GRADUATE COUNCIL ____________________________________________________________

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Minutes of the Graduate Council
April 12, 2011
Minutes of Meeting Held on April 12, 2011
Interim Dean Weyman, Professors Shelton, Appan, Boboc, Sridhar, Bubenik,
Foster, Delgado, Jeffres, Mensforth, Thornton,
Professors Klinger, Dixit, Goodell, Tumeo, Weinstein, Doerder, Vaughn,
Kosteas, Jeffers
Professor Pam Rutar non-voting representative for School of Nursing
Associate Dean Raj Javalgi (College of Business)
Professor Jennifer Alexander (College of Urban Affairs)
Professor Myrita Wilhite (Speech & Hearing)
Dr. Jerzy Sawicki, University Research Council
Interim Dean Weyman called the meeting to order at 2:05 p.m.
1. Approve Agenda
™ The Agenda was approved.
2. Approve Minutes
™ The March 7, 2011 minutes were approved.
3. Dean’s Remarks were waived.
4. New Business
™ Curriculum changes to preparatory coursework for Operations & Supply Chain
Management in the Doctor of Business Administration
i. Students without sufficient background will take preparatory courses as
determined by the OSM/DBA advisor.
ii. Students without an MBA will take four business preparatory courses (ACT
501, FIN 501, MKT 501, MLR 511) instead of the previous requirement to
take all 500 and 600-level MBA courses.
iii. The motion passed to approve the curriculum changes to the OSM
™ Master of Nonprofit Administration & Leadership curriculum changes
i. The changes include removing NAL 601 as a prerequisite and adding it to
the list of core courses; removing NAL 603 as a prerequisite and adding it
to the list of elective courses; and making NAL/PAD 657 a core course
option in order to more accurately update the program.
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Minutes of the Graduate Council
April 12, 2011
The motion passed to approve the curriculum changes to the Master of
Nonprofit Administration & Leadership program.
™ Health Sciences Speech & Hearing course revisions
i. The revisions include making SPH 524 two separate courses (SPH 524 and
new course SPH 520 Dysphagia); reducing SPH 532 from 4 credits to 3;
reducing SPH 591 from 3 credits to 1 credit in order to more accurately
reflect the demands of the profession.
ii. Total credit hours of 41 remain unchanged.
iii. The motion passed to approve the course revisions to the Health Sciences
Speech and Hearing program.
5. Continuing Business
™ Sub-Committee: Graduate Council representation
i. The subcommittee has a draft proposal that will be presented at the May
™ Sub-Committee: Minimum GPA for graduate admission and to hold a GA contract
i. The subcommittee was charged with the following:
o Consider revising the minimum GPA to hold a Graduate Assistantship
or a Tuition Grant to 3.25 once the student has completed at least 16
credit hours of graduate coursework at Cleveland State.
o Consider revising the minimum entry GPA to 3.0. If the student has a
GPA less than 3.0, other credentials (GRE > 50th percentile, major
GPA > 3.0 or other special circumstances/conditions) would be
o After discussion, it was decided to poll graduate program directors for
input and a formal proposal will be presented to Council for voting.
6. Graduate Council Representation & Standing Committee Reports:
a. Faculty Senate – The Education Technology item was presented as informational only.
b. University Admissions & Standards – No report
c. College of Graduate Studies Admissions & Standards – No report.
d. University Curriculum Committee – No report
e. Graduate Faculty Review Committee
o Twenty-five applications were received
o Twenty-three were approved, one pending additional information, and one was
f. Petitions Committee
o In February/March 23 petitions were heard, April had 6.
g. Grade Dispute Committee
o Three disputes have been received.
o Two have been resolved upholding the Professors’ grade, one is pending.
h. Program Review Committee – No report
i. University Research Council Committee
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Minutes of the Graduate Council
April 12, 2011
o The Committee has been charged with reviewing the internal funding
o FRD has received 15 proposals, 8 will be funded
o Twenty-nine proposals have been received for the CSUFSI, with a maximum
of $5,000, 10 will be funded.
o Of the 17 applications for the DDREAP, all will be funded if qualified.
o The Research Council has also been charged, by the Provost, to review
the Research Centers. A subcommittee has been formed to review the 30
centers listed on the CSU web site and the current posted guidelines’ sites for
a three-year review period.
7. Next Meeting: The next Graduate Council meeting was changed from the original posted time
of a lunch meeting @ 11:30 a.m. to the regularly scheduled time of 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday May
3, 2011 in Parker-Hannifin Hall, Conference Room #200.
8. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 2:50 p.m.