____________________________________________________________ GRADUATE COUNCIL

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Minutes of the Graduate Council
November 10, 2011
Minutes of Meeting Held on November 10, 2011
Interim Dean Weyman, Professors Shelton, Medina-Rivera, Zhou, Harper,
Monaghan, Zhao, Talu, Foster, Pettey, Spicer, Bagaka’s, Thornton
Professors Dixit, Ray, Bubenik, Shukla, Delgado, Marino, Mensforth
Interim Dean Weyman called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m.
1. Approve Agenda – The Agenda was approved as presented
2. Approve minutes from October 11, 2011 meeting - The minutes were approved as written.
3. New Business
™ Engineering-M.S. in Biomedical Engineering proposals
1. The Department is proposing to change the admission requirement minimum
GRE score for the quantitative section to 70%, from 80%. A motion was
made to approve the proposal. The motion passed unanimously.
2. The Department is proposing to increase the requirements in the preparatory
program for those without a B.S. in Engineering. A motion was made to
approve the proposal, which passed unanimously.
3. New 4+1 in Biomedical Engineering
a. The 4+1 will be a Bachelor of Chemical Engineering/M.S. in
Biomedical Engineering.
b. Nine credits will be double-counted, NONE of which will be a
research course.
c. A motion to approve the accelerated 4+1 program was
unanimously passed.
4. Continuing Business
™ Graduate Council Representation—the results of the graduate faculty voting are:
1. One hundred fifty-two (152) total votes,
2. One hundred thirty-nine (139) “yes” votes which is 91.4%,
3. Ten (10) “no” votes for 6.5%
4. Three (3) “abstention” votes for 1.9%
5. The approved proposal has been forwarded to the University Faculty Affairs
Committee for action.
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Minutes of the Graduate Council
November 10, 2011
5. Graduate Council Representation & Standing Committees – Available reports
a. Faculty Senate
ƒ No formal report presented. Council informally discussed the Senate meeting and
feedback on the recent Chronicle article concerning Cleveland State enrollment and
b. University Admissions & Standards – No report
c. College of Graduate Studies’ Admissions & Standards –No report
d. University Curriculum Committee
ƒ UCC has met twice and the majority of the issues have been undergraduate.
e. Graduate Faculty Review Committee
ƒ Forty-two (42) applications for graduate faculty status were received by the
Committee. Two were denied, two are pending additional information and will be
brought before Council at a later date. A motion was made to accept the
Committee’s recommendations, which was unanimously approved.
f. Petitions Committee – No report
g. Grade Dispute Committee – No report
h. Program Review Committee – No report
i. University Research Council Committee
ƒ The University Research Council representative was not present but Dr. Weyman
has been informed that Research Council and the Research Challenge Committee
have been discussing graduate faculty requirements.
6. Items for Future Discussion
a. At the December Council meeting, Dr. Weyman would like to discuss the individual
College criteria for graduate faculty status, and if they meet the minimums set by the
College of Graduate Studies. A department chair has questioned their own College’s
criteria and brought it to Dr. Weyman’s attention.
7. Next Meeting: The next Graduate Council meeting is scheduled for December 6, 2011 at
2:00 p.m. in Parker-Hannifin Hall, Conference Room #200.
8. Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 2:40 p.m.