7 = =-- 5 x 2 =-- 3x 7 =-- 9 x 2 x 8 8 -- =- - I ~~SU..)~\'"" "S~ct j.'; ~:;. 4 > ~\\\I{:\t\-Je. -:N:. "Shck\=tb'b\-{'(Y\S " o ! I .1 . - .... -< ." --.. "'-'~ ~ I 1:11 '1/8 II !f \:14 [ " i ,~ t.35 " J49 , ... i7~ I ~ ! t ! 18 ~, ., sn 1 ,, t ~ ,0 , .' ~ '.' 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I?l,__ _"' 4.:t ~~~_O , '" 7 POST TEST -- 7x3= _ _ 8x2= _ _ 5x8= _ _ 7 x 8 =- - ox9 =- - 8x8= _ _ 1 x 7 =- - 7x6= _ _ 8 x 9 =- - 5 =- - 7x4= _ _ 5 x 9 =- - 6 x 3 = 7 x 0 =- - 5x4= _ _ 5x 3 =-- 3x -6 =- - 3 x 7 = 4 x 8 = x 0 9 x 0 = -- -- 3 =- - 2 x 9 =- - ox 5 =- - 5 x 6 =- - 6 x 9 =- - 8 x 4 =- - 6 0 =- - 5 x 7 =- - 6 x 7 = -- 2 x 5 =- - 7 x 1 =- - 9 x 7 =- - 7 x 5 =-- 6 x 2 8 x J( =-- 6x6= _ _ 3x8= _ _ 2x6= _ _ 6x4= _ _ lx8= _ _ 9 x 4 =-- 8x6= _ _ 3 x 5 =- - o 6 =- - -- 5 x 5 =- - ox 7 =- - 5 x 2 =-- 7 x 7 =- - 8xl= _ _ 2 x 8 =-- 4 x 5 =- - 9 x 6 =- - 8 x 7 =- - ox8 =- - =- 6 x 5 =- - 1 =- - 4 x 6 =- - 9x 8 =- - 3 x 9 =- - 5 x 1 = -- 8 x 0 =- - 6 x 1 =- - 9x5= _ _ 1 x 5 =-- -x9= 9 x 2 x 6 x 9 x 3= _ _ 9 x 9 =- - 4 x 7 =- - 7 x 9 =- - =- - 7 x 2 =-- 6 8 =-- 2 x 7 =-- .-------.-----------------.----~ .. - .. - . - - . - 1 x 9 = 9 x 1 -- =- - 8 x 5 x ")D :1,\ J/o ;5t J/'J. 7~ ': /8 .; /6 Ie ., Jo i t ,() I ..:.ct.-., .,:" .,II".....' t,' ,) : D ' ~I 54 10 :"5 3/P / -1 .:1 ~4 Jau. 0 ~t, 49 st., .3D ; :J.J.j ~ i. s) ._. D ~;~ £i " :'1 . Dj :,0 I ~ ~ ~;, i 19 r' . ! L____- ,--------- ,14 .. ------- --. - INSTRUCTIONS FOR ENVELOPE IV (STORY PROBLEMS) 1. Remove the proce dures sheet and read it twice. 2. Remove the example problem and read through it twice. 3. Using the above procedures, work through the Practice Story Problems. 4. Check your answers. 5. Review your mistakes. 6. If you feel confident working with story problems, remove the Individual Learning Packet Post Test. 7. ON A SEP ARATE SHEET OF PAPER, write the answers to all 64 questions. 8. Submit your answers to the Individual Learning Packet Post Test to your teacher. -- .1 PROCEDURE TO FOLLOW TO SOLVE A STORY PROBLEM ~"Mi"'." 1. read through the problem 2. find the question asked ). find the information given pertaining to the question 4. set up an equation 5. write a multiplication equation 6. write the answer with the correct title AN EXAMPLE OF SOLVING A STORY PROBLEM 1. rea.d through the problem Frank helped his uncle plant some small pine trees. Frank planted 3 rows of trees. He put 8 trees in each row. How many trees did he plant? 2. find the question asked How many trees did he plant? 3. find the information given pertaining to the question planted 3 rows of trees & put 8 in each row 4. set up an equation 3 rows x 8 trees in each row 5. write a multiplication equation 3 x 8 6. = ? write the answer with the correct title 24 trees --------__-_,______ -------"-~. --_ ..-- PRACTICE STORY 1. Jill went t.o the store with her mat. Jill bought 9 pieces of bubble gum. She paid 2 cents for each piece of bubble gum. How many cents did she spend'? Answer Multiplication Equation 2. PROB~lS Tony went to the neighborhood carnival with his friend Tim. Tony rode on 3 different rides. He rode each ride 4 times. How many times did he ride all together? Multiplication Equation Answer 3. Brad plays softball every Saturday. He played in 7 games. Brad hit 4 runs every time he played. How many runs did he hit? Multiplication Equation 4. Answer Cindy likes to play house with her friends. Cindy has 6 dolls. has 5 dresses. How many doll dresses does Cindy have? Multiplication Equation Every doll Answer / 5. Elizabeth saves StaJllpS. pages. She puts 8 stamps an each page. How many stamps has she saved'? Multiplication Equation 6. J full Answer John collects marbles. He puts 5 marbles in each ~. How many marbles does he have? Multiplication Equation She has Answer He has 9 bags. PRACTICE STORY PROBLEMS (CCNTINUED) 7. Marmie went to the post office for her mom. Marmie bought stamp cost 8 cents. How much did Marmie spend? Multiplication Equation 8. Each Answer Answer Kathy has a lot of jewelry. She keeps 4 rings in each jewelry box. has 2 jewelry boxes. How many rings does Kathy have? Multiplication Equation 10. stamps. Mark helped. his grandfather count how many cows he had. His grandfather had 9 trucks. He put 9 cows in each truck. How many cows did Mark's grandfather have? Multiplicat.ion Equation 9. 7 She Answer Robert helped his father-in-law trim Christmas trees. He trimmed 3 rows of trees. Each row had 9 trees in it. How many trees did Robert trim? Multiplication Equation Answer - , _ ,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ..- . -. . · ' r -ll.'-.- "'< ,,;.. ,._ ,,-- •• - _ _ _ _. . _ . _ 'Ix' = . 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'''' -," .."--".,;,, #S'marble~ ,-'. . . -----'-=---;---------~ INDIVIDUAL LEARN ING PACKET POST TEST 1. 9 X 4" _ _ 22. 9 X 9 .. _ _ 43. 4 X 9" _ _ 2. 6 X 0 ... -- 23. 9 X 2 ... _ _ 4ih OX3- _ _ 3. 7 x 4'" _ _ 24. 6 X 4 ... _ _ 45. 6 Xl" 4. 1 X 2'" _ _ 25. 0 X 46. 1 X 0 .. 5. 9x 6. 3 7. 8 X 7 .. 8. 1 X 9. 5 .. -- III __ 26. 1 X 7" _ _ 47. 7,x 7 &: x 3'" __ 27. 9 X 3 .. _ _ 48. 6 X 6 m 28. oX 49. 718- _ _ 29. 2 X 8 ,. _ _ 50. ox 8 X 4'" _ 30. 1 Xl" -- 51. 5 10. 5 X 0 .. _ _ 31. 2 X 6 .. _ _ 52. 3 X 6 - __ 11. 1 X 4'" _ _ )2. 0 X 8 .. -- 53. 1 X 3 .. _ _ 12. 7 X 9" _ _ 33. 2 X 4'" _ _ 54. 0 X 7"" _ _ 13. 9 X 6 .. _ _ )4. 8 X 5'" _ _ 55. 2 X 3" _ _ 143X8- _ _ 35. 8 X 8'" _ _ .56. 7 15. 8 X 9" _ _ 36. 9 X 5" _ _ 57. 5 X 3 ... _ _ 16. 4 X 5'" _ _ 37. 0 X 9 .. _ _ 58. 0 X 2 ... _ _ 17. 1 X 8'" _ _ 38. 2 X2 59. 2 X 7 III 18. 5 X 6 ... _ _ -- 39. 3 X 9" _ _ 60. 4 X 6 OR 19. 4 X 4 ... _ _ 40. 5 X 5" _ _ 61. 6 X 8 ... 20. 7 .. _ _ 41. 9 X 7:11 _ _ 21. 3 X 4'" _ _ 42. 7 X 3" _ _ 62. Charlie decided to put 3 rows of tomatoe plants in his garden. He put 6 plants in each rOlf. How many tomatoe plants did Charlie plant? Multiplication Equation Answer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 63. Beth wanted soml~ extra money, so she took 9 empty pop bottles to the store. She got 5 cents for each bottle. How much money did she receive at the store? Multiplication .fi::quat1on Answer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 64. Toni keeps his I~iniature car collection in a special box. There are 5 rows of cars in the box with 8 cars in each row. How many cars does Toni have? Multiplication Equation Answer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ .. 1 5 - __ x6 - tlo 4" OIl __ -- 0 .. X 2 .. X 5 ... _ _ ---