GRADUATE COUNCIL ____________________________________________________________

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Minutes of the Graduate Council
May 3, 2011
Minutes of Meeting Held on May 3, 2011
Interim Dean Weyman, Professors Shelton, Klinger, Boboc, Goodell,
Sridhar, Weinstein, Bubenik, Foster, Vaughn, Delgado, Jeffres, Mensforth,
Thornton, Jeffers
Professors Dixit, Appan, Tumeo, Doerder, Spicer, Kosteas
Professor Sugie Lee non-voting representative for Michael Spicer
Professor Kathleen McNamara (Psychology)
Professor Karl Wheatley (Teacher Education)
Associate Dean Brian Yusko (College of Education & Human Services)
Professor Graham Stead (Education, Doctoral Studies)
Professor Donna Schultheiss (Counseling Psychology, CASAL)
Interim Dean Weyman called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.
1. Approve Agenda
™ The Agenda was approved.
2. Approve Minutes
™ The April 12, 2011 minutes were approved.
3. Dean’s Remarks were waived.
4. New Business
™ New Certificate – Diversity Management, Dept. of Psychology
i. This certificate is a total of nine courses, maximum 18 credits
ii. The certificate will replace the current, original Continuing Education
iii. The motion unanimously passed to approve the new Certificate,
Diversity Management in the Dept. of Psychology program.
™ Revisions to the M.A. in Psychology (Consumer and Industrial Research) in order to
restructure the Psychology graduate curriculum to establish a common core course
across all Master-level specialty areas in Psychology will include:
i. Remove PSY 531, required core course
ii. Add PSY 511, required core course
iii. The motion unanimously passed to approve the curriculum changes
to the M.A. in Psychology program.
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Minutes of the Graduate Council
May 3, 2011
Changes to update the Master of Science in Urban Studies (MSUS) curriculum:
i. Raise core credit hours from 16 to 20 by moving UST 689 or UST 699 to the
core since students in all specialties do take one of these courses
ii. Reactivate UST 689 Capstone (new course) in order to provide the choice of
Capstone or Exit Project
iii. A motion to approve these first two changes was unanimously approved.
iv. Remove the Law and Public Policy specialization; merge it into the (newly
named) Urban and Public Policy specialization. The motion to approve the
removal of the specialization Law and Public Policy was unanimously
v. Change the name of Urban Policy Analysis specialization to Urban and
Public Policy specialization
vi. Change the course title of UST/PAD/PDD/NAL 602 from Applied
Quantitative Reasoning II to Research Design and Program Evaluation
vii. The motion to change the name of the Urban Policy Analysis
specialization and to change the course title of UST/PAD/PDD/NAL 602
was unanimously approved.
viii. Add selected new elective courses to each specialization; a motion to
approve the added course was unanimously approved.
™ New Certificate: Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement
i. For those holding an Early Childhood teaching license (PK-3) this will add a
Generalist Endorsement, (Grades 4-5) in order to be able to teach PK-5.
ii. Total of four courses, 12-credits
iii. Following discussion and clarification, a motion was made to approve the
Early Childhood Generalist Endorsement Certificate, pending the approval of
the 4 new graduate courses that are included and submission of the graduate
grading scale into the syllabi. The motion was unanimously approved
pending receipt of the requested information.
™ Urban Education Ph.D. revisions will include:
i. Delete UST 800 from the program-substitute one additional research
requirement, EDU 802 or EDU 808. Following discussion, a motion to
approve the deletion of UST 800 and substitute EDU 802 or EDU 808 to
the program was approved with three “no” votes.
ii. Delete EDU 803 and EDU 805 as required courses for Ph.D students in the
Counseling Psychology track. Students take more specialization courses than
required for other Ph.D. specializations. The motion to approve the
deletion of required courses EDU 803 and EDU 805 from the Counseling
Psychology track was unanimously approved.
™ An update was given on the Graduate Council spring election voting process--The
Final Ballots were emailed to voting graduate faculty on 5/3/11. Results will be
tabulated and released as soon as the voting is completed.
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Minutes of the Graduate Council
May 3, 2011
5. Continuing Business
™ Sub-Committee: Graduate Council representation
i. The subcommittee has a draft proposal to revise the representation of all
Colleges, Units, Schools to the Graduate Council, which involves a change
to the Graduate Faculty By-Laws.
ii. The goals of the revisions include 1) representation of at least one (1) for
each College/Unit/School, 2) revisions that will allow for expansion or
reduction, 3) representation similar to Faculty Senate, in regards to being
based on number of graduate faculty members in each area.
iii. Wording changes were discussed and formulated to the Graduate Faculty
By-Laws dealing with the Graduate Council representation.
™ Sub-Committee: Minimum GPA for graduate admission and to hold a GA contract
i. The subcommittee was not able to poll graduate program directors as of
yet. Once that is done, an email will be sent to Council members.
6. Graduate Council Representation & Standing Committee Reports:
a. Faculty Senate – No report
b. University Admissions & Standards – The Committee did meet and the Academic
calendar for the next 5 years was approved.
c. College of Graduate Studies Admissions & Standards – No report.
d. University Curriculum Committee – No report
e. Graduate Faculty Review Committee – No report
f. Petitions Committee
o At the last meeting 6 petitions were heard, with no problems.
g. Grade Dispute Committee
o One grade dispute is pending.
h. Program Review Committee – No report
i. University Research Council Committee
o CSUFSI and FRD monies have been awarded.
7. Items for Future Discussion – None
8. Announcements/Applause
a. Dr. Weyman thanked everyone for their service, especially those not returning to Council
7. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 3:40 p.m.