Page 1 of 5 Minutes of the Graduate Council September 7, 2010 GRADUATE COUNCIL ____________________________________________________________ Minutes of Meeting Held on September 7, 2010 Present: Interim Dean Weyman, Professors Shelton, Appan, Tumeo, Doerder, Bubenik, Foster, Spicer, Delgado, Thornton, Jeffers Absent/Excused: Professors Klinger, Dixit, Loovis, Boboc, Sridhar, Weinstein, Vaughn, Jeffres, Mensforth, Kosteas Guests: Professors Medina-Rivera & Engelking(Modern Languages), S. Kaufman, Elvery, Alexander (Urban Studies), and B. Blake (Computer & Information Science) Interim Dean Weyman called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m. 1. Welcome and Introduction. Council members introduced themselves around the table. 2. Approve Agenda: Two amendments were made to the Agenda: Discussion of the new Program Development Plan (PDP) approval process Discussion of the number of credits required for the status of a full time graduate student These items will be discussed in item #7, Items for Future Discussion The Agenda was approved as amended 3. Approve minutes from May 4 meeting: The minutes were approved as written. 4. Dean’s Remarks: Dr. Weyman gave brief introductory remarks to familiarize Council with her background. 5. New Business a. New 4+1, Spanish i. Council APPROVED the program, on the condition that we receive confirmation of the College faculty approval. b. Master of Occupational Therapy program admission criteria i. Council APPROVED the proposal to change the current admission criteria of 3.0 GPA overall, 2.8 science GPA, and 2.8 GPA for the last 48 credit hours to a GPA criteria of 3.0 for all three. 1 Page 2 of 5 Minutes of the Graduate Council September 7, 2010 c. M.A. in Environmental Studies i. The specialization involves a minimum of 44 credit hours, which include core competencies, core classes, elective hours, and an exit project ii. Council APPROVED a new specialization in Sustainable Economic Development. d. Master of Public Administration (MPA) proposed degree-changes to 6 tracks—for ease of understanding, components of this proposal were voted on separately i. PAD 619 Seminar in City Management/Pad 630 Public Human Resources Management/PAD 631 Law & Public Administration will increase credit hours from three to four. 1. This part of the proposal was APPROVED with one ‘no’ vote 2. The department is encouraged to provide new syllabi which highlight the areas of content increase to justify the increased credit hour before it is submitted to the University Curriculum Committee. ii. Per the accrediting body, changes are proposed for PAD 630 Public Human Resources management to be a core course in all six specializations, and for PAD 604 Organizational Behavior to be a specialization requirement in five of the tracks, an elective in the Economic Development track. Total credit hours in each of the 6 tracks will not change. 1. These elements of the proposal were unanimously APPROVED. e. The proposed changes to the Economic Development (ED) specialization in the Master of Urban Planning, Design, and Development (MUPDD) program include: i. removing courses no longer regularly offered from the specialization course list, adding courses that are regularly offered & relevant ii. changing specialization requirements so that students earning the ED simultaneously earn the Urban Economic Development Certificate (department issued) iii. increasing the number of courses required for the specialization by one, and iv. total credit hours required (48) for the degree or core requirements are not changed. v. Council members unanimously APPROVED the entire proposal. f. The proposed changes to the Economic Development (ED) specialization in the M.S. in Urban Studies program include: i. removing courses no longer regularly offered from the specialization course list, adding courses that are regularly offered & relevant ii. changing the specialization requirements so that students earning the ED simultaneously earn the Urban Economic Development Certificate (department issued) iii. giving students the option of using an exit project or thesis, in place of a capstone. iv. total credit hours required (40) for the degree are not changed v. Council members unanimously APPROVED the entire proposal. 2 Page 3 of 5 Minutes of the Graduate Council September 7, 2010 g. The proposed changes to the Economic Development (ED) specialization in the Master of Public Administration (MPA) program include: i. removing courses no longer regularly offered from the specialization course list, adding courses that are regularly offered & relevant ii. changing the specialization requirements so that students earning the ED simultaneously earn the Urban Economic Development Certificate (department issued). iii. total credit hours required (42) for the degree are not changed. iv. Council members unanimously APPROVED the entire proposal. h. The proposed changes to the Master of Computer Information & Sciences (MCIS) include: i. changing core requirements to a “Group 1” that requires 11 credit hours, requiring CIS 606 Analysis of Algorithms as a Group 1 course APPROVED ii. creating a “Group 2” list of courses in which students must complete a minimum of 6 credit hours (2 or more courses) from a required list and reducing electives credits from 22-24 (thesis/non-thesis) to 14-16 APPROVED iii. allowing a maximum of two 500-level courses from a specific list – APPROVED iv. language requirement is clarified per University standards – APPROVED v. standardized testing admission requirements are revised - APPROVED vi. changing the independent study allotment from 5 to 3 credit hours, increasing the professional internship hour from one to two, and imposing a maximum of 12 credit hours for non-degree students – APPROVED i. Master of Business Administration proposes changes to allow students to choose an international business course from a list, rather than the previously required MBA 602 International Business - APPROVED 6. Graduate Council Representation & Standing Committee Reports: a. Faculty Senate – No report, has not met. b. University Admissions & Standards – No report c. College of Graduate Studies Admissions & Standards –No report. d. University Curriculum Committee – Will be meeting, Friday September 10. e. Graduate Faculty Review Committee • Two applications were approved under criteria 4 and were granted practitioner status • One application was pending receipt of additional, clarifying information • All 22 submissions were recommended by the Committee • Graduate Council APPROVED the Committee’s recommendations for 22 new/renewed applications. f. Petitions Committee • The Committee has reviewed 46 petitions since May g. Grade Dispute Committee – No report. h. Program Review Committee – No report 3 Page 4 of 5 Minutes of the Graduate Council September 7, 2010 i. University Research Council Committee – will be meeting on Thursday, Sept. 9 7. Program Review Reports Program Review reports have been completed and received for the Music, Dramatic Arts, Computer & Information Sciences, and Communication departments. Council noted that the external reviewer for the Computer & Information Sciences report suggests a possibility of this department being in a College of Science or College of Engineering. 8. Items for future Discussion Minimum number of credits required for full-time graduate student status-discussion i. To have a graduate assistantship (GA) contract, a student must have 9 credit hours which is considered full-time ii. Some programs are structured with 4 credit hour courses, students take 2 courses which will be 8 total, leaving one additional credit needed iii. Discussion—how did 9 = full time come about? o Nine credits was established under the quarter system o Three definitions of full-time graduate student currently include, 1) an international definition set by the federal government, 2) a definition set by financial aid, and 3) a definition set by the Graduate College iv. Dr. Tumeo and Dr. Bubenik will work to get additional information on full time graduate student status from financial aid, CISP and possibly RACGS to report back to Graduate Council Program Development Plan (PDP) new degree review process—discussion i. Dr. Tumeo is requesting a review of the current process for the PDP and Full Program Plan (FPP). ii. The current process for a new PDP involves sending the proposal to UCC after Graduate Council approval. iii. Dr. Tumeo is requesting that new PDP’s be sent directly to RACGS in Columbus after Graduate Council approval. iv. Dr. Weyman will call John Jeziorowski, Chair of the UCC 9. Announcements/Applause Dr. Weyman announced that based on the work of an Ad Hoc Committee on graduate assistantships from 2008 and an additional Committee’s work in 2010, a proposal was submitted to the Strategic Initiative Fund to increase doctoral stipends o The proposal was approved for funding o The proposal involved forming a Task Force to implement the increase/raise o A representative from Graduate Council is needed on the Task Force— Cheryl Delgado agreed An item for future discussion was requested—Representation on Graduate Council for the independent School of Nursing 4 Page 5 of 5 Minutes of the Graduate Council September 7, 2010 o This will involve a change in by-laws. o Until a written proposal is submitted a non-voting member may attend Graduate Council meetings. o Discussion took place on Graduate Council representation overall; Colleges versus subject areas Dr. Weyman was congratulated on her recent promotion to full professor 10. Next Meeting: The next Graduate Council meeting is scheduled for October 14, 2010 at 2:00 p.m. in Parker-Hannifin Hall, Conference Room #200. 11. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 3:25 p.m. 5