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MITNE-14 Equilibrium Extraction Characteristics of Alkyl Amines and Nuclear Fuels Metals in Nitrate Systems Progress Report for the Period July 1 - December 31, 1961 Progress Report X by Edward A. Mason Richard E. Skavdahl February 15, 1962 Work Performed Under Subcontract No. 1327 Under Contract No. W -740 5 - Eng - 26 with Union Carbide Nuclear Corporation Oak Ridge, Tennessee Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge 39, Massachusetts - 1. 11, I I - - I II -- , . I wqw."W PP" 11 I1 ompll 401pir" P, 11 1 111' 1 - . I.,... MNONNINN, - .1, .... .................. _.- -- 11 11 w " . i TABLE OF CONTENTS Text 1.0 Summary 1 2.0 Ruthenium Nitrosyl Nitrato Complexes 2 2.1 Extraction of Freshly Prepared Solutions 2 2.2 Extraction of Aged Solution 5 2.2.1 Comparison of Two Batches of Solutions 5 2.2.2 Effect of Age of Solution 7 2.2.3 Effect of Salting Concentration 7 2.2.4 Organic Phase Ruthenium 2.2.5 2.3 3.0 Effect of Amine Concentration 19 19 2.3.1 Effect of Solution Age 19 2.3.2 Effect of Nitrate Salting 22 Ruthenium Nitrosyl Nitro Complexes 27 3.1 Extraction of Freshly Prepared Solutions 27 3.2 Extraction of Aged Solutions 33 3.2.1 Effect of Nitric Acid Concentration 3.2.2 Effect of Aqueous Ruthenium Concen- 33 tration 37 3.2.3 Effect of Amine Concentration 42 3.2.4 Effect of Nitrate Salting Concentration 47 Spectra of Solutions 3.3.1 Effect of Solution Age, 47 3.3.2 Effect of Ruthenium Concentration 49 Uranium Extraction 4.3 - m".- 12 Spectra of Solutions 3.3 4.0 Titration of Extractable 57 Effect of Fluoride , I . I'll I II-ITAM- 9.1"IM"111111 limp"" MIRF TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) Text 4.0 5.0 4.1 Effect of Temperature 57 4.2 Effect of Sulfate gy 4-3 Effect of Fluoride 60 .62 References Figures 1. Extraction of Freshly Prepared RuNO-Nitrato Complexes 4 2. Comparison of the Extraction Characteristics of Two Batches of RuNO-nitrato Complexes Solution 6 3. The Effect of Age of Solution on the Extraction of DuNO-nitrato complexes 8 4. The Effect of Nitrate Salting on Extraction of RuNO-nitrato Complexes: Varying Awueous Nitric Acid Concentration 9 5. The Effect of Nitrate Salting on Extraction of RuNO-Nitrato Complexes: Varying Aque6us Total Nitrate Concentration 6. 7. 10 The Effect of Nitrate Salting on Extraction of Nitric Acid 11 The Effect of Nitrate Salting on Extraction of RuNO nitrato Complexes: Varying Organic Unbound Nitric Acid Concentration 13 8. The Effect of Nitrate Salting on Extraction of RuNO-nitrato Complexes: Varying Aqueous Total Nitrate Concentrations 14 9. Organic Phase Titration of Sample 128 15 10. Organic Phase Titration of Sample 128 17 11. Organic Phase Titration of Sample 127 -- w-w- t .. - "Al"O I - I -a qMM., .. ", , 0 P'. , , , I - I MOOR" - ............ ........... ............ Oki, TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd.) Page Figures 12. The Effect of amine Concentration on Extraction of RuNO-nitrato Complexes 20 13. The Effect of Amine Concentration on Extraction of Nitric Acid 21 14. The Effect of Solution Age on Absorption Spectra of RuNO-nitrato Complexes Solutions 23 15. The Effect of Solution Age on Absorption Spectra of RuNO-nitrato Complexes Solutions 24 16. The Effect of Solution Age on Absorption Spectra of RuNO-nitrato Complexes Solutions 25 17. The Effect of Nitrate Salting on the Absorption Spectra of RuNO-nitrato Complex Solutions 18. 1 Extraction of Freshly Prepared RuNO-nitro Complexes 19. 20. 26 29 Extraction of Freshly Prepared RuNO-nitro Complexes 30 Extraction of Freshly Prepared RuNO-nitro Complexes 31 21. Extraction of Freshly Prepared RuNO-Nitrato and RuNO-nitro Complexes 32 22. Extraction of Aged RuNO-nitro Complexes 34 23. Extraction of Aged RuNO-nitro Complexes 35 24. The Effect of Solution Age on Extraction of 36 RuNO-nitro Complexes 25. The Extraction of Aged RuNO-nitro Complexes: Effect of Organic Phase Nitric Acid Concentration 38 26. The Effect of Contact Time on the Extraction of RuNO-nitro -'39 27. The Effect of Contact Time on the Extraction of RuNO-nitro JoGpuxNOsmitrato Complexes 40 IM-1. PRIM. .................. TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont 'd.) Figures 28. Page The Effect of Aqueous Ruthenium Concentration on Extraction of RuNO-nitro Complexes 29. 41 The Effect of Amine Concentration on Extraction of RuNO-nitro Complexes 43 The Effect of Sodium Nitrate Salting on Extraction of RuNO-nitro Complexes 44 The Effect of Sodium Nitrate Salting on Extraction of RuNO-nitro Complexes 45 32. The Effect of Sodium Nitrate Salting on Extraction of RuNO-nitro Complexes 46 33. The Effect of Solution Age on Absorption Spectra of RuNO-nitro Complexes 48 30. 31. 34. 35. 36. 37. The Effect of Aqueous Ruthenium Concen- tration on Absorption Spectra of RuNO-nitro Complexes 51 The Effect of Aqueous Ruthenium Concentration on Absorption Spectra of RuNO-nitro Complexes 52 The Effect of Temperature on Uranium Extraction 58 The Effect of Sulfate and Fluoride Ion on Uranium Extraction 59 Tables 1. Ruthenium Nitrosyl Nitrato Complexes Solutions 2. Ruthenium Nitrosyl Nitro Complexes Solutions 28 3. Summary of Ruthenium Extraction Data 53 4. Uranium Temperature Study 57 5. Uranium-Sulfate Study 60 6. Uranium- Fluoride Study 60 Rip 3 -1- 1.0 Summary During this report period, the effects of solution age, salting concentration, and amine (trilaura amine in toluene) concentration on the solvent extraction characteristics of ruthenium nitrosyl nitrato complexes in nitrate systems were investigated. The effects of solution age and nitrate salting on absorption spectra of the RuNO-nitrato complexes aqueous solutions were also studied. The effects of solution age, nitric acid concentration, aqueous ruthenium concentration, am:ne concentration, and nitrate salting concentration on the solvent extraction characteristics of the RuNO- nitro complexes were investigated. The effects of solution age and aqueous ruthenium concentration on the absorption spectra of the RuNO-nitro complexes were also studied. The effects of temperature, fluoride ion, and sulfate ion on the solvent extraction characteristics of uranium were studied. Results of the work on the RuNO-complexes indicate that an important variable in the solvent extraction process may possibly be the concentration of the unbound nitric acid in the organic phase. The results of the work on the RuNO-nitrato complexes indicate that the more extractable forms of those complexes may be the tetrar and penta-nitrato complexes and that these complexes may be extracted in the acid forms rather than the anionic forms. For the freshly prepared solutions, the RuNO-nitro complexes are much more extractable than the RuNo-nitrato complexes at low nitric acid concentrations. The effect of temperature or uranium extraction results in an activation energy of AH= - 3.10 Kcal in the range of 25-500C. The addition of sulfate mole ion and fluoride ion to nitrate solutions of uranium result in a relatively small effect on uranium extraction with the distribution ratio varying by a factor of two or three. In""" PPill.. M IM II I I "19111- , , , -M- MM', W 'WIPI q I.P, ITIMPI III1101PRIMMMIM WIRI ........... .-_--- 1;__"_'_'__ ------------ 2-1 2.0 Ruthenium Nitrosyl Nitrato Complexes A discussion of the formulas and species of the ruthenium nitrosyl nitro (RuNO-nitro) and ruthenium nitrosyl nitrato (RuNO-nitrato) complexes to be found in aqueous nitric acid solutions is given in Reference (1). A second batch (batch B) of RuNO-nitrato complexes solutions in nitric acid was prepared using ruthenium nitroso hydroxide as the starting material. The compound was purchased from A. D. Mackay, Inc. The first batch (batch A) of ruthenium in the form of nitrosyl nitrato complexes was prepared from ruthenium trichloride (2); absorption spectra and distribution ratios for the Fatch A have been reported previously (I). For the batch B, 45 grams of the hydroxide was added to 500 ml of 9.2N. nitric acid and boiled for approximately two hours. The liquid level being kept constant by intermittent additions of distilled deionized water (DDW). After cooling, the solution was filtered through a sintered glass funnel and placed in an evaporating dish inside a vacuum oven and evaporated almost to dryness, yielding RuNO(NO ) 2H2 0. The solution had the characteristic deep red clor, as did the resultant sticky mass after evaporation. The red mass was dissolved in DDW and the solution diluted to 250 ml in a volumetric flask. A quantitative analysis showed the stock solution to have a ruthenium concentration of 84.6 gm/liter. This quantitative analysis, as well as all of the following analyses, was done by the KOH-KNO3 fusion method (2). A set of solutions was then prepared by adding the appropriate amount and concentration of nitric acid and/ or sodium nitrate to aliquot portions of the stock solution. A summary of the solutions is listed in Table 1. 2.1 Extraction of Freshly Prepared Solutions Extractions of most of the fresh solutions of batch B (age after dissolution of the RuNO(NO3 )3 2H2 0 in DDW approximately 1-2 hours) were made for a two minute contacting time). The data are plotted in Figure 1. The curve for the nitric acid system with no salting is fairly flat 0 with a maximum at about 3N nitric acid. The values of E range from 0.0060 at 3N HNO to 0.0028 at 8.8N HNO 3 ; the a#id concentration was varied prom 0.5N to 8.8N -~~~ lELL-luM m||M i . -. -, .-..-. '-,-.v1.: ~ RI1.MNI..I I-- ".Ij. M-jRIJ 3 TABLE 1 Ruthenium Nitrosyl Nitrato Complexes Solutions Nitric Acid Cono., N Total Nitrate Con., M 0.52 0.52 0.89 0.89 1.32 1.32 3.10 3.10 4.91 4.91 6.85 6.85 8.74 8.74 10.08 10.08 0.50 1.22 0.48 3.28 0.46 5*37 0.47 6.20 1.27 3.w16 1.29 5*18 1.27 6019 3.09 5.00 3.10 6.17 5.05 6.35 Ru Cone., m/1 6.45 "I I,o If 6.00 6.4 4 FIGURE 1 Extraction of Freshly Prepared RUNO-Nitrato Complexes Batch B 2-Minute Contacting at 250 C with 0.26 M TLA in Toluene 0 = Nitric Acid System (No Salting) A = Nitric Acid-Sodium Nitrate System(Total Nitrate 2D' --6 --- - - -- - T - ----- - 3 _ -t - - 1 1- L - -- - -- t 4- +---- L -4 I 0.10 C 61--- -- -- -- - ..-- --- - --- - . E0 A 4 -- -- --- -- - - - - ----.- 6 ----- 3- 2 - - - - -- -- - -- - -- - - - 7 -- --- - -- - - - -- 4- - . 7 -- -- - 1 - ---.--- - -- 1-- N0 4 T 7It -0: - 61 - - a01 rT7 ----- -- - --- - - -- - - 1--4 - -- - - - ---.-- -- - -- - - 1- T _ __ ~i 3- r- -- - - - }-l t T T ~-4- 4- 0 1 u I 4-- Jj 0.001 *.L : KI 4 0- .1 S0 4 !T4 ~u> . Final Aqueous HNO 3 Normality 2-2 5 The data for a constant total nitrate concenHNO tralion of approximately 6.2M show a decrease in E0 from 0.0249 at 0.45N HNO to 0.0050 at 5.ON HNO , the dita falling on a straigAt line on a log-log plet with a slope of about -0.7. The increase in the extraction of ruthenium with nitrate salting can be explained by an increase in the nitrate complexing, especially at the lower acid concentrations. At 0.5N HNO3 , the addition of nitrate salting to form a to al nitrato concentration of 6.2 M raises the values of EA by a factor of five. 2.2 Extraction of Aged Solutions 2.2.1 Comparison of the Two Batches of Solutions The second batch of solutions was aged at room temperature for one month and then sample extractions were made to determine if this batch resembled batch A with respect to its extraction characteristics. Variations in the preparation methods of the two batches, in particular the two different starting materials (RuC1 for batch A and RuNO-hydroxide for batch B) could posibly result in products with dissimilar values of NO : Ru ratios and concentrations of nitro complexes, i any exist. A second important variable is the method and speed of evaporation of the solution to yield RuNO(NO 2H 0. In the two cases, the method of evaporation wa )3 vey similar, in that the same equipment was employgd and the temperature of evaporation was the same (30 C.) Extractions were made for a 2 minute contacting time and a 24 hour contacting time and varying nitric acid concentration with no salting. The results are shcvn in Figure 2. It can be seen that, in general, the values of E are slightly lower for batch B than for Batch A. The m .ximum variation occurs at 1.3N HNO for the 24 hour contact time and shows the value of o to be approximately 20% lower for batch B. For the two nute contact time, the maximum variation occurs at 4N HNO 3,. when the batch B value is 35% below that of batch A. It appears that an even greater variation may occur at very low acid concentration and that the batch B values may be appreciably greater than the batch A values. However, analytic limitations prevent a closer investigation of this point, in that the ruthenium concentration in the resultant organic phase would be too small for accurate In addition, analysis by the KOH-KNO fusion method. the differences between the batches seems to disappear, or at least reduce in magnitude, at the longer contact time. FIGURE 2 Comparison of the Extraction Characteristics of Two Batches of RuNO-Nitrato Complexes Solutions Solutions Aged For One Month at Room Temperature Contacted at 250C With 0.26 M TLA in Toluene 0 m lUMBtch A on of the 0 Batbn B2hart :- 1 L TTT _ r - - -- 8 istic 6 4 -44 -- 6 4 t + -4 4 6- - -t4i-T, 4 N~rW' 3t - -;t - -+- -~ 4 I I - -+ t v- < -4 L~~ -T-- 3 - 2 r II 4 ~~ r 4T 11 T_ -t4 - 14 -4l A: -7 1 1 1 9 - 44 -4 rj r T* t 1 -- -4.- 1 t -4-I ~ T1 ~ T ~ 4 7 i 0.100 0 I A - - - -t I--t- - - -- -- 4 ~onV t m3 - -+T1- t ---- --- tr 4 -. t II1II1~~7 7L -j4--- 44 *4~ - 4 T 0-. O tt T I- 0 Nz U +e ,0 --- 9 - U). 8 w 7 - - - ' - - -- - * - - L -- - - --- - -+-- ------+~~ - - - ] + - - - -' --- - t - 2' - -l 7 ---- - - ----- 14h ' .J ~ -4 - - - ~ - - V- - - 6 5 ;' -4 - - - 1 - - - - 3 - 1 -- 2 0.001 I 0.1 - '- ---- ---- --- Iq7 - - 3 5 0 ' 3 4 5 1 10.0 Final Aqueous HNO 3 Normality 67 - 89 10 2.2.2 Effect of Age of Solution In order to determine the effect of solution age on the extraction characteristics of the RuNO-nitrato complexes, extractions repeating the conditions of Figure 1 were carried out after the solutions had aged for one month. Figure 3 shows the two sets of d&ta. Of interest are several points. For the nitric acid system with no salting, distribution ratios of the aged solutions varied in a manner consistent with the observation of Fletcher et al (4) that nitrate complexing decreases with aging at the low acid concentrations and increases with aging at the higher acid concentrations. Aging had little effect on the salted solutions at a total nitrate concentration of 6.2M., indicating that the freshly prepared salted solutions were more nearly at equilibrium conditions with regard to the distribution of the RuNO-nitrato complexes than were the non-salted solutions. Above about 2.5N HNO3 the data show the salted solutions to be less extractable than the non-salted solutions, a condition which is inconsistent with the usual findings that salting increases nitrate complexing and therefore,increases the degree of extractability. However, the increase in nitrate complexing due to the salting is more than offset by an increase in the unbound nitric acid concentration in the organic phase which is caused by the nitrate common ion effect (see Section 2.2.3 for discussion). Thus, the net result is a decrease in the extraction of the complexes. 2.2.3 Effect of Salting Concentration Using 24 hour contacting times, extractions were made to determine the effect of sodium nitrate salting on the extractability of RuNO-nitrato complexes. The data are plotted in Figure 4 so as to show the effect of varying aqueous nitric acid concentration at various levels of constant total nitrate concentration. As a result of cross plotting, Figure 5 shows the effect of varying total nitrate concentration with constant nitric acid concentration. In Figure 4, above a nitric acid concentration of about 2.5N., salting appears to cause a slight decrease in the value of E0 . This apparent inconsistency can possibly be explained by cAnsidering the effect of changes in the concentration of nitric acid in the organic phase on the distribution ratios. The addition of NaNO to an aqueous nitric acid solution results in an increas in the concentration of nitric acid in the contacting organic phase; see the data of Figure 6 which were obtained by titration of various organic phase samples. Nitrato salting can FIGURE 3 The Effect of Age of Solution on the Extraction of RuNO-Nitrato Complexes Solutions Aged at Room Temperature (Batch B) 2-Minute Contacting at 25 C with 0.26 M TLA in Toluene 10 ~~ 7-4 f7 46 i - 7 4-- 6 -- 4 T4 4- -- 7 2~ - 777,±T - - - - A--* 4,ff --It -7n+- - - 4 T 41 4 - - - -- 78L - - T ~7 -~- -TT- -- --- --_-- 4-i ~-t t - T r -~-~I - t - - 1. ---- - -1 - l I t 1- -4 0.01009 - - 9 I,--- - I-4 3 -+---- . - - - - -4 o_ _ --- . 4.2 - -- - - -r - . - ------1-r - - - -n 1 -_ - -i14-1j - r- .11 ~ ~ ~ n O 414 91 - L-O.O Final Aqueous HNO, - Normality 2 - -- - -G 3 - - - -1L - 3 y~~--- - - - - -I4r-v- + - - - - -, -- - _ t -J - -1 - -- t ~~ - --- WT~~ + -- - - - A - - - I isI ----- - -+ - Fl -I - 44- T -T-- - - - - Q - it --- T 1 - - I~ -7- 4 L .~ 0 - T - - 6 1 - - -pt 4 5 678910 6781 FIGURE 4 The Effect of Nitrate Salting on Extraction of RuNO-Nitrato Complexes Solutions Aged for One Month at Room Temperature (Batch B) 24-Hour Contacting at 250 C with 0.26 M TLA in Toluene Salting Agent = NaNO3 10 F 7'$- H-H-4.i t1- 7 - a c -z: - --: tt- - - 5 ri M - 4 - t - $o'r 4i 4 - - 1n:r - -ra '7 C t - 4 I- t - -l r 1 r- p 1 -IT - w 0 11 :V , 9-~~' 7-r, L t - 43 L .~ - p 4 15" A- - A -r r : - -pr -- -_- T - - - 1 tt.-11T- c - 4 2 - uj b-- -~ a t' - -l -- 7 - CL - -1 7J f -4 4 I - - -11 - i to i -- 0-' '±--1 5-- 4 U) -1 U U N . - - -t - -- Iu. - 4- - ~ p7 -~~~~_ N i~ r ' 7- r1 ,4k T7' x y~ -~il~~ Tr 7TF -It4 -i I - + U -- - 1, 4 4 0 -J -w- 4BT11411 4,.,.,-, .010 'i 1.5 0.1 2 ti; t:i; 41 {L T H- V TI, 2.5 3 4 6 47 7-1 'IT 7 4 4T' 8 8 6 99 10 10 - T tM t '4H ii'-' 15 152 t+ 2 .5 2. 5 1.00 Final Aqueous HO3 Normality 3 4 4 F 5 6 7 8 9 % FIGURE 5 The Effect of Nitrate Salting on Extipaction of RuNO-Nitrato Complexes 10 Solutions Aged For One Month at Room Temperature (Batch B) 244-our Contacting at 250C With 0.26M TLA in Toluene Salting Agent = NaNO 3 4 10 9-- T--L 1 t7 4~ 1 L - - 7--r , ~TIi ~: - 7- n- 14 -r- L 44 94 -x. - T n --- t 7-, - 2 Z z 3- i - 3 ft - 2- T - -: 1- - tL 25-*4 - . 4. - - -- !T L if ~" -4 - '14 4 I - T : t - n 4-1 t -1 4 6 r + ± .5 0 t T -- - _ _ z z ? 4-j- 7. 1 - d nt 1-T T -V1 r - 41 r rT th U 1 ' 15-L E0 0.10 + 2. I 4 .4 ~.. - ----- 7-74 - . ---- -- 4 tL 6- - p4- T~~~~I - - -4 -14! r -4 r -c 4- -- ~- - - t w U -i 1-54 U N t 2 0 -J LT -T~ 0.010 -~ L ' L, 11 1 , I' - -1.; 1 -ILLII I 1II1II1II , A! '.J 1.5 ii Fr IF2.5 4 5 6 7 IIL , 8 -j ' I 10 1.0 I .4' 1 1 1. 1.25 I- . L .5 3 Final Aqueous Total ITitrate Concentration, M. s 10 In INCH 359-11 7!10 X 10 TO THE %/ Z7 K EUL)F FE L a E !mS E.1 L - -- I I~~'41i TO- TH-1: 3J W CQ. A. 3 91 C A 10 4 - INX u.EF-IEp..L L.u --------------- A4. . . .4 . .. . . ... . . . .+ e . i Ir-- -- 44 - -- --- e fr- 4 T + - - .4 -- -- ------T-- -..- .- 4 - - - -- - - - -- - - -I--i --+ -- ---.--- . --- - -- - - J- a -- u -1 - t- - -i -- .-- -...-.. --- aa - -- t- ---- .- -~~~4 -- r - -- - - -- - -- ----- -. -- - -- ---- t . - 4 .- - -:.- - - - -- - ---- 41 - ------.- ---- ---- -- 4- . --- ---- - - - T 1-d-IT- - - -* i-T - -4------ --- .- - - - - -Y i t -- --- -T. - + -- -- + - -.-- -4---- - - ---- - T -- --N--1- -r - it 4-- --- - -- - - -- - -- + 2-5 12 be seen to cause a substantial increase in the amount of unbound nitric acid in the organic phase. A more meaningful correlation of the ruthenium extraction data can be obtained by plotting E as a function of the final concentration of the oranic phase unbound nitric acid at various levels of total aqueous Of significant nitrate concentration (see Figure 7). interest and importance is the fact that this method of correlation yields the more logically expected trend, i.e. as total nitrate increases at constant unbound HNO , E increases. The inference is that the values of th; pakition coefficient of the individual complexes are dependent on the concentration of the unbound HNO in the organic phase 0NOin the aqueous rather than on the concentration of Therefore, in order to more fuliy investigate the phase. effect of nitrate salting at constant HNO concentration, the organic phase unbound nitric acid shold be held constant rather than the aqueous phase nitric acid, as was done in Figure 5. Figure 8 illustrates this point by presenting the ruthenium extraction data for both constant aqueous phase nitric acid concentrations and constant organic phase unbound nitric acid concentrations. The values plotted were obtained from Figures 5 and 7. When compared on the basis of constant concentration of unbound nitric acid in the organic phase, ruthenium extraction is seen to increase with increasing nitrate salting of the aqueous phase the slope of the EO vs. total aqueous nitrate curve on log-log paper is approimately 1.3 to 1.7 for the condition of constant concentration of unbound nitric acid in the organic phase. 2.2.4 Organic Phase Titration of Extractable Ruthenium A very interesting result of the organic phase titrations discussed in the previous section was the apparent titration of extractable ruthenium in the organic phase. This was observed for samples having a relatively large concentration of ruthenium (approximately 2.5 gm/liter). The phenomenon was first noticed when the organic phase of sample number 128 was titrated and gave a value of 0.103 M for the difference between total acid and amine nitrate concentration. This difference is normally taken to represent the unbound nitric acid concentration. Sample 128 had a final aqueous nitric acid concentration of O.37N and a final aqueous nitrate concentration of 6.1M. From Figure 6, the eXpected unbound HNO concentration would be about 0.055M, a factor of about two less than the 0.103 M value. Closer inspection of the titration curve (Figure 9) revealed that a total of four inflection points rather than the customary two points of inflection were possibly present. 4 FIGURE 7 The Effect of Nitrate Salting on Extraction of RuNo - Complexes Solutions Aged for One Month at Room Temperature (Batch B) 24-Hour Contacting at 250 C with 0.26 M TLA in Toluene Salting Agent =.NaNO 3 4- - 4 74 8 -T 7- -- - - T TT'~ 0 t; P t - - - -- --- - .-----.- - - T - :-It_4, - I T - j4 - - - - 4! -Z T- -- 4- -X1 13 -- I r; t w I 4 (a -- #4r ! 17'r -4-4: -- . w U - -- 0 I-tj - -- -- 7 - r - -- -- - -- - - T-4-1' r I. ~ T - - 27, :4 I A 0.100 1- 77-; 424 2 p ii: Tf1 1 0.0 1 0 Tj L 4'-*-j U 44 7'2 ++~~ -1+ i T-: (A I-i_ 42 1741; T 'T- U U IN i -1h4 -4 - T - L~ 2~71- X 7 T - I I;i L-4 0 1-4 -- Rt~ 'L7Eii 0.0101 I 0.01 1.5 17- 44 I - ~:~' K244~ - 1 1rIV '' I77 '4.- -' 2 74 2.5 3 4 5 6 - 8 K H ;TVj THThHzI7 4-,1-, 7 f 9 10 1.5 L 1.5 - 2 ,4 2.5 0.10 Final Organic Unbound HNO3 Normality ,IjjT 3 2._ 4 -11 5 7 4 <p 14 --- '10~~ - - - 5---.---- 1 - - -- T - It J,,A 1 - - - -_ 1 L - -V -c- I - - s .. - 2. -t Ie 3 -- -~ 8 -o 7 I -j- *o - - - - - ----- --- ~ ~--T o0 U) U 6 - .~~~~~~;.- - - - - ---- - l -_-- .iti (n - --71 4 -- -+-- ---- -,-5* Finl Finl Aueus 1 otl qu~os otl itat Ntrae IOlArit olait - - - - - Figure 9 is t Ft~ U LO I I. n 4 o S-n x O .i -A. IT I. ici t t ,I 1: t1~K4KKVKf"i.. -IIL- 1. ..- -- 1 - I LLI__I__iiL1~Ir KI2. - *- - -7-4 -j- H_-I--t F~ -- 4inl iat t -] - - - -L- L - 1 T 2-6 In order to investigate this phenomenon, the sodium hydroxide was diluted by a factor of five (from 0.0875N to 0.0175N) and the sample titrated again. Figure 10, which shows the result of the re-titration, covers the range corresponding to 0-1.3 ml on Figure 9. As can be portion of the curve yields seen from Figure 10, the first The at least two inflection points and possibly more. would as 0.059M, first corresponds to a concentration of inflection acid be expected if this were the unbound nitric point. The difference between the first and second inflee-' tion points corresponds to a concentration of 0.038M. By previous quantitative analysis the ruthenium concentration was found to be 2.38 gm/liter, 0.024M. If it is assumed that the ruthenium in the organic phase is mostly in the form of the acids of the tetra-and pentanitrato complexes of nitrosyl ruthenium (i.e., HRuNO(NOA (H 0) and H RuNO(NO ) 5) which are neutralized between tWi twg end poi ts markad on Figure 10 and if the mole fraction of the penta-complex is represented by X, then 2 x (0.024) +(l-x)0.024 = 0.038 and X then is equal to 0.,58. The resultant concentration of the complexes are 0.010M and 0.014 M for the tetraand penta-, respectively. Even closer inspection of Figure 10 shows- an irregularity in the titration curve at about 5.25 ml. If it is assumed that the entire pentacomplex would be titrated before the tetra-complex, then for a concentration of 0.014M, its neutralization would be calculated to occur at 5.40 ml (which is very close to the inflection found at 5.25 ml). Other samples with large ruthenium concentrations in the organic phase were also titrated. At concentrations of less than approximately 1 gm/liter, the results of the titrations are inconclusive. However, sample number 127, with an organic phase Ru concentration of 2.51 gm/liter (0.025M), gave very similar results to those of sample 128. The aqueous phase ofFsample 127 was 0.35N HNO and a total rom Figure 6, the unbouna nitric acid nitrate of 5.26 M. phase would be about 0.044M. the-organic in concentration (Figure 11) yielded end phase organic the of Titration The first end point gives ml. 4.60 and ml points at 2.55 difference between the the and 0.045M of a concentration end points corresponds to a concentration of 0.036M. Again, assuming the Ru to be mostly in the form of the acids of the tetra- and penta-complexes, the mole fraction of the penta complex is calculated to be 0.44 and the concentrations of the complexes are calculated to be 0.014M and 0.OllM for the tetra-and penta-complexes, respectively. 11'r_ f14j1fjjj,'f 1-j#1 1 'T IT 4i7.JKU: .T ---- 4Vi I . w0 . . I A r 4r, .- Li., -14 171 11- L 4 4 11i Vti1~f1 I 4*tI -,-t .- - it - -44 - I. -. --- -I - - - -nk -. 4-* -- -- -- -. - - - - *- -~ - o1. - - - -t -~ _7-h - *------ - - .. 11 Z X O. 7--- -3 - .- -- - rf - TT -- - ---- TIt 7 .. t 4 . . .- TT 18 I -4 -T- - I L L ---t - - I 52-\, tt T 4q 41 34_. {T -- T 1 -- T TTir -J x4 11-1 - - - 1r - r r44 -- 04. WA] -,- - - K+ -Tt t- __- -~ 4 I~ - - _T - - --- 4 - - -*- -4 1 1 7 - 19 Although the titrations of samples 127 and 128 and their resultant interpretations do not present conclusive evidence for the more extractable forms of the RuNOnitrato complexes, the indications are that the tetra-and penta-nitrato complexes of the nitrosyl ruthenium nitrato system are more highly extractable than the lower complexes. 2.2.5 Effect of Amine Concentration A variation of TLA concentration was made to determine the effect of amine concentration on ruthenium extraction. The amine concentration was varied from 0.053M to 0.26 M. Th8 extractions were made for 24-hour contacting time at 25 C. The aqueous phase contained aged (one month) RuNOnitrato complexes in 1.3N HNO solution with no sal ing. The data is presented in Figule 12. The value of E is seen to be initially dependent upon the 1.5 power o the amine concentration. Above an amine 8 oncentration of approximately.0.13M., the values of E fall below the line of slope 1.a. The reason for the faling-off of the values of E can be seen from Figure 13. Figure 13 shows the concent ation of unbound HNO3 in the organic phase as a function of TLA concentration. It can be seen that above an amine concentration of about 0.13M, the values of the unbound HNO concentration deviate from linearity and are larger thaA would be predicted. This could result in a decrease of the partition coefficients of the extractable species (See Figure 8) and therefore a lower value of E0 than would be predicted. A 2.3 Spectra of Solutions As a means of obtaining information about the aqueous solutions of the RuNO-nitrato complexes, in particular the effect of aging and the effect of salting, spectrophotometric studies were conducted. The equipment employed was a Beckman Model DU Spectrophotometer and 1 cm absorption cells. The wavelengths investigated ranged from 400 mp, to 540 m . Below 400 m±, the absorbance increases greatly and above 540 m , it becomes very small. Previous spectra (3) of RuNO- nitrato solutions have shown that an absorbance maximum exists at about 475 mp and that the value of the absorbance at this wavelength increases with Increasing nitric acid concentration. 2.3.1 Effect of Solution Age In order to obtain some idea of the amount of time required for the aqueous solutions to reach equilibrium with regard to the distribution of the complexes in solution, spectrophotometric studies were made of the solutions at various solution ages. FIGURE 12 The Effect of Amine Concentration on Extraction of RuNO-Nitrato Complexes 20 Solution Aged for One Month at Room Temperature (Batch B) 24-Hour Contacting at 250C with 1.3N HNO Aqueous Solution of RuNO-Nitrato Complexes; Initial Aqueots Ru=6.45Gm/liter Tr f-trr -- - -- t -_ u- +F-w 7-_+-_-_-- -- -,-- - -*3 ;j_~~~'F - - - -- - tF r 4 - T4 -7___,1__tR - "1 4 7 1 * -- - _ - - - I -- 4--+- --- - T-t - - - 3 2 -ila - - - - r -y 4~ - 4- -- 4- t- z 1 N j4I.5- 2 2 -T 4 -4 51 -i- -- T- lit PP 4 r tI4. -'.A- 4 vi 5 0 -i EA A 0.10 4 1 *1~'' c .1' * I- Hi - 7, . F-4-F-~- 4 1 1'1 -.4 t I 7 i F .- T- - F- - - -A - - - - 4 A-4 4~- - T . 4-1: ; - t 1 - - ".4L 4Ff -'-F -;. -+-- n~~4Ij71 A. L- - -J r ; t-i 7 -i 1t~ t -I '---'1- 0 42 + Tt' ~1,. 3 *F-~ - i41I FT I-' I F-'1,1 2.5 -4-, - -. 1--F-F-- 4 1 2 -1' LF iF -T 1.5 t tI- -0A -- 0 0.01 - . X 1 ~L T r. -4 - -- + 'IT - 5 F-, T" _1 7 U *~-It-Ki. .4 7r _T T -. T11 VI - 4 1+ F,- I41 5 2 .4.1-1> F I1 44-+44 6 'T 414 17j' t .141FIlj. I 4-j 7 8 9 10 - TK'V44 1.5 2 0.10 Molarity of TLA in 4 - -1 2.5 4 -- Toluene HT .4 11 ~5 i t+ 6 8 44 9 10 Figure 13 tI7 7L7 -- - -4T+-t 21 t t -t,4 - 4 tL. -I H4 t7 44 - 1 7It - -p-4-rj -- - r 1 - -- - i- ~ 14 ~ r - I - + -tr 4 4: 4 - -4 4 ~J r} - --*-- -t I- - 7 i i- --- 4 r - Q 0 F 447 -- -- - ~ r~- ,--- - j--* ,IT - ,-O . ~ - ~ 4-4 t 1r ,0- -+ + r * - . . - . . *I- - - - -F - -. - - T - -- - * 4 4 1V. T4: ;, 2 Li .+ 4 4 4- 22 Figures 14 and 15 show the spectra of a solution of RuNO-nitrato complexes in 4.75N HNO (no salting) with a ruthenium concentration of 1.78 gm/iter as a function of 6olution age. At any wavelength up to about 500nl, the absorbance exhibits a maximum with increasing age. However, the maximum absorbance occurs at about 475 mp, regardless of solution age. In Figure 14, the solution age is shown from 1-2 hours to 22 days. Little change is seen between 16 days and 22 days. Figure 15 shows solution ages of 22 days and 31 days. Essentially no change is discernible between the two. Figure 16 shows spectra of a solution of RuNOnitrato complexes in 1.2N HNO (no salting) with a ruthenium concentration of l.3 gm/liter at two solution ages, one month and six months. Once again, no appreciable change is noticeable. The conclusion to be reached from the previous spectra is that equilibrium has been attained in less than 31 days and probably in the range of 16 to 22 days. 2.3.2 Effect of Nitrate Salting In an attempt to determine if the distribution of the RuNO-nitrato complexes in aqueous solutions is dependent only on the total nitrate concentration or only on the nitric acid concentration or on a combination of both, spectra were taken of three solutions at aged conditions. Figure 17 shows that the NNO salted solution spectrum is intermediate betwee the solution having a nitric acid concentration equal to'the nitric acid concentration of the salted solution and the solution having a nitric acid concentration equal to approximately the total nitrate concentration of the salted solution. Spectra at other solution conditions are yet to be made before an analysis of the data can be attempted. i~I 7-Lib 23 ml -rn i-711 -- - lt - t 4- - - - I 1 -r4- - -4 N--1 -L-ir.7 7- - -- -- - { -4 4 -b M1 , r -- -- - -t 4H -4 - - - -1- - - 1O 4 -4- --- -- - ; -- + --- - - - -1t +--+-4 - -- --.---- - * ------ -- -- ! - - ------ -- r7t - - -. tt 0 -0 t tV 4 1 . t tX aa.. -. .e-... -~~~~~~ 7Z&-77t7 1 77 L 111 trllA' 44 T~L L W j T h IL tJ , - -t :-71 ;!1 -- -- T 1 _ _y lr - LL - 4... .u h ri-.- 1-- 4- I-IffP- I - - 4:,~~~~~~~j 1 -- -1----i--- a ~ ~ ~ - .4 fl- -!4--P-71 - -ip,-+-1 - - -- 1 I I . P-;: ~ W -Ati n 17 ... f- 4 24 F1F1 ure 1: )r;v blrti n) 440 - - M- 1i-N toatc Cmlr Z-c ra , Ml at - D10 t i VI . .. . . p -t .4 - 1 - - - 4 + i - -t~-- + - - - - -4 r- - - T t H4 jlt t-4 I t T FL I _ II_ 109 _ -' - t -r -- r r - t t L 4----- -T -T- 4t - -6 - t -i -u r-7- 1D - Uf - - 4 --- -I-- - -- ~-------------"-*-"-------------------------------------------g - .41 V - t - --- - - - I 2 - ~ -c~ t - -- ---- - - -- - - -- r -t- - U- -- - - , 4 4 - - 1,~ - 4- 1 r4 4 1 4 1 I a I t - 4-1 25 -4t 4 - 4S L 4i .t TL +4 4 4 11- I N T_ -i - ----- T lLj -~ - - ~ ------ - 4~~~~~~~ _ - TM -4 - --- - -f r ------- -- - *4 s+- - -- At - +- - *t -- 76n4Tl ++-- ---- e--- - - -~~ - - -- - 4 -n - -f-- ---L 44- t *- II 2+ ~'.T 4 ra 4~( -- - - -- I 7-T - - T - 4 '440 - - 2 V -- - -s. - - ----. T - - - - - - .. - - ---..e- - zI p- £. - . -. 4 I1 - - - -4- 4- _4 4I- 44T .4-- -- - -~ rT-4 - -..- - --.-- I. 4 . -~ -.-- -- ,.-- _ 1 . . . (Y) - 1 ~~~ -T L 04 -- 4-r1 --- - - 4-- - - - --- - -- - - -* - - _ __I 0 11 4 Ow 44-4 X I- ....... C - -1- I~~ - -1 ~ ~1 ---t -- .--. ... - - .. r -.---- - -. - - - -4 - - - *- * r** -- - - -*- -- t - - L -- -_- *- 27 3.0 Ruthenium Nitrosyl Nitro Complexes Concluding the description of preparation III as started in the previous report (3) the solution was evaporated nearly to dryness and7yielded a deliquescent The solid was brown-orange solid RuNO(NO ) OH(H0) . in a volumetri dip olved in DDW and dilutes o 258 flaak. Analysis showed the ruthenium content to be 55.3 gm/liter. A set of solution was then prepared by adding the appropriate amount and concentration of nitric acid and/or sodium nitrate to aliquot portions of the stock solution. A summary of the solutions is listed in Table 2. 3.1 Extraction of Freshly Prepared Solutions Extractions of most of the fresh solutions (age after dilution of compound in DDW approximately 1-2 hours) were made for a two-minute contacting time. The data are shown plotted in Figure 18. Of interest are three observations: (1) The curve shows no maximum but decreases steadily with increasing nitric acid concentration. In fact, plotting the data for the nitric acid sy tem with no nitrate salting on semi-log paper (Figure 19) yields a straight .igfthat can be described empirically by where N is the nitric acid normality. EA = 0 .2 6 e (2) From Figure 18, it appears that sodium nitrate salting decreases the extractability of the freshly prepared nitro complexes. However, by plotting the values of E0 against the final organic phase nitric acid concentrati n rather than the final aqueous phase nitric acid concentration, it can be seen (Figure 20) that actually the salting has no observable effect. The organic phase hitrabiaifc hCefttDfRtohu ayagotb ethined by from obtained was but the samples of Mrgn& phas6.titration Figur f. The freshly prepared RuNO-nitro complexes are more highly extractable than the freshly prepared RuNOnitrato cemplexes, particularly at low acid concentrations. Figure 21 shows the two systems plotted so as to enable At 0.5N HNO3 , the value of'E9 for the nitro comparison. complexes is a factor of3approximately 40Atimes that for nitrato complexes. The effect of sodium nitrate salting of the RuNOcomplexes, as shown in Figure 20, is negligible. nitro This would indicate that neither replacement of the nitro ligands by nitrato ligands for higher nitrato complexes formation has occurred in the 1-2 hours of solution aging. 28 TABLE 2 Ruthenium Nitrosyl Nitro Complexes Solutions HNO Cone.,, N Total Nitrate Conc., M gm/liter RuConc., 5.43 0.42 0.42 0.77 0.77 1.22 1.22 2.94 2.94 4.51 4.51 6.29 6.29 8.22 8.22 9.60 9.60 0.42 1.00 0.41 2.99 0.38 4.96 0.36 6.34 4.94 1.16 2.94 5.43 1.07 4.85 I" 1.01 6.26 4.94 2.97 3.07 5.43 2.76 4.86 2.60 6.33 4.94 4.60 5.10 5.43 4.31 6.58 4.94 It if it It If A' FIGURE 18 Extraction of Freshly Prepared RuNO-Nitro Complexes 2-Minute Contacting at 25 0 with 0.26 M TLA in Toluene 0 = Nitric Acid System (No Salting) A = Nitric Acid-Sodium Nitrate System (Total Nitrate = 6.3M) 10 - - - .- 8 7 , - -. r - - - - 29 - - - - - - - - -I -6[-4 4 3 -----~ - - .- -- --- -- -- - - - - - Il 4 -- - -- - - Hr- -- 1 - - 4 _____ 24 - ~- -- + 4- - -1441 1 - - I1 7 1- 0.100'1 -1tT - liT 7 I f~ T T j - 8 - 0 r --- '-,-- 9 - ---- -- 7 6 -- 44 1 1 i -- I - 00 r 3 - L, w - - - - f iT - t--I- Lli*--- -- I 9 1; 060 -- - - ± - - - 7 2 -J 6 5 3 -1 4- H - -- - tt 4- 0.0011 - 4t 'I 6 7 110 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Final Aqueous HNO3 Normality 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 .R;qI-uwolq COPIH snoortbl TeuTgT r 0 r m> rn (AJ 00- n19. 61 Rg~flQLIa FIGURE 20 Extraction of Freshly Prepared RuNO-Nitro Complexes 2-Minute Contacting at 25 0C With 0.26M TLA in Toluene 0 = Nitric Acid System (No Salting) A =Nitric Acid-Sodium Nitrate System (To 1 1itra e= t '-i1- 8 K . 4 , --- ---- _-- - -- -- - --. - -T- -- - - - -- 4 i 4- 1--4-4II -'- 1-- tt - 4 -4 - - -t * * 11A 8 31 4------ - - 0.100 10 - -- - - F- - -- - t - T . . .. T t ---- --- - -- tt A --- ----- - 3 - - u7 - - --_ ----- b 4 - - 1fl- 0~ t 4-r - -,--- --. __- -- - - - - - -- -- - -- - -- --- - - - *_ - N - Opl0 - 0 -U>- --- - U(K,U - - . - -- - ------ I . _ 4-m ~ ~ 7 -1- --- 7 - ----I-- - . ' - - - - - - -- - - - - 0 X (~rVY ~ 2 -,~ 3 -I ... -. 1 ,1 0.001 . - ---- - i * - a Final OrL;ani c Unbound HN0 . 3 Normality --. -- - > FIGURE 21 Extraction of Freshly Prepared RuNO-Nitrato and RuNO-Nitro Complexes 32 2-Minute Contacting at 250 C with 0.26 M TLA in Toluene 0 = RuNO-Nitro Complexes A = RuNO-Nitrato Complexes 10 8 -- rr - 7 6 5 - - - - -+4+- - - 1 i - - -r . A .I - .--- - -.- 1 ---- - - -K 4 4- -- - 4- - -2 - tt - -+7 - ~ - -,-+ - h -4- - - - - ---1. 1- - -- -t-4± 4 - -- - -- -. ~ - -1 4-41 - ''t 4 t' - - -- 9 1 - 'H --- 4- - - -- 441 t - -+ --- - 4r -- -- -t- - - - - - -- - ) ~ 2 44 {I, - 0.100 E0 A 4-- - -- --- + -4 4 --- --- - --i - -- . . - -44: 10 2 - t - 34- - - -- 4-i- 4 .-. -44--4 ~ - -4 -- -- - - --- - - - .144 9 -- 84 F - - - 2: t- - 4 1 ;+-- - -4------:-- - ----- -- - -+- - -- - - K. 1. 44 -- - ----- -4 - - -- - - -- .-- 101 2- 0 W '14- 6~ .: 0- 44 0.001 J Final Aqueous 5 40N3 Normality 62 - .0 3 4 5 67$8 9 10 33 This is consistent with the work of Brown (6) on the RuNO-nitro complexes reaction rates. 3.2 Extraction of Aged Solutions After aging at room temperature for one month, a series of extraction studies were conducted on the solutions. 3.2.1 Effect of Nitric Acid Concentration A set of extractions was made for two-minute conctacting of the aged solutions with the acid and nitrate concentrations in the samples the same as those for the freshly prepared two-minute contacting. The data is shown plotted as a function of final aqueous nitric acid concentration in Figure 22 and as a function of final organic excess nitric acid concentration in Figure 23. From Figure 23, it is seen that after aging for one month, the sodium nitrate salting has had the effect of increasing the extractabiltiy of the complexes. It is believed that this is due to either replacement of nitro ligands by nitrato ligands., the formation of higher nitrato complexes, or, more likely, a combination of both. Of interest is the point (in Figure 23) at which the line of the salted sample merges with the line of the non-salted samples. The intersection is not at the organic phase excess acid concentration corresponding to 6.3N HNO in the aqueous phase, but at a lower point. This is donsistent with the previous discussion of the spectra of salted RuNO-nitrato complexes solutions in Section 2.3.2 and indicates again that nitrate in the form of nitric acid is more effective with regard to nitrato com lexing than is nitrate in the form of sodium nitrate. This may possibly indicate that the tetraand penta-nitrato complexes exist in solution in the form of the acids of the species (HRuNO(NO ) (H 0) and ) H RuNO(NO3 5 ) rather than as anions (RuNO( 2 RuNO(NO ) 3 5= Comparison of the aged RuNO-nitro complexes with the freshly prepared RuNO-nitro complexes (Figure 24) shows that aging has resulted in decreasing the extractability of the complexes, although it appears that at an acid concentration of approximately 7NHNO 3 and higher that the extractability may have been increased. 1~ .4 22 FIGURE 22 Extraction of Aged RuNO-Nitro Complexes Solutions Aged For One Month at Room Temperature 2-Minute Contacting at 25 0 C with 0.26 M TLA in Toluene 0 = Nitric Acid System (No Salting) A = Nitric Acid-Sodium Nitrate System (Total Nitrate=6.3M) 10 -,--- - ~ IA1T - - -- - -f- - - r 6 -- - - 44 - - - -I T _ -t -- - - - - -- --- __-__-_- - - - 7T. - - - _ I -- - -.- -.-.- - - -- -- - -[- - - .1-1 - -.- 7 r 14 + --- -_ - 2 0.100 - -- - - - - -- - - - - 1 - - *- p i 1 7 - -- -T * -- -- - ti-- -- - -, - - -- -*---- - --_-_ - L 6 - 4 -7-- - 7-- - -- -- -- - -- -- - -- - -- I - - - - - --- - __ * -H4. - -- - I N --. t - I.. 4- -- .3 6u ------ - - - ---- - -- -- --------- - fIi Uxn }. . Aj > -.-.. - - , -- LU X o -- 4U 0 0 0.001 77- J 5 0 3 4 5 6 7 89 1C 11 Final Aqueous HNO3 Normality rJ FIGURE 23 3-5 Complexes RuNO-Nitro Aged of Extraction Extraction of Aged RuNO-Nitro Complexes Solutions Aged For One Mogth at Room Temperature 2-Minute Contacting at 25 C with 0.26 M TLA in Toluene 0 = Nitric Acid System (No Salting) A = Nitric Acid Sodium Nitrate System (Total Nitrate= 6.3Mf 10 - -- ---- 1- -- K t -.-- - 6. - - A4 --24-A -L4 -..... - y- t -- 4j- * * 1 41ti ; - -F4- 4 -, - 4- { L 1 IT i 101 ----- - .-- 1-7 - --- - - t r1 -4- - --+--- - 4 -I- ---- 4- - r t - 10 T 74~ -- 4-4-7 -- 87-- 5 -4 -, -tT -- - - - .- - - 744+7--- --- - - - - - - - - - - 5- - -- t4 - - - - -- - 44 - ____-7- * 0. ' ~ 5 -i-- 4 4- - e - - -. . - -- - - - - - 6 . . II 6o 4 - - -.- --. - -, - 4 7 - - - - - - - - - - - . Z L X U> Ow ow - <L 7p-+ - - - - - -- 10--- - 4 - - -- -- r 1 5 -- --- - 3 U . 0.L - -T - .--- ~ ~ 4~- 4 t,*~- ' ' - 7 -4 - -- - - - -1 TT- - -1 -L -.- *~ - - - - - -4- - - - -- - - -t- 4 -2 - - - TW - A~ 6 t C. 0 Final Organic Unbound HNO3 Normality -- - -t1 - j i 18- - 36 FIGURE 24 The Effect of Solution Age on Extraction of RuNO-Nitro Complexes 2-Minute Contacting at 250 with 0.26 m TLA in Toluene 10 = Freshly repared Solutions A = Solutions Aged for One Month at Room Temperature 10 - - T- h 6 -4 J7 T- . - -- - - 1 ' - 4.i---- _4 4 4~ T-. 4 44 -- I -I- V- S --- 2 I 4--V u 4 11- - - 1 -- _- 1+ 1: ' 'i-r L I- t - --- ~ 2+~* K1 ~ ~ ~ 21 * -- r - - - 11 I- Vt -- -- -+- t T 1 - t 6 t -&- 4 - - - T - - 1 1-1-- - -- - - 06 U) U ~ -4 105 1 - L - 1 4-l 4 -- 4- 1-4- -4+ - ----- - -4 -I 4 ± - +--A 5 T - - - 6 ~4J - -TiI 7 - -8 - t-+ p 77 -) - -T 4 -I- f1 +-4*- 9 - K -L - - t T L'4 H K~~~~~~~~ F - K i T -t-T - K-, 1 4 t I1-2: - 8 ~ - - LL IC~ 10 - - -l 3 , - I~ r -41 .4 t - - 1 4 44441- 11 - - T - -1 rr -44- -- p-- 4I4- 4 -- - -14 - - 1 444- 1 0.1 -: 4 5 7 A14 10 1.0 2 5 ' 6 89 10 10.0 Final Aqueous HNO3 Normality :- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9113 4~ 37 The decrease in extractability is thought to be due to the formation of nitro-nitrato complexes and/or lower less than tetra-) nitrato complexes which are believed to be less extractable than either the higher nitrato complexes or the nitro species initially in solution. In Figure 24 are plotted the values of E as a function of final organic nitric acid concentbation for aged (one month) RuNO-nitro complexes for a 24-hour contacting time. By comparison with Figure 23, it can be seen that for the salted solutions the rate of increase of E0 with contacting time is greater than that For instance, at a final of the non-safted solutions. organic HNO concentration of 0.060 M, the values of EA for the non-salted solutions are 0.035 and 0.095 for A the two-minute contacting and 24-hour contacting respectively; a ratio of 2.71. The corresponding values for the salted solutions are 0.066 and 0.340, or a ratio of 5.15. This again is consistent with the previously mentioned difference of rats of reaction and redistribution between the RuNO-nitrato complexes and RuNO-nitro complexes. This difference is shown more clearly iR Figures 26 and 27. Figure 26 shows the values of E for the non-salted aged RuNO-nitro complexes for the t minute and 24-hour contacting times plotted so as to enable comparison.0 Figure 27 shows the value of the ratio (R) of the EA values at 24 hour contacting to the EA values at 2 minute contacting as a function of final organic HNO concentration for the a ed (one month) RuNO-nitrat complexes and the aged (one month) RuNOnitro complexes. The organic phase nitric acid concentration corresponding to an aqueous phase concentration of 3M HNO is marked for reference purposes. It should be noted that since the RuNO-nitro complexes are very slow (compared to the RuNO-nitrato complexes) in approaching eqilibrium in the aqueous phase, the aged RuNO-nitro solutions will be labeled as to the length of the aging time. Whereas for the RuNO-nitrato complexes there exists no appreciable difference in solution composition at ages of one month or six months, the RuNO-nitro complexes solutions appear to be changing even at an age of four months. This topic will be discussed in more detail in Section 3.3.1. 3.2.2 Effect of Aqueous Ruthenium Concentration In Figure 28 are plotted the values of the final organic ruthenium concentration as a function of final aqueous ruthenium concentration for the RuNO-;nitro complexes aged for two months. The aqueous ruthenium concentrations were varied at two different levels of acid concentrations. Both studies show the final organic FIGURE 25 Extraction of Aged RuNO-Nitro Complexes 38 Solutions Aged For One Month at Room Temperature 24-Hour Contacting at 250 C With 0.26 M TLA in Toluene 0 = Nitric Acid System (No Salting) A = Nitric Acid-Sodium Nitrate System (Total Nitrate=6.3M) , -- 10 - - - 8--- - , - -- - -+ -s- 9 - -- --- -I i - -- -- 4 4- A6 7 T h- r 3 - - t4t 6 - ----- - * -- - -L.. 1 - T,. t t - -4- - L D_: - 41'4 -.- +- 4 Tn 1 1 -j -4 -~~ -- 2- 8-t- :J - -- -1 p - TT -t - -f -It -- 8 - - + Lj - -- - 4- -"- r - - - -- - -- 1-1 4 - -- r! _ ----- L 9j If -!-t1. - - - 4 4 -m - - - 1 - '-4- 4 1- ---- - -- - -L - - -- 9 -~ - t--- - - 4 ~- 4V - -- -- - - - 44 24 .. w0 -- I i- - t rw ..j 0 X L r -H t71 4 - 7 7-- -+ - Af I tI 4VM- r- t r I- - _ IT T 5 t T - -- -- 4-t -- - 3 4- 4-i- I.~t - -- 2 f t 131 4 --- - . .. +- - - - -- -3 4 6 / 8 o.010 2 Final Organic Unbound - 3 4 1 6 11 v . 100 1 HIO3 Normality 2 9 1 23 4 5 6 7 3 4 5 6 7 a 9 8 10 39 FIGURE 26 The Effect of Contact Time on the Extraction oLf RuNO-Nitro Complexes Solutions Aged for One Month at Room Temperature 0.26M TLA in Toluene A = 2 Minute Contacting at 20 C 0 = 24 Hour Contacting at 2) C 10 - - - -- --- --- - -- 9 t 1 - -Tt - 1 - - H - 3 r - T -4 -4-- -- t 10 7___-.---- 1. N 6 4 -- --. _ - _ T _- - 3 - 7------ - ---- -- - -- --*I-- 1 -- 1011 w - t+-1p - LLI 3 - -- - - - ----------------- -* -~ * -7 'I *~~- .- - 1 1 0.001 t - 7 0."010 .0 Final Organic Unbound HNlO 3 Normality 2 -- 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 FIGURE 27 40 The Effect of Contact Time on the Extraction of RuNO-Nitro and RuNO Nitrato Complexes Solutions Aged For One Month at Room Temperature 0.26 M TLA in Toluene D _ - - --- 5'- - 1 - -t - -- - , - - 3 - - - J. - - - t - - - ~~~ - -+------ - - - - 6 - -4 77 - - 4- -1 -t 4- ' -- - -r- 4 - - -I r. ;4 4 -+T [aa -4-T 104 -4-,- - -- 0% -P- t -- t -- - In -7 1 -- -. r-j - --- - - J ----- IFF - ___- - -- ---- +------------ 2---- -1 t - - - ~- _ - 10 t- -+ - 6 T - -i - 4 6- - - _ -±--1-1 -7 7I . RuNO-Nitro Complexes RuNO-Nitrato Com lexes /.0 -, 04- I I: I I, 1:- T- - I . - a . I - 1 ! , ,:. - -A 444 J Em f +4L C U -- Ou _je 5 0 T -- -7-- X:- -2-8- ---- - -- -L - 4- - k % -4-- - - i - ~ ~~ - -- T4 - - 0 -1 - t - -A _4~- -11 1 - +i- - I - -3 ~ 780.O ~ ~ 2 ~ 345678 ~ ~j 1110 Final Organic Unbound HNO3 Normality -i- 2 T0 34567891 - FIGURE 28 The Effect of Aqueous Ruthenium Concentration onExtrac tion.wrgRuNO@Nif oW1Aptes 1woi4SAU's at Room Temperature Solutions Aged for 24-Hour Contacting at 2500 with 0.26 M TLA in Toluene - 10 --t4 9 - 8 -- -rr -- - 77,77~ r ~1 , r~ - 4T 44 --- 3 1- - - - -} - I__ 4 - i - T - -, -A I L-+J 7-T4T H --- 4 uiI~ Q)- ' T 4 -' +1-I- t- - - -- -I ~- T XZ -~- t Nt 4 T -_ - -T_ t -r l - - 2- 11 - -t - L~j -- F iT- F -- - T1j - - ' IA f t I 1t 4 - -1 - 1. 4- -___ r Lth - -I -- -4 - __ITI - T -IT-K-T Y --- -- -T-F ~~ I -- - - -1 ~ 8 T, - t -~ -- - L 44 t K~ : -- L -c-- - 1-: -rT - Tj - 1 7~ k 1 2-410 t 4 T~~j2" r - 4 6 7 T,02 -- - T t - --- - t t 6 4 3 6 T7 89 [.4 - 4 L. -4-4-V-t--- T 4 ~~ i 4 I.0 Final Aqueous Ru Conc. , gm/lit er 14- t { . -- r -,-,- 4 U.10 -4- -- tt - T- 4 -- _U ,VT 2 ~- . Ui b 4 L jjj~~ 4 D - --- -- -- 4 0 I I[,, - I ~ --- -t- - 4~ 4 5 6 8 3 42 ruthenium concentration to be dependent upon the 1.2 power of the final aqueous ruthenium concentration in the range of final aqueous ruthenium concentrations of from about 0.2 gm/liter to 5 gm/liter. This dependence upon a power greater than unity may be due to selfsalting of the RuNo-nitro complexes. A few extractions with added amounts of sodium nitrite to RuNO-nitro complexes will be -made in the near future to determine the effect of nitrite salting... 3.2.3 Effect of Amine Concentration In a similar fashion to the aged RuNO-nitrato complexes, the distribution ratio of aged (two-months) RuNO-nitro complexes increases initially with the 1.2 power of the amine concentration and then tapers off to a lower power dependence above an amine concentration of approximately 0.13M. (see Figure 29) The tapering off can again be explained by the higher concnetration of unbound nitric acid in the organic phase than would be the case if the ratio of unbound acid concentration to amine concentration were constant. 3.2.4 Effect of Nitrate Salting Following the method employed in Section 2.2.3, the values of EO for 24 hour contacting of the aged (one month) RuN6 -nitatejcmpexes are plotted in Figure 30 as a function of final organic unbound nitric acid concentration for constant total aqueous nitrato concentrations of 1.2M, 3M, 5M, and 6.3M. Cross plotting 0 from Figure 30 gives Figure 31, where the values of EA are plotted as a function of total aqueous nitrate concentration for constant organic unbound acid concentrations. From Figure 31, it appears that the distribution ratio varies as the 0.8 to 4.7 power of the total aqueous nitrate concentration. A particularly strong function of total nitrate concentration seems to be apparent in the small range of 5M to 6.3M total nitrate. However, a was shown in Section 3.2.1, the rate of increase of E with contacting time is greater for the salted solutions (8.3M total nitrate) than for the non-salted solutions. Therefore,0 in order to obtain a better idea of the dependence of E on total aqueous nitrate concentration, the dependence An conjact time should be eliminated as much as possibl8 . This can be accomplished by plotting the values of E for the two-minute contacting time. Cross plotting grom Figure 23 yields Figure 32 which shows the values of E A for two minute contacting of aged solution at the non-salted conditions and the salted 43 FIGURE 29 The Effect of Amine Concentration on Extraction of RuNO-Nitro Complexes Solution Aged for Two Months at Room Temperature 24-Hour Contacting at 25 0 C with o.4N HNTO 3 Aqueous Solution of RuNO-Nitro Complexes L4, *- 4L 6D-T -- L-* t:;zL, 5 ~L H94+- r 44 T -- _444 z .5 I. - - 7 P!4-T;i . -- U r -r n . t11 +;I -r - j Ib qt 4 w z z $i1<1 +L--7T 7- 0 t, t ~ -- -t - -1 -A r 1 G J W - 1K U 2.s- .-- 2 - 8' nH -25t-v - - ~ -F - - + ---- 5 -. T -_-_ TT -T -7 --- T -1_ I -- - - T tT 4 -9 3I 4 . - A W -J -1 - -1 U i 0 W 0 N t 7- -p 04 U T: 2. 1 2v1 V-: 4122 j J 444- -- iF>'LL~ j .L 1 41 I 2.5 4 4- - . I t 4 .44iLL' 4 i ::I-i 5 4-i I Tin, - -:---! I -I- -V |. .1 *1 1. 4.41. | T74 I 2 | I -44.L 6 -T I-. I 4..'.. .. 18 - 1 L , I 9 %.o i ' 1..L 1.5 I - i .. , ,,,,.,,.,,,,. 2 Molarity of TLA in Toluene I. 2:5 3a . 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 OURE 30 The Effect of Sodium Nitrate Salting on Extraction of RuNO-Nitro Complexes Solutions Aged for Ong Month at Room Temperature 24-Hour Contacting at 25 C with 0.26 M TLA in Toluene - - J- -- 1A**4. r-.. --. - . -- -- - . - - ,-r- - , ,- 1-- -- - - * - H 4 1- - - --- - - I - -- - --- 4 - - --T - t -1 . - 9- -1 ---- 44 - - t - - - ~ - , .- - --- -- -A*f -'- - -I- I [ - ' 9-- -- --- L lii 1WY 10 - -- - rtVt 0.001 K - -- - - -F- -1-- -1- I- ii. 11 L .1 11 1 iI 3 5 6 7 8 - - -- - - -- *1 4 - ji 1L - -1 4--I - - 410 0.010 - I --2 -- -4-- - - - 1 - - I "- I-;- I' - -I ~ 4 9- F -T - -'.9- PT r 7T -1 1 -4 ' - -- --- t ~ - - 4 I - - - -j 1~~ '1 - Ii -11 L1A 6 .3 7 8 1~ FVA .4- 9 10 0.100 Final Organic Unbound HNO3 Normality 2 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Figure 31 The Effect of Sodium Nitrate Salting; on Extraction of RuNO-Nitro Complexes Solutions 6ged for One Month 24-Hour Contacting at 25 C with 0.26M TLA in Toluene 10 - - - - - 10 i----. -. - - - - - - - - - - - - 7~~A -I - --- T -- TT T -t--T - - __- -- - - _I 44 r -- - 14- - 1 - -t- -- r - 2 111 -- - - 0- -- -. t- - 94- - - t -- i- - S ]---- I 77' +7 1 7 - 'I*- * - * - - r' - 47 * ~4- - - - -- -__-t - - - 4+ 10 -- --- ---- - -- - - - TT- - - 0 N 1 - - - 4 -4 - - - - -- 1- -. - ------ - 3 -1 0 x w O 4 ..-..... --.. -- 2. - -- - -_ - - _ - - - -* - - - ~** T --- -- - -. -L q01 0 1 - - - - 7 --+ Final Aqueous Total Nitrate Molarity 8 - -- + -4- 44 Figure 32 The Effect of Sodium Nitrate Salting on Extraction of RuNO-Nitro Complexes 2-Minute Contacting of One Month Aged Solutions at 25 0 C with 0.26m TLA 10 - - 8- -. - - -. - -4 4 -- 4--- --- 1--- - tt__ 6 ---- - 4 -- - -- - - --- -- - -4L 2 3 -- + ---- - - - - ~2-4L -- -- ~~' - - - ------ - - 4-- -- --- - - - - -- 7- -- H - f -- --- *-- 1 - - . 7 ~ T<± - +- - - -- - 10 -- - -- >--- 10 t - - - - -- - - - 4 .4- 3y 6 - - r - -- - - _ - - a1 T -- 44 - - I - * -- --4r L , --- - -t - - H-- - - - -- - - -A - - - - ~ - -- tt - - --- 6 ,-4----- - ---.- - -a-,1-'- --- - --- -- S-r - -- -- - - - 40 t 3 - - -- - - -- - -1 .- 2 t - -i 2 -- - 1 A~~~~ 3. - -,- -- - 22-- J -- - - 4- 5 T4 4 -- - - - - -- - -4- - .0s?4 - - 1 I __iIIF 1q4 4jk 4 5 Final Aqueous Total Nitrate Molarity 3 4 5 6 7 8910 -' --- - 47 condition of 6.3M total aqueous nitrato concentration. The values of EA for the intermediate salted solutions are not plotte because those data points were taken only for the 24 hour contacting time and not for the two minute contacting time. From Figure 32, the value of EA is seen to be dependent upon the 0.4 to 0.8 power of the total aqueous nitrate concentration. The actual exponent is probably closer to 0.4 than 0.8, since the slope of 0.8 is a result of two closely spaced points and a small error in their values could result in a large error in the slope of the line drawn through them. 3.3 Spectra of Solutions Spectra of the RuNO-nitro complexes solutions were made on a Beckman Model Du Spectrophotometer in order to discover any similarities and/or differences between these solutions and the RuNO-nitrato complexes solutions. 3.3.1 Effect of Solution Age 'As a means of determining the length of aging time required for the RuNO-nitro complexes to come to equilibrium in aqueous nitric acid solutions, spectra were made of three RuNO-nitro complexes solutions at aging times of seven weeks and four months. The spectra are shown plotted in Figure 33. Several points are of interest: (1) The spectra of the RuNO-nitro complexes at both solution ages are similar to the aged RuNO-nitrato complexes from the aspect of exhibiting a minimum in the value of the absorbance between 400 mp and 450 ms and a They are also maximum betwe!i 450 ms and 500 m. similar in that the absorbance at the maximum increases with increasing nitric acid concentration. (2) A significant difference is that the position of the maximum shifts with acid concentration. Whereas in the aged RuNO-nitrato complexes solutions the maximum remained at 475 mi, in the seven weeks aged RuNO-nitro solutions the position of the maximum moves from 485 mP at 1.2N HNO to 500 mp at 9.6 N HNO . Although the absorbance at the maximum increases3 with acid strength, it does not increase nearly so much as does the peak absorbance for the aged RuNO-nitrato solutions. At the seven weeks aging time, the absorbance (3) minimum for the RuNO-nitro solutions is much more Fm e 3 44T -_ ,, . I ._ _. 1 i - t - I 12 -ty~- 4 tt - --. -- ------ 4r t - - - +--- ---- ---- L-- +- - - - A- -r-- - _ 1 - -;-- 4 -- 1e- 4- t T 1t t . - -- . -T - - -i - 1 A- - - - - ------- ~ + T - - - - -~ - t+ -- i- -1--- 2 L L{ 4 1 4 44 i 4- 1 4 - t ; - - tt ~- 4>4 -- - --- -- - - - ~ - - - - '- - --- . ; 4 1 -4 14 , 4 - t1 , - --- -- -- -4--- -- --- r- -- --- T -t- - - - 4 - - - - -- - *T -H 4 T 2- - -- + - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - T4- - - - I 4iFt - - - - - - -- - --- + -+ T * - - +L -- 41 S-'r - -- - + --i -+ 4 _ 1 - -' - - I - - -- : t -4- -. t 7 Lr-. I L 77L Ll - - -IrtL 4 L 4-i 4 - +4r- 1 - -4 I 71 T 1-14 - - - TT- i4* 4 or t ' i 14 r -- - +- -T - + - - .- -LL .1 -- - - -NN I IIi4 {7 4- t -t4 - - T - IT . t L t . ~ t 49 pronounced, especially at higher acid concentrations, than for the RuNO-nitrato solutions. A large shift in both position and absorbance of the minimum is seen between 1.2N 1N0 and 4.5N HNO but practically no difference in either position dr absorbance is observed between 4.5N HNO3 and 9.6N HNO 3 ' (4) The effect of aging is generally to increase the absorbance over the entire range of 400 mp to 540 ms (except for the 1.2N HNO solution above 420 mW) and to shift the position of thd maximum to lower values of wavelength. Little effect of aging is observed for the 1.2N HNO solution, but a large effect of aging is seen in the 4.5N HNO and 9.6N HNO solutions. In the latter two cases, tAe spectra are3 seen to be changing so as to more nearly approximate the spectra of the RuNO-nitrato complexes solutions. The position of the maximum for the 4.5N HNO solution has shifted to about 475 mpL, the same as for the RuNO-nitrato complexes, and the position of the maximum for the 9.6N HNO solution has shifted from about 500 m4p to about 485 -p.The absorbance maximum in the 1.2N HNO solution appears to have shifted from 485 fl to about 47; mp, but the value of the absorbance at wavelengths greater than 470 m appears to have decreased. However, the change in the spectrum of the 1.2 N HNO solution has been litle. and its interpretation m st be somewhat limite'. The general conclusions to be reached are: (1) that the RuNO-nitro complexes solutions are very slow in attaining equilibrium(relative to the RuNO-nitrato complexes solutions.) Equilibrium has not been reached after seven weeks aging and possiblynnot after four months aging; however, more spectra will have to be taken as aging continues before the latter statement can be shown to be true or not. (2) From the appearance of the manner of the change in the spectra with solution aging, it appears that the RuNO-nitro complexes are slowly being transformed, either wholly or in part, to the RuNO-nitrato complexes and/or mixed RuNO-nitro-nitrato complexes. This conclusion is consistent with the conclusion drawn from the extraction studies on the RuNO-nitro and RuNO-nitrato complexes. 3.3.2 Effect of Ruthenium Concentration In Section 3.2.2, the value of E0 for the aged(two months) RuNO-nitro complexes was foun& to be dependent upon the 1.2 power of the aqueous ruthenium concentration. Although this effect is believed due to self-salting of 50 the RuNO-nitro complexes, a series of spectra measurements was performed to determine if the spectra changed as a function of aqueous ruthenium concentration. The measurene nts were made on 1.2N HNO3 solutions of RuNO-nitro complexes. This solution was chosen for two reasons: (1) The spectra of the 1.2N HNO solution changes very little with solution age (see Fiure 33). (2) The value of 1.2N HNO falls within the range of acid concentrations that dis layed the dependence of the value of E? on the 1.2 power of aqueous ruthenium concentration tsee Figure 28). Figure 34 shows the spectra for 1.2N-HNO3 solutions with aqueous ruthenium concentrations of 0.22, 0.44, 1.09, and 2.17 gm/liter. The solution had been diluted from the original stock solution concentration of 5.43 gm/liter with 1.2N HNO after the stock solution had aged for two months. The diluted solutions were aged for two weeks before the extractions were made and the spectra taken. The spectra appear to be very regular with regard to one another and do not display any noticeable variations other than the expected decrease of absorbance with decreasing ruthenium concentration. In fact, the value of the absorbance at the maximum (48Omp) varies linearly with concentration as shown by Figure 34. Visual inspection of Figure 34 shows that the linearity holds true at the lowest wavelength measured (400 mu.), the highest wavelength measured (540mp), and at the position of the minimum (440 m). Although the regularity of the spectra cannot be considered proof of a lack of effect of ruthenium concentration on the amount and/or type of RuNO-nitro complexes in solution, i would indicted that the observed dependence of E on the 1.2 power of the ruthenium concentration is probably due to the effect of self-salting. FIGURE 34 4 - ~ v ___ . ..~: 4 + %-44 = T ~-t -- '1 -- r I -44 + -r 1y - -- -4- -'- - - i + t T, 1 L...4. .200 ~~~~~-f -~ ----- ~ A L 1.000 + 4 4! 4 1 .11 ' 1 T4 t - I L -4t ~ -- - - o.8oo ~4 r- 41 -4 - r- -*t + -j*---- ----1- - - - -1 qt,4 , .; - -L . - - 4 - - - - - - - 1 - * 4- - - - - - . 44 -4 r 4 - - 7 - 0.600 44 t7 7 iI "' - -- L -- I -- - .A --- *t - - -- --- --+ --- A -- - 1 -----------1----- -------------------------- t----t--- 20 200 -IF- 1 T - -- -- - - - - - 0.000 I - - - -7- L9-- -4 ~ 7 ' - 7- _- - % \ 1avo1cn't h, 4- - 44 --- -- ' - -- T " - * t ' It - --- -- 4T - - - T -*-+--- -4--- t mp4 -L1 -- -- FIGURE 35 --- - -t - I -- . .- - - - ---- - , - -- - -4- 4 - 131- - - 4- T r t----+ -4- 4~ i t i - 4 t - -- - n-- t -- 4 -4 ~ r - 4 - 41- TT -{ - - - -- - -- - I-- - i 4---- ii + u, - 44 I I - + --- ---- + - - - 4 -- 4- 4 - -.. - - -- + - _ -- . - - - -__-H- - 4- 4 1- - - 4 44 r W - - - -t tT TT -- - - 4-I4 -4 4 4 4r- - - 7 ~44 0'7 T -4 Th- ---- 44- -44T 1 - - -~ -4 77 . t- - t J - -- - 4 4 4 4 T T , L -H -- - - 4 4 i - 5_ r +-4 1 T_ I, 14 - -+- i t - u~ - 1 t t ~ ~~ - 4 - 4;1 p - t- - 4 4 - u.- A z 4 L 2- -4 ' - i t -_ _4 - - - -- '--l 4 ' - -- - 4- 0 -4 tt - -C 4 4 '-4 --- - -4--1 141 114-' 7 7 E-11 7, _4m f-4' 4 4 - I 4 rl - TT fit -4 4 - I- -If 4 .44 4441 _ L --_ -- - Y 1 44 444-4 44 '4 1<44t'l ': 2',4 -4'4-4'''" <~~T 1 44 4 - 4 - -4 T 44 - t 1 '- H'4- ___ 4' 4I- 4 t- TABLE 3 Summary of Ruthenium Extraction Data Aqueous Sample Type of No. Complex 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 NO Contact Age of Time Temp0 C Soln. 2m 25 "t it "t it " "I it It "t "t " " It I 2m " 11 " "I f "f I it I" 2m "t if "I "1 "t " "t "' "t " "t " "t "t "t "t " 1.27 3.10 6.13 6.12 "I 5.05 1.21 3.05 "t 0.52 "t "t "I " " " " It "t " "I "t "t " "t "t "t " 1.196 1.196 4.31 0.47 " "I 2.938 4.51 6.29 8.22 " " "t 1.219 2.60 "I "t 0.755 0.755 it " " " 0.403 0.403 0.766 9.60 0.358 1.006 "t " 0.421 2.93 4.48 6.24 8.11 9.56 6.29 6.20 6.28 6.53 6.18 if Organic TLA,M Final Ru, gm/l 0 EA 3 2.93 4.48 6.24 8.11 9.56 0.307 0.947 2.55 4.26 0.45 " NA Initial Final Final Initial HNO ENO3 Total Ru,gm/l 3 NO 0.89 1.32 3.10 4.91 6.85 8.74 10.08 0.42 4.98 0.49 0.87 6.28 0.49 0.87 1.31 1.31 4.92 4.92 3.07 3.07 6.86 8.84 6.86 8.84 10.19 10.19 0.41 0.41 5.43 I" "t "t 0.25 It I" It " "t It " "t " 4.94 " "t "t 6I.o If 6.00 it 0.25 if" it 6.45 "I "t "t it it it "t "t " "t "t "4 " "t 5.43 "1 0.77 0.77 0.77 ".I It 1.21 " " 2.94 4.51 3.20 3.20 " "t 1.22 1.21 4.59 4.59 "t 0.954 0.742 0.582 O.205 0075 0.0276 0.02 0.02 0.480 0.240 0.114 o.048 0.146 0.0796 o.03 54 0.0301 0.0303 0.0324 0.0328 0.0364 0.0285 0.0224 0.0183 0.018 0.487 0.345 0.217 0.0944 0.0472 0.212 0.158 0.120 0.0382 0.0140 0.0051 0.0037 0.0037 0.1076 0.0511 0.0236 0.0098 0.0249 0.0134 0.0060 0.0050 0.0047 0.0050 0.0051 0.0057 0.0044 0.0035 0.0028 0.0028 0.0986 0.0679 0.0417 0.0177 0.0088 LA3 Sample Type of No. Complex - 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 NO " "I " " if " " "I " "t "t " -" 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 " 92 It 93 94 95 96 "I " hrs. 24 11 it it "t " "t "I " "t " "I " " " "t "I "t " "I " " "I 6.29 8.22 9.60 0.36 1.01 2.60 4.31 "I "t "I 6.42 8.16 9.81 0.31 0.96 2.59 4.38 6.42 8.16 9.81 6.29 6.21 6.32 6.65 0.42 0.41 0.41 0-.77 0.77 0.77 2.94 4.51 2.98 4.34 5.98 8.21 9.74 2.98 4.34 5.98 1.22 6.29 8.22 9.60 0.42 0.41 0.38 0.36 1-16 1.07 1.01 "I "I " i i I I i i 2.60 "t "I 25 " " " nM. 2.97 2.76 "1 "I " 100 101 "t " " Organic Initial TLA,M Final Ru,gm/l 0 A it 0.0216 0.0125 0.0140 0.155 0.0040 0.0023 0.0026 0.0752 0.0324 0.0302 1.50 1.03 0.0061 0.382 0.234 Ru, gm/l 3 "I " 99 Contact Time Temp0 C A I It "t 80 81 82 9T Age of Soln. T4BLE 3 (cont.) Aqueous Initial Final Final Total HNO HNO 3 3 NO 4.60 4.31 0.42 0.42 0.42 0.42 1.21 0.41 0.36 0.33 0.26 1.13 0.95 0.91 2.57 2.77 2.55 4.65 4.38 0.41 0.41 o.4o 0.40 1.21 8.21 9.74 0.99 2.94 4.91 6.24 2.91 4.73 6.16 2.67 4.87 6.28 5.15 6.65 5.43 0.41 0.40 0.40 11 5.43 i 0.25 4.94 11 I" it it I" "f it 5.43 f I" I it "I " "I " 0.345 0.0767 o.650 0.149 0.0541 "it i It 0.0251 0.0141 11 " " 0.0104 " "t " "I 1.23 1.19 "I 1.33 4.94 "I 5.43 it "t it 4.94 5.43 4.94 5.43 2.17 1.09 0.435 0.515 0.449 o.615 0.139 0.136 0.0282 0.0101 0.0041 0.0026 0.0019 0.293 0.281 0.324 0.488 0.105 " 0.123 0.0902 0.142 0.0263 0.0232 "t o.180 0.045 0.0378 "t "t 0.0406 "t 1.415 0.0083 0.353 0.525 0.235 0.320 " 4.94 5.43 1.62 0.0160 " " 0.0831 0.0084 0.277 0.236 TABLE 3 (cont.) Sample No. 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 Type of Complex Age of' Soln. f At If if " " ft Nt "t "t "t "t " NO t Contact Time A 24 Hrs. ft t t if "I" "t t it 2m 112 "t if 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 "t It "t it "t It " it " "t Ift "t If "t ft "t if "t It "t "t "f 24 ir. 121 122 123 "t "1 it "t 124 125 126 it ift "t ft"t 127 128 129 "t 130 131 132 "t 133 134 135 136 137 If " "t it ft It 11 "t it If "t " It 1t If "I if "t ift "t "t it ft "t "t "t 1t "t "t " "t "t "t It t it " it if 26 t it f It t f t t if it if "t "t Temp0 C "t "t "t "t "t it 1t 1t "t "t "t It HNO3 Aqueous Final HNO3 Final Total Initial Ru, gm/i Organic TLA,M Final Ru, gm/i 0 EA 0.03tib 0.217 NO3 "i NA Initial 2m " " "t 0.42 0.41 o.42 0.42 0-42 0.41 0.42 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.22 1.21 0.47 0.44 1.27 3.10 5.05 3.10 4.91 3.09 0.44 1.21 1.20 1.19 1.19 1.21 3.02 4.99 3.04 4.90 3.03 0. 41 0.217 0.41 0.42 0.44 1.21 1.21 1.20 1.19 1.19 6.17 6.13 0.25 5.43 5.43' 5.43 5.43 0.20 0.125 2.17 1.09 f it 6.09 6.29 3.04 4.90 4.94 3.10 5.05 1.32 1.27 1.29 1.27 3.02 5.01 1.31 1.21 1.18 1.16 0.52 0.50 0.48 0.46 0.47 0.49 0.48 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 1.32 0.52 1.31 1.32 1.32 1.31 0.49 1.20 3.20 5.26 6.10 1.31 1.32 1.32 1.31 1.33 1.33 0:89 1.32 0.40 0.35 0.37 1.32 0.49 0.82 1.31 6.09 6.31 1.31 3.10 5.07 6.08 1.32 0.49 0.82 1.31 0.435 0.05 0.25 it 0.217 6.00 6.00 "t 6.oo "t 6.00 " 6.45 6.45 6.45 6.oo 6.oo 6.45 6.45 6.45 6.00 6.45 6.45 6.45 6.45 "f "t "t it "t "t " "t "t "t it "t 0.20 0.125 0.05 0.08 if 0.06 0.25 it "it it "f 0.847 0.313 0.631 0.212 0.105 0.0323 0.0154 0.154 0.069 0.040 0.035 0.364 o.164 0.337 0.307 0.117 0.502 0.848 0.969 0.987 0.266 0.709 1.70 2.51 6.00 6.45. 6.45 6.45 6.45 t 1.195 2.38 0.430 0.265 0.074 0.197 0.143 0.095 0.09 0.019 0.025 0.282 0.185 0.0612 0.127 0.108 - 0.107 0.080 0.076 0.0264 0.0116 0.0067 0.0059 0.0600 0.0261 0.0552 0.0540 0.0200 0.0844 0.151 0.177 0.197 0.043 0.124 0.358 0.637 0.657 0.0714 0.0428 0.0116 0.0315 0.0227 0.0150 8:880 0.0039 U1 u, TABLE 3 (Cont.) Organic Aqueous Sample No. 138 139 140 Type of Complex NA I it Age of' Soln. A I t Contact Time Temp .0 C Initial HNO3 Final HNO3 Final Total NO Initial Ru,gm/l TLA,M 3.02 6.45 "t 0.25 Final Ru, gm/l Eo A 3 2m "t " 26 It I" 3.10 4.91 6.85 3.02 4.82 6.71 4.82 6.71 " "1 i" 0.049 0.045 0.035 0.0039 0.0070 0.0055 4.0 Uranium Extraction Mr. David Sabo worked on the project as a Research Assistant for two months in the Summer, 1961, to investigate the effect of tempexdperature, sulfate ion, and fluoride ion on the extraction of uranium. Effect of Temperature 4.1 A brief study of the effect of temperature upon uranium extgaction consistea of five parallel samples, three at 25 C and two at 50 C. The results are lided in Table 4 and plotted in Figure 36. TABLE 4 Uranium Temperature Study Aqueous nitrate Organic Contact Phase = in 5.8N Phase = time = 4.88 gm/liter of uranium as uranyl HNO solution. O.O6M TA in toluene 24 hours Sample No. Temperature, UC Final Ag. HNOal tA. /l Final Org. U o 1 25 -- 3.72 0.953 0.256 2 25 5.60 3.88 0.883 0.227 3 4 25 50 5.76 5.73 3.84 4.25 0.946 0.661 0.247 0.163 5 50 5.75 4.00 0.643 0.163 It was found that a 33% decrease in the value of the distribution gatio regulted when the temperature was increased from 25 C to 50 C. This corresponds to an 3.10 Kcal activation energy of AH = =mole* 4.2 Effect of Sulfate In order to study the effect of sulfate on uranium extraction in nitrate systems, solutions of uranyl nitrate were made such that the nitric acid and total nitrate concentrations remained at 2M, while the sulfate concentration (as sodium sulfate) varied in steps of 0.5M, 1.OM, and 2.OM. The data are listed in Table 5 and shown plotted in Figure 37. 58 Figure 36 -a'0 -- f TTT W7. e i t- x 0 u *2 I I) IL i 1131 -- - - j_ ___-V& - __ 1-.C __lt --.--.--- I _ -L- _ ----- - -' S _ __ 100 _ t _ 359-73 KEFFEL & SSER CO. A9L'N, 140 DIVIS ONS CYCLES SEF [LOGARITHMIC HO _ __I _ --. t-- ,..- ----..-. C - _-_ - .- -...-.-..... -- - t 1_ - - ___C __ -~- ___ -_ _ _ __ ...-.-.- .-. 4 _ 7-7 t__ .-... .--.--...- -___ - -- r7 - ----.. ------ 0 TABLE 5 Uranium - Sulfate Study Aqueous Phase: HNO3 = total nitrate = 2M Contact time = 24 hours at 2500 Organic Phase= 0.086 M TLA in toluene gm/liter U org, U aq., f Sulfate,M U aq.,i 0,0 0.5 1.0 2.0 4.47 4.63 4.60 4.44 4.89 4.92 4.74 4.67 f EA 0.376 o.0841 0.232 0.136 0.0501 0.0296 0.232 0.0523 The addition of sulfate is seen not to affect uranium extraction by any order of magnitude, but may possibly affect it by a factar of two or three. Effect of Fluoride 4.3 Parallel solutions of fluoride, similar to the sulfate solutions, were prepared, using ammonium fluoride as the source of fluoride ion. The data are listed in Table 6 and plotted in Figure 37. TABLE 6 Uranium - Fluoride Study Aqueous Phase: HNO = total nitrate = 2M Organic Phase: 0.086M TLA in toluene Contact time : 24 hours at 250 C Uaq.,i,gm/l Uaq. , f Uorg,f 0 EA 4.47 4.19 0.376 0.0841 0.221 1.0 4.89 4.43 4.63 0.385 2.0 4.52 4.24 4.21 0.0530 0.0908 0.0741 Fluoride,M 0.0 0.5 0.312 Similar to the sulfate addition, the addition of fluoride does not affect uranium extraction by an order of magnitude, but may possibly affect it by a factor of two or three, In the sulfate and fluoride cases, a more careful and detailed study would be required to determine their exact effect on uranium extraction. 62. 5.0 References (1) Mason, E.A., and Skavdahl, R.E., "Equilibrium Extraction Characteristics of Alkyl Amines and Nuclear Fuels Metals in Nitrate Systems," Progress Report VII, M.I.T. Nuclear Engineering Department, November 1, 1960. Also released as TID-11196. (2) Mason, E.A., and Skavdahl, R.E., "Equilibrium Extraction Characteristics of Alkyl Amines and Nuclear Fuels Metals in Nitrate Systems," Progress Report VIII, M.I.T. Nuclear Engineering Department, May 1, 1961. Also released as TID-12848. (3) Mason, E.A., and Skavdahl, R.E., "Equilibrium Extraction Characteristics of Alkyl Amines and Nuclear Fuels Metals in Nitrate Systems," Progress Report IX, M.I.T. Nuclear Engineering Department, August 1, 1961. (4) Fletcher, J.M., et al, "Nitrosylruthenium Nitrato Complexes In Aqueous Nitric Acid," Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, Vol. 12, pp. 154-73. (1959) (5) Brown, P.G.M. Fletcher, J.M. Wain, A.G., AERE-C/R-2260 (1957) (6) Brown, P.G.M., "Nitro Complexes of Nitrosylrutheniums" Journal of Inorganic and Nuclear Chemistry, Vol. 13, pp. 73-83 (1960). RFS/2/20/62