Safer Staffing Report Agenda Item: 5b) Board of Directors Meeting Date: 25th June 2014 SOUTH ESSEX PARTNERSHIP UNIVERSITY NHS FOUNDATION TRUST Monthly Shift by Shift Staffing Report 1.0 PURPOSE OF REPORT The purpose of this report is to provide the Board of Directors with the monthly shift by shift information required to be presented as part of the delivery of the Hard Truths commitments associated with publishing staffing data regarding nursing, midwifery and care staff. 2.0 OVERVIEW There are 5 expectations within the Hard Truths Commitments regarding the publishing of staffing data, these are: 1. The Board receives a report every six months on staffing capacity and capability which has involved the use of an evidence-based tool (where available), includes the key points set out in National Quality Boar (NQB) report page 12 and reflects a realistic expectation of the impact of staffing on a range of factors (first report by June 2014). 2. The Trust clearly displays information about the nurses, midwives and care staff present and planned in each clinical setting on each shift. This should be visible, clear and accurate, and it should include the full range of patient care support staff (HCA and band 4 staff) available in the area during each shift. This was due by June 2014 and then each shift. 3. The Board receives an update containing details and summary of planned and actual staffing on a shift-by-shift basis on a monthly basis, by June 2014. 4. The Trust will ensure that the published monthly update report specified in 3 above [i.e. the Board paper on expected and actual staffing] is available to the public on the Trust’s website and the relevant hospital(s) profiles on NHS Choices. This is due by June 2014 and then monthly. 5. The Trust reviews the actual versus planned staffing on a shift by shift basis, responds to address gaps or shortages where these are identified, uses systems and processes such as e-rostering and escalation and contingency plans to make the most of resources and optimise care on each shift. The first expectation was achieved and presented to May Board of Directors. Staffing information boards are in place across the Trust covering expectation 2. This report covers expectations 3 – 5 to detail information and processes in place. The monthly shift by shift staffing is also expected to be reported on a monthly basis via Unify covering planned and actual staff on shifts covering all inpatient areas. It is also required for the Unify data to be linked to NHS Choices website. 1 Safer Staffing Report Systems have been set up for every inpatient area to report their actual staffing to planned staffing per shift to a centralised safer staffing email for the Clinical Governance and Quality Directorate to collate, interrogate and identify any hot spots. This information has been reviewed on a weekly basis via teleconference call with Lead Nurses and senior managers to identify any hotspots from the previous week, any mitigations and actions taken to ensure safe staffing, as well as discuss any concerns for the following week. The information reported monthly via Unify and linked with NHS choices is ward by ward with summaries of sites. This detailed information is attached within appendix 1. The graphs below give an overview of the data and actual staffing within directorates with identified hotspots of individual ward areas. 3.0 SHIFT-BY-SHIFT STAFFING ESTABLISHMENTS The shift-by-shift reporting system in place in Beds and Luton Mental Health Services has been replicated and implemented across all other inpatient areas. Following further discussion with senior staff and review of the information returned this is being refined to include establishment, planned and actual to ensure an accurate understanding of staffing needs of each shift is considered. It is recognised that the systems locally and nationally are still maturing. Where it is reported over 100% fill rates, this is due to additional staff required to support increased observations. As the system for reporting is developed, the actual against the planned will be more sensitive to ensure adjustment to reflect the requirements of individual wards. Information is received from each of the wards, collated and reviewed by Lead nurses and Executive Directors, before final submission to Unify. It is expected that the Unify data will be rag rated although it is not yet clear what the criteria for the rag ratings will be. It has been proposed that this will occur following the first months data collection. Bedfordshire and Luton Essex 2 Safer Staffing Report Learning Disability Forensics and CAMHS 3 Safer Staffing Report 4.0 HOTSPOTS The graphs above show that overall there are no hotspots for hospital sites, with cover across the majority of areas being above 95%. The individual ward areas (in appendix 1) though do highlight some hotspots as discussed below: Crystal ward (58.1%) – The ward on a number of shifts has been covered with one registered member of staff. Each shift is reviewed by the nurse in charge and matron and staff are moved around the units as required to ensure safe staffing, but it is proposed for 2 registered staff on each shift. There have been no significant concerns in regards to the safety and quality of care on the ward when reviewing clinical incidents and safeguarding reports. This ward is on a site, where staff can be supported by staff from other wards, or the site senior nurse if required. Cedar House (106.0%) – This is a rehabilitation ward, and staffing requirements are reviewed on a shift basis. There have been some shifts, where it was planned for 2 registered staff but were covered by a care support worker. There have been no significant concerns in regards to the safety and quality of care on the ward when reviewing clinical incidents and safeguarding reports. Townsend Court (82.3%) – The ward on some shifts has been covered with one registered member of staff. This has been reviewed by the matron with the nurse in charge to review patient dependency and acuity and further support given with health care support worker, although it is seen as best practice for 2 registered staff on each shift. There have been no significant concerns in regards to the safety and quality of care on the ward when reviewing clinical incidents and safeguarding reports. Chaucer Ward (81.6%) – The ward on some shifts has been covered with one registered member of staff. This has been reviewed by the matron with the nurse in charge to review patient dependency and acuity and further support given with health care support worker. This ward is on a site, where staff can be supported by staff from other wards if required. There have been no significant concerns in regards to the safety and quality of care on the ward when reviewing clinical incidents and safeguarding reports. Woodlea (74.0%) - The ward on a number of shifts has been covered with one registered staff rather than the planned, but at these times, the clinical unit manager has based herself on the unit to work clinically. No concerns around safety or quality of care have been reported or seen through clinical incidents and safeguarding reports Maple ward (78.8%) - The ward on a number of shifts have been covered with one registered member of staff, but on all these instances a band 4 member of staff has supported the registered member of staff. There have been no significant concerns in regards to the safety and quality of care on the ward when reviewing clinical incidents and safeguarding reports. This ward is on a site, where staff can be supported by staff from other wards if required. Further comments The appendix details the ward by ward staffing that has been submitted to Unify. It should be noted, that these are for individual wards, and some areas are covered as a whole unit. An example of this is within Learning Disability where Bronte Place, Keats House and Byron Court are supported overall for registered nurses from Byron Court. 5.0 RECOMMENDATIONS It is recommended that the Board of Directors: 1. Note the contents of this report 2. Identify any further work required to be taken forward. 4 Safer Staffing Report 3. Approve report to be published on SEPT website and linked to NHS Choices 6.0 ACTION REQUIRED The Board of Directors is asked to: 1. Approve report to be published on SEPT website and linked to NHS Choices Report prepared by Sarah Browne Associate Director Clinical Governance and Quality On behalf of Andy Brogan Executive Director of Clinical Governance and Quality 5 Safer Staffing Report Day Hospital Site Details Site code *The Site code is automatically populated when a Site name is selected RWN10 RWN10 RWN10 RWN10 Ward name Hospital Site name ROCHFORD COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ROCHFORD COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ROCHFORD COMMUNITY HOSPITAL ROCHFORD COMMUNITY HOSPITAL RWN10 ROCHFORD COMMUNITY HOSPITAL RWN10 RWN40 RWN40 RWN40 RWN40 RWN40 RWN50 RWN50 RWN65 RWN70 RWNH0 RWNH0 RWNH0 RWN20 RWN20 RWN20 RWN20 RWN20 RWN20 RWN20 RWN91 RWN92 RWNL3 RWNL8 RWNL8 RWNL8 Main 2 Specialties on each ward ROCHFORD COMMUNITY HOSPITAL MENTAL HEALTH UNIT (BASILDON) MENTAL HEALTH UNIT (BASILDON) MENTAL HEALTH UNIT (BASILDON) MENTAL HEALTH UNIT (BASILDON) MENTAL HEALTH UNIT (BASILDON) THURROCK COMMUNITY HOSPITAL THURROCK COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Mountnessing Court Churchview House Heath Close Heath Close Heath Close RUNWELL HOSPITAL RUNWELL HOSPITAL RUNWELL HOSPITAL RUNWELL HOSPITAL RUNWELL HOSPITAL RUNWELL HOSPITAL RUNWELL HOSPITAL BIGGLESWADE HOSPITAL ARCHER UNIT OTHER COMMUNITY PREMISES The Glades The Glades The Glades Specialty 1 715 - OLD AGE PSYCHIATRY 710 - ADULT MENTAL Cedar/Willow Ward ILLNESS 715 - OLD AGE Clifton Lodge PSYCHIATRY 715 - OLD AGE Maple Ward PSYCHIATRY 711- CHILD and ADOLESCENT Poplar Unit PSYCHIATRY 715 - OLD AGE Rawreth Court PSYCHIATRY 710 - ADULT MENTAL Assessment Unit ILLNESS 715 - OLD AGE Gloucester PSYCHIATRY 710 - ADULT MENTAL Grangewater Ward ILLNESS 710 - ADULT MENTAL Hadleigh PICU ILLNESS 710 - ADULT MENTAL Westley Ward ILLNESS 715 - OLD AGE Mayfield Unit PSYCHIATRY 715 - OLD AGE Meadowview Ward PSYCHIATRY 715 - OLD AGE Mountnessing PSYCHIATRY Churchview 314 - REHABILITATION 700- LEARNING Byron Court (5 Heath Close) DISABILITY Bronte Place (4a Heath 700- LEARNING Close) DISABILITY Keats House (2 Heath 700- LEARNING Close) DISABILITY 712 - FORENSIC Alpine PSYCHIATRY 712 - FORENSIC Aurora PSYCHIATRY 712 - FORENSIC Causeway PSYCHIATRY 712 - FORENSIC Dune PSYCHIATRY 712 - FORENSIC Forest PSYCHIATRY 712 - FORENSIC Fuji PSYCHIATRY 712 - FORENSIC Lagoon Ward PSYCHIATRY Whitbread Ward 314 - REHABILITATION Archer Unit 314 - REHABILITATION Cumberledge Intermediate 314 - REHABILITATION Care Centre Beech Ward The Coppice Whichellos Wharf Wood Lea Clinic 700- LEARNING DISABILITY 314 - REHABILITATION 712 - FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY Specialty 2 Night Registered midwives/nurses Total Total monthly monthly planned staff actual staff hours hours Registered midwives/nurses Care Staff Total Total monthly monthly planned staff actual staff hours hours Total Total monthly monthly planned staff actual staff hours hours Day Night Care Staff Average fill rate registered Total Total nurses/midwiv monthly monthly es (%) planned staff actual staff hours hours Average fill rate - care staff (%) Average fill rate registered nurses/midwiv es (%) Average fill rate - care staff (%) 930 1035 1537.5 1515 320 330 650 650 111.3% 98.5% 103.1% 100.0% 997.5 1057.5 1500 1687.5 320 380 630 660 106.0% 112.5% 118.8% 104.8% 930 922.5 3577.5 3592.5 320 320 1670 1670 99.2% 100.4% 100.0% 100.0% 885 697.5 1732.5 2280 320 320 690 940 78.8% 131.6% 100.0% 136.2% 817.5 825 1882.5 2100 310 320 880 1280 100.9% 111.6% 103.2% 145.5% 937.5 772.5 3045 3180 320 320 1230 1270 82.4% 104.4% 100.0% 103.3% 930 847.5 1042.5 1230 620 620 700 770 91.1% 118.0% 100.0% 110.0% 952.5 922.5 1252.5 1267.5 310 310 620 610 96.9% 101.2% 100.0% 98.4% 982.5 967.5 975 1050 310 320 680 750 98.5% 107.7% 103.2% 110.3% 930 967.5 2572.5 3060 620 620 1500 1680 104.0% 119.0% 100.0% 112.0% 975 960 1252.5 1312.5 320 320 640 670 98.5% 104.8% 100.0% 104.7% 712.5 690 1912.5 1912.5 310 310 940 950 96.8% 100.0% 100.0% 101.1% 930 930 1650 1845 310 310 930 1060 100.0% 111.8% 100.0% 114.0% 892.5 885 1597.5 1620 610 610 630 640 99.2% 101.4% 100.0% 101.6% 495 495 907.5 885 310 310 310 310 100.0% 97.5% 100.0% 100.0% 465 540 1395 1440 310 310 620 760 116.1% 103.2% 100.0% 122.6% 142.5 157.5 787.5 697.5 0 10 310 300 110.5% 88.6% #DIV/0! 96.8% 465 465 510 510 0 20 620 600 100.0% 100.0% #DIV/0! 96.8% 930 922.5 930 960 620 610 620 600 99.2% 103.2% 98.4% 96.8% 465 555 930 802.5 310 310 310 310 119.4% 86.3% 100.0% 100.0% 930 877.5 1395 1402.5 310 310 930 1000 94.4% 100.5% 100.0% 107.5% 930 937.5 945 918.75 310 310 620 600 100.8% 97.2% 100.0% 96.8% 922.5 810 600 618.75 310 310 620 620 87.8% 103.1% 100.0% 100.0% 930 922.5 1830 1792.5 620 595 1240 1240 99.2% 98.0% 96.0% 100.0% 941.25 956.25 1867.5 1867.5 620 440 730 1100 101.6% 100.0% 71.0% 150.7% 465 930 465 915 495 1860 495 1927.5 325.5 651 325.5 640.5 325.5 651 325.5 651 100.0% 98.4% 100.0% 103.6% 100.0% 98.4% 100.0% 100.0% 795 787.5 1627.5 1642.5 294.5 294.5 589 589 99.1% 100.9% 100.0% 100.0% 517.5 540 1560 1537.5 333.25 333.25 376.25 376.25 104.3% 98.6% 100.0% 100.0% 465 517.5 892.5 810 290.625 290.625 290.625 290.625 111.3% 90.8% 100.0% 100.0% 765 566.25 1132.5 1282.5 310 310 620 630 74.0% 113.2% 100.0% 101.6% 6 Safer Staffing Report RWNM3 RWNM4 RWNM4 RWNM5 RWNM5 RWNM7 RWNM7 RWNM7 RWNM8 RWNM5 RWNM5 RWNM5 RWNM8 RWNT1 RWNT1 RWNT1 RWNTH 105 London Road Short Stay Medical Unit 105 London Road Mayer Way Townsend Court Mayer Way Luton & Central Bedfordshire Mental Health Unit Luton & Central Bedfordshire Mental Health Unit Coral Ward Jade Ward BEDFORD HOSPITAL SOUTH Bedford MHAU BEDFORD HOSPITAL SOUTH Chaucer Ward BEDFORD HOSPITAL SOUTH Keats Ward Fountains Court Bedford Health Village Luton & Central Bedfordshire Mental Health Unit Onyx Ward Luton & Central Bedfordshire Mental Health Unit Robin Pinto Unit Luton & Central Bedfordshire Mental Health Unit Crystal Ward ST MARGARET'S HOSPITAL Cedar House Beech Ward Plane Ward ST MARGARET'S HOSPITAL Poplar Ward Bedford Health Village ST MARGARET'S HOSPITAL SAFFRON WALDEN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL Avocet Ward 314 - REHABILITATION 314 - REHABILITATION 715 - OLD AGE PSYCHIATRY 710 - ADULT MENTAL ILLNESS 710 - ADULT MENTAL ILLNESS 710 - ADULT MENTAL ILLNESS 715 - OLD AGE PSYCHIATRY 710 - ADULT MENTAL ILLNESS 715 - OLD AGE PSYCHIATRY 710 - ADULT MENTAL ILLNESS 712 - FORENSIC PSYCHIATRY 715 - OLD AGE PSYCHIATRY 314 - REHABILITATION 314 - REHABILITATION 314 - REHABILITATION 465 713 715 - OLD AGE PSYCHIATRY 300 - GENERAL MEDICINE 300 - GENERAL MEDICINE 314 - REHABILITATION 502.5 713 472.5 1069.5 450 1058 290.625 713 290.625 713 290.625 713 290.625 713 108.1% 100.0% 95.2% 98.9% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 930 765 1395 1710 290.63 290.63 871.88 1115.63 82.3% 122.6% 100.0% 128.0% 1395 1282.5 1860 2070 581.25 590.63 871.88 1106.25 91.9% 111.3% 101.6% 126.9% 795 697.5 930 915 290.625 290.625 290.625 281.25 87.7% 98.4% 100.0% 96.8% 465 472.5 465 502.5 290.625 300 290.625 300 101.6% 108.1% 103.2% 103.2% 855 697.5 997.5 1200 290.625 290.625 581.25 628.125 81.6% 120.3% 100.0% 108.1% 1065 1132.5 1380 1530 581.25 581.25 581.25 768.75 106.3% 110.9% 100.0% 132.3% 1162.5 1110 3532.5 3577.5 581.25 571.875 1678.125 1800 95.5% 101.3% 98.4% 107.3% 930 907.5 1395 1425 581.25 562.5 581.25 675 97.6% 102.2% 96.8% 116.1% 930 892.5 930 937.5 310 310 620 620 96.0% 100.8% 100.0% 100.0% 930 540 930 1545 290.625 300 581.25 731.25 58.1% 166.1% 103.2% 125.8% 690 930 930 577.5 900 945 930 1860 1860 1035 1552.5 1770 290.63 294.5 294.5 290.63 294.5 304 290.63 883.5 883.5 290.63 855 864.5 83.7% 96.8% 101.6% 111.3% 83.5% 95.2% 100.0% 100.0% 103.2% 100.0% 96.8% 97.8% 930 945 1860 1875 294.5 294.5 883.5 893 101.6% 100.8% 100.0% 101.1% 937.5 997.5 1387.5 1207.5 294.5 323 589 589 106.4% 87.0% 109.7% 100.0% 7