A A Categorization and Competitive Analysis of Web-Based Financial Information Aggregators By Gregory C. Harman Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology February 16, 2001 Copyright @ 2001 Gregory C. Harman. All rights reserved. The author hereby grants to M.I.T. permission to reproduce and distribute publicly paper and electronic copies of this thesis and to grant others the right to do so. Author Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science February 16, 2001 Certified by Stuart Madnick Thesis Supervisor Accepted BARKER by - Arthi-C. Smith Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Theses MASSACHUSETTS INSITUTE OF TECrFhr)jWi-,V JUL I 1001 A Categorization and Competitive Analysis of Web-Based Financial Information Aggregators By Gregory C. Harman Submitted to the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science February 16, 2001 In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Master of Engineering in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Abstract Web-based aggregators use several business and technology models to operate. The business models are identified as: brokerages, merchants, advertisers, infomediaries, affiliates, and subscription-based services. The technology models are identified as: real-time agents, spiders, and manual information entry. The legality of unauthorized aggregation on the web is currently being decided by the American judicial system in a variety of ongoing cases. A sampling of major web-based financial aggregators is analyzed and the business and technology models being used are identified. Thesis Supervisor: Stuart Madnick Title: John Norris Maguire Professor of Information Technology & Leaders for Manufacturing Professor of Management Science 2 Table of Contents A b strac t ........................................................................................................................................................... 2 Table of Contents ............................................................................................................................................ 3 T ab le o f F ig u re s .............................................................................................................................................. 6 1 . In tro d u ctio n ............................................................................................................................................ 7 2. Business M odels ..................................................................................................................................... 9 2 .1 C riteria .................................................................................................................................................. 9 2 .1.1 Pro fitab ility ........................................................................................................................... 10 2.1.2 Partnerships ........................................................................................................................... 10 2.1.3 Availability of Technology ................................................................................................... 10 2.1.4 Sustainability ........................................................................................................................ 10 2.1.5 Profitability Potential ............................................................................................................ 10 2.1.6 Competition .......................................................................................................................... 11 2 .2 B rok erag e ............................................................................................................................................ 1 1 2.2.1 Profitability ........................................................................................................................... 12 2.2.2 Partnerships ........................................................................................................................... 12 2.2.3 Availability of Technology ................................................................................................... 12 2.2.4 Sustainability ........................................................................................................................ 12 2.2.5 Profitability Potential ............................................................................................................ 13 2.2.6 Competition .......................................................................................................................... 13 2.2.7 Sum m ary of Criteria ............................................................................................................. 13 2 .3 A d v ertisers .......................................................................................................................................... 14 2 .3 .1 P ro fitab ility ........................................................................................................................... 14 2.3.2 Partnerships ........................................................................................................................... 14 2.3.3 Availability of Technology ................................................................................................... 15 2.3.4 Sustainability ........................................................................................................................ 15 2.3.5 Profitability Potential ............................................................................................................ 15 2.3.6 Competition .......................................................................................................................... 15 2.3.7 Sum m ary of Criteria ............................................................................................................. 15 2.4 Infornediary ........................................................................................................................................ 16 2.4.1 Profitability ........................................................................................................................... 16 2.4.2 Partnerships ........................................................................................................................... 17 2.4.3 Availability of Technology ................................................................................................... 17 2.4.4 Sustainability ........................................................................................................................ 17 2.4.5 Profitability Potential ............................................................................................................ 17 2.4.6 Competition .......................................................................................................................... 17 2.4.7 Sum mary of Criteria ............................................................................................................. 18 2 .5 M erch an t ............................................................................................................................................. 18 2.5.1 Profitability ........................................................................................................................... 18 2.5.2 Partnerships ........................................................................................................................... 19 2.5.3 Availability of Technology ................................................................................................... 19 2.5.4 Sustainability ........................................................................................................................ 19 2.5.5 Profitability Potential ............................................................................................................ 19 2.5.6 Competition .......................................................................................................................... 19 2.5.7 Sum m ary of Criteria ............................................................................................................. 20 2 .6 A ffiliate ............................................................................................................................................... 2 0 2.6.1 Profitability ........................................................................................................................... 20 2.6.2 Partnerships ........................................................................................................................... 21 2.6.3 Availability of Technology ................................................................................................... 21 2.6.4 Sustainability ........................................................................................................................ 21 2.6.5 Profitability Potential ............................................................................................................ 21 2.6.6 Competition .......................................................................................................................... 21 2.6.7 Sum mary of Criteria ............................................................................................................. 22 2.7 Subscription ........................................................................................................................................ 2.7.1 Profitability ........................................................................................................................... 2.7.2 Partnerships........................................................................................................................... A vailability of Technology .............................................................................................. 2.7.3 Sustainability ........................................................................................................................ 2.7.4 2.7.5 Profitability Potential............................................................................................................ Com petition .......................................................................................................................... 2.7.6 2.7.7 Sum m ary of Criteria ............................................................................................................. 3. Aggregation Technologies.................................................................................................................... 3 .1 C rite ria ................................................................................................................................................ 3.1.1 Ease of Implem entation ..................................................................................................... 3.1 .2 Durability .............................................................................................................................. Resistance to Blockage ..................................................................................................... 3.1.3 Accuracy of Inform ation................................................................................................... 3.1.4 3.1.5 Quantity of Inform ation ..................................................................................................... Target Friendliness ............................................................................................................... 3.1.6 3.2 Real-Tim e A gent ................................................................................................................................ 3.2.1 Ease of Im plem entation ..................................................................................................... 26 26 26 26 26 27 27 3.2.2 Durability.............................................................................................................................. 27 3.2.3 3.2.4 3.2.5 3.2.6 3.2.7 3.2.8 Resistance to Blockage ..................................................................................................... Accuracy of Inform ation................................................................................................... Quantity of Inform ation ..................................................................................................... Target Friendliness ............................................................................................................... Sum m ary of Criteria ............................................................................................................. Real-W orld Exam ples........................................................................................................... 28 28 28 29 29 30 3 .3 S p id er.................................................................................................................................................. 4. 22 22 23 23 23 23 24 24 25 25 25 31 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5 3.3.6 3.3.7 Ease of Im plem entation ..................................................................................................... Durability .............................................................................................................................. Resistance to Blockage ..................................................................................................... Accuracy of Inform ation................................................................................................... Quantity of Inform ation ..................................................................................................... Friendliness to Target ....................................................................................................... Sum m ary of Criteria ............................................................................................................. 33 33 34 34 34 34 35 3.3.8 Real-W orld Exam ples........................................................................................................... 35 3.4 M anual Entry ...................................................................................................................................... 3.4.1 Ease of Im plem entation ..................................................................................................... 37 38 3.4.2 Durability .............................................................................................................................. 38 3.4.3 3.4.4 3.4.5 3.4.6 3.4.7 Resistance to Blockage ..................................................................................................... Accuracy of Inform ation................................................................................................... Quantity of Inform ation ..................................................................................................... Friendliness to Target ....................................................................................................... Sum m ary of Criteria ............................................................................................................. 38 38 38 39 39 3.4.8 Real-W orld Exam ples........................................................................................................... 39 Com m ercial Applications ..................................................................................................................... 4.1 Loan Interest Rates ............................................................................................................................. 4.1.1 Business M odel Usage.......................................................................................................... 4.1.2 Technology M odel Usage ................................................................................................. 4.2 Insurance Rates................................................................................................................................... 4.2.1 Business M odel Usage.......................................................................................................... 4.2.2 Technology M odel Usage ................................................................................................. 4.3 Investm ent Rates................................................................................................................................. 4.3.1 Business M odel Usage.......................................................................................................... 41 42 42 43 44 44 44 45 45 4.3.2 Technology M odel Usage ................................................................................................. 46 4.4 Consum er Product Inform ation ....................................................................................................... 4.4.1 Business M odel Usage.......................................................................................................... 46 46 4.4.2 Technology M odel Usage................................................................................................. 47 4 4 .5 A irfa re................................................................................................................................................. 4.5.1 Business M odel Usage.......................................................................................................... 4.5.2 Technology M odel Usage ................................................................................................. 4 .6 A u ctio n s .............................................................................................................................................. 4.6.1 Business M odel Usage.......................................................................................................... Technology M odel Usage ................................................................................................. 4.6.2 4.7 Frequent Flier M iles ........................................................................................................................... 4.7.1 Business M odel Usage .......................................................................................................... 4.7.2 Technology M odel Usage ................................................................................................. 4.8 Account Consolidation ....................................................................................................................... 4.8.1 Business M odel Usage.......................................................................................................... 4.8.2 Technology M odel Usage ................................................................................................. 4.9 Auction Consolidation ........................................................................................................................ 4.9.1 Business M odel Usage .......................................................................................................... 4.9.2 Technology M odel Usage ................................................................................................. 5. Legal Issues Surrounding Aggregation............................................................................................... 5.1 The Issues ........................................................................................................................................... 5.1.1 Ownership of Inform ation ................................................................................................ 5.1.2 Copyright Infringem ent ..................................................................................................... 48 48 48 49 49 50 50 50 51 52 52 53 53 53 54 55 55 55 55 5.1.3 Im plied Contracts.................................................................................................................. 5.1.4 Advertiser Contracts ............................................................................................................. 5.2 Solutions ............................................................................................................................................. 5.2.1 Four Law s of W eb Robotics .............................................................................................. 5.2.2 The Six Com m andm ents for Robot Operators.................................................................... 56 56 56 56 58 5.3 Legal Rulings...................................................................................................................................... 5.3.1 Ebay v. Bidder's Edge .......................................................................................................... 59 59 5.3.2 N ew s Index v. The Sunday Tim es ..................................................................................... 5.3.3 R.I.A .A. v. N apster ............................................................................................................... 5.3.4 Ticketm aster v. Tickets.com .............................................................................................. 5.4 Future D irection.................................................................................................................................. 6. Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................ Appendix A : Results of Com pany Categorization Grouped by M odel ..................................................... Technology M odels .................................................................................................................................. Business M odels ....................................................................................................................................... Appendix B: Categorization of M ajor Online Aggregators...................................................................... References .................................................................................................................................................... 59 60 60 61 62 63 63 65 67 95 5 Table of Figures Figure 1 Rating of business models vs. specific criteria............................................................................ 9 Figure 2 Summary of Broker criteria............................................................................................................ Figure 3 Summary of Advertiser criteria................................................................................................... Figure 4 Summary of Infomediary criteria ................................................................................................. Figure 5 Summary of M erchant criteria ................................................................................................... Figure 6 Summary of Affiliate criteria ..................................................................................................... Figure 7 Summary of Subscription criteria............................................................................................... Figure 8 Rating of technology models vs. specific criteria........................................................................ Figure 9 Summary of Real-Time Agent criteria........................................................................................ Figure 10 Example state-set for search discussion. .................................................................................. Figure 11 Summary of Spider criteria ....................................................................................................... Figure 12 Summary of M anual Entry criteria............................................................................................ Figure 13 Current Aggregation M arkets................................................................................................... Figure 14 Loan Interest Rates - Business M odel Usage ......................................................................... Figure 15 Loan Interest Rates - Technology Usage M odels ................................................................... Figure 16 Insurance Rates - Business M odels ......................................................................................... Figure 17 Insurance Rates - Technology M odel Usage ............................................................................ Figure 18 Investment Rates - Business M odel Usage.............................................................................. Figure 19 Investment Rates - Technology M odel Usage .......................................................................... Figure 20 Consumer Product Information - Business M odel Usage........................................................ Figure 21 Consumer Product Information - Technology M odel Usage.................................................... Figure 22 Airfare - Business M odel Usage .............................................................................................. Figure 23 Airfare - Technology M odel Usage ......................................................................................... Figure 24 Auctions - Business M odel Usage ............................................................................................ Figure 25 Auctions - Technology M odel Usage ....................................................................................... Figure 26 Frequent Flier M iles - Business M odel Usage.......................................................................... Figure 27 Frequent Flier M iles - Technology M odel Usage..................................................................... Figure 28 Account Consolidation - Business M odel Usage...................................................................... Figure 29 Account Consolidation - Technology M odel Usage................................................................. Figure 30 Auction Consolidation - Business M odel Usage ..................................................................... Figure 31 Auction Consolidation - Technology M odel Usage ................................................................ Figure 32 Real-Time Agent Usage ............................................................................................................... 13 16 18 20 22 24 25 30 32 35 39 42 42 43 44 44 45 46 46 47 48 48 49 50 50 51 52 53 53 54 63 Figure 33 Spider Usage ................................................................................................................................ 63 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 64 65 65 65 66 66 66 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 M anual Entry Usage..................................................................................................................... Brokerage Usage .......................................................................................................................... Advertiser Usage .......................................................................................................................... Infomediary Usage ....................................................................................................................... M erchant Usage............................................................................................................................ Affiliate Usage ............................................................................................................................. Subscription Usage....................................................................................................................... 6 1. Introduction The advent of the Internet has created a deluge of information on almost every topic. Since the (commercial) Internet was largely developed under strong capitalism, a great deal of this information deals with commercial enterprises. Much of this information is related to direct sales, or to the research and ownership of equities relating to these sales. Information about competing companies can be obtained. Some websites, known as aggregators, make a business of compiling this information and presenting the comparisons to their users. Historically, financial aggregation services were available only to the rich by investment advisers, private bankers, etc.' some mass-marketed software has been available since the advent of personal computers, bringing aggregation abilities to the general public, but this software was difficult to use. Only with the advent of the web has financial aggregation been a viable option for the majority of consumers. This paper is a critical analysis of those aggregators that compile financial information on the web. It will attempt to define and then analyze the merits of several different business and technological models used by aggregators today. It will also provide an overview of the specific commercial markets in which aggregators are competing and the current state of the legalities that concern aggregation. Finally, it will contain an appendix listing most of the major financial aggregators in business today, and describing the business and technological models to which they subscribe. In this paper we will define the term aggregator with the following, taken from Madnick et al. 2: An aggregator is an entity that transparentlycollects and analyzes information from different data sources. In the process, the aggregator resolves the semantic and contextual differences in the information. As the definition suggests, there are two characteristics specific to an aggregator. I. Transparency - There are two aspects to transparency. First, the data sources cannot differentiate an aggregator from a normal user who is accessing the information. Consequently, data sources cannot deny 7 access to an aggregator. Second, the aggregator resolves the contextual differences to allow for comparison of equals. 2. Analysis - Instead of simply presenting the data as-is, the aggregator synthesizes value-added information based on post-aggregation analysis. It is important to note that, under our definition, search engines, such as Lycos and Alta Vista, and personalized Web portals, such as My Netscape or My Yahoo, are not aggregators. Similarly, Web-based malls, category e-store, or community-based Web sites also do not fit under this category. Although these Web sites amass different information, little is done to integrate and analyze that information. This paper will focus specifically on aggregators that gather and display their information primarily through the World Wide Web, and specifically on those that are concerned with financial information. We will, however, take a loose definition of what information qualifies as "financial." In addition to that information which pertains to the traditional definition: information about markets, equities, interest rates, etc., we will also include information concerning insurance rates, auctions, online relationship aggregation, airfare, and the price of consumer products. 8 2. Business Models 2.1 Criteria Every (successful) company makes money. The way in which they do this is referred to as their business model. We will define business model as "a company's value proposition for making money." 3 In this section, we will define and discuss different business models that aggregation companies can apply to derive profit from their business. First, a set of criteria will be established to provide an effective way to evaluate and compare these different business models. Next, several possible business models will be defined and then analyzed, based on the established criteria. These models have been adapted from "Business Models on the Web" by Professor Michael Rappa of NC .4 State University . The results of this analysis are summarized below in Figure 1. Note that while this data presents certain models as superior to others in the various criteria that each model is still best-suited for certain markets due to their fundamental differences. These differences are discussed in this section, and the best applications for each model are discussed later in this paper. Profitability Partnerships Availability of Technology Sustainability Brokerage + Infomediary + + + + Affiliate Competition + Advertiser Merchant Profitability Potential + + + Subscription Figure 1 Rating of business models vs. specific criteria 9 2.1.1 Profitability The first criterion will be time to profitability. No matter how much initial funding a company receives, it is still a fixed amount that will eventually be used up. The company must eventually turn a profit and support itself. And, ultimately, that is the purpose of operating the company! We must also take into account the start-up cost of the business. The more in-debt a company is and the greater the start-up cost, the longer it will take to become profitable. 2.1.2 Partnerships In order to most efficiently tap all of its target markets, a company may require the services of another company that has access to those markets. These partnerships can be a great boon to both companies, but a partnership is not completely under the control of either company; therefore, by entering into a partnership, a company introduces an element of risk. The number of (and difficulty to acquire) required partnerships will be our second criterion. 2.1.3 Availability of Technology Our third criterion will be the availability of necessary technology. In order to build its product or service, a company will need to use certain technologies. Technologies able to achieve the given task may not yet be developed sufficiently for commercial application, or may require licensing fees that outweigh the profit to be made by their application. 2.1.4 Sustainability The fourth criterion will be sustainability. In order for a company to truly provide value, its business model must be sustainable over a long period of time. With the current pace of technological innovation, an unsustainable business model may become outdated and no longer work before a company has even turned a profit! 2.1.5 Profitability Potential The fifth criterion will be profitability potential. A company's business model must be capable of providing an adequate return on the capital investment. Certainly, this 10 return must be more than that same capital could return in a less risky investment; but since a start-up company is so risky (only 1 in 10 new companies survive to profitability),5 the return must be that much greater. 2.1.6 Competition The final criterion will be the level of competition. Every market is of limited size, and several companies will compete to capture as much of the given market as possible. 6 In fact, there is generally only room for two or three companies to be successful in any given market.7 In addition, the "first mover advantage" is often considered to be a benefit for companies. For example, Yahoo, the first major portal has been extremely successful, and is still the top portal site on the web. However, being the first mover certainly does not guarantee success. Juno, for example, was the first company to offer free email, but Hotmail is by far the leading provider of free email today. In conclusion, the timing of a company's entry to market can be quite important, but being the first is not always a guarantee for success. 2.2 Brokerage Our first business model is the Brokerage Model. Brokers connect buyers and sellers and facilitate transactions. The business models suggested by the buzzwordabbreviations "B2B" (Business to Business), "B2C" (Business to Consumer), "C2C" (Consumer to Consumer), "B2E" (Business to Enterprise), etc. are Brokers. Rappa lists nearly dozen subcategories of the Brokerage Model. The Buyer Aggregator, Auction Broker, and Search Agent subcategories are especially relevant to the topic of financial information aggregators . A Buyer Aggregator, such as MySimon.com, allows users to find the best buy on a particular item regardless of the seller. It scans the major Internet retailers and presents the user with a price comparison. The user can then connect to the dealer that offers them the best value. An Auction Broker, such as AuctionWatch or Bidder's Edge, provides the same service across online auctions instead of online retailers. 11 2.2.1 Profitability A Broker provides value in the form of arranged partnerships and acts as a medium for communication between companies, between consumers, or between companies and consumers. Before it can begin to derive profit from these partnerships, the Broker must first accumulate sufficient quantity of users within its site to provide the best partnerships possible, and to foster a sufficient community to maintain the creation of these relationships. The speed at which these communities can be formed is critical. It is fairly straightforward that a broker cannot bring in revenue until there are users on its site. If the broker cannot bring in revenue before it runs out of funding, then it is out of business. 2.2.2 Partnerships While brokers are not completely dependent on partnerships to further their business, they can certainly use them to their advantage. In the case of a Buyer Aggregator, for example, the aggregator may not need to partner with a seller to rate its information, but may find it much easier to do so. If the seller freely provides information about the its products, then the Buyer Aggregator won't need to use an aggregating agent to retrieve this information. In addition, this partnership will alleviate any possible legal concerns (see later discussion of legal issues). 2.2.3 Availability of Technology The technology necessary for a brokerage spans the entire range of depth. While some brokers can be little more than electronic storefronts, others, such as automatic aggregators, can push the limits of technological feasibility. In order to retrieve its information, an aggregator may have to employ various forms of spidering technology, which will be discussed later. 2.2.4 Sustainability Brokers connect buyers and sellers and, as such, are "middle-men." The Brokerage model seems sustainable in the short-run, but as middlemen, Brokers must 12 continue to provide value or it is conceivable that they could be driven out of the economy leaving only direct relationships between buyers and sellers. Today, Brokers add cost to the supply chain while providing the service of connecting sellers and buyers. Technology could eventually supply this need more readily, forcing the Brokers to find new ways to add value to the supply chain. For example, recent versions of Apple's MAC OS, discussed later, provide an automatic Buyer Aggregator. 2.2.5 Profitability Potential A Broker wants to be in the middle of every transaction. This in itself can be enormous, but a Broker also has the potential to apply other business models as well, creating many sizable sources of income. For example, almost every website, including Brokers, advertise to their users. Many of these advertisements take the form of clickthrough banners, providing a means for affiliate partnerships and marketing information sales (the Infomediary model). 2.2.6 Competition There is a great deal of competition for Brokers. Because of the high profitability potential, everyone wants to be in this position. The partnerships that a brokerage has greatly define its worth, and if one broker has an exclusive partnership in a given market, then all competitors will not have access. 2.2.7 Summary of Criteria Brokers face heavy start-up costs and intense competition. They are in some danger of being replaced by new technology if they do not continue to provide a value that the technology cannot. However, the potential profit for a Broker is enormous. Profitability Partnerships Availability of Sustainability Profitability Potential Competition Technology Figure 2 Summary of Broker criteria 13 2.3 Advertisers The next business model is the Advertising Model. This model follows that of traditional media broadcasting9 . The website offers content - usually for free - and thus attracts a large user base. Advertisers then pay for ads viewed by these users. Portals of all types (generalized, personalized, and vertical), incentive sites, and free sites that give a service, such as Internet access or hardware, subscribe to the Advertising Model10 . Yahoo is perhaps the most prominent advertiser, as most of its revenue is derived from advertisement. 2.3.1 Profitability Advertisers must accumulate a significant user base before they have sufficient hits to attract major clients. Once they have these clients, they must wait for the revenues to trickle in, as the per-view fees are very small. Advertisers are generally completely internet-based, and so have few physical expenses; most of their initial funding will go to advertisement for themselves. The faster they can attract a large user base, the faster they can bring in significant revenue, which will shorten their time to profitability. Also, the startup costs can differ greatly among different companies, depending on their chosen method of attracting a user base. For example, a free Internet service, such as Free! or NetZero, must support the expenses of an ISP without the immediate reimbursement by the consumers that traditional ISPs enjoy. An alumni website, however, requires very little cost to maintain -just the production and hosting of the web site, and comes with an instant user base. 2.3.2 Partnerships Since their sole source of income is advertisements paid for by clients, advertisers are completely dependent upon their partnerships with these clients for profit. Luckily, there is an overwhelming demand for targeted advertisement, which in 1998 had revenues of $2 billion' 2 and is growing at 200% per year.' 3 14 2.3.3 Availability of Technology Advertising requires very little unique technology. Most online advertising takes the form of banner advertisements that are displayed to the side of a screen containing content. The number of page views may be measured with a simple counter. Though the methods of advertising may change with new technology, the need for companies to inform potential customers of their value will not change. 2.3.4 Sustainability The need for advertisement depends only on the strength of the economy, specifically the number of businesses with products and services to sell. The more businesses there are, the more advertising that will be necessary; the need for advertising for existing businesses will not change. Unfortunately for advertisers, many of them have fallen upon hard times since the NASDAQ crash in early 2000. Very few advertisers are successfully turning a profit, and many analysts think that the future is dim for all but the largest pure advertisers. 2.3.5 Profitability Potential High-profile advertisers with many hits to their websites can make a good profit, since the fees are generally based on the number of views an advertisement receives, but ultimately there is a defined limit to the number of advertisements that a site can display. 2.3.6 Competition Almost every commercial website utilizes advertisement, but companies are willing to advertise in multiple locations. In fact it is to the client company's advantage to do so, so the only limitation is the budget that the company has allocated to advertising. However, the low barriers to entry (very little startup-cost and easily available technology) have created a huge number of advertisers. In addition to the pure advertisers, most other online businesses still derive some profit from advertisement. 2.3.7 Summary of Criteria Advertising businesses are technologically simple to enact, and are likely to be sustainable well into the foreseeable future, dependent on the markets in general. 15 Competition is heavy because of the low barriers to entry, however these companies may have significant start-up costs to repay on an initially slow income. Profitability Partnerships Availability of Sustainability Profitability Potential Competition Technology Figure 3 Summary of Advertiser criteria 2.4 Infomediary The third business model is the Infomediary Model. Infomediaries record data about their customers' browsing and spending habits. This information is then used in focused marketing campaigns, and often sold to other firms. Sites in which users rate and recommend products, services, and companies, and content-based sites that are free but require registration fall under the Infomediary Model'. DoubleClick is a well-known Infomediary. Privacy issues surrounding the Infomediary model and focused specifically on DoubleClick have come to light recently. What is and is not acceptable use of the marketing information has come into question. DoubleClick used cookies to track users' online activities, sometimes without the explicit consent of those users.' 5 Privacy advocates claim that this is a deceptive practice that invades the privacy of the users. DoubleClick says that it provides an opt-out system that gives fair warning to the users; again, this is criticized by the privacy advocates as being confusing and therefore not providing "genuine informed consent." 2.4.1 Profitability Before an Infomediary can sell its market data, it must first collect that data. This can be a time-consuming process, as it waits for users to contribute (regardless of whether or not it is voluntary) their information. Once this information is collected, it may be analyzed to provide more value. An Infomediary does not have significant physical start-up costs, and does not generally spend large amounts on consumer advertising; therefore the start-up costs are relatively low. 16 2.4.2 Partnerships If it operates its own site, an Infomediary generally does not require any specific partnerships beyond the standard buyer/seller relationship that it has with its clients. However, some Infomediaries enable other content-oriented sites to collect consumer data, in which case the partnerships become all-important. Therefore an Infomediary spans the entire range of liability in regard to partnership requirements. 2.4.3 Availability of Technology Infomediaries must keep track of customer profiles and track their movements on the Internet. This is not particularly difficult from a technological standpoint - users are logged into the website, and their choices are recorded. However, this can result in an enormous mass of information that must be analyzed to be useful. Luckily for the Infomediaries, statistical analysis software is readily available. 2.4.4 Sustainability Though technologies and markets change, companies always need to know and to re-assess whom their customers are. The technologies utilized by Infomediaries will certainly change, but the basic need for their services will not. 2.4.5 Profitability Potential Infomediaries derive profit by selling relevant market information to companies. Companies always need this information, but there are only so many companies to go around, so the market for this business model is limited in a similar way to Advertisers. 2.4.6 Competition There is no shortage of data to collect, but Infomediaries must compete with each other to sell their information to clients as client companies can afford only so much market data. This data can only be as varied as the number of markets available, and additional data simply hones the accuracy of the statistical analysis. There is a point at which more accuracy is not useful, therefore the space is defined by the number of markets, rather than the amount of data available. Competition for these limited spaces is not light. 17 2.4.7 Summary of Criteria Infomediaries fill a real need of most other businesses, and this need will not disappear, leaving a very sustainable future. The profit can come slowly, but the start-up costs are also relatively small. Profitability Partnerships Availability of Technology Sustainability Profitability Potential Competition Figure 4 Summary of Infomediary criteria 2.5 Merchant Our next business model is the Merchant Model. Merchants on the Internet function just as offline merchants, or "brick-and-mortar" companies, do. Many larger retailers have online presences, but Internet-only businesses, "e-tailers," also compete with them. Merchants in every offline market have moved to compete online, and new exclusively online companies have sprung up to compete with them. Perhaps the most notable competition has been between the online bookseller Amazon.com and its "brickand-mortar" counterpart, Barnes and Noble, which has an online presence at bn.com. 2.5.1 Profitability A merchant sells a product, and therefore makes a profit on each sale immediately, regardless of the size of that profit. However, a merchant has significant startup costs to address. In addition to the costs of building and maintaining a web site, selling a physical product requires either a warehouse or manufacturer, and distribution must also be taken into account. This very significant distribution cost is one that is not incurred by Infomediaries or Advertisers. This cost includes supply chain expenses and extra customer service staff.16 Since merchants must rely on customers to find them, advertising costs are also quite significant. 18 2.5.2 Partnerships A Merchant may advertise, create an affiliate program, or provide content to draw customers, but, just like the traditional offline merchant, its primary method of doing business is to sell products directly to consumers. In general, the only partnerships a merchant, either online or off, is likely to have are those with their distributors and manufacturers, although some merchants may benefit from working together to present product packages to their customers. 2.5.3 Availability of Technology Merchants have fairly straightforward technical operations from a purchase standpoint. Customers select items, which are stored in a "shopping cart," and are then "checked out" by placing a charge on the customer's credit card. However, once the order is placed, the items must be appropriately retrieved and shipped to them from the company's warehouse. This process can be an operational nightmare, and has been the weak spot for many companies following this model. For example, one of the biggest problems for Amazon.com is its product distribution, and it is considering outsourcing the entire operation.' 7 2.5.4 Sustainability The role of a Merchant, selling goods and services to consumers, is quite stable. As long as currency exists, people will need to exchange their currency for goods and services. 2.5.5 Profitability Potential The profitability potential of a merchant online is similar to that of an offline merchant, with the added advantage of having direct access to a non-localized customer base. However, distribution costs can eat into profits, as can the increased amount of advertising necessary. 2.5.6 Competition Online merchants must compete with each other to provide the lowest prices and the greatest values, as do their offline counterparts. Online, these merchants compete 19 against every other merchant in their market segment regardless of location, as location no longer separates markets. In addition, the entry costs can be lower for an online merchant than for a standard "bricks-and-mortar" merchant, and as a result many upstart online-only merchants have sprung up to compete as well. 2.5.7 Summary of Criteria Merchants have significant start-up costs, but also have a significant revenue stream. They supply their own products, and therefore do not rely upon partnerships with other companies out of their direct supply chain. The profitability potential is large, and the need that merchants fill is not likely to disappear. Because of these positive traits, there is extremely heavy competition among merchants. Profitability Partnerships Availability of Sustainabiity Profitability Potential Competition Technology Figure 5 Summary of Merchant criteria 2.6 Affiliate Next, we have the Affiliate Model. Similar to the Advertising Model, Affiliates derive their income through advertisements, generally in the form of banners. Affiliates, however, do not get paid simply because one of their banners are viewed. If a user connects to a client site through a banner and makes a purchase, the affiliate receives a percentage of the sale. Affiliation has been especially successful in the online pornography industry.' 8 This industry was one of the first to successfully adopt an Affiliate model and its example was followed by the more mainstream websites, such as Amazon.com and Bn.com. 2.6.1 Profitability Affiliates take in profit on each referral starting with the first one, however these incremental profits are quite small. An affiliate has no physical start-up costs, and may only need a moderate amount of advertising, since it makes the same profit-perreferral regardless of volume. 20 2.6.2 Partnerships By definition, Affiliates are dependent on having companies with whom to affiliate. An Affiliate's entire business proposition is based around partnerships. 2.6.3 Availability of Technology Affiliates require similar technology to advertisers. Banner advertisements are displayed on the page, with a link pointing to the advertiser. These links contain information identifying the affiliate so that they can be credited for the referral. 2.6.4 Sustainability Affiliates are also middlemen. The service they provide is the referral of customers to sellers. In this sense, they are similar to Brokers. The difference lies primarily in the method of referral. An affiliate could be said to provide a passive referral, whereas a Broker provides an active one. That is, while a Broker provides a marketplace for transactions to occur, an Affiliate gathers buyers and brings them to a marketplace provided by a seller. 2.6.5 Profitability Potential Affiliates extract a small percentage of the profits from any referred purchase. While affiliates have much lower operating costs, not selling an actual product, they also make far less from each transaction than the merchants with which they are affiliated. For example, affiliates of Amazon.com, which runs the largest affiliate network on the Internet, earn between 5% and 15% of the revenues on an item that they sell. This leaves 85%-95% of that revenue for Amazon.com. 2.6.6 Competition The merchant sites that partner with Affiliates want to receive as many referrals as possible, so there is no competition among Affiliates to obtain these affiliate partnerships. The only obstacle they face is to get the end user to pass through their site. 21 2.6.7 Summary of Criteria Affiliates must rely heavily on partnerships with other companies. Their lifetime may be limited, and the profitability potential during this lifetime seems to be meager compared with other business models. However, an affiliate site is technologically simple to enable, and competition is very light. Profits will be seen relatively soon. Because the profit per transaction is so slow, an affiliate needs a significant volume. This is a case of quantity over quality of transactions. Profitability Partnerships Availability of Technology Sustainability Profitability Potential Competition Figure 6 Summary of Affiliate criteria 2.7 Subscription The final model we will examine is the Subscription Model. Traditional print magazines follow the Subscription Model; customers pay a fee to view content. The fee can be paid per time period, or per byte viewed. This concept has not proved successful on the Internet for traditional news content - users simply will not pay for it, since so many free sources are available - but there are other forms of information for which this model can work. Many major print publications have online versions, for example, Hoover's Online. Games have also proven to be very attractive content. 2.7.1 Profitability A Subscription service sells content to viewers. It needs a significant user base in order to derive profit since generating the content has a fixed cost, regardless of the size of the user base. Once this fixed cost is covered, however, any additional customers are pure profit. Similar to an Advertiser, there are no significant physical expenses involved, but they must still advertise in order to attract a user base. 22 2.7.2 Partnerships A basic Subscription service does not require any partnerships to operate their business, as it simply creates and sells content. Of course it can outsource part of the content generation, and all businesses need to advertise, but this is certainly not a requirement of the basic model. 2.7.3 Availability of Technology Subscriptions require a site to record user accounts in a database and to allow the content to be viewed only by owners of those accounts. Issues such as a browser's back button and bookmarks must be addressed, both to protect the site from unauthorized views and to enable the customer access to his purchased content. 2.7.4 Sustainability The value of providing content to people will not change with technology; only the means of providing that content will change. To illustrate, we can examine the changing methods for managing stocks. Traditionally, stock information was obtained through daily newspapers, and more up-to-date information, as well as transactions, was available from a broker. With the advent of the Internet, this information became available from a desktop PC. Obtaining this information was now far easier than before, and a greater variety of this information was available. Today, this information is all available on the wireless web. In this case, three major methods of information acquisition via different technologies have been used in the past 10 years, but the value of stock information has remained unchanged. 2.7.5 Profitability Potential A Subscription service has the profitability advantage of frequent repeat customers, as content can be updated, as in a daily newspaper or monthly magazine. Repeat customers have no acquisition cost, unlike new customers. However, the customer base is limited to the number of people who fall into the target segment, and that is generally a fixed number. Heavy advertisement is required to expand that target segment.' 9 23 2.7.6 Competition Subscription services must compete for their market segments exactly as standard print publications do. There are only so many readers in a given market, and while these customers may subscribe to multiple subscriptions, there is a limit to the amount of information they can use. With the added ease of publication, these sites must compete not only with print publications, and other similar sites, but also with a growing number of free sites that provide similar information. On the other hand, subscription services tend to be targeted toward a niche consumer group, and since this consumer group will generally be limited, a significant number of competitors cannot be sustained. 2.7.7 Summary of Criteria A Subscription model business provides a service that will be indefinitely in demand. It does so with relatively simple technology and independence from outside partnerships. The major drawback is stiff competition due to a limited market. Profitability Partnerships Availability of Sustainabiity Profitability Potential Competition Technology Figure 7 Summary of Subscription criteria 24 3. Aggregation Technologies 3.1 Criteria In this section, we will discuss the different technologies that drive web-based financial aggregators. First, a set of criteria will be established to provide an effective way to evaluate and compare these different technologies. Then several general categories of technologies will be established and further broken down into specific technology models. Each of these models will be defined and then evaluated by the rating criteria previously established. Current implementations, both commercial and non-profit, will be discussed in detail. The results of this analysis are summarized below in Figure 8. Note that while this data presents certain models as superior to others in the various criteria that each model is still best suited for certain applications due to their fundamental differences. These differences are discussed in this section, and the best applications for each model are discussed later in this paper. Ease of Implementation Durability Resistance to Blockage Accuracy of Information Quantity of Information Target Friendliness RealTime Agent Spider + Manual Entry Figure 8 Rating of technology models vs. specific criteria 3.1.1 Ease of Implementation The first criterion will be the ease of implementation for the technology. In this age of accelerated obsolescence, it is crucial that a technology be quickly applied. Timeto-market for an Internet venture is quite short and new technologies are developed all the time. In addition, a complex implementation requires a larger technical staff, increasing the costs of the company. 25 3.1.2 Durability The second criterion will be durability. I will define durability as scalability, and longevity. If an application is not sufficiently scalable or will be quickly obsolete and unable to perform the necessary services, then it will have to be replaced faster, resulting in the cost of a second implementation before it would otherwise be necessary. 3.1.3 Resistance to Blockage The third criterion will be resistance to blockage. Because many aggregations may not be welcome by the aggregatees, a resistance to blockage will be essential to maintaining a reliable aggregation technology. In addition to intentional blockages, an aggregator needs to be able to circumvent network problems to provide a reliable source of information despite outages or other problems. 3.1.4 Accuracy of Information The fourth criterion will be accuracy of information. In any transition of data, there is the possibility of data loss or corruption. Obviously, this is a detrimental factor to any data transfer and should be minimized. 3.1.5 Quantity of Information The fifth criterion will be quantity of information. Using an aggregation technology has a cost in hardware and processing time. The more information a technology can retrieve, the smaller an implementation can be used. Every technology uses a set amount of system resources (memory, processing time, etc.). A more efficient technology will retrieve the same information with fewer resources; this corresponds to a lesser expense to operate that technology and obtain the information. 3.1.6 Target Friendliness The sixth criterion will be friendliness to the target site. A technology that adds a significant load to the target's servers will not be welcome on that site. 26 3.2 Real-Time Agent The first major type of aggregation technology is active autonomous searching. Technologies of this type gather information from other public sources, primarily other web pages, and index or store this information on the local machine. They are sometimes known as "bots," because they act like an electronic person, browsing different web pages, and writing down what they find. There are two major methods of active autonomous searching: agents and spiders (also known as robots or wanderers). Agents in general can be defined as "personal software assistants with authority delegated from their users.20 More specifically, agents as we will refer to them in this paper, are pieces of software that intelligently surf the web in real-time in response to a specific request from a user or another agent. They attempt to process the web pages to which they are assigned, retrieve only data that is useful and relevant to their assignment, and navigate the web accordingly. A financial aggregator might have an agent automatically collect stock quote data from other leading sites, or fill out loan application forms with given parameters and report the resulting rates. 3.2.1 Ease of Implementation Agents are not particularly easy to implement. Until recently, agents existed only in controlled laboratory environments. These agents were often run on very proprietary networks, and with extremely simple tasks to carry out relative to our concerns. Generic real-time agents have recently become commercially available, (for example, SWI Systemware, Inc. created and supports real-time agent applications on AuctionWatch, among others) but they are expensive and difficult to configure. On the other hand, an aggregation company could build agents in-house, but that would involve a concerted long-term effort by a skilled engineering team. 3.2.2 Durability A well-designed agent should be adaptable to changing situations, resulting in a longer useful lifespan. An agent's power can be increased with increasing hardware, and given the standard format of the web, an agent can be expected to operate as long as that format is intact. 27 3.2.3 Resistance to Blockage A real-time web agent must gather its information when called. If there is an obstacle obstructing that agent over repeated attempts, then it cannot complete its task, and will fail. Agents do exhibit intelligent behavior, and may have a limited ability to attempt to circumvent a problem. When the problem is beyond the abilities of the agent, then it will return to its operator and ask for help. For example, an agent designed to automatically log in to a web site may first try to directly view the desired URL. If this is not successful, then it may start at the site's home page, and navigate through a login script. If this also fails, then the agent will inform the user that it was not successful, and request further "training." Many account aggregators, such as Clickmarks, work this way. 3.2.4 Accuracy of Information An aggregating agent will directly view other web data, as would a human user. However, the agent is still limited in its ability to interpret that data by the strength of its algorithm, and some degree of error is probable. In addition, the agent, if it is free to select the sites it views, cannot determine whether that site is likely to have valid information. 3.2.5 Quantity of Information An agent is limited in the amount of information it returns by the efficiency of its algorithm, the power of its processor, the speed of its network connection, and the amount of time given to complete the task. We will assume that the agent has a reasonable algorithm and has been trained to its specific task. Processor speed is generally not a limiting factor, except that it has a certain time period in which to complete the given task. Most computer applications today do not make full use of the processor2, which Moore's Law tells us is doubling in power every 18 to 24 months. In addition, multiple processors can be used together in order to increase speed as might be necessary. High-speed networks and connections to the Internet are readily available for all companies. Financial information, unlike video and audio files, is fairly small in size, so network speed is also not a limiting factor. For comparison, an average Mpeg-3 28 format audio file is 3-4 megabytes in size, while a collection of information about the exchange rates of the major currencies of the world averages around 10 kilobytes.2 2 A real-time agent must return its results to a user within seconds; the average user will give up and move to a different site if it does not load within eight seconds. 2 3 This limited search time can definitely be a limiting factor. 3.2.6 Target Friendliness An agent must accomplish as much as possible in a short period of time. In order to meet this goal, a web agent may send as many requests as its network will hold. However, this automated probing can use up the targets' precious bandwidth.24 At the beginning of this year, for example, many major websites were brought down by denialof-service attacks. This sort of attack simply sends a rapid stream of requests to a web server, bogging down its resources until it can no longer adequately respond to legitimate users. There are standards in place to address this problem (see section 4), but these will limit the effectiveness of the agent, creating a fundamental trade-off between agent friendliness and the amount of information an agent can return. Additionally, an agent may have to masquerade as a human in order to gather its information, filling the target database with fictitious data. For example, the agent behind an auction aggregator, such as AuctionWatch, will simply navigate through an online auction, such as Ebay, using the same steps a user would. It logs on under a fictitious account, follows the same links, and fills out the same forms that human user would encounter. Because it follows the same path, it is indistinguishable from a human user to the server in terms of online behavior. 3.2.7 Summary of Criteria To summarize, the current real-time agent technology is lacking in several areas. It is extremely difficult to implement. While in operation, it is susceptible to blockage, cannot be relied upon to always return accurate data, and can be a burden on the target servers. On the other hand, real-time agents can return a reasonable amount of information, and can be quite durable over the long run. 29 Ease of Implementation Durability Resistance to Blockage Accuracy of Information Quantity of Information Target Friendliness Figure 9 Summary of Real-Time Agent criteria 3.2.8 Real-World Examples There are many web-based aggregation businesses that make extensive use of real-time agents. Agents are a necessary technology when real-time data is needed, and that data is too customized or complex to be obtained via a standard news feed (discussed later). One such company is AuctionWatch. AuctionWatch uses real-time agents to conduct searches across many auction sites. Since auctions are timed, and constantly updated, a real-time solution is needed. AuctionWatch consolidates information made publicly available on these sites with automated agents; there is no other method available, aside from an actual human conducting the task. An agent's shortcomings are not a problem in this case, because the number of auction sites is set and relatively few, and these sites do not often change their format; the agent can quickly learn all it needs to about its task, and this can be directly programmed or taught by human users. AuctionWatch also makes use of real-time agents to help users place items up for bid on these auction sites. These agents need not conduct a search of information displayed on the auction sites, but rather keep track only of the format of product submission forms. They provide one common interface to users placing an item up for bid, then automatically translates that information into a format understood by the auction sites and posts the items. Another company that extensively utilizes agents is Clickmarks. Clickmarks allows its users to create a custom habitat consisting of any web content, including news headlines, email accounts, online calendars, etc. All of this information is gathered and kept current by way of sophisticated agents. A user can view the information in their habitat and expect it to be kept current with the original source. If it is not current, the 30 user is notified, and has the option to deploy the agents at any time to retrieve the most current information. 3.3 Spider Often, information does not change so fast that a real-time aggregation is necessary. In this case, conducting real-time searches results in many repetitive results, and therefore unnecessarily consumes resources. A better solution would be to determine how often the data is likely to change, and then conduct a single search after each change and store the results in a local database. These results can then be searched on an aggregator's local machines, resulting in a far more efficient search without the complication of using up the computational resources of the aggregatee. For example, frequent flier information is updated with a delay of up to several days. A daily update by an aggregator is sufficient. This is known as indexing, and the software solution, defined in this paper as a timed agent, is known as a "spider." There are two methods that an individual spider can use to search the web; multiple spiders working in tandem can also be used, and will be discussed later. Let us examine a sample web space of two hyperlinks, each referred page containing another two links [shown in figure 1]. We are given the goal that, starting on page A, we want to visit every page. There are two systematic approaches to this problem. The first is to follow each series of links as far as they will take us, then retrace the minimal amount and follow the next, resulting in the following path: A B D B E B A C F C G (previously unviewed pages are denoted in bold face). This is known as a depth-first search. The other approach, known as a breadth-first search, will complete its categorization of each level before continuing down another link. The resulting path from this type of search in our example would be A B A C A B D B E B A C F C G. 31 A D EFG Figure 10 Example state-set for search discussion. In this example, the depth-first search actually resulted in a shorter path, and therefore it was more efficient. However, the web differs from the simple example of figure 3-1 in that while there are only a finite number of links on each page (a finite breadth), there is essentially an infinite chain of links that could be followed from any page. The practical result of this observation is that, given the page you are looking for is within a few links of the starting page, a depth-first search would be enormously inefficient, and may never find the page. If you wished to find page F, you would never arrive unless all links below page B - again, essentially infinite in the web - were followed. A solution to this would be a nondeterministic search, which provides a good compromise between the breadth-first and depth-first searches 25 . This solution, in essence, switches randomly between breadth-first and depth-first search at each node, resulting in a search somewhere in between. The nondeterministic search is random in nature, and a more focused search would be ideal. A best-first search assigns scores to each node in its immediate path based on various relevance criteria, and the highest scored node is followed, regardless of level. In the example of figure 1, C would have a higher score than B, so the spider would start at C instead of B, resulting in a very short search. 32 A good example of a best-first search on the web is Lycos. Lycos ranks its pages by the number of links (in its database) that refer to the given page. The reasoning is that pages more often linked to are more popular, and therefore more likely to be the desired result 26 Another example of a best-first search is Direct Hit. Here the results of a specific query are stored in a database, as well as which of the results returned are viewed by the user. Pages more frequently viewed are judged as being more likely to be the desired page for a new query. When a general collection of data is the goal, or when it is not possible to accurately assign scores to potential links, then it is important to limit the search, as the web is essentially an infinite search space. Since the depth factor of the web is larger than the branching factor, a breadth-first search is the better choice2 7 . As illustrated in the example in figure 1, where the goal was simply to visit (and presumably index) every page, the breadth-first search was the superior method. A good example of a breadth-first search on the web is Webcrawler. Webcrawler uses this strategy to explore as many servers as possible, resulting in a broad index and not placing a heavy load on any target web server28 3.3.1 Ease of Implementation Because real-time response is not as crucial for spiders as for real-time agents, they do not need to be built as efficiently. Less efficient software equates to easier implementation. Indeed, several spiders of lesser power can work in tandem to provide better, faster results. For example, the Web Ants project has created a system of spiders that communicate with each other to avoid duplicating each others' results29 . Many implementations of tandem spiders are in use currently, and several generic spider "packages" are available for purchase or free download. 3.3.2 Durability As with a real-time agent, a well-designed spider should be adaptable to changing situations, resulting in a longer useful lifespan. A spider's power can be increased with increasing hardware or by running several implementations in parallel, and given the 33 standard format of the web, a spider can be expected to operate as long as that format is intact. 3.3.3 Resistance to Blockage A spider is limited by the same factors that limit a human browsing the web; that is, it will be vulnerable to any network blockages or security actions taken by a target site's administrator. A spider does have the ability to make a large number of repeated attempts to view a page, and since it does not need to immediately interpret what it finds, but only store it for later analysis, it can continue to do this over a longer period of time. 3.3.4 Accuracy of Information A spider will directly view other web data, as would a human user. The spider does not need to interpret this information in real-time, except to make the decision about what links to follow. Since the actual analysis and interpretation can occur locally and over an extended time, it will be much more accurate than a real-time analysis. In addition, the spider, if it is free to select the sites it views, cannot determine whether that site is likely to have valid information. 3.3.5 Quantity of Information Since spiders do not need to operate in real-time, and multiple spiders can work in tandem, they can return an enormous amount of information. Most major search engines use spiders as their primary means of information acquisition. The average major search engine has over a hundred million web sites catalogued. 30 3.3.6 Friendliness to Target Spiders have a reputation for being inefficient and hogging resources.31 However, most spiders now follow the standard robot exclusion protocols (discussed in section 4), and are often timed so that they make page requests no faster than one per second. These concessions, while slowing a spider's progress, make it less aggravating to the target sites. 34 3.3.7 Summary of Criteria While spiders still have the fundamental flaws of an autonomous informationgathering system, they are able to minimize the effects by not operating in real-time. They capitalize on the advantages of the autonomous system. Ease of Implementation Durability Resistance to Blockage Accuracy of Information Quantity of Information Target Friendliness Figure 11 Summary of Spider criteria 3.3.8 Real-World Examples Many sites only need very specific information from a few pre-determined sites. This information, however, may change very often. Stock quotes, for example, will only come from a few sources, but are constantly changing. In this case, an automated search may not be the ideal method. A real-time agent consumes an enormous amount of resources to obtain information, the location of which is already known. A spider, on the other hand, operates far too slowly to be of any use in this situation. The solution, then, is to create a direct pipeline of information from the source to the destination site. This pipeline will probably be purchased from the source, and a destination that wishes to aggregate several sources can simply purchase a pipeline from each of them. Although an information pipeline as described does not strictly fit our definition of an aggregator (it does not transparently collect information), we will discuss this technology briefly, as it is a viable source of information, and one against which other aggregating technologies must compete. An information pipeline is not overly difficult to implement. A server needs to send the data to the client site - but that implementation is relatively straightforward. From the client's point of view, they simply need to install software to receive the information stream from the server, and then filter that data and display it as appropriate. Since the server maintains a direct pipeline, durability is not really an issue. As long as information flows in the same format, any filtering software installed on a client site will not care how the information gets there. Given a standard modular 35 implementation, the method in which the information is sent can be changed without affecting the processing of that information. Under normal network operation, a direct pipeline will never be blocked, since it is authorized by the information-providing site. However, if a network outage somehow does block a pipeline, there is no way to avoid the obstacle except repeated attempts to transmit the information. The information provided by a direct pipeline comes from a known and presumably reputable source. There are no content decisions made completely autonomously; this information can be considered completely reliable. An information pipeline can be a high-speed connection which funnels a great deal of data, but the information provided is limited to a very specific subscription, and this information all comes from one source. Again, an information pipeline is actually supported by the host, and the host is under complete control of these pipelines, so friendliness to the host is a non-issue. If a specific type of information is needed, and the breadth of sources is not important, a direct information pipeline may be a very good move. These pipelines are durable, and provide accurate information. The only drawbacks are the quantity of information provided, and the resistance to blockage under unusual network circumstances. Major online brokerages and financial portals generally use a direct information pipeline (such as that provided to Yahoo Finance by Tibco Software) to retrieve market data. This data can be displayed directly to the user, or analyzed in a multitude of ways. Ameritrade, for example, allows users to compare their choice of several equity attributes against the current market, or against other equities. This data can be displayed in tabular format or graphed. A recent experiment I did illustrates some of the potential of this analysis. I received a tip that the earnings of Applied Materials (AMAT) are cyclical. While sales are regular, and of large amounts (a very few large sales make up the bulk of this company's profit), these sales are infrequent; the time between sales is often considerably longer than one financial quarter.3 2 This, theoretically, would result in unexpectedly low or high earnings for the quarter, depending on whether or not a large sale was made 36 during that quarter, and the share price would rise or fall accordingly. When viewing the graph of the AMAT share price over a timeline of five years, any cycles are lost in the noise of the general market strength. The share price of AMAT tends to follow the NASDAQ index as a whole. I used the analysis tools in Ameritrade to normalize the AMAT price against the NASDAQ index, essentially showing only the difference in percentage gain or loss for a particular day. Unfortunately, this did conclusively prove that the theorized cycle does not, in fact, exist. Online brokerages are not the only financial aggregators that use pipelined information. Popular personal financial managers, such as Microsoft Money and Quicken, gather investment information in much the same way as do classic online brokerages, and provide their own custom sets of analytical tools. 3.4 Manual Entry Sometimes the required information requires a dissemination ability beyond that of which a computer is capable, or perhaps it is not readily available online. Other times, the information volume is small enough that a computer is not necessary. In these cases, manual information entry can be used. One method is for company employees to take the role of spiders and manually find and enter the information. The results will be far more accurate, as the employees can determine what information is important, and can more accurately determine where that information is likely to be. This is the primary method that Yahoo uses to create its online index. However, this requires a lot of manpower, and cannot create a large amount of information, relative to that produced by an autonomous spider. Alta Vista, for example, which uses an autonomous spider, has indexed 100 times the number of web pages that Yahoo has.3 3 Another variation of manual information entry is for consumers to input information. Each consumer may only input their personal information, but a compilation of all this information can provide valuable data. Almost every commercial website now keeps a database of its customers. All information in these databases was entered manually by the consumers. These databases are very valuable marketing tools 37 both to the companies, and to many others to whom the companies may sell their customer data. 3.4.1 Ease of Implementation Manual information entry is by far the easiest form of aggregation to implement. No new technology or special coding is required. Employees simply search the web with a standard web browser and existing search tools, and input the information into the database. Consumer-based entry requires very little if any research on the consumer's part, and the information is entered directly into the local database through a web interface. 3.4.2 Durability This kind of model is also extremely durable, as a human is certainly more adaptable to changing situations than today's software. Given that the standard websearch tools are kept up-to-date by their operators, this model is extremely adaptable. 3.4.3 Resistance to Blockage Again, humans are quite adaptable, compared to today's software, and can improvise methods to avoid blockages. Humans, however, cannot send rapid-fire requests, as can autonomous searches, so may not be able to break through a blockage using "brute force." 3.4.4 Accuracy of Information Compared to autonomous software, humans, in general, are not as likely to be fooled by similar-looking, but unrelated data. Humans also have the ability to assess whether a site is likely to be an authoritative source of information, for example making the separation between the Wall Street Journal Online, and Joe's Stock Picks. However, unlike autonomous software, humans grow fatigued, and can make clerical errors. 3.4.5 Quantity of Information Humans are at a decisive disadvantage when it comes to the quantity of information that they can process. Computers are always better at performing rote tasks 38 in volume. Again, we can examine the case of Yahoo vs. Alta Vista. As mentioned before, Alta Vista, which uses automated technology, has catalogued over one hundred times the amount of information that Yahoo has compiled using its manual indexing. 34 3.4.6 Friendliness to Target Humans cannot send requests quickly enough to seriously slow a host server. However, humans are adept at entering false information (i.e., creating fictitious accounts) in order to access information. 3.4.7 Summary of Criteria Humans in general are far more adaptable than their software counterparts, and can disseminate important information from useless information. However, they are limited in the quantity of information that they can process. Ease of Implementation Durability Resistance to Blockage Accuracy of Information Quantity of Information Target Friendliness Figure 12 Summary of Manual Entry criteria 3.4.8 Real-World Examples One successful implementation of manually entered aggregated information is Ebay. Ebay, the largest online auction site, has over 10 million users, and 4 million auctions on any given day. 35 Each user may participate in many of these auctions. Every time a user enters an auction, either as a buyer or a seller, they give Ebay personal information. When originally signing up for the service, Ebay receives their contact information. With each auction in which a user participates, Ebay gains another piece of knowledge both about that user's spending habits and interests, and about the general market value of the item up for auction. This information is stored in Ebay's databases and could very easily be analyzed and used as valuable marketing information. Sometimes data can be collected without the knowledge or direct consent of the consumers entering the information. Companies such as DoubleClick and Engage Technologies record the transactions enacted by users on many other sites. Much of the 39 time, it is not apparent to the users that one of these companies are logging their transactions. Like Ebay, this gives the information-collection company a store of marketing information that can be analyzed and used or sold. The specific uses of this information have come under fire, as questions have arisen as to whether the use of this information is an invasion of privacy. All four of these technological models have merit in the proper applications. Autonomous real-time agents are a superior choice when instant information is needed and the information changes quickly and is spread out among many sources that may not be willing to sell a direct pipeline of information at an acceptable price. When a vast amount of information is important, but that information changes relatively slowly, then a spider may be the best choice. If a stream of rapidly changing information is important, but that information is contained within a few affordable sites, then a direct pipeline is the best solution. On the other hand, if accuracy and adaptability is important, or if the information requires complex processing, but rapid changes and large volumes are not essential, then a manual solution may be the ideal choice. 40 4. Commercial Applications Aggregation is widespread in the "dot com" world, and many commercial applications have been developed. In the consumer sector, aggregators are most notably used for comparison shopping, consolidation of financial relationships, and compilation of related information from varied sources. A widespread commercial use of aggregators is comparison-shopping, both for products and for various services. Aggregators are used to compare consumer products, airfare, auction prices, and financial service rates, including insurance rates and loan interest rates. Often this is done simply by using a robot to automatically view and compile rates and prices published by the major purveyors of such products and services. The aggregator will gather all the published prices on a particular item, service, interest rate, etc., and compare them to give the user the best buy. Aggregators can also be used to help people manage their online accounts. Frequent flier miles, auctions, and many online accounts can be consolidated into one place. Not only does this provide a convenience for the user, but also it allows the aggregator to be a middleman, collect valuable market data, and possibly collect a transaction fee on some of the user's financial interactions. Finally, aggregators are being used to compile general financial information. Equities, market data, and general company research can be compiled to aid investors in making the best decisions when investing their money. The following figure will help to categorize some of the commercial applications to which aggregators are being applied today. 41 1. Comparison Shopping 1.1. Financial Service Rates 1.1.1. Loan Interest Rates 1.1.2. Insurance Rates 1.1.3. Investment Rates 1.2. Consumer Product Information 1.3. Airfare 1.4. Auctions 2. Relationship Aggregation 2.1. Frequent Flier Miles 2.2. Account Consolidation 2.3. Auction Consolidation Figure 13 Current Aggregation Markets Over fifty real-world companies have been analyzed, and their business and technology models have been determined. A complete and detailed list of the results is available in Appendix B. and some of the results are analyzed below. Please note that some companies use more than one business and technology model and may therefore be counted more than once, resulting in a graph that totals more than 100%. 4.1 Loan Interest Rates 4.1.1 Business Model Usage Loan Rate Business Models 100% - 80% Percent Use 60% - 40%---- --- 20% Brokerage Advertiser Infomediary Merchant Affiliate Subscription Business Model Figure 14 Loan Interest Rates - Business Model Usage 42 All loan aggregators analyzed use the Brokerage model, extracting a fee for each loan referred. Quicken Loans also functioned as a Merchant, selling their financial software. Bankrate.com sells a subscription newsletter containing their financial information, as well as their standard Brokerage. 4.1.2 Technology Model Usage Loan Rate Technology Models 60% 50% 40% Percent Use 30% 20% 10% 0% Real-Time Agent Spider Manual Entry Technology Model Figure 15 Loan Interest Rates - Technology Usage Models Both Real-Time Agents and Manual Entry are used frequently for loan rate aggregators. Manual Entry would generally be sufficient for a loan aggregator, as the number of different rates is generally relatively small, is often determined in part by the institution offering the rates, and changes infrequently. Many loan rate aggregators do offer real-time tools in an effort to expand their service and provide a financial tool that can do more than simply search loan rates. 43 4.2 Insurance Rates 4.2.1 Business Model Usage Insurance Rate Business Models 100% 80% Percent Use ----- 40% 20%25 Brokerage Advertiser Infomediary Merchant Affiliate Subscription Business Model Figure 16 Insurance Rates - Business Models All insurance rate aggregators analyzed used a brokerage model, taking a fee for each new customer referred. One aggregator, InsureChoice, allows customers to subscribe for a membership to receive additional online features and information. 4.2.2 Technology Model Usage Insurance Rate Technology Models 100% 80% Technology Model 60% 40% 20% 0%' Real-Time Agent Spider Manual Entry Percent Use Figure 17 Insurance Rates - Technology Model Usage All insurance rate aggregators analyzed use Manual Entry; as with loan rates, this is all that is necessary to run a basic aggregator. 44 4.3 Investment Rates 4.3.1 Business Model Usage Investment Rate Business Models 7 0%-- - - - - - - -- - -- - - 60% Percent Use 50% 40%/---- 40%/ 20% 10% 7 A17 0% Brokerage Advertiser Infomediary Merchant Affiliate Subscription Business Model Figure 18 Investment Rates - Business Model Usage Most investment rate aggregators used a brokerage model, extracting a fee for each customer referred. BankCD.com instead uses a merchant model, selling the name of the offering bank to the customer after they have selected a set of CD terms. Moneyrates.com provides investment rate information for free, instead drawing revenue from advertisement. In addition to the standard Brokerage, Bankrate.com also offers a paid membership (Subscription) that provides additional services and information to consumers beyond the basic rate search. 45 4.3.2 Technology Model Usage Investment Rate Technology Models 100%1" 80% Percent Use 60% 40% 20% 0% Real-Time Agent Spider Manual Entry Technology Models Figure 19 Investment Rates - Technology Model Usage Most investment rate aggregators use Manual Entry to obtain their information. One company, Banx.com, advertises real-time rate information. 4.4 Consumer Product Information 4.4.1 Business Model Usage Consumer Product Business Models 30% A 25%20%-- 2 Percent Use 15% 27 10% Brokerage Advertiser Infomediary Merchant Affiliate Subscription Business Model Figure 20 Consumer Product Information - Business Model Usage 46 All business models except Subscriptions are used to extract revenue from consumer product aggregation. There does not seem to be a clear indication of the superiority of any one business model in this market space. 4.4.2 Technology Model Usage Consumer Product Technology Models 60% 50% 40% Percent Use 30% 20% 10% 0% Real-Time Agent Spider Manual Entry Technology Models Figure 21 Consumer Product Information - Technology Model Usage Manual Entry is the most heavily used technology model, although the others are used as well. In these cases, consumers or merchants simply enter the product information by hand. A few services employ automated software to retrieve product information from merchant web sites. 47 4.5 Airfare 4.5.1 Business Model Usage Airfare Business Models 100% 80% --------- 60% ------ Percent Use 40% 20% Brokerage Advertiser Infomediary Merchant Affiliate Subscription Business Model Figure 22 Airfare - Business Model Usage Almost all airfare aggregators use a Brokerage model as their primary source of revenue, extracting a fee for each ticket sold. Many of them also derive profit from advertisement, having a very specific user group captive. One company, Frequent Flier Points, actually purchases and re-sells tickets. 4.5.2 Technology Model Usage Airfare Technology Models 100% 80% Percent Use % 40%20% 0% Real-Time Agent Spider Manual Entry Technology Models Figure 23 Airfare - Technology Model Usage 48 All airfare aggregators use Manual Entry as their primary method of information collection. In fact, many of them simply subscribe to a rate database, such as Sabre, and directly query it. In this case, the rates are put into the database by hand (by airline employees). 4.6 Auctions 4.6.1 Business Model Usage Auction Business Models 100% 80% 60% Percent Use - -- 40% 20% Brokerage Advertiser Infomediary Merchant Affiliate Subscription Business Model Figure 24 Auctions - Business Model Usage All auction aggregators analyzed used a brokerage as their primary source of revenue, generally extracting a fee from the seller. Often this fee is based on the selling price of the item being auctioned. 49 4.6.2 Technology Model Usage Auction T yModePs 100% 80% Percent Use 60% 40% 20% 0% Real-Time Agent Spider Manual Entry Technology Models Figure 25 Auctions - Technology Model Usage All auction aggregators analyzed also used a Real-Time Agent as their technology model. This is essential, as auction prices must always be current within a fraction of a minute in order to be useful. 4.7 Frequent Flier Miles 4.7.1 Business Model Usage Frequent Flier Business Models 70% 60% 50% 40% Percent Use 3___-- -- 20%- 10% 0% Brokerage Advertiser Infomediary Merchant Affiliate Subscription Business Model Figure 26 Frequent Flier Miles - Business Model Usage 50 , Most frequent flier aggregators analyzed used a subscription-based service, allowing users to create and use an account for an initial trial period before charging them a subscription fee. MilePoint instead aggregates users' miles, takes them, and allows users to use the points to purchase online goods (minus a brokerage fee). In addition to providing a standard subscription-based service to general consumers, TotalMiles.com will sell its aggregation engine to companies to run internally on their own servers. 4.7.2 Technology Model Usage Frequent Flier Technology Models 100% 80% Percent Use 60% 1000 40% 20% 0% Real-Time Agent Spider Manual Entry Technology Models Figure 27 Frequent Flier Miles - Technology Model Usage All frequent flier miles aggregators analyzed used a Spider to retrieve their information. This is an ideal technology, as daily updates are more than sufficient, and the number of airlines to aggregate is relatively small. 51 4.8 Account Consolidation 4.8.1 Business Model Usage Account Consolidation Business Models 50% 40% 30% 450 Percent Use 20% 2%- 18% 10% Brokerage Advertiser Infomediary Merchant Affiliate Subscription Business Model Figure 28 Account Consolidation - Business Model Usage Account consolidation aggregators use almost every model in this analysis, but especially tend toward Brokerages and Advertisers. Having specific information about users, provided by themselves, makes this market especially good for Advertisers (or Infomediaries). Those companies that provide "frictionless transaction" capabilities (automatic entry of personal information when ordering products online) act as Brokers, taking a fee for each transaction, usually from the seller. 52 4.8.2 Technology Model Usage Account Consolidation Technology Model 70% 60% 50% 40% Percent Use 30% 20% 10% 0% Real-Time Agent Spider Manual Entry Technology Model Figure 29 Account Consolidation - Technology Model Usage Account consolidation aggregators tend to use Manual Entry, as most of the account information is collected directly from the users. Some aggregators will then use this user information to go online and automatically retrieve information. 4.9 Auction Consolidation 4.9.1 Business Model Usage Auction Consolidation Business Models 100% 80% Percent Use 40%20% Brokerage Advertiser Infomediary Merchant Affiliate Subscription Business Model Figure 30 Auction Consolidation - Business Model Usage 53 All auction consolidators analyzed use a Brokerage model, extracting a fee for each transaction (generally by the seller). Advertisement revenue is definitely possible, and one auction consolidator (Bidcrawler) derives additional revenue by selling its aggregation engine. 4.9.2 Technology Model Usage Auction Technology Models 100% 80% Percent Use 60% 40% 20% 0% Real-Time Agent Spider Manual Entry Technology Models Figure 31 Auction Consolidation - Technology Model Usage All auction consolidators analyzed used a Real-Time agent to gather information, as up-to-the-minute is necessary when bidding on a timed auction. 54 5. Legal Issues Surrounding Aggregation 5.1 The Issues 5.1.1 Ownership of Information One of the central issues surrounding the rise of aggregators and e-commerce in general, has been the ownership of information. The web is aptly named, as information is inter-linked and inter-twined with other information. Who may use certain information and how they may use it has become a hot issue both in and out of the courtroom. Some believe that the web was founded on principles of sharing open information. Any information put on the web should be regarded as public; any information that a company or individual wishes to keep private should not be placed on the web. Hyper-links are the infrastructure of the web, and disabling them disables the entire web. Others believe that the rules of information ownership should remain the same, regardless of the medium. If it is illegal to use copyrighted work or private information in more standard mediums, then the Internet should be no exception. Owners of information should have the right to regulate how and by whom their information - their property - is used. Transposing traditional property rights to Internet terms proves to be a challenge. For example, it is not hard to picture the act of unauthorized hacking into a private computer system as one of trespassing. However, when that computer system has been opened to the general public, as in the case of an e-commerce website, it becomes a hazy issue as to what is trespassing and what is simply viewing information put in the public domain. 5.1.2 Copyright Infringement Another burgeoning issue is that of copyright infringement. While in theory the rules of copyright should be easily transposed across different mediums of presentation, the ease of duplication and display of information provided by the web enables this to be 55 a widespread problem. In addition, the question arises as to whether a copyright is infringed if the work in question remains unaltered in its original location, but is hyperlinked by an unauthorized source. 5.1.3 Implied Contracts In order to address these first two issues, many websites will post a list of terms and conditions for access to the information contained therein. It remains to be seen if these lists are legally binding, and if so, to what extent. Also, these terms and conditions must be placed in the website in such a way that they are obvious to a visitor of the site. Adapting standard business methods to this new medium is a work still in progress, and many new practices are labeled as unfair by the competition. It is very easy for a company to misrepresent its relationship with a competitor; the distinction between one company's website and another can become very hazy. 5.1.4 Advertiser Contracts Since many websites are funded partially or in whole by advertisers, the display of advertising banners is of utmost importance to them. Since information is so easily copied, altered, and re-displayed, there is a worry that aggregation is impairing the advertisers' relationships with the original source of the information. These advertisers generally pay a set amount per a certain number of users viewing their banner, and by having the website's content displayed elsewhere without these banners, the advertisers lose those customer views. Alternatively, since they are paying per view, the advertisers pay every time a robot indexes the page. If the page is frequently visited, the advertisers are paying for an inhuman audience. 5.2 Solutions 5.2.1 Four Laws of Web Robotics In order to address these concerns, the Internet community as a whole is working toward a set of guidelines to which all sites should adhere. The most notable and widespread convention for spiders is The StandardforRobot Exclusion36 proposed by Martijn Koster in 1994. This standard requires that any webmasters who want to restrict 56 robot access to their site create a file called robots.txt. This file contains information regarding which robots may visit the site. Any robot visiting a site must first check for this file, and may not continue to index that site if it is barred. More recently, a "robots 37 meta tag" is available to block robots from specific pages instead of entire sites In order for future robots to be accepted by webmasters, they should adhere to a basic code of robot "etiquette." Fah-Chun Cheong has summarized the advice given by the web community in his Four Laws of Web Robotics. 38 These laws are: I. A web robot must show identifications. II. A web robot must obey exclusion standard. III. A web robot must not hog resources. IV. A web robot must report errors. Similar sets of guidelines have been developed by Oren Etzioni and Daniel Weld of the University of Washington39 , and by David Eichmann of the University of Houston40 . Webmasters need to know the identity and source of any robots accessing their site, so they can contact the owner if necessary. In addition, many wish to know how the robot found their site. By supplying the path by which it traveled to the site in question, the robot can perform a service for the webmaster, and "earn its keep." It goes without saying that a robot must follow the aforementioned exclusion standard. However, this can be in the robot's best interest as well as the webmaster's, as the site may be off-limits to protect the robot from become trapped in an infinite virtual space. In order to avoid the ire of webmasters, a robot should be unnoticeable. If the robot becomes a burden on the server, then it will surely be excluded. Cheong lists several suggestions for reducing a robot's impact on a server, such as retrieving the minimal information needed, checking for errors in the pages, retrieving at low-traffic times, specifically checking to avoid looping, and, of course, retrieving information in moderation. Finally, as a service to sites it indexes, a robot should report any errors it finds to the webmaster. This is simply being a good citizen. 57 5.2.2 The Six Commandments for Robot Operators Cheong also lists some guidelines that robot operators should adhere to in order to ensure that their robot is a good citizen. These have been named The Six Commandments for Robot Operators 41 I. Thou Shalt Announce thy Robot. II. Thou Shalt Test, Test, and Test thy Robot Locally. III. Thou Shalt Keep thy Robot Under Control. IV. Thou Shalt Stay in Contact with the World. V. Thou Shalt Respect the Wishes of Webmasters. VI. Thou Shalt Share Results with thy Neighbors. When a new robot has been created, it is best to notify the sites that will be visited, or the web community at large if applicable. Although in some instances this may seem to be detrimental to competitive advantage, keeping a robot's visits secret is not realistic, and will result in a less positive response from the webmaster. The reasons for testing a robot locally should be apparent. An untested robot can not be guaranteed to adhere to the Four Laws of Web Robotics, and may quickly become unwelcome, as well as not correctly performing its intended task. If something does go wrong with a robot, the owner should be easily reached. The owner may well be the only person who can fix any problems that the robot causes or encounters. In order to maintain the goodwill of webmasters, one should adhere to their wishes. If they request or undertake actions to bar a robot from their site, their wishes should be obeyed. Web robots can use up significant resources in their operations. By sharing this information with the world, other robots can be prevented from needing to perform the same task, saving resources. The raw data can be made available, or refined results can be published. Often in business, it is to one company's advantage to use a robot on another's site, and this advantage outweighs any problems caused by an antagonized webmaster. In some cases, the companies are in direct competition. It is important to remember that the aforementioned guidelines are only guidelines, and are not law. These guidelines, 58 while potentially applicable to corporate robots, were originally designed without the factor of competition. The issues involved in with information ownership on the internet have all come up in actual conflicts between companies, and have been addressed in court. There have been definitive rulings in some cases, and out-of-court settlements in others. 5.3 Legal Rulings 5.3.1 Ebay v. Bidder's Edge Ebay has raised the issue of trespassing in its lawsuit against Bidder's Edge. In December of 1999, Ebay, the largest auction site on the internet sued Bidder's Edge, an aggregator of auction sites for trespassing, specifically for "deep-linking," the practice of including hyperlinks to pages deep within the target site, and bypassing any higher-level pages 42 . Ebay claims that the spiders slow its service - they access Ebay's site about 100,000 times per day 43 - and that the all information on its site is its intellectual property. Bidder's Edge claims that the information on the site belongs to the individuals auctioning their goods, and that Ebay has no claim to this information. Ebay does not have a robots.txt file, but Bidder's Edge says they would not observe it if there were one because they do not feel that Ebay owns the information44 . If Ebay were to implement a robots meta tag, each user could prevent Bidder's Edge from accessing their individual auction if they wished to do so. On May 24, 2000, Judge Ronald M. Whyte of the United States District Court in San Jose issued a decision in favor of Ebay. Bidder's Edge has been banned from accessing any information on Ebay's site by automated means without written permission from Ebay until the end of the full trial in March, 2001 unless it is overturned on appeal. If this ruling stands, a consequence will be that many comparison sites will go out of business, or be forced to pay access fees to those sites that they compare 45 5.3.2 News Index v. The Sunday Times The issue of copyrights on the web is still largely unanswered. In 1997, a dispute arose between News Index and the Sunday Times over News Index's spidering of Sunday Times content. The issue of deep linking was involved, but more notably, the 59 Sunday Times was concerned that its copyrights were being violated. If this issue went to court and were resolved in favor of the Sunday Times, it could be disastrous for search engines, as they also index content in a similar way, although since they only link to content and do not store it, it may not apply 46 . This dispute was settled out-of-court, but a future ruling on a similar case could have the aforementioned results. 5.3.3 R.I.A.A. v. Napster Even sites that do not specifically target other commercial sites, but are capable of linking copyrighted material have come under fire. The Recording Industry Association of America has sued Napster Inc. over software that allows Napster users to trade copyrighted music files. While these users are clearly breaking copyright laws, these laws are unenforceable at the user level; as a result Napster is the defendant in this case. This case is similar to that of Sony Corp v. Universal Studios Inc. in 1984. The message sent by this case is that that "if you sell a product with 'significant non-infringing uses,' then you are home free. 47" The Napster case will specifically test this decision in the Internet medium. If Napster prevails, then the door will be opened for software tools that gather information, regardless of that information's ownership status. 5.3.4 Ticketmaster v. Tickets.com Ticketmaster Corp. sued Tickets.com Inc. over a deep-linking issue, and a ruling was issued on March 27, 2000 by Judge Harry L. Hupp of the Federal District Court in Los Angeles. One of Ticketmaster's claims was that Tickets.com had violated the "terms and conditions" presented by Ticketmaster for use of its site. While the judge dismissed this claim as written, he did allow Ticketmaster to refile the complaint given that they amend it to show that these "terms and conditions" create an enforceable contract, seen and agreed to by Tickets.com. This ruling seems to suggest that a site may be able to prevent unwanted visitors by phrasing its "terms and conditions" in the form of an enforceable contract, and by ensuring that a visitor must view and acknowledge this contract in order to access the site.48 In the lawsuit vs. Tickets.com, Ticketmaster also made claims that Tickets.com was guilty of unfair forms of competition: "passing off' and "reverse passing off," 49 as 60 well as false advertising. 0 Consumers could incorrectly be led to believe that the two companies were connected in certain ways detrimental to Tickets.com and beneficial to Ticketmaster.'" Judge Hupp allowed these claims because Tickets.com had built their website such that it was unclear which portions were their own, and which belonged to Ticketmaster. Ticketmaster also successfully made a claim that Tickets.com was interfering with the economic relationships it had with its advertisers. These advertisers pay a hefty fee to display an advertisement on Ticketmaster's site. If users are able to view Ticketmaster's inner content without seeing these advertisers - i.e., by accessing it through Tickets.com - then the value of those advertisers' investments is compromised. 5.4 Future Direction In many respects, the advent of the Internet has challenged the rules of information ownership. While there are cases of copyright infringement pending, for example RIAA v. Napster, technology is making a copyright unenforceable. Once Napster came under legal fire, several clones appeared, many with technological improvements to thwart any attempt to shut them down, legal or otherwise. Companies will have to derive new methods of extracting profit from their information. On the other hand, the preliminary results of cases pending, such as Ticketmaster vs. Tickets.com and Ebay vs. Bidder's edge seem to suggest that common sense will prevail. If a company is using the work of another without permission, it is not likely to be in the legal right. This is significant for aggregators, many of which it seems will have to negotiate usage licenses with the sites they aggregate. 61 6. Conclusion Aggregation ultimately provides value to the end-user, the consumer. Those middlemen who stand to profit by the inefficiencies in the value-chain are fighting this technology, but it can be avoided for only so long. Legal battles surrounding the application of aggregation technology to the music industry have hit the forefront of the media, as in the case of the Recording Industry Association of America v. Napster, Inc. The RIAA, which arguably, does not provide value to the consumer or small-time artist who, again arguably, contributes more to the advancement of the art of music than a big commercial star. The RIAA may well halt Napster's business, but unaffiliated, de-localized clones, such as FreeNet and Gnutella, have already appeared, and cannot be likewise shut down with legal action. Because this benefits the consumer, the market will be forced to conform. Aggregation, financial and otherwise, ultimately benefits the consumer, and therefore it will become embedded into the tools with which we buy and sell. There is evidence of this happening everywhere - comparison-shopping tools and the like are freely available, and are becoming more and more integrated and invisible with time. Apple's MAC OS (v8.x and higher) has taken this a step further, building automatic aggregation directly into the user's operating system. It will no longer be a choice or separate task the user performs; every user query will aggregate the information from all available sources. Aggregation is the future of online commerce, financial and otherwise, and in many cases is already the most beneficial method of commerce for consumers. Companies are successfully applying several business and technology models to create successful aggregation services, and these will only improve with the pace of technology. 62 Appendix A: Results of Company Categorization Grouped by Model Please note that the inter-graph totals of some markets may exceed 100% as some companies use more than one model, and have therefore been counted more than once. TechnologyModels Real-Time Agent Usage 120% 100% 80% Percent Use 60% 40% 43 43 -27%- 0% 20% 0% a) a) CD (D E) CA a) Cu CA a) Cu :3 0 0- "0 0 CL CAC a) 0) C E 0 -j 0% F-1 C: 02 i3 0 ~ C 0 C.) 2 =o 2 LL' t < 7 LL < 0O t < C 0 Aggregation Market Figure 32 Real-Time Agent Usage Spider Usage a) -fl ,., a) C.) a) 120% 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 0% a) cc Mu 0 a -0 a. EC Q=uo (nM > C ) 0 <a t3 0 < C - C aCT U 0 . 3Z 0 C 0 0) 0 < 0 U < 5 34)0 Aggregation Market Figure 33 Spider Usage 63 0 9 = 9 CD 0) 0 Ca Ca CD Ca 0) Auction Consolidation Consolidation Web Account Flier Aggregation Frequent Auctions Airfare Pricing Consumer Product Investment Rates Rates Insurance Loan Rates c * 10 10 $ .-,1-0 0 0- 1 .-,10 N)1O)O$O0) 0000000 Percent Usage C" 0) (0 CD C 'ii 0 9 0 -4 9 C) a) CO CO CD CO Consolidation Auction Web Account Consolidation Flier Aggregation Frequent Auctions 00 Th CD 0 a) 0 110 CD Airfare Pricing C Auction Consolidation Web Account Consolidation Frequent Flier Aggregation Auctions Airfare Product Pricing 0 0 as CO CO CD CO Consumer Product - Consumer -4 Investment Rates Rates Investment Loan Rates Insurance Rates 9o (IQ 9t Insurance Rates Loan Rates 0(3101001 Percent Use 0000000 Percent Use CD Auction Consolidation Consolidation Web Account Aggregation Flier Frequent Auctions 0 0 CO CD C Airfare CD 0 CO CD 0 U, -I 15 0 Consumer Product Pricing Investment Rates Rates Insurance Loan Rates KN0kO)D0N) 0000000O Percent Use 0) C 0. as as 9 0 9 9 0 (4 QS 0 0 (4 (0 (0 w rio 9 = C,) 9 = (D 0 Auction Consolidation Web Account Consolidation Aggregation Flier Frequent Auctions Airfare, c a) c c 0 QI C CD 0 C0p (0 Airfare Auction Consolidation Consolidation Auction Consolidation Web Account CD C C Consumer Product Pricing Investment Rates Rates Insurance Loan Rates Web Account Consolidation 00 9 Frequent Flier Aggregation 0 Frequent Flier Aggregation ( 0= Auctions 0) -0 0 0 (10Cn Percent Use Auctions Airfare Consumer Product Pricing Consumer Product Pricing CA Investment Rates Loan Rates Investment Rates ft 9T Insurance Rates =%X04 il Insurance Rates Loan Rates 0 Percent Use I Percent Use 1 D 0D ii Appendix B: Categorization of Major Online Aggregators Note: The information provided about these companies is for a large part derived from speculation and experimenting with the public site, as detailed operational information is seldom obtainable. In addition, company descriptions may be taken in part or whole from descriptions published by the companies themselves or from other publicly available research tools (notably, Hoover's Online). Company Name AmazingRates, Inc. Domain Name www.amazingrates.com Stock Ticker Symbol n/a Basic Market Investment Rates Business Model Brokerage Technology Model Manual Entry General Description Amazing rates stores CD rates information from over 20,000 institutions and provides users with the best 3 to 5 quotes within their geographic region. Other Company Name Auction Watch Domain Name www.auctionwatch.com Stock Ticker Symbol private Basic Market Auction Consolidation Business Model Broker Technology Model Real-Time Agent General Description AuctionWatch is a leading online auction aggregator. They provide tools for sellers to customize and manage auctions across several online auction sites. In addition, they provide a tool to allow buyers to search and bid at auctions across these same sites. Other 67 Company Name bankcd.com Domain Name bankcd.com Stock Ticker Symbol n/a Basic Market Investment Rates Business Model Merchant Technology Model Manual Entry General Description This site compares CD rates from different banks across the nation. It presents a list of terms, and the customer pays to view the name of the bank offering that package. Other Company Name Bankrate, Inc. Domain Name www.bankrate.com Stock Ticker Symbol RATE Basic Market Loan Rates, Investment Rates Business Model Broker, Subscription Technology Model Manual Entry General Description [Bankrate] offers content on banking, financial planning, and investing, and serves as the gateway to a string of other financial Web sites. Among the company's print publications are Green Magazine, several financial newsletters, and a consumer mortgage guide. (Hoover's Online) Other 68 Company Name BANX.com, Inc. Domain Name www.banxquote.com Stock Ticker Symbol private Basic Market Loan Rates, Investment Rates Business Model Broker Technology Model Real-Time Agent General Description BanxQuote@ operates a network of Web sites providing realtime market data from leading financial service providers. It also features state-by-state, regional and national composite benchmarks, as well as useful links and snapshot profiles of its financial service providers. (Banxquote website) Other Company Name BidCrawler.com Domain Name www.bidcrawler.com Stock Ticker Symbol OTCBB: BCWOF Basic Market Auction Consolidation Business Model Merchant Technology Model Real-Time Agent General Description BidCrawler provides a search tool to help businesses and consumers search across many online auctions to find the best deals available on the desired products. Other 69 Company Name Bidder's Edge Domain Name www.biddersedge.com Stock Ticker Symbol private Basic Market Auction Consolidation Business Model Broker Technology Model Real-Time Agent General Description The tools and services offered by Bidder's Edge, Inc. help online auction users easily and automatically find great bargains from many online auctions, all from a single "portallike" web site. Users can bid smarter and be more informed consumers, thanks to Bidder's Edge. (Bidder's Edge website) Other Will cease operations on Feb. 21, 2001. Company Name BizRate Domain Name www.bizrate.com Stock Ticker Symbol N/A Basic Market Consumer Products Business Model Infomediary Technology Model Manual Entry General Description The online rating service collects feedback from consumers shopping at some 4,600 e-retailers that offer merchandise including clothing, sporting goods, travel reservations, auctions, and other items. BizRate.com receives no money from the retailers, and takes in revenue by selling market research and from promotions. BizRate.com also makes its ratings available to Consumer Reports (online and magazine versions) and to portals such as MSN, AltaVista, and CNET. (Hoover's Online) Other 70 Company Name Clickmarks.com, Inc. Domain Name www.clickmarks.com Stock Ticker Symbol n/a Basic Market Account Consolidation Business Model Merchant Technology Model Real-Time Agent, Spider General Description Clickmarks allows users to consolidate any web-based content into one custom portal, and the view that content on any device. Information contained within a password-protected account is still accessibly with a Clickmarks personal habitat. Other Company Name ConsumerREVIEW, Inc. Domain Name www.consumerreview.com Stock Ticker Symbol n/a Basic Market Consumer Products Business Model Affiliate, Merchant Technology Model Manual Entry General Description Consumer Review provides reviews of consumer products. These reviews are entered by consumers and include a summary about the item in question, as well as an overall rating and a value rating. Other 71 Company Name DealTime.com Ltd. Domain Name www.dealtime.com Stock Ticker Symbol DEAL (proposed, Nasdaq) Basic Market Consumer Products Business Model Affiliate Technology Model Real-Time Agent General Description Dealtime provides users the ability to compare products before they shop. They have sites targeting the U.S., the U.K. and Germany. Other Company Name eBay.com Inc. Domain Name www.ebay.com Stock Ticker Symbol EBAY Basic Market Auctions Business Model Broker Technology Model Real-Time Agent General Description eBay is the largest online auction service. They are the standard by which other online auctions are measured. Other It recently acquired half.com, a marketplace combining traditional auction style trading and fixed-price trading. 72 Company Name ebix.com, Inc. Domain Name www.ebix.com Stock Ticker Symbol EBIX Basic Market Insurance Rates Business Model Broker Technology Model Manual Entry General Description Ebix.com (formerly Delphi) provides insurance quote aggregation in the form of an online auction. Consumers bid on rates posted by insurance companies. Other Company Name E-Loan Domain Name www.e-loan.com Stock Ticker Symbol EELN Basic Market Loan Rates Business Model Broker Technology Model Manual Entry General Description E-LOAN offers a full range of mortgages, auto loans, credit cards and small business loans and is committed to continuously adding new ones. Customers can search for the best loan from thousands of products with a single click. A comprehensive set of tools and information gives customers everything they need to select the right product -- all in one place. (E-Loan webpage) Other 73 Company Name Epinions.com Domain Name www.epinions.com Stock Ticker Symbol n/a Basic Market Consumer Products Business Model Broker, Advertiser Technology Model Manual Entry General Description Epinions collects consumer reviews on over 150,000 products and makes these reviews available to the public. Currently, they have over 1 million reviews on these products. Other Company Name FiNet Domain Name www.finet.com Stock Ticker Symbol FNCMC Basic Market Loan Rates Business Model Broker Technology Model Real-Time Agent General Description FiNet uses a real-time agent, iQualify, to find out for which loans a user qualifies. They have a parnership with Homeseekers.com to help users find their dream homes, and with AskJeeves and CoxInteractive Media to provide loan prospects. Other FiNet is a trade name for Monument Mortgage, Inc. 74 Company Name Flycheap.com Domain Name www.flycheap.com Stock Ticker Symbol n/a Basic Market Airfare Business Model Broker Technology Model Manual Entry General Description Flycheap helps users find economical airfare, displaying only flights that are actually available. They have realtionships with most (but not all) major airlines. Other Company Name Frequent Flier Points Domain Name frequentflierpoints.com Stock Ticker Symbol n/a Basic Market Airfare Business Model Merchant Technology Model Manual Entry General Description Frequent Flier Points helps consumers with extra frequent flier miles receive cash for their miles, and uses these miles to provide discounted business and first class airfare around the world. Other Affiliate of Travel Management Systems. 75 Company Name Frugalflyer.com Domain Name www.frugalflyer.com Stock Ticker Symbol n/a Basic Market Airfare Business Model Broker Technology Model Manual Entry General Description Frugalflyer.com is a provider of discount tickets and services for leisure travel. In addition to providing their own listing of discount tickets, they provide a gateway to Travelocity and Priceline.com. Other Company Name Gator.com Domain Name www.gator.com Stock Ticker Symbol n/a Basic Market Account Consolidation Business Model Broker, Infomediary Technology Model Manual Entry General Description Gator is a smart online companion that fills out forms and remembers passwords. Gator comes with the OfferCompanionSM application, the premier application for saving money on the web. Yet Gator and OfferCompanion are extremely polite, staying out of sight, popping up only when they can help you. (Gator website) Other 76 Company Name InsureChoice Domain Name http://www.infochoice.com.au/insurance/health/ Stock Ticker Symbol Australian Stock Exchange: ICH Basic Market Insurance Rates Business Model Brokerage, Subscription Technology Model Manual Entry General Description InsureChoice, a subsidiary of InfoChoice, provides unbiased insurance quotes throughout Australia. Other Company Name InsWeb Corporation Domain Name www.insweb.com Stock Ticker Symbol INSW Basic Market Insurance Rates Business Model Broker Technology Model Manual Entry General Description Online insurance marketplace InsWeb offers quotes on such insurance products as auto, term life, homeowners, renters, and individual health insurance from its Web site, as well as through links from other online partners. (Hoover's Online) Other 77 Company Name iOwn Domain Name www.iown.com Stock Ticker Symbol private Basic Market Mortgage Rates Business Model Broker Technology Model Manual Entry General Description iOwn.com is a web portal for housing purchase. They offer online help for all of the "three-part housing purchase cycle." In addition, they offer a mortgage rate aggregation service and an online mortgage application. Other Company Name Lending Tree Domain Name www.lendingtree.com Stock Ticker Symbol TREE Basic Market Loan Rates Business Model Broker Technology Model Real-Time Agent General Description Lending Tree bills itself as a loan market; consumers complete one loan application that is shopped around to many lenders. Other Lending tree provides Lend-X, software to help automate the lending process in real time. 78 Company Name Lowestfare.com Domain Name www.lowestfare.com Stock Ticker Symbol FARE proposed, Nasdaq Basic Market Airfare Business Model Broker, Advertiser Technology Model Manual Entry General Description Lowestfare.com sells discounted airfare from over 400 airlines online through their website and over 10,000 travel agents. Other It also has 1800 number that is available 24x7. The company, owned by financier Carl Icahn, recently acquired Jetset Tours, an international airline ticket consolidator and tour operator, and Maupintour, a luxury escorted tour provider. Company Name MaxMiles Domain Name www.maxmiles.com Stock Ticker Symbol NCNT Basic Market Frequent Flier Miles Business Model Subscription Technology Model Spider General Description MaxMiles automatically gathers all of your frequent flyer balances and account information from airlines, hotels, and credit cards, analyzes the most current mileage offers, searches for missing mileage credits, and provides a personalized report. Other Owned by Netcentives. 79 Company Name MaxRate.com Domain Name www.maxrate.com Stock Ticker Symbol private Basic Market Investment rates Business Model Broker Technology Model Manual Entry General Description MaxRate.com is registered with the FDIC as a CD broker. MaxRate is a market intermediary between the banks and CD investors but is not a bank. Other Not operational as of January 31, 2001. Company Name Microsoft Expedia Domain Name www.expedia.com Stock Ticker Symbol MSFT Basic Market Airfare Business Model Broker, Advertiser Technology Model Manual Entry General Description Microsoft-owned online travel agent. Other --------------------------------------------------------------- 80 Company Name Microsoft Passport Domain Name www.passport.com Stock Ticker Symbol MSFT Basic Market Account Consolidation Business Model Broker Technology Model Manual Entry General Description Microsoft's consolidation site that collects password and credit card information targeted for ease of shopping online. Use ONE sign-in name and password at all Passport sites. Sign in at any participating Passport site, and then sign in to other participating sites with just a single click. Store information in your Passport "wallet" that will help you make faster, safer online purchases at any Passport express purchase site. Other Company Name Milepoint.com Domain Name www.milepoint.com Stock Ticker Symbol n/a Basic Market Frequent Flier Miles Business Model Broker Technology Model Spider General Description MilePoint.com is an Internet exchange site that allows members to convert their frequent flyer miles and points into a new online currency, MilePoint Money, and immediately go to any participating MilePoint Merchant's online site to begin shopping. Online merchandise or gift certificates that are currently offered on their site can be purchased using MilePoint Money as partial payment. (MilePoint webpage) Other 81 Company Name money-rates.com Domain Name www.money-rates.com Stock Ticker Symbol private Basic Market Investment Rates Business Model Advertiser Technology Model Manual Entry General Description Money-rates.com provides free comparisons of financial account rates. These rates are updated manually by the bank in question. Other Company Name Mypassword.net Domain Name www.mypassword.net Stock Ticker Symbol n/a Basic Market Account Consolidation Business Model Advertiser Technology Model Manual Entry General Description MyPassword.net provides a password storage and bookmarking service. They will automatically fill in passwords for their users. Other 82 Company Name mySimon Domain Name www.mysimon.com Stock Ticker Symbol n/a Basic Market Consumer Products Business Model Advertiser Technology Model Spider General Description mySimon is the largest comparison shopping site on the Web, aggregating over 2,000 merchants, and providing information about products such as price, shipping details, and availability. Other Company Name Obongo, Inc. Domain Name www.obongo.com Stock Ticker Symbol n/a Basic Market Consumer Products Business Model Broker Technology Model Real-Time Agent General Description Obongo provides, among other products, a consumer product aggregation tool that combines price comparisons from mySimon with consumer reviews from epinions.com. Other 83 Company Name OnMoney.com Financial Services Corp Domain Name www.onmoney.com Stock Ticker Symbol n/a Basic Market Account Consolidation Business Model Advertiser, Affiliate Technology Model Real-Time Agent, Spider General Description OnMoney allows users to maintain their entire financial portfolio in one place. It allows them to retrieve automatic updates and to interface with many web-accessible financial accounts. Other OnMoney was originally funded by Ameritrade Holding Corp. Company Name OverBID.com Domain Name www.overbid.com Stock Ticker Symbol n/a Basic Market Auction Consolidation, Consumer Product Pricing Business Model Broker Technology Model Real-Time General Description Overbid has combined both retail and auction sites into a single virtual storefront, providing a complete list of products in a single search. Other 84 Company Name Passwordsafe.com Domain Name www.passwordsafe.com Stock Ticker Symbol n/a Basic Market Account Consolidation Business Model Advertiser Technology Model Manual Entry General Description Password Safe is an online tool to help users remember and manage the passwords to their online accounts. Other Company Name Planetfeedback.com Domain Name www.planetfeedback.com Stock Ticker Symbol n/a Basic Market Consumer Products Business Model Infomediary Technology Model Manual Entry General Description PlanetFeedback is the premier online destination and utility for consumer feedback. They connect consumers with companies and make it easy to send feedback of all kinds quickly, easily and for free. It guides consumers through a process of writing and sending compliments, complaints, questions and suggestions to any entity or organization specified by the consumer. (Planetfeedback.com website) Other 85 Company Name PriceGraber.com, LLC Domain Name www.pricegrabber.com Stock Ticker Symbol n/a Basic Market Consumer Products Business Model Advertiser Technology Model Spider General Description PriceGrabber is a provider of online shopping comparison services including searching and tracking of products with MyPriceGrabber, a free service that makes online shopping easier for consumers. Other Company Name Priceline.com Domain Name www.priceline.com Stock Ticker Symbol PCLN Basic Market Airfare Business Model Broker, Advertiser Technology Model Manual Entry General Description Using a simple and compelling consumer proposition--"name your price," Priceline collects consumer demand (in the form of individual customer offers guaranteed by a credit card) for a particular product or service at a price set by the customer and communicate that demand directly to participating sellers or to their private databases. Consumers agree to hold their offers open for a specified period of time to enable priceline.com to fulfill their offers from inventory provided by participating sellers. Once fulfilled, offers generally cannot be canceled. By requiring consumers to be flexible with respect to brands, sellers and/or product features, they enable sellers to generate incremental revenue without disrupting their existing distribution channels or retail pricing structures. (Hoover's Online) Other 86 Company Name Q*Wallet.com Domain Name www.qwallet.com Stock Ticker Symbol n/a Basic Market Account Consolidation Business Model Advertiser Technology Model Manual Entry General Description Q*Wallet is a small, quick application that provides you with instant access to personal information when you really need it. Credit card numbers, site logins and passwords, and frequent flyer numbers are all securely stored on your computer's hard drive by Q*Wallet. When you need to use a credit card, just click on the Q*Wallet icon in the system tray, and drag and drop your credit card number and expiration date directly onto the web page. (Q*Wallet website) Other Company Name Quicken Loans Domain Name quickenloans.quicken.com Stock Ticker Symbol INTU Basic Market Loan Rates Business Model Broker, Merchant Technology Model Manual Entry General Description Quicken Loans makes sure you get the right loan, the right way. It offers residential mortgages in all 50 states and provides a wide variety of mortgage products including conventional, alternative, home equity, jumbo, and government loans. (From Quicken Loans website) Other Subsidiary of Intuit. In addition to standard loan comparison, Quicken Loans has a joint venture with Michigan National Bank to provide loans for customers. 87 Company Name Quotesmith.com, Inc. Domain Name www.quotesmith.com Stock Ticker Symbol QUOT Basic Market Insurance Rates Business Model Broker Technology Model Manual Entry General Description Quotesmith.com gives Web surfers instant quotes from more than 300 insurance companies for such coverage as whole and term life; dental; family, individual, and small group medical; Medicare supplements; and fixed annuity. (It also provides auto quotes through a "click-through" arrangement with Progressive.) The free service processes applications for the insurers and even offers users a $500 cash guarantee on the accuracy of its quotes. Quotesmith.com earns fees from insurance policies sold through its site. (Hoover's Online) Other Company Name Rateitall.com Domain Name www.rateitall.com Stock Ticker Symbol n/a Basic Market Consumer Products Business Model Merchant Technology Model Manual Entry General Description RateItAll provides consumer opinions on everything. Relevant to this paper are their ratings on consumer products. Other 88 Company Name Totalmiles.com Domain Name www.totalmiles.com Stock Ticker Symbol n/a Basic Market Frequent Flier Miles Business Model Subscription, Merchant Technology Model Spider General Description Total Miles allows users to keep track of all of their frequent flier accounts. Commercial users can host an internal version on their own servers. Other Company Name Travel Services International, Inc. Domain Name www.mytravelco.com Stock Ticker Symbol n/a Basic Market Airfare Business Model Broker Technology Model Manual Entry General Description This is an online airfare site and specializes in cruise vacations. Other A wholly owned subsidiary of Airtours plc. 89 Company Name Travelocity Domain Name www.travelocity.com Stock Ticker Symbol TVLY Basic Market Airfare Business Model Broker, Advertiser Technology Model Manual Entry General Description The leading online travel website and the third largest ecommerce site, Travelocity.com provides reservations capabilities for 95 percent of all airline seats sold, more than 49,000 hotels, more than 50 car rental companies and more than 5,000 vacation and cruise packages. (Hoover's Online) Other Company Name TRIP.com Domain Name www.trip.com Stock Ticker Symbol GLC Basic Market Airfare Business Model Broker, Advertiser Technology Model Manual Entry General Description TRIP.com is the premier one-stop online travel service and technology provider devoted to the mobile professional market, whether traveling for business or pleasure. It provides registered users with a host of tools and services including round-the-clock reservation capabilities, city, restaurant and hotel information and 24-hour personalized customer service. (TRIP.com website) Other TRIP.com is a subsidiary of Galileo International, Inc. 90 Company Name ubid.com Domain Name www.ubid.com Stock Ticker Symbol CMGI Basic Market Auctions Business Model Broker Technology Model Real-Time Agent General Description uBid.com is a leading e-commerce auction site offering consumers and small to medium-sized businesses the opportunity to "set the price" on a wide range of brand name merchandise through 24-hour live-action bidding using sophisticated auction technology. uBid.com features a rotating selection of more than 6,700 brand products a day. (uBid website) Other Company Name ValueStar Domain Name www.valuestar.com Stock Ticker Symbol VLST Basic Market Consumer Products Business Model Infomediary Technology Model Manual Entry General Description ValueStar uses a four-step rating system to certify local service companies in industries including auto and home repair as well as professional services and health care, then lists the best ones on its Web site. Companies pay a fee for the certification process, which surveys customer satisfaction and examines whether the firms have the proper licenses and insurance, and whether any complaints have been lodged against them. (ValueStar website) Other 91 Company Name VerticalOne Coporation Domain Name www.verticalone.com Stock Ticker Symbol SONE Basic Market Account Consolidation Business Model Broker Technology Model Real-Time Agent General Description VerticalOne enables the next generation of Internet content personalization services by consolidating, organizing and presenting Internet users' personal account information. One master password provides consumers with a single, easy to access interface for such personal account information as bank and brokerage statements, credit card balances, voice mails, Emails, household bills and travel award programs. (VerticalOne website) Other VerticalOne Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of S 1 Corporation. It joined forces with Yodlee in 12/2000. Company Name Walletonline.com Domain Name www.walletonline.com Stock Ticker Symbol n/a Basic Market Account Consolidation. Business Model Advertiser Technology Model Manual Entry General Description Walletonline lets you manage your passwords, access your websites with just one click, and manage your personal information in a hassle free environment. Other 92 Company Name Yahoo Auctions Domain Name auctions.yahoo.com Stock Ticker Symbol YHOO Basic Market Auctions Business Model Broker Technology Model Real-Time Agent General Description Yahoo is a general-purpose portal and search engine on the web. It is arguably the best known, and is the leading online advertiser. Yahoo Auctions is an auction site maintained by Yahoo, and is the second largest on the web, after Ebay. Other Company Name Yahoo! Inc. Wallet Domain Name wallet.yahoo.com Stock Ticker Symbol YHOO Basic Market Account Consolidation Business Model Broker, Advertiser Technology Model Manual Entry General Description Yahoo's site that saves and stores shipping, billing, and credit card information for future purchases. It provides "easy check out at 1 000s of merchants" and can be used for purchases on Yahoo as well. Other 93 Company Name Yodlee. Inc. Domain Name www.yodlee.com Stock Ticker Symbol n/a Basic Market Account Consolidation Business Model Merchant Technology Model Real-Time Agent General Description Yodlee's e-Personalization Platform enables e-businesses to offer their customers a convenient way to consolidate and manage all of their personal online information. Customers get one-click access to a dynamic summary of the personal information that matters most - bank balances, travel reservations, investments, email, shopping, bills, and calendars, etc. Users can access their information from a PC, PDA, or web-enabled phone. (Yodlee website) Other Partner with VerticalOne. 94 References Tabb, Larry. "SIA 2000 Special Report: Redefining Convergence Via the Internet." Securities Industry News 6/19/2000 2 Madnick, Stuart; Siegel, Michael; Frontiti, Mary Alice; Khemka, Saraubh; Chan, Steven; Pan, Howard. "Aggregator: The New Business of the World Wide Web." p. 5 3 Resto, Christopher, Consultant, Cap Gemini Ernst & Young. Personal Interview 6/23/2000 4 Rappa, Michael. "Managing the Digital Enterprise: Business Models on the Web." NC State University. http://ecommerce.ncsu.edu/business models.html 5 Rhodes, Brahm. MIT MITES program EntrePrep course lecture. July 1999 6 Tufail, Rizwan. V.P. Marketing, Clickmarks.com. Personal Interview 6/20/2000 ' Rhodes 8Rappa 9 Rappa 10 Rappa " Chan, MeiLin. U.C. Berkeley. Personal Interview 7/11/2000 1 Jupiter Research report cited by Cyberatlas. 2/1997 http://www.cvberatlas.com/segments/advertising/m,'arket forecast.html. 13 Joseph, Patrick. "On-line Advertising Goes One-On-One." Scientific American 12/1997 http://www.sciam.com/1297issue/I297cyber.html 14 Rappa 1 Jacobus, Patricia; Macavinta, Courtney; Hansen, Evan. "Is DoubleClick Privacy Plan Adequate?" CNET 2/14/2000 16 Chan 17 Lund, Brian. "Amazon Entertains Future Distribution Spin-off' The Motley Fool 4/4/2000 http://www.fool.com/news/foolplate/2000/foolplate000404.htm 18 Hartigan, Patti; "Web Porn Biz Finds Niche In Suburbia." Boston Globe 6/2/2000 19 Chan 20 Cheong, Fah-Chun. Internet Agents: Spiders, Wanderers, Brokers, and Bots. Indianapolis: New Riders Publishing, 1996. Lindquist, Christopher. "Supersonic Chips: How Fast Can Processors Get?" CNET http://computers.cnet.com//lardware/0-1017-7-270843.html 22 Stock Smart Currencies. AvantGo https://avantgo.coin/channels/deatil.html?cha id=1247&cat id=23 3 Zona Research April 2000 24 Clark, David. "Shopbots Become Agents for Business Change." Computer 2/2000: 20. 21 25 Winston, Patrick. Artificial Intelligence. Addison-Wesley, 1992. 26 27 Cheong Winston Cheong Cheong 28 29 30 31 InFoPeopleSearch Tools Chart http://www.infopeople.org/src/chart.html Cheong Anonymous Employee, Applied Materials Corp. Personal Interview. 10/2000 33 InFoPeople Search Tools Chart 34 InFoPeople Search Tools Chart 3 eBay, Inc. http://pages.ebay.com/community/aboutebay/overview/benchmarks html 36 Koster, Martijn. "The Standard for Robot Exclusion." 1994 http://info.webcrawler.com/mak/projects/robots/norobots.html 37 Sullivan, Danny, "Auction Search Case Awaits Ruling." The Search Engine Report. 5/3/2000 http:/searchenginewatch. com/sereport/00/05-ebav.html 38 Cheong 32 95 39 Cheong 40 Cheong 41 Cheong Kaplan, Carl. "Auction Dispute Centers on Question of Control Over Data." The New York Times on the Web Cyber Law Journal.7/4/2000 http://www.nytimes.com/library/tech/00/04/cyber/cyberlaw/14law.html 43 Kaplan, Carl. "Judge Says a Spider Is Trespassing on Ebay." The New York Times on the Web Cyber Law Journal.5/26/2000 http://www.nytimes.com/library/tech/00/05/cyber/cyberlaw/26law.html 44 Sullivan 5/3/2000 45 Kaplan 5/26/2000 46 Sullivan, Danny. "News Robot Leads To Linking, Indexing Dispute." The Search Engine Report. 1/9/1998 http://searchenginewatch.com/sereport/98/01 -newsindex.html 47 Kaplan, Carl. "Napster May Have Weak Defense in Fight With Music Industry." The New York Times on the Web Cyber Law Journal.5/12/2000 http://www.nytimes.com/library/tech/00/05/cvber/cyberlaw/12law.html 48 Kaplan, Carl. "Legality of 'Deep Linking' Remains Deeply Complicated." The New York Times on the Web Cyber Law Journal.4/7/2000 http://www.nytimes.com/library/tech/00/05/cyber/cyberlaw/07law.html 49Kaplan, 4/7/2000 50 "Ticketmaster Corp., et al. v. Tickets.Com, Inc." U.S. DistrictCourt, CentralDistrict of California. 3/27/2000 5 Kaplan, 4/7/2000 42 96