MATH 507/420 - Assignment #3 Due on Friday October 21, 2011 Name —————————————– Student number ————————— 1 Problem 1: Show that an extended real valued function f on X is measurable iff for each rational number c, f −1 ([−∞, c]) is a measurable set. 2 Problem 2: Let fn be a sequence of real valued measurable functions on X such that for each natural number n, µ({x ∈ X s.t. |fn (x) − fn+1 (x)| > 1/2n }) < 1/2n . Show that fn converges pointwise almost everywhere on X. 3 Problem 3: A sequence {fn } of real valued measurable functions on X is said to converge in measure to a measurable function f provided that for each r > 0, lim µ({x ∈ X s.t. |fn (x) − f (x)| > r}) = 0. n→∞ A sequence {fn } of real valued measurable functions on X is said to be Cauchy in measure provided that for each r > 0 and > 0 there is N ∈ N such that for all m, n > N , µ({x ∈ X s.t. |fn (x) − fm (x)| > r}) < . (a) Show that if µ(X) < ∞ and {fn } converges pointwise a.e. on X to a measurable function f then {fn } converges to f in measure. (b) Show that if {fn } converges to f in measure, then there is a subsequence of {fn } that converges pointwise a.e. on X to f . (c) Show that if {fn } is Cauchy in measure then there is a measurable function f to which {fn } converges in measure. 4 Problem 4: Assume µ(X) < ∞. Show that fn → f in measure iff each subsequence of {fn } has a further subsequence that converges pointwise a.e. on X to f . Use this to show that for two sequences that converge in measure, the product sequence also converges in measure to the product of the limits.