. e i T. T T 24 SEP 1929 A Br AP9 2 A STUDY OF THE CARWEN OLSEN TYPE BALANCING MACHINE By Charles M. Perkins B.A., Cambridge University 1927 Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1929 Signature of Author__ Certification by the Department of Professor in Charge of Research Chairman of Departmental Committee on Graduate Students Head of Department v &(4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. Preliminary Study of Balancing 1 II. Description and Constants 17 III.The Dynamics of the Vibrating Bed 34 IV. Operation and Calibration 43 V. Balancing Tests 70 Bibliography 86 ACKNOWLEDGMENT I am indebted to ir. I. M. Dow, Course VIA, for the photographs on pages 84 and 85. A STUDY OF THE CARVIEN OLSEN TYPE BALANCING MACHINE Chapter I. Preliminar d of Balanci The Tinius Olsen machine for dynamic and static balancing of rotating pieces, combines the advantages of rapid operation and very accurate results. The balancing mechanism is compact and sufficiently simple in design to make it unlikely that it will get out of order. Even the wear of the parts is unlikely to produce any appreciable error, unless it were uneven and thus liable to produce impacts. To understand the operation and design of the machine it is first necessary to make some study of the meaning of unbalance in rotating pieces. two kinds, This unbalance is of static and dynamic, and is due to the piece not being geometrically symmetrical about its axis of ro- tation or to varying density of the material of which the piece is composed. The different nature of the two types of unbalance is best understood by the consideration of a perfect simple shaft to the periphery of which small masses are attached. trifugal force. A single mass would produce a cen- The resultant of all such forces is called the static unbalance, which derives its name from the fact that theoretically it could be found on a suf- ficiently sensitive apparatus without rotating the piece. -2- Two equal masses attached to the shaft 1800 apart would produce a centriftgal couple but no resultant The resultant couple is termed the dynamic un- force. balance. The Olsen machine does not find the total dynamic unbalance, but merely its component in a plane at right angles to that of the static unbalance. The component in the plane of the static unbalance is combined with the actual static unbalance in finding the location of the latter. The location found is not tru- ly that of the static unbalance, but the point at which metal must be added or removed in order to compensate both the static unbalance and the component of the dynamic unbalance in the same plane. This will be more fully ex- plained later. In an actual test piece the unbalance is not caused by concentrated masses, but is the resultant of unbalanced metal distributed over the piece in irregular fashion. It will now be shown that the total unbalance, which is a combination of all the small amounts of unb&l- anced metal, can be represented by a force and a couple in axial planes at right angles to one another. The design of the Tinius Olsen machine is based upon this fact. Consider a thin slice of the test piece cut off by two planes at right angles to the axis of rotation, an infinitesimal distance apart. The slice will have an infinitesimal static unbalance and a dynamic unbalance which is a product of an and 'ixiffiitesimal force and an / .. 3m I@ 2 a / B R Plt / / '1 ~ 2 I Pa C P b Fig. 1. I -4The dynamic unbalance may there- infinitesimal length. fore be neglected since it is an infinitesimal of higher order than the static. Figure 1, p. 3, shows the static unbalance of two such thin slices at an axial distance 1, represented by P;;. and P 2 acting at angles e 1 and E2 respectively with the vertical for a given angular position of the shaft. A B represents the axis of rotation. The system of forces is not altered by introducing in the plane at c opposite forces P? and Pl" parallel and equal to P, and similar forces P2' and P2" parallel and equal to P where c is any arbitrary point on AB. The force system is thus equivalent to R the resultant of Pl" and P2" and two couples Pla and P2 b where a = AC and b = CB. R Pi a Cos (9R-@1) P2 b Cos (92-GR) D A C B Fig. 2. P, a Sin (QR-91) A C Fig. 3. P 2 b Sin (9 2-9R) B .5- Let the angle between R and the vertical at c be 9R' Resolving the force system in axial planes containing R and at right angles to it we have the following; in the plane containing R, two couples of magnitude Pia Cos(GR - 91) and P2 b Cos(9 2 - 9R), together with R. The senses of the couples are shown in Figure 2. In the plane at right angles vie have the two component couples Pi a Sin (9R 91) and P2b Sin (9 2 0 R) as in Figure 3, p.4. These two resolved systems of forces at first sight appear Actually to depend on the arbitrary quantities a and b. they can be shown to be independent of a and b and interpreted in terms of 1 the fixed distance between the two unbalanced forces being considered. Referring again to Figure 2, and taking moments about an axis perpendicular to the plane and passing through D any arbitrary point at a distance y to the left R(a + y) + Pab Cos (9a-9R) - P1 a Cos (OR . of A, the total moment is equal to R(a + y) + Pol Cos (G2 - GR)- a P1Cos(@R + PSCOs (02 - GRJ - and substituting b = 1-a -6- R is the resultant of Pi and P2 considered as acting in one plane, hence by reference to Figure 4 R Pi (GR-Q1) (Q2-@R) Fig. 4. P1 Cos (0R - 91) + P2 Cos (02 - GR) R. Substituting in the last term of the expression for the total moment, the result is R (a + y) + P2 1 Cos (Ge - OR) - R a = R 17 + IP2 1 COS (92- ) ) = R y + P2 1 Cos (Q2 9 R This moment would be produced by a single force R acting at a distance A. P2 1 Cos (Q2 - QR) to the right of R Again referring to Fig. 4, R Cos (Q2 - QR 2+P, Cos (Qz - OX) and therefore P2 1 Cos (92 - QR) R P 2 1 fP 2 + P0COs (2 R - 9 1 )) -7- P 2 1 )Ple + P1 Cos (92 2 P1> -91) 2 + P2 + 2 Pi Ps Cos (@z - 91) which is a constant independent of a and b, so that the force system in this plane is entirely represented by R at a fixed distance from A. Considering the force system in the plane at right angles, from Fig. 3. the total couple is P, a Sin (QR - @I) + P2 b Sin (9a - QR) = P1 a Sin (OR - 91) + P2 (1-a) Sin (92 = P 2 1 Sin (92 - GO + a (Pi Sin (R-Q 3.) Pa Sin (Q2 From Fig. 4 R - QR P, Sin (OR - G) - Pa Sin (Ga - OR) = 0 since the components of P. and P2 at right angles to their resultant R must be equal and opposite. Thus the total couple above reduces to Pz 1 Sin (92 - @R) a constant independent of a and b. The system of unbalance due to Pi and P2 has thns been proved to be equivalent to a force R equal in direction and magnitude to the resultant of P3. and P2 treated as coplanar forces, and acting at a distance P2 1 {Pa + Pi Cos (@2- 91) 2 2 to the right PI + P2 + 2 PIP 2 Cos (92-91) of A, together with a couple acting in an axial plane at right angles to that of R, and of magnitude P2 . Sin (@z - @R)* -8-. The force and couple thus obtained can be combined in a similar manner with the unbalance P. due to any other thin slice of the test piece and reduced to a force and a couple. Successive operations of this type make it evi- dent that the total unbalance of any piece is equivalent to a force acting at a specified point and a couple in an axial plane at right angles to it. The expression Pa 1 Sin (Q2 From Fig. 4, be symmetrical in Pi and Pa. Hence = Pi Sin (9 2 - 91) =R)P, Pa 1 Sin (92 - Pa 1 Sin (92 R - 91 ) R Sin (Q2 - OR) QR) should evidently - The expression for the distance of the line of action of R from B may be found by interchanging P1 and Pa in the expression for its distance from A. Summing the two ex- pressions we have 1+ P + Cos (a-9i)] 2P 1 P2 Cos(Q2 -@ + P, I {PI+P2 Cos (92-91) Pi + Pa, + 2 PIPe Cos(Ga-91) 1) _1 {P1 + P 2 + 2 PiP2 Cos Ca (9a - Q 1 Pi + Pa + 2 PiPe Cos (92 - 90) ) P+P P, 1 = 1, a necessary condition which provides a useful check. The couple in any unbalanced piece which was shovm to lie in a plane at right angles to that of the resultant static unbalance is not equal to the total dynamic unbalance -9- The as previously defined, but is only a component of it. component in the same plane as the static unbalance merely shifts the line of action of the latter. The static un- balance when shifted in this way will hereafter be called the 'equivalent static unbalance'. In the Carwen Olsen type of balancing machine, the principal constituents are a fixed bed plate and a vibrating bed which carries the piece under test and a mechanism for introducing a couple tending to damp the vibrations of the bed caused by the unbalance of the test piece when rotating. There are two sets of pivots, one pair parallel to the axis of the piece, and one pair at right angles. The bed may be supported on either pair at will. When the longitudinal supports are used, the only effect on the bed is the vibration due to the static unbalance, since the dynamic unbalance is a pure couple which will produce no moment about these supports. If the headstock bal- ancing mechanism is made to introduce a compensating couple in the correct plane, the vibration is entirely eliminated, and supposing the amount of the couple in the headstock to be indicated on the machine, the static unbalance is given by dividing the compensating couple by the height of the centre line of the test piece above the pivot axis. This is self evident from the diagram, which is an end view of the machine. ) S 0M h /I Fig. 5. S is the static unbalance shown in the position of its meximum effect, M is the compensating couple and P the pivot point. When the transverse pivots are used both the static unbalance and the dynamic will have a moment effect about the pivots, unless the static unbalance happens to be located directly above the pivot axis. ily seen from the diagram. This can be read- The horizontal components of the Force S and couple D x 1 would have no moment about the pivot axis. D S I- D Fig. 6. -11.- However, the vertical components would give rise to a moment D Sin"ol1 x 1 - S SinC<2 x a, with the shaft in Thie most convenient method the angular position shown. of balancing the shaft is to combine the static unbalance with the component of the dynamic unbalance in the same axial plane. is then possible to balance these two It items by a single weight equal in magnitude to the static unbalance, and in a certain longitudinal position. This leaves only the component of the dynamic unbalance in a plane at right angles to that of the static unbalance. To prove the statement that the component of the dynamic couple in the static plane together with the static unbalance is equivalent to a single force, it is only neces- sary to take moments about any axis perpendicular to the plane. Then if x is the distance from the static unbalance line of action and M, represents the dynamic component, we have a total moment equal to M, + S.x where S is the mag- nitude of the static unbalance. In the diagram A is the axis of moments. Mi A x 7 Fig. 7. -12- Now consider a single force 8' equal and parallel to S, at a distance y = x + -g from A. In the two systems the forces are equal in magnitude and direction, and the moment in the second case = s (x + S ) = S.x + Mi so that the two systems are equivalent. If A be taken as the pivot point for dynamic balanc.ing, the total maximum moment about the pivot axis will be the resultant of S'y and.1A2 , the component of the dynamic unbalance at right angles to the plane of 8'. If a com- pensating couple be introduced in the plane of S', the vibration of the bed will be reduced since the resultant couple is equal to (sty C)2 + M 2 8 where c is the compensating couple. The expression for the resultant couple is a minimum when S t y = c. Therefore when the vibrations of the bed are reduced to a minimum, we can find y by reading the value of c since St = S which is known. Supposing S and M. to have been corrected, after evaluation by this method, it is a simple matter to find the value of MA which is all that is required to complete the balancing of the piece. To balance a piece completely only two weights are required in theory. Referring to Fig.8, where the previous notation is used for the equivalent static unbalance and the component dynamic unbalance at right angles to it, consider three compensating weights added. These will provide complete balance provided m3 = St = S and m 2 ,d = M 2 . M2 = m. S 142'll. XII' d Fig.8. Wle can replace mi and m 2 by a single force R, the vector sum of the two, its correct angular position being given R - by the force diagram Fig. 9. Fig.9. In actual practice three or more compensating weights are generally added or compensating holes bored. Boring -14- is more commonly used than adding metal by welding, and using a greater number of holes distributes their weakening effect. In some cases a piece is corrected by milling or grinding unbalanced metal instead of drilling. It will be found in practice that M3 is sometimes great enough to bring the line of action of St beyond the end of the shaft. Complete balance can still obtained by only two added weights or borings. however be Consider the state of unbalance denoted by the diagram Fig.10, where couples are represented vectorially, with the usual conventions. Stt S1 St Sdd d S d M2 2 Fig. 10. For St we may substitute S" = S' acting at a point distant d from St and within the limits of the piece, together with a couple in the plane of S' of magnitude Slxd. At the transverse plane containing S" we may add three weights hit, M 2 , m. and at a distance 1 along the shaft -15- two further weights m 2 and m.. These will cbmpensate the unbalance entirely if mi = S" = S, m21 = S'.d = S. d, and m3 1 = M2 . Solving for mi, m2, m. from these three condi- tions, we cen find the resultant of mi., M 2 , m. in the transverse plane containing S1, and the resultant of mt and m. in the transverse plane distant 1 from S", thus reducing the total number of balance weights to two. The magnitudep and angular locations of the two weights are given by the 's R2 )m 3 in3 Ri (mi+ma) Fig. 11. magnitude and direction of Ri and: R 2 in Fig. 11. The principle of balancing is used commercially in the manufacture of rotating parts for automobiles, high speed engines and high speed machinery. Although the mag- nitude of the unbalance is frequently not in itself dan- gerous, when the pirt is rotating at a speed corresponding to the natural period of a part or the whole of the engine or machine, the effects are liable to be very serious. -16- Unbalance is liable to cause excessive noise in running at any speed, while there is a possibility at critical speeds of serious injury to babbited bearings, and of shaking the machine loose on its foundations. In the case of gener- ators or motors where pure torque is transmitted, the bearings need not be designed to withstand heavy pressures, so that unbalance of the armature is dangerous. In a recip- rocating engine unbalance of the shaft would widen the range of critical speeds since the first harmonic component of the inertia of the reciprocating parts can always be eliminated by a system of counterweights; the unbalance of the shaft would thus cause an additional critical speed, which is very important in a low speed engine since unbalances of a higher harmonic order may give rise to critical speeds of such low value as to be unimportant. The actual operation of the machine and interpretation of readings obtained in tests will be discussed later together with the details of its design. -17Chapter II Description and Constants* The Balancing Machine consists of two principal parts, the base columns and the vibrating bed. The latter is supported on the former by means of knife edges and springs. The knife edges are fixed in the vibrating bed and the bed is transferred from one pair to the other by changing the level of the bearing surfaces on the columns. The base columns are connected by two side rails of rectangular cross-section 2-1/2"deep x 1-1/2"1 wide. These are bolted to the columns by three bolts at each end, They carry the dynamic pivot bearings each of which consists of a hard steel cylinder sliding in a vertical groove in the rail and operated by a cam on a transverse shaft passing through both side rails. wheel. The shaft is turned by means of a hand When the dynamic bearings are raised, they lift the bed off the static pivots which are arranged lengthwise. The columns themselves serve to store the wrenches, bearings, coupling, etc., of the machine. Two springs between the side rails and the vibrating bed supply the restoring couple in static balancing, while one at each end of the machine comes into operation in dynamic balancing. The initial compression of the springs is controlled by screws. This compression should not be so great that the bed does not rest firmly on either pair of pivots. *Refer to photographs on page 85. Three strips of -18- 1/16"1 metal tie the bed in place so that it cannot move longitudinally or transversely, or rotate in a horizontal plane. The vibrating bed carries the motor, the compensating mechanism and the bearings for the test piece. The bear- ings are three in number and can be moved relative to one another or may be locked in a fixed relative position and moved as a single unit. The bearing standards have a hole at the side through which a rod passes, and each can be clamped to the rod by means of a set screw in order to preserve a fixed relative position of the bearings. Each standard can be clamped independently to the bed, and is moved by means of a pinion meshing with a rack on the bed and operated through a hand wheel. Half bearings are used, held in place by dmvels and locked in position by the upper arch of the standards, which is hinged and is clamped by means of a screw. Through the top of the arch a phosphor bronze pin of 1" diameter passes. When running a test, the pin is pressed down on the top of the journal of the test piece and kept in position by a set screw. Along the axis of each pin there is an oil hole. The compensating mechanism is housed in the headstock of the machine, with the exception of the static location compensator which is carried on the drive shaft just outside the headstock since it must be readily accessible during -19- the operation of the machine. The drive is obtained from a D.C. shunt wound motor, delivering 1/2 H.P. and absorbing 2-1/4 amperes at 230 volts. The motor is carried on a bracket bolted to the side of the bed just below the headstock and drives through an endless belt. Provision is made for moving the motor on the bracket in order to take up any looseness of the belt. The torque is transmitted from the pulley shaft to the main spindle by a cone clutch. At the other end of the spindle a coupling is attached by clamping with two screws. The coupling is split at the further end, and clamped over a split bushing which fits on the end of the test piece. Two small metal pieces which screw on to the outside of the bushing prevent it from sliding out of the coupling. The coupling is first assembled on the test piece and then pushed over the nose of the spindle. While the latter op- eration is perforned, care should be taken to rotate the test piece and advance it slowly to avoid throwing the cone clutch out. The balancing mechanism is readily accessible for examination or repairs by removing the head stock cover. This cover constitutes the top and back of the headstock, and to remove it requires the drawing of four screws and the removal of the aluminum dial at the top end of the balancing spindle, when it may be lifted off by the two handles provided at -20- Care should be taken in removing the cover since the top. it is heavy and if dropped would be liable to damage the balancing mechanism. Holes are drilled in the cover so that the machine may be lubricated without its removal. The belt has a heavy metal housing, which is screwed to the headstock and is provided with a thin sheet cover over the centre of the pulley so that the clutch may be easily driven home if it should by chance be forced out. On the balancing spindle is keyed an aluminum dial as mentioned above. This is used in locating the angular po- sition of unbalance either static or dynamic. Two hand wheels on the outside of the headstock are geared to two dials which give readings for angular location and amount of unbalance. ~The wheel on the left rotates the balancing spindle independently of the motion of the test piece and thus alters the phase relation between the compensating couple and the unbalance. The wheel on the right moves one of the weights which give rise to the compensating couple thus altering the amount of the couple. A thin rod rests in a slot on the base column, passes through guides on the headstock, and is in contact at its upper end with a dial indicator, screwed to the headstock, which registers the vibrations of the bed. The left hand wheel is connected to the dial reading the angular position of unbalance by a simple train of spur gears. The shaft carrying the hand wheel carries at its -21- further end a helical gear which mates with a helical gear on a shaft at right angles to the first, the drive shaft of the machine. that is, parallel to This second shaft carries a screw thread and as it is turned advances a sliding piece parallel to the drive shaft. The sliding piece is forked about a collar on a long helical gear carried on the drive shaft, so that the gear is constrained to advance as the hand wheel is turned. The gear meshes with a second helical gear on the vertical compensating spindle so that the latter rotates as the first gear is advanced. The long gear is keyed to the drive shaft and there is unity velocity ratio between it and the compensating spindle. The right hand wheel is also connected to its through a spur gear train. dial On the shaft carrying the wheel is mounted a helical gear meshing with an equal gear on a vertical shaft parallel to the balancing spindle. This shaft has a screw cut on it and a sliding piece forked about a collar on the lower balancing weight; so that turning the hand wheel moves this weight up and down the balancing spindle. This mechanism together with that operated by the left hand wheel comprises the whole balancing system which is completely housed in the headstock. The dimensions of the various parts will be fully discussed later. The important constants of the machine are its speed range, spring constants and certain distances. The lower -22- limit of the speed range is the significant one since it termines the capacity of the machine. de- If the test piece is too heavy the critical speed of the machine will lie outside the lower speed limit and it the piece, since it critical speed. will be impossible to balance is essential to run the machine at the The highest speed required is the critical speed when there is no test piece mounted on the bed, and this lies well below the upper speed limit of the machine. The upper speed limit is 350 r.p.m. and the lower 250 r.p.m., the speed being regulated by a field rheostat. To find the capacity of the machine, it is first neces- sary to make a study of the dynamics of the vibrating bed. It will also involve a knowledge of the spring constants. These constants were obtained by experiment in the following manner. Fig. 12. The heads of two long bolts were inserted into inverted V channels so that the shanks were vertical. A cross piece through which the bolts passed was in contact with -23- the upper end of the spring while the lower rested on the A dial indicator was mounted in a fix- table of a balance. The readingsof ture placed on the table of the balance. this indicator gave the movement of the cross piece relative to the table of the balance, that is, the spring was compressed. the amount by which The load was varied by screwing down the nuts on the two bolts and its amount read on the The first reading was taken at a scale of the balance. scale reading of 35 pounds. Results: Scale Reading Indicator Reading 35 100 175 120 85 0 26 53 32.5 19.4 From the graph p. 23a.050" compression = 132. lbs. gives the constant for the two side springs. This The constant found in a similar manner for the spring at the headstock end is .050" compression = 35 lbs. The weight of the bed was found by lifting it from all its free pivot points by increasing the compression of -the two side springs and headstock end spring by screwing down their adjusting screws. end was removed. The spring at the tail stock The uncompressed length of each spring is 2.250", which under this load was changed to 1.995" for the rear side spring, 2.058" for the front side spring, and 2.150" for the headstock end spring. Using the experimental values of the spring constants we have the weight of the -i- o '1****' * I -~-7-r I ~Alftli Rwaa tW& - - s---7- [4 A I I ---- }.~-~I ------ a EUEN___ZGE i---T tt...-. CO.. CHCO EYOR NO, 34 I to -24- bed given by; = - 1. 9 9 5 x 132 + 2.250 - 2.058 x 132 + 2.250 - 2.150 .050 .050 .050 2 .2 5 0 .447 .100 .44x 132 + 00 x 35 0050 '050 " x 35 = = 1180 + 70 = 1250 lbs. The distance between the two side springs is 22" and the end spring lies on the perpendicular bisector of the line joining them. Taking moments about the line passing through the effective point of application of the end spring, we have Pa3I PN T IV ~ ->. < , 11" Fig. P2 11" 14. 3F P 2 x 11 = P 1 x 11 + = 11 (P2 - Pi) = 11 x 132 12.250-1.995-(2.250-2.058)] 1250 x .050 W 11 x 132 x (2.058 - 1.995) 1250 x .050 11 x 132 x .063 1250 x .050 = 1.46" This gives one of the coordinates of the centre of gravity of the vibrating bed. The coordinate -parallel to the line joining the static pivot points is not fixed since the bearing standards, which are of considerable weight, can be moved longitudinally on the bed. The principle employed in finding the vertical co- ordinate is as follows: G B h S P S1 Fig. 15. Referring to the diagram, fig.14 if the bed B is made to rotate about the pivot P, G the centre of gravity will move horizontally by an amount hC * wherec< is the rotation of B. This will cause a change of W hor in the moment of II about the axis of rotation, and therefore a change in the compression of the spring S since the distance 1 remains sensibly the same for small values of oC. The amplitude of oCis limited to a small amount by the dynamic pivot points * Proof on p. 31. -26- coming into contact with their bearing surfaces. by taking moments about the axis of rotation, = W hoC0 + Wi where i Pl, We have that is the hori- zontal coordinate of G for any fixed arbitrary position of the bed. The value of P is found by measuring the length is measured by a dial indicator at a of the spring, andeC fixed distance from the axis of rotation. Taking two cor- responding readings of oc and P and subtracting the resulting equations, + W F = P1 W hoc+ W F = P01 W hd W h (,(-c) 0 = (P - PO) 1 There is only one unknown, namely h, in the above equation, so that by this means we are able to find its value. In the actual experiment, the readings of oC and P were taken by means of dial indicators. One of these was mount- ed on a stand resting on the rear side rail with its of the machine, spindle in contact with the top side of the block on the vibrating bed, which carries the spring adjusting screw. Readings of this indicator can be converted to read- ings of the rotation of the bed by neglecting the elastic deformation of the bed and side rail, due to change of the system of loads caused by the rotation of the bed. [A o second indicator was mounted on a stand on top of the block 1 mentioned above, with its spindle in contact with the top -27- [side of the block on the vibrating bed, which carries the spring adjusting screw. Readings of this indicator can be converted to readings of the rotation of the bed by neglectT ing the elastic deformation of the bed and side rail, due to change of the system of loads caused by the rotation of the bed.] A second indicator was mounted on a stand on top of the block mentioned above, with its spindle in contact with the top of the adjusting screw. Its readings gave the move- ment of the screw relative to the block, which is equal to the movement of the top of the spring relative to the block since spring and screw are always in contact. The differ- ence between the sets of readings obtained on the two indicators gave a record of the change in length of the spring, as may be readily seen by reference to the diagram, Fig.16. Reading =A Reading B RE ading Reading =A +.,0025" =B +.0024" 025! .0001" (a) (b) Fig. 16. Note that the first indicator was used to read the rise of the block, while the second read the fall of the screw -28- relative to the block, as positive values when taking differences. Thus to find the change in length between two sets of readings, find the change in each reading and subtract the two results. In the figure the change of reading is for the first indicator, A + .0025"? - A = .0025"; for the second, B + .0024" - B = *0024", and the change of length = .0025" - .0024" = .0001". The top of the adjusting screw has a spherical chamfer, and unless the surface is a perfectly smooth spherical segment, errors will be introduced into the readings of the second indicator. Actually the surface is probably somewhat untrue since the results obtained in this experiment did not plot into a perfect straight line. Other methods attempted to find the height of the centre of gravity were direct measurement of the length of the spring by calipers, and measurement of the deflection of the end of a lever arm inserted between the bottom of the screw and the top of the spring. In the former case sufficiently accurate measurements could not be made, while in the latter a correction had to be applied for the rotation of the lever arm, and it was uncertain whether the lever kept perfect plane contact with the bottom of the screw, or rather the experiment showed fairly definitely that it did not. In this case the rotation was read on the indicator at the side of the headstock. The distance from the centre of the screw -29- to the point on the lever arm where deflections were read was 2-1/2". The indicator on the headstock is 10" from the pivot point so that the correction for the rotation of the lever arm was 2-1/2 x the headstock indicator reading. 10 results are tabulated below. Ii 12 2nd Indi cator Reading - Headstock Reading 2-1/2 C= 10 xIi Correction The L Change'of Length of Spring = 1 2 -C 0 0 0 19*5 5.6 4.9 41.7 8.7 10.1 - 65.8 17 16.4 + 0.6 23.4 2262 + 1.2 26.1 28.1 - 89 28.4 22.2 + 6.2 67 22*5 16.8 + 5.7 44*5 13 11.1 + 1.9 20.8 4.7 5.2 0 0 0 89 112.5 0 + 0.7 - 1.4 2.0 0.5 0 Since there should be a straight line connection between Ii and the change of length, these results must be discarded. In all three experiments the rotation of the bed was effected by means of the spring adjusting screw. As the -30- screw is screwed down the bed rotates towards the front of the machine and the spring lengthens slightly since it will have to supply a smaller moment. The results of the first experiment are tabulated be- low: L = I Ii I2 0 0 0 24.6 24.0 0.6 50.2 47.7 2.5 75.9 72.8 3.1 102.4 98.4 4.0 75.6 72.5 3.1 49.6 47.8 1.4 24.0 23.6 0.4 0 0 0 23.4 22.8 0.6 50.4 47.9 2.5 76.5 73.2 3.3 102.5 98.4 4.1 Ia Plotting these results and drawing a mean s traight line, from the graph on p. 30 a. The distance of the first tion was 11". QC 105 .4 = 4 Ii 100 indicator from the axis of rota- Referring back to the theory on p. 26. 0 = lbs. per inch, and the spring constant being P - P = 32 x L r- -- tm Oa z 0 L __ _ _ _77_ _ _ __ _ _ z 0 0 z o04 7- 0 1 _ 1 _- 00 602 -000410 Fig* 17. -31- Since Wh po) 1 (- and W = 1250 lbs. 1 = ll1" Ii 132 1250 h x -=--x L x 11 11 .050 132 -.050 121 1250 132 x 121 .050 x 1250 L Y, 4 100 = 10.2" The statement that corresponding to a small rotation c< of the bed its centre of gravity moves horizontally hoc, requires proof. (90*-Q) G? /K G h P Fig. 18. In the diagram G G' represents the movement of the centre of gravity and GK is the horizbntal component of G G'. -32- G G' = lod and G K = G G' Sin 9 = 1 Sin 9.Oc = h OC Two further important constants are the height of the centre line of the test piece above the static pivots, and the horizontal distance of the centre of the static The former of these compensator from the dynamic pivots. distances was found by direct measurement to be 20" while the latter was 15.06". A suxmary of the constants found is given below: Side-spring constant 2,640 lbs. per inch Headstock spring constant Weight of vibrating bed 700 lbs. per inch IF250 lbs. Coordinates of centre of gravity of vibrating bed (a) Parallel to dynamic pivots 1.46" (b) Vertical 10.2" (c) Longitudinal Variable where the origin is taken at the intersection of the static and dynamic pivot axes. Height of axis of rotation of test piece above static pivot axis 20" Distance from dynamic pivot axis to centre of static compensator Speed Range 15.06" 250 - 350 r.p.m. -33- Moment of Inertia of the Bed about Static pivot axis a 232,000 lbs.in. Heaviest permissible test piece 300 lbs. (For the derivation of the last two values above see Chapter ) III. Sizes of half bearings ",1-1/8", 1-1/4",s 1-3/8", 1-1/2", 1-5/8",9 1-3/4",. 1-7/8", 2", 2-1/4", 2-1/2". Sizes of split bushings 7/8",.9 1",2 1-1/8 1-1/4", 1-3/8" 1-3/4",. 1-7/8", 2".* 1-1/2", 1-5/8", -34Chapter III The Dynamics of the Vibrating Bed The capacity of the machine as regards the weight of the test piece may be calculated, when the moment of inertia of the bed is known. is necessary to study the dynamics of the vibrating tia it bed. 'To find the moment of iner- It will be assumed that the disturbing couple has a simple sinusoidal variation and can be represented by A sin (wt x e) where t is the only variable. (For a justifica- tion of this assumption see Chapter IV, p.50.). Further, the motion of the bed when resting on the static pivots will be studied without reference to the motion when on the dynamic pivots, since with the bed in the former position the machine's critical speed is lower than in the latter position; so that with the heaviest permissible piece fcr the static position the critical speed will coincide with the lower speed limit of the motor, and for the dynamic position it will be above this lower limit. Fig. 19 p.Ma is a diagrammatic representation of the bed when it has rotated through an angle Q from its equil- ibrium position. S. and So represent the reactions due to the side springs, R that due to the static pivots, and G is the centre of gravity of the bed. P is the pivot axis and PG = p. The equation of motion can be obtained directly by equating the applied system of forces to the accelerational -35- system by taking moments about the instantaneous axis of rotation P. The more orthodox method is to equate the two systems by taking moments about G and to equate the two vertical systems of forces. This would involve two equations from which R would have to be eliminated, while the former method gives the result diectly. Let W = weight of bed m = " test piece K = radius of gyration of bed about G h = distance from static pivots to centre of gravity of test piece. is further assumed that there is a damping effect It B.6 due to the friction at the pivot points, the air resistance, and the hysteresis loss in the springs. This is prob- ably not true but no serious errors will result since the damping is very slight, although it must be present. Since G in the equilibrium position is not vertically above torque P the side springs in that position exert a T = Wg p Sin 9. In the displaced position the right spring will have an increased compression a 1 9 where a is the spring constant while the left spring will have its compression decreased by a 1 9; so that the torque supplied 2 by the two springs will be position. T + 2 a~l.Q.g in the displaced By taking moments about an axis through P, (W K+ 2 *h + (W) p - = Wg p Sin (9+0) (T + 2 a li G.g) + A Sin (wt+e) - B.G Rearranging: + Cos G.Sin /) W.g.p(Sin 9 Cos (W (K +p ) + mh') 9 20 + A Sin (ct+e) - T -2 a .g -B. = W.g p Cos 0 x 9 + W g p Sin + A Sin (w~t+S) - T - 2 a 12 g.g - B.4 since 9 is always small. T = Wg p. Sin g, so that the equation reduces to {W a0 (K2+p')+ mhG9 = (W g p Cos - a 2 a l.g.) 9 - B.G + A Sin(ut+E) or 1W 2 (K +p ) + mhaJ 0 + B.; + (2 al.g.-Wgp Cos Putting B= ) Q = A Sin (wt+e) X W(K2+pe) + mh 2 al 2 g - Wgp Cos W(K2 +p') + mh2 and the equation becomes 9 -rX.; + Y.g = A Sin (ojt+6) The Oompleme.tgry Function is given by: 9 = e (P Cos Y - t + Q Sin / x t) -37- To find the particular integral investigate G = C Sin (cot +6 ) + D Cos (cot +c) =Q CCos (cot +) - DSin (w t + 5) # ' =(h-f. C Sin (cot + E - D Cos (capt +-e To satisfy the equation we must have - 6C - .D. X + C.Y =A - 6'D + h.C. X + D.Y d (Y - 4)2 )D. 0 X ( A = 0 D (Y - W2) + C. $JX o (Y - C02) &)X. D. e 4 .XI = A.tw.. a X+ D (Y - W)) = 0 2 c (Y - 0) - A.ow.X. D a! C (y - - D (Y oX 2 + D (Y- ) )o - x = A (Y -a = 0 oX ) C = -A- -- (Y - top- 18 + 4j'X- It is immaterial from what instant the time is measured so that (cot + E) may be written simply as wt. C Sin ot + D Cos cot = V c2 +D-D Sin (cot + r) =.tan Where C Hence the particular integral reduces to c2+D- Sin (Lot +f) -t"a+ AaLO 2 Ka + -2 02Va 2oK + (2t" A 2) Sin (wt +4) Sin (ot + r) + to X -38- The complementary function has an exponential factor with a negative index so that it tends to disappear as the time increases. Thus the steady motion of the bed is rep- resented by the particular integral, Q = A Sin (tt+r) + CO 2X -a)a (A The value of to which gives the maximum amplitude is found from the condition that (Y - W2) + wj X must be a X and Y are constants and by differentiating minimum. with respect to w and placing the result equal to zero, we find this value of 6). The result obtained is defined as the critical speed, and is that at which the amplitude of vibrations becomes a maximum, that is at which the effect of unbalance is most pronounced. Solving for W 2 (Y - W') (-2-to) + 2 to X or 2) 2 Y + XS . 0. It = 0 = 0 W = Y -- 1/2 X2 is shown on p. 70 of Wilsonts 'Aeronautics" that X may be neglected if the free motion damps to one half its original amplitude in one complete vibration. An experi- ment on the machine showed that it required between 30 and 35 complete vibrations to perform this damping, which means that X is very small ard may be neglected in calculating the critical speed. It is however, necessary to include X -39-. in the theoretical discussion in order to explain why the amplitude of vibration does not tend to become infinite at the critical speed, since if X be omitted the equation of motion becomes Q A 2 LO3 - Sin (ut + r) which apparently would have an infinite amplitude at the critical speed Y = 1o0 2 For any given test piece the denominator in the equation of motion is a constant apart from variations of 60. If the disturbing agency is merely due to the unbalance of the test piece and no compensating couple is introduced, the amplitude of vibration at the critical speed is directly proportional to the amount.of unbalance. critical speed (-2) +wax2+X2-Y . 1/2 X4 o2 = Y and - For at the /2 X' + 4 If X and Y do not vary greatly with varying sizes of test piece, / - is nearly constant, and the amplitude at 4 the critical speed will be 2 A which is nearly proportional to A which itself the test piece. is proportional to the unbalance of This is the principle upon which the Gisholt balancing machine is designed. Returning to the Olsen, machine, for a given test piece the amplitude at the critical speed will be , an V 4 -40- expression with an absolutely constant denominator, so that the amplitude will vary directly with A, a result used in Chapter IV. In order to find the capacity of the machine it is necessary to investigate Y when the critical speed coincides with the lower speed limit pf the machine. The lower limit is 250 r.p.m. and the corresponding value of rh is 60 x 2 = and Xz = 680 26.1 2 ( = 680 = y = 2 a.)l g - W.g.p. Cos ...... (a) W(K2+pz) + m h2 If the critical speed be found corresponding to any given is possible to solve for (K2 +p2 ) test piece of known weight it from the relation = 2 al g - Wg p Cos / and substituting the mh 2 W (Kz+pz) + result in the equation (a) to find the value of m corresponding to the lowest obtainable speed. The actual experiments made, consisted of measuring the critical speed of the machine when running light, and with a test piece consisting of a shaft and two fly wheels weighing in all 237 lbs. By reference to Chapter II, a = 2,640 1 = l" 7 = 1250 p005 / = 10.2" With the test piece mentioned above m was 237 lbs. and h was 18.5",, and the critical speed 262 r.p.m. Substitut- ing in the e quation 2 a 1 2 - Wg p Cos_ W (K2+p2) + Ml 2,640 (262 X 2 60 757 = 2 x 121 x 32 x 12 - 1250 xl0.2 x 32 x 12 1250 (K2 +p2 ) + 237 x (18.5)2 (640,000 - 13,000) 32 x 12 1250 (K2+p2 ) + 81,000 1250 (K2+p2 ) - 627,000 x 32 x 12 - 81,000 757 = 318,000 - 81,000 = 237,000 lbs. in2 With the bed running light the critical speed was 307 r.p.m. so that 2 627,000 x 32 x 12 1250 (k - p 2 ) 307 x 2j7 60 1250(k 2 + p 2 ) = 627,000 x 32 x 12 1035 = 232,000 lbs. in. 2 These two results check within 2 1/2%, and the second is more accurate since in the experimant with the. test piece mounted in the machine, the inside diameter of the fly wheels was larger than the diameter of the shaft, and 18.5" can be considered only an approximation for the height of the centre of gravity. In general the height of the centre of gravity of a test piece is 20". -42- Returning to equation (a) 12 680 = 627,000 x 32 x 232,000 + 400 m 400M = 627,000 x 32 x 12 - 232,000 680 M = 354,000 - 232,000 = 122,000 = 305 lbs. The maximum permissible weight for a test piece is therefore about 300 lbs. In setting up the equation of motion no account was taken of the gyroscopic couples due to the balance weights. The axis of rotation of the balance weights is vertical, the axis of precession is the pivot axis, and therefore the gyroscopic couple lies always in a plane parallel to the pivot axis. Hence its only effect will be to alter the reactions on the pivots without affecting the vibratory motion of the bed. -43- ChapterIV Operation and Calibration To operate the machine in any specific test it is first necessary to run it up to its critical speed, at which point the effect of the unbalance will produce excessive vibration. The machine is thus more sensitive than at any other speed. The first operation is to find the magnitude of the static unbalance, which is done with the bed resting on the longitudinal or static pivots. Wait till the amplitude of the vibrations steadies down, and then read its amount on the dial indicator, which should be set to read zero when the bed is at rest. It is useful to have a second indicator in a fixture resting on the rear side rail of the machine, with its spindle in contact with the block on the side of the bed which carries the spring adjusting screw. This indicator can be watched while finding the critical speed since the field rheostat controlling the speed of the motor is situated on the wall in the rear of the machine. Having read the amount of the amplitude of vibration at the critical speed, set an unbalance in the headstock by turning the right hand wheel. Set a reading on the static scale (the one which reads up to 16 inch ounces, and does not rotate) according to the table-below. Note that this table is only intended to give an approximate setting, to give 044- some idea of the amount of unbalance and thus save time. Amplitude at Critical Speed Thousands of an inch each side of zero Headstock Setting Inch Ounces 12 1 16 2 19 3 22 4 26 6 28 8 30 or over 10 or over, Amplitudes of more than 60 thousandths, i.e., 30 each side of zero, are difficult to read and vary for any given unbalance unless the exact critical speed can be found, which is difficult at such an excessive vibration. Introducing the headstock unbalance may cause the vibrations to increase or decrease, according to the phase relation between the headstock and the test piece unbalances. Turn the left hand wheel, which alters this phase relation, until the vibrations become minimum in the estimation of the operator. Then make fine adjustments with both hand wheels until the vibrations are reduced to zero or as near it as possible. The reading on the static dial now gives the amount of the static unbalance in inch ounces, and is the product of the weight of unbalanced metal and the distance of its centre of gravity from the axis of rotation of the test -45- piece. This product will in future be called the 'weight radius I of the unbalance. Having found the magnitude of the static unbalance, the position of the equivalent static unbalance, as defined in Chapter I, is found by the next operation. Stop the machine and suspend the bed on the dynamic pivots. Run the machine up to its critical speed which is always slightly higher than the critical speed when the bed is supported on the static pivots. Leaving the left hand wheel in the same position as in the first operation, turn the right hand Wheel until the vibrations damp down to a minimum. In this condition the moment of the static unbalance about the dynamic pivots plus the component of the dynamic unbalance in the plane of the static unbalance, have been compensated by the unbalance in the.headstock. Multiply the reading on the static dial by 20 and divide the result by the static reading of the first operation. This gives the distance of the equivalent static unbalance from the dynamic pivots, measured towards the tail stock. If the vibrations increase as unbalance is applied on the headstock, turn the left hand wheel until the pointer denoting angular position has moved through 1800. Then apply unbalance in the headstock until the vibrations are reduced to a minimum. Perform the same arithmetical calcu- lation as in the former case; the result will give the position of the equivalent static unbalance measured from the dynamic pivots towards the beadstock of the machine. -46- If the last operation is necessary, that is the location reading is negative, set the angle reading pointer back to its original position. ings leave the pointer in its For positive location readThe fol- original position. lowing operations apply to the case where the reading is positive; if it is negative, use A scale where R scale is mentioned, and R scale where A scale is mentioned. Set the aluminum dial on the vertical shaft in the headstock, so that the line on it marked 'Static Front' coincides with the fixed line on the headstock. Draw a line along the front of the piece with the aid of the sliding pointer on the machine. ThJs. gives the line on which metal must be removed in order to correct the static unbalance. If' it is desired to add metal instead of removing, make the line on the aluminum dial, which is 1804 from the 'Static Frontt line, coincide with the fixed line on the headstock, and mark the piece as before. This second line will in future be called the 'unmarkedt line. On the line dravm along the test piece in either case, mark the longitudinal location of the static unbalance. This is readily done by using the scale marked on the vibrating bed of the machine. The third and last experiment is to find the magnitude of the remaining component of dynamic unbalance. bed is left on the dynamic pivots. The Before starting the machine bring the 'unmarked' line into coincidence with the fixed line on the headstock and set the static tompensator -47- which is located on the main shaft to the left of the headstock. The compensator has two scales each of which is divided into two parts, one marked R and the other A. If metal is to be removed to correct for static unbalance, use the R scales, if added use the A scales. Set the left hand scale to the reading of the static dial obtained in locating the static unbalance; then set the right hand scale against the fixed pointer on the headstock so that it gives the same reading. This setting of the static compensator entirely eliminates the effect of the equivalent static unbalance when the bed is supported on the dynamic pivots. Run the machine up to the critical speed and turn the left hand wheel until the angular reading is increased by 90'. Apply unbalance in the headstock until the vibrations are entirely eliminated. Read the moving or dynamic dial which gives the unbalance as a product of the weight radius and arm of the dynamic unbalance mhich is in a plane at right angles to that of the static unbalance. If the vibrations cannot be eliminated by the method described above, rotate the left hand wheel until the pointer on the dial has moved through 1800, then apply unbalance in the headstock until the vibrations are eliminated. If this is also unsuccessfiil some error has been committed and the whole experiment must be repeated. The plane of the unbalance thus found can be marked on the piece as in the case of the static unbalance, -.48- by bringing the 'Static Front' the fixed line on the headstock. line into coincidence with Whenever the aluminum dial is to be brought into one of the positions used in locating planes of unbalance, it must be done by turning the main spindle of the machine without altering the setting of the lef-t hand wheel. This is most easily effected by pulling on the driving belt. Points to notice in operating the machine are: a. Oil the machine and half bearings before starting. b. Adjust the rheostat occasionally during balancing so as to be sure that the critical speed is maintained. c. Be sure that all compensating mechanisms are at zero positions before starting. d. Form a rough estimate of the unbalance before correcting a piece and see that the readings obtained are possible. e. Do not touch the vibrating bed while operating as this is liable to eliminate small vibrations. The principles underlying the various operations can be simply explained by means of diagrams. The first dia- gram Fig.2o0, pA8a, represents the system of forces tending to rock the bed in static balancing. The unbalances of the -48a- P H m ir t " D m2 r s"' F G c hi m B E A h K L Fig. 20. ha a -49- test piece are fixed in relation to it planes rotate with it and therefore their at a uniform velocity. P Q, the bal- ancing spindle, has a unity gear ratio with A B which repreLGHK is a refer- sents the centre line of the test piece. ence plane while ACDB contains S the static unbalance, and AEFB contains M the dynamic unbalance. L and K represent The angle 9 between ACDB and AEFB is the static pivots. constant, while 0 increases uniformly with the time and may be written as Wt. d is the phase difference between the balancing spindle and the test piece. It is evident that the dynamic couple M can cause no moment about L K since it lies always in a parallel plane. rock about L K is therefore The tendency for the bed to entirely due to S and the centri- fugal forces of the balance weights m, and m 2 . P Q rocks with the bed and the masses ma and ma always lie in planes perpendicular to PQ. Resolving S into components in the plane AGHD and perpendicular to it, it is evident that only -the perpendicular component can c aus e a moment about. L K. The amount of this component is S Sin 0 and the moment is S sin 0 x h, the distance between A B and L K. The moment of the centrifugal force of mi is found by resolving parallel to L K and perpendicular to it. cause no moment. is m r i t' g Sin (0 +C() The parallel component will The perpendicular component whose magnitude Sin (0 +oc ) will cause a moment ml r, 4) g x hl. Similarly, M 2 will cause a moment of -50- r2 Sin-($ -oC ) x h2 . opposite sense equal to mT By adding these three results with proper regard to signs, we find that the total disturbing couple is Sin (#4<X)xha ri S Sin 4xh -m - g Sin (0+0C) mr _02 g x h2 In the machine, m1 ri = m 2 re and we may therefore me - m re g write mi ri g comes: S.Sin 4xh &) = F and the total moment be- - F Sin (O+OC) x (hi-ha). This expression can never be zero for all values of # unless c is zero, that is, the static unbalance and the compensating couple are in phase. To bring them in phase the left hand wheel is turned and the correct position is found when the vibrations become a minimum. This can be proved mathematically as follows. Let S x h = A and F (hi-ha) = B where A and B are constants. A sin - B Sin (+) A Sin- B Sin CosO- B Cos/Si (A-B CosoC ) Sin # - B Sina-.Cos 0 (A-B Cosoc) 2+(B Sino) (Sin ($-E) where Cot S = A - B Cosc B Sin Oc The resultant disturbing moment about the pivot axis can therefore be written in a simple sinusoidal form by introducing the lag angle 8. The moment becomes a minimum -51- 6 - ) is a minimum, i.e., when the coefficient of Sin ( 2 when (A - B Cosoc) 2 is a minimum. + (B Sinoc) (A - B CosOc)2 + (B SinQC) = A2+B2 - 2 A.B CosoC which is a minimum when Cosoc= 1 i~e.,oC = 0. Thus the in-phase condition is denoted by'minimum vibrations of the bed f or any setting of the right hand wheel. There will evidently be no vibration when Qc is zero and S x h = F (hi-h2 ). Writing more explicit expressions for S and F 2 4) M.R. N x h = m.r.) (hi-h2 ) where M.R is the g g Weight radius' of the static unbalance and m.r = miri=msra. Then M R x h = m r (h1 -ha). In this equation m.r is a con- stant and h is a constant, so that (h1 -h 2 )'0 M.R in the balanced condition. The dial on the right hand wheel has been rotated through an angle proportional to (hi-h2 ) so that it can be calibrated to read M.R directly. In the second operation the bed rests on the dynamic pivots X Y. The dynamic unbalance M may be represented by its components 14 Cos Q in the plane of S and '.M Sin 9 in an axial plane at right angles to it. We shall now show that by reducing the vibrations to a minimum we have a measure of the longitudinal position of S, if the phase setting is allowed to remain the same as in the first operation. The moment about X Y produced by S -51 a- P H mrwl D r h -h mre M C s 9 G C B / E / m M Sin 9004 v1 L Fig. 21. -52-. and M is s x 1 x Cos 0 + M Cos (0 + 9), and that produced by the balance weights is by referring to fig.21.-F Cos 0 $ S Cos is zero. The resultant is therefore: x 1 + M Cos (+9)- F Cos 0 (h2 -h 2 ) (hi-h2) sinceo It is clear that this expression cannot be zero for all values of $ unless M is zero or 9 is zero. the effect of varying (hi-h2 ). Let us consider The moment above may be written: where s.1 = A, a con- (A-B) Cos 0 + M Cos ($+9) stant and B = F (hi-hz) which can be varied at will. (A-B) Cos 0 + M Cos (0+9)=(A-B) Cos O+M Cos M Sin $.Sin 9 (A-B+M Cos 9) Cos - Cos Q # - $ M Sin @.Sin 5. This may be written as (A-B+M Cos 9)2+ (M Sin 9)2 given by Cot e = Cos (#+ 8), where 8 is The above expression shows A-B+M Cos 9 . M Sin 9 that the disturbing moment is of a simple sinusoidal nature involving the angle of lead g. Minimum vibrations obtained by varying B mean that (A-B+M CosQ)2+ (M Sin imum. g)2 is a min- The value of B at which this occurs is found by differentiating with respect to B, giving as a result 2(A-B+M Cos 9) x (-1) = 0 or B = A+M Cos Q. -53- More explicitly, mrW 2 g (hi-h) = 14 R L2 x 1 + MiRib.2 x Cos 0 Where MiRi is the weight radius of the dynamic couple and x is its arm. Dividing by 4)2 8 mr (hi-h2 ) = M R.1 + MiR2. x Cos 9 1 + M R3 x Cos 9 M R _ mr (h-h). 2 M R ) or The static dial gives a reading proportional to mr (hi-h2 ). Actually it read:s mr (hi-h2 ) in order that M R may be read directly in h the first operation. Thus for any reading K on the dial, K = mr (hi-h2 ) or h mr (hi-h2 ) = K.h. so that: 1+ MiRi x Cos 9 = K.h M R M.R In order to fin d 1 + M.Ri Which is the position of x Cos 9 MR the equivalent static unbalance defined in Chapter I, the reading obtained in the second operation must be mu ltiplied by h (f or this machine h = 20") and divided by M. R which is the reading obtained in the first operation. The static compensator is set so as to introduce a moment about X Y (Fig.21) in the same plane as S and M cos 0-- and equal to s.1 + M (os 0, but of opposite sense. When this has been done the only moment about X Y that can exist, due to unbalance is that aris ing from M Sin Q which lies in -54- a plane at right angles to the plane of S and M Cos @. In order to balance M Sin Q we shall therefore require to change the phase angle of the compensating spindle by 900 advanced or retarded according to the sign of M Sin 9. The unbalance M Sin 9 and the compensating couple will then be in phase, so that by changing the amount of the latter, vibrations can be entirely eliminated. Reading the dynamic dial gives the component of dynamic unbalance at right angles to the static as a product of weight radius and couple arm. Since a perfectly general state of unbalance was taken to illustrate the theory of the machine, it is evident that the three operations described will give sufficient information to enable any piece to be corrected for unbalance. The study of the machine is incomplete without some discussion of its calibration and the mechanisms included in the headstock. There are three main subjects, namely, the phase changing mechanism, the mechanism for moving the balance weights apart, and the static compensator. The phase changing mechanism was described in Chapter II. The gear train connecting with the dial consists of an 180tooth pinion mounted on the shaft carrying the handwheel, and meshing with a 72-tooth wheel compounded with a 24-tooth wheel which meshes with a 120-tooth wheel on the spindle carrying the pointer. i8 72 * 24 ^ 120 Page 84. _1 = 20 20 The value of the train is The helical gearsA,, shown in Fig. 29.. have 8-55- each 12 teeth giving unity velocity ratio between the shafts. To find the pitch of the screw cut on;S,the following readThe distance d between the fixed ptPr ings were taken. the back end of the forked piece. Q caliper. dd was measured by a The reading of the dial is given by 9. 9 d (inches) 900 1.195" 1800 2.448" 2700 3.699" 2.448 - 1.195 = 1.253 3.699 - 2.448 = 1.251. This gives an average of 1.252" advance per 900 change of reading; 90* change of reading = 1/4 x 20 = 5 revolutions of hand-wheel. Therefore the pitch = 1*252 = 5 .250" very nearly. One revolution of the pointer on the dial corresponds to one revolution of the vertical compensating shaft. Knowing this and the distance between the centre lines of the drive shaft and compensating spindle, it is possible to find the helix angles and the pitch diameters of the gear C and the one on the compensating spindle which meshes with it. The centre distance was found by tying one end of a fine piece of string to the pulley rim and the other to the end bearing pin. By rotating the pulley the string could be lined on the centres of the other two bearing pins, and was then directly above the centre line of the drive shaft. -56- The left hand wheel was rotated until the 'static front' line on the aluminum dial coincided with the fixed line on The hand wheel was then rotated until the head stock cover. the dial reading was changed by 900. The centre distance could then be found directly by scaling the distance between the string and the ?static front' line on the aluminum dial, the result being 1 3= 1.8125". 16 The sum pf the pitch diameters of the two gears is therefore If Di is the pitch diameter of the gear on the com- 3.625". pensating spindle, since one turn of the hand wheel produces 0.25" advance of the gear on the drive shaft and 1/20 revolution of the compensating spindle, irD, = 0.25" 20 or D, = = 1.59". Taking Ori as the helix angle of this gear and Li as the length of its normal helix, the pitch is given by: where Ni is the number of teeth, p = 2?Ni Li in this case 15. p D2 and 'c = = N Li 7rx 15 fr x 1.59 Sin K3. being the corresponding diameter and helix angle of the sliding gear, we have = tan ci (since the speed ratio is unity) Di 'oK =90* - ohi -57Dp + D 1 = 3.625" so that D2 = 2.035". = 520, Hence o = 380, and p = 11.98. Allowing for a slight experimental error this means that the gears must be 12 pitch with helix angles and pitch diameters as specified above. The mechanism used to separate the balance weights is of somewhat simpler form. The train of spur gears con- necting the hand wheel and dial is of the type similar to that used for the phase changing dial, but the number of teeth on the respective wheels is 18, 112, 28, 120, giving . The staticthe train a total value 18 28 _ 112 120 80 dial reads 16 in. ounces per revolution 80 rev olu3 tions of the hand wheel, so that one inch ounce on the dial is equivalent to the hand wheel. 80 = 5 revolutions of 3 x 16 3 The dynamic dial reads up to 320 oz.in.2 so that 1 oz.in.a is equivalent to 3803 tion of the hand wheel. 1 revolu- The two helical gears connecting the hand wheel spindle with the vertical shaft on which the screw is cut, have each 16 teeth so that one turn of the hand wheel produces one turn of the vertical shaft. To find the pitch of the screw two readings were taken of the separation of the weights, measured by a caliper. The separation was measured between the lower face of the upper weight and the upper face of the lower. At 1 inch ounce reading on the static dial the separation was .289 inches, and at 7 inch ounces reading it was 2.790 inches. Thus 6 inch oun- ces is equivalent to 2.5 inches separation of the weights very nearly. = 10 revolutions on 6 inch ounces on dial = 6 x 3 handwheel = 10 revolutions of screw shaft, so that the pitch of the screw is given by 2*5 or a quarter of an inch. 10 The actual value of the weight radius of the balance weights multiplied by the distance between them was shown (in the earlier part of this chapter) to be the static dial reading multiplied by 20. Calling the weight radius of each m r inch ounces, m r x 2.5 6 x 20 i.e., m r = 48 ounce inches. The static compensator consists of two concentric cylinders each bored so that the two will have an equal unbalance. Th6<cylinaers aro rhown in Fig, 22,p,59a, The ring y is a simple annular fitting over the ring X which is flanged at the left end, the flange carrying a zero mark. Before the rings are rotated relative to each other, their centrifugal forces will be 1804 apart and since they are equal there will be no resultant. Now suppose the ring Y to be rotated through 9 relative to X. The aluminum dial on the balancing spindle is supposed to be in the position where the unmarked line coincides with the fixed line on the headstock. Fig.23.,represents a vector diagram of 0- *,T3g Y -0 LCx OD v -o i H x -"59- the tweight radius f of each weight, and the resultant of the two. Mr X R=2mr Sin 2 9/2 Y mr Fig. 23. The rotation 9 is supposed to be such as to bring some value on the scale marked R onY, opposite the zero mark on X. From the diagram the resultant weight radius is 2 m r Cos (90 - -) 2 = 2 m r Sin 2 To bring - above the horizontal line. 2 its direction horizontal requires a rotation R of X:. When 2 this is done, the resultant weight radius lies in the same and its direction is axial plane as the equivalent static unbalance St and both are directed horizontally towards the back of the machine. Since S1 and the static compensator lie on opposite sides of the dynamic pivots, by a suitable calibration of the -60- compensator scales, a setting can be made which will eliminate the moment effect of St about the dynamic pivots. In order to bring the resultant weight radius of the compensator into the same plane as St by setting the right hand R scale against a fixed point directly in front of the centre line of the axis of rotation, it is evident that a point on this scale must subtend half the angle that the corresponding point on the left hand R scale subtends. The reading of the second balancing operation must be multiplied by 20 to find the maximum moment about the dynamic pivots of ti', and if this is balanced by the resultant weight radius of the static compensator. 2 m r Sin - 2 x 1 = K x 20 where 1 is the dis- tance of the centre of the compensator rings from the dynamic pivots and K is the reading obtained in finding the position of St. In this machine 1 = 15.06 by direct measure- ment. The following results were obtained for the cir- cumferential calibration of the left hand scale by measurement with a flexible steel scale. Reading 0 1 = circumferential distance from zero mark 0 4 1.0156" 9 12 15 2.3125" 3.148" 4.0625" 23 7.6875" 24 9.4375" -61- The outside diameter of Y is 6" so that the values of 9 corresponding are given by 9 = 1 r degrees. g 0.= 1 x 180 3T in Reading 0 0 4 19.4 9 12 44.3 60 15 77.8 23 146.3 24 180 * The following is a tabulation of Sin .9 .2 Sin Reading 0 2 0 4 0.1685 9 12 0.377 0.5 15 0.628 23 0.957 24 1. x 1 = K x 20 is to be fulthe condition 2 m r Sin 2 9 fille d, Sin This is true,, for: must be a constant. K .1685 .042 4 .377 .042 9 .5 = 042 12 *628 = .042 15 .957 .042 23 1 = .042 24 If -62- Hence the compensator scales must be calibrated according to an inverse sine law. From the relation 2 m r Sin a x 15.06 = K x 20 2 it is possible to find the value of m r since Sin 9 K 7 = K m r .042. 20 = 15.8 inch ounces. 2 x 15.06 x .042 This value was checked by taking the compensator apart and calculating the weight radius from the measured dimensions of the outer ring. R A 0B Fig. 24. There are 13 equal holes 15/32" diameter spaced 150 apart and the depth of the ring is 1 inch. of the holes lie on a circle of radius 2 1", 16 The centers the outside -63- radius of the ring being 3". The.weight radius required is equal to the weight of the ring multiplied by the distance of its centre of gravity from the centre of the circle 0. Taking moments about A B we have the condition that m r, the weight radius, minus the moment of the metal required to fill the holes, must equal zero since an unbored ring would balance about A B. m r -M or R Sin 9 = 0 mr =j7MR Sin 9 = MR jSin 9 where M is the weight of metal required to fill one hole and R is the radius of the circle on which its centre lies. 9 is the angle that the radius to the centre of the holes Thus m r = M R (2 Sin 0 + 2 Sin 150 + 2 Sin 300 + makes with A B. + 2 Sin 750 + Sin 90") Assuming a density of 0.28 lbs. per cubic inch, (1 12x x 1 x 0.28 x 16 ounces R = 211 inches 16 m r = E x (1)2 x 1 x 0.28 x 16 4 32 x 44_Sin 9 16 Sin 9 = 0 + .5176 + 1.0000 + 1.4142 + 1.7320 + 1.9318 + 1 = 7.5956 Hence mr= 15.7 inch ounces. The slight discrepancy with 15.8 the figure previously obtained is probably due to the fact that the density is not quite 0.28 lbs. per cubic inch. -64- For the right hand R scale the circumferential distance of each scale mark from the zero mark is exactly half the distance of the corresponding mark on the left hand scale for the reason previously explained. Exactly similar to the two scales marked R, are two scales marked A plotted in the opposite direction from the zero mark. These are to be used when it is desired to add metal instead of removing it to correct static unbalance. For if the machine is set for adding metal, and the 'unmarked line' is toward the front of the machine, the compensator will have 'to supply a centrifugal force towards the front in order to overcome the moment of the equivalent static unbalance about the dynamic pivots. Setting on the R scales gives a centrifugal force towards the rear, so that the A scales must be used. Also if in a 'remove metal' test, the reading of the second operation is negative, the equivalent static unbalance is on the headstock side of the dynamic pivots, and to balance it the compensator will have to supply a centrifugal force towards the front of the machine, and the setting must therefore be made on the A scales. Similarly if in an 'add metal' test the reading of the second operation is negative, the compensator setting must be made on the R scales. It will generally be found that the component of dynamic unbalance obtained by the third operation is small compared with the moment of the equivalent static unbalance -65- and the minimum vibration condition of the can be fairly easily determined. second operation If however the component dynamic unbalance is .large compared with the moment of the equivalent static unbalance, the minimum vibration condition may be hard to determine accurately. it In such a case is best to alter the angular setting by 90' and reduce the vibrations to a minimum, which should be more clearly defined. Stop the machine and set the static compensator to the reading obtained. Restore the angular setting to its original position and eliminate the residual vibration of the bed. Vith this cycle of operations, the second reading gives the value of the component dynamic unbalance when multiplied by 20, While the third reading when multiplied by 20 and divided by the reading of the first operation gives the location of the equivalent static unbalance. It is generally advisable when finding the location of the equivalent static unbalance to reverse the piece if an accurate result is desired. check, it If the two results do not is probably owing to the fact that the bed is not vibrating aboit a fixed axis due to movement of the pivot points on the bearing surfaces. When this is the case the first operation will give readings which involve not only the magnitude of the static unbalance but also that of the dyhamic unbalance, and hence an untrue value will be found for the static unbalance. This value is used in calculating -66- the location of the equivalent static unbalance from the reading of the second operation and will therefore lead to erroneous results. To counteract this effect the initial compression of the end springs should be reduced so that the pivots will bear more firmly on the bearing surfaces and thds eliminate any tendency to slip. Shafts undergoing test should be made with journals of very accurately cylindrical form. Any tendency to an oval shape of journal will cause impacts which will make the bed vibrate and preclude any idea of accurate balancing. A shaft that is curved should have the bearings on the machine in the same relative positions during the test as the bearings it is to run in when in actual operation. By moving the shaft longitudinally relative to the bearings different states of unbalance can be obtained. Balancing a shaft in two different positions with respect to the bearings therefore constitutes a test for straightness of the shaft. If the vibrations in the various balancing operations cannot be brought down to zero within close limits, the bearing pins are probably not holding the test piece tightly enough in the half bearings. This is liable to happen when the half bearings are of larger diameter than the journals of the test piece. To remedy the defect force the bearing pins down harder on to the journals. It should -67- be possible to bring the amplitude of vibration down to less than half a thousandth of an inch, that is, a quarter of a thousandth each side of the zero on the indicator. The design of the machine could be modified to give more accurate results and quicker operation, besides eliminating the necessity for a static compensator. It has been shown that after the second operation the only unbalance that is not compensated by the setting of the balance weights is the component of the dynamic unbalance in a plane at right angles to that of the static unbalance. This could be balanced by a shaft carrying balance weights exerting a couple leading or lagging the principal balancing shaft by 900 and driven through spur gears connecting the two shafts. The shafts must rotate at the same speed. A third hand wheel would be required to adjust the auxiliary compensating couple, and a third dial to read its amount. The method of operation would be as follows: Find the amount and angular position of the static unbalance using the principal balancing spindle by the usual method. Stop the machine and support the bed on the dynamic pivots. Run at the critical speed and without altering the angular setting reduce the vibrations to an approximate minimum by means of the principal balancing couple. Operate the hand wheel of the auxiliary compensating spindle until the vibrations are almost zero. Make final adjustments with the hand wheels of both balancing spindles until the -68- The readings on the vibrations are entirely eliminated. dials will give sufficient information to enable all unbalance of the test piece to be corrected. The auxiliary bal- ancing spindle must be capable of being indexed 1800 to compensate for component dynamic unbalance of negative sense. This can be effected without stopping the machine by means of the mechanism sketched in fig. 25., page 6$. The pin P can be lifted clear of the slot A in the gear G by depressing the lever L which lifts the whole shaft relative to G. The gear G meshes with an equal gear on the principal balancing spindle. When P is clear of the slot G continues to rotate at uniform speed while the shaft will decelerate due to friction until P comes into contact with the block C when it same speed as G. will be constrained to rotate at the The lever L can then be released and the shaft will have been indexed 1800. Before starting the machine P must always be brought back to A if it was necessary to index to B in the previous test. The advantages and disadvantages of the modified design are listed below. Advantages. (a) Elimination of static compensator, demanding that the machine be stopped only once in a complete test. (b) Saving of time (c) More accurate results so-68a-m A Fig. 25. -69- Disadvantages. (a) A more expensive machine (b) Greater intelligence required in interpreting readings. The objection (b) is not of great importance, since the interpretation of the reading on the third dial involves only the principle that two minuses make a plus. That is to say, if the location reading is positive and the auxiliary spindle does not need to be indexed, the sense of the component dynamic unbalance is positive; if indexing is necessary, the sense of the unbalance is negative. When the location reading is negative and the auxiliary spindle is not indexed the sense of the component dynamic unbalance is negative; if the shaft is indexed, it is positive. -70- Chapter V. Balancing Tests A number of varied tests were run to investigate the behavior of the machine in actual operation. The first of these was on a Ford four throw crank shaft with 1-1/4" line bearings. An initial unbalance of 1/2 in. oz. wasset in the headstock and readings of the amplitude of vibration taken at intervals of 300 for the left hand wheel setting. The results obtained are tabulated below. Angular reading Amplitude of Vibration 0 1 300 1-1/10 .600 1-1/10 900 1 120* 9/10 150* 7/10 18004 5/10 2100 3/10 24060 2/10 225* 1/10 In general it is quicker to advance by 90' at a time, when the approximate correct position can be estimated and final accurate adjustments made. The headstock unbalance was then removed and the hand wheel reset at intervals of 1/8 inch oz. at 2250 -71- Results: angular setting. Amplitude of Vibration Headstock Unbalance 0 4/10 1/8 4/10 1/4 3/10 3/8 1/10 1/2 1/10 0 7/16 Thus the amount of static unbalance is 7/16 in.oz. at angular setting. 2250 Its position was found by a similar tabu- lation, starting with a headstock unbalance of 2 oz. in. The reading could not be obtained with the same setting for angular position so this was changed by 1800. Amplitude of Vibration Headstock Unbalance 2 4.6 1 1.3 1/2 0.6 1/4 0.4 0 0.3 -1/4 0.2 -1/2 0.1 -3/4 0.2 The location reading is therefore -1/2 so that the position of the equivalent static unbalance 1/2 x20 7/16 = is 23" towards the headstock. -72- This is beyond the limits of the piece and therefore indicates a considerable component of dynamic unbalance in the plane of the static. No appreciable reading could be obtained for the component at right angles. The piece was not corrected. The second test was on a 6-throw automobile crank shaft. This was an old piece with very poorly finished bearings, which were untrue enough to cause severe impacts and mask the effects of unbalance on the vibration of the bed. No useful results could be obtained. The next test was an attempt to balance a pressed steel pulley. The shaft used was an unfinished piece of two inch cold rolled stock. By finding the unbalance of the shaft alone, and the shaft with the pulley mounted on it, it should be possible to find the unbalance of the pulley by subtraction of vectors. In ad- dition it is necessary to measure the untrueness of the centre line of the shaft at the point where the pulley is attached, and the weight of the pulley, since there will be an unbalance due to the fact that the centre of gravity of the pulley is describing a circle. The centrifugal force due to this can be calculated and subtracted vectorially from the former result to give the actual unbalance of the pulley. In the experiment no reliable results could be ob- tained owing to the roughness of the shaft which caused impacts sufficient to make it impossible to repeat results. -73- The remaining tests were carried out on a specially designed test piece intended for demonstration purposes. The piece consists of a finish ground 1-7/8" shaft, 48" long with the last two inches turned down to 1-1/4" diameter. On the shaft may be mounted any or all of three sim- ilar cast iron flanges, the hubs of which are provided with clamps so that they may be fixed to the shaft in any given angular position. The outside diameter of each flange is 10" and one face of each is finished. 18 lbs. and the shaft weighs 43 lbs. Each weighs about By using three unbal- anced masses of this nature, a great variety of states of unbalance can be obtained. The first series of tests was run on the shaft alone. The bearings on the machine were placed in different relative positions for each test, the distance of the centres of the bearings from the right end of the shaft being given in the table below. was not used in that particular test. Distances of Bearings Test No.1 No.2 1 6-1/21" 30" 2 12-1/4" 26" 3 9-1/4" 4 6-1/2" 30 " 5 6-1/2" - 22-1/41" No.3 45" 40-1/2" 36" - ings, it When no distance is given for one of the bear- 45" -74- The distance of the right end of the shaft from the dynamic pivots was 11". The unbalance is very slight which accounts for the variation in the angular readings; unless the unbalance is large the shaft can be apparently balanced for a considerable range of angular readings. However, if the unbalance is as great as 4 or 5 inch ozs. the angular position can be found within 1 or 20. The results of the tests are tabulated below. Tests Static Unbalance Angular Location Position Reading 0 1 1/4 2450 2 7/32 2400 1/16 3 3/16 2500 1/16 4 1/4 2500 1/16 5 3/16 2600 1/32. Taking an average of the above readings, the static unbalance is 7/32 in.oz. at 2500 with a location reading of 1/16. To find the location from this reading, multiply by 20 and divide by 7/32 which will give its distance from the dynamic pivots measured towards the tailstock of the machine. 1/16 x 20 7/32 _ 20 16 x 32 7 = 5.7" The distance from the right end of the shaft is therefore 11 + 5.7 = 16.7". In no case was there any appre- ciable reading for the component of dynamic unbalance in a plane at right angles to that of the static. -75- Originally the flanges were intended to be corrected entirely for unbalance, and unbalanced masses of any desired amount attached by means of bolts through the half inch holes drilled in the flanges. Since the major part of the unbalance is due to the hubs, it would be possible to correct the static unbalance by removing metal from the flange, but this would automatically introduce a dynamic unbalance which it would be impossible to correct. The three pieces were therefore reduced to. the same state of static unbalance without absolute correction. A large number of states of unbalance can be obtained by altering the relative longitudinal and angular locations.of the three flanges on the shaft. The static unbalance of each piece was found to be greater than the capacity of the machine, namely 16 in.ozs. A counter weight in the form of a bolt carrying three nuts was inserted into the 1/2" hole in the flange, in order to reduce the static unbalance to a measureable amount. The weight of the bolt and nuts was 7.30 ozs. while the centre of the hole was at a radius of 3-1/4" so that the weight radius of the counterweight was 23.7 in.ozs. The actual unbalance of each piece can be found by subtracting this weight radius vectorially from the unbalance found in the test. To perform this operation, change the angular posi- tion of the weight radius by 180' and add vectorially to the results of each test. -76- Let R equal actual unbalance of any one piece K = test result 9, = angular location of K Then R = = angular location of counterweight. K2 + (23.7)2 + 2 K x 23.7 Cos (9 2 -180 0 -9 1 ) G2 The test results are given below. Flange No. K R 92 01 1 9-1/8 780 2150 32.5 2 8-1/4 550 2130 31.5 3 5-1/4 3500 3170 19.6 These values of R show that the unbalance in every case is too great to be corrected by boring the hubs, where it is located. Permanent counter weights in the form of steel studs turned down to 1/ 2 " diameter and threaded at the end were made and bolted to the flanges. The weight radius in each case was approximately 25 inch ounces. Further tests were then run to determine accurately the unbalance of each piece. Flange No. 1 gave contra- dictory results in the location readings but appreciably constant readings for the amount of static unbalance. A number of readings were taken with the piece mounted on the shaft so that its hub pointed towards the headstock. A brake test was being run on apparatus alongside the machine, causing considerable vibration vihich partly qccounts for the errors in the first group of results. The column headed -77- 'position' gives the distance of the finished face of the flange from the dynamic pivots. Location Reading Location Position Static Unbalance 1 15" 6-3/8 3-5/8 11.4" 2 10" 6-1/2 2-1/4 6.9 3 5" 6-1/2 4 0 6-3/8 - 1/2 5 20 6-1/4 6-3/4 Test 1 3.1" -1.6" 21.6" In test No. 5 the piece was reversed, i.e., the hub was towards the tailstock; also the readings of this test were taken after the completion of the brake test mentioned before. In the graph on p.77a location is plotted against position. This should result in a straight line at 450. From the graph there is an error proportional to the position since the straight line is not inclined at 450. This error will be smallest at the position 0, giving the most probable distance of the equivalent static unbalance from the machined face of the flange as 1.6". The result is borne out by the readings of test No. 5 and further tests made on the following day. Test Position *6 15" *7 8 *Piece reversed. 1511 Location Reading 5-1/8 Locatio n 6-1/4 3-5/8 11.6" 6-1/8 4-1/16 13.3" Static Unbalance 6-1/4 16.4" -r--'--~- 2112 t I. I I ______ ______ TT I K- I F I - 'T ___ 77 72 '-~ L I -------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ~-------~-- -~ -~ I F ~-~------r--f----*--~- t F I t--. I -- IILiii1 ~ Ii F ____ I I I -,--.-----.------------ - I I I I _____ -~ r~r~r I I I I I - __________ -~ -- - 71 - _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ -1 ----t _____ F __________ ___ -~ ___ II F ~~1* ___ ___ ___ ___ II F ___ ___ F __________ I -F-o 0 - _____ ~H-~"m- ~--F---~ I-"- I I I - _____________ I - _____________ III It - I I I ~1~~ - I I: - F F - - -- -lot' Fig, 26.* I fUOfNf OIETZQ~N Cu.. IUF~ C1IICAeO HCG N~W YORK E FITeNC. Nc. ~46 A 4 OKNl of FtAA -78- The average of the three results above gives the location as 1.6" from the machined face. In no case was there any appreciable reading for the component dynamic unbalance. This was also true for the other two flanges. The next series of tests was run to find the unbalance of flange No. 2. Results are tabulated below: Test Position Static Unbalance 1 15" 4-5/16 2-1/2 11.6" 2 10" 4-3/8 1-3/8 6.3" 3 20" 4-1/4 3-1/2 16.5" *4 20" 4-1/4 4-1/4 20" *5 10" 4-1/4 2-3/8 11.2" Location Reading Location Lines are plotted for location against position in the graph on p. 78a. The two lines make intercepts on the 'location' axis of + 2.4 and - 3.9, so that the probable distance of the unbalance from the machined face is 2.4 + 3.9 2 or 3.1". The next series of tests gave a con- siderably lower value, and the average of the two is approximately the correct value. *Piece reversed. 4_ __ _ - - K .1 '-'aa -It 03 ..... ... 4 44 4 4I t L -79- Position Test Static Unbalance Location Reading Location *6 15" 4-1/4 3-1/4 15.31 *7 10" 4-1/4 2-1/4 10.6" *8 2011 4-1/4 4-1/4 20" 9 20" 4-1/4 3-3/8 15911 10 15" 4-1/4 2-3/8 11.2" 11 10" 4-1/4 1-3/8 6.5" From the graph, p. 79a, the probable location is = 1.9" from the machined face. 1.2 + 2.6 2 The results of these tests were so unsatisfactory that the accuracy of the machine was checked in the following manner. A bolt was lashed to the shaft, the location of the unbalance found and compared with the position of the bolt. In this case there could be no appreciable dynam- ic unbalance, so that location and position should be the same. The static unbalance was 7-3/4 and the location read- ing 6-3/4, giving as the location 6-3/4 7-3/4 x 20 = 17.4". The actual position was 19.1" and therefore the machine read inaccurately. The initial compression of the end springs was then reduced and a further series of tests run on flange No. 2. * Piece Reversed. LI I4 04__ -___ - ~~ CD~ ___ IIt ____ to~1~~ i 7K- L ___- ITZE C. CICj4eO,-NE YOKNt.34 . . ..... -_ -80- Test Static Unbalance Position Location Reading Location 12 10" 3-7/8 1-1/2 7.7" 13 15.2" 3-3/4 2-3/8 12.7" 14 20" 3-7/8 3-3/8 17.4" *15 20" 3-7/8 4-3/8 22.6" *16 15" 3-3/4 3-1/4 17.3" *17 10" 3-3/4 2-3/8 12.6" The average result for location measured from the machined face is 2.3 + 2.3 + 2.6 + 2.6 + 2.3 + 2.6 = 2.5", 6 which is approximately the average of the results of the two previous series of tests. Flange No. 3 caused no difficulty, and since the first three tests on it checked within reasonable limits, no further readings were taken. Test Position Static Unbalance 1 10" 8-5/8 4-1/4 9.8"? 2 20" 8-5/8 8-1/2 19.7" *3 20" 8-5/8 8-1/2 19.7". Location Reading Location The average value for location measured towards the hub from the machined face is 0.2 + 0.3 - 0.3 = zero, very 3. nearly. This is due to the fact that the flange is considerably *Piece Reversed. -81-. thicker on one side than the other, so that the static unbalance is largely due to the flange; the angular position of the unbalance is approximately 1800 from the unbalanced portion of the hub, and hence the effect of the hub unbalance is to move the line of action of the 'equivalent static unbalance' towards the machined face. The results for the three flanges are tabulated below. Locations are measured towards the hub from the machined face. Flange Static unbalance No. 1 6-1/4 Location 4 No. 2 No. 3 8-5/8 Component Dynamic Unbalance 1.6" 0 2.5" 0 0 0 The unbalance of flanges No. 1 and No. 3 were reduced to approximately 4 inch ounces. Let M R = amount of unbalance to be corrected r = radius at which correction is applied d = diameter of drill C =density of the metal 1 = depth of hole Then M R 4- x 1 X Cxxx r M R and are known, r and d may be conveniently chosen, so that it is possible to solve for 1, in correcting flange No. 1. Flange No. 3 has its unbalance located in the flange which is 3/4" thick so that 1 is known and the value of r may be solved. -82- For flange No. 1 d = 3/4" r = 1 - 3/ 8 " M R Sd 2( 14 r ' = 4 ozs. per cu. in. YR = 2-1/4 in. ozs. . . 1 = 0.931. For flange No. 3 M R , -d2 =4 1 = 3/4"1 d = 3/4 " r MR = 4-5/8 in.ozs. .r= . 3.511 In the previous tests no account was taken of th4 Si ace angular location of the flange relative to the shaft. the unbalance of the shaft is 1/4 in.oz. an error was int roduced in the results. This unbalance of the shaft was added to the unbalance of the flanges in the final tests on the corrected pieces, since in each case the unbalance of the shaft was made to oppose directly the unbalance of the flange. Static Reading Static Unbalance Location Reading Loca tion 0 3-3/4 4 - 5/16 -1 .611 Q 3-3/4 4 + 3/8 + 1 .9" 2 0 3-7/8 4-1/8 -1/2 -2 3 0 3-5/8 3-7/8 0 4-3/8 4-1/8 1 *1 *3 Position * Piece Reversed. -3/8 .4"1 1 .3 t 1/4 - Flange 211 -83- In the second test on No. 3, the unbalances of shaft and flange acted in the same direction so that 1/4 was subtracted from the static reading. Tabulation of Final Results Flange Static Unbalance 1 4 4-1/8 2 4 3 Location 1.75" 2.4"? -1.7"? There was not sufficient time to run further tests on the shaft when carrying two or all of the f langes. The results show that the machine may be expected to give results which can be repeated within close limits. The error should in no case exceed about 1/8 in.oz. reading on the static dial, provided the machine is properly adjusted. The Inside of the Headstock Fig. 29. -85- End View of Machine Side View of Machine Headstock Balance Weights at Zero Balance Weights Separated Headstock with Cover Removed Fig. 30. -86- BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Mechanics of Machinery, Ham and Crane 2. Vibration Problems in Engineering, Timoshenko 3. Aeronautics, Wilson.