interactive multimedia: a community participation tool interactive multimedia: a community participation tool Undergraduate Landscape Architectural Thesis Joseph E. Mayes LA 404: Landscape Architecture Comprehensive Project Professor: Dr. Ronald Spangler Professor: Christopher Marlow Advisor: Joseph Blalock 4.26.2006 Department of Landscape Architecture Ball State University Muncie, Indiana 47306 abstract abstract abstract abstract ] ] abstract a ] bstract ] abstract ] abstract abstract ] abstract ] ]abstract abstract ] abstra abs ] Undergraduate Landscape Architectural Thesis Interactive Multimedia: a community participation tool Joseph E. Mayes 4.26.2006 Undergraduate Landscape Architectural Thesis This projectMultimedia: focusedon onadeveloping developing interactivemultimedia multimedia tool a design process This project focused ananparticipation interactive tool forfor a design process involving Interactive community tool involving community members. Through the course of this project, participants had the community members. Through the course of this project, participants had the opportunity to Joseph E. Mayes opportunity withanalysis, the inventory, analysis, programming, conceptual, andwithin the fianal interact with theinteract inventory, programming, conceptual, and the final design web 4.26.2006 to design within a website. This interactive multimedia format provided a non-confrontation site.This interactive multimedia format provided a non-confrontation forum for the community forum for to thefocused community members to interactive learn and about thetheir design process voice their members learn about the design an process voice opinions This project on developing multimedia tool foranonymously. aand design process opinions involving anonymously. community members. Through the course of this project, participants had the Undergraduate Landscape Architectural Thesis opportunity interact with the inventory, analysis, programming, conceptual, andgraphics, the finaland The ability totouse movies, still images, models, text, digital walk-throughs, motion The ability to use movies, still images, models, text, digital walk-throughs, motion graphics, Interactive Multimedia: a community participation tool design withinwithin a website. Thiscommunication interactive multimedia format provided a of non-confrontation interactivity design increased the awareness good design, design and interactivity within design communication increased the awareness of good design, Joseph E. Mayes forum for the community members to learn about the design process and voice their also process, and the importance of site responsive design. The use of interactive multimedia design process, and the importance of site responsive design. The use of interactive 4.26.2006 opinions provided anonymously. new techniques of communicating complicated design issues and concepts that was multimedia also provided new techniques of communicating complicated design issues and more successful then traditional means oftraditional design communication. concepts that was more successful then meanswalk-throughs, of design This project on developing anmodels, interactive tool forcommunication. a design process The ability tofocused use movies, still images, text,multimedia digital motion graphics, involving community members. Through the course of this project, participants had the and interactivity within design communication increased the Community awareness ofmembers good design, Community participation wasthe vital throughout this project. gave their opportunity to interact with inventory, analysis, programming, conceptual, and the final design process, and the importance of site responsive design. The use of interactive opinions on what they wanted the spacemultimedia to becomeformat and then help guide the design process design within a website. This interactive provided a non-confrontation multimedia also provided new techniques of communicating complicated design issues Undergraduate Landscape Architectural Thesis by giving feedback on design concepts developed from their input. The fi nal design is aand show forum for the community members to learn about the design process and voice their concepts that was more successful then traditional means of design communication. Interactive Multimedia: a community participation tool case of the input of many Ball State University community member’s desires, dreams, and opinions anonymously. Joseph E. Mayes concerns. Community 4.26.2006 participation was vital throughout this project. Community members gave their The ability use they movies, still images, models, text, digital walk-throughs, graphics, opinions ontowhat wanted the space to become and then help guide motion the design process and interactivity within design communication increased the awareness of good design, by giving feedback onon design concepts their input. Thea fidesign nal design is a show This project focused developing an developed interactive from multimedia tool for process design process, and the importance of site responsive design. The use of interactive case of the input of many Ball State University community member’s desires, dreams, and involving community members. Through the course of this project, participants had the multimedia also provided new techniques of communicating complicated design issues concerns. to interact with the inventory, analysis, programming, conceptual, and the fiand opportunity nal concepts that was more successful then traditional means of design communication. design within a website. This interactive multimedia format provided a non-confrontation forum for the community members to learn about the design process and voice their Undergraduate Landscapewas Architectural Thesis this project. Community members gave their Community participation vital throughout opinions anonymously. Interactive Multimedia: a community participation tool opinions on what they wanted the space to become and then help guide the design process Joseph E. feedback Mayes on design concepts developed from their input. The final design is a show by giving The ability to use movies, still images, models, text, digital walk-throughs, motion graphics, 4.26.2006 case of the input within of many Ball State University increased communitythe member’s desires, dreams, and and interactivity design communication awareness of good design, concerns. design process, and the importance of site responsive design. The use of interactive This project focused on developing an interactive multimedia tool for a design process multimedia also provided new techniques of communicating complicated design issues and involving community members. Through the course of this project, participants had the concepts that was more successful then traditional means of design communication. opportunity to interact with the inventory, analysis, programming, conceptual, and the final design within a website. This interactive multimedia format provided a non-confrontation Community participation was vital throughout this project. Community members gave their forum for the community members to learn about the design process and voice their acknowledgements acknowledgements acknowledgements acknowledgements ] ] acknowledgements acknowledgements ] acknowledgemen a acknowle ] cknowle ] ac There are many many people people that that have havebeen beeninfl influential uentialand andsupportive supportiveduring duringthis thislast lastyear yearofofmymy undergraduate career. Without Without these these people people II would would not notbe beable ableto tobe beincreasingly increasinglyinspired inspired and strive to do my ultimate best while staying somewhat somewhat sane sane through through itit all. all. These These are are aa few few of people the people myeasier life easier memorable of the that that mademade my life and and memorable this this past past year:year: There are many people that have been influential and supportive during this last year of my To mine and and Katie’s Katie’s family you youcareer. have always always beenthese therepeople and supportive supportive all my endeavors To mine family have been there and inin all endeavors and undergraduate Without I would not bemy able to be increasingly inspired There are many people that have been infl uential and supportive during this last yearyou of did my and even though you probably didn’t totally understand my profession or my thesis even though you totally understand my staying profession or my thesis you your bestThese are a few andprobably strive todidn’t do my ultimate best while somewhat sane through it all. undergraduate career. Without these peopleand I would not behow ableI to becoming increasingly inspired their bestact togenuinely learn, actpeople genuinely kept was in Thank my to learn, interested, and kept howasking I was coming along in myalong thesis. of the thatinterested, made my asking life easier and memorable this past year: and strive to you do my ultimate best while staying somewhat sanehow through These are a thesis. your love, support, and teasing meI am about I amita all. landscaper. you forThank your love,for support, and teasing me about how a landscaper. few of the people that made my life easier and memorable this past year: To mine and Katie’s family you have always been there and supportive in all my endeavors and Professor Ron Spangler asaastudio studio professor and my advisor you were very inflvery uential and even though you probably didn’t totally understand myyou profession orinfl my thesis you did their Professor RonKatie’s Spangler as professor and my academic advisor were uential To mine and family you have always been there and supportive in all my endeavors encouraging mebest to choose Digital Media as a second minor which inspired me to choose to learn, actDigital genuinely interested, andminor kept asking I was along in my thesis. and encouraging me choose Media as a second which how inspired mecoming to choose and even though youto probably didn’t totally understand my profession orthe myprofession thesis you did this topic asmany myThank thesis. Thank you for showing meand that there is more to than There are people that have been infl uential and supportive during this last year of my you for your love, support, teasing me about how I am a landscaper. this topic as thesis. Thank you for showing there is more the profession than their best beautiful to my learn, act genuinely interested, andme keptthat asking how I was to coming along in my designing places. undergraduate career. Without these people I would not be able to be increasingly inspired designing beautiful places. thesis. Thank you for your love, support, and teasing me about how I am a landscaper. and strive to doProfessor my ultimate while as staying somewhat saneand through it all. These are avery few influential and Ronbest Spangler a studio professor my advisor you were Professor Chris Marlow: you were a great source of encouragement and excitement of the people that made my life easier andDigital memorable this year:minor encouraging me to choose Media as apast second which inspired me to choose this Professor Chris Marlow: were aability great source and excitement through Ron Spangler asyou a studio professor and of myencouragement advisor you were very infl uential and through this entire semester. Your to critically and thoroughly support my process topic Your as myability thesis. you for showing me that there is more toinvaluable. the profession than dethis entire semester. to Thank critically thoroughly support my process encouraging me Thank to choose Digital Media as and a second which inspired me was to choose was invaluable. youyou for have always leading your earminor andsupportive making sure of and To mine and Katie’s family always been there and in Iallhad mythought endeavors signing beautiful places. Thank you for always leading your ear and making sure I had thought of every angle. this topic as my thesis. Thank you for showing me that there is more to the profession every angle. you probably didn’t totally understand my profession or my thesis you did than even though their designing beautiful places. best to learn, act genuinely interested, and kept asking how I was coming along in my thesis. Professor Chris Marlow: you were a great source of encouragement and excitement through Advisor Joseph Blalock: your creativeness and ability to everything I Idid though Advisor Joseph Blalock: creativeness andme ability toquestion question everything dideven even Thank you for this your love,your support, and teasing how I amthoroughly a landscaper. entire semester. Your ability toabout critically and support my process was invaluProfessor Chris Marlow: you were a great encouragement excitement frustrating at times was very motivating to source complete my thesis theand depth scope though frustrating times was motivating toof complete myto thesis to theand andthatofit every angle. Thank you very for always leading your ear and making sure I depth had thought through this entire semester. Your ability to critically and thoroughly support my process became. Thank you for giving your and your brain power to inspire and me scope that it became. Thank fortime giving your time your you brain power to encourage inspire andand Professor Ron Spangler as a you studio professor and myand advisor were very infl uential was invaluable. Thank you for always leading your ear and making sure I had thought of this semester. encourage me this encouraging meAdvisor to semester. choose Digital Mediayour as acreativeness second minor me toeverything choose this Joseph Blalock: andwhich abilityinspired to question I did even though every angle. topic as my thesis. Thank you for showing me that there is more to the profession than defrustrating at times was very motivating to complete my thesis to the depth and scope that it 2006: became. through thissemester semester was great nights Class 2006: allall through this it itwas great to to spend thethe latelate nights with suchsuch a anda encourage me signingofbeautiful places. Thank you for giving your time andspend your brain power towith inspire Advisor Joseph Blalock: your creativeness and ability to question everything I did even highly dynamic this and semester. entertaining crowd. crowd. The The all all nighters nighters inin studio studiowill willonly onlybe bemissed missedfor forthe the though frustrating at times was very motivating tofor complete my thesis to the light depth and entertainment and the friendships made. Thanks keep the stressful times hearted!! Professor Chris Marlow: you were a great source of encouragement and excitement through scope that it became. Thank you for giving your time and your brain power to inspire and this entire semester. Your ability to critically and thoroughly support my process was invaluClass of 2006: all through this semester it was great to spend the late nights with such a highly encourage me thisto semester. Last not least to my wife Katie who was put through literary torture and had to read least my wife Katie who was put through literary torture this semester. Thank able. and Thank you for always leading your ear and making sure I had thought of every angle. dynamic and entertaining crowd. The all nighters in studio will only be missed for the enterpage upon aslove, my editor. This book is only tolerable tofor read due tostressful herfeel talents inlaughing. writyou for all page your support, encouragement, and humor when Ithe didn’t like tainment and the friendships made. Thanks keep times light hearted!! Class of 2006: all through this semester it was great to spend the late nights with such aI ing and patients. Thank you for all your love, support, encouragement, and humor when Advisor Joseph Blalock: your creativeness and ability to question everything I did even though Your wiliness to sacrifice and help me throughout this semester and hear me vent about highly dynamic and entertaining crowd. The all nighters in studio will only be missed for the didn’t feel like laughing. Your wiliness to to sacrifi ce helpthesis me put throughout this semester and frustrating atwas times was very motivating complete my to the depth and scope that it had to read frustrations always when itKatie theand most. Thank you for being you! Last and right not least toI needed my wife who was through literary torture and entertainment and the friendships made. Thanks for keep the stressful times light hearted!! hear me vent about frustrations was always right when I needed it the most. Thank you for became. Thankpage you upon for giving andThis yourbook brainispower to inspire page your as mytime editor. only tolerable to and readencourage due to herme talents in writing being you! this semester. and patients. Thank you for all your love, support, encouragement, and humor when I didn’t Last and not least to my wife Katie who was put through literary torture and had to read feel like laughing. Your wiliness to sacrifice and help me throughout this semester and hear page upon page as my editor. This book is only tolerable to read due to her talents in writClass of 2006: all this semester it was toright spendwhen the late nightsitwith methrough vent about frustrations wasgreat always I needed the such most.a highly Thank you for being ing and patients. Thank you for all your love, support, encouragement, and humor when I dynamic and entertaining crowd. The all nighters in studio will only be missed for the enteryou! didn’t feel like laughing. Your wiliness to sacrifice and help me throughout this semester and table table table of oftable of contents contents contents table of contents ]]]]of] table contents ]table of contents ] of table contents table ]of co]o abstract..................................................................................................... acknowledgments.................................................................................. table of contents........................................... introduction....................................................... literature review............................................ project significance...................................... problem statement........................................ goals and objectives project requirements.................................. software operating languages use of phases site setting........................................................ design process................................................ web site design phase design conclusion........................................................... references............................................................................................... appendix a: definitions....................................................................... appendix b: software......................................................................... introduction introduction introduction introduction ]] ] introduction introductionintroduction ] introduction introductionintrodu introduction ] introdu ] ] Design professionals professionals are areincreasingly increasinglyfaced facedwith withthe thechallenge challenge to to design design spaces spaces andand places places that will best theincreasingly community’s social, psychological, environmental, contextual, will bestaddress address the community’s social, environmental, Design professionals are faced with thepsychological, challenge to design spaces andcontextual, places cultural, economic, and political needs and desires (Wulz, 1986). In the past 60 of economic, needssocial, and desires (Wulz,environmental, 1986). In the contextual, pastyears 60 years of that will best addressand thepolitical community’s psychological, design development, community participation has been effectively used as a tool to include community participation has been effectively used as a tool to include cultural, economic, and political needs and desires (Wulz, 1986). In the past 60 years of community memberscommunity in the the design design process(Sanoff (Sanoff 2000,effectively Riddick,1971). 1971). These processes process 2000, Riddick, These processes have design development, participation has been used as a tool to include have helped elevate the importance and success of design with the use of community helped elevate the importance and success design2000, with Riddick, the use 1971). of community participatory community members in the design process of (Sanoff These processes participatory design techniques (Sanoff 1988, 1990, 2000). To eliminate division between designhelped techniques 1988, 1990, division between designers and have elevate(Sanoff the importance and2000). successToofeliminate design with the use of community designers community members and1988, to encourage greater participation, is a need participatory design techniques (Sanoff 1990, 2000). To there eliminate communityand members and to encourage greater participation, is a division needthere forbetween visualization, for visualization, design education, and community participatory techniques will designers and community members andflexible to encourage greater participation, there isthat a need design education, and flexible community participatory techniques that will not limit the input not limit the input to community members that come to scheduled meetings (Al-Kodmany for visualization,members design education, and exible community techniques that 1990, will to community that come toflscheduled meetingsparticipatory (Al-Kodmany 2001, Sanoff, 2001, Sanoff, 1990, Sipes 2002, Schirmer, 2001). not theSchirmer, input to 2001). community members that come to scheduled meetings (Al-Kodmany Sipeslimit 2002, 2001, Sanoff, 1990, Sipes 2002, Schirmer, 2001). This project used interactive multimedia within website to receive community input within Design professionals are increasingly faced with aathe challenge to design spaces and places This project used interactive multimedia within web site to receive community input within athat design process. This project supportssocial, the need for the development of ancontextual, interactive will best address the community’s psychological, environmental, This project used interactive multimedia within a website to receive community input within a design process. This project supports the need for the development of an interactive multimedia modelThis as a design tool. Thisand form of communication utilized within and political needs desires (Wulz, 1986). is In under theof past 60 years of acultural, design economic, process. supports need the development an interactive multimedia model as aproject design tool. Thisthe form of for communication is under utilized within the the profession of landscape architecture and this study shows how communication barriers design development, participation hascommunication been effectivelyisused as utilized a tool to include multimedia model as community a design tool. This under within profession of landscape architecture andform this of study shows how communication barriers can be broken between community members and designers. The ability to use movies, stillcan community members in the design process (Sanoff 2000, Riddick, 1971). These processes the profession of landscape architecture and this study shows how communication barriers be broken between and designers. The abilityand to use movies, still images, images, models, text,community voice, digitalmembers walk-throughs, motion in design havebe helped elevate the importance and success designgraphics, with useinteractivity of can broken between community members andof designers. Thethe ability to community use movies, still models, text, digital walk-throughs, motionawareness graphics, and interactivity in design communication communication increases the community of good design and understanding participatory design techniques (Sanoff 1988, 1990, 2000). To eliminate division between images, models, text, voice, digital walk-throughs, motion graphics, and interactivity in design increases the community awareness of good design and understanding of the design of the design Interactive multimedia was proven todesign beand a valuable designers andprocess. community members and toawareness encourage participation, there aprocess. need communication increases the community ofgreater good design understanding Design professionals are increasingly faced with thealso challenge to spaces andisplaces Interactive multimedia was also proven to be a valuable supplemental tool to the participatory supplemental tool to the participatory process and increased the level of understanding forthe visualization, designthe education, and flsocial, exiblepsychological, community participatory techniques that will of design Interactive multimedia was also proven to be a valuable that will best process. address community’s environmental, contextual, process and increased the levelwere of members understanding and involvement. Participants were on given the and involvement. Participants given the option of giving feedback and opinion not limit the input to community that come to scheduled meetings (Al-Kodmany supplemental tool and thepolitical participatory process and(Wulz, increased theInlevel understanding cultural, economic, needs and desires 1986). the of past 60 years ofthe option of conceptual giving feedback and were opinion on2001). theofoption program, conceptual development, selecting program, development, selecting concept, and the final design by means 2001, Sanoff, 1990, Sipes 2002, Schirmer, and involvement. Participants given the of effectively giving feedback anda opinion onofthe of design development, community participation has been used as tool to include concept, and theblog finalconversations, design by means of questionnaires, blog conversations, and e-mail. questionnaires, and e-mail. program, conceptual development, selecting of concept, the final design by means of community members in the design process (Sanoff 2000,and Riddick, 1971). These processes Design professionals are increasingly faced with the challenge to design spaces and places This project used interactive multimedia within a website to receive community input questionnaires, blog conversations, and e-mail. have helped elevate the importance and success of design with the use of community within that will process. best address the community’s social, psychological, environmental,ancontextual, aparticipatory design This project supports the need for2000). the development interactive design techniques (Sanoff 1988, 1990, To eliminateof division between cultural, economic, and political needs and desires (Wulz, 1986). is In under the past 60 years of multimedia model as a design tool. This form of communication utilized designers and community members and to encourage greater participation, therewithin is a need design development, community participation hasstudy been shows effectively as a tool to barriers include the profession ofdesign landscape architecture and this howused communication for visualization, education, and flexible community participatory techniques that will community members in the design process (Sanoff 2000, Riddick, 1971). These processes can broken between community members and designers. The ability to use(Al-Kodmany movies, still not be limit the input to community members that come to scheduled meetings have helped elevate the importance and success of design with the use of community images, models, text, voice, digital walk-throughs, 2001, Sanoff, 1990, Sipes 2002, Schirmer, 2001). motion graphics, and interactivity in design participatory design techniques (Sanoff 1988, 1990, 2000). Todesign eliminate between communication increases the community awareness of good anddivision understanding designers andprocess. community members and to encourage participation, there is a need of theproject design Interactive multimedia was also greater proven to be acommunity valuable This used interactive multimedia within a website to receive input within for visualization, design education, andfaced flprocess exible community participatory techniques that will Design increasingly the challenge to and places tool to are the participatory and thedesign level ofspaces understanding asupplemental designprofessionals process. This project supports thewith need forincreased the development an interactive not limit the input to community members that come to scheduled meetings (Al-Kodmany that will best address community’s social, environmental, contextual, and involvement. Participants were This given the psychological, option of giving feedback and opinion on the multimedia model as athe design tool. form of communication is under utilized within 2001, Sanoff, 1990, Sipes 2002, Schirmer, 2001). cultural, economic, and political needs and desires (Wulz, 1986). the past by 60 means yearsbarriers of program, conceptual development, selecting of concept, and thehow fiIn nalcommunication design of the profession of landscape architecture and this study shows design development, community participation has been effectively used as a tool to include questionnaires, blog conversations, e-mail. and designers. The ability to use movies, still can be broken between communityand members This projectmembers used interactive multimedia within a website to receive community input within community in the design process (Sanoff 2000, graphics, Riddick, 1971). These processes images, models, text, voice, digital walk-throughs, motion and interactivity in design ahave design process. This supports needoffordesign the development of an interactive helped elevate theproject importance and the success with the use community communication increases the community awareness of good design andofunderstanding multimedia model astechniques a design tool. This1988, form 1990, of communication is under utilizedbetween within participatory design (Sanoff 2000). To eliminate division literature literature literature literature review review review literature ]review literature ] ] literature literature ] review literature review ] review ] literature review ] ] Community Participatory Design 1. How does a landscape architect receive input from community members? Community participatory design, according to Sanoff (Sanoff, 1988) is simply the user is involved with all design decisions and major design processes. This concept is deeply integrated with democratic ideals and utilizes people of every social level and treats their opinions and views as equal (Sanoff, 1988). There is a plethora of participatory tools at a designer’s reach and many have been utilized over the years in a diversity of design projects. Sanoff includes eight different techniques used by designers to incorporate community members’ input and specific methods used to implement these techniques. Sanoff also includes several case studies that employed different forms of participation. Sanoff then analyzes the success of the design and how the participatory design process helped in the success of the design. His findings support that involving the community within the process increases the success rate of the project. W.L. Riddick II addresses the charrette, one form of community participation in his book, “Charrette Processes: A Tool in Urban Planning.” Riddick’s approach to community participation is implementing a charrette that follows a structured schedule and leadership to gather community input. This process is not necessarily the best fit for every design process, project, or community, but Riddick’s overall theory on the potential of utilizing community to a design process cannot be ignored. Wulz is very insightful into the process of community participation. Wulz takes an in-depth look at how participation evolved and gives a detail breakdown of participation techniques into seven categories. These seven categories are an excellent supplement to Sanoff’s eight techniques for community participation. A landscape architect has multiple tools and techniques that have been tested and implemented in a diversity of projects. These techniques streamline the community input process and make the community participation process beneficial to designers and community members. 2. Can community participation be successfully integrated into a design process? According to German Cruz, a professor of landscape architect at Ball State University, community design is an essential part of designing for the community and it creates more successful projects. Cruz worked for one year with East Meadow Housing Authority in a community participation program that changed his perceptions of community design and his expectations of community member’s insightful comments and input. Crewe investigated the community participation process to see if the design produced through community input was considered successful by community members and the design literature review] professionals. This landmark study concluded that a overall results of community participatory design were successful by community member and design professional criteria. The study polled area residents, participatory design participants, and design professionals on the categories of marketability, aesthetics, and the quality of design. Community interviews and all polls found that community participatory design was successful. This study also included a poll to see where community participation was the most successful which included playgrounds, theme gardens, station art, and historic themes. The least suitable for community input was the overall image of corridor, appearance of station buildings, and signs (Crewe, 2001). David Schirmer also address community participation in his article, “Interactive Multimedia, Public Participation and Environmental Assessment.” He concludes that community participation is a highly effective means to get cultural and geographical feedback within a design process. The implementation of community participatory design has been successful from the designers’ and the community members’ point of views and supports the claim that community participatory design is an highly effective method of design. This design process can create vital spaces within community neighborhoods that are more effective and successful in their design. 3. What is valuable about the community participation? “Participation reduces the feeling of anonymity and communicates to the users a greater degree of concern on the part of the management of administration. With it, residents are actively involved in the development process, there will be a better maintained physical environment, great public spirit, more user satisfaction and significant financial changes” (Sanoff 1988). Community participation also gives the community as sense of ownership when included into the design process. It is not necessarily that every desire and wish was granted for the community members but that they were listened to and they influenced the process (Sanoff 2000). Community participatory design forces designers to participate in the community. The process also helps community members understand the complicated problems and maximize learning (Sanoff 1990). The community design process is beneficial for both community members and design professionals. Community member take ownership and pride in their community and the project they influence. Design professional become submersed within the community and can see the problems that face their clients (Cruz). Design professionals are also able to draw from their community participation experiences to create contextually sensitive designs. literature review] Interactive Multimedia Communication 1.What is the difference between non-linear and linear communication? Hock-Hai Teo found in his study, “An Empirical Study of the Effects of Interactivity on the Web User Attitude,” that when interactive communication was compared to traditional models, there were significant differences. This study showed users proved that interactive communication is more effective because it was more satisfying, credible, and built trust between the user and the computer (Teo, 2003). Mayer also concluded in his research that these results, like Teo’s, found that static text fell short compared to interactive communication. Students had better knowledge absorption, retention, and attention (Mayer 2004). Non-linear or interactive communication was by far more successful at communicating the content, holding the users attention, and creating a pleasant experience for the users (Teo, 2003, Burgoon 2000, Maki 2002, Mayer 2004). Interactive web sites proved to be more influential when compared to person to person interaction and person to computer interaction (Burgoon, 2000). These comparison found that human to computer interaction resulted in feelings of more credibility, richness, competence, and trust (Burgoon, 2000). Interestingly, the same study found that within text only web sites, users felt they were more dominated by the computer and scored the least in emotions of trust (Burgoon, 2000). Glynda Hull’s study, “Locating the Semiotic Power of Multimodality,” concludes that written text is over powered by the effectiveness of multimedia applications and can produced striking different meanings than static text. This is due to the ability to associate with the information (Hull, 2005). Information transfer is also increased within a non-linear format when compared to linear communication (Mayer, 2004). The difference is undeniable. Linear communication is limited when it comes to effectively communicate, capture user’s attention, and establish creditability (Burgoon, 2000, Teo 2003, Mayer 2004). These finding suggest that interactive communication is far superior to linear communication because of these increased communication effectiveness and emotional responses. 2.What is the potential of digital communication? There is an endless potential of digital communication. The technology is growing so fast that the application of the technology is slowly implemented. Center for Media Design’s Middle Town Media Study 2006 shows the ever increasing use of media and how it overrides all other aspect of our lives. Within this study, there is significant potential to use interactive multimedia communication to interact with the community and gather input, views, and opinions. Schirmer’s article found that a multimedia communication model was very effective in communicating and simplifying complicated environmental data and receiving community input for designing environment protection guidelines (Schirmer, 1994). Digital models can also supplement the community participatory design process by adding visualization tools for community members and design professionals (Al-Kodmany, 2001). Interactive multimedia can also appeal to the community members that would not normally speak up or show at regular community meetings. The interactive literature review] multimedia format gives the user an autonomous and non-confrontational atmosphere in which they can share their opinions (Sanoff, 1990, 2000, Riddick, 1971, Sipes 2002) Town hall meetings are also beginning to be held online and gather community participation and input (Sipes, 2002). Again there is endless potential to utilize digital communication and apply it to community participation. It can be used to gather community input, communicate complicated subject matter, and hold city hall meetings. These finding support the potential usage of interactive multimedia within the participatory design process because of its communication abilities and accessibility. project project project signifi signifi project cance signifi cance project signifi ]cance ] project cance signifi ] ]signifi cance project cance ] sign pro ] There is a continuous struggle between architects, planners, and landscape architects against the client or community that their designs will impact (Walz, 1986). The struggle seems to always boil down to the same problem: the designer feels that they ultimately know what is best for the community and feel that any interference from the community will jeopardize the integrity of design (Sanoff, 1988, 1990, 2000, Habraken 1986). The community members repel the designer’s egotistical views and fight for input to have their needs and views accommodated within the design (Habraken, 1986). This struggle has resulted in many grand and personally cherished designs from architects, planners, and landscape architects getting as far as public meetings before community petitions and uproar that have halted the implementation (Sanoff 2000). What can be done to implement good design that will effectively meet the community’s expectations? All of these conditions can be satisfied within a community participatory design process. However, even as magnificent as this participatory design can seem, it still has its limitations. Two limitations of the process are: 1. Only community members that come to scheduled times are able to give input and all other members are excluded and their concerns, ideas, and views are unheard (Sanoff 2000, Riddick II, 1971, Wulz 1986). 2. Community members and even design professionals are limited by not being able to communicate clearly and effectively (Al-Kodmany 2001, Sanoff 2000). Digital communication alleviates these participation problems by allowing continual community design input twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week and incorporate written text, 3-D models, video, images, diagrams, and sketches (Al-Kodmany 2001, Sipes 2002). A need for an interactive multimedia model that allows community participation design is welcomed because of the powerful addition of tools for communication and gathering input from the community. This project molds community participation into an interactive multimedia web site that can be easily accessed by community members and other professionals not only to give their input but learn more about the design process through the eyes of a landscape architect. In doing so, this product creates community pride and support for the project, as educate the community of what good design can do for their community. The following graphs are from the Ball State University Center for Media Design’s Middle Town Media Study 2005. This study shows and compares the use of media to everyday activities. These graphs show that our society is focused on media and further supports the need for using a multimedia format within landscape architecture. project significance] [figure 00:00 caption: life activies and media use duration chart [figure 00:00 caption: daily reach and duration of media chart problem problem problem problem statement statement statement problem statement problem ] ] ]statement problem ]statement statement ] ] ] This project utilized an interactive multimedia interface within an Internet web site to collect and encourage community participation within the design process. This web site also educated the user of the design process and multiple variables that designers take into account when designing. Goals and Objectives To accomplish the project the following goals and objectives were defined for the focus of this project: Goal 1: To create an interactive multimedia Internet web site Objective 1: Create an interactive interface that will respond to the input by the user’s stimuli, such as mouse movement. Objective 2: Integrate two to three different media forms into one seamless interface. Objective 3: Create a web site accessible to anyone with a computer and Internet access Goal 2: To promote community participatory design Objective 1: Utilizing multiple community participatory design techniques defined by Sanoff (2000) and Wulz (1986). Objective 2: Market and promote this project to the multiple educational departments housed within the adjacent buildings by fliers, word of mouth, and e-mails to students, faculty, and staff. Objective 3: Create a non-confrontational anonymous atmosphere to promote and encourage the free expression of opinions, beliefs, views, ideas, and criticism. Goal 3: To utilize community participation within a design process Objective 1: Use the data gathered from the Internet to analyze the needs, desires, and opinions to program the site. Objective 2: Develop two different design concepts based on community input. Objective 3: Use feedback on proposed concepts to develop a final concept. problem statement] Goal 4: To educate the community of the design process Objective 1: Use the process of community participation to be an informative site analysis to showcase the factors that will impact the designs. Objective 2: Use the site programming process as a educational experience to what this site can become and break out of the box of traditional thinking. Objective 3: Use the conceptual design process to educate of design reasoning and theory used to develop the design. project project project requirements project requirements requirements project requirements ] requirements ] project ] ] project requirement ] requir proje Due to the nature of this project a reliance on digital media technology was needed. To complete this project the use of animation, web design, and operating languages was needed to seamlessly construct the web site. The amount of content and community participation was broken down into web site phases to replicate the progression of a project through a landscape architectural office. Phases also helped to present the content in digestible portions in order to avoid the overloading the user with new information. Software The majority of this project was constructed within Macromedia Flash MX 2004. This software is an industry standard for the creation of web animation and interactivity. Flash has a high learning curve but provides amazing tools to display content on the web never seen before. A full list of software used within this project is located within the appendix. [figure caption: Macromedia Flash MX 2004 interface project requirements] Operating languages This refers to the languages used to communicate within a computer. There was a vast use of Macromedia Flash MX 2004’s operating langage ActionScript through out the project. Other languages used were PHP and HTML. PHP was in order for the poll to work and gave the web site the ability to send a e-mail within the web site. HTML was used to position the web site within the page. Here are examples of code used: ActionScript stop(); var LV_out:LoadVars = new LoadVars(); var LV_in:LoadVars = new LoadVars(); LV_in.onLoad = function(success) { if (success) { gotoAndPlay(“quest5”); } else { trace(“Error loading data into flash”); gotoAndPlay(“Error”); } }; //---------submit_mc1.onRelease = function() { LV_out.box1 = 1; PHP: <?php $user=”joemayes_admin”; $password=”nimda”; $database=”joemayes_sitedb”; $table = “poll”; //--------------connenct to database mysql_connect(localhost,$user,$password) or die(“Could not connect”); mysql_select_db($database) or die (“Could not select the database”); //--------------------Query Database $data = array(); foreach (range(1,20) as $qst) { $data[$qst] = array(1=>0,2=>0,3=>0,4=>0); $myquery = mysql_query(“SELECT * FROM poll WHERE question=$qst”) or die(mysql_ error()); //--------------------Put results into an array while ($myRecord = mysql_fetch_array($myquery)) { project requirements] $data[$qst][(int) $myRecord[‘answer’]] = $data[$qst][(int) HTML: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC “-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN”> <html> <head> <meta http-equiv=”content-type” content=” html;charset=ISO-8859-1”> <title></title> <meta name=”description” content=”test”> <style type=”text/css”> <script language=”JavaScript”> function openNewWindow(URLtoOpen, windowName, windowFeatures) {, windowName, windowFeatures); } </script> html { height:100%; /* fix height to 100% for IE */ max-height: 99%; /* fix height for other browsers */ padding: 0; /*remove padding */ margin: 0; /* remove margins */ border: 0; /* remove borders */ background: #0000000 /*color background - only works in IE */ Use of Phases The use of phases was vital to the communication of the design process and gave the project the ability to communicate without overburdening the user. There were three phases to this project. Phase 1: focused on the importance of inventory, analysis, and then gave the community members the ability to help program the site. Phase 2: took the community input from the first phase and created two concepts. The concepts were displayed in an interactive format and then the users were able to give feedback on the design and help choose the final design. Phase 3: was the display of the final design chosen by the community members in an interactive format. site site site setting setting setting site]]setting site ] site setting ] setting site ] s site ]setting ite setting site ] setting ]site This community participation design process focused efforts on the space between the Fine Arts Building and Copper Science Building on the Ball State University Campus. This site was chosen due to three factors: 1. Due to the proposed use of the Internet to involve community participatory design, the site had to be within a community that has a high percentage of Internet users. The Ball State University community, which is comprised of students, faculty member, and staff, use the Internet daily for communication, educational, and entertainment purposes. Ball State University was also recently named the nation’s number one wireless campus by Intel Corporation and US News and World Report in October 2005. 2. Conversations with Deane Rundell, principal of Rundell Ernstberger Associates (REA) and project manager for the Ball State University Master Plan. REA is the official landscape architects for the campus and master plan endeavors. Rundell listed this space as one of three spaces on campus that needed renovation and redesign. Campus Architect Kevin Kenyon also confirmed Rundell’s recommendation. 3. The dynamics of the site and potential to connecting to science departments and the Ball State Musuem of Art within an outside space. This site also serves at a gateway into the Quad, a large park space with many mature trees and large open lawns. The Quad is home to the Ball State University icon, Beneficence, and graduation commencement ceremonies are held in each May as the Fine Art Building becomes the main backdrop for the ceremony. The current site can be classified primarily as a passage space for pedestrian use coming and going from the Cooper Science Building. The site is approximately 250’x170’ and is defined by Riverside Avenue to the north, Quad sidewalk to the south, Cooper Science Building to the west, and the Fine Arts Building to the east. The Fine Arts Building is a large four story Neo-Classical architectural style brick building with limestone coping. The Cooper Science Building is a large four story Modern Architectural brick building that has limestone bands running vertically along the sides. The current site has small patches of lawn in the center of the space that is fenced off to keep foot traffic from wearing the turf down. There is a small grass berm on the north side that is planted with a row of arborvitaes under a large white oak. On the south side of the space is a slightly sloping landscaped bed with plantings. Since the both buildings are four stories high and set on the east and west borders of the site, shade could be a factor in the design of seating spaces. The space is primarily a clean slate with the exception of some established plantings along the north side of the Fine Arts Building around the maintenance access. design design design process process process design ] ] ]process designdesign ] process process design ] desig proc ] The goals and objects of this project required that majority of the design process be spent within the development and the design of the web site and the assets of design communication for the web site. This section will cover the steps of the process and how the end product was achieved. The design process of the website began comparing traditional and interactive communication models. The literature review findings showed a difference of effectiveness and efficiency of communication that the interactive model had over the linear model. The major differences were that interactivity model showed that participants learned quicker, retained the knowledge, and had better recall of information at a later date. There were also notable psychological differences that showed that participants trusted and were persuaded by the information communicated within an interactive format. This was profound to this process due to the highly potential volatile situation that can occur within community participation design processes and town meetings. The two graphic diagrams on the side of the page diagram the different communication models. The traditional model of communication is often like presenting to a crowd or giving a speech. This technique is used the majority of the time by landscape architects to communicate the design process and designs. [figure caption: Traditional communication model, similiar to a presention or a speech [figure caption: Interactive communication model, similar to a discussion or conversation design process: web site design] The interactive model of communication is often similar to a discussion or conversation. Once again this model is more effective and efficient in communicating. This means of communicating is more socially natural within the context of a social environment. Also this model is typically more socially comfortable for all parties involved compared to the presenter that might be nervous or intimidated or the audience that might be board or nervous themselves in the traditional communication model. Web site design applies the same theory of the communication models. However, the terms “traditional” and “interactive” are typically referred to as “linear” and “non-linear” organization within the web environment. The theory behind the linear and the nonlinear organized web site is the same as traditional and interactive communication. Linear web sites typically are a guided process or given steps. These sites are use to communicate in a methodically way and used for research, story telling, how to sites, and web sites with an abundance of information. Non-linear web sites are often user oriented and user controlled. The user decides what they want to see, do, learn, or hear. A majority of the web sites today use nonlinear organization on different levels. These sites are typically used for news, games, entertainment, and adventure. For this project both non-linear and linear organization were used in the design. This made the site more adapt to the community member’s preface. A web site page concept is located on the next page. fifteen home one two fourteen thirteen three twelve four five eleven six ten seven nine eight [figure caption: Non-linear or an interactive web site, used for entertainment and adventure] home one two three four [figure caption: Non-linear or an interactive web site, used for entertainment and adventure] design process: web site design] title bar navigational bar content and navigation area content and navigation area content and navigation area navigational bar [figure caption: web site concept showing the basic layout and placement [figure caption: final web site design showing the placement of features design process: web site design] splash home page link link page page page sub-page sub-page link link link [figure page page page sub-page sub-page link link link sub-page sub-page link link sub-page sub-page link sub-page sub-page link sub-page sub-page sub-page sub-page link link page link link caption: web site tree showing the complexity of the site] design process: phase one design] The first phase of the web site set the precedence in design and layout of the other phases to follow. The overall theory within the design of the web site was to give multiple links and connections within each page of the web site. This allows the users to have a higher potential of visiting each site and follow the process. A tour was also offered for the users that want to take the step by step linear approach to the web site. [figure caption: splash page [figure caption: phase one home page The home page is starting point for the whole web site, giving a brief representation of what the user will find within the site. This page also connects to all the pages within the site and provides a tutorial for users that feel overwhelmed. design process: phase one design] [figure caption: charlie cardinal helper giving a tutorial on how to use the site Charlie Cardinal Helper The web site used typical layout and navigational features that most Flash web sites incorporate in their design. The student population typically have experienced these design in browsing the Internet. This design was catered towards the college student with the skills, experience, and comfort level of browsing the Internet. However, for the user out of the college age population or browsing skills the Charlie Cardinal Helper can provide helpful hints on how to navigate through the web site. design process: phase one design] caption: more information page with relevant research and links to find more information [figure [figure 00:14 caption: site images page design process: phase one design] [figure caption: main inventory page giving a brief overview and help to access information [figure caption: beginning the circulation inventory and the need for inventory design process: phase one design] [figure caption: the full circulation inventory with plan and 3d views and information Site Inventory The inventory part of the web site focuses on context, circulation, topography, vegetation, shadows and views. These were some of the most important feature that would effect the design of the space and that community members could easily grasp. This page give explanation of what the inventory does for designers and show plan and 3D graphics displaying the inventory. These graphics are also interactive and increase the understanding of location and placement. design process: phase one design] [figure caption: main analysis page giving a brief overview and help to access information [figure caption: beginning the circulation analysis and the reason for use design process: phase one design] [figure 00:20 caption: the full circulation inventory with plan and 3d views and information Site Analysis The analysis part of the web site focuses on taking the inventory and asking why that information is important to the design process. Conclusions are drawn from the inventory data and display graphically in an interactive 3D and plan view format. These graphics show how the analysis directly affects the design process and why it is import for designer to follow an analysis. design process: phase one design] [figure caption: poll to gather information about the desires of the community members [figure caption: poll to gather information about the desires of the community members design process: phase one design] [figure caption: poll results displayed in real time Help design Phase one Help Design page give a basic explanation why the community member’s voice is important and how it will be used to program the space according to their needs. The user was asked twenty questions ranging from background information, personal desires, and what they have learned. The user is then able to see real time poll results that put their desires and taste in the comparison to the entire community. The phase one poll showed the designer that the community wanted the space to be art inspired, art themed, have public art, have a water feature, and various other ideas on materials and colors. design process: phase one design] [figure caption: the links page and the list of relevant links [figure caption: contact page that an e-mail can be sent, join the mailing list, or connect to the online discussion of this design and process design process: phase one design] [figure caption: online discussion page hosted by Contact Page and Blog The last two pages of the site consisted of links for the user to learn more about multimedia, landscape architecture, interactivity, community participation among other topics. Contact page also offered the user to send a e-mail directly from the web site if they had questions and comments. There was also opportunity to join a mailing list to be notified of new phases. A discussion board was also offered for community members to say their praise, frustrations, and contribute ideas. design process: phase two design] [figure 00:27 caption: phase two main page Phase Two Phase two of the web site include all pages of the phase one and added a new area showcasing the two concepts developed from the community response. The phase two home page included a slideshow of images of the concepts and short cut link to the concepts page. The phase one poll was altered to incorporated visual preference surveys to help the design take the next step in the design process. design process: phase two design] [figure caption: explaination of concepts and design intent [figure caption: slideshow of images that inspired the concepts design process: phase two design] [figure caption: conceptual design process [figure caption: interactive virtual tour, the red circles are information hot spots design process: phase two design] [figure caption: interactive virtual tour, the red circles are information hot spots [figure caption: interactive virtual tour, the red circles are information hot spots design process: phase two design] [figure caption: interactive virtual tour, the red circles are information hot spots [figure caption: visual preference survey design process: phase two design] Design Concepts The concepts page area shows how phase one poll results were directly applied to the development of two concepts. The first concept approached the space as art gallery and the second used the space as an art piece. The user was allowed to see the design reasoning and process from analysis to inspiration to the displayed concept. A virtual tour was also provided to allow the user to interact with the designs and learn more about the concepts. The user was then asked to give their opinions on the concepts and which ones they liked the best and why. Again these results were displayed to them real time so they could compare their opinions to the community’s popular vote. [figure caption: Survey results design process: phase three design] [figure caption: phase three home page [figure caption: final design page with slideshow, virtual tour and drawings design process: phase three design] [figure caption: interactive final design drawings Final Design Phase three of the web site focused on the communication of the selected concept. The concept was chosen due the other welling support it received from the poll and visual preference survey. The home page displayed a slideshow of the final design in the context on campus and different views. The final design page had a virtual tour of the selected design as well a before and after images of the space showing what the community members wanted. On the right side of the page was an interactive portion for the community members to explore the design but also be educated of popular design communication terminology and reasons why designers used these drawings. conclusion conclusion conclusion conclusion ]]]] conclusion ] conclusion ] c]onclusion conclusion ] conclusion ] conclu ] Design professionals are increasingly faced with the challenge to design spaces and places that will best address the community’s social, psychological, environmental, contextual, cultural, economic, and political needs and desires (Wulz, 1986). In the past 60 years of design development, community participation has been used as effective tools to include community members in the design process (Sanoff 2000, Riddick, 1971). These processes have proven to elevate the importance and success of design with the use of community participatory design techniques (Sanoff 1988, 1990, 2000). To eliminate division between designer and community member and to encourage greater participation, there is a need for visualization, design education, and flexible community participatory techniques that will not limit the input to community members that come to scheduled meetings(Al-Kodmany 2001, Sanoff, 1990, Sipes 2002, Schirmer, 2001). Digital communication can help with these needs. Interactive multimedia can effectively communicate and education complicated design processes to the common layman (Schirmer, 2001, Al-Kodmany, 2001). Additionally, interactive multimedia communication can gather a broader audience of community members that can voice their opinions of the design within the comforts of their home or place of work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (Sipes 2002). This is crucial because it is proven that involving community members within the design process results in the community taking more pride, appreciation, and ownership of the project (Sanoff 1988, 2000, Wulz, 1986). This also helps the design professional because the more the community feels they have taken part of the process, the more likely the project will be funded and implemented (Wulz, 1986). Digital communication can also begin to establish a trustworthy relationship between the community members and design professionals by providing a nonconfrontational place where personal views can be expressed autonomously without fear of rejection or correction by other community members and the design professional (Sanoff 1988, Wulz 1986, Habraken, 1986). Digital communication is under-utilized within the design profession and digital community participation is one feasible tool to elevate the effectiveness of design. references references references references references r ] ]eferences ] references ] references ] ] references ] referenc referen ] Participatory Design Cruz, German, Personal Interview: November 11, 2005 Environmental Protection Agency. 2005. EPA Public Involvement, Oct 11, 2005. < http://www.> Habraken, N. 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Design Studies,Vol 7 No 3 (July 1986):53-62 Interactive Multimedia Media Burgoon, J.K., Bonito, J.A., Bengtsson, B., Cederberg, C., Lundeberg, M., Allspach, L.”Interactivity in human-computer interaction: a study of credibility, understanding, and influence.” Computers in Human Behavior Vol 16 (2000): 553-574 Center for Digital Storytelling. 2005. Center for Digital Storytelling. Oct 11, 2005 <http://> Cortada, James W. Making the Information Society: Experience, Consequences, and Possibilities. Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall Inc., 2001. Crewe, Katherine “The quality of participatory design: the effects of citizen input on the design of the Boston Southwest Corridor.” Journal of the American Planning Association Vol 74 No. 4 (Autumn 2001): 437-455 Fogg, B.J. Persuasive Technology: using computers to change what we think and do. San Francisco: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2003. 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Cambridge: MIT Press, 2003 Maki, William S., Maki, Ruth H. “Multimedia Comprehension Skills Predicts Differential Outcomes of Web-based and Lecture Courses.” Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied,Vol 8 No 2 (2002): 85-98 Mayer, Richard, Fennel, Sherry, Farmer, Lindsay, Campbell, Julie. “A Personalization Effect in Multimedia Learning: Students Learn Better When Words Are in Conversational Style Rather Than Formal Style” Journal of Educational Psychology.Vol 96 No 2 (2004): 389-395 Miller, Carolyn Handler. Digital Storytelling: a creator’s guide to interactive entertainment. Burlington: Focal Press, 2004. Teo, Hock-Hai, Oh Lih-Bin, Liu, Chunhui, Wei, Kwok-Kee. “An empirical study of the effects of interactivity on web user attitude.” Human-Computer Studies Vol 58 (2003): 281-305 Interactive Multimedia Participatory Design Al-Kodmany, Kheir “Bridging the gap between technical and local knowledge: tools for promoting community based planning and design.” Journal of Architectural and Planning Research Vol. 18 No. 2 (Summer 2001): 110-130 Cohen, Jonathan “Participatory design with the Internet” Architectural Record Vol 191 No. 8 (Aug 2003): 157-158 Schirmer, David. “Interactive multimedia, public participation and environmental assessment.” Town Planning Review Vol. 65 No. 4 (Oct 1994): 399-314 Sipes, James L. “Digital town halls” Landscape Architecture Vol. 92 No. 8 (Aug 2002): 52 Other References Designing Environments for Everyone. Dir. Micheal Lerner. Perf.Lawrence Halprin. Landscape Architecture Foundation, 1984. Kenyon, Kevin, E-mail Interview; November 14, 2005 Rundell, Deane, E-mail Interview; September 18, 2005 appendix appendix appendix a: a:appendix defi defi a: defi nitions nitions appendix nitions a:]] defi ] appendix a: nitions defi appendix nitions ] a: defi ] appe a: nitd Community Participation - empowering community members in the decision and design processes that will impact their lives and their community (Sanoff, 1990, King, 1989). Combination of creative, intense work sessions with public workshops and design meetings; the collaborative planning process that harnesses the talents and energies of all interested parties to create and support a feasible plan that represents community change (The National Charrette Institute, 2005). Interactivity - relating to a program that responds to user activity; the extent to which something is interactive; the extent to which a computer program and human being may have a dialog and/or the multidirectional communication between senders and receivers, and participating individuals have control over the communication experience (Jones 2004). Multimedia – The combination of media can be the integration of text, music, video, images, graphics, and spoken words incorporated into one means to communicate and/or relating to an application that can combine text, graphics, full-motion video, and sound into an integrated package (Jones 2004, Miller 2004). Digital Divide - the gap between those who have computers with Internet access and those who do not, as well as the gap between those who are computer literate and those who are not (Cortada 2002). appendix appendix b:appendix software b: software appendix b:]appendix software ]b: software appendix b: ] software ]appen b: so ] List of software used for this project: Adobe AfterEffects 6.5 Adobe Illustrator CS Adobe Indesign CS Adobe Photoshop CS @Last Software Sketchup 3-D 1.0 AutoDesk AutoCad 2005 Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 Macromedia Flash MX 2004 Microsoft Word Microsoft Excell