MITNE -48 SRO - 87 '3 4 ROLES OF PYROLYSIS RADIOLYSIS IN THE ATION OF TERPHENYLS AEC Research and Development Report Contract No. AT (38-1) - 334 Department of Nuclear Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge 39, Massachusetts MITNF,48 SRO-47 REIATIVE ROLES OF PYROLYSIS AND RADXOLYSIS IN THE DEGRADATION OF TERPHENYLS By Jean-Francois Terrien Edward A. Mason DEPARTMENT OF NUCLEAR ENGINEERING MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS 02139 (M.IT. Project No. DSR 9819) Work Performed Under Contract No. AT(38-1)-334 with the Savannah River Operations Office U. S. ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Issued; .;rune, 1964 ABSTRACT An evaluation of recent radiolysis and pyrolysis studies with terphenyl coolants for nuclear reactors indicates that the rate of pyrolysis of irradiated coolant is significantly greater than that of unirradiated coolant ant that a consistent correlation of the total degradation yields from a large number of the previous experiments is realized by treating the effects of radiolysis and pyrolysis as additive in the following manner: -dCi G*(-) = kRqiCidT + kprjCi dt G() = G* pr R (-i) + G*r where G(-1) = 0.26 + 0.01 molecules of component i degraded by radiolysis alone/(100 ev radiations absorbed) (weight % of component i) k = pyrolytic constant of irradiated component i pr*i (hr-1 ). Values of kprei are reported for terphenyl coolants over the temperature range from about 4000F (2000C) to 8000F (4250C), Comparison of the results of the loop experiments on this basis indicates that the rate of fast neutron degradation to gamma ray degradation per unit of energy absorbed G§(-i)/G*(-i) (a measure of the "fast neutron effect") is not significantly different from unity. The G values reported for electron irradiations of encapsulated samples are lower than those reported from gamma irradiations; it is suggested that the electron values reported are low because of incomplete mixing during irradiation. Evaluation of the results of capsule irradiations in reactors using the G values obtained from gamma (not electron) irradiations and first-order kinetics, gives values of G*(-1)/ G*(-i) of between 1 and a high of 2.4. Y The activation energy for the radiolysis process AE , appears to be low (values obtained range from 0 to about 2 kcal/mole, but insufficient data are available to establish the magnitude of AE% with confidence). TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER PAGE I INTRODUCTION 1 II RADIOLYSIS 2.1 Radiolytic Experiments 2.2 Types of Ionizing Particles 2.3 Linear Energy Transfer Effect 4 4 2.4 Temperature Effect 2.5 Dose Rate Effect 9 9 III PYROLYSIS 3.1 Pyrolysis of Non-Irradiated Material 3.2 Pyrolysis of Irradiated Material 3.3 Relative Roles of Radiolysis and Pyrolysis Their Temperature Dependence IV 4 5 11 11 '12 16 3.4 Pyrolytic Reaction Constant of Irradiated Material 18 RADIOLYTIC AND PYROLYTIC DEGRADATION RATES 4.1 Kinetics of Coolant Degradation 20 20 4.2 Kinetics of the Radiolytic and Pyrolytic Coolant Degradation 20 4.3 First-Order Kinetics 4.3.1. Time of Radiolysis 21 Time of Pyrolysis 22 4.3.2. Time of Radiolysis / Time of Pyrolysis 4.4 G Values 23 24 4.5 Relative Contribution of G*(-i) and G* (-1) R pr 4.6 Relative Effects of Fast Neutrons and Gamma Rays 25 4.7 Pyrolytic Contribution to the "Fast Neutron Effect" 4.8 Determination of G*(-i)/G*(-i) 4.9 Applications 25 28 28 30 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) CHAPTER V PAGE EXPERIMENTS DONE IN THE M.I.T. IN-PILE LOOP FACILITY AND BY EURATOM IN GRENOBLE (FRANCE) 5.1 The M.I.T. In-Pile Loop Facility 5.1.1. Composition of the Irradiated Material 5.1.2. Irradiation of Santowax OMP 5.1.3. Irradiation of Santowax WR 5.1.4. Irradiation Procedure 5.1.5. Dosimetry 5.1.6. Calculation Procedure of G and G* Values for Steady-State and Transient Periods 5.2 Euratom Loops 5.2.1. Irradiation Procedure 5.2.?. Dosimetry 5.3 Results Obtained at M.I.T.- Comparison with Euratom's G* Values 5.3.1. Determination of G*(-i) R 5.3.2. Relative Pyrolytic and Radiolytic Contributions in the M.I.T. Loop and at Grenoble (France) 5.3.3. Temperature Iteration of the M.I.T. Experimental Pyrolytic Constants 31 31 31 32 32 33 34 35 37 37 38 39 39 39 47 5.3.4. Pyrolytic Degradation of the Terphenyl Isomers VI 48 5.4. Conclusions 51 REVIEW OF IRRADIATIONS PERFORMED BY VARIOUS FACILITIES 54 6.1 Irradiations Performed at Harwell, 03ngland) 6.1.1. Irradiation Procedure 6.1.2. Dosimetry 6.1.3. 54 54 56 Analytical Determinations and Experimental Results 57 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) PAGE CHAPTER 6.1.4. Interpretation of the Electron Irradiations 6.1.5. Interpretation of BEPO Irradiations 6.2 Irradiations Performed by Phillips Petroleum Co. 6.3.A.E.C.L. Irradiations 6.3.1. Electron Irradiations by Mackintosh Irradiation Procedure Dosimetry Analytical Determination 6.3-1.4 Experimental Results 6.3.2. Mixed In-Pile Capsule Experiments NRX, X-Rod Facility E-3 Facility, NEX Reactor 6.4 Atomics International Irradiations 6.4.1. Transient In-Pile Loop Irradiations 6.4.2. Organic Moderated Reactor Experiments, OMRE 59 62 63 64 64 64 64 64 64 66 68 69 70 71 73 6.4,3. In-Pile Capsule Experiments in the CWRR and the OGR CWRR Facility OGR Facility 6.4.4. Recent Experiments 6.4.5. Conclusions on A.I. Experiments 6.5 California Research Corporation Irradiations 6.5.1. Irradiation Procedure 6.5.2. Dosimetry 6.5.3. Analytical Determination and Experimental Results 6.5.4. Interpretation of the Experimental Results 73 73 76 78 79, 79 80 80 82 82 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) CHAPTER PAGE VII CONCLUSIONS 90 7.1 Loop Irradiations 7.2 Capsule Irradiations 7.3 Summary 90 93 94 APPENDICES Al A2 THE EFFECT OF NON-MIXING ON OBSERVED HARWELL Ge VALUES A.E.C.L. A2.1 A?.2 IRRADIATION DATA Electron Irradiations In-Pile Irradiations 96 101 101 104 CONCENTRATION OF THE TERPHENYL ISOMERS IN THE SANTOWAX OMP IRRADIATIONS OF CALIFORNIA RESEARCH CORPORATION 109 ITERATION METHOD FOR DETERMINING PYROLYSIS RATE CONSTANTS AS FUNCTION OF TEMPERATURE 114 A5 NOMENCLATURE 115 A6 REFERENCES 118 A6.1 A6.2 References for Chapter I References for Chapter II A6.3 A6.4 A6.5 A6.6 References References References References 118 118 120 122 for Chapter VI 124 A6.7 References for Appendices 127 A3 A4 for Chapter III for Chapter IV for Chapter V 123 LIST OF TABLES PAGE 2.1 3.1 4.1 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 G Values for Electron and In-Pile Irradiations for Some Aromatic Compounds (_..) Densities and Viscosities Measured at 700 0 F for the M.I.T. Irradiations of Santowax OMP With 33 w/o HB 16 Pyrolytic Correction to the "Fast Neutron Effect" 29 G*(-i) Values for the 425OF and 610 0 F Irradiations at M.I.T. 40 Preliminary Euratom's G*(-i) Values G*(-i) Values for the 700, 750 and 7800F Irradiations at M.I.T. Pyrolytic and Radiolytic Contributions in the M.I.T. In-Pile Loop Facility Pyrolytic and Radiolytic Contributions in BLO2 and BLO3 (Euratom) Temperature Profile of the M.I.T. Loop Facility 6.2 6.3 40 42 43 44 In-Pile 50 Pyrolytic and Radiolytic Contributionsin the M.I.T. In-Pile Loop Facility for the Terphenyl Isomers During the Santowax WR Irradiations 6.1, 6 Initial G Values for Electron and Pile Irradiations, Second-Order Kinetics Harwell Initial G Values, G 0 (-coolant), Second-Order Kinetics Comparison of Initial G(-* HB) Values from 52 57 58 Electron and Gamma Ray Irradiations (A.E.R.E.) at 3500C 61 LIST OF TABLES (Continued) PAGE 6.5 G* Values for the 375 0 C Electron Irradiations (A.E.C.L.), First-Order Kinetics Differential G* Values at a Given Dose 66 6.6 For Electron Irradiations (AE.C.L.) Irradiation of Santowax OM by A.E.C.L,, NRX, X-rod Facility G* Values of Irradiated Ortho and MetaTerphenyl, E-3 Facility, NRX Reactor, A.E.C.L., First-Order Kinetics G(-compound) Values for the MTR In-Pile Loop (First-Order Kinetics) G*(-i) Values Obtained from CWER at M.I.T, (First-Order Kinetics) Threshold Detectors for the OGR Irradiations Obtained at M.I.T., G*(-i) Values from OG, (First-Order Kinetics) Irradiation of Ortho-Terphenyl, 1 Mev Electrons (A.I.) 68 6.4 6.7 6.8 6.9 6.10 6.11 6.12 6.13 6.14 6.15 6.16 6.17 6.18 Threshold Detectors Used in Susie Initial G* Values for the Irradiationsof Pure Terphenyl Isomers at 6000F from the Susie Canisters (C.R.C.) 65 70 72 75 76 77 79 81 82 G*(-i) Values for the Susie Reactor, Neutron Rich Canister and Gamma Rich Canister, Santowax OMP Irradiations G*(-i) Values for the Santowax OMP Irradiations, MTR Gamma Facility (C.R.C.) G*(-i) Values for the Irradiations of Pure Terphenyl Isomers (C.R.C.) Predictions of G*(-omp) Values at 4250F from C.R.C. Data 85 86 87 88 LIST OF TABLES (Continued) PAGE 7.1 Loop Irradiations 91 7.2 Capsule Irradiations 92 Al.1 The Effect of Non-Mixing on Observed G* Values Van de Graaf Irradiations of Ortho and MetaTerphenyl at 3750C (7070F), A.E.C.L., Terphenyl and HB Concentrations A2.1 A2.2 A2.3 A2.4 A2.5 A2.6 A2.7 A2.8 Van de Graaf Irradiations of Santowax OM at 3750C, A.E.C.L., Terphenyl and HB Concentrations Van de Graaf Irradiations of Santowax OM at Different Temperatures, A.E.C.L., Dose: 8.8, Terphenyl and HB Concentrations Irradiation of Ortho and Meta-Terphenyl, NEX Reactor, E-3 Facility, A.E.C.L., 100-30 0 C Terphenyl Concentration and Dose Received Irradiation of Ortho and Meta-Terphenyl, NRX Reactor, E-3 Facility, A.E.C.L., at 3504C, Terphenyl Concentration and Dose Received Irradiation of Ortho-Terphenyl, NRX Reactor, E-3 Facility, A.E.C.L. at 42400, Terphenyl 99 101 102 103 104 105 Concentration and Dose. Irradiation of Ortho and Meta-Terphenyl NRX Reactor, E-3 Facility, A.E.C.L., Terphenyl Concentration and Dose, Dose 106 Rate: 0.100 watt/gm Irradiation of Ortho and Meta-Terphenyl NRX Reactor, E-3 Facility, A.E.C.L,, Terphenyl Concentration and Dose, 107 Dose Rate: 0.300 watt/gm 108 LIST OF TABLES (Continued) PAGE A3.1 A3.2 A3.3 Terphenyl Concentrations During the Neutron Rich Canister Irradiations at 425, 600 and 7500F, Susie Reactor, (C.R.C.) Terphenyl Isomer Concentrations During the Gamma Rich Canister Irradiations at 425 and 6000F, Susie Reactor, C.R.C. Terphenyl Isomer Concentrations During the MTR Gamma Grid Irradiations at 425, 600, 675 and 7504F, C.R.C. iil 112 113 LIST OF FIGURES PAGE 1.1 Structure of the Terphenyls and Biphenyl 2 2.1 Radiation Damage to Benzene (0Z) 8 2.2 Radiation Damage to Toluene (2) 8 2.3 Temperature Dependence of the Total Degradation Rate Obtained in the M.I.T. In-Pile Loop Facility 10 3.1 Pyrolysis Data for Unirradiated Terphenyls 13 3.2 Pyrolysis Data for Terphenyls 14 5.1 Pyrolysis Data of Irradiated Terphenyl Obtained by Euratom and M.I.T. 45 5.2 Schematic of Circulation Volume of Loop 49 5.3 Pyrolysis Data of Terphenyls Obtained at M.I.T. 53 6.1 Schematic of Harwell Electron Irradiation Cell 55 6.2 Qualitative Representation of the HB Concentration in the Irradiation Cell 60 A.E.C.L. Electron Irradiations at Different Temperatures and at the same Dose, 8.8 watt-hr/gm 67 6.4 Decomposition Rate of OMRE Coolant 74 A1.1 Zero-Order Kinetics 98 Al.2 First-Order Kinetics 98 6.3 -1- CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Aromatic compounds such as biphenyl, ortho-terphenyl, metaterphenyl and para-terphenyl whose configurations are given in Fig. 1.1, and mixtures of these isomers called Santowax, have received most attention because among the organic fluids which have desirable physical and heat transfer properties, they have been found to be the most stable to radiation. The relatively high stability of aromatic components under irradiation has been explained on the basis of their high resonance energy due mostly to the electronic configuration of the aromatic ring (1.1, 1.2). Factors favoring their use as reactor coolants are (;): - a low induced activity under irradiation, - low operating pressures at high temperatures, - negligible corrosion of classical materials, - good moderating properties due to the presence of hydrogen atoms. The principal disadvantages are: - the degradation of the isomers under irradiation and high temperature (600 0 F and above), which results in a decrease in their heat transfer capabilities, and requires coolant processing and makeup. - poor heat transfer properties (relative to water), - fouling of surfaces has also been observed. 0 I\ p ORTHO-TERPHENYL FIG. 1-1 META- TERPHENYL STRUCTURE OF THE PARA-TERPHENYL TERPHENYLS BIPHENYL AND BIPHENYL -3- As a result of their possible application for cooling nuclear reactors, the radiolytic and pyrolytic behaviour of the polyphenyls have been studied for many years now, by various facilities and laboratories. The possibility for being used as coolant for large, heavy-water moderated, natural-uranium fueled reactors, is studied by A.E.C.L. of Canada and Euratom. The Piqua Reactor in Ohio is an operating terphenyl cooled and moderated nuclear reactor and the Arbus Reactor in U.S.S.R. is cooled and moderated with an aromatic-rich gas oil (1.4). The behaviour of terphenyls has been studied in the presence of various types of radiation, over a wide range of temperatures using both encapsulated samples of coolant as well as circulating loop systems. However, there has been a considerable degree of discrepancy between the results and interpretations reported from these studies. Questions remain regarding the relative (and sometimes the absolute) effects of temperature, fast neutron and gamma ray fractions, dose rates, concentration of degradation products. This study examines the various reported experimental techniques and methods of data treatment, in an attempt to determine whether,and to what degree, the apparent discrepancies are the result of difference in technique or interpretation. Initially, the results of recent pyrolysis and radiolysis experiments carried out by Euratom, A.E.C.L. and at M.I.T., are used to examine and define the relative effects of radiolysis and pyrolysis. Utilizing the model for the combined effects of radiation and pyrolysis that is developed, the sets of data obtained by Euratom and at M.I.T. are shown to be in good agreement. An evaluation of most of the data reported from other experiments on the radiolysis of terphenyls is then presented along with a discussion of the experimental procedures and results. CHAPTER II RADIOLYSIS 2.1. Radiolytic Experiments The mechanisms of the radiolysis of terphenyls are not fully understood. Different interpretations have been presented but none of them explains entirely the data obtained. Irradiations of pure terphenyls and mixtures of the isomers have been performed in various laboratories such as Harwell (England), Atomics International, California Research Corporation, Phillips Petroleum Company, M.I.T. (U.S.A.), Euratom and A.E.C.L. (Canada), under different experimental conditions including various types of radiation and ionizing properties, dose rates, temperatures. 2.2. Types of Ionizing Particles As the energy required for damaging the terphenyls must be greater than the dissociation bond energy, which is in the order of some 25 ev, only the energetic particles -and in a reactor environment, only fast neutrons and gamma rays- will contribute to the degradation. It has been observed also that the C-H bond has a greater probability of rupture than the C-C one (2.1). This radiolytic process has been explained by the following consideration: electrons and gamma rays lose their energy by ionization. The gamma rays interact mainly by Compton scattering and produce electrons. The fast neutrons are scattered by the hydrogen nucleus, and the proton thus formed causes ionization. Other particles such as protons, deuterons, alphas, have also been used to study the effect of ionizing density. But since the same mechanism (i.e. ionization) occurs, it might be concluded that the damage should be proportional to the amount of energy absorbed and should not depend on the type of the ionizing radiation (2.2). However, in some radiolytic processes, another effect is introduced which characterizes the ion density along the track of an ionizing -5- particle. The LET, -Linear Energy Transfer- is a measure of the rate of an ionizing radiation per unit length. In fact, it has been observed that different degradation yields are obtained with different types of radiation. A proton for instance, whose path in a medium is short, would have a higher LET than an electron and therefore could be more damaging (2.1). Linear Energy Transfer Effect The effects of LET have been studied for dilute aqueous solutions and organic systems. For aqueous solutions, there is a definitive LET effect, whereas the conclusions for organic systems are not so sharp as shown below by some experiments carried out by several workers. 2.3. Aromatic compounds (toluene, ethylbenzene, i-propylbenzene, t-butylbenzene) were radiolyzed with electrons and mixed in-pile radiations by Sworski and Burton (2.?). The doses received are not specified. While the yields of the gases formed do not seem to be exactly irradiations. capsules were heated by the the same, they found similar effects in these Their values are presented in Table 2.1. The kept at 20-25 0 C and the irradiated materials were radiation energy. Similarly, Schuler and Allen (2.4) conducted irradiations of pure cyclohexane with 20 Mev helium ions, 20 Mev deuterons and 2 Mev electrons, and found no LET effect. They quote G(H 2 ) = 5.25. This behaviour was also noticed by Dewhurst and with alpha particles on the same component. Schuler (.5) No difference in yield was found by Charlesby (2.6) on polymers with X-rayselectron and mixed in-pile irradiations. Collins and Calkins (2Z) have carried out an extensive program of irradiation on elastomers, organic liquids and plastics, using both pure gamma ray and mixed in-pile radiations. Their main conclusions are that neither the type of radiation particle nor the rate of dosage is important within a factor of 2 in accuracy, and that radiation effects on organic liquids are -6- Table G Values 2.1 for Electron (e) and In-Pile (p) Irradiations For Some Aromatic Compounds (2) Component G(H2)(a) G(CH 4 ) G(C 2 Hn) e Re Toluene 0.13 0.16 0.008 0.006 0.001 0.016 Ethylbenzene 0.18 0.22 0.030 0.023 0.004 0.022 i-propylbenzene 0.17 0.21 0.073 0.050 0.009 0.011 t-butylbenzene 0.11 0.16 0.070 0.045 0.009 0.018 eR (a) G = number of molecules of gas produced per 100 ev absorbed. -7- dependent only on the total energy (dosage) absorbed by the compound. Furthermore, they quote that significant effects of temperature have been observed in the irradiation although this appears small, but we must remember that their temperature range was most of the time well below 6000F. They have also noticed some evidence of an "optimum irradiation temperature" above which other processes may occur. The radiation damages of benzene and toluene presented by Collins and Calkins (2.7) under various fluxes, are shown in Fig. 2.1 and 2.2. There seems to be no significant difference in the effects of the various type-s of radiation used. (The iodine number quoted in these two figures represents the number of grams of iodine which reacts with 100 gm of material.) Zebroski and Finderman, comparing the irradiation effects on organic liquids of high-ene-rgy electrons and gamma rays, have obtained the same gas yield (2.8). As for benzene, biphenyl and terphenyls, several values were found by Harwell workers (2.14) at various temperatures above 400 0 F, which indicated that the damage due to electron irradiations was less than the damage of an equivalent amount of energy deposited from mixed in-pile irradiations. They assumed that the degradation yields (GY(-+ HB) values) for the gamma rays in the reactor radiation were the same as the Ge (- HB) values obtained from the electron irradiations, and hence, concluded that fast neutrons were more damaging, per unit of energy deposited, than electrons and gamma rays, presumably due to a LET effect. Degradation rates obtained from reactor irradiations at other facilities were also analyzed, assuming that the electron values found at Harwell could be used for gamma rays. Then, the contribution of fast neutrons was calculated and a conclusion similar to Harwell's was reached. A survey and an explanation of the electron values obtained in England are given in Chapter VI, in which it is suggested that these discrepancies between the electron and fast neutron degradation yields may be due to the exDerimental procedures and the unaccounted-for influence of temperature. -8- GAMMA RAY A ELECTRON o MIXED IN- PILE 0 O 4 w 0) z w z 0 EA I A 0 y FIG. 2-1 w 21- RADIATION IOe DAMAGE DOSE, RADS TO BENZENE (2.7) o GAMMA RAY O ELECTRON A MIXED IN-PILE z w z 0 I 107 106 10 0 0L~ 0 I 0 10 FIG. 2.2 El I 10 10 DOSE, RADS RADIATION DAMAGE TO TOLUENE (2.7) -9- 2.4. Temperature Effect Fig. 2.3 shows the temperature dependence of the total degradation rate of two mixtures of the terphenyl isomers, Santowax WR and OMP, irradiated in the M.I.T. In-Pile Loop Facility. The degradation rate G*(-omp) is defined by the following relation: G*(-omp) where = G(-omp) Comp G(-omp) = number of molecules of terphenyl degraded per 100 ev absorbed in the total coolant C = concentration of terphenyls in the coolant. A sharp increase in the degradation yield takes place after 6504F. The relative effects of temperature on radiolysis and pyrolysis in causing this phenomendis are discussed in the next chapter dealing with the pyrolysis of non-irradiated and irradiated materials, and with the temperature dependence of radiolysis and pyrolysis. 2.5. Dose Rate Effect In general, when the results of different experiments have been compared, dose rate effects have not been considered, but the initial exDeriments done at Harwell with Santowax R were performed at 6 to 80 watt/gm for the electron irradiations and at about 8 milliwatt/gm for the mixed in-pile irradiations (2 ). This difference affects the time of irradiation. Indeed, in order to get the same concentration of degradation products, a short time is needed with a high dose rate and a long one with a low dose rate. If pyrolysis occurs during this period (see Chapter III), the pyrolytic contribution to the total degradation will also be different -perhaps negligible at high dose rate, and appreciable at low dose rate. Hence, the dose rate has an indirect effect which is considered in Chapters III and IV, c. E %% 0.70 0.60_ 0. E 0 0 0.50 -Q 0.40 E 0 0300.20_ 400 500 600 IRRADIATION FIG. 2.3 TEMPERATURE RATE OBTAINED 700 CAPSULE DEPENDANCE IN THE 800 TEMPERATURE, *F OF THE TOTAL DEGRADATION M. I.T. IN-PILE LOOP FACILITY. -11- CHAPTER III PYROLYSIS 3.1. Pyrolysis of Non-Irradiated Material Extensive pyrolytic experiments have been conducted on benzene, biphenyl and the terphenyls by various workers and among them, Wilkinson and Bates (J 1) pyrolyzed para-terphenyl - - - and Santowax R. de Halas conducted pyrolytic studies on ortho, meta and para-terphenyl (2). Houllier and Puig report data on the pyrolysis of meta and para-terphenyl (.). Kuper has also performed pyrolytic studies on orthoterphenyl (Q4) and found a somewhat greater activation energy than usually quoted. A.I. workers also pyrolyZed ortho-terphenyl (2, 6 Lately, Bolt et al. (0Z) report pyrolytic constants for meta-terphenyl and biphenyl, Whereas the values quoted in day~ agree with their data points, those quoted in hr~ 1 at 750 and 80 0 F seem to be off by a factor of 10. The results of all these studies agree within the limits of the experimental errors. All these degradation rates were analyzed by first order kinetics such as: dC -mu". = k piC where t k C4 = time (hr) = pyrolysis reaction constant (hrr1) of component i = weight fraction of component i. (3.l) -12- The dependence of the reaction constant k temperature T is given by: k p~i =exp p4iR (--L i with the ) (3.2) which is the classical Arrhenius relationship. Fig. 3.1 shows some of the data quoted above, k being plotted versus 1 where T is the absolute temperature in OK. The calculated activation energies for each isomer and for the Santowax are, depending on the investigation, between 70 and 73 kcal/mole. 3.2. Pyrolysis of Irradiated Material In addition to these rate constants obtained with fresh (i.e. unirradiated) coolant, pyrolysis of irradiated material and mixtures of fresh and irradiated coolant has been performed respectively by Euratom (3.8) and A.E.C.L. workers (.). The pyrolytic rate constants reported in these two communications are significantly higher than those obtained with nonirradiated material; see Fig. 3.2 where the following data are displayed: a) the pyrolytic reaction constant of non-irradiated terphenyl OM.2 pyrolyzed during capsule and loop experiments, at various temperatures (3.8), b) the results obtained in autoclaves with irradiated terphenyl OM.2 at one temperature and about the same concentration of degradation products (2,), c) data obtained at Ispra (Italy) in the Chemistry Department of Euratom, with terphenyl OM,2 previously irradiated at Grenoble (France), at 380 0 C, and containing approximately 35% DP (.8 l). d) Three capsule experiments performed by Charlesworth with Santowax OM to which 30% OMRE HB had been added (Q.2). Information is not available regarding the effect of the concentration of degradation products (DP), from both pyrolysis and radiolysis, nor on the effect, if any, of the age of the irradiated material before pyrolysis (for the cases of post-pyrolysis -13- 10-1 10-2 A a. 10-3 _- 0 A a: 0 0 o -4 3 KUPER (3-4) 010 -3, , AI (3-5, 3-6) O m-03, HOULLIER AND PUlG (3-3) * m-493 , KUPER (3_4) -8 p - 46, HOULLIER AND PUIG (3-3) Sp-4 ,WILKINSON AND -510o 3 i FIGURE 3. I ,, A BATES (3-1) 0 0 Ic) 1.30 0 i. . . , .| , , , , , . 1.40 TEMPERATURE, l/T, PYROLYSIS f DATA FOR UNIRRADIATED TERPHENYLS - , 1 1.50 -14- E0 I PYROLYSIS OF NON ~RRADIATED SANTO WAX (3.8) 3: RESULTS A PYROLYSIS IN AUTOCLAVES( 3.8) 0 CHARLESWORTH EURATOM-ISPRA ( 3.8) DATA ( 39) -2 10 T cc I. - C --- A z 0 u w 0 c: ED 0 I- 4& a: o o OD u0 o 0 0 0 0 Lc) O lii 1.35 fL II II womomommommm.lbm 1.40 1.45 TEMPERATURE, FIG. 3.2 PYROLYSI S II 1.50 1/T, *K x10-3 DATA FOR TERPHENYLS II I I 1.55 -15- of previously irradiated material). These two factors may have an effect on the results obtained. A study is now underway at M.I.T., using different DP concentrations and a fixed temperature, to provide information on the effect of DP. More recently, Boyd (.__, 3.18) has radiolyzed and then pyrolyzed two terphenyl isomers, ortho and meta, and Santowax OM. While an increase of about four fold in the pyrolytic rate constant of irradiated material was noted at 42400 for metaterphenyl and Santowax OM, no change was found for orthoterphenyl. This last finding seems surprising since unirradiated ortho-terphenyl has been found to be less stable to pyrolysis than the other terphenyl isomers and furthermore, Santowax OM contains about 60% of ortho-terheny. The fact remains that, if the pyrolytic constant of irradiated coolant is 4 to 10 times greater than that of fresh material (i.e. unirradiated), a different approach to the total degradation rate under radiolysis at high temperature should be undertaken. The rate of pyrolysis of unirradiated terphenyl has, until this new data becameavailable, been used to estimate the effect of pyrolysis in out-of-pile sections of experimental loops and of reactor coolant systems themselves, Thus, pyrolysis has been considered to be negligible up to temperatures on the order of 750 OF. For example, Sawyer and Mason (lQ), for the 7500F Irra- diation of Santowax OMP in the M,I.T. In-Pile Loop Facility, have calculated the pyrolysis in the out-of-pile section for non-irradiated terphenyl and found it to be in the order of 10% of the total degradation rate. However, if the new pyrolysis data for irradiated terphenyl is used, the pyrolytic contribution becomes of the same order of magnitude as that of radiolysis, i.e. an equivalent number of Molecules are degraded by pyrolysis as by radiolysis. The new data on the pyrolysis of irradiated material also suggests that temperature control in the various sections of loops used to study organic coolants, can be more important than previously was considered to be the case. Generally, an experimental loop is equipped with coolers, heaters, surge tanks in etc., so that the coolant is not at the same temperature these various sections. It will be shown later that a small variation in temperature, 50 for instance, gives an appreciable change in the pyrolysis reaction constant and thus affects the total degradation yields obtained with loop and capsule experiments. Relative Role of Radiolysis and Pyrolysis, Their Temperature Dependences and Moffat (3.12), The studies done by Hutchinson (L) tend to confirm the hypothesis that most of the products formed by the radiolysis of terphenyls are high polymer components, 3.3. This is also verified by physical measurements, densities, viscosities and number average molecular weights, done at M.I.T, on irradiated samples taken at different irradiation temperatures, and at different concentrations of degradation products. But these measurements show also that at a fixed DP concentration, the viscosity and density decrease as the irradiation temperatures increase. Table 3.1 presents some measurements made at 7000F on Santowax OMP irradiated at two different temperatures, at M.I.T. (3.10). Measurements at other temperatures are given in the original report (3.0). Table 3.1 Densities and Viscosities Measured at 700 0 F for the M.I.T. Irradiations of Santowax OMP with 33 w/o HB Capsule Irradiation Density (gm/cc) Viscosity (cp) _ Temperture - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - 610OF 0.87 0.58 7500F 0.86 0.47 -17- Elberg and Fritz ( 1) report recently that, besides the variation with HB content of the coolant, they have noticed that viscosity and vapour pressures were effected by the "history" of the liquid, but they do not indicate in which direction these properties vary. The history of the liquid presumably refers to its irradiation temperature. These results suggest that, according to the irradiation temperature, the relative composition of the original material and the degradation products is modified. The total degradation rate has been found to be independent of temperature up to 600 0F after which a net increase occurs with an activation energy greater than that related to the diffusion of molecules, which is in the order of 2 to 5 koal/mole (3.20). Below 600 0 F, the only significant mechanism contributing to the degradation is radiolysis, whereas above this temperature, a new effect characterized by a strong temperature dependence, seems to take place. The radiolytic process depends primarily on the ionization of the molecules of coolant, ionization due to high energy incoming particles -high with respect to the thermal energy of the medium. A change in the coolant temperature will not affect the probability of this process which creates mainly high polymer materials. These polymeric materials and any active species formed by radiolysis reactions, are then subject to subsequent thermal reactions. This second effect, a pyrolytic one, contributes to the change in the coolant composition obtained by radiolysis, by degrading some high polymers and/or favoring the polymerization of terphenyls and low and intermediate boilers. T.O. Jones et al. (3.14), considering the reactions induced by radiation, note that it is common to consider the reactions involving the initial "hot processes", as temperature independent, but continue that this may not be so for subsequent thermal reactions which involve different rate constants and for which the temperature dependence would be expected to follow a classical Arrhenius relationship. -18- In agreement with this line of thought, the total rate of degradation under irradiation of polyphenyls has been found to increase little, if at all, up to temperatures of about 36000 and then to increase sharply with temperatures above 4000C. A plausible explanation of this phenomenom is that radiolysis which is the predominant process at low temperature may have a very small (Possibly zero) activation energy, while pyrolysis has a relatively high activation energy, which leads to the sharp temperature dependence at temperatures over about 400 0 C. For the activation energy of the pure radiolysis process, Euratom (3.10) quotes 0.5 kcal/mole as a preliminary number. Boyd ( has found in the irradiation of Santowax OM, between 230 and 35000 in the NEX reactor, a value of 1.6 koal/mole which he notes, is in good agreement with results obtained by Atomics International for the irradiation of ortho-terphenyl with a particles, which gave an activation energy of 1,3 koal/mole. De Halas (12l) has proposed a different explanation for degradation under irradiation at high temperature, i.e. further polymerization and splitting of some phenyl group of HB, characterized by changes $n the viscosity. He proposed an equation of the following form to explain the radiolytic and pyrolytic processes: where C kg k2 T E = C - T (33) = concentration of a component, = radiolytic and pyrolytic degradation constant for the original component, = degradation constant of the "tar". = 1 - C can be defined as DP, = the dose absorbed. Pyrolytic Reaction Constant of Irradiated Material In view of the differences in the pyrolysis of irradiated and unirradiated terphenyl coolants, the rate constants for pyrolysis of an unirradiated component, k , and for the irradiated component, kpri, will be considered separately. 3.4. -19- As mentioned above, both k9ps and kpr,i are temperature dependent and an Arrhenius type relation fits the data. The values of k pr,i obtained at M.I.T. and Grenoble (France) will be presented in Chapter V. These experiments were done at nearly constant HB concentrations at M.I.T. (30 to 35% HB), while the range of HB concentrations in the Grenoble experiments seems greater (16). In Section 3.2, it was mentioned that irradiated coolant has been found to undergo pyrolysis at a higher rate than unirradiated coolant, presumably due to the presence of some type of irradiation-produced active species (i.e. more thermally reactive with the terphenyls). In view of this, it is reasonable to expect that the activation energy for the pyrolysis of irradiated coolant, AEpr, would be different, -probably lower- than that for fresh terphenyl coolant, AEp. The following notation will then be used: k pr,i k0pr,i ep( pr RT (3,4 * for a particular initial coolant and for a given DP concentration, Steady-state experiments with Santowax WR are now being conducted in the In-Pile Loop Facility at M.I.T., to determine the extent to which kpri is dependent on the concentration of the degradation products. CHAPTER IV RADIOLYTIC AND PYROLYTIC DEGRADATION RATES 4.1. Kinetics of Coolant Degradation In the treatment of the radiolytic degradation of organic liquids such as terphenyls, (isomers and mixtures of the isomers), rate equations for the disappearance of a component, or the appearance of a new one, have been written as follows: - where dC = ki,n (C)n dT (4.1) i refers to a particular component, n = reaction order for radiolysis, C = weight fraction of the component, k = radiolytic reaction constant (temperature dependent) T = specific dose delivered to the coolant, No term representing the separate contribution of pyrolysis has usually been included in Eq, (4.1), since the pyrolytic contribution was estimated to be negligible beoause the rate of pyrolysis of irradiated coolant was assumed to be the same as that of unirradiated coolant. 4.2. Kinetics of the Radiolytic and Pyrolytic Coolant Degradation Where pyrolysis is important, its contribution should be included in writing the rate equations for the disappearance of terphenyls. The interrelationship between radiolysis and pyrolysis is not known at this time so that the form of the differential equation relating the degradation due to pyrolysis and radiolysis cannot be specified with certainty. One assumption, (perhaps the most simple) is that the degradations caused by these two processes are independent and additive. This assumption permits writing the differential equation in the form that for any temperature and radiation field, the change in concentration of a component is a linear function of the absorbed dose and the time, aso: -21- - dC where = kR ,,n (Cindr + k prim(C )mdt (4.2) kR,i,n = radiolytic constant of component i (may be dependent on temperature and type of radiation). n = reaction order for radiolysis, kpr,1,m= pyrolytic constant of irradiated component i (may be temperature dependent) m = reaction order for pyrolysis T specific dose delivered to the coolant, t physical time elapsed at the temperature T, C = weight fraction of component i. The validity of the assumption regarding the additivity of radiolysis and pyrolysis made here requires verification; this can be done, presumably, by varying the relative contribution of the two factors by changing the dose rate and temperature. Even granting the assumption, the values of k and kpri for any given reaction mechanism may be functions of temperature, coolant composition, (including variation in both original component and degradation product type and concentration), and type of radiatio4, 4.3. First Order Kinetics Most of the data available on radiolysis and pyrolysis can be correlated best using first order degradation kinetics (4.1). Using first order kinetics, therefore for the disappearance of a component, Eq. (4.2) becomes: - dC = (kRi d + k idt) C (4,3) We have to consider the two following cases: a) The pyrolysis and the radiolysis occur at a constant temperature and during the same period of time. This means for example, that during the shut-down period of the reactor, the prescribed temperature is dropped to a level where pyrolysis is negligible (such as 4000F). b) The period of time the irradiated material is maintained at a certain temperature is not necessarily the same as the period of time of irradiation. This would occur if the temperature was maintained during the shut down reactor period. 4.3.1. Timeof radiolysis_=_Time of_pyrglysis For an irradiation time tr (hr), where the temperature is kept constant, we can define the average dose rate r - d-r trt dT dt dtTT(0 =t dttl r dt t r -To t 0 T (4,4) - r integrated dose time elapsed during the irradiation r is expressed in watt/gm when d'r is expressed in (watt)(hr)/gm. Hence, Eq. (4.3) becomes: dO + -(k r,) C (4.5) r which, after integration, becomes: Ci k = exp CoRti - (k and the dimensions of kR,i and k kR,i = + )T-r (4.6) r are (watt) (hr)/(gm) kpri = [hrT 1 As an example, we can consider the case of a steady state irradiation If F = total dose rate factor in (watt)(hr)(co)/(MWH)(gm) p = average density of the coolant in gm/cc l = average mass of the irradiated material in gm hence, MWH = number of megawatt hours of reactor operation H = cumulative time in hr, the dose is: (MWH1 - MWH2 ) T (4.7) and the average dose rate r is: MWH - MWH 2 H - H2 (4.8) ( 4.3.2. Time of radiolys is_# Time opyrolysis When the time elapsed during the irradiation is different from the time at which the high temperature was maintained, we have to consider again Eq. (4.3) which must be treated differently. - dCi Cd Integrating this equation, where time from 0 to (t + t ): r T varies from 0 to T and the p - exp (-kR,i) pr,i(tr + t)) t Ci = exp where (4.3a) kR,idT + kpr,idt -(k,, (4.9a) + t + kpri ) i (4.9b) tr = time of radiolysis and pyrolysis tp = time of pyrolysis alone. This last equation shows that the pyrolytic factor in this latter case is greater than in the former one by an amount (tr + tp)/tr , proportional to the two different periods of time considered. 4.4. G Values In radiation chemistry, it is convenient to define two stability terms, G(-i) and G*(-i). G(-i) is defined as the number of molecules of component i degraded per 100 ev absorbed in the total coolant or, in terms of the previous nptations, -dCi G(-i) = x conversion factor (4.10) For the terphenyls (molecular weight = 230 gm), this conversion factor is 11.65 (molecules) (watt) (hr)/(100ev) (gm ct terphenyl) sog G (-1) =-11.65 -~ k G(-1) = 11.65 (k + c r) (4.11) The second stability term, G*(-i) is defined as: (4.12) G*(-i) = G(-i) Ci G*(-i) = 11.65 (k + R~i '+) (4.13) r It should be noted that for first order kinetics, G*(-i) is independent of the concentration and is proportional to the slope of the line relating In C and the dose. The radiolytic and pyrolytic contribution can be represented respectively by defining: G* (-1) 11.65 kR,i G*(_i) pr 11.65 r (4.14) and kp(4.15) r~ so that G*(-i) = G* (-i) + G* (-i) B pr (4.16) -25- It should be remembered that G* (-i) may be dependent on the temperature and type of radiation, while G* pr (-I) may be dependent on the temperature and the concentration of degradation products. 4.5. Relative Contribution of G* (-i) and G* (-i) Generally it has been assumed that G*(-i) = G* (-i) R and comparisons of the data obtained at different facilities, temperatures and dose rates, have been made with this total degradation constant. Eq. (4.16) shows that, with this new model, G* (-I) is actually smaller than the total G*(-i) by an amount G* (pi) pr which depends on two factors: the first one is the pyrolytic constant of the irradiated material, which has been introduced in the previous chapter; the second one is the average dose rate delivered to the coolant,. This pyrolytic term, for very low dose rates and consequently long irradiation periods, can be more important than the radiolytic one. In the following chapters, this effect is used to explain some of the discrepancies existing between capsule and loop experiments. Most of the electron irradiations were carried out at high dose rates, in the order of 1 watt/gm and more, whereas mixed in-pile irradiations of coolant in capsules and loops are generally performed at low dose rate, in the order of 10 to 200 milliwatt/gm. Hence a factor of 100 to 5 exists between the time of irradiation for a given dose, and consequently at least some of the special effects attributed to fast neutrons in the in-pile irradiations, may have been due to pyrolysis. 4.6. Relative Effects of Fast Neutrons and Gamma Rays It has generally been assumed that the effects of fast neutron and gamma ray irradiations are additive (4.2). In terms of the relative fraction of gamma rays and fast neutrons, -26- one can write: G* (-i) = where G* (-I) + f (4.17) G* (-1) Y y N N fN = fraction of absorbed energy due to fast neutron interactions, f = 1 - fN So that Eq. (4.16) can be rewritten as + f G*(-i) = fN G*N (-i) ~ Ny G* (-i) + G* pr (-i) (4.16a) Equation (4.17) can also be written in terms of G values: GR (-i and where = fN GN (-i) + fyG G(-i) = fNGN (4.18) (-1) (-i) + fyGY (-i) + G (-i) (4.16b) G (-I) = CiG* (-i) = number of molecules of component i degraded by radiolysis per 100 ev of total energy absorbed in the totgl Qoolant. GN(-I) = CG* (-i) is the number of molecules of component i degraded by radiolysis per 100 ev of fast neutron energy absorbed in the total coolant. G (-i) = C G* (-I) is the number of molecules of y component I degraded by radiolysis per 100 ev of gamma ray energy absorbed in the total coolant. Instead of using Eq. (4.17) and Eq. (4.16a) or Eq. (4.18) J) have used the and Eq. (4.16b), other investigators (.4.. following relationship: G*(-I) was decomposed also in two terms: G*(-i) = fN [G* (-I) + fy [G* (-i) (4.19) , have been included here to call attention The square brackets,[ to the fact that the effect of pyrolysis was not separated from the effects attributed to fast neutrons and gamma rays. The relation between [G*(.i) ,[G(-i , G*(-i) and G*(-i) is obtained by subtracting Eq. (4.19) from Eq. (4,16a): - G*(i)) + fy[G*(-i) f G*(-1)= G* (-1) - (4.20) Hence, [G*(-1) N G*(-1) f +} G*(-1) G* (-1) 1 + { Pr (4.21) The second term in the right hand side of Eq. (4.21) can be neglected when N Y or when G*(-i) 0( The second condition is fulfilled when the irradiation is carried out at low temperatures or when the G* values are determined using high dose rates, so that pyrolysis is negligible. G*(-1)l G* + 1 G *(-1) -r From Eq. (4.15) and (4.22), we see that (4.22) *(- / ( is related not only to G*(-i)/G*(-i) but also to the fast neutron N Y fraction, the temperature and the average dose rate. The third term of Eq. (4,22) and the third and fourthterms of Eq. (4.21) will become more important for small fast neutron fraction and low dose rate, hence emphasizing the role of fast neutrons. Therefore, if the pyrolysis contribution is not considered separately, as in Eq. (4.16a), the calculated values of (-1) / G*(-1)can be significantly greater than those of the desired ratio G*(-i)/G*(-i) (due to the pyrolytic term G /fN GA-i) of Eq. (4.22)) . -28- Pyrolytic Contribution to the "Fast Neutron Effect" To indicate how pyrolysis corrections may be applied to and may affect the "fast neutron effect" values, two capsule experiments, one performed at Harwell (43_) and one performed at Atomics International at the OGR (4*. ) will be analyzed. 4.7. Since no pyrolytic data of irradiated material were available at the time of A.E.R.E. and A.I. capsule irradiations, equations similar to Eq. (4.19) were used. The fast neutron were actually in the Y) ratios which were reported (4,2, Y, form of GN4 HB)1/[G+(-PHB)] where the brackets have been added to indicate that no pyrolysis correction was made. Table 4.1 presents, along with the data used, the calculations based on Eq. (4.15) and (4.21). The conclusions which may be reached are the following: a. At low dose rates, the pyrolytic contribution can be relatively important. b. When the pyrolysis correction is applied, the "fast neutron effect" becomes smaller than previously found. (i.e. from 10 to 2 for Harwell, and fromw2 toN1. for OGR), 4.8. Determination of G*(-i)/G*(-i) Several methods can be looked at to determine the ratio G(-1)/G*(-i). One of them has been to take the total G*(-i) values obtained at various fast neutron fractions in different facilities, and to solve Eq. (4.19) for [G(-i)1 and G*(-) However, if the effects of pyrolysis and radiolysis can be treated independently, Eq. (4.16a) should be prefered. In order to use the data from different facilities, the relative contributions of gamma ray and fast neutron fractions, the temperature, the experimental conditions, the dose rate, the reactor spectrum must be carefully analyzed and related. Sawyer and Mason (4.1) have found large discrepancies for the ratio G*(-i)/G*(-i) at 6104F and 750 0 F, depending on what data points were used. Therefore, in order to diminish these uncertainties and errors specific to each facility, it is recommended that the fast neutron -29- Table 4.1 Pyrolytic Correction to the Fast Neutron Effect Comment Harwell (h) A. Type of irradiation mixed Inpile mixed In-pile Material irradiated Santowax R Santowax QP (4 Temperature 400 0C 3250C Fast Neutron Fraction 0.54 0.64 Dose Rate (F, watt/gm) *(-coolanta [GN(+ HB)J N(+'OHBtl or f -olat G*N((-Cop)]n 8 x 10 -3 2 0 x 103 0 assumed 10.5 [G* (-omp) kkpr,omp 1 ~N 8 x 10'4 Groi was assumed that .0-7881 0*5- rv 2.4 4.5 2.20 4 x 10,5 8.3 yT~ip G*(-omp) from Eq. (4.21) GG*V (-omp) m It 0 0.9 rv 13 [G*(-omp)j= G*(-omp) a. Reported assuming second order kinetics b. Due to lack of experimental data, it was not possible to get order kinetics this value in terms of first c. Calculated by Sawyer and Mason (Q), assumiig first order kinetics and G*(-omp) = 0.26. Y d. Values obtained from Fig. 5.1, assuming a stability to pyrolysis equal to that of the irradiated Santowax OMP. ) -30- fraction be significantly changed in a single facility and the irradiations be repeated at varioustemperatures, The data obtained in this manner should be more consistent, since adjustments for the various experimental parameters, different for each facility, will be unecessary. Eq. (4.16a) will then be used to calculate the relative contribution of pyrolysis, fast neutrons and gamma rays. Another technique utilized by California Research Corporation is to perform various sets of experiments under predominantly fast neutron or gamma ray fluxes obtained with appropriate sources and shieldings. 4.9. Applications Using the methods of data interpretation proposed above, the two following chapters provide an overall survey and analys~s of the irradiations done to the present time on the terphenyls. A careful survey of the literature was made in an attempt to include all the pertinent studies in this analysis. Chapter V will compare the studies done in the M.I.T. In-Pile Loop Facility and at Grenoble (France), using the methods outlined in the preceding sections. Chapter VI will present a similar analysis of the data from capsule and loop experiments of other laboratories. -31, CHAPTER V EXPERIMENTS DONE IN THE M.I.T. IN-PILE LOOP FACILITY (FRANCE) BY EURATOM IN GRENOBLE AND 5.1. The M.I.T. In-Pile Loop Facility The description and characteristics of this research facility ) and (4.12), have already been given in two previous reports ( The first of these reports describes the loop equipment installed in the M.I.T. Reactorg and its various components. In the second report, the methods which are used to interpret the data are described. These include chemical measurements, dosimetry, heat transfer and calculation of degradation rates, 5.1.1. Compesitiog Santowax OMP and of the Irradiated Material WR, which are isomeric mixtures of terphe- nyls having the following nominal composition, have been irradiated in the M.I.T. In-Pile Loop Facility over the range of temperatures from 425 F to 780 0 F. Santowax OMP Santowax WR Component Ortho-terphenyl Meta -terphenyl weight % 10% 60% Para -terphenyl 30% Ortho-terphenyl Meta -terphenyl Para -terphenyl Degradation products and biphenyl 15% 75% 4% 6% has been found that the relative stability of each terphenyl isomer was in the following decreasing order; para>meta> ortho, (5.2) so that from a composition point of It view, Santowax OMP with 90% of meta and para-terphenyl should be slightly more stable to radiation and pyrolysis than Santowax WR, which contains initially 79% only of meta and para-terphenyl, However, the degradation yield of each individual terphenyl isomer obtained in both irradiations would be the same. -32- 5.1.2. Irradiation of Santowax OMP Santowax OMP has been irradiated in the M.I.T. Loop at 6100F and 7500F, during transient and steady state modes of operations for the coolant composition. The average dose rate delivered to the coolant in the core region of the in-pile section was 0.53 watt/gm and, due to the fact that the in-pile to out-of-pile mass ratio was ~,0.033, 0.017 watt/gm was delivered to the entire coolant. The fast neutron fraction was 37% and the gamma ray fraction 63%. A circulation flow of 2 gallons per minute gave an average transit time around the loop of one minute. Terphenyl concentrations were measured by gas-solid chromatography; high boilers concentration was determined by distillation. During the transient phase, when the degradation products varied from zero to 60 weight %, a first order kinetics law fitted the data. During the steady state phase, the HB concentration was maintained at 33 w/o by distilling samples taken from the loop and returning the distillate with fresh material as makeup. A more complete description of these irradiations is given by Sawyer and Mason (..2). 5.1.3. Irradiation ofSantowax WR Santowax WR has also been irradiated, but with a slightly different fast neutron fraction, 44%, due to the replacement of the central fuel element used during the Santowax OMP irradiation by a new one. The in-pile section of the Loop is located along the axis of the central fuel element of the M.I.T. Reactor. The average dose rate delivered to the entire coolant, in the Santowax WR irradiations, was 0.021 watt/gm, Continuing the methods of analysis and different procedures developed for the irradiation of Santowax OMP, a duplicate of the 750 F run was performed with a transient phase and a steady-state bottoms period. A different cut-off temperature in the distillation of the sample taken out of the loop during the steady state period was employed in order to re-cycle most of the quaterphenyls. Therefore, a different terminology was used, viz. "bottoms", since the HB -33- notation represents only these components whose volatility is less than paraterphenyl. The bottoms concentration in the coolant was about 30 w/o and the quaterphenyl concentration was 3 w/o, so that the HB concentration in the coolant was still 33 w/o, Good agreement was found between the two 750 0F runs with Santowax OMP and WR for the total degradation rates. Then, in order to investigate the temperature effect on the degradation rate, a 7800F irradiation at steady state and 25% bottoms took place. After this run, the loop was kept at 4250F for a three weeks transient period, during which radiolysis was the only process contributing significantly to the degradation. Finally a steady state phase was performed at 7000F with a bottoms concentration of 30 to 35 w/o, to complete the study of the temperature effect. The complete details of these runs and the results of the measurements done will be published in a future report (J.1). 5.1.4. Irradiation Procedure For the irradiations of Santowax OMP and WR, the in-pile capsule was maintained at the prescribed temperature t,54F, during the operating period of the M.I.T. reactor. The reactor whose power level is 2 MW (th.), is generally shut down every week-end, from Friday evening to Monday morning. During these shut-down periods, the loop temperature was lowered to 4250F, so that the pyrolysis was negligible during these periods. When the reactor was starting up, the temperature was raised. The time of cooling down to 5000? of the loop is less than half an hour, and the heating up time about one hour. Depending on the irradiation, the steady state periods varied from 15 weeks (6100F) to about 3 weeks (7800F). In its present design, the M.I.T. Loop, shown schematically in Fig. 5.2, has some temperature gradients throughout its different sections. Wall and immersion thermocouples record constantly the coolant temperature, in order to follow its variation. If T is the irradiation temperature in OF, most of the coolant is kept between T and T - 200F, so an iterated process was set up to calculate the relative contribution to pyrolysis in each section. This method is developed more completely in Section 5.3.3. 5.1.5. Dosimetry An extensive dosimetric program, involving calorimetric and foil measurements was underteken to determine the fast neutron and gamma ray dose rates in the in-pile section, Adiabatic calorimeters containing various absorbers such as carbon, aluminum, polyethylene, polystyrene, beryllium and Santowax, were lowered in the reactor facility before and after the irradiations in the In-Pile section for the OMP irradiations. The total dose was also measured with the new element in place. The gamma ray and fast neutron heating rates were found by analyzing the heating rates in the different absorbers which presented different gamma ray and fast neutron attenuation properties. Details of these methods are given by Sawyer and Mason (l). Concurrently, during calorimeter measurements and terphenyl irradiations, foil activation measurements were performed regularly. The foils used are listed below. their activity was measured in order to calculate the thermal, epithermal and fast neutron fluxes. Flux Thermal Epithermal Fast Foils Used for Neutron Flux Measurements Resonance or Effective Reaction or Threshold Energy Detector (eff) Co5 9 C05 9 CU63 S3 2 (n,p) P32 N15 8 (n,p)Co5 8 Mg2 4 (n,p)Na2 4 Al '(n, a)Na 2 4 120 570 3.0 2.9 6.3 8.1 ev ev Mev Mev Mev Mev (M.I,T.) Effective Cross-Section (barns) aeff 0.3 0.41 0.051 0.1 -35- the activations of A Watt fission spectrum was used to fit the threshold detectors and an effective cross-section was calculated for each one of them by iteration using the spectrum, This method is more reliable than using literature values for Eeff and aeff since arr depends primarily on the actual neutron flux. Good agreement was found between the calorimeter and the foil measurements (the latter are about 10% lower than the former). An average dose rate of 0.53 t 0.02 watt/gm was calculated in the in-pile section, 37% being delivered by fast neutrons, for the OMP irradiations. After the replacement of the fuel element, the average integrated dose rate for the WR irradiations was 0.62 watt/gm, 44% of which was due to fast neutrons. It should be noted that, while the average dose rate for the total coolant is only about 20 mw/gm, the actual energy delivered in the in-pile capsule is in the order of 500 (mw)/(gm), which value is easier to measure than low dose rates. 5.1.6. Calculation Procedure of.G_and G* Values for gt2Etd:g§tte and Transient Periods The complete details of these procedures are given by Sawyer and Mason in the report on the effects of reactor irraOnly the main diation on Santowax OMP at 6100F and 7500F (g2). formulas will be presented here. For a transient phase, an IBM 709/7090 Fortran program called MNDEG applies a least square fit to the concentration versus specific dose relation and then calculates G and G* values for the given data, This program was used in the present study to analyze the data obtained at other laboratories. For a steady state -HB or bottoms- irradiation, a mass balance around the loop is set up during that period. G(-i) for a specific component i is given by G(-i) = 11.65 (net grams of I makeup + A)(5) F p (MWH2 - MWH ) -36- G*(-i) and where A F = G(-i) Ci L (5.2) is a correction factor taking into account the difference, if anyq of the concentration of a component between the start and the end of the steady state. is the average in-pile dose rate factor in (watt)(hr)(cc)/(MWH)(gm) is the average density of the coolant in C MWH2 (gm)/(cc) is the average loop concentration of the ith component, in w/o - MWH1 is the difference between the number of megawatt hours at the end and at the beginning of the steady state. These two formulas hold for each isomer, ortho, meta, paraterphenyl and the coolant omp. For the high boilers, HB (or bottoms) and the low and intermediate boilers, LIB (or LIB + 00) G and G* values can also be defined. G (-+ HB) and G (or G (-+ LIB) Bottoms) and G (-+ LIB + # ) The HB concentration is calculated by distillation and the LIB is obtained by difference, LIB = DP -B And since OMP = 100 G(-omp) = G(-> HB) - (HB + LIB) + G(-P LIB) (5.3) G* values which are a measure of the HB and LIB production rates were converted into an equivalent amount of terphenyl degraded, i.e.: (5*4) HB) = G(-* HB) G*(CL omp -37- and G*(--+ LIB) so that G*(-omp) = G*(-+, HB) + G*(-* LIB) G(-+ LIB)(55) omp (5.6) These definitions are different from the values frequently used in the literature where initial production rates for the HB are defined by taking an average molecular weight of 460, i.e., twice the molecular weight of terphenyl. In this respect, the following relation holds (5.4) (assuming no production of LIB): G(-coolant) = 2G(-+ HB) (5.7) As shown in Eq. (5.1) and (5.2), the G* values do not depend directly, for a steady-state period, on the circulating mass of the loop, whereas its knowledge is necessary to calculate the dose during transient periods. It has been estimated that the total mass of the loop is known within ± 5% and the circulating mass, to within t 10%. This distinction has to be made, since some places of the loop, such as valves, back of a pump, can be filled with non-circulating coolant, the concentration of which is estimated to be approximately equal to the average loop composition. 5.2. Euratom Loops No complete report is yet available on the different techniques and irradiation procedures used by Euratom workers, but the following information has been obtained (il). 5.2.1. IrradiationProcedure Terphenyl OM.2 whose composition is given below, has been irradiated in two loops, BLO2 (total volume of 30 liters, of which 7.8 liters are irradiated), and BLO3 (total volume of 36 liters, of which 6.4 liters are irradiated), at various temperatures, ranging from 2000C to 450 0 C. The loops are in the Melusine Reactor at Grenoble (France). The flow rates were respectively 2 m3/hr and 4 m3/hr. Composition of Terphenyl OM.2 (5d) Ortho-terphenyl Meta -terphenyl Para -terphenyl 20.5% 76.0% 3.5% The temperatures of the loop are within + 5 C of the prescribed value and the temperature distribution around the loop is controlled by immersion thermocouples and independent heaters within t 20 C. Most of the G* values quoted are obtained with transient runs since it is believed that the circulating mass is known within 5% and accurate numbers can be calculated. An analytical micro-distillation is perfonmed on the irradiated samples in order to separate the HB products from the terphenyls. The distillate is then analyzed by gas chromatography and the terphenyl concentration calculated. 5.2.2. Dosimetry Two different techniques are used to calculate the dose deposited by the fast neutron and gamma ray interactions(j). Threshold detectors (e.g. aluminum, nickel and sulphur) are activated in various places of the irradiate4 section to determine the fast neutron flux. Due to the position of the two loops beside the core of the swimming pool type reactor, Melusine, the fast neutron flux drops by about a factor of 10 across the irradiated section. Hence, from these foil measurements the average fast neutron dose rate absorbed in the coolant can be estimated. Moreover, an isothermal calorimeter containing graphite, measures the absolute dose to the carbon, so that with the foil measurements above, the relative contribution of gamma rays and fast neutrons is determined. This calorimeter is also used during irradiations to monitor the total dose received by the coolant. 5.3. Results Obtained at M.I.T. Comparison with Euratom's G* Values 5.3.1. Determination_of.G_(-il Two irradiations were conducted at M.I.T. at low temperatures, 0 425 F and 610 0 F, in order to find out the values of G* (-1). Table 5.1 presents the G* values obtained for Santowax OMP and Santowax WR (j5). These values show that the stabilities of each component are the same within the experimental errors and that no temperature effect is noticeable. As noted by Sawyer and Mason (ja2) the steady state values are more accurate than the transient ones and therefore, G*(-omp) = 0.26 + 0.01, independent of temperature, R will be used in the following calculations. It is interesting to note that this value of G*(-i) = 0.26 can be used also for the individual isomers. Similarly, Euratom workers have irradiated terphenyl OM.2 at low temperature (j.6) and their data are presented in Table 5.2. Estimated errors or confidence levels for these results were not reported. From these G*(-omp) values, Houllier has calculated an activation energy of 0.54 koal/mole, but he recommends more irradiations at 240 and 2800 in order to know whether or not this low activation energy for radiolysis is significant ( But even with this small temperature dependence, it is remarkable to find the same G*(-omp) = 0.26, at 610 0 F for both facilities, since the fast neutron fractions are respectively 17% for Melusine and 37% for M.I.T.. Therefore, from these two loop experiments, there does not seem to be any fast neutron effect at these low temperatures (i.e., the ratio G,/0* = 1). 5.3.2, Relative_PyrolyticandRadiglYtig.Cgntributions In the M.I.T. Loop and at Grenoble .jPrance2 Most of the data obtained at M.I.T. and by Euratom are presented in this section and have been re-analyzed, following the approach mentioned in Chapter IV. Table 5.1 G*(-i) Values for the 4254F and 6l0*F Irradiations at M.I.T. G*(-i) =G Irradiation Type-of ISantowax Capsule Temprature Irradiation G*(-o. ) G*(-m' ) G*(-p I G*(-omp) Transient(a 0.31 0.05 0.26 ± 0.04 0.26 t 0.04 0.27 610 wa OMP Transient I 0.34 - 0.09 0.33 - 0.06 0.21 - 0.10 0.30 - 0.05 610 OMP Transient 1 0.25 - 0.04 0.24 ± 0.04 0.26 -0.05 0.25 - 0.04 610 OMP Steady (b) 0.26 - 0.02 0.26 - 0.02 0.28 - 0.03 0.26 - 0.02 425 0.04 State (a) estimated maximum possible errors (b) 95% confidence limits. Standard deviations are one half of the errors quoted. 4:0 Table 5.2 Preliminary Euratom's G*(-i) Values 200 0 C (3920F) 320 0 C (608 0 F) 3600C (6800F) Temperature ----------------------------- ------------Average Dose rate 44.5 45.4 40.0 Gr 0.24 0.26 0.31 G*(-omp) Table 5.3 presents the different G* values calculated for 700, 750 and 7800F irradiations of Santowax WR and OMP, at M.I.T.. The various irradiation conditions have been summarized at the beginning of this chapter. The M.I.T. results for Santowax WR will be compared with the Euratom results for terphenyl OM.2 since the two coolant have the same composition. Assuming a temperature independent radiolytic degradation yield of 0.26 molecules degraded per 100 ev absorbed in the terphenyls, the pyrolytic contribution G* (-i) was calculated from (see Eq. (4.16)) G* (-i) = G*(-i) - 0.26 pr (5.8) and the pyrolytic constant of irradiated material was determined from (see Eq. (4.15)) r G* kpr,i (-i) 11.65(59 r being expressed in watt/gm. The values of the M.I.T. irradiations are listed in Table 5.4 as kpr,i since, as it is shown in Section 5.3.3, these values are mass-average pyrolytic degradation constants characteristic of the M.I.T. Loop. To calculate the pyrolytic constants of irradiated material, Euratom workers have used equations similar to Eq. (4.16) and (4.15), G* (-i) equal to 0.26 at 320*C, having an activation energy AER of 0.54 kcal/mole. In order to compare the Euratom and M.I.T, values, the pyrolytic constant kpr, was recalculated at M.I.T., assuming no temperature dependence for G*(-i), (i.e. dER = 0), and temeraur R using Eq. (5.8) and (5.9). The result of these calculations and Euratom values are presented in Table 5.5 as well as in Fig. 5.1, which contains the following information: - Curve I displays the first order pyrolytic constant of non-irradiated terphenyl OM.2 obtained by Euratom workers using autoclaves Table 5.3 G* Values for the 700, 750 and 780 F Irradiations at M.I.T. Irradiation Capsule Temperature (OF) G*(-i) = G(-i)/C (b) Santowax -------- --------- ---------G*(-ot) G*(-m# ) G*(-p# ) .(-HB)(a)(b) -------or *(-Bottoms) G*(-omp) *( ttoms G*(,LIB)(a)(b) or G*(LB+4) 2 3 -------------------------- ------- -2-------- -------------------------------------- 700 WR 750 750 W 780 WR 0MP 0.44 t0.0 3 0.35-0.03 0.420.04 0.37-0.0 3.80*0.05 0.53*0.03 0.39±0.03 0.55±0.0 3.79±0.07 0.52±0.03 0.45±0.03 0.53±0.0 .17t0.08 0.71±0.05 0.57±0.05 0.77±0.0 0.34-0.02 0.45±0.02 0.03-0.03 0.10±0.06 0.47*0.02 0.72±0.03 0.06*0.05 0.04±0.06 (a)A molecular weight of 230 gm was used for the calculation of G*(* HB or Bottoms) and G* (- LIB or LIB +964). 95% confidence limits. Standard deviations are one half of the errors quoted. Table 5.4 Pyrolytic and Radiolytic Contribution in the M.I.T. In-Pile Loop Facility Irradiation Capsule Temperature (oF) Average Dose Rate r Santowax (milliwatt) gm 425 WR 700 WR WR 750 780 WR 610 OP 750 OMP i3 I3 Circulating Mass of the Loop (gm) G*(-omp) kpri (hr 24.6 21.7 20.7 20.3 5240 5300 0.27 5380 5340. 0.55 17.8 17.3 5560 5350 0.26 - G* (-omp) pr G*(-omp) 0.37 0.77 0.53 40 i 0.26 0.26 0.26 0.26 V0 0.26 0.26 A/0 0.11 1.86x1O 0.29 5. 16x10 _ 0.51 9.74xl&. 0.27 6 4.00xl04 - Table 5.5 Pyrolytic and Radiolytic Contribution in BL02 and BLO3 (Euratom) for Terphenyl ON.2 0 kpri obtained p Euratom(a) Temperature Dose Rate 360 40.0 0.31 380 44.7 0.36 400 400 41.1 16.6 408 39.6 410 420 15.0 0.48 0.70 0.58 1.16 430 440 450 38.5 39r.2 39.1 G 41.6 0.78 1.06 3.1 x 10~4 6.1 x 10~4 5.75x 10~4 8.7 x 10~4 1.04 x 10-3 1.68 x 10-3 2.4 x 10-3 1.50 2.96 3.95x 10-3 8.81x 10-3 kpri obtained at M.I.T.(b) 1.72 x 104 3.83 x 104 7.76 x 10~4 6.27 x 10~4 10.87 x 10~ 1.16 x 10-3 1.85 x 103 2.64 x 10-3 4.17 x 10-3 9.06 x l0-3 (a) AER = 0.54 kcal/mole (b) AER = 0. kcal/mole G*( -i) = GT a reported by Euratom -45- I -o') o 0 0 0 0 I I 0 a 0 (D r.) v k( N ) o 0 0 Skp,UNIRRADIATED ITk TERPHENYL OM- 2(5.6) TERPHENYL 0M-2 IRRADIATED LOOP AND CAPSULE EXPERIMENTS EURATOM - GRENOBLE (5.6 )tEgO.54 7 II[ kprCAPSULE EXPERIMENTS EURATOM - ISPRA ( 5.6) z -3 kprM. I.T. AND EURATOM K DATA AER=0 WR (M.IT. £kpr, SANTOWAX z ) kpri SANTOWAX OMP (M.IT. 5 A kprj M.IT. TEMPERATURE ITERATED. AER=0 kprEURATOM , AER =0 0. m kprEURATOM I0 LER=0.54 ir -4 10 5 LL o o 0 0 0o -0 0 Lol 0L 0 0 0 to) wDN-C I 0 0 (D I 1.40 FIG.5.1 1.60 1.50 TEM PERATURE . I/T, *K~Ix PYROLYSIS 1.70 DATA OF IRRADIATED TERPHENYL OBTAINED BY EURATOM AND M.I.T. I I I I 1.84 - Curve II displays the first order pyrolytic constant of terphenyl OM.2 irradiated in the Melusine loops, assuming a temperature dependence of 0.54 kcal/mole for the radiolysis, (AE = 0.54) (jM). - Curve III displays the first order pyrolytic constant of irradiated terphenyl OM.2 pyrolyzed in autoclaves at Ispra (Italy) (5.). - Curve IV represents the least square fit of both Euratom data from 360 to 440 0 C, listed in Table 5.5, and M.I.T. data obtained with Santowax WR listed in Table 5.4 treated assuming no temperature dependence for radiolysis (AER = 0). The calculated pyrolytic constants quoted in Table 5.4 and Table 5.5 are also displayed. Before explaining the temperature iteration of the M.I.T. data, Fig. 5.1 brings the following remarks: a. The pyrolytic constants of irradiated coolant obtained at M.I.T. and Grenoble (France) give a consistent set of values, which can be represented by a relation such as kpr kr exp ~ r (5.10) Assuming AER = 0, the M.I.T. data alone yield a value of AEpr,omp of 32.4 kcal/mole and the Euratom and M.I.T. data together give AEpromp = 33.6 kcal/mole; these values are not significantly different. An activation energy AEpr : 49.2 koal/mole was calculated by Euratom for Curve II, assuming AER = 0.54 kcal/mole for radiolysis. It is suggested that more data should be obtained in the Euratom and M.I.T. Loops to substantiate these preliminary values. Since the M.I.T. and Euratom results were found to be consistent with one another (see Fig. 5.1), when no temperature effect on radiolysis was assumed and Eq. (5.8) and (5.9) were employed, it would therefore be reasonable to assume that -47- agreement would also be obtained for another set of consistent assumptions regarding the temperature dependence of radiolysis, b. The magnitude of the rate of pyrolysis of irradiated coolant at any temperature is significantly greater than for non-irradiated material, although the activation energy appears to be smaller. o. Even with different fast neutron fractions (e.g. 44% at M.I.T. and 20% at Grenoble) and dose rates (e.g. 20 mw/gm at M.I.T. and 40 mw/gm at Grenoble), an agreement is found between the reported values when they are treated consistently. d. Curve III, obtained at Ispra, is higher than Curves II and IV, but no information on the techniques used to get these values is given and thus, they cannot be interpreted at this time. 5,3.3. Temperature Iteration of the ,..T. ExcperimentalPyrolyt ic Constants Due to the magnitude of the pyrolytic constant of irradiated material presented in Table 5.4 and calculated from Eq. (5,8) and (5.9), it was realized that the temperature variation around the loop would lead to significantly different pyrolytic contrjbutions for each section of the loop. Therefore the values obtained from Eq. (5.8) and (5.9) are in fact the mass-average kg for different resulting from the absolute value of k portions of the loop. It was assumed that the pyrolysis for each approximately isothermal section j of the loop, fits an Arrhenius type relation as in the following equation: k0 kpr,i where j T ' pr,i e -Apr~i) exp (- (5.14) refers to a section of the loop the average temperature in section j AEpr,i = the pyrolytic activation energy of irradiated component i. R = conversion factor, from The experimentally determined mass-average kpri Table 5.4 is the result of the pyrolytic degradation ocouring in each of the various isothermal sections of the loop. Thus the following relationship applies: M0 M pr,i where exp (- -5.r) M Ci c (512) total mass of coolant in section J, V p3 (V being the volume of section J, and p3 the density of coolant in section J.) = concentration of component i in section J. It was assumed that the concentration of component i was the same throughout the loop so that the Ci terms cancel out in Eq, (5.12). The measured temperature profile around the loop and the volume of each section (i.e. the T 's and V3 's) are listed in Table 5.6 and shown in Fig. 5.2. The p3 can also be obtained from the M.I.T. measurements (J2, ). The object of the iteration technique was therefore to which and AE produce a single set-of values of kp pr,i pr94 satisfies the experimental values of kpr,i, Mj and T for all the irradiations carried out at the different irradiation capsule temperature. There are several methods of iterating, the details of the one employed here are described in Appendix A4. 5.3.4. Pyrolytign gtheTerhenl Isomer The same iterative process can be carried out with each individual terphenyl isomer, Eq. (5.12) is iterated using the calculated mass-average pyrolytic constants shown in Table 5.7, following the method outlined in Section 5.3.3. Here again the radiolytic contribution was assumed independent of 0). Fig. 5.3 displays the iterated values temperature (ABR, and it should be noticed that an equal temperature correction SECTION 2 SECTION 10 COOLERS SECTION 9 I I SECTION 7 I TEST HEATER 14 LIQUID SAMPLER SECTION 8 FIGURE 5.2 FOULING PROBE - SCHEMATIC OF CIRCULATING VOLUME OF LOOP Table 5.6 Temperature Profile of the M.I.T. In-Pile Loop Facility Nominal Section Circulating Volume 3 (cm ) 1 2 407 3 489 750OF Irradiation 70F75F78F Temperature Temperature 500 of (-F (oF) 700 693 685 750 743 736 800 4 4a(a) (a) -a, 5 6 7 1320' 370 444/ 8 530 9 341- 10 11 246 200> Filter No. 1 on Figure 360 680 450 708 6oo 730 360 730 450 761 615 500 707 444 758 680 788' 407 720 5,.2. 780 F Loop Section (o 780 772 765 761 400 761 450 787 420 570 786 0 -3 1- was found. Along with these data, the pyrolysis constant of nonirradiated ortho and meta terphenyl cited in Chapter III, are given for comparison. The data for para-terphenyl are scattered because the precision of measurements was not as accurate for this component, since its concentration was very low for the Santowax WR irradiations, of the order of 2 to 4%. 5.4. Conclusions Based on a preliminary report of Euratom workers and the data acquired at M.I.T., a new interpretation of the role of pyrolysis was proposed. Assuming a constant radiolytic degradation rate, values of the pyrolytic constant of irradiated coolant were calculated and a good agreement was found between the values obtained at M.I.T. and Grenoble (France). The Euratom data suggest the possibility of a small temperature effect on radiolysis, but the significance of this small value has not yet been established. A comparison of the Euratom and M.I.T. loop results, obtained with different fast neutron fractions, does not indicate any fast neptron effect. Table 5.'7 Pyrolytic and Radiolytic Contribution in the M.I.T. In-Pile Loop Facility, for the Terphenyl Isomers During the Santowax WR Irradiations Irradiation Capsule Temperature Isomer ortho-terpheny3 750 21.7 20.7 0.42 0.39 9.61 x 10~4 1.59 x 10-3 1.67 x 10 4 4.81 x 104 7.86 x 10~4 2.97 x 104 2.31 x 10~4 780 20.3 0.57 5.41 x 104 750 780 _________________ 700 & 3.35 x 10 0.44 0.80 700 para-terphenyl kpri (hr G* (-1) Dose Rate r 21.7 20.7 20.3 21.7 20.7 2G,3 700 750 780 meta-terphenyl I Average - A_________________ 1.17 0.35 0.53 0.71 .1 1 ) -53- MATERIAL -3 ~Id 0 5 - z z - 0 V5 ORTHO META -4 10 5 LL 0 0 In OD 1.40 U. 0 U.L IU. 0 0 0 0 80 0 1.50 160 TEMPERATURE, FIG-5.3 LL. 0 0 1.70 I/ T, OK x 10- 3 PYROLYSIS DATA OF TERPHENYLS OBTAINED AT M.I.T. CHAPTER VI REVIEW OF IRRADIATIONS PERFORMED BY VARIOUS FACILITIES 6.1. Irradiations Performed at Harwell (England) Extensive experiments have been conducted at Harwell (England), to study the radiolytic stability of different terphenyl isomers and Santowax R under various types of l.3, radiations (6l 6.6, §Z). Electron irradiations were first carried out between 3000C and 4000C to obtain initial rates of formation of high Mixed in-pile experiments were boiler components: 1Ge(+3 HB)} also performed in BEPO and total rates of formation of HB were obtained. By assuming that gamma rays and electrons gave the same radiolytic decomposition, the initial rate of formation of HB due to fast neutrons, was calculated at various temperatures and found to be much greater than that of gamma rays. More recently, irradiations in a pure gamma field were reported with G(HB) values 50% higher than previously found with electrons (§-.). These studies are reviewed in the following sections and a new interpretation of the G values obtained with electron, gamma ray and mixed in-pile irradiations is given in order to explain some of the discrepancies. 6.1.1. Irradiation Procedure --------------- For the electron irradiations (6.1), a stainless steel cell shown schematically on Fig. 6.1, having a total volume of about 13 cm3, was employed. It was installed in front of a horizontal beam of electrons, which passed through a nickel or molybdenum window before entering the cell. Thermocouples were located in a thimble whose tip was just at the limit of the irradiated volume, so that the irradiation temperature could be obtained. (The range of 1 Mev electrons in terphenyls may vary between INLET PIPE THIMBLE I kun VOLUME I FIG. 6-I %--I INCH SCHEMATIC OF HAR WELL ELECTRON IRRADIATION CELL I -56- 0.5 and 0.6 cm., depending on the density and therefore the temperature and the concentration of DP). This means that only a small portion of the total mass (generally 7,7 gm) was irradiated. The temperature recorded was maintained usually within 100C of the required control temperature (6.1). For the BEPO reactor irradiations (_2) silica capsules containing about 4 gm of coolant were irradiated in a vertical hole, TE2. The temperature was kept within 540 and remained the same for periods up to 6 weeks, even during shut-down periods of the reactor. Irradiations of every terphenyl isomer and Santowax R were carried out in these two facilities at three temperatures, namely: 3000C (5720F), 35000 (6620F) and 4000C (7520F). 6.1.2. Dosimetry The energy absorbed by the coolant under electron irradiations, was calculated as the product of electron energy and charge input, with modification by some correction factors taking into account backscattering, loss of energy in the cell window, etc., (§.2). The dose rate in these experiments varied from 6 to 80 watt/gm (6.2) and the irradiation exposures from 0 to 100 (watt)(hr)/(gm). For the BEPO pile dosimetry, cobalt and gold foilsbare and Cd-covered, were irradiated and counted on a GM counter to relate the activity of these foils and the thermal neutron density. Measurements using adiabatic calorimeters were also performed in order to relate the thermal neutron dose and the energy absorption in different absorbers, including polyethylene and graphite (6.4). With each capsule, a cobalt foil was irradiated and its activity measured using the same GM end-window counter; the energy deposited in the coolant was thus determined using the previous calibrations. The dose rate obtained in BEPO -8 milliwatt/gm- (54% of which is due to fast neutrons) is much lower than with the electron work, the ratio of these two varying from 10~3 to 10~. -57- 6.1.3. Analytigal Determinations andExperimental Resultg The results of the chemical analyses are given in the first report of the series (6.1). No gas chromatography analysis was performed to calculate the disappearance of starting material but the polymer content was determined by a micro-sublimation technique. These high-polymers can be identified as products with a lower volatility than para-terphenyl and do not include the low and intermediate boilers. Initial G(+ HB) values for electron and in-pile irradiations "obtained by inspection of the first few (experimental) points" were reported for the appearance of polymer. Table 6.1 summarizes these results given by Harwell (, .6), As noted in these reports, the results show a greater decomposition rate during the in-pile irradiations than during the electron irradiations, This conclusion will be analyzed in the next section. Table 6.1 Initial G Values for Electron and Pile Irradiations (A.E,R,s.) Second Order Kinetics ( 6.6) Component Irradiated ------G ("-"RBH) ~~ ele ----- oC 400C ron lconpl Ortho-terphenyl Meta-terphenyl 0.18 0.19 0.59 0.58 Para-terphenyl Santowax R 0.18 0.19 eet niI 0.47 0.20 0.19 0.18 0.70 0.63 0.58 0.28 0,24 0.29 0.99 0,77 0.88 0.51 0.19 0.59 0.21 0.83 The HB content was also plotted versus the dose and a second order kinetics expression used to fit the data, According to Harwell, the radiolytic degradation rate was written as d = kx2 (6.1) with T = dose in watt-hr/gm x = concentration of original substance, here set equal to (1 - k = total reaction constant P = weight per cent HB. It was further assumed that the rate of H5 formation was equal to the rate of degradation of the original substance (i.e., terphenyl or coolant), thus neglecting the formation of Low and Intermediate Boilers (L.I.B.). From Eq. (6.1) initial G values for the formation of HB can be defined as G, (- HB) = 11.64 k (6.2a) and Harwell reported the results as G (-coolant) by assuming G0(-coolant) = G (- HB) (6.2b) These initial G values, obtained assuming second order kinetics, can be compared to the G*(-i) values defined with first order kinetics, since they both are used to represent the initial degradation yield of the terphenyls. However, it should be noted that they are not equal, the initial degradation yield calculated with second order kinetics being always greater than that calculated with first order kinetics, The G (-coolant) values quoted by Harwell are presented in Table 6.2, and will be considered in further discussions. The values in Table 6.2 depend on all the experimental points (and second order kinetics) while the values in Table 6.1 are based on the slope of the curve drawn through the first few points. Table 6.2 Harwell Initial G Values, G0 (-coolant), Second Order Kinetics Component Irradiated G (-coolant) = G(-* HB) 004~o -36W electron electron pile Ortho-terphenyl 0.21 0.68 Meta-terphenyl 0.16 0.19 0.16 0.67 0.62 0.17 0.17 0.63 Para-terphenyl Santowax R I Santowax R II 0.70 electron 0.19 On the basis of the above G (-coolant) values and the reasonable assumption that electron and gamma ray degradation yields were equal, the increase in the G (-coolant) values from electron to mixed in-pile irradiations was attributed to the effect of the fast neutrons in BEPO. However, the following interpretations also seem to explain some of the discrepancies found between the mixed'in-pile and electron G (-coolant) values. 6.1.4. Interpretation of the Electron Irradiations In general, prediction of a given total amount of polymer (or degradation of a given amount of coolant isomer) in a sample by: a. irradiation of the entire sample, b. irradiation of a portion of the sample in the absence of complete mixing, do not produce the same radiation yields (see Appendix Al). A schematic of the Harwell electron irradiation capsule is shown in Fig. 6.1. It should be noted that the volume being irradiated is a small portion of the total volume gf material in the capsule. Further, because of the geometry, it is possible that complete, continuous mixing did not occur. Since the cell mixing was provided, the is rigidly mounted and no artificial mixing of the different species in the capsule during irradiation would therefore depend on diffusion processes which would not be expected to provide a uniform concentration of each component in the irradiated and unirradiated volumes. Fig. 6.2 represents possible profiles of the DP concentration in the irradiation cell, after two irradiation times, ti and t2' when t2 > tl' It seems reasonable to assume a higher concentration of degradation products in the irradiated volume, since all the energy is deposited in this small portion of the cell. Even if the colour of the liquid appeared uniform throughout the cell after irradiation, as mentioned by Harwell, (6.1), this test does not insure an irradiation equivalent to that of a wellmixed experiment. a z 0 II- z w 0 z I 0 C.) I 0 0 FIG. DISTANCE FROM THE WINDOW 6-2 L QUALITATIVE REPRESENTATION OF THE HB CONCENTRATION IN THE IRRADIATION CELL, Lack of mixing between the irradiated and unirradiated zone would allow the concentration of terphenyls in the reaction (i.e. irradiated) zone to decrease more rapidly (and the concentration of HB product to rise more rapidly) than if mixing were effective. For reactions following higher than zero order kinetics, the rate of reaction is dependent on the concentration of reactants in the actual reaction zone. For first or higher order kinetics, the local decrease in terphenyl concentration, due to poor mixing, would therefore cause a decrease in the total rate of radiolytic degradation of terphenyl in the capsule. Consequently the amount of HB in the entire capsule (i.e. the average HB concentration in the capsule) would be lower than if all the coolant in the capsule had been uniformly irradiated. See Appendix Al for further detailed discussion of the effect of possible poor mixing during the electron irradiation. Hence, a non-mixing effect might explain the relatively low degradation yield obtained with electrons and therefore suggests that the[G (* HB) values used in calculating the ratio of (+- HB)1 may have been too low (since [G (-- B)]= N(- HB) /(G [G(- HB) . Furthermore, recent data obtained at Harwell (_6) with gamma ray irradiations indicate higher G (-*HB) values than those previously usedas shown in Table 6.3. Table 6.3 Comparison of Initial G (-*- HB) Values From Electron and Gamma Ray Irradiations (A.E.R.E.) at 350 0 C [Type of Irradiation G (-o-HB) 4Date- Electrons 0.18 1959 Gamma Rays 0.28 1963 As noted by Harwell, this difference between the two G(. HB) values may be due to the different irradiation times: few hours for the electron irradiations and more than four months for the gamma ray irradiations. -62- In attempting to estimate the contribution of pyrolysis to the lengthy gamma irradiation experiments, using Fig. 5.1, the fact that the HB concentration in the sample rose to only about 8% over the entire experiment must be considered. The average pyrolysis rate constant over the entire experiment could not be expected to be as high as those shown in Curve IV, where the HB concentration was about 30%. If at 3504C, the pyrolysis rate constant for the gamma irradiations is estimated to be a factor of ten higher than that of unirradiated terphenyls, the pyrolysis correction in the reported G values of Table 6,3 is less than 0.01 (an average dose rate of I milliwatt/gm was assumed for this calculation) so that [G Y HB) = G-P( HB) 0.28 Thus, differences in pyrolysis between the electron and gamma ray irradiations does not appear to explain the differences in the G values reported in Table 6.3. However, it should be noted that in the gamma ray irradiations, the degradation rate is the same throughout the sample (the mean free path of the gamma rays being greater than the dimensions of the irradiated capsule) unlike the electron irradiations, so that the gamma ray irradiations would not be subject to the possibility of a poor-mixing error. 6.1.5. Interptation of BEPO Irradiations Following the method outlined in Chapter IV and using the data presented in Chapter V, the pyrolytic contribution to the total degradation rate in the BEPO irradiations can be calculated. This contribution, as shown in Section 4.7 for the calculation performed with the data reported for the irradiation of Santowax R at 400 0 C, can be more important than that obtained by radiolysis alone. The same analysis is done hereunder for the 350 4C irradiation of Santowax R in BEPO where relatively high HB concentrations were obtained, so that it is possible to use the results presented in Chapter V. Before irradiation, there was already in the sample about 10% of products "which were not markedly less volatile than -63- paraterphenyl" (6.6) but were not terphenyls. a value of 1.5 x 10~ 4 hr 1 , is obtained for the pyrolytic degradation rate of irradiated material, at 3500C, is so that the pyrolytic contribution G* From Fig. 5.,1 pr~omp G*promp = 0.22 ( = 8 x 10~3 watt/gm) G*(-omp) = 0.26 + 0.22 = 0.48 and -which value is valid when the time of pyrolysis and radiolysis are the same (see Section 4.3). If pyrolysis occurs also during the shut-down period of the reactor as mentioned by Harwell ( the pyrolysis contribution is more important and, assuming a shut-down period every week-end (i.e. one-third of the time) 9 G* 2 pr~ompp = . and x 0.22 =O .33 G*(-omp) = 0.26 + 0.33 = 0.59 which value is comparable to the initial G (-coolant) = 0.63 value quoted and calculated assuming second order kinetics (6.6). Thus, if the contribution of pyrolysis of irradiated material over the long time of the BEPO pile experiments is subtracted from the total degradation observed, the radiolysis degradation yields, G*(-omp) calculated for the BEPO experiments are seen to be in general agreement with the Euratom and M.I.T. values. 6.2. Irradiations Performed by Phillips Petroleum Co. The Phillips Petroleum Company has also performed irradiations of encapsulated samples of each terphenyl isomer and Santowax OMP with 6 Mev electrons (6.8, 6.1). The capsules to be irradiated were located in a rotating cell so that complete mixing could be obtained during the irradiations. Unfortunately, the dose delivere4 to each sample was not measured and the Phillips Petroleum group reports that they calculated an "approximate dosage" (6.8) from the data obtained at Harwell with 1 Mev electrons (ki2, 6.6). They "estimated" (§.2) the dose delivered to their irradiated sample from the HB concentration versus irradiation dose curves of Santowax R and para-terphenyl given by Harwell. Therefore the results reported by Phillips Petroleum are not independent of the Harwell results and agreement is to be expected, considering the data reduction procedures. 6.3. A.E.C.L. Irradiations Electron irradiations of ortho, meta-terphenyl and Santowax OM have been reported by MaCkintosh (6.11). Boyd (61 6.14) has also performed irradiations on the same materials in two facilities in the NRX reactor0 These experiments will be reviewed in the following sections, although it should be understood that some of the results reported by Boyd are very recent and may not be in their final form. 6.3.1. Electron Irradiations by _Mcintosh_(6.ll 6.3.11. Irradiation Procedure The technique used is similar to Harwell's. About 6 mis, which occupied one third of the stainless steel cell, were irradiated and the irradiation temperature was kept within 50 C of the prescribed one. Dosimetry The total dose deposited in the coolant was measured by the input charge of 1 Mev electron delivering a beam current of 50pA. The dose rate in the volume of terphenyl actually stopping the electrons was about 73 watt/gm (6.11, 6.26), Analytical Determination Gases, HB and original components were determined by various methods. A micro-sublimation technique similar to Harwell's was used to determined the HB content of the irradiated sample. A precision of ± 10% is quoted for these determinations (6.12). The composition of the original components and biphenyl were obtained by gas chromatography. Experimental Results In one set of experiments, the degradation versus irradiation dose was obtained for ortho and meta-terphenyl at -65- 375 0C and Santowax OM at 375 and 450 0 C, by irradiating individual encapsulated samples of each material to different doses. Appendix A2 presents the data used to calculate the degradation rates, using first order kinetics. The data were originally evaluated by A.E.C.L. assuming second order kinetics. No attempt was made to calculate the G*(-i) values for Santowax OM at 4500c since the omp concentrations were not given for this temperature; the total concentrations of biphenyl and terphenyl were reported together for that irradiation. Table 6.4 presents the G* values obtained at M.I.T. from the A.E.C.L. data. Table 6.4 G*(-i) Values for the 3750C Electron Irradiations (A.E.C.L.) First Order Kinetics Component Ortho-terphenyl Meta-terphenyl Santowax OM G*(-i) (a) 0.20 G (-coolant) 0.11(b) 0.15 * 0.05 0.22 0 .0 8 c) 0.25 (a) The initial concentrations at zero dose were taken into account (b) 95% confidence limits based on scatter data only. (c) For Santowax OM, the values up to 46% HB were used. As mentioned earlier for Harwell experiments, it is highly possible that these G* values are lower than the true values, since the total mass of coolant was not irradiated and a complete mixing during irradiation may not have been realized (see Section 6.1.4 and Appendix Al). A.E.C.L. also investigated the effect of temperature by irradiating several samples of Santowax OM, all at a dose of 8.8 (watt)(hr)/(gm) but at different temperatures between 350 and 450*C (6.26). The percentage of omp and biphenyl is given -66- at each temperature and is also presented in Appendix A2. Table 6.5 and Fig. 6.3 present the differential G* values calculated for these data using first order kinetics and defined as ln CC0 G*(- (omp + biphenyl) ) = 11.65 (6.3) 8.8 Table 6.5 Differential G* Values at a Given Dose for Electron Irradiations A.E.C.L. Temperature ( 0C) G*(-(omp +f)) 350 375 390 396 405 412 420 435 450 0.29 0.32 0.36 0.35 0.35 0.34 0.41 0.49 0.56 This set of data is interesting since it can give an idea of the activation energy of the radiolytic process only, because the time of irradiation was so short that the pyrolysis effect, estimated using Fig. 5.1, was negligible even at the high temperatures. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that the above G* values should be corrected for the non-mixing effect and they include not only the terphenyls but also biphenyl. However, since ratios of these quantities will be used to calculate the activation energy of the radiolysis process, the different correction factors may tend to cancel. Assuming an Arrhenius type relation for the degradation yield G*(-i),an activation energy for radiolysis, AE., of about 2 kcal/mole is obtained from Fig. 6.3 for the temperature range 350 0 C to 412 0C, while in the range 420 0 C to 450 0C, a value of about 10 kcal/mole is obtained for AER* Whether this change in the value of AER is significant is not known; the change is not predicted on the basis of the pyrolysis data shown in Fig. 5.1. 6.3.2. Mixed In-Pile CapsuleExperiments In this section, Boyd's experiments (1, 6.14), in which the analyses of the omp content of the irradiated samples have 0. E o) 0.70 0.60 + 0 0.50 A 0. 'A 0. EL~ A A A A 0.31 A o L.J Q2(L- * u 0 0 0 0 0 to V. I I 1.40 FIG. 6-3 I I L 1.60 1.55 1.50 1.45 TEMPERATURE , I /T , OK-1 A. E.C. L. ELECTRON IRRADIATIONS AT DIFFERENT TEMPERATURES AND AT THE SAME DOSE , 8.8 WATT - HR/GM I -68- been given, are reviewed. Actually, most of the G values quoted by A.E.C.L. are calculated assuming second order kinetics, But when a set of data points was given at a specific temperature or dose rate, G*(-i) values have been recalculated using first order kinetics, so that comparisons with the results of other irradi4tions mentioned in this report, could be done. Sawyer and Mason have shown that, in general, first order kinetics provides (6_.) at least as good a fit as second order to the degradation results reported by a number of investigators. NRX, X-Rod Facility (6_131) Encapsultated Santowax OM has been irradiated in this facility at a dose rate of 330 t 33 mw/gm, of which 30% was due to fast neutron interactions (6.13). Table 6.6 presents the final concentrations of the irradiated samples. Table 6.6 Irradiation of Santowax OM by A.E.C.L. NRX, X-Rod Facility (6.1) Sample X 24 X 28 X 13 X 25 x 16 X 14 X 12 X 27 Temperature Composition 230 280 280-325 305 325 330 365-380 370 78.2 82.6 52.6 74.0 78.3 49.6 60.8 73.3 dose dose 11.25 7.82 31.40 11.32 8.60 31.20 14.80 8.22 Using all of the data for the irradiations carried out between 230 and 33000, a G*(-i) value, calculated using first order kinetics, was found to be G*(-omp) = 0.26 0.02 At 370 C, a value of G*(-omp) = 0.40 1 0.02 was calculated for the two data points X 12 and X 27. This last value yields to a pyrolytic constant of irradiated material kpr,omp of 3,6 x 10~ 3 hrwhich is higher than those quoted in Chapter V. However, the value of 0.26 between 230 and 3300C is consistent with the loop experiments. 6,3.2.2. E-3 Facility, N1X Reactor (6.14) Ortho and meta-terphenyl were irradiated at two different dose rates (100 and 300 mw/gm) and at various temperatures between 10000 and 450 0 C. When there were sufficient data, least square analyses of the data were performed, These data are listed in Appendix A2, and have been arranged the following way: - All the samples from 100 0C to 300 q were lumped together, since pyrolysis is insignificant in this range of temperature. It has also been observed that ortho and meta-terphenyl have the same radiolytic stability in this temperature range. These data were then analyzed by first order kinetics. - The irradiated samples of ortho-terphenyl between 3500C and 3750C were grouped together ond analyzed by first order kinetics, - The irradiations of ortho-terphenyl at 42400 were reduced separately. - For the other samples listed, only differential G values were calculated, as C lnwG*(-i) = 11.65 These last G* values could be subject to change since they are based but on one or two experimental points at very low dose rates (e.g. 1 to 3 watt-hr/gm). A small error in the measured composition of the irradiated sample or the measured dose could produce a large error in the calculated value of G -70- Table 6.7 G* Values of Irradiated Ortho and Meta-terphenyl E-3 Facility - NRX Reactor - (A.E.C.L.) (First-Order Kinetics) Component -- Temperature Dose Rate G*(-i) (0-------------w---)---- 0.1 and 0.3 0.35 + 0.03a 100-300 Ortho and meta 0.54 + 0.06 0.1 300-357 Ortho 0.52 + 0.02 0.1 353 Meta Ortho 424 0.1 1.59 + 0.11 L--------------------j---------------------(a) 95% confidence limits on scatter of data only. The energy deposition in the facility is equally divided between fast neutron and gamma ray interactions, i.e. fN = 0.50 (6.27). Between 100 and 300 0 C, radiolysis is the only significant degradation mechanism and the G*(-i) value of 0.35 is higher than the value found with loop experiments which was 0.26. At approximately the same dose rate, and with a fast neutron fraction of 30%, the G*(-omp) value obtained in the X-rod Facility was 0.26, which agrees with the results of the Euratom and M.I.T. loops and on that basis suggests G (-i)/G*(-i) = 1. However, if the results of the X-rod and E-3 facilities are = 0.58, compared according to Eq. (4.17), values of G*(-omp) N G*(-omp) = 0.12 and GN(-omp)/G*(-omp) -' 5 result. 6.4. Atomics International Irradiations Atomics International has conducted several mixed in-pile and electron irradiation studies on terphenyl materials: the five considered to be the most significant will be discussed in this section. The irradiations to be analyzed are the MTR In-Pile Loop studies (6.15), the OMRE (6.20), the two most recent capsule experiments conducted in the Curtiss-Wright Research Reactor (CWRR) (6.18), the experiments in the Oak Ridge Graphite Reactor (OGR) (6.19), and recent data on ortho-terphenyl with 1 Mev -71- electrons (6.25). The first two irradiations at the MTR and in the OMRE were specifically intended to show the behaviour and utility of terphenyl coolant whereas the capsule experiments were conducted to investigate the existence of a "fast neutron effect". 6.4.1. Transient In-Pile Loop Irradiations Biphenyl, two isomeric terphenyl mixtures -Santowax OM (65% ortho, 32% meta, 3% para) and Santowax R (10% ortho, 61% meta and 24% para)- and a mixture of isopropyl biphenyl were irradiated in an in-pile loop in the Material Testing Reactor (MTR) by Bley (6 15). Since this discussion is concerned with a comparison of results obtained with terphenyl coolants, only the results pertaining to Santowax OM and R irradiations will be considered here. The bulk temperature was maintained around 620 to 6504F. The dosimetry was performed with steel isothermal calorimeters to obtain the gamma heating rate, and with nickel foils to obtain the fast neutron heating rate. The average dose rate in the in-pile section was 0.33 watt/gm, of which 12% was due to fast neutron interactions. The errors estimated by Bley (6,15) were respectively t 15% in the total dose rate and t 50% in the fast neutron fraction. The concentrations of each terphenyl isomer were determined by gas chromatography developed by Keen (6.16) and the rate of disappearance of each component was found proportional to its concentration, as predicted by a first-order kinetics law (61), This correlation was used to obtain the following radiation yields G (-compound) which are equal to G*(-i) as defined in Chapter IV, -72- Table 6.8 G(-compound) Values for the MTR In-Pile Loop (First-Order Kinetics) Component G*(-I) = G(-1)/Ci Ortho 0.40 Meta Para 0.27 t 0,02 0.32 t 0.02 0 .0 2 a (a) These errors presumably do not inplude the errors quoted for the dosimetry Using a composition equivalent to Santowax WR (15% ortho, 75% meta, 5% para), a value of G*(-omp) = 0.27 was calculated for comparison with the data given in Chapter V. Due to the fact that the ratio of the in-pile to out-pile volume was between 0.16 to 0.21 ( .1), the average dose rate delivered to the total coolant was: (0.33 x 0.16) to (0.33 x 0.21) or 53 to 66 mw/gm Using Eq. (4,16) and a value of 6 x 10-5 for kproop obtained from Fig. 5.1, from Curve IV at 6200, the radiolytic contribution can be calculated; kpr,omp G*(-omp) = G*(-omp) + 11.65 r and with r = 60 mw/gm, G*(-omp) = 0.27 = GR(-omp) + 0.01 G*(-omp) = 0.26 This value of the radiolytic degradation yield is in good agreement with the data reported by Euratom and M.I.T. so that this last finding tends to show that in-pile loop experiments are consistent. -73- 6.4.2. Organi2_Moderated Reactor Experiment_OMRE Gercke and Trilling (6.20) report the degradation rates obtained at OMRE during the first set of experiments. The average dose rate delivered to the coolant in the core region The was 1.2 watt/gm of which 28% were due to fast neutrons, 0 reported values of these irradiations at 600 F are in terms of G(polymer) and G(-coolant) at different HB concentrations, which are shown in Fig. 6.3. The extrapolation of the data to 0% HB gives a G (-coolant) of 0.27. Also at 33% HB a G(-+ HB) = 0.14 ± 0,03 js quoted and. at the same HB concentration, the 610 0 F irradiatiop of Santowax which indicates OMP at M.I.T., gives G(+ HB) = 0.15 ± 0.01 ( good agreement. In the M.I.T. irradiations, the DP concentration (at 33 w/o HB) was 40 w/o. If this value is taken for both the OMBE and M.I.T. results, G*(e-:HB) = 0.23 and 0.25 are calculated for the two loops. These values indicate good agreement of the OMRE results with the Euratom, M.I.T. and MTR results for G*(-omp) = 0.26 t 0.01 (since G*(-.*HB) = G*(-omp) - G*(P-LIB)). This is true even though the experiments were done at different fast neutron fractions.At a temperature of 610 0 F and for the average dose rate of about 50 milliwatt/gm for the entire coolant in the OMRE, the pyrolysis correction G* pr (-omp) to G*(-omp) or G*(* HB) is negligible. 6.4.3. In-PileCapsuleExperiments in the CWRR and the OGR Capsule experiments were then conducted in two reactor facilities, the Curtiss-Wright Research Reactor (6.18), 1 MW swimming pool-type reactor, and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Graphite Reactor (6j1), 3.4 MW, air-cooled graphite pile, fueled with natural uranium, in order to ascertain the influence of fast neutrons. CWRR Facility In this facility, a mixture of ortho, meta and para-terphenyl (composition 1, 5, 2.8) was irradiated at temperatures 0.32 El o A 0.28 600*F 667*F 450 TO 675*F 00 0.24 0 j 0.20 _ I 0.16 0.12 0.08 _ I 0 FIG. 6.4 10 I I 20 30 HB CONCENTRATION, I 40 W/O DECOMPOSITION RATE OF OMRE COOLANT (6.20) -75- between 600 and 6500F. The dosimetry was based on two different measurements: the gamma dose rate was taken from the values reported by Curtiss-Wright personnel, and the fast neutron dose rate was determined using aluminum foil, The activity of this foil was related to the fast neutron flux and the total energy absorbed in terphenyls could then be calculated using the two previous determinations. A total dose rate of 400 mw/gm, of which 65% were due to fast neutrons, was reported with an error of + 50% (6.18). The irradiated samples were analyzed by gas chromatography and a Go(-coolant) based on a second order fit was found to be 0.51 at 0% DP concentration. Sawyer and Mason (6 ) using the given data of CWRR have calculated the following G*(-i) values assuming first order kinetics. At 6400F and with a dose rate in the order of 400 mw/gm, the pyrolysis contribution is negligible. Table 6.2 G*(-i) Values Obtained from CWRR at M.I.T. (First Order Kinetics) Component Ortho-terphenyl Meta-terphenyl Para-terphenyl Total terphenyl G*(..i) =G(-i)/Ci 0,51 0.41 0.37 0.39 0 ,0 7 a 0.07 0.08 0.07 (a) 95% confidence limits based on scatter in data only, Since the G*(-i) values also depend on the dose absorbed by the coolant, the errors on the G*(-1r) values quoted in Table 6.9 would be higher if the errors in dosimetry were included. Using the reported error of + 50% for the dosimetry, a value of G*(-omp) = 0.39 + 0.19 is obtained. This value does bracket the value of 0.26, obtained from the loop experiments. -76- OGR Facility Santowax OMP was then irradiated in the OGR Facility, because the CWRR had been shut down. The dosimetry and experimental techniques used during these irradiations were more refined and extensive than previously. The temperature of the capsules (620 0F) was kept constant with heaters, providing a flat temperature profile (19). The fast neutron and gamma ray contributions were obtained with threshold detectors and adiabatic calorimeters, The four threshold detectors that were used, are listed below. Table 6.10 Threshold Detectors for the 0GB Irradiations Threshold U238 Ni5 8 Mg2 4 Al27 (n,f) Bal40 (n,p) C05 8 (n,p) Na2 4 (nc)Na2 4 E = 1.5 Mev E = 4.5 Mev 6.3 Mev E E = 8.3 Mev Effective 0.54 0.0837 0.024 0.048 A Cranberg type fission spectrum was used to approximate the fast neutron flux and calorimetric measurements with carbon were performed to obtain the total dose, Hence, the respective contribution in the terphenyls, of gamma and fast neutron could be found (6.18). A total dose rate of 3 milliwatt/gm (of which 63% was due to fast neutrons) is reported. The compositions of the terphenyl isomers and the high boilers were respectively obtained by gas chromatography and distillation. Degradation rates were then calculated assuming second order kinetics. Sawyer and Mason, using the given data (6 l9) have calculated the following first order degradation yield (6.5). -77- Table 6.11 G*(-i) Values from OGR, for 6200?, Calculated at M.I.T. (First Order Kinetics) Component G*(-i)= Ortho-terphenyl Meta-terphenyl Para-terphenyl Total terphenyl 0.51 (i/ 0.13a 0.46 + 0.07 0.46 t 0.09 0.47 0.05 (a) 95% confidence limits based on scatter in data only. Note that although the OGR and CWBR irradiations had essentially the same fast neutron fraction (fN = 0.63 and 0.65 respectively), the G*(- coolant) values at about 6200F do not agree within the errors limitis (unless the + 50% error in dosimetry is considered and use of such a large possible error reduces the significance of the results to an almost meaningless value). At 6200F and an average dose rate of 3 milliwatt/gm, the pyrolysis contribution can be significant. The (final) DP concentrations reached in the OGR irradiations ranged generally from 15 to 30 w/o, which approach the DP concentrations in the irradiations used to define the pyrolysis constants given on Curve IV of Fig. 5.1. Thus, if the pyrolytic constant of irradiated material obtained by M.I.T. and Euratom in Curve IV of Fig. 5.1 is assumed to be valid for the OGR irradiations, at 6200, kpr,omp = 4 x 10-5 hr-1 then, G* so that (-amp) = 11.6 pr x 4 x 10- ~3 x 10 G*(-omp) = G*(-omp) = 0.15 =01 - G*(-mp) = 0.47 - 0.15 = 0.32 This pyrolysis corrected value is considerably closer to the value of 0.26 obtained with the loop experiments than the total (i.e. uncorrected) value, G*(-omp) of 0.47. Zack has averaged the total G(-coolant) values obtained in the OGR and CWRR and used values of [GY (-coolant ) from an unpublished report to calculate [GN(-coolant) / G(-coolantg The experimental basis for the [G (-coolant)] values is not stated but the value of fGy (-coolant) used at 0% DP was 0.186 and 0.075 at 30% DP; since these values agree very closely with a tabulation of the A.E.R.E. electron irradiation results,, (-coolant (6.20) the Gy values used by Zack are probably based on the A.B.R.E. electron results (see Section 6.1.4 for discussion of these results which are believed to be too low, due to poor mixing). The averaged total G(-coolant) values range from 0.56 at 0% DP to about 0.27 at 30% DP. From these values, Zack reports GN(-coolant 4. 2 at 0% DP and 5 at 30% DP. /GY (-coolant of about the pyrolysis corrected value of G*.(-coolant) -see abovei s used, the average G*(-coolant) at 0% DP drops from 0.56 to If R (0.32 t 0.05) + (0.39 t 0.0) 0.35 t 0,05 If a value of G* (-coolant) = 0.26 + 0,01, based on the MTR Y gamma irradiations (see Section 6.5.4) and the loop experiments, is employed in Eq. (4.17), G*(-coolant) is found to be 0.40 ± 0.10, giving G*(-coolant)/G*(-coolant) = 1.5 t 0.4 at 0% DP and 620 0p. 6.4.4. R2cent_Experiments More recently, capsule irradiations of ortho-terphenyl have been carried out with 1 Mev electrons at very high temperatures (from 7504F to 900 0 F) (6,|5). Benzene was used as a dosimeter and an average dose rate of 800 milliwatt/gm is reported for these irradiations. No details are yet available on the experimental apparatus, G*(-i) values were calculated at M.I.T. assuming first order -79- kinetics. These values are presented in Table 6,12. Table 6.12 Irradiation of Ortho-Terphenyl - 1 Mev Electrons Temperature (OF) (A I.) G*(-o# ) 752 802 0.49 + 0.10 1.18 t 0.12 850 2.49 + 2.51 898 3.36 t 0.76 (a) 95% confidence limits based on scatter in data only Hence, at 7504F, a G* e value of 0.49 is obtained, which is larger than those quoted by Harwell (6). The experimental equipment and procedures are not described with the data (6.1). Hence the extent of any non-mixing effect (see Section 6.1.4) cannot be estimated. Other data on pyrolysis of irradiated coolant at the high temperatures listed in Table 6.12 are not available so that a comparison of pyrolysis effects is not possible. 6.4.5. Conclusions on A.I. Experiments The G* values for the two loop experiments (MTR and OMRE) are in good agreement with the values obtained by Euratom and at M.I.T. for temperatures around 6000F. The fast neutron fraction for these four facilities varied from 12% to 44% and the pyrolytic contribution was very small. The total degradation rate was found to be 0.26 + 0.01. For the capsule experiments, the role of non-acopunted pyrolysis seems to give a better explanation for the values obtained at CWRR and OGR than that of a fast neutron effect. 6.5. California Research Corporation Irradiations In order to ascertain the absolute effect of fast neutrons and gamma rays, irradiations in a nearly pure fast neutron flux -80- (Susie Neutron Rich Canister) and a nearly pure gamma field (Susie Gamma Rich Canister and MTR Gamma Grid) were performed by the California Research Corporation (C.R.C.) (6.219 6.22). The total degradation rates obtained in these two different facilities were reported to be G*(-1) and G*(-1) respectively. N Y 6.5.1. Irradiation Procedure Irradiations were conducted in the Susie Reactor and in the MTR Gamma Facility at various temperatures: 4250F. 6000F, 6750F and 750 F, but all the data were not evaluated by C.R.C. because of the curtailment of the organic coolant program sponsored by the USAEC. Consequently, all the data reported for the irradiations of Santowax OMP were reduced at M.I.T. to give G*(-i) for each isomer and the sum of the three isomers; this produced some values not reported by C.R.C. and a check on the COR.C. calculations for the values reported. Generally, ten gram samples were irradiated in stainless steel capsules and a good temperature control was obtained in the MTR Facility (6.22). In the Susie experiments, the temperature control was such that the temperature of any capsule was generally maintained to within + 250F of its average temperature (sometimes excursions of about 500F occurred); furthermore capsule to capsule temperature sometimes would be as much as 250F (6.22). Since pyrolysis of irradiated terphenyls now appears to be more rapid than that of unirradiated terphenyls, the temperature of each irradiated capsule requires close control in order to obtain consistent results, especially at temperatures over about 6000F for irradiations conducted at low dose rates. 6.5.2. Dosimetry An extensive program (6.21), using both isothermal calorimeter and fast neutron detectors, was set up to measure the dose received by each capsule. Isothermal calorimeters including various absorbers, such as polystyrene, carbon, magnesium, aluminum and terphenyl for the Neutron Rich Facility, and beryllium, carbon, magnesium and aluminum for the Gamma Rich one, were used to measure the overall dose rate in the two facilities. Those measured total dose rates were analyzed to determine the gamma and fast neutron contributions. To do this, an estimate of the neutron flux was required (6.21),and two different approaches were used: l.In the first one9 perturbations of the absorbers and reflectors on the known Susie flux were calculated, in order to find the new flux. 2.The second approach was experimental: the fast flux was determined using neutron threshold foils listed in Table 6.13, Table 6.1 Threshold Detectors Used in Susie Reaction Pu 2 3 9 (nf) F.P. N2 3 7 (n,f) F.P. U 2 3 8 (nf)F.P. S32 (np)P3 2 Al 2 7 (nc) Na24 Et (Mev) at (10-24) 0.01 0.6 1.7 1.6 1.5 3.0 8.1 0.55 0.30 0.11 The thermal and epithermal fluxes were also measured with three foils, namely Au197, C05 9 and Mn5 5 , and it was found that they gave an insignificant contribution to the total dose (6.21). A Cranberg type spectrum was then used to relate the activities of the threshold measurements and a good agreement was found between these calculations and the theoretical ones, using the known Susie flux (6.21). The neutron energy distribution in the Susie Neutron Rich Canister was quite different from a fission spectrum joined to a 1/E epithermal component, presumably due to the presence of the absorbers which were located between the Susie core and the canister in order to increase the fast neutron fraction. The effect of variation in fast neuitron spectrum on coolant degradation has not been studied, The calculated dose rate in the Susie canisters was 10 to 15 milliwatt/gm. In the MTR -82- Gamma Grid, ionization chambers, which were found more reliable than calorimeters, were utilized to measure the total dose delivered to the irradiated samples (6 ). Use of calorimeters for dose rate measurements at such low dose rates as 10 to 15 milliwatt/gm is, in general, not very precise. 6.5.3. Analytical Determination andExperimnental Results Gas chromatography was chosen to find the disappearance of each isomer in the irradiated material. The experimental data seemed to fit first order kinetics best, over the entire range of dose, within the experimental errors. First order rate constants were calculated at each temperature, for the neutron rich and gamma rich facilities. C.R.C. Initial G*(-i) values were calculated by only at 6000F for each isomer and are listed in Table 6.14. Table 6.14 Initial G* Values for Irradiation of Pure Terphenyl Isomers at 6004F, From the Susie Canisters (C.R.C) Material Ortho-terphenyl Meta-terphenyl Para-terphenyl [G*n(-i)1 a [G*(i1 0.79 0.34 0.69 0.59 0.27 0.27 (a) Susie Neutron Rich Canister Irradiations (b) Gamma Rich Canister Irradiations These G*(-i) values obtained under fast neutron and gamma fluxes were reported as G* (-i) and LG(, i.e. degradation rates due entirely to one or the other type of radiation. C.R.C. therefore concluded that a fast neutron effect of about 2.4 existed at 6000F (6.22). This conclusion is discussed in the following section. 6.5.4. Interpret ation of the Experimental Results Since all the analyses of the irradiated samples were reported (6.22) for each irradiation in terms of the relative disappearance -83- of each terphenyl isomer (i.e. , C being the weight fraction of component i) the degradation Ates of Santowax OMP and of each terphenyl isomer in these irradiations were calculated at M.I.T. using first order kinetics and the calculated concentrations, C (details of these calculations are given in Appendix A3). As can be seen from Table 6.15 and 6.16 for these cases where C,R.Q. had also evaluated G*(-I) values, a good agreement is generally found between the degradation yields calculated by M.I.T. and by C.R.C. Table 6.17 presents the G*(-i) values calculated at M.I.T. from the first order rate constants given by C.R.C. (6.22) for the irradiations of pure terphenyl isomers, Note that the G*(-1) values presented by C.R.C., which are listed in Table 6.14, are those obtained with the irradiations in the two Susie Canisters of pure terphenyl isomers and not Santowax OMP (see Table 6.17). Whereas a good agreement is found between degradation yields obtained in the MTR Gamma Grid and the Susie Gamma Rich Canister irradiations at 6000F for the pure terphenyl isomers (see Table 6.17), the values obtained from the irradiations of Santowax OMP at 425 0? and 6000P in these two facilities do not agree as well (compare Tables 6,15 and 6.16). Differences also exist between the G*(-i) values obtained from the Santowax OMP irradiations, for each terphenyl isomer, and from the irradiations of the pure isomers (compare Tables 6.15 6.16, 6.17). The G* (-omp) values of 0.25 obtained at 4250F and 6000F Y in the MTR Gamma Grid irradiations agree closely with the total G*(-omp) values found at these temperatures in the various loop irradiations (and thus with the G* (-omp) values since pyrolysis was negligible at those temperatures). Thus, a ratio G(-omp) 1 is indicated. G*.. -omp Y To estimate the pyrolysis contribution in the MTR gamma irradiations, the results shown in Fig. 5.1 were used. At 7500F the value of kpr for the one Santowax OMP irradiation reported (see Fig. 5.1) was about 20% lower than the corresponding value of Santowax WR. This difference may be due to the greater -84- concentration of para-terphenyl in the Santowax OMP. In the following discussion it is assumed that this factor can be applied to Curve IV (Santowax WR and terphenyl OM.2) over the temperature range 6750F to 7500 F, to obtain kpr for Santowax OMP. For the 7 50 CF irradiations in the MTR Gamma Grid, the G* values obtained is based on an irradiated sample whose final concentration in terphenyls is around 50 weight percent so that the pyrolysis information presented in Fig. 5.1 may be applicable. of 8 x 10~4 hr~ is found at From Fig. 5.1 a value of k 7500F, and from Eq. (4.16) (using the average dose rate of 18 milliwatt/gm obtained from the calculated dose rate and the reported irradiation time (6.22)) G* (i) pr and 11.65 x 8 x 10~4 18 x 10-3 = 0.52 G*(-omp) = 0.75 - 0.52 = 0.23 + 0.05 within the estimated error limits, this value G*(-omp) agrees with those obtained at 425 and 6000 F. At 675 F the final degradation product concentration in the MTR irradiations of Santowax OMP reached was only about 22% so that the information in Fig. 5.1 for irradiated coolant may not be directly applicable. Using the [G*(-i)] = 0.63 and G*(-i) = 0.25 values ob- 425 0 F (presented in Tables 6.15 and 6.16) tained by C.R.C. at and Eq. (4.16), it is possible to calculate the G*(-i) values which should be obtained at that temperature by Euratom (Grenoble, France), A.E.C.L. and M.I.T. (6.5). No pyrolysis term is required at this temperature. These values are presented in Table 6.18 where the calculated G*(-i) values are all higher than those observed experimentally. A similar analysis has been performed by C.R.C. (6.22), where the 600 0 F data and a value of [Gg(-i) /[Gc(-i)] of 2.3 were used. The calculated values (except for those from BEPO), were all higher by 10 to 50% than the reported values. The temperature Table 6.15 G*(-i) Values for the Susie Reactor Neutron Rich Canister and Gamma Rich Canister . Santowax OMP Irradiations I- Temperature Facility Calculated by (F) 425 G* (- 00, Neutron 750 G* (-mO3 G* (-Pn M.I.T. 0.70 t.lla 0.57 ± 0.11 0.84 C.R.C.b 0.67 0. 58 0.99 Gamma Rich Neutron Rich M.I.T. 0.12 0.25 0.18 1 0.70 M.I.T. 0.08 Gamma Rich M.I.T. Neutron Rich M.I.T. 0.74 0073 0.28 0.30 1.70 Rich 600 G*(-i) = G (-1)/Ci C.B.C. C.R.C. ,C.R.Cl. 0.14 0.33 G*(-omp) 0.42 0.63 0.10 0.28 0.88 0.18 0.04 0.66 t 0.55 0.60 0.08 0.66 0.05 0.70 0.21 1 0.50 0.24 1.41 t 0.14 0.59 0.08 0m06 1.41 I 0.11 0.20 0.09 0.08 1.45 0.16 1.62 . . . . .1a§-- -- - (a) 95% confidence limits based on scatter in data only. (b) obtained from the First Order Rate Constants For Disappearance of Polyphenyls quoted by C.R.C. (6.22), k; G*(-i) == 11.65 k. Table 6.16 G*(-i) Values for the Santowax OMP Irradistions, M.T.R. Gamma Facility (Q.R.C.) - - - ) G - --- - -----G*(-pA) G*-i Temperature (OF) - ----G*(-o - --) ------- - - -G*(-m) - ------- 425 (M.I.T.)* 0 .3 5 a 0.25 (C.R.C.) 600 (M.I.T.) (C.R.C.) 0.23 0.47 0.16 675 (M.I.T.) 0.58 (C.R.C.) 750 (M.I.T.) (C.R.C.) - --G*(-omp) ,.-"-*- - --- 0.25 0.25 0.20 0.28 0,25 0.29 0.46 0.38 0.47 0.57 1 .3 0 ±0.10b 0.71i0.04 0.98 0.57±O.03 0.75*0.05 (a) values based on two data points (b) average value of the two data points (c) ( ) refers to laboratory making calculations - Table 6.17 G*(-i) Values for the Irradiations of Pure Terphenyl Isomers (C.R.C.)a Temperature (.F.) ... 425 600 Facility 750 Meta G*(-M 3) Para G* (-pn )--- Susie Neutron Rich MTR Gamma Grid 0.75 0.66 0.60 0.18 0.17 0.13 Susie Neutron Rich Susie Gamma Rich 0.79 0.69 0.59 MTR 675 Compound: Ortho G* (-oo3) Gamma Grid Gamma MTR Grid Susie Neutron Rich MTR Gamma Grid I 00 0.34 0.27 0.27 0.35 0.26 0.31 0.72 0.41 0.37 1.98 1.38 0.91 0.89 0.67 0.63 (a) These values were obtained by multiplying the first order rate constants reported by C.R.C. (6.22), by 11.65. The confidence limits or errors were not quoted. Table 6.18 Predictions of G*(-omp) Values At 425*F From C. R. C.o Data TG* Facility fN Euratom M.I.T. 0,18 0.37 A.E.C.L. 0.50 "pop) calculated from C.R.C. data 0.3? 0.39 0.45 G(op G*(~omp) observed 0.24 0.26 0.33 -89- variations in the Susie Neutron Rich Canister and high value of that was used for these calculations could G*(-i /G*(-i) easily account for this discrepancy between calculated and measured G*(-i) values. If the temperature variations during the irradiation periods were available, it would be possible to calculate the pyrolytic degradation rate using pyrolytic rate constants of irradiated materials . Using Eq. (4.16) radiolytic degradation rates could be calculated after correction for pyrolysis as it has been shown in this section for the MTR irradiation at 7500F. Hence values of G*(-I) instead of[G*(-i3 and G*(-i) instead of G*(-i) would be found and the "fast neutron effect" defined as G*(-i) / G*(-i) could be recalculated, (This ratio would presumably be lower than actually found), In summary, the C.R.C. values of G*(-i) obtained with the MTR Gamma Grid agree closely with the G*(-i) values obtained in the various terphenyl loop irradiations. However the G*(-i values reported by C.R.C. from the Susie irradiations are considerably higher than the G*(-i) values obtained with the loops. The (G*(-i3 values from the Susie irradiations scatter considerably but are lower than the [G*(-i)Jvalues. The significance of the higher[G*(-i) values from the Susie irradiations is not known. The dose rates in the Susie experiments were quite low and measurements of the dose rates with high precision would be much more difficult than in the loop experiments where the dose rates in the irradiation zone were of the order of 10 to 40 times greater. The temperature control was also sufficiently unstable to have caused some of the differences. -90- CHAPTER VII CONCLUSIONS Using the methods discussed in Chapter IV comparisons of all the irradiations considered in Chapters V and VI are summarized in Tables 7.1 and 7.2. Table 7.1 presents a comparison of Atomics International, Euratom and M.I.T. loop results. Table 7.2 presents a comparison of the results from capsule irradiations carried out by A.E.C.L. of Canada, Atomics International, California Research Corporation and A.E.R.E. Harwell (England). 7.1. at Loop Irradiations The following observations can be made from the results of the in-pile loop irradiation experiments: a) Considering all the results, there is no significant change in the total rate of terphenyl degradation with temperature up to about 6100F but the rate increases rapidly above 700 OF b) When the contribution of pyrolysis of irradiated terphenyl is taken into account, good agreement is found between G*(-i) values from the Euratom, M.I.T. and MTR loops and from the OMRE. At low temperature (below 6000F) all the loop results obtained at different fast neutron fractions agree, hence suggesting equal degradation yields for gamma ray and fast neutron irradiation. c) Degradation by pyrolysis becomes a significant factor in the total degradation at a temperature above about 7000 F (3700 C) and the major factor at temperatures above about 750 OF (400 0 C). The magnitude of the relative contribution of pyrolysis and radiolysis depends on the dose rate, temperature and ratio of in-pile to out-of-pile volume. The low-temperature loop irradiations reported by Euratom suggests an activation energy for radiolysis, AER, Of about 0.5 kcal/mole, but the confidence limits of this low d) value are not known. The M.I,T. results indicate AER = 0* Additional low temperature irradiations are required to establish the magnitude of AER. Table 7.1 Loop Irradiations w Facility MTB OMBE EURATOM BLO2 BLO3 M.I.T. Santowax B Santowax OMP TerphenylOM.2 TerphenylOM.2 Santowax OMP Santowax WR remperature (OF) 620-30 600 390 610 770 806 680 770 6100 750 425 700 750 780 0 0 0 Material Irradiated Average Dose rate fN G* (-omp) 0.060 0.12 0.28 0.27 0.26 0.044 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.17 0.15 0.15 0.24 0.26 0.045 0.039 0.038 0.021 0.015 0.017 0.017 0.024 0.022 0.020 0.020 0.37 0.37 0.44 0.44 0.44 0044 0.58 1.06 0.29 1.16 0.26 0.53 0.27 0.37 0.55 0.77 G a 0.01 0 0 0 0.34 0.78 0.02 0.93 0 0.27 0 0.10 0.29 0.51 G*(-omp)b 0.26 0.26 0.24 0.26 0.24 0.28 0.27 0.23 0.26 0.26 0.27 0.27 0.26 0.26 (a) Values obtained using Eq. (4.15) and Curve IV from Fig. 5.1, assuming AE, =0 (b) Values obtained using Eq. (4.16) (c) Irradiation capsule temperature (see Chapter V) Table 7.2 Capsule Irradiations __________________________ Facility ------- I -t Material Irradiated I--------------- Dose Rate Temperature (OF) .-- -6 - - G*(-i) IG (-HB) watt/gm ------ ---- -- -- -- - I - (*HB) I A -- -- ~~ (-I)q 0 G* (-1) U G (-i) (+j31HBI) -- - ----- I 2 3 4 5 6 Electrons Santowax OM 707 7.3 0 0.22 NRX Reactor ortho and meta Santowax up to 570 0.100 and 0.300 0.50 0.35 1.7 up to 570 0.330 0.30 0.26 1 750 0.800 0 0.49 Santowax OMP 620 0.003 0.64 0.47 Santowax OMP Santowax OMP 600 0.011 0 0.25 600 0.015 0.95 0.66 Santowax R para Santowax R 750 660 750 ~1v vo.001 0.008 0 0 0.54 1 7 8 10 9 A.E.C.L. E-3 X-rod OM 0.18 A.I. Electrons OGR ortho 4.3 2.2 C.R.C. NTR Gamma Grid Susie 2.4 A.E.R.E. Electrons Gamma Rays BEPO & J 0.19 0.28 1.30 A L 10.5 ~J2 assumed 10.5 1 __________ .1 -93- 7.2. Capsule Irradiations In Table 7.2, capsule irradiations are listed according to the following format: - Column 6 presents the total degradation yield values, G*(-1), calculated from experimental data, where available, assuming first-order kinetics. - Column 7 presents the initial G(r- HB) values quoted by some investigators instead of G*(-i) values. - Column 8 presents the "fast neutron effect" based on the electron degradation yield values without any correction for pyrolysis, [G,(- HB)J, as reported in the original reports for second-order kinetics. - As a comparison, Column 9 presents the calculated "fast neutron effect" not corrected for pyrolysis, based on firstorder kinetics. - Column 10 presents the "fast neutron effect" which has been corrected for pyrolysis, as G*(-i)/G*(-i), for all the capsule experiments considered for the G*(-i) values from Column 6 assuming G*(-i) = 0.26 (which agrees with the results of the loop experiments and the results of the MTR gamma and Harwell gamma irradiations). The following observations are made: a) The gamma degradation yields G*(-i) obtained using gamma irradiation facilities agree closely with the values of G*(-I) obtained from a comparison of the results of in-pile Y loop experiments. b) The electron degradation yields, G (- HB), reported from the electron irradiations of A.E.R.E. and A.E.C.L. are lower than those reported by A.I. and also lower than the yields obtained with gamma irradiation by A.E.,R.E. and C.RC,, These discrepancies are discussed in Appendix Al, on the basis of incomplete mixing of the samples during irradiation. On this , quoted in H basis, therefore, the ratios [GN (e(+ Column 8 are therefore considered to be too high, c) If the results of the capsule irradiations are all analyzed by first-order kinetics to obtain G*(-i) values, and these values are corrected for pyrolysis (see Eq. (4.16)), and a value of G*((-i) = 0.26 is employed consistently, the magnitude Y of "fast neutron effect" is lowered significantly from values previously reported for capsule irradiations. In no case is the pyrolysis corrected ratio, G*(-i)/G*(-i), greater than 2.5, and in one case where one determination gives a value of 1,7, there is additional data from the same source which gives a ratio of unity. The discrepancies between capsule experiments have been reduced considerably by the analytical methods employed in this investigation. Much of the remaining differences between the results from the various capsule irradiations and between the results from capsule and loop irradiations may be due to differences in the experimental techniques such as: 1. Variations in the experimental conditions (e.g. temperature control and mixing effects). 2. Different analytical methods used to determnQ the coolant composition of the irradiated samples. For instance, both micro-sublimation, distillation and gas chromatography have been used in the different irradiations. 3. The dosimetry including the determination of the various fluxes and neutron spectrum in each facility. 7.3. Summary In summary, an analysis of all the data considered in Tables 7.1 and 7.2 indicates that the assumption of the additivity of radiolysis and pyrolysis of irradiated terphenyl gives a better correlation between all the investigations considered up to the present time than does the assumption of an LST or "fast neutron effect". Comparison of the results of loop irradiations indicates = 1.0, while comparison a fast neutron effect ratio, G*(-i)/G*(-i) N y of irradiations of encapsulated samples indicates a ratio, G*(-i)/G*(-i) of between 1 and a high of about 2. N y The rate of pyrolysis of irradiated terphenyls (containing about 30% HB) at any temperature in the range 400OF to 800 0 F -95- has been found to be significantly higher than that of unirradiated terphenyl, The activation energy for pyrolysis of irradiated terphenyl containing about 30% HB, AEpr has been found to be less than that of unirradiated terphenyl (around 40 kcal/mole for irradiated terphenyl, opposed to 70 kcal/mole for unirradiated terphenyl coolant). The activation energy of radtolysis, 4ER, appears to be very low (in the range of zero to 2 kcal/mole). -96- APPENDIX Al The Effect of Non-Mixing on Observed Harwell Ge Values To explain the apparent discrepancy between earlier G (-*-HB) values (Al.1, A.2)., and more recent values of GY('-HB) (Al), a study of the experimental equipment and techniques employed in the Harwell experiments was made. A schematic of the Harwell electron irradiation capsule is shown in Fig. 6.1. Note that the volume being irradiated is a small portion of the total volume of material in the capsule. Further, because of the geometry, it is possible that complete, continuous mixing did not occur. The integrated amount of degradation products formed in the irradiation volume, is proportional to the amount of terphenyl present at any time in all cases, except for zero order kinetics. Hence, if the volume irradiated is subsequently diluted with non-irradiated, or partially irradiated material, the total amount of degradation observed for the dose specified would be lower than if the entire volume had irradiation (oruriformly irradiated). the fact that the reaction order is the concentration of material being volume, is decreasing and therefore been uniformly mixing during This is a direct result of greater than zero, and that degraded in the irradiated the absolute degradation rate is decreasing more rapidly than it would if complete, continuous mixing existed. The effects of lack of mixing during irradiation can be illustrated for zero and first order kinetics, by comparing the results obtained in two assumed experiments: 1. The entire sample to be irradiated is divided into equal parts which are not mixed together during irradiation. One part receives all the radiation and the other none. Following irradiation, the two halves are mixed to give the final average concentration. Thus, the irradiated part is subjected to a specific dose twice that of the average for the entire sample. -97- 2. The entire sample is irradiated to a specific dose equal to that of the average of case 1. The dose rates for cases 1 and 2 are the same. For zero-order kinetics (see Fig. A1.1) the degradation yield -d d'r is a constant, so that similar results are obtained either by 1. irradiating half the sample to a dose of 2T (from point A to point B in Fig. Al.1) and then diluting the irradiated coolant with the unirradiated portion of the sample (from point B to C), 2. irradiating the whole sample to a given dose T (point C). Note that the slope, , is the same for 1 and 2. For first-order kinetics (see Fig, Al.2) different degradation yields are obtained if the two different irradiations described are carried out since the following relationship now holds dC ~ Cdr - d ln C dT k G* k1.65 Hence, in this particular example, 1. Point E is obtained when half the sample is irradiated to twice the average dose (represented by B) and then diluted with the unirradiated portion. 2. For a given dose T, point C is obtained when the whole mass is irradiated uniformly (or the entire sample is completely mixed during irradiation). Note that the slope of the line A to R for Case 1, used to calculate the degradation yield, is less than the slope of the line A to C for Case 2. Thus, G*(-i) values obtained under conditions of no-mixing between irradiated and unirradiated portions are lower than G*(-i) values obtained with complete mixing or uniform irradiation. Although the cases shown here are for the complete absence of mixing, qualitatively the G*(-i) values obtained with various -98- A 0.9 0.8 C 0.7 _ I- -N z 0.6 z 0.5 - .B -N 0.4 -N 0 -N 0.3 0.2 0.1 FIG. Al-I T ZERO ORDER KINETICS 1.0 0.9 0.8 z 0 0.7 0.6 !- 0.5 0.4 Q3 FIG. Al-2 FIRST ORDER KINETICS 2T DOSE -99- degrees of poor mixing would also be lower than with complete mixing. Furthermore, second-order reactions are even more sensitive to lack of complete mixing than are first-order reactions. Assuming first-order kinetics, it is possible to write a set of equations describing the two different irradiations and to calculate the ratio of the two G*(-i) values obtained with incomplete and complete mixing. These calculations whose results are presented in Table Alcl have been carried out for three different observed coolant concentrations (concentration represented on C in Fig. A1.2) and a ratio of 1/2 between the irradiated and unirradiated volume. Furthermore it was assumed that the coolant concentration in the unirradiated volume was not 100% but was slightly contaminated with degradation products (i.e., C0 98%). Table Al-1 The Effect of Non-Mixing on Observed G* Values Case 1 Case 2 E 0.82 0-75 0,60 0 o.98 0.98 0.98 B 0.66 0.52 0.22 0.80 0,71 0.47 091 0.85 0,66 C Mixing Case 3 For the A.E.R.E. and A.E . C . L. electron irradiations where the range of electrons was smaller than the geometrical dimensions of the irradiation cell, the irradiated volume was only a small fraction of the total one. From Fig. 6.1, assuming a total mass of terphenyl of 7.7 gm, a density of one and an electron range of 1%, 0.6 cm., the ratio between the irradiated and unirradiated volume in Harwell electron irradiations is approximately 1/8. -100- Details and description of the A.E.C.L. irradiation cell were not given with the reported values but it is estimated from "the energy deposition rate in the volume of terphenyl actually stopping electrons", 73 watt/gm (Al.4) and the average dose rate 7.3 watt/gm (A1.5) that a ratio of about 1/10 exists between the irradiated and unirradiated volumes. These ratios should not be used to calculate the effect of non-mixing since there was undoubtedly some mixing between the irradiated and unirradiated zones. However, considering the absence of mechanical agitation, the design of the capsule, the high dose rates and short times of irradiation, one should not assume complete mixing. This suggests that the G (-i) values reported by AE.R.E. and A.E.C.L. may be lower than GY(-i) values due to the "poor mixing effect. APPENDIX A2 A.E.C.L. Irradiation Data A2.1 Electron Irradiations The data presented in Table A2.1 through A2.3 were analyzed assuming first order kinetics and the different G* values obtained are listed accordingly. The errors quoted for all the G* values are based on 95% confidence limits on scatter of data only. The disappearance of the initial component for the electron is irradiationsof ortho and meta-terphenyl at 3750C (A2) listed in Table A2.1. The omp concentrations of the irradiated samples of Santowax OM at 375 0 C (A2.2) are listed in Table A2.2. Table A2.1 Van de Graaf Irradiations of Ortho and Meta-terphenyl at 3750C (707 0 P) - (A.E.C0.L) Terphenyl and HO Concentrations dose Component cornpositi on (1/o)1initial component HB(/) 100 80.8 61.6 51.2 40.8 0 8.8 17.25 25.0 38.9 25.4 100 80.7 77.0 64.7 0 9.8 18.7 27.3 50.8 50.6 39.6 0 Ortho 8.8 17.6 25.4 50.8 20Q* 0.11 iL(:11_! 0 8.8 Meta 17.6 G*(-I) = 0.15 t 0.05 -102- Table A2.2 Van de Graaf Irradiations of Santowax OM at 375 0 C (A.E.C.L.) Terphenyl and HB Concentrations Dose----------- CornpositionA!I2... HB (w/o) Total amp (w/o) Sample Number 0 58 + 62 61 + 66 48 + 49 + 69 60 54 63 56 67 64 57 + 59 65 71 70 0 4.4 6.6 8.89 13.2 17.6 26.4 35.2 44.0 52.8 64.2 88.0 96.8 105.8 ------------------------ 98.2 81.7 81.5 74.7 71.1 55.9 62.4 46.7 42.9 46.8 6.25 6.95 14.40 15.2 27.3 23.2 34.7 37.1 41.0 36.0 33.7 49.75 50.3 27.2 24.2 58.6 64.8 An initial G* value of 0.22 + 0.08 was calculated for the first seven sets of irradiated samples assuming first order kinetics. -103- Table A2.3 presents the final concentrations obtained at various temperatures by irradiating Santowax OM at a given dose (A2.2). The G*(-i) values quoted were calculated using Eq. (A2.1). In G*-)=11.65 where C (A2,1) -r C = the final concentration C = the initial concentration T = the dose received in (watt))(hr)/(gm) Table A2.3 Van de Graaf Irradiations of Santowax OM at Different Temperatures (A.E.C.L.) Dose: 8.8 (watt)(hr)/(gm) Terphenyl and HB Concentrations Teinpegture- Composition Wo. G* (.~ 350 375 390 396 80.4 78.9 10.9 11-2 0.29 0.32 75.6 76.6 14.5 405 77.1 14.4 0.36 0.35 0.35 412 420 77.5 73.2 18.7 435 69.1 Z2.9 450 65.8 28.4 0.34 0q41 0.49 0.56 -104- A2.2 In-Pile Irradiations The irradiations performed in the E-3 Facility of the NRX Reactor (A2.4) are listed in the following tables and G* values were calculated using first order kinetics. Whenever possible, G* values were obtained by a first order least square fit of the data available. Otherwise, differential G* values were calculated using Eq. (A2.1). Table A2.4 Irradiation of Ortho and Meta-terphenyl NRX Reactor, E-3 Facility (A.E.C.L.) 100 - 300 0 C Terphenyl Concentration and Dose Received Temperature (0C) Sample Number Terphenyl Dose Concentration (watt) (hr)/(gm) G* (-i) differential Ortho-terphenyl I E 12 E 32 E 34 E 30 E 62 I 102- 9 136- 8 146-52 170- 2 176 -7 173 253 -9 303 59.51 86.38 63.26 91.46 6.12 15.0 4.55 13.9 0.36 0.40 0.38 0.39 0.48 97.1 2.19 0.42 84.43 4.75 0.42 84.28 4.12 0.49 187- 8 318-23 85.47 4.30 0.44 83.37 3.92 0.54 E 33 E 35 E 31 136- 8 146-52 170- 2 63.04 85.74 67.24 15.1 4.44 13.62 0.35 0.41 0.34 E 105 203- 4 83.66 5.81 0.36 ---------- --------------------------- ----------- E 64 E 11 E 10 E 77 E 84 Meta-te rphenyl I 82.91 Dose rate 100 mw/gm 1 II Dose rate ~'300 mw/gm G*(-i) = 0.35 * 0.03 obtained by a least square calculation of the given data as.suming first order kinetics -105- Table A2.i7 Irradiation of Ortho and Meta-terphenyl NRX Reactor, E-3 Facility (A.E.C.L,) at 350 0 C Terphenyl Concentration and Dose Received Sample Number [ Terphenyl Temperature Concentration (oc) - (w/o) -- - Dose (watt) (hr)/(gn) Ortho-terphenyl E E E E E E 23 38 40 7 9 36 E 66 4.40 350 353 353 350-7 354-6 354 79.7 354 94.7 0.57 52.84 12.88 78.06 3.52 4.82 4.44 11.68 74.56 76.96 54.72 Meta-terphenyl E 37 354 62.5 10,95 E 68 353 82.8 4.11 Dose rate 0.100 watt/gm G*(-i) = 0.54 + 0.06 obtained by a least square calculation of the above given data, assuming first order kinetics. -106- Table A2.6 Irradiation of Ortho-Terphenyl NEX Reactor, E-3 Facility (A.E,C.L.) at 4240C Terphenyl Concentration and Dose Sample Number G*(-i) Dose Temperature Terphenyl (00) Concentration (watt)(hr)/gm differential -------------------------E 13 E 56 E 58 424 424 424 65.23 80.18 45.68 2.52 0.95 5.05 1.98 2.73 1.81 2.12 2.16 67.61 424 ~~L-------- --------------------Dose rate 0.100 watt/gm G*(-i) = 1,59 t 0.11 obtained by a least square calculation of the given data, assuming first order kinetics. E 60 -107- Table A2.7 Sample Number Irradiation of Ortho and Meta-terphenyl NRX Reactor - E-3 Facility (A.E.C.L.) Terphenyl Concentration and Dose 0.100 watt/gm Dose Rate Dose G* (-i) Temperature Terphenyl Concentration (watt) (hr)/gm differential (OC) Ortho-terphenyl E E E E E E 8 74 14 21 22 28 397-400 401 416-417 444 449 447-449 69.01 88.14 65.86 68.84 69.13 66.06 Meta-terphenyl E 29 Dose rate Dose rate 44 7- 44 9 81.75 0.100 watt/gm 0.100 watt/gm 3.94 1.10 0.55 3.12 2.19 1.24 1.01 2.68 1-K 1.56 2.88 3.50 4.75 2.25 -108- Table A2.8 Irradiation of Ortho and Meta-terphenyl Sample Number NRX Reactor, E-3 Facility (A.E.C.L.) Terphenyl Concentration and Dose Dose Rate 0.300 watt/gm Terphenyl Dose Temperature Concentration (-1) (watt) (hr)/gm dif G* (OC) f erential (w/o) Ortho-terphenyl E 82 390-403 404-408 E 85 E 83 416-423 E 78 E 79 E 76 427-430 439-441 447-452 83.77 81.76 78.16 1.36 1.53 1,46 1 *48 1.62 73.83 1.67 2.11 70.64 1.26 3.21 66.49 1.31 3.62 88.56 3.25 o.44 86.08 80.00 2.17 1.89 1.91 1.32 1.51 0.80 1.95 Meta-terphenyl E E E E E E 100 106 103 99 102 104 356 411-41 5 438 422-43 :1 450 444 ---- Dose Rate 83.56 81.78 83.72 I----. 0.300 watt/gm 1.37 1.11 1.79 -109- APPENDIX A3 CONCENTRATION OF THE TERPHENYL ISOMERS IN THE SANTOWAX OMP IRRADIATIONS OF CALIFORNIA RESEARCH CORPORATION Since the concentration of each terphenyl isomer in the Santowax OMP irradiations performed by California Research Corporation were given as Ci C0 ,I where at a given dose = composition of component i C composition of component i C o = initial and since not all the dose rates were reduced in (watt)(hr)/(gm), the absolute concentration of each terpbenyl isomer and of omp in each irradiated capsule, and the dose received in each case, ), as shown below. were calculated from the given raw data (A Susie Experiments DTOTAL = IAMY RH + AN In } D = total dose in (watt)(hr)/(gm) P = number of megawatt-hours AMy = 0.53396 (neutron canister and gamma canister) AMqn = 4.4737 (neutron canister) RH and InH given (A3.l) The initial composition of each terphenyl isomer in Santowax OMP was (A,): Composition (w/o) Component 14.08 Ortho-terphenyl 71.24 Meta -terphenyl 14.41 Para -terphenyl -110- MTR Experiments x 0.52974 l10~ D DY = 83.8 x R x 3,600 X 0.50307 D R Y = total dose in (watt)(h4/(gm) is given and expressed in roentgens (ll) The initial composition or each terphenyl isomer in Santowax OMP was ( Component Ortho-terphenyl Meta -terphenyl Para -terphenyl Composition (w/o) 14.2% 60.4% 25.2% Since AM,Y for the Gamma Canister was not quoted, it was assumed, based on the fact that 4 absorbers were found to have the same coefficient in both canisters, that the value listed for the Neutron Canister could also be used for the Gamma Canister. Table A3.1, A3.2, and A3.3 give respectively the concentrations obtained with the neutron rich canister, the gamma rich canister, and the gamma grid irradiations. The data from the irradiations at26t#t-hr/gm were not used for the calculation of the G* values (MTR, Gamma Grid), at 425 and 7500F. This was done so that a comparison with the two other irradiations at 600OF and 675 0 F could be made (the dose for these irradiations was about 9 (watt)(hr)/(gm). -111- Table A3. . Terphenyl ConcentrationsDuring the Neutron Rich Canister Irradiations at 425, 600 and 750 F, Susie Reactor (C.R.C) Sample Number I Dose Composition of Irradiated Samples (w -para totalterp--nyl ortho j-meta F 425fF S S S S S 76 74 77 78 75 10.40 10.07 10.18 9.04 8.98 86.40 82.30 80.67 73-11 71.11 2.30 3.66 3.66 87.30 89.24 86.84 1.88 77.46 3.66 3.66 46.33 41.79 13.20 13.34 13.51 17.76 12.27 11.68 12.06 10.73 10.91 9.15 7.33 7.55 38.88 8.55 39.59 11.37 10.47 8.84 12.64 11.66 11.29 10.47 9.56 63.36 12.53 12.30 12.96 10.41 11.08. 10.72% 9.82 8.75 62.15 8.78 7.89 60.57 59-19 53.59 52.57 5.26 6.39 600OF" S 218 S 502 S 217 S 219 S 457 S 503 S 459 S 504 S 463 S 462 S 460 S 461 63.59 60.37 55.29 57.10 56.73 52.59 48.40 80.45 79.13 74.47 67.88 66.02 2.20 2.27 4.58 5.15 6.39 7.58 9.26 10.02 8.38 58.83 54-76 55.58 58.11 11.96 82.02 1.83 55.63 11.05 2.20 46.72 41-50 9.51 36.99 33.86 7.74 77-15 65.06 57.68 50.85 6.71 46.42 10.39 750 0 F S 296. S 295 S 298 S 297 S 300 S 299 7.73 6.13 5.85 8.44 3.61 4.54 5.09 6.43 -112- Table A).2 Terphenyl Isomer ConcentrationsDuring the Gamma Rich Canister Irradiations at 425 and 6000F, Susie Reactor (C.R.C) -------Con-:osition of ----------Irradiated Samples ---- (WIO ---------- Sample Number- ortho -- - - 4250F S 145 - -- - - --- - 90.90 90.04 5.66 6.35 87.59 53.25 12.60 12.48 12.31 10.85 58.71 13.39 9.66 55,85 53.94 12.65 12.16 82.95 78.17 4.95 6.35 11.13 11.93 12.81 14.49 13.32 13.06 65.30 64.38 12.28 S 379 12.25 S 380 12.09 62.80 60.60 381 382 383 384 9.71 S 146 total terphenyl para meta Dose watt.-hr 12.59 600OF S S S S 10.56 a 85.17 75.27 76.66 - -113- Table A2.3 Terphenyl Isomer ConcentrationsDuring the MTR Gamma Grid Irradiations at 425, 600, 675 and 750 F. (q.R.C.) -sition orIrradatedQpS-y 01 Dose meta para total terphenyl watt. hr/ -ortho Sample -Number- -- ---1 - - -- - - - -- - --- 4250? G 55 G 56 20.43 20.98 49.411 G 103 G 104 10.17 10.21 52.42 53.24 20.65 20.54 83.18 8.24 83.99 8.27 6754F G 115 9.60 49.01 18.44] ??14 7.91 4.99 5.86 1.66 1.55 32.27 15.70 36,71 16,53 16.74 52.96 59.31 9.20 8.66 26.08 26.20 G 13 G 14 50.041 42.51 42.30 19.22 19.66 81.19 81.75 70.42 70.92 9.33 9.36 10.79 10.46 8.40 8.76 26.21 26.16 6000F 750OF G 80 G 79 G 15 G 16 a 8.00 7.02 15.78 ~ a 26.20 24,95 -114- APPENDIX A4 ITERATION METHOD FOR DETERMINING PYROLYSIS RATE CONSTANTS AS FUNCTION OF TEMPERATURE from the M.I.T, and AE To obtain the values of kr,i Loop irradiations the following procedure was employed (Refer to Section 5.3.3). labelled and AE 1. An initial estimate of k 0 pr,i pr.1 )1, respectively, were obtained using Eq. (kpr,ioi and (AE, and the capsule (5.11) and the experimental values of k irradiation temperatureTcap' 2. Using the values of (k i) and (AEp ) and the known values of M and Ti, in Eq. (5.12) a calculated value is obtained for each irradiation experiment. (kpri) 3. The value of (k pr,i19 (k ri)l and (AE pri) were substituted into Eq. (5.11) to obtain an average "effective" temperature (T1 0 0 p)1 for each irradiation experiment. then were )2 and (AEprt 4. Second estimate of (kpr, i2 eete ,2) obtained by repeating Step 1, using Eq. (5.11) and the known experimental values of kpr,i and the value of (T1 0 0 p), obtained from Step 3. 5. Steps 2 and 3 were repeated to obtain (T oop) 2 ' ) loop n 6. The process was repeated until (T ) loop n+l1 (T For the M.I.T. loop data the process converged rapidly so ) were and (T )2 that the second and third estimates (T equal. -115- APPENDIX A5 NOMENCLATURE C,C C = concentration of component i in a mixture, wt% or weight fraction. Subscript i refers most frequently to ortho, meta, para or total terphenyl. 1,3 = concentration of component i in section or sample j. = total dose absorbed (watt)(hr)/(gm). = degradation products. That fraction of the irradiated coolant which is not terphenyls. = electron e Eeff = effective threshold energy of a threshold detector, Mev. radiolysis activation energy, kcal/mole. AE R= D DP AE a=pyrolysis activation energy for unirradiated terphenyl i, kcal/mole. AEpr,i= pyrolysis activation energy for irradiated terphenyl i, kcal/mole. = total in-pile dose rate factor, (watt)(hr)(cm3)/(MWH)(gm). F = fraction of absorbed dose due to fast neutron interactions, fN = fraction of absorbed dose due to gamma ray interactions. fy G(-i) = total decomposition yield of component i in the coolant, expressed as molecules of component i degraded per 100 ev absorbed in the total coolant, where i refers to ortho, meta, para or total terphenyl. GR(-i) = radiolytic decomposition yield of component i in the coolant, expressed as molecules of component i degraded by radiolysis per 100 ev absorbed in the total coolant. = pyrolytic decomposition yield of component i in the G pr (-i) coolant, expressed as molecules of component i degraded by pyrolysis per 100 ev absorbed in the total coolant. G(-*HB) = total (radiolytic and pyrolytic) production yield of HB in the coolant, expressed as equivalent molecules of omp degraded to form HB per 100 ev absorbed in the total coolant. -116G(-+" LIB) = total (radiolytic and pyrolytic) production yield of LIB in the coolant, expressed as equivalent molecules of omp degraded to form LIB per 100 ev absorbed in the total coolant. G*(-i) = G(-i)/Ci G*(-1) GR(-)/C G* (-i) = G (-i)/Ci G*(+ HB) =G(+ HB)/C komp G*(+*LIB) = G(- LIB)/Comp = radiolytic decomposition yield of component i in the GN( coolant for fast neutron interactions. G Y(-i) = radiolytic decomposition yield of component i in the coolant for gamma ray interactions. G (-i) = radiolytic decomposition yield of component i in the total coolant for electron interactions. decomposition yield of component i in the coolant for fast neutron interactions, not corrected for pyrolysis. decomposition yield of component i in the coolant for [G (-i I= gamma ray interactions, not corrected for pyrolysis, [G e(-1 = decomposition yield of component i in the coolant for EGN(-1)1 = electron interactions, not corrected for pyrolysis. =[G( -i)]/C ; [G*(-i) G* (-i) = G (-1)/C G*(-1) = Ge (-i)/C 1 ; [G* (-i)] =Ge(-1/Ci = time of reactor operations, hr. = high boilers. Those fractions of irradiated coolant having higher boiling points than that of para-terphenyl. kR,i,n= radiolytic reaction constant for component i in the coolant, n th order, gm/(watt)(hr). pyrolytic reaction constant for irradiated component i k i= H HB pr,i,m th - order, hr 1 . in the coolant, m ki9 = first order pyrolytic constant for unirradiated component i in the coolant, hr' order pyrolytic constant for irradiated component i k 4= first 1 hr . LIB = low and intermediate boilers. Those fractions of the irradiated coolant having boiling points equal to or less than those of the terphenyls (w/o DP., w/o HB= w/o LIB). -117- M MWH m = mass of coolant, grams. = period of reactor operation, megawatt-hours. = reaction order R = reaction order. = ortho, meta and para-terphenyl. = average dose rate, watt/gm. = universal gas constant, kcal/(gram mole)(OK). T t w/o Ca = = = = 0 = beta radiation. n omp r temperature, 0 K, 0F. time. weight percent alpha particle. = gamma radiation. = correction factor for G values calulations in steadystate HB periods, grams. = summation sign. aeff = effective threshold neutron cross-section, barns. = specific dose absorbed by irradiated ecoolat, T y A [ (watt)(hr)/(gm coolant). = pyrolysis effect not separated from radiolysis effect, -118- APPENDIX A6 REFERENCES A6.1 References for Chapter I (1.1) H. Etherington, editor, Nuclear Engineering Handbeek, Chapter 10, McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., New York, 1958. (1.2) R.O. Bolt and J.G. Carroll, editors, Radiation Effects on Organic Materials, Chapters 3 and 4, Academic Press, New York, 19631 (1i~) C.D, Sawyer and E.A. Mason, "The Effects of Reactor Irradiation on Santowax OMP at 610F and 7500," MITNE-39 (IDO-ll,107), Department of Nuclear Engineering, M.I.T., Cambridge, Mass., September, 1963. (1.4) "Atomic Energy in the Soviet Union," Trip Report of the V,$. Atomic Energy Delegation, May, 1963. A6.2 References for Chapter II (2.1) R.O. Bolt and J.O. Carroll, editors, Radiation Effects on Organic Materials, p.8 5, Academic Press, New York, 1963. (2.2) R.H.J. Gercke and C.A. Trilling, "A Survey of the Decomposition Rates of Organic Reactor Coolants," NAA-SR-3835, Atomics International, Canoga Park, Calif,, June, 1959. (jr)) T.H. Sworski and M, Burton, "A Study of the Effect of Impingent Particles in Radiolysis of Some Aromatics Compounds," Journal of the American Chemical Society, M, (2.4) p. 3790, August, 1951. R.H. Schuler and A.O. Allen, "Radiation Chemical Studies with Cyclotron Beams," Journal of the American Chemical Society, Z2, p.507, 1955,. -119- (.) H.A. Dewhurst and R.H. Schuler, "A Comparison of the Decomposition of Hexane and Cyclohexane by Different Types of Radiation," Journal of the American Chemical Society, 81, p. 3210, 1959. (2.6) A. Charlesby, "Effect of Radiation on Behaviour and Properties of Polymers," The Effects of Radiation on Materials, J.J. Harwood and Co. (editors), p. 268, Reinhold Publishing Corp., New York, 1958. (2.7) C.G. Collins and V.P. Calkins, "Radiation Damage to Elastomers, Organic Liquids, Plastics," Report APEX 261, General Electric Company, Atomic Products Division, Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion Department, September, 1955. (2.8) E.L. Zebroski and E.M. Kinderman, "A Comparison of High-Energy Electron anad Gamma Irradiations Effects on Organic Liquids, Report WADC-TR-57-141, Stanford Res. Inst., February, 1957. (2.9) W.G. Burns, C.R.V. Reed, J.A. Winter, "The Radiation and Thermal Stability of Some Potential Organic ModeratorCoolants, Part VIII: Pile and Elsotron Irradiation of Various Polyphenyl Mixtures and Work with Additives," AERE-R 4072, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, England, November, 1963. (2.10) W.M. Hutchinson et al., "Relationship Between Yields of Dimers of a Polyphenyl and its Partial Reaction Rates," IDO-16706, Phillips Petroleum Co., Idaho Falls, Idaho, August, 1963. (2.11) A.J. Moffat, "The Electron Radiolysis of Benzene-MTerphenyl and Perdenterobenzene-M-Terphenyl Mixtures," IDO-16876, Phillips Petroleum Co., Idaho Falls, Idaho, May, 1963. (2.12) T.H. Bates, W.G. Burns et al., "The Radiation and Thermal Stability of Some Potential Organic Moderator Coolants, Part I: Electron Irradiation of Para-Terphenyl and Santowax R," AERE C/R 2121, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, England, May, 1957. -120- (2.13) W.G. Burns et al., "The Effects of Fast Electrons and Fast Neutrons on Polyphenyls at High Temperature," Proceedings of the Second United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Vol 22, pp.266-275, United Nations, Geneva, 1958. P/51, (2.14) T.H. Bates et al., "The Radiation and Thermal Stability of Some Potential Organic Moderator Coolants, Part II: Pile Irradiation of Para-Terphenyl and Santowax R," AERE C/R 2185, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, England, July, 1959. A6.3 References for Chapter III (Q1l) R.W. Wilkinson and T.H. Bates, "The Radiation and Thermal Stability of Some Potential Organic Moderator Coolants, Part III: Thermal Stability of Para-Terphenyl and Santowax R," AERE-M 412, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, England, August, 1959. (3.2) D.R. de Halas, "Kinetics of the Decomposition of Organic Reactor Coolants," HW-56769, Hanford, 1958. ()33) A. Houllier and J.R. Puig, "Stabilits Thermique et Radiolytique des Triphenyles," Energie Nuclgaire, 4, No. 5, pp. 343-351, October, 1962. (3.4) D.G. Kuper, "Organic Coolant Degradation Studies," IDO-16853, Phillips Petroleum Co., Idaho Falls, Idaho, March, 1963. (3.5) Annual Technical Progress Report, A.E.C., Unclassified Programs, Fiscal Year 1962, Section III-G, NAA-SR-7400, Atomics International, Canoga Park, Calif., August, 1961. (3.6) Quarterly Technical Progress Report, A.E.C. Unclassified Programs, October-December 1962, Section III-B, NAA-SR-8080, Atomics International, Canoga Park, Calif., February, 1963. (3.7) R.O. Bolt et al., "Relative Effects of Fast Neutrons and Gamma Rays on the Radiolysis of Polyphenyls," California Research A.E.C. Report No. 23, California Research Corporation, Richmond, Calif., June, 1963. -1?4- (QL8) Personal Communication from J.P. Jourdan, Progil, to E.A. Mason, M.I.T., December 20, 1963, Information understood to be contained in internal document. A. Houllier, "March d'Irradiation Euratom," CEA-Progil, No. 117.63.4, ORGF, Lyon, 12 Novembre 1963, (M) Persona 1 Communication from R.F.S., Robertson, AE.C.L. to E.A. Mason, M.I.T., January 3, 1964. (3.10) C.D. Sawyer and E.A. Mason "The Effect of Reactor Irradiation on Santowax OMP at 610OF and 750 OF, MITNE-39 (IDO-1,107), Department of Nuclear Engineering, M.I.T., Cambridge, Mass,, December, 1963. (3._l) W.M. Hutchinson et al., "Relationship Between Yields of Dimers of a Polyphenyl and its Partial Reaction Rates," IDO-16706, Phillips Petroleum Co., Idaho Falls, Idaho, August, 1961. (32) A.J. Moffat, "The Electron Radiolysis of Benzene-MTerphenyl and Perdenterobenzene-M-Terphenyl Mixtures," IDO-16876, Phillips Petroleum Co., Idaho Falls, Idaho, May, 1963. (33) S. Elberg (C.E.A.) and Fritz (Euratom), "Physical Properties of Organic Nuclear Reactor Coolants," EUR.400e., Suratom, Brussels, 1963, (31.4) T.O. Jones et al., "The Sffects of Phase on Reactions Induced by Radiation in Organic Systems," J. Phys. Chem., 62, January, 1958. (2) D.R. de Halas, "Radiolysis and Pyrolytic Decomposition of Organic Reactor Coolants," Proceedings of the Second United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, .L, P/611, United Nations, Geneva, 1958. (3_6.) Persona l Communication from G.C. Nullens, Euratom to E.A. Mason, M.I.T,, May, L964. -122- (212)Person al Communication from A.W. Boyd, A.E.C.L., to E.A. Mason, M.I.T., May, 1964. (3.18) "Report on Organic Liquid-Cooled Reactor Development," Excerpts from A.E.C.L. Progress Reports, October 1-December 31, 1963, PR-CM-36, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Ontario, Canada. (3.12) "Report on Organic Liquid-Cooled Reactor Development," Excerpts from A.E.C.L. Progress Reports, July 1September 30, 1961, PR-CM-27, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Ontario, Canada. (3.20) R.O. Bolt and J.O. Carroll, editors, Radiation Effects on Organic Materials, p.85, Academic Press, New York, 1963. A6.4 References for Chapter IV (4,1) C.D. Sawyer and E.A. Mason, "The Effects of Reactor Irradiation on Santowax OMP at 610 0 F and 7500F," MITNE-39 (IDO-ll,107), Department of Nuclear Engineering, M.I.T., (4.2) Cambridge, Mass., September, 1963. T.H. Bates, W.G. Burns et al., "The Radiation and Thermal Stability of Some Potential Organic Moderator Coolants, Part V: Pile and Electron Irradiation of Biphenyl, Orthoterphenyl, Metaterphenyl, and Pile Irradiation of Santowax R to High HBR Content,* AERE-R-5143, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, England, March, 1962. (4.3) T.H. Bates, W.G. Burns et al., "The Radiation and Thermal Stability of Some Potential Organic Moderator Coolants, Part II: Pile Irradiation of Paraterphenyl and Santowax R," AERE C/R 2185, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, England, March, 1962. (4,41) R.H.J. Gercke and C.A. Trilling, "A Survey of the Decomposition Rates of Organic Reactor Coolants," NAA-SR3835, Atomics International, Canoga Park, Calif., June, 1959. -123- (4_) J.F. Zack Jr. et al., "In-Pile Capsule Experiments to Determine the Effect of Fast Neutrons on the Radiolytic Decomposition Rate of Terphenyls," NAA-SR-7395, Atomics International, Canoga Park, Calif., June, 1959. A6.5 References for Chapter V (5jl) D.T. Morgan and E.A. Mason, "The Irradiation of Santowax OMP in the M.I.T. In-Pile Loop," Parts I and II, MITNE-21 (IDO-ll,104) and MITNE-22 (IDO-l1,105), Department of Nuclear Engineering, M.I.T., Cambridge, Mass., May, 1962. (5o2) C.D. Sawyer and E.A. Mason, "The Effects of Reactor Irradiation on Santowax OMP at 6100F and 7500F," MITNE-39 (IDO-l1,107), Department of Nuclear Engineering M.I.T., Cambridge, Mass., September, 1963. (5.3) E.A. Mason and W.N. Bley, "In-Pile Loop Studies of Organic Coolant Materials," Annual Report, MITNE-45/SRO 86, to be published. (L.4) A.W. Boyd, "The Radiolysis and Pyrolysis of Organic Coolants," Journal of Nuclear Materials, ., No. 1, pp. 1-17, North Holland Publishing Co., Amsterdam (Netherlands) 1963. (._$) S. Elberg (CEA) and Fritz (Euratom), "Physical Properties of Organic Nuclear Reactor Coolants," EUR.400e., Euratom, Brussels (Belgium), 1963. (56) Personal Communication from J.P. Jourdan, Progil to E.A. Mason, M.I.T., December 20, 1963, Information understood to be contained in internal document, A. Houllier, "March4 d'Irradiation Euratom," CEA-Progil, No. 117.63.4, ORGF, Lyon (France), 12 Novembre, 1963. (5.7) Personal Communication from G.C. Nullens, Euratom, to E.A. Mason, M.I.T., May, 1964. (5s8) Y. Droulers, "Influence du Spectre des Neutrons sur l'Energie de Radiolyse dans les LiquidesOrganiques," Neutron Dosimetry, Proceedings of a Symposium, Harwell 10-14 December 19629 1, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna (Austria), 1963. A6.6 References for Chapter VI (6.1) T.H. Bates, W.G. Burns et al., "The Radiation and Thermal Stability of Some Potential Moderator Coolants, Part I: Electron Irradiation of Para-Terphenyl and Santowax R," AERE C/R 2121, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, England, May, 1957. (6.2) W.G. Burns, et al., "The Effect of Fast Electrons and Fast Neutrons on Polyphenyls at High Temperature," Proceedings of the Second United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy, Vol 2 , P/51 9 pp. 266-275, United Nations, Geneva, 195& (6_l) T.H. Bates, W.G. Burns et al., "The Radiation and Thermal Stability of Some Potential Organic Moderator Coolants, Part II: Pile Irradiation of Para-terphenyl and Santowax R," AERE C/R 2185, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, England, July, 1959. (6.4) A.R. Anderson and R.J. Waite, "The Calorimetric Measurement of Energy Absorbed from Reactor Radiation in BEPO," AERE C/R 2253, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, England, March, 1960. ( C.D. Sawyer and E.A. Mason, "The Effects of Reactor Irradiation on Santowax OMP at 610 0 F and 750OF," MITNE-39 (IDO-ll,107), Department of Nuclear Engineering, M.I.T., Cambridge, Mass., September, 1963. (6.6) T.H. Bates, W.G. Burns et al., "The Radiation and Thermal Stability of Some Potential Organic Moderator Coolants, Part V: Pile and Electron Irradiation of Biphenyl, Orthoterphenyl, Meta-terphenyl and Pile Irradiation of Santowax R to High HBR Content," AERE-3743, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, England, March, 1962. -125- (6j7) W.G. Burns et al., "The Radiation and Thermal Stability of Some Potential Organic Moderator Coolants, Part VIII: Pile and Electron Irradiation of Various Polyphenyl Mixtures and Work with Additives," AERE-R 4072, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, England, November, 1963. (6.8) Organic Coolant Reactor Program, Quarterly Report, July 1-September 30, 1961, IDO-16734, Phillips Petroleum Co., Idaho Falls, Idaho, December, 1961. (6_) Organic Coolant Reactor Program, Quarterly Report, October 1-December 31, 1961, Phillips Petroleum Co., Idaho Falls, Idaho. (6.10) Personal Communication to E.A. Mason, M.I.T., Excerpts from A.E.C.L. Progress Reports, April 1-June 30, 1962, PR-CM-30 (Section 7), Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River, Ontario. (6.11) W.D. Mackintosh, "The Electron Irradiation of the Potential Organic Coolant for Power Reactors, Santowax OM," paper presented at the Third Conference on Nuclear Reactor Chemistry, Gatlinburg, Tenn., October, 1962. (6.12) Personal Communication from W.D. Mackintosh, A.E.C.L. to E.A. Mason, M.I.T., March, 1963. (.1) Personal Communication to E.A. Mason, M.I.T., Excerpts frop A.E.C.L. Progress Reports, April 1-June 30, 1961, PR-CM-26 (Section 7), Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River, Ontario. (6.14) Personal Communication from A.W. Boyd, A.E.C.L., to E.A. Mason, M.I.T., May, 1964. (6.15) W.N. Bley, "An In-Pile Loop Study of the Performance of Polyphenyl Reactor Coolants," NAA-SR-3835, Atomics International, Canoga Park, Calif., June, 1959. (6.16) R.T. Keen et al., "Methods for Analysis of Polyphenyl Reactor Coolants," NAA-SR-4356, Atomics International, Canoga Park, Calif., January, 1961. -126- (6.17) R.T. Keen et al., "Radiolysis Products of Polyphenyl Coolants; Part I, In-Pile Loop Irradiations," NAA-SR-4355, Atomics International, Canoga Park, Calif., March, 1962. (6.18) S. Berg et al., "Irradiations of Santowax OMP at the Curtiss-Wright Research Reactor," NAA-SR-TDR 5892, Atomics International, Canoga Park, Calif., January, 1961. (6.19) J.F. Zack et al., "In-Pile Capsule Experiments to Determine the Effect of Fast Neutrons on the Radiolytic Decomposition Rate of Terphenyls," NAA-SR-7395, Atomics International, Canoga Park, Calif., May, 1963. (6.20) R.M.J. Gercke and C.A. Trilling, "A Survey of the Decomposition Rates of Organic Reactor Coolants," NAA-SR-3835, Atomics International, Canoga Park, Calif., June, 1959. (6.21) R.O. Bolt et al., "Dosimetry of Reactor Radiation from the Shield Test Pool Facility," California Research-AEC Report No. 22, California Research Corp., Richmond, Calif., June, 1963. (6.22) R.O. Bolt et al., "Relative Effects of Fast Neutrons and Gamma Rays on the Radiolysis of Polyphenyls," California Research-AEC Report No. 23, California Research Corp., Richmond, Calif., June, 1963. (6.23) Personal Communication from R.O. Bolt, California Research Corp., to E.A. Mason, M.I.T., January, 1964. (6.24) Person al Communication from M.A. Sweeney, California Research Corp., to E.A. Mason, M.I.T., April, 1964. (6.25) "Effect of High Temperature on Radiolytic and Pyrolytic Damage of Polyphenyls," Excerpts from NAA-SR-8888, Annual Technical Progress Report, AEC Unclassified Program FY 63, Atomics International, Canoga Park, Calif. (6.26) Person al Communication to E.A. Mason, M.I.T., "Radiolytic and Pyrolytic Studies at Chalk River," R.P.S. Robertson A.E.C.L., June, 1961, Chalk River, Ontario, -127- A6.7 References for Appendices (Al.1) T.H. Bates, W.G. Burns et al., "The Radiation and Thermal Stability of Some Potential Organic Moderator Coolants, Part II: Pile Irradiation of Para-terphenyl and Santowax B," AERE C/R 2185, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, England, March, 1960. (Al.2) T.H. Bates, W.G. Burns et al., "The Radiation and Thermal Stability of Some Potential Organic Moderator Coolants, Part V: Pile and Electron Irradiation of Biphenyl, Ortho-terphenylg Meta-terphenyl and Pile Irradiation of Santowax R to High HBR Content," AERE-3743, Atomic Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, England, March, 1962. (A1.3) "The Radiation and Thermal Stability of Some Potential Organic Moderator Coolants, Part VIII: Pile and Electron Irradiation of Various Polyphenyl Mixtures and Work with Additives," AERE-R 4072, Atomic W.G. Burns et al., Energy Research Establishment, Harwell, England, November, 1963. (Al.4) Personetl Communication to E.A. Mason, M.I.T., "Radiolytic and Pyrolytic Studies at Chalk River, R.F.S. Robertson, A.E.C.L., Chalk River, Ontario. (Alj) W.D. Mackintosh, "The Electron Irradiation of the Potential Organic Coolant for Power Reactors, Santowax OM," paper presented at the Third Conferenne on Nuclear Reactor Chemistry, Gatlinburg, Tenn., October, 1962. (A2.1) Personal Communication to E.A. Mason, M.I.T., Excerpts from A.E.C.L. Progress Reports, July 1-September 30, 1962, PR-CM-31 (Section 7), Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, (A2.2) Chalk River, Ontario. W.D. Mackintosh, "The Electron Irradiation of the Potential Organic Coolant for Power Reactors, Santowax OM," paper presented at the Third Conference on Nuclear Reactor Chemistry, Gatlinburg, Tenn., October, 1962. -128- (A2.3) Personal Communication to E.A. Mason, M.I.T., Excerpts from A.E.C.L. Progress Reports, April 1-June 30, 1962, PR-CM-30, (Section 7), Atomic Energy of Canada Limited, Chalk River, Ontario. (A2.4) Personal Communication from A.W. Boyd, A.E.C.L., to E.A. Mason, M.I.T., May, 1964. (A3.l) R.O. Bolt et al., "Relative Effects of Fast Neutrons and Gamma Rays on the Radiolysis of Polyphenyls," California Research-AEC Report No. 23, California Research Corp., Richmond, Calif., June, 1963. (A3.2) Personal Communication from M.A. Sweeney, California Research Corp., to E.A. Mason, M.I.T., April, 1964.