( MIT-334-33 Reactor Technology Standard TID 4500 IN-PILE LOOP IRRADIATION STUDIES OF ORGANIC COOLANT MATERIALS PROGRESS REPORT JANUARY 1, 1965 - SEPTEMBER 30, D. T. Morgan, Project Supervisor Report prepared by: Contributors: 1965 Project Engineer W. N. Bley, T. H. Timmins, Research Assistant DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR ENGINEERING MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 (M.I.T. Project No. DSR 9819) Work Performed Under Contract No. with the AT(38-1)-334 Savannah River Operations Office U. S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Issued: November 1, 1965 (MITNE-66) ii LEGAL NOTICE This report was prepared as an account of Government sponsored work. Neither the United States, nor the Commission, nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission: A. Makes any warranty or representation, express or implied, with respect to the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information contained in this report, or that the use of any information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report may not infringe privately owned rights; or B. Assumes any liabilities with respect to the use of, or for damages resulting from the use of information, apparatus, method, or process disclosed in this report. As used in the above, "person acting on behalf of the Commission" includes any employee or contractor of the Commission to the extent that such employee or contractor prepares, handles or distributes, or provides access to any information, pursuant to his employment or contract with the Commission. ............. iii DISTRIBUTION This report is being distributed under the category "Reactor Technology", TID 4500. Additional copies may be obtained from USAEC Division of Technical Information Extension (DTIE), P.O. Box 62, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Previous related reports on this project: MITNE-4 (IDO 11,101) MITNE- 7 (IDO 11,102) MITNE-9 MITNE- 12 (IDO 11,103) MITNE-21 MITNE- 22 (IDO 11,104) MITNE-29 (IDO 11,106) (IDQ 11,107) MITNE-39 MITNE- 41 MITNE- 48 MITNE-55 MITNE-59 MITNE-63 (IDO 11,105) (SRi-85) (SRO-87) (MIT-334-11) (MIT-334-12) (MIT-334-23) iv T ABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1.0 2.0 Summary Loop Operations and Experimental Radiolysis Results for This Period 3.0 4.0 Summary of Previous Irradiation Results In-Pile Dosimetry 5.0 6.0 Heat Transfer and Friction Factor Results Summary of Property Measurements for Run 14 7.0 Travel and Reports Issued References 1 4 11 17 23 29 34 35 V LIST OF TABLES Page 1.1 2.1 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 6.1 6.2 Summary of Operating Conditions and Results for Runs 13 and 14 Based on Pre-Irradiation Dosimetry Measurements Results of Steady-State Run 14 Based on Pre-Irradiation Dosimetry Measurements Summary of Results for Steady-State Loop Irradiations Summary of Results for Transient Loop Irradiations Summary of Results from Calorimeter Measurements Summary of Fast Neutron Dose Rates from Foil Activation Measurements Average Molecular Weight of Run 14 High Boiler Summary of Average Molecular Weight for SteadyState Loop Irradiations Through Run 14 2 9 12 13 18 20 29 vi LIST OF FIGURES Page 2.1 2.2 3.1 3.2 4.1 4.2 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 6.1 6.2 6.3 Cross Section of Reactor Core Showing Fuel and Control Rod Positions Total Terphenyl Concentration as Function of Absorbed Dose for Run 13 Effect of Tcmperature on Irradiation of Terphenyl Coolants in M.I.T. Loop Irradiations Pyrolysis of Terphenyl Coolants Calculated Fast Neutron Dose Rate in Santowax WR Using Foil Activation Data, Fuel Position 20 Neutron Energy Spectrum Used for Fast Neutron Dose Rate Calculations from Foil Activation Data All M.I.T. Irradiated Organic Coolant Heat Transfer Data Friction Factor and Heat Transfer Factor for Irradiated Santowax WR, Upstream Half of Test Heater 7 Friction Factor Data for TH7,Selected Santowax WR Data and Water Data Colburn Analogy for M.I.T. Irradiated Santowax OMP, Heat Transfer Data Density Measurements for Run 14 Viscosity Measurements for Run 14 Average Molecular Weight of High Boiler as Function of High Boiler Concentration 5 7 15 16 21 22 24 25 27 28 30 31 33 CIIAPTER 1 SUIMIMARY Irradiation of Santowax WR in the MITR in a new fuel position with a fast neutron fraction of 0.05-0.06 was initiated on May 10, 1965 as Transient Run 13. This run was continued until July 19, 1965 when the terphenyl concentration had decreased from 92% to a level of 84% as desired for Run 14. Steady-State Run 14 was started on July 19 and continued to September 27, 1965 with distillation processing and recycle of the coolant. The operating conditions and the preliminary G*(-omp) values from these runs are summarized in Table 1.1. At the end of Run 14, a tritium dilution for the circulating organic mass was carried out. A reevaluation of previous loop data was carried out and G values calculated for individual terphenyl isomers as well as the total terphenyl and high boiler. These results are summarized in this report and will be described in detail in a topical report on the Santowax WR irradiat.i&Is which will be issued late in 1965 (to be assigned the number MIT-334-34). The new G values are slightly different in some cases than those reported in MIT-334-12 (Q1). Heat transfer and friction factor measurements using a new test heater were performed. All previous data as well as the new data were compared with the Dittus-Boelter and Colburn relations. The heat transfer data agreed with either correlation within +10%; the friction factor data agreed with the Colburn relation within +10%. A report describing these results in detail was issued in September, 1965 (1.2). Additional heat transfer measurements were made at the end of Run 14 but the results are not yet available. Calorimeter and foil activation measurements were carried out in the new experimental facility to establish the dose rate. The preliminary values (see folnote of Table 1.1) for the total dose rate and fast neutron fraction are (one Table 1.1 Summary of Operation Conditions and Results for Runs }3 and 14 Based on Pre-Irradiation Dosimetry Measurements k) Irradiation Temperature Loop Pressure 572'F Fast Neutron Fractionl Average Dose Rate in Total Coolant Mass(l) 0.056 0.0068 watts/gm G*(-omp) Run 13 (First Order Kinetics) Run 14 0.196 molecules/100 ev P-100 psig 0.192 molecules/100 ev Terphenyl Condentration 92->84% 84.0->83.5% Run 13 (Transient Run) Run 14 (Steady-State Run) (1)These values are based on pre-irradiation calorimeter and foil activation measurements in Fuel Position 20. Post-irradiation calorimeter measurements are planned in the spring of 1966 at the completion of the irradiations in Fuel Position 20. Slight changes (<5%) in these values may occur when the additional measurements are available and included in the data evaluation. Eli IIIIIIIIJIMM IIIII Jill' III 3 standard deviation uncertainty limits): 3 FT = 20.4 + o.4 watt-cm 2 f - lM-gm = 0.056 + 0.007 Construction of a new in-pile section (In-Pile Section No. 4) was started during this period. This new in-pile section is identical to the one now being used (In-Pile Section No. 3) and is being constructed in the MITR machine shop. Visits were made to the AECL Chalk River Laboratories for technical discussions on organic coolants and to Atomics International for discussion of the future experimental program of the M.I.T. Organic Coolant Project. An experimental program covering the next two years was agreed on by AI and M.I.T. and approved by the AEC. CHAPTER 2 Loop Operations and Experimental Radiolysis Results .or This Period All previous irradiations in the M.I.T. In-Pile Loop were carried out in the central fuel position of the reactor where the fast neutron fraction was 37-40%. As discussed in the previous progress report (1.1), it appeared desirable to perform irradiations at a significantly lower fast neutron fraction in the same irradiation facility and with the same loop equipment to provide a direct measurement of the fast neutron effect or Gn/G . Furthermore, the use of steadystate runs would provide more accurate total G values than is possible in transient irradiations thus providing a significantly more accurate determination of Gn/G than has previously been possible. To accomplish this purpose, plans were made to perform several steady-state runs in Fuel Position 20 (see Figure 2.1) near the outside edge of the core where the fast neutron fraction should be significantly less than in the central fuel position (Fuel Position 1). To minimize the fast neutron fraction in Fuel Position 20, it was desirable to (1) eliminate the use of any fuel in this fuel position thereby eliminating the production of fast neutrons near the in-pile capsule and (2) to include a cadmium converter to convert thermal neutrons to gamma rays by the (n,7) reaction thereby increasing the gamma ray dose. Consequently, a new irradiation facility and in-pile section were designed and procured. The irradiation facility consists of an aluminum sample assembly containing no uranium but with an integral cadmium sleeve as a replacement for the 8 or 10-plate fuel element used in prev'ious irradiations. The in-pile section fits inside this sample assembly and is surrounded by the cadmium sleeve. The new in-pile section (In-Pile Section No. 3), while similar to In-Pile Sections 5 1211 BEAM PORT SHIM SAFETY RODS FINE CONTROL ROD FIG. 2.1 CROSS SECTION OF REACTOR CORE AND CONTROL ROD POSITIONS SHOWING FUEL ........... I- No. 1 and 2, has been modified to increase the in-pile volume from approximately 205 cm3 to 285 cm' and to provide more reliable heaters and thermocouples. A central monitor tube which extends from the top of the reactor shield down into the center of the in-pile section has also been added so that foils and other measuring devices having a diameter less than 0.3 inches can be inserted during an irradiation into a region surrounded by the circulating coolant in the core. The monitor tube outside the thimble as used in all other in-pile sections is also included. The new sample assembly with integral cadmium sleeve was inserted into Fuel Position 20 on February 28, 1965 with a stainless steel thimble inserted in place of the in-pile section. Calorimeter and foil activation experiments were carried out in this thimble during the period March - May, 1965 (see Section 4.0). These measurements indicated a fast neutron fraction of about 5-6%. The new in-pile section was inserted in place of the stainless steel thimble on May 1, 1965. The loop was charged with Santowax WR and Transient Run No. 13 started on May 10, 1965. The purpose of Run 13 was to degrade the coolant from its initial terphenyl concentration of '92% down to -84% as desired for steady-state Run 14. The operating conditions for this run were 5720F and 14100 psig. A concentration of 84% terphenyl was reached and steady-state Run 14 started on July 19, 1965 at a temperature of 572 F and "100 psig. Run 14 was continued until September 27, 1965 when sufficient terphenyl had been degraded to provide a one standard deviation uncertainty in the total terphenyl G value of about +5% and Run 14 was ended. The results of Run 13 are presented in Figure 2.2 in terms of total terphenyl concentration as a function of absorbed dose. The reaction rate constant for the total terphenyl disappearance was calculated based on first, second, and third-order kinetics. The calculated values based on the pre-irradiation dosimetry measurements (see footnote of Table 1.1) and their one standard deviation uncertainty limits are: 1.00 I I I I 0.95[0 0.90 H 0.851 z w 0- 0.80K -J AVG. EXPERIMENTAL VALUE OF AT LEAST 4 CHROMATOGRAPHY RUNS w 0.750.70 FIG. 2.2 I 1.0 I I I 2.0 3.0 4.0 TOTAL ABSORBED DOSE, r, WATT HOURS/GM TOTAL TERPHENYL CONCENTRATION AS FUNCTION 5.0 6.0 OF ABSORBED DOSE FOR RUN 13 8 kR(First Order) = G*(-omp) G*(-omp) kR(Second Order) = (1.69 + 0.20) x 10-2 w -hr = 0.196 + 0.023 molecules degraded. ev rd G*~op)_100 = 1.93 + 0.19 x 10-2 wa-shr G*(CAvg = 0.878) = 11.65 kRCAvg = 0.198 Molecules 100 ev g s kR(Third Order) = (2,.20 + 0.22) x 102 watt-hr G*(CAvg = 0.878) = 11.65 kAvg = 0.198 molecules The operating conditions were: T = 572 0 F, P E 100 psig, fN = 0.056, Avg Dose Rate = 0.0068 watts gm The kinetics for the individual isomers will be reported at a later date. It should be noted that the above results are directly dependent on the loop mass. A tritium dilution was carried out at the end of Run 14 for another loop mass determination but the results are not yet available; the numbers quoted above may therefore change slightly when the results of the mass determination are available. Any change should be less than 5% however since the mass used in these calculations is based on previous tritium dilutions. The results of steady-state Run 14 are presented in Table 2.1 including operating conditions and G values for the terphenyl isomers. It will be noted that-the concentration change over the run is small so that the run is, in fact;- a steady-state run. The statistical uncertainty is also excellent, the percentage uncertainty (one statistical deviation) being +5% for the total terphenyl G value. For this run, to obtain good statistical accuracy, 140 separate analyses were made on the samples and returns used in the run. Three additional steady-state runs are planned for Fuel Position 20 (fN = 0.056). At the end of these runs, the irradiation capsule will be moved back to Fuel Position 1 and Table 2.1 Results of Steady-State Run 14 Based on Pre-Irradiation Dosimetry Measurements(l) Irradiation Temperature = 572 0F Type of Distillation - Quaterphenyls Not Recycled Density = 0.897 gms/cm 3 Total Terphenyl Degraded = 534 grams Total Loop Circulating Mass = 5230 grams Fast Neutron Fraction = 0.056 Total Average Dose Rate = 0.0068 watts/gm Total Initial Loop Concentration, wt % Final Loop Concentration, wt % m- 15.4 63.6 5.0 84.0 10.9 14.6 63.9 5.0 11.2 0.136 +0.004 0.034 G(-), molecules/00 ev -*(-1i) = G(-i)/C HB pmp o-0 0.222 +.007 (')See footnote of Table 1.1. Error limits are one standard deviation. 0.1115 0.010 83.5 0.161 +0004 +0.001 +0.008 0.20 +0.02 0.192 +0.009 0.181 +0.007 D 10 irradiations will be continued at the higher fast neutron fraction of about 40%. Construction on In-Pile Section No. 4 was initiated during this reporting period for use in this change as well as a back-up in case of failure of the present in-pile section (No. 3) before the irradiations in Fuel Position 20 are completed. In-Pile Section No. 4 will be identical to In-Pile Section No. 3, 11 CHAPTER 3 SUrV4ARY OF PREVIOUS IRRADIATION RESULTS During this period, the results of previous loop irradiations of Santowax WR in Position 1 of the MITR were reevaluated and the G values calculated for the disappearance of the individual terphenyl isomers as well as for the total terphenyl disappearance and HB generation. The new values are slightly different in some cases than those reported in MIT-334-12 (1.1). The G value for any pure component, G(-i) or G(i), is defined as the molecules of that component destroyed or produced per 100 ev of energy absorbed from fast neutron and gamma interactions in the total coolant. The G value for molecules of energy 11 it was high boiler production, G(4-HB), is defined as the of terphenyl degraded to high boiler per 100 ev absorbed in the total coolant. In Runs 8, 10, and found that the statistical uncertainty was larger than desired due to the relatively large scatter of the concentration data resulting from poor reproducibility of the chromatographic column used for these analyses. The samples from these runs were therefore reanalyzed and more precise results were obtained. The complete results are summarized in Table 3.1 for the steady-state runs and in Table 3.2 for the transient runs. For the steady-state runs, both G(i) and G*(i) values are reported for each of the terphenyl isomers and the total terphenyl; only the G(i) values are reported for high boiler generation. The G*(i) values are defined as: G*(i) = 2i). (3.1) is the concentration of component i in the coolant. For the transient runs, only G*(i) values are reported based on use of first-order kinetics for the degradation. The G* values sorvenas a useful normalization factor for comparison where C of the low and high temperature runs made at a given terphenyl Table 3.1 Summary of Results for Steady-State LOOP Irradiations** Mterial Santowax Temperature in Irradiation Zone 0 0F C 300 0.163 321 610 0.115 0.0102 0.136 +0.004 +0.0011 +0.004 22.0 56.6 4.8 9.6 0.34 (30.8) (14.4) +0.02 0.200 +0.009 (30.3) (16.2) 750 399 53.5 Santowax OMP 0.034 +0.001 83.3 750 750 399 399 60.5 69.5 T.5 44.6 2.5 43.4 3.3 7.1 0.155 +0.003 0.23 +0.003 0.020 +0.004 +0.01 +0.003 0.003 0.287 +0.009 0.029 +0.002 0.154 +0.008 0.015 +0.002 +0.008 0.0963 +0.0006 0.087 0.192 +0.009 0.264 +0.008 0.222 0.181 0.20 0.056 +0.009 0.26 +0.01 +0.007 0.256 +0.008 +0.02 0.41 0.40 0.40 0.015 0.37 +0.04 0 40 +0.02 0.36 +0.02 +0.02 +0.02 0.34 +0.02 0.39 +0.03 G*(-m) 0.28 +0.01 0.43 +0.08 0.60 +0.09 Run IDate of Wno Run 14 7/19/65 lC 11 +0:04 0.40 +0.04 5 9/27/65 5/24/62 8/30/62 8/25/64 9/25/64 1/20/64 3/10/64 10/2/63 0.26 0.014 0.245 o.63 1.00 0.59 0.42 0.40 +0.01 +0.04 0.46 +.04 0.37 3B 11/27/63 2/26/63 +0.005 +0.04 0.79 +0.04 +0.03 0.53 +0.002 0.085 +0.009 0.282 +0.006 +0.03 0.53 +0.01 0.31 +0.02 0.41 +0.001 0.085 +0.003 0.54 +0.02 0.45 +0.02 0.35 +0.04 0.40 2 6 4/18/63 3/12/64 4/12/64 4/20/64 5/8/64 6.1 35.3 18.6 49.5 4.0 (15.2) (15.3) (14.8) +0.03 +0.005 0.106 +0.009 0.186 0.22 +0.01 0.27 750 399 73.7 18.2 51.1 4.4 (11.5) Santowax WR 780 416 61.6 8.2 50.2 3.1 24.9 13.5 0.53 +0.03 0.090 +0.006 0.41 +0.03 Santowax Satoax 800 427 80.03 51.5 11.3 36.9 3.0 (26.9) (21.6) -0.91 0.1 + 0.269 029 +0.009 o.61 069.3 +0.02 Santowax 80 ( 1.06 +o.o4 0.35 +0.01 +0.03 . G*(~o) o.067 Santowax 4 0.173 O*(~omP) +0.003 o.048 15.7 W 00 .0157 Fast Neutron Fraction fm G*(P) +0.01 0.32 034 .6.7 32.4 G(~HB) o.161 61.9 54.8 I +0.008 06 +0.005 11.0 371 Q(-n) 5. 5.8 5.0 18.3 700 Santowax Santowax 321 G(-m~ fl(-omn~ 63.8 37.6 32.3 tl(-o'I T.Th 15.0 6.0 83.7 G*(i) = G( i)/Ci G(i), molecules/100 ev 572 7 Santowax OMP Santowax WR Santowax Average Loop Concentrations, wtlt HB* p (Bottoms) m o omp 0.02 0.64 0.30 +0.01 0.33 +0.02 0.45 +0.03 o.56 +0.03 +0.03 +0.06 0.04 0.58 0.05 0.53 +0.04 0.34 0.15 0.034 +0.013 0.032 0.47 +0.04 o.86 +0.06 1.10 +0.07 0.81 +o.06 +0.001 +0.03 0.77 .7 1. 76 1.6 +0.06 -2.2336 +0.08 i~.5 +0.06 0.014 +0.002 0.015 0.006 0.074 +0.013 0.01 0.70 +0.03 1.62 +0.06 2.18 +0.08 1.42 +0.06 1.1 +0.4 1.0677( F+0.04 7 1.9 +0.3 +0.04 0.40 0.04 o.4o +0.04 12/4/63 12/23/63 6/18/64 7/20/64 0.40 .086 +0.04 0.40 +0.04 *HB refers to distillation where the quaterphenyl were not recycled. Bottoms refers to distillation where about 75% of the quaterphenyls were carried over with the terphenyls and LIB and therefore recharged to the loop. **Error limits are one standard deviation except for fast neutron fraction which is approximately two standard deviations. 10 7/21/64 8/25/64 Table 3.2 Summarm of Results for Transient Loop Irradiations* Temperature in Irradiation Zone Material Santowax WR Santowax WR Santowax OMP Santowax 0F 0C 425 218 572 300 6lo 321 G*(i) molecules/100 ev Concentration Range, wt% omp 69-858 91.8-83.8 66.6-+-39.6 0 m p - - ~ 41.2-+w25.1 18-.+10 4 321 100.1+- 59.6 10.7-+6.3 64.8-+37.4 24.6-v16.2 OMP OH? Santowax Santowax 750 399 65. -41. 69-,>,3.1 38.54-+4. 20.6-+v13.8 750 399 90.4--063.0 10.4-+-a6.3 53.0+-37.0 27.0o+19.7 WR 750 399 78-+45 Santowax WR 78o 416 68+v55 m p 0.26 - No. N +0.04 0.056 - 0.25 0.25 +0. 04 0.30 +0.05 +0.04 0.34 +0.09 +0.13 0.46 +0.07 +0.25 0.63 +0.27 0.58 +0.05 0.97~~ +0.10 Run iDate of Run N 0.40 ~ +0.08 +0.02 610 Santowax 0 0.19 --6.7-+--4.1 1omp Fast Neutron Fraction 02 033 o.2W 02 +0.015 13 0.37 1B +0.21 +0.04 0.45 +0.07 +.41 +0.04 +0.101 3A 8 5/12/64 6/12/64 37 2B 0.7 2 2A 0.40 +0.04 +0.46J +0.04- 18/9/61 10/5/61 10/5/61 1/3/62 1/14/63 2/15/63 12/4/62 1/10/63, 7/25/63 9/26/63 +0.0 +0.09 1/1/64 1/18/64 5/lo/65 7/19/65 *Error limits are one standard deviation except for fast neutror fraction which is approximately two standard deviations. (A 14 concentration regardless of whether first or second-order radiolysis and pyrolysis occurs. In Figure 3.1, the G*(-omp) values are plotted for those runs with similar total terphenyl concentrations. A large increase in the G*(-omp) value with temperature above an irradiation temperature of about 7000F is apparent. Our present interpretation of this result is based on assuming separability of the radiolysis and pyrolysis. The radiolysis rate is extrapolated from low temperature measurements where pyrolysis is negligible to higher temperatures using a constant activation energy of 1 kilocalorie/mole. This extrapolated rate is then subtracted from the total degradation rate to give the pyrolysis rate. In Figure 3.2, the pyrolysis rate constant calculated in this fashion (assuming first-order kinetics for pyrolysis) is given using the M.I.T. data presented in Table 3.1; data from Euratom are also presented for comparison. It is apparent that the data from M.I.T. and Euratom provide a consistent picture when analyzed in this fashion supporting the proposed model for the total degradation rate including both radiolysis and pyrolysis. Additional data are required however before any definitive conclusion can be stated and data from the M.I.T. loop as well as other sources will be interpreted in terms of this model as the data become available. No detailed analysis of the data has been presented here since a topical report on the Santowax WR irradiations through Run 11 is in preparation and will be issued at a later date (to be assigned the number MIT-33-3 11). 15 ERROR 250 LIMITS ARE 2o 300 400 350 *C I I A SANTOWAX WR,25-31% BOTTOMS 1.8 |-- 0 0 SANTOWAX A WR, 10-17% BOTTOMS SANTOWAX OMP, 33% BOTTOMS 0 (f) 1.6 I- (D z w z w 0 0 C) 0 0 1.4|-- 1.2 z 0 0- 0 a. 0 O 0 0 1.0 F-- z 0.8 |(f) 0L w -i 0.6 |- -i 0 0' 0 0.4 F- 0.2 E- 0.01 40 0 I I 500 600 IRRADIATION FIGURE 3.1 700 800 *F TEMPERATURE EFFECT OF TEMPERATURE ON IRRADIATION OF TERPHENYL COOLANTS IN M.I.T. LOOP IRRADIATIONS ..................... u 16 5 7 S0 I UNIRRADIATED TERPHENYL OM- 2 II MIT IRRADIATED SANTOWAX WR (27-31% BOTTOMS, 0.020 w/g) III EURATOM IRRADIATED OM - 2 O MIT - 17 % BOTTOMS AMIT - 27 -31 % BOTTOMS O MIT - 12 -15% BOTTOMS MIT - 25 % BOTTOMS * EURATOM - BLO 2 (0.040 w/g) 0 EURATOM - BLO3 (0.015 w/g) * EURATOM - UNIRRADIATED OM -2 2 z z ERROR LIMITS ARE 2 oI 0 u w 51 cf) * 0 21 a:: 0W it 10 -4 H- n- u 5 0 0 0 o L0ON 0 I cxq 0 0 00 I 0uto 0 0 I LoO0 2 1.40 FIGURE 3.2 1.45 EFFECTIVE PYROLYSIS 1.50 TEMPERATURE OF TERPHENYL 1.55 1.60 I/T,*K~ x 103 COOLAN T S 0 0 00 o0L n-. 1+ CHAPTER 4 IN-PILE DOSIMETRY During this period, several calorimetric dose rate measurements were made in the M.I.T. Reactor to determine the pre-irradiation dose rate and fast neutron fraction in Fuel Position 20. These runs and the measured dose rates for each individual run are summarized in Table 4.1. These measurements will be repeated at the conclusion of irradiations in Position 20 so that an estimate of any dose rate variation during the irradiation period can be made. The fast neutron fraction in Fuel Position 20 is difficult to determine with any precision due to the small neutron dose rate relative to the gamma dose rate in this position and the fact that the fast neutron dose rate is basically determined as the difference between the total and gamma dose rates. This difficulty is particularly obvious at the edge of the core and in the reflector region where the uncertainty in the measured fast neutron dose rate is as large as the quantity itself. To alleviate this difficulty and to obtain the best possible fast neutron dose rate integrated over the in-pile capsule volume, the results of the calorimeter measurenc's have been combined with the foil activation results. The fast neutron dose rate from calorimeter measurements at positions where the experimental uncertainty is a minimum was used as a normalization basis. The normalized fast neutron dose rate calculated from foil activation results was then used to extend the fast neutron dose rate to positions where the calorimetric measurements of the fast neutron dose rate are less accurate. Using this procedure, the final estimate for the gamma and fast neutron dose rates integrated over the in-pile volume are (one standard deviation uncertainty): F = 2'M 19.30 + 0.25 watt-cm -g Table 4.1 Summary of Results from Calorimeter Measurements Calorimeter Series No. Core Position Dates of Measurement I ----- Fuel Loading 23 in 23 3/3-4/65 20 I--.-.----------. XIII 3/16-18/65 No Cd No SS 20 +1.8 SW 27.4 19.0 1- 4 ---------- 9 XIV 4/6-9/65 20 Same as XII XV 4/28-29/65 20 xv' 5/25-26/65 1 1 0.094 0.055 22.8 All t 0.053 +0.039 18.0 SW 3 0.20 +o.6 +1.2 Al Less PS SW I +0.06 29.0 Al Less PS, Fuel in 20 Lined Sample Assembly Fuel in 21 Thimble Same as XII 0.26 30.5 Less PE, 4 fN I +2.0 Fuel in 21 and 24 SS Thimble XII watt-cm 3 MW-gm All*** No Fuel in 23 Cd Lined Sample Assembly Fast Neutron Fraction Mr. ~------~ 1/19-20/65 XI Absorbers Used in Data Analysis 20.9 21.9 I I o.o68 All 21.0 Same as XII except Aluminum Thimble * * * 10 Plate New Fuel Element Aluminum Thimble ** ** ** *This series was not made at all axial positions in the core and thus cannot be used to directly evaluate FT and fn- This series did include the axial positions -6 inches, 0 inches, and +6 inches relative to the core midplane and is used with the results from Series XII, XIII, and XIV in determining a best estimate of the fast neutron dose rate at these three positions. **This series was made to evaluate the possible effect of thermocouple size on the measurements in the low thermal conductivity absorbers using a new method of inserting thermocouples in the absorbers. Unfortunately, poor thermal contact between the thermocouple and absorber invalidated the measurements and no conclusions could be made. This experiment will be repeated at a later date using more carefully constructed calorimeters. ***Beryllium, aluminum, carbon, polyethylene, polystyrene, and Santowax OMP absorbers. 19 F = 1.15 + 0.20 MWt-cm FT = 20.45 + 0.36 wt- cm fN = 0.056 + 0.007 These values have been used in evaluating the G values for Runs 13 and 14 as presented in Section 2.0. Three foil activation measurements were completed during this period. The calculated values of FN and fN using these data are summarized in Table 4.2. In Figure 4.1, the axial variation of the calculated neutron dose rate in Santowax WR is presented for Series 29, 30 side, and 30 center. The neutron energy spectrum used for these calculations is illustrated in Figure 4.2 with the positions of the detector energies denoted. The spectrum is based on assumption of a l/E spectrum from the Co5 9 resonance (120 Mev, a shape of O(E) = pEq from 0.711 Mev a measured fast spectrum above 2.81 Mev. culated from the foil activation data are ev) to 0.711 to 2.81 Mev, and The FN values cal- en-the eder-of' sligitly less than values obtained from the calorimeter measurements. This discrepancy is believed due to the lack of detectors between the Co 59 resonance of 120 ev and the lowest threshold detector of 2.9 Mev now used, where a large percentage of the deposited energy by fast neutrons is derived. The neutron spectrum in this energy region must therefore be faired for the calculation of FN with a resulting large uncertainty. Additional resonance and threshold detectors are now being developed for use in this region so that the spectrum may be better defined. Table 4.2 Summary of Past Neutron Dose Rates from Foil Activation Measurements Calculated Fuel Position Numbarv Date of watt-cm 3 Foil Activation Series No. Measureftent 29 March 1965 20 No fuel in 20 Cd Lined Sample Assembly No fuel in 21 SS Thimble 1.15 0.053 June 1965 20 No ful1 in 20 1.12 0.052 1.06 0.o48 30 side In-Pile Section No fuel in 21 30 Side in Side Monitor Tube 30 Center in Center Monitor Tube 30 center 31 side 31 center September 29, Fuel Loading 1965 20 Same as 30 Side and 30 Center data not yet analyzed 0 0.005 0.004 S0.003 0.002 0.001 -II -6 0 AXIAL DISTANCE 6 11 15 FROM CORE CENTER, INCHES 20 25 FIG. 4.1 CALCULATED FAST NEUTRON DOSE RATE IN SANTOWAX WR USING FOIL ACTIVATION DATA, FUEL POSITION 20 22 (n a, I 0r z 0 c- w 0 w (I) N z 0 w 104 102 104 ENERGY 106 , eV FIG. 4.2 NEUTRON ENERGY SPECTRUM USED FOR FAST NEUTRON DOSE RATE CALCULATIONS FROM FOIL ACTIVATION DATA - RUN 29 CHAPTER 5 HEAT TRANSFER AND FRICTION FACTOR RESULTS Heat transfer data have been taken using an out-of-pile test heater since the beginning of loop operation in August, 1961. Also, as described in the previous progress report, a new test heater (THT) was installed with provision for pressure drop (or friction factor) measurements as well as heat transfer measurements. During this period, friction factor measurements and additional heat transfer measurements were made using out-of-pile loop operation and the new test heater THT. A report (1.2) was issued in September, 1965 summarizing and analyzing the new friction factor and heat transfer data as well as all previous heat transfer data obtained with the M.I.T. Loop and establishing the best correlations for both the heat transfer coefficient and the friction factor. In Figure 5.1, a comparison of all M.I.T. data taken up to Run 14 (466 data points) are presented on a plot of Nu/Pr *4 vs Re and compared with the Dittus-Boelter correlation, NuB o4 = 0.023 Re0.8 Nu/rB RB' with all properties evaluated at the bulk temperature. (5.1) The data fall within +10% of this correlation over the Reynolds number range covered in the experiments of 7 x 103 to 1.5 x 1050 A Colburn type correlation has been used for correlation of both heat transfer and friction factor data, j* = StPro. 6 = 0.023 Re-0.2 = (5.2) In several measurements on Santowax WR, simultaneous heat transfer and friction factor measurements were made using test heater TH7. These results are presented in Figure 5.2 and compared with the Colburn relation with good agreement. 400 - 300- 0 Nu/Pr0.4 0.023 Re0.8 0 ± 10% * 200 150- a100 z- 0 ~80 - 0 Ts 0 0 50 /o 40 ORGANIC, SANTOWAX I OMP -e &1~ 30 - 15 4 5 6 7 8 910 1 1.5 ALL M.I.T.,IRRADIATED TEST HEATEF USED OMP TH5 TH6 0 2 OMP TH6 o v 3 5 II x 12 13 WR WR WR WR WR TH6 TH6 TH6 TH7 TH7 - 20 FIG. 5.1 0 M.1.T. IRRADIATION RUN No. 111111 1 1 5 6 7 8910 4 3 2 Reynolds No., Re. 1 1.5 ORGANIC COOLANT, HEAT TRANSFER DATA 25 10-I I i i I I I I I I - %I- 0 IL< f = 0 023 z 8 0 Reo-.20 U- o RUN 12 a RUN 13 10-2 III 2F 0 St Pr 2/ 3 =0.023Re-. 20 0 0 |I I 1.5 FIG. 5.2 I I I 4 I 5 I 6 3 2 REYNOLDS NO., ReB I I 8 105 I 1.5 FRICTION FACTOR AND HEAT TRANSFER FACTOR FOR IRRADIATED SANTOWAX WR, UPSTRE AM HALF OF TEST HEATER 7 2 26 Additional measurements on both Santowax WR and distilled water were made in which only the friction factor was measured. In Figure 5.3, the friction factor data measured for Santowax WR and for distilled water with test heater THT are presented and compared with the Colburn relation with excellent agreement. In Figure 5.4, the heat transfer data for Santowax OMP are compared with the C olburn relation, again with excellent agreement. In summary, the heat transfer data and friction factor data obtained in the M.I.T. Organic Coolant Project can be represented within +10% by the following standard correlations over a Reynolds number range of 10 to 105: Dittus-Boelter Equation NuB = 0.023 ReO'8 Pr0. 4 (5.3) or Colburn Equation StPr. = 0.23 Re 0 2 where f = 1A2P L pVT (5.4a) (5.4b) 0.05 0.04 0 0.03 UL z 9 0.02 L 0.01 4 FIG, 5.3 6 8 104 3 2 1.5 REYNOLDS NO., 4 6 8 105 1.5 2 Re B FRICTION FACTOR DATA FOR TH7, SELECTED DATA AND WATER DATA SANTOWAX WR t~3 28 0.01 (0 c .. 0.005 C 0 0.004 0.003 0.002- 6 FIG. 5.4 I I 0.001 8 104 1.5 5 4 3 2 REYNOLDS NO., ReB 6 8 COLBURN ANALOGY FOR M.I.T., IRRADIATED SANTOWAX OMP, HEAT TRANSFER DATA 105 .4- -- CHAPTER 6 SUMMARY OF PROPERTY MEASUREMENTS FOR RUN 14 During Run 14, the density, viscosity and number average molecular weight of three samples, 14L-4, 8, and 12, were measured. In Figures 6.1 and 6.2, the density and viscosity results respectively are presented for these three samples representative of the beginning, middle, and end of Run 14. From Figure 6.1, the density appears to decrease by 1.0 to 1.5% depending on temperature during Run 14. The viscosity from all three samples is essentially the same, however, as is evident from Figure 6.2. In Table 6.1, the average molecular weight of the bottoms from Samples 14L-4, 8, and 12 are presented; the average value is 449. In Table 6.2 and Figure 6.3, a summary is given of previous measurements of the average molecular weight of the bottoms for steady-state runs. Additional data are required before any definitive conclusions can be drawn. It will be noticed however that the average molecular weight appears to increase with %HB at a given irradiation temperature in all cases. Also, the molecular weight appears to decrease as irradiation temperature increases at a given HB content. Table 6.1 Average Molecular Weight of Run 14 High Boiler (quaterphenyls not recycled) Sample No. Average Molecular Weight 14L-4 14L-8 14L-12 444 450 452 Average 449 .. ......... 30 1.00 - 0.98 0.96 0.94 0.92 C-) 0.90 0.88 0.86- 0.84- 0.82 0.80 0.78 . 400 450 500 700 650 550 600 TEMPERATURE, *F FIG. 6.1 DENSITY MEASUREMENTS 750 FOR RUN 14 800 1.0 I 0.9* - I |I 1.10 | 1.20 31 0 14L -4 - 0.8 I A 14L-8 + 14L -12 0.7* 0.6 - 0.5 w c'n 0 a_ z 0.4 k- 0.3 10 C-) 0.2 I- 0.1 L 0.70 I 0.80 FIG. 6.2 |I 0.90 |I 1.00 I/ T x 103 VISCOSITY 1.30 OR-I MEASUREMENTS FOR RUN 14 Table 6.2 Summary of Average Molecular Weight for Steady-State Loop Irradiations Through Run 14 Run No. Irradiation Temperature, OF % HB Average Molecular Weight of HB Quaterphenyls Recycled 11 14 1C 610 9.6 416 No 572 610 11.0 32.3 449 690 No No 5 700 30.8 702 Yes 7 6 3 750 750 750 11.5 15.2 30.3 599 644 666 Yes Yes Yes 2 750 32.4 580 No 4 78o 24.9 658 No 10 800 17.2 540 Yes 9 800 26.9 633 Yes U) R) 33 720 I I cc: w 6801-J m-6 40F+ 0 600- w / 5601-- / w -J 0 w w 520H- 480H- 0 572 -610 *F, QUATERPHEN YLS NOT RECYCL ED o 440|- + 7500F, QUATERPHENYLS RECYCLED bO800F, QUATERPHENYLS z RECYCLED 400 0 FIG. 6.3 5I I I 20 15 10 % HB IN COOLANT I I 25 I 30 I 35 AVERAGE MOLECULAR WEIGHT OF HIGH BOILER AS FUNCTION OF HIGH BOILER CONCENTRATION . ........ 34 CHAPTER 7 TRAVEL AND REPORTS ISSUED In June, 1965 E. A. Mason and T. H. Timmins of M.I.T. visited the Chalk River Laboratories of AECL for two days and participated in technical discussions concerning the organic coolant work being carried out at these laboratories and at M.I.T. On August 5 and 6 1965 D. T. Morgan, W. N. Bley, and T. H. Timmins visited Atomics International at Canoga Park, California to discuss the experimental program planned for the M.I.T. In-Pile Loop for the next two years, considering the requirements of the HWOCR Program and the capabilities of the M.I.T. Loop. An experimental program which satisfied the HWOCR requirements was agreed on by both Atomics International s4pd M.I.T. and submitted to the AEC where approval was granted to the program. A report describing and analyzing the friction factor and heat transfer measurements performed at M.I.T. on organic coolants was issued in September, 1965 (1.2). A topical report (to be assigned the number MIT-334-34) describing all results on Santowax WR up to Run 13 is in preparation and should be completed during the next quarter. REFERENCES 1.1 1.2 Mason, E. A., "In-Pile Loop Irradiation Studies of Organic Coolant Materials," Progress Report, October 1 December 31, 1964, MIT-334-12, Department of Nuclear Engineering, M.I.T., February 1, 1965. Swan, A. H., and E. A. Mason, "Friction Factor and Heat Transfer Correlation for Irradiated Organic Coolants," MIT-334-23, Department of Nuclear Engineering, M.I.T., September, 1965. - M.I.T. REPORT DISTRIBUTION LIST AEC Contract AT(38-1)-334 ADDRESSEES COPIES Idaho Operations Office, P.O. Box 2108, Idaho Falls, Idaho, Att: Dir. of Nucl. Tech. Div. Canoga Park Area Office, P.O. Box 591, Canoga Park, Calif., Att: Chief, Power Systems Br. Chicago Operations Office, 9800 S. Cass Ave., Argonne, Ill., Att: Dir. of Reactor Engr. Div. New York Operations Office, 376 Hudson St., N.Y., N.Y. 10014, Att: Dir. of Reactor Div. Savannah River Operations Office, P.O. Box A, Aiken, S. Carolina Att: Dir., HWOCR Div. J. H. Kruth USAEC Technical Representative, USAEC, Whiteshell Branch, Pinawa, Manitoba, Canada Brussels Office, USAEC, US Mission to the European Communities, 23 Avenue des Arts, Brussels, Belgium USAEC, Washington 25, D.C. Att: Mr. Angelo Giambusso, Div. of Reactor Development Att: Chief, High Temp. Reactors Br., Div. of Reactor Development Att: Clitef, Water Reactors Br., Div. of Reactor Development Att: A. N. Tardiff, Div. of Reactor Development Atomics International, P.O. Box 309, Canoga Park, Calif. Att: Att: Att: C. A. Trilling R. T. Keen Combustion Engineering, Inc., Windsor, Conn. Att: R. J. Rickert Dr. C. W. J. Wende, E. I. du Pont de Nemours, Explosives Dept., AED, Wilmington, Delaware 19898 Dr. W. M. Campbell, Dir., Chem. and Met. Div., Chalk River Proj., AECL, Chalk River, Ontario, Canada Dr. R. F. S. Robertson, AECL, Whiteshell Branch, Pinawa, Manitoba, Canada Dr. H. Hannaert Chemistry Department, Euratom CCR, Ispra (VareseS, Italy 1 1 1 1 6 2 2 2 1 1 2 1 4 1 4 1 3 3 4 ADDRESSEES COPIES Babcock and Wilcox Co., Lynchburg, Virginia Atomic Energy Div., Att: W. M. Vannoy USAEC Div. of Tech. Information Ext., P.O. Box 62, Oak Ridge, Tenn. (for standard TID-4500 dist.) Dr. W. G. Purns, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Radiation Chemistry Building 146, Harwell, Didcot, Berks., United Kingdom Mr. P. A. Houllier, Laboratoire Central de Recherches Progil, 10 #'uaidu Commerce (Boite Postale 105), Lyon-Vaise, France Mr. P. Leveque, Chef du Service de Physico-Chimie Appliquee, CEA Centre D'Etudes Nucleaires de Sac~lay, Boite Postale No. 2, Gif-sur-Yvette (Seine-et-Oise), France Dr. E. Proksch, Reactorzentrum Seibersdorf, Lenaugasse 10, Wien VIII, Austria Mr. J. R. Puig, CEA Centre D'Etudes Nucleaires de Saclay, Boite Postale No. 2, Gif-sur-Yvette (Seineet-Ose), France 1 1 1 1 1