The Purification and Characterization of the Chitinase and Chitobiase Enzymes Produced by EF4a Sheila ~I. Bailey November 20, 1986 Submitted in =ul=illment of 5-fonors Thesis requirements. .Chitin, predominantly a polymer of B(1-4) linked N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine molecules, is found within the cell walls of funqi, bacteria, the exoskeletons of insects, and the coverlngs of crustacea. Chitin is degraded by two classes of enzymes, the chi tinases and the chi tobiases. Chitinases primarily cleave chitin into the dimer known as chitobiose and other soluble chitodextrins. studies inVOlving the chitinase of serratia marcescens have indicated that its activity relies on the acetyl group of the N-acetylglucosamine molecule. The enzyme has no activity against modified chitin whose acetyl groups have been replaced by H or OH groups (12). I'ihether or not the chi tobiase enzyme has the same specificity has not been determined. This enzyme degrades the chitobiose and other sOluble chitodextrins produced by the action of chitinase into the monomer C0-acetylD-glucosamine molecules. Chitinases have been isolated from a variety of organisms. Their molecular weights have been determined by electrophoretic techniques, column chromatography, and density centrifugation. The mOlecu;"ar weights of serratia, Aeromonas, Vibrio, and several Streptomyces species have been determined as 52,000 and 58,000; 110,000; 63,000; 30,000 and 56,000 daltons respectively (16)(20) (14)(6)(3)(2). Chitinases have also been isolated from sources such as Yarn, I;)heat germ, Spider, and Stable fly l1ith the following respective '1101ecular weights 33,500; 30,000; 48,500 dal-oons 48,000~4,000 and (19)\~0)(11)(4). >Jot a lot of regard has been given to the chitobiase enzyme I1hich is normally a part of the chitin degradation systeM. Isolat~ons from Streptomyces and Aeromonas species indicate molecular weights of 50,000 and 105,000, respectively (5) (3)(20). The Spider produces a chitobiase having a molecular weight of lOB,000:!;.5,500 daltons I1hich lS very similar to the chitobiase of the .'\eromonas species(;j,D). It should also be noted that the molecular weights of the chitobiases are very close to those found cor the chitinases in those systems. Purification procedures attempt to separate these two enzyr:les which is difficult due to :nolecular :(eight similctrities and the substrate of the chitobiase enzYr:le is the product of the chi tinase enzyme s action. 1 Some chi tinase purif iea tion procedures have led to over a five cold reduction in the level of chitobia'3e activity found in the pur~:'ied extract. Total elimination of chitoblase activity has not oeen accomplished; some researchers theorize that this activity lS intrinsic to the chitinase enzyme (16) . ."ttempts have been made to isolate the chitinase and chitobiase '2nzyme produced from yet another source, a oacterial EF~a. pond isolate identified by CDC as an :his paper describes the purification procedures used In the separation of these enzymes and the methods er:lployed to deterr:line their molecular weights. Methods Enz::'-me purification. Cultures of Ef4a were :naintained on chitin agar plates and gro\in in mineral salt chitin broths as descrioed O'{ Sr:mcker (18). Broth cultures "ere :nonitored throughout their gro\ith and harvested by centrifugation at 10,OOOrpm once the culture ent.ered the stationary phase. :he supernate was then subjected teo ....... ultrafiltration using a size exclusion filter which alloved passage of proteins liith molecular weights less than lL:,l)OU daltons. The retentate was then purified by the ."f:inity Chromatography method descrioed by Jeuinaux(f3). ~ethod rel~es on the binding of the c~itinase This enzyme to the insoluble chitin particles followed oy decantation of the un00uncl proteins. The resuspended pellet is then allowed to digest the chitin resulting in unbound chicinase. Assays. ?rotein concentraion was determined using the Biorad prot:eln dy,= and by aiJsorption at 28lJnr1. Bovine SerUr:l Alour:lin as a standard. BOch methods employed 3 Chitinase activity was deter!011ned by the method of ololano( 'l). :;::n this reaction, . Sml of enzyrc,e is reacted with 20,1.11 of tritiated o . The reaction 1S stopped by the chitin for one hour at 37 C. addition of .2ml of a llJ% solution of TCA. Ea·ch sample is then filtered to remove any undigested particulate chitin. The filtrate 1S suspended in liquid scintillation fluid and counted. The level of chitinolyitic activity is determined ~y the radioactivity of the soluble chitodextrins present within the filtrate. Chitobiase activity was determined colorimetrically by warming 0 .lml of enzyme and .lml of 'Ia~P04 buffer to 37 C followed by the addit10n of 1ml of a solution of 20mg of p-Nitrophenyl-Nacetyl-B-D-glucosaminide dissolved in 100ml of water also 0 warmed to 37 0 C. After inCUbation at 37 C for 10 minutes, the reaction i'3 halted by the addition of 2ml of .1N [.ra Co . Absorbance 2 3 was measured at 420nm. Electropho resis. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was carried out under denaturing conditions using SDS. polyacrylaclide and l·.·~SDS. The gels Here 12% Protein samples were denatured by suspending .3ml of sample in Iml of a buffer solution consisting .5~jtris-Cl of clml distilled water, 1ml 1.61'11 of a 10% SDS solution, .8ml glycerol, .4ml 2-"lercaptoethanol and of a .'J5;£ solution of Bromophenol blue. 2Ur~'\ then run ',1ith a current of pH b.8, .2ml The 1.5mm slabs were per gel through the stacking gel, increasing the current to 3llru'\ per gel once the separating gel was reached. An electrode Duffer consisting of 3g Tris base, 1cl.4g of :lycine, and 19 of SilS, wa-s adjusted to pH S.3 1n one liter of ,{ater was used for conduction of the current. Gels ,,,ere stained with Commassie Brilliant Blue Rand destained by acetic acid solution. :~, values ',Jere determined by dlviding the distance traveled by the protein by the distance traveled by the trctcking dye. Th~ following standards \Vere used for determination of Dolecular 'Jeights of the sample proteins: Sovine seJ:-ur.l albuf:1in tJt),.,JUUc, 36,O(Jlld, ':arbonic anhydrase ~rypsln inhibitor 2U,100d, 2gg albunin 4S,OUUd, 2~,00l)d, "IrYPslnugen ~nd ALactal~urnin C;'lyceraldehyde-3-;E' 24,000d, 14,200d. 4 ;~ll enzyme ~:amples '..Jere reacted \,;i th the sample 0uf~er for a periud of 3-·4 hours at ruuf.1 ter.tperature 'Jr :ur S r~,inutes in a ~8oC water bath. Column chroroatography \,as carried out using a column packed by fSK EN 55 fractogel gravity and also by a peristaltic pump. was used as the packing material based on its size exclusion separating abilities. eluants. Results Ultrafiltration of Crude supernate followed by affinity chromatography resulted in a 45 fold purification of the chitinase. See fable 1. 'ehe majority of chitobiase activity vas decanted ~\ after the first centrifugation in the :'Iffinity 'Clrocedure. lot of chitinase activity was also los~ in this supernate. It is interesting to note. crudes vhich vere frozen for a brief period. about 5 days. prior to ultrafiltration. had very high Crudes which vere chitobiase activity in the first supernate. only refrigerated for an equivalent length of tirc,e. shoved less chitobiase activity overall. Cultures grovn for longer periods of time also exhibited lover levels of chitobiase activity. Although in :'I crude form. the chitobiase activity found within the affinity chromatography supernate 1 has been main- tained for over 5 months by refrigeration with little loss in activity. ~he retentate sample used for trl.e source for the affinity procedure also exhibl~ed a (J: ver~- activity as well as a high chitinase activity. crude enzyme ~ligh chitobiase ~reezing of this sample for several months resulta:! in ~ loss of alroost all chitobiase activity but a retention of chitinase activity. SDS electrophoretic studies of fresh retentate samples exhibit numerous protein Dands \<.-ith 3. -:ery pror:1inant band at 42,OOOd. 5 TaDle 1: 2nzyme Ptlrification Sample Protein mg/ml 'v'olume ml 13.8 54'l 66 45 4433 98 .162 3'l88 24620 124mg 94 3.26 • .:.. j Purity Specific 1)8098 Ii 189 5.22 ,~ 460 '-8 Crude RetentClte Affinity Sup. 1 ~ctivity* Total Total 1 .12 .18 ~=\ffinity .00'l lS Product 44.8 *Activies are in thousands. This band was also observed with electrophoretlc studies done a fte r sevet:a 1 months 0 f fro zen sto rage. The majority of other bands observed when ;:he sample \las =resh wet:e either greatly dimini~3hed in their intensity or absenCe totally. A band Clt ;:his loc3.tion of 42,OOOd is also present in the :irst affinit..y chrorn- atography supernate. Application 0= the affini;:y supernate to 3:; TSI{ flh 55 column elutes a number of chi;:inolytic fractions which -crail off in their activity. SDS electrophoresis of these chitinolytic fractions also produced a band at the 42,OOOd location. Fig. 1, 2. ,'in affinity chromatography product when :resh also exhibited a band at the 42,OOOd position, as well as, one at 35,OOOd. The 35,OOOd band was solely observed ln the affinity chromatography products obtained from other crudes. This band was also seen in electrophoresis of the retentate and affinity supernate 1. Iio\~-ever, 'i~-as in -::hese t",,ro samples the 42 I 'JUOd band h~{ ::ar 12 rger. To ensure that the 35,OOOd band was not solely an impurity SODe how concentrated by the affinity chromatography procedure, a product was placed on ;:he colur:m. ~Dsorption the :rClctions revealed a single peak eluted. at 28(Jnm of Assays for chitinase activit}' in the fractions comprising the peak were positive. ColUl~n chromatography Tw-as also utilized in .J.tter:1p-c.s to isolute the chitobiase affinit}- Fig. chro~atography enzy~e. ~he :irst supernate 0: ;:he procedure was employed as a source Like ::he chitinase enzYT:1e, the c~itobiase ~or enz=-':-:1e 'w·as 3. ~o " 'll> 10 . \ \. /1)- . ~ ~ 5D+ ~ • _4i.,c-..o ...+I ,. - 1,, _ 'fl, uoO ~e ~ ~" J J '_3!i,c-ec jj~ • I i ~'. ! -'., u...LI \. \ • i .1 . .3 .2. '\ .5.~ .1 .'g .9 /.0 "-' iI., Fig. Fig 1. SDS electrohporesis of a retentate "hen fresh. The 42,000 band "as large and retained after frozen storage. The 35, ODD band was also exhibited at both tines. .;-! ~ '-", ~ ,0 -!. ...i. ~ - '. :i.• .C).DI'6 I .t·,,,, ;- : .,.1- .Ol~ ,a ,21 . . i '" ; 1: u ~ 0 i' - ;D CI;l. " ,u '\ .01 " 8 ! " .008 !>-i~ I ( 2 • '. '" \ '0 "f "r )-.. .oolt: !/v \\ ,. 1 19 3. 2. SDS electro~horesis of the products of affinity chromatography. Product 4 exhicited bott bands all others only showed the 35,000 band. I .oc;.. \ 00 ,G', ( I go f.u....h!~ 'lc\w,Q. ',." 11\.\ Colurnn . . chromatography using .Ol:! ::a,PD. buf::'or to elute ,Clffl.nlty chromatography product tvo ::'rein the ~'SJ" i-ili ~:s ,colunn. ~ ~ 7 eluted over several fractions. The elutlon of chitobiase was always prior to chltinase, but a region of overlap existed ~, where fractions exhibited SOme activity of both enzymes. Fig o. Attempts to determine the molecular weight of the chitobiase enzyme by subjecting fractions high In chitobiase activity to SDS electrophoresis were unsuccessful. 20 ~ co' Ii> ~ l.. ~. 19. ;) 1(, 3, r- 0 n ,z8 "" ,," -" ~ ~ IZ > ~ ='- • <I fl' jl .... 0 :r: '0 ,I. ~, r 8 :'St<: ~i\";' ':) =) n ." . il ;. ~ ~ u t~ J;r,r .z chromatograph) gravity and .1H ~a2Po4 buffer. The chltlnase and ehitooiase enzyr:les both trail over several fractions. :r ;..:. Iq Colucn using 3 packed column ~ ,1l'O ;; w ~ . ·'1 15 -1 Fig. 5. ,'1- 20 (~ ~ , ~.~ chromatography o~ affinity supernate .:1>" " I ,.\Ja ' , ff er .',,11.'>. 1COl) 7± ou 2 -1 ~,..s u.s-e-e, t fie co 1 umn .3! was still under aravitv I: pc. eking, b~t had ~ been ~ ~ I.$"~ rE'packed Slnce the datil-:r: 91-esented in Fig ~ ,zwas obtained. ~his obtained better ,,5sE'par}Slation of the t,,.{o enzymes. .~(~clumn 1I ....I 1'\ ,~ ~ -Iq ~ 12. ~ i J- \/ J...\c ,, t~ - , /, /" - ':t V 15 .00 I ~ / ~ ... ,~ "v .' ,.5 ::. -~ , ..c- -, ,"" ,~o , ~ -' Discussion ~olecular weight studies of the various fractions obtained during the chitinase purification procedure indicate the presence of t\{O chitinases havlng molecular \,eights of cl2,JOO and 35,,)00d. The absence of the 42,000d band in affinity chro[C.atography products which were frozen prior to elec~rophoresis possibly indicates this enzyme is more temperatGre sensitive or the 35,UOOd band represents a chitinase with a greater substrate. speci~icity for the The later may be indicated since the 35,000d band vas present In all affinity chromatogra,~hy produces obtained, as I-Iell as, In the retentate and affinicY supern,,::e 1. The 42,IJOOd band also persisted in retentate samples I-Ihich had been frozen for prolonged periods of time. HOl-lever, the si=e of the band Further evidence for Loe 42, clOO band was some'i"hat diminished. fr~ctions being a chitinase comes from the chitinolytlc obtained by column chromatography of the affinity chromato1graphy super- .1,·, Using a Na po buffer at pH i :'it either 3. or a . Jle! 2 4 concentratio~ =ractions exhibiting chicinolytic activity produced nate 1. bands at 42., JUDd \{hen subjected to SDS electrophoresis. An early column fractionation attempt done \{hen the colunn had been packed oy 9ravi ty, produced a fraction havin9 c!",i tinolytic activity but I-Ihich produced bands at B3,OOOd, 55,OOOd, 42,SOOd and 26,75Ud \{hen subjected to electrophoresis. fraction arter several I-Ieeks of storage in the refrigerator retained it,s chitinolytic activity but ,chen electrophoresied exhlbited only the band at 42,000d. evidence for ~~e \.,-i thin other syster..s, existence of several chitinases molecular weights exists. Research in'.-olving indicar..ed the presence of ~aving ~r~:'itia 'title siDilar and .)r more chi tinases "i t:1 close molecular weights :.2) i. 3) . Although unable to isolate the chitobiase enzyme by SDS e leccrophoresi s, the fact that it eluted in close proximit~- to the chitinase enzyme on a size exclusicn column ':"::1dicates the closeness of their molecular 'iv-eights. - techniques on -3. Bio-(~el ? 150 column, Using gel ~iltration -'.:.:'1e, chitobiase, 'J al:~ost and chitcosan<lse were eluted together \{ith molecul<lr \{eights ranglng from ~0-5u,l)()uu '2). ,jitobiase <lnd chitinase enzymes with close molecular '.eights have <llso been reported for A~ro~onas (20). The observed stabili'cy of the wnditions is similar to yeasts. yeast c~itinases s~able remained ~l'ija chitinase under frozen Correa found that purified for several months when frozen at 0-SoC in a sodium citrate Duf~er with .02% sodium azide (5). Chitotiase activity ~s also retained for several months if samples exhibiting this activity are refrigerated. Freezing leads to a great reductien in the activity of this enzyme. For the conclusions dralin in this paper to be acceptable \{i thout question, electro!=,hore1OlC studies under nondenaturing conditions need to be carried out. have been c.nsuccessful. AtteMpts at this so far "resumablv bec<luse the Droteins "ere 1 - denatured c.ue to overheating 0: the glass surrounding the slab gels. Disc electrophoretic studies sho\{ed no bands at alL possibly due to errors in gel content or migration of the protein to the anode or cc.thod causing elution from the gel. A Streptomyces griseus chitinase has been observed to separate into two different chitinolytic proteins one migrating to the anode, the cathodE' at pH 7.(12) the other to ?ossibly, a similar Mechanlsm is happening IJithin our system resulting in the absence of any bands under nondEmaturing condill\.tions. 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